
1 A . V'.

TRURSDAT, JUNE 11,1H4 #AG1 TWENTY-EIGHT ittanrliFBter lEttrafttg lirralb Avaraga Daily Nat Prasa B w War U h Week Juna S, 1SS4 About Town 1 3 ,9 9 0 XV'-iA ItanohMtter O ruig* msmbera Um am at tbs Aadtt wQl taav* Sunday at 9 a.m. by *nr»aa CSrsulathNi bua flram Oraiife Hall for a day yalue with Quality that’s Mmmehm twr •• A Ciiy o f Fiiiof# Chmrm outlns dt Camp Borgw in Win 2 ^ ▼OL. LXXXm , NO. 811 (TWKNTY PAGES) Waahlngton Lodge, LOL, will MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE IS, 1964 m PRICE meat tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Oraiye Hall. Tlie first degree ‘‘ Rare as a day in June!” wOl M exemplified. Canoe awards will be pre- GOP Convention Tonight, E ven ts ■eated Wednesday. June 17, at Budbiell Memorial Auditorium, A day in Juna is rara mostly bacausa it has mort to offar in way of plaas- Hartford, for pupils of the Bet- Igr-Jaae Turner Dance Studio. A In State Reversal by Scrantom ant waathar and ganarally, conditions'that laad to a happier way of lifa. 10>year award will be given to Delegate Struggle Looms Deborah Ransom. Five-year awards will be given to linda Hara, at Pinahurst, you will find conditions that giv# Tax Take Soars, Rogers, Susan St. Pierre, Lynn mj iHB AsaooiA'niD Ubsnl, whig of Um party, Pin-* Ths Connecticut delsgattoo (Sroasl, Kathy Quinn, Kathy you fina quality foods that provide greater satisfaction HAR’TFORD (AP) — isy SOM, normally goea uncommlttad to J Giorgio, Cheryl Casavant, and at thrifty prices, — you'll see we have more to ■upportsrs of Ambsasador national conventions, but has Tops Last Yearns Cathy Bryant, Beverly Hare Connecticut’s Republicans Hanry Cabot Lodge and Gov. consistently backed moderate or Announces Candidacy and Margaret Mahoney. offor —- liko a rara day in Juna. may be tossed in the tem­ Nslsm Rockstellsr have ex­ liberal candidates for ths pres­ HARTFORD (AP)—The pest of nstional GOP poli­ pressed diSsatlsfacUon with the idential nomination. CKbbons Assembly, Catholic state’s, tax take for the past tics today as they open allocation. They have formed-a The convention approves six 11 months topped $274 mil­ Ladles of Columbus, will hold U.S. CHOICE "cofUltlon of moderates” in an of the 16 delegates, usually act­ Its annual picnic Tuesday at their two-day state conven­ effort to exert tnnusncs on the ing on ths recommendation of lion, vaulting 7 per cent Offers GOP 1:80 p.m. at the home of Mrs. tion. convention. the state chairman. The other higher than one year ago. Elrmano Oaraventa, 100 N. The state organisaUon, al­ lb delegates are chosen by con­ The gain, State Tax Commis­ Lakewood CUele. Entertainment Backers of Gov. William W. ' j m u j n i n s L ready caught in a leadership Scranton of Pennsylvania have gressional districts. sioner John L. Sullivan sidd, ‘ A C h o i c e ’ will be by the Silk City Singers, struggle, may face further shak­ In addition to selecting the m case of rain, the event will not Joined the coallUon. / amounted to $18 million. And It ing when the convention selecta state’s delegation to the nation­ be held at die K ni^ts of Colum­ One of the coalition’s alms is should go still higher when sales delegates to the national con- p«saage of resoluttons that al convenUon, the Republicans tax collecUons for the April- Over B arry bus Kime. Members not con- venllon, meted may call Mrs.' Howard t / .. would instruct the state’s dele- will nominate a U.8. senator June are placed in the state’s and adopt a state platform. coffers. Hampton, 376 Bidwell St., or State Republican Chairman A. gaUoh to back progressive BAL’TTMORE, Md. (A P ) Searle Pinney announced in ad­ planks in the OOP platform at After the convenUon adjourns Some observers feel the M n . Salvators FUloramo, 876 ( r ■ ' -t Leg of Lamb — Gov. William W. S ^ n - S. Main St. vance that four of the 16 places the San Francisco convenUon. on Saturday, the State Central | bumper tax collections will Committee will meet to decide ' boost the state general fund sur- in the delegation will go to sup- ’The planks would Include sup­ ton of Pennsylvania today H m Kmanuel L u t h e r an porters of U.g. Sen. Barry Gold- port for civil righU, aid to the the struggle for the state chair-1 plus by two or three million dol- announced his candidacy Hebe’s the pick of the manahip. lars when State Comptroller Oiiuicli has (dianged the sched­ aged and aid to education and I for the Republican presi­ ule for its 'Vacation Bible new crop in U. S. grown The remaining 13 delegates continued support for the United Former Gov. John Lodge o f ! Raymond 8. Thatcher Issues his Westport is believed certain to next statement. His latest re­ dential nomination “ to of­ BohooL 'Hie classes will be held Will represent the moderate, or Nations. genuine spring lamb. win the Senate nomination. The : port revealed a surplus of over fer our party a choice.” dally from June 32 through only other announced candidate $17 million — largest in a dec- J«dy 3 from 9:16 to 11:46 a.m. Young, tender and pink The 46-year-old governor and ia Eugene SciUlse of Olaaton- ade. former congressman has been H ie family nighft program will meated. Whole or butt bury, a political newcomer. { Moat spectacular gain was saying for almost a year thrt be held on JtSy 1 at 7:30 pjn. Awarded Curved Bar LEG O LAMB half. Scalise is a field worker for i posted In the corporation bual- he would accept only a "sincara ratlMr than Friday of that ^ c e h ^ the curved bar. the top award in girl scouting, were these members of Cadette Erhard, Johnson the Connecticut Education As-1 ness tax which was good for a and honest draft.” week. ChUdren who have not SH? Andover in recent ceremony: (from left) Kathy Sheehan of sociatlon. i new high of $48.6 million — up In an llth-hour speech an* jet enrolled are welcome to do HUl Rd.; Charlotte Phelps of Townsend Rd.; Apryl Hoisington of Boston Hill Rd • Susan We have ■very tender Genuine Pinney Is the favorite, to win ! $4 million. ranged only Thursday night for ao an there are stffl vacancies Hebron Rd.. and Beth Verprauskus of Boston Hill Rd. Betsy Houle o f ’ Bunker Spring Lean Shoulder or Loin re-election as state chairman, Next came the cigarette tax the Republican State Conven­ Hill Rd. was not present for photograph. (Herald photo by Pinto) Lamb Chops which are now in but he faces a challenge from which blew $30 million info the tion of Maryland, Scranton de­ Discuss Red Pact two sides. heavy demand for outside grilling. state treasury — up $3.6 mil­ clared the Republican party "la The VFW AundUary will Mrs. James Thomson of 113 GROUND BEEF. . . CHICKENS. . . lion. Although the cigarette The annual picnic of the Citl' The executive committee of Howard E. Hausman of New in danger If we let an exclusion- ■poneor a card party at 8 p.m. Porter St., who is sailing aboard I Lean fore shanks of Iamb. health warning which came in zens' Antl-(3ommunl8t Commit Nutmeg Foreat, Tall Cedars of Britain has the backing of a fac­ minded minority dominate our domorrow at the post home. the "Sylvsmla” ’ on June 18 for One of our outdoor chefs offers When it comez to Chicken, (3iioken Parts and Ground Meata. ..It pays WASHINGTON (AP) — Chan-^sourcea conceded that reports January kept the gain from ex­ teO o f Connecticut will be held Lebanon, will meet Monday at tion led by former chairman Ed­ platform and choose our candi­ Scotland, was feted at a surprise eellor Ludwig Erhard of West from Moscow of ths imminent win H. May Jr. ceeding that reported, the fact dates.” Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m. at the 7:30 pjn. at the Masonic Tern-1 this favorite recipe for to drive a long way to be sure to get Plnehuret Quality. bon voyage party Monday by Germany arrivea in Washington signing of documents of "special that the cigarette tax was In­ "I have come here' to offer home of Edward J. McCallum pie. A late entry in the race is her co-workers at the cafeteria Jr., 2245 Nichols Ave., Strat- today amid reporta that ths significance” convinced them Horace Seely-Brown Jr. of Pom- creased from 6 to 6-cents was our party a choice. I reject the of Manchester High School, and LEAN CHUCK G RO U N D ...... lb. 79c Soviet Union la about to sign a they were wrong. j fret, a former congressman and sufficient to permit the tax take echo We have thus far been ford.\Those wishing information treaty with East Germany. received many ^ t s . She will may contact Frank Strelchun, The recreation committee ofi Later authoritlaUve sources, unsuccessful candidate for the here to rise, handed, the echo of fear, op re­ DIpIomaUc observers here ex­ return to this country the end 31A Garden Dr., a regional dis­ the Chamber of Commerce willj ROUND STEAK G RO U N D ...... lb.99c said Soviet Ambassador Ana- U.8. Senate two years ago. The motor carrier fuel tax action, the echo from the never- sponsor a golf outing Wednes­ pect it to take the form of a of August. trict leader of the commi/tee. LAMB SHISH KABOBS toly F. Dobrynin had told Sec­ Seely-Brown has offered hlm- produced almost $50 million never land that puts our nation Members of the Ladies of St. day at the Manchester Country I 8 in 1 BLEND OF BEEF, PORK, VEAL ...... lb.79c treaty of friendahip, much like retary of State Dean Rusk aclf as a compromise choice be­ over the past 11-month spcm to backward to a lesser place in James will meet at the John F. Clm Tee-off time is set for 101 Tangy marinade adds a flavor lift. the pacts Moscow already has Wednesday that the Soviet Un­ tween Pinney and Hausman. power a gain of $2.5 million. the world of free men,” he Tierney Funeral Home. 219 W. The first homecoming pro­ a.m. There will be a buffet LEAN BEEF PATTIES, 4 to 6 to a Lb...... Ib. 89c with a number of Its satellites. ion intends to conclude a treaty However, this levy goes Into the said. gram for alumni of Northamp­ Boneless lamb leg cut in 2-inch Center St., at 7:46 tonight to pay served at 6:30 p.m. at which | But whatever the nature with East Germany. (See Page Thirteen) highway fund rather than the Scranton's announcement puta respects to Mrs. Oglore White, ton (Mass.) Commercial Col­ time prizes and trophies will be| cubes FRAKKFURT8 FROM OROTE, 1st PRIZE, DUBUQUE, of the treaty, the Soviet Union In reporting this the sources state's general fund where other him in direct opposition to Sen. who was a member. lege will be held Saturday at 4 awarded. Golfers and non-golf­ Pinehurst Marinade MORRELL and STAHL MEYER. has been forewarned that the made the following statement: taxes collected by commissioner Barry Goldwater, considered by p;m. There will be a smorgas­ ers may make reservations fori 5 medium onions United States wUl hold it rss- "The conclusion or implemen­ are dumped. many political experts to hava bord at 6:15 and dancing at 8. msibls for honoring previous John Jackson of New London the supper by calling the Cham-1 4 medium green peppers Special this week Dubuque F ranks...... Ib. 69c 2 lbs. $1.10 tation of this treaty by the Sov­ Party Pricks Other sizeable gains came the GOP nomination virtually I reference librarian at Mary Alumni from the Manchester her of Commerce office. ast-West agreements on Berlin iet Union cannot in any case af­ from the following le'viea: sewed up. area may contact Miss Barba,ra 8 medium tomatoes, quartered and Germany. Oieney Library, was recently e fect the legal obligations and Alcoholic beverages, up $613,. The Pennsylvania govtrnov elected representative-at-large Zillnska.s, 399 Oakland St., for Manchester Lodge of Masons! ’This will be the third meet­ responslbllUies of the Soviet Un­ joins a field of candidates in­ further infonnatlon. Add lamb cubes to marinade and With berry season starting we again feature Domino’s finest ing between President Johnson Hopefuls for 038; gas and electric compan­ of the Connecticut Library As will meet at 7 tonight at the ion under agreements and ar­ ies, up $422,783; insurance, up cluding Gov. Nelson A. Rocke­ soclatlon. Masonic Temple, and then pro­ stir to coat. Let stand in refrigera­ granulated sugar at a low price. and Erhard since the two be­ rangements between the three feller of New York, Sen. Mar­ came the heads of their govern­ $203,966; telephone, up $502,- The Salvation Army will c/n - ceed to the Holmes Funeral tor for 2 days, turning meat sev­ Western powers and the Soviet 000. ^ garet Chase Smith of Maine and duct an open air service to­ Home, 400 Main St., to conduct ments last fall. ’The Eaat Oar- State Senate eral times. Peel and quarter onions; Union on the subject of Berlin Only sizeable drop was post­ former Minnesota Gov. Harold night at 7:30 at Main and Birch a Masonic memorial service at Buui-Soviet treaty is sure to and Germany. E. Stassen. Sts. MaJ. E. Walter Lamie will 7:30 for David McKee, who was | make each quarter into a “cup” by dominate their talks. ‘ "The Soviet Union remains By THE ABSOCSAIVD PWG88 ed by the Oonnecttout estate tax which slumped by almost ScranUm’s speesh aan M be the speaker. a member. removing a few center leaves. Cut Earlier this week, American responsible to carry out theaa Siurprlses were few last nJgtit GOV. WILUAM SCRANTON minutes. SUGAR 5i 59 sources were skeptical that Sov­ ■a Democratic oonventiona ki $672,000. the four sides off the green pep­ oblintlons and reeponaibllUlee. "(?an We in good eonaclence State finance officials expect •"piccours PIZZA p a l a c e "! pers. From each side carve an oval. iet premier Khrushchev would “ The U.S. government con­ Oosuieotiout’a multi-town sena­ turn our backs on the century- rock the boat In this period of siders that the government of torial dletricta nominated ean- tex collections to continue to (fid progressive history ef our 867% m a i n M S E E T TEL. 689-8009 Cwne to Pinehurst for Osrto and Parafln Wax. I (This prevents burned comers on Bast-West thaw by concluding a the Federal Rapublic o( Ger­ didates for the State Senate. balloon over the remaining 13 House Votes party?” Scranton asked. Next to Poet fMRoe the finished kabobs. On 4 skewers spectacular agreement vnth many ia the only German gov- Demoorats, who eim trol. State’s two-year Scranton Mission: "You and I know we cannot. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL (about 12 inches long) string Walter IRbrlchL Bast German ernmant frealy and legitimately Beaata by virtue of thair fMoal run which terminate Incrense in " I ttelieve that as members le e our display o8 Maxwell House Coffee with the Worid’e Fair thame OotomunIst''t«Mnr and chief of strength in the oiUes, can claim June 80, 1966. of a party more than MO years 1st Anniversary ' pieces of onion, lamb, green pep­ state. ’Thursday night ttiaaa (Bee Page H uns) per and tomato (put a piece of and plek up eoupona ta t contest.. .you may win a valuable p rise... on ly eight sen ators from multl- They expect the broad fed­ old we have no right to sell out NORTH METHODIST CHURCH toum districts. eral tax cuts, whioh went Into to the m(xlern expediencies of to make it easy tor you to enter we offer at a special low price Federal P a y Quick Unity Move onion on the skewer first to season Twelve of the Republican effect earlier this year, to sup­ the easy answer, the fast draw, FREE FREE ! SATURDAY, JUNE 13,196* skewer). Brush meat and veger pturty's 13 state senators are ply much of the upward pres­ the quick solution.” from the muHl-town districts. sure. WASHINGTON (AP) — Fatter Scranton said the party he tables with the marinade. Broil 4‘ WASHINGTON (AP) — Gov.^ The report of Scranton’s move S:30 P.M . TO 7SM) P.M. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE lb. can 79c Race Tension Easing Of the right Incumbent Dem­ If the state can complete its pay checks for most federal represents was born in trouMed FAMILY-SIZE COCA-COLA to 5 inches from heat for 16 min­ William W. Scranton appears capped a fitful week for the Re-1 times. HAM, POTATO SALAD, COLE SLAW, ROLLS, MILK, utes. Turn and brush with the _ ^ , (N o Limit) ocrats six sought re-nomination two-year fiscal period with a workers were in prospect today Save at least 10c can. last night. general fund surplus of around after House passage of a p a y ! teady to throw himself in front publicans and dramatics sur-1 “ i say that the true spirit of WITH EACH PIZZA STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. SERVED FAMILY STYLE marinade. Broil 10 minutes longer. rounding Scranton at the gov- i the Republican party today Falling in his bid was the $20 million, this could lessen raise bill that includes $7,500-a- of Sen. Barry Goldwater's band' AND THIS AD | Makes 4 servings. Serve on rice, if Maxwell House Instant Coffee 1 Year After Turmoil incumbent in the l»th diairiot. the pressure on higher tax rates ernors' conference at Cleveland. I stands equally dedicated to pre- ADULTS 81.50—CHILDREN UNDRR 1*, 85e / year increases for members of wagon. Scranton obviously was dis- serving this naUon from tha CONTENTS ONLY , ______CALL 648-8269 FOR RESERVAllQN S desired. Sen. J. Albert Gaffney of Nor­ for the 1965-67 period. Congress. wich. But if he hopes to stop it — abused with the performance dry-rot of phony liberalism or (No limit) 10 oz jar... save 18c on this special pack, jar $1.60 By the surprisingly large mar­ and nht be flattened himself — former President Dwight D. Eis- the slow death of Mind reac- EDITOR’S NOTE—Just a year'i'whlte waltrsM promptly serves He kwpt a otoee eontest to I a l l w e e k ' ago, Negroes were carrying them. Roofers End Strike gin of 243 to 157 the House re­ he will have to win the backing enhower put on in first urging Won.” he said, Pinehorat Marinade their protests into the streets of Nobody paya any attention. versed its earlier defeat of a of the divergent Republican him to make himself more Scranton took note of what he I ONE PER FAMILY ^ (See Page Ten) BRIDGEPORT (AP) - Some similar bill and cleared the way Birmingham. The city was on At the b u e M l parte, Negroea 186 area roofers will return to forces expressing concern at the available for the nomination and termed a pretention of soma the brink of a racial explosion. and whites alt together in the for Senate action on the $633- idea of having the conservative then at the last moment—call- that the choice of a candidate Combine Vi cup salad oil, V4 cup Where can you buy this fine crabmeat at such a low price? work Monday after voting to­ million package of pay boosts. lemon juice, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tea­ Reiman Morin covered the dem­ atanda, cheering the Birming­ day to acce^ a two-year con­ Goldwater lead the GOP ticket ing him up to say he didn’t want has already been made before onstrations in June, 1963, and ham Barons. Four of the Barone Rights Bill Foes tract and end a strike which It Includes $7,500-a-year raises in the fall. Scranton to Join in any cabal the convention in San Fran- spoon crushed oregano, tea- the disorders that broke out in are Negroea. The team la having began June 1 against 14 area for judges, Cabinet officers and And the hour is late. ■gainst any candidate, meaning cisco. s i^ n pepper and 1 clove garlic, GEISHA CRAB MEAT can 89c September when the Birmity- a great season, Hnanclally, and roofing contractors. top federal executives, and in­ Goldwater, with 543 delegates Goldwater. Abandon Hopes creases ranging from 22.5 per "I say,” he continued,;..that ham schools were integrated, ui in the atandinga. Eighty-seven members of lo­ publicly committed to vote for Scranton had gone to Cleve­ minced. Use to marinate lamb or Limit 6 Cana cent at the top to 1.6 per cent WE RETAIL this story, he takes a look at cal 12, Roofers Unimi, met in him at the national convention land full of Eisenhower-inspired (Bee Page Bight) beef— enough for 8 to 3V^ pounds. At Legion Field, Evangeliat at the bottom for 1.7 million Birmingham IS months after the WASHINGTON (AP)—South­ union offices here shortly after opening a month from Saturday enthusiasm. He was prepared MOST POPULAR Billy Graham preaches to 85,(XX) ern foes of the civil rights bill government workers. troubles began. 10 a.m. today. The vote came is driving for tne party’s presi­ to announce his active candi­ A special on 65c jars olives at 49c. Buy Hood Pinehurst m^k people. The audience, the choir, have virtually abandoned hope the staff of ushers are bn- an hour and a hedf later after The average letter carrier dential nomination on tse first dacy. But he was so chilled by If you want your lamb leg boned By RBLMAN MORIN of winning adoption of any ad­ the contractors’ association’ ot­ would get a 6.6 per cent boost ballot. at 69c gal. Contents Md save 85c on giant size Cold Water All tagnUed. ditional amendments of conse­ the telephone call from Eisen­ RCA . . . or semi-boned please call our AP Special Oorreapondent Three Negroea receive dipk>- ter had been discussed. The of $325 a year and the average The Pennsylvania governor hower that he confided to friends BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (A P)- quence. vote was 54 to 82. There was government typist and file clerk, has only 86 delegates, and 866 he was so confused in television Bulletins meat men in advance . . . it takes at $1.95. Save when you buy Shurfine Canned Soda by the mas along with the white stu­ Sen. Richard B. Russell, D - THE BEST Three Negro girls take seats at dents _ in graduation 6eremoniee one abstention. ^ i *'■6 needed for nomination. and news conference appear- called from AP Wires WHIRLPOOL extra time for boning and we don’t Ga.. leader of the Dixie forces, WASHER dozen at $1.00. the lunch counter in a Birm lng-lit to;o"high schools. Thell-‘''p '^ Union members will receive The bill Is■ expected to be one Previou’Sly Scranton had said ances that he presented the pic- want to make you wait. x ham department store. aald today that the bill’s sup­ a 30-cent houriy increase start­ of the first called up in the Sen­ he would accept the nominatiofi | ------auditorium. No porters evidently are not going TTiey order soft drinks. Tha incidents. ing Monday and another 30 ate after It completes action on only if drafted. (See Page Ten) KING ARR.A1GNED to tiUce any more amendments. cents June 1, 1965. The pact the civil rights bill, and no dif­ Negroes sit on nine of the 10 ST. AUOU.STINE, F 1 a. and This was confirmed by Sen. will expire May 81, 1968. Roof- ficulties are foreseen in its pas­ subcommittees of the commun­ Hubert H. Humifiirey, D-Minn., (AP) — IW. Martin Luther era at present receive $4.60 an sage. King Jr. and fellow Integra­ REDUCED ity affaire committee, a biracial the bill’s floor manager. He said hour. A number of considerations group set up to study, not only In a separate inteiView that tion leaders were brought to News Tidbits prompted the House to pass the the St. Johns County Oourt- racial problems, but city ad­ there might be some technical pay bill this time after defeat­ Navy Report Breaks from the AP Wires ministration in general. changes but nothing of sub­ Asks Widote Benefits houee today for arraignment Wholesale The Rest Pinehurst ing one, 222 to 184, last March. on chargee stemming from Two Negroes ran for constable stance. CHESHIRE (AP) — The The size of the proposed con­ • ♦ in a recent election. They lost "1 don't think we have much president of the Police Com­ their attempt to eat In a seg­ gressional raise was scaled regated restaurant. King; an- ’The House Appropriatlona to whites, but one race was chance on any of our amend­ missioners Association of Con­ down from $10,(X)0 a year to Pentagon Censorship 1962 Olds 2-Door Hardtop. Power steering, brakes BONELESS OVEN ROASTS Conunittee recommends "moth' close—1,641 to 1,894. ments,” Russell said, but he necticut says policemen should otber Negro, the Rev. Ralph $7,600 and it was made effec­ D. Abernathy; and . a whlta » 2 0 8 ® ® Md window^ power seat, auto, trans., ^ 2 5 9 3 balling” of the Pinto atomic A new baulk employs Negro added that the Southerners will be given adequate insurance tive next January, Instead of R. and H., whitewall tires. powered mlasUe prognun "tm- man, Boston University Chap­ Our boneless silver tip, chef cut and eye round roaata, lain William England, said It tU such time as there is a (See Page Seven) (See Page Eight) (See Page Eight) (See Page Three) WASHINGTON (AP) — T7ie*United States notified Britain military eyetem and require­ Pentagon was caught with its that some American troops was hot In Jail Thursday night cut from the round and sirloin tip, have proved so •FUUllLi.CAFACfPY 1962 Chevrolet Impala 2-Door Hardtop. A ment for It." . . . A newly ar­ censorship down today. would be assigned to an allied where they had been held. They needed.shaves. King told- R., H., powerglide, power steering. a U 9 U popular that our meat men have decided to offer some rived refugee In Miami, Fla. Throughout last winter’s Cy­ peacekeeping force on Cyprus, tells of a report In Cuba that prus fcrlsis—-and in the current provided certain conditions were newsmen lie remained In jail • TWO S f EEDS innall boneless chudc oven roast cuts.. .Supply will be ■lx offlcen of Premier Fidel flareup as well—the Defense De­ met. This 'never came about, since he was booked. This eon- 1962 Tempest 4-Door Scdian. ITydn- , Castro’s armed forces were ar­ partment refused to say wheth­ and the United Nations took tradlrted a Mtatement by Sheriff L. O. Dsvls that King limited until we determine the demand... rested Sunday night for trying er U.S. 6th' Fleet units had over the peacekeeping Job with matic, R., H„ whitewall tires. No. 1795A. was taken elsewhere trmpo- • THREE CYCLES (IneliMlinq wcKh-'n-WMr) to defect. moved into position off the is­ troops from smaller nations. rarily because of threats on BONELESS 3% to 4 Lb. ’The Student AdmlsalMu CeU' land. 1960 Olds 4-Door Hardtop. R., H., power brakes and ter In New York says about (See Page Nine) the Integration leader's Ufa. • BYE WASH AND RINSE TEMPS. "We do not discuss move­ Davis would not say where. storing,•••ebP powergwvvura windows,TW ailUVTT ^ ^ 3 7 0 SAVOY OVEN ROAST Ib. 99c 60,000 places are'still open In ments of units within a fleet whitewall tires. No. 1365B. next semester’e freshmen Claes­ area,” la the Pentagon’s stock es of two-year and four-year SEES CYPRUS TALKS statement. WASHINGTON (AP)—I'n- *1 WATER LEVELS colleges . . . One of New York’s Police Arrest 2 Boneless, 2 to IVt lbs. But the editors of an official dersecretary of State Georga 1959 PonUac CataUna 4-Door Hardtop. R., H., pow­ T e s h i V a Unlvenrity’e 400 Navy publication evidently had graduates is Sister Bonaven- In Motel Death W. Ball left open today, af­ • FULL-TIME DISPENSER AND FILTER er steering and brakes, whitewall tires. R A 1 A SCOTCH OVEN ROAST Ib. f 1.29 not heard. ter a conference with Presi­ ture KraJewskI, the first Ro­ The June issue of Naval Avl- Two-tone paint. No. 1644C. | U ICEBERC LETTUCE man Gatholir nun to receive a dent Johnson, the ptSMiblllty aUon News carried a chatty lit­ HARTFORD (AP)— Clyde that the prime ministers of • PO RCiUm TOP AND TUI degree from the Orthodox Jew­ tle item which spoke of a task Dixon, 43. of Mansfield returns ish tchool. Greece and Turkey may visit 1958 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan. Bonoloss, 2 to 3 lbs. large head 16c 2 heads 31c force "standing off Cyprus since to Connecticut today to face Washington In a new effort ta Col. Stlg Wenneretrom of the hostiliUea erupted earlier this charges arising from the abor­ Auto, trans., R „ H., 6 cylinder. Swedish air force Is eenteno^ cool off the Cyprus erisla. No. 1899A. CORONET OVEN ROAST Ib. $1.29 year." tion death of a 28-year-oId Ball, who held a news con- - Sa v e lOe w h e n y o u b u y to life In prison for spftng Topping the item was a pic­ mother of two. ■galnet Sweden tor the Soviet forenoe at the White House, Annual Pro-lnvontory « ture of a landing craft crammed Dixon, an employe of the Union. . . . Premier Bouvanna also reported that his leeeai 1957 Cadillac 4-Door Hardtop. with men, bound for a visit, to state school for the mentally meeting In Paris with nvarh Individual ^ REGINA Phouma of Laos eays that U.S. the giant nuclear-powesed car­ Ante, trans., R., H., power steering reconnaissance flights over cen­ retarded, gave hlniself up to President CharlM De Gaulla rier Ehiterprlse in the back­ authorities in Morgantown. W showed that the Ualtad CLEARANCE SALE and brakes,.whitewall tires. CORONET STEAKS Ib. $1.29 WINE VINEGAR tral Laos will resume In the ground. nexUday or two because "Ina- Va., last night after speaking States and Fraaoe share Sed or »»rlic fl>vor.d portant movemento” at Oom- "These Marines from Task on the telephone to )iis wife “very wide areea of agree- ENDS JUNE SO mnnlet forces are naSeF way Force 63,> which stands watch and to MaJ. Samuel Rome, chief ment on objectlveo” l*SM th- Vory Loan theen. near Cyprus, get underway for of state police detectives. east Asia. Ball eoneeded tkaam The American-Medical Aaao- first liberty in 62 days,’’ the out­ "He went as far as he could w ere policy dlfferencee ever olation Is criticised by several line read. and then ran out of steam,’’ the meaaa to reach those oh- m a n y o t h e r REMS REDUCED DELUXE BARBECUE RIBS OF BEEF Ib. 69e The arUole spoke of six troop Jectivee, but he said De OauUe ^our dV.r th. food health offlclala for an *inad»- Rome said last night. He said gnats" stand on the proMena of ships, indicating at least a full Dixon would be back in O n - aad American offlclala agrae Marine battalion landing team that the Southeast Asia proh- . from Kraft to K w 'i to Wishbone to Good eigarotte smoking and health. necUout by late today. PAUL DODGE had been poised off Cyprus dur­ Soaions and many others. . . . Negro leaders in Tuacalooaia, lem "relutta from aggrseatve ing the criaia which broke out He faces charges at ipan- Coiuiiiunlst efforto flahteroA Ala. teiaporaiily aba ad on plan slaughter and conspiring to to naew protest marches until last January when Greek and la Haaol, with seme aetoil- Turkish C yi^ots began killing commit an abortion. mmea from Pahlag." BnBviNS they get a .federal court ruling ‘IlM oharges aroro from the an a raquaatad injunctloa each other, ■akad whether repoHs RmS Potterton’s There was a report at tha death of Mrs. Geraldine San- Tarim* had boea ea the PONTIAC, INC. agaiitot police interference. Montana Flood Forms Waterfall tors of Ooventry. Hie nude ISO CENTER ST^-COR. OP CHURCH GdV. n u l B. Johnaon o f lOs- time that U.S. Marines were on ef lavadlag Cyptnm fritfefli' Flood WBtors o i , ths Teton River which inundated body of Mrs. Saatora was found slsstert vetoes a bUl which ing rapidly in soime areas of the state, but in Shelby, the verge at landing on Cyprua, aaat dBiga weie A73 MAIN 8'nUSET--MANCX|E81VR Cornfir Main and Turnpike and the White Houm said that doubled up on the floor ef a Pinehurst Grocery «ou|d have allowed the northern Montana ocHnmuniiw o l Choteau wash* near the Canadian border, residents worked today IMak th tn Itoa beam ed fsrt a section of roadway in the residwtial area, President Johnaon eeariidared Nonrieb ftotol- Tueaday, sasm fsm m ra wtthia " Open Hiurs. and P it tUl f sandbagging two large farm reservoirs. (AP Pho- this rMMTt a "diaaarviee." tas hMSWBfllNB Ih Fnmioc s Flood vrsten are psoed- ^oisx.) At ena ataga hi thi^ esMs. Hw P s s fSBs' ^ ' .1:'. / 1 % 'i: ■ ' '\ ■ , ' i

