Loans & Grants and

Technical Assistance

For East, South Asia & the Pacific

th as of 30 September. 2009

Tel: (+965) 22999 000 - Fax: (+965) 22999 090 P.O.Box: 2921 Safat, Kuwait 13030 Kuwait Fund For The Arab Economic Development

Kuwait Fund was Established at 31st Over the last forty eight years, Kuwait Fund December 1961 to Assist Arab and other developing for Economic Development has witnessed an countries in developing their economies. accelerated improvement. After the two years The decision of its foundation reveals a deep from its foundation, its capital was doubled to be insight and obviously reflects the wisdom of the KD 100 million and as soon as three years had passed, the capital was doubled again to reach KD political leadership. Over these years, The Fund 200 million by 1996. has played a significant role to serve the objectives of the Foreign Policy of the State of Kuwait. With the development of the comprehensive vision of development aids and the officials broad The idea and the objectives were an perspective, it was decided in 1974 to extend the embodiment of the Late Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Fund’s activities to cover the other developing Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. The idea came to his mind countries in addition to the Arab countries. when His Highness was the Minister of Finance Consequently, The Fund has expanded its activities then. geographical area in the middle of the 1970s and In December 1961, The Fund was born with during the 1980s to include African and Asian a capital of KD 50 million. The Fund was unique developing countries. After The Fund capital had in the region and it was the first developmental been doubled five times in 1974 to reach KD 1000 institution there. million and to provide more resources to sustain Kuwait felt the needs of the peoples of development efforts in the developing countries, developing countries, Arab or Non-Arab, and the Fund’s capital was increased to reach KD 2000 million. During the period from 1961/1962 to this feeling increased with oil discovery in State 1985/1986, Kuwait Government paid the amount of Kuwait and the early flow of prosperity to its of KD 970 million of the due capital while the people. Although Kuwait itself is classified among balance was covered by the Fund’s own resources the developing countries, this could not make it (Net annual profits). Hence, the Fund’s capital preoccupied only with its economy development was paid in full in the fiscal year 1997/1998. without paying any care to development all over During the last five decades, the Fund’s the world. However, as a developed country, it was activities covered 101 countries where most of close to the understanding of the other developing them have no Kuwaiti Embassy, which refers to countries reality. Kuwait has not hesitated to the importance of the development role of the Fund deduct a considerable portion of its national to consolidate cooperation with such countries income for economic development projects in such and other countries in addition to its role in the countries. consolidation of friendship relations with other With the sunrise of Kuwait independence developing countries. It is well known that the in 1961, The Fund came to existence in order to developing countries, which the Fund contributed offer development aids to Arab countries, then to gain their friendship initiated to condemn the the developing countries in general. Over years Iraqi aggression and invasion of Kuwait and stood The Fund acquired experience and expertise beside State of Kuwait in terms of its fair issues. in this field and in the field of cooperation and The number projects, which the Fund co-ordination with international, regional and participated in their financing as at 30 /9/ 2009 national developmental institutions to serve reached (760) projects and the total amount of the development, eliminate obstacles and, to solve the loans offered to their finance is about 4.209 KD problems facing development projects. million.

2 The number of technical assistance / grants It may strike the mind that the Fund’s loans and institutions offered by the Fund reached 215 are not to reimburse. The fact is the contrary, as grants and technical assistance with a total value of the loans are executed under agreements, which K.D. 101 million till 30 /9/ 2009 and a considerable bind the borrowing countries to reimburse the portion was allocated to cover the feasibility loans according to time schedules of recovery. The studies of such projects. It is worth mentioning total amount of the reimbursed amounts from that the Fund’s loans are irrevocable as they are the loans up till 30th / 9 / 2009 KD 1957 million. sovereign loans and the over due amounts are to The Fund finances its activities depending upon be reimbursed on such ground. its own resources, i.e. the net profits and the The Fund’s policy is established on the basis reimbursement installments of the redeemed of submitting financial aids to the countries in the loans. form of soft loans in terms of interest rate, grace It is worth mentioning that the Fund continued period and reimbursement period of the loans to carry out its duties and liabilities during the corresponding with the Fund’s objectives to help Iraqi occupation period, which increased the world developing countries in order alleviate their peoples appreciation of State of Kuwait. The Fund entered suffering. The Fund has participated through into eleven new agreements during the occupation granting loans in the finance of many development period in order to finance development projects projects, which have top priority in the beneficiary in some countries with a total value of about KD countries. These projects had positive effects on 116.8 million. the beneficiary countries’ economies in general These efforts strengthened the relations of the and on the sectors within which these projects are State of Kuwait with such countries. Therefore, located in particular. the Fund activities have achieved a political return beside the economical one. Technical Assistance: Furthermore, the Fund succeeded in providing In addition to the direct loans, The Fund’s opportunities to the Kuwaiti private sector to activities have expanded to include the technical participate in the execution of the projects financed aids to finance the preparation of the technical by the Fund. It is estimated that the share of the and economic feasibility studies for different Kuwaiti consultancy companies, Contractors and developmental projects in order to verify their manufacturers in the execution of the borrowing technical safety and economical feasibility. This countries’ projects is about 7% of the withdrawals is in addition to the submission of technical aids value to finance such projects. The Fund has to train local national cadres of these countries in focused its activities up till 30/9/2009 on the addition to the provision of specialized experience main sectors such as agriculture, transportation, to help such countries in the preparation of their telecommunication, electricity, sanitary drainage developmental programs. and industry. The Fund’s board of directors has recently passed a decision for approval of the Fund’s Support of Developmental Institutions: participation in financing projects in education Beside the direct loans and technical aids, the and health sectors in view of their increasing Fund contributes to the resources of a number of importance in the course of the comprehensive regional and International financing institutions. development.

