one-lime professional ftom HJgh Point, N.C.; John Thornton, also 44 of Rochester, N.Y.; and Jim. r my Bostwick, 24, oC Jericho, N.Y., a stranger to big·time tournament r golf. Their hopes of going much farth· er appeared slim in a field that oil Iowan still included most of Britain's top Serving the State University of IOtDtJ and the People of Iowa City players, headed by defending cham· pion Mike Lunt, 1961 champion Iowa City. lowa - FriIIllY. JUlIe 11. 1J64 Mike Bonallack, and three·time winner Joe Carr of Ireland. Morey, who plays BonaUack in the fourth round loday, won eon· vincingly from 22·year-old Eddie Shamash, 3 and 1. "cranton

Senate To Ad Now On Salary Increases For U.S. Employes TYPING SEIVle! WASHlNGTON III - The House, which aid, "no, thanks." to a $10,. 000 pay raise rn Marth, voted $7,· 500-a·year increa es for members or omination TYPING, mlmeollraphlnlf, NotaT7 Pub­ of Congress on Thursday in pa • Uc. Mary Y. Burns, ,(00 Iowa State Bank. Dial 337·2656. &-11 Ing a big Ced ral pay rail bill. A ~3-I57 roll-call ~ t rev r ed "'ANCY KRUSE IBM electric typln, the earller action and t to the .ervlce. Dial 33S-e854. 8-ltAR Highlanders Get Early Start Senate a bill that would boost lal· Maryland Delegates ELECTRIC typewriter. Thesea and ari oC 1.7 million federal mploy. Dr. King, 17, Others Jailed; ahort papers. Dial 837-3843. 8-1.AR In the dawn's early light ThursdlY (5:30 a.m, to WiShin ....., D.C., the first ,twp en I t,IIo_1h e by a total or $5332 mnlion. JERRY NYALL: Electric IBM typln, be IlIed), SUI's ScoHish Highlanders proplrod to performing tour which will tlko them to EUf"OtIO and mlmeoerapblnl. 338-1330. board the Greyhound bus which took thom to tho and the British 1.los. The 77 coods hove bHn IT WOULD mean about $325 8 ..19AR rs More Violence in Florida Expect Word Today Codar Rapids Airport. Thero a United Airlines practicing 12 hour. d.lly In proparatl.... for the year more for letter carN and RING TYPING .• to 5 week day •. 33S- 8415. 8-1tAR chartertd plano was waiting to tlk. them to tour, -Photo by John Anderson :~I 8~~~~~alantor a~ut a~;:ag: T. GU TJ E, Fla. (AP) - Dr. ~1artin Luth r King Jr. HARRI BURG, Pa. (AP) - Penruylvania Gov. Wtlliam w. TYPING - Electric typewriter. Ell· Governm nt ecretary. But the big- landed in jail Thursday for trying to de egr gat a r taurant and Scranton will announce today b will eek the Republican nom· perlenced. 338-8110. 8·23AII gest boosts would be in the upper within a few hours Q 'blt J'udg order d th County Grand Jury in tion for Pr Id nt, our cI to him reported Thursday TYPING. CaU 338·6073 alter 5:00 p.m. Leaders Optimistic- braekels. h 6-28 'Ladies Beware' Not only members of Congre , to invetigate racial tunnoil in St, Augu tine. nig t. but Cabin t oCficlals and their top King' am'st with a group of 17 followc TIl ollrees id the gOY mor wID teD the MaryLmd Repu1t- Cautions VA aides and federal Judg would, t 5C(:ond night march by int aration. - ...... -~------lIean convention this artemooa ~t Fears Lessen for ,7,500-a·year increas , and the islS brought yiolence from a white you to tlke your nonviolent army h will go Iato th flgbt for the The Veteran's Adminlstra· top-rated civn service employes mob downlown. About 20 person lo som other property," Brodt nomlnaUon until the IMue Is let· tion Hospital here has cau· would get 22.5 per cent raL-. h . J ed ·th b beal It "'ould be the fl'r t raOLe tor ave n lD ur ,el er y • id. "We • gre ted at thla Ued. tioned Iowa Clty homeowners " ~ ing or by rocks hurled from the lime." DORIS A. DELANEY-SECRETAlUAL against house·ta-house sales· SERVICE. Typing, mlmco~raphlnr, Congre s and the Cabin l since mob. Tbe r laurant manager began The move would put Scranton. Cyprus Showdown men who imply they repre· olary PubUc. 211 Doy Bldg. Dial 33S- 1955. Last March . witb In el lIon Circuit Jud lIowell Melton tellina or the number of Negroe 46, In direct oppoeLUOIl 10 U,s. 2141. 7·8AR sent the VA. campaign approaching, the lIou e 81 ned an ord r ummoning h., employed and Abernathy asked: Sen. Barry Goldwater (a·Ariz.>. ANKARA, Turkey (A P) - Turkish k'adcr~ radiat d opti. Telephone and door·to-door SPORTING GOODS de~ldedb 222'10'1114 against rai mg sal· Grind Jury lOto special "Would you serve them?" lVho hoLda a cornmandin, lead ID mism Thursday that a military showdown over Cypru can be callers who make this lmpll· arIes y ,000 . today al th reo "No." Brock replied. CAN 0 E S! Enjoy outstandlng Old avoid d with Gr ee, after talking with .S, Undersecretary of caUon and attempt to solicit WITH THE MORE mod t $7,500 quest of tale Kin, and hla companion were the b tUe lor d le,ates at the GOP Town's. SelecL from stock here. fund or sell products are Increase, the new salaries would Atty. Don Warren arrested by PolIC41 Chief Vir&ll National ConvenUoa In San Fran' Headquarters lor canoes. See u•. Ell· State George W. Hall. I aCling without permfssion or be $32,500 a year for Cabinet otfi· of Daytona Beach. Stuart and St. Johns County Sheriff cisco next month, l'ort canoe service. Free color catalo(. "We are on the way to find a ers realize the gravity of the silu· Carlson, 1924 Albia Road. ouumwao authority, accordJng to Dr. cers, $30,000 for members or the Warren aid he L. O. DaviJ. Scranton wa deaerlbed al deep- Iowa. 7·1 ~I~ion ," Premier Ismet lnonu olion and "I'm certainly hopeful J. Gordon Spendlove, direc· HOUse and Senate, and a range of had conferred The aroup of integrationiall was told reporters . shortly after B~ll that ultimately there wnt be a set. tor of the hospilal. He issued AUTOMOTM between $26.000 and $29,000 for l w ice Thursday led aWlY to polle Clrs which took Iy disturbed that leadersbfp wltbbl left for Washmgton. "The alhes several calls from house· deputy and undersecretaries and with Gov. FarriJ them 10 the county jail. They were the moderate winI of the RepubU. have made and are making efforts tJement .... " wives who were approached Turkey has shown a determlna· the heads of a&l ncies. Bryant. In his r • char,ed with tr passin with mal· can party b faltered. to revolve the question betw n by such salesmen. The Vice President. Speaker of que t for the or· Ice, inlent 10 br ach the peace. THI SOURCES indicated that SPORTS CARS Greece and Turkey." tion to defend the Turk ish Cypriot "The VA docs not endor e the Hou and Chrcf Justice of the der, W rr n laid and conspiracy. And PRESIDENT J 0 H N SON sent minority ever since communal any product, project or com· United tates would get $43,000 a the investigation Scranlon will teU the KarylaDd ... Ball on a nylng visit lo Athens and fighting between Cypriots of Greek mercial endeavor Cor the year and the a soclate Supreme was necessary "to DR. KING * * * ga.nlutlon liIat he feels there must Economy Sedans Ankara afler Greece and Turkey, and Turkish descent broke out last profit of fndividuals, organi· Court Justic ,$42,500. explore way. and means nceded be what he will describe 81 re- allies with the in the Chri'stmas. zations or corporations. he lowI', Llrgost Solectlon Besides scalln, down the pro- to be taken to protect the general Unrest Continues span Ible leadersblp withio the United States in the North Atlantic Foreign Minister Feridun Cemal said. posed Conu ional increa e from he Ith and w Ifare or the county." GOV. SCRANTON Treaty Organization, appeared to Erkin also told reporters that Ball He recommended t hat $10,000 to $7,500, the bill mak Asked If he ,,'ould "any in· In Alabama Cities T. ()ppfte GohIwatw liGOP. AllEN IMPORTS be about to como to blows over hod emphasized Washington's de· housewives cheek salesmen's them efCective n xt January in· dlctm nll as I re 'ult of lh vlo. Earll t this w ,the PennsyJ· 1124 lit Ave. NE EM '·~n Cyprus. sires for a peaceful solution. identities with the Chamber stcad of upon enactm nt, as in the lence. Warr n said, "Th purpose TUSCALOOSA. Ala. III - Ne· vania lOV mor, In the secoDd )'Ul' CEDAR RAPIDS There was a jarrmg note, how· BALL CALLED (irst at Athens, of Commerce or Better Bu i· previous bID. No other salarl ovcr is rlcl·finding." The jury IlIIt year ,roes who had vowed to r ume SUI Student Will of h lir t term, was virtually ever, at the end of Ball's mission. where Greek Premier George ness Bureau before admit· $22,000 would be tncrea ed until made an inquiry, criticized Negro strecL demonstrations or go to jail ruled out 81 a prospect for the Greece as erted three Turkish jet ting them to their homes. MOBILE HOMES FOR SAlt Papandreou aid he had told the next January, elther, but postal leaders and the Ku Klux Klan but tryillj, chan ed their minda Thun· Be Campa ign Aid nomination, a1molt cJearinl the fighter planes new low over the undersecretary; "Our target 1 a workers and career employes returned no Indictment day beh nd a grim wall of police way [or GoldWata. Greek Island of Rhodes, sending 1951 MOMO·COACH. e' x 30'. ExceUent peaceful olution and we endeavor ------­ would get th Ir increa In their Before King was orre ted 8 Wilting to arrest them. For Schmidhauser Th Iltuatlon developed arter • CondlUon. S38-3230. 6-1S the pOpulation into a panic. to maintain peace." stocky white. hoved Fiv of their Ie d rI, Indud· meeting Is t Saturday with former A Turkish communique said Ball, Nationwide Memorials fi~~~a~g'S~~ ::~:~t~n:~lt~~~t~d. m~n eom~ ~ FOR RENT D10bUe home, Dial S38- Reliable sources reported Ball ments that would have altered the the integratlonl t at the mot ing three a d of th Rev. Martin John C. Barrett. AI, Solon, is Pr Ident Dwight D. Elaenbower. D783. 8-21 whose Government has refused to brought a warning to both coun· Pay Tribute to Evers pay scalCli in the hill but It adopled r laurant doorway. l.uther Kina Jr., went to jail on one of four Iowa oollege students at which Eisenhower urlled Scran· NEW and used mobile homes. Plrk· take sides m the dangerou8 dispute, tries that the United States Is lng, towing and paris. Dennis MobUe NEW YORK - Today. which is one thal would Ihnlnate the nece· "GET OUT of the way," laid vagrancy cbari a th y em rged who will rve two month intern. Ion 10 make blmself "more avail· Home Court. 2312 MUlesHne Ave .• told Turkish officials; ready to lake prompt measures to slty for Congress voling on its own the man. pu hing the Rev. Ralph one by one or two at a time [rom able," Iowa City. 337-4791. 