.\ HANCHESTEH EVENING HERALD, HANCRESTISR, CONN., FRtDAT, JUNK I t 1M4 TWO MAKCHESnCR BVBNINO HtaULD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 12. 1M 4 mala for summer wertedays and weekends. G r a d u a te s Sheinwold on Bridge V. Sisterhood Seats WlMt’s Piaylngr 13 House Votes Haldemans Head Stantowtou — "Take Her She's Mine," starring Hans DON’T PLAT BRIDOU TONIGHT thru SATURDAY Slate at Dinner O f S c h o o l ^ O f A c a d e m y AGAINST MIND READERS Both rtdsi valasrhU* TV-Radio Tonight Conreld closes tomorrow; Elea­ n o r t h ir«f! liter ease in nor PowelJ’s all-star Holly­ ...TAsBdMRyAwBPdBl Mra. Hobart M. Stone 80 But­ Mr. and Mrs. ItoOaid B. Hal- ao I eag Thirteen Manciieeter girls Ry ALFRED SHEINWOLD BONANZA'I wood Show opens Monday. Nattoaol Mob' s Teaia Ghamptea 9 A 105 ternut Rd., VMM inatitll$d M deman of $L-^estintoater RA Oakdale — Martha Wright graduated from Mount St Jo­ 0 Q85S Federal P ay 88 at 287 . w # 4 m t m » If the United States lo aoek- preaidant Of Uie Siatbrliood of wer# tpstbiled u co-presidents opeiu the 1964 season in seph Academy at commence­ _____ « J » 4 2 Television T n r a p I k «. Tempi# Beth Sholain at the An- of .the Highland Park School TER, Com., oppoatta Bw "Sound of Music" tomorrow ment ceremonies in West Hart­ ing volunteers for a trip to 8:00 (8) Big 8 Theater 7:80 13-13) Great Adveatura « fren Pag# Oae) (33) n im Parindo, where I oaa get By HOWIE HOLCOMB night through June 27. ford June 8, with the Rev. John Mars, they needn’t count oh itual Donor Dtafiar at th# Tem­ (t) Newe ^ A at the annual mooting hold ple. (30) Maverick (lu-30) International Shew a apeetol cut Savor aged F. Hackett, D.D., presiding. (18) In the Public latereat (30-40) Doetry recently. Old Sturbridge Village — An­ me. I’ve elreedy been there, 0 9 7 thia year, making it easier for glrtoto gtoak, tortcod pota­ nual Militia Day featuring the Miss Micliaela Ann Collins, Mra. SUfie la a member of members to vote for it. (M) W hale New (34) A Time to DaaOe Also installed with the Hal­ Apparently in retaliation for recent stories concera- end I didn’t epjoy it. How can « MIO * A 5 S the advlinry commtttae of the (40) Laramlf 8:00 (M) Unlvereity Byfhphony demans were Frederick O. Ed­ to, ertap green ealad wtfli Mattatuck Drum Band of Wa- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John w a u m Of major Importance in the (10) Eye-Dcntify In* the high cost of dating, the World’s Fair publicity you play brldga with a mind- Manoheater Community OoUaga 8:80 wards, vice president; Mrs. Ed­ t v U j dregotag and a Mg terbury and several Odontal E. Collins o f 52 Hilltop Dr., will A A I view of the bUl’s backers, how- lendor and St., will attend St. Anselm’s Back on Earth I’d expect to aerved aa chairman of the Moth- wise to vote ralaes for Uiem- (18) U(e o( Riley 10:00 (3-13) Alfred Hitchcock the nominating committee. Hartt School of Music tomor­ (34) Dog EUQUette (10-32-30) Jack Paar Die teaaonable coat of food; eat­ pageantry will all be there College oftNursing, Manchester, make this contract about nine where I fsn steal a trick when ora’ March for Polio for two selvea and then face the elector­ Committee chairmen for the row evening at 8:15, Millard ( 3) Waller CroHkltc (8-30-40) Fight o( Week coming year will be Miss Har­ ing ia not a luxury, they aay. when the Royal Irish Brigade, N. H. times out of ten. On Mars, I need it> yeara and aerved on the Mary ate. (10-33:80) kmitley-BriBkley 10:46 (8-30-40) Make That Spar* According to a survey—made complete with music, piper.s Auditorium; Greater Hartford Miss Jane Kathleen Devan- where everybody is a telepath, Dally Questiau Qieney Library board. Her hua- Strong support from President 8:46 (30) R< Co'ochran ■ 11:00 ( 3-8-10-12-23-3IV40) Newt. riett Atwood, Mrs. R. Eld red and dancers, enter the West Youth Orchestra concert Sun­ band ia on the Mancheater 7:00 (13-21^ 1 NeWi Sporte and Sport*. Weather Doyle and Eugene Montany, del­ by the Fair — more than 50 per ney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I was licked before I staiited. Partser opens wHh 1 N.T.(18 Johnson also helped put the bill Weather (18) SubTCriptlon 7!V cent of the food .service facil- Springfield arena. day afternoon, 3:30, Millard John F. Devanney of 70 Porter Heads Council "You didn’t have an Earth- 18 points, aad ttie next player Board of Directora. over this Ume, as did a power­ ( 3) Death Valley Dare 11:16 (30) Tonight Show (C) egates to the Manchester PTA Council; Mrs. Merrill B. Rubl- Itlea offer items at prices rang­ The Royal Canadian Mounted Auditorium. St., will attend the University Mrs. John Scheibenpdug of man’s chancs," they told me paaaes. Yea hold: Spades. t-O- Othera Inatalled are Mra. Ray­ ful lobbying effort by the postal (10) M Squad (40) Steve Alien (18) Suba^ptlon TV (13) Chri, aaric now, fine arts; Mrs. Thure C. ing from 25 cents to $1.50. Six­ Police and their famed musical of Connecticut nursing school 281 School St. was recently in­ later. 4-S; Hearts, Q-A4-8; Dtamoads, “ UUea af the mond Beller and Mra. Sanford unions. (34) What’e New (3) Movie ride, a rodeo featuring TV star at Storra. West pened the queen of Plepler, vice praaidenta, coor­ An amendment designed to (30) Hall Order Maiket 11:30 (13) Movie Blomberg and Mrs. Robert J. ty-six food dispensaries with a stalled as president of the Man­ A-4; dubs. A-6-S. Lloyd Jr., flyeri^; Mrs. Robert HamsoR’s seating capacity of 13,001 fail Dale Robertson and Arthur Mias Carolanne Gryk, daugh­ spadee,. Tliat’s another trouble What do you sayf dinating educational aoUvitiea; eliminate the pain of voting for 7:16 (32) yVm 11:30 (10-22) Tonight Show (C> Erhard, Johnson chester Council of Catholic (30) Sports Camera (8) Movie C. Dennison, hospitality. Your in this category. Godfrey, equally well known as ter of Atty. and Mrs. Anthony with bridge on Mars. They al­ Answer; Bid two clube, the Mrs. George Sloeaberg and Mra. Its own pay raises in the future Women. Miss Mary Fraher, a ways make the best opening Joseph GotUieb, vice praaidenta was adopted b)- the House Thurs­ SEE SATURDAY'S TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE LlSTtNG Also, Mrs. Neil, H. Ellis, legis­ .‘tnack bars located through­ a radio-TV host and as a horse Meet on Treaty J. Gryk, of 37 Academy 8t„ will Staymsn Convention. This asks DOWNTOWN fancier, are other stars sched­ major in English at Boston Col­ past president of the council, lead. In charge of fellowshtp; Mrs. day. It was offered by Rep. Mor­ lative; Mrs. Edwin E. Sage Jr., out the groimds but without partner to show a major suit, uled to appear during the 1964 lege. was the installing officer. I could expect to win two if he has one. You will raise to Daniel B. Moaler, vice president ris K. Udall, D-Ariz:, and would Mrs. 8. Thomas Leone and Mrs. Stationers seating capacity are not in­ Exposition from Sept. 19 to 27. (Conttnued from Page One) Mies Catherine Clarke Ham­ Assisting the new president spades, two hearts, and four game in a major If he bids In charge ot ways and means. provide automatic increases for N. L. Krascella, library; Mrs. cluded. A program and ticket infor­ mond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. during the 1964-86 season will diamonds fairly easily. The one; otherwise you will raise to Also, Mrs. Marvin Petr, treas- Congress whenever the top civil Radio Harold G. Slater and Mrs. Al­ T^he survey also found 22 res­ constituted and therefore en­ Joseph F. Hammond of 62 Oak- be Mrs. George Andrews of St. trouble 1s that one spade stop­ three notrump. urer; Mrs. Bernard Aptni*. cor­ service grade gets a raise. fred J. KargI, membership; mation on the above stars is (Thla HsUng Includes only tboae news broadcast* of 10 or IS OPEN taurants in the $1.50 to $3 available now by writing to the titled to speak for the German wood Rd., will major in biology Bridget’s Church as first vice per had to go at the first trick. responding aecyetary; Mrs. Ber­ The fop level is historically Mrs. George I^tz Jr., program, range, 11 charging from $3 to Exposition, We»t Springfield, people in international affairs. at Emmanuel College, Boston. pre.sident; Mrs. William Hes- If I then knocked out the ace For Sheinwold’s 18 - page nard Krutt, financial secretary; geared to congressional salaries minute length. Some atatton* carry other ehort newacasta). and Mrs. David M. Cjaldwell Jr., MONDAYS M 50 to $S category and 13 Mass. "The U.S. government does Maas. keth of the CSiurch of the As­ of diamonds, they’d return a booklet. "A Pocket Guide to Mrs. Barry Trabits, recording and has been frozen at $20,000 WDBC—1889 7:00 Ken Griffin publicity. sharing over $S. Outdoor Coaoerts not recognize Uie East German Miss Kathleen Anne Lacroix, sumption, second vice president; spade to force out my other Bridge," send 60 cents to secretary. while the members' pay remains f:UU Long John 14 ah* (0:00 Mad Daddy Show YEAR 'ROUND regime nor the existence of a 8:00 Dick Roblnaoa WINF—1239 Specific places cited are 25 daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Philopena of St. stopper in spades. Bridge Book, Manchester Eve. Named aa board members for $22,500. The bill would Increase 8:00 Yankee* v*. White Sox (9) Five outdoor concerts are state in Caatem Germany. It re­ lO-j New, Sign Ott Brass Rail food centers, the Mrs. Robert LaCroix of 25 James’ Church, third vice pres­ This would limit me to eight Herald, Box 8818, Grand Ontral 1984-1968 are Mra. Jules Karp, it to $24,500 and Udall’s amend­ W H A t-* ie 11:00 Mu*ir In Relax By scheduled this summer at Yale mains the goal of U.S. policy to h-aay Ed Shoi. 13:16 Sign Off Chun King Inn, 600 seats and Overland St., will major In so­ ident; Mrs. Lewis Orlowski of tricks. Whenever I tried to de­ Station, New York 17, N.T. Mrs. Milton GotUieb, Mra. ment writes a formula provid­ o Rubber Stamp* Bowl, sponsored by the New achieve the reunlficaDon of all velop a club trick, the enemy ing for maintaining the ratio be­ 6:3« New, .Weathet and Sports k 90-cent dinner, and a com­ Haven Jaycees. They Include: ciology at Mt. St. Mary College, the Assumption parish, record­ Oopyrigtat 1984 David Kahn, Mrs. Joseph Kop- 7:0u P M o r m Germans." Hooksett, N. H. ing secretary, and Mrs. John could take the ace of clubs Oenerai Features Oorp. man and Mrs. Max Orosaman. tween that and congressional 7:15 Ed Hyne, Show o Legal Forms plete steak dinner in the Wls- June 27, music of Hsnry Man- American specialists on Ger- 10:80 Miss Leslie Sue Reardon, Franzosa of St. Bridget's and the rest of the spades. Rabbi Leon Wind was the In- pay through future civil service Tonight At Mv Place o Filing SuppUeo oonain Pavilion for $1.19. clnl and the New Christy Min­ man affairs said privately they Increases—which are also voted 1-30 Sign on strels; July 11, Victor Borge; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fran­ Church, treastirer. Out On A Steal alalling officer. wnv—t*g* But they don’t say anything see no reason to be alarmed by by Congress. 6:00 New,. Weatner Sport# July 25, Chad Mitchell Trio and cis Reardon of 14 Clinton St., The Rev. Philip Hussey of St. I tried my familiar Earthy STANLEY WARNER A program by the Hartford CHILD'S about how long the wait ia to a treaty provided it does not go will attend St. Francis Hospital Bartholomew's Church, chaplain tactica I won the first trick in Dancing Ballet Co. and Hartford Modem 6:30 Financial Report get to the seats and the food. Roger Williams; Aug. 8, Peter, beyond the scope of similar SUITS STOLEN 8:36 Music Paul and Mary and Peter Nero; School of Nursing. Hartford. of the council, gave a congrat­ dummy with the king of spades Dance Theater provided the en­ 6:46 Three Star Extra HEALTH More and more Fair-goers are pacts. Miss Jeanne Ann Tesik, ulatory speech expressing his and M the jack of clubs. tertainment for the evening in BRUNSWICK, Gb. (AP)— 7:00 Weatherwelch Aug. 29, Kingston Trio. A peace treaty, giving the TATE EVERY 7:10 ConverBatlon Piece packing a lunch! daughter of Mr. and Mra. Paul sentiments to the retiring offi­ On Earth, Blast would play the Temple’s auditorium. Harold Men’s Shop canceled its Carnage House Ticket information is avail­ East Germans complete sov­ Shown at 5:80 and 8:25 7:30 New* SAND Tesik of 32 Westminster Rd., cers on "a job well done” and low in the hope that I was go­ Father’s Day sale because $1,400 7:60 Standby Beauty Salon ExposiDon Stars able at New Haven Pope Con­ ereignty Including the right to FRI. and Several times in past years, will major in education at Em­ extending his welcome to the ing to try a losing finesse of W m n«r 9 t 97 IntornaMofsal worth of suits earmarked for the 8:00 Red Sox V *. Oriole# 525 Main Street certs. 163 Temple St., New control access routes to West manuel College, Boston, Mass. new officers. some kind. That would give me sale already were gone. 10:40 Nightbeet W. H. ENGLAND musical units from Great Brit­ Berlin, would be a moat serious n-.oo New, Haven. Miss Mary Margaret Thomp­ Mrs. Pauline Schlosser gave one club trick; and I would SAT. NIGHT Newcomers Aid The manager, J. D. Gibbs, 11:15 Sport, Final LUMBER C O . ' • Open Mondays • ain have been featured in coli­ Bivenidd Parte matter, officials here stressed. seum shows at Eiastem States son, daughter of Mr. and Mra. a humorous and Informative switch to diamonds and get nine told police Thursday he didn’t 11:30 (TOP Convention ‘At the Green” 649-5201 , Tel. 643-0695 The Buffalo Bills, who gained The United Stktes, Britain and Thcmaa Thompson of 79 Colum­ talk on "Impressions of the tricks before the spades l. (Herald photo by Satemis). COMET realdenta of Bolton until four while an abortion was being at­ seven-year history of the New- a record-setting pace, and while years ago, were recently feted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thom­ Mr. Keith is employed by as Sweeney Jr. of 139 Walker tempted. Hotel eomera, an affiliate of the is making sales history! this coming week is lieavily at a surprise party in celebra­ Moriarty Bros. In Sales St., will major in music at Mer- Tike exact cause of death YWCA, that members have o m E s r populated, dther bookings re- tion of their 50th wedding anni­ (Now Under New presented such a sizable dona­ Division. He has been awarded TO SELL cyhurst College, Erie, Pa. won’t be known until today, he Antlqua & Hainoliakl wrm** versary. It was given by their Management) tion to a community project, several achievement prizes for -f- son and daughter, Clifford Gle- said. SEE salesmanship. Including a "Mas­ mmmAnoMAi TO INTERVIEW DRIVERS Also arrested last night was Negro Brothers, Inc. Bald Mm. James O’Cfonnor, pub­ YOURSELF STMtS! secke of Na^vUle and Mrs. licity chairman. ter Salesman" award given by ) !T€MS FOR SALE and so are our HARTFORD (AP)— Be pre­ Milton Ray Morgan, 39, a Pearl Holmes in Norfolk, 'Va. The club, which helpe new the Unot^-Meroury Division pared to be interviewed by a Musk by YOUR^ PRODUGT 'Die couple was married on teacher at the Mansfield State reeldents get acquainted with of the Ford Motor Co. Mrs. HaroM Wost state trooper if you’re doing Training School. He was charg­ June 6, 1914, in Rockville. Mrs. DANCE PARADE Bruca Vondorbraak Mancheater, now numbers The Keiths are members of 72 PITKIN STREET Giesecke is the former Miss Lil­ any traveling by car next week. ed with conspiring to commit FKESENTlia^ RY about 65 members. Center Congregational Church, . . . YOUR IDEAS tbmmjus itvA0 lian Krause. State police are gathering in­ an abortion. and his "Throasoma” ireeee»*«r f$6tttiil8E illtt^' 5. Remember Names, Faces 1 for a reservation. | ’ ■tiwfit Ptff. Utot. Junt 27, Ho Rtductd ChUd PrMi and Facts IQK oma opfv TO TWmt. tVIS.. 94 W. xse. SM. 2M 6. Sharpen Your Decision- - . - ______I M AM. TO 0 PJIO m. ANO UT.. 3.00 aCfPTSUMtf ur.-vo. MAT. l.ddii IMl Making Skills • I'Hl Run — All Color 7. Control Fear and WoVry AOMtHHllMG 8. Develop Your Latent AfiMNST urt « PETE SEEGER Y ll SUN] Abilities iMMAs nnsc TO FasMS Falk Siiwar Dining Out? RECAnUK NOU! FtmimUMSONGi To Win a Promotion BETTY-JANE TURNER Make Yourself Promotable! Like Good Food? DEBORAH then enjoy KERR Be Our Guest Without Presents Her Students In Their lOfh Annual Your Choice Cost or Obliffation Famous ltolian>Amoriean Spocioltios H A n iY mis CIRCLE T of either group Prepared By JOHN FREE MILiS-KBiHn RANCH DANCE RECITAL Demonstration ^GHEF NINO” EAST ST.. ANDOVER Bill Donahue will he at the WEDNESDAY, JUNE ^ Mooting! Co-, Rock Hudson 443-2937 17 7 W ALXI T ST. organ weekends for your dining pleasure! "Man’s Favorite Sport” MANCHESTER 643-4628 2 Color Cartoons 7:30 P.M. SHARP! Here If Is! Spring fine Again! TUES.. JUNE U TICKETS $1.26 TAX INCLUDED 8 P.M. Cast Windsor For this weekend only, June 13 and 14 we are hav­ WE o r v s DRIVE-IN ^c 'i5 ing a Spring ^ le on trail riding! Listen to this:— AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR You Get WHITON LIBRARY AUDITORniM $1.00 off, yes, I said $1.00 o ff of each 1 hour trail 500 ^•>fC W ITH EVERY 86 N. Main Mt. ★ 1st RUN! i f TWO BIO H lTi ride! Riding through untamed wooded trails, plus BUSHNELL MEMORIAL - HARTFORD Green Stamps Nortti Mane)|fster Now! Clooer than ever on 1 king size carton of Coca-Cola FREE,while the With This DIME YOU SPEND The Comet boom is on! That's because people are finding out you get more liii:|:l.l. IJi-l New Rt. 91 North HATAIIE l l i l WOO i i r supply lasts. Take advantage of this wild spring HARTFORD DRIVE IN HARTFORD A ct I. DANCE REVIEW Outfit! ViflMB Yob Shop Haro! Monday, June 15 aad 1 Mia. from O. Fox A Co. offer and come out and sec the new. big riding with a Comet. A full-sized family car that seats six adults. Proven dura­ ring. Loads of new horses and our new little colt. W e d a ^ a y , June 17 ★ Early and Late Show — Last Main Feature 11:8# * TEVE McQUEEN Act. 2 WINTER WONDERLAND bility. a' great resale^'value record.'A car that costs less than 5 out of 6 8d)0 PM . Don’t forget, we have a fully equipped “ Snack Bar” Pitney-Bowea Building for all you hungry folks. Bring out the whole fam­ Act. 3. BJT RANCH IN RHYTHM F m Mato BL Farktog Or to Our Owa L#t Ifezt To BtaiN a competitors. Come on in and let's see how much we can shave off the sug­ 526 Fannlagton Ave. ily and enjoy i^od, dean,' country atmosphere! (PARK FREE In Rear) HOW MUCH HORROR A ct 4. SPRING FANTASY gested price. Get more car for your dollar—this month, this week, tomorrow! 1 block went of Clnorama f*" » a V Co-Hit |_ * Hank Richards' Orchestra 9 DALE LESSONS ARE AVAILARU 'fr r oiih llnrniitti' CAN You (ACE? CARNEGIE jUbtaSi fsr those who want to lion the pcopor way ta iMo hi Save Wad., Jon* 17 for an evening of enjoyment and see many of your Msn- wooton aad hnat seat. OaU • ig-m i for ehaeter children perfonn in a truly professional atmosphere at the Bueh- THIS IS THE MONTH TO GET IN ON THE COMET BOOM AND SAVE! p — VINCENrpRICE» nell Memorial. M l ) MAIN ST M N V H L s r r R \ ...... COURSE li'.'- A A n * Prosontod by Monagemsnt fe ' " - ' f StudiM in Manchwter, Rocky Hill, Wethersfield. Misg Betty Jane is a mem- Opportto * 0 B euet Joalor High Sohaal m lAWW ( B « i * Btod) Mahi Btoeal Development Institute For LhwiBstMair Our “ DAY CAMP” Starte June 22nd— Further Information Writ# 1 M Club of Connecticut, Dance Masters of America, J YOU HAVE A CHOICE OF 4 EASY CREDIT PLANS^ or Ctoll R. lUchMl Fraito Ine.. N.Y.C. Chapter of the D.M.A. and the Dance Edueaton of America. MORIARTY BROTHERS, Inc. coour, Pltn#y-BOw#a BulM* last Hartford CbU Far A Free Brochara... (1) SB-DAY RBOUIAB OBAROH

