


BuroHappold Engineering is providing including 350 m² of roof-mounted PV solar CLIENT building services engineering for the panels, 100% LED lighting and a Ground second stage of the redevelopment of the Source Heat Pump. ARCHITECT Chippenham campus at Wiltshire College. A key concern for the client was potential Atkins, Walters and Webster The £21million state of the art facility energy wastage occuring as a result of PROJECT VALUE will be built next to the existing college heating and lighting unoccupied sections £21 million buildings and will encompass a of the building. The project team used 2 9,100 m three storey building, providing Building Management System (BMS) DURATION a completely new purpose built modern technology to link the college room 2013 - 2015 campus. The new college will support booking system with the college’s time- plans for economic growth in the table to ensure that heating and cooling SERVICES PROVIDED BY and the new facilities will encourage resources are focussed on rooms in use. BUROHAPPOLD growth in vocational training and Building services engineering The use of Building Information apprenticeships. Management (BIM) technology has Designed to be flexible to meet allowed the design team to work anticipated future demands, the new efficiently and effectively on a tight building will provide this forward looking design programme. The appointed college with the facilities to deliver a 21st contractor will take ownership of the century standard of education. These BIM model during the construction include workshops and vocationally- phase with the aim of finding construction tailored spaces, together with realistic efficiencies in the programme and working environments. delivering a legacy model to the client. The building is expected to be completed in The new building is designed to be highly September 2015. energy efficient, in line with the college’s sustainability objectives. The project is on target to achieve a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating, with energy efficient features Image © AWW Architects

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