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Relationship agreement between the City of Timmins and the Mushkegowuk Council.


That Council adopts the relationship agreement between the Mushkegowuk Council and the City of Timmins.


On September 29, 2011 , an initial Memorandum of Understanding was established between the Mushkegowuk Council and the City of Timmins to work together on matters of joint interest in relation to economic development within the region.

In 2019, Mayor Pirie, the CAO, Grand Chief Solomon and the Administrative Staff from Mushkegowuk Council met to review the existing memorandum and to recommit to joint activity.

Over the past 12 months, numerous meetings have occurred between the City and the Mushkegowuk Administration in moving forward with the renewal of the memorandum. The focus has shifted from being largely about joint economic development to establishing a broader relationship agreement.

The agreed- to principles in this relationship agreement are as follows:

1 . Timmins and Mushkegowuk recognize the need to develop stronger relationships to build more vibrant communities and to foster positive socio- economic outcomes that will benefit everyone; 2. The Parties recognize there is a growing population in Timmins of Mushkegowuk Citizens that desire social, economic and cultural growth while promoting a healthy environment and addressing racism; 3. The purpose of this agreement is to strengthen the process for Timmins and Mushkegowuk to work together to create long term partnerships that will build healthy sustainable economies; 4. The Parties recognize that Timmins is situated in and respect the Spirit and Intent of the Treaty, including the oral agreements between the Crown and ; 5. The Parties recognize that economic and social prosperity needs to be built with a regional focus that benefits all our communities;

COT— HR- 035( F4)- v05 Revised: March 31, 2017 6. The Parties recognize that there are an increasing number of Mushkegowuk supported organizations and businesses in Timmins and desire to find ways to strengthen them; 7. The Parties recognize the desire of the Mushkegowuk First Nations for self- determination and to build stronger governance systems.


Developing a plan to address racism and intolerance in the city will: Promote cross cultural awareness, balance and understanding of cultural and linguistic groups in Timmins and; Reduce incidence of discrimination and intolerance within the community.




Mushkegowuk Council, Grand Chief, and Administration


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Date: January 29, 2020 Dave Landers Chief Administrative Officer

COT— HR- 035( F4)- v05 Revised: March 31, 2017 Working Together to Build A Healthy And Sustainable Future"





THE CITY OF TIMMINS Memorandum of Understanding between the Mushkegowuk Council and the City of Timmins


This Agreement is entered into this th day of 2020, by and between

MUSHKEGOWUK COUNCIL (hereinafter called " Mushkegowuk")

THE CITY OF TIMMINS (hereinafter called " Timmins")

collectively known as the " Parties" and individually as a " Party").


1. Timmins and Mushkegowuk recognize the need to develop stronger relationships to build more vibrant communities and to foster positive socio- economic outcomes that will benefit


2. The Parties recognize there is a growing population in Timmins of Mushkegowuk Citizens that desire social, economic and cultural growth while promoting a healthy environment and addressing racism;

3. The purpose of this agreement is to strengthen the process for Timmins and Mushkegowuk to work together to create long term partnerships that will build healthy sustainable economies;

4. The Parties recognize that Timmins is situated in Treaty 9 and respect the Spirit and Intent of the Treaty, including the oral agreements between the Crown and First Nations;

5. The Parties recognize that economic and social prosperity needs to be built with a regional focus that benefits all our communities;

6. The Parties recognize that there are an increasing number of Mushkegowuk supported organizations and businesses in Timmins and desire to find ways to strengthen them;

7. The Parties recognize the desire of the Mushkegowuk First Nations for self-determination and to build stronger governance systems;

1 Memorandum of Understanding between the Mushkegowuk Council and the City of Timmins

THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:


8. The Parties will build upon and maintain an open dialogue based on mutual respect,

understanding, and cooperation, while recognizing cultural, linguistic and territorial differences;

9. The Parties recognize that in order to build a long term and positive working relationship, the Parties will offer incentives to each other that will cater to and benefit the needs of their respective communities, such as joint lobbying efforts, municipal services and training;

10. The Parties recognize the historic and persistent racism and discrimination that has been experienced by the Mushkegowuk People;

11. Timmins recognizes and respects the Treaty and Aboriginal Rights of Mushkegowuk People, and the right to carry out their traditional pursuits within their traditional territory in a peaceful, respectful and unrestricted manner;

12. Timmins Commitments. Timmins commits to advancing the spirit and intent of this Agreement in good faith. Timmins will collaborate with Mushkeogwuk in a fair and equitable manner in decision making processes. This includes developing and implementing a mutual process that will assist the Mushkegowuk to connect with the Timmins business community, including offering municipal and technical support services to Mushkegowuk communities where feasible.

