WASH. B. participated, there were no brilliant fielding ing frojn Propylaeum p» o'c-lock.tri*.! heats ings and valuation, the number of bulM- WILLIAMS, features. The score: for afternoon races'-afternoon, 2 Sts. TEAM HOME AGAIN national o'clock, ings is nineteen jjreater than last year, Furniture, &c., 7th and D TTaihlnston. R.H.O.A.E., CWeland. B.H.O.A.B. championship races; evening. 7-30 WORK OF BUILDERS and the valuation The number ** * rt 0 o'clock. "A In "The Great 5®*, ¦ if' * 3 nurkett. ff. 1 12 0 0 Night Bohemia" at Daa of erected is I*-ss Frovi,* rt 2 I 0 OjCMMk » 1 1 1 1 i Deutsche Haus; musical fetes at Fatrvtew dwellings thirty-three Gejtman.ifAndcn.w.er 2 2 10 0 MrKran, H 1 2 3 2 1 an) 0 Friday, August 1^.Morning, 5 o'clock, twenty-one more apartment houses con¬ Captain McGuire Over y*mU. lb. u 1 d 1 u O'Connor, lb 0 1 T 0 0 to of District for Past structed than during- the last fiscal Discouraged JWtx, 21i... 0 2 3 3 o Me.Ueer.et. 13 4 0 0 century Crawfordsvliie; 6 o'clock, Report Inspector Enameled twenty-mile run; 7 "The statements of the assistants .Smith. 3b . o 1 3 1 0 Hl.tke. rf.'. 0 0 2 0 0 olyJock, ten-mile run; that a more of build¬sh()^' Poor Results. Warner. m. 0 0 0 2 2 c... 1 10 0 0 8 o'clock, run for wortfen to Fiscal Tear. frequent Inspection i'rigor, « Country A Club, IV « to Me.-1-jr, w.CM oft 0II 0f\ 0 0 Cuppy, p... 0 1 0 1 with breakfast at 9: 9 trial ings was rendered last year, owing o'clock, heats the fact were which Donovan, p 0 0 0 3 0 for Saturday afternoon ract>s: afternoon. 2 that bicycles provided, o'clock, festival at Broad Ripple; enabled them to cover more territory than Iron Beds, Total* 3 . . aiT»un. 9 evening, 10 24 15 2 Total*...... *»6 11 27 . 2m 8 o'clock, national formerly. As the volume of business, that At Low=Water Mark! INDIFFERENCE OF THE PLAYERS Washington 2 0 ') t> 0 0 0 1 0.J middle distance evenMchampionship races, this office is called upon to perform, in¬ CleveltnJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x.6 BECOIMHDATIONS ADD ESTIMATES I-arx* buying of Kali Carpets from first ' creases cacti year, I renew my request en- Earned Saturday, August 13.Morning, 7 o'clock, hands way Ic tufvanec of tbe season ran.Washington. Two-base bits.Ander¬ fifteen-mile run; 8 o'clock, ten-mile that the force of assistant inspectors be aU»s 'i* to GCARANTKK THK LOWEST son ind McKoan. Tbre»»-buse hit.Andersna. Sac- 3 run; increased, and recommend that provision I'KICKS now for Higb grade Carpets that hita.Child* and Cnppy. Stoli'u baaes.Bnr- afternoon, o'clock, national champion¬ reason Place \our A Radical of to Be kett. Blake and ship races', b3 made for three more men. xvill quoted this Change Policy Cuppy. Left on bases Washi ig- evening. fS o'clock. Pioneers' Force of Assistants for last order now and secure the benefit of these ron. 9; Cleveland, 10. Strwk ont-Hy Cnppy, 4; banquet; 9 o'clock, entertainment of press. Inadequate "I also renew my recommendation of Sold for our unheard-of prices: by Donovan, 5. Double plays.MeKean to Childs year, that an additional clerk at P«r 80c. Adopted. to O'Connor; Donovan to Metiuir* to Parrel!. First MICHAEL'S HAC*i PBEVEJiTKD. Business of annum be provided for. This employe is price everywhere else Axminsters, ba*e on 2; Cleveland, 2. First Department. an absolute for the ad¬ Brand n«w fall effeets.nevpr shown be¬ base errors.Washington. necessity propor Substantial Iron on balls.Off Donovan, 8. Hit by pitched ball ministration of this as tbe Beds, fore. Williams' star dard price. JWe. .Setback. Passed hall.Crigir. Tim?.2.35. Cm- Downpour Disafiwlntrd Several office, great coated I>ires.Lynch and Andrews. Ttouud