7·2AR "THE GOVERNMENT of the prevent a war between them, the anniversary of tho ambush fulure pay Increas D. Abernathy and anoth r Negro th church where the protest hips in the eampalgn of candldatea SCRANTON laet Sunday In an•• which would shattrr the defenscs of murder of Mi I ippl Field ee· SEE TO APPRECIATE - Must Sell '62 United States believes that any Orlered by Rep. M'orris K. Udall, against Kinll in th narrow door· march wero to begin . for Congr this summer, it was Oonal tel vision appearanee (rom SkYUne. 10x58. 338-6396 alter 6:00 solution lo the Cypru question NATO's eastern nank. retary Medgar W. Evert, the Na· p.m. 6-12 CD·Ariz.> it would tie congr ional way of the restaurant at Monson SOME other Negroes, most· announced TbllJ'1lday. the ,overnor', conference at Cleve. must be in the interest of Turkey The NATO foreign ministers con· lional Association for the Advance­ * and top ClIecutlve salaries to th Motor Lodie Iy of high chool or college lie, B elt'll k th SUI IItI land made I declaration of avail· and Greece, and the United Slates ference recently asked NATO Sec· menl of Colored People wlll be . FOR QUICK CASH also believes that a solution must conducting memorlal services in highest civil service arade and Manager James Brock stood .In remained In ide the church che r· cal ar~len: :~~ wi r Job:; R' ability. but apparenUy had planned retary·General Dirk U. Stikker to provide that any raise in that ~op froni ~f lhe locked door when Ktng ing and In,ina freedom son.: for Schmidhauser Iowa Cit to go further at the Ume unUi Se" Your House Trlnor To be found in the shortest time pos· look into the possibility oC obtain· more than 1,000 com m u n j tie a Demo: DON'S MOBILE HOMES siple." ing an understanding between throughout the United States. grade would automatically raise and hi group arrived. more than three hours before pollce cratic candid~te for eo;gressman Eisenhower reportedly suggested Ball returned to Washington congressional and executive sala· "We can't rve you here," told tbem they could lcave undls· In the First Iowa district. that he not participate In any atop- WI 5. Rooflvolt Avonuo Greece and Turkey. Winding up In conjunction with the memorial ries by a similar percentage, Brock lold KIng. "This i private turhed. Goldwater movement. Phono 752·1106 Thursday and told newsmen that three days of lalks in Athens, for Evers, the NAACP has also property, I'll have lo a k you to OC£icers armed with nightstlcks Barrett will work full time 81 BURLINGTON, IOWA the threat of major conflict still Stikker was less optimfstic than the launched a short, in ten e drive to leave." and some with electric caWe prods campai&n alde and will receive The development is a revel'lfl exists on Cyprus and will continue Turks but said "I think there is a solicit 100,000 new Medgar Evers * * * ".th "We'll just remain bere," King had warned the Nearoes in advance a $500 award fo,' the internahlp. of Scranton's previous position that until there is a fmal selllement. better understanding now on both Memorial Memberships, and con· Schwengel , Sm said. Then, for 10 minutes be and that they would be arrested if they The program is 8POnsO~ by the he Is nol a candidate, but would But BaU added his conviction sides and 1 will go on to work for tributlons to the Medgar Evers Me· " Brock carried on a somewhat attempted 10 demonstrate, and un· Iowa Cenler for Education in Poll· accept a ".incere aDd boneIt ONE WAY TRAILERS lhat both Turkish and Greek lead· peace." morial Fund. Vo t e f or Ra Ise trained but polite exchange about tll the leaders were in custody, tics, with headquarters 00 camp- dralt." He had maintained thia po- FOR RENT gregallon. each one who left the church was u. Professor George B. Matber sLUon all aloo, up unW Thursday Student Rat.. WASHINGTON 1!1 - Two memo "I WOULP like lo prevail 00 quickly arr ted and taken In. is director of the Center. night. Myer's Texaco bers of the Iowa delegation Repub­ Two other Negroes who idenllfled Last Sunday, Scranton said be lican Fred Schwengel and Dema­ thems Ives as m mbers oC the would be available if the majority 337·9101 Aero .. from Hy,VH Senate Votes Down Eflorts crat Neal Smfth, voted with the Berserk Worker Black Muslim sect also went to of the delellales at the GOP COD· majority Thunday when the Hous Todayls News JaU aller conferring briefly with K,"lls Two Women, vention wanted him, but that be 1 approved 243-157 a pay raise for f th N . th ch ch would not go around ~ NEED CASH 1.7 million federal workers, In· some a e egroes tn . e ur . (or the nomination, cluding members of Congress. 0 Their presence brought a prompt 8 28 FAST? .!""lo Amend Civil Rights Bill fl disavowal from one of the Negro Ch I"1-' THI SOURCIS Indicated that a Iowa Republicans voting again t fie Y urns aren We WiU Buy Anything: B leaders, the Rev. T. Y. Rogers, key faclor that Influenced Sct'81I· WASUlNGTON IA'I - The Senate, and occasionally in sparing min· • 72 to 20 by Ervin to set up a the bill were Reps. James Brom· A..... well. H. R. Or065. Charles B. Hoe· GETTYSBURG, Po. Lf\ _ .·orm. w~o sai~ t~e Black Muslims were COLOGNI, GIRMANY /II - AD ton's deci8ion W81 Goldwater'. vote Mobile Homes , with itS' bipartisan leadership in utes. Each senator i limited to a broad range of property owner's 'ldenl Ow'lght D. EI'senhowcr neither LOVlted nor wanted. Invalid workel' 1'8n benerk ThIl1'l- Wednesday against ending the fill· Motor Sc.... ,. firm control of the voting, beat total of one hour of talk on the rights which the federal govern· ven, Ben Jensen and John Kyl. er Pres day, lanced two women aehool.· buster on clvU ripll. Scranton baa TI,. Roconlo,. down by solid margins Thursday bill and all amendments under the ment would be forbidden to ab­ insists he Is not out to slop front· AT BIRMINGHAM later in the teachers to dealb and burned 28 been an outapokeo advocate of clvU Tolevision. a succession of efforts to make rna· historic cloture clamped down Wed· ridge. These included "the right or running Sen. Barry Goldwaler - ~ay •.Negro attorneys filed. a pet!. ICbool children and another teach- rights and hal IIlId in lleyeral mao RIClIot jar changes in the civil rights bill. nesday to end the Dixie filibust· 451 Ask Ban or boost anyone else - in the race tlon lD Federal Court asking that er with a homemade flamethrower. jor polJtieal addresses that the Etc. privacy," "the right to choose hi The only amendments approved er. own friends," "the right 1.0 occupy for the Republican Presidential Tu caloosa police be r:;mained 'nlursda)' night the worker died GOP cannot ucrifiee any clYil Dennis Mobile - with the leadership's acqules· Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., (D·N.C.). and dispose of property without On High-Rise nomination. from interfering with peaceful in a hospital. Be had been allot rights posiUon to gain lOme .... Home Park cence - were described generally who offered one amendment after Governmenta I interference in ac· But, without going into detail, he demonstratiOlll," an~ th~t persons once by police as be ned. and be porary support from the South. as clarifying. Several were ae· another, guarded his lime by say· cordance with lhe dictates of hi doesn't bide reservations about arrested so rar be tried In Federal ond Silo. Co City Apartments some aspects of Goldwater'lI con. Court. .. gulped down poison before be was Scranton'. expected 8IIIIOUJM!e. cepted by voice votes. ing nothing about some of them conscience," "the right to deter· A petition filed with the Iowa servatlve philosophy. Demetrius Newton, a BU'lTIUll!. overpowered. Doctors had tried to ment as an acUve candidate would THE RAPID·FIRE voting was before they were voted on. mine the acceptability and desir­ . bam Negro attorney, said the peti· keep him alive by pumping out biI put him Ia I field against other City City ~uncil has renewed de· By JobmIy Bart punctuated by only brief flurries Amendments rejected as the Sen· ability of any prospective buyer The 73-year-old former. ~Ident tion cbarges that bonds set for IItomach, announced candidates that include ?f orat?ry - with senat?rs ration· ale drove toward expected final or tenant of his property." mands for a change in the high says, however. he Is plaIn dISgust· those arrested are too high and At least a dozen of the children, Goldwater, New York Gov. Ne_ 109 theIr words mostly tn seconds I action on the bill next week, in· • 63 to 28, by Sen. George A. rise apartments ordinance being ed by reports p!cturUlg. him . as a that charges Igalnat them have between 9 and 11 years old, were A. Rockefeller. Maine Sell. Mar· considered by the council. THl,r,S cluded these : Smathers (D·FIa.> , to ban discrim· puppeteer, yanlung strings In an been stacked 011 hospital critical lists. garet Chase Smith and former MiD­ ination in employment because of The petition, filed Thursday, effort to diteh the fast·moving Gold· -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;';:;;:;;__ ;;;;;;-;;;;:;;;;;_;;;;;;;::;;;:;;;==_;;;;~ nesota Gov. Harold E. Stauea. ·ONE: ... • 68 to 21 by Ervin to nullify bears 451 signatures. according to the entire public accommodations age. water bandwagon. He is equaJlJI r The governor'. oIfIce W81 a _ Escapee May J. W. Howe. 1635 Ridge Road. tiUe. On a 48 to 33 roll call the Sen· angry about reports that be sought hive of Ictlvity Tbursday nltbt. ate refused to uphold a ruling The petition read : 01 Oll-C 0 I· • 47 to 34 by Ervin to knock "The undersigned residents or out the attorney general's broad by Sen. John Stennis (D-MiSll.I. ~~;~:m~~S:~~n~~v:: ampus e ,very ~~an:' -'=V:. :"81 a= in who was presiding, that an amend· property holders 01 Iowa City Be Area authority to intervene in civil earnestly request that the proposed rights suits brought by individuals. ment offered by Sen. John L. Mc· • An Anamosa Men's Reformalory ordinance providing for the erec· s:t~:;::~~~'~c~an;"Nelsoa To Start on Wednesday 7c=N~~~='ol the • 51 to 35 by Sen. John Sherman Clellan CD·Ark.