IIIIPIiiHil^^^W^^^^^^^B pililliilfll^ »••*:• >•.-.-•••• --. • ' • • • . • ' - •• •

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AHWAY NEWS-HERALD SEMI- PRICE WEEKLY OP LOCAL N the a. The Fig Leaf Clothing Idea to m union uraocsiT, WHICM romui iiMBittD VMI nw JIMIT ABTOCITK-triiuiwrD ur ttm N.w If _ TrifIt Out-of- ih the l_tt§e y il.M £a This is An irterenn£ *>r 0.83 LOo Thte h'mir* of *pi-yic^ Th y is itiaiirttBhtly dfefil^i by 118 are: tttortthig 11 o'clock, evettlhfc 7.45 ttnd nmiuw It the secbtid Inr- The 5.59 L49 Hty of the world; If K ivev* the ymihfe Indie, ih q 6.B1 p. m. ahd 8_ttd_t Schbbl ni 10 A. tit. 6.-6 B.47 614 2.0ft nw » S.«L _. O.U.A.N. BOYS JOLLY HOSICALE F. C. BAUER HAS Mrs. Jolm Bart* ahd MHt. BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NE W S The El^cWc Smeltltift Attd Alumi- Indntle Nttrih .!rhU* to whs t S.04 .49 IJI *hlch An* Afl Irttly a pntt «! NPW or the girts Are ehiflhfttle in num Company hn* inirchftwd thirty 60S AND RECEPTION. A number of yotiflg hoy* w«r. try Ybrfc Afl IB Stateh Istahd. It is l t the WeddlttW <"id lift 7.28 ENJOY^OUTING WA* brought before Walker, secretary for several If ARROW ESCAPE ncrr* r._r ~BrdoS!yn< Among tH« aads the airastr-4frmttk-Cla« him In suit- AvmtMr, returned FrldAy from says that Daaiiefs donkey d«s* able taana«r and appreciative, cere- speeded trolley ear, throwing lfr. that God would cause the 1p to t him nhd pet Til" an Im- 1trg iffair last lrfght were; Albert J?*".» garaen^ror Dim monies, secretary walker Bauer's assistant, Alvin «._4 1O.B0 11.05 -.19 on A bkryole, but Urarsdiy t. DAnotr profiai*** to pay the fcahwiiy, to Mr. M. E. Lone, nt X - ngnln M C«_1M_7 AtUmi Ctnreh t%_Qps«r» -Vaflk JifcOowan and lUy- die gift In ths same spirit in rbfch 1 SnUlvnn. of Pi A lUtpntoUean present scouted: 2.67 11.-5 ifiii &.08 FrldAy the ro*di w*r# to nattddy that tonight. It was given and an hour of sociabil- headlong from bis seat, landing hha bttr> (1 Mimdif ««4 H««r Dr. trunk X*«r«. ffioud McOowan, ot New Tork^ussts of A»nwv. TblB- led- -theOe^tttfrft portent the return trip WAA(IUA4« on tnUn. WtlUrr, O. flravtm who has imM mt In a heap on the lawn unharmed tat Mrs, S. CororsVy, ftmttcrlj Wm,t>»fnor«itf-of Cherry strtf^snd with .refreshment* followed, fto\ *ba**a till h» was blue to cto -, Chft«. UyonB. ot Nowton brother to mah^ th*» foil-wittg ettvett^a- wld_*ftwak« lads th*y sr#. Miss ttrsh Test**, which has been so popular hte livery plant and retired from .24 Main street, was fl!Je_ of n Iftdlrs' K^ods store ih the y, or 15 fcrond street tlon in his iMhyrr: "Not; 0 Lttri,'tti shortly. Mrii S. S, Evans, The Art The imr d*y_ c/f '^i-45 were typi- witi h hthe RahwAy yottog people with fT-eals and welt wishers before Mr. Baaer WM hurled out 1A som# block, will opon n fltfo M-Oowan, m sf§t«r ot th« two boys, is ^ entirely says that b« has shape, h* doesn't know how. His site to thv pollvo station the t»nid th^lr 12 s. but Ih the snlrlt ot AttibWl and •ad Monday by the campiDg of Thursday and Friday, but this w«sk but as be has a compe- at midnight. Mdlrk property, formerly t H4MWAI ALAftM DO_SII< Netdfcwork' Shop* 152 HAmtlton street, titnd nod pla««* At tb« reception Miss nxerova places and hi* h«s4 4 cut*cut* as# released. cotiwn: "Any tohl wiil _bv Lbhl; Cotopany B, Fourth Regiment Uniform Taylor saag several iolos «wco_ap*n- the game* continue A* merrily A* er« laid up for a rainy day, earned Mm, F, W, Sell baa been devoting Lr. J^T. any cord wlU ihV ItttBfJ^leA t ll-^Maln , Wlnfleld goott Camp of Win- hoh w muchh mor eh he has not yet fottaMl n Oonld And a rri^nd. Mr. y led by M«* »Adi« McCoy, T. Dunn hn* r . stnrted on an rtuto trip this t 14—Mulh •_Saturday aftentoon: thm fetfeet »nd ualver««l regret whtaltyg duet by Wm, Detnorett, Al- Karl MAcCiAry hs* worked iikeaTro- motonnan's escape from deads or A fecAtitlfol sight, tinlftUc And Alsione- r Arthur S. Wllcox that they *l|l the Nvws-HVVaVd will A goodly rftttntwr of visitors took P^fldMtt, Miss /ullA A. Barker, vice- gsn the past two wwk'i helping 8a- p ads or n Tuesday o! theth hee wY . hnM.|j—Mll- b •treet and oa ftll -I4«» to tbebert Dempsey And Win. BfAnney, WA* harh m Is conslde**! marveloos. What il, 1« the \iew of the Rtih- friop Itt Albnny tonight And finish their to Iw <6_r« of the gr«rAte*t hiu* of the evening. advAntsg* of visiting day at the Hlffe pnsldent. Miss M< 1* Underbill, Secre- perlntendent Blckett get the new |5 « '-.•-, -i upon their hitving to Mr Bauer will do in the prmoiMm a* y rt\-6t with It* overhanging bi-Attch tviv> to'morV'Ow. 0. A. UhlMlng. W* ha^ nttt it»h\ to- Supper WA* Mrved with Albert Damp- School Monday, Everybody seemed to| Mrs, Wm. Ksfer, Treasurer Miss school supplies In proper shape, aod ^fcatwAhl from tbe Irving B. XVllcox etMOft thnt day for Uve d^rrlollott. the Wf Bw- n*bw_y _o iooa with All it* regards payment tor damages he has* Afid return to their respect- •cry AJ mA«teT of c^retnonle*. be satisfied with the conditions found* L the room's ready for occupancy to* Vetary Claries b. 1*0^11, 1B V^ to B. Selover has Uken not yet decided. ^laftB anvl ych^dttie iy#* abodot. From first to (Mt sot Moving vAfl* were much In evidtne* At R nh \iour iV U«t week. An exceedingly large pee *#*kw of his elegant home thai is day ah\oh« n». A v _r- an Accident occurred,, not A member Mrir (too, E, Wright And son bave r*- " A!«itter Btnart fe'rtiil. «on of 13r. **d , with nutolfttR At VAS ML.And sot A thing hAppened tbAt HEW DOVER HEWS. cent of JUhway'* population fittly a mansion on mm avenue tvrned to their home 57 Church street* [. Tevrttt, tooli bl» *r«t trip; tee 'with ttoft cnrfl Vor ralthnil --friend t> A_BO- to~bs moving ~~ ~ choice looation a&d DUm & RODDY BUY rftlloh ^v^Bent<*t! the w Any one''could hare tvlnhed to be dif- Afttf «p«sdln« Jaly and Aagtwt at rar« on a vlirtt td Bel-: wllo, nviti »ViofiW W\"^ oar ferent The CommAnd rwiched RAb- Tfte lncendlAry who tlr*6 Mr, Ten Mr. And Mrs, U K, gfthpson, ot of tiwbss t btJiMIng sections of Mr*. Wright's former home Cast y, xv_i«r* he 'trtil remftltt Its wvt& t<6 forty wli^B *n ho\n; terda-y 'with ft ICyck'* hArn, ht_ bear Arr«*ted, It WA* Central Rahway. Coogrataladons from ilon jiKferVhlch WUl be tihoin Monrfay^ Septetti6er 5, ait ro A. WAy In time to enjoy »tu$ A dinner arkf spent Sunday and Monday Oreenbtiflb^ H< T, GRAVB' UYERY • - - -j r_«* trftltt A negro who worfc_d upon the P1AC«. : AA CAO be prepared only Ifi th« opfm Mr, and Mr*. W, E, Simpson on Camp- ft V, Ford-Am AAnounces tbAt be rtner, pt Brook- ^ the oo\e_oh hsp or the bu Tbe livery flrro of Dunn A Air with pteflty of inoatt pf cou\^e ho one bre_4, butt«r# frulu, pftMbw, coffee Hfss MA-Crgaret FArrel, of BOvsd inio hi* new bosM *t zen* At targe bop* and expect that he with ofRcts opposite the „..,",. to her bom* \y Ward, And Appetite,—where wld**wAk#, WA* planning the following evening to West Milton Avenue, one ot the too*t wilt -be the- oext gb*rUt ot Union Jisve .purchased ehe Ifvery At thf home 6i Mr. he i«-. returned home,thl* week from * htiitllnf, rolHcklnir, A-l boyn get Uy-burn the b*rn And outbuilding* of with Nelson P. Brower, of Clinton prietSeftl add sbowy borne* of recent County. Walter O- Graves. Irving street, ls>- H. C. feVflm ^Ift pfAVitfeg tho ttt^rtov M. fttlllmAitt onV eve_lhfc *tbl* is toot suffering A«ther in cAinp At noon, who have Mr, Tlce Ten Eyck, hut fortunAtely frtfttd la Uie city, t * b_t •treet- Thomas Moulton and Krail Bailweg eluding the building and tend, Ura*> Yff tn^ i. Tn. X_». A- •un-_p- PlAt«« confided hi* plans to A colored friend Ilwid Lamb was lined ffi Sunday and Kv^lx-n from a tenr or the Gt^at l>r. has ^tubft n?alore ^r who promptly rejtortod b'lm to the AU~ Mrsr Henry HosenbAabm ha* h*4 will vl*H Springfield, Ma***, for asecuring one of (he finest TIIISFHSSS LEHMAN'S were refilled, coffee cups were etapt* nonrtag by Judge A. B, Cook for ta-couple of week's at their former JWIB*, thorltle*, her OrAnd street residence tborou*iljr sites la the city, Mr. Ruddy win Jed again and a__io and ttl^e frettl* terferrlng with Dog Warden Tfndaler Hartford, Cono^ will come to far s; ttirlo QAvcs, 9 SUMmf DJgllLr Ifrtmnn wilt remafe in charge of .ffcy^r. pickling and preserving. Guaranteed Pure. ling, buftltng campers bad their ap- returned to her sibfttfln Northfcld, John LAugton, ot the Adams Express! Mr, J- J. Crosby, of Gnuid tnre Us Company, has been promoted to the The las-p piftt UrOtigbOat the city Mich., is spending the week fa pi«an j h petite* appeaaed. During the after- Mags, s_re bates; removed by the GAS Com- the noon garnet and 'tumbling on the position A* Express Messenger on tb^ the guest of O. W, Wrtgfrt, to her Ho*Y i fttght, SiH. Green awl Blue Best Premium Stamps "fi Purchases Work I* progressing rapidly upon Psnn*ylv*alA trains. "Why, where and what forf is Oraad street ; ur, sad which, w fcaw any gral»* In reckless freedom ijwe en* Mr.'lfyer'* new house He 1* planning meat of in h\* t^Vei. he Joyed until 7 o'clock, when iupper a Mr. and Mrs. Roderick P. Cobb, were C, Fo*t«r Hyer Is finisblfts; oat bis r H for; A *ununer hotel. streetr tbe ^4topU«tte of the dinner, -we#, served _» J: l**t simmer v*c*tloB ftslte by fating and at 9 o'clock pickets were'placed ; A Gtevreh §oelmi wHf b# h«1d At theB1i#r;at'their»t_mm*rlKtta# at on duty about the camp, with a guard residence of Mrs, 8, i. Wood on Haveii, N, J, game reeentfy has ataost d Saturday, S 2 recovered from the injury- and aAfod to .duty service of "two boars on andThursdAy evening, Sept. i. Two travelling salesmen, stndssts Miss Lillian H. Poberebn, aa at- T_e electric lights In the vicinity to four hours off/' to be kept up through- at Fordham College, made things live- tractive young lady of Newark Is tnm Um0 u> ttm* as Wn pr6ito_te_ to tti* _aain „,. _dt out the night. Masters Rnsaell Daly and Bdward of Esterbrook and Elm avenues have , walked to glfzabeth and re-ly for the residents on Bryant street speeding a few days with MUs CMrrie At 9:30 the bugle Bounded for "light* been sadly on the blink during the Fetter, on Campbell street. tarn Mondayr ."JuitJfor. ftin/' and en- night- of the past week. , out" and 10 o'clock t_e camp wa- 'Mrs."Win. Fsgans, of Scott avenae, Arthur PenniDgton who _A* b«en Joyed It- It is estimated that nearly 1,500 peo- wp^nt at Kill Kkr^, He in dreamland and the picket* were Mrs, Elmer Oliver and mother. spent a few days of last week visiting pnalnpc a pleanant raeatlon at Bev- taking up their wenri-ome rounds. ple from fn town and out of town, Mm Wm. CM*V[\hPY\\T\ hftVR her alater, Mrs. E. J- Peal, of Eliza- erly, \', J., ha» retortted home looking M^. Half Bushel VoH-ireraW^d ^unrrtay niorning f -vlaUed—and—tnep^ctod-the new,.High- >>w -in- ^fe Dayton, Fla., for the winter. brown as a ttwn- School building yeaterday. around Can of Old tiol aT>peariy1 over the top 6f Sophie Tflppcn ha« returned C, F, Draeger wishes to Inform hl» and Myrtfe—Fa^ tohn Wanamaker Page OK 4c QUAHT. from an outing at Caijft Cod, Mattff. baa returned home after a viait with of Lfcmmlngton afreet, are on a Vbatiks nre *>ct«A«»« Mr. »t. X. Rahway'a wplrcs, Captain A, K, Sea- Mrs, G. O. Owen**, of Linden avenue. friends that he la now ready for Fall Hah ne h.Co , Pag* of ttaVfray Mve man ran up Old Glory to the top of Mra, Eliza Gray, of Clinton street, trade, having gotten In bla autumn vacation of two we^k'* pleasure out- for *h_ stitnptee of the wrg- has returned from Salem, Mass, George C. Car hart, of Paasalc haa ing at Asbury Park. «rm IAL M11TUUE ri! In sample*. McCoihrm, ret»rne. upon Insti- week from High Bridge.