Chunli Dai Ph. D. Division of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University 230D Mendenhall Lab, 125 S. Oval Mall, Columbus, Ohio 43210–1275, USA Cel: +1-614-446-9737, email:
[email protected], web: Professional Experience 10/2016– Research Associate, Div. of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State U. 10/2015–10/2016 Postdoctoral Fellow, Div. of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State U. 09/2012–08/2015 Graduate Fellow, Div. of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State U. 09/2009–08/2012 Graduate Res. Assistant, Div. of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State U. Education Ph. D. Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2015 M. Sc. Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2012 M. Sc. Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China, 2011 B. Sc. Geophysics, School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 2007 B. Ec. International Economics and Trade, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 2007 Teaching Experience Assistant Lecturer The Ohio State University, Earth Sciences 4310: Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences, 3 Fall 2016 credit undergraduate course, enrollment: 12 students. Responsibilities include lectures on specific topics, helping students individually, course website maintaining. Course webpage: Assistant Instructor The Ohio State University, Geodetic Science 8873: Advanced Satellite Geodesy Spring 2016 (Spring 2016), 3 credit graduate course, enrollment: 7 students. Fall 2015 Geodetic Science 6777: Satellite Geodesy (Fall 2015), 3 credit graduate course, enrollment: 10 students. Responsibilities include lectures on basic concepts in the course laboratory sections, advising on student projects.