>, was germane to prisoner escaped from officials the civil rights bill. lion of high·rise apartment houses A. Rockefeller vowed Thursday to 64-man Pennaylvaula deleptiaa .. Thursday ncar the entrance to the Cooper (R·Ky.), to make the ex· io R3, C2 and CB zones be amend· £Ight on as a presidential hopeful, Summer deUvery of The Daily Iowan to students residing in the Republlcan National Cony .. SUI Children's Hospital. The es· emption in the publle accommoda· ed . • . to protect property values alter New York'S big delegation to off-campus hOl1ling wIll get undel'WB}' beginning next. WedDe!day. tion in on July IS capee is tdenti£ied as Ronald H. tions section apply to rooming which are prCl>cntly safe·guarded the Republican National CoDven· Carrier delivery begins Wednesday while mail delivery to students and has prevloualy urged the de1e- Brown, 23, Lake Station, Mich., houses with 10 rooms or less - Rains Come br the three-story limitation on the tion formally endorsed biI IHd for liYine In Coralville, trailer parka, aDd other places outside Iowa • gates 10 go there without lIlY c:am- who is serving a term for car instead of five rooms or Jess, as height of apartment buildings. the White House. CIl1 starts Tburaday. mitment. the bill now provides. theft in Jackson Counly in 1963. To Iowa City "The council Is respectfully re­ Only one disaenting vote - cast Copies of The Daily Iowan will be available during the DO- . Be accepted the role of favorite- Brown was here for a medical • 56 to 25 by Ervin to elimin· quCllted to refer the ordinance back by a supporter of Arizona's Sen, delivery period at the following ptaces: South Lobby Information son candidate 10 keep the delep- examination. He Is beUeved to ate authority for the attorney gen· After three weeks of dust, Iowa to the Planning and Zoning Com· Barry Goldwater - was recorded DeIk, Iowa Memorial Union; Front Lobby, Main LIbrary: and tioo united and from IC8ttethii have escaped in a 1959 blue Chev· era I to make agreements with City was treated to summer show· mission for the inclusion of provi. at the closed meeting of the dele- The Dally Iowan office, 201 Communications Center. votes. But three memben of till rolet. license num ber 8·9249. The slates to certify that they are in ers Thursday night. sions for a graduated increase in gation, delegation have said they wiD eaa car. registered to John J. McCoy. compliance with the literacy test According to radio station KXIC's permissible bullding helghl.S with The abort delay is necessary so that new summer-teSlioo Boone, was reported missing [rom for voting under the act. weather records. the last measur· distance from an Rl or R2 bound· WASHINGTON 1!1 - A IOUI'ce route lists CIIl be prepared. Since the route lisls are prepared their votes for Goldwater OIl tba the entrance to the Children'S Hos­ • 66 to 24 by Sen. Russell B. able rainl'all was .51 Inches on ary." close 10 the 00--1...... ,.,.,•• 100 inVesti' l Crom mM carda which atudllDts fill out at registration, the DI firstin ballot.lib Scran'- 'nit otben are lUck· gating the assassination of Prest· g w WIIo pital at the time of Brown's escape. Long "It may be just or wise or ex· tacrest Room 01 Btlt hardly anyone, at least publicly, is doing much about five, ten years {TOm now. When " . .. The United States (should) pedient for Negro children to at­ speakers have incllud/:d it.: you have a world with half the begin acting like . . , a world tend the same schools as white ard L. rl'Ople who want freedoDl , some­ power and quit groveling ... to children. but they , do not have a : The motives require scrutiny. Is ~oldwater being cyni­ AAUP says universities must inferior people who like to come civil right to do so which is pro- time they'U fight for It:' teachers, teachers of ~vel;'nors Scranton and Romney, accordmg to reports, announcements should make it rights." science of a Conservative, page favor getting out of the U.N,? . . . "I do not think any decision • I mentary schools and th#y would like to know more clearly where Goldwater This direcli ve is part of a re­ clear that the speaker does not 90, Mcfadden edition, 1961.) "I would, at this bet, haying seen of the Supreme Court is necessar­ senior high schools, stllpds on major issues. Yet surely by now he has said and cent statement submitted by a necessarily represent the views TACTICAL NUCLEAR what the United Nations cannot ily the law of the land ... I think mental music our""r"iot'. committee of the American Asso­ of the entire faculty, the student WEAPONS: do, I would have to suggest it." some decisions. given in the form teacbers. written enough for them to find opt. body or the administration. ciation of University Professors "I'd drop a low-yield atomic Unlvlnlly 'ullllln 'oal'd notl"l IIIUIt lie recltveO .t TIle D.IIY 1.,.,.11 music in the public R~ublicans seeking state office who will h ve to decide 12. 1962'> offiCI. 11001II 2111 Communlcltlon, Clnter by noon of the day IIefoN Falls. S.D., will Tile state",cnt also makes it means of gus,ranteeing student Q.-"Would you under no cir­ VfSIT OF REDS : publlc.tlon_ ThlY mUIt be Iy,.d Ind Illnld' by In .dyl", or offICI' of till whether tp associat~ thPplSelves with the national standard .,..",llltlon llelnl publlcilld. 'unoly socl.1 fundlonl .no not 11I11~1e fer • shop next week in clear that the educationl\l institu­ freedom, according to the report. cumstances negdtiate with the "If it were Mr. Tito, he would thl ...dlon. , to in the ~er. In broader terms, the answer could change the tio!) should punish only the viola­ Another faculty responsibility Communists on disarmament?" not be welcome in any White SWIMMING HOUIIS: The swtmmlng Aug. 1 da1ly 9:30 •.m. to 5:30 p.m, tions o( its rules accompanying pool In the Women's Gym wUI be East Lobby Ticket Desk, low. JI.. school. Sessions will for the studeQt within the institu­ A.-"No. Anybody, I t I) Ink. House I was presiding over. Nei­ dir~ction of the Party with a r~ult thllt the voting in the student's civil violation, with· open [or recreaUonal swimming morlal Union. All aeatl reaervfd. University High tion is to insure non-discrimina­ would be a fool to close the rloot' ther would any other Communist Monday through Fridays. 4:15-5:15 '2.50. istration from 8-9 a.m . Ngvember ~ould determine. out considering the degree of the Ii'on by lhll school in all Qreas. In­ on ne !;"otiatiorls for anything. But leader in this world ." Outlining the steP$ to be fol­ because of religious convictjons cations that they want to disarm Club, Washington, D.C., October MAIN LIBRARY, SUMMER HOURS : Ie. Hawtrey at 1-M22. ThOle dellr­ loweq in reaching a decision on should rpake those convictions and are willing tn disarm at the 31 , 1963.J Ju ne 10·August 4 - Monday.Frlday lng sitters should clll Jln. JlOk an institutional penalty, the stale­ known, the report said. 7:30 a.m,·mldnlght; Saturday. 7:30 O'NeW at 8-9Oel. same tempo tbat we would be SOVIET RECOGNITION: 8,m.·S p.m.; Sunday. 1:30 p.m.-mid· mllnt says that offenses an~ pen­ The report also covers threll asked to disarm, then ( clon 't nIght; Desk Hours: Monday.Thurs­ IOWA MEMORIAL UNION HOURII "I ha ve always favored with­ day. 8 a,mAO p.m. (Reference and Cafeteria open 11.:30 a.m.-I p.m. alties sbould be known to stu· areas of the professor', respon­ think negotiations are pos~ible." dents in advance through pub· drawing recognition from Rus­ Reserve closed 5 to 6 p,m.); Friday l\Ionday-Saturday; 6-6:45 p,m. 1I0/ldl)" sibility as a ~eacher: protection (Meet the Press, NBC-TV. Janu­ sia." some things accomplished . . . work privately. Bring books and l'ubll'her ., . ... Edward P. 1I tions should be informed of their report, the AAUP committel! articles La the exam, All Lhose Ilu· ..... YlITT ...... ,. 111 ..,..... W I Supposing, Cor example, thai WP. Idltor .•..•.• ...... LIn" W""" rights under both the civil and WORLD OPINION: dents plannlnr to take the eXam AWn, Ill. YWCA ora. .... 1M THE city Edit., ...... 'red McCilrm.Ck gives actiQns anc'{ Jlrocedures it "I don't give a tinker's dam could change the gove,'nmeOl$ of must register prior to 17 June, Room otUl1I_ It "'* w. 'tlll'r ,.,... .. JoII" 1I0Iiet1· the institutional regulations. leels are within tbe realm of fac­ 103 Schaeffer Hall. rtl lellto, .. ,.. . Joe Gehrll'!lII!' A student shpuld be notified in WVOM.N'I UCaiiTIOIC.'L'" BES' rae.t",e Idlto, .. . .. , DorHn MY. ulty m!!mbers and which are es· PH.D. "TOOL" EX ... MINATIONS: MING 1IIW be anUBble 606:1IJ& wrlting of the charges agaillst KOllday tbrourb FrltIaJ .t tile Phologrlp"'r' .. .. II.wI.,etll ''''W sential to the "Creedom of inquiry OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN The "tooL" examlnatlon In Account­ W_ AT 1'u1llYbe_ W II&lldellt P\JlIUcatlon., JI ....H.I Wu him. the report says, and l1is and expression" which are 'es­ Ing will be gIVen on MOllday. June en',lOci flC!UlI.YGym pool __ for • Iludut.. .. UIc:'; - COmmunlcltioM Center, 10.. John And. non 15, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Students PRIC Clf,)',• 10 ••• daIlY except Sunday and " ..t. Clly .d114l' . ,., ,.orlltrt TIl" status w)thin thll school should sential attributes of a commu­ CK)ltcllng to take this examination lelll boUllaYL Entered A"t. Ne .. ,-,lto, .,.,.' IUlan ,tIrtl' not be altered until final action nity of scholars." should notify the secretary. Room SUNOAY RlCR.ATION MOU. YOl It d-dau -ib.tter .t Ill' POlt .....t. Pe'I,,~ '01110' "·rllyl) Hol",,1 is taken. The formaUty of the 213 University Hall, by June 8. Tile fte FIeld Souae will be _" f. ~ .ti !owa CIty under the Ad Advlrt"'n, DlHcte":l,,, Grolsman Monypenny, whose commitlee "tool" examination In Economics mixed recreltlon.1 ac:tlvttlel fraIII I hearing should fit the seriQusness Vniversity Calendar P.JII. to I lI.m. each I1Il1d~ CA~ ~ q{ ~I\ 2, 18'11. Advert!lln" ¥II""" AllYl! Neubauer will be glven On Tuesday, June 16, Collf,'" of the crime with 1\ bearing board was responsible ror the first drqCt begInning .t 1:00 p,m. Students ex­ Doon. Admluloll to llIe !luU Dial Hlf1 1'0lIl noon to II1Idnl,ht CIIlI'd. Ad.,. MI'. , ..... ,... n Kef. of the statement. said he hoped I) )ltdlng to take this examination be by m card tbrou,b th" 110 AFFI ta ...JItIri ~wa Item •••o~.o·. ~ ~.t". Aelr. MIl,• .. ,." O'yl1l I(lb,. of selected faculty members and cloor. AU fac:llltlel wlU lie , "~imula~ should notify tl1e secretary, Room tfeJIII alld IIInoun~eme"t8 to T e Ady. C.IIIVIIIi ... .. C.thy I'lsdlgnnld stu~nt members, if requested, its adoption '!Would Sufld.v, Jun~ 14 Concert - Main Lounge - Union. 201 University Hall, by June 9. The ••_~t tIMt .,~ ..... Daly ..wan. ZdJtorlll ' offlee. are o\dy. ,1 ...... f.