—irzr™*-—:— . Miss l?va ferook. to Mr. 4c Mrs. Peter upon Its coining to the church and atituting this innovation of a threes Miss May Eskew, of Alleshtnrst, has Ttthnas sad Master Kenneth Tlllman, mtUmtlr ill athis GsmpheD of «tmc ChoiceVem SOc Ib. thanked them for the attention paid street home, but is day's camping-out and hoped the returned borne after a visit wltb bare returned from two month's In anias *iil taice piac* fn and the promptness and efficiency of friends In East Rshway- Jom*m, Che Cherry street tdsvSLI-Vsil »#«»#••'** ##•»#•»••##.*# RIB ROAST, Blade End whole command would take it up. A Canada* Thore will ^ tio garbage --tfcicen their aid in the hymn singing and The walk at the side of the resi- sorlat Artist,, htm retoraed from a Ksrws. *0*0' + r»mm+0m*0*w0, Good Tea 40c Ib. Psalm reading of the morning. typical "soldier-cheer," was given the Mrs, W. StovU Miss Helm Btoat the ^sfty t«rtn8 speaker by the boys at the close of his dence of K McCartney, cm Gordon and Ussier Walter Stout, o€ West svnnner to the AMttmdmtkn. i r f TcCair 13c Lb. The O. XL A- M* organization was Place fs being re-laid •6^ late o_ the above remarks. Grand streetr spent Saturday In As- John Laagtoo' of €be Bxpress of- >_ 0 0 #»•«*«*«'».•'• m< , oX be one spoken of very highly by Dr. Moore Mr Lawrence Keete, ot Georgia bury Park- has been ted to '0 m**** m 00 m, 0W m • *• The Stfcw POT ROAST, No bone step Mrs. IL Bennewell, Miss I* Seezer Urn. Cell* Tea. 3Oc artd Mrs. F. A- Brown made brief ad- Hughes, of Milton ave- tw tt& P- JL _L . Ltrry teirtittt tmirnfttnetit tot the SOAP POWDER der along educational lines, and the dresses to the company, interesting In Connecticut nae, returned home Thursday from a Mis* Jennie CBytr 1 u^| , have rettrrtwfl from ion-hip or the city TfctB mdk. Tb 20 12c Lb. placing of the Bible and having it and well applauded. !#• 0 m 00m 0 0 0-m0'.* nalB wni be T*lay©a «i "Labor Day. Superlnte_dent Day of the Post-[ two-week's visit relatives Is her home at MyaekV «oUowtn« a w*A|Rahw»y TfslliwiT 5?tr M£ Choice Tea, 2Sc read in the public schools. At early nightfall an escort with office traildiiig spent tbe week-e&d at Afternoon f wtth relattvs her», Captain Seaman lined np the company fall and side arms, es- Asbtrry Fark.——:—__—_—-~ . Suwtny. with each hall ixmnd corted the ladles' to the trains at . wturtHHl ThwrB- fwnn a -wseirs -outtns it ^>cewi Grow Mt. and Mrs. 11 W. spent a part of last wj an oofiftg o£ a *0 »0 *0» 00:0:0 0 +wmm 1 to greet and salute a coming of s car 1 at Keuts Hlu. to their tittmc 207 W«t Paper Oood Tea> 20c Each load of Elizabeth's ptettteat girls that Rabway, Monday, drilling and other datxghter, Muriel, spent last week at ot M ** Aitf^f*^ Brraai . of Chvrry exercises filled in the'day, together Asbtrry Park. too were.seen coming up the path, laden KafcwsT 1 • *^Z w" "" Tor twe »r with the following baseball game, a Ut— Iffy 1 rooks sod tor * iTol •, M»rl<\ arr at Nlajrara Fulls and RJW a 'mm**** Best M.&J.Coffee 30c lb lively, spirited affair, between the of-•pent a week with Mrs* J. Henry, of Vr. At«i«r candles, sweet meaU and amilest ac- fleers and the privates, the latter win- of Upper: two week's vfcff. froni ASDUr> :v^H_K> , «of iT^Intirvlni;- AtrmtBtrwtr turnln- .R -Tuesday^ __., . SO with «ach pound 13c »-r. companied by delegations of comrades Perth Amboy- from two Mr. Walter Oarthwa-W. oX 1ST West , -where be s|>ftit Ibe ning wifh hands down. Shortly after 'Wllltam T. , or 32 "Mr. anti Mrs. 'Willtam Moras, of 10, from Union Council ZXS, Rafcwaj* **& noon, three rousing cheers were given Mr. and Mrs. I, U Hoot have re- tt. lfff». <»«r|^ O. Kahway girls, prettier even than the tnised from several week's to tbe HID, Onttml *veou6, «re ©ntortatnJng the: FEl-5 KAPTHA SOAP !! PRIME RIB ROAST the owners of the premises for the- 'm.-0 0)*10>0>4 te entertaining b»r contingent. Members of Adtrondacks, jdCW Funnte «ud Allle Henry, ol Best Mara Coffee 25c lb g use of the same, the camp waaslteked J-K. 1*0m++0+0'm90* Cake Jersey City Cooncfl and friends gen- np and the start for hmne was tmkm Hftss Florsace Tr_-ttbiy, of Ssntf* at Itles tterkui K Rltter, Carrie T. THlce. of Brooklyu,- erally, from" erenrwueren , up. Rahway would he glad to seenary Mrento$, returned Mos^ay-frosa 0+0*m••*••< >m+0*0;pt HA ?•«•••.. te vWUu* beir borne after a visit STARCH Best Rio Coffee 20c lb. PICKLED PIGS FEET greet and meet the young _old__rs. them return any time, and the tfews- Asbary Part '•••••« &&•:• - t of Ci Herald senda its compUmenu to each wceicfts Ocean Gresv. «i»d "Mi*. ^ IX Olbtoy. ot dresAt 5s o'clock pATAd, eth ine nffli^f*" doable *rank forme, wherd fote Percy and Lester MfHer^ of CUntosi and every officer and private who was street* bave ntsned from a wessx at ^»0+m0mm+*ri fwlth miis* of the _, they were Inspected by Beviewins;.Of- present duriftg the eocampsaent Tbe •mm ing •& outtnk Mm mo Blaokwood Is vMtlng In There arc atiineroufi repllae to 1 Bottle AmmoniA 10c ficer Captain Bdward Chun and staff, SAL SODA 1 Hottle Rluinc iOc various officers and details* an o€ Joseph jgiillsi P«nn-y)Y»tila tot a ads awaiting their owners at- CHOPPED STEAK ded by a sqttad of signal whomT dkt valiant work, were as foj~ SMf«r are re- office. 1 Bottk Root Be©r Extract.. M>C omp Davlsvapss^LsAor Dar at «_• 1 Jiottl* Lcmcm or 'lows!** • •-•••--•-' --* - -.-.--•• - - -. . ... ©c 4 __ ExtTact..,...,..». I2ctb. Captain Albert R. Seaman. Catcher - Talestlae Ttadals, Mr, H. P * Lnfbetry 1MS l£r. Climwtt ^Wottrutt to aj*ndlHR lrvlug street.'»TT at AibuTy l»ark HBB Color Serseasr Wmu &a the of ought Win CKkei H. New York after a vMt wftfc ef Wi %. IHo.* B*HKr te•oterl M hte a.. "** Clara Boi««tt. tt «t HisA, a C >:_ Part VEDKSOIT. SEPT. 6, Ooubte Stamps Purchases Paid at Sim thresked for It toa The little nmXtmo Is said to have had on a tagT. Newwt.r Brown, F, HoOsrteC Ou

and a- massif bat tt»latte r fca* V_ BH|U| Mm* -,'•:>• m arooxid Its A crowd gathered InfbftMtt And tfcetftrst

-••«••, was for to t* tloreslM-u <;,"• held to bk

•_: .1-


t- -,i . .• i-- >/,; t. • , • "' / ' V "^V ' • ; X^'Y^

••••••.•••'•'• r •.•••.-•.- • • • • ••''•••'•.•/.••*• . • • • • ' - •. • v * / • . - > -•-.. .:•>••'••;-.• '&;?• I

P>HWiV IMRWS.MPBAI .n. TUBSDAV. SEPTEMRPP Ctv*i upon out lip* «nr I* to bo an important feature of iht* j butlttai It* reputation upon One •picable trick wwd« a fwat many contents nri* cool, fb«n strnioed, pour the meeting. gr*4t t>&tu**tlc Scteaw gxpoaltion to DURINQ THIS Century, This does not mean that he should slaging something qoit© (Uffpreat,"— aecesfttty of Inviting tb« nndeslrnbt«f ed Into a bottta that can be closely merchants who are pu morcot thetame kind to makcil Youth's Cotflpaoioo. cotialn to bo nraonjr bis guests, "To tell tho truth, Ham," snW ono off {ACT th* thrift be tftYrn fey the XaiKmal FVKKI M*g%~ ignore politicians or party leaders, or corked and »rj Goatit «itt* at Madttoa Square 0>ar\Irn New cfllly approach, the* same demand of refuse to coffgfrft with them or listen Ice should \x> ponnded very fine snd Ing from wbnt tbU byuh county got Vork. &>pn»mb*r 17-24, uiutor th* au- Exposition will bate the moral SEASON. to them, but only that In the end h? dhsksspssr* Aftsr«d. at hrenkfnat on tbe morning of the whlvh I* **kl tw b* aXtMlafol with a large number of people Is regularly A portable tbeater hart bwi> pitched a little sutfnr added If Uked. Hotoo pre- « of the AMociated Ctuh« of should follow his own enlightened tvont. 'TH send him norae tickets far fer tho fen nnnweetcmed^-^New Or* •-U pte and association* of ih« beard; "Just select ftcmie merchant lo «o out of tbe way «pot wber* the the piny tonight In town. Of rotir*«» tber«% wo mmigbt as well bava writ * Dome«tic Sct^tnce. Much pertaining or business mait and let him run the official judgment In every official act. Ifeana IMcnyuno. try. to household economy, a* It applte* It U a «utwtantial> *lt pp fhrfttricftl ppntrons he'll bo dellgblod, AS he seldom has AO at and commercial £xt>o*Ulo&» Black Broad-Cloth Suits $33.00 city government as he runs bin own A mayor, governor, or President may to the per*oti of th« clly* th^ »mall learn much In respect of what not to tin»opblrttlrntNl In mntfers opportunity of going to the theater." ttu 1 etand* for high Ideal* and ovtmiu? AND UIV btialdeas, How easy It sounds! liut The plnyera fK^s^sed the ro«tttm«» The tickets were accordingly ttivtt. and the country, trill fc* ex- this is one of tbe worst deltsfons do, as well as of what Co do, by listen- un* hthlted and explained by for ••flnnilet/* n««1 S!):tkf«j><>nrf> tttiSL and the host with fin enxy Mrs. L VAN NESS WITH SKINNKK'B SVMX L1NINO. concerning city government. It Is Ing to the advice of political leaders, i rrustr*- atKuu ttta: Devtce« act\tal wmklm? hetd wttl or even political bosses, as they are edy tv*««» wlerff«i| for (** (>rtvff»tfltlf>n. proceeded to enjoy tho cc«mpnoy of It wwuid * Pierce, whew carwr In th« 97 Watt Grand Street true that the btmlnefl* aflnlrs of a It thro rx'<'iirn»rlfit»rw ft frlnwK tint bU ftntif»fnctlotj wns ot Jit* fttwd* hat* laourrwl th« moaey and labor that modern By calling early you will receive special city should be carried on tn a bual* called, It Is only a weakling who will UEL FREEMAN & SON has Inr^ntrd, probably will and KxiKH'tamt bualnetUi emi- declare after reaching some high of- th& show that tJi»' imt •" wi-jhi not rtfshort durntlon. At the hclirht of thr tb« vAsttea Kw\t* *t*t that ness way, fend tbat good business trflof, no tln much to hN j»nrt»rl«e, In find- a place t& Xh\m itreat ~*narUi> nently qualifies htm to put fcrth *.ucti attention. flco that he will have nothing to do and technical men should be put at the MU'jihw the objortlonnbic nHjrtitmr fair of hou»«hold luctence." as It ha*a mammoth undertaking «uecn!**tull\\ with "politicians;'1 and It is nlway* tti ChoMteerLes, the head of departments and details; (Ion .Mini. "Murh n Mttipld mistake you &ut^qr^g~gCTergl~mnTTrrgOMcnt mm* ituui* a? of id- as bo -appfoachtid-Jii* Confectionery, NATHAN pojltlcttl contro1^-tt p , or olse so confident that hi| Real Estate .