13. Mushkgowuk Commitments. Mushkegowuk commits to advancing the spirit and intent of this Agreement in good faith. Mushkegowuk will work toward implementing collaborative processes, activities, and solutions with Timmins. This includes encouraging the Mushkegowuk People to build networks and partnerships with the Timmins community.


14. Open for Business. The Parties recognize the importance of.

a. Encouraging both Timmins and Mushkegowuk entrepreneurs to network and develop business partnerships in order to create a vibrant and sustainable economy; and

b. Informing and attracting business developers that will benefit their respective communities.

J, Memorandum of Understanding between the Mushkegowuk Council and the City of Timmins

15. Mushkegowuk-Timmins Economic Alliance (" MTEA"). The Parties will support the MTEA that will act as the regional business forum that will facilitate communications between the Timmins community and Mushkegowuk People.

16. MTEA Role. The MTEAA' s role is to provide and coordinate the flow of business information to the Timmins community and Mushkegowuk People about the availability and development of business opportunities. MTEA business activities will include coordinating regional conferences, business exchange days and trade shows, and creating access to local businesses, expertise, human resources, and technical support.

17. MTEA Representatives. The MTEA representatives will consist of representatives from the City of Timmins and Mushkegowuk People.

18. MTEA Funding. The Parties will jointly seek funding for the MTEA. Timmins will provide clerical and administrative support to the MTEA where feasible.

19. Education and Training. The Parties will support and work with the MTEA and local education centers to develop training programs that will meet the sector -based training needs of the Mushkegowuk People. This includes locating funds that will support such employment and training program initiatives.


20. Illicit Drugs. The Parties will consult on their respective efforts to combat the use and trafficking of illicit drugs and explore ways to develop joint strategies and approaches, including issues such as enforcement, recovery and treatment. 21. Homelessness and Inadequate Housing. The issue of access to affordable housing is a common issue in both Timmins and the Mushkegowuk Communities. The Parties have common interests in this issue as Mushkegowuk citizens move between their home communities and the City of Timmins. The Parties will begin to explore ways to support each other in addressing homelessness and inadequate housing.


22. Outreach and Liaisons. Recognizing that Mushkegowuk communities have limited resources and infrastructure capabilities, Timmins will continue to explore with Mushkegowuk what outreach and services could be provided to Mushkegowuk communities.

23. Water and Sewer Services. Timmins will work collaboratively with Mushkegowuk to support Mushkegowuk communities in maintaining safe drinking water and wastewater facilities.

41 Memorandum of Understanding between the Mushkegowuk Council and the City of Timmins

24. Funding. Timmins will assist Mushkegowuk in locating funds that will support proposed safe drinking water projects or wastewater/sewage management programs.


25. Shared Responsibility. The Parties acknowledge a shared responsibility to protect the environment because the common goal is to ensure that future generations will continue to benefit from the rich resources the land provides to the Timmins and Mushkegowuk


26. Environmental Sustainability. Timmins acknowledges that the City of Timmins is in the watershed of Mushkegowuk communities and will work to assist in their source water protection. The Parties will put emphasis on the long-term environmental sustainability of all resources subject to development.

27. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (" TEK"). The Parties recognize the importance of protecting and preserving the TEK of the Mushkegowuk Peoples. Traditional Knowledge is akin to the Mushkegowuk Peoples way of life. Timmins recognizes the Mushkegowuk Peoples' unique relationship to their traditional territories and will respect the Mushkegowuk Peoples understanding of traditional knowledge about how to protect, maintain and live of the land.


28. Mushkegowuk Interests. Timmins recognizes the political, economic, and social pressures facing Mushkegowuk resulting from its history with the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario.

29. Self Determination. Timmins recognizes the desire of the Mushkegowuk First Nations for self-determination and to build stronger governance systems and will find ways to work together on regional governance matters. Mushkegowuk will make efforts to update Timmins on these matters as they progress.

30. Joint Lobby Efforts. The Parties will collaborate on developing lobby strategies that work toward building constructive processes that advocate for the advancement of shared political, economic, and social interests. This includes advocating for access to additional funds to develop economic development and training programs.


31. Non -Derogation. Nothing in this Agreement, nor any act or writing flowing therefrom, should in any way be interpreted so as to abrogate or derogate from any Aboriginal or treaty right.

m Memorandum of Understanding between the Mushkegowuk Council and the City of Timmins

32. Without Prejudice. This Agreement does not restrict the right of either parties or the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario and private stakeholders to enter into negotiations or developing agreements.

33. Mushkegowuk Approval. This Agreement will be reviewed by Mushkegowuk Council and must have a resolution supporting the signing of the Agreement before it becomes in effect.

34. Term and Termination. This Agreement will take effect on the date of execution and will replace the previous MOU between the Parties. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing thirty ( 30) days prior written notice.

