Condolences The Kehilla extends its condolences to Ruth Silverberg on the passing of her father, Mr. Aaron Zelig Gilberg. Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B’Soch s"xc Sh’ar Avelei Tzion V’Yerushalayim. *** The Kehilla extends its condolences Schedule of Services/Events to Shimon Perez on the passing of his brother, Chaim Yitzchok. Hamakom THE BAIS YISROEL Yenachem Eschem B’Soch Sh’ar Avelei Tzion V’Yerushalayim. Shabbos Parshios BaMidbar HABBOS BSERVER Shacharis 8:30 A.M. S O Mazel Tov Mincha 8:10 P.M. Mazel Tov to Ephraim Moshe and Peshie Silverberg on the engagement of Issue Number 525 2 Sivan 5764 Shabbos Over 9:34 P.M. Parshas Bamidbar May 21 & 22, 2004 their daughter, Devorah to Yochanan Schnall. Mazel Tov to the grandpar- Sunday The Bais Yisroel Shabbos Observer is a weekly publication that brings you divrei Torah on the week's parsha from around the world and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Silverberg. Mazel Tov to the entire Mishpocha. *** Shacharis 7:00 & 8:00A.M. Sports and Learning 8:45 A.M. around the block as well as events going on in the Bais Yisroel Community. To submit a dvar Torah or item of interest to the community Mazel Tov to Meyer and Baila Silverberg on the engagement of their son, Mincha 8:20 P.M contact Hindy or Arnie Frishman at 952-927-5134 before Thursday of each week. Gavriel to Susan Wilkes. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Second Maariv 10:00 P.M. Silverberg. Mazel Tov to the entire Mishpocha. *** Mazel tov to Shlomo Monday Tzvi Amsel on his Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov to the Grandparents Dr. & Mrs. Shacharis 6:30 & 7:00 A.M. Mincha 8:30 P.M. Eli Stein and parents Yisroel and Shulamit Amsel of Ocean NJ.Dr. & Mrs. Second Maariv 10:00 P.M. Daniel Drubach on the birth and bris of their son Moshe Avraham. Mazel Erev Shavuos (Tuesday) Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Suri Gibber on the birth and bris of a grandson to their Shacharis 6:30 & 7:00 A.M. children, Malka Leah & Shnayor Burton. Candle Lighting 8:28 P.M. Mincha 8:30 P.M. Page Numbers/Etc. First Day Shavuous Shabbos Parshas Bamidbar Artscroll p. 726, Hirsch p. 513. Haftorah Artscroll Shacharis 4:45 & 8:30 A.M. Mincha 8:30 P.M. p. 1180, Hirsch p. 888 Light Candles Not Before 9:38 P.M. Second Day Shavuous PK/K Pirchei at the home of Simcha Borenstein. Next Shabbos, May Shacharis 8:30 A.M. 29th at the home of Zeke Moffatt Mincha 8:00 P.M. Bnos Schedule/3:00 - 4:00 P.M. Light Candles Not Before 9:39 P.M. Erev Shabbos Parshas Nasso PK: Tzivia Brocha Lefkowitz *** K: Gitti Jaffa*** 1st: Sora Frank *** 2nd- Shacharis 6:30 & 7:00 A.M. 3rd: Chanie Weinberg***4th-5th: Gitty Spero Early Candle Lighting 7:15 - 7:25 P.M. Early Mincha 7:00 P.M. No Women’s Shabbos Shiur Candle Lighting 8:31 P.M. Rabbi Waxman's Question Mincha 8:35 P.M. This Week's Question: There’s a minhag to learn Mesechta Shavuous dur- ing the Sefirah days. What is the reason for this custom? Answer to Last Shiurim Given by HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff: Shabbos: Pirkei Avos 45 minutes before Mincha Week's Question. Chuf sofees, a final chuf, usually implies you or yours. Summers almost here and our kids are out on bikes. Don't forget one of the most Sunday: No Hilchos Tefillen important rules of bike safety: Wear a helmet. Graphics taken from SafetyforMinnesota Which word in this week’s Parshios has a final chuf that does not mean you/ M,T: Mesechta Bava Kamma at 6:30 A.M. website. yours? Erkichuh- the value, not your value M: Kiddushin 7:40 P.M. Found Tu: Rosh Hashana 8:15 A.M. ;hk vhcuy van Meyer Roberts found a gold plated watch on W. 28th St two Shabbosos ago. Wednesday: Lunch and Learn. Noon. Altman and Izek ktrah ,hc ,khve cr Message From the Rav Please call him at 927-9666 for more info vyuxhbhn w xhkupthbhn For membership information or general information regarding activities and events Oneg Shabbos for Parshas Nasso at Bais Yisroel, write Congregation Bais Yisroel, 4221 Sunset Blvd., St. Louis Park, Receiving the Torah Ephraim Moshe and Peshie Silverberg invite the entire Kehilla to an Oneg Minnesota 55416 or contact HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff at (952) 926-7867 or (952) The Shabbos immediately prior to Kabbalosh HaTorah. The mitzvos 922 8881. E-mail: [email protected] Be sure to visit the Bais Yisroel Shabbos in honor of Devorah and Yochi 5:30-7:30 P.M. next Shabbos Parshas Shavuous is an integral part of the of Shabbos were in fact com- Nasso May 29th at their home, 4120 Sunset Blvd. Website at The BYSO is published in conjunction