V ' . ' V- ’ ^ : > i r . ' ' .-'.'j>: :v'.f-: !?.


an scheduled for Wedneeday. visor of special eduentton for Wedaeaday by Fire District lockvUle-Vemon Aetivlttoe win take place outeide toe Vernon Bduoatioa System, Oonenissloiieea to serve Un- eaaoe; Tneoday, meat the school If weather permits, has been awarded a fellowship ton’s vBaaflInd term wblob loaf, bnttarad rioa, keriiel edm, Cervini to Retire otherwise the ceremony will in toe American Association on ends in July, 1065. and Mektod baots; qpoglMttt and LOOKIMMLOm take place in the high school Mantal DafieleBcy at ita 88to Unton resigned effective mbaig and taaaed aolod; fIDelegates Choose gymnasium. annual convention in fCanaaa JtaM M beeanse o f oMmt boel« ThwadiMr, eraaa of ehlcken Samuel Goldfarb will direct City. •aim, eom chawder, tuna oatad U V ES YOU From C ollector Post the high school band, and mem­ 'Aie award was made in rec- and peanut batter aandwlebed, bers of toe graduation class will ognitian of meritorious oontrl- Adhnltted Wadneadajr: Hnk craoken and chaaee wedgaa. U Ed Cormier 28-13 sing under the direction of Miss buttons to toe field of mental Gartnide Moore, 10 South Ctoove D eaeert, milk, brand and butter ’ 30.00! Piul A. Cervini, Manchester's oollector of revenue, Eleanor Lewis deficiency and Is one of toe SL; Doria Kiokton, EUtngton; ava aarvad wKh all nmala. hM announced hia retirement from the poet he has held tf its wi fmlmom its of Susan Abuza is valedictorian highest awards given by the Robert Telardi, Tolland; Oeovge Norihaaat School: Monday, t Bdwnrd Cormier of SUffordfof Rockvine, offered a motion to and Martha Uggett is saluta- association. Spantah rioa, tonaid mlad* TOROS#ROE far the past 18 years. Cervini, who was appointed tax The NEW Knight, Broad Brook. collector on June 1,1961, by the late George H. WaddeU, . vma selected as senetortail nom­ permit delegates to become ac­ torian for toe graduation class Magllocco has bean active in AdnUttod yestnrday: RusseO riMebM wMh eooMaa; Tbaaday, quainted with the two candi­ Marshals from toe junior toe field of mental retardation grlndaea, t n i t eooktail; Wethiaa- toe town's frlst general mana-e inee from Uie S th district et e Gunther, Ava; ICaaual OOBBIIUTIOIh Terry 6 dates. They were given five min­ class who will lead toe profes­ for toe past nine years. He re­ Oliveira, Tbuaad; MTa. Oynthia day, tana aalnd, pat^ ohte ger, on July 6 will rearii toe Democratic convekrtion in Staf­ sion are Alita Sadlak and Pat­ picblaa, eatafy and eam t aticka. mandatory retirement age, but, utes each to address the conven­ ceived his B.S. degree from Kanehl, M Sehool S t; Patricia e rewm Haatoa U" BaK SHIFT ford last ni(ht.. tion, a move not usually under­ rick Shea. Uaherettea, also se­ East Tennessee State Univer­ HelensU, 108)4 Weat 8L ; Brad­ nnwaday, fvank- aa permitted by the town’s per­ Oofinier, 36, was opposed by taken at such gstherings. lected from toe Junior class, are sity, a Master's degree from ley Thrall, Broad Brook; Joseph hntan In idle,i> baked baana, FtepeOad Batasy ..ggpjg sonnel rulea, will finish out the monto. Atty. Preston Hardtng. chair­ Atty. Hsrdlng spoke first, and Lynette Dauphin, Karen Davis, Columbia University and is now Dowgiewloa, 10 Weet St; Jo­ pIcMaa. B • Fewer Haadto 01” BeM Vae- GM ILINa SERVICBC BEACH man of the ToUand Democratic touched upon many of the issues ; Katherine Falconer, Loretta enrolled in the six-year pro­ seph PraotoiUk, n Village St He is only toe second collec­ MAIN STREBT—BfANCHESTER Town Committee. Cormier won of the party’s platform. He said Kayan, Irwie Kolanko, Cheryl gram at toe University a t C on- Birth Wednesday: A son to peDei toufw Hewai 0U4J0 tor of revanue slnee the town 3B of the 41 deieffate's votes; he would work to insure repre­ Maron. Virginia PahanI, Denise nectient He is married and has Mr. and Mra Lmtm OueBetta 0 e Fewsr Haadto .... .0BL00 adopted Its 1M7 charter. He ROBE Hardin; IS. sentation for each town in the Stankovica. Jean S y v e r u d, four children. He resides on ^ r ln g S t 6 W . Mala BL, succeeded Samuel Nelson, who After the convention was ad­ state legislature. Sharon Tennatedt, Barbara Wa- Elm Hill Rd.. Talcottvllle. Births yesterday: A eon to 878-aa00 ar 0*04111. also ratlrsd when he reached toe I’m The Girl Who’s journed, the corridor's buszed Cormier said he would adopt ^ sllefaky and Louise Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Palha, REGULAR IS89JB mandatory retirement age. Postmaater Post Open Umpires Sought with the possibility that Hard­ the party platform and work to City Recreation Director Don Tolland; a danghter to Mr. and W i a d B i i l k D o w m Under SPECIAL Before assuming bis present ing may call foe a primary to obtain increased aid to educa­ The Civil Service Commission Mra. Norman Jany, ToUand. poet, Cervini had worked for 11 brlfig hi.s fight for the position is Inviting applications for the Berger has issued an urgent ap­ tion and protect the general wel­ peal for people interested in um­ Diacharged Wedneeday: Her­ CIAITW M IA —Bieeatral years as an aqpountent in toe to the people. The 36th dis­ fare of toe people of Connecti­ position of Vernon postmaster, Town Water Department. Treated Like piring in both Fast 'and Slow man Frey, 16 Progrees Ava; Australia, water la pumped $ 2 5 9 - 8 5 Every girt will trict is comprised of all IS cut. which pays 35,950. Applications Mra Charlotte Vagm , Bl Reed from 40 to 00 feet underground . He had bean active In Sto tosms in Totiend County. will be accepted until July 7. Pitch Softball Leagues. Also A roll call vote was taken. needed are scorekeepers and a St; Mra. GertruM Shanidian, tessirfaoetroa^^wliBiHilllB, District affairs prior to becom­ adore these. In K a primary is he'id, H will Those voting for Cormier were Requirements for the post in­ Ellington; Christine W VM t S eom eof w irish: ing tax oollector, having served beautiful flower he the first county-wide pri- clude at least one and a half publicist 110 feet Columbia, (S votes): Coventry Anyone interested may con­ Hanunond S t; Thomas SMera at different times as the dis­ printa. 7 to 14. mary ever conducted. Only six (4); Kllington (8); Hebron (2); years experience. Eklucation be­ Rt. 2; Mra. Claudette Maher and m o w fg F M i~ trict's aecretary, treasurer, A Princess! towns In the county have ever|So„,ers (3); Stafford (4); Union yond the high school level may tact Berger. A Fast Pitch game will be son. Broad Brook. clerk, tax collector end direc­ had a primary. Vernon, larg­ (3); and Willington (2) be substituted. The experience Discharged yeaterdM: Mra tor. He hea been e member of est municipality, has had four, or schooling must indicate that held tonight at 8:15 at Henry p lo w iin o w Votes for Harding came from Park. The undefeated American Florence Sanderson, 'wfaidsor- the 8th District Fire Depart­ Bolton. Mansfield and Ellington Tolland (3); and Vernon (#). the applicant has the ability to ville; Mrs. Patricia Tracy, n LONH.Y HEART ment since 1925, and, at one have each had one primary, and Legion team will meet the Maple Three towns split their votes. conduct and manage the com­ Vernon Ave.; Raymond Charest time, was its treesurar. Tolland and WiKington sdiared munity's postal serMce and su­ Grove team. Otber Ibroe from $M.0* In n 's Power HandlB* Andover registered one vote Babe Ruth Lecigue Opens Vernon; Mra Marion Bushsr Need When Cervini became collec­ a primary several years ago for Cormier, one vote for Hard­ pervise employes in a satisfac­ and son, 31 Pleasant S t ; Ml- er a Paul Oervtail when a Judge of probate posi­ The Babe Ruth ChcvqB It with tor of revenue in 1981, toe town ing; Bolton, one vote for Cor­ tory manner. toael Remklswloa 07 inilage doss both jobs bed about 18,000 tax eecounta. tion wa.s conte.sted. Complete information about League will open its season on a l aw aaeab al BONAN- mier and two votes for Harding: Monday at 6 p.m.. Carleton XA Mriehi Fit No. 08, M l "UNI-CARD" On Wednesday of tola week, ter, Mra. Bernice Poucher of Rock ’n’ roll music from a Mansfield registered three votes the examination requirements Neert W eth’s Means Afi^hto to to* OoUn his department mailed out 28,- 130 Orvidvlew St., end two teenage dance being held on toe and instructions for filing pU- Milanese, local commissioner, Weal Mlddla TmmsUtm, for Cormier and one rote for has announced. Maple Street School: Monday, MANOBBBBOL Oano., for MNunar 000 btlla for toe 1964-86 fiscal grandchildren. floor above reached deleg^ates' Harding. cations may be obtained at the chicken vegetable soup, egw Vernon Post Office, Rt. 30. Ap­ The Police Department teams, eppsaito lha ParkndSh pBowing. In wfatw. R aA> year. When asked about hla i^ans ears but even this intnislon was Final tabulation revealed that salad and meat and pickle san£ During those 1* years, Cer- unable to dislodge toe delegates plications must b« mailed to the last year’s champion will play where we gel a BONAN- RAARLOW li baehoa to a 2 1 ' Snow for the future, Cervini said that Cormier received 28 votes, the fire department team fol wlches; Tuesday, barbecued S A t r . Bteeliplato Spee- vfni Inatliutod many Ume-sav- attention from business at hand. Civil S ervice Commlasion, hamburg on roll, potato lalad >anow toramr. he intends to relax and take Harding, IS votes. lowing biirf ceremonies com' lal wMeh tadodto a Jr. First For Everything iog hnprovemento, and is justly thlnga eaay, but that If the Commissioner Attllio R. Fras- After the selection had been Washingrton, D. C., no later than and plcklea; Wednesday, chlricen sinelli. state central committee­ July 7. memorating the event. Bleak, Baked Petalo, Half Hain St, Mandicster proud of his record of ooUectlng right o|$portunlty developa, he made, Oommiasioner FrassineUi Milanese said that all candl' in gravy, rice, peas and cran­ man for toe 35th district start­ The last permanent poelmas- berry sauce; Thureday, stoool •lab Tisema Veaal aad more than 99 per cent o f due may take a part-time poeitlon. introduced Gene Pitney, a na- t«r waa Mrs. Florence Foley dates for the Babe Ruth Junior Oiesn Balad ter 00e. OaO • Frae Paridng • taxes each year. ed toe convention at 8:30 p.m. tionalty-known rook n'roU sin­ picnic, hot dog on rolls, assort­ The, aoon-to-be-vacated post “Merry Mktes” Charles ’Tarpinian. dynamic who resigned Several years ago. Iieague are asked to report to •40-110*. Opsa lliea. torn <49-5221 Cervini was born in New ger from Rockville who attend­ Henry Park tomorrow at 1 p.m ed sandwlchea potato chBn, Boa. U d0 AJL to t PJL will be filled by competitive Democratic town chairman Mrs. Doris MeUiden has bwn pickles, ice cream. Dessert, milk York City in 1699, toe son of ekemlnatlona, eonduoted by toe ed the convention as an observe acting postmaster since Mrs. Interested youngsters are urged Oteaad Msndaya. the late Mr. and Mrs. J

