Mother's Awards at SCSC’S First Juried Pewter Box; and to Janette Mon
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THURSDAY, MAY 9; 1968 iSlmtrlrrBtrr Eitratns HmUi Av«rag« Daily Net Press Run For Use WMk Ended The Weather Schuetz Receives Citations May 4, 1966 Pair tonight, low near 60. To- • David ICalausky, son of Mrs. Ostrude Paj^ani of 16 Eldrldge For Bringing Cheer to Vets 15,070 ilanrijpatpr lEupntttg Mpralb morrow fair, high In 70*. St., recently received a certi Manehetter— A City o f VUIage Charm ficate and silver key for solxAd'- During an epidemic at Fort with much pleasure by both the shlp and participation in camp Leavenworth Hospital in Kan patients and the staff.*’ V<H.. Lxxxvn, NO. 188 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) M AN(T1ESTe1i , CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1968 us activities at an Honor Day sas In 1918, Paul Schuetz of 23 The hospital has given him a (dnSilfted Advertlstng on Page 25) PRICE TEN CENTS Oonvocation at Upper Iowa Ool- Summer St. led a 12-man squad pin in honor of the frequent leffe,' Fayette. He has also been of volunteers for six weeks to visits over the past 12 years, he selected for listing in the 1668 help the medical staff. His said. » “3 •* edition of “Who’s Who Among services to military men in Other hosipltals the Schuetxee Students in American Univer hospitals is still strong today; visit include the Newington sities and OoUeges.''^ he is the goodwill ambassador Veterans Home and MaiTcheater of the Manchester Army and Memorial Hospital. Flash Floods , B u i b i i . Miss ' Susan Lee Palmer, Envoys Set Monday Morning Navy (Dlub. He spoke .of some of the ac daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Among his present duties is tivity he and other wotkera are MARCHER STABBED ald Palmer of 16 Timber Trail, the trip Mr. and Mrs. Schuetz involved in at Rooky HUl. n r BOSTON recently was elected secretary take once every three weeks to "One day a week a Mrs. Evans HOUSE . BOSTON (AP) — Joseph of the sophomore class at Au plays the organ there and the the Rocky Hill Veterans Home MIot-Mroz, a self-styled Po rora (111.) College. She Is a 1667 and Hospital. For five hours veterans aU sing the old songs. lish freedom-flgliter who reg graduate of Manchester High they bring cheer to about 160 It gives you a warm feeling to DALLAS,H Tex. it (AP) —1 stranded e x by ahigh swater In the ularly marches with antl- School. be with the old buddies. Preliminary Peace Talks of the 1,160 vets there. Athens area of East Texas. Oomnuinlst signs at demon- ^or '^om e of these men have Flash floods beset three “ I have learned to know all stratloiu, w&s atabbed today very faithful wives who travbl areas of Texas today after Farm road bridges were William Bracken, son of Mr. these men by their names," as a omitiiigent o f the Poor many miles to see them and turbulent weather caused washed out in the Athens area. and Mrs. Hugh Bracken of 67 Schuetz said. "Some of the Peopfets March boarded Essex St., received second hon vets have been there 16 years puah their wheel chairs and five deaths, damage run Two tomeudo funnels were PARIS (AP)-^U.S. and HALE sighted on Houston's northern busea in Boston. He was tak North Vietnamese repre ors for the fifth marking per or more.’’ many have no family or (Herald photo by Pinto) ning into hundreds of outskirts but neither touched en to Boaton City Hospital iod at Milford Academy. friends. We see them all." sentatives a^eed today to Schuetz retired from Cheney ................f/isce............. thousands of dollars, de ground. where oftictals said he had Bros. 14 years ago after 61 start preliminary peace ne Is a Seven-Leaf Clover Lucky? lilylijiili'iiniiiiil I $ $3 iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii railment of a freight train Water ebbed slowly after ris suffered a stab wound on years working there. ShocAly gotiations at 10;30 a.m. The Women’s Auxiliary of and bridge washouts. ing two to sbe feet deep in 600 to his left side. BQs name was It's not a "lucky" four-leaf, but a seven-leaf clover at right. A Manchester resident discovered after his retirement, the Army the Mamdhester Midget and Heavy rains caused the de- 700 homes at Midland In West placed on the danger Hit and Monday following a further the seven-leaf clover, last Sunday as she was gazing at her backyard lawn. Mrs. Earl H. Rudln Navy Club, which he has be School Menus Pony\^atba11 Association will A naliment today o( 28 oars and Texas by estimate of police Sgt. he waa taken for Xrays. meeting Saturday on ar Sr. of 82 Maple St. also found several six-leaf clovers like the one pictured at left, Mrs. Rudln longed tto since it