~"'r .... Jim ICIIInI" provided Cor an offense which Ipcal chllpters of the ~AUP to 7 p.m. - Union Board film - "1001" namlnatlon In Statistics will ~ P_lllljeatloM Ce.. Cllrculanon -MI" " ...... Jim CoJll" IROk at their own campuses and W.dne,d.y. July 1 J)e given on Wednesday.. June 17. COMpLAINT •• 8t1IQllllti ~ .. Trult"" • .,ret of Studa"t publiCI. may expose the student to seri­ "The Spiral Road" - Macbride 8 p.m. - SUI Symphony Or­ beginning at 1:00 p.m. Students ex· ru. lJnlWlnlty eom'lJalDti en ... 'ulllerl",fon III"': By cUTler ill ttc:'Rl Ir.':, C. Sblnn, ~; take whatever action they can to A,uditorium. peeling 10 take ihls examlnallon pick up tbelr form... t Ill. ~ ous penalties. chestra ('oncert - Main Lounge tlon Dou of tile tJn1011 pd 10WI Cit)', 110,5' year In :n bring the{Tl up to the sllggesled should notify the secretary, Room iliff .. IDontill, $5 ; tllree lDootiU.adVl~; .... I.. •l~,. ~~e~~n'r::Jh~.l,· 'l:.!.;.., The statement also defines fac­ Tveld.y, Jun. 16 301 University Hall. by June 10. tIIem III It tile ItIuIaat ..... VII' standard. " - Union . II... B, m .. In low. " per ~Ir; Ill< D. ulvll, AS. Prof. Dale lItl. Ben~ ulty responsibility in the areas of Q p.m. - Lllcture, "Galaxies Frld.y, July 3 IDQllthi. .1 thr.. month.. 13. All UnlVeralt~'Drarv; Dr, George S. ond Mankind" - Prof. Harlow SUMMER ADDRESSI!S should be Aber man IUblCrlptlo'!.'!t ,10,.r lallon, !Jt -t Denu.try; Prot. freedom of student organizations University Holiday - offices reported by those atlll seeking poal­ INT.II.VARIITY CHllln"M !.~_,tIx __~ 0 0 till. ",.10; IJIrpI ~aIle G. oe er. School of Journal· tlons. This may be done by post­ !-OWSHIP. 10 Inu.rdan _..... i;m; 'Prot. tall n A. Vln Dylle, CoI- and studeQt government. Sbaple1/ - Macbride Auditorium. closed. The report slQ's that all orgalli­ Through June 19 cord or by leaving a memorandum voup of lIuclenll, m.. ca ."e Of, SdIl!,!tjon. ' Through July 28 at the Educational Placement Office. TuUcla, It 7:JO P.III. III II!...... u.d Pre.. II entitled e,: ~D::.;IIIl;..,7~-4I::-:'::=1;;;:1I::>:'O:;z;~~dAI:....,...,-:,-_--cI:-ve-'i-ou-r Zillions should be non·discrimina­ Conference on sports Cor girls '- 1lMtuw are n~n to till ~ . to tIM II. lor ....,ubllc!l. DaIlY roWan 11,. '1:1O~.III. 'I'b. DII1J' tory, and should be free 10 ex­ and women. "The Portrait alid the Pres!­ - -ril " t~ 118!1l" PQ\l~ IewlD clrculatiOIl 01 ce In tile COllI' ~ent" - Terrace Lounge - Un­ THI OIPA.TMINTI of Mulle 'LAYNIGNTI oIIl1b1ed A~""1H~t ::. lWei! " .. .. .~tlol\. Cenler ope" from • press their views without penal· Su"d,y, Ju~ 21 _ Ind Drlllli ill cpnJlUlctiun wtth the aI .etlvtUe. for ~uclll"'" , • ..ICI 4bJIIIftI •.ID. tt • JUIi. leoDd" ftIroII,lf trrf· ion. Fin. Aria rd\lval pretenl I I,a lilt, 1M til- .....iI a ~ ty. ~. 3 p.m. -- AII-5tate Music Camp , . III" ....I~ 1fnull/l...... , clay an4 (rOlll • to IP '.m. S.turd.... Referring to speaker poliCY, the Boheme, an ol!'ra In four l~tI, · .: t "a,. Ilrof. Arttr If.' Mlke·good lIervlee on miSled papeta Concl!rt - Mo 1\ l.o\Ingj! - U~lpn. Th~II" J"Iv ~ eOlllPI.~ willi Cull orcbeltrl ' tean­ JII4 ~ IIIfbt from 7:. to n; rt sl"1l. "rof. . litho " IIOt l/o ..lble. but every effort wIll rllPort stlltes tl1llt cpntrol oC thl) frld.y, Jun. 26 "Drawing and the Fisure. 1400 ery. and coSlumes. July 28 19, alJ 1p.iIII. . tlrovtclld 110 bo • e ,·Clrc:IIIafI ....' P..IOt. QIiIt - ~ ~ . tbe___ ~ . _ Au,. 1. M.U orden .cep led , ilia , IOlItelt II tehedule4, ;r.:...:.: =;:: ...... use of campus facilities by stu· 8 p.m. - AU-Stale MIJ!lc.s.a'!lP 1964," - Art Buildllla. UCU~ IIle, It art J~ 11 throu,b lkulut " IRaa ID ;;a-- , . 'Why' of Behavior Sought CENTER CUT 8y MARILYN HOLMIS StaH Writer "state coordinator" for the fall "Sche.1'. out II I •.. , , • No more .tvdlft, a direct brush-off of Assembly t,: nomoreboeb, who played a key role in engi· Na more teochen' PORK CHOPS senalot'ral candidacy and his gran· tUrty INks I" California Democrats. Unruh has Why does Johnny feel this way Kennedy. They had a lengthy toward bi.s teacher? How can he be in Los Angeles thls week to helped to understand the relation· ship between his teacher and bim· with Brown, Salinger made an self? LB. ( re Brown was attending the an· The answers to these questions are among those being sought by • 35 elementary and secondary Are Teachers Human? , inc1udmg an elaborate lele· leachers from Iowa City and Cedar Rapids schools participating in the Mrs. Ruth B.II.ntyne, 5th ,raM teacher .t lawl CIty Hora" Mull in the White House to enable the Preventive Psychiatry Research be in constant tOuch with the ltementary Scheel, and ... pupil. look at CAusal p,..ram mat.r· Program under the direction of lal. and di.c:usl the relatlonltllp MtwHII a ttachtr Ind her pupil•• in Atlantic City in late August. Dr. Ralph H. Ojemann, SUI protes· LOIN CUT at the convention until after lOr of child behavior and develop- psychiatry. wbo discussed factors ing teaching materials to be inte- ment. leading to emotional disturbances; grated into the existing curriculUm PORK CHOPS ..... , LI.4~ · tion virtually assured for Sen· These teachers employ the "caus· Mrs. Elizabeth J. ForeU, of the and continue to revise these rna. insiders have started deliber· al approach" to behavior in the SUI reading clinic, on emotional terlals througbout the year, prior c convention officials - chair· classroom, which stresses seeking problems involved in reading dlf. to publlcation. RIB PORTION LOIN PORTION the keynoter and permanent chair· an understanding of the "why" ficultles : a.nd Dr. Donald Lee Carr, "We thus obtain a group of class. of human behavior. of the SUI College or Education, rooms for our laboratory, eacb ••• LI. 33~ LB.3S- MELLOW CRISP IF A PUPIL has behaVed In an who will speak today on the excep- equipped with a causaUy-oriented PORK ROAST PORK ROAST has suddenly been switched undesirable manner, the teacher tlona! chUd. teacher and appropriate curriCUlar OSCAR MAYER YELLOW BAND COUNTRY STYLE lesser assrgnment. Secret Service tries to dig out the reason for his Teachers who attend the work· conten!," Dr. Ojemano said. to a "mistake" made hy the agent behavior through observation. The shop are assigned to coordinators RESEARCH experiment. held in the wife of a member of the WIENERS .. La . PKO. 49- SPARE RIBS LI. 39' BACON teacber may then confer with the from the Preventive Psychiatry the teacher's classroom with the hunting conterleiters. pupil to get at the cause of tbe staff who work with them through· permission of the school principal of the President, is living in behavior. Dul the year and hold a series of aid in determining effective meth. OSCAR MAYER SANDWICH SPREAD or OSCAR MAYER friends he is eschewing the CAUSAL tcachers try to show teachers' meetings for primary. in· ods of teaching behavioral mater· • oz. 29- White House. When his brother lIIeir pupils how situations in their termediate, and secondary levels. iBl. Projects for tbe past school Braunschweiger CHua SMOKIES 12 OZ. PKG. 59- Lb. in the capital and was readily social environment come about, The primary level includes tbe year bave introduced experimellts what the feelings are of the people kindergarten group through the to find out what chUdren can lUI· OSCAR MA'YER GUS GLASER'S SLICED involved in these situations, and third grade, the intermediate level derstand about speciCic gravity at Pkg. what effect the method chosen to includes the fourth through the the kindergarten level a.nd about • oz. 29- expre88 those feelings can have on sixth grades, and the secondary probability at the third grade level. LINK SAUSAGE PKG. BOLOGNA LB. PKG.49- olhers. Stress Is placed on what level InclUdes grades seven throu&b Researchers also want to see If needs people are tryin& to satisfy twelve. they can improve tbe chUd', lUI· OSCAR MA VI R PULLMAN by acting in a ee\'lain way and COORDINATORS include Mr.. derstanding or the teacher', role what might happen if they had act· Fritzen H. Dykstra, primary level : as a guide In learning. ed di(ferenUy. Mrs. Shirley Kremenak, intermedi. As a result of the cau I ap. CANNED HAM ...... 3 The causal approacb is based on ate level: and Mrs. Audrey GrJf· proach to learning, perhaP8 when HY -VEE PROCESSED the idea that teachers aDd parents fith, secondary level ; all of the schoOl i out next year, the rela· may guide children more effective· SUI Institute of Child Behavior and lionshlp between Johnny and his 'large extent its ~hn, js to bring Iy to less emotional conflict If they Development. teacher will be such that we'll ASSORTED FLAVORS down all men t6 0 co~mon level can belp them understand the fac. Each summer the teachers work hear: Cheese Spread . .. We are all equal in the eyes ' '. tors underlying human behavior. wIth their coordinators in prepar· HAw ... whll, Khool'. outl" of God, but we are equal in no FOR EXAMPLE, if a child other respect. Artificial devices Pkgs. learned that over·aggressive be· 3 for enforcing equality among " havlor is often motivated by a D.·aper'. KOOl-AID men must be rejected ... " (The feeling of inadequacy, and "It he Conscience of a Conservative, learned something about bow feel· If this I. a regular occur.n« page 64) 2 Ings of Inadequacy develop and .t your hou .., try the .xtr. con· HERSHEY'S Q.-"You've been quoted as ~ how they can be overcome, he .... and prtttction LB. BOX saying that a grad uated tax is would have something to help him from the " oz. 39 a confisca tory tax, Is that your interpret his own Dver·aggressive Chocolate Syrup 2CANS c view'!" behavior or his own feelings of in· Diaperene Diaper Service Fresh From Our In-Store A.-"I don 't think I'd put it adequacy," Dr. Ojemann said. AT that way. But I think it has In the summer workshop. (ellow. BAKERY been destructive of initiative . .. " ships are provided for selected

, ,

; '" \10 • '

, p " .. , ,"# &. v ' P.. " 4-THE 't>An.Y IdYlAN-lowa City, I"__ "rlley, Jun. 12, 1964

