MUSHKEGOWUK COUNCIL P.O. Box 370 Moose Factory, ON P0L 1W0 Tel: 705-658-4222 Fax: 705-658-4250 Press Release Attawapiskat First Nation MUSHKEGOWUK COUNCIL CONGRATULATES THE NEWLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT OF THE MOOSE CREE FIRST NATION Kashechewan First Nation MOOSE FACTORY, ON. (July 3, 2019) The Illiliwuk Nation of Moose Cree Fort Albany conducted their election for their government on July 2, 2019 and First Nation Marvin (Mervin) Cheechoo was elected to the Chief position. Re-elected to the office of the Deputy Chief position was Earl Cheechoo. Moose Cree First Nation On behalf of the Mushkegowuk Council of Chiefs, all Illiliwuk and Inniniwuk (Omushkegowuk), including the staff of Mushkegowuk Council, I congratulate all members that were elected to the council of the Moose Cree government says Taykwa Tagamou Mushkegowuk Council’s Acting Grand Chief Jason Gauthier.” Nation Chapleau Cree “I take this opportunity to personally congratulate all the candidates that ran for First Nation the leadership positions in Moose Cree’s election for Chief and Council…you are all great leaders and we encourage you all to support and work with your elected government and community. And, we certainly look forward to having Missanabie Cree First Nation Moose Cree back at our council of chiefs table to unify and strengthen the Mushkegowuk First Nations” says Acting Grand Chief Jason Gauthier. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Acting Grand Chief Jason Gauthier through his email at
[email protected] or by calling the Office of the Grand Chief office at 705-658-4222. Mushkegowuk Council is a regional organization that represents the collective interests of the Kashechewan, Fort Albany, Chapleau Cree, Missanabie Cree, Moose Cree, Taykwa Tagamou and Attawapiskat First Nations in northeastern Ontario.