>■' 'l-


Joint Ownership Likely Race Tension Easing NEW m f ^ § aggMtHMtaaaan- Inside M— sf them which would seek to For 4-Town Incinerator toraatall the tasvltable militarily as leng 1 Year After Turmoil u Eontitis y»ralb as poaaible without eneaeding thq brink Report The Northeast Refuse Oom-dniral agree:imont with two otosr and than poUticaUy without operating from Page One) than to have more demonstra­ me nilttee (NRC) will present a towns lo r Jointfotot uae of ita incln- « from a weak position. Borne such dual orator faciUty. tions and bombings. proapeotuo, outlining throe strategy may be under consideration. Rowlpad B fbiib Jr. Oarlnl suggeated a contract- and white tollers. Of its 14 se-' Runiore continually elrculate means of providing a rational ural agresment might be con eurlty officers, 9 are Negroes. toat Negroes wUl begin demon­ Robert D. NoTBk strating again. refuse incinerator for Manohes- eluded among the tour NRC •nille tho racial situation in Ml (JQIOOM *• towns. Deming agreed to seek Negro leaders have Mtpreseed CLEVELAND ^ Amid Hm tor. South Windsor, Bolton end Birmingham la far from settled A Big Step flotsam of shattered reputations more Intormatlon on toe Now dissatisfaction with the copi* Vernon, to its tour member and the possibility of demonstra- munlty affairs committee. It haa I now Haven plan in time for an NRC first 'big step haa been taken at thla week’s Govem or’i Con­ ference, Ben. Barry Goldwator’a oommunltles in July. meeting June, 26. tkxu etui exist, toers 1s much only advisory powers and they toward givlngt 0 .^toe Negro in the Unit­ in the record of this city to make criticize Mayor Albert Boutwell previously punv stature as a Bated upon the prospectus, The NRC also moved last ed BUtea sUtutoT^M^gniUon of equal­ night approve aa a elte for you rub your eyes in disbelief, for not acting on the committee practising politician has under­ most NRC members thought to an inter-town incinerator a tract remembering toe situation aa it recommendations. I •••■•••••*••••»•• ity and dignity— his first classneaa aa a gone sudden growth. last night that the towns would . wa**************** ■u .w Goldwater ta In an Incompar­ of town-owned land in Manches' was on June 2, 1968. “If demonstrations begin GIIIRJ eitlsen. Thia haa been onbxof the majo^ choose sonne form of Joint pub­ again this year, Negro leader­ ably etronger poeltlon than he ter, north end west of Olcott St. Thousands of Negroes demon­ ••••««•••••••••••• ts lic ownership for the incinera­ aims of the Negro. waa a week eitfUer. Fallowing end Love Lens. strating in the streets —^ fire­ ship will find it very difficult to tor, since prellmlnery engineer­ The step was taken when the .^enate the seml-comic coUapae o f toe Tha motion came after repre- hoses, police dogs—jalle ” over­ say one word of caution in the face of the mayor’s treatment of •sebialTal; aBtltiaf voted 71 to 20 to end the Southerh iW- stop Goldwater movement here, ing studiea Indicates such a aentatlvea from South WlndiiMr, flowing—a community taut as a _____-M oC all .»•*■ <*»■ venture would cost the member bowstring, especially at night. toe recommendations,” said Dr. ______it or «M MkarvlM crafflt- biMter which had been in progress for 76 not only Is hla Isad for the nomi­ Bolton and Vernon reported that nation even longer, but there la towns the leaa>t over e 20-year their towns would, if necessary, A rickety truce ending toe Lucius Pitts, president of Miles papar Bad m a Ika leeal aawa BuV days, the longest filibuster < in history. College. much Ifas talk about hie ahort- period. be willing to dispose of non- thunder in the streets, toe bomb­ But Arthur Shores, a respect­ A t a at rapnbdeaaoa at apaeUi dia- The cloture vote waa expected, o f course, eomings as a political loader. burnable rubbish that toe in­ ings end shootings. “ Dynamite H ^ m ta ara alaa raatraad _____ There waa debate, however, ed Negro, attorney, said toe but the encouraging thing about it was In tho Ropublican wondorland cinerator could not handle, at h ill" In the Negro residential over the form the Joint-public district and finally, Sept. 14, committee “at least gives us a that waa tho dovoland eonfor- another site. " ilia Bm^d the number of Senators who voted in ownership should take. While four little Negro girls killed chance to air our grievances.” onco, ho looked Uko sane Uttlo The proposed Manchester dis­ anvn » ■ > » « la adrarUaraa^ favor. The regret might be felt by Re­ Vernon's Robert Doming end Some whites also criticize AUco patlontly coping with tho posal site is not large enough when their church was bombed. _ laadUW auUtar to Tha Manehaatoa South Windsor's Joseph Cerlnl Birmingham became a tragic Boutwell for lack of action. [ B«mld. _____ publicans In the fact that Sen. Gold- moderate R o^blican Mad Hat- to accommodate non-burnables agreed that they would prefer landmark in toe long story of Says toe mayor, "We’re ren­ I water voted against ending the fruit­ tore and March Haree. from other -towns. not to create a new regional racial strife in toe United States. dering more services of alt types Actually, In the early hours of A subcommittee seeking ad­ less effort to kill the righto measure. In­ governmental uifit, bath felt Today, the city may be on now than before. I feel w e’re ___ A faBcy — Itaw Tor* CW- tot Governors Oonferanee, Gold- ditional land for disposal of deed the man who aeema certainly dea- they needed more Information toe way to becoming an ex­ gaining the confidence of toe aagfc.Patrelt water aeemed headed for trou­ non-burnable rubbish asked '/roiT*Wra*ATI 0 » CIKCOl^ ample of what, people of both people.” bned to be the GOP presidential candi­ ble — toanka In part to well- about alternative means of ea- that Its report be tabled to a tHOMo. races can do to solve racial The question of having Negro date, now gives acmie Indication that he meaning efforts by Artsons's eurlng Inter-town cooperation future meeting. problems. policemen still plagues the city. Gov. Paul Fannin, Goldwater’a in the joint venture. Deming also presented a cost Friday, Juna IS may not be able to find it in hla con­ In a way, toe I6to Street Bap­ Three applicants passed the ex­ eyes and ears among the Gov­ Under state enabling legisla­ science to vote for the civil righto bill comparison for the operation of tist Church, where the four chil­ aminations—but didn’t take the ernors. Worried about toe atop- tion, the towns could create a a publicly owned incinerator as dren died, seems to symbolize Jobs. itself. Goldwater drive forming around refuse disposal district. Both against the cost of a contract toe atmosphere in Birmingham Some whites say “ the Negroes 8mith«iiM AaU The size of the vote indicates there is Gov. TVUllam Scranton of Ponn- Deming and Carini objected to for a private incinerator serv­ now. would rather have the Issue for ■ylvania, Fuuiln wanglad an In­ creating new governmental plenty of power in the Senate to pass ice. Blonde wood paneling covers bargaining purposes than to vitation to the eenforoneo for units in toe Hartford area. Out a t «ia waiter erally The moat important thing about the knew thia. When told about tha Asaortod Milk and ton St., haa been charged with eonceda to be the riak t€ a direct mill- big cloture vote, however, is that in put­ propoeed meeting over the 'tele­ Dark CSioeolate L b . ^ 1 * * ^ intoxication. The arrest follow­ t|ry conf rontation with Red China and phone, hla immediate reply wee ting an end to what has been called ed a complaint o i a disturb­ Ihooe who through timidity or aome tyranny by talk, the Senate reaffirmed d eer enough: "They can take 935 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER - TEL. 643-5171 - OPEN 9 AM. TO 6:30 P.M. - CLOSED MONDAYS their eummit, and they know ance at the Patio Restaurant ' idtop oonvlction, would back away. and confirmed the national moral re­ what they can do with it.” on W. Middle Tpke. Cole posted ,T lb put It aa the Waterbury Republl- sponsibility to implement the emancipa­ Moreover, the Goldwater a 825 for Circuit Court 12 ap- m n did thla week, “The poaalblllty of tion granted the Negro a century ago. team, subject to periodic fits ri . Masterpiem peeranee la Maacheator June 20. anlaiflnr hoatllitiea in order to deal To have permitted the filibuster to suc­ panic these past six months, faced the stop-Goldwater move­ |k>re effectively with the elualve enemy in IQiiiature ceed wcjjld have been tantamount to ment with admirable calm. galvanized both the war-monger and admitting the inability of the majority On the record, they aaid 4 ^ paaoe-mongera, and raiaed the uni- to act on fundamental issues which nothing about Gen. Eiaenhow- L O R i r S LEE’S FLORIST •araal queatlon o f whether a unilateral divide the nation. ar’s apparent euiq>ort last Bat- II i^panaion would aacalate into a major urdsy (Juna 6) for tha Scranton M W ATUM oM o o o m ra s and SHOT drive. In private, Goldwater em OF MANCHESTER ii^pian oonflict staffers quioxly contacted Clevs- Rt. 44A, Belton—648-8060 ' The dominant view anumg thla eoun- land steel magnate George Betraying H ie Experts e TBS, WE DEUVEB e . Mrt. E. BtMlon, Mtdferd, Uau. try*a leaden haa been that the United Humphrey, Gen. Elsenhower's Just aa it haa so frequently appeared We switched from Chevy to t gtatea muat atand by ita oomntltmenta Secretary of the Treasun. Flowers for all oooaaloaa; Humphrey phoned the denerel m io rC lt Weddlnga, Funerale, Out '64 Ford Custom SOO. It gives that American voters won’t do th ^ and prova to Red China It la not a "pa- at Gettysburg cm Saturday night as big-car room and ride at a proper duty by the pollsters, so it aeema 901 MAIN ST^-44S-6M1 Flowers and Corsagee . . . Nothing else puts a smile on Dad p w ttger" which wUl abandon ita frienda to ask for a “ clarifying’’ state­ good price . . . especially wHh that American married couples are ob­ FreaertpUon In tha face o f danger. Moat advocatea ment that would halt Scranton the trade our Ford Dealer af that courae regard Vietnam not aa a stinately failing to oblige the aocial plan­ to hla tracks. Gan. Elsenhower issued no etatement, but placed offered. We’re pleased. fringe area in the adieme of communiat ners and the computers. Picture Bjr Joseph Sstemle his now-fameua phone ^ 1 to aoepanaiem, but aa a central one from This March Juri past, for instance, ROOFS Scranton that derailed the atop- w hldi the communiata hope to reach out Mr. and Mrs. Toung Am erica produced Goldwater drive. TouTl Want To Call Your Neighbor About llieee! like a BarcaLounger FATHER'S DAY and expel the United Btatea aa a deter­ only SS7,000 babies, far below what they Apart from Goldwator’s added kieter, toe net Impact af all ^ s rent to communiam evarynhera in tha were supposed to produce, aome 6,000 MELONS...... •a.29e le a sharp drop in the poaribUlty fewer babies than they produced in the Padfic. Herald toat liberal-to-moderats Repu^ JUN E 21 Such a view, axpraaaed recently by same month a year ago. I t was, in fact, llcane wUl acoompllrii anythiBg I SUNKIST ORANGES.. dot. 39e THE GREAT RELAXER Roacoe Drummond in the Chrlatian 8ci- the lowest number of babies produced Yesterdays at all in toe Natlonel Conven­ tion. Because of their faltering anoe Itonitor, holda that the United in March rinoO' 1866. Legit Living NATIVE STRAWRERRIES 25 Yean Ago gesture toward stopping Gold- This failure of Mr. and Mrs. Toung Give Dad a BarcaLoungrer for Father’s ■tatea muat alao regard Vietnam, Cam­ Besmard School graduatos wetar, they may have laea tuck with Ifk off on Modium Crtom! bodia, and Iau>a aa central la ita etforta America to deliver according to sched­ langeet class in ita history — honing down his rough edges. Day and you give him the greatest, for to thvrart the advance e f communiam. ule and seiMtific prognostication la not 279 pupils — before large audi­ Far instance, the poaslbtilW of there is-no other adjustable chair like And behind that reaaonlng ia tha aa- / just peculiar to one inoBth or one season ence o f parents and frienda. a Goldwater-Scranton ticket, BarcaLounger. It is impossible to recline \75o CSilokee James was 16 when Why, if I sat down with yon, bow in her hair. Square ttvlng Trade Ootwol graduates 66 which would have apidlad a van- ENJOY e Peas e Splnaoh e Beet Greene Ijpnptlon that the apread of any kind of of the year. e Radishes e Ronalne aad Boston in the BarcaLounger without getting com­ she waa in a chorus UAe behind rd make you governor.” m e agrees with her. But it dose studants; largest class alnoe eer ef moderate Republicanism Mr. S. Garro, Windsor, Conn. communiam anywhere eonatitutea a In the whole year ended with March, Joe E. Lewis at Giro’s in Miami guy broke up and she walked have ita trouble points. to the Senator, eeeme all but Lettuce, plete relaxation. Whatever position he school came into exlatenoe m NATIVE Mustang styling was the big threat to democracy everywhere. there were only 4.0g7,60Q new births in Beach. She was 19 when she out She has to dlean her own 1917. dead. chooses is a correct, healthful position. ' I t ia perhapa aa the "R ^ublican” edi­ this country, and this was 48,000 fewer got her first mink coat and she Now. Chickee goes into Man­ house. A t first she had a maid, Drought broken by heavy Goldwater was not pleased by Nerves and muscles rest; fatigue is “ wash­ reason behind my switch from but the maid swung with |4,700 Scranton's inept performance Comet. I love the Mustang torial aaya, dangeroua to aaeume that than for the previous year. came out on the floor wearing hattan once a week to buy rains; parriied farmlands are • PLUS ALL THESE ITEMS, TOO • ed” from the body. BarcaLounger is truly it for the finale at the Latin stock fo r her shop, and her big in cash and clothes, and Chickee freshened and truck gardeners here. Many Goldwater adrisers Hardtop performance, stick becauae there are different branda o f Now this is ridiculous. XWerybody Squarii, Egg Plant, Asparagus, Waterorees, Corn; plus: a “heart saver.” So isn’t BarcaLounger Quarter on Broadway. She was move the rest of the time con­ threw up her hands. plant seeds. are turning instead to Rep. W il­ O th er styles liam M iller of New T o n , the Extra Large Bing Cherries, Peaches, Nectarines, Honey- shift, bucket scats. The test drive communiam according to national and knows that, every year, there ara more a young blond who was known sists o f going out to dinner “It waa to take a Dillinger M ra Robert Russell eleotod just about the finest g ift you could give outgoing National Chairman, for dewe, Ornpee, Pears, Mangoes, Umes, Watermelon, clinched it. regional atamp, that each or adl to­ and more people in this country, more someplace. She haa run into to rob me,” she said “Now Tm president of Manchester Public dear ol’ Dad ? Mostly on^-of-a-kind models, wherever there waa night Ac­ Vico - President. Beaides, the Flams, Grapefruit and Bluebetries. only one guy from the night­ a Long Island housewife and Health Nursing Assn. gether do not poae a threat to the wd- getting married, and, naturally and 1^ tion. There were chorus lines dreary events in Cleveland have subject to prior sale. Hurry I time crowd. A gambler, he the maid can do it.” Majority ef Msnohestor resi­ start at fare of the United Btatea aa varying avltably, more people having more chil­ . and a shot in a stage play and etiffoned Scranton’s resolve to “YOU NAME IT — PERO HAS IT?’ a saloon she ran and some B drove out to her shop with his dents petition to keep Man- branda o f faaciam did a quarter century dren. And all these atatiatlea do go up, 17-year-old girl friend The girl “I went to the PTA meeting turn down any bid from Gold- movies, and nothing ever stay­ oheeter Green poet office when water. 276 OAKLAND ST. ■go. just as the experts say they should, ex­ friend wanW a wig. one nig^t. I sat down, nice and THE EXECUTIVE - A perfect club ed still. quiet, like any other mother, possible removal suggested. Goldwater w ill not preea for a Thia question peraiata, however. How "She muat be something,” MANCHESTER M any other lounge chair for living room, den or cept one. Then it all began to get to a and the next thing I knew all doctrinaire conservative plat­ 109. Chickee told the guy. “I f she affective can limited military operation Without explanation, without apology, lot of them around her. Priscilla the husbands are around me 10 Yean Ago form either, but he is In no office. Beige or Sage Green fabric- needs a w ig at 17, what’s go­ OPEN 7 DAYS be againat the kind o f patient oommu- without so much aa a by our leave, the Oallan, who worked chorus and they say they’re going to Manchester participates hi mood for surrender. I f the R e­ PERO and-plastio cover combinations. ing to happen to her when she’s knea with her, became confused make me a den mother for the nationwide test of Ovil De­ publican party haa e leader to­ styles in stock nlat infiltration which la In progreea. young parents of Amerioa are neglect­ SO?” and to■ THE HNEST SELECTION OP interior. My Ford Dealer has boy into the local school. That Airia. er woman go out with one of ceptanoe o f God’s grace and is expended to the benefit of Instead, he looked at hla does, to think that some of lU very best took care of the night life. watch and, noting that ha waa PIPES AVAILARLE IN been very helpful. Reportedly French President Charles thoae purple-pink. lipsticks. I making it effective in our lives men and the glory o f God. That, people -just don’t seem to care enough. Now, at 29, Chickee James is a swing them off it That’s my big la genius also. N o one la with­ too, is genius. due to address toe Governors’ de Gaulle, who has been pursuing a daytime girl. Yesterday after­ thing now. Be nice, but teach out some talent, some ability to Submitted by the Banquet, remarked: “My tone MANCHESTER — AT number o f policies at odds with those noon, she was dickering with a them colon.” serve. "And these talents make Rev. FeUx M. Davis, ia running out.’’ Politically, he af the United States, holds that view. saleeman in tha coametios shop Chickee looked good She had us untoue and important. We Minister couldn’t have been more ANY PRICE! The Groat Smashnp correct. Ih e Preneh, one can assume, ought to rile runs in Merriok. H er shop cai a ruffled white blouse and must diaeovar tha great gifts Second Congregational UM PubUabanNeaeaeMr $(J.OO 1 9 8 . know from painful experience, about the 'The great smasbup didn’t occur csi is on the main street, a eouple sriilto skirt and she had a white that eaeli of os has that wa mag CSiurch the highways of Connecticut during the of btooks of one-and-two-story fhllures of outside military endeavors in woekmd. It took place under police store front buildings which MEERSCHAUM INBW T ■outheast Asia. superrisiob in East Haddam. A research come to an end. aa all riiese THE DIRECTOR - A channel-back THE DANE - Off-the-floor THE MODERNE - A Lawson lounge France has said little publicly about ««mpany lined up two ears on the drag semi-surburban places do. at Bai'caLounger with extra high' back Danish styling gives a trim, style with rounded cut-back arms; Ns official stance, but it haa been dls- strip, set the throttle and let them the Long Island Rafl Road Fischefrti separate head pillow included. Soft amadi head-on into each other. In each BIG BEN n il and extra footrest extension for the light-scale look. Flax colored Wiased by French and American diplo- tracks. tXiickee’s shop ia in a green damask covering. case the heavy car faired better than white building. A lawyer’s of­ B AN D O E AN D extra tall Dad. Oxblood or Light Tan. fabric-textured plastic. toaoL Varying reports concerning the the light car. fice la upstairs. Her place ia Preach position agree on one point It seems that tbs 8UU Polios have decorated in pink and has high now conclusively proved that if a truck COMOY France feels a political drive for. neu- stools and a small couch made hits a kiddle oar the kiddle car wlU lose. IrU ising South Vietanam has a better BLACK Mr. At Sktilty, Ptabody, Mmu. W e hope, say Police Commlsatoner o f red velvet and gold-plated STATESIMN OAgEIJJB ahanoe than a military one becauae there isiiirehy, tljat this Will croaU buyer wood. H ie, streets outsldo was A friend had a new Ford and we It no evidence that an indigenous na- resUtanoe to small ears and arouse hot add empty, m e only noise liked it. So we switched from a In hen shoo wais the low music llonalist movement can win in a mlU- mands by customers for more safety Chevy to a '64 Ford Country from i radio. 175. 149. tory anoounter. dtvioM- Sedan. The ride Is smooth, per­ In fact, all that the test proved was “It's square living,’’ riie was T b » political approach la more feasible, a well known law o f physics. A junior saying. ’1 call it legit living. formance is fine, room is mor# to this line o f reasoning, because Red high -school student could have saved T ^ t’s the way it’s going to be. than amplt. the sUte a lot of money by setting up W hat am I going to do, be out China, despite the noise it makes, la in a W w in v y bdd position economically to wage war aa exhibit, with two marbles of different ■■ night and try ta bring up sises. The ■ "»* i marble rolling into the a ki^ in the city? W hat’s he and would prefer to avoid it llio moral large marble at equal rates of speed will going to do, ride in the rieva- pressure can be brought by a large group bounce off. tor for fuii? Suppose I bring Ford's tales gain In tha first nC nations on the communists to accept As far as deaths on, the highway are him up around a knock-around C ow y Diwy i ^ t r a l solution. ootioerned, the . tost has proved nothing. Mfe. How da I know he’s going quarter of ’64 tops Chevy’s' ' Anyone knows thai when a heavy ear to be able to make it for him­ and Plymouth’s cembinsd* Beyond that say aome obsMvers, . is hits a light one the light one will lose. self in a rough and ready? I His de Gaulle oonvletlon, never expreaa- This does not lead to the conclusion that • 3 . 5 0 “ Join ths big switch...so# your always knew what to do, but pubUely, that even a poUticaUy the small car driver faces twice aa much that doesn’t mean he will. Bo 1 neutrality merely postpones the chance of death as the heavy car driver. On the contrary, insiiranoe companies r m bringing the kid up square. HANr, MANY MORS o f scaamunlat domination in Bouth- are betting money that the eonunls- B e’n have everything, sriioot, Aala. DsGaulle’a .ultlmato hope is atonar la wrong. ■Male Isasons, tha whole M t 1 on the assumption that after a po­ m e light oar driver with small horse Just like everybody who Hves TH E TEM PO - Clean, light line con­ THE MOUNT VERNON - THE FAIRHAVEN - Tailored to a NEW ENGLAND o f ^Oblnese domination nationalism power and greater maneuverability has square.’’ temporary styling. Hag new, exclu­ 'Traditional Colonial wing man’s comfort and ease with button- less chance o f accident than the heavy The other life is al] in the : assort Itself in the area and become styling with lined kick plea^. tufted back. Sage Green, Black or car driver. This ia reflected in insurance sive high le^ T V deluxe mechanism. FORD DEALER past. Once, a District Attorney Rich red textnred covering. G d d Buper soft plaatic epveri. foroe. I t is, after all, upon rates which ara 10 par cent lower for leaned over his desk and plead­ WESTOWN Print cover m Autumn tones. JjlHstitog nationalist feeling to aommu- ■anil earn Ths tost has not proved ed with Chickee, “If you would w w PHARMACY ■ ^ toto aountitaa hke Romania that the whleli type of ear Is tha safest It has etily open up and tell me things, provdd which ear Is tha safaat to Miva yan’d make ms the mayor." m HARTfOW HOAD—iSL. M9-M46 HhMgl Matas to btoHatom to baaa aosML M ad m Into aasttar s *MayurT“ OMcdtos toM h te. A D F O C A im «li that an ya« tbWk «g «a t , . >v 4 - . F»


m } IIANCHESTEB EVBNINO h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, OONN^ FRIDAy, JUNE IR 1H4 Patrician Licbman, 18, and her > 4 G 1 EIGHT Censor ’ M i s's e s sister, Barbacal 18. o t Rock- Qub Will Seat Tatar EiuBlbMait ville, wem taken to Manchsster Qfdtk 'Action Events Navy - M agazine Memorial Hospital and treated Officers Monday State Tax Office Sedcs The townTi reglatrara A fo r mulUpIa contusions and! Obituary I muscle strain and discharged In! Scranton Candidate, voters win ooaduA b p » W In State tOenthMud ffom Paga One) The Soroptimiat Chib of Man­ enrollmant soaAon from B to satlafactory condition, hosqtital chester will hold ita annual din­ More Data on Rec Audit Halts Fires spokesmen said. Mra. Olaa«a M. Ttar« S tonight in the Naval Aviation News is pub- ner Monday at 8:80 p.m. at Pel- « ______lishsd by the Bureau of Naval: The accident occurred at lira. Claudia Martalli Tarea, offioe In the bBaamant A the Clinton and Oak Sta., police Itn’s Reataunint. After cocktaila Gives GOP Choice In 2 Homes MtmlApBl Building. Weapons and copies are dte-1 tS. af Aytxk, aiottaar Canton, with a Maaa o f regulom viawed by Sm Arector of the rsetor Frsnete DsUaFera char- bote of Union St., wttta uaa of ity for eorepensatioB.*’ Miss Hazel Anderson, corrss- tho town dork’s offloo. • ponding secretary. 1 to long to call upon our party'a in the fall. at St Ann’a Church, Avon, at Tax Depertment'a Municipal actsrlaad tea study as being a ladder and fire axtingutelier, Matttaewa aaid donattsna to "wt? intersection. :eonaeteneo, upon Ita wladom, t. Burial will be in K AnS’a Diviaton, Bmll Bau&lak. last night quelled what eould the widow A the Harttard po- We goofed, acknowledged , purciak struck a vehicle driv- I -Mrs. Alice (Hampet is chair­ "too inoonohislvs’’ as a bai one official ruefully. f * open Ita John C. Flynn, the aon o f Mra. Cemetery. BauUak aaid tlite morning that hava been a vary sertoos fire Ucsmmv—H«nry W . Jeanlnga— en by Rose M. Mastronardi of man of the installation dinner Marie Flynn of 84 Liberty St. for action. In an upataire apariment at Rockville Youths Since the presence of Task «X eaaaa hare to announce I Frienda may call at the fu­ the report aa H waa aubmlttod Ho also crttieiBsd the raport warn "oommandable and een- Realtor^s Award Weat Hartford aa he was en­ committee, and Mrs. Hooks and the late John D. Flynn, neral home tonight from T to to him by auAtora Barry. Maori tea home of Prank J. Koaak at Force 82 off Cyprua last winter ' Johnston is responsible for the * an a candidate for the preal- as presenting *Taading" state­ Biderate,” . but should not Iwus Allan James Ooviello, , was tering traffic on Oakland St. waa .gwarded a bachelor of S p.m. There will be recitation Oo. waa too general and 184 UnioB 8 t Held After Chase been neceaaery. was now out in the open, a m - from Hudson St., police aaid. : floral arrangements. idaney o f the United Statea. acience''degree in electrical en­ ments without any justlfleation TUfi moning’a flra ooeurred awarded the Mancheater Board porter tried to find out how long “Lot be clearly under- of the Roaary at the funeral rague to aiqmort any aetten. He caUad for aotton ky tee Parciak is to appear in Man­ After the ceremonies, an illus­ gineering from the Univeraity home tonight Baullak autaequenUy oonfer- In accounting practiot. at T o’oloek at tea home of of Realtor’s Scholarship of $300. it had been there, how big it trated lecture on the New York iatood: I am not entering ttate Recreation . Superintendent STAFFORD BPRINGS (AP) 1886 General Amembly to 'The son of Mrs. Ann Cioviello, chester court June 39. of Hartford Ju m 7. Flynn, who red wHh Barry and Macri thte Prank Traygis at IT Green Rd., was, what kinds of ships were No injuries were reported and World’s Fair will be presented eruaada for the privilege rmA, with warm Take Trip to Fair lision at Vernon ahd W. Vernon time^ < governor reported Thuraday he lllary had tee moat megteera In gj^vora, bealdea hia fatter, temperatures through tho period Sts. would throw Ida hat into the ita unit and h^ takm in the Dorothy ran to tee aeena wtth A, ladder three motorists wore forced off , WXJUIU UUVVI and axtingtosher. Mie tem and Uttle day to day ehango. Driver, Anne M. Cooper at in Ida Maryland apeech. mo^ new memb^ rf the aux-kj^Brtde Daley: a aon, Richard Lanagans Mark the road. State police said they Two Manchester youngsters tatof la tala Soma normal hi|^ and low tem­ will visit the New York World’ s Wapping was admitted to Man­ ‘ Crate Truax, T r Pennaylvanla iliariea repreaented at the event. ^jrae daugh' oaued iito flte anyrtteyt " had trouble overtaking tho trio is News Tidbits tea Shtanaasida broke into Vm because they kept woaving perature readings durlM this Fair on Monday, June 33, as chester Memorial Hospital at 8 ,rateta____ Rapob _ ibllcan chairman, in tera, Mra. Ronald Laraon of 25 Years Wed poriod: Hartford 80 and 87, Mow a talasram to a atate raproaen- upAain room and found a sofa back and forth acroes tho road. guests of Station WnC. a.m. with lacerations of the taro- n*iii7 I Mancheater, Mra. Terrance Rea- tnm ths AP WItm M waa q u l ^ m - Haven 78 and 87, Bridgapert 77 RussCll Oulllette of 344 Wood­ head and bruises. Her son Don­ a totlvo ttala morning aald: K l g n t § D i l l r O e S vlel o f Aahford and Mlaa Jean Mr. and Mra Ralph Lanagan tew A led add lliMWB from tee There wore no Injuries in the and 88. ald, 1, was not injured in the here •a- of the blame. One poitfon A age — 40 la perfect — to odgo was going south on Vernon. DECTON 1 plane for the trip to Baltimore. the House-paaaed. bill was abut in office fo r ..a llie d taUura to BUte Motor Vehtolo Dopart- out Elizabeth Fleming, 32-yoar- Gaage * Wazteg aad PeHahhig. Fnnsnlb apeak out on tee racial qui gan, Ralph Lanagan and John the eAa was badly burned R Both vehicles were towed ^Tha Scnmton fiiuully, with the off Wednesday when the Senate mAR reported today tho foUow- old geology major from Water- In Memoriam from the scene. Police said that Hons and says he has written Lanagan, all of Manchester, and waa repmted. ■' ing compariaon A traffic fatal }axcaptlbn of an older aon, waa voted 71 to 38 to put tts debate- three grsuridchildren. Fire OhlA FranAa Umerite bury who eompilod a 88.3 avar- hi' kwinz memory of our dear the case te still under investiga­ limiting clotiure c^e into effect. Mta Oglore Wtalto tee Pope aiAlng for tee card' Itlaa from Jen. l throogh mld- Dad. David K. Kerr, who died June It’s sheer luxury in to Budie the trip. The anniversary will be cele­ said tbs fixe waa A umtotermln- ag«- 5 7 19*2. tion. Under thte each acBator has The funeral of Mrs. Oglore Inal’s removal . . . Mrs. Lyn­ Bightt They are among 1,688 und8n- ] Later, Pannaylvania Rep. White of S3 Pine 8t. waa held don B. Johnson tee President’s brated Sunday with a cookout Arrested last night, following TED TRUDON. Ine. only one hour to ineak on the sd .erlgin. Two years have paaned since that fTtaomaa B. Worrllow and State from 1:30 to 8 p.m. at the home 18ta 1864 graduates who will receive de- an accident in which two peo­ bill and all amendments. thte morning from the John F. wife, feted at a dinner and a OMA Ltanortok praised J grooo Sunday. aad day. «San. John T. Van Sant reported Tierney Funeral Home, 218 W. dance in PWladelpWa hy tee o f Mra. McNally, 33 WaddeU Tiaygia, a Mancheater Higll 188 188 Vile Dad ere koved, waa called ple received minor Injuries, was TOLLAND TURNPIKE—TALOOTTVILLE wash- and-wear 'racatvlng Mmilar talagrama The Senate acted on IS Center St., with a solemn high Golden Slipper Cdub, giving her Rd. SehoA aopliomore, for Aoateg away. Timothy Beyrer, 17, o f 38 amendmento Thureday, reject ' from Truax, who waa not avall- Maaa of requiem at St. James' tts "First Lady Award" as a tha door to bar bedroom wtMn 6nd took you home to Hia aarden. Princeton St. He te charged with RHONE 949-1888 iablo for comment ing all of those net acceptable Church. naitlve humaattariaa. she diacoverod the c u r tala Away from all aurferlna and pain. failure to grant right of way. to the leaderahtp. Humphrey Vietnamese Infantrymen But in our hearts you are with ua. The driver of the other car, YosiTl have the coolest Dad in town when 2 Jack Oomny, the govamor'a •me Rev. Bkigene F. Torpey buratog in the Traygis horns And will be till we meet acain. ipraaa aacrotary, aaid the gover- called it “a great day” fliat en. waa celebrant, assisted by the clawing their way across South Democrato Plan oouragod him to believe the bill Her actions closed off a draft lie wears this A R R O W Decton. It’s the tde^ 'n o r had been mulling over hla Rev. John D. Regan, deacon, and Viet Nam’s highest mountain that could have whipped the FOLK Lovlns children and might be passed even before the Monday surprised a Communist Mrs. Aceto Fete grandchlMren decUlon for aevaral uya. tee Rev. Clarence Johnson, sub­ flames and caused a more saA- Don, Joan. Marlon. Fred­ k - tymmer heat-chaser... and for all-day neatness* end of next week. deacon. Mrs. Ralph Maccarone convoy moving in from Laos and Reminded that Scranton aaid "I think we win oome out of ous fire, Umerite said. She die. Robin, Bobbie and I pravlmialy ha never felt was organist and soloist. Burial fcwua 37. . - . Idaho’s Republi­ The Democratic Town Com­ called firemen after conflalng GUITAR. BANJO Susan a wrinkle-chaser too. It’s soft, absorbent, and thte pretty much with the pack was in St. James' Cemetery. can State Convention, over- ^*atlrred” before about any prea* age bill we now have,” he said. mittee has scheduled a recep- the htaM to her room. Identlal aapiratlona, Conmy waa Father Regan read the commit' In Memoriam woven from, a luxurious blend of 65% Dacron* He waa referring to the pack­ Jlitelfto’d J tor^ e^ h ^ ^ to'^ »"«l »««•* tor June 31 to Smoke ejeeton were aak- 111 loving memory of Alice How* aaked If the governor waa tal service. who pemra xway June 12. 1969. polyester and 35% cotton that out­ age of amendments drafted by be pr^m m ittod at the nation- ^ honor of Mrs. Mary Aceto, k>ng- ptoyed to rM the iKMM A ■ ‘ •atirred’ ’ now. Bearers were Donald FUmer, smoke after the ftamea were LESSONS leaders of bote partloa and Atty. Maurice Fisher, Leo Fisher, Wll al oonvenHon for the Arteona time active party worker. lwnye a silent heartache. FRESH wears any all-cotton shirt. Treat I “ He’a atirred,” Conmy re* Gen. Robert F. Kennedy as a fred Fisher, Paul White and Bid put out any a ellent tear. ; plied. substitute for tee House bill. It aenator. Mrs. Aceto was vice chair- ANY STYLE OF ANY ARTIST tBut ajwaye a beautiful memory. Dad to a cool wash-and-wear treat. . . 1 Conmy aaid Scranton made retains the House bill's basic ward Cronin. man of the town eommittes B' Of one w* loved en dear. hia mind finally at 8:31 p.m. Delegations from the VFW from 1904 to 1883, and haa been we have his favorite colors and ocular provisions but puts more em. Auxiliary and Ladles of St FROM A FOLK MUSiaAN WITH end save ua atrenzth to bear H. « Thuraday. phasls on voluntary compUanca Campers Group a leader in First Ccngreiaional 5 Youtht Attend ^ d cnucace to (ace the blow. BLUEBERRY James attended tee Mass. District affairs. She waa alao TV, RADIO, CONCERT AND COFFEE But what It meant In lose you. e y l « . t ^ 0 5 ! Aa to what Impelled him to and state ehforcement in statea No one will ever know. fmake that decialon, Conmy that have' their own antidtecrim To Seat Officers prominent in the Manchester Aquatic School HOUSE EXPERIENCE -aaid: "Tou’ll have to gat the Amaiversary Mass and Hartford County Women’s Sieler*. Mav Wrizht. Irene Ination laws. Wilke*. Betty Weir apeolflca from him.” Russell said teat at today’s An anniversary high Mass DemocraUc FederaUon work. ■n»e RockrlHr Chapter* of the The reespUon will be held rive Maaefaeoter youths SN SUNDAE —Hu So­ Rd.; George B. Kata, son A Mr. Whel he to me hae been. is bound to please any Dad m viet UAon and Emt Oermaay Heth left henceforth lie eeal and terested in shortening this up,” vice prsAdent; Mrs. Muriel Au­ and Mrs. George Kata Jr. A 311 rCHER RUSS CO. or elgn Russell aaid when asked how IHMtkMi hosM are 3 to S p-m. den of Manchester, secretary, algaed a friendship treaty t»- Stoop Hollow Lane; WlNiam A. Bnjfraven deep within. Father’s Day — and for days and many amendments the South­ la aB areas exeepthig matoni «b^ bat avoided attrrtag up a Sacborek, aon of Mr. and Mm. ^St. James^ Grads and Forrest Howsh of Msn- major oriais with the West by leivlnx wife. days to come. There’s magic in erners would press. "We are Uy where they are 3 to 4 pjn. oheotsr, trsasuror. William Saeharok A 12 C otteg* M M 52I Mae Kerr more interested In making a Aeppfaig short A a peaeo **When You Think of GlasSf wash-and-wear ARROW Dectolenc, sad 8:88 to 8 p.m. and ^vato Msmbors are reminded to treaty. Soviet Premier St.; Rohort Johnsoei, s-ou jgram tonight at 7:80 at the FaUenta Today: 374 dearly. , m much better job by itself. Noted Lecturer planning to camp at ' Spring eaBxeui terma. But East oeum which began June T and NEW LOCATION Are the onee that won t forget. Y Cmn* Tastemmmaam The» Quality school. A /-.111 ADMlTTBa) TESTH3RDAT: Oarmaa. Oonmumfot ehlA okwoo June 17, they will quA - Choose your gift for Dad from our Brc^ FAm near Moliawk E v e rv dav In eome email way. liiiii * Parenta, atetere and priaete At Cam era Club K ath .n n e B a ^ r 43 Trail ki Maaaadtusetts on June WAtor Uteifaht, foHowtag Ify as oertified Red Crom wa­ Routss 6 if 44A — Manchsstsr, Conn. Trebbe Dr.; Mn. Ellen Bockus, Memnriee' of you come our way. selection of neat collar styles in of the pariah and S t Jamea' 7th 38. 37 and 28. Those who wish teo Sevfat toador on the dais ter aAety Instructors and be Time and yeare roll ewiftly by grade pupils are Invited to tee 37 Ridgewood St.: Carroll at a KremUa macMag, mid eligible te teach Red Ckom 54 McKEE STREET But love and memorie* never die. . entertainment which will in­ Alex Potamianos, A8PA, an Chartler, 38.Dudley St.; Mi­ to plan tripe together during white or businesslike'^ stripes. international exhibitor, Judge the summer may contact Mrs. tho treaty ptwriioa that East swimming and Kfe saving LAEOEE GUABTEBS aad MfHUB PAEUNG Badly inleeed by her clude a musical with songs, chael Omrilla, 58 Bretton Rd.; GormaRy and tea Soviet Ua- courses. WtMere. dances and comedy acts, as well and lecturer, will present a Robert J. Cote. 417 South Rd., Florence Lynch of Roritvllle. A l^ TO GIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE loB win regard Imlated W eA Two A Hu Manebeater Au- •7.95 as the reading of the Class His­ two-part program at the final Bolton; Mrs. Mary Degorio, 108 TIm Rockville Chapter wUl Berlfal aa "aa tadopeadeut po- tory, Will and Prophecy. meeting before the summer re­ Spruce St.; Mra. Mari-Lcai Kel­ resume its meetings In the fall. HtieA entity wMeh In no way dwits, Johnson snd Saefaemk, AUTO GLASS INSTAILID cess of the Nutmegger Camera wW be employed as lifeguards Ob Sunday, the graduates ley. Glastonbury; Lynne Lam- te part A tho WAt Oermaa SALE DAYS {and their parents will attend Club at 8 p.m. Wednesday at berton, Tolland; Joseph La- Poderal Eepuhllc aad at town pools this summer. GLASS FURNITURE TOPS SALE DAYS Hilltop House, Veterans Memo­ to GAR RENTALS the 8 am. Baccalaureate Mass Rooco. Wapplng; Mrs. Laura Church of Christ whieh the oetuBetenee o f the Johnsfm was thte year’s presi­ THURS.. FRL, SAT. THURS.. FRL. SAT. ARROW at tee church, followed by a rial Park, Blast Hartford. WoA Genuaa FOderA Eepwh dent of hwtructom A the Han- MIRRORS (Fir«pkK« end Door) | A native of Greece, Potami­ Lee, RFD 3; Mrs. Jayne Ns- dr LEASING JUNE 11-12.13 JUNE 11-12-13 foommunion breakfast in the wirth, Dana Sasse, 55 Hemloric Ho does bA axteud." dtoapped. ^aebool oafeteriA anos came to this country in Opening Sunday PICTURE FRAMING (oE typos) 1964, and haa won many medals St.; Dale Peraanowaki, 45 DECTON Weidgewood St.; Mrs. Emma •AH Mokss In International exhibitions. He The Pint Church o f Christ, WINDOW and PLATE GLASS | Legal Notices is a member of the Charter Oak Pike, Coventry; Marshall Smith. •AM M odds Tolland; Mra. Gabrielle Wymefr, Scientist, will have its fint SPORT SHIRT Color Slide Association, the services Sunday at 11 a.m. in OONTRAOIOBS: WE HAVE IN STOCK • am TlmGS UMITATION OBDES Nutmegger Cannera Club, the 16 Oxford Bt.; Charles Pringle, A'T A COURT OF PROBATE h«ld Glastonbury.; Peter Staum. 147 its recently completed building MEDICINE CABINETS ood SHOWER DOORS « Manchratpr. wHhln and fb* ths Hellenic Photographic Society on N. MAn St., formerly the Pflwl D(Mla* Pontioe piaUiix of Hanebpater. on the 4