;Afternoon Cage Games Hope Mathews Drive~ 10 4 To Attract Out·of·State Fans To Power 6-5 Victory' SAN FRANCISCO IJPI - Eddie Mathews drove in rour runs, three DES MOINES IA'I - The Iowa team hopes to attract with a bases-loaded in the eighth inning, powerIng Milwaube more out-of-stale fans by playing some Saturday afternoon games next to a 6·5 victory over San Francisco Thursday despite the Gianl.l' tliret­ season, Coach Ralph Miller said Thursday. run rally in the ninth. "We plan to play two or three afternoon games so more people The loss knocked the Giants out er. Cloninger, hOWeVer, theII lit Cram Des Moines and other ciUes of first place in the Nat ion a I Harvey Kuenll to into a doIb1e will be able to get to Iowa City," League, p u I t Miller told a lUncheon meeting of them seven per­ play. FeIJpe Alou's 'dtr the Des Moines Rotary Club. centage points be- Ken MacKenzie in the ninth ttimed IOrioles Defeat "With the interstate h!gbway hind idle PhiJaClel· out to be the winning run. scheduled for completion it will be phia. The Giants The Braves scored three nIlII an easy drive from Des Moines to tried to pull It ol1t I White Sox, 3.1 Iowa City," Miller i nth e 0 j nth in the eighth when Koenh * said . "Afternoon against Tony Clon- Mathews' soft fly ball to right'field CHlCAGO (JPI - Brooks Robin- games wi'll give i n g e r, t h I r in the sun. Mathews also kl1O<,kfld son's two-run homer with two out the fans a chance Braves' pi t c her. in a run in the sevt'nth with • in the eighth gave the Baltimore to see Iowa play Jim Hart singled , ~dcritice fly. ~nd still get home and Jim Daven- .... Orioles a 3-1 victory over the first· .. .port walkoo ,be- tAA TH EWS Warren !,pahn and Jack Sanrll'd place Chicago White Sox Thursday. who was fore pinch hitler 'Duke Shider battled on scoreless terms throup ' Robinson's game-deciding hit, this spring doubled for one rull'. After Del six Innings with Sanford allowiDg breaking a I-I tie created by home repiace Sharm Crandall grouqded ou~ Jesus !Iou the Braves only two hits. , runs, came off ace reliefer Hoyt cheuerman singled home Daven'port arid Snid· Spahn was dri en from i!Ie Wilhelm, who had spelled rookie as head c 0 a c h mound In the elghUl atter ' giyiDg Fred Talbot at the start of the MILLER of the Hawkeyes, Power, Green Traded a home run to Kuenn and walk, eighth. Talbot, who made his ma­ said Iowa wiil field "a good rep­ ing Willie McCovey. : . I resentative club next year illat will jor league debut as a starter, had In Three·tedm 'Deal Mllwluk...... 000 000 "''"'''' •• " allowed seven hits before he was be interesti'ng to watch." The vet­ San Francisco · ... .. 010 11~ tt,I eran Wichita coach said he is for­ ST. PaUi - MINNEAPOLIS IA'I - Spahn, ,S.dow,kl (II, C~ ' III pulled. and R,n.w; Sinford, "I~rc .. 0), IIiiW SUI Awards tunate in having several players The Mirlnesota T~ins put sentiment (II, MacKenzie ",, and Haller. W,," Milt Pappas was credited for the who will be juniors next year iplhn (5"'). L ..., l,n'eI'd (WI. I :. St. Louis rightfielder Carl Warwick Iteals second base in the first victory which shaved Chicago's "which gives me a solid nucleus C:hamp;onship ', toritenClers aside Thursday and cut loose two of Hom. runs - Mllwlule.. 1'. A.... Scholarships gam. of the Cardinals-Giants doubleheader at San Francisco Wed. American League lead to 1'h the fans' favorites in a three-leam (51. lin FrancllCo, Ku,n", (I'. '8 for the next year's team." SUI has awarded schol nesday. Up in the air for the late throw ,from catcher Tom Hatler II games over Baltimore, but he "The team will be young, but the John Peters Df Muscatine, left, .. nd JIm Carhey of Centerville, will swap for more bench strength. tee off at 8 this morning acron sui's South Finkblne course for the 12 -re,cent high school J Giants' Chuck Hiller. -AP Wirephoto yielded to Stu Miller after seven boys have shown me they have a The Twins dealt fancy-fieldmg ---. ______'--_-.- _____------innings. desi're to play and a desire to win. final 11 holeS to decide the champIonship of the Iowa Junior Boys of the scholarsbi: Vic Power and little­ fe The 22-ye'ar-old Talbot, who You can't ask any more than that." Golf Tournalnent_ Peters d.'tlted ' Drew Demerest of Spencer, 3 ing iIll tuiliqn Qnd fee prevIously had pitched only 4% Miller said he planned to install and I, end C.. rney defe .. ted Mark Mark Yingling of Ottumwa, 2 III\d used tllltfil!lder Lenny Green in the yc!#tr, are contributea I major league innings, was jolted at towa the 'system he used at " to g.. in the finals. -Photo by Bob Nand.1I five-player trade with Cleveland . by Luis Aparicio for a sixth-inning Wicbita, which brought him a win­ and Los Angeles. Minnesota acquir­ ;homer, tying the score. ning season in all but one of his ~tII~"' .. j ,I\ ed infielders and , . .,;: taJh & Dry Cle The Sox had taken a 1-0 lead at 13 years there. * * * * '* * "We wi'll use a full·court press· Frank Kostro. Friday, Jun. 12, 1... the outset when Tom McCraw led --- 8:00 Mornln, show SPECIALS off the first with his third homer ing defense and fast·break when 8:01 News Carney, Peters 9:30 Bookshelf BOSTON (JPI - Mickey Mantle connected for the Red Sox. of the season. After that, Pappas we can," Miller said. "They say some of the Iowa players aren't too 9:65 News I; \ regained his home run lauch swing­ Mantle entered the game hitting kppt the Sox pretty well tamed. FREE STORAGE 10:00 Mu~c ! SHIRTS 2' .177 left·handed against .568 while fast, but watching them in films 11 :00 Greal Hecordln,. Of t1ie hit . ) ing left·handed Thj.!rsday night, Baltimore ...... 000 001 02G-3 8 0 11:58 SLACKS, SHORTS, swinging right. Both homers were Chlca90 ...... 100 000 000-1 5 1 on defense they seem to have For Your 11:59 ~:J~~d~~a~ln~:ent. ! hit his ninth and 10th of the season hit against right-hander Bill Mon­ papPos Miller (I" and Brown. Tal· plenty of speed. Gai'n Junior Final 12:00 Rhythm Rambl .. BLOUSES,SKIIlTS, bot, WII hem (I) and Martin. W - Winter Garments 12 :30 News and powered the New York Yan­ bouquette, a 20-game winner last Pappas (5-3)_ L - Wilhelm 10.21. .. And if they are Cast on defense Home runs - Baltimore, ApariCiO 12:45 News Background , ~~~ATERS 3 F kees to an 8-4 victory over Boston. season who lost his sixth against I see no reason why they should Jim Carney o[ Centerville and trouble against Carney in the semi­ when you have your cleaning 1:00 Mullic \~\: B. Robinson (51. Chl.lgo, McCraw be slow on offense," Miller added. John Peters of Muscatine scored finals. He three-putted the 14th 2:00 Afternoon Feature Roger Maris also homered for only two victories. done at regular prices. 2:30 Music the Yankees, hitting No. 10, while Backed by tile Yankees' Mavy semi-final vlctorles Thursday and hole to give Carney a three-hole 4:2~ News · ~UITS , · $' 4:30 Tea Time Ed Bressoud and Felix Mantilla hilting, Jim Bouton continued his will battle for the Iowa Junior Boys lead, and after winning the 15th SAVE·WAY CLEANERS, INC. , DR&SSES, COATS goif championship Friday. . 5:15 Sports Time ~•••• -•••• ___ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii maslery over the Red Sox. Bouton Jackson Wins 8th, and salving the 16th Demerest 211 Iowa Ave. 5:30 News i3 now 4·5 on the season and · 6-1 Carney defeated Drew Demerest three·putted the l7ih to bOW Ollt. 5:45 NewJ Backnoupd 8:00 'Evening Concert SAVE-WA LASSIE'S against Boston lifetime. Defeats Mets, 6-3 of Spencer 3 and 1 in the semifinals Peters took an eariy iead over Hwy. 6 West Between 7·Up 7:00 Evenlhg at the Operl New York .. . 000 130 1»'-1" a alter ousting Ty Borman of Coun­ YingUng and birdied the 16th hole Bottling Co. & Alamo Motel 9:42 Music Boston 000 010 021~ , 1 9:45 News Final CLEANERS, RED BARN Bouton and Ilanchard; Monbouqull' NEW YORK IA'I - Ron Santo cil Bluffs i'n the morning quarter­ for his winning margin. Play ended 10:00 SIGN OFF te, Earley 18), Connolly (91 and TIII- drove in three runs with a two·run nnals, 5-3. when they halfed the 17th. .' Hwy, , Between 7· man. W - Bouton, (4.5). L - Mon· homer and a single Thursday as bouquelle, (2-6). • Peters sidelined Mark Yinglin!\ of Yingling had upset 1963 runner­ '\. 80ttllnt Co. & NOW OPEN Home runs - New York, Marls (l0l'l Larry Jackson won his eighth Ottumwa in the afternoon round, up Bill O'Connor of Atlantic in the Mantle 2 (10). lIoston, Brenoud (4, game for the Chicago Cubs beat- Mantilla 13). . ' 2 and 1, after scoring a morning quarter-finals, 4 and 3. SUMMER STUDENTS t' 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. mg the New York Mets 6·3. victory over Don Sall of Iowa The championship match be­ Daily - Sunday included GRIFFITH-RODRIGUEZ- Jim Stewart, the Cubs' rookie Falls, 6 and 5. tween Carney and Peters will be LAS VEGAS, Nev. IA'I - Emi1e second baseman, singled the first AMERICAN LEAGUE Serving Hot Noon Lunchel G . f' h nJ . h played over 18 holes, starting at rlf It , the 0 y man to WIn t e two times up against loser Bill W. L. Pct. G.I. Carl1ey, 15, is playing in hrs sec· ('hl •• !:o .. , ... 31 15 .674 and tournament. He did not quailly 8 a.m, Full Menu - Carry Out world welterw~ight championship Wakefleld and was hit by a pitch Baltimore ...... 32 19 .627 1'" Rent-a-Ride .. . Dining Room three times, goes into the ring to· in the fifth before his two-game !'tow York ...... 27 21 .563 5 for the championship flight a year Minnesota ...... '" 29 25 .537 6 ago. 713 S. Riverside Drive night fhe underdog against ex .. streak was snapped at six straight Cleveland ...... 26 24 .520 7 COME TO MARS Boston ...... 27 27 .500 8 Peters, 16, also is in his second ~~~~;;;;;:~~~~~~ champion Luis Rodri'guez. hits. Carl Willey, Wakefield's reo Washington ...... 25 32 .439 11'" iji------.. I The 26-year-old Rodriguez re-I lief man made Stewart fly out in state meet. lIe was beaten in the for food that's MOTORBIKE RENTt(tS Delrolt ...... 22 29 ,431 ll'h t • ENDS 'rONITE • mained an 8-5 favorite Thursday to . the seve~th. Los Angeles ...... 24 33 .421 12", second round of the 1963 tourna­ out of this world/ I , Kansas City .. .. 17 35 .327 17 regain lhe title In their IS-round Santo's eighth lIomer oj the year ment. Honda '50' Thursday'S Re5Ulll 1, "LONELINESS OF THE LONG encounter in the Las Vegas Con- came in the first after Stewart Minnesota 4, Detroit 2 Demerest a 6 and 5 victor over Daily Breakfast Special DISTANCE RUNNER" vention Center. ' singled and was forced by Lou Baltimore 3, Chicago 1 Fred Grawe of Waverly i'n the 2 -="1, Toast and CoHee 727 S_ Dubuque Open Noon to 811.M. New York ~ , Boston 4 , 39c The match will be nationally tele- Brock. Los Angeles 5, Cleveland 4 (12 inn­ quarter-finals, ran into putting Inl!s) \ .vDi.· '.~ )?:·9S~.. vrsed by ABC, starting at 8 p.m. ChlCIVo ...... 200 010 111-6 12 1 Complete Dinners from $2.00 per hour IL v UV'.... '" ~ •. v (CDT ). . New York . .... 000 001 011-3 , 1 Only games scheduled. Advertising I 1 75c Jackson and Bertell. Wakefield, Wil­ Tod.y', Probabla Pllchers FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS < ley (71, Locke (9) and Gonder, Can- Chicago {Buzhardt 5·3 and Enlen A1s Repiace J'Iwt Day...... ISc · SAT. THRU TUES. (.] :~ ~... ~ ::a I ~ 11==== ~~z::fi,I~I . (~).