-Dealers ot the tioux food product* that knows fiv yg been forsxHteu In our. tlay» of \\tm~ n oT Avardw for Opposite-Trinity Church Mam St. which cannot be 3fepenppf1 with— pnlTyTkSew thnt you tnn*t n«xr tariff. A of tuto* cim« ftUltittlfr,—It-Is th©-sfgn-of a Httifr peHty. An eadeaVor will be mad«? Puncha*e Etpoftltlon; was soniethTrig; more~ls"tfeefierfr"TIio~«ov^' Cv> be Oomml*«ioner or Foodw at the Canned Delicacies. ernment of a large'city IH a hlglily man. ••Wh.it !l f cot them chanced for In th<^r> now that "Weil. : \ -J. and "~oT •i-rrt" -complex—legiU-a4> Canwstfon*. "At! of hU work received the Ytdoit upotr of&clal power, . _ .. bflltimorienais, is the ..most .delfrnte «» (D IT I a pv^J thltqr far mjr Bat Uw on* feature of the Expo. Un<* «»<«* complimentary publicity* A bushu^s man may rio jiiBf ns heIt Is tb« moflf tleik'Mm of fill vlctunls. Ttlephon* tan likes In bis business, but not ns a It will no inoro benr .frntiftportntJofi YELLOW PTNE find tt thin »ut**r ***rt*o U thoroughly cotwferm&nt eU« In the way of aolrtaft th3*1e prob^ - |\ha«——e of i&e— practical ex- mayor or In tiny public office, thnn II y^'pliyr or n duftoiUf:—^rt and CEILING tatr of po«itlon a rftero TnatThmtoMAo a&tfy olit Teen nnr my alvunot an «vc«i« for drv>|v lem uppertnoat In the mind* of every bouatwife Just now. will be the tlie laws, Hia power (*f"«ttorncy Is it tieglns to lose botiftcentni finvor, find the law- onco it bus left tin? Chcftnpenko lit torn 1 Tra c PALING FENCING, th* Afht oo tt» cottoo lar convention of women !&terv«tcd in How Jap« Ptty K*fU Domestic Science. ThU hi givx^ by The chief obstaoln to the no7nl7ia-« It I* no lonupr vn\nh\v< That Is why MOULDING, Cyphers Chick Food Cyphers Laying Food Iff I had a rrrtty s^^l ttv* A* *" ta its mo*t vrMvlx pr«cUc«d form tb« by the investment of a small sum of money lion afld election of fit men to city the nott ernb Is t\ m\pur\h Cyphers Developing Food Cyphers Scratching Food the A**ociated C^uh« of Domestic basis of the J*pan<*e gatu« Ot k«ft U ALL KIND Science. office is national and state party pre* hi Kflltlmoro nml" ft bitter REL> and WHITE Cyphers ForcingTodff Cyphers Ptfeoff Fo«f tva»-k a rather tbe rutly outmnetchod hand fc^ annually—provided the investment is placed Judlce or bigotry carried Into local wieiit everywhere else Ho sensitive \n "Otters I fcn^v haro hncn Long enough har* our people b**n paper* tbc fullv stowed hand a CEDAR SHINGLES Cyphers Alfalfa—Short Cut, Mealed and Shredded and exploited for the commercial Rain politics. It should never be mention* tt, indeed, to clltrmte nud bnndllng LUM sumo, ami i\co rtnp>r* alone in the right channel, i. e., as premiums paid ed there. The motto of every sensible flint It Is impossible to get n decent Other Poultry Foods. will tm$ of dealer** It is lime for the house- the rest hehxs ctosrd. scissor*. Each I* rhat ttw* wife to rebel and declare her. lnde~ man should be, national politics and soft crab any where tvest of the first HEMLOCK id tPIIUOE TIMBEH and that o£ the plajricrs, counting OWK Xtcv\ on Prudential policies. Think of the number Issues for national elections, st^te toll^flto l fat superior wi'.I tux t^ad U ^ and the united nowrr they can vrlold pih%Tt. for local elections, Every nces, their flavor Is that of glucose. 49-121 ELIZABETH AVENUE 78- 80 Irving St., Rahway, N. orvJ^^rs for xarrvtiants trtoo arv co that of tho otlicnu nccordltiB to the and found their earnings swept away in an time this Is said people who talk more In Chicago the soft crab Is ft mere they should have an Influence In theory of the *r.n»o. vrtru tbft trial. than they think* Including some news- ctirloftity, to bo fffipwl at, but suit In the cost of life'* Is dotoruitned.on U» hy- instant! With life insurance in paper editorial writers, Immediately entetu Unltlmoro alone has tho genti- Mr S one product Is higher than It that vrlwrott* scissors can- cry out that It Is visionary, that par* Ine article, nml It Is fortunnte for Bal- WorSt! of ought to he by the natural law» of tariff, cut a stone the? can cat paper and ties cannot be done away with, that timore that it cannot'be transported. cf attd demand, WOTUPH can rx*-*h«reas paper Is cut bjnrctwors it can they are necessary, Certainly they If it were .possible, .to *hlp *o(t crabs tran rainty to buy that product, and then MELVIN L. VAIL c of tho ajt*vvi.ntioo in «T»p np o stone—consequently scl»- are necessary, and there in no sug-the whole rnrth would bid for them, to H. Hlmmons there I* «ur* to be a fall In lu price. *orv are tnferior to stone, but conquer gestion of doing away with them, running np their price to 11, $5 and ir.ctrr^ place* the c\M>txt>! of tlw An Intelligent »tudy of the sublet of th<* ^ntlnc country in ,uaper: stone (s inferior to patter, but perhaps evert to $100 a dozen,—Bal- among women. leadlniE to active moaa- «ci»«>rs, and paper Is Interior Voters In local elections should har»«5* wf tho- m^nafactuners vtho cross the national party line freely, timore Sun* GRATE, BLACKSMITH'S and TonGx V tinuou« ralMng the prices of thlnir?, tnt]umt>rahle vnrSetles of influenced by local consldera* and which will go on until the consumer* only. Certainly, a voter who A Tiiohir In th« Making* bat al« for tn* will vote for the :candidate of a was n popular yotiog normal LEHIGH COAL call a halt* v The Prudential party 1n a local election simply be- stud«it-wbo-had~be«j to a party-tho Again the practice of sonic raanfac- *U nwinn that Americana bar* to cause he believes in a protective tar- night before( nnd ns ftconsequenc e pay at £*a«t ooc-thlrd morv for their tur«rs in continuing to adulterate tho OFFICE - Woodruff Bnildlnf, IRVING STREET food products in spite of the national _._lffj or_in free_ trade, or In a tariff wa» "not prepared" in the geography X) aw to protect themselves from Ute«c fraud*. Ail this should receive lm- i% doing a very stupid If not degrad- permit a failure, utter eliciting two of the Convention ta Madi- ing thing. He Is responsible for local three inconsequential "stabs" from her and hotr raptdly tbe roto son Square Garden where people from bosses; bis party prejudice plays fair but Jrtdcd disciple, asked for tbo at* growing rich at UH* ex Domestic Science clubs and other or* right into the hands of the boas. products of-China. of sanitations of wometi and men all Nothing should Influence the voter Tbo victim brightened* "Tea/' she Farms Managedjtented, Sold and Exchanged of tbe poor man. who baa to Assert^* prt'parlng to sit down, -over the country may assemble and In a local election except the local f STEADY JOBS AT paj morf for his cotton sheets under questions of men and measures which "Yes, njul what a\wsT encouraged lid* tariff are up for consideration. And it is a tbe instructor, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES cotlnp amount ttw*i~te9ES~tti&& misnomer to call officials nonpartlzaa Tht? yonng wotnnn smiled with sweet HEAL ESTATE and MORTGAGE LOANS t> Import- wtio firfc eloctcd"iti~thfH~di»crhrrfntttlng -hopch-nnnenn. . , ^"^Jow_^QU_can .mention others, 1 am HOUSESBOUGHT^nd SOLD, GOOD PAY. I do not tatnk U will cxeetd They are partisans, but only While tb« er«at bnlic of th« ALWAYS ON TOP on local Issues, and it is entirely sure, Juat think nbout it." tte I can «bo«r that the tariff has been rated Whittier Street, BAHWAY MAIN STREET DAUU/AY N I ^••::--- ran am m m A. COSiPTOK. the way Cra<>& 17 &*™ t** «mt to Bread and W. Park Sts. Newark Near Cherry _ Hllllff RI, H.J, -.••••tJ^ 3-10 per cent. It is npon cotton that the tncresse last men- Edward G. Brandt, Prln. 170 MAIN ST., » Is obscrraMe. 2-tf. Telephone or write fur estimate*. thai Qrdtrs left at Meivin L. Vail's Coal Office, P. O. tat Wholesale Dry Goods association Building, wHi receive prompt attemfon.: iwpoat* :o oppose Ute re^electAon of tbe congressmen wbo wot tostni- my 13 6m m mental tn brtasi&ff into existence a tffeel of- REDUCE YOUR COST OF LIVING «nHy lnf,-- '.f! i. ^T 1 BottleStnffed Olive* Colium's Furniture Emporium . L « . • • KXTRA fcPBCIAI* FRIDAY AK1> HATVKUAX Buy a box for 15 cents of FICNIC MAMS, yieeandl^au,,. t 3c 1b ]

:: 114JL20Main Street, J. • ;> w#m ^\,^j4^^§i^:''-: m-r^ '••ft--.,*-*-' —

V» vl"*.1" •.- '•'-". •'''i*. • • '. > '' ' ' • m*±±AV.--,:-. ••

RAHWAY TiifianAV. SETEPMBER 6, 1910 William Tandy and family, of Fal~ Members of the Colonia Golf Club MONEY FOR ROADS. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. ton street, have moved to New York NEWS-HERAbD aro playing oft tho championship State. match of the season. Those who quftl- The transferring of $3,500 from tho Elizabeth Commercial College The gathering of the members of MIds LUlarr Luckhutst Is at Long tflud wore: Messrs, Morris, Martin. ontlngeht fund to the road fund at tbe Mother's Guild of the West End Branch. AND FRIDAY AT UK RAX D SQITAHK. 9,000 People Read News-Herald Ads. WKftnAY Maurice, Roger Black, Bertram Iftl-lft. tho mooting of the Common Council Street, eiizabetb, n. % Presbyterian Churoh of Hew York, Tucker, Hart and McCormick. nti Tuesday evening has set the citi- A4s are Iwertti la tMt ieparteeai « a Ctttt-ft-W#f« M* rt?~t*4 at •w-lull *• r*W*r ek arga, *tt •# U will with their children, at the home of B. t'tltllVftR, Proprietor. II. tftAIQ, Builim Morris, Maurice, Dorry and zens talking and wondering why so Wo teach Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Penmanship, Spell- to pabllikei fer U*$ Una ifteti eeat«« Laiga aatkas at tap #f «•!«• •*• prtUakaf *t famr irthn per Mrs. Mary B. Young on Maple avenue CATARRH GERMS. l>!rpbo»* UI»K. Hart wcro winner* In tho preliminary much money is being spent on the ing, Correspondence, Kapld Calculation!, tihorthand, Typo writing, Etc last week was an unique affair and R. ft, ttAMNKS, LorcU NDWI Rdllor, round and Hart and Berry In the semi- Htrcu't* this yoar unif so little general Day School Opens Tuesday, September 6. most successfully carried through. Move Oat Wfeea Hytaei Mevee T+Uph«a» finals. Messrs. Hart and Berry will improvement of the thoroughfares 1B Night Sohool Opana Monday, Saptembar 12. It is ' the first time an organ- t»lay for the cup next Saturday. Good Advertisers Reoognlze the Value oft Good Advertising Medium. No stomach dosing. HYOMEI (pro- Subscription Price, Payable Strictly in Advance por year shown for tho expenditures. At the Our Cntalotfiu' Contain! Interesting Information. Sent upon request ized effort has been made to glvo nounco It High-o-me) Is made from Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Hudson, on- previous meeting $1,500 was transfer- New Yorkers In a body an outing In the eucalyptUA forests of inland Aus- tofvtl mm w*r«ii $ 14.fiOO.