Kf> ..W-. t * t « - a •'I'

• ’ ^ - 1. • V . • V < . ,

H f t n u m v i MAWCHESTER E V p N ti^ HERALD, MANCHSSTI^ CDNN^ FlUDAT. JPN E li; 1>M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY. JUNE 1$, 1964 iatlnc bond debt of $114,OOO and V '' i. XV* >• to proride funds for oonthiuad [Water J^ m Stock Issue operation aiM expanaton. Souik Windsor HUM wUl hold a card party plsssmia srlll be given June 10^ Jun* IT at tha Tampla. Tha U and 13. 'M.i'IW b r i n g y o u r n e x t program win laehids a dSlry lawn Tsstn of Educational GOP Convention Tonight^ Gets Approval of PUC Waddell Patrol Buppsr. Members and guasts ar* Developmant win ba given to all Assistant Superintendent Invited to attend. imdarclasemen beginning Mon­ ft' Tha Manchratar Water Co.<<^jhat non* of the aharee will be Cited for Work PRESCRIPTION ■hai^ Pleala day and Mdlng ‘nnneday. Delega\te Struggle Looms Yesterday received permission $Qld on the open market Tha Wappug OoounuBlty TIm Mfh adMol awards as- hx>m^e State P\ibHe Utilities The' present .3,500 shares of Miss Ethel Robb, principal of Accepts New School Post Ohureh wiU hoM a tamUy pic­ ssrab ^ wUl ba haM Monday and (OnutimMS from Png* Ouo) opening sasaion of tha I t ^ b ll - j Comimsston to Issue an addi­ the company are held ^ its M nic Sunday at tha Briaan Orev* tho D ram a Club wUl prsoont tha can state convention . nt th* Waddell School, awarded certifi­ HERE Day Okmp, TOUand, from mkm tional 300 shares of Its common stnekhoMera in amounts of 3 to cates todsy to the following Dr. Bannstt Flotkln, asslBt- Mat aasombly of tho yaar Pinney eupportera claim foey BushnsH Memorial Is aa fol­ stork, at par value of $100 per 705 shaifea each, to 7 p.m. lharo win bs sports W sdnisday. hava 40 "solid votes,"_snough to lows: safety patrol members ^'ho sAt supsrlBtandlnt of sehoolB and organtaM games. There ars share. The PUC decision was also served during the past yer/; •qnars Danoo Tonight Asaur* victory. • p.m.—Oonvshtion callod to ' At a June S public hearing ■based on the water company's hi fiouth Windsor, has is- no firo places avallaWs. Mem­ order by State Chairman A. Juliette Beaulieu, Barry Pa- Tho South Wlndaor fiquart Ths 863 dslsgntss and their before the PUC, the water coni- experience of paying 5 per cent algnad to bscoms supariataBd- bers ar* aakad to bring siUisr a Danoo Ohib will hold a rofiralar Searle Pinney. ganl$ Kathleen DIdan, Larry OHr Scnrlet b box iuncH or thsir own grllla alternates convene In ths Bush- ' pany had requested the authori­ dividends per year, with an in­ Elkin, George Field, Randall ant oC school la Bast Hamptoa. club danoo at tho Wapping Star Spangled Banner auag sation to increase Its outstand- dication that the earninffs will Prempf, Courteous Ths Suburbanite Young Adult nell Auditorium at 8 p.m. to­ by Mra. Simon Haraek of Der­ Welsch, Thomas Maxur, Juliet Ma win tak* bvsr his asw Group will meet at th* Broad­ Community Hall tonight Tho morrow'tor th* opening session. tnr .stock to 3.000 .shares in or­ continue, as a result of operat­ Jutras, Kathleen Hboper, Lyn post J i ^ 1 . eaUor will bo M > Orandprs of by. der to pay outatanduic debts, ing economies. FREE DEUVERY—TEL. 649-U814 view Community Church, Hart­ Gov. John H. CJhafee of Rhode Invocation by tho Rev. Rob­ Redmer, Holly Shorts, Wendy Dr. Flotkia has bssa la the Woot Bprlacfleld. Dancing wUI Island w411 b* ths keynote speak, j including about $2.3,000 to the Ernest Morse, executive vice ford Sunday at 7:10 p.m. for a ert Shea of Rocky HIIL Heritage, Anthony Marinelli, loeal school system siaos 1887. program of "Looking At Art." bo from 8 to 11 p.m. iUI chib ar. I Green Manor Oon.struction Ca, president of the Manchester Gall Peters. Joyce Sherekow, PINE PHARMACY Hs was appolatad assistant lovols danoors aro Invited. Election of House j:peaker J. and to finance the cost of lip- On Wednesday UM senior Ths heavy huainsas of th* con- Tyler Patterson of Old Lyme as Water Co., had said at the pub­ Patricia Sylvester,. Elisabeth sUparlatandsat of schools la choir rehearsal wUl bs held at Tho Bt Franois of Assist provements and extensions, lic hearing that he has effected 684 CENTER ST..-MANCHESTER 1883. la hla asw post hs wUI vsntlon will corns Saturday convention chairman. Vendetta and Janice Kos. • p.m. Church Man’s Guild srlll spon­ when a asnator la nominated, PUC perm is'ion for .the i.s.sue a savini: of about $10,000 per ■ I hpad a school syatsm of four sor a pariah spring dane* to- Introduction of keynote ! was based o.n the conipaiv’s Friday th* Sanctuary Survey ths state platform la adopted speaker by Congressman Abner year in salaries, by the dls- aUmbnatratora aad 78 taachsrs. Oommltte* will mast at 8 p.m. nwrrrow Aram 8:30 p.m. te 13:80 statement that the new stocJt JU and national dslegatea will bs Sibal of NorwaUc. . jmissal of four maintenance men FOR RENT fiaaiataat auperintsadsat in ths chapel. am . at th* ohureh haU, Elllng- elected. j would be offered onl.v- to the ^and an office girl. bars. Dr. Plotkla has bssa ac' tor Rd. Music will bs fumlshod Keynote speech by Gov. John , present ®4 stockhoWers the ra­ S and I t nun. Movie Projec­ Saturday, Jun* 30, sdU b* reg­ Chafes of Rhode Island. The last stock issue by the tlvs ' tn psrsoaasl rscruitmsat istration day for Vacation Bible bjr OharUo Rsran’s "Plaids." HARTFORD (AP) - -The tio of one new share for five tor*—Bonnd or allent. alao a ^ curriculum davsiopmsnt. Tlekots may bo obtained at Adjoummsnt until Saturday «hare,s currently held. company was authorised in Sep­ $5 mm. lUde projectore, Schotfi from 8:80 to 11:80 a.m. achsdul* of svente for today's at 10 gjn. tember 1060, when 1,000 shares It's Planting Time Hs was lastrumsatsl la the rs- All children or their parents who the door. All mombore and Tn the event that such pre­ were sold at par value of $100 WELDON DRUG CO. Tlsloa of th* math program, are attending should report to frlanda of tho pariah ars InWt- emptive rijfhts are not e.xer- each. M I Main S t —IViL MS-5831 dsvslopmsat of the scleacs the directors on that day. Tsach- sd to attend. cis^ , it was revested by Wil­ program aad tha hoaors ssm- srs and classroonu srfll bs as­ liam Foulds. president of the In December of the same mar for Jualor high studaats. Manehsotor Bvanlng HoraM year, the company requested signed than. All rsglstratioa company, that a small jfroup of Tims for s trip to Dr. Plotkla waa supsrvlslag forms and fssa should bs pra- South Wlndaor eorroopendent. desiftnated stockholders stand and received permission to is­ priacipal of th* fitorra Oram- Brewnie Joooph, tolophono ORANGE HALL Dr. Bennett Plotkin ssntod at this time If they have ready to purchase all unsub­ sue $325,000 in bonds. The mon­ G e o rg e N. M cConvills'i for tho mar nchool bafor* Joiatag Uis not already been presented. 844-8148. scribed shares. He also revealed ey was used to refinance an ex- local syatsm ssvsa years ago Those persona unable to attend . plants you'll nsod for aa supsrvlBlog priacipal of th* tlon to head the social Studies should contact Mrs. Joseph MONEY C o n ve rse W uplag Blsmsatary School. department at the South Wind­ Tripp, 887 HilUard Bt., Manches­ Four Town Girlg ODBunsatlag on th* state of sor High School. ter. PAINTING AND summtr*long bosuty In South Wladaor aducation. Dr. The high school alrsady has 43 In BasSlng Program Make Deanna Ligt DECORATING Plotkla said today, "Curricu­ department heads in th* Eng­ Wood Memorial Library has your gardsn. PHONE MS-3804 lum rsforms has* kept paoa lish and Math departments. As announced thfit 43 chUdren be­ Four Manohaster gMa have g IN G O Brand New 1964 with sxpandlag earollment aad ths high school becomes larger tween ths ages of 4 and T hava Call Evenings — 8 to 8 bean named to the dean’s list huUdlag. la additloa to this the department heads may have rsglstsrsd for ths summer read­ for tho sooood aomooter at Bay 72 E « t CoNtor Stroot — MwicliHor DOWN' $ And Up th* stroqg rsorultlag program to spmd half of their time ing program at ths library. Path Junior Oolloga, Longmoa- dsvsiopsd during ths past tw« teaching and the remainder in A story tlms lasting 40 min­ dow, Maas They ars all mem­ Dodge 880 Conv. GER AN IU M S 3 r.. yaars has provided South a supervisory capacity. utes will h* held each Monday GET HERE EARLY FOR THRU In Bud and Bloom 'an avsr grow Teacher Recrultnoent bers of tho Ctaas of 1985. Windsor with ' and Thursday at the Ubrary Honor students ar* Miss tag eadrs.” Dr. Plotkfn, reporting this on Main 81. at 4 p.m. The read* REWARD! Hast Hampton has two kin- wssk on the teacher recruit­ hig program srlll begin June 33 Gharlsn* Covsy,. daughter of ’ll OHEVROLET Mr. and Mra. Clmrlss Covey, 5 You’ll be rewarded with a ANNUAL FLOWERINO PLANTS dsrgartan through Orad* 4 ment program In South Wind­ through and Including July 80. CALL I^K>OB SEDAN schoola, a Orad* 6 through sor said, "It is evident that Parents ars requested to pick Frsnose Dr., a Ubsral arte ma­ real taste treat at a low, jor; Miss Leall* Cwikla, daugh­ ’M D O D O E Staadarfi Shift low price when you eat at sohooL and a ssoondary school South Windsor is rapidly be­ up their children promptly at t o r O n A m 8 through 12. coming known as a good place the end of each seealon. n o mora ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael BONANZA Sirloin Pit Chvlkla, 100 Washington fit., an \j!70Q|p0Qo PAIRLANB 8-OOOB No. 38 at 387 West Middle Zinnias, Asters, Marigolds, Dahlias, Dr. Plotkla rsoslvsd a B.A to teach. We get this feeling reglatrationa will ba accepted. *00 FORD Staadard SMft dsgrss at th* University of from placement offices, from Summer Baa Sing Oentaet ansouUv* sscrstarlal major; Turnpike, MANCHE.S- Snapdragons, Cosmos, Verbena, Stock J and Mlaa Maryann Sismianskl, TER, Conn., opposite Hie and others. DOB. OemUMsHout, an ICJt. dogrs* faculty members of area col­ A aummer reading conteat Oram Tsaohsrs Oollage at Co- leges and from teachers work­ open to all elementary achool daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John FIRST... ’S9 0LD8M0BILE Parkade, where you get a SismlsnskL 487 Center St., and special cut flavor aged hahUa Ualvsnlty and a Ph.D. ing In other towns which have children will alao be held by contacted us. We hops to main­ Wood Memorial Library. Thoaa Miss BartMra Uricchlo, daugh­ sirloin stesUt, baked pota­ dagrss ftram UConn. ter of Mr. and Mra. Daniel Uric- for fencing ’51 0LD8M0BILE 88 OONVER'nBLE Thank You, Mr, School Patrolman to. crisp green salad with Dr. FloOila and Ms family, tain this program In order to children interested may Join any Bowers School pupiU honored their friend school crossing patrolman Fred Morrell as well continue to bring the best qual­ time after the close of achool at Ohio, 108 Columbus St., both tasty dressing and a big ssntly living at 58 Alice Dr. medical sacrstarial majors. 1 as their country's flag at Flag Day ceremonies on the school lawn this morning. They slab of Texas toast—all McCONVILLE Manchester, plan to move ified people available to the the library. Prises will be ’51 OLBSMOBILE 88 4-DOOR SEDAN Miss Covey, Mias Cwikla and thanked Mr. Morrell who is retiring after six years without missing one hour from his for 81.89. Gall M9-11M. rMiorUy to th* East Hampton classrooms of South Windsor. awarded at the end of the sum­ post at Princeton and Henry Sts. by presenting him with a monogrammed wallet and a Including heater, Open Tues. thru Sun. from Th* Importance of this cannot mer. Wood Library la open from Mlaa Uricchlo havt all achieved CUSTOM 4-DOOR GREENHOUSES area. msmbsrahip In th* Maroon Key 1 purse of money to acknowledge his service for their safety. Sixth graders Kathy Kolbe, auto, trang., power steering, 11:80 AJUr. to 8 PJM. OradnaMon Tuesday be understatod." 1:30 to 9 p.m. on Monday and RAMBUR STATION WAGON I Susan Moorhouse and Billy Magnotta here make the presentation. The ceremonies al.so in­ Closed Mondays. 302 WOODBRIDGE STREET—649-5947 South Windsor recruiting pro­ TTiursday. honor soclsty for having at­ whitewall tires, undercoating, Oraduation will b* held *1X161 The Wapping Mothers CJlub tained the dean’s list statiM for 8-Pasa. STATION WAGON cluded the flag-raising by an honor guard of scouts, songs by the glee club, and the reading OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS day at • p.m. at ths South gram for tearhera is now in its of Gov. Dempsey's proclamation. Pupils In Miss Roberta Lockwood's fifth grade planned windshield wipers, 5 years/50,000 mile warranty. second year. will hold theli’ annual outing at two semesters. FORB Staadard Traaeenlsaion and conducted the program. (Herald photo byOflara.) Windsor H iih Sehoel auditori­ Black Point tomorrow. Mam- Thirty positions have been 4-DO luarwifeed, or your monoy l»odt . * Mease AMaw 1 Weeks lee Bellveey 643-2421 ' 1. MANCHESTER N E W M O D E L ASHFORD LAKE 'CHAtM-ir LAUNDRY GREEN STJIMPS! OLDSMOBILE S NO MONiY DOWN... M DAVS e r Rw H u i t v H- a p p u a NCE i e ' s (26 MUos lost of Honchostor) off Rooto 44 W . T . G R A N T C O . AND D BT OLBANINO M MONTHS TO PAT DAILY TIm OuttHmdiiif Lokt Dovotopmont of Eosfoni CooooetkHt SsIHag and Saryjelag New Oldensobile Vehlelsa AhmliaMOany fsr Over 88 Years MANCHESTER PARKADE, MANCHESTER • C TS 9'(. FAIRWAY daactloB *( Silver Laa* A Hartfsrd Bd.. Maanksatar ‘ Monchstlsr Shoppinq rorkod* Opsa 8188 A jL -8 :8f P JI. Varaen Circls, Varses OeiH NtSHTS TIU ♦ P.M. ARTHUR A- KNOFLA, Sales Agent NEW CARS VALUE-RATEO USED CABt 18 B u m ar b t b b e t Tol. 643-5440 — f7B Moin St., MooelMStor V.-Tol. 449492S 60-1611 — •48^$4U

T ' » ' i ' ’ Vf i

MANCHgSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CQNN-, FRIDAY, JtJNE !», 1914 MANGHBTER SVENINO HERALD, MANCHBSTEt, OONN.* FRIDAT. JUNE 12. 1944 nm i THE Sports Vieudng Herald Angle Mantle Happy Hitting Lefthanded RSox Mound Staff Wobbly TONIGHT Ring - on U ^ tte Wook EARL YOST Lopat Fired Two Homers AMERICAN LEAGUE •ATUROAT W. L. Tht. OJU With Rugged Slate Ahead ItM — Ms«s vs. Fumes Challenger Favored Help Even And McGaha II 18 .874 — CksaaU 18 Washington Most Improved Baltiniare 88 It ,fifi7 ly . 1188—Tssks w.' WMU Sox SI JMt 8 d w a s A S * ^ y , have you taken a kx)k at the American League New York 87 LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)^ too harder puncher, while R od-- flghu and^acb oaa AbrsS ap Takes Over Minnesota 88 S8 JIS7 • BOSTON (AP) — CoIor9fa>ne set starting t o n i g h touring on a ratio eC Inning swing a solo homer and two fiou- 9 pjs. Ortsiss vs. RAI Sm rl^es, who is Aightly taller and j a row. Two A tha v*r41elB >•- Sox Series ChssM ls 88, Se 'standings?” Managor Johnny Pesky of the Red Sox Cleveland 88 M JIM 7 tha Bad Sox pitching staff against Baltimore. Pesky nom­ pltchsd hs gavs up nine hom­ bles. He's now enjoyed his long­ —The worid welterweight has a two-inch advantage In suited in split dscisions. Tbsrs ^sked before the start of Wednesday’s day-night twin- Boston 87 87 ,800 8 inated Dews Morehead (S-«) ers at this stags a year sgu. est stretch of batting over .400 4 pjn. — BUck Opes crown, which bss been in was never a knockdown In any CLEVELAND (AP) — wobbly. reach, might be too better box­ bill with New York. ‘This is the best race in years. BOSTON (A P )— Mickey Washington 88 SS .418 111/, and was eager to find out the ITiis Ume around he’s already In his major league and out of the hands of er. A toe ^hts and the ibands Mel McGaha takes over as Detroit 88 88 .U 1 iiy , Thin, weary—any num­ Orioles probable pitcher. He’s yielded 16. Felix Mantilla hit a two-run 8 pms. — Race sf ths Weak were close. ,Why,” he added, ‘‘we are in sixth place and are not too Mantle is one happy fella Stevs Barber, always a Sox Emile Griffith since 1961, Griffith has accused Luis of manaflrer of the Kansas City Los Angeles 84 U .481 Ml/, ber of adjectives could de­ "It’s a combination of a bad homer in the eighth and pinch- Rodrigues in aa f^ta has today. He’s just proved the 85 .887 17 jinx, hard cn the heels of Bou­ 8 pma. — WMs Wsrid sf goes on the line again to­ grabbing ths attention A the far behind the leaders. KsaMM City 17 scribe the Boston corps of luck streak and a bad pitch hitter Pick Williams — who had won BB, 32 by knockouu and has Th« BostonlaiM are eight Bouton once saoh. On the other lefthanded magic hasn’t Athletics in the city where Yesterday’s Rssulti ton who now Is g-1 lifetime vs. Sports night when toe New York crowd and ring officials with aching aims after New York here aitd there," Pesky said. "1 homered in each of his three last-minute flurries at punches never been stopped. Jengttu behind pace - aetting side of the fence. Red Sox start­ he first managed a major Minnesota 4, Detroit 8. Boston. really thought he'd win. He previous at bats — drove in the (AriouMSs Rodss) champion Luia Rodrigues qf Mi­ gone out of his switchhit- squared a four-game series i-4 in each round. Griffith has won l8 A n O iicago, and only three back of ers have completed the distance league club—-Cleveland. Baltimore 8, Ohloago L last night Mickey Mantis hit Earl Wilson will pitch to­ was throwing real hard and final run with a two-out Angle Chsassl 8 ami. but five times, Dave Morehead ting. matches, IB by knockouts. Hs the stumbUng Tenkeea, the The A’s fired Ed Lopat, for­ New V*rk 8.' Boatoa 4: two horns runs and Roger Maria morrow with Jack Lamabe and well at the start. In the ninth. Bperl The IB-round bout will be tele­ Rodrigues' handler, Angelo and Jack Lamabe each turned "F or the last three or four Dundee, has indlcatsd, however, was stopped but ones, in sns -club the aaperta tabbed to win Los Aageles 8, CleveUnd 4, another off loser Bill Monbou- rookie Bd Connolly ticketed for "W e should have won an- Carl Yastrsemski sat out the ChsiiM ls 88, 880 vised nationally over toe ABC the trick twice and Earl Wilson games I’ve been feeling much mer New York Yankee pitching that Luis will move more ag­ round in a nendiaa fight wiin laat April. (18). qustts. Sunday. ^ ’’other game from the Yankees." network. has ens for the Red Sox total. better batting lefthanded,’’ the •tar, Thursday and immediate­ tame with a slight ease of food gressively and will try for a middleweight Hurrleaaa Carter Few figured the Red Mo» Today’s Games Monbouquette, a 80-10 pitch­ Eddie Breesoud got three of SUNDAY New York Ynakee slugger said ly replaced lilm with the 37- What hurt meat was that win­ poisoning but was sxpsetsd Rodrigues, toe SB-year-old knockout. in New ‘York lost Doe. 30. would be a WWitg team, with a Chicago (Buxhardt 8-8 and er of 1968, now stands 8-6. Fig- the nine hits off B w to n includ- back in action tonight. 1 p.m. ^ Mats vs. FhflllM PredicUon Department: last night. He had driven In year-^d McGaha. coach with ner Jim Bouton, a .040 hitter, OUkSsA 18 Cuban exile who won and lost Neither boxer should be mys­ .900 or better percentage at three runs with consecutive Horlen 4-2) at New York (Ham­ doubled and scored one run, toe Utle in two Sghts with Grif­ Mickey Mantle won’t play in the club for a year. ilton 8-0 and Ford 7-1), 8, 6 1(88 — Tasks vs. Whits tified by toe skills of the other. ^thia atage of the aeaaon. How­ 100 games Uus ssason with the homers and walked once. The announcement by Gen­ then latsr slnglsd to drive in V Ssx fith in New York last year, re­ This will be their fourth meet­ ever, the chargee o f Peaky, can Baltimore (Barber 8-8) at two more. mained an 8-B favorite to return S l J a m e s ’ W in , Yankees. The $100,000 salaried "Actually I’m feeling better eral Manager Pat Friday Boston (Morehead 8-fi), 8 pjn. Chsassl 8 ing — they had two 15-round :aport a 27-27 standard. grimaces with pain from both sides of the plate,’’ Thursday kept McGaha from The extra-heavy doee of first Dropped-Third Strike Club Adds New Member I tie — Orioles vs. Red Sox to the. top spot of toe 147-pound title engagements last year and Minnesota (Pasoual 8-8) at division. The long - noeed manager every time he trias to run or Mantle continued, "but more so going to WlthevUle, Va., where division opposition tbs Sox now Chsaasls 88, 86 a lO-rounder in i960, when both Play in Finals gambled . With youngsters like Washington (Korii l-l), N. when he swings and misses a lefthanded because I wasn’t do­ he was to have reported In a Los Angeles (lAtman 8-4) at are tasting is straining the 4:86 — Botek Open Griffith. 28, a native of toe were title contenders. Tony Conlgliaro and Dalton pitchers to the ultimata and the Virgin Islands, is rsgsrded as pitch. Without a healthy Man­ ing nearly as well there. It’s few days as Manager of the Detroit (Aguirre 1-8), N. ChassA 8 Griffith won the first and third Scoring a 10-8 victory over Jones and has been rewarded tle the Yankees are in ssrious just a question of seeing pitch­ A ’s rookie league farm club. Kansas City (Segul 4-5) at signs ars abowbiE ^Edwards Joins Select ‘Group’ 8 pju.—Sports Spoctseular St. Joseph’s A Bristol ysstor- 'with handsome

