Short & Sweet

Text Message Responsa of Ha-Rav Shlomo Aviner Shlit"a

Volume 1 © Copyright 5772 All rights reserved. Parts of this publication may be translated or transmitted for non-business purposes.

Translated by Mordechai Tzion Edited by Orly Tzion

Computer typesetting by Rabbi Moshe Kaplan

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Published by: American Friends of Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim, Inc. PO BOX 1076 , 91009

To order this book: Telephone: 02-628-4101 daiyl miray oa A Seventy-year-old reaches fullness of years

(Pirkei Avot 5:25 – dk ,d zea` iwxt)

ycwen df xtq ly 70-d zcled mei ceakl cec

a"ryz hay 'f i`lire mzex

This book is dedicated in honor of the 70th Birthday of David

7 Shevet 5772 Rotem and Ila'i ycwen df xtq xwid epcici ly ez`etxl

dcedi xfril` oa `cixt dxy

± dad`a oeiv zgtyn ilxe`e ikcxn a`ild`e `zli ,l`lva ycwen df xtq ly eceakl oeiv ikcxn axd

`yicw `xag wxei eip ,eletac


INTRODUCTION ...... 13 Text Message Q&A ...... 14 Text Message Responsa ...... 17

ORACH CHAIM (Laws of Daily Living)...... 20 Netilat Yadayim ...... 20 ...... 21 ...... 26 ...... 32 Birkot Ha-Torah ...... 39 Bar ...... 40 Prayer with Minyan ...... 40 Prayer – Shaliach Tzibur ...... 44 Shemoneh Esrei ...... 46 Prayer – Misc. Laws ...... 50 Birkat Cohanim ...... 59 ...... 61 Minchah ...... 62 Maariv/Night-time Shema...... 63 Laws of a Shul ...... 65 Netilat Yadayim before Eating...... 71 Meals ...... 72 Blessings on Food ...... 74 Birkat Ha-Mazon ...... 77 Tefilat Ha-Derech ...... 78 Misc. Blessings ...... 80 – Preparation, Candle Lighting, etc...... 87 Shabbat – & Meals...... 88 e8E Short & Sweet

Shabbat – Prayers, Torah Reading, Learning ...... 90 Shabbat – Muktze ...... 91 Shabbat – Carrying ...... 92 Shabbat – Forbidden Labors...... 94 Shabbat – Misc...... 108 Shabbat – & Motza'ei Shabbat...... 111 Rosh Chodesh ...... 112 Pesach – , Kitniyot...... 113 Pesach – Matzah ...... 117 Pesach – Seder ...... 118 Pesach – Misc...... 120 Sefirat Ha-Omer – Period of Mourning...... 120 Yom Ha-Shoah ...... 124 Yom Ha-Zikaron and Yom Ha-Atzmaut...... 124 Lag Ba-Omer ...... 127 Second Day of Yom Tov...... 129 Chol Ha-Moed ...... 130 Three Weeks ...... 130 Tisha Be-Av ...... 131 Fast Days ...... 132 Kotel Ha-Ma'aravi ...... 133 Elul ...... 139 Rosh Hashanah ...... 140 Yom Kippur ...... 142 Forgiveness ...... 143 ...... 146 /...... 149 Chanukah ...... 149 Purim ...... 151 TABLE OF CONTENTS e9E

YOREH DEAH (All laws not related to daily living, Family Law or Civil Law)...... 155 ...... 155 Tevilat Kelim – Immersing Utensils in ...... 164 Bishul Akum ...... 166 Family Purity ...... 167 Mikveh ...... 168 Avodah Zarah – Idol Worship...... 170 Heresy ...... 177 Darkei Emori – Superstition...... 178 Endangering One's Life for Another...... 185 Danger ...... 186 Shaving and Haircuts ...... 188 "Lo Yilbash" (Prohibition of Cross-Dressing or appearing as the opposite gender)...... 194 Chukot Ha-Goyim – Customs of the Non-...... 195 Tattoo ...... 197 Honoring Father and Mother...... 198 and Torah Scholars...... 203 Maran Ha-Rav Kook ...... 213 Teachers and Students ...... 217 Torah Learning ...... 221 and Ma'aser Kesafim...... 232 ...... 237 Names ...... 240 Conversion ...... 244 ...... 246 Honoring Books, Geniza and Holy Symbols...... 246 ...... 251 Shiluach Ha-Ken (Shooing away a Mother Bird)...... 253 ...... 254 e10E Short & Sweet

Pidyon Ha-Ben ...... 254 ...... 255 Shemitah ...... 257 Kedushat Cohanim ...... 257 Burial, Cemeteries and Kivrei Tzadikim (Graves of the Righteous)...... 259 Mourning ...... 265

EVEN HA-EZER (Family Law)...... 272 Finding a Match ...... 272 Wedding ...... 283 Marriage ...... 295 Hair Covering ...... 303 Child-Bearing ...... 304 Child-Rearing ...... 308 Chanukat Ha-Bayit ...... 313 ...... 313 Shemirat Negi'ah ...... 324 Clothing and Jewelry ...... 327 Beauty ...... 331 ...... 332 Divorce ...... 332

CHOSHEN MISHPAT (Civil Law)...... 336 Beit Din and Courts ...... 336 Loans/Debt ...... 336 Business Partners ...... 337 Buying and Selling ...... 337 Lost Objects ...... 342 Employers and Employees...... 344 Jobs/Professions ...... 345 TABLE OF CONTENTS e11E

Tza'ar Ba'alei Chaim (cruelty to animals)...... 347 Animals – Misc...... 350 Theft/Deception ...... 351 Lying ...... 361 Damages ...... 362 Bal Tashchit (Wanton Destruction)...... 364 Neighbors ...... 366

OTHER TOPICS LASHON HA-RA (speaking ill against others)...... 367 PROPER CHARACTER TRAITS ...... 371 MEDICAL ETHICS ...... 375 HOLOCAUST ...... 382 AM YISRAEL ...... 384 RELIGIOUS ANTI-ZIONISTS ...... 390 ...... 392 HEBREW ...... 394 ERETZ YISRAEL ...... 396 STATE OF ISRAEL ...... 404 TZAHAL ...... 411 POLLARD ...... 419 NON-JEWS ...... 420 RELATING TO ...... 421 WAR/TERRORISM ...... 425 REDEMPTION/MESSIAH ...... 429 WORLD TO COME ...... 432 FAITH ...... 434 MITZVOT ...... 447



More than 200 on an average day, 500 per day before a holiday, and 800 per day during times of war… This is the number of text message questions received by Ha-Rav Shlomo Aviner Shlit"a – Rosh of Ateret Yerushalayim (in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem) and Rav of Beit El. With unwavering dedication to the Nation of Israel, an amazing breadth of Torah knowledge, and an in- credible gift for brevity, Rav Aviner personally responds to each and every question – whether with a prompt and con- cise answer, or, in the case of more complex issues, with the suggestion that the questioner call to discuss the matter in depth. Short and Sweet is but a small sampling of Rav Aviner's never-ending stream of text messages – a window into a new genre of Q&A, borne of modern technology but firmly rooted in traditional rabbinic responsa (see Rav Aviner's comments, below). Like the millions of little dots that com- prise a pointillist painting, these individual responsa coalesce to form a meaningful picture: one that depicts our relation- ship to the Nation of Israel, our attachment to the , and our love for the State of Israel, Tzahal and the Torah of Israel. For those who are interested in the sources behind these brief rulings, or information for additional learning, notes have occasionally been added in parentheses.

