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J&X VOL. 9-NUMBER 208 LONG BRANCH, N. J., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1910. PftlCE ONE CENT RACING ATTRACTED 3rd RED BANK FAIR EXERCISES AT DRIVING HIGHLANDS INITIAL I BIG SOCIETY CROWD OF FIRSTJER PILING BREAKS RECORDS FOR One Accident at 2-Day Meet Music.Fireworks and Addresses CARNIVAL ATTRACTED Here and Rider Has Thrill- Part of Labor Day CROWDS AND EXHIBITS ing Escape Ceremonies OVER 100,000 PEOPLE Excellent racing WHH witnessed her Wilh appropriate ceremony, the firs yesterday afternoon at the horse show' piling for Long Branch's proposed ne\. Attendance Yesterday Estimated at 18,000 and is quartci'-inlie track, when the second million-dollar pier WHS driven jester 400 Babies in Baby Parade and 50 Floats in day of the Hollywood Polo Afswoeia day afternoon at half-past thiet Big Again Today-All Great Variety of Attrac- tiou meet was brought to a. close. The o'clock. The public celebration at Business Men's Procession Yesterday, While iciritf on Saturday was marred by ar Trolley Wrecks Carriage Con- tracted many visitors from different accident in the quarter-mile dash parti of the Stats, including M. F. M tions Remain With Exception of Dog when Veto, owi>ed by the Monmouth taining Eight, and Young Laughlln, of Newark, vice chairman of More Than 300 Boats Took Part in Park Slock Farm, at Eatonlown, Blip Woman is Stripped by Be- the State Riparian Commission, and J Show-Racing a Feature ed in making the turn and broke !:s C. Payne, of Jersey City, secretary and 'g. The animal was aflerward KIIO! ing Dragged -- Hoboken engineer of the commission. Water Pageant Sunday Saturday's races were won by Mon It was seven o'clock Saturday night Fifteen hundred invitations had mouth County Hunt Club wilh Prin- Girl Drowned at High- been sent out by I ho Long Branch Highlands first carnival and 'Marnl before the Judges at the third annual cess and Strideaway; Mrs. B. W. Et Gras" haK bcr'ti humphi to a moBt suc- exhibition of the Monmouth County lands and Negro Pier and Land Company to promim ni "HOT CAMPBELL DIES lott, Peter Hauck, Jr., Frederick Wet local, Stale and county residents u FIVE CANDIDATES :essful coucliiaioti. Agricultural Association had finished ach and His? Mamie Nathan. Drops Dead at Saturday afternoon, the automobile (heir first day's work. In every de- witness the sinking uf the first piling •iiri- .• and hill climbing contents sched partment there were such a large mini A large holiday crowd witnessed the Carnival-Auto The prime mover was Samuel R. Ron lied were postponed because of thft bar of entries that the Work of tabula AT HOSPITAL HERE •aelng yesterday. Rhodes Casey, son off, Ihe general contractor. FOR NEXT MAYOR •ain and wet roads, it being conilder- if P. J. Casey, had a close call from Demolishes lion has been necessarily slow and te ——-+ Notwithstanding the many achedul >d dangerous to spaed over the coiirsft t Kerioup accident when lie fell on the ed atiracUotiK and the fact that the dious. A complete list of all prize Rig at Low Democrats Have Two and Re- A-lth the streets lined with spectators. winners has not yet been issued by Brilliant Young Architect Suc- rack between racing ponies. Casey celebration had been kept quiet unt Tlinee evenis will b« held ttejtt Satur- ,vas riding Norwood, Mr. Wettach's'eu- Moor (wo days before ihe time, there was the secretary for publication, but the publicans Three Aspirants- day ttfturnoon at the hour first sched- Record's representative has been on cumbs to Typhoid Attack ,ry. Norwood threw her head high in a large and enthusiastic gathering uled. M he air and fit the same time swerved present. tin; alert and ia able to announce the Last evening the 7 o'clock trolley Other Candidates Although the weather prevented i>« following awards: While On Visit o Ihe outer rail. Clinging to the reins, lie at Highlands struck a thre-Heated A platform had been built for th( ports, a large and enthusiastic guth Mr. Casey WHS pulled from his dan- image near tbe Miller streeL cruns- speakers and invited guests. Then ritiK appeared at the bulkhead on the Department A—Exhibition horses— After a throe weeks" illness with jerous position. The winners of the There will be a contest In both tht r Director In charge, Harden L. Craw- ig at thai place, injuring live of Ihe was u display of flags and other dee hpre front, adjoining the .larksou typhoid fever, during which time h.; aces were: orations lo make the occasion a mem- Republican and Deinovratlc primaries lab, V.IHT.I the swimming and motor ford; supcrin tend out, Thomas S. WHS unconscious