•> r,»


LITTLE SPORTS ' BY RODSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with BlAJOR HOOPLE d a i l y CROSSWORD PUZZLR Bukinen Service* THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW By FA6ALT and SHORTEN OoiP»—Bird*—Pigfa M OffeiGd 1-S FRENCH POODU*-AXC rsg- Answsr to PiovtoMO W A lB Ilfa MACBDOBB rsB8ta totarad, maCe, wMta, IVh y ea n VE iEN OOC SHtHBONE BO M BUf A SurM BCN irooMCfi f o t m e u . a t jKtenw Apothecary l:JI fr.'^u CLASSIFIED •d. BOA Whirlpool and Kea- OM, 880. OaU 84S-7BH. •ad A VWEN tr COMES TO i-v/V eah, ascin' raore.' AU w on gmrantaed. | PttSCRlFTKM. rr LOOttt UKl IMiTBML IME iHD OF 1HB MOUTH- low pneas. IPICKIM' UP WHAT CVBty-« v -l ORtaemv x> Can 848-4818. OFACfbCNTIOWORM- 19* aoutta ttrtaC., SOW*- MElTWWOltVt »Uq/tttj ___ TW6AU.- l/ONE ELSE (WERtOOKSO, BANS INTO TMaalem )od|M THREE MALE, pait 10 Length measure ana dryers. AU oil burners ASaORTICBNT COMEOM. yHoTthoiW of ‘MpoU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS cleaned and aarVlcad. AU work $1.26; New Zeatamk, |l. Call rangM. 818 8*B Cam- SREECRy/-^ i CWSTEH/ PREDICTIN' 11 Japanese coin H 6404862. HEADACHES 12 Hindu tHto l-J 8 AJU. to 6 PJL guaraateed. 840-0066. MiNfi 00«»1 leOctaee IS c h a n c e or A larirm ni BITGGS BUNNY WE RUNNER AMD ON NEW 15 VegeUbla---- 20 Legal point CHIHUAHUA, made, four TO GO BOUfiEtpBBPlNa TEAR'S day/ MldNIn 22 Dlamoantad la COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. pounds, reasonable to good V *mB We gaiae/ ISMenunM 2Sriah eggi CUSTOMER MOVUfa TO — chloride 2S Flat surface ISIMhdLH MONDAY Thm FBIDAV 10:80 AJM.~«ATinU>AX B AJi. FLOOR CONSULTANT- home, 876-8102. PHOENIX, ARIZONA I CANT I^BUTTA PROMISED BUT IP I AAAk£ A 17 Hindu ilewird 96 Bu. mem viol SO IHET CANT USB n O i ADD THESE I COULD USTEN T' MISTAKE IN MY. 27Minci.d oath SSShoshonean 48 Exude NO FEE TAKE 8 YEARS TO PAT 16 Dutch code HCntdoi^ Live Stodt 42 SQM tt^ BIIJ.S WITH TH' BALL QAAAE FI6URE&THE MONEY (East Indies) 29 Mucnline name Indian PLEASE READ YOUR AD -t WANPTBD- ALL THAT TIMf/, ELMER! COMES OUT OF 19 Voyage 31 Sleigh type 40TranigiaaMw MFamtnW RsUabls, Honest, Parse* snuKs; 42SUIy Olmaalfled or "Wnnt .ld>” m n taken over the phone ae a Sanding, finishing, reftnlsh- FOR SALB-rTwo female Nu­ NOSEi ioPE/ rr three extra leaves, jttis six 'w m x o m o n - X R Wau^ M U D CART Tour eredit turn­ I960 CadUlac Convertible. White Free estimates. 849-9668, Jo­ OPERATORS D OeSM T/ **No, I don’t want tha othsr kidt looking down on you ed down! Short on down pay­ LAWN MOWER.S — Sharpened seph P. Lewis. matrtiing chairs, modem oak. MARUeiyFROM tea but I don't want tho ahariff looking mo up tHhorl” THE UNnMCOVER ARTItnr a-o-M ment? Bankrupt? Repoasee- 1960 (Cadillac Hardtop Coupe. and repaired, free pick-up and SWIMMING POOL 18x21^ feet. Bargain, $66 . 646-1837. White delivery in Manchester and vi­ INTERIOR and exterior paint Call 649-4756. MooT OaoT deaimlrt See Bon- Experienced operators and PROBE MAKER INVALID’S CHAIR Hft. mapla rmw>M! aet Oougjaa. Incmln about low- cinity. Russ' Mower Service, ing, wallpaper removed, fully trainees needed. Excellent 1963 Buick Invlcta Station 742-7607 Insured. Rene Belanger. 648- CROSLEY ELEX7TRIC stove, trestle tabUe, 6 rabbit ear eat down, emiuleit paymenta Wagon. opportunity for qualified 2-8 Years’ Experience 40” , about 9 years old. very maple chairs, mahogany g«^ 0612 or 644-08IM. trainees to learn sewing. anywhere. No small loan or fl- Ra p i d r u b b is h removal—At­ good condition, $36; Royal leg table, gasoline gas stove, BEN CASEY aance oontpany plan. Douglas 1662 OldsmobUe 98 HoUday tics, cellars, and yards. Handy typewriter, like new, 8 years wood chunk stove. 648-4410. MotOn, 888 /LTutn EXTERIOR and Interior paint­ Sedan. man service. Call 649-0218, ing. Wallpaper books. Paper­ Apply on temperature and pres­ old. needs new ribbon, $46; FULL SIZE Keivinator stove 1081 LINCOLN Continental, ex- 648-7479. hanging, (filings. Floors. Fully sure probes. Must be able Stauffner deluxe modeS reduc­ 1960 Thunderbird ConverUble. to braze and weld. Apply ing couch, attachments and in good condition, $86. Call ’ AAOMVnC lATSR, MOTHER AND DADDY HAD 1 eetlent running condition, all Many Others insured. Worlonamshlp guar­ •AFTER THEY LEFT I HAVE SMALL pickup truck— anteed. Leo PeUeUer, 649-6828. MANCHESTER United Sensor ft Control timer, like new, $86. Inquire 649-8666 after 6. LEAVE FDRTHEAIRPORT...THEYCAMEOUTAC WANTED TO SCREAM- powered, plus air conditioning, will do odd job.*). Attics and THOUdH N0THIN6 HAD HAPPei6D,..AND very reasonable. 848-0090. If no answer,. 648-0048. Corp., 89 CJhurch Street. E. 228 Center St. or phone 640- IPLUN6ED INTO THE ceKars cleaned. Rubbish 8947 after 7 p.m. GRADUATION SPECIAL—Reg. KKSED ME SOODByE-.* POOL-1 FELT LIKE MODES. Inc. Hartford. Interviews may $139.50, G.E. or Webcor, 4- 1082 FORID Convertible BOO XL, moved. Reasonable. Call 649- INSIDE AND OUTSIDE paint- OROWNIN6 MYSELF..!' SCRANTON be arranged by calling LARGE PUP TENT with floor, spMker stereo portable with black, power steering, Crulso- 1048. ing. You name your own price. 289-7404. MOTORS, Inc. 849-7868. 876-8401. Pine a t. Manchsstar will .sleep two adults; rieeptng diamond stylus, sale price mattc, excellent. $1800. 843- 166 Union St.—Rockville $99.96. E-Z terms. Mariow’s, 0688. bag. Tel. 649-6636. Household Services PAINTINO — Exterior and in­ 867 Main. 876-2621 643-0633 terior, reasonable rates. For PRACflTCALLY new Telectro SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL Offered 13-A free estimates call 649-6892. C A S m ^ wltti typing aWllty WANTED—Experienced painter Stereo tape recorder, reason­ NEWLY reupholstered man’s for State TOeatre. Ajjily In for in.side and outside work. able. C3a£l 649-1048 before 1 p.m. lounge chair, gold and tea — BSCTreermren SPECIALS person evenings to Jack San 1966 CHEVROLEIT Impala 2- RBWHa VINO of buxas, moth EXPERIENCED painter will do Write Box E, Herald. nylon tweed. Cail 649-4766. holes. Zlppeia repaired Win­ son. Manager. m .I C A N T door Hardtop, 348 engine, auto­ small Jobs. Reasonable. Call •I Pontiac Hardtop ...... $1,606 matic transmission, power dow Shades made to measure; 649-6903. Boats and Accessories 46 i g o o d a s n e w Hving room BLAME THIM. iSH ow W r all slzas Venetian blinds Keys MIDDLE-AGE woman, perma­ Salesmen Wanted 3(>-A ______! furniture, walnut bedrdbm set, 81 C2iev. Hardtop ...... 31,806 steering, power brakes, air- nent position to care for chil­ lUMEkeT'HEM conditioning, excellent condi­ made while you wait Tape Ra- FOR SALE—15 foot sailboat, dinette set. Must be sold Im­ oordara for rant Marlow’s 887 dren, live In on bus line, week­ NA'nONAL CONCERN with OdCH ME 80 Chev. Impala Cpe...... 1,106 tion. 649-2068 after 6 p.m. Electrlcall Services 22 ; heavy Piberglas construction. mediately. Ctall 643-7466 or Main. 64042X1. ends off. Call 289-7818 evenings, AAA rating has opening for , center board, floatation, alu­ come to 98 Cushman Drive be­ 247-6106 days. courteous, ambitious men with LSlNdDOWN M Chev. 2-dr...... 798 1968 PONTUC Chieftain, i^dror FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt minum mast, Thurston sails, tween 7-0 p.m. Monday, June 0N1ME JDB. sedan, automatic, power steer­ service on all types of elec­ car to contact established cus­ I 2H b.p. Johnson motor. Ask­ 16. WOMAN for housework one day tomers. $110 a week plus ex­ ■0 Chev. 4-dr...... 706 ing and power brakes, good Building— Contracting 14 trical wiring. Licensed and in­ ing $700. Ca£l 649-0987. sured. Wilson Electrical Co., a week. Pbone 646-3866 after penses—advance to M,000 to M Ford Wagon ...... $660 condlOon, $660. Call after 8:80 6 p.m. MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLl p.m., 649-8884. QUALITY CARPENTRY— Manchester, 649-4817. 648-1388. $10,0(X) a year rapidly. Farther 14’ STARCRAFT "Marlin” , 18 Information supplied at inter­ b.p. Evinrude motor and tilt BID NOTICE 00 Chev. Oonv...... 700 Rooms, dormers, porchea, view. Call 644-0202 between 6 trailer. Elxcellent ccmditlon. The Manchester Board of 6-/JL OftfH, ,o© O o f 1967 BUICK 4-door (Jentury, basements refinished, cab­ Floor Ftnishing; 24 DENTAL HYGIENIST, licensed, I KlBiG^klNaVSDU W Rambler 4-dr. 600 very reasonable. 742-6386 after inets, built-lns, formica, tile. fuHl-tlme. Box A, Herald. and 8 p.m. See at 90 Ridge Street or cedi Education invites interested m SSu 6. No tob too small. William SANDING and reflnl riling— 643-2928. parties to submit bids for milk COULD HAVe 6 0 A/iUCH NEAT APPEARANCE, pleasing BUZZ SAWVKR 80 Ford Conv...... OOO Robbins carpentry service. Spring Special—average 9x12 BOOKKEEPING Machine op­ to be supplied to the public BY ROY CRANE RJNWtTHAFOOTEWl- VOLKSWAGEN, 1964, 1600 Super 649-8448. room, $27.60, two coate. Call erator, Burroughs Sensamatic, personality. An old reliable : 1969 SCOTT, 1968 Scott, 22 h.p.; school cafeterias for the 1984- R JU -O F BOOc36. 87 Olds Conv...... 176 Station Wagon, fUlly American­ 649-3240 now tor free estimate. 20 hour week, good hourly pay, firm, the leader In Its field. Is ! 1667 Scott. 16 h.p.; 16 h.p. 1965 school year. PANS 'EM? LH ized new model not yet be­ ADDITIONS — Retaining walls, apply In person. Tote 'n Teens, expanding due to promotions. Evinrude; 26 h.p. Mercury; 30 Sealed bids, plainly marked 'EAY \ SET A LOAD OF THS, YOU SUVS.' CIMCPAC FLOOR SANDmO and reflnlrii- We have an opening for a man HAVE THE PLACE ing Imported, driven by own­ cement floors, garages, bath­ 968 Main St. or call 648-2128 h.p. Mercury; 8 used boiats, as to items bid will be received SAVS A NEW C0MAAANDIN6 OFFICER, CPR. WEST SIDE MOTORS Ing (specializing in older to be trained as a sales repre­ er in Germany tor three rooms tiled, remodeling Roof­ tor appointment. also lot of used Scott parte. up until 3:30 P.M. on June 24, JOHN S. SAWYER,IS EMROUTE AND ' 634 Center St. ing. CaU 646-4291. floors). Waxing floors. Paint­ sentative In the Manchester 742-7008. r v c : weeks. Call 649-6018. 1904 at which time they will be ARRIVING TODAY/IVKffI* r 643-6181 ing. Celling^. Paperhanring. area. Good starting salary, CARPENTRY WORK—82 years’ No Job too small. John Ver- plup commission and car al­ publicly opened and read. NURSE'S AIDE, 8-11. Laurel The Manchester Board of Trailers— experience, ceilings, floors faille, 646-6760. -Manor, 846-4619. lowance. Vacation with pay Diamonds— 'Watches— CHEVROLET Blscayne, 1080, 6 tiled, porches, rec rooms, ga­ and other fringe benefits, if Jewelry 48 Education reserves the right to cylinder, automatic transmis­ Mobile Homes 6-A rages. additions, attics fin­ WAITRB3SS WANTBJD, Sunday you feel you qualify tor this reject any or all bids or parts o f Bonds—Stocks— bids deemed in the best interest sion, excellent condition, $060. ished. Lake and shore cottage Mortgages 31 and Monday, part-time, hours better - tkian - average position WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ Phone 643-2862 after 6 p.m. work. No Job too small. Im­ Sunday 12-8, Monday 6 p.m. to with excellent chance for ad­ pairing. Prompt service. Up to, of the town or to waive any in­ FOR SALE — Mobile home, mediate estimates 643-2626. formalities in awarding fits 8x34. Call 876-7684. A BETTER ARRANQBIMENT 1 a.m., good wages, good work­ vancement, apply at Singer $20 on your old watch In trade., 1983 RED OALAXIE Ford con­ ing conditions. Apply In per­ Sewing Center, 832 Main Street. Closed Memdays. F.*E. Bray,! same. 6-/2 HOME IMPROVEMENTS—Gen­ of your flnancaa wlU make Specifications and bid forms vertible, power throughout, hy- more of your Income available son, Charcoal Broiler, 560 E. 787 Main Street. State Theater: e ms ENiA.h«.TM.a.a.M. Ns.ee. dromatic, 300 engine, AM-FM eral carpentry. Reasonable Building. may be obtained at 1146 Main Auto Driving School 7>A rates. Guaranteed workman­ for persona] uae. Lump debt Middle Tpke. radio, many other extras. Im­ Into one monthly payment of Help Wanted— Street, Manchester, Conn. maculate, one owner. Call af­ MORTLOCirs Drlvbac School ship. For free estimates call WOMAN WANTED to babysit D. E. Pierce, 649-6892. 833.26 (or each thousand dollars Male or Female 37 CAPTAIN EASY ter 8, 844-1186 Ino., oMces, claanocm located Including repayment over five tor two children, 9 and 4, dur­ Florists—Nurseries 49. Business Manager BY LESLIE TURNER Manchester Parkaile lower ing summer months. Keeney HAIRDRESSER, part-time, ex­ 1038 FORD Pickup, $‘70; 1040 yeara Frank Burice. 248-88Ff, level. Beginners, .older, aerv- Connecticut Mortgage Ex­ Street area. Call after 6. 646- perience preferred. Inquire GERANIUMS, 26c and 60c ecM:h; Ford coupe, $26; 1033 Plymouth oua students, oiir specialty. Special Services 15 Duet Beauty Studio. 587 E. i hybrid petunias in all colors, GUUYCOULPNT IT HAP HAPPMliP SO PIA«r..l WAS change, U Lewis tt.. Hartford, 1813. MK'KKY FINN BY LANK LEONARD r u FtIL his STORY Fna coupa, $26; Ford front enda, Teen-age driver's MhieaUon Oocm. Middle Tpke.. Mott’s Mez­ 60c dozen; marigolds, asters, INVITA'nON RAiae 5 ORAMD. GTtMNBP. AS ITURNBP TO h un t •afbr vyhen rear an^, floor ahifta, many UL APPROVED lightning roda, zinnias, patience plante, salvia, TH' RAT TAPED MY TH' KNOWN FACTlh oourje. State oertifled. 840-7898. zanine. 649-3906. APATRaCARiDieKIUBR HFS BEHIUD EASY! H080PY parts. Dick, 843-2606, after Rockville office, 80 Ward St, awnings, loofing, siding, gut­ SECOND MORTOAOBB - Un­ HOUSEWORK — 2-8-4 mornings I* snapdragons, sweet alyssum N-N0,5IR! NEARLY LOOK, JOJO.' YOU'RE A NATURAL TNREAT5 BtITieOr SAW Ma I .r— r h e TRIiP TO ters, (xnnbination windows. In­ HAIR STYLIST—Bhcperienced. „ TO BID HG TAPE RECORDeRI 8UTUSKH8W A 5:80. 876-4011. limited funds available tor sec­ a week. Cali 843-2977. and vert^na, 35c dozen; 8 EVERYBODY GETS BORN HITTER— LIKE RUTH, sured warranty. Free esti­ Casa De Coiffures, J. M. FleTids Notice Is hereby g;lven that DUMP HIS NEieNTEP shoot, bu t nig TAPE RBCORPMt ond mortgagee, paymenta to I .dozen $1; tomato plants, 60c IS IT BECAUSE THE MET5 FARMED OUT j GEHRIG AND WILLIE AAAVS.^ «MJMMMBOuANPI WAS MISSMa! 1088 LINCOLN Continental, LEARN TO DRIVE - Special mates, budget accounts. Bea­ suit your b u d M Expedient RELIABLE woman or girl to Shopping Center, East Hart­ dozen; cabbage, eggplant, the Board of Education, Man­ DIDN'T KEEP YOU, JOJO? YOU JUST COULDN'T LOSE GOT ANAL BUT HE black, red leather interior, still attention to nervous and elder­ con Lightning Protection. 848- aervlce. J. O. Realty- MS-SUI. act ae a companion to aged ford, or call 628-2276. broccoli, brussel sprouts, caull- chester, Connecticut, wHi accept 6815. A IT—WITHOUT A REASON/ SWORaiDKILL WE under guaranty. Call 640-6180. ly. Classroom foi teen-agers. womcm deye.. No housework in­ I flower, and pepper plants, I bids for roof repairs at the Man- IFXTDLPWHAT Plokup service Day or eve­ Business Opportunities 32 volved. Referencee required. SHOE SALEISMAN. full-time, 44 36c dozen, 3 dozen $1; flower­ ■ cheater High School. Plans and 1964 OLDSMOBnJB!^OMY^rUu7, ning leaacns. Reaeonabie rates. Call 640-6184 after 6, or Sat­ hcxirs, 6 day week, good sal­ I specifications may be obtained pow4r brakes, radio and heater, ing shrubs and everg^reens at ManrJieater Driving Academy, Roofing— Siding 16 urdays and Sundays. ary and commission. Apply reasonable prices. Open 7 days at the Board o f Education, 1146 4 new tires, snow caps, good 748-7249. House ft Hale Shoe Dept. Main Street. eondlUcm, $200. 844-0724. A. A. DION. DfC. Roofing, PART-TTME bookkeeper fa­ a week and evenings. Pcnti- aiding, pointing Carpentry. iU- miliar with quarterly payroH celli's Greenhouse, 433 N. Sealed bids will be received until 3:30 P.M. E.D.S.T. on Fri­ MOA, I960, BLACK, good Ures, Garage— S e rv ice - tarafiona and addlfions. Cell- tax raiport. OaK 846-2206. Situations Wanted— Main Street. radio, heater, good top and Inga. Workmanship guaran­ day. June 19,1064 at which time Storage 10 Male 39 they will be publicly opened and cover. Sacrifice. Call after 6 teed. H9 Autumn tt. 848-4880. OPPORTUNITY MEDICAL transcripUonist tor Garden— ^Farm—Dairy p.m. 640-1271. weekend work, experienced or GENERAL OFFICE cleaning read. Products 50 The Board of Education re­ aARAOE FOR RENT, avail­ will train, good t^st-spelier. and Janitor service. Call 643- I960 BUICK La Sabre, 4-door serves the right to reject any able now. Call 840-1467. BID WEILL SIDING and roofing. Box D, Herald. 0466. sedan, fawn color, power steer­ 643-6379, 875-6109. FOR AUTO STRAWBERRIES — Pick your and all bids, in whole or In part ing and brakes, original own­ own, 25c quart. Briite own and to accept that bid which ap­ containers. Falettl, 472 ‘roUand DAVY JONES er, low mileage, must sacri­ Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 BIDWBLX HOME Improvement Dogs—Birds— Pets pears to be In the beat Interest BY LEFF and McWELLIAMS fice. 844-0841. Company - Roofing, siding, i MECHANIC ****** Wanted— Male 36 Turnpike, Mancherter, Oexm. of the Town of Mancheeter. MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES aiid FRANK RIDGEWAY 1968 HARLEY-Davidson Sports­ teraUcoa, addlfions and re­ GROOMING and boarding, will D. E. Pierce, modeling of all types. Hhicel* EXPBiRIENCED . Carpenter. collect and deliver. H. C. PICK YOUR OVJfN strawberrioe. ter, mint condition, extras, Top wages and steady year 36c quart, bring your own ' Bualneai Manage* BRENDA CMICIQN% $876. Cafi Coventry 742-8738. lent workmanahlp. AI8-8488. Chase, Harmony Hill Kennels, GIPfYY^UR DUDLEY} WHY DIDNY IMAGINE ANYONE THE ONLVWOMAN Siin Oil Company has for ’ round work for right man. Bolton. 648-6437. baskets, 6 p.m. until daik. 460 Call Bldwell 'Home Improve- OLD FAITHRX. YOU REMIND ME POOLIftH ENOUGH WHO CAN AFFORD INQUIRE AG TO R. DION—Roofing, siding, al* lease a 2-bay service sta­ Keeney St., Manchester. TOWEAR^X^ZE^ THAT KIND OF NON- WHERE X MIGHT tarafiona, ceilings, and gutters. ment Co.,a., 649^96. STEED. TO7WMA«Y tion in Manchester, mini­ PICK YOUR OWN StrawbeiTiM, TOENAILS V MBOAMP A BVee eaflmatea. 843-4362. BEAUTIFUL purebred Airdale mum investment required, Nipples, 613-7481. 25c quart, ^ring own baskets. Stfitk Talks GAMBLING EXPERIENCED qarpen experience not necessary, Albasi Farm, Villa Louisa AND ten Fbrbee toe. Call 6A-IM2. OlIHUAHUA — Lovable and Road, Bolton, opposite Villa full 7 week training course healthy, AKC registered, home Louisa Restaiuant WANTED—A Ooiqtle husky Hiowl Snwn available with pay, finan­ o i raised. 644-0346. ooUege boys fnxn now until cial assistance available. after Labor Day. Must have FIVE MONTHS old dog, black, TOMATO PLANTS for nl8, U HaeliiM OlsMiii For furUter information CVxmectlout driver’s license. In gtxxl with children, free. 648- per hundred. 88 CHntoo ttxeet. Saptle Taaks, On Wafis 0893. Stteer liaea toatiJlM Oal TOMATO PLANTS, $10. a thou- lar WatarpraoBag DoM. sand. Call 646-8401. STRAWBERRIES — Pick your MtKINNEY BROS. ciwn, 20o quart. Bring own S tw m f iN m w l O f container. Botllte iVuH F mmi, 880 Butt Rm Road. *••*. ! / ■ IS

A- .