Mordechai Tzion In the heart of Jerusalem between the Walls Text Message Q&A

[Summary of a talk delivered by Ha-Rav Aviner at Heichal Shlomo in Jerusalem during a conference on “Halachic Responsa on the Internet and in Electronic Media”]

Question: When one answers text message responsa, isn't there a danger of "cheapening" Halachah? Answer: There have been and always will be questions and difficulties raised about short answers and brief rulings. This question was already asked about the work of one of the greatest Rabbis of our Nation: the Rambam's . The Mishneh Torah contains only the laws, without explanation or sources. The Ra'avad asks: how can one an- alyze the Halachah without providing sources? The Kesef Mishneh explains the Rambam's rationale: not everyone has the ability to delve into the sources himself. Balebatim, "lay- men", only need the rulings, and not the sources from which they derive. The Mishneh Torah answers this basic need of the Balebatim (see introduction of the Kesef Mishneh to the Mishneh Torah). Later on, there was a further “deterioration”: the . The Shulchan Aruch is even shorter than the Mishneh Torah! And not only does it lack sources, but it also only gives the Sefardic rulings. The Rama asks: where are the Ashkenazic rulings? Are there only Sefardim in the world? And there were others who took issue with the Shulchan Aruch and its brevity: the Maharal, in his book Netivot Olam, is shocked at the idea that someone might make a Text Message Q&A e15E ruling based on the sourcesless Shulchan Aruch. The Maharsha (Chidushei Agadot on Sotah 22a) writes: "In these generations, those who rule from the Shulchan Aruch with- out knowing the reasoning and Talmudic basis [behind the rulings]... are among those who destroy the world, and should be reprimanded." But the Pitchei Teshuvah (Yoreh Deah 242:8) explains: this fear was justified during the time of the Maharsha, since there were not yet commentaries on the Shulchan Aruch. But now that we have the Taz, Shach, Magen Avraham and the rest of the Acharonim, and each law has been fully elucidated, it is proper to rule from the Shulchan Aruch and Acharonim on it. We see in our time that although there is a decline in the quality of the Q&A, there is a great increase in the quantity. There are a number of ways to receive "quick" answers: fax, telephone, our radio program, letter and, of course, text message. If someone is interested in a more extensive reply, I have four volumes of responsa and numerous other books that they can consult. But many people want nothing more than a "yes-or-no" an- swer. There is a joke: A person texts a Rabbi: I have a big problem. Is there a G-d? The answer: Yes. The sender re- plies: Thank you so much, Rabbi. You helped me greatly. I do not force anyone to send questions by text message, or ask people to read the text message responsa. But there are many people who want it. There are people in situations which do not permit asking questions at length, as for ex- ample, in Army Q&A. A soldier cannot come to the Yeshiva whenever he wants. Similarly, when someone is on a trip and runs into an issue. And then there are those who do not have a personal relationship with a Rabbi, and need some- one to ask. e16E Short & Sweet

The Pele Yoetz writes (Erech Asufah) that one should not belittle those who gather halachic rulings. You are not re- quired to read those books, he continues, but do not mock them, since these books are of great aid to the community at large. And so it is with text message responsa, and collec- tions that are made of them. Text Message Responsa B Text Message Responsa amongst the Charedim Q: I haven't seen the equivalent of text message responsa (i.e. short Q&A) amongst the Ultra-Orthodox. A: You haven't looked well enough. One example: there are many volumes of rulings from Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski which have even shorter answers than those of text mes- sages.

B Stupid Questions Q: Perhaps we should stop answering text message ques- tions since there are people who ask ridiculous questions and it shames the Halachah. A: For every 1000 serious questions I receive, there is one ridiculous one. It is not correct to punish all of the serious people because of a few ridiculous questions.

B Text Message Questions Q: Why do people ask such stupid text message questions? A: We should not judge one who asks a question, since he asks about what is bothering him. It is not appropriate to ridicule someone, and one who mocks another in a cynical manner reveals much about himself.

B Text Message Responsa Q: Does it bother Ha-Rav when people send text message questions? e18E Short & Sweet

A: Certainly not. I am happy to help. But sometimes I can- not answer right away because there is a backlog of ques- tions. B Mocking Text Message Responsa Q: Why are there text message responsa? People just make a joke of it. A: Mockers will always find something to mock. Serious people, like you, read them seriously.

Q: But why not answer at length and in depth? A: You can find such answers in my books of responsa and in other books. B Selling Chametz through Text Message Q: Is it permissible to sell Chametz through a text message? What about the "kinyan" (act of acquisition)? A: Yes, appointing an agent does not require a "kinyan." It can also be done by phone, letter or internet (see Mi-Peninei Ha-Rav p. 220). B Cost of Texting Q: Can I send a text message when it is free for me but not for the person who responds? A: You should inform him. B Asking Forgiveness Q: Is it permissible to ask forgiveness through a text mes- sage? Text Message Responsa e19E

A: It depends on the extent of the transgression. The essence is that the person who was hurt is truly appeased.

B Learning Torah or Honoring Father Q: I am in the middle of learning and my father sent me a text message. Should I answer? A: Yes, instead of texting me.

B Text messaging on Chol Ha-Moed Q: Is it permissible to send a text message on Chol Ha-Moed? A: It is permissible, since this is not the form of writing which the Torah forbids. Similarly, it is permissible to type on a computer, but one should not print unless it is a case of a potential loss.

B Criticism Q: Someone was giving me a ride and texting at the same time. Should I mention to him that this is dangerous? A: No. His is like his house. If it is dangerous, give an excuse to out. ORACH CHAIM (Laws of Daily Living)

Netilat Yadayim

B Netilat Yadayim for a Baby Q: Does a two-month old baby require Netilat Yadayim? A: No, only from the age of education. Shulchan Aruch Ha-Rav (chap. 4).

B Cutting Child's Nails Q: Does one who cuts someone else's nails, such as for a child, have to wash Netilat Yadayim? A: No, but the person who has his nails cut is obligated to wash.

B Water Preservation Q: Is it preferable in our day to wash "Netilat Yadayim" without the cup being completely full in order to save water? A: Wash with a full cup, this is a negligible amount of water.

B Disposable Cup Q: Is it permissible to do "Netilat Yadayim" with a dispos- able plastic or paper cup? A: Some are strict, because it is disposable and therefore is not considered a vessel. But the basic Halachah is that it is permissible since it can in fact be used many times. ORACH CHAIM e21E

B Bathroom Q: If I enter the bathroom to get something, do I need to wash "Netilat Yadayim"? A: In the bathrooms of our time, which are clean, it is per- missible to be lenient (Shearim Metzuyanim Ba-Halachah).


B Minimum Size Q: What is the minimum size of a Kippah? A: Some authorities say that it should cover the majority of one's head, and some rule leniently on condition that it be well seen from all sides (Shut Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim 1:1 and Shut Yechaveh Da'at 4:1).

B Avraham wearing a Kippah Q: Did Avraham Avinu and Moshe Rabbenu wear a Kippah? A: They wore a head covering which was even bigger than a Kippah, since the Rambam writes in Hilchot De'ot (5:6) that covering one's head is a sign of modesty and they were extremely modest.

B Small Kippah Q: I feel more connected to Hashem when I wear a really small Kippah. A: The Halachah requires a larger Kippah. One should not bend the Halachah to suit feelings of connectedness, but e22E Short & Sweet rather should bend themselves to the Halachah and the Torah, since the Torah is etched in your soul (which is the true source of your connection). Q: Then why do I sometimes feel better when I sin? A: It is not you who feels better, but the evil inclination within you.

B Anti-Semitism and wearing a Kippah Q: Is it permissible NOT to wear a Kippah outside of Israel if there is a fear of Anti-Semitism? A: Yes, to our great distress. But perhaps you can wear a hat. B Holiness of Kippah Q: Does a Kippah possess holiness? A: It is used for a Mitzvah, but it is not holy. B Kippah falling on Ground Q: Should one kiss his Kippah if it falls on the ground? A: There is no need. Wearing a Kippah is for the sake of modesty (Rambam, Hilchot De'ot 5:6). B Basketball Player with a Kippah Q: Isn't it a "" (sanctification of Hashem's Name) to have a professional basketball player who wears a Kippah? A: No. Kiddush Hashem is performing acts which have value. We do not establish what these acts are, rather ORACH CHAIM e23E

Hashem establishes them, and they are explained in Hilchot Yesodei Ha-Torah of the Rambam, chap. 5.

B Kippah for Girls Q: Why don't girls wear Kippot? Don't they also need to take upon themselves the yoke of the Heavenly Kingdom? A: Females inherently possess more Awe of Hashem and do not require as many Mitzvot. Derush Al Ha-Torah of the Maharal says that anything which is inclined towards something can attain it more easily.

B Keffiyeh Q: Is it permissible to wear a keffiyeh on one's head instead of a Kippah? A: No. It is non-Jewish dress. "Chukot Ha-Goyim" – imitat- ing non-Jewish practices.

B Davening without a Kippah Q: I accidently davened without a Kippah. Do I have to daven again? A: You fulfilled your obligation after the fact. Shut Yabia Omer, Orach Chaim 15 #6.