Pernonn. amount of work rendered by the clerk tem¬ yvi'h the l>est of New Axminsters, 85c. porarily employed during the year to assist white The nioMt wrrlmbl-; grade of \x minster CURRENT SPORTING NOTES Washington. R.H.O.A.E.i Cleveland. R.n.O.A.E. Ths ten-mile match race which was to be ADDITIONAL CLERK WANTED enamel, burnt in. mad**. Williams' standard {.rice, is5c. Selfrteh. If. 0 1 2 t> of Hnnrett, If. 0 1 1 0 0 me has been of great service and should be (Jettman.rf. 0 2 2 0 01 Childs, 2b.. 0 1 3 2 0 held last evening at the track of the Cycle made permanent. Heavy posts, ii inches New Moquettes. 85c. Anderson.cf 0 2 0 0 OjMeKeiiu, s* o 2 5 4 0 Park Club, on the Conduit road, between "I again recommend that the salaries of thick. All sizes. All rh* n*»w*»st and sw»1test patterns. The entire outfit of base ball Khwhnv. e. 0 0 2 1 HWalUee. 2b 0 112 0 be How¬ William?* standard 85<*. Washington Jimmy Michael and A. C. Moran. the local The annual -report of the Inspector of the assistant inspectors made Sl.'JiK) per priff. Parrel!, lb. 0 1 4 2 0* ?'Omiior.lb 0 O 9 0 0 annum, as I am satisfied that the com¬ ever little players returned to this city last night ltdt*. 2b... 1 1 4 2 0 MeAlter, cf 0 O 0 1 0 rider, was postponed until tomorrow even¬ buildings, Mr. John B. Brady, for the fiscal you study- New Savonnerie Si. Smith, ob. 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 pensation now given is inadequate for tlie must A Carpets. after a fortnight's sojourn at Phila¬ fil.iKe. rf... 12 ing account of the rain. Between year ended June 30, 181)8. was Hied today. prices you recog¬ splendid wr-aring Carpet and in highly Men>»r, ss. 1 2 4 0 0;Crigor, e... 0 1 0 3 0 3,560 services rendered, and for the same reason artistic colorings. Williams" strnd&rd delphia and in the west. The club's record O 1 and 4,000 assembled, and wnen the From the report it appears that 1,809 build¬ the assistant in¬ nize at (uncc that this is prire, $1 yard. Weylilnsr. p 1 1 0 youn?, jr... 1 0 0 3 0 persons salary of the principal has been the most disastrous in its history, came down about 8 o'clock there were ing permits wew issued during the yev, spector should be made at least $1,800. Total* 2 10 27 6 li Total* 2 7 27 15 0 uain a most unusual value, New Wilton Velvets, 80c. and the only excuse offered is that the men several hundred at WRh street and involving an expenditure of $4,203,620.57 for Diatrirt Velvets are among rh»» finest made Washington 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.2 Prospect IlalldlniC*. one never Carpets are not The hit and run as will be seen from the and to be ;tn«i theee arc the flaest >f vdvcts. Will¬ playing together. Cleveland 0 ') 1 0 0 0 1 0 O.2 avenue, awaiting transportation. 4,227 buildings, The plans and were pre¬ iams' standard the almost been specifications found elsewhere. price, soc. game and sacrifice have Earned runs -Wisliiri^r.m, 1: t'lev.lmj, 2. Two- In hope of tha rain passing over the peo¬ following detailed statement: pared under the supervision of the inspector New Wilton abandoned1: and it is a case of go-as-you- twin- hits Selbach, i_'hl";ils and Mflv 'fin Sacrifice Statement of permits issued from June Velvets, Si.15. bit.O'Cuonor. Stjl^n buses -itrii^. Um*«, lie* ple at the park waited. Dave Shafer, Mi¬ of buildings for the several municipal or Extra heavy rv*ly.ermisite rew patterns. please. each player being careful to look 30, 1807, to July 1, 1898, in the order named: "Cash Credit." Williams' standard pric»*. $1.15. Ktan. O'Connor anil jili'ce, Left on buses.Wash- chael's trainer, was anxious to have the buildings provided for in the appropriation out for his individual record. Captain Mc¬ ingb.u. 5; Cleveland. il. Strnek out.By \'oni»s, 3; Michaei-Moran race first on the Brick 573, frame Standard prices for Tapestry Brussels, Weyhlng, 1. Double put pro¬ dwellings, $2,020,500; bill, and in the erection of which the ex¬ 454*.. 