The Microbanking Bulletin No. 18

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The Microbanking Bulletin No. 18 rks ma ch en B ry st du In f o e rc u o The MICROBANKING BULLETIN S Microfinance information eXchange, Inc r ie The MICROBANKING BULLETIN is intended to improve m e the financial performance of microfinance institutions r P (MFIs) through the publication and dissemination of e h the industry's financial results. The financial results of T MFIs around the world are gathered, put on common ground and compared. The MICROBANKING BULLETIN disseminates the results of this comparative analysis. Participating institutions HE provide their financial data on a voluntary basis, and in T return receive a program report that benchmarks their results with those of their peer group. All data are M maintained strictly confidential. ICRO MICROBANKING B ANKING The MICROBANKING BULLETIN is one of the principal outputs of the Microfinance Information eXchange, Inc BULLETIN NO. 18 B ULLETIN Issue No. 18 Spring 2009 Microfinance Information Exchange, Inc. Fax: +1 202 659 9095 Published by 1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 307 e-mail: [email protected] Washington, DC 20006 website: Tel: +1 202 659 9094 Issue No. 18 A publication dedicated to the performance of organizations that Spring 2009 provide banking services for the poor Microfinance Information eXchange THE MICROBANKING BULLETIN Issue No. 18 SPRING 2009 A PUBLICATION DEDICATED TO THE PERFORMANCE OF ORGANIZATIONS THAT PROVIDE BANKING SERVICES FOR THE POOR Copyright (c) 2009 Microfinance Information Exchange, Inc. The MicroBanking Bulletin is published twice annually by Microfinance Information Exchange, Inc. ISSN 1934-3884. Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. The data in this volume have been carefully compiled and are believed to be accurate. Such accuracy is not however guaranteed. Feature articles in MBB are the property of the authors and permission to reprint or reproduce these should be sought from the authors directly. The publisher regrets it cannot enter into correspondence on this matter. Otherwise, no portion of this publication may be reproduced in any format or by any means including electronically or mechanically, by photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, or by any form or manner whatsoever, without prior written consent of the publisher of the publication. Prepared by: Job Continent Inc. We would like to thank the following institutions for their participation in this issue: REGION COUNTRY # MFIS NAME OF PArticipANT Africa Benin 2 PADME, Vital Finance (69 MFIs) Burkina Faso 1 RCPB Cameroon 3 CamCCUL, CCA, CDS Congo 1 CAPPED Congo, Democractic Republic of 1 FINCA-DRC Ethiopia 12 ACSI, AVFS, BG, DECSI, Eshet, Gasha, Metemamen, OMO, PEACE, SFPI, Wasasa, Wisdom Ghana 13 APED, Bessfa RB, CFF, FASL, Kakum RB, Maata-N-Tudu, Naara RB, OISL, ProCredit-GHA, SAT, Sonzelle RB, Toende RB, Upper Manya RB Kenya 6 Equity Bank, KADET, K-Rep, KWFT, MDSL, SMEP Malawi 1 FINCA-MWI Mali 4 Jemeni, Kafo Jiginew, Kondo Jigima, Nyèsigiso Mozambique 5 BOM, FCC, FDM, NovoBanco-MOZ, Tchuma Nigeria 2 LAPO, SEAP Rwanda 1 UOMB Senegal 2 ACEP Senegal, CMS South Africa 2 Capitec Bank, SEF-ZAF Swaziland 1 FINCORP Tanzania 4 Akiba, FINCA-TZA, PRIDE-TZA, SEDA Togo 2 FUCEC Togo, WAGES Uganda 5 Centenary Bank, Faulu-UGA, FINCA-UGA, MED-Net, UML Zambia 1 FINCA-ZMB Asia Afghanistan 5 ARMP, BRAC-AFG, FINCA-AFG, FMFB-AFG, Parwaz (117 MFIs) Bangladesh 7 ASA, BRAC, BURO Bangladesh, Grameen Bank, IDF, JCF, TMSS Cambodia 9 ACLEDA, AMK, AMRET, CREDIT, HKL, PRASAC, Sathapana Limited, TPC, VFC China 1 CZWSDA India 32 ABCRDM, AML, AMMACTS, Bandhan, BASIX, BFL, BISWA, BSS, Cashpor MC, CReSA, ESAF, GK, GU, GV, KAS, KBSLAB, KRUSHI, Mahasemam- SMILE, MFI, RASS, RGVN, Saadhana, Sanghamithra, Sarvodaya