for a week, William •cuiiiints and smashed the carriage for mayor next TuoHday, The time cl WIHTII the swimming and motor Field; jttdgfift, G. Mortimer Rnndle, Frederick Wettach, in Ihe gallowav i splinters. orable one. boat Roy Campbell, one of Long Branch's The Hoyal Infantry Band, which fur- tor liling petitions expired Saturday al races were to take place, and William F. Totterall, So ward Carr. most popular young men, died yester- race; Peter Hauck, Jr., in ihe polo John Hanson, resident of Atlantic midnight, Councilman A. 1). BhrrmRti these wore run off as scheduled. The boxes were filled, despite the y race; Mrs. E. W. Elliott,-in the Highlands, hired the rig, with thenished music at the August carnival, The first event was for boats of itay afternoon at Ihe Monmouth Me- funiiahi'd patriotic music: for Ihe occa- 1 the last candidate for the mayor- min, and wore occupied by the follow- morial Hospital, Mr. Campbell fllle.l liiftrterniile race for ponies, ridden by 'river, Jefferson Buffalo, at the liv- alty lo close. He will oppose Georg" from 15 to 22 feet on a course of three ing welt-known gentlemen with their .mateura; Edward E. Cohen, in quar- :y stable of George F. Bartlesou yes- sion. An automobile in which Con- tulles, it was won by J. u, McCar- an important positiou in tho archl- tractor Rosoff and others were seated L. Crutn and Alvlu Van Seholck In the families: Harden L. Crawford, Henry Li'(is ojtee in the Treasury Dulldi;i!r er of mile race for ponies, and Robert *-irda• UUyJ tIVo V-IIJUenjoyJ ia* Ulirtdrivei. 1.1In1 thLIIeC catHlr primaries for the mayoralty nomina- ihy's Annette; William Meek4r's B. l)c in inert, Richard Dceves, ,1. A. Has- . Collier in (he closing race for gal itige were hi.s three children, his witm headed the beiid on the way down M., aeeond; J, W. Poole's Mary, third. Hi Washington, I). C, for two years. Broadway to the lieach. tion. kell, M. A. Rice, James A. ScryniHer. He returned boats three weeks ago. nways, Mr. Hauek won two races, the ind another couple, friends of the Edwin W. Packer and Robert L. Gu- 1 n the serond race for boats ln» Herbert N. Straus, Frank C. Storck physicians diagnosed his ailment irRt with Herricken and the second an.ily. All went pleasantly until tho Mayor Charles (). McKaddln was Lwecn 22 feet and 30 feet Ions (he Glb- master of ceremonies. He opened th-1 Ick are the Democratic candidates f.ir Of Comae, and Robert Tod. a:~ typhoid fever, ai'd he was at one* .iih Virginia in the hunters-' class. arriage reached the place above mayor. , ;ou Girl belonging to Chas. If Lued- The prize winners were: ordered removed to the hospital for The holiday game of baseball on the stated, when the ear, coining from H'ogram with a few well-chonen r.»- akle was first; F. Layton a Blaftche. f narks, referring lo the building of the Other petllionK filed for ulty officer/ iceond, and tho Kmma, third. Stallions, fmir-year-old or over- liesitmen!. Although the best medi- tiviwion street diamond yesterday a le rear, smashed into the human car- it large are (is follows: First, Owhyo, MacFarland Park; sec- cal atteni ion possible was Riven the L'ruoon came to an abrupt conclusion lier as a big step forward, one that The next event was one for apeed The horses, becoining frightened, would bring Long Branch more hi the Coii IK-Unian-al-large—Henry Joltne. boats and Bhowed Ijhat fh^re aro ond, Starlight Boll, Alfred Dennis; ynupg architect, it was evident from ii the eighth Inning wiien the visiting Democrat; George K. Poland, Republl- third, Sir Richard, Frank C. By ram, the start that It was a hopeless COS*J imrn left Ihe Held, c.laiinlnc; that the lashed down the avenue, dragging the iiueliglit lhan ever before. The mayor some wpeedy boatB In the vicinity. The riend of Mrs. Harmon for many yards. •eferfed to the "many up and downs" nn. distunce wan 1(1 miles. H. Coores Art Mares with progeny—First, Marion The end came peacefully yesterday af- reiy ions of I be umpire were unfair, City treasurer—James W. Wood, and Martini, Alfred Dennis; second, ternoon while fond relatives watched 'he Fenwicks, n New York aggrega- When the young woman finally freed if Ihe promoters, but said thai he was fill, was first; H. I lowland'* it, second, lcrself it is said that her clothes were glad lhat the obstacles were being democrat; J. Harrison Davis, Jr., Re- aud W. H. Lewis, Dorma, Ihird. 7 1-2 Flonuiora and fllly, Armindee Farm. b'v his bedside. Ion, was the opposing: team. They publcan. e a snappy bunch of players and all literally torn from her body, ouly gradually overcome and he was more nlles, , time 15.55 seconds.