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1984 CGHTCBII rrEtt crENiNO hkraid, hakchestki, com^ moAT, jtTNE 12, m i Homes For Sale 72 Homes For Sals 72 Hoobss FoI’ Salt 72 Houses For Ssle 72 Honscs For Sslc 72 Lots For Sale 7S Wanted—Rteal btete 77 Apartmeai»->Flata— Resort Property oosm HoofiM Few 8|yk 72 Hoimm Fir Ilk 72 ■ Ho— ehold Goods 51 H For Sola 72 H o u m For Sale 72 H o o s m For S ole 72 ^VEliTRY — Executive pa^ Tenements 63 For Rent 67 BDC ROOM ranch with car­ WAPFINO-One of a Uod, 8- COVENTRY — 17,900. Large MANCHESTER—Immaculata 7 THREE RESIDENTIAL zoned PAIR. J. C»RHENTI Agency ;TONS TV sat, » NEARLY NEW ranch—6 laige SLATER STREET, ^ in South MANCHESTER Vicinity — Sx- s o . WINDSOR rafich—8 bMl COVENTRY-Diatrata atf*gl8,- disc. Year 'round home with port, full basement, hot water bedroom ranch, otie acre of private lot, 4-room ranch, room single, convenient reei- lots, maximum frontage, trees, wants your home. You wont it n , good condition. GIANT’S NECK Heights - 4 rooms, basement, cotnMna- Windsor . . . . and across the tNutdable Cape on large lot, roetns, 3 tatta, fireplace, mod­ 900. L a m 6 room Capa, 3 fun beaqtlful waterfront. beach, heat, fresh exterior paint, neat land, many quality features place, oil hot water heat, full dential section, 4 bedrooms, good locations. No uwUea. |2,- sold—we will sell tt. GUI 648- POUR ROOM apartment, in­ patio and lake view. House has Road, BoKon, Box >M. cluding heat, hot water and gas room modem cottage,' heat Uons. Selling for $18,900 with street from the new gefd fireplaces living room. Call ern kitchen with birch cab- batha, firafSace, gan ga, full and dean. Fine value at $16,- that can’t ta seen riding by. basement,-encloeed porch, high IVi baths, 3-car garage, beau­ ' -TOO each. Wolvertta Agency, 5863. for cooking. Electric refrigera­ and hot water, $70 weekly, $18,600 aasumable mortnge, course, a four bedroom, two owner 648-1448. inete, attached garage, cen­ shad dormar, amaaita drive, W(ga living room with fire­ 600. In South Wlndeor, one Cell Oatss-Renley Agency, location, lake privileges, eawy tiful lot with trees. Phone 648- Realtor. 849^^. tor and gas stove furnished. sleeps 7. Call Mra. Carter, 743- payments $120 a month, T. J. bath ranch srtltng for only tral air ocnditicnlng, aluminum aaaily financed, m il Uatan to place, bedrooms, bath, dining mile from Parieway. Glenn 8U-0080, 648-8176. financed. Lawrence F. Fiano, 6378, Brae-Bura Realty. WE BUY HOMES, laad„ «§rms, I' I A^TTQUE BOOKCASE, folding Call 648-7834, 648-6778, 6-7 p.m. 8143. Crockett, Realtor, 843-1677. $17,900. No basement. Big lot, oomUnatiema, $18,000. Phil- raaaonabia otfara. Laamnca F. room, modern kitchen, fuU Roberts Agency, Reeltors, Realtor, §43-2768. Charles MANCHB8TER-3 A-aooe wood­ lots. If the price is right, you tar, hall mirror, liquor cab- ideal area. Minimum financ­ brick Agency, 640-8464. Fiano, Raalter, 84g-3766. haaemant. Can be purchased 644-1631, 644-1887. OOV W TRY LAKE - Watat^ Nicholson. 743-6364. 88 ELRO ST.—Six room house, ed lots, city water. Hayes get instant action and all l— L OMI 0U-74M. FTVE ROOM FTAT, 143 S. Main MAINE—Large lakefront cot- ing available. T. J. Crockett, VA - NO MONEY DOWN ChaiCaa Nicfaolaan, T434M4. furnished or unfurnished. Price front. $14,400. ProCasaiaaal garage. Also 176 Oakland Agency. 648-4808. cash. Call J a ^ Chaplin, 648- Street, first floor. Heat fur­ la g i for rent for August, Sep­ 4 BEDROOMS Realtor, 848-1577. MANCHESTER—7 room ranch, $31,500. Frederick M. Gaol, SPLIT LEVEL—8 rooms, mod- naigbbottaood, completaly fur- PARAIH8B EXm TWO Is what Street — Seven room house. 9442, Samuel M. Lavltt Agen­ tember and October to reqson- FHA - MINIMUM DOWN 8 bedrooms, living room, fire­ SO. WINDSOR^-GMonial Ranch. Broker, 643-3683, 643-0281 or era kitchen with buUt-ina, 8 nlaned, . year ’ round 8 room 1Mb delightful 6 room ranch la Owner, 648-5388. cy, kOjS Realtors at Vernon nished. Now avaiirble. Adults. Concordia Churdi la selling me. Machinery and Tools 52 643-8672. sible peopCe. Call 648-1146, NO. COVENTRY - Custom place, dining roc»n, large pine AA. acne. 6 l a m rocina on Terrill A. Rice, Jr.,. 643-2601. large bedrooms, dining room, home, fln i^ a , garage, large with unusual stone fireplace, BOLTON—Half acre wooded a r c le T 643-2158, 878-8397. nomi-2 p.m. their parsonage at 54 Park­ ouilt L-oolonial ranch, paneled TAKE A LOOK paneled family room, attached acre lot. One-hau mlla tram huge family room 21x38 with ecreened porcb, siteidian well, lovely breezeway, and many BOLTON - COVENTRY lin e— building lot, owner, 649-0768. TABUB SAW With 1 h.p. CREST, LUXURIOUS Duplex er St. Cape Cod styled . . . Only $12,900. 8 room older Co­ 34 foot living room, many au­ garage, $17,500. PhKbrick new aclMxd. Woodad area In fireplace, 8 full baths, 2-car ga­ floating dock, water skier’s extras. This home le in a se­ ANDOVER—$476. and up! Acre motor, table exteneion, extra Apartments, ropms, 1% CAPE COD, Dennisport—3 and 8 rooms, 1 ^ baths, garage. thentic details, 5 picturesque AT THESE VALUE Agency, 648-8464. rear a Joy to chUdrant Made­ rage, axcellent nett^bothood, taven. Lawrence F. Fiano, cluded, wooded neighborhood lonial, high location, large lot, Madea. TM. ets^eUB. baths, G.E. kitchen, range, re­ 3 bedroom cottages, all coq- Built around 1050, plas­ trees, needs a bandsman. Law­ and larger tree shaded lota in BUYING OR SELUNG acres. Hayes Agency, 648-4808. line Smith, Realtor, 648-1643, MANCHESTER $88,800. Philbrick Agency, 848- Realtor, 848-9766. Cbarles In Tolland. Julian RtaHy, 640- lovely country area efi hard frigerator, hood, disposal, V e ­ venlences, automatic heat, va­ tered, fireplace, many ex­ PACKED HOMES $18,500-7 ROOM Colonial. Uv- or eveninga 648-8118. 8464. NiclKXson, 743-4864. M90. rence F. Fiano, Realtor, 648- REAL ESTATE tras. Anxious to sell, road. Easy commuting. Priced Antiques 56 netian blinds, carpeted stair­ cancy June 27-July 4, and Au­ BOLTON—Modem, immaculate, Ing room, fireplace, formal 2766. Charlee Nicholson, 742- 1x12 f case, central, pacing, base­ gust 22-September 5. June and chance for an excellent buy full basement ranch, 8 bed-v dining room, 8 bedrooms, sun SEVEIN ROOM CAPE in Bow­ Quality can be a much BOWERS SCHOOLS room, 8 ONE ACRE wooded-lot is the OFF PORTER ST.—4 bedroom 6364. low for fast sale. Resale profit Have assurance of experienced September reduced rates. 643- in a gooo area. T. J. Crock­ rooms and den, 2-car garage,*^ $10,500 — Purse conscious Cape, ers School area, 6 badrooms i^ s e d word in this age of unfinished, -Cape, plastered deClgfatful ietting for this 8- Garrison Colonial, 3-car ga­ possible! Samuel M. Lavltt service. Call Realtor, Stanley TAFTS ANTIQUES foaturing ment storage, w a^ er knd dry­ porch, natural woodworic, ga­ Agency, MLS Realtors at Ver­ ers, pleasing and' pleasant lo­ 0103. ett, Realtor, 64S-15n, 100x300 lot. Bel Air Real Es- Lake privileges, treed lot. poaaible, braaaeway encioaad, mass production. It best de- walls, fireplace) 300 foot wood­ bedroom ranch, 16x18 fire- rage, beautiful kitchen with VERNON — 514 room Ranch, Bray, 643-6273. for the weekend roee medal rage, shade trees, centrally non Circle, 643-2158, 875-6297. cation. Rent very reasonable. | Ute. 648-9382. located in Manchester. Phil­ attached garage, aaking only ocribas this carefully de­ ed IM, immaculate. Call now. placed U'vlng room, aluminum every modern feature, 2% well maintained, high eleva­ SHELViNB Uon cut glass, flax wheels. $14,960 — Immaculate Ctq>e, 4 tion. priced In the 15’s. Wesley Early American chairs. 381 For appolntnient call after 6 COVENTRY LAKE—Waterfront brick Agency, 649-8464. $16,900. A real family home. signed and built Garrison 4- Hayes Agency, 848-4808. storms throuighout, garage, full battis, family room. Real val­ cottages available June 27- MANCHESTER Ranch—34’ liv­ MANCHBlS*rBjR-—First time of­ bedroqr’'^ T T^ocatlon. R. Smith Agency, 643-1567. L aS g E~LOT for aale In V ^ MEMBER MULTIPLE Bartford Road, Manchester. p.m. , Mr. Gill, 643-4362. Wesley R. Smith Agency, 648- badrocun Colonial now under basement, realistically priced ue. Wesley R. Smith Agency, non off Lake Street. Call 649- Juiy 4. Waterside cottages ing room, nreplace. 8 large fered. 9 room stucco and frame construction at Glendale on MANCHESTER—For more tor at $14,500. Gerard Agency, LISTING bedrooms, 1^ baths, natui^ eked, 4 SO. WINDSOR—$500 down buys 1667. 643-1567. 5469. READY FOR OCCUPANCY! June 13 on. Call Carlson Cot­ Sbigllsh Colonial, 3H baths, ex­ -?SQLD Bush Hill Road. Call us for your housing dollar see this Realtors. 648-0866, 644-8325. $14,90O-5H ROOM ranch, basV woodwork, screened porch, bedrooms, nign scenic location. 1< a 8 bedroom 5H romn ranch, tages, 742-7268. tensive formal gardens and more details on this and ■ fine ranch home, today. Fea­ ment garage. This hotpe is al­ Wearing Apparel—Fan 57 GRISWOLD STREET, fun basement, immaculate, oil hot water heat, 100x200 lot. beautiful lawns, two acres of $16,900 — Expandable Cppe, Philbrick Agency, 649-8464. also 6n additional home tures 6 rooms, 3 full baths, SO. WINDSOR—Custom 4 bed­ most new, aluminum windows, MANCHESTER . . . $18,400. Philbrick Agency, 648- PORTER STREET AREA half acre kX. Tiahsferred own­ Resort Property For Sale 74 WANTED TO BUY—3 or 4 fam A OROUP o r Beautiful Gowns, BLACK POINT—3 bedroom cot­ complete privacy. Hayes Agen­ ideal starter home, convenient attaa In the area. fully equipped kitchen, at­ room Colonial imder construc­ lly house In Manchester. Call tage. pine paneling, .fully fur- 8464 cy, 643-4808. ENJOY er must sell. Wesley R. Smith taed onoe, some tailor made a Spacious 3-Room Apartments location. WAPPING—8 bedroom ranch. tached range. All city fb- tion, nondevelopment. Build FOUR R(X>M cottage, Coven­ 649-8350. ortanals, sixes 12 and 16. Be niched. all conveniences, nice Fireplace, screened porch, car­ cilltles. Priced to sell at $21,- era. 644-0883 or 638-5876. Agency, 643-1667. • Excellent Closet Space MANCHESTER—Income prcq>- GEIRARD ST.—^Terrific family SUBURBAN LIVING Just Listed—6-room Cape, try Lake, wooded lot 100x175. sum nobody else will be wear­ Hotpoint Air Conditioners back yard. 643-6000. $15,900 — Brand new ovepsisad port, heavCy wooded lot, 000. Call Barbara Babin, Jer­ erty. Two family, 6-6 duplex, homo. What more could you WARREN E. HOWLAND COVENTRY — Beautiful year fireplace 4 bedrooms, ex­ ROCKVILLE—Cape Cod. near Immediate occupancy. Call ROTARY CONVENTION ing the same gown. Come to • Rent Includes Hot Water and: 2-car garage, oil heat, separate Cape Cod 1V4 hatha, garage, 100x200. $17,500. Philbrick vis Realty Co., Realtors 648- cellent condition, beautiful­ John H. Lappen, Inc., Real­ Manchester Tailor Shop, 121 want for a home In the low near lake. Agency, 649-8464. Only 6 minutaa from Man­ 1121, Eves. 643-1686. ’round home being offered for bus. Aluminum siding, fire­ TORONTO (API - Incom­ Individual Apartment Ther­ Wanted To Rent 68 utilities, aluminum storms, twenties. Prime location, 4 ML8 Realtor quick sale, property 200x100, ly treed 200’ yard. A Better place, many trees and ^rubs. tors. 649-5361, 649-7446, 648- Spruce Street, Manchester. mostatically Controlled Heat and screens, fully rented, g o ^ chester, in this oversized Buy at only 814,700. Exclu­ 5219. ing president Charles W. Pet-1 bedrooms, porch, garages . . . $16,900 — Bye catching 5-room CUSTOM BUILT 8 bedroom MARSHALL RD. — For better with inside and out.side fire- a t y faclllttes. $12,800. Cantor • Range, Refrigerator, Disposal HELP! WE THREE young repair, $18,900. Wolverton rustic ranch. 8 bedrooms, 880 Main 8t., Manchester sive with . . . tragill of Rotary International UN. FOOT and all in excellent condition. Ranch, rec ro’, the dis­ R w te n , Ellington. 87S-S711, vacy, $25,900. Philbrick Agen­ ing room, modern kitchen, I'A 0038. er. 643-2662, 648-0281 or Ter • Baaement Storage 5 rooms, on west .side o f town. wooded lot, $75,600. Philbrick nicest residential areas. At­ $16,000 — Chick and Gay, 6V4 location, city utilities. Phil­ nished. Nice porch overlooking possessed— these, too, are part Bob n uddger, and Son. Agency. Realtors. 649-8464. cy, 649-8464. baths, fiAly plastered, 2-car riH A. Rice. Jr., 643-2601. SLATE Private Paritlng Cali Marion E. Robertson, tached garage. Large lot. Only room Ranch, breezeway family HEBRON—London Park. 8 bed­ brick Agency, 649-8464. lake. Owner will take mort­ of the heritage of man and as | WE BUT, 8HL1, or trade an­ • Minutes To Central Manches­ Realtor, 643-6963. $16,000. CaJl Jarvis Realty Co.. room, garage, prudent buy. garage. All this house in like gage. Call Burt Starkey, Real­ COVENTRY NORTH - Near MANCHESTER RANCH — 2 WARREN E. HOWLAND new condition. Clone to the bus room ranch, fireplace, garage, MANCHEISTER—An extraordi­ MANCHE5STER — Executive or such are the concern of Rotary." tique and used furniture, china, ter and Hartford Bus Line Realtors, 643-1121. Eves., Call built-ins, half acre p4us. Own­ nary ranch home In Buckley tor, Columbia 228-9248. Pettengill said hunger, illiteracy Coventry golf course. 100 acre $16,000 — Family room Ranch, years old, excellent location, line, schools. Weedey R.^Smith, professional. Designed tor year WYLLYS STREET — 340 foot I glass,* sDver. picture frames Carl Zinsser, 643-0038. 21 foot tiring room, fireplace, MLS Realtor er 643-0165. School area. Features 6 large ’round gracious living. Ade­ and other problems "are the i r x i r and old ooine, old doUe and Shown By Appointment Business Property farm. High location, lots of road 4 bedrooms, large kitchen, Agency, 643-1667. frontage, 643-7444. frontage, older 8- room home, kitchen with biifit-ine, natural rooms, 2 bedrooms, fireplace quate space for swimming source of evU. But they were guns, bobby collections, attic Can For Sale 70 MANCHESTER — One of the nicely landscaped, privacy. 860 Main St., Manohaster BOLTON — An antique gam. attached garage, nicely land Wanted—Real Estate 77 dairy bam, out buUdlngs, finest custom 4 bedroom Co­ woodwork, aluminum windows, COVENTRY — Brand new 5’^ pool. Six large rooms, sun- WATERFRONT PARK. So. Cov- created by man and can be ectdents or idwls estates. Fur- MR. PETERMAN 643-3468 room ranch, built-in oven- Beautiful 6'/4 room country scaped hX, Up-top condition, porch, oversiz^ 2-car garage, BUSINBSS ZONK m - Eight many potentials. Lawrence F. lonials, extras. Sacrifice. 30’s. $18,200 — 4 bedroom Ranch, doors, and awnings, attached 643-1108 entry-lot 50x90. Lake privil­ PLANNING TO SELL your solved by man." Rotary Intar- alturs Repair Service Talcott- range, fireplace. 150x270 lot. hjme, oversized attached car­ 116,000. Wolverton A$;ency convenient, H. B. Grady, Brok­ ville, Conn. Tel. 648-7449. MR. PONTTCELLl 649-9644 rooms with two offlcea, sep­ Fiano, Realtor, 643-2766. Principals only. 644-8037. large, living .room, fireplace, garage, $22,200. Philbrick eges. Madeline Smith, Realtor, property? CaK Joseph Barth, national's annual oonvantion | Charles Nicholson, 742-6864. city convehiences. Veterans no money down, riage shed for two cars, two Realtor, 640-3818. er, 643-8009. 649-1642. arate entrance, suitable for Agency. 649-8464. acres of land, covered paUo, Broker, 649-0320. wound up last night. FIVE ROOM apartment. business or professional uae. $15,000 FOR A 2-family at 174 $450 down. All this for $13,- MANCHESTER — Three bed Adults preferred. Inquire after $17,900 — 4 Bedroom Ranch, 2 MANCHESTER—7 room Colon­ 800. Rockville Realty, 643-2188, beautifully landscaped. Priced Rooms ^thoat Board 59 Philbrick Agency. 649-8464. Oak Street, Manchester. 3- MANCHEISTER — Seven rooms under $18,000. Frederick M. room Cape with fireplace, ex 6:90, 83 Birch Street. room apartment down, 4 room fireplaces, paneled living ial. 4 or 5 bedrooms. 2 baths, (4 bedrooms) 2 full batha, 2 876-2627. TWO STOREJS, 6 room apart­ MANCHESTER room, Texas sized lot. 2-car garage, shade trees, Gaal, Broker, 643-2682, 643- oellent neighborhood, good SDC ROOM duplex house, fully apartment up. with two fin­ fireplaces, garage, laive en­ sized lot wtm plenty of trees ftmdshed for gentlemen, dish­ ROCKVILLE — 6 rooms and ment, plus 28x38 cement block $16,900 full price. Philbrick LAKEWOOD CIRCLE — Spic, 0281 or Terrill A. Rice, Jr., ished rooms on third floor, oil $20,500 — High, wide, hand­ closed porch, walk-out base­ 643-2601. am) privacy. 849-4016. washer, all modem conven­ bath, first floor, aluminum building, on main thorough­ Immaculate Cape, nicety fired steam heat, new siding. Agency, 649-8464. ment, hot water oil heat, par­ span and spacious Colonial DRIVE BY JHESE BEST B U Y S ------storm windows, car q>ace, no some, 8 room modernistic tastefully decorated, 6 large iences included, phis house- fare. Asking $26,900. Frank Robert J. Smith, Inc., 649-6241. tially finished rec room, city QUALITY BTRLT brick con­ TWO FAMILY duplex 6-6, 2- pets. 36 Windsor Avenue. Ap­ landscaped lot, porch, rec Cape, 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, rooms, 1% baths, dishwasher, THEN CALL US FOR FURTHER INSPECTION dleanlng services, parking Mott. 643-6668. WILLIAMS STREET—Older 2 utilities, large lot, priceid for struction, a garage, good loca­ stsdl garage, extra large kX, avaSabls. Inquire 118 Pearl ply 22 Windemere Avenue. built-ins, city water, sewers, family 4-4, in excellent condi­ dispoaal. cloeets everywhere, EACH room. Ideal location. Good BOLTON COLONIAL sensibly priced. quick sale, owner tranaferrad. tion, and a nicely riiaded, one block from Main Street. We have at this time what we consider to be the beat group of listings we’ve ever had. That's a strong aratemeat St. after 4 p.m. TVo years old, a three bed­ tion, automatic heat, alu­ Good location. Charles Lee- screened breezeway, 2-car ga­ shrubbed, and landscaped lot Frank Mott, 648-6658. Land For Sale 71 minum storms, garage, handy rage. Who could ask for more? but a true one. Most are fresh, recent listings. Aa active Spring market has kept us hopping day and night. Call us. We starter or retirement home. room Colonial on a two $21,900 — Supreme location, 6 perance, 649-7620. are only a few features of this like to work and we do! COMFORTABLE room for gen­ FIVE ROOM flat available July location, only $17,900. Robert Owner anxious. Gates-Hanley MANCHESTER — Exceptional­ tleman, separate entrance, 1st. Adults only. 648-4629. BOLTON CEN'l'ER—Five wood­ acre plot. Plenty of room room Colonial, beautifully land­ family sized Oapd. Large, airy Owner, 648-3667. to rosm, for horses, etc. Anderson, Realtor, 528-0139, RANCH — EHGHT rooms, South Agency, 643-0030, 649-3176. kitchen, fireplaced living room, ly nice 8 room Colonial, 4 419 Center Street parkii«. Oati 640-2550. ed acres, laege pond, frontage scaped, a prestige home sen­ 528-1776. 7 Emily Drive, Vernon 193 Wells Street 87 Niles Drive FOR ADULTS ONLY—6 room Close to the new school. sibly priced. Windsor, one full and two half entrance foyer. Oversized large • bedrooms. Combination 6-room Cape on bus line. on paved road, owner, 643- SOUTH WINDSOR — Regretful windows, location accessible to Cleanest ranch we've ever Ansaldl-bullt ranch. Two Big 7-room split with bullt- duplex, 66 Wadsworth Street. 1686. Home le in excellent con­ baths, modern kitchen with tran.ect. 8-room ranch on 4 efficiencies featuring G.E. ap­ each har an extra “B” zone 649-6182. WEST SIDE^0~Seam an Cir­ Big 6-room ranch, 2-car ga­ We have the key. You must transportation. Does $15,900 parking. 649-7410. Brookfield Road HOMES- In Town and Conn- attractive acres. sound right? 4' HlOH 8' VmDi pliances, just 10 minutes from lot that could be sold sepa­ A LUCKY VISIT cle. 3 bedroom Colonial. Own­ tiy. rage. Priced to sell at bank see this one inside, front and Hartford to cool, rural living, MANCHE3STER—Deluxe 6 room ROOMS, prefer retired people rately . . or hold as these er, 643-2680 after 6. appraisaL rear. $126 monthly. Oak Lodge ranch, 2 baths, 2-car garage, Hebron Road, Bolton 128 Ferguson Road REDWOOD but will take others. Part lots are becoming, very family room, acre suburlm Apartments, 267 Tolland Tpke., If you are looking for a nice VERNON — 5'4 room ranch, Coventry- Cook Drive, Bolton Big 7-room brand new ranch Immaculate six-room ranch, meals in exchange for er- scarce. Presently worth lot. Hayes Agency. 648-4803. newly painted Interior and ex­ 2-car garage, IH baths. Manchester. Conn. 648-9171, $3,000 each. One parcel is 8 bedroom ranch home with 4 bedroom ranch, natural Big 6-room home, two-car Only $11,900. Nice ranch. on 2 acres. Go thru this one nmds. 649-0469. 876-1166. HERITAGE HILL terior, pine paneling in living Prestige area. at 214 Hilliard St. and is MANCHESTER — Two family IM baths, carport, full Inim- garage, breezeway, only with us. No drive-by will ment and spacious lot on ON ROUTE 207 IN HISTORIC LEBANON room, kitchen with bullt-ins woodwork, ample cabinets, 1V4 ROOM FURNISHED apart­ aelling for $16,900; the flat, 0-6, 3 bedroom arrange­ and Wreh cabinets, 3 bed­ $ 12,000. 132 Baldwin Road suffice. We have the key. Coventry other up on Woodbrl^e St ment, large rooms, deep lot, Alice Dr. in Manchester Apartments— Flats— ment, centrally located. Rea- rooms, ceramic tile bath. Call patio, tool shed, anneaite Flexible executive home on 5H acre estate including T- for $17,500. Ideal in-law good income, good potential, priced under $18.000—Call 53 Marshall Rd. Rockledge Tenements 63 smiable. Call 649-8404, 13 noon and lot us show this fine owner 875-6388. professionally landcaped one roo/n Garrison Colonial with to 6 p.m. arrangement . . . have the $16,600. Wolverton Agency, drive, aluminum combina­ Four d e f n ihed up. acre lot. This one you must Four bedroom ranch. $38,000 Realtor, 849-2818. home. 2-car garage, 850 ft. eleva­ TtlHEE ROOM heated apart- folks buy the lot, you buy COVENTRY Waterfront — Beat B e a u t i f u ^ w f c l / • $13,000. see. sound right? It is! tion. 'niUy nmiaual! ment with stove and refrigera­ the house and then build the heat, return home each tions. Lot 150x300, $17,900. BOLTON—440 foot frontage, ap­ OPEN HOUSE - tor, middle-aged cohple, 643* Business Locations their own retirement 2 Call Doris Smith night to this 3 bedroonj year proximately 8 acres, brook. 6 Call owner 649-6370. RAIL FENCE 6016. For Rent 64 family home. T. J. Crockett Office—649-1200 Res. 649-2619 ’round home. Huge living room (OWNER) Realtor, 643-1577. room house. Asking $16,000. with .stone fireplace, enclosed WALTON W. GRANT The WILLIAM E. BELFIORE AGENCY E. J. Oaipenter, Realtor, 649- LOOKING for anything in real' OFFICE FOR RENT. 460 Call Barbara Babin front porch, front ’.awn with AGENCY 481 MAIN STREET REALTORS 648-5131 estate rentals — apartments, I square feet, two rooms. Main 6061. Offlea—643-1121 Res. 643-1686 SATURDAY luid SUNDAY many .shade tree.s, priced to homes, multiple dwellings, caK ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE^-If Estobliohed 1910 Street, very reasonable, com­ sell. Gates-Hanley Agency, 843- TOLLAND—Three acres, ranch, Member: Multiple Listing ASSOCIATES: NORMAN S. HOHENTHAL J. D. Realty, 648-6139. pletely renovated. Call 643- you have $2,000, or so and can SOUD BRICK 1:00 P.M. TILL DARK 0030, 649-3176. five rooms, walk-out boJMment, Service e Bfauicheater Board 9608. 9-5 only. pay $129. per month, ask us Small ranch with three bed­ (OTHER TLMES BY APPOINTMENT) LEONARD CHARBONEAU JARVIS REALTY CO. $13,500. Rockville Realty, 648- of Realtors e Real Estate about the terrific ranch we rooms, one-car garage at COVENTRY — Full lake priv­ 283 East Center Street, 2188, 875-2527. Board of Greater Hartford, FOR LEASE!—Bbccellent loca­ have Just over the South Wind­ the comer of Stephen said ileges go with this 2 bedroom, P.S.—^DOBTT BE FOOLED . . . by the fact that we’ve been using the same general format for our advertising lately, n e sor town line in East Wind­ Parker. Ideal retirement Manchester COME OUT AND SEE WHY 7 HOMES HAVE BEEN SOLD Inc. COLONIAL HEIGHTS tion for doctor’s oMce or Route 83, Vernon 5’/^ room Split Level home, NEWI..Y PAINTED 6 room Gar­ properties Uated are eonatantly turning over. Eight deposits In the post fourteen days attest to tMs. Now Is the time to let beauty parlor. 416 Main Street. sor. Vacant. T. J. Crockett, couple with small family. IN 3 WEEKS! rison Colonial, I 'l baths, neigh­ 648-1158 Realtor. 643-15n. lovely shaded lot with fenced 82 Cambridge St. us work for you. June . . . (and sales) . . . Is bustin’ out all over! APARTMENTS Completely renovated and am­ Drive by and call for an ap­ in back yard and outdoor fire­ borhood of newer homes. Ovim- ple parking. J. D. Realty. 643- pointment T. J. Crockett, BOWERS SCHOOL—7 room full EXCEPTIONALLY fine Cape, 6 place. Phone Russell Anthony, er transferred. Wesley R. 6129. Realtor, 643-1577. ' ^ - J ’ Broker, 742-6421. Smith Agency, 643-1667. shed dormer Cape, 4 or 6 bed­ rooms, picture window, at­ -9 « 10' SECTIONS fteps off East Center St. STORE FOR RENT with 2-atall rooms. VA baths, garage, $16.- BOWERS SCHOOL — 7 room tached garage, lovely grounds, garage, suitable for any busi­ 900. Philbrick Agency, 649- Cape, full shed dormer, 4 bed­ $15,900. E. J. Carpenter, Real­ 8464. 2 RAILS rooms — inctudes heat, ness. 188 W. Middle Tpke. Call rooms, dining room, living tor, 649-8061. 643-6802 or 649-6206. room with fireplace, breeze­ hot water, range, refrig­ 88,800 — WELL 83DPT 6H room AUTUMN ST. — Beautiful co­ erator, dryer, disposal, and way, attached garage, $15,900. ranch. 8 bedrooms, attractive Philbrick Agency, 649-8464. lonial of 6 rooms, porches, new^ master TV antenna, cera­ Houses For Rent 65 dining area, outurtan. Owner bath, part rec room. Two car - ''rh mic bath, private cellar and anxious. Caritoo W. Hutchins LAKEWOOD c ir c l e :—Oolonlai- garage and a swimming pool patio, parking, soundproof THREE AND FOUR room Realtor. 0484182. Cape with center hall. 6 large too. T. J. Crockett, Realtor,: and fireproof. Rent $146. houses, furnished or unfur- rooms, redecorated living room 643-1677. I FOR INSPECTION FLORAK ni.shed, oil heat, reasonable. CONCORD RD - Beautiful with paneled fireplace, formal ranch, large living room, form- 649-4436 649-6644 649-9244 Adults. Good location. 643-6389. dining room, paneled family HOLUSTER STREET — Price ai dining room. cA inet kitchen. room which can be used as reduced to $17,000, on this neat NE3W DiJpLHIX, 6 rooms, large 3 bedrooms, recreation nxmi, third bedroom, 1% baths, nat­ 6 room Cape, all rooms are fin­ OF THESE HOMES BLACK living room, large picture win­ landacaped yard. Marion E. ural woodwork, large one-car ished, even the rec room in dow. birch cabinet kitchen, Robertson. Realtor. 648-696S garage, on a lovely treed lot, the basement. 2 full baths, sliding door closets, ceramic $26,900. Philbrick Agency, screened porch many other ( Call a Multiple Listing Realtor. He or she will give TWO ROOM apartment, 149 tiie bath, heat and hot water, MANCHESTER — $14,900. Six extras. Very desirable loca­ TOP Oakland St., $60. 649-6228, 9-6. Realtors, 640-8464 Venetian blinds, storm win­ room brick Cape, fireplace, tion. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, professional and friendly service. dows, attic and cellar, lovely i garage, excellent condiUon, 643-1877. THREE ROOM apartment, heat yard, centrally located, adults' trees, near bus, riiopping, and hot water, $66 monthly.! school, Carlton W. Hutchins, SEALER AdulU only. No pets. 649-6106.: preferred. |136 monthly. 649- MANCHESTER Vicinity—Cus­ 7888. Realtor, 649-6132. COLUMBIA tom built 6-room Ranch set on a one acre treed lot. kitch- i REGAL RAISED RANCH *14,700 WE HAVE customers'^’ waiting | CUSTOM RANCH—3 bedrooma, tor the rental of your apart­ 9% ROOM RANCH, Glaston­ en with built-ins, dining room, | bury, close to Manchester line, 2 baths, laige living room, living room with an unusual' ment or home. J. *D. Realty,! fireplace, dining room, rec Custom Built 643-6129. 3 bedrooms with heated ga­ fireplace. 3-bedrooms, 2 full CHARMING CAPE *13,900 rage. excellent country atmos­ room, attached 2-car garage, baths, baseboard heat. Ideal i FIVE ROOM unfurnished apart­ phere. well mannered children beautiful view, $31,000 Phil­ location. Call Wolverton Agen­ ' permissible. Available on or brick Agency. Realtors. 649- Cape Cod USE O U R ment. second floor, $116. Heat 8464. cy, Realtor, 649-2813. | RAMBLING RANCH *14,200 and hot water Included. 644- before June 22, $160. Will con­ with attached entry aitd ga­ 0031. sider option to buy. 649-7319. WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE^] NO MONEY DOWN VA—3% DOWN FHA FINANCING MAHOGANY paneled 18x86 rage, black top driveway, Owner going west, selling this | , heated recreation room, patio, beautiful lawn and plna THREE ROOM apartment, heat, BOLTON—5 room erfder home, three bedroom colonial. All, Our quality homes feature the following: a Asphalt drive M ULTIPLE hot water, parking, immacu­ outbuilding, 2 acres, $115 per I garage, 6H room , ranch, excel- trees. large rooms, enclosed front ; lent condition, only $16,990. • One acre lots on paved streets e Baseboard hot water heat late condition, adults. Phone month, one year’s lease. 2 FIRST FLOOR: living room, porch, new heating system. ■ e Birch cabinets with Formica counter • Tile bath 643-2171. months in advance. Lawrence . Carlton W.. Hutchlna, Realtor, S GALLON PAILS 649-8182. 14x28, with fireplace, man­ basement garage . . . Just a tops e Full cellar e Bbccellent schools and low tax rate LISTING SERVICE F. Fiano, Realtor. 643-2766. tel, bow windows; attrao few steps from Main Street. i t h r e e ROOM apartment, T. J. Crockett. Realtor, 648-: heat, hot water, stove and re­ BOL'TON—4 room ranch avail­ CENTER HALL Colonial—St. live front hall with closet, James Parish. Porter Street 1677. frigerator, parking, close to able July 1st, $38. weekly, one large dining room, pantry, in home buying or selling. We Realtors work as a team area. 8 yea n old. 6 large kitchen with birch cab­ Khools, buses, and riioppinz, year lease required. 648-8711. LAKEWOOD CIRCXK—One of 880. OaK 648-4886. - rooms, 14 baths, huge recrea­ inets, eye-level electric Mith speed and efficiency. tion room with fireplace, built- range, fidl bath, ample Manchester's Finest Hom es.! 5% DISCOUNT Sabarban For Rent 66 ins, breeseway and attached cloeets. Drive by No. 127 and see for E.CCN7ER 2-car garage. 826.800 PhU- yourself. Priced sensibly In the C 5M E T M )' FOUR ROOM tenement, 160 Bla- mid-thirties and well worth It. CASH A CARRY sell Strbet, $70. 649-6229, 9-6. ANDOVER — Brand spanking brick Agency, 648-8464. SEXXIND FLOOR: two very new Gold Medallion, elec­ large bedrooma with large Call, gladly show you through.! IwturMima tric 6H room ranch with in­ PICTTURESQUE setting—7 room closets and extra storage T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- HAHweiw f S u R ROOMS, second floor, 1577. ^.HEPnxnE MSi. 7 l^eat and hot water, modern dividual thermostats, walk-out brick* ranch, family roam, IH H>ace; another full bath also eonvenlences. Adults only. Call basement, aluminum combina­ baths, double garage, wooded with ceramic file. lot. Manchester. Carttan W. COVENTRY — Beautiful water­ .LISANON •49-7128. tions, and a beautifully tree mean rewN Hutchins. Realtor. 6tt-6l82. HEATING SYSTEM: Am. front property over 2 acres of auMTiwa shaded almost acre lot. $166. land with two cottages one a MANCHESTER FIVE ROOMS and bath, ga­ per month. Samuel M. Lavltt Std. hot water: zoned with rage, aluminum v atorm win­ SPACIOUS a roem older Co­ thermoetata on both Coon. 5 room Cape, the other a 4 Agency. MLS Realtors at Ver­ room ranch, plus additional dows, axcellent loc^ n , avail­ non a rcle , 648-2168. 876-6387. lonial, modern kitchen, Heavy Insulation and low aatauasTw i able July 1st. Tel. 6^9087. baths. 8 bedrooms, 2-car ga­ fuel Mils. Aluminum atorm cottage being used as storage, rage, aluminum combinations. and screen combos. Many plus a building lot. Good in­ BOOMT 4 ROOM apartment, Resort Property 100x140 wooded lot, $17,000. extra features included, also vestment property with excel­ qewCy decorated, heat, hot Philbrick Agency, 848-8484. extra lot. lent financing. Being offered; Lumber For Rent 67 irater, Urch cabinets, range, as a package deal for $18,-' lilbiiJ S m n J rafrigecator, dispoaal, laundry, GARDNER LAKE — Modern. BBIAUTTFUL paneled heated THIS LARGE HOUSE IS 000. Frederick M. Goal, Brok­ JNC. $tle^ bath, adulu. $128. 648- Lakefront. 888-$80 weekly. Free family room ott kitchen, 8 bed' NOT FOR AVERAGE SIY.IB er. 648-26S3. 643-0281 or Terrill 1888. brochure. Arrowhead Grove room ranch, aluminum storms, FAMILY, too few bed­ A. Rice, Jr., 648-2601. Oottafes. Oolch^OT '4M, Conn cellar, 168x316 lot, qply $16,• rooms and built too de­ 255 CENTER ST. Bpi/TON—Brandy St. Beautiful luxe, eo owner wHl secrifice VBIRNON—Custom built 7 room DIBECnONSt From Maaetaater Oeater, ap East Oeatar M. 8a Norwlc'ich 887-4886, Hartford 243- 600. Carlton W. Hutchins. 848- Porter fit. FoUow Porter St. to Rt. 86, follow BL 85 aerom BL 8A, A room apartment, modern 8378. 6183. for quick aale. Call 338- Colonial,' non • development, . conveniences, second floor, 8786. high wooded lot, 2-car garage. eMttaqe oa R t 85 to Janettoa o f R t 887. Take left oa 30T. Heritege HIU la 1 aad 8/18ths miles down R t 307. 443-5144 licar new high aohool, suit­ MISQUAMICUT, Rhode Ishuid CONCORD ROAD—Sevan room Remarkable at $22,900. Hayes' Agency. 648-4808. i able few teachers. Gall §49-0771 Summer Resort; We stiU have ranch, finished basement, IH m n «n d w « cm tfftmr • p.t|i ■ ___ • Rtftd In .,Miiltlpl« UstliKi S«rvie« REALTORS or*' a good selection of eottagea baths, beautiful lot with picnic WILUAMB RO. In Mten-Jte- MANCHESTiat — Six roomi 7 A.M. — 5 P.M. avallaMe tor this summer. area. Immaculate thrdugbout. tten arantad on this T room Dutch Ooloalal, fireplaea,, oun- rtiMly' H yoH, Se...f«r bMt ratvlft.. .C«N A Reeherl F^UR IMOMS, haat, hot water, Rent weekly and monthly. Terrific buy at only ^,000. #ove, refrigerator, large yaril, apUt. Lot Is about an acre . . . ponih, hot water neat, 3-car Exclusive Soles L. H. GoHliab 7 A.M.—12:00 lAT. Lewlse and Stanton Reaity, Far lees than owner paid when home is dioiee. Ariitag leae By MANY MORE HOMES t n i i a t neighborhood, |il§ n uoge. Priced for quick aale. phone Miaquamicut, 848-8117— he bought it new. T. J. Crock­ than eost at $38,600. T. J. PHONE CDLCHESTER 537-2531 (OR 542-7475) f monthly, 84S4M . T call operator. Ctar-Boa Real Borate, §48- ett, R ealty, 8M-1677. Ctackatt, Jy^altor. MS-UTT. 0888.’ *' • I / • y ' N'..

