-> ‘ ^ !' ^ .1’/ > 1 r. AT«rm|« paMy Nat Praaa Run . For Mie Wa«k llnded The Weather June 1, IMS reteeeet of D. a WeMhm BureM 13,920 IM r ead oool tonifht. liow hi Member eC^tte Audit the fiOe. lU eeday m ostly fm nnyead Burera of CSroulettoii mild. High 80 to 88 deifreea. Manchester^—A City o f Village Charm TOL. LXXXn, NO. 119 (Cleeslfled AdtwrtMeg ea Bag* M) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1968 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Evers Assumes Israel Prem ier Slaiu Brother’s t f t ResignsPosts Jackson Tasks Doubts Grow Soviet Pair JACKSON. Miss. (AP)— The brother of slain Medgar JERUSALEM, Israeli Sec­ W . Evers took over as Negro tor (AP)— David Ben-Gurion, civil rights champion in Mis­ prime minister almost con­ sissippi today and pledged to tinuously since Israel was To Try Spaceship Linkup work for "the equality of all founded in 1948, has resigned m en.” P" n m for personal reasons. Uneasy Jackson looked forward _ L __ A government spokesman said to the poesiblllty of more demon- he also will relinquish his seat straUons, such as the one on Sat­ In Parliament but m il remain as urday when hundreds of Negroes, State News Three Miles head of a caretaker government crying "We want the killer," until a new one 1s formed. charged police barricades . Speculation spread that the 7S- Although Charles Evers, 40- ■ • Roundup \ yearK>ld leader resigned Sunday year-old brother of the assassinat­ Between on because of criticism in Parliament ed field secretary of the National \ over his handling of a security Association for the Advancement f7 /^ ^case. But a communique Issued of Colored People, did not dis­ Blazes, Accidents *4 after a Cabinet meeting said Ben> close his policies in detail, the First Orbit Gihdon’s reasons for quitting were ferment in the Negro population "nors connected with any state was such that many onlookers had Claim Seven Lives problm or event." a sense of foreboding. MOSCOW (AP)—The So­ One k w c e said that when the Leaders of the Negro movement By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS * viet Union’s mi.xed space duet Cabinet je s s e d Ben-Ourlon for to break down racial barriers in Three persons died in fires logged its first 24 hours in the reasons he replied, "I am DAVIO BEN-OURION Jackson have proclaimed a policy joint orbit today. An official keeping them to myself.” of; “ Demonstrate, demonstrate, and three others in highway accidents over the weekend in announcement said that on The secUrity^rase Involved Ger­ the security chief had been vin­ demonstrate again." V man sclentlsU developing nuclear dicated and that this induced Ben- Sunday was a comparatively Connecticut. A seventh per­ their first orbit the male and rockets for the united Arab Re­ Ourlon to' resign. quiet. Sabbath. Four young Negro son was killed when his car female comrades moved to public. An Israeli Security chief, Once before, Ben-Gurion re­ women walked quietly into St. An­ slipped off a jack and fell on r t within three miles of each who never was identified, re­ signed under heavy fire but re­ drew’s Episcopal church, across him. other. signed last March bec^ se of dif­ turned to office after heading a the street from the governor's A fire in Easton Sunday morn­ As they entered the second day ferences with Ben-Guridn. Oppo­ caretaker government. He quit in mansion, and were allowed to re­ of their joint flight, the world's sition parties demanded an open January 1961, in a controversy in' main throughout the service. ing claimed the lives of Dr. Henry G. Schmidt Jr., 36, and hi.s two- first woman cosmonaut, Valen­ debate on the resignatiotlK but volvlng former Defense Minister However, at three other church­ tina Tereshkova, 26, still was Ben-Ourion’s Mapal party aVert- Pinhas Lavon. The dispute report es—Central Presbyterian, First year-old daughter, Catherine. Schmidt’s wife, Marian, and two fla.shlng smiles lor Soviet televi­ od It. edly centered on policy toward Baptist and First Christian—Ne­ sion and Lt. Col. Valery Bykov­ Two Israeli agents on trial m Egypt and a security leak. De­ groes were turned away. sons were not seriousiy hurt. Schmidt was chief pathologist sky performed a stunt in his Basel, Swltserland, on charges of tails were never disclosed. At St. Andrew’s the four Negro cabin. threatening a relative of a Ger­ \Ben-Gurlon has headed seven of girls, clad neatly in summer and director of laboratories at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Bridgeport. The woman cosmonaut sent a man scientist In Bgypt, testified the nine Israeli Cabinets since the frocks and carrying Bibles, lis­ salute to the United