Nano Finance, SHARE, SKDRDP, SKS, SMSS, Spandana, SWAWS, Ujjivan, VFS Indonesia 12 LPD Ambengan, LPD Bayung Gede, LPD Bedha, LPD Buahan, LPD Celuk, LPD Ketewel, LPD Kukuh, LPD Kuta, LPD Pecatu, LPD Sibetan, LPD Ubung, MBK Ventura Nepal 4 DD Bank, MGBB, Nirdhan, PGBB Pakistan 6 DAMEN, FMFB-Pakistan, Kashf, Khushhali Bank, NMFB, Rozgar Philippines 37 1st Valley Bank, ABS-CBN, ASHI, Banco Santiago de Libon, Bangko Kabayan, Bangko Mabuhay, BCB, Cantilan Bank, CARD Bank, CARD NGO, CBMO, CEVI, CMEDFI, ECLOF-PHL, FCBFI, FICO, Green Bank, Kasagana-Ka, Kazama Grameen, KMBI, Mallig Plains RB, MEDF, New RB of Victorias, NWTF, OMB, PALFSI, RB Digos, RB Lebak, RB Mabitac, RB Oroquieta, RB Solano, RB Sto. Tomas, RB Talisayan, TSKI, TSPI, Valiant RB, VEF Samoa 1 SPBD Sri Lanka 1 SEEDS Thailand 1 SED Vietnam 1 CEP ECA Albania 3 BESA, Opportunity Albania, ProCredit Bank-ALB (98 MFIs) Armenia 8 ACBA, AREGAK, ECLOF-ARM, FINCA-ARM, Horizon, INECO, KAMURJ, SEF-ARM Azerbaijan 9 AccessBank, Azercredit, Azeri Star, CredAgro NBCO, FINCA-AZE, FinDev, MikroMaliyye Credit, Normicro, Viator Bosnia and Herzegovina 13 EKI, LIDER, LOK Microcredit Foundation, MI-BOSPO, MIKRA, Mikro ALDI, MIKROFIN, Partner, PRIZMA, ProCredit Bank-BIH, SINERGIJA, Sunrise, Women for Women Bulgaria 4 Mikrofond, Nachala, ProCredit Bank-BGR, USTOI Croatia 2 DEMOS SLC, NOA Georgia 7 CREDO, Crystal, FINCA-GEO, ImerCredit, JSC Bank Constanta, Lazika Capital, ProCredit Bank-GEO Kazakhstan 2 Bereke, KMF Kosovo 7 AFK, BZMF, FINCA-KOS, KEP, KosInvest, KRK Ltd, ProCredit Bank-KOS Kyrgyzstan 4 Aiyl Bank, Bai Tushum, FMCC, Kompanion Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of 4 FULM, Horizonti, Moznosti, ProCredit Bank-MKD Moldova 2 Microinvest, ProCredit-MDA Mongolia 3 Khan Bank, TFS, XacBank Montenegro 2 AgroInvest, OBM Poland 1 Fundusz Mikro Romania 3 CAPA, OMRO, ProCredit Bank-ROM Russia 11 Alternativa, CEF, FFECC, FORUS, Intellekt, KMB, Rost, SBS, Sodeistviye (Pyatigorsk), Sodeystviye, VRFSBS Serbia 3 MDF, OBS, ProCredit Bank Serbia Tajikistan 8 Agroinvestbank, Bank Eskhata, FINCA-TJK, FMFB TJK, Imkoniyat, IMON, MLF HUMO, MLF MicroInvest Ukraine 2 HOPE, ProCredit Bank-UKR LAC Argentina 2 FIE Gran Poder, Grameen Mendoza (179 MFIs) Bolivia 17 AgroCapital, BancoSol, Coop Fátima, CRECER, Diaconia, EcoFuturo FFP, Emprender, FADES, Fassil FFP, FIE FFP, FONCRESOL, Fortaleza FFP, FUNBODEM, IMPRO, ProCredit-BOL, PRODEM FFP, ProMujer-BOL Brazil 5 Banco da Familia, CEADe, CEAPE Maranhão, CrediAmigo, ICC BluSol Chile 3 BancoEstado, BanDesarrollo Microempresas, Credicoop Colombia 14 Actuar Caldas, Actuar Tolima, BCSC, CMM Bogotá, CMM Medellín, Contactar, FinAmérica, FMM Bucaramanga, FMM Popayán, FMSD, Interactuar, Microempresas de Antioquia, OLC, WWB Cali Costa Rica 7 ACORDE, ADRI, CREDIMUJER, FIDERPAC, FOMIC, Fundación Mujer, FUNDECOCA Dominican Republic 3 ADOPEM, Banco ADEMI, Fundación San Miguel Ecuador 20 Banco Solidario, CEPESIU, COAC Acción Rural, COAC Jardín Azuayo, COAC MCCH, COAC Mushuc Runa, COAC Sac Aiet, COAC San José, CODESARROLLO, Credi Fé, D-Miro, FED, FINCA-ECU, FODEMI, Fundación Alternativa, Fundación Espoir, FUNDAMIC, INSOTEC, ProCredit-ECU, UCADE Ambato El Salvador 10 ACCOVI, AMC de R.L., Apoyo Integral, ASEI, ENLACE, Fundación CAMPO, FUNSALDE, Genesiss, ProCredit-SLV, Sociedad Cooperativa PADECOMSM Guatemala 15 AGUDESA, ASDIR, Asociación Raíz, AYNLA, CDRO, CRYSOL, FAFIDESS, FAPE, FINCA-GTM, FONDESOL, Friendship Bridge, Fundación MICROS, FUNDEA, FUNDESPE, Génesis Empresarial Haiti 4 ACME, Fonkoze, MCN, SOGESOL Honduras 10 ADICH, BanCovelo, FAMA OPDF, FINCA-HND, FINSOL, FUNDAHMICRO, FUNED, Hermandad de Honduras OPDF, ODEF Financiera S.A., World Relief-HND Mexico 7 ADMIC, ASP Financiera, Caja Popular Mexicana, CompartamosBanco, FINCA-MEX, FinComún, ProMujer-MEX Nicaragua 16 ACODEP, ADIM, BANEX (ex FINDESA), CEPRODEL, FDL, Financiera