Mr. Vitall Benguiat Expert in Textiles

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Mr. Vitall Benguiat Expert in Textiles PROPERTY OF VI TA LL BEN UI AT MR . G EXPERT IN TEXTILES T O BE SOLD ON T HE AFT ERNOONS OF DECEMBE R 6TH , 7T H AND 8TH ’ BE G IN N I NG EA CH AFT E RN OON AT 3 O CLOCK AT T H E AM E R I CAN A R T GAL L E R IE S ON U E SOU N EW Y K M ADIS SQ AR TH , OR RENAISSANCE EMBROIDERIES B E AU TIFU L TEX TIL E S E X CE E D INGL Y F INE OL D L ACE S E C CL E S IAS TI CAL R E L I C S S IL V E R S ANCTU ARY L AM P S P O ONS OF 16T R 17T H 18T H C R S R DUCTI THE , AND ENTU IE T H E CO LLECTION T O BE SOLD BY ORDER OF T H E WE LL- K NOWN E XPERT VI TAL- L REN GUI AT AB S OL UTE PUB L I C SAL E ON T H E D A TE S HE RE IN S TA TE D T HE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY CONDIT IONS OF SALE 1 . The hi hest B i e to b e the B u e and i an dis u aris g dd r y r, f y p te e b etwe en two or mo e B id e s th e L ot s in i r d r , o d spute shall b e im me iatel ut u a ain and re- s l d y p p g o d . 2 Th A uc i n . e t o eer reserv es the right to rej e ct any bid which is mere l a nominal or racti nal adv ance and the e o e in his y f o , r f r , ud ment likel to a ect the a le in uri l j g , y ff S j ous y . 3. Th e Purchas e s to iv e their ames and a r ss s n r g n dd e e , a d to a own a cash e osit or the whole o the Pu chase- mone p y d d p , f r y, if e i e d in de aul t o which th e L ot or ots s u r qu r , f f L o p rchased to b e immediatel ut u a ain and re - s ld y p p g o . ’ 4« The L ots to b e taken away at the B uyer s E xp ens e and Risk it t e t - o o o the o o o f the S l e and the w hin w n y f ur h urs fr m c nclusi n a , emain er o th e Pu chase - mone t o b e absol utel aid or othe r d f r y y p , _ r “ wis e settled or t o the s atis ac tion o the A uctioneer on or b e ore f f f , f deliv ery; in default of which the undersigned will not h old them s elv es r es onsible i the ots b e l ost s tolen dama e d or est o e p f l , , g , d r y d, but the ill b l e a th s o e isk u chas y w e ft t e l r of the P r er. e the de ed o ol d l l 5 . Whil un rsign will n t h themse ves resp onsib e f or the o e t e Of the de t o e ui e e or authen c rr c n ss scrip i n, g n n n ss, ticit or an l t or de e t an L ot and ke no War y Of, y fau f c in, y , ma t te e t e o e e e i o to d te o f ran y wha v r, h y will, up n r c iving pr v us a S ale trustworthy exp ert opinion in writing that any Painting or ot e Wo k of A rt not t it e e e te d to be use h r r is wha is r pr s n , e ve ry e ff ort on their part t o furnish p roof to the contrary ; fail in in ch the Ob - ect or ob e t in e t o l be ol d b e t g whi , j j c s q u s i n wi l s su j c the de t o of th e o e d e e t he b e l abl e to to clara i n af r sai xp r , ing i he e or e t e e o f o d a e or o o ed t Own r Own rs h r f, r am g injury ccasi n the reby. 6 T o ev ent inaccurac in eliv e and inconv enience in the . p r y d ry, n th urchas es no ot can on an acc un b s ettleme t of e P , L , y o t, e re i th ale mov ed dur ng e S . ilure to com l with the abov e con itions h n 7 . U on a t e mo e p f p y d , y dep osited in p ar t p ayment shall be forfeited; all —L ots u ncleared within one day from conc l usion of S ale shall b e re s old by publ ic or riv ate sale without u ther notice and the de icienc i an p , f r , f y (f y ) attending such re- sale s hall b e made good by the defaulter at his S ale to ethe with all char es attendin the s am e . This Con t , g r g g dition is without prej udice t o the right of the A uc tioneer to en cont act ma e at this S a e without such re- sale i he force the r d l , , f thinks fit . un e si ne are in no manner connecte with the 8 . The d r g d d ar a e or ackin and shi in o u chas es and business of the c t g p g p p g f p r , although they will af ord to purchasers ev ery facility for em ar u l car ie s and acke s the will not h ol them p loying c ef r r p r , y d s elv es resp onsib le for the acts and charges of the p arties engaged for such services . N A RT SS CIA TION M N GERS . T H E AME RICA A O , A A T S K IRBY U CT ON EER. HOMA E . , A I CA T A L OG U E ’ F IRS T AF ‘TE RNO ON S S AL E H ECE E m 1 0 T URSDAY, D MB R 6 , 9 6 AT T H E AME RICAN ART GALLE RIES ’ ‘ BEGINNING PR OM PT L-Y AT 3 O CLOCK ANTIQUE TEXTILES AND E MB ROID E RI ‘E S — 1 SPANISH BROCADE CUSH ION COVER S evente e nth c entury . — Q SI C ILIAN B ORDER . M ~ e e e e J Embroidered in colore d silks and silver . S v nt nth century . — — 3 S PANISH DUTCH BROCADE COVER . — 8 BEAUTIFUL RUBY RE D VELVET CHAIR PANEL . Fifteenth century . — 9 PoRT U GUE s-E RENAISSAN CE ALTAR FRONTAL . b o e e e e e e e me o Em r id r d mb llishm nts , arab squ s , dalli ns and p or traits Of saints . — E 1 0 E MBROID RED FREN CH BANNERET . ”) Jr Louis XVI . 1 1— C SPE IMEN OF GOLD BRO C ADE . M o R yal P ortugues e . 1 2~ E R MB OIDERED ITALIAN ARRAs TAPESTRY PANEL . 5 0? e e e e r 0 2 6 S v nt nth centu y . — l 3 RE D E RICH ITALIAN RUBY V LVET SEAT COVER . fl {a ' o e e l 7 Embr id r d in si ver . I l — RE D RICH ITALIAN RUBY VELVET SEAT COVER . o e e in Embr id r d silver . — 1 5 RE D PORTUGUESE RENAISSANCE VELVET CHASUBLE . N Orphreys embroidered with medallions and conv en tional scrolls . — 6 SADDLE SET . ‘ a fl o is e e e . ee e , J L u Quinz v lv t Thr pi ces . ol 7 5 o ue 3 £ P rtug se R enai ss ance . 1 8— E RICH VENETIAN MBROIDERED D OOR LAMBREQUIN . 7) x5 o e ee l e o O f the e e en e 3 2 C nv nt n d w rk arly s v t enth century . 1 — E 9 Y LLOW SPANISH BROCADE C OVER . 5 ? The de sign consists Of monume nts and conventional o e . e e ee e fl w rs S v nt nth c ntury .
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