B Sleeping with Kippah Q: Is it proper for one to wear his Kippah while sleeping? A: Yes, but he is not obligated to do so (Shelah. See Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 2:6). e24E Short & Sweet

B Shehechiyanu on Kippah Q: Should I say Shehechiyanu on a new Kippah that was knit for me? A: Yes, as with any new item about which you are happy. B Knitted Kippah or Black Velvet Kippah Q: I decided to change from a knit Kippah to a black velvet Kippah. Is there a difference? A: There is no difference. All Kippot are good. B Eating without a Kippah Q: If my Kippah keeps getting blown off by the wind, can I recite a blessing and eat without it? A: One always needs a Kippah. B Teaching Torah to Someone without a Kippah Q: Is it permissible to learn Torah with someone who will not wear a Kippah? A: You should not learn with him, because one needs fear of Heaven, but you may teach him.

B Non-Jew who Cleans Yeshiva Q: Is a non-Jew who cleans the yeshiva required to wear a Kippah? A: There is no need. We have a law of "fear of Heaven," but non-Jews do not (A yeshiva high school once hired a non-Jew to teach a non-Torah subject and the administra- tion was in doubt whether to ask him to wear a Kippah. ORACH CHAIM e25E

Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik answered that there is no need to do so; Ha-Rav ruled that he should act like the others in the school and wear one; and Ha-Rav Aharon Kotler said that he should not wear a Kippah in or- der to make a clear distinction between the Jews and the non-Jews. Divrei Ha-Rav p. 143).

B Kippah in Discotheque Q: My friend goes to a discotheque while wearing his Kippah. Is it worthwhile for me to tell him to take it off when doing so? A: No, since his Kippah informs everyone that he believes and accepts the Mitzvot even if not in their complete sense.

B Kippah while Driving Q: Is it permissible to take off my Kippah while driving in a car? A: Certainly not. If you must, wear a hat.

B Words on Kippah Q: Is it permissible to knit words on a Kippah? A: As long as they do not draw attention and are not verses from the Tanach.

B Kippah with TV Actor Q: What is the law about wearing a Kippah that has a pic- ture of a TV actor on it? A: It is strange and shameful. e26E Short & Sweet

B Beginning Age Q: At what age should we have our son start wearing a Kippah? A: At the earliest possible age, but without forcing him.

B Taking off Kippah Q: If there is a strong wind and there is a concern that my Kippah will fall into a puddle and get dirty, can I take it off? A: Hold it tightly on your head with your hand.


B Shortening Tzitzit Q: Is it permissible to shorten Tzitzit with scissors or a knife? A: Yes. But it is preferable to do so with one's teeth (Mish- nah Berurah 11:61. Kaf Ha-Chaim ibid. #17).

B Tzitzit on the Flag Q: If someone is wearing the flag of Israel, does he have to put Tzitzit on it? A: No. It is not a garment nor is it intended to be a gar- ment. It is a symbol. It is therefore exempt. Biur Halachah, Orach Chaim 10:11.

B Wearing Tzitzit directly on the Body Q: Is it permissible to wear Tzitzit directly on one's body? A: Yes. ORACH CHAIM e27E

B Glue on Tzitzit Q: Is it permissible to put glue on the end of the Tzitzit so they do not unravel? A: It is permissible. Piskei Teshuvot 11:14 note #85. B Tzitzit with a Stench Q: Can I wear my Tzitzit if they have a bad smell? A: Hand-wash them and wear them while they are wet. B Sleeping in Tzitzit Q: If I only have one pair of Tzitzit and I sleep in it, do I recite a blessing over it in the morning? A: No. Q: Which is preferable: to sleep with the Tzitzit and not re- cite a blessing, or to sleep without them and to recite a bles- sing? A: To sleep with them, since one is fulfilling a Mitzvah by doing so.

B Washing Tzitzit Q: Is it permissible to wash Tzitzit with the rest of the wash? A: Yes. This is not considered disrespectful. It is also per- missible to enter the bathroom with Tzitzit.

B Techelet #1 Q: Should one put Techelet on his Tzitzit? A: Almost none of the great Rabbis agree with the proofs e28E Short & Sweet brought to identify Techelet and with our own eyes we can see that they do not wear it on their Tzitzit. We should there- fore act in the same way, except when a person's Rabbi tells him to wear it. As we say, "Get yourself a Rabbi" (Shut She’eilat Shlomo 4:12-20). B Techelet #2 Q: Why do hardly any Rabbis wear Techelet? There is much research that supports it being the true Techelet. A: One should not give instructions to Rabbis what to do based on research, rather, one should ask Rabbis what is the halachic significance of the research. B Tzitzit on a Reflector Vest, on a Baby-Carrier and in a Bathroom. Q: Does a reflector vest with four corners require Tzitzit? A: No. It is not a garment (Biur Halachah, Orach Chaim 10:11). Q: Is the piece of cloth which one wraps around their body to carry a baby obligated in Tzitzit? A: No, it is not a piece of clothing. Q: Is it permissible to enter a bathroom with Tzitzit? A: There is no problem. We do remove a talit outside. B Soldier Q: Should a soldier wear his Tzitzit out? A: Certainly, as the Halachah requires. The soldiers of Bar Kochba also wore Tefillin. ORACH CHAIM e29E

B Multiple Talitot Q: Why don't we wear several Talitot at the same time, since we fulfill a Mitzvah with each one? A: We do not act this way with any Mitzvah, rather we per- form what Hashem commanded of us (There are many sto- ries about why Ha-Rav – Rosh Yeshivah of Torah Or – wore so many pairs of Tzitzit [in his younger years, 150 pairs, and as he had aged about half that amount]. Some say that it is in order to fulfill all of the different opinions regarding Hilchot Tzitzit. Others explain that he began when his daughter was ill in order to fulfill a Mitzvah in her merit. But Ha-Rav Scheinberg himself said: "It is 15-20 kilo of Mitzvot…" "Mishpachah" Magazine of 12 Nisan 5768 #851. This, however, is the unique practice of a great Rabbi).

B Scarf Q: Does a large scarf with four corners that one wraps on their head require Tzitzit? A: No, only when you wrap the clothing around your body. B Tzitzit and Diapers Q: Is it permissible to have my two-year-old wear Tzitzit even though he is still in diapers? A: It is permissible. After all, an adult also wears Tzitzit in the bathroom.

B Tzitzit at Night Q: Should one also wear Tzitzit at night? e30E Short & Sweet

A: Yes, a day-time piece of clothing must also have Tzitzit when worn at night.

B Sweating Q: Isn't it shaming my Tzitzit if I am sweating while wearing them? Is it preferable to remove them? A: It is not shaming them. You should wear Tzitzit all of the time: in the army, during war, etc.

B Woman and Talit Q: Can a woman wear a Talit? A: No. The Shulchan Aruch rules that it is "Yuhara – reli- gious arrogance" (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 17:2). And if it is a men's Talit, there is a problem of "Lo Yilbash" – the prohibition against cross-dressing (Targum Yonatan on Devarim 22:5). Q: But Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein writes in Shut Igrot Moshe (Orach Chaim 4:49) that although she is not obligated a woman is permitted to fulfill the Mitzvah of Tzitzit, with two conditions: 1. Her intention is not to rebel against Hashem and His Torah, but for the sake of Heaven. 2. The garment is different from a male garment, to avoid the prohibition of "Lo Yilbash". A: In order for this to be for the sake of Heaven and not "Yuhara", she needs to wear the Talit in private and no one should know. And it needs to be a Talit specifically for women (It is told that a woman once asked Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik if she could wear a Talit during davening. He responded to her: "Since this is a major change in traditional ORACH CHAIM e31E practice, we must proceed gradually." He suggested that she wear a four-cornered garment without Tzitzit for three months and then come back. She returned after three months and said that this was the most meaningful religious experience of her life. Ha-Rav Soloveitchik said: "For three months, you have been wearing a garment without any religious or halachic value, it is thus clear that your feeling comes from a source outside of the Mitzvah", and he did not grant her permission to wear a Talit).

B Four-Cornered Garment Q: The law is that only a four-cornered garment requires Tzitzit. Why then do we especially wear Tzitzit? A: They are the uniform of the Nation of Israel. B Children Q: Does a child have to wear Tzitzit which are Kosher? A: Kosher without stringencies. B Invalid Tzitzit Q: I was in the middle of working with youth groups and realized that my Tzitzit were invalid. Should I have taken them off and let the kids see me without Tzitzit, or continued wearing them even though they were invalid? A: Take them off in front of them and explain why you are removing them. This is great education.

B Towel Q: Does a towel need Tzitzit since we wrap ourselves in it? e32E Short & Sweet

A: No, it is not a garment.