- Jackson (.-4)_ L - 4·2) at New York {Hamilton 3·0 and MARS CAFE ,Ix D.. ys ...... I'e ______• _ Home runs - Chicago, Santo (I). Ford 7-1) - twl-nlght doubleheader Call 338-6475 tin O.. ys ...... 23c ; Baltimore (Barber 2-2) at Boston 115 S. CLI NTON HE'S A PUBLIC HOWL NOW ENDS (Connolly )·3) - nIght Month ...... 44c Minnesota (pascual 8-2) at Washln,­ On! ,. AS A PRIVATE EYE! SATURDAY I For a Inack or a meal ton (Koch 1-1) - night Eddie Lo~t !I I Ii Los Angeles ILalman 2-41 at Detroit (MInimum Ad • Wo It's the (Aguirre 1-2) - night For CanlKutlve InHI Kansas City (Se,ul 4·51 at Cleveland de~ FIRST RUN! (McDowell 2·0) - night With McGOHa tUSS\1:ni,D DISPLA' NATIONAL LEAGUE MAID·RITE CAFE a.. It Month .. • W. L. Pet. 0.11. CLEVELAND IA'I - Ed Lopat got 'Me"*' • 115 E. Washington Philadelph la ...... 29 20 .592 the gate Thursday as field man­ \n,,"lon, • MontI! . leWIS 'FIRSt tiME! San FranCisco ...... 31 22 .585 'lv, Across from Schaeffer Hall xClncln.nati ...... 28 23 .549 2 ager of the Kansas City Athletics, 'r", \"",,\0;\1 • Month Pittsburgh .. _ .... 28 25 .528 3 perennial second division team in ® xSt. Louis ...... 28 26 .519 3\;\ ·R..... fer each Column I ( ., Milwaukee ...... 27 27 .500 4", the American League. *".~ , .--' OPEN Chicago . . . . . 25 26 .490 5 . ~ ~ MOl,. thru Thflu•• . xLos Angeles ...... 25 28 .472 8 General Manager Pat Frld~y , A.M. to , A.M. xHouston ...... 23 30 .455 7 said the job would be [iJled by Mel Phone 337·4 New York ...... 18 37 .327 14 .T5 Fri. and Sat. x-Played nliht J!ame •. McGaha. former manager of the tllMl'tloll dNdJlne 1400II , A.M. to 2 A.M. Thursday.,. Cleveland Indians who joined the Milwaukee 6, San Francisco 5 pracHl", publk,tiOn. ONLY Chicago 6, New York 3 A's last season as a coach. Cincinnati at Houston - night flrom • a.m. to 4:1 P." St. night Lopat look the news calmly and LouIs at Los Angeles - day •• CIoItcI Setunltyl. j • At Th. Only games scheduled. indicated the firing did noc (!omc • . .. !Weed .a taker ~. III CO • FEATURE I lAMES ULU Today's Probable Plt.hers as a complete surprise. Tree House Lounge Milwaukee (Lemaster 7·3) at San "When Friday told me they were w"" your'" A RIOTOUS -- - in the Francisco (Bolin 1-2) - night MASON AND PALMER St. Louis (Simmons 6-5 or Brogllo letting me go, he said they felt BEDTIME STORY I 8·4) at Los Angele. (KouIo" 7-41 - STARRING IN Clayton House Motel night it was necessary to make a Cincinnati (Maloney 3-7) at Houston change to jack up the team," he (Johnson 5-4) - night said_ "Well, I'll tell you this. The PAUL New York (Slallard 3-7) at Philadel­ I • UTORPEDO phia {Bennett 7·31 - night only way they are going to jack TYPING . . . Experienced • Pittsburgh (Law 3·5) at Chicago up this team is to add about four • (Buhl 8·3) I • KELSO or five good ball players. " TYPING. mlmeojraphillg, N. I, • f:~~ BAY" IIc. Mary ". Bums, ~ I • .r ...... Folk Singer Twins Get 3·Hitter There was no comment from Bank. DIal 397-2856. 1 ", • !=OR LUCKY FUN I Charles O. Finley, the owner. • "lANCY KRUSE IBN electl 1' • ATTEND OUR LUCKY Tonight & Saturday To Defeat Detroit, 4-2 Lopat, whose con t r act runs eerYl .... DIll 3S8~M. ' through the 1965 season, said he • No Cover Charge DETROIT IJPI - Southpaw Dick ELECTRIC typewriter. 'l'h • FRIDAY THE 12th SHOW had been offered a job as special • ';~~~~~~;;;;~~~ Stigman and reliever Garland lIIort papers. Dial 137~ ! ;; Shifflett combined for a three-hit- consultant to work with the young RING TYPING. 9 to 5 week LREE DRAWING_ ter and catcher Earl Battey drove pitchers on the club, but did not "115. I • FOR PRIZES I !LN STARTS in three runs with a double and p\al1 to take it. TYPING - Electric lypew • a homer as the Minnesota '!\vins He said he was going home to perlenced. 338-8110. (LliilM' TODAY! Hillsdale, N.J., rest nd 'take it ended a three-game losing streak , TYPING. Call 3J8.6O'I3 aller SPECIAL MIDNITE SEARCHING FOR A KILLER with a 4-2 victory over the Detroit easy and .Ilet them pay on the Tigers Thursday. balance oC my contract." EXPERIENCED. MeW W~~'I ~Ir T~! SHO~ Friday the 12ih WHO MIGHT BE HIMSELF I McGaha, who never made the Stigman retired 12 men in a row TYPING. Call 338-6073 .lIer VINCENT PRICE IN until Bill Freehan and Don Oe­ major leagues as 8 player, joined a.:t.+ ... DRI"" CAREFULLY IDOiUJ.PIRlU MAIlIWH'fif!J!IJ the club last season as a coach ~ "TWICE TOLD TALES" meter tagged him for hOme runs in ';~~~(''ED. M~~lcal • TECHNICOLOR • - Thriller, Color- the fifth inning. at fIrst base. Befol'e that he had Minnesota ...... 100 200 00G-4 7 0 munaged 3 minor league clubs. . . . . ti) McDonaldi' DORIS A. DELANEV-SECH ------Detroit .... . 000 020 000-2 3 2 SERVICE. Typing, mime! Sflgman, Shlffl," It) Ind II".Y. Not.", Publle. 211 Dey BIO II.kow, Fox (t), Ind Fre,han. W - 21". SlIgmln (3-4). L - Rlkow 12.5). IF · YOU CAN'T GET ENOUGH Home runs - Minnesota: la",y (61. Detroit, Frlthan 16), Demeter (6). ~I.~-If-' DOORS OPEN 1:15 P.M . Care is mDre thon a word - It'l an ratll· u.c. tude. Here at McDonald's h's thot _ma GoooA&W ROOT BEER- care which makes the dlfferenc In the n,,·IA" CEDMR RAPIDS selection, preparation and Jervinll 0' • -ENDS food to your talte and satisfaction. ThOt'i NOW WEDNESDAY -Frlilay - • TAKE A JUG WITH YOUI "C ... LIFORNIA SUN" why you and the famIly will find dining • • Itan at McDonald's one of the good thingS of A TOP flIT OF THE RIVIE ..... life. Come in any tim. for the tast"'t THrS SUMMER SEASON' ,lLot's lilY,! A Party" food in townl , ,, "Lilli' ~.riha" DEBORAH KERII ·HAYLEY IQIIdAJI ~~ "'dm. $1.10 look for ,It& golden arcll .. 1 Gallon • • • JOHN MItIS - !OSS II1II111'1 - SlturdlY­ plus 1Dc depolit "TO'." Favorlf •• '!'HI LIGEND. Adm. $1.00 , , Mcbolla Id's 1000 South 'Riverside brive STUDINT RATE I Va 'ric. I • with ID Card 817 S. Riverskle Drive THI DAILY IOWAM-1 a City, I a-tt,Wrt, J .... 12, 1~ ... S, I SUI Alum Begins Campus Notes As College Head Inter.Religious Council Cafete~ia wiU of[Pr pedal menus In Oregon Sept. J . Iat a slightly reduced prke. In the Five IUd nts ha\"e been elected ~re3tion area famill can I'f'- A. . R mpel, "no reeei"ed a to 1M execu~"~ tommilt . of the I bowling and billlArd instruc- Ph.D. Decree in edu Uon In 18j.l Drive$ I"' 4 1 Inter·Re.ilglous ~ouncll. tlon, patti PI e in th pecially ar- at S I, will become president of Th Cou:ncil roonlmat cam\lUS ranged tounwnent.s t.Ue part in religlous ti\"lti and promo inCormal discussion 'in the Bro'i·' Etern Oregon CoUl'( Sept J. inter·falth ~mmunlcat 005. l~ ~ Ing Llbrary. or enjoy bridge and Eastern Oregon, at La Grnnde, is 6-5 Victory acts pol~cr bo rd for dec I other table ,ames e wher in tM a liberal arts and teacher educa- affecting rehglOU! groups t S I. Union. Free mo\'i (or chl1dren lion toli e oC 1.200 stlklett _ Mathews drove In lour runs, three The five tud n are Carol Jef· wLU bt ho;n very FamU)'·Nite ~ h . eighth inning, powering Miiwaubt frl ,1.3. Charlton; Thomas Clalb, at 7:30. p.m, o~ appointment at ~- Thursday despite the GilInts' Ibm. and both Prof A3, Lynne Faber, AI, of o • • em Orepn. or Rempel was Des Moin : Betsy W t, A2. pen- aeling head of th Purdue Univer- er. Cloninger, however, then III II cer; and And R in, A2, Orna- Navy Program liity departm nt of education. The Harvey Kuenu to hit into a doIbIe ha, Neb.. •• A U.. Nav)' Officer Information "i}-year-old pr Id nt holds d- play. Felipe Alou's horrie din 'ott • Team from Des Moin will be on gr from tbe Unh'ersity oC _ Ken MacKenzie in the ninth tUrned Sports Workshop campus JUM 22 and 23 to furnish katchewan and th University oC out to be the winning run. "A Sport for E\'l!ry Girl" Is the inCormation oe Naval 0 f f j c e r Omaha. The Braves scored three MIIII workshop for TrrraInlnred g ProgI' InS currently being .....1IVtot .... -----~ . men hfch opened 0 e . __ '- in the eighth when Kuenn 1811 Tuesday at 1 und r ponsorship Lt. j.g. Norman G. Chab 111 C()- ~:f>' ... 1. Malhews' soft fly ball to right field or th DepaI'tment Q{ Physical ordin Ie th team. Programs btlng . • IJIfII5 in tbe sun, Mathews also kuoeQl Education ror Women. offered Includ the Navlll aviation _ ...... , in a run in the sevpnth with • The workshop provides an oppor- candidate training. nd training ~'1 CO" .... • Work Ind play chlrn"rllt the high IcMel lour­ nalism phot09raphy instrucfor. At right. a group &clcrllice fiy. tunity for teachers at all age levels (or medical and dental Internships • , - DePOIltl to .11 .... "alism workshop being hold on .... SUI c.mpus of girls gltto,n around the firtpll~' during. pic­ 10 gain new sports ski'll! nd infor- and a theological stud t program. 1.. 1',," by I',O,I,e. Warren Spahn and Jack Santord through Saturday. At left. a hi,h leNoI .tudent nic at Like Macbride Stat. Park north of lowl malion on method and materials. battled on scoreless terms throop ;.. from Ctellr Repid. pours photo chemicals during City. • • six Innings wlfh Sanford allowlDc 200 Pairs of Twins I demonst"tio" supervised by Don Woolley. lour. -Photos by John'Ander$Ol1 the Braves only two hits. Helps for Radio To Meet in Des Moines TODAY; .. "H Jps Cor Radio tation Corres· Spahn was drivea Crom 'l!.e end IV", * pondents," D leaflet of bints and Des Moin will host the annual mound In the elgh~h after giviDc 1 By *JOHN ROBERTS * * h said, *"we have * a numbtr or * * * II home run to Kuenn and walk. of the Ottumwa C:ouri r. suggestions, is now being produ cd 51 t Convention of th Hawk ye FRIDAY Ing Willie McCovey. ; ; New5 Editor ludents who have experience on Hoffmasler, past pr idenl of th at the SUI School of Journalism. Iowa A, oelated Pr TelelToph The I an t, rltten by Prof. Wil­ Twin Club on Jun 211. Conv~tion 000 000 UI-,.! .! t Tonight and Saturday more than school papers, but littl formal I.n FraneiKo ' ...... 11J4 '" istance, Laverne Noyes Estate. 300 high school ludents and t 3ch. training. Th qu tion wa whe· Editors A ociation and pa t ch Ir· bur C. P te n. he d of media headquarters are in the Savory Full Banking 'pahn, ,•• lIowskl (II, ClIIfIIIllW "(Ij SUI Awards 12 and Old Gold Development funds. ers will go home exhausted. ther those studenhould bl' in mlln of th conlinuing tudy Cor management, d (tnes d adline , Hotel where r gistration wnt be· Ind Rlnew; Sln'or", I'~rc .. 171, '!'P. II), M.cK.nzll (f), .nd Hiller. 