Fama, FINCA-NIC, FODEM, Fundación León 2000, Fundación Nieborowski, FUNDENUSE, FUNDESER, PRESTANIC, ProCredit-NIC, PRODESA, ProMujer-NIC Panama 2 Microserfin, ProCaja Paraguay 6 Coop Universitaria, FIELCO, Financiera Familiar, Fundación Paraguaya, Interfisa, Visión Banco Peru 37 ADRA-PER, AMA, Asociación Arariwa, Caja Nor Perú, Caritas, CMAC Arequipa, CMAC Cusco, CMAC Del Santa, CMAC Huancayo, CMAC Ica, CMAC Maynas, CMAC Paita, CMAC Sullana, CMAC Tacna, CMAC Trujillo, COOPAC San Martín, COOPAC Santo Cristo, CRAC Los Andes, Crediscotia, EDAPROSPO, EDPYME Alternativa, EDPYME Confianza, EDPYME Crear Arequipa, EDPYME Crear Tacna, EDPYME Efectiva, EDPYME Nueva Visión, EDPYME Proempresa, Financiera Edyficar, FINCA-PER, FONDESURCO, FOVIDA, IDESI Lambayeque, Manuela Ramos, MiBanco, MIDE, PRISMA, ProMujer-PER Venezuela 1 BanGente MENA Egypt 6 ABA, Al Tadamun, CEOSS, DBACD, Lead Foundation, SBACD (24 MFIs) Jordan 4 AMC, MEMCO, MFW, Tamweelcom Lebanon 2 Al Majmoua, Ameen Morocco 7 Al Amana, Al Karama, AMSSF/MC, FBPMC, FONDEP, INMAA, Zakoura Palestine 2 FATEN, UNRWA Tunisia 1 Enda Yemen 2 Azal, NMF Abbreviations: ECA = Eastern Europe & Central Asia; LAC = Latin America & the Caribbean; MENA = Middle East & North Africa. The MicroBanking Bulletin (MBB) The MicroBanking Bulletin is one of the principal benchmark reports, which are an important output of publications of MIX (Microfinance Information the benchmarks database, explain the adjustments Exchange, Inc.). MIX is a non-profit company that we made to the data, and compare the institution’s works to support the growth and development of a performance to that of peer institutions. MFI managers healthy microfinance sector. MIX is supported by the and board members use these tools to understand their Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), Citigroup institution’s performance in a comparative context. Foundation, Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation, Omidyar Network, Open Society Institute, and others. The third core service is to work with networks
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    TIONAL BA A NK RN E F T O N R I WORLD BANK R E T C N O E N M S P T O R L U E CT EV ION AND D August 2002 No.7 A regular series of notes highlighting recent lessons emerging from the operational and analytical program of the World Bank‘s Latin America and Caribbean Region BRINGING MICROFINANCE SERVICES TO THE POOR: CREDIAMIGO IN BRAZIL Susana M. Sánchez, Sophie Sirtaine, and Rita Valente Among policymakers and economists, there is a widely- micro and small enterprises. These products typically held perception that microenterprises1 face severe financ- carry very high interest rates and require collateral. ing shortages that limit their growth opportunities. Re- Banking networks also leave many areas, particularly solving the problems of access to finance as well as the poor and remote regions in the Northeast and North of high cost of financing has become the main objective of Brazil, underserved. About 57 percent of all munici- many government programs. palities in these regions have no access to a bank branch, compared to a national average of around 30 With a view to increasing access to credit for percent. Although in many other Latin American coun- microenterprises in the Northeast Region of Brazil, the tries, microfinance institutions have been able to par- World Bank has supported Banco do Nordeste’s tially fill the gap left by larger institutions, in Brazil, CrediAmigo microfinance program since 1997. This note only a small fraction of the potential demand for describes how Banco do Nordeste initiated CrediAmigo microfinance appears to be satisfied by the current as part of its restructuring strategy and how the program supply.
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