3 Profile

PROFILE AMOUNT AMOUNT AS OF 30 th September 2009 (K.D. Million) (U.S.$ Million)

Authorised and Paid Up Capital 2000 6600 Total Reserves 2.209 7510.6 Loans Commitment 4209 14309 Total Disbursements of Loans 3491 1187 Total Repayments of Loans 1957 6653 Amount of Kuwait Fund Grants 91 309 Amount of Technical Assistant 10 35 Amount of Technical Assistant 286 973 Contribution to Development Institution (Paid Up) 312 1029 Number of Loans 760 Number of Beneficiary Countries (Loans) 101 Number of Kuwait Fund Grants 169 Number of Technical Assistant 46 Number of Kuwait Government Grants 37 Number of Beneficiary Countries & Institution (K.F. Grants) 75 Number of Beneficiary Countries & Institution (Tech. Assistance) 36 Number of Beneficiary Countries & Institution (Kuwait Govt. Grants) 24

Sectoral Distribution of Fund Loans East, South Asia & Pacific as at 30 th September 2009

No.of Amount K.D Amount U.S $ Per Sector Loans (million) (million) %

Transportation 54 287.8 978.5 35.26% Agriculture 22 100.6 342 12.32 % Industry 21 125.2 425.5 15.34 % Energy 38 247 840 30.27 % Water and Sewerage 3 16.7 57 2.05 % Social 3 18 61 2.21 % Development Banks 1 1.4 5 0.18 % Others 3 19.3 66 2.37 % Total 145 816 2.775 100 %

4 Sectoral & Georgraphical Distribution of Loans

as of 30 th September 2009

Loan Loan No. of No. of Per Countries Amount Amount countries Loans % ( K.D. Million) ( U.S.$ Million)

Arab Countries 16 291 2.291 7.787 %54.42 Central, Asia and Europe Countries 16 52 262 889 %6.21 Central, South & East African Countries 21 102 312 1.061 %7.41 East, South Asia & the Pacific Countries 18 145 816 2.775 %19.39 Latin America & the Caribbean Countries 11 37 105 358 %2.5 West African Countries 19 133 423 1.439 %10.06 Total 101 760 4.209 14.309 %100

Sectoral Distribution of Loans (Percentage)

Transportation 35.69 % Energy 24.67 % Agriculture 12.49 % Industry 8.03 % Water & Sewerage 9.54 % Communications 2.4 % Development Bank 3.13 % Social 2.95 % Others 1.09 %

Geographical distribution of Loans (Percentage)

Arab Countries 54.42 % East South Asian & Pacific Counties 19.39 % Central, South & East African Countries 7.41 % Central Asian & Euoropean Countries 6.21 % West African Countries 10.06 % Latin American & the Caribbean Countries 2.45 %


The Republic of Afghanistan is considered one of the many countries to benefit from Kuwait Fund. In 1977 Afghanistan was granted a 29.1 million US dollars loan to provide a sugar production project. The fund also endoured a 31.1 million US dollars grant to finance a number of different projects.

Basic Information

Official Name : Islamic State of Afghanistan Area : 652.1 thousand sq km Capital : Kabul Infant mortality rate : 152 per 1,000 live births Population density : 52 persons per sq km Illiteracy rate : 63.7 Life expectancy : 44 Years Gross domestic product : 10.2 billion (2007) Monetary unit : afghani

6 afganistan


Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Baghlan Sugar Factory 19/06/1977 8,565,132 29,121,448

Total 8,565,132 29,121,448

Technical Assistance

Project Grant Grant Amt. Grant Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

a. Livestock 1 07/11/1974 347,532 1,181,610 b. Farah rad

a. Reconstruction of Afghanistan 2 b. Rehabilation & Reconstruction of 10/03/2002 8,916,077 30,000,000 Kandahar-Spinbldak Road

Total 9,263,609 31,181,610

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Bahlan Sugar Factory Project:

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 29.1 million US for the financing of Baghlan Sugar Factory Project. The Project aimed at the construction of a factory for the processing of sugar beet with a capacity of 2,000 tonnes/per day during the crop harvesting season (equivalent to 200,000 tonnes per annum) in order to extract 27,000 tonnes of sugar annually. The main important objective of the project was to help substitute domestic sugar production for imported sugar.


The Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh is considered one of the many countries to profit from Kuwait Fund. The first contract between the Fund and Bangladesh was endorsed on June 30, 1975 to build a hydro- electric power plant that cost 21.6 million US dollars. The total amount of loans received to Bangladesh is around 424 million US dollars, and on another note, the Fund also provided technical assistance to finance different contemplations for a total of 668 thousand US dollars.

Basic Information

Official Name : People’s Republic of Bangladesh Area : 144 thousand sq km Capital : Dhaka Infant mortality rate : 59 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 156.050.88 million Illiteracy rate : 46.5 % Population growth rate : 1.29 % Gross domestic product : 79 billion $ Population density : 1.165 persons per sq km Monetary unit : 1 Taka Life expectancy : 66 Years GDP per capita : US $: 520

Rural Electrification

8 Loans bangladesh

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

Power Supply for Irrigation 1 30/06/1975 6,376,026 21,678,488 Schemes Stage (1) 2 Manu River 30/06/1975 2,300,000 7,820,000 3 East-West Electrical Interconnector 04/07/1978 6,750,000 22,950,000 4 East-West Electrical Interconnector 15/12/1980 3,306,745 11,242,932 5 Eight Rural Areas Electrification 09/05/1981 7,825,350 26,606,190 Deep Tubewells (North 6 14/07/1981 4,618,944 15,704,409 Western Region) 7 Ashuganj Thermal Power 02/12/1982 7,907,148 26,884,302 Four Rural Areas 8 12/10/1993 9,920,174 33,728,590 Electrification Project 9 Sylhet-Tamabil-Jaflong Road 21/10/1996 7,000,000 23,800,000 Rural Electrification in 10 24/06/1997 2,125,353 7,226,202 Nilphamari District Rural Electrification Shariatpur 11 09/06/1998 1,707,315 5,804,871 District Project Shikarpur and Doarika Bridges 12 28/06/1998 6,040,436 20,537,483 and Access Roads 13 Shahjibazar Power Station Project 03/05/1999 4,748,498 16,144,893 Greater Rajshahi Power 14 26/10/1999 3,066,700 10,144,892 Transmission and Distribution Project Greater Chittagong Power 15 Transmission and Distribution 12/06/2000 12,300,000 41,820,000 Development Project III 16 Dapdapia bridge Project 19/03/2001 10,000,000 34,000,000 17 Sylhet-Tamabil-Jaflong Road 12/01/2003 833,378 2,833,486 18 Three bridges project 23/03/2004 8,600,000 29,240,000 19 Third Karnaphuli Bridge 02/07/2005 15,500,000 52,700,000 Greater Chittagong Power Transmission And 20 06/12/2007 4,000,000 13,600,000 Distribution Development Project Total 124,926,067 424,748,627 Technical Assistance

Project Grant Grant Amt. Grant Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

Feasibility study for the two 1 flyovers at Mogh bazaar and 11/11/2001 183,887 625,217 mouchak intersections Total 183,887 625,217


In 1983 the Kuwait Fund offered the Kingdom of Bhutan its first loan to construct a Gedu Wood Industries Complex. The Fund continued to provide loans to the Kingdom of Bhutan that reached a total 28.2 million US dollars, in addition to two technical assistance in the years 1984 and 1992.