B Filthy Q: Is it permissible for a child to wear Tzitzit when the Tzitzit always get dirty? A: No problem.

B Strings Ripped Off Q: Is it permissible to wear Tzitzit if one of the strings ripped off? A: It is permissible after the fact until you get it fixed, but this is only if the knots are still intact.


B Ethiopians Q: We have a stand for people to put on Tefillin. Is it per- missible to suggest to Ethiopians to put them on? Perhaps they are not Jewish? A: They are Jews – as long as it is not proven otherwise (Shut Yabia Omer 8 Even Ha-Ezer #11).

B Shehechiyanu Q: Should a boy recite Shehechiyanu the first time he puts on Tefillin? A: Yes. The same applies to the first time any Mitzvah is performed (Shut Orach Mishpat 268-269). ORACH CHAIM e33E

B Tefillin at Minchah Q: Can one put on Tefillin at Minchah? A: The custom is not to do so.

B Tefillin on a Watch Q: Is it permissible to wind Tefillin straps over a watch? A: Yes. The Berurah (27:16) permits it; the Aruch Ha-Shulchan (27:13) prohibits it. Since it is a dispute, you may follow the lenient position.

B Tefillin for a Lefty Q: If a left-handed person is unable to find Tefillin for a lefty, can he put on a right-handed person's Tefillin while the Tefillin is upside down, or is it disgracing the Tefillin? A: It is permissible, since the basic Halachah is that the "Yud" of the knot must be facing the heart (Piskei Teshuvot 27:5).

B Women and Tefillin Q: I am a woman. Can I put on Tefillin, as did Michal bat Shaul (Eiruvin 96a. See Tosafot, Rosh Hashanah 33a d.h. Ha Rebbe)? A: You are not Michal bat Shaul. In any event, it is written in the Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 38:1) that if a woman puts on Tefillin, we should protest. Furthermore, Michal bat Shaul put on Tefillin in private and not in public in a pro- testing manner. Besides all of this, there is a problem of "Lo Yilbash" – the prohibition against cross-dressing (Targum e34E Short & Sweet

Yonatan on Devarim 22:5). Before we add to our Mitzvot, we must fulfill the obligations we already have. See Mesilat Yesharim (see also an interesting comment by the Kaf Ha-Chaim [ibid. #9], that based on the , one may not use Michal bat Shaul as a proof, since she had a male soul!). Q: I heard that 's daughters put on Tefillin? A: We have not seen a reliable source for this fact. None- theless, there is a long way to go before we reach their level.

B Blackening Tefillin Q: Do I need special color to blacken my Tefillin straps? A: It is possible to use a regular magic marker since they are synthetic. The same goes for the boxes (Piskei Teshuvot 43 #4). Q: Can a woman apply the black color on Tefillin straps? A: Yes. Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 33. #23.

B Borrowing Tefillin Q: Is it permissible to borrow my friend's Tefillin without his permission? A: If you are 100% certain that he would agree. Sometimes it bothers people because of the sweat, or some other rea- son. Aruch Ha-Shulchan (14:11). ORACH CHAIM e35E

B Tefillin from Non-Tax Payer Q: Is it permissible to buy Tefillin from someone who does not pay taxes? A: Certainly not (see Shut She'eilat Shlomo 2:375).

B Tefillin in Desert Q: How did the Jews put on Tefillin in the desert for forty years – the Mitzvah was given at Mt. Sinai, but some of the verses which are put in the Tefillin are from Devarim? A: Either they put on the Tefillin with the sections that were already given, and fulfilled the Mitzvah because this was all that was given up to that point, or all of the sections had already been given, since there is no linear chronology in the Torah. See Gittin 60 on whether the Torah was given section by section or all at once. Tosafot ibid. And Malbim on Shemot 10:13.

B Tefillin in Backpack Q: Can I place items on top of my Tefillin in my backpack? A: The Tefillin need to be on top, except for clothing to protect them.

B Public Bathroom Q: Is it permissible to bring tefillin into a public bathroom if there is a fear that they may be stolen if I leave them out- side? A: Yes, it is recommended. You must put them inside two bags. e36E Short & Sweet

B Placement on Head Q: What is the proper place for Tefillin on the head? I see many people with the Tefillin on their forehead. A: This is a serious mistake. When it is on one's forehead it is called "the way of apostates" (Megillah 24b). The Tefillin must be on one's head, above one’s hairline, and not on one's forehead. It is therefore preferable to place the Tefillin somewhat back since there is room for two pairs of Tefillin on one's head. One should also not have Tefillin which are too large.

B Lubavitcher Rebbe's Tefillin Q: In pictures and movies of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, we see that his Tefillin are on his forehead. How can we under- stand this? A: He himself was asked this question. He answered that in his youth his hair started from that spot.

B Tefillin in Afternoon Q: What should a person do who forgot to put on Tefillin and only remembers at four in the afternoon? A: After the fact, it is permissible to put on Tefillin all day, until sundown, with a blessing.

B Tefillin on Tattoo Q: Is it permissible to put Tefillin over a tattoo? A: Yes (see Shut Minchat Yitzchak 3:11). ORACH CHAIM e37E

B Studying Math Q: Is it permissible to study math while wearing Tefillin? A: Yes. Only light-headedness is specifically forbidden when wearing Tefillin. But our custom is only to wear Tefillin during prayer and learning Torah. Wearing Tefillin other than at these times is considered "yuhara – religious arro- gance."

B Mirror for Tefillin Q: Is it permissible to use a mirror to make sure that one's Tefillin is in the correct place? A: Yes. There is no problem of "Lo Yilbash" (the prohibition of men dressing or appearing as women), since the prohibi- tion is against beautifying oneself in front of a mirror, and here one is simply ensuring that his Tefillin are in the proper place (Rama, Yoreh Deah 156:2. Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:26. It is related that the Griz – Ha-Rav Velvel Soloveitchik of Brisk – once visited a Chasidic town and used his mirror to place his Tefillin correctly, as was his usual custom. The town's people placed the Teshuvot Divrei Chaim [Orach Chaim 2:6] next to where he was sitting in Shul which says that it is a " Borot" – custom of boors, i.e. the uned- ucated – to look in a mirror for proper placement of one's Tefillin. The Griz said to them: "We will use a Chasidic story: Reb Moshe Leib Sassover ztz"l said regarding the Halachah which says that anyone who sits in the while it is raining is a 'Hedyot – ignorant': 'It is worth being called ig- norant as long as I fulfill the Mitzvah of Sukkah'. I say the same thing: It is worth being called a boor as long as the Tefillin are resting on my head in the exact spot." Uvdot e38E Short & Sweet

Ve-Hanhagot Le-Beit Brisk vol. 3, pp.179-180. And there is a picture of Ha-Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv looking in a mir- ror to ensure that his Tefillin are in the proper spot. Ha-Shakdan vol. 1, p. 261).

B Non-Jew Q: Is it permissible for a non-Jew to put on Tefillin? A: No, because of its holiness. Radvaz, Hilchot Melachim.

B Ashekenazi with Sefardi Tefillin Q: Does an Ashkenazic Jew fulfill the Mitzvah of Tefillin with Sefardic Tefillin, or vice versa? A: Yes. But from the outset one should always follow the customs of their ancestors.

B Tefillin all Day Q: Why don't Torah scholars wear Tefillin all day long? A: It is very difficult not to take one's mind off of wearing Tefillin, i.e. to avoid thoughts which are not so serious (Shulchan Aruch). And the Arizal says that the essential Mitz- vah is during Shacharit (Kaf Ha-Chaim).

B Not at all or Quickly Q: Is it better not to put on Tefillin at all, or to recite a blessing, put them on and quickly remove them? A: You should put them on. Even a few minutes is suffi- cient. ORACH CHAIM e39E

B Toupee Q: Is it permissible to put Tefillin over my toupee? A: No. You should put on Tefillin at home with a blessing while not wearing your toupee and then put them on in Shul over the toupee without a blessing (Shut Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 4:40 #18 and Shut Aseh Lecha Rav 3:3).

B Tefillin Bag Q: Is it permissible to put things in your Tefillin bag other than your Tefillin? A: It is forbidden unless you bought it with this intention.

B Checking Tefillin Q: How often must one have his Tefillin checked? A: There is no set schedule. It is even possible not to have them checked throughout one's entire lifetime. But if they were exposed to moisture or extreme heat, it is certainly proper to have them checked (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 10:26).