'tV ... The full scholarships go to Clar- Since Monday they have att oded advanced or beginning eclions. We Iowa wire n w. operation, is a Ii ts major n w stories and major gin at 9 a.m. tor 200 pair of Service Until (5"), L - '.n'o,eI (WI. I :' Scholarships een Arnold, Washington ; Heather or taught day· long clossI', pro- just had to gu and th n make form r high chool ience te cher news sources. gives sty I for tl\lns. Home runl - MllwlUkH " A... • Alor, Quincy, IlI.; Linda Mae duced an eight'pagt' tabloid news. as ce sary," turned journ 11 t. In ddHion to hI. wrlLten copy, comment on tie­ (5). ',n FrlntlKo, Kllln" hi. e chllng~ n Co-pr idents of the club ar PM. SUI has awarded scholarships to Christensen, Wal~ut; James Clark, p:Jper, a mimeographed newspaper, "One other probl m we had," duties a wire editor Cor th phone and tel graph tori ,And 6:00 Courier. he ' in chari of the ~r Lyle D. Smith of Nevad 12 ' re,cent high school graduates. W~lcott; Mary Einspahr, W~yzata, ond a simulated hilh school y~r· he continued, "w with tb wim· t lis how to handl numbers. Another Frflondly Courier's " kly "Teen Page." and ~,... , Paulin Matth , Dc re~ 01 the scholarships, cover· Minn.; Kathleen Kahn. Peoria, ]11.; book. They have attended II ming party we had planned for tJnd ExcluJioe Stroke Lora Wa hington; Jefrrey dance. a Cree movie, a pienil' at rue d y The helltJng S) m TRUCK KILLS YOUTH- toin s. Neoml Brown and Norma ing tuition lind fees Cor one ~athis, I ni~t Family Night Ifut Maul!ub~. Sioux Falls, S.D.; Kar· Lake Mocbrld, nd tonight wID Cor the pool at the Fi Id How is DAVENPORT ~ ,tich el Kltz- "Family Ni ht," a n w prolTam Daulrem ot, 322 Dou.elas Ct" YC41r, are contributed by Fresh- co-,I pr iden • FRI. PARKING en Slgvllfdt, Port Edwards. Wis.. go t a final banqul't. The occa ion Ibeina rebuilt and th at r wllS mqnn, 16, of Davenport, wo killed at th Union for students, staff. .1 and Michael Townsend, Davenport. ha been th 12th Annual lJIgh JUSt too cold for swimmlnl. Un· by a trurk Thursday a he rod a and faculty m mbcrs and th Ir ...... ,,1 Freshmen Merit Scbolarships and School Journalism Workshop. fortunately, we didn't kno,y :lbout blcy II.' on a Dav(·nport tl'(' t. ramill s will be held w k·ends be- i f . ~~ , WqJh & Dry Cleaning Old Gold Spanish Contest Awards The students come from slJc this in Lime to schedul anothrl' Poil c said lh~ youth', blcycl ,innln, Friday, June 19. orr dn, F,ldlY. J~ne 12, 1964 of $100 e~ch have been awarded states _ Iowa Illinois Minnesota vent. As II re. ult, th lliork"h41p- ran against till' l'U! I" lhen tumed "som thing lor everyone In lh WELCOME STUDENTS 8;00 Mornln, Show SPECIALS 8:01 News tp Melome Moyer. Marion, and Nebroska, South Dakota ond Ten: pt'rs hod II night to thl'lll." IH~ ." Into the "ath 01 II Iru k driv n by family" til prollram I planned 9:30 Bookshel( Cary Stewart. Cedar Rapids. n ssee. Many or them Drc ott nd· The major production of the Wilbur Nou ~I, :tlI, ClI North Bend, to provid inform I ntertainm nt. 9:65 News .. lVe want to extend gre t iTlg. to you and 10:00 Music SHIRTS . , 20c EA. ing the workshop II recipi nl of week·long work. hop arc th lJawk- Ncb. The Guld Feath r Room and 11;00 Creat lIecordin•• ot lIle hit . scholarships flom their local n ws- cite, Ihe tabloid, and the Work hop· ~~iiiiiiiiiiii':'~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii;; ___.iiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-" 11;58 Calendar o( Event. I SLACKS. SHORTS, Airlift Guards to Alaska in ite you to attend church with fI , 11;39 News Headlines ANCHORAGE, Ala ka "" _ A papers and schoulJ. per, the mimeographed nelli'spap r, 12:00 Rhythm Rambl~s BLOUSES, SKIIlTS, 12:30 News Coree of 1,297 Army Notional .Th~y are working !n One oC six The Workshopper h be n pub- Sunday School 9:45 a.m. 12:45 News Blck,roimd SW.ATERS 3 $1 Guardsmen - the largest conlin- diViSIOns of stUdy : prmted and olt- lished eaeh year since the first CLEAN CLEAR THRU 1;00 MuSic FOR Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. 2;00 Afternoon Feature gent ever to come to Alaska (or set newspaper, mi~graph n ws, workshop in 1952. Th Hawk tte 2:30 Music That' wit t you'll say about your wash wh 'n you u e 4;25 New. SUITS" $1 training - will be airlifted here papers, s~hool pages In local n WS· was first published durin, 10 t Training Union 6:00p.m. 4:30 Tea Time thi's weekend {rom Minnesota. paper, hl~h school yearbooks and year's workllhop. 5;15 Sports Time .'. ' DRESSES, COATS EACH The men are members oC the depth rep?rting. They were os ign· The students do all the writing, OUT \ ('stinghollSc wasl1l'rs and dryers. Stop in soonl Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. 5:30 News 5:45 NewJ Backgroup,d 1st Brigade, 47th Cnlantry Division, ed 10 ,a dlvisio~ ~ccordin~ to their adverli emcnt de ign, photography 6:00 Evenlnl Concert Minnesota National Guard. experu?Oce, Iralmng and mtere ta. and olh r art work (or the two 7:00 Ev ..nlhg at the Opera SAVE-WAY IOWA CITY BAPTIST CHAPEL 9;42 Music The guardsmen will be In Alaska In connection with these study newspapers, They edit copy, tlo 9:45 News FInal LAUNDROMAT JO;oo SIGN OPF . CLEANERS, INC. two weeks, receiving training al assignments, L. Erwin Atwood. in· the layou.t and read stencil ' and .. 32 S. CLINTON Hwy. , Belween 7·Up lhc Army's mountain and glazrer struclor in journalism and director proofs prior to publication. • COIN OPERATED • FREE PARKING Iraining area at neurby Eklulna or thc workshop. noted that many Friday night at the elo ing h:1O Bottllnt Co. & Alamo Mot.1 A/liliatt'cl with outllern BOl'ti4t COIIIl II I iOIl. and on the Ft. Richllrrlson train· of lhe high school do nol orr r Quel . the stud Ilts will hear 0 talk . 320 E, Burlington STUDENTS ;;fire~q~ ~urn~m~una'~sar ~:' ~~wo~~~a~~w~ dH~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~=~~


'50' Open Noon to 8 P.M. ; ROOMS FOR lENT MISC. FOR SAL! APARTMENTS FOR RENT WHO DOES m APPROVED ROOMS I LOST I FOUND SPORTING GOODS per hour APPROVED ROOMS - Men. Clooe In. FARM FRESH eu. A Ilrle. S dol. SUBLET'l'ING ror lummt"" Ftne I ue PAIr. nSGt.... _n. up, ...ea ~Itlned. APPROVED room. {or .trll. IUmmor• . PIP In pl.~k hul/IJ kll d\lrln. CAN 0 I $1 'Ilol' outstondin. Old Advertising Rates 337·2573. t.l1AR '1.00. John', Groeery. Free Delivery. Ipartment. furnished, uWILIe. paid, 01.1 &44 ·,..88. I-U eooll1nl prtvlle(.. . 131·1441. "II , Town'.. Stleet {rom .locll h~ .... , 338-04U. &-29R very relsonable. See to appreciate. _------______....;.~--'------re.lJirltlon, C JJ D. lev.n•• lIollnl, He.dqu.rters (or unoe •• S e u . F.x. AND RESERVATIO'NS JhrM Dey...... ,.. 15c a Word GRADUATE men; Fall reMrnIJon,. GOOD llet ot mobUe hom e bedS. U8-7N.. 1-13 MOVINC? CIII rellow .tudenl MLke .u;~:0,~ ,:o~"l;' - III.,.. um,:;; Ullnol •. 7&4·1tt4 .(ter • p.m. foll t, t;!rt ~anoe ""'te. I'ree tolor eltaloll. Six Days ...... Itc a Word Summer rlt.... Cookln., .howe... 338-5709. 8-13 LARGE .nd lIIIall aPlftmenll. No BoUman, 1.2, owner, Uawkeye Tran. Rewlrd. 1-11 IO~~n. 1124 A1bll Road. oltum;.rd "0 N. ClinLon, S37·5t87 - 337-6848, SMITH-CORON'\. portable typewrtter. ehUdren. Phone 338-4&43. ..13 (er. U8-207I 8·1. NlCE 11f" approved lvom.. Ssa.l ._iiiiiii!iiii!!iii~~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillii~~iiiiii __----- ~;;; ten O.. ys ...... 23c a Word ..15 Excellent cundlUon. 13'. 138·184t. or 338-1535. ..27 ~ Month ...... 44c a Word ------Jl.13 APARTMENTS tor IUmmer. 338-5637. D(APER~ DI'p<'r Rental ServIce by ROOMS. Men. Weal of ChernJstry FOR SALE _ 19S9 CUlhmall scooter. Arter. '·2 New Proe... Launary. 313 S. Du· NICE larf' IPproved rooms, J3a.8801 or p.m. 338-853 • 8-JO (MInImum Ad • Word.) Bulldl",. 337·2405. '·23 Needs lome wort. Dial 137 ..743 . &-13 AVAILABLE now: .p.elou, 2 bedroom buque. Phone 337·9(164. 7·tAR fer ConMCuHvl In5lrtione apartment tor. men or women. 305 PLEASANT .ummer houstn •. UnlJer. \ ROOMS. Summer and laU. Men. 221 WANTED N. C.pItol - DI.I 3~84. 7.' ODD JOBS, Handy handy m.n. 337· Illy women. Lltht eookln,. U8-g5~ . $1795 SIMCA $1795 N. Ltnn. 337-4861. &-28 7239 or 644·23G9. 1-18 8-11 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS FURNISKED aplrtment to .ubl.a • UNFURNISHED S or 4 bedroom hou" S room. and IIfIJU!. 1132 I . W. h. MEN Summer. Cookln, prtvtJe,u. .! 0. l_rtIon a Month .... $1.35· SINGLE AND DOUBLE, Summer ond m.ton. U8-7193. ..13 ,'t" . 331..5652. 1-8 (all. Over 21. 338·5637 aCler . :00. 7.2 or apartment. 331·2992. 8-22 7· 11 -- -I CmL'S doubl. 'oom. Summer. 338- TME FACTS: IIlvl I_rtlonu Month ." $1.15· REGISTERED PIIARMACIST 10 work FOR SUMMER - Very nice fumJsh.d ---"7"------7.13 4301. 8-17 'r .. In ..rtlo:\l I Month ... $1 ,05· 3 LARCE .bove aveu,e room•. Men. occasIonal aIternoon. 33t-4711 or lpartment In CoralvUle. Twin bed . FREE I double. twtn b .. ds, 2 ,tnil•• Linen. 33&-47118. 1-12 $105 per month. 337·3282, 8-13 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-__iiiiiiiiiii .. DOUBU; (or;;;;;;-- Air conditioned, Simca has h~tl rUrnlsbed. 338-8363. 7.% WANTED: Af,L for couple, Sept. I, by III how ..... 0([ .treet "lrklnJ. 110 E. ·Rms fer Each Column Inch NICEST atn.le apartment In town. Chur~h 51. ..17 TEST ,raduate • udlnt. Furnished or un· Furnlahed prlvlie entrance. pauo, Simca has ga. econo,"yl MEN over 21. Close to c.mpu •. Clean. furnished. Under '100, Please describe ,"1" •.," Will consIder aum· Young's Studio quiet. Cook In., 11 E. Bur· Ind /lIve locotlon. Rolf A. Pelerson. mer renl.l; prefer lon •• r tertii. Phone pns DRIVE Phone 337-4191 Un8ton. Phone 337-3268 or 337-6848. SOOS H ..rmlna. Madison, Wlscon.ln. 8-13 337-7985 aIter 5 p.m. 8-12 DISTINCTIVE PORTRAITS 1 Simca has rooml Jl.UAR Inllrtloll dHdIllIt N'_ on doIy LARGE (Irlt noor ,plrtment {or 3 the gift ollly you can giee PUG puppl... P,t boardln,. Julia's HELP WANTED Or 4 .Irl.. Cloill tn, 338.a338. '.25 Firm Kennel&. 338-3057. I-U Simea has 4 doorsl procodl", publication. DOUBLtS and sIngles, Kltchen prtvl· 3 So. Oubuquo S,. 337.'IS1 lelea. Many .xt... , $25 up. $ee or SIA&IESE kln.n. fnr sale, 3310114". 7.5 Simcq has 2,600 sq. i.,ch window glassl II,.... • a.m. to p.m ...... c:.11 Mra. Ford, 716 N. Dubuque, 337· WA.rrRESSES - p.Tt or full time. 4:. 9344. $-12 La ..le', RId Jlarn. 113 S. Illvenide MOI'LE HOMES .FOR SAlE AYI. Closed Satvnleys. An .xpo. Drive. Apply .ner 11 .m. 8-17 USED CAlS 1 Simca has huge Simplex brakes! rltnced ac5 t.or ,will help yell SINGLE room.. Men grlduate stu· WANTED - part time secret.ry to 11151 MOMO-COACH. 