i 1 A . V'. TRURSDAT, JUNE 11,1H4 #AG1 TWENTY-EIGHT ittanrliFBter lEttrafttg lirralb Avaraga Daily Nat Prasa B w War U h Week Juna S, 1SS4 About Town 1 3 ,9 9 0 XV'-iA ItanohMtter O ruig* msmbera Um am at tbs Aadtt wQl taav* Sunday at 9 a.m. by *nr»aa CSrsulathNi bua flram Oraiife Hall for a day yalue with Quality that’s Mmmehm twr •• A Ciiy o f Fiiiof# Chmrm outlns dt Camp Borgw in Win 2 ^ ▼OL. LXXXm , NO. 811 (TWKNTY PAGES) Waahlngton Lodge, LOL, will MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE IS, 1964 m PRICE meat tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Oraiye Hall. Tlie first degree ‘‘ Rare as a day in June!” wOl M exemplified. Canoe awards will be pre- GOP Convention Tonight, E ven ts ■eated Wednesday. June 17, at Budbiell Memorial Auditorium, A day in Juna is rara mostly bacausa it has mort to offar in way of plaas- Hartford, for pupils of the Bet- Igr-Jaae Turner Dance Studio. A In State Reversal by Scrantom ant waathar and ganarally, conditions'that laad to a happier way of lifa. 10>year award will be given to Delegate Struggle Looms Deborah Ransom. Five-year awards will be given to linda Hara, at Pinahurst, you will find conditions that giv# Tax Take Soars, Rogers, Susan St. Pierre, Lynn mj iHB AsaooiA'niD Ubsnl, whig of Um party, Pin-* Ths Connecticut delsgattoo (Sroasl, Kathy Quinn, Kathy you fina quality foods that provide greater satisfaction HAR’TFORD (AP) — isy SOM, normally goea uncommlttad to J Giorgio, Cheryl Casavant, and at thrifty prices, — you'll see we have more to ■upportsrs of Ambsasador national conventions, but has Tops Last Yearns Cathy Bryant, Beverly Hare Connecticut’s Republicans Hanry Cabot Lodge and Gov. consistently backed moderate or Announces Candidacy and Margaret Mahoney. offor —- liko a rara day in Juna. may be tossed in the tem­ Nslsm Rockstellsr have ex­ liberal candidates for ths pres­ HARTFORD (AP)—The pest of nstional GOP poli­ pressed diSsatlsfacUon with the idential nomination. CKbbons Assembly, Catholic state’s, tax take for the past tics today as they open allocation. They have formed-a The convention approves six 11 months topped $274 mil­ Ladles of Columbus, will hold U.S. CHOICE "cofUltlon of moderates” in an of the 16 delegates, usually act­ Its annual picnic Tuesday at their two-day state conven­ effort to exert tnnusncs on the ing on ths recommendation of lion, vaulting 7 per cent Offers GOP 1:80 p.m. at the home of Mrs. tion. convention. the state chairman. The other higher than one year ago. Elrmano Oaraventa, 100 N. The state organisaUon, al­ lb delegates are chosen by con­ The gain, State Tax Commis­ Lakewood CUele. Entertainment Backers of Gov. William W. ' j m u j n i n s L ready caught in a leadership Scranton of Pennsylvania have gressional districts. sioner John L. Sullivan sidd, ‘ A C h o i c e ’ will be by the Silk City Singers, struggle, may face further shak­ In addition to selecting the m case of rain, the event will not Joined the coallUon. / amounted to $18 million. And It ing when the convention selecta state’s delegation to the nation­ be held at die K ni^ts of Colum­ One of the coalition’s alms is should go still higher when sales delegates to the national con- p«saage of resoluttons that al convenUon, the Republicans tax collecUons for the April- Over B arry bus Kime. Members not con- venllon, meted may call Mrs.' Howard t / .. would instruct the state’s dele- will nominate a U.8. senator June are placed in the state’s and adopt a state platform. coffers. Hampton, 376 Bidwell St., or State Republican Chairman A. gaUoh to back progressive BAL’TTMORE, Md. (A P ) Searle Pinney announced in ad­ planks in the OOP platform at After the convenUon adjourns Some observers feel the M n . Salvators FUloramo, 876 ( r ■ ' -t Leg of Lamb — Gov. William W. S ^ n - S. Main St. vance that four of the 16 places the San Francisco convenUon. on Saturday, the State Central | bumper tax collections will Committee will meet to decide ' boost the state general fund sur- in the delegation will go to sup- ’The planks would Include sup­ ton of Pennsylvania today H m Kmanuel L u t h e r an porters of U.g. Sen. Barry Gold- port for civil righU, aid to the the struggle for the state chair-1 plus by two or three million dol- announced his candidacy Hebe’s the pick of the manahip. lars when State Comptroller Oiiuicli has (dianged the sched­ aged and aid to education and I for the Republican presi­ ule for its 'Vacation Bible new crop in U. S. grown The remaining 13 delegates continued support for the