¿Pero Quién Nos Va a Escuchar, Hija Mía?» La
Palabras clave: Yamina Benguigui, Mémoires d’immigrés, memoria, emigración magre- «¿Pero quién nos va a escuchar, hija bí, culturas de la diáspora, cinéma beur, cinéma de banlieue, cine francés, televisión mía?» La búsqueda de una voz en francesa, identidad nacional, documental. ABSTRACT. For many decades now a French cinema has been developing which, created either by descendents of Maghreb immigration, or by actual directors of the diaspora, as Mémoires d’immigrés, le héritage well as by French filmmakers, has explored the experiences of French-Maghreb minorities, 1 with special emphasis on the stories of the sons and daughters of those who immigrated. maghrébin Connected with many factors imposed by the political and cultural French context from the mid 1930s, as well as the relative opening of the French audiovisual industry to the incor- “But Who is Going to Hear Us, My Child?” The Search for a Voice in poration of either French-Maghreb professionals, or of the narrations concerned with Mémoires d’immigrés, le héritage maghrébin sounding out the numerous representations of the ethnic and cultural diversity of contem- porary France, various projects have arisen which evoke the circumstances and conse- quences of such immigration. The present article suggests an approach to the filmic Ana Martín Morán* treatment of the memory of the Maghreb immigration in France by analyzing the docu- UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS, MADRID mentary Mémoires d’immigrés, l’héritage maghrébin (1997), by Yamina Benguigui, a fil- mmaker of Algerian origins. This director’s work helps us to evaluate the conflict that lies behind the recuperation – through a widely diffused audiovisual format – of the RESUMEN.
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