8' x SO'. Excellent dents. 33803859. &-12 .tart In Sept. Office expertence Condition, 338-H30. 1-15 11162 VOU< WAGEN sedln. Dial 338- Simca has Porsehe synchronixer! willlyouratl. ' neceSlary. Please write Box ](1, DIUI' 0320 .n.r 600. 1-18 . ,SINGLE and double rooms (or .lrI., Towan. ..11 Thompson Transfer Close tn. 333-8336. 8-25 FOR RENT mobile home. Dtal 338- STUDENT OR WIfE to work In drh'e. 5763. 8-22 .nd Simea has 5 main bearings! In dairy. 337-5571, 1-11 AUTOMOTIVI NEW and ulled mobile homes Plrk· S"rlgl Simca has over square ",otor (longer life)! CHILD CARE In., lowln•• nd part•. Oennl. MobUe IGNITION TY!fINO $QVlC. Rome Court. J3la MUlCltlDe AYe" :.AI.. .of •. GILBERT lowl City, 337-4"1. HAl< @-I -, "..,.... CARBURETORS Simea has an oil separator (no filter)1 WANTEO - Children to care {or. TYPING . • • Experienced. 33'/.2447. My home. 338·7050. &-17 U*S*AlR FORCE GENERATORS STARTERS _MIOIPACI", SEE TO APPRECIATE - Mult Sell 'sa AGJt:N'l' roB &-J 5Alt Skyline. J Ox58, 33i-t396 Iller 6:00 Simca has 4 roll down windows! WILL baby sli. My home. Crlndvlew ~. NDRrH AMERICAN BRIGGS & STRATTON MOTORS TYPING. m.lmeo,rapblng, Notary Pul>­ Court. 337·9184. &-12 _ p.m. 1-12 lie. Mary 1'. Burnl, 400 1010'1 Slale 1958 RICHARDSON 8'x45'. Freshly VAN LINES Simea has 5 year or 50,000 mile (Chrysler Blnk. 0101 337·2'56. I-IS WTLL baby sll. My home, Expertenced .. __ ~R-= coated root. 2 bedroom, sho WDIUD WIDI MDV'~_ .nd rele.renees. 3311-1807."11 _ winter ~ondltloned. 338-9140. &oid Pyramid Services fadory warranty)1 "IANCY KRUSE IBM electric typing ~~~~~~~~~~~"! 621 S. Dubuque Dial 337-5723 IlerYlee. Dial s:JI.a54. ..19AR WtLL baby .It. Mlo home, Mondly Lhrough Friday. I 3 Spruce Street. iii'::::::::::~= l ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOii lefore buying any economy car - you ow. it to yourself ELECTRIC typewriter. Theee. and 338-4681. II-L8 FOR QUICK CASH abort Pipe... Dial "7·3843. 8-19AR S.II Your Hou .. Tr.iler T. TYPEWRITERS to test drive a SIMCA. RING TYPING. , to S week daYI. 338· OPPORTUNITIES IN GOING TO EUROPE? &415. &-19AR PERSONAL DOH'S MOBILE HOMES No maior maint.nanc. for 5 yean, 0' 50,000 mil ... '" S. Roo .. Annue • Rentals TYPING - Eledrlc typewrtter. Ex· ADVERTISING ".1t We are specialists In arranging You can own this car for $200 clown at perteneed. J38.a1l0. I-23AR AN IMPORTANT QUESTION: Bave Phona 752·11~ DVerseaS deliveries. Choose from you ordered your COpy of the 1984 • Repair TYPING, CaU 338-60'73 aCter 5:00 p ,m. UniverSity EdltJolI! Be aure yOU ~ Bright young men Ind wom.n BURLINGTON. IOWA Mercedes, Triumph, MG, ReJt. ______1-__ 28 ______~ I wanted to IOrv. on the actver· ault &. other fine cars. • Sales Brand new c.n cIoIlftroII III EXPERIENCED. Medical preferred.. tisi", stlH of THE I;) A I L Y AUTHORIZEU ROYAL DEALt .. Europe a.tow a. $H6. KEN WALL IMPORTS 1-27 MONEY LOANED IOWAN. Excollent .xperlenee in ,..rtab.. , ..andlrd TYPING. Call 338-8073 arter 5:00 p.m. Dllllllnel" elmer... ONE WAY TRAILERS Eloclrlc Highway 6 Wnt, Iowa City Phone 338-9421 FULLY 6·26. layout, copy and ..I .. , Apply in T'... wrll.... Wlte"'" Lu ..... FOR RENT £JU'I!KI~CED. M~dlcal preferred. person the Advertl51nl Director. ALLEN IMPORTS Jaguar, ElV4, Alta Romeo, Austin-Healy, 131·7580. ., 1-27 Gunl, MII"ul Inotrument. Stud.nt Rat" WIKEL HOCK·EYE LOAN Dally low.n. 201 Communica­ 1124 1st AVI, NE II!M 3-2611 DORIS A, DELANEY-SECRETARlAL Myer's Texaco TYPEWRITER CO. Trillmph, MGB, Sprite, Lotus, S/mca •• Idi' SERVICE. Typln., mlmeo.raphing, tions C.nter, JI!oiIJ'Y Public. 211 Dey Bloli. DIal 338- Dial 337-4S35 33,.,.1 Ac,.. from Hy·V .. 2 S. Dubuqu. 338-1 lSI CEDAR RAPIDS 2,.,. MAR l'IMNIAt"..f~. .,MortW.. than a word - It', an 'attI· lI.p, McDonald's It's that .xtra WATCH T~AT VJt RE, SIR. th. In thit ITS and ..ry;ng of TANG~EP SON·QF·A'GUN - "~04JND and satisfaction. Thor. I M"Y 6e: THE 1=-1R.s.r )~R LeG family will find dining • ANT· /N - ONe.· one of the GOod things of any tim. for the tastiest , ,

, •. • rive• '''' 6-THE DAILY IOWAN- In. City, 1__ Frlday, Jun, 12, "64 AT RANDALL'S YOU CAN SAVE $3 TO GqLD BOND STAMPS WITH IVERY PURCHASfi I Society.. . Needs $5 PER WEEK ON All YOUR FOOD NEEDS, •• America's Biggest Selling Sa'ad Dressing Education for VELVEETA ( Soviet, E. Gern All Levels DEUCIOU5 CAL FAME MOSCOW I.ft - The and Communist Eal CHICAGO - SUI President Vir­ ·MIRACLE I signed a 2().year frier gil M. Hancher sct forth here Friday, but slopped sh Thursday morning the key require­ ing new international m6Uts for a system of education VELVEETA Germany and Berlin. that will serve an open society - ORANGE Cautiously, S 0 v i ( tht' kind of society (or which Amer­ WHIP Khru hchev characteri Jeans strive_ as contributing to "IX ~akJng at commencement ex­ lation of the Germa ercises at Ihe University of Ulinois He warned thot the is Medical Center in Chicago, Presi­ KRAFT/S FAMOUS lI(1lutely unexpecledly dent Hancher declared that educa­ DRIN~ catastrophe." tifltT in an open society must be ac­ The treaty specific cl88lble, must be adapted to vari­ Jet obligation under ous levels of competence, must be al/reemenl with the related 10 the needs of society, and alter World War n, , VELVEETA af( ected. This treat. must be lifelong. .S.. Soviet. British IiDUCATION SHOULD either be 46 control in Germony a: free or should be offered at such CHEESE SPREAD ment presumably me a -.cost as to bring It within the 01. acce. rights to Berli ineans of every citizen, for to ar­ they are. gue that the stUdent should pay the The United full cost of his education is to Can France. after aqrue for the creation oC an ell'te. judged the pact Hancher declared. World War H "Successful men tend to look thus os creating no with s a li 5 f act ion upon their situation. A separate achIevements; and. regrettably, OLGER1S would have meant many a man who owes his success could claim total in life to the opportunities provided cess 10 We l him by the free educatfonal system INSTANT $ We I now holds of the Uniled States now believes sponsible. tha£ he got to his present position by his own, unaided efforts. Yet if he were to be stripped of all the 16 Oz. Can COFFEE increments which society ltselC has provided, he would stand at least half-dakild before ute wqtIc1,.. ''iJ' sai~ , J I "'E URGED A s ~ le M MJ ~u - ESPECIALLY tion Cor this country - from kin­ FLAVORITE'S FlAVORITE dergarten through the post-doctoral CREAMY RICH FROZEN programs - adapted to every level of competence found in our society, ICE CREAM GRADE A ",blch respects every level of com­ petence and the institutrons serv­ ing each level, and which respects VEGETABLES every person who is developing BUY ONE himself to the highest level oC his AT OUR REG_ competence. LOW PRICE & 10 "We must develop in students GET THE 2nd Oz. . the competence for independent $1 work, the habit of independent 1,] GAL. FOR ONLY Pkgs. ' thought and reflectfon, a dissatis­ 6 faction with the present state of their knowledge, and a persistent desire to increase it," he con­ clUded. Spending Boost Result 01 Recent Income Tax Cut TEXAS Fresh Baked WASHINGTON IA'I - Both busi­ STYLE! BUTTERCRUST 'lessman and consumers have in­ creased their spendi'ng since the Income tax cut went into effect, government reports have said. BREAD Businessmen have raised their .Jghts another notch and are bet­ ting even more heavily on future 2 1 Lb. Loaves economic growth. I I A Commerce Department survey February showed businessmen Shirley Is planned to increase their expendi­ tures 10 per cent over last year GLAZED Female Bu and this was hailed as a reliable in­ I I dicator of still better times ahead. ~1I:I:!:a DONUTS Doz. c Had Them The department said its May sur­ "ey showed that business spending this year is now programmed at 12 per cent above 1963. .. Meanwhile, the Census Bureau's report on retail sales in May showed a t.5 per cent increase above April. And the total was 7 per cent higher than May, 1963. , I Tbis twi'n result - increases in business and consumer spending to pep up the economy and reduce unemployment - was exactly what 10vernment economists hoped (or after pass/lge of the income laJt-cut ,I ·bU!. .1 • ,Sioux City Mdh Pleads

I G~ilty to 'Wife 'Assault r .1 , , sroux CITY iA'I ~ Alex James Clemens. 30, pleaded guilty Thurs­ i ~RESH-RED RIPE day to a charge of assult with in­ • I· , tent to murder in the April 12 shooting of hi's estranged wife. Judge M. E. Rawlings deCerred ROUND STEAK sei1tencing. I Clemens' wife, Mrs. Shirley I I STRAWBERRIES Wells Clemens, was shot six times and critically wounded as she was delivering two oC her three children to Sunday morning cholr practice ,t"a Sioux City church. She has since been released Crom the hos­ Full pital. After the shooting, Clemens fled VALU SELECTED On foot, then allegedly forced a BONELESS motorist to drive him Into Nebras­ Quart ka, where he surrendered to a state CLUB STEAK ' trooper at Belden. Clemens has undergone psych i­ atrJc examhtation since his arrest. VALU SELECTED Ac:tJon is pending on a kidnaping charge against him. c BONELESS SIRLOIN flP STEAK Lb, SAVE SOc LARGE FANCY SUNKIST First Mennonite Churc~ 89 To Hold Bible School WITH EACH LEMONS .... DOl. 49~ WI! CASH VINE RIPENED A non-denominational B J b I e PAYROLL school will be held at the First LB. Mennonite Church, June 15 through CHECKS COUPON TOMATOES 29- 26, for children who will be in FROM THE MAILER JUICY SWEET kindergarten this fa U through those Lb. who have just completed the eighth YOU RECEIVED ORANGES 2 DOl.69~ grllde. VALU SELECTED RATH'S ALL MEAT FROM f{ANDALL'S The class will meet from 6: 45 to LONG SLICING 8:30 p.m. weekdays. Everyone is *HEEL ROAST ON welcome. * FRANKS • CUKES. - .2 For 19~ RI!PORTS HIGH IN FUND5- Thermo Cups FRESH GREEN The National Multiple SclerOllis Society announced Thursday funds PEPPERS ... 2 For 19- ill 1963 were the highest ht the Iasl & Tumblers decade. In its annual report the So­ LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN ciety . reports funds at ",763,087. • 10'·39¢Pkg. Most of the money, 80 per cllllt, -MONEY REG.19cWITH 39".,.. ICE COLD WATERMELON J. Putnam went Into medical and research ORDIR! 11 COUPON pepar Fridev IS • • proerama. The rest went for re­ ,.. ONLY plnll around him search grants, field servicMI, In­ HIRII •• Lb. 39 _"'----~. • In st_ Paul. (orPl4ltion aP