States. last week that Egyptian factories stato was founded in 1948. tened from a rear row as the The body of Arthur Hebert, 33, was found in his home in New Official announcements stUI were turning out nuclear rockets He took a respite in 1964 be rector, the Rev. Christoph Keller gave no indication of whether the to menace Israel; --------------- Jr., read a passage from the Britain Saturday by firemen who were sent to the scene. Police said pair would try a hookup in space The trial produced a feeling that (Oontteued on Page EUeven) First Epistle of John: and doubts have been gp'owing "If a man say I love God and Hebert’s mattress had caught fire, apparently from a cigarette, and that they will. hateth his brother, he is a liar; Russia’s Valentina Tereshkova, 26, and Lt. Col. Valery Bykovsky, 28, who are orbitiiiK The late afternoon announce­ for he that loveth not his brother he was suffocated by the smoke. A collision Involving a tractor- the earth today in separate spaceships, are shown shortly before Bykovsky was ment mentioned for the first time whom he hath seen, how can he that Miss Tereshkova and Bykov­ love God whom he hath not trailer and a car took the lives of launched. This picture was released today by Tass, the Soviet news agency. (AP Wire- Christine Radio, 17, and her 13- sky were only three miles apart 81 Nations’ Envoys seen?” photo.) on their first joint orbit Sunday, Noting man’s achievement’s in year-old sister, Vera, Saturday morning in Salisbury. a feat that appeared to duplicate space, the minister said; the flight of the Soviet apace "In the field of human rela­ State police said the two were tiding in . the back seat of their twins last August. tions, what have we accomplished Fairfield B cTy Tass, the Soviet news agency, At Funeral of Pope —fear, tension, suspicion and a father’s car when it skidded on rain-slicked R/t. 44 into the path of Scant Surprise Felt said: tragic death In the community." "According to more precise ^ ^ - - ■ — _____ _________________________ the truck. He referred to the so far un­ Driven Outside data about the trajectory of the solved killing of Medgar Evers by Ih e father and moUier, Mr. and VATICAN CITY (AP)— ^Envoys from around tHfe world he Mrs. Eugene Radio of Hartford, flight of the spaceship Vostok 6 a rifle bullet last Wednesday. He and Vostok 6, the smallest dis­ tried to guide toward peace mourned Pope John XXIII today was shot in the back as he were hospitalized in Sharon. By Tear Gas At Woman’s Orbit tance between them on the first at a solemn Requiem Mass under the soaring dome of St. stepped out of an automobile near A motorcycle with two men his home. aboard collided with a car in Sa­ circuit of the paired flight was Peter’s Basilica. FAIRFIELD (A P )—A 22-year- approximately 3.1 miles.” 78rd Lombard infantry regiment. The body of E.ybrs, a World lem Sunday, and the operator of An empty symbolic coffin was old Fairfield youth, brandishing a Tass also reported that up to 3 cm a somber black catafalque, Pope John’s unit when he was a War n veteran, sped today to the bike, James F. Toupee, 32, of pistol, was flushed out of a beach WASHINGTON (A P )— American military leaders are medical sergeant in World War I. Washington for burial in Arllng- Montvllle, was killed. keeping a watchful eye on the Soviet Union’s latest space p.m. Miss Tereshkova, 26, had ringed by 96 flickering candles. cottage by tear gas early today made 18 orbits in 26 hours in Sitting near the catafalque were Eugene Cardinal Tisserant, after keeping police at bay more venture— a feat that evoked little surprise or concern else­ French dean of the College of (Contihued on Page Seven) (Continued -on Page Seven) flight. Bykovsky at that time ,had the envoys of 81 nations and than fiour hours. where in the capital. completed his 49th orbit. He was world organisations. They In- Cardinals, led a slow procession "Of oardinals into the basilica, He had threatened to kill a girl A rendezvous of cosmonette a auspicious satellite were made, launched at 8. p.m. Friday. eluded Vice President Lyndon B'. friend, another youth and hlmseS' .VUehtlna Tereshkova with cos­ Moscow television brdaidcut Johnson of the United States, ^ s y wore woolen robes of an inspection would be desirable. mourning violet and simple capes before police arrested him. monaut Valery Bykovsky would Spaqe rendezvous could provide pictures of Miss Tereshkova and Prime Minister Sean Lemass of Donald M. Leonard was grabbed have high military significance. Bykovsky this afternoon. Ireland, Prince Albert of Belgium without their usual ermine trim.
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