Flinders University and Nankai University Is Our Most Prized and Valuable Relationship in China

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Flinders University and Nankai University Is Our Most Prized and Valuable Relationship in China Published by the Office of Communication, Editorial enquiries: Marketing and Engagement with Flinders Alumni & Advancement Flinders University International, Flinders University alumni@flinders.edu.au Editing & Production: Kim Pryor, Allisa Zhao +61 8 8201 7969 and the International Cooperation Office, Disclaimer: Views expressed in this publication are those of Nankai University the authors and persons quoted and are not necessarily those of Flinders University. Design: Esther Johnson Copyright © 2021 Flinders University CRICOS 00114A he 20-year anniversary of Flinders University’s partnership with Nankai University marks a very significant milestone in the 弗林德斯大学与南开大学的合作已满二十周年,这是我们这两所 T positive relationship between our two Universities. It underlines 院校之间友好关系的一个重要的里程碑。这对弗林德斯大学来说 Mutual an important historical moment for Flinders University, which is especially proud of what has been achieved with Nankai University to further 是一个重要的历史时刻,与南开大学在硕士学位领域的合作为我 educational opportunities in China through our postgraduate degrees. 们在中国拓展了更多的机会,我们对合作过程中所取得的成就感 determination From humble beginnings 20 years ago, this important international 到非常自豪。 collaboration is recognised by both of our Universities as being especially important in expanding educational opportunities that 二十年前,两校合作起步之初,双方院校就认识到这一重要的国 underpin the social structure and economic development of China and Australia. Our mutual determination to succeed has been 际合作项目在扩展教育机会、支撑中澳两国社会结构和经济发展 to succeed fundamental to the ongoing success of our joint achievements. 上具有极其重要的意义。双方力争成功的决心也奠定了我们不断 The three programs we conduct – the Master of Arts (International 获得合作成果的基础。 Relations in Economy and Trade), Master of Hospital Administration and Master of Educational Leadership and Management – have been 我们开设的三个项目——文学硕士(国际经贸关系)、医院管理硕 very successful in their respective areas and well received by our 士以及教育领导与管理硕士——在各自相应的领域都非常成功, postgraduate students. We are especially proud of what has been achieved in the area of hospital administration, given the significant 并且获得了研究生的好评。鉴于弗林德斯大学对医学、护理和健 focus Flinders University has in medicine, nursing and health sciences. 康科学的重视,我们对于在医院管理领域所取得的成功尤为感到 The programs between the two Universities are expanding and now include welcome research activities. 骄傲。弗林德斯大学与南开大学的合作项目正在不断扩展,现在 包括了一些深受欢迎的研究活动。 同心同力获取成功 It has been rewarding for both Universities that the three Masters programs have been so positively recognised and supported by the Chinese and Australian Governments, which we thank for their support. 这三个硕士项目得到了中国及澳大利亚政府的高度认可和大力 支持,这对于双方院校来说是很有意义的。我们对于两国政府的 Our collaboration has drawn the two Universities together, through which we have both made many lasting friendships. In my time 支持深表感谢! as Chancellor, I have had the good fortune to have forged strong friendships with colleagues at Nankai University. I particularly note 我们之间的合作将两所大学紧密地联系在一起,在此过程中,我们 the contribution of Professor LIU Binglian, who has been involved 都收获了许多长久的友谊。在担任荣誉校长期间,我有幸与南开大 with the program throughout its 20-year period, and who has developed lasting friendships with many of us at Flinders University. 学的同事们结下了深厚的友谊。在此,我要特别感谢刘秉镰教授所 On behalf of Flinders University, I congratulate all those who have made 做出的贡献,刘秉镰教授20年以来一直积极参与我们的合作项目, this partnership such a positive and successful journey, and I sincerely 并且与弗林德斯大学的很多教职人员都建立了持久的友谊。 encourage its continuation into the future. 我谨代表弗林德斯大学向所有为了双方的合作能够产生积极的 影响并取得成功而做出贡献的人表示祝贺,并诚挚地希望未来能 够继续这项合作。 “This important international collaboration is recognised by both of our Universities as being especially important in expanding educational opportunities that underpin the social structure and economic development of China and Australia.” Mr Stephen Gerlach AM Chancellor, Flinders University 这一重要的国际合作项目,在扩展教育机会,支持中澳两国社会结 构和经济发展上具有极其重要的意义。 斯蒂芬·杰拉赫 先生 弗林德斯大学校董事会主席 Flinders University 弗林德斯大学 5 n pace with the accelerating process of globalisation, innovation is becoming the driving force in leading science-technology revolution 随着全球化进程的不断加速,创新成为引领科技革命和产业变革 I and industrial transformation. As talents are the foundation and 的第一动力。人才是实施创新驱动战略、支撑创新要素集聚的基 Cooperation core for implementing innovation-driven strategies and supporting the clustering of innovative elements, the importance of strengthening 础和核心,其中加强国际交流与合作的重要性不言而喻。 international exchange and cooperation is self-evident. 南开大学自建校以来始终倡导全球视野与开放精神,不断深化与 Nankai University has continuously advocated global vision and the in running 世界各地知名大学的交流与合作。20年前,南开大学与弗林德斯 spirit of openness, and deepened exchanges and cooperation with leading universities internationally. Twenty years ago, Nankai University 大学本着共同的教育理念和价值观开启了合作办学之路,围绕外 and Flinders University initiated the joint cooperation programs based on similar pedagogy philosophies and values. 向型经济、医疗卫生管理、教育管理等领域,着力培养具有国际化 joint programs 视野和前瞻性思维、对理论研究和行业实践具有深刻理解的精英 Focusing on the areas of export-oriented economy, medical and health management, and education management, the programs strive to cultivate 人才。 elite talents with international vision and forward-thinking ability together with profound understanding of theoretical research and industry practice. 时至今日,该合作项目已向社会各界输送了6000余名能力出众 Up to this day, the programs have successfully nurtured more than 6,000 并深受业界认可的管理人才,更为中澳两国的合作交流与文化互 management experts with outstanding abilities who are well regarded in their fields across all sectors of the society, and have made important 鉴作出了重要贡献。这些成绩既是献给两校精诚合作20周年的一 contributions to the cooperation and cultural exchange and mutual 份厚礼,更是对双方多年来辛勤付出的回报。 learning between China and Australia. These achievements are a great gift for the twentieth anniversary of the 在两校迎来合作办学20周年之际,南开大学全面开启了新百年接 合作办学 genuine cooperation between the two universities, as well as a reward 续奋斗的新篇。在未来的发展道路上,我们期待与弗林德斯大学 for the strenuous efforts made by both sides over the years. 携手并肩,共同创造新机遇、迎接新挑战。我们将进一步深化两校 On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the cooperation between the 在联合办学、科研合作、教师互访、人员培训、知识和成果共享等 two universities, Nankai University opened a new chapter in its continuous endeavour in a new century. In the future, we look forward to working with 方面的合作关系,坚持协同发展、互惠共赢,着力推进一流大学建 Flinders University to create new opportunities and meet new challenges. 设,探索建立特色化、高质量、示范性的国际办学模式,打造中澳 We will further deepen the cooperation between the two universities in joint programs, scientific research cooperation, exchange visits of teaching staff, 合作办学品牌。 personnel training, and sharing of knowledge and achievements. 回顾过往,感激满怀。在此,我要特别感谢弗林德斯大学的同仁们 Adhering to the principle of collaborative cooperation aimed at mutual benefit, we strive to become first-class universities; to explore and 一直以来对南开的关心支持,以及为联合办学项目提供的指导帮 experiment the process for establishing a distinctive, high-quality and 助;感谢经济与社会发展研究院及学校相关职能部门的同事,为 exemplary mode of international cooperation; and to continue in building 合作项目顺利推进作出了许多卓有成效的努力;感谢每一位参与 a positive brand in Sino Australian joint education. 合作项目的校友,是他们在各行各业的优异表现,带动了两校联 Looking back, I am grateful. On this occasion, I would like to express my special thanks to the colleagues of Flinders University for their 合办学声誉的提升。 support to Nankai university and for their guidance and assistance for the joint programs; I would like to thank my colleagues from the Institute 展望未来,更待奋发。我们已携手走过20年的风雨历程,但未来仍 of Economic and Social Development and relevant departments of 需跋山涉水、不懈求索。我相信,两校合作办学的明天将更加精彩! the university for their fruitful efforts in the successful operation and development of the joint programs; I would also like to express my gratitude to every graduate who has participated in the programs of study. It is their outstanding performance in all sectors of society Nankai University and Flinders University that has enhanced the reputation of the two universities. initiated the joint cooperation programs I look forward to the future, where more efforts are required to be based on similar pedagogy philosophies dedicated to the cause. Together, we have voyaged through storms for 20 years and will continue to wade through the new landscape with and values. unceasing exploration. I believe that the cooperation between the two universities will be of increasing excellence tomorrow! 南开大学与弗林德斯大学本着共同的教育理念和价 Professor CAO Xuetao 值观开启了合作办学之路,围绕外向型经济、医疗卫 President, Nankai University 生管理、教育管理等领域,着力培养具有国际化视野 和前瞻性思维、对理论研究和行业实践具有深刻理 解的精英人才。 曹雪涛 教授 南开大学 校长 Nankai University 南开大学 7 he partnership between Flinders University and Nankai University is our most prized and valuable relationship in China. On this 弗林德斯大学和南开大学之间的合作是我们在中国最宝贵的 T momentous occasion, a celebration of our 20th year, it is with 合作关系。值此庆贺合作20周年之际,回顾在提供使中澳两国 Stronger bonds great satisfaction that we can reflect on our achievement of providing transnational tertiary education of excellence that brings great benefit 均获益良多的卓越跨国高等教育方面所取得的成就,我们感到 to Australia and China. 非常欣慰。 and cultural ties Sustained excellence in our joint delivery of the Master of Arts 我们合作开设的文学硕士(国际经贸关系)、医院管理硕士以及教 (International Relations in Economy and Trade), Master of Hospital Administration and Master of Educational Leadership and Management 育领导与管理硕士课程一直以来都保持着卓越的水准。自二十年 has produced almost 6,000 graduates since the first of these programs 前开设第一个课程起,我们已经培养出了6,000余名毕业生。 began two decades ago. 这是一项伟大的成就,今年又再次彰显了我们双方之间合作的 This is a wonderful achievement, and the importance of our partnership was demonstrated again this year, with many graduates of the Master 重要性,医院管理硕士项目的众多毕业生在中国医疗卫生领域 of Hospital Administration showing great leadership and undertaking 的一线发挥了杰出的领导才能,出色地完成了工作。 outstanding work on the frontline of healthcare in China. In this 20th year,
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