Basic Information

Official Name : Kingdom of Bhutan Area : 47.000 sq km Capital : Thimphu Infant mortality rate : 49 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 0.7 million Illiteracy rate : 44.4 Population growth rate : 1.6 % Gross domestic product : 1.4 million $ Population density : 15 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $: 1900 Life expectancy : 66 Years Monetary unit : ngultrum

Calcium Carbide

10 Loans

bhutan Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Gedu Wood Industries Complex 16/05/1983 1,761,022 5,987,476

2 Tala Particle Boards Factory 07/03/1984 2,000,000 6,800,000

3 Bhutan Calcium Carbide 22/05/1985 1,963,078 6,674,464

4 Tala Particle Boards Factory 25/11/1986 1,077,680 3,664,111

Program of operation of the Bhutan 5 18/06/1992 1,493,888 5,079,219 development finance corporation (BDFC)

Total 8,295,668 28,205,270

Technical Assistance

Project Grant Grant Amt. Grant Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

Engineering Designs, Distribution 1 25/04/1984 17,263 58,694 System of Phuntsholing

Prep. of Feasibility Study in the 2 13/09/1992 250,000 850,000 Industrial & Power Sectors

Total 267,263 908,694

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Tala Participle Board Plant Project:

The Kuwait Fund contributed $ 10.4 million US for the financing of Tala Particle Board Plant Project. The Project aims at increasing the country’s foreign and local revenues by exploiting its rich forest resources. This involves the construction of a plant for the production of about 80 cubic meters per day of graded partical boards utilizing over-mature forest resources and wastes such as lops and tops, and core veneer from the existing forest industries. The project consists of civil works for the construction of the factory, houses and offices, the procurement of machinery and equipment the provision of the necessary utilities such as power and water, as well as the provision of vehicles, trucks, mobile cranes, laboratory equipment and technical and engineering services.


Ningguo Cement was the first project in China financed by Kuwait Fund in 1982, until our present time the loans have not stopped. Where as the total amount of loans to the government of China has reached a total 824 million US dollars that contribute to 33 projects, that contain electric power plants and railroad tracks.

Basic Information

Official Name : People’s Republic of China Area : 9598.1 sq km Capital : Beijing Infant mortality rate : 20 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 1325.6 million Illiteracy rate : 6.7% Population growth rate : 0.6 % Gross domestic product : 4.326 trillion $ Population density : 144 persons per sq km GDP per capita : $:2940 Life expectancy : 73 Years Monetary unit : yuan

Xiamen Airport

12 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $ 1 Ningguo Cement 05/07/1982 13,985,786 47,551,672 china 2 Hunan Wood Based Plant 08/11/1982 10,000,000 34,000,000 3 Xiamen International Airport 02/12/1982 5,871,383 19,962,701 4 Urumqi Fertilizer Plant 04/05/1983 11,731,776 39,888,039 5 Shaqikou Hydro-Electric 05/01/1985 8,951,525 30,435,187 6 Tianjin Mini Vehicle Manufacturing 06/07/1985 3,997,949 13,593,027 7 Beijing Silk Fabrics 12/02/1986 1,978,256 6,726,072 8 Qi-Lu Ceramic Tiles Plant Porject 15/11/1986 1,991,364 6,770,639 9 Luoyang Polypropylene Plant 19/03/1987 6,200,000 21,080,000 10 Jinzhou Harbour (First Phase) 09/03/1988 4,872,617 16,566,897 11 Jinan Yao-Qiang Airport 13/12/1988 2,633,084 8,952,486 12 Beitai Ductile Cast Iron Pipe Project 21/09/1989 5,970,600 20,300,041 13 Shenzhen Airport Project 21/03/1990 8,000,000 27,200,000 14 Cheng Du Aluminium Foil 27/12/1990 8,668,862 29,474,131 15 Kaifeng Graphite Electrode 25/10/1991 8,636,758 29,364,976 16 Xiamen Iternational Airport Development Project 30/10/1992 5,300,000 18,020,000 17 Jingdezhen and Ganzhou Airports 05/04/1993 3,421,096 11,631,726 18 Xi,an-Baoji Highway Project 15/10/1993 9,100,000 30,940,000 19 Zhengzhou Xuedian Airport 06/04/1995 4,472,069 15,205,035 Ningxia Integrated Rural 20 25/11/1996 10,000,000 34,000,000 Development Project (First Stage)

The Ningxia Integrated Rural 21 20/06/1999 10,000,000 34,000,000 Development Project (First Phase)

Xiamen International Airport 22 12/10/1999 1,500,000 5,100,000 Development Project

The Inner Mongolia Railway 23 21/02/2000 9,215,016 31,331,054 Project (Xuejiawan Hushi) 24 Qinzhou Port Project (Phase II) 12/02/2001 6,000,000 20,400,000 25 Panzhihua Airport Project 31/08/2001 9,500,000 32,300,000 26 Jiuzhai-Huanglong Airport 27/02/2002 6,250,000 21,250,000 27 Yulin - Jingbian Express Way Project 06/01/2003 9,563,121 32,514,613 28 Quizhouport - xiniujiao Highway 03/12/2003 9,300,000 31,620,000 The Inner Mongolia Railway Porject 29 26/03/2004 10,800,000 36,720,000 (huhhot - Zhungeer) 30 Yibin - Changning Road 01/08/2005 8,275,000 28,135,000 31 Ningxia People’s Hospital Project 14/09/2006 10,000,000 34,000,000 32 Chuzhou City Comprehensive Environment Rehabilitation.Project 05/03/2008 10,000,000 34,000,000 33 Lake Bosten River Basin Environment Protection And Development 10/05/2009 6,800,000 23,120,000 Total 242,419,064 824,224,818


Kuwait Fund has put forth a major effort in the development projects, for the development and growth of the Republic of India. The Funds activities began in 1976 to finance the Kalindi Hydro-Electric Project (Stage 1), with a 49.5 million US dollars loan. The Republic of India has received a grand total of 8 loans that equal 278.3 million in addition to a technical assistance that was given to India in 1999.

Basic Information

Official Name : Republic of India Area : 3287.3 thousand sq km Capital : New Delhi Infant mortality rate : 30 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 1140 million Illiteracy rate : 34 Population growth rate : 1.3 % Gross domestic product : 1217.5 billion $ Population density : 392 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $:1070 Life expectancy female : 65 Years Monetary unit : Indian rupee

Aquaculture Project

14 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Kalinadi Hydro-Electric Stage (1) 27/01/1976 15,000,000 51,000,000 2 Kopili Hydro-Electric 04/07/1978 8,938,527 30,390,993 india 3 Anpara Power Stage (1) 10/05/1981 16,000,000 54,400,000

Anpara Power (Coal Transportation 4 22/09/1981 9,000,000 30,600,000 and Handling)

5 Thal Fertilizer 12/07/1982 14,300,000 48,620,000 6 South Bassein Gas 27/10/1983 11,614,662 39,489,851 7 Kalinadi Hydro-Electric (Stage-II) 12/02/1986 6,479,339 22,029,752 8 Kerala Fisheries Development 24/02/1989 537,631 1,827,944 Total 81,870,159 278,358,540

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Anpara Power Project (Stage I) :

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 54.5 million US for the financing of Anpara Power Project Stage (1). The Project aims at meeting the increase in demand for power in Uttar Pradesh, the least developed, most densely populated and most in need of assistance among the states of India. The project consists of the construction of 3130 MW station utilizing Anpara coal which is to be implemented in three stages: Stage I consists of three 210 MW generators; stage II consists of two 500 MW; and Stage III consists of three 500 MW. The project also involves the provision of turbines, steam generators, power transformers as well as crushing, electric and mechanical equipment and other necessary civil works.

Kalinadi Hydro-Electric Project (Stage I):

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 51 million US for the financing of Kalinadi Hydro-Electric (Stage I). The aim of the project is to meet the increasing demand on electric power in different sectors in the state of Karnataka, particularly the agricultural and industrial sectors. The project represents the least cost solution and has financial return of about 11.7%


Kuwait Fund has contributed to the finance of 9 different projects in the Republic of Indonesia through its loans. It started its activity in the Republic of Indonesia on 10/04/1977 by entering into loan agreement for electricity distribution project in pandong at a total amount of about US $ 18.2

Basic Information

Official Name : Republic of Indonesia Area : 1,904,570 sq km Capital : Jakarta Infant mortality rate : 30 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 228.2 million Illiteracy rate : 10 % Population growth rate : 1.2 % Gross domestic product : 514.4 billion $ (2008) Population density : 132 persons per sq km GDP per capita : ( $:2010 ) Life expectancy : 71 Years Monetary unit : Indonesian rupiah

Pasteur Cikapayang Road & Bridge

16 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Bandung Electricity Distribution 10/04/1977 5,372,361 18,266,029 Belwan-Medan-Tanjung 2 01/08/1979 5,000,000 17,000,000 Morawa Highway 3 Greater Bandung Power Distribution 14/07/1981 8,374,873 28,474,569 indonesia 4 Jakarta-Cikampek Highway 21/11/1981 12,500,000 42.500,000 5 Padalarang-Cileuny Toll Highway 23/03/1987 5,600,601 19,042,042 6 Roads Betterment Project 09/12/1988 5,500,000 18,700,000 7 Roads Betterment Project 06/05/1992 1,246,132 4,236,850

The Pasteur-Cikapayang - Surapati elevated 8 10/01/1996 12,200,000 41,480,000 Road and Bridge Project in Bandung

The Pasteur-Cikapayang - Surapati elevated 9 29/03/2006 3,290,614 11,118,088 Road and Bridge Project in Bandung

Total 59,084,582 200,887,578

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Pasteur-Cikapayang-Surapati Elevated Road and Bridge Project:

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 41.4 million US for the financing the Pasteur-Cikapayang- Surapati Elevated Road and Bridge Project. The aim of the project is to reduce traffic congestion in Central Bandung by meeting the increasing demand on road transport between the east and the west of the city. In addition, the project will support the regional economy by reducing vehicle operating cost and journey time, and improve the city environment by reducing pollution levels. The project consists of constructing an elevated four lanes primary arterial road of 2.3 kilometers in length linking Pasteur Road in the west of Bandung with Surapati Road in the east through Cikapayang, incorporating cable stayed bridge over Cikapayang river, in addition to the provision of consultancy services for detailed design and supervision of the construction works.


Malaysia was offered 4 loans from Kuwait Fund. The first was a 23.2 million US dollars loan that received on the 25th of June 1975 to finance the Palong Land Settlement.

Basic Information

Official Name : Malaysia Area : 329.7 thousand sq km Capital : Kuala lumpur Infant mortality rate : 16 per 1,000 live births (2009) Population (2008) : 27 million Illiteracy rate : 8.1 % Population growth rate : 1.70 % Gross domestic product : 194.9 million $ Population density : 78 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $:6970 Life expectancy : 74 Years Monetary unit : ringgit malaysia

Tringanav Oil Palm

18 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Palong Land Settlement 25/06/1975 6,850,832 23,292,829 2 Trengganu Oil Palm 14/06/1977 2,300,000 7,820,000 3 Trengganu Hydro-Electric 09/03/1980 5,462,240 18,571,616 4 Ladang Tunjuk Laut Palm Oil 16/05/1984 868,812 2,953,962

Total 15,481,884 52,638,407


Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Palong Land Settlement Project:

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 23.2 million US for the financing in Palong Land Settlement Project.

The aim of this project is to clear a forest area of about 84,000 acres to convert it into rubber plantations and to resettle about 5,500 impoverished families. The new settlers will also be provided with housing and transport facilities, farming machinery, fertilizers and insecticides

Tringo Palm Oil Project:

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 8 million US for the financing of Tringo Palm Oil project The project aims at increasing the production of palm oil in the province of Tringano on the east coast by replacement of forests covering an area of 25,000 acres by oil palm plantations and the construction of a palm oil extraction and processing mills, as well as the provision of infrastcture facilities.


The expansion of Hulule Airport (Male International Airport) in the Maldives is considered as the first contribution by Kuwait Fund to the Maldives. Since 1976 until today the Fund hasn’t stopped contributing, in fact the Fund has participated in the financing of 10 different development projects for a total of 74.1 million US dollars in the form of soft loans, in addition to a 4.8 million US dollars in the form of Technical assistance and grants. Basic Information

Official Name : Republic of Maldives Area : 298 sq km Capital : Male Infant mortality rate : 30 per 1,000 live births Population (2009) : 0.3 million Illiteracy rate : 3 % Population growth rate : 1.7 % Gross domestic product : 1.3 billion US $ Population density : 1.321 persons per sq km GDP per capita :US $:3630 Life expectancy : 68 Years Monetary unit : rufiyaa

International Airport

20 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Hulule Airport Expansion 29/06/1976 1,500,000 5,100,000 2 Expansion of Merchant Shipping 20/03/1980 1,026,008 3,488,428 3 Fishwealth Exploitation 05/11/1980 2,900,000 9,860,000 4 Hulule Airport Expansion 28/06/1981 650,000 2,210,000 5 Male International Airport Upgrading 18/11/1987 2,500,000 8,500,000 6 The Maandhu Island Fisheries Project 21/06/1992 2,799,706 9,519,002 Male International Airport Upgrading 7 25/10/1998 2,976,327 10,119,510 Project (Phase 4) 8 Maldives Ports Development Project 24/10/1999 2,900,000 9,860,000 maldives 9 Maldives Ports development Project 16/01/2005 2,000,000 6,800,000 Rehabilitation of Tsunami Damaged 10 08/11/2005 2,550,000 8,670,000 Utilities

Total 21,802,041 74,126,940

Grants & Technical Assistance

Project Grant Grant Amt. Grant Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Technical Assistance for Planning 07/04/1979 119,574 406,552 Study of the Tourism Sector 2 29/12/1979 109,534 372,416 in Maldives Cost of 5 Experts Service to Assist 3 03/02/1982 153,087 520,497 Hulule Airport Authority 4 Technical Assistance for Planing 28/05/1986 224,022 761,676 Instit. Support, Min. of Plan 5 29/03/1997 150,000 510,000 Human Res. & Environment Technical Assistance for 6 22/11/1999 237,120 806,480 Fisheries Sector Feasibility Study for a new hospital 7 02/06/2004 150,000 510,000 in the Hulhumali Island

The Improvement of the 8 13/02/2005 256,000 870,400 Institutional Support Program

Total 1,399,418 4,758,021

21 Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Male international airport upgrading (Project Phase IV):

Since 1976, The Kuwait Fund has been participating in the financing of the upgrading of Male International Airport throughout 4 phases. The Kuwait Fund loans for this purpose amounts to 26.7 million US $ including financing of upgrading works, protection works, and infrastructure facilities.

Rehabilitation of Tsunami Damaged Utilities:

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 8.9 million US for the financing of the Rehabilitation of Tsunami Damaged Utilities. The project includes: (a) Rehabilitation of Tsunami-damaged harbor works in Thimarafusi and Veymandhoo Islands of Thaa Atoll and in Vilingili Island of Gaafu Alifu Atoll, and (b) Rehabilitation of Tsunami-damaged sanitary facilities in Thimarafushi Island of Thaa Atoll and in Hinnavaru Island of Lhaviyani Atoll.

22 Mali Airport


Kuwait Fund signed its first loan with Mongolia in 27 of November 1996, and that was to finance the 18.7 million US dollars Darkhan-Erdenet Road Project.

Basic Information

Official Name : Mongolia Area : 1566.5 thousand sq km Capital : Ulaanbaatar Infant mortality rate : 40 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 2.6 million Illiteracy rate : 2.7 % Population growth rate : 1.49 % Gross domestic product : 5.3 billion $ Population density : 1.9 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $:1680 Life expectancy : 67 Years Monetary unit : Tugrik

Darkhan Erdenet Road

24 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Darkhan-Erdenet Road Project 27/11/1996 5,500,000 18,700,000 2 Taishir Hydropower Project 14/10/1999 6,500,000 22,100,000 3 Erdenet - Bulgan Unt Road Project 07/01/2003 6,000,000 20,400,000

Total 18,000,000 61,200,000 Government Grants

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $ 1 Costruction the new parliament Building 24/04/2007 3,488,160 12,000,000

Total 3,488,160 12,000,000 mongolia

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Taishir Hydropower Project : Kuwait Fund contributed $ 22.1 million US for financing the Taishir Hydropower Project. The Project aims at meeting the increasing demand of electricity until the year 2000 by means of utilizing the available water resources. The project consists of the construction of a dam, with a height of 50 meters and 197 meters long, with all necessary instrumentation, the construction of a power house with a capacity of 8 MW. The project also includes the construction of 110 and 35 KV transmission lines, the construction of substation with all electrical, mechanical equipment including distribution transformers.

Erdent Bulgan-Untroad Project: The Kuwait Fund contributed $ 20.4 million US for financing of Erdenet - Bulgan - Untroad road project The project aims to support the economic and social development of the central and western regions of northern Mongolia, by facilitating road transport of passengers and goods to meet the existing, forecast and generated demand on road transport efficiently and safely, and to reduce vehicle operating cost and journey time. The Project will contribute also to improving safety on the road, and reinforce the capacity of the Road Department for executing and maintaining roads projects. The project consists of the reconstruction of the earthen road between Erdent, Bulgan and Unt, with a length of about 141.6 km and an asphalted width of 6.0m with 1.5m gravel shoulders. The Project also includes drainage and drainage structure, road markings and safety equipment in addition to institutional support.


Kuwait Fund offered 4 loans to Kingdom of Nepal with a total of 38.6 Million US Dollars. The first loan was in 1976 to finance Kulekhani Hydro-Electric, and 255 US Dollars for technical assistance loans for the Diary Products.

Basic Information

Official Name : Nepal Area : 147.2 thousand sq km Capital : Kathmandu Infant mortality rate : 47 per 1,000 live births Population (2009) : 28.6 million Unliterrary rate : 43.5 % Population growth rate : 1.7 % Gross domestic product : 12.6 billion $ Population density : 200 persons per sq km GDP per capita :US $: 400 Life expectancy : 64 Years monetary unit : nepalese rupee

26 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Kulekhani Hydro-Electric 17/01/1976 5,000,000 17,000,000 2 Kulekhani Hydro-Electric 01/05/1979 2,000,000 6,800,000 3 Marsyangdi Hydro-Electric Power 26/01/1985 2,874,883 9,774,601 4 Praganna Irrigation 26/10/1998 1,498,080 5,093,473

Total 11,372,963 38,668,074

Technical Assistance

Project Grant Grant Amt. Grant Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Dairy 18/06/1975 75,000 255,000 nepal

Total 75,000 255,000

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Kulekhani Hydro-Electric Power Project :

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 17 million US for financing of Kulekhani Hydro Electric Power Project. The Project aims at the Kulekhani Dam, situated near the Capital, Kathamandu, in electric power generation. It consists of the construction of a 107 meter-high rockfill dam across the Kulekhani river, a spilway an underground power station containing two 30 MW turbines, four electric transformers as well as the installation of transmission lines.

MarsyAngdi Hydro - Electric Power Project :

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 9.7 million US for financing of Marsy Angdi Hydro-Electric Power Project. The Project aims at participating to meet the growing demand for power in the Kingdom of Nepal by exploiting the water falls of Marsyangdi River. The project consists of involves extension and upgrading of distribution network in Kathmandu in addition to technical services for the design, supervision of the project and training of personnel of the Electricity Authority.


Kuwait Fund offered North Korea a 21 million US dollars loan for the project of renovate and modernize the water supply and drainage of Pyong Yang and the loan agreement signed on 28th of March 2002.

Basic Information

Official Name : Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Area : 120,538 Thousand sq km Capital : Pyong Yang Illiteracy rate : 1 Population (2008) : 23.9 million Infant mortality rate : 51 per 1,000 live births Population growth rate : 0.3 % Population density : 188 persons per sq km Life expectancy : 67 Years

Renovation and Modernization of Water Supply and Drainage System of Pyong Yang

28 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

Renovation and Modernization 1 of Water Supply and Drainage 28/03/2002 6,192,983 21,056,144 System of Pyong Yang

Pyongyang City Wastewater Project 2 19/11/2008 6,200,000 21,080,000 ( Pumping Stations )

Total 12,392,983 42,136,144

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund Pyongyang City Wastewater project (Pumping Stations)

Kuwait Fund contributed 21 million $ to financing the Pyongyang City Wastewater Project (Pumping Stations) The project aims at improvement of environment and the public health of the citizens of Pyongyang, the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, through comprehensive north korea upgrading and rehabilitation of the sewage pumping system of the city wastewater collection network. The project consists of Upgrading of a total twenty three (23) existing pumping stations on the wastewater collection system including replacement of a total of 125 pumps of different capacities (5.5-526 kW), discharges of 40-3800 m3/H complete with all other equipment and ancillaries.

Renovation and Modernization of water supply and Drainage System of Pyongyang City Project :

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 21 million US for financing of renovation and modernization of water supply and drainage system of Pyongyang city project. The Project aims at meeting the water demand in Pyongyang City upto the year 2013, through renovation and modernization of the existing water supply system and the augmentation of water resources to avail about 160 million m3 annually of additional potable water. The Project also provided flood protection measures in the flood prone areas of the city.

The project consists of renovation, expansion of 6 water treatment plants, the rehabilation of about 1185 km of transmission mains and distribution pipes, provision of necessary instruments and equipment for the installation of SCADA system; supply, installation and rehabilation of about 1100 pumps of different capacities; supply of equipment and vehicles necessary for water leakage control; reabilation of water drainage system in the flood prone areas.


In 1976 the Guddu - Karachi Transmission Line was the first project that Kuwait Fund financed in Pakistan. Since then, Kuwait Fund has given a grand total of 323 million US dollars to develop 14 projects that contain the Quetta and Gadani Potable water supply, the Irrigation Development in Baluchistan, the improvement of facilities operations nd railways, Hydro-Electric Stations, Natural Gas Pipelines, and others.

Basic Information

Official Name : Islamic Republic of Pakistan Area : 796.095 thousand sq km Capital : Islamabad Infant mortality rate : 59 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 166 million Illiteracy rate : 50 % Population growth rate : 2.2 % Gross domestic product : 168.3 billion $ Population density : 226 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $:980 Life expectancy : 65 Years monetary unit : 1 pakistani rupee

Tarbela Dam

30 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Guddu-Karachi Transmission Line 10/04/1976 12,949,737 44,029,105 Improvement of the Facilities and 2 19/06/1977 6,150,426 20,911,447 Operations of Pakistan Railways Repairs, Modifications and 3 13/06/1979 4,664,624 15,859,720 Additional Works of Tarbela Dam 4 Fauji Fertilizer 04/05/1981 1,874,303 6,372,632 5 Quetta Natural Gas Pipeline 22/06/1981 6,364,470 21,639,197 6 Rural Electrification in Baluchistan Province 14/07/1981 3,998,944 13,596,408 7 Quetta and Gadani Potable Water Supply 21/11/1981 4,314,849 14,670,488 Small Irrigation Development 8 05/07/1982 3,849,468 13,088,193 Schemes in Baluchistan Province Rehabilitation and Improvement of 9 20/11/1990 5,862,370 19,932,058 Track on Pakistan Railway The Second Rural Electrification 10 03/04/1994 5,000,000 17,000,000 Project in Balucistan Province Secondary Transmission Lines and Grid Stations 11 07/01/1996 10,000,000 34,000,000 in Baluchistan Province pakistan Transmission Line From Ghazi Barotha 12 29/09/1998 9,000,000 30,600,000 Hydro-Electric Station Project 13 Lyari Expressway 11/01/2005 10,000,000 34,000,000 14 Golen – Gol - Hydropower Project 21/03/2007 11,000,000 37,400,000 Total 95,029,190 323,099,248 Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Golen – Gol – Hydropower Project :

Kuwait fund contributes by about $ 37.4 million US in the financing the Golen-Gol- hydropower project

The project aims at meeting the electric power demand in the north west frontier province (NWFP) by developing Golen Gol hydroelectric power project. The project is located on the Golen Gol river, a tributary of Mastuj river, at about 25km from Chitral city

The project consict of the construction of diversion weir and its related structures at Golen Gol river, one km upstream of Babukah village, construction of gravel trap, sedimentation basin, an open channel and a tunnel for diverting the river water to the power house.Also, it includes the manufacture, supply, installation / and commissioning of three hydel generating units with total capacity of about 106 MW and their auxiliary equipment.The project includes as well the manufacture, supply, installation / construction and commissioning of a 132 KV about 224 km long transmission line to connect the power plant to the national grid and expand the transformation capacity of Chitral, Termagrah and Chakdara the substations.


Kuwait Fund financed two projects amounting to 9.6 million US dollars for the ports development project and the Watabung- Chuave Road Project.

Basic Information

Official Name : Independent State of Papua New Guinea Area : 462.840 thousand sq km Capital : Port Moresby Infant mortality rate : 45 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 6.4 million Illiteracy rate : 42.2 % Population growth rate : 2.07 % Gross domestic product : 8.2 billion $ Population density : 13 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $:1010 Life expectancy : 57 Years monetary unit : kina

Watabung Chuave Road

32 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Ports Development 01/08/1978 841,842 2,862,262 2 Watabung-Chuave Road 18/12/1987 2,000,000 6,800,000 Total 2,841,842 9,662,262

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Watabung - Chauave road Project :

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 6.8 million US in financing of Watabung-Chuave road Project. The aim of the Project is to promote economic and social development in the Highland region by facilitating and absorbing the expected increase in traffic on the High and Highway which links areas of production with the important Port of Lae.

Ports Development Porject:

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 2.8 million US in financing of Port development project. The aim of the project is to expand and develop the facilities of Port Moresby the capital new guinea city of the country. In order to be capable of handling containers and to increase its cargo- handling efficiency. The project consists of the reclamation of 1.6 ha. of land the construction of a new berth and an extension to the existing storage shed. It also includes the supply of pilotage launches improvements to the access roads adjacent to the port, the replacement of Samarai berth as well as the provision of a technical assistance grant for a management and financial study of the Harbour Board and for training.


Kuwait Fund financed 4 projects equal to about 43.7 million US dollars for development projects in the Philippines. The Zamboango Electrification and the Miindanao Road Improvement Project, are just one of the contributions of the Fund.

Basic Information

Official Name : Republic of the Philippines Area : 300,000 thousand sq km Capital : Infant mortality rate : 21 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 90.3 million Illiteracy rate : 6.6 % Population growth rate : 1.96 % Gross domestic product : 166.9 billion $ Population density : 329 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $:1890 Life expectancy : 72 Years monetary unit : philippine peso

Mindanao Roads

34 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Zamboanga Electrification 10/03/1977 2,736,132 9,302,849

Mindanao Roads Improvement 2 26/12/1984 3,000,000 10,200,000 (Molave-Oroquieta, -Tucuran)

Mindanao Roads Improvement 3 05/05/1992 1,436,781 4,885,056 (Molave-Oroquieta, Pagadian-Tucuran)

Mindanao Second Road 4 08/06/1998 5,705,993 19,400,377 Improvement Project

Total 12,878,906 43,788,282

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Zamboanga Electrification Project :

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 9.3 million US for financing of Zamboanga Electrification project. This project aims at supplying the Zamboanga region, which is part of the Mindanao Island and one of the least developed regions of the Philippines, with electric power through the construction of transmission lines connecting its with the Mindanao network. The project philippines consists of the construction of 213 KM. of transmission lines from to the western part of Zamboanga, as well as 3557 KM. of transmission lines supplying electric power to the northern and central parts of Zamboanga. The project also includes the construction of a sub-station and other auxiliary facilities.

Mindanao Roads Improvement (Molve-Oroquieta, Pagadian- Tucuran) Project:

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 15 million US for financing the Mindanao roads improvement project. The project aims at facilitating traffic movement between Cities and Villages and raising the standards of safety on the roads. The project involves the construction of a road of two sectors: 91 km Oroquieta - Molava; and 19 km. Tucurran - Pagadian.


In 1984 Kuwait Fund signed an agreement with the Solomon Islands for 5.2 million dollars to construct the Henderson Airport.

Basic Information

Official Name : Solomon Islands Area : 28.9 sq km Capital : Honiara Infant mortality rate : 19 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 0.5 million Gross domestic product : 0.6 billion $ Population growth rate : 2.3 % GDP per capita : US $: 1180 Population density : 22 persons per sq km monetary unit : solomon islands dollar Life expectancy : 64 Years

36 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Henderson Airport 16/05/1984 1,550,000 5,270,000 2 Honiara Main Road Upgrading 01/04/1995 1,729,623 5,880,719

Total 3,279,623 11,150,719

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

The Honiara Main Road Uprgrading Project :

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 5.8 million US in financing the Honiara main road upgrading project. The primary objective of the Project is to serve and connect the residential areas, the commercial district, the port, the new industrial zone, and the International Airport of Honiara, thus, it will help to stimulate the economy of the region of Honiara.

Henderson Airport Project:

Kuwait Fund has contributed 5.2 million US to finance the Henderson Airport Project. The Project aims at modernizing a major service the contributes to that countries’ tourism and economic resources by expanding the economic necessities to increase the air movement and providing peace and stability in the area. solomon islands


Kuwait Fund has put forth an effort to expand the development in the Democratic Socialist Republic or Sri lanka, by giving loans for plantation projects and igniting electrification projects. In 1975 the Funds’ efforts began by advancing the Urea Fertilizer project with a 24.2 million US dollars loan. The Fund has offered Sir Lanka 11 loans that total up to 168.8 million US dollars, in addition to a 1.8 million US dollars technical assistance in 1997 and 2005.

Basic Information

Official Name : Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Area : 65,610 sq km Capital : Colombo Infant mortality rate : 19 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 20.2 million Illiteracy rate : 8.5 % Population growth rate : 0.90 % Gross domestic product : 40.7 billion $ Population density : 329 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $:1780 Life expectancy : 72 Years monetary unit : sri lanka rupee

Mahalwi Ganga Development

38 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $ 1 Urea Fertilizer 22/09/1975 7,132,810 24,251,553 2 Urea Fertilizer 21/01/1980 937,190 3,186,447 3 Mahaweli Ganga Development Stage (C) 12/07/1982 12,860,000 43,724,000 4 Mahaweli Ganga Development Project System “C” 04/04/1994 1,305,139 4,437,474 5 Bridges reconstruction and Rehabilitation 27/03/1995 3,300,000 11,220,000 6 Hambantota Irrigation Rehabilitation Project 04/05/1999 3,700,000 12,580,000 7 Rural Electrification Project - V 14/06/2000 2,299,233 7,817,460 8 Bridges Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Project 03/09/2001 1,800,000 6,120,000 Rehabilitation of Tsunami Damaged Education 9 11/11/2005 6,000,000 20,400,000 and Adminstrative Institutions South Eastern Univeraity Of Srilanka 10 17/07/2007 2,000,000 6,800,000 Development Project Phase(A)

11 Kalu Ganga Development Project 09/03/2009 10,000,000 34,000,000

Total 49,656,254 168,831,266 Technical Assistance

Project Grant Grant Amt. Grant Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $ 1 Morga Hakanda Dam Project 21/06/1997 286,659 974,643 2 F.S. For The Moragolla Power Mw) Project 27) 04/06/2005 250,000 850,000 Total 536,659 1,824,643

Project Financed by Kuwait Fund

South Eastern University Project (Phase 1”A”). The Project represents Phase 1”A” of a Development Plan, for the University of South Eastern Sri Lanka in Ampara District that aims to support the social development and economic sri lanka growth of Sri Lanka by improving the quality of Degree Courses at the said University to reflect regional and national needs and at the same time increase student numbers by developing the necessary academic infrastructure and introducing new demand driven degree programmes.

Kalu Ganga Development Project

Kuwait Fund contributed 34 million $ to Financing the Kalu Ganga Development Project in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. The purpose of the project is to increase agricultural production in the Mahaweli Basin through providing the water needed to increase cultivated land, thereby increasing food production and improving the living standard of the population. The Project is a component of the Mahaweli development program.


The Kingdom of Thailand has recieved 5 different loans from Kuwait Fund, the first was signed on the 10th of April 1976 for villages electrification in three Southern Provinces. The Fund has offered a total of 68.2 million US dollars in loans to Thailand.

Basic Information

Official Name : Kingdom of Thailand Area : 513,115 thousand sq km Capital : Bangkok Infant mortality rate : 18 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 67.4 million Illiteracy rate : 5.9 % Population growth rate : 0.60 % Gross domestic product : 260.7 billion $ Population density : 129 persons per sq km GDP per capita :US $: 2840 Life expectancy : 69 Years monetary unit : baht

Village Electricity

40 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

Villages Electrification in Three 1 10/04/1976 997,500 3,391,499 Southern Provinces

2 Patani Hydro-Electric Power 03/12/1977 5,841,114 19,859,787 3 Bang Pakong Thermal Power Station 05/07/1979 5,363,809 18,236,950

Bang Pakong Thermal Power 4 22/09/1981 4,711,221 16,018,151 Station Stage (II)

5 Chiew larn Hydro-Electric 02/12/1982 3,160,941 10,747,199

Total 20,074,584 68,253,586

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

Bang Pakong Thermal Power Station Project :

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 16 million US for financing of Bang Pakong Thermal Power Station Project. The aim of the project is to construct the first unit of the Bang Pakong Thermal Power Station at the mouth of Bang Pakong River about 60 km south east of Bangkok. It consists of the construction of necessary civil works, the supply of a turbo-generator of 550 mw capacity, the construction of a double circuit transmission line 110 km long as well as the supply of equipment for three sub-stations.

Patani Hydro-Electric Power Project :

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 19.8 million US for financing of the Patani Hydro-Electric thailand Power Project.

The aim of the project is to meet expected power demands in the same region up to 1984. it also aims, however, at irrigating 61,000 hectares of agricultural land, constructing installations to control flood waters, and the further exploitation of fish resources in the project area. The project consists of the construction of a dam on the Patani river, a hydro-electric power station with three generators of 20 MW each, with the necessary transformer station, and the construction of a transmission line of 115 KV from the dam to the transformer station at Yala, with the necessary communication equipment.


Within the realm of exceptional relations between Kuwait and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Kuwait Fund has endorsed loans that add up to almost 95.9 million dollars since 1979. The Fund also offered 284.7 US dollars loan in technical assistance.

Basic Information

Official Name : Socialist Republic of Vietnam Area : 329,3 thousand sq km Capital : Hanoi Infant mortality rate : 23 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 86.4 million Illiteracy rate : 6.6 % Population growth rate : 1.2 % Gross domestic product : 90.7 billion $ Population density : 267 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $: 890 Life expectancy : 74 Years monetaey unit : new dong

Dav Tieng Irrigation

42 Loans

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

1 Dau Tieng Irrigation 05/07/1979 2,900,000 9,860,000 2 Dau Tieng Agricultural 25/04/1984 5,971,336 20,302,543 3 Van Dinh Water Logging Control 22/12/1987 3,860,045 13,124,152 4 Ayun Irrigation Project 17/06/1993 4,973,409 16,909,592 5 Nghe An Cement Plant 23/06/1999 818,348 2,782,384 6 Dak Ta-Ngoclinh Rural Road 05/12/2003 2,200,000 7,480,000 7 Dak Lak Province Irrigation Project 29/05/2006 3,500,000 11,900,000 Phuthong Khang Ninh Road Project 8 11/01/2008 4,000,000 13,600,000 in Backan Province Total 28,223,138 95,958,671 Technical Assistance

Project Grant Grant Amt. Grant Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

F.S.: Cane Sugar Plantation 1 30/12/1976 83.752 284,758 & Processing Factory

Total 83.752 284,758

Projects Financed by Kuwait Fund

The Dak Ta-Ngoc Linh Rural Project

Kuwait Fund contributed $ 7.4 million US for financing of Dak Ta-Ngoc Linh Rural Project. The Project aims to enhance the economic and social development of the North – western part of the Kon tum Province through the upgrading of the existing road between Dak Ta and Ngoc Linh to a rural road whose length is approximately 42 Km, and whose asphalted width is 3.5 m. the said works would permit uninterrupted traffic vietnam and would ensure safe transportation.

Dak Lak Province Irrigation Project Kuwait Fund contributed $ 11.9 million US for financing of Dak Lak Province Irrigation Project. The Project aims at reducing poverty and improving living standards of part of the rural population of Dak Lak Province, particularly those of ethnic minorities in the remote rural areas, as well as improving the environment, and securing additional ground water reserves in the Project area, and acquainting farmers with modern agricultural practices.


Kuwait Fund offered the Independant State of Samoa 375 US dollars on the 23th of March 1983 to finance the Project.

Basic Information

Official Name : Independent State of Samoa Area : 2,842 thousand sq km Capital : Apia Infant mortality rate : 24 per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 0.2 million Illiteracy rate : 1.3 % Population growth rate : 1.35 % Gross domestic product : 0.5 billion $ Population density : 75 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $: 2780 Life expectancy : 72 Years monetaey unit : tala

44 Technical Assistance

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

F.S. Dvlpnt of Asau Harbour with 1 23/03/1983 110,302 375,027 Dvlpnt of Woodchi PS Industry

Total 110,302 375,027


45 Uniori of Myanmar

Kuwait offered the union of Myanmar 1,326us dollars.


Official Name : Union of Myanmar Area : 676,552 thousand sq km Capital : Yangon Infant mortality rate : 48 deaths per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 49.2 million Illiteracy rate : 13.8 Population growth : 0.8% Monetary unit : Kyat Population density : 73 persons per sq km Life expectancy : 62 years

46 Technical Assistance

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

Phyu Chaung Multipurpose Dam 10/09/2008 250،000 850.000 1

F.S and Preliminary Design For The Transmission Line and Power Sub 09/02/2009 140،000 476.000 2 -Station

Total 390،000 1.326 3


47 Kingdom of Cambodia

Kuwait Fund offered the Kingdom of Cambodia 1.632 us dollars.

Basic Information

Official Name : Kingdom of Cambodia Area : 181,035 thousand sq km Capital : Phnom Penh Infant mortality rate : 55 deaths per 1,000 live births Population (2008) : 14.7 million Illiteracy rate : 23.7 Population growth rate : 1.7 % Gross domestic product : 9.6 billion $ Population density : 82 persons per sq km GDP per capita : US $: 600 Life expectancy : 60 Years Monetary unit : riel

48 Technical Assistance

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. No. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

Feasibility Studies For The Irrigation 1.020.000 300،000 10/09/2008 1 Development Project In Stung Sen River

F.S For 2 Road Projects :Thmar Korl- Bavel-SampovLun Road and Damrey 09/02/2009 180،000 612.000 2 -Mali-Sa

3 Total 480.000 1.632.000


49 Laos People,s Democratic Repyblic

, Kuwait Fund offered the Lao People s Democratic Repyblic 340us Dollars on 10/9/2008

Basic Information

Official Name : Laos People,sDemocratic Repyblic Area : 236.800 thousand sq km Capital : vientiane Infant mortality rate : 78 deaths per 1,000 live births Population : 6.2 million Illiteracy rate : 26.8 Population growth rate : 1.8% Gross domestic product : $ 5.2 billion Population density : 30 persons per sq km GDP per capita : $ 740 Life expectancy : 65 years Monetary unit : new Kip

50 Technical Assistance

Project Agreement Loan Amt. Loan Amt. Name Sign Date in K.D. in U.S. $

F.S For The Rehabilitation Of Nabong-Khaksa Pumping Irrigation 10/09/2008 100،000 340.000 Project

Total 100.000 340.000

Laos 51 Qɪæ«e OÉëJG Myanmar

52 ÉjOƒÑªc áμ∏ªe Kingdom of Cambodia

¢Sh’ Laos