United Former Gov. John Lodge o f ! Raymond 8. Thatcher Issues his Westport is believed certain to next statement. His latest re­ dential nomination “ to of­ BohooL 'Hie classes will be held Will represent the moderate, or Nations. genuine spring lamb. win the Senate nomination. The : port revealed a surplus of over fer our party a choice.” dally from June 32 through only other announced candidate $17 million — largest in a dec- J«dy 3 from 9:16 to 11:46 a.m. Young, tender and pink The 46-year-old governor and ia Eugene SciUlse of Olaaton- ade. former congressman has been H ie family nighft program will meated. Whole or butt bury, a political newcomer. { Moat spectacular gain was saying for almost a year thrt be held on JtSy 1 at 7:30 pjn. Awarded Curved Bar LEG O LAMB half. Scalise is a field worker for i posted In the corporation bual- he would accept only a "sincara ratlMr than Friday of that ^ c e h ^ the curved bar. the top award in girl scouting, were these members of Cadette Erhard, Johnson the Connecticut Education As-1 ness tax which was good for a and honest draft.” week. ChUdren who have not SH? Andover in recent ceremony: (from left) Kathy Sheehan of Boston sociatlon. i new high of $48.6 million — up In an llth-hour speech an* jet enrolled are welcome to do HUl Rd.; Charlotte Phelps of Townsend Rd.; Apryl Hoisington of Boston Hill Rd • Susan We have ■very tender Genuine Pinney Is the favorite, to win ! $4 million. ranged only Thursday night for ao an there are stffl vacancies Hebron Rd.. and Beth Verprauskus of Boston Hill Rd. Betsy Houle o f ’ Bunker Spring Lean Shoulder or Loin re-election as state chairman, Next came the cigarette tax the Republican State Conven­ Hill Rd. was not present for photograph. (Herald photo by Pinto) Lamb Chops which are now in but he faces a challenge from which blew $30 million info the tion of Maryland, Scranton de­ Discuss Red Pact two sides. heavy demand for outside grilling. state treasury — up $3.6 mil­ clared the Republican party "la The VFW AundUary will Mrs. James Thomson of 113 GROUND BEEF. CHICKENS. lion. Although the cigarette The annual picnic of the Citl' The executive committee of Howard E. Hausman of New in danger If we let an exclusion- ■poneor a card party at 8 p.m. Porter St., who is sailing aboard I Lean fore shanks of Iamb. health warning which came in zens' Antl-(3ommunl8t Commit Nutmeg Foreat, Tall Cedars of Britain has the backing of a fac­ minded minority dominate our domorrow at the post home. the "Sylvsmla” ’ on June 18 for One of our outdoor chefs offers When it comez to Chicken, (3iioken Parts and Ground Meata. ..It pays WASHINGTON (AP) — Chan-^sourcea conceded that reports January kept the gain from ex­ teO o f Connecticut will be held Lebanon, will meet Monday at tion led by former chairman Ed­ platform and choose our candi­ Scotland, was feted at a surprise eellor Ludwig Erhard of West from Moscow of ths imminent win H. May Jr. ceeding that reported, the fact dates.” Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m. at the 7:30 pjn. at the Masonic Tern-1 this favorite recipe for to drive a long way to be sure to get Plnehuret Quality. bon voyage party Monday by Germany arrivea in Washington signing of documents of "special that the cigarette tax was In­ "I have come here' to offer home of Edward J. McCallum pie. A late entry in the race is her co-workers at the cafeteria Jr., 2245 Nichols Ave., Strat- today amid reporta that ths significance” convinced them Horace Seely-Brown Jr. of Pom- creased from 6 to 6-cents was our party a choice. I reject the of Manchester High School, and LEAN CHUCK G RO U N D .........................................................lb. 79c Soviet Union la about to sign a they were wrong. j fret, a former congressman and sufficient to permit the tax take echo We have thus far been ford.\Those wishing information treaty with East Germany. received many ^ t s . She will may contact Frank Strelchun, The recreation committee ofi Later authoritlaUve sources, unsuccessful candidate for the here to rise, handed, the echo of fear, op re­ DIpIomaUc observers here ex­ return to this country the end 31A Garden Dr., a regional dis­ the Chamber of Commerce willj ROUND STEAK G RO U N D .......................................................lb.99c said Soviet Ambassador Ana- U.8. Senate two years ago. The motor carrier fuel tax action, the echo from the never- sponsor a golf outing Wednes­ pect it to take the form of a of August.
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