began in 1016 jp p o n t^ a rummage sale tomor- said that In the 20 years that she has lived there this is the first seven-leaf clover she has the engine of a northbound Cot R. D. Lemon. There also was The Incident ooonrred onf- rangements. Sippodnted him their ambassa Tow from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. found. She said three and four-leaf ones are all that she has noticed in previous years. The Manchester public school ton Belt freight train at Dauphin damage from a small tornado at olde the offices of the Boston The starting time was worked at the MlaBonic Temple. dor. menu for the week of May 18 in East Texas. Nine inches of Midland. chapter of the Southern out In the session of first contact “ He’s done a great job," ac is as follows; rain fell at Dauphin. Christian Leadenhlp Confer here today t>etween Ambassa St.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Official warnings of renewed The Couples Club of Center Mrs. LlUlan PhilUpe, 47 Ebsex cording to James J. Anderson, Monday: Hamburg gravy on One of the railroad cars was ence, sponsor o f the march. dor Cyrus R, Vance, deputy of Hospital Notes Ross Clark, 10 Clinton St. St. local club president. storms went up before dawn, Congregational Church will mashed potato, peas emd car fUled with lumber and the oth meanwhile, at CTorpus Christ! on the U.S. delegation, and Col. Ha DISCHARGED Y E S T E R Also, Joseph MoOavanagh, 50 Anderson said the club recent rots, bread, butter, milk, pears. meet Saturday at 8 p.m. in the All evening visiting hours end ers were empties. The rains the Lower Texas Coast, where Van Lau, No. 2 man In the DAY: Stanley Daivls, 338 Oak Homestead St.; George 0>1- ly honored Schuetz and his wife Tuesday; Ravioli with meat Robbins Room of the church. at 8 p.m., and start. In tne vari caused an embankment to slide two teen-agers drowned Thurs North Vietnamese gjoup. land St., Wapping; Erick letlte. Lake Rd., Andover; Mrs. ^ 44 years with a special din sauce, tossed salad, French They spoke separately to A meniber of the State Police ous units, at: Pediatrics, 3 onto the track. day as flood waters gushed m will speak about "Organized Erickson, 616 Doming Wap Wilma Whdtehouse, Torry Rd., ner night for them. He was also bread, butter, milk, jello with Several trucks and oars were newsmen after this meeting, p.m.; self service unit, 10 a.m.; ping; Mrs. Noella Fuller, 15 Tolland; Patricia Kudlach, Glas- given plaques for "doing the topping. down a drainage ditch in a city M ove Seen Crime.” Those wishing more park. which lasted nearly two hours. Crowell House, 6 p.m. weekdays, Fheilips Rd.; Mrs. Geraldine tonlbury; Mrs. Frances Breen, most for the club" in 1964, 1665 Wednesday: Frankfurt on information may contact Mr. Up to 11 Inches of rain The announcement indicated S p.m., weekends and holidays; Ttacy, 87 Farter St.; Mrs. Qy- 76 Bridge St.; Hotoert MuiUk, and 1966. roll, potato chips, wax beans, and Mrs. Donald Ellis of 26 swamped an area Just north of both sides were prepared to skip private rooms, 10 a.m.; semi- rene Booth, 115 Maple St.; Rob East Hartford; Mrs. (Trace MaJ. Francis E. Miner, as- milk, ice cream. T o R e le a se Dartmouth Rd. or Mr. and Mrs. Corpus CHurlatl and four twist over possible procedural dis private rooms, 3 p.m.; visiting ert Jtdinson, 331 (Darter St., Kadis, 474 Main St.; Mrs. statant commandant ^at the Thursday: Sliced turkey, gra Alan Larkin of 62 Somerset Dr. ers in the vicinity inflicted putes which could deadlock the in 310, 314, and 328 is any tiino Boliton; Sdott Hanson, 86 Adh Doris Rickis, 20 Jensen St.; Rocky HUl Hospital, said, "The vy, cranberry sauce, mashed limited damage. conference at the very(ffilwet. for Immediate family only, with St. Ext.; Richard Sarbwell, Mrs. Bernice and^Roger Mar- Humphrey P u eb lo Cre^\^ The Nayaug Yacht Club will smiling countenances ot both potato, whole kernel corn, The North Vietnamese yrere a five-minute limitation. After East Hartford; Lisa Richard, Cham, Reservoir Rd., Rockville; Mr. and Mrs. Schuetz have bread, butter, milk, mixed fruit. Fresh flooding developed have its final meetinig of the along the Trinity River and its reported to have asked for the noon visiting hours in obstetrics 499 Woodbrldge St.; Nancy Patrick Shea, (Dreatfleld ‘ Oon- been o f great therapeutic value Friday: Baked macaroni and WASHINGTON (AP) — A first contact today to be held at winter season at a potluck Sat tributary creeks below Dallas are 3 to 4 p.m., then begin again Hulser, 186 Henry St.; George vaJeocent Home; Peter Poster, to all the patients, and their cheese, beets, bread, butter, congressman whose subcommit less than top level In prder to urday at 7 p.m.