—Elizabeth Journal. fourth Thursday eveniegs of each Plane and Organ Isstrscter. rtptlon in your receipt of the paper* In Now York. It was estimated that tative In Rahway to look after sub- eals delivered at your residence with- Esterbrook avenue, gave tbe address. In Inland Australia the atmospbare there were 8,000 people on tbe mag- scription renewals and to extend cir- out extra charca Agent for Bpaldlag month at S o'clock. W. L. TOMS, Sao- F. 0. In O. of welcome and some recitations for; Is HO Impregnated with balsam thrown Tbe Newa*l!erald welcome* communication* on mutter* of public Import whether nificent vessel on Its return trip homo " THE FIRST FEELINGS/ culation by special methods which sporting goods and May Manton pat- retary, dlU the children as well as presenting out by the eucalyptus trees that germs the opinion* of tbe writer* t*r*e with thoae of our own or not. Communication* cannot live, and In consequence ca- •nQ«t lUwwy* tra altfuwl by the writer, but algnature* will he omitted wbeti liublUbod at night, passengers being picked up hard proved unusually sucessfui. Sal- Urns, Also cigars, stationery, school ft Hals Street B*hwayf ft* a bouquet of flowers to each child I S all along tho line. ary and commission. Previous experi- supplies, toys and candle*. Prices PURCHAS1NO AQBNT—Orders in New tarrh and consumption are unknown* The "first feeling' of a Cold Is las Housman anus 4 upon leaving. The members of tbe Edward Ayrcs, of Hamilton street, sltude and weakness, as If some sori ence desirable ttut not essential. Whole lower than same goods can be pur- Tork promptly snd carefully at- Oulld have a very high regard for Breathe HYOMEI and got the rnrf returned Tuesday from an outing OUH Illness was ponding, the strongth time or spare time. Address with re- chased elsewhere. Henry kitt, 116 tended to* Ordtrs can be left at HTEE A ABM8TB0HCU Mrs. MacClary, who haw addre*«od same, pleasant healing, germ-killing passed at the St. Clatr, Anbury Park. soems to give out and you wondor VALLEY ferences, H, C. Campbell, Cosmopoli- Main street, successor to A- Cohen. HoehU's Barber Bhop, Main street. thorn upon two prevlotm occasions. air as yoa would get In the eucalyptus John D. Chapln, after two week's what is coming. You have had this tan Magazine, 1780 Broadway, Now Walter Shrter, 12 Cherry street Tele- C«aasellers-at-Law. Upon departing for home It was no-forests and kill the gerrms, TO AVOID UNKIND CRITICISM. ITork City.. 74-S-29-2U phone »1-L2, s!4tl HYOMEI In gold by Wm M. Davis at Nassau Hall, Anbury Park, returned fueling lots of times and did not rec- AT MRS. ACKBRMAN'B BAKERY, on Babway Hatleaal Baak BmfleUaf. ticed that every member of the Guild Bay Nothing, to his Upper Rahway homo Tuesday. ofentae it as a precursor of a Cold. Oliver street, you can get home- purchased a copy of tbe New*-Harald and druRfflsu everywhere, at $1.00 % — Po WgtMaf»~ -~ PEOPLE ARE FINDING OUT that complete outfit, Ot^^^ ^oiBEWMt^ll^ BakwajjVr.lt „. Umonly paper ran tatnlm Be AotitlBff. : formerly of Campbell stredt,~now"liv achoT utro agd-mtso —An -mjtflt"C©tMil«t#~0f- »- -bottle sn a«eoant"0f~-tfe«-Bie*aas>r ^-HYOftfgl. a lianl rubber pocket- Blbortur insJtL^flgAla«_ConAO^Q^j|tt§ttfit jn^atl_c^cj[L_and_^e|^_.jup_y For,Jitrtetly. pure_ anl.jrssh Handy for Sightseers, fits the vest srsam snd csndlg> you havs to to to the l>est dregs obtalnablr Ail IOUB 9E0CIB —The amount of-4ocal-4temS"lft-to— hafer-and simple R1APF0BTIONMBNT od unsuccessfully to commit suicide Y5Q" Saturday. . pocket. All Druggists 25c. tfa« Nsw Tons can afford to stand orir a hot ftore In at Davis' e the ioa't b«ll«ve in but FOR skeptical that Saturday half- b*ar In mind If you need another bot» Nothing this extreme weather. —— Republicans bare something nsw to worry about The corutituUoa 9raeaer * AeJert power to Interfere with the news- prorldet that there shall be a reapportlonmeat of representation In Congress Ntur at any price* WILLIAM druggists for only 50c at any Umeu NBW YORK CANDY KITCHEN, FOR IKOHANaaV-One lfOO Washer. Painter and Papethanger. Furniture BBEAP. gathering organization at Herald Guaranteed to cure catarrh croup and Immediately following each decennial census. What bothers the Republi- In good eoadftlOB, for a sat of plst- sloely fsmlshed- Comer E- Grand Square. throat troubles, ormoney back. Trial cans Is how to make a reapportlonment without Increasing Democratic Cherry Btreet Ths only placsuTilahway for purs tan seaUs. Addrsss F, B. Jv camasd Lawrence streets. l-SO+Mt Earl HUcclary, J. Stanley Davis Net- Mm pie of Hyotnei free to readers of •trniyth In the House. The Republicans have figured out that It will be to Hsws-Htrald. . 4fgtt OBOBGI J. STACT, •on A. Turner, Joseph G. Smith, SOT- the News-Herald. Address Booth a their beat partisan adr*ntag»-to~tp*rsaee the basis oC ropresenUUon fr< man WIHI Y, L1T IT* laxatiTS TibUU srs -0*Vt AT X FHrmBR'B for Spring kind or deecriptioft oossult L W the present figure of about 300,000 to 336,000, which would inore&ie the Atter»eyat*Law» Joyed Labor Day at Keansburg, number of representatives from 891 to 400, providing the census shows up best because tfiey contain Alofta 4ev lamb and Spring ehlcktns. 71 Inr-Thorn* Bee adTertlsement elsewhere trlted jof griping qualities. Cascarln lng strtst, Rahway, gtf in this 1st tie. gtf Ceaalssleaer ef Pseto> Mr. George Bccbier has returned the 90,000,000 population the experts estimate. On the old basis of ap* hem properly developed Cssosrs bark. home after a visit with bis father in ELECTRICITY $roxlmatelj 20Q.0QQ population to one Congressman, the House membership BaUadqnna that prerents pain/ Hyd- IT CaaipbeU Hn*U Bafewaff X. *< Rabway. Thinking Of On* Mtlndm Ym -wopld be Increased to 460. The Republican leaders fear this would be dis- IF_T0U_AHB IN JfflBS) _O?...MONjBT Of The Other. rasttn and Nux Tomtca tiut ton# up snrancsTToaai nefotisted; KU* Rath Bodwell -returns from astrous to their party's membership for the reason that some of the heaviest the bowels curing constipation and the Rahway National Bank inVitsa Port Richmond this week. you to come and see them. Resd managed/ house renting agent Rab- AX TOSCVITRTtfcWRENCt gains ID population are expected in the Democratic states of the Bouth and prercnilng its recurrence, and Podo- Master Stewart Tenill, of Commerce .Southwest Texas, for Instance, is expected to gain so much In population phyllln that stirs the sluggish Ure/ bank adv. on another page, . Bny Drom yowt druggist a ten cent street, has retained from a visit In that she would be entitled to four additional members of the House, and per- and makes yon feel welL Tour drug- Belmar T. o. aox su haps five, If the old ratio of representation were retained. Oklahoma also gist has them. 10 cents. 3-22etf Signs: This Office Closes at IS CAPTAIN DECKER inset* the oyster box of LXT (T» Laiatfte Taslets. Try , t them thoroughly. If you are not weil 4s certain to make phenomenal gains In population, while Alabama and We Inaugurate Tomorrow the First O'clock on Saturdays" and "This Of- and clam season with three barrels pleased with them send the empty Oeorgta will also gain In representation If the ratio is unchanged. FOR SALS—Fine Elm Avenue- resi- fice Close* at 1 O'clock on Saturdays'* of the bivalves on hand at 20 Clinton dence; 9 rooms, modern Improve* (or sale at News-Herald office street. 14S-S-30 box to New York Drug Corporate*, But even an Increase In the basis of representation will leave the Re- aents; garage; large plot; choice 311 East Twenty-fourth street. Hew THE 'publicans In bad shape. The Republican New England states, whose gala in residential section, near railroad sta- York, and they will immediately send Twice-Yearly Series of back your money* %~tte*$ population has been comparatively slight in the past decade, will lose some of a tion. Easy terms, Uel Freeman & Son. REMU^STORE The seats if (he ratio is raised, nor will the Republican states of the Contral IxctmtJge Building. 139-8-26-4t West show an Increase In representation. Tho only hope for Republican BITINER, FITZPATRICK 4k CO, handle the only coal ("Blgfelaai") Advantage in raising the basis of representation is In the Rocky Mountain 1 ROD [Y PAY RENT?—Have you paid direct from the L. V, B. R. at Plcton, DAVIS' states, the Pacific coast and the Northwest In those states they hope—but Important Curtain Distri enough rent to buy this bouse? Sev- and all mason materials, fanning im- AND FOR ALL half-heartedly-—to make \\p for almost certain Democratic gains in the i rooms and bath, all Improvements.; plements, dump wagons, fertilisers, Bouth and Republican losses in New England. >rlce low. Small payment, balance. deeltctf PHARMACY EASTnAN CAHERAS Should the ratio of representation be allowed to remain unchanged, It Is A very little aeaey Invested hi s and PHOTO SUPPLIES *ttiinated that the 8outh would gain about 25 representatives, while the A Charming Exposition of Ipencer, 60 Grand street 161*9*2 Left, Fer Sale, Fer Beat, SHoatJes If YOU WANT A CARRIAGE quick to XHE-BIO catch a train or keep an engagement, Tforth would gain about 35. But while all the 25 now seats from the South JST—Black handbag In Rahway sta-! wuld be counted safely I>m6cratlo the RopubllcatiB would not be r«tion- Wait**, Help WnM er ether kfa< ef call Dunn Me Ruddy by telephone. Hack DRUGSTORE THE YARD tlon Wednesday evening, contain-' service to all parts of Rahway and ably certain of more than half of the 35 new seats from the North. New LACE BY -c large amount of bills and other advertising Is these colsnns nay Tork City would gain four or five new Congressmen, with almost praotical vicinity. Horses and carriages also raluables. No question*' asked. Llb- for an afternoon drive. 146-148 Main St. certainty of them all being Democrats, and the Democrats would have good bring yes aost vnexpected retsms* yward If returned to News-Her- mt lighting chances in the new districts In several Northern states. -— To Be Known as the September Sale of Lace Curtains fald. ' 163-10-6-3t! The Cent-ft-Word Department ef the STRETCH YOUR PURS*, that Is CUmrry a*r«#t It la not to be wondered at, therefore, that the Republican leaders ap- make the money go as far aa posel- mm- proach the taik of ^apportionment in fear and trembling, conscious aa they WATCH MY SPACE—For an im- Kews-Herald Is tttrsetlBf evmwumt n ble. toy trading at Lebtnan'e, Wot RAHWAY, N. J. are that, no matter what partisan advantage Is sought, Democratic Congres- Stationed before the frontiers of Europe's great lace-making countries for months past, and venturing into portant announcement to appear aU slies* whkh net AS UuU It Is beimf groceries and meats they are leaders, We do Developing, Printing and Enlary Hit *alonal gains are a certainty. hitherto little-known patios of lace-industry, our commissioners have trailed down almost endless new creations for •Very shortly. Mrs. S. 8. Evan*, The Art tad jpricee are right 4-26gtf Formerly Kirstefn'f Ito p Our 1 Needlework Shop, 163 Hamilton earefaUy reai eseli week. Try It yrar- Price* are < be tomorrow's unique lace curtain distribution. street, Rahway, N. J, 137-8-26-2t THB HAHDWAOT STORE oC IL Rob- .There as pow two groups of men.in every voting precinct: the politicians Their conquest includes the direct control, FOR OUR EXCLUSIVE SELLING, of the twelvemonth's prod- _ . . 