Croatian Studies Review Časopis Za Hrvatske Studije

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Croatian Studies Review Časopis Za Hrvatske Studije CROATIAN STUDIES REVIEW ČASOPIS ZA HRVATSKE STUDIJE Volume 8, 2012 ISSN 1440-0448 Publisher: International Editorial Board: Croatian Studies Centre, Mladen Ančić, University of Zadar, Croatia Macquarie University, Nevenko Bartulin, University of Split, Croatia. Australia Stjepan Blažetin, Janus Pannonius University, Hungary Neven Budak, University of Zagreb, Croatia Co-publishers: Vinko Grubišić, University of Waterloo, Canada Department of Croatian Studies, Vesna Drapač, University of Adelaide, Australia Faculty of Philosophy, University of Split, Josip Matešić, Mannheim University, Germany Croatia Mislav Ježić, University of Zagreb, Croatia Centre for Croatian Studies Abroad, Krystyna Pieniazek-Marković, Universytet Im. University of Split, Croatia Adama Mickiewicza, Poland For the Publisher: International Advisory Board Luka Budak, Director, Croatian Studies Centre Krešimir Bagić, University of Zagreb, Croatia (Macquarie University) Lada Badurina, University of Rijeka, Croatia Marko Trogrlić, Dean, Faculty of Philosophy Stjepan Barić, Janus Pannonius University, Hungary (University of Split) Ralph Bogert, University of Toronto, Canada Inoslav Bešker, University of Bologna, Italy Editor-in-Chief Vinko Brešić, University of Zagreb, Croatia Ivan Bošković, University of Split, Croatia Luka Budak (Macquarie University) Joško Božanić, University of Split, Croatia [email protected] Damion Buterin, Macquarie University, Australia Gordana Galić-Kakkonen, University of Split, Editors Croatia Zrinka Jelaska, University of Zagreb, Croatia Boris Škvorc (Macquarie University/University Dunja Jutronić, University of Maribor, Slovenia of Split) Ljiljana Kaliterna-Lipovčan, Institute of Social Literature, Migration studies Sciences “Ivo Pilar”, Croatia [email protected] Walter Lalich, Macquarie University, Australia Josip Lisac, University of Zadar, Croatia Danijel Dzino (Macquarie University) Goran Rem, University of Osijek, Croatia Helena Sablić-Tomić, University of Osijek, Croatia History, Book reviews Ljiljana Šarić, University of Oslo, Norway [email protected] Diana Stolac, University of Rijeka, Croatia Brian Willems, University of Split, Croatia Jim Hlavac (Monash University) Boguslav Zielinski, University of Poznań, Poland Linguistics Tanja Zimmerman, University of Konstanz, [email protected] Germany Sanja Zubčić, University of Rijeka, Croatia Correspondence / Poštanska adresa: To Prospective Contributors Croatian Studies Review Articles submitted for publications should not Croatian Studies Centre exceed 10,000 words in length and review articles Department of International Studies 4,000 words if not agreed otherwise. They should be submitted to email of the editors. Authors of articles Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University published will receive one free copy of the Croatian Sydney NSW 2109, Australia Studies Review. All articles are anonimously peer- reviewed. Editing Nevenko Bartulin (University of Split). Potencijalnim suradnicima Zaprimljeni izvorni znanstveni članci ne smiju Danijel Dzino (Macquarie University) prelaziti 10000 riječi, a pregledni članci i recenzije 4000 riječi ako s Uredništvom nije dogovoreno Layout and Print drugačije. Trebaju biti poslani na e-mail adresu nadležnog urednika. Autori čiji članci budu Macquarie Press, Sydney objavljeni dobit će besplatan primjerak Časopisa za hrvatske studije. Svi članci prolaze kroz Printed in May 2013. međunarodni proces recenzije. This volume was published thanks to the financial contribution of the State Office for Croats outside Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Studies Foundation of Australia. 3 © 2013, Croatian Studies Centre © 2013, Croatian Studies Centre Macquarie University, Sydney Macquarie University, Sydney NSW 2109 NSW 2109 Australia Australia All rights reserved. No part of this book may be Sva prava pridržana. Nijedan dio ove reproduced or translated in any form by print, publikacije ne može se reproducirati ili prevesti photo-print, microfilm microfiche or any other u bilo kakvom obliku u tisku, fotokopiji, means without written permission from the mikrofilmu ili bilo kojem drugom obliku bez publisher. pisanog odobrenja izdavača. 4 Croatian Studies Review 8 (2012) Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 THE WORD FROM THE EDITORS 7 RIJEČ UREDNIŠTVA 8 ARTICLES 9 Sandra Cvikić: “The Vukovar Battle in the Context of Public and Scholarly Discourse about Yugoslavia’s Dissolution and Homeland War in Croatia” 11 Srećko M. Džaja: “The Bosnian-Herzegovinian Croats: A Historical-Cultural Profile” 63 Jasna Čapo: “The world is my oyster: Well-educated Australian-Croatian citizens in the era of global mobilities” 91 Saša Božić: “Is There a Croatian Diaspora in Europe? From ‘Gastarbeiters’ to Transmigrants and Ethnics” 113 Rebeka Mesarić Žabčić: “The importance of the Croatian Diaspora for the development of the Republic of Croatia: Examples from Australia and the USA” 130 BOOK REVIEWS 149 Danijel Dzino: “Dissecting ‘Balkanist’ discourse in the present and the past: Review of N. Raspudić, Jadranski (polu)orijentalizam and V. Drapac, Constructing Yugoslavia” 151 Luka L. Budak: “Review of F. Lovoković, Hrvatske zajednice u Australiji, Nastojanja i postignuća [Croatian communities in Australia, Endeavour(ing)s and achievements]”. 161 SUBMISSION GUIDE 168 5 Croatian Studies Review 8 (2012) 6 Croatian Studies Review 8 (2012) The word from the editors It is with great pleasure that we present this new, eighth, volume of Croatian Studies Review. Besides continuing support from Croatian Studies Foundation and Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of Republic of Croatia, the publication of this volume is supported with the grant given by the State Office for Croats outside Republic of Croatia as a part of competitive grant provided for financing publishing programs and projects for Croatian diaspora. There were few changes from last volume. Editorial team, with Editor- in-Chief Luka Budak and Editor Dr Boris Škvorc is strengthened by two new members: Dr Danijel Dzino, ARC postdoctoral fellow from Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University, and Dr Jim Hlavac, lecturer at the Department of Linguistics, on Monash University in Melbourne. International editorial board and international advisory board also had some changes. Theeditors would also to thank Dr Nevenko Bartulin for his great contribution in translating and editing. Croatian Studies Review strongly supports free access to scholarly publications and for that reason older volumes of the journal are now available on the internet for free download on portal of Croatian Academic Journals (Hrčak), the database Central and Eastern European Library online and on web-site under the profile for Croatian Studies Centre. Our intention is to continue with building quality scholarly publication which will deal with multidisciplinary research related to the Croatians and space where the Croatians live and at the same time be available to the readership all over the world. According to those intentions this volume is brining all articles in English and our intention is to continue with this practice. Our major research-interests remain: literature, history, language studies, studies of migration and diasporic communities, but we are inviting potential contributors to send us research from other relevant fields, such as History of Art or Media studies. Also, as of this volume, we are starting with publishing book-reviews, practice to be continued in following volumes. For editors: Luka Budak and Danijel Dzino 7 Croatian Studies Review 8 (2012) Riječ uredništva S velikim zadovoljstvom predstavljamo novi broj Časopisa za hrvatske studije, osmi po redu. Uz kontinuiranu potporu Zaklade hrvatskih studija i Ministarstva znanosti obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske, izdavanje ovog broja je potpomognuto grantom zaprimljenim od Državnog ureda za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske u sklopu natječaja za financiranje programa i projekata nakladničke djelatnosti za hrvatsko iseljeništvo. Od prošlog broja napravljeno je par izmjena. Urednička ekipa uz glavnog urednika mr. sc. Luku Budaka i dr. Borisa Škvorca je pojačana s dvije prinove, dr. Danijelom Džinom, ARC postdoktoralnim istraživačem s Odjela za antičku povijest Sveučilišta Macquarie te dr. Jimom Hlavačem, predavačem na Odjelu za lingvistiku Sveučilišta Monash u Melbournu. Urednički odbor i savjet časopisa su također pretrpjeli manje izmjene i prinove; uredništvo se želi zahvaliti dr. Nedjeljku Bartulinu za njegov doprinos u prevođenju i lektoriranju tekstova. Časopis za hrvatske studije snažno podržava slobodni pristup znanstvenim publikacijama na internetu i shodno tomu stariji brojevi časopisa su odnedavna dostupni za slobodno skidanje na portalu hrvatskih akademskih časopisa Hrčak, bazi časopisa Central and Eastern European Library online te portalu u sklopu profila Centra hrvatskih studija. Namjera nam je nastaviti s izgradnjom kvalitetnog znanstvenog časopisa koji se bavi multidisciplinarnim istraživanjima vezanim za Hrvate i prostore gdje žive Hrvati a da bude pristupačan čitateljstvu po cijelom svijetu. Shodno tome časopis je od ovog broja potpuno na engleskom jeziku i namjera nam je nastaviti tako i u sljedećim izdanjima. Glavna težišta časopisa i dalje ostaju: književnost, povijest, jezikoslovlje, studiji migracije i hrvatske zajednice u dijaspori a pozivamo potencijalne suradnike da nam šalju priloge i iz ostalih relevantnih područja poput povijesti umjetnosti ili medija. Također, od ovog broja počinjemo i s objavljivanjem
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