Birkot Ha-Torah

B Woman Learning Torah Q: Can a woman learn Torah without reciting the blessings for learning Torah? A: A woman is obligated to recite the blessings for learning Torah every day (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 47:14). e40E Short & Sweet

Bar Mitzvah

B Bar/Bat Mitzvah Q: What is the source that a Bar Mitzvah is at 13 and a Bat Mitzvah is at 12? A: It is a Halachah Le-Moshe Mi-Sinai – an oral tradition which Moshe Rabbenu received at Mt. Sinai (Shut Ha-Rosh 16, 1. See also Rashi on Nazir 29b).

B Bar Mitzvah in Adar Q: If a boy was born in Adar in a non-leap year, when does he celebrate his Bar Mitzvah if it is a leap year? A: In the Second Adar which is the actual Adar, since the First Adar is the additional one (Rama Orach Chaim 55:10).

Prayer with Minyan

B Davening Alone Q: Is it permissible to daven alone if one davens with better Kavanah alone than with a Minyan? A: No. Because of the great benefit of davening with a Min- yan (end of the book "Chafetz Chaim". Shut Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim #7).

B Minyan on a Bus Q: Is it permissible to have a Minyan for Minchah on a bus, if we will otherwise miss the time to daven? A: If it does not bother the other passengers. The same ORACH CHAIM e41E applies on a train or airplane (Ha-Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, Peninei Halachah p. 124).

B Minyan Q: Is it permissible to daven in a Chabad Minyan where they say: "May our master, our teacher, our Rabbi, King Messiah, live forever"! A: Yes. They are proper and G-d-fearing Jews with many merits. Q: But they think that a man who died is still alive and that he is the Messiah, which is similar to the Christians? A: So they are mistaken. Everyone errs. But they are not similar to the Christians, G-d forbid, they are righteous Jews. Q: Why don't we remove them from the community of Israel as heretics? A: They are not heretics. Not every mistake is heresy!

B Exhaustion Q: If I am tired, weak and do not feel so well, am I obli- gated to go to Shul and daven with a Minyan or is it per- missible to daven at home on my own? A: With a Minyan. One needs to strengthen himself!

B Contagious Illness Q: If I am sick with a contagious illness, should I refrain from davening with a Minyan? A: Ask a doctor for his opinion. e42E Short & Sweet

B Chevruta or Minyan Q: If a person can either learn with a chevruta or daven with a Minyan which is preferable? A: Daven with a Minyan. One should first fulfill his obliga- tion and then add on.

B Joint Minyan Q: We live in a small settlement. Is it preferable to have separate Minyanim for Ashkenazim and Sefardim or a joint Minyan? A: One joint Minyan. Communal. Together! B Waking Wife Q: Should I wake my wife so I can go and daven with a Minyan so she can watch the kids? A: Only if this was agreed upon together beforehand. B Minyan or Vatikin Alone Q: Which is preferable – davening with a Minyan or davening alone at "Vatikin" (at sunrise)? A: In a Minyan. By the way, if one davens "Vatikin" alone, he must go to a Minyan to hear , Kedushah, Barechu and the Torah reading.

B Vatikin on Shabbat Q: I daven "Vatikin" every day. Am I also obligated to do so on Shabbat? A: No, not if the custom you took upon yourself is only for ORACH CHAIM e43E during the weekdays and not on Shabbat. In general, for all proper customs which a person takes upon himself, he should say "bli – without taking an oath."

B Women's Tefillah Group Q: May women organize a Women's Tefillah Group with a Torah reading? A: No. There is no such concept, it is a new creation. We may not invent Halachot. See what Ha-Rav Herschel Schachter wrote: that there are 12 prohibitions violated by acting in this way (Be-Ikvei Ha-Tzon pp. 21-37. See also Ha-Rav Soloveitchik in Mi-Peninei Ha-Rav pp. 67-68).

B Trip Q: Is it permissible to go camping on Chanukah if I am unable to daven with a Minyan? A: The Halachah is that a person must make a strong effort to daven with a Minyan, but if he is unable on account of making a livelihood or another reason, he is not obligated. Sometimes taking a trip into nature is an emotional neces- sity. If so, it is permissible to be lenient.

B Counting a Minor in a Minyan Q: Is it permissible to count a minor in a Minyan in a press- ing circumstance? A: For Ashkenazim, only in a pressing circumstance and based on an explicit ruling of a Rabbi. Sefardim do not cus- tomarily do so (Shut Mishpatei Uziel 8:7. Shut Yein Ha-Tov 1:28. Shut Yaskil Avdi 5:8. Shut Yabia Omer vol. 4 Orach e44E Short & Sweet

Chaim #9. Shut Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim 2:18. Shut Chelkat Yaakov Orach Chaim #28. It is related in Mi-Peninei Ha-Rav, p. 27: In the early years of Yeshivat Rambam in Boston, which was established by Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik, it sometimes happened that they were lacking one for a Minyan. Ha-Rav Soloveitchik would rely on the opinion of Rabbenu Tam to count a minor. People would occasionally ask him if it was worthwhile to be strict and to have the minor hold a Chumash. Ha-Rav Soloveitchik would point out that Rabbenu Tam say that this is a ridicu- lous Minhag. And he would add that it is better for the minor to hold a than a Chumash, so he could daven prop- erly).

Prayer – Shaliach Tzibur

B Stuttering Shaliach Tzibur Q: Can a person who stutters serve as Shaliach Tzibur? A: If the community agrees. Q: And what about the honor of Hashem? A: Fearing G-d is more important than this deficiency. The relates about a Shaliach Tzibur who could not properly say the letters (Megilah 24b. See Shai Cohain of Ha-Rav Shear Yashuv Cohain vol. 1 #1).

B Davening from Bimah Q: Is it permissible on Shabbat and holidays for the person leading the davening to do so from the Bimah (the ORACH CHAIM e45E

Torah-reading table) and not from the shtender in order for everyone to hear? A: Yes, the essence is that there is a Bima in the middle and a shtender up front.

B Beautiful Voice or Righteousness Q: Which is preferable – Shaliach Tzibur who sings beau- tifully or who is a righteous person? A: Obviously a righteous person. There is no question.

B Tattoos Q: If a Ba'al Teshuva has his entire body tattooed can he serve as the Shaliach Tzibur? A: Yes, but he should cover himself with clothing or a Talit (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 53:5. See Shut Minchat Yitzchak 3:11).

B Shaliach Tzibur who Hates Q: If a person calls Israeli police officers "S.S.", can he serve as a Shaliach Tzibur? A: Certainly not. But do not get involved in a dispute.

B Short-Sleeves for Shaliach Tzibur Q: Is it permissible for someone who is a Religious-Zionist to serve as Shaliach Tzibur if he is wearing short-sleeves? A: It depends on the custom of the place. But it is always proper to be strict and to have the Shaliach Tzibur wear long-sleeves. And, by the way: there is no special Halachah e46E Short & Sweet for someone who is a Religious-Zionist (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 2:24).

Shemoneh Esrei

B Learning during Repetition of the Shemoneh Esrei Q: Is it permissible to learn Torah during the repetition of the Shemoneh Esrei, if there is a Minyan without me? A: No. Mishnah Berurah (124:17. Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski says that learning Torah during the repetition of the Shemoneh Esrei is a Mitzvah performed through a transgres- sion. See Shut Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim 4:19).

B Talit Covering the Head Q: Should one daven the Shemoneh Esrei with the Talit covering his head? A: It depends on the custom of the place. Some do so, oth- ers do not. In some communities only Torah scholars or married men do so (Mishnah Berurah 8:4, 91:6. Nefesh Ha-Rav pp. 104-105).

B Direction of davening Q: If a Shul is not facing Jerusalem, in which direction should we daven? A: Towards the Torah ark. But obviously the Rabbi who is there should decide (Be'er Heitev 94:3. Shut Meishiv Davar 1:10. Shut Teshuvot Ve-Hanhagot 1:79. And not like the ORACH CHAIM e47E

Magen Avraham ibid. #3 and Yad Eliyahu brought in the Be'er Heitiv ibid).

B Davening in the Wrong Direction Q: After I finished davening Shemoneh Esrei, I realized that I did not daven towards Jerusalem. A: After the fact, you fulfilled your obligation (Be'er Heitev #94. Shut Meishiv Davar 1:10. Shut Teshuvot VeHanhagot 1:79).

B Room where People are Sleeping Q: Is it permissible to daven Shemoneh Esrei in a room where people are sleeping? A: If there is no bad smell (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim #103).