1 self s»4 learn Its effectiveness. in eon, on Mala street, la shewing **nd the people. Their Interests are opposed; tho one group is working FOR SALE—House 3rd. Ward, 10: some wonderful bargalJis/ Get a«- Phone 235 Bahway | nights, days and Sunday's to corral tho votes so that Its members may BO- ucts of many of the best lace needleworkers on the continent. rooms and bath, all Improvements,! Qoalnted and you will become an .3ttre_the.offlces_>..the..pther upon thla fact As a consequence, these patterns, made solely for us, are freed from the usual intermediate costs and will be good garden, driven well, fruit etc.! habttoal visitor.4»ttgtf and making no stir to protect Itself. In Rahway there are sufficient voters Terms to ault Address P. News-Her- isKowh "tomorrow~Bt~the Ivweet price*rfor the aame qualities, in ManhatUxTt'+j-eiail history. of independent thought and temperament to control the situation, but not IUT— 76-9-2-4t' ^ T enough with the requisite spine to come out ta the open and fight for what -Boarding House for Sale," "Store they know to be right It would require but tv puiall band of right thinking The Exhibitions Scope, Newness and Economies WANTED local clothing salesman on to Let," "Rooms to Let," *ve eents 0| B * if pe$g^f to absolutely dictate the selection of candidates and the appoint- Ever since lace-making originated, in the Middle Ages, when queens first wrought ccclesiatical needlework, commission; experience preferred, each, at News-Herald office, gtf Imetk of officials, but that band must be~6rganUeu\to lay aside aH UiVuguTJBT of-ihe-oldeat houses in 1m n \\\ mi •of party. its romance, its literature/its smuggling tragedies, and, in State. Lock Box 314, Newark, N, J.MTLLBRV MAIN STRBHOT SHOE fiOgns: Thla Office Cloees at 12 r anywhere, can start a mall !|i The commission form of government is attracting the attention of all lov- It STOBB Is one of the moat attractive O'clock on Saturdays'* and This Of* erder basinese at home. No casvaea- ers of fair play and decency In municipal affairs. Rahway cannot secure such beautiful lace ballads, its music. in tfce state and tbetenrtee and prices ice Closes at 1 O'clock on flatnrdays" ing/ Be yow own boss. Send for free ALWAYS BUSf. ± a desirable «nd unless the legislature Shall take some action permitting it, FINE, large furnished room with or are equally Interesting. If you hare tor sale at Newa-Herald tU booklet. Telia how. Heacoefc, AOlf, but in the interval* the control of municipal expenditure can be removed Tomorrow's Unique Display without board, one or two persons. not investigated It would be wen to do Lockport, K. Y, V-19etf MAJKKKT HJULSBY £ BANK 3' ttom party leaders and placed with those_3Eb& have no other axe to All improvements, good location. Ad- 449tf VACUUM CLJBAOTBBS TO BIBS at id 'economical— ~ The exhibition that opens with outdoors tomoreowough^ per day; dell fer td ABT maeouBWOBK pmzm ocm* wnere artnne [ew York and vicinity, for no less " e entire Drapery Gallery, a city block in area, will be devote^ d to it 4N lataillgaat person may earn 1 . \ r • —what are they doing to aid the movement? New curtaicurtainss cf ^kit en bobbin work will be displayed in a filmy maze of fak white avenue©. «Mtftl|r gdtfitiiMCa^ tot m U you try the "Let 0sM laxative pert. Ki UMAfiMsig. Send for caU on Mr*, a a Bvams, Iff Hawfl- The writer bad the privilege, the other evening fluttering aisle will be devbted to some one special claw of curtain. ticulars. Press Syndicate, B491#, The following creed as set forth by Theodore Roosevelt must appeal to lets* yon will become a, regular cus- WANTED—Young man or.gM to wait' too street. of talking to an out-of-town woman who bad always tomer when in heed of an effective and Loekport N- T. 4-ltetf -every man* woman and child who is^ not filled with the spirit of "Grab ail France, Belgium, Irclandi Scotland, England and Amenta have contributed laces in pairs—casement laces, sash on table. Inquire at once Holslser's • *rou can:** ^ pleasant remedy. Seo large ad. for been an enthetuiastic New York stopper, trat wbowaa M laces, bed sets and garniture and decorative panels for every one's purse and purpose. Cafe, Babway~ 149-4-101 WHBof painf YOUt ootaldR HOe Uor aev papeilag te- l believe In property rights, but I believe in them as adjuncts partjculars, >*4fl4t WX>K BALE, 98,000—Finest BEGINNING TO SEE THE LIGHT. Families planning new draperies for Fall—hotel keepers, institution managers—all will be glad; we feel sure, to for the price In Bahway; sstisfac- JAJtES A. DALT, the up-town grocer, slde can on H. C. Braat for ptleea aai to. and not substitutes for, human rights. 1 believe that nominally TO LET—A furnished room, seven gtf This woman—we shall call her Mrs. X-—waaon the rights of property coincide with the rights of man; but where take advantage of this opportunity. tory^ terms; large lot; fruit and calls your atteatkn, in tide fsmev aMee, H Whom areawu minutes from station, electric lights flowers; no agents. Address A. B. T^u> many attracttre prleea in groceries. her way to New York on a shaping tour one day l**t ' they do not, tfcea Use rigfcts er Mam vast be pot abort the rights of From hundreds upon hundreds of patterns only a few are outlined here: and all improvements. Address A~ C. P. HALIDAT, preperty*. I believe in shaping the ends of government to protect care News-Herald. g weekf when her attention was arrested by one OT«a r Real Point Arabe Lace Curtains. S* care News-Herald. J. C. MEUCK A, CO, doUdag out- ftt you out from top U. toe. Me t»- property; but wherever tfce alternative nast be faced, I an for nan Renaissance Lace Curtains YOU NEBD help the "Let Us fitters, are offering tsdocemests la a comparison of his foods aad cards in a McAdoo tunnel car* aa4 set far property* I an far front vvdtrtstlmatlag the Importance Patterns in white or arabe color—and many instances in both* Every pair created under our foreign commissioner's direction trunks and drees suit prices to others. •f t!vMe»*». tat 1 nftk tliitatfs below horns character. ***** LOST—Small grey parse on Friday atire Tablets at all druggists, will Mrs, X., according to her own statement, read tins At $3.25, $4.75, $5.50. $6.75, $7.50, $8.75, $9.75, $10.50, $11.50 a for our private sale. These queenly laces to our knowledge have containing bills, between Cherry fill the MIL If yoa try them once you if; Mmlm !• Its worst fons Is laevltable If our ttatk>a«l life brings «s pair, the new patterns rtveal an altogether unique advantage in never bam purchasable in the United States at retail for anywhere card through carefully, then RE-READ it and pon- aothiaar whatever tat a swollea aad badly dlstrlhated material street and^Bauer's. Beward if return* will be convinced. S-lSctf TW YOU WANT A BOND se* value. near tomorrow's quotations. ed to 36 sShnary avenue; 16O-fM6 H. Wrights agemt Amertesm Surety paysfou per eeat, taterest, CteMglK dered, Please examine them searchingly. Please note their beauty, est iBjks) paid by sax savtags bsssix fa 9 Afc^$5J5*J$5iA9-5p jind $12.75 a pair, w^ offer Renaissance HANDSOME Bed-room set (ash aad W HI Cestral Avfc, t^e tftntr Open as eeeoeont fsi joer "If what Bambergex's say is to," toad site to her- qualities that the moat conservative market estimates value at* deHcacy and fine yet serviceable fabric $13.50, $15, $17.50 and Advertising: lii^the News-Bermld ^ik mxiple} bedstead^ drawer wasn- Tt«re la general disaatlsfacUon over Mr. Wright's control of the funds twelve other prices graduating to $70 a pair. good form. Good goods are offered by stand, hair mattress, toolarar^piiiojrs WANTED—Small bouse or four rooms self, "then I am making a mistake by tn&mg »IStem were subscribed to assist In the purchase of a new fire engin>. The $7.50, $8, $13.50 and $25 respectively. We feel that anticipa- tions will be more than realised when you see them. good merchants and all ads. are inand spring for sale cheap. Home ev- by young couple. Most be In good' BI8H0P1B OROCBBY prteea are ^ York- I shall continne my trip today, lumeves; Imt «M subscribed in most instances, with the understanding that It Hand-Made Cluny Curtains good company. ening*. Andrews 96 Irving street neighborhood. Address, News-Herald- tamting, aad bis prompt servke w$pMbe|xtn«dovertothe dty as stipulated in the..agreement.betweenthe not to buy. 1 will find oat what the New York store* Lacet Arabe HiE^rMiMie Curtains All in white or arabe except one number. The special character- .—. , ._ ..._.., ^ +AA OJ*A-»*\ ^ - _ • M " - '- m±.~~ new engine company and Common Council. There was never any under- TO LET—Pleasanr furtHabed ro

, • ^ •••'• • •• ».v m i < .',*/'^^V'''r.v f^' '^*-i '*.*'*":••.'•"''•• ^'li.'V.•-•'••'V "»'•":''.'%' -V ""'.' ""'•• •'" • • •"•'.* ,' . " ' • . • ' . . i *

•r~.•'-••.(,. ••••/• • • . - . -. . • •• • • • • • •-..- : ~ RAHWAY NEWS-HERALD, TUESDAY, SBPTBnB^K 0 RAHWAV NBW^MERALD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,-/WO of them hate been guilty of wrong- endure unlosn the rauk and Ale live op flCafcm will unaoubt^ny follow In ilie doing. to tboSr dutUm. and seurcb fdr aocb name pftth. WHAT ABOUT rKRWKAL PROr« IlfHTOStY RKI»KATH ITHKLF, ROOSEVELTTALKS Just ID so far us they aro strong and leadership, and support tt *hen they Tho fedoral gorornment hnf*. io far TOPICS IN BRIEE. KRTYr effective thoy tempt deslgntntf men nnd it m Its own employee* aro concerned. PRAISE FOR^ KANSAS Oovnrnor Fort, in refusing io help Tbo stay nt homo man In a union I* been the first to recognise and r>"t Peterson's Boat Works who sook to control thnm for tholr A. L. SMITH 7 An Asiori&tad Primx dUpAtch from the N«w fawny MedlcAl Society drive own interest* and stlmulnto tho do*Just as much responsible for tbo *lns Into Mhnpo this principle. However, It gem* now to bo a run-patter in DCSIONCRS AND BUILDERS OF TO LABOR^WORLD of omission and commission of Ufa or- out ih« OHteopAths, «Aid to one of •Ires of nnittlUous loader* who mny l*» thin pioneer law was not jnndo com- She Sends a Message of Courage of A utttiid-patter,™ AtIflntA Chicago **y» that thirty brewerteft. nn tlio Htny at home man lu prohcnfllvo rnoutfh; it does not covet the dociorM: *'The ffentlenmn who has clever, crooUod man or whu mny tu* includlnft mmv of tho lArgeiit in the >•'•?, a city in for tho ctvlo conditions tindor nil tho employe** of tho federal pov« PLUMBINGandTINNING and Hope to the Nation »tltutlon, ' and CABIN LAUNCHES honwit, but vlftlonttry nnd roniitOi. In "fir. Crlpp^i UmtiH Illbift, O«tn country, have Joined with the just Mpokpn hAN hlmnelf told me that u which he suffer*! uiul about which lie urnmont that ought to como within Itn no police In their eruNAde AgAtnat he hrtM hhd pAtiente whom be Nent Ms Best Friends Numbered other words, In trcniluu of luh.or cotTiplalnn, provlMlona, and tho nnuAmt paid for nounejw ttt« N^w Vork World, Alterations a 8p«ol«lty unions, tin tn tr*MUhm of CM-IHIVIHIHI * Order* Promptly Attended To. Iwth *\ tirely Inttdequnto. own wlf*i u one of them,. I Am *u- Aftnt far VIM, FULTON «n# KCNNESCCK MOTOR* well to n*iuniiilM*r Abraham Lincoln'H All Mint <*iiii properly ho done should Bo iMttf flti Mf, ttftvo Mr, lice Chief gtowArd A written nuar- bo dono by nil of w* to h<*ls> upward the Novorthiilt?