with Puma Press. preparations we must undergo manded and given before the giv- Unable to Attend the Audio Visual Presentation for Women? The women in the community enjoyed an inspiring video at the Park Hill This issue of the BYSO is sponsored by the Rav and Rebbetzin in honor of apartments last Tuesday night. If you were unable to attend and still wish to B Y Avrahom Yaakov and Chaya Miller. "We’re proud to have you as part of our view the video, please call Adinah Kutoff at 925-4439 by this Sunday morn- S O Kehilla, grateful for all that you do for our community, and fortunate to have ing. you as our friends." No BYSO Next Shabbos ing of the Torah. The Sefas Emes ZT”L explains that Shabos was the pre- Parsha Thoughts requisite to the receiving of the Torah. The Torah attests to this in the Rabbi Yechezkel Greenberg Parshas HaMon. hghcav ouhc ogv u,cahu The people rested on the seventh day (Beshalach 16:30). Chazal in the Mechilta state that the Torah could In response to the kindness that Rus did for Na'ami (by accompanying her back to only be given to people who were existing from , because they were Eretz Yisrael), Boaz tells her, "may Hashem reward you for this act, and may your taught to trust and rely upon the kindness and constancy of Hashem. They payment be full from Hashem." The Hafla'ah explains that each and every persons determines for himself what his reward will be for the Mitzvos that he does. For therefore could accept His Torah as well. example, say a person is faced with a choice of whether to do a Mitzva or some other activity. If this fellow chooses to do the other act, he has shown the extent of the So too I would suggest that Shabbos trains us to be totally reliant on Parshas Bamidbar value that this Mitzva has to him. For him, this Mitzva is not even worth as much Hakadosh Borch Hu. By refraining from doing business or even thinking of as whatever action he chose to do in its place. When he does have occasion to fulfill business we strengthen our allegiance to and reliance upon Hashem 1. Why were the Jewish People counted so frequently? this particular Mitzva, Hashem will reward him accordingly. This is what Boaz Yisborach. 2. What documents did the people bring when they were counted? was telling Rus. She had belonged to the royal family back in Moav, and all the 3. What determined the color of the tribal flags? benefits that came along with that. Nevertheless, she chose to leave it all behind and 4. What is the difference between an “ot” and a “degel”? After the nation rested on the Seventh Day, the Shabbos, they travelled go along with her mother-in-law. With this she showed how this Mitzva was worth 5. How do we see that the in the time of Moshe observed “techum ” – directly to Har Sinai. hbho rcsn utchu And they arrived at Har Sinai primed and (to her) more than all the luxuries she had enjoyed at home. Therefore, Boaz told her the prohibition against traveling more than 2,000 amot on Shabbat? that her payment would be full. ready through the Koach of Shabbos to receive the Torah. 6. What was the signal for the camp to travel? 7. What was the sum total of the counting of the 12 tribes? Food For Thought: What name was Rus called before she married Machlon? Last The unique solidarity of ktrah oa ijhu encamping as one Sinai “as one man 8. Why are Aharon’s sons called “sons of Aharon and Moshe?” Week's FFT: This week (on Friday), in Hallel, we will say the Possuk "Hodu with one heart”, unlike other encampments that were filled with strife and 9. Who was Nadav’s oldest son? LaHashem Ki Tov Ki L'Olam Chasdo" (Tehillim 118) twice in a row. When do we machlokes was a direct result of the influence and power of Shabbos. 10. Which two people from the Book of Esther does Rashi mention in this week’s say this Possuk three times in a row? Answer: During the Seder on Pesach night, Shabbos is the force that unifies Klal Yisroel and draws it together. Parsha? after reciting this Possuk twice as in every Hallel, we then say "Hallel Hagadol" 11. Why did the levi’im receive ma’aser rishon? (Tehillim 136) which also begins with this same Possuk. 