35. Review. The provisions of this Agreement shall be reviewed for efficiency and effectiveness by the Parties every two (2) years following from the date of execution.

36. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended, modified or supplemented only by written agreement signed by each of the Parties.

37. Notice. Any notice or other communication under or related to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be addressed to:

In the case of Mushkegowuk:

Office of the Grand Chief Mushkegowuk Council 12 Centre Road , ON, POL 1W0 Phone: ( 705) 658 4222 Fax: ( 705) 658 4250

And in the case of Timmins:

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer City of Timmins 220 Algonquin Blvd. East, Timmins, ON, P4N 1B3 Phone: ( 705) 360- 2627 Fax: ( 705) 360- 2674 Email: cao@timmins. ca

38. Dispute Resolution. The Parties will work co- operatively to resolve any impasse, dispute, or difference of opinion (" Dispute") concerning the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement. If the Parties are unable to resolve the Dispute through co- operative means within a reasonable period of time, then either Party may refer to the following dispute resolution process:

67 Memorandum of Understanding between the Mushkegowuk Council and the City of Timmins

a. Either Party may refer the Dispute to Senior Representatives to resolve.

b. The Senior Representatives will meet at their earliest convenience and to resolve the Dispute.

c. If the Senior Representatives fail to resolve the dispute or issue, they shall refer the matter to their respective Councils for direction.


39. In this Agreement,

a. " Mushkegowuk Council" means the Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs which is composed of seven ( 7) First Nation communities ( Attawapiskat, Fort Albany, Kashechewan, Moose , Taykwa Tagamou, Missanabie, and Chapleau Cree) who are bound by political, historical and family ties. The Council forms the traditional -political governance structure for the region advancing the interest of Mushkegowuk Peoples through its constitutional process in the areas of health, resource development, social services, education, employment and training, environmental protection, and protection of Aboriginal and treaty rights.

b. " Mushkegowuk People" means the First Nations citizens of the Mushkegowuk First Nations;

c. " Mushkegowuk Communities" refers to each of those seven ( 7) First Nation communities who form the Mushkegowuk Council;

d. " MTEA" means Mushkegowuk-Timmins Economic Alliance;

e. " Senior Representatives" means Grand Chief of the Mushkegowuk Council and Mayor of the City of Timmins;

f. " Timmins community" means the geographical boundaries of the City of Timmins;

g. " Traditional Ecological Knowledge" or " TEK" includes the knowledge, oral history, rules and guidelines passed down through the generations of the Mushkegowuk, which guide the Mushkegowuk People in how to relate to the land, animals, and to each other. The Mushkegowuk Elders transmit their knowledge of the land to the Mushkegowuk communities to ensure that they continue to care for their natural environment.

C: Memorandum of Understanding between the Mushkegowuk Council and the City of Timmins

In Witness Whereof, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers or agents effective the day and year first above written.

The Mushkegowuk Council, The City of Timmins,

Grand Chief Mayor

Witness Witness


Part 1- Mandate Building on our 2011 MOU partnership to build healthy sustainable economies, the Mushkegowuk Council and the City of Timmins, as mandated by our governing councils, agree to this renewed partnership to work together to provide healthier living environments and sustainable economies. The MTRA will provide an approved forum that brings together the City of Timmins and the First Nation Communities of the Mushkegowuk Council - Attawapiskat First Nation, Chapleau Cree, , , Missanabie Cree, ,

Part 2 - Guiding Principles The Mushkegowuk - Timmins Partnership shall be guided by the following selected Principles; Trust, Respect, Kindness; Good Faith

Part 3 - Vision To improve collaboration and strengthen our relationship, our community wellness and quality of life for all our citizens.

Part 4 - Goals The goals of the Relationship Agreement is to ensure meaningful strategies are established, real solutions that provide opportunities for a better quality of life and economic growth for our communities and citizens are implemented.

Part 5 - Objectives 1. In accordance with the approved action plan, ensure the health and economic development strategies are implemented and advanced in a timely and

equitable manner;

2. Facilitate and promote regional forums that aim to build on the purpose,

objectives and mandates of our partnership; 3. Ensure the purpose, objectives and mandates of this partnership are represented, promoted and included in all health and economic development conferences held in Timmins and Mushkegowuk First Nations; 4. Jointly seek funding to promote the Vision, Goals and Objectives of the Relationship Agreement. Draft Terms of Reference for Mushkegowuk— Timmins Relationship Agreement (Committee)

Part 6 —Accountability The accountability of the MTRA is to the Mushkegowuk First Nations and the City of Timmins as identified in the MTRA.

Part 7 — Duties and Responsibilities 1. Assist in creating other economic alliances and foster long term partnerships that will build healthy sustainable economies; 2. Oversee and coordinate the implementation of action plan; 3. As required, create and mandate new or existing working groups or committees tables) that will assist with the implementation of the action plan; 4. Participate in meetings and actively assist in strategic planning and implementation; and 5. Review, monitor and make recommendations to ensure the goals and objectives of the MTRA are consistent with the mandates.

Part 8 — Meetings 1. Meetings will be coordinated by the Chairperson of the committee, as

appointed. 2. Meetings are to be held a minimum of four (4) times per year, alternating between locations in the City of Timmins and the Mushkegowuk First Nations. 3. It will be the responsibility of the host (Timmins or Mushkegowuk) to provide administrative support and to provide minutes for each meeting. 4. A draft of the minutes will be submitted to the Chair prior to distribution. 5. In consultation with the members of the committee, the Chair will format the

agenda. 6. The draft agenda, meeting minutes and documents for the next meeting will be distributed to all members of committee at least one week -prior to the meeting

via e- mail.

7. A minimum of 50% + 1 of the members of the committee must be present before a meeting can proceed. 8. Decisions of the committee will be made by consensus. 9. The committee at the end of every regular meeting will decide a date and location for the subsequent meetings.

Part 9 - Chairperson The committee will select a Chair of the MTRA - committee. The term will be for a one- year period, commencing with the first meeting after these Terms of Reference have been ratified. Each and every year following the committee will select a Chair for that year. Draft Terms of Reference for Mushkegowuk— Timmins Relationship Agreement (Committee)

a) The appointed chairperson shall be Chairperson for all meetings of the

committee. b) The Chairperson will ensure all members of the committee are notified of a

scheduled meeting. c) The Chairperson will arrange for the recording of the meetings and the meeting minutes shall be distributed to all members within seven ( 7) working days of the meeting held. d) The Chairperson will invite guests to the meetings when required.

e) The Chairperson will guide the meeting in accordance to the agenda and time


Part 10 — Membership MTRA - committee representation will consist of representatives from the City of Timmins and Mushkegowuk Council, including Mushkegowuk People living in Timmins.

The MTRA- committee representation will consist of the following; Executive Director, MC Health Director, MC Economic Development, MC Mushkegowuk Member (permanently residing in Timmins) CAO, Timmins Health/ Social - Timmins Economic Development - Timmins

Part 11- Amendments As required, amendments to these terms of reference can be recommended by the committee and approved by the Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs and the Council for the City of Timmins.

Part 12 — Adoption of the Terms of Reference

Date: Mushkegowuk Council and City of Timmins Relationship Agreement Draft Workplan 2020

Item Description Timeline Lead Progress Investigate First Nations- This initiative has been established to TBA TBD Applications to the submitted in Municipal Community empower First Nations and Municipalities to 2016 and 2018, both unsuccessful. Economic Development become effective partners in fostering Initiative strong and mutually beneficial local economies Identify economic development project to stren then application for next intake. Mushkegowuk Work effectively with the development TBA TBD Development Corporation corporation for the mutual benefit of the Mushkegowuk Communities and the City of Timmins. Identifyeconomic/business projects for initial screening by committee. 2020 Mush Cup The City of Timmins will assist and facilitate TBA TBD with the planning and implementation of this event Campaign Against Illegal Identify existing organizations in Timmins / TBA TBD MC taskforce in place since summer Drugs and Alcohol MC territory mandated to address this issue 2017, Social emergencies MC ( taskforce) to participate / receive conference winter of 2018, list of information from these organization' s recommendations on file. Develop a plan with strategies which will Request for additional screening address and combat the issue building on sent to Transport Canada for Timmins Victor M Power Airport. existing resources/ strategies Work with Timmins Victor M Power Airport to introduce airport screening to stop the movement of illicit drugs and alcohol to

northern communities Demographic Study Apply for funding to conduct a demographic TBA TBD study of the population of Timmins with an emphasis on First Nation people

Ontario Northland Need to work with ONTC TBA TBD Transportation Invite ONTC to a meeting Commission (ONTC) Business Exchange Conduct a Business Exchange Conference TBA TBD Mining Expo in June currently Conference in Timmins sometime in 2016, if possible incorporates an Aboriginal Business Planning team to include Mushkegowuk, Forum. Timmins Chamber of Commerce, NAN Communication Strategy Develop a communications strategy to TBA TBD share with public in the region/ city MOU, and progress of identified workplan

activities Promote economic benefits/ impact of MC member communities spend in the city especially from regional events Racism & Discrimination Inventory current activity within Timmins TBA TBD Identify organizations with mandates to address racism Complete gap analysis Develop strategy Building Bridges Establish a conference to highlight success TBA TBD Conference and build bridges between Mushkegowuk and Timmins community Health Services Monitor progress and advocate for TBA TBD enhanced regionally and locally based health services

2/ 5/ 2016