B Davening while Traveling Q: If one is on a long trip and there is no choice, is it per- missible to daven Shemoneh Esrei while seated, or is it pref- erable not to daven at all? A: While seated (Shut Be'er Moshe 3:14).

B Messiah's Arrival during Shemoneh Esrei Q: If I am in the middle of the Shemoneh Esrei and the Messiah arrives, what should I do? A: Finish it with great Kavanah. e48E Short & Sweet

B Out Loud Q: Is it permissible to daven Shemoneh Esrei out loud if it adds to my Kavanah? A: Yes, if you are davening alone (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 582:9. Mishnah Berurah #24).

B For Soccer Team Q: Is it permissible to pray in the Shemoneh Esrei for a soccer team to win? A: Certainly not. We do not pray for vanity and a gathering of scoffers (Avodah Zarah 18b).

B Kedushah Q: If I am still davening the Shemoneh Esrei and the per- son repeating it arrives at the Kedushah, what should I do? A: During the Kedushah, you should stop davening and lis- ten, based on the principle that one who hears is considered as if he recited it (Shome'a Ke-Oneh).

B Hitting One's Chest during "Selach Lanu" Q: Is hitting one's heart during the blessing of "Selach Lanu" a Halachah or a proper custom? A: It is the custom. Makor Chaim, Kitzur Halachot, end of chap. 116.

B Crying Baby Q: What should I do if my baby is crying in bed and I am in the middle of the Shemoneh Esrei? ORACH CHAIM e49E

A: It is permissible to go to him without talking (Mishnah Berurah 104:2. Piskei Teshuvot ibid).

B Davening before the Shechinah Q: In Sefer Ha-Rav Chaim Soloveichik ztz"l on the Ram- bam, he explained the Rambam in Hilchot Tefillah (4:1), that there are two required elements to Tefillah: a) That one must have Kavanah and proper understanding of the words one is saying. b) That one must have Kavanah in his heart that he is stand- ing before the Master of the Universe. Reb Chaim explained this according to the Rambam: without the Kavanah of "standing before G-d," one is not considered to have davened. How can one acquire the ability to fully feel in his heart that he is standing before the Shechinah? What can one do to grow in this "second" essential element of Tefillah? A: There is no formula for how this is accomplished. It must be worked on slowly and in stages. In areas such as these, each person must grow according to his own level. Look in the Mishnah Berurah (98:1) where it is recorded that the Rash said that after he learned the secrets of Kabbalah he davened like a one-day-old baby. One grows little-by-little (see Gilyonot of the Chazon Ish on Reb Chaim who writes that Reb Chaim’s explanation is difficult since it is virtually impossible not to think of other things during davening. He therefore understands that when one davens, he does so out of an obligation and awareness that he is davening to Hashem and accordingly meets the minimal requirements of "Stand before G-d"). e50E Short & Sweet

B Forgot Yaale Ve-Yavo Q: I davened with great Kavanah and tears, but forgot Yaale Ve-Yavo. Does this prayer have value? A: It certainly has value, but you need to daven again.

Prayer – Misc. Laws

B Purpose of Prayer Q: Why do we pray if everything was decreed on Yom Kippur? A: Prayer is beneficial even after the decree. Rosh Hashanah 17b.

B Davening Out Loud Q: If someone is davening loudly in Shul and it is disturb- ing me, is it permissible for me to ask him to be quiet? A: Yes, if it is beyond the ordinary.

B "Nusach Achid" Q: I am Sefardi but feel a closer connection to "Nusach Achid" (The "Unity" Nusach for davening) than the Nusach of Sefardim. Can I use it? A: One should, as much as possible, use the Nusach of one's father and ancestors (Shut Yechaveh Da'at 3:6). We have heard in the name of Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren, who es- tablished "Nusach Achid", that his intention was not to cre- ate a Nusach to unite Klal Yisrael, but to use in the army where it is difficult to distribute all types of different Siddu- ORACH CHAIM e51E rim. He therefore chose this Nusach, which contains aspects of the various traditions. "Nusach Achid" is essentially "Nusach Sefard" of Ashkenazim (which was introduced by the Chasidim in Eastern Europe).

B Praying for the Sick Q: I want to pray for a sick person but I do not know his mother's name. A: You can use his father's name, his last name or even just his first name. Hashem knows.

B Modeh or Modah Q: When reciting "Modeh" upon waking in the morning, should a woman say "Modeh Ani" (like men) or "Modah Ani" (specific to women)? A: Modah (Halichot Shlomo – Tefillah, chap. 2 #17. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Yalkut Yosef 1:3).

B G-d in Feminine and Masculine Language Q: Why do we sometimes refer to Hashem in our prayers in feminine language and other times in masculine? A: Because the Master of the Universe is above feminine and masculine, and sometimes reveals Himself as a Father and sometimes as a Mother.

B Prayer for Bad Q: Is it permissible for me to pray for something bad to happen to another person if he ruined my life and did not apologize? e52E Short & Sweet

A: Yes, if it is impossible to remedy the wrong by bringing him to a Bet Din.

B Blessing against Heretics Q: To whom is the blessing against Heretics referring? A: Christians, missionaries. See Rambam, Hilchot Tefillah 2:1.

B Mi She-Berach for the Sick Q: In order to avoid burdening the community with a long list of names, can a Gabbai recite the blessing for the sick and then have each person privately recite the name he would like to include (instead of coming to the Gabbai, tell- ing him the name and having him recite each one)? A: A great idea.

B Reciting Kadish Q: May a woman recite Kadish? A: On condition that she is not alone, i.e. that men are re- citing it too and she is saying it quietly word-for-word with them, so that her voice is not heard (see Pnei Baruch 34:20. Shut Piskei Uziel #3. Teshuvot Ibra #4. Shut Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 5:12. Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik in "Ha-Darom" #57, Elul 5748).

B Prayer Q: Should I be concerned that Hashem will not answer my prayer? ORACH CHAIM e53E

A: Hashem is not your servant, G-d forbid; all we may do is petition Him.

B Prayer during Guard Duty Q: Is it permissible to pray during guard duty when the level of danger is extremely low? A: Only with permission.

B Prayer for the State of Israel Q: Do I have to stand for the Prayer for the State of Israel? I am Sefardi and do not stand for Kaddish. Which is more important? A: It depends on the custom of each place. Regarding the issue of standing: we do not stand for the Shema, which is more important than Baruch She-Amar.

B Eating before Davening Q: Is it permissible to drink coffee and eat a pastry before davening? If not, why is this custom so prevalent? A: It is forbidden. It is not a proper custom, unless it is com- pletely necessary, and even then only the minimum should be consumed (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 89:3-4).

B Davening in Shorts Q: Is it permissible to daven in shorts? A: In a place where people would stand this way before a king (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:40). e54E Short & Sweet

B Singing Kaddish Q: Is it permissible to sing Kaddish along with the person leading the davening? A: Yes, if the voice of the person davening can be heard above the people singing along.

B Mitzvot on the Moon Q: How should an astronaut determine the proper times to daven on the moon? A: Based on the location from which he departed (see "Adam Al Ha-Yare'ach" by Ha-Rav M.M. Kasher).

B Speaking during Davening Q: What should I do if someone's talking is disturbing our davening? A: Gently tell him that our Land is large, and there is room to talk outside.

B Musical Instruments Q: Is it permissible to daven with musical instruments? A: Certainly not. We should daven as Jews have done throughout the generations. Q: But they played instruments in the Temple. A: We are not in the Temple.

B Woman in Pants Q: Can a woman daven in pants? ORACH CHAIM e55E

A: No, but even worse is not to daven at all. We do not tell a person transgressing to perform another transgression (Igeret Kiddush Hashem of the Rambam).

B Barefoot Q: Is it permissible to recite blessings and daven while bare- foot? A: Blessings – yes. Davening – no. One must stand as be- fore a king.

B Hands in Pockets Q: Is it permissible to daven with one's hands in his pock- ets? A: No, he must stand as before a king (Shulchan Aruch Or- ach Chaim 98:1).

B Early Exercising Q: Is it permissible to get up early to exercise before davening? A: No, it is forbidden to be involved with other activities before davening.

B Askenazi in non-Ashkenazi Minyan Q: Should an Ashkenazi Jew davening with a Sefardi or Nusach Sefard Minyan say Tachanun when the rest of the Kahal is saying the vidui or when they also put their heads down? A: It does not matter. If he is the only one in the Minyan e56E Short & Sweet who is Ashkenazi he should also say the vidui because of "Lo Titgodedu – do not make different groups," but today most Minyanim in Israel are mixed. It is explicitly written that when the community is saying Aleinu one should also at least bow when others do, since it is said at different times in the davening.

B Davening from Cell Phone Q: My cell phone has Minchah and Ma'ariv on it. Can I use it for davening? A: Yes, it is like a Siddur, but obviously not on Shabbat.

B Praying for a Miracle Q: My hand was amputated. Is it permissible for me to pray for it to return? A: We do not pray for a miracle (Mishnah at the end of Berachot). But you should daven for an excellent prosthetic limb.

B Opening Parochet Q: In which direction should one open the Parochet (cur- tain) on the Ark? Source? A: It does not matter – Perishah 128. It is preferable from the left – Derishah 651.

B Tachanun on Sigd Q: Should we say Tachanun on the holiday of Sigd (cele- brated by those who made from Ethiopia)? ORACH CHAIM e57E

A: Those who made Aliyah from Ethiopia should not, but the rest of us should.

B Tehillim Q: Which should I recite when the sirens sound in Sderot for incoming mortars/missiles? A: 20, 130, but all are good.

B Earthquake Q: Is it proper to pray for an earthquake in Turkey and Iran? A: No. Good people would also be injured and killed. Rather we should pray for them to repent, as is written in Aleinu. And there is no need to add anything to Aleinu.

B Custom of Ancestors Q: If a Sefardi connects more to Ashekenzi davening, can he change his tradition of davening? A: A person should not change from the custom of his an- cestors.

B Prayer without Proper Concentration or Not at All Q: Which is preferable – to pray without proper concentra- tion or not to pray at all? A: Even prayer without proper concentration has incredible value (Shut Ha-Rashba 1:423). e58E Short & Sweet

B Praying for a Match Q: Is it permissible for me to ask for and pray for a partic- ular young man whom I like? A: Yes, but it must be a plea and not a demand, since Hashem has different calculations than we do and it will all be for the best.

B Praying for a Sports Team Q: Is it permissible to pray for a certain soccer team to win if their loss will really upset me? A: We do not pray for nonsense.

B Teaching Child to Pray Q: What should I teach a child who has difficulty praying? A: Explain the fundamentals of faith which are contained in the prayers and blessings.

B Crossed Legs Q: Is it permissible to sit with legs crossed during davening? A: It is not appropriate since it is not respectful to the Mas- ter of the Universe.

B Chasidic Tune Q: Is it permissible to daven with a Chasidic tune in the background? A: No. One must pray with a trembling of fear, as if stand- ing before a king. ORACH CHAIM e59E

B Saying Korbanot Q: Is there a way to give the benefit of the doubt to people who learn Torah full-time and do not say the Korbanot (sac- rifices) in the davening? A: It is not obligatory (Chidah in Yosef Ometz). Learning Torah has the same effect of granting atonement (Chikrei Lev).

B Holding Baby Q: Is it permissible for a father to daven if he has a baby in a front or back baby carrier? A: Only if there is no other choice.

Birkat Cohanim

B Cohain who Kills in War Q: If a Cohain serving in Tzahal kills someone in war, can he still recite the Birkat Cohanim (since a Cohain who kills another person may not usually do so)? A: Yes. Since he has killed defending the Nation and Land of Israel, he is exactly the right person to bestow a blessing upon us. (Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef in Shut Yechaveh Da'at 2:14. Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:61. Unlike Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik, who held that just as King David was unable to build the Temple on account of his participation in war, so too a Cohain who kills in war is no longer able to recite the Birkat Cohanim. Nefesh Ha-Rav, p. 132). e60E Short & Sweet

B Unworthy Cohain Q: I am a Cohain and do not feel worthy to recite Birkat Cohanim. Should I still say it? A: Certainly. You are not the one blessing, Hashem is. You are the agent through which the blessing comes into the world. “And place My Name on Bnei Yisrael and I will bless them” (see Rambam, Hilchot Nesiyat Kapayim 15:6).

B Lengthening Prayer Q: Should a Cohain who davens slowly shorten his prayer in order to recite Birkat Cohanim? A: It is preferable, since reciting Birkat Cohanim is a Torah Mitzvah.

B Yashar Koach after Birkat Cohanim Q: Should one say "Yashar Koach" to the Cohanim after Birkat Cohanim? A: There is no obligation, but it is permissible. The impor- tant thing is not to yell it out, since doing so detracts from the holiness of the davening and the Shul. It should be said quietly (Piskei Teshuvot 128 note #222). Q: Can the Cohanim respond: "Beruchim Tehiyu" or is there a problem of "Bal Tosif" – adding to the Mitzvot – since instead of three blessings, they are now reciting a fourth? A: They are not obligated, but it is permissible (see Shut Har Tzvi 1:62. Aruch Ha-Shulchan 128:24). ORACH CHAIM e61E

B Blessing of Cohain's Clothing Q: Did the Cohain Gadol or Cohanim recite a blessing when they put on the "Bigdei Kehuna" – the special clothing of the Cohanim? A: It is a Mitzvah for the Cohanim to wear the "bigdei kehuna" (Rambam, Hilchot Klei Ha-Mishkan). It is not a part of the Mitzvah of offering sacrifices, but a Mitzvah in and of itself. We do not find, however, that there is a blessing re- cited over them and I do not know why.

B Picture of Birkat Cohanim Q: Is it permissible to take a picture of Birkat Cohanim or is it forbidden, just as it is forbidden to look at the Cohanim while they recite the blessing? A: It is permissible to look at the Cohanim during Birkat Cohanim since they are covered by their Talit, but the cus- tom is not to do so (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 128. Mishnah Berurah #29). There is thus no obligation to add on to the custom, and it is permissible to take a picture.

Torah Reading

B Torah Reading Q: If I am davening Shemoneh Esrei during the Torah reading and therefore miss it, do I have to make it up? A: No. The Torah reading is a communal obligation (Biur Halachah, chap. 124. Shut Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 4:23. Shut Yabia Omer vol. 4 Yoreh Deah #31. Ma'aseh Ish vol. 3, pp. 121-122. And not like the opinion of Reb Chaim of e62E Short & Sweet

Brisk. See Nefesh Ha-Rav, p. 130. Divrei Ha-Rav, pp. 151-152. Likutei Ha-Grach, pp. 25-26).

B Down’s Syndrome Q: Can a man with Down’s Syndrome receive an Aliyah? A: Yes, if he reads and understands.

B Sefer Torah in the Women's Section Q: Is it permissible to pass the Sefer Torah through the Women's Section before and after the Torah reading? A: We should not change the fixed structure of prayer, which has been in place for generations (Shut Rashba 1:323).

B Women and Aliyah to the Torah Q: Is it permissible for a woman to receive an Aliyah to the Torah? A: The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 282:3) rules that she may not. B Minchah

B Without Proper Intention Q: I davened Minchah without any proper intention. Should I daven again? A: No, we rule that we do not go back and pray again since we cannot be certain that we will have proper intent the sec- ond time. We therefore try as hard as possible the first time. ORACH CHAIM e63E

B Minyan before Sundown Alone or after with a Minyan Q: Which is preferable – davening Minchah alone before sundown or with a Minyan after sundown? A: The Mishnah Berurah says that it is preferable to daven alone at the appropriate time. But there is another opinion that as long as there is at least one opinion that it is still an appropriate time, then it is still permissible to daven at that time.

B First Responder Q: I was davening Minchah and was called for Magen Da- vid Adom as a first responder. I missed Minchah. Do I have to daven the Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv twice to make up for missing it? A: No. One who is involved in one Mitzvah is exempt from another Mitzvah.

Maariv/Night-time Shema

B Learning Torah after "Ha-Mapil" Q: After reciting the blessing of "Ha-Mapil" before going to sleep, is it permissible to learn Torah? A: Certainly. This is not a blessing over performing a Mitz- vah or over receiving a benefit, where it is forbidden to have an interruption between the blessing and the action, but a general blessing of praise for the kindness of sleep. It is also permissible to speak when there is a need (Mishnah Berurah 229:4). e64E Short & Sweet

B Saying Bedtime Shema during the Day Q: If I take a nap during the day, do I recite the bedtime Shema? A: No. It is only recited at night.

B Lying Down Q: Is it permissible to recite the bedtime Shema while lying down in bed? A: It is permissible to recite it while on your side if you are already lying down, but it is preferable to recite it while sit- ting or standing.

B After Midnight Q: Is it permissible to recite the bedtime Shema after mid- night? A: Yes. Sefardim recite "Ha-mapil" after midnight without Hashem's Name and Kingship.

B Good Night Q: Is it permissible to wish my parents "good night" after I recite the bedtime Shema? A: It is preferable to do so beforehand, but it is permissible if you forgot.

B Sleeping on Clothing Q: Is there a problem of sleeping on clothing? A: Yes. Under one's head (Horayot 13b). ORACH CHAIM e65E

Laws of a Shul

B Height of Q: Does the Mechitza in a Shul have to be constructed in a way so that the men and women cannot see one another? A: Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein ruled in Shut Igrot Moshe (Or- ach Chaim 1:39) that in a pressing situation, it was sufficient to prevent intermingling between men and women and it was therefore permissible to have a Mechitza with a height of only 18 Tefachim. But Hungarian Rabbis ruled that it is forbidden for men to see the women and we should not change the custom as practiced for generations. And this is the ruling found in Shut Tzitz Eliezer (7:8), that the basic Halachah follows the Rambam in his commentary to the Mishnah in Sukkah: that it is forbidden for the men to see the women. This is also the ruling of Rabbenu Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah (Regarding this issue, it is told that Ha-Gaon Rav Moshe Feinstein ztz"l once issued a ruling regarding the height of a Mechitzah between men and women in a Shul, stating that in pressing situations it is permissible to be leni- ent. The Rebbe came out against him. Our Rabbi Ha-Rav Tvzi Yehudah said: "It is known that our paths are separate and different, but in this issue he (the Satmar Rebbe) is correct." The book Rabbenu p. 122).

B Obligation of Mechitza Q: In theory, if men and women acted properly, would it be possible to eliminate the Mechitza in Shul? A: No. After all, we learn the obligation to have a Mechitza in the Temple from the eulogy which will be given in the e66E Short & Sweet future for the Yetzer Ha-Ra (evil inclination). People will ob- viously not act inappropriately since they will not have a Yetzer Ha-Ra, and there is nonetheless a requirement for a Mechitza during the eulogy. Sukkah 51-52. Therefore, it is always obligatory to have a Mechitza in Shul.

B Separation of Men and Women during Prayer Q: If men daven outside, can I – a woman – stand behind them and join even though there is no Mechitza? A: Yes, from a distance. There is no need for a Mechitza when davening outside.

B Nursing in Shul Q: Is it permissible for a woman to nurse in the women's section of a Shul when she is covered? A: Yes. There is no infringement on the holiness of the women's section.

B Lecture in a Shul Q: Is it permissible to have a lecture on a secular subject in a Shul? A: No. It is only permissible to have Torah lectures. During the time of , when it was only possible to gather in Shuls, the "Seridei Aish" permitted secular lectures with the purpose of strengthening people’s hearts and pre- venting them from going to the Reform Temples. He stipu- lated, however, that 1. the lecturer be G-d-fearing 2. that he begins with Divrei Torah or Tehillim 3. that there be no ar- ORACH CHAIM e67E guments, and 4. that they be held only during pressing cir- cumstances. Shut Seridei Aish (1:16-17). B Seeing-Eye Dog Q: Is it permissible for a blind person to bring a seeing-eye dog into Shul? A: The basic Halachah is that it is permissible, but one should check the custom in that particular Shul (Shut Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 1:45. Lubavitcher Rebbe, Igrot 6:936. And not like the opinion of Ha-Rav Menachem Mendel Ka- sher in Torah Sheleimah vol. 16, p. 147. Shut Chelkat Yaakov 3:87. Sha’arim Metzuyanim Ba-Halachah 13:2). B Which Shul is Preferable Q: Is it preferable to daven in a Shul which recites the Prayer for the State of Israel and for Tzahal but davens quickly and late, or a Charedi Shul which davens slowly and early? A: Charedi. Better davening takes precedence. B Woman Receiving an Aliyah Q: What should I do if the Shul in which I daven calls up a woman for an Aliyah? A: Leave (Gittin 61a). B Quiet in Shul Q: Is it permissible to ask people who are talking in Shul and disturbing others to be quiet? A: Yes, if the Rabbi agrees. e68E Short & Sweet

Q: If there is no Rabbi? A: Then it is permissible.

B Hugging and Kissing in Shul Q: Is it permissible to hug and kiss a friend in Shul? A: In general, it is forbidden (Shut Orach Mishpat #22). Although Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein would kiss his grandchil- dren in the Beit of his Yeshiva "Metivta Tiferet Yerushalayim". He held that the prohibition against express- ing love in Shul [Rama, Orach Chaim 98:1], which serves to “instill within one’s heart that there is no love like the love for the Almighty, Blessed is He", is only during the times of prayer, since the Shulchan Aruch brings this law in the Laws of Prayer and not in the Laws of the Holiness of a Shul. Meged Givot Olam vol. 1, p. 92. And when Ha-Rav Avraham Shapira – of Mercaz Ha-Rav – vis- ited , he met Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik in the Beit Midrash and Ha-Rav Shapira kissed Ha-Rav Soloveitchik for all to see. Many were surprised, and asked: How could Ha-Rav Shapira kiss him when the Halachah is that it is forbidden to kiss another person in a Shul or Beit Midrash? Ha-Rav Nachum Lamm – President of the Yeshiva – explained that Ha-Rav Soloveitchik has the status of a Sefer Torah, and it is impossible to pass him without kissing him. (Rosh Devarcha, pp. 174-175. "Vayehe Binso'a Ha-Aron" – eulogy for Ha-Rav Shapira by Ha-Rav Eitan Eisman, p. 45. And see Shut Yechaveh Da'at 4:12 where Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef discusses the Sefardic custom to kiss the Rabbi's hand as a sign of respect, and therefore permits it in a Shul.) ORACH CHAIM e69E

B Painting the Mechitza in Shul Q: Is it permissible to paint the Mechitza in Shul or must we do so outside? A: It is permissible to do it inside since it is for the Shul itself.

B Shuls Q: Why are non-Jewish houses of worship so much more beautiful and glorious than Shuls? A: The essence is the service of Hashem and not the hu- man experience.

B Bima Q: Is it permissible to place the Bima in a Shul a little bit forward? A: It must be in the middle. Shut Chatam Sofer 6:86. B Non-Jew in Shul Q: My grandmother has a Filipina aide. Can she accom- pany her to Shul? A: Yes, but without wearing a cross (Shut Har Tzvi Orach Chaim 1:85. Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:95).

B Studying Math Q: Is it permissible to study math in Shul? A: It is forbidden in Shul. It is permissible in a Beit Midrash for people who learn Torah there all day, with the permis- sion of the Rosh Yeshiva. e70E Short & Sweet

B Parashah Sheets Q: Many people take the weekly parashah sheets in my Shul. If I arrive early, can I take a bunch of copies for my family or is this considered stealing to a certain extent? A: You can only take them if they are not the last ones because your family should not benefit through the loss of others. Q: Is it permissible to read parashah sheets in shul during davening? A: It is preferable to take them home.

B Charging Cell Phone Q: Is it permissible to charge a cell phone in Shul? A: It is permissible. The amount of money involved for the use of the electricity is negligible. Some authorities say it is forbidden because of respect for a Shul.

B Talking in Shul Q: What strong statement can I say to the person next to me in Shul who is talking? A: He is showing that the Divine Presence does not rest there ( brought in the Chayei Adam).

B Shul or Home Q: Is it preferable for a woman to daven in Shul or at home? A: It is a personal decision. ORACH CHAIM e71E

B Children in Shul Q: Where is it written in the Shulchan Aruch that one should not bring disruptive children to Shul? A: Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 98. Mishnah Berurah #3.

Netilat Yadayim before Eating

B Bread on a Bus Q: If I am on a long bus trip, is it permissible to eat bread without Netilat Yadayim? A: Yes, by wrapping both hands in plastic bags or some other covering (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 40:14). Q: Should I recite the blessing for "Netilat Yadayim"? A: No, you did not wash.

B Medical Problem Q: If I am only able to wash one hand for Netilat Yadayim because of a medical problem with the other, do I recite a blessing? A: Yes, and wrap the hand that can't get wet. See Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 162:10. And recite the blessing in the plural "Al Netilat Yadayim (hands)" as usual. Kaf Ha-Chaim 4:2. e72E Short & Sweet


B Table Q: Is it permissible to sit on a table? A: