1 Primitivity 1. for Two Examples of Commodity History One Large, the Other Small, See Robert Delort, Lecommerce Desfourrures En
Notes 1 Primitivity 1. For two examples of commodity history one large, the other small, see Robert Delort, LeCommerce desFourrures enOccident iliafin du Moyen Age(vers 1300-vers 1450) (Ecole Francaise de Rome, Rome, 1978);F. M. L. Thompson, 'Nineteenth Century Horse Sense', Economic History Review, XXIX, No.1 (February 1976) pp. 6~1. 2. Jacques Nenquin, Salt A Study in Economic Prehistory (de Tempel, Brugge, 1961); Bernard Edeine, 'Les Techniques de Fabrication du Sel dans les sauneries pre et protohistoriques ainsi que Gallo-Romaines', Annales de Bretagne et des Pays de l'Ouest, Vol. 82 (1975) pp . 11-18; Jean-Paul Bertraux, 'L'Archeolog le du Sel en Lorraine: Le Briquetage de la Seille', Guy Cabour din (ed.), Le Sel et Son Histoire (Universite de Nancy II, Nancy, 1981) pp .519-38. 3. Peter S. Wells, 'Iron-Age Central Europe', Archaeology, Vol. 33, No . 5 (September-October 1980) pp. 6-11. 4. Nenquin, p. 53. 5. Giraldus Cambrensis, The Itinerary through Wales and the Description of Wales (Dent, London, 1919) p. 176. 6. Anthony P. Andrews, 'The Salt Trade of the Maya', Archaeology, Vol. 33, No.4 (July-August 1980) pp . 16-33. 7. Eric C. Thompson, Thomas Gage's Travels in the New World (University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1958) pp. 167, 204. 8. Ibid., p. 61. 9. Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa , Description of the Indies (c. 1620), tr, Charles Upson Clark (Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, 1968) para 467. 10. Miguel O. de Mendizabal, Influencia delaSol enladistribucion geographica delos grupos indigenas de Mexico (Mexico, 1928). 11. Father Joseph de Acosta, The Natural and Moral History of the Indies, 2 vols (Hakluyt Society, London, 1880) p.
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