«N It wnn ft urout Mtop In ftltmlnatlon of iUndpMUrt Halted •• Antet* that they will awNlm in pre-other, When f hAd u broken rib last snylng (lint *'lhon> in n dual of luimnti advance* to bavp thlH prlnnlplo of work- lit" Htm* of Okltthomtt vn\\ as yeAr Dr, MohAuffler hlmNeif Advised root of Qortfon St., PERTH AM BOY, nuture In mankind." of livlntf nnd to Improve tho 41 Irving Street, Rahway. Victory For Hontit Qovornmoni tt*r* voun •• win mit euflfttr f*"in ^n- venting the gate of \nU>%\mi\n* llauors of tlio uvontMo mnn to reach thnt Inirnien'H couuietmutton ttoooptcd nnd M me to nonsuit An ostoopAth." Whothor In n limn or tn tin <•, tho Hat Flrod a Shot Thai Will Bi nuir—Wnll Htr*tet Journal. In All resorts in rhe city And will DISHONEST LEADER CURSE. Tlmrc nro MtMl In the Un\u*\ embodied In the fodornl ntntute*, nnd not deliver beer to Any renort that hai* This rmmlltt Henator Ptatf* reply of ini'ii tho the recent action of cotiur<|m_ln pr*»- Hwrd Round iho Couniry"—"Ai Wall Htrnet JourtiAh to tho NAW York doctors when his Kront muN^M of MUIIUHI and un* BUU It taunt bn oono^d^d tlmt (Ak- been placed trndertlie b»», ni(*nns Hint surh powor u.ny ho twlul* luhor WIIONU conditions of \U\\ua for a coitnntiwlon to nt\\l\y inut •poako Kantai to Thlnkt tho Wott/ aid wit* Implored to prevent the osteo- Ix-Prttldsnt Ttkti Up Subjsot of od Into t»vll. And lit ptvipurttou nn tho ff lurid from tit** Indfnns In ono of"The brewum have niAde it plain. ork mid living nrelinrsli and plttablo. report upon the Htibjc^t UIVOH promlna torveti tfront, prnlne tot thAt the administration of Any lftr«« psthw from prACtldng In thin filute: Standard of Living at Farflo, N. D*power grown M<> It iMronion Mtotultly the oldest of American institution*,— U In it HhooiUim Indictment of our In- thnt tbn Nftlut* principle will NOOH l>(» th$ country how to got rid of city ean prohibit the »a!« of liquors "Why, gentlemen, AH ostoopAthf JOBStSS rROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ESTNMTES i's In Long Addrstt—»D*aU With Km* mor<> Intporiunt tliut It iciioiltd ht? Inui- npitllcMl to prlvnto f\rm* that coino York fCvanlng Mall, dUNtrlal <ii to bo told In ft 'mat- ootiffreMfnen. Her nctlon lu m (fens of vice If the ttdminletrotion cured ma when everything else fAlled ploysrt' Liability— Pavort Planki of (llod nrtuht. Junt In iiropuittnn nn In wi.wny lu it uovununcnt nv within tho Jurlmllcttou of the fodprnl Oklnhomn City «how« a gain of And I still depend on it, 1 might Neem nlmoftt a clonri i*we«p of the twnx, in popuUtlcm In tm\ * denlrtm," t«Ald one of the brewers Fsdsratlon of Labor. its proper function powor U liiiinu-tmit port tlmt iliDttMiuulM of inoir In ttitN ifovci'Miiont. DAVID A. LONG, ungrateful If 1 drove them out of Uan town r(j<:«iv*;rt nn 0 or r>0 \mr t PtArted onv hundr«(l denied thtiir "rightK," Himply Lntx>r ilny, I wpouU lu onn WIMP espe- clnl dUuntor. it wiiuo of i^ITt it mouth. Much n^ondl- nil qiu'wtlun hv iirotcctml, rtnd tn their who «ro flphtltiK HID hnttte of tlift peo' If you try th« "L«t Us' lAXAtlvc Ub« iKOr—AtiflfltA JournAl. a roiirHe U y to the cially to tlioMo iHTwonnUy niul vltnUy iTltlrs ttlioiltd nppi'crtnto tho tton \* l>ad for ilit>in mid lu tho oyd bud ouNrn thoronui ho no <|u<'*tU>n that tho plo A» n^ftlnNt l(i«»Uwui extortion, i«i#, you will htcom* A regulAr ous* of for nit "fit Tmr tmr and A n**ro tmi *»ft« b«*w mad** A Jftni- good government of Cbfengo?-*>Corn' toner when la ns«ugU JlAVf m.'iii aud 1o lli«- Miute ullko. It ttt And fifty nfephttntH, When Mjmm, Tho nSnotrontb contury \vn» from tho prui'tloivi of tfii liii!nlllnflu« t<» ihluU how fur v?o of dVory ono I wpoUo to a^roed nn to thn ASpecialty. "Kaoslr half spoke&-ttt \\m\rm\t w It io !iiind ihln«M whli'h Jumlfy uurh rrlt- lnuiMM»K» Itnpi'ovoinont tlmt had InMni centi. Tho militant Htubtm scored n taowovtir, nonft of tlw *Uil*tt property fj«sutlv« (infmrnuunit Tictory, The \muv%w\» bnv© c«ptur§d tinw you your u only of rluhtiliut of wlmluiti nnd all rlvlil/.tMl rouutrloM hnvo for of \\\o lawn jirohtliitlntf children undtn- RECTOR inchuHng trnnnportntlon mul tho ir.o dMrkta, Murdock nn<1 That. At ALL WOWC 6UWUHTEE0 TftCFHIil I4-J OllllllUU lU t Ill3 1 thiin n tU'rvu -prntiHiUml by thtr flm H^II nt ftmi'tnaii yiwn'M from wor 155 W. Grand St 87IKVIN0 »T«eCT, R4HWAV. IhnntoN of oxctinntftn Tho U dully booouiln^ nu>ri> nlort nnd luff nnrt prohibiting Tvomon from work (not tlmt have pn>urtm« inmlo in tluw roi*i>ort« muUl- t ho poIsohotiH utrong to Invite evtn nomiual lutolll^ont nnd nu»ro forceful, and notuutrli Induniry, y«^i wo lutd not dono liitf moro thnn ton liotirrt n dny, l'or< Telephone 227 J. T not -Afinwnr^d qu^8tl«n« with that de- firKt tutu of .wurbetween. tl«.gree or exactor whfoh should pltoO mnn'n pnKluotlvo puwor to an(.u'gutiiuUliU), whothor trndoM union or MI nil tunII wry wo.ntly to Nonnlty, I think ton lnmrM too IOIIK; l»\u( OSTEOPATHY 'm (iURAT 40HK* STUKKT 1 almost tneoncolvablo ilouruo. oorporntlon< whollmr luduMrlnl or non- f iho ln)> production of tudui«trlrtli o«u onduro or rltilo (limber. Tin* itMfiniiul govern- n (trout- mlvnnoo, ttna tlw Uttwr irluwphvti at verflolty wh«n lnt#»rrojsAt«f«»«iv^ con- [ Tuefday and Friday P, M. nn unwlx proiiro»a \\i\* uuulo amount to n uorlul fon*o If it dm* not iiit*nt Hindi* mi invrMtluMtlon n yenr ujro Amoiitf tlio plunkfl In tlm pint form wldo open priftmriftff, Cttunon'M pfl huru^onlxo with n wUo and onllKht- Houston " WAIttitSN lM during tho nineteenth century ns dur- Into thU Industry, which Miowod u of tho AnuuMoun Kcdorntlon of Labor tUoti<5 efforw dia not stain ITJO tffiu, q one*! public opinion. jhoro nro HOUIO to which I very itrontr* ing nil previous periods ulnco hlitory coudltlon of thtiiKH itUKpoakably nhoclc- "Wlmtdow KiuiHiiM wfltit? Wliiif. tlis Insurgency is a condition and not a Hitherto wo Americans hnvo boon nnii revoltluK. ~ •••«• ly Niihscrthif,* Thoy «ro; wbolo rrilddlt* w««t wnniM, Tlmre J» yDetroit News, flawnod—thnt Is, tUo *clmuffoa brought ovcroccuplcd with inntorlal thing* nnd First.—Fr«i NCJIOOIP, fre« textbooks ami 'UIHIHMOD to jn'cvont thoso AUUHC* DOthtntf 'vvnwky' nbvul \wv vordlot. For more ttAn one r^Ason I)r, (!ook In A sJnjjl© century through machinery, havo jiPglcctcHl to watch tho play of compulsory Miuontlon. Negligee dixdd«d not Ui revisit the and steam hnvo boon creator tban tho W«H Intniducotl In roitKroM which WOK Hooond.—A work day of not moro thrui 8he wiiu tho-MH'tiil forcon nhout us. Hut nownot pnNMod. Slnco tl»*n tho rompunloM «luht bourn. Ikmion Transcript. mm total of tho changes of tho pro-wo oreMftwakiuiiiiff from that lutitftor- Third.-Itetoneo from employment one Shlrto for ant pollUoN, Iotfl»lutton In the Anyway, U^ Kansas SAVINGS INSTITUTION In fault hnvo aMuntntUniHly ftunouncod ceding thousands ot yonrn, and thoso euce; and ovory form ofbrgnntiuit Ion day In pfevfii.- Summer of tiio peoploiuitcmd of In thafe of.pri.y-.| df4 not curry[.ftonyMUu Illr—lirookiyw I. W. THORN* thnt they huvo done uwny with tho Kourth.—TJio abolition of the sweatshoi very changes and this nintcrtnl prog- representing nn Important economic, ohjoctlonnblo cnudlMmiM. 1 hope MO; Wear , fiitnuUm und Ht4indflrd Union, f;or»i»r of jlfnln uml Mmnmi Htrtmi* ram hnvo thruit upon ui social nnd political or social forco must under- Fifth.—BAnltttry Inspection of factory, Uon, ( H« wttnm l-o b<» th« Colortnl of ttia but, whether thoy hnvo or not/a law N*KllK««Nhlrt.iiftr«i wuni during the summer «Pnson political problems of tho first uingnt- go n closer scrutiny than over before. should be pu*mul In HtrinRcnt form to workiihop, mine nnd home. "Her protest is t*i«rul, not «tttifttion in nUnotit tivwy RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY Blxth.—LlAbUlty of employers for Injury prlinarlly for comfort- but It'* not ffood taste to WH' Bbo \u\* lltflft to coritpinln of, arlfOton Nfrws and Courier, SLATE a n d SLAG ROOFING ConUit of Rmployer and Employee. prevent nny poKHlblo bncknlldlng, to body or loss of life, foot vnurnppflAranau for tha »*ftknw**nwn who.for thft urttflt «rmp d'Mat in rtUnmt at Othar cltlMna, that moat of their prog- but tho interests of tbo third party— Some Things a SLATE ROOF Don't do. dent ahall bo bomo in its entirety by No Attorney Fee Until Allowed. with Hiinutor Brlstow, wpoko nnd voted hand, Otmnral Wood h&n bwt placed ma mutt depoud Upoa tholr own Inl- tho public—must bo considered. the very ponton leant a bio to boar It Campbell St. Anything Uko lovlty in provoking n Agfllnut the AWrlch-I'ttyno tariff- Tint in Kupromo command of thft Army, C 1% won't cmt nny more than » *Ult\%\ti roof, tiatlTo and tholr own efforts. Never- Fortunately, in A number of states— Send model or sketch with a de- PHONE aoH Willis U Moor© will control tho «l«- theloM there are three different fao striko on tho ono hnntl or on tho oth* Kansas primary glvM tlmt measure C It won't need nn ^*pi« irna*frwr, «ny In 'Wisconsin nnd In New York, for scription of your Invention for FREE tho blackest ©yo it Un* yet rocolvod, nwnt*, tn California, tho young tore In this progreaa, Thcro la, first, or is cortniu mow* nnd moro to bo re- instnnco— tlieao dofectn in our Indus- search of the patent office records. We roof thfti will entry nhin^ien will carry Mfiiu *n!KUM 11 I I I I I II M-M"»l Tbe Brooklyn Citizen says: becomoa a more sham and mock* strike is clearly undertaken for things "Tbo issue was tbe Payne-Aldrich MMMS which are vitally necessary—and then TELEPHONE GULLS ATTENDED TO WITH PROMPTNESS tariff law, and tbe result is a complete Flagoione, Farm Wm&on*, It la Indispensably neceasary, In order Sewer Pipe, 2 Wagons, Pus&ptf ?jrtii only as a last resort—tho public sym- repudiation by a majority ot tbe B** Cement* Uxer, to prewrve to Ihe largest degree our pathy will favor the wageworkors, publican* of Kansas of the law, Brick d?c. Wbeefomrmww, ayateni of Individualism, that there but it will not favor them unless such RUBFN'S IGE CREflM Gor. Milton M, and Broad Street, "President Toft is Involved^ In this Bmrrow*. •bould be effective and organized col- conditions as these are fulfilled. defeat of Cannonism, for be bas not CEMENT BIOCK MANUFACTURER* lective action. The wage earner* must Therefore it Is becoming more than Is made from PUEE, SWEET OREAM and of all flavors, hesitated to declare tbat tbe Payne: act jointly, through tho process of col- , N. J ever Important that tho labor move- T!TJ it onoe and you will be convinoed of itslpurity, Orders AkJrich law to a fulfillment of Regub* I^flrts*' AUTOMATIC VACUUM J lective bargaining. In great industrial TELEPHONE 1O-R. Virw*A •*# ment should combine steady, farseo- from OLUBS and PARTIES will be given special attention 2 lican campaign pledges and a good io hire at $1*50 per day. Machine* deUred and called for - :^% cnterprlaea. Only thus can they be put Ing leadership* with discipline and con- thing for the country; Well, tbe B»- upon a plane of economic equality with trol in Its rauks. and prompt delivery. , . publicans of Kansas liave taken issue li5fe <**ponite employers. with him and agree with Senator Bris- r.---,:1^«f Only thus la freedom of contract of DTshono»i Ueador*. low fina~Conff^mtuta »ft»dw*~tlwt made a real thing and not a mere legal Dishonest leadership la a curse W. Grand St.* the law neither carries out tbe plat- fiction. Thero are occasional occupa- where in American life, and nowhere S. form pledges nor is Jt calculated to re- tions where this Is not necessary; but, Is It a greater curse than in the labor lieve the people from tbe extortions of BOOKKEEPING-S HORTHAN D-TYPE WRITING tt la movemenC Tf~"tttiMwr t« onfi lemon. RAHWAY. nua mmwunu A great many youn^- from Kabway owe their presentprotperitf to the^eraree* thejr tort fi> this throughout the great world ofjorgan- the mofiopoJtotSr. .,.^ __..._..-.„: ^_ which I would rather teach to my fel 'There ire no beffer 'Republicans tod Industry. low Junericans than any other it la to us refer yon to Home of them. They are otir best adTertlsementdrtlt . Wescndocsinpsolf^torstofoCheriroaWdsil , tmi sscaB&Dsaaoi^^ anywhere tban tbe Republicans of shall be plea*cd to liar? youiall at the College Offlce to Ulk the matter orer. Wtite for our new cata I believe this practice of collective hound down tho dishonest man, no i 5 i i 1 11 bargaining, effective only through such Free Kansas, Tbey are tbe sons and tbe matter what his condition, and to 4411 II 111 Mil III! MM 11MI- You simply turn the foucet and the fticnMannr Suds- the trades unions, to brush aside with Impatient contempt grandsons of New England abolition- DAY SM(M)LOfa$TUEMIY, I. MMT SOM0L have been one of the most potent Maker delivers thick, Hot suds. It does not in ^ny way ists who settled,in Kansas and who the creature who only denounces dis- interfere with the hot water faucet and can be easily hrory Somp w die fanttirri by forces In the past century lu promot- honesty when it is found in sdm* spe- PCONOMY jPLEAHUNESS attached to It. It gives you instead, two faucets-— followed the leadership of Abraham ing the progress of the wage earners- cial social stratum. one for clean, hot watev—the other forthick , hot suds. Lincoln and Charles SumneeV* m& In securing larger social progress VOMFORT. UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE tor humanity, I believe in the prln*There are dishonest capitalists, dis- ThThtnlt r nf the rtftiffniiffnii-otw»ya-thl»4wgentoo^deyjee win teti term— honest labor leaders, dishonest law «FfOR THE3SBHOT DAYS— the work In the kitche—-.^,«n t1 Ucnr^tnu tvlia <>IUHt iHt meanma s to gave bu r of organized labor and in the of «Up« every day—tay—to always bbar e thickthik ^ U And mo even Senator Aidricb is a ,* ELIZABETHAN. that dbdr product e batgainlng;--ttot trader at heart- He wanti erode nib* Tel. 6O3 W. ELIZABETH, houest men of great wealth and dis- ___,—,—,^ua&--. F. R. BCRRfMAN, nevtly as a desirable thing for the tltjr of tosOAOd water thor- ber—the material.be ha* to honest poor men, and the man who Is are to be found onvhly mixed in •ckotific wage *arngrs. bit as something which proportion—It U always to be free, while patting a duty V 85 has been demonstrated to be essential a genuine reformer will decline to sin- in a g'a s Range. ready to meet your Instant gle out any one type for exclusive need*. It trats an end to per c«at upon what other people po*- tn the long rant o their permanent You can get your meals the drndcery of dUh waab- .! cbaae. Thla la only a typical ffloatta* denunciation, but will fearlessly at- ing—limply place dUbes, tack the dishonest man as such when- sllTer»ff1aMware under Its tkm of the radical anfhfrwsa of the tknfc—•• and Defects, in a hurry and save both creamy rod* for an Instant, protectionist poaitkm and its gross im- ever and wherever he Is to be found. then just rinse and wipe.. not tnemn that I nnequivo- Fox many years liiavo been more or time and money.. They It puts ma Instant, auto- morality ft* a ^oTCffnmental policy. If KEYES& SON, uyrrpt all practices that matic end to waste* to wt- .Senator Aldricb is entitled to barc Ms less closely associated with represent- should all cook with GAS, aiKbtlyaoapdlsliea, to tbe labor OfgwnSaaflons may happen to ative leaders of labor unions. Some of untaanre of osln* op tbe erode robber free ot dniy, are not the odds- and eods of - soap.- people"-wfeioh boy- maoqfactace^ nfc or was. or mU principles that they these men are among my close friends, Do You ? Uac any kind of soap. choose to mandate. I*bor or- bcr for automobile tlrea, etqw entitled end whom 1 respect and adtntre as heart- Just caQ on tbe plumber whose name appears below and ask to see tbe bc gsntoafkms have the weaknesses and ily as I do any men In America. There IF NOT, 1fcgw*fi»y Suds-Maker. He will let you take one borne to try. Use it ten to bare their raw materials, wbfcrb sre detects common to.^ll other/orms.of are some of them to whom I go aa WHY NOT cay*—then if you think you cap spare it, return it, for the trial places yon Ms manofactnred articles free ? luxman orsanlssit^cms. SoxnetUnes they freely for assistance and guidance* for rader no obligation tcTbiay, ThiflTls your chance tolearh abodt~the greatest vv 1— gtcTbay.__*---. -Thi s is your chance to Team abodt Catltoday. rsnfge of - act veiy -sreQ, and somettoee tb«y >ct aid and help, In mating up my mind con vrnirnccA , money and ttoe saver you can install in yoor kitchen try Wfind that one man's raw •-•„• *mr badly. And I am for them when bow to deal with our social problems U iPinifC 3* We»t Wlllon ive.. 1':. -•r -. v. taces. Protection, then, is '•' • ,'•-'? UMT act well, and I am against them as I go to the leaders of any bnsifcess • n.luLUIVC, BAH WAY, x. wfaso tbey act badly. or profession. tlon on Its very-facey . It is to <* .* '• • ' flfc 1 bettcre jthat their, existence ts .a•;"!• cannot vny too high a tribute to the Rahway Gas Light Co., 6ne man R^prlrilege that cannot be » ' • -' ' •":/•:'•"• 'V ' * • . ; f ,' - . •• "•"• : 1 - ,.'•-»/•-•• * #. ••!*">•-'•* :.', .V >-•.Cfui «Utj. l believe JbatJtJ&eir alma House FOP •L-*V to B& others wilhotrt dtf >^ '.• m. ••••••^/-. purposes are generally pood, and '- ".^. and good'Judgment as ATTHC—^ 8dirdlh97 m rvf^^^SlM«^wisHk^s^BE^BB^IZ^Bil9BS^^BBfwSHn^DvHSB9VllnBt3nK^9^^ Rooms to 11 ITI 11 rtI-.lXJ t.;l^;rii * ;

SEPTEMBER 6, <-•'& TUESDAY, RAHWAY S- SEMI- PRICE Messrs. Harold1 Gibbons, Kobert Miller, U* Van Saat. of 8Mnlnary WEEKLY 2c BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAXTN avenue and Ira Cv Ayers* ot Hamilton JOBBING WJCCM»W« tmnnnoH DBMOCBIT. WMICH F IIO THl HBW ntBSBT ABTOGATI, S8TABLMH1D IN 18M. <•* !••*• - street have returned from a week at PROMPTLY S. S. BAREFORD & SON Tha "Masquorftde and Carnival" at Bine* the annountMntnt tn th*s* col- Two wu*lt bor*. residing not «o very Asbury. . ATTCNOCDTO. far from Sim avenue, decided oneAsbury Park, scheduled for Thursday For tha warden ho will catch you. umns of the organ! tatton of th* ~ nt«ht* was postponed because of the AN INBBPBNDENT NEWSPAPER PUB TOE INTERESTS OF THE OlTt OF RAILWAY Century Rahwmy Club4* with « day last week that they would like to If you dont watch out. tleep (or a nlgbt In a tent In the back Inclement weather and held on Sat- RE-ROOFING bermhlp limits to tho** who hav* liv- urday. This Inconvenienced a num- Carpenter^ t. ed in Rahway only rinet l&OO. If t»yard of boy number on*. Perhaps A SPECIALTY. VK.UX, 77 RAHWAY N. J, ER 9, 1910. WMI mm 4710, the youths had been reading soirn* ber of Rahway visitors who had only discovert* that 'there li alto a club 1 mads the trip for ths day. .T TJlj • t: »toH«* of the "wild and wooley west/ For ths ooavsaiaaos of our rsadtn CSTlltaTCS compel** of thot* wfaot* a*e**fe6r* UPOtt ASPUOAT1OM hav* lived here for one hundred and where sleeping In a tent la but an untltTut _cttt** and th*n r*~; r*ntsu Gradually th* wator leaked rapidly, the mason^work beta* com- 7.10 tiara to our hont* city with th+ dtMt^rn thTwmh~ih<»~T«mt anrt Ftratnrtrar r drop* **«xjM*et u> ooouny th« 114T T.64 6J5 up uttttl *v*ry f*atur* or th* city uFTht* v*» «w much; so «tf*r < ante It JitfiM*tr*tfM. AafU«M wttk sjst fsr.thtiWlfri ftolks to l«f«stWus «f flftt iu>V^y th> n r* t of rh»c*mb*r. 9.06 6.S9 4M9nrs ysmr s«9f#r| «•> r w* wtnitii &hvor such A ! cotiimttatWtiti two flRurv* *hnt out Into 8.4T •I Vrtfaaat M at Ftwkr Vpn Mia. Will Mart fretskul Msirict» a»4 tates a L#f *Mk tt FrteMv* B- Mr. l»stor UaU, of Hamilton str+et, 1JS4 Wari-WILLIAM h SI tn tb* n*it decade A* would j *b* rarrfk>wtat the lead ^rf M>me of our home 11.08 politics was played to the limit, and BeMBisfr that tMrt* f^/i^J^t^^iUmtw WM a womhtr of theproachin' g primaries, such an opportu- have business to transact with tM atr^t UAS rfslnnwi his posltkm with automobile, delivered ao address and N*w York banktBR con*5^rn-lar or- U.0I the mgst sanguine anticipation* of New Ides Wlag of tke Se^HUfai^ >}MtisT w»t* li «#w ttwPrsfnssJv s or nity as is rarely offered, to render a Board on such occasions will appre- and as trtrv circulars. NewstoM^rs wt* de* 01 ALL MneMAIlES PAID AT TIE STORE as qotetly departed. There was no m v d^r to ctmtinu^ hit studies as a Junior the Ci*r of the Board were jubilantly IDlBflvBi Trlwa;< ifW/ m%l III ,VllwnV^. Mf pniCJvn VI M|tW /^ViiS 9 •••< signal service, not only to the people ciate fully as much as the Board dty that with ttom on* to thr** cir«u» K1HWJLT FIB! ALAKM BOXES. demonstration, despite the efforts of In Rahway High School. roalited when a motion was carried Is silted wit* John Seal ssd UM )>• •Main a&d Chsnr strssts. the leaders, and there were less than to oust Dr. F. W. Sell as official Bac- R*v. [ ******** th* newspapers circulation The morning Mama at St Mark** oat the entire eMatry are belsg tw«is»*4 by tie totes of HMosir Bepab- Republican party as a whole, and to conditions. Ample room for all pur- OAcer Oe««Te CVs^er Church has been cban«*d from ? 14' Mala a&d Commsrcs attests, h one hundred voters in the auditorium teriologist and appoint In his place of to a***»t in dtstrtbutt&s ads which lleans who ean ao longer sataktt t* tMr 'aKhless serrke and do ml satin* the entire country, by. electing dele- poses, first-class ventilating facilities and 9:30 o'clock to 8 and 10:30 o'clock U—Hasalwsod and Jaquas avsnu^s, David Gage, engineer at the pumping M for rttttm* kt* * tbe paper Itself cannot carry. By leaor- Low Prices and the Best Qualities Is Our who listened attentively to the pret- tactics. 