European Parliament 2014-2019

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European Parliament 2014-2019 European Parliament 2014-2019 Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development AGRI_PV(2018)0423_1 MINUTES Meeting of 23 April 2018, 15.00-18.30, and 24 April 2018, 9.00-12.30 and 14.00-18.00 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 15.16 on Monday, 23 April 2018, with Czesław Adam Siekierski, (Chair) presiding. 1. Adoption of agenda Decision: The draft agenda was adopted in the form shown in these minutes. 2. Chair’s announcements None. 3. Approval of minutes of meetings 21-22 February 2018 PV – PE619.127v01-00 Decision: The minutes were approved. 27 February 2018 PV – PE619.196v01-00 Decision: The minutes were approved. 4. Presentation by João Figueiredo, Member of the European Court of Auditors, of Special Report No 10/2018: Basic Payment Scheme for farmers – operationally on track, but limited impact on simplification, targeting and the convergence of aid levels Speakers: Czesław Adam Siekierski, João Figueiredo (European Court of Auditors), Albert Deß, Eric Andrieu, Herbert Dorfmann, Philippe Loiseau, Martin Häusling, Maria Lidia Senra Rodríguez, Clara Eugenia Aguilera García, Maria Heubuch, Esther Herranz García, Jørn Dohrmann, Ulrike Müller, Annie Schreijer-Pierik, Luke Ming Flanagan, Pierre Bascou (DG AGRI), Sven Koelling (European Court of Auditors). 5. Presentation by João Figueiredo, Member of the European Court of Auditors, of a Briefing Paper on Future of CAP Speakers: Czesław Adam Siekierski, João Figueiredo (European Court of Auditors), Albert Deß, Martin Häusling, Clara Eugenia Aguilera García, Matt Carthy, Philippe Loiseau, Paolo De Castro, Eric Andrieu, Luke Ming Flanagan, James Nicholson, Annie Schreijer-Pierik, Christina Borchmann (DG AGRI), Tassos Haniotis (DG AGRI), Michal Machowski (European Court of Auditors). 6. 2019 budget - Trilogue mandate AGRI/8/12259 2018/2024(BUD) Rapporteur Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso (PPE) PA – PE619.342v01-00 for the opinion: Responsible: BUDG – Daniele Viotti (S&D) Consideration of draft opinion Decision: Consideration of a draft opinion Deadline for tabling amendments:27 April 2018, 13.00 Speakers: Czesław Adam Siekierski, Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso, Marc Tarabella, Elsi Katainen, Miguel Viegas, Georg Haeusler (DG AGRI). The meeting adjourned at 18.01 and resumed at 9.10 on Tuesday, 24 April 2018, with Czesław Adam Siekierski (Chair) presiding. *** Electronic vote *** 7. Implementation of CAP young farmers’ tools in the EU after the 2013 reform AGRI/8/10157 2017/2088(INI) Rapporteur: Nicola Caputo (S&D) AM – PE616.744v01-00 Responsible: AGRI Opinions: ENVI – Mairead McGuinness (PPE) AD – PE615.402v02-00 AM – PE618.016v01-00 Adoption of draft report Decision: The draft report was adopted with amendments.: 33 votes to 2, with 3 abstentions Speakers: Czesław Adam Siekierski, Nicola Caputo. 8. A European One Health Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) AGRI/8/11548 2017/2254(INI) COM(2017)0339 Rapporteur Matt Carthy (GUE/NGL) AM – PE616.639v01-00 for the opinion: Responsible: ENVI – Karin Kadenbach (S&D) PR – PE613.613v01-00 AM – PE619.155v01-00 AM – PE619.156v01-00 Adoption of draft opinion Decision: The draft opinion was adopted with amendments.: 40 votes to 0, with 0 abstentions Speakers: Czesław Adam Siekierski, Matt Carthy. 9. Implementation of the Plant Protection Products Regulation EC/1107/2009 AGRI/8/10378 2017/2128(INI) Rapporteur Peter Jahr (PPE) PA – PE615.454v01-00 for the AM – PE616.638v01-00 opinion: Responsible: ENVI* – Pavel Poc (S&D) Adoption of draft opinion Decision: Postponed to the next meeting. *** End of electronic vote *** 10. Integrated farm statistics AGRI/8/08739 ***I 2016/0389(COD) COM(2016)0786 – C8-0514/2016 Rapporteur: Maria Gabriela Zoană (S&D) Responsible: AGRI Reporting back to committee Speakers: Czesław Adam Siekierski, Maria Gabriela Zoană, Philippe Loiseau, Mairead McGuinness, Daniel Buda. 11. Harnessing globalisation: trade aspects AGRI/8/12020 2018/2005(INI) Rapporteur Karin Kadenbach (S&D) PA – PE619.357v01-00 for the opinion: Responsible: INTA – Joachim Schuster (S&D) Consideration of draft opinion Decision: Consideration of a draft opinion Deadline for tabling amendments:27 April 2018, 13.00 Speakers: Czesław Adam Siekierski, Karin Kadenbach, Norbert Erdős, Maria Lidia Senra Rodríguez, Bas Belder, Elsi Katainen, Philippe Loiseau, Matt Carthy, Luke Ming Flanagan, Mairead McGuinness, Martin Häusling, Daniel Buda, Jean-Paul Denanot, Michel Dantin, Thomas Waitz, Luca de Carli (DG TRADE). The meeting adjourned at 11.00 and was followed by a meeting of coordinators in closed session. * * * 12. Coordinators’ meeting The coordinators met in camera. Their decisions were approved by the Committee on Tuesday, 24 April 2018. * * * The meeting resumed at 14.04 on Tuesday, 24 April 2018, with Czesław Adam Siekierski (Chair) presiding. 13. Meeting with national parliaments "Towards the CAP after 2020: the future of food and farming" Speakers: Czesław Adam Siekierski, Phil Hogan (Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development), Rumen Porodzanov (Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry of Bulgaria), François-Xavier Simon (journalist AGRA EUROPE), Herbert Dorfmann, Josef Plank (Secretary General of the Austrian Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism), Alois Gerig (Bundestag, Germany), Jackie Cahill (House of Representatives, Ireland), Albert Deß, Andreas Kafkalias (House of Representatives, Cyprus), José Ignacio Llorens Torres (Congress of Deputies, Spain), Eric Andrieu, Jan Ardanowski (Sejm, Poland), Åsa Westlund (Riksdagen, Sweden), Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, Andriejus Stančikas (Seimas, Lithuania), Jaroslav Faltýnek (Chamber of Deputies, Czech Republic), Ulrike Müller, João Dias (Assembleia da República, Portugal), Susanna Koski (Eduskunta, Finland), Maria Lidia Senra Rodríguez, Tjeerd De Groot (House of Representatives, The Netherlands), Chara Kafantari (Hellenic Parliament, Greece), Martin Häusling, Till Backhaus (Bundesrat, Germany), Marian Jurečka (Chamber of Deputies, Czech Republic), John Stuart Agnew, Virginija Vingrienė (Seimas, Lithuania), Pedro Carmo (Assembleia da República, Portugal), Philippe Loiseau, Jean-Baptiste Moreau (Assemblé nationale, France), Christian Poll (Folketinget, Denmark), Angélique Delahaye, Angelo Di Mambro (journalist ANSA), Jerzy Bogdan Plewa (DG AGRI), Clara Eugenia Aguilera García, Pat Deering (Houses of the Oireachtas, Ireland), Friedrich Ostendorff (Bundestag, Germany), Patrícia Fonseca (Assembleia da República, Portugal), Esther Herranz García, Tomislav Panenić (Hrvatski sabor, Croatia), Inesis Boķis (Saeima, Latvia), Annie Schreijer-Pierik, Jaroslaw Sachajko (Sejm, Poland), Tim Lombard (Senate, Ireland), Luke Ming Flanagan, Kristina Yngwe (Riksdagen, Sweden), Marijana Petir, Tibor Szanyi, Jan Ardanowski (Sejm, Poland), Kazys Starkevičius (Seimas, Lithuania), Thomas Waitz, Carina Konrad (Bundestag, Germany), Daniel Buda, Maria Heubuch, Bronis Ropė, Jacques Colombier, Matt Carthy, Anja Hazekamp, Karin Kadenbach. 14. Approval of recommendations issued by AGRI Coordinators 1. PROPOSAL FOR A DIRECTIVE ON UNFAIR TRADING PRACTICES IN THE FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN 2018/0082(COD) COM(2018)0173 SWD(2018)91 - SWD(2018) 92 - SWD(2018) 93 Decision: Political Groups are invited to appoint their respective shadow rapporteurs 2. REPORTS 2.1. Implementation report on the protection of animals during transport within and outside the EU Decision: The decision concerning the allocation of this report is postponed to the next meeting of AGRI Coordinators 2.2. Upcoming CAP legislative proposals Decision: Political Groups are invited to start considering the allocation of the upcoming CAP legislative proposals 3. ATTRIBUTION OF OPINIONS 3.1. Transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain 2018/0088(COD) COM(2018)0179 SWD(2018)0097 Lead Committee: ENVI Decision: AGRI will prepare an opinion Opinion allocated to the S&D Group for 1 point 3.2. IMCO Request for an INI report on “Implementation of the Directive 2011/7/EU on combating late payment in commercial transactions” Decision: A letter from the Chair to the Chair of the IMCO Committee, explaining the position of the AGRI Committee on this issue, will be prepared by the Secretariat in consultation with Political Groups 3.3. ECON request for an INI report the “Annual Report on Competition Policy” 2017 Decision: AGRI will prepare an opinion The decision on the allocation of this opinion is postponed to the next meeting of AGRI Coordinators 3.4. Amendment to the "Common Provisions Regulation" (EU) No 1303/2013 - (2017/0336(COD)) as regards support to structural reforms in Member States COM(2017) 826 final Lead Committee: REGI Decision: AGRI will prepare an opinion Opinion allocated to the EPP Group for 1 point 4. OTHER DOCUMENTS FOR INFORMATION Decision: No action with respect to any of the documents included in Annex I 5. PETITIONS 5.1. Petition No 1212/2016 by M.C. (Irish) bearing 2 signatures, on problems with the cattle identity tags in Ireland Decision: The draft opinion on the above-mentioned petition as laid out in Annex II has been approved 5.2. Petition 0621/2013 by Pranauskas Eimantas (Latvian) on CAP to be applied in accordance with the EAGGF 5.3. Petition No 1112/2017 by G.F. (Italian) on the repeal of Directive (EU) 2015/412 concerning the prohibition of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) 5.4. Petition No 1147/2017 by Jens Genzer (German) on European agricultural reform Decision: The AGRI Committee will take note of the above-mentioned petitions and its Chair will inform the Chair of the PETI Committee that it has done so. 6. MISCELLANEOUS
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