12. Which groups of people were counted from the age of one month? In the Hagadah we recite He gave us the hbho rv hbpk ubcreu ,cav ,t ubk i,bu/ 13. Name the first descendant of Levi in history to be counted as an infant. Shabbos and only then “And brought us closer to Mount Sinai. Shabbos 14. Who assisted Moshe in counting the levi’im? brings us closer to the Torah. The Midbar, the desert represents the setting 15. Why did so many people from the tribe of Reuven support Korach in his Camp Shemesh for Kabbolas HaTorah, represents the nullification, the bitul of everything. campaign Camp Shemesh, “Where the Sun Always Shines” is once again excited to bring It is a necessary component and element in Shabbos observance. Shabbos against Moshe? another fun filled summer to children entering PK, Kindergarten and First grade. enables us to factor everything else out becoming concerned solely with 16. Why did so many people from the tribes of Yehuda, Yissachar, and Zevulun July 1st-Aug. 13th. Hours are 9:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Monday-Friday. For further guarding and fulfilling the word of Hashem. Every one of us experiences this become great Torah scholars? inquiries please call Beyla Lieff at 922-8881. with every Shabbos that we observe, with every Shabbos that we refrain 17. In verse 3:39 the Torah states that the total number of levi’im was 22,000. The Shavuos Information from work, from the mundane. The Perek that we learn in Pirkei Avos on the actual number was 22,300. Why does the Torah seem to ignore 300 levi’im? 18. The firstborn males of the Jewish People were redeemed for five shekalim. Why The learning program will take place all night Tuesday. Refer to the flyer in the foyer Shabbos immediately prior to Shavuous is called Kinyan HaTorah. It is a five shekalim? for more details. The Rav will speak between Mincha and Maariv on Inyonei D’Yoma viable tangible preparation to Kabbolas HaTorah. A Bris Milah takes place 19. During what age-span is a man considered at his full strength? on Tuesday and Wednesday night. On Thursday, the boys will be speaking 1/1/2 on eight day to guarantee that the baby has experienced at least one Shabbos 20. As the camp was readying itself for travel, who was in charge of covering the hours before Mincha followed by Neilas HaChag prior to his covenant with Hashem. vessels of the Mishkan in preparation for transport? Kollel Banquet Kollel Second Annual Banquet! June 9th - 2004. Ad Journal Deadline May 25th. Shabbos is the proper preparation that connects us to Hashem and to His Please send in your ads and RSVP’s! Torah. Let us utilize the koach of Shabbos properly and wisely and be Call: 952-926-8244 zocheh to a true Kabbolas HaTorah. Women's Tehillim group 1. 1:1 - They are very dear to G-d. 2. 1:18 - They brought birth records proving their tribal lineage. 3. 2:2 - Each tribe’s flag was the color of that tribe’s stone in the breastplate of the A weekly Tehillim group will be meeting, on a weekly basis to say and complete the kohen gadol. 4. 2:2 - An “ot” is a flag, i.e., a colored cloth that hangs from a flagpole. A degel is a flagpole. 5. 2:2 - G-d commanded them to camp no more than 2,000 amot from the Ohel Mo’ed. Had they camped farther, it would have been forbidden for them to go to the Ohel Mo’ed on Shabbat. 6. 2:9 - The cloud over the Ohel Mo’ed departed and the kohanim sounded entire sefer tehillim together. We hope for this to be a tremendous merit for our the trumpets. 7. 2:32 - 603,550. 8. 3:1 - Since Moshe taught them Torah, it’s as if he gave birth to them. 9. 3:4 - Nadav had no children. 10. 3:7 - Bigtan and Teresh. 11. 3:8 - Since the On behalf of the Rebbetzen, myself and our family we wish the Kehilla a levi’im served in the Mishkan in place of everyone else, they received tithes as “payment.” 12. 3:15, 40 - The levi’im, and the firstborn of B’nei Yisrael. 13. 3:15 - Levi’s daughter community. This week it will be held on Monday, May 24; 9:00 pm at the home of Yocheved was born while the Jewish People were entering Egypt. She is counted as one of the 70 people who entered Egypt. 14. 3:16 - G-d. 15. 3:29 - The tribe of Reuven was encamped near Korach, and were therefore influenced for the worse. This teaches that one should avoid living near the wicked. 16. 3:38 - The tribes of Yehuda, Yissachar, and Zevulun jnau raf dj . were encamped near Moshe, and were therefore influenced for the good. This teaches that one should seek to live near the righteous. 17. 3:39 - Each levi served to redeem a first born of the Rena Neuwirth. Any questions: call Rena at 922-8058. Looking forward to seeing Jewish People. Since 300 levi’im were themselves first born, they themselves needed to be redeemed, and could therefore not redeem others. 18. 3:46 - To atone for the sale of Yosef, you. Rachel’s firstborn, who was sold by his brothers for five shekalim (20 pieces of silver.) 19. 4:2 - Between the ages of 30 and 50. 20. 4:5 - The kohanim.

Mazel Tov to Albert and Chaya Miller on being honored as Alumnus of theYear at the Yeshiva Toras Chaim Denver Banquet!