8k semper staslpaU^ V i respectively. The new ortter w«at Into H -Mspl» and 8t Qsorga avsnnas. station. Had it not been for Comrais- gates to the Congressional convention and tho necessary office equipment ca. ta» Ttw»_R»wnfrskd | ta* two or mor* circulars at each W- tinton aYsnus and Bryant iti^t tilyframed speech of of Congressman prew*t*tf oi» ia»wfr*K*e. a* £M *to*> a f house and ttoniptnc them in tbe riTtr effect Sunday. siooer Ransom's thougbtiulne**-there who aro in favor of the re-nomination will make the Board rooms equally si—<3a»ph%U and Cbsrry strMts.\ Watchword. — Fowler's opponent ~~ would have been no official provision «- d^ tba* bit the o£k*r CM tbe! la tmadles ta* th«y haw bwn known Sirs. Warren T\ Lawr^na and FOWLER MEETING of Charles N. Fowler. as attractive as the various scfcool daustters* Bvelyn and Ethel* hav« tt-<3raad strsst a&d 8t Qsorgs Av% Tuesday had been an uncomfortably for the notification of Dr. Sell that his rooms and tbe auditorium. $*v*rtJ tfavw. The Dnc&fttfte * to do) the distributors cam make It a It—Mala strast-a&d BUaahtth atsnna. It cannot be denied that the Repub- paM tbe 0*e of tbree <*>*taur* *A4 j payla* buatfceAS* W» believe the av* turned home after a moat warm day and a heavy rain, accom- usefulness to the city would cease All commissioners were present on 1 * On Moadjty evening next. Congress- lican party throughout tho country Is vacatlott of two week * la Aabury IS^-Qra&d a&d Irrtnf atrasts. panied by wind fend thunder and light- tbe occasion of tbe first meeting, tto starts bqwward vtiwAaK ve«Mp»attee, ! eras* houatwite prefers not to be an- 4$—QraaC Boad and Itonrot atrssta. October 1st man Charles N. Fowler will address in a critical xondition. As primary •« Cfcwty ornt tW dear «•• ptefctdf tM»y*d with thti system aad tf such ts Pajrlc niaavstt in at nightfall. Perhaps this There have been dire rumors that Department and Dry &••£• most Important business being tbm ii Mrtshsih aad Maokaaa airaauss. Meats, Groceries and Smoked Meats may have been responsible for .the the voters of Rahway *t tta* Auditori- after, primary held in one State after fey ebe Ward** «ftd ajc&i* ta* Rev*;*** case, they should laa** It known The Mftaea Roberts, couaimaot JUsa something was about to happen, and Bambergsr's «.,V....171*41* another discloses by the continued adoption of the now rules whlab werv Roberts^ of Elm avaA«s% small attendance. At the time for the it had been currently reported that um, Tbose who Are in doubt on the adopted with some modifications ac- i«t tfiiMMt, afti » dli-to-Uw-dtaters, Reformatory, meeting to be called there was. no one John WanamakerP ifcues of the campaign should at* victories of the insurgents, the wave tia* de* AAmirt * call o* J*irt*ee| The baatball saute* In the old lotr«tnrn«d to thslr homa U the water commissioners would cease HahnsftCo of progresslvisin which is sweeping cording to copy previously furnish** at the auditorium and leader Wright to. employ an expert, whose duty it find thi« meeting and show by th«ir Rtehart Itorttham va* ***** hy the* <* the wwr of Bin amu» and after a hrttf rtalt la decided that the proper tUi|i« tp go B, BngelmaBngelman ..Fan over the country, the gnashing of to each member. These rules, ex«ep# i» r*frr+ft** to brtagtajr «tft CampteU str«*t haw suddenly dt«d Mr. William Bishop, off tfttton CIB SBRTICE SCHEDULE. would be to keep the city water free that they are not so ruled by In minor potnu. conform to tbe snner would be to hold the meeting *t tb? L8. Plaot&Oo Pa»* "Regulars" that they cannot see teeth by tho standpatters or regulars tJ^ city to wrotrr th» te», i «ttt, T>f> tim» lavat nxuith was ooottn^ to hta hiossa last a r from;Impurities at all times and un- of tbe previous Boards and wW W Republican Club rooms, and be 5* f" lies truth and fair play. Con- grows louder and louder, and ths lints twncott^n- ;cwNttnjrly 4»atHHaar contests w*r* be- with blood ta his foot ~». W^BC Sfrttefc j rta«ta|f Trtth tae^ shouu of tb* coo- a ChuMc^ak* tht hour na< on ths halt; then_J\idge_Runxpn^^ Leader Wright Dr. Sell had been requested and re-MoHanus Bros transact in «4i»catiaaal affair*/ trasa 8:10 a. nu to 11 o'clock at night. fuaed. _.-_i_: Wood^JVaters ft Co^ Pag* through. Ho is for personal as distant . was pre»«nUd N V. Oomptwtt. H^rtfcry Oatertel* * t«vtanta. Future Math^wson'te and and Dortada, of Ittlton met them .on his second trip up, to will a* political reasons, absolutely R-Tfesfcer* W, a DoR4f, Vfta.j Ws«a»rs w^rt^ woat to collect ev^ry has returned from twoas*-tt*a Cars coins north pass tho samo see how the land laid and to notify The pumping station committee re- the rtodkal inspectors, Vn. Sell ported that the labratory at the works opposed to tho further reign of Can-always been a party of progress. It BvnJ. HujaVs. Wm. domeaM atterfeoott aad naaay wipre th* ball* at Barnstable. Masa. psjfeat «t%ry half hour en th% quartsr those present that the place o( meeting MellckftCo Page Cladsfc, this report being of ttetr :& Msi s« tha throa«qttartors bttwoan under the supervision of Professor £3. oonism in Congress. Come out on was founded upon ths principle of per* year's work la the schools of the ft a»d iaaaesj R htt to the old back in the course Mayor Wtlltam Howart sptftt Ijabor t changed. After a Draeger's ,., «.Fags sonal liberty; It has always claimed afoutner Bros., Tailors* U Monday and lend your support to a Drs, flsli aod Cla4»k werw TWrk 4t Rs*iw%yv ttre trni tatt» th« [ of t** day. But now th* lot la stl*nt Day at Aabnry PKA ference »however« it waa agaia Pa«* I ptqvqine&t which Is for -the safety and to be the representative of IMlt4 3Ut«» *«ntV» la Comsmar CL ^ awt tte p«o|Oifr around ar* findlna: consequeutly th«re would be no need)George Miller's Sons for another year as their own toe* to stick to the original place of of employing Dr. Sell after October fl. P. HaUday Page V of yottr family and fiimd*, interests of tbe whole country, and lng. This of course meant another which means a throw-down for those while daring recent year* u baa seem- iato th« State ««m«« iMarly * of the ytMthftil playmL 1st. After that Engineer Gage will Rogers ft Peet Co ,.*,Pa«e 7 The total expenditures for th# trip down town for leader Wright to have charge of the bacteria Inspecting, who are In politics for graft—either ed to many that its practices were sot month of Aogu*t as reported br ^r^vliawu. On» of ih« hcaTl«st«v Gjtnnaslan worlr haa aln>adT b««un notify the faithfuls at the other end. Groceries aad Yeats* money or office. The Jobless job- always tn termony with Its professed ta which tft* n^nwat partW- ^ rt^uaiB it» potmlarity at ih* Y. M. and breeding department at the works secretary were |1^50,3>, The After a time the Twentieth Century and It is said that Professor Phelps Lehman's ,...,,,.Page 12 scokcr and the political Job holders principles, tbose principle* have wt ing Coxomlttet was authorised to far»- C A. On* Aft*rtt«x>n laat wete a Fife and Drum Corps came marching will run down from Jersey City at arc lined up on the other side strong. changed. If, now, it is to chant?* V* <£ xh* rouiv^vr m^mkrs pet up Irving street, six members strong. James A. Daly ,.... Page ish four sewtag machines, one least once a month to see how the They have control of the voting par- attitude, to become the ouU^oken rcj- and three Oliver lathes, tie sewis* rt It VR RETAILERS particular and important profession. Wm- H. Cloke Page 11 Tbe most prominent economic issue services wherever In the city they that Hon. C. D. Ward would officiate We do not care to go on record as of the present campaign is tariff revis* Rahway Gas Light Co Pags I FATAL ACCIDENT mljrht be required and the rotes A i> saying that his services were absolute- ioo. Tb« Republican national platform ted were so arranged M << a nurab^r "In a few well chosen remarks, T. A. Roarke & Bro Page 10 AT THE ROYAL PLANT of 1£08, responding to the growing fell!* v>n Kim avytu:t\ etc. Mr. Ward announced that he had ly necessary. Many people, and for for this.- Heretofore, It was said* the a long time members of the Water H. Robinson .Page 8 demands of the people, declared tor Janitors had refused to 66 anything to formerly taken an active part in poli- Richardson ft Boynton Co Pags 8 a revision of the tariff in accordance tics, but that he was unlike James J. Board, believed that they were neces- A sad aod fatal accident occurred asaist In the school work except aiaoas thei his recent attack upon a highly es- Mr. Mundrane's old company of 61Cent-, a Word Department..... Page 6 time. It would seem, however, fftat L W. Thorn, Roofing; Page 11 hands slipped on the greased door as he coold, to fulfill Chose pledges, Commisstntier RHUnr Is in the right smV gn4«t teemed citizen of, Rahway, meaning Company I. 5th- N. Y. Ira Harris Cav- and he fell to the bottom of tbe shaft tall seeds in the lot oa the Dunn ft Ruddy, livery Page Z and by the help of the Insurgents dar- and that h* i* perfectly JUJU>SI ta Wm. H. Wright of whom Mr. Fowler alry held at Mr. Job Coddington's into the basement of the building. ing the last session of Congress ob- JoW'tfT t-*vrr«. «H«a« a had said at a recent meeting that "the residence in Somerville, N. J * Sept Mrs. Evans* Art Store...... Page 5 resarrsctinc this matter for Hartdegen, Jeweler ...... 1. Page I The employees bearing the noise, ran tained so appropriation sufficient to ^talr co a L**er Ouat^ aft Poete Rtca prssmt a npty aafim>rabte ap*[ Under-Sheriff wanted to be sheriff and 6, 1910. The comrades gathered in to see what was tbe matter, and dtoenssSoB. Mr. Wtter offered K Daily hoftdrvdB of people; Bauer's Candy Store....L....Page S enable the tariff board to st least be- was trying to buy, with friendship all the morning, talking over old times; found him lying unconscious on thegin its work. £x*Presi4ent Roosevelt cerpt from xnlsat^s of pfevfovs she war to and from \ following this a sumptuous dinner J. Frank Way, Bicycles, Etc... Page 10 rsgx sbewtug that tbw at tfe* <^?n»-[• th* rattorad *u«oo atttf m«v than t Howard C. JBfnmtt^Palntt. ^r^, tmmtta^amA 2a«t vas-served, ixr which *lHhi Justice was summoned, and discovered t&kt iU^<*f> t.'! oste hSMi KWISMWIWII ttpoft ihe tmkecapt • amid jokes and good cheer. Then Five and Ten Cent Store Page 5 (Co©tfnu* The cattifeft of the wwds i (Continued on Page Five.) 8. H. Robin - .,.Pa*el0 tbe man's injuries were very bad if (Cotttfaned cm Pag» President John 3Jundrane called the not fatal, and advised that be be be an «xTthers.-8et- as tte C - Briton DuRie and W. Ma ek. Nellie Long has returned home to Board

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