) Tl >• ' fUlDAT, JUMB 1^1M4 Pa c e t w e s t y MwxtUtJSt^t lEttraing

V . The Orace Group of Center Sunset Council, Degree o f ‘R m American Legion Aux- —&ulgi Fokt and Joseph Saijtor Dennis A. Heffron, an alsetrl- Pocahontas, will meet and elect IHaiy will have its annual meet­ will be honored at a testimonial etam’s mate fireman in the Unit­ Oengregational C hu rch will ed States Navy and son of Mr. About Town meet at the church at 5:30 officers Monday at 8 pm. at ing and election of officers Mon­ dlnnw by the Crlatoforo Ookmi' day at the home of Mrs. Eugene Society to be held at 1 gm. and Mrs. Arthur ' i Heffron, 86 pm. Monday to go to (Sark’a Tinker Hall. A discussion will be entertained to omit summer Freeman, 628 W . Middle TWte. June 21 at the Villa Louisa, Staricweather St, recently par­ *4 3-41 1 4 Dtrlglit A. Banfray, aon o< the Restaurant, Willimantic, for ticipated in a combined sea as­ Bav. and Mr*. Abnun W. San- meetings. The closing of. the A potluck will be eenred att 6:80 ton. There will be dancing from the annual dinner. Transporta­ to sault and airborne combat grey of Bolton, waa awarded a six • month term will be re­ p.m. Members arei reminded 4 to 8. Reservations may be tion will be provided for those viewed. bring table settings. made by contacting Peter Ur- training exercise called ‘XJG- Biaater of acienee In otvU engin- needing rides. aaring at the Mth commence­ banetU, SU Main S t ; John An- TAS" under the direction of VC ment exerciaea of the University Temple Chapter, Order of The Junior Century Club of disio, 210 Spruce S t, or Luigi the Southeast Asia Treaty Or­ Miss 'Joyce Helen Andrulot Manchester, Inc., has an­ i f Maaaacfauaetta Sunday. Eastern Star, will be honored by Palosai, 182 Eidridge E t ganization in the Philippines. received a bachelor of fine arts an official visit of Worthy nounced the 4th annual Fall He was aboiml the'Navy anti­ d^ ree in drama at commence­ Fanfare Fashion and Home Robert C. Barrett, a photog­ Grand Matron Virginia M. Hie Salvation Army Sunday submarine warfare supp^ air­ ment exercises at the 67th com­ Decorating Show sriU be hold on rapher’s mate first class, son Painter and her associate grand School will have its annual pic­ craft carrier USS BsiuUngton. mencement exercises at Car­ Tuesday, Sept. 29, at the Statler e f Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Barrett, officers Wednesday, June 24, at nic tomorrow at Camp Nathan negie Institute of Technology Hilton Hotel, Hartford, with per­ Hale, Coventry. Buses will leave Dennis E. Koalnski, an air­ S8 M t Nebo PI.; Richard D. Ms- June 8. Miss Andrulot is the 8 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. gulre, a seaman, son of Mr. and A cold turkey and salad dinner formances at 2 and 8:16 p.m. the church at 12:30 p.m. and re­ man apprentice in the United daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Regular and patrons tickets are turn at 5:30. Those attending States Navy and son of Mr. and Ifra Herbert E. Maguire, 164 liam Andrulot of 307 Cooper will be served to members and guests at 6:80. Reservations now available,' and may be ob­ are reminded-to bring lunches. Mrs. Edward T. Koslnskl, 245 Tanner S t; and Carl A. Swan- Hill St. tained by contacting Mrs. Don­ pan. a seaman, son o f Mr. and close Wednesday, June 17, and Ice cream and soda will be Hilliard St., graduated recently ald A. Forstrcm, 289 Timrod served. AH members of the from the Aviation Machinist's Bfn. Cart R. Swanson, 198 Vei^ The Village Charmers Quar­ may be made with Reginald Al­ len, secretary, 22 Church St. Rd. Sunday School and their imme­ Mate Jet Engine Course at the ' aon S t, are all serving with the tet of the Mountain Laurel United States Navy aboard the Officers are reminded of a re- diate families are invited. Naval Air Technical Training Chapter of Sweet Adelines, Inc., heansal Saturday, June 20 at 1 Members of Campbell Coun­ Center, Memphis, Tenn. anti-submarine warfare air- will sing in the Meriden Men's p.m. 1 cil, Knights of Columbtu, will Sunset Rebekah Lodge will eiaft oarrier, USS Lexington, Chapter Barbershop Package eparathv out of Pensacola, Fla. meet at the KofC Home at 7:30 meet at 8 p.m. Monday at Odd Miss Susan E. Walker, daugh­ Show to be held at 8 p.m. to­ William H. Curtis, superin­ tonight and proceed to the John Fellows Hall. Mrs. Frank Cham­ ter of Mr, and Mrs. George G. morrow at the Berlin High Mia. Herbert Robb, 94 Bran­ tendent of schools, will giv<;. the i F, Tierney iNineral Home, 219 bers of East Hartford, district Walker Jr. of 17 Harvard Rd., ford and Mrs. Lester Mar­ School. The show is sponsored first of a series of talks oh his W. Center St., to pay respects deputy president, will make her has been placed on the deaii's see tin, 46 Talcott Ave., Rockville, by the South Kensington Fire recent visit to Russia at a meet­ to Charles L. Gardella, who was first official visit to the lodge. list at Centenary College for left this morning to attend their Department. ing and installation of officers a member. Mrs. Jesse Bettinger is enter­ Women, Hackettstown, N. J., class reunion at Skidmore Col- of the Rotary Club Tuesday at tainment chairman, and Mrs. for the second 'semester of the Idgt Saratoga Springs, N. Y. The committee of the Cristo- the Manchester Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Willey Maurice Waddell is refresh­ academic year. ^SAVE MONEY-^ foro Colombo Society in charge Dinner will be served at 6:30 Jr. and daughter, Cynthia, from ment chairman for the evening. of the testimonial dinner on p.m. and the speaking program North Palm Beach, Fla., were Any member wishing to visit William R. Witmie, a signal­ Have' your favorite sprinK shoes rebuilt w June 21 at the Villa Louisa, at about 7:30. recent guests of Mrs. Willey’s Violet Rebekah Lodge, Willi­ man third class in the United repaired now by a professional shoo repair parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Car­ mantic, on Tuesday may con­ States Navy and son of Mr. and Bolton, will meet at 8 tonight man in Manchester nnce 1911! at the Italian American Club. The Manchester Rod and Gun ter of 40 Parker St. While visit­ tact Mrs. Beverly Jenkins, 104 Mrs. Hugh J. Donnelly, 35 Ken­ Club will hold a quarterly meet­ ing. they attended the gradua­ Spruce St. wood Dr., recently visited New ing at 8 p.m. Monday at the tion of their son, Alan Willey, York City aboard the NiWy • We can make your shoes longer or wider • clubhouse on Daley Rd., Coven­ at Williston Academy, East- Allan G. Cyr, an airman ap- command ship USS Northamp­ Don’t forget, we use only PRIME LEATHER try. hampton. Mass. irentice in the United States ton, operating out of Norfolk, in this shop! We’re authorized dealer for Neo- FOUND: lavy and son of Mr. and Mrs. Va. lite Products, made by Goodyear^ also Cats Arthur P. Cyr, 90 Jarvis Rd., A whole new taste sen­ graduated April 28 from the Paw I^roducts, which have NO W OOPjn their sation at BONANZA Sir­ Aviation Structural Mechanics heels and leaves NO FLOOR MARKINGS— Course in Structures at the RANGE loin Pit No. 38. 287 West Choose from black or brown. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Naval Air Technical Training Middle Turnpike, MAN­ Center, Memphis, Tetm. ... SERVICE WHILE-U-WAIT... CHESTER, opposite the NORTH METHODIST CHURCH FUEL OIL Parkade, where we get a Clam night, usually held on Ladies’ Handbags Repaired or Rebuilt BONANZA Jr. Steakplate Frldaya will be discontinued at GASOLINE COIN OPEBATIX the Elks Home. Clam chowder HANDLES ATTACHED TO LADIES’ HANDBAGS WASH-’N-DBT CLEAN Special which includes a SATURDAY, JUNE IS, 1964 will be available tonight from 7 — WE ARE OPEN MONDAYS — 11 M A PU : ST, Jr. Steak, Baked Potato, S:30 P.M. TO 7 M P.M. to 9 at the club. Aeross Prom First National Half slab Texas Toast and BANTLY OIL 23 Oak St. Store Parking Lot h a m , POTATO SALAD, COLE SLAW, R01X8, MILK, COMI* \NV. INt'. OPEN 7 LAYS LAI Green Salad for 99c. Cali The Abe E. Miller Post. 8m m tide M Wpt- - 16-IJIi. Wash—28e 649-1164. Open Tnes. thru STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE, SERVED FAMILY STYLE American Legion Auxiliary, will ldnz,->«eroM from sponsor a followup rummage !;:i 11 \!\ sTi{i:i;i g-Lb. Diy d ean — $*.00 Son. 11:30 AJM. to 9 P.M SAM YULYES tlM S l - f C SfMnp ADULTS $1.60^-CHILDREN UNDER 12, 86e 6 Lbs. $1.26 sale tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 4 'li:i.. Mliilu'll Store. dosed Mondays. CALL 643-8269 FOR RESERVATIONS p.m. at Community Hall, Main Free Mothproofing St, South Windsor,



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For huavily soiled overalls, dirty diapers, ehil- ELECTRIC dren's play clothes and many other "special NEW MODEL care" wash loads, set this Maytag on Pre-Wash. It fills and agitates, spins, then soaks in fresh MAYTA8 WASHERS water, and finally goes through a regular wash­ ing cycle you've picked, all automatically with BEBIN AT no resetting! And you have your choice of water temperatures for both wash and rinse VnTHUHFoRdVHF cycles including COLD for delicate fabrics and , N O W U a H T I R washable woolens. For real economy this wash­ er has pushbuttons for selecting the proper AU. UP-FRONT TUNING water level. You never wBste water. You also have pushbuttons for spaed selection. Plus PICTUM SHARPER Automatic Bleaching, Lint Filter Agitator, Sof­ tener Dispenser, and many more including the dependability for which M-a y t a g is world DELUXE QUALmr-BUDBET PRICED famous.