5»k\ and tJ5c. yard. Guire has become discouraged and the gray by plays.Childs. McKean untl gram. J.- D. Lasley, the pr»sident of the dwellings, 126, $180,150; brick OiO, O'Connor; MrA leer, MeKean and' Wallace. First refused repairs. penditures made are shown by the follow¬ flayer & Pettit, hairs are beginning to show on Earl Wag¬ .Off Weyhinc. 2; of Yoimg. 1. Willi Park Bicycle Club, to permit the $740,071; frame repairs, 504, $75,748; stores pitch.Weyhing. Time.1.50. Umpires.Lynch and events to be run, as the rain kept steadily ing: Wash.B.Williams, 7thD. ner. The showing made during the June Andrews. falling. (brick), 25, $111,775; stores (frame), 1, $150; Anthony Bowen school.Appropriation. 5 415-417 Seventh St. trip west, when the team won over oO per Michael left the training quarters before stables (brick), 40, $53,890; stables (frame), $30,000; expenditure, $29,745.88; balance, cent of their games, led the local fans to Even Break at rhlcaso. 8:30. Shafjr followed soon aTter. Rain 8, $1,415; $254.12. warehouses, 15, $22,000; churches, For lot hope that the long list of games at home The Chicago and Philadelphia clubs checks were given to all present, and they 3, $170,000; office buildings, 10, $88,300; work adjoining Curtis school.Appro¬ would the Senators toward their broke even in their two games played yes¬ can be used tomorrow night. Those having priation, $5,OUO; txp nd tu e. $4,973: balance l»l»>l\HI K. \. I).. 1*1 KM'.II. push up seats will shops, etc., 0, $11,100; flats and apartment *27. in column. But terday in the former city, the first to grand stand be able to obtain natural position the first going them by keeping their coupons. houses, 27, $339,200; green houses, etc., 10, Western High School Appropriation. Bent Portion of nffee Race off. s States Cin¬ northeast, $47,833; southeast, $44,092; total, Wu suspended by injunction or land office, the surv« v.»r u'* n r.ti '* Reserved scat coupons tre for some seats anything else is the manifest indifference the NationaJ Lergue clubs Sunday. $821,819. oner restraining office. Best's good of By unforesein obstacles the twenty-five- of the court. dry goods stole. thr- Novih- rn %n this date. the players. They are absolutely dead cinnati had the banner crowd, 12,4<«4, while Receipts of the office for the year: For Pacific offices, and offices on their feet.no no no smallest. mile match ra i which was to have taken Washington Asylum, central heating sta- bagsrage express Tickets for sale at store. 14th and H. life, ginger. Chicago, with 5.800, had the building permits. $3,127; for vaults or un¬ t on, and freight warehouse, WiMs' s- e.l Eclipse «' Beach hospital department.Appropriation. store, Perfect indifference pervades tho ntire While the Cleveland-Washington series place at Manhattan Saturday next derground for awn¬ Mellon's Bank team, with the construction. $707.57; $8,500; expenditures, $8,030.44; balance, building, lawyer's oil! of possible exception of two now being played in Philadelphia might not between Jimmy Michael, the king -..f the ings, $142; for boilers, $463. R. H. Boucher »* 75c. and or and a sort engines, ovens,- etc., i,( Register, Pntllbrick, Pricss, 50c., $LQ0 three, of "only-so-we-get-our- have drawn large crowds at National Park, middle-distance garae, and Eddie McDuf- $52; total, $4,088.57. Special repairs to market State's Attorney Allen, County F. money" style of playing prevn» I he Nor tm I .it iMo PRICES.15. AND 30 CENTS. standpoint, players a sure catch and a good batting eye, ths To the Editor of The Evening Star; at Police Court tracks to auJMOd getting about all the money that comes The AMHiatHiit InNpeetorn. building.Appropriation, Thayer street on tne i»rth anJ material is there, and only lacks proper de¬ I note with irtf-TeSi the communica¬ $1,290; expended. $.*10.25; balance. $1.1**:'..75. 4tn to .*kl streets on ihe east and into the gates. Mr. Wagner has assessed great The corps of assistant Four additional cells west. In¬ ahout $135 in fines since he has .lad velopment. tion from Dr. late issue of inspectors have at fourth precinct surance may cover h.ilf i.ie lo*s. or.ly The Washington* will return home Wed¬ Quick in(a your been faithful and in the dis¬ station house.Appropriation, $990. expend¬ touch bed=rock~ control of the Washington club, and the paper. May I add a or two to what painstaking nesday and a series with the I.ouisvilles point charge of the duties ed, $10; balance. $980. TRA\f*r«HTS players should appreciate ihis leniency by at has been said? If is to be on assigned them, says LEAVE SWTUUI. on forward their best efforts. Then will begin National Park Thursday. The Slam? put Mr. and he Station and Enaine Honnei*. putting Colonels are playing the game of their lives the water and the Brady, appends the statement why are these efforts missing? supply of"Oafnp Alger of the to \or a* BIcyclle Soodry just now. and as the Senators are about execution of the miscellaneous char¬ Repairs station houses. 1897-1898.Ap¬ Troops Coming; 111 Faul a* Tlief Mr. Wagrer says he is with a soli there charged with a hotbed of negotiating due for a be being acter of their propriation, $2,000; No. No. ( an He Carried. man to act as mat who will see to It little brace the series should It Is assignments. 1, $513; 2, ager worth out to see. typhoid well to'tWok around for sortie I No. No. The Miami. prlces==No dealer that the owners of the Washington olub turning facts "Sir, have the honor to submit the fol¬ $83.48; 3. $49.30; 4, $323.45; No. 5. transports Matteawan anl Jack Stivetts is not with the Bostons. about the health b^'thls part of Fair¬ will not be any lowing as a list of ma $51.00; No. 0. $385.00; No. 7, *42.30; No. 8. Vigilancia. loaded with I'niled States imposed upon longer. Jack has been sent to fax in the well as the rec¬ inspections made by can Very few managers of known ability are his home in Ash¬ county '!>&t is during the fiscal year ending June 1898: $370.13; No. 9. troops, sailed for the Unite! States quote less land, Pa., by Manager Selee. Manager Se- ords of adjacent 30, $00.00; total, $1,884.95; bal¬ from Than we available, but Mr. Wagner has scoured the piat^s. Elevators. 967; elevators inspected and con¬ can, unless they intend to go out of lee said yesterday that Stivetts was of no ance, (115.05. Santiago yesterday morning. business. country and shoul 1 the man .he has select¬ Alexandria, six miits }jelow Washington demned for repairs, 00; premises examined the ed agree to take the club in more use to the Boston club and that he to locate steam boiler and Engine house No. 14. 8th street between Today transport Grand Duchess will Washington would be to on, the Potomac, is aadd lo be noted for the engine, 09; prem¬ D with hand, brighter days are predicted for the traded St. Louis if he was will¬ ises examined .to locate bake ovens. and E streets northwest.Appropriation, leave 742 men and officers of the Kith ing to go there. Stivetts does not like the purity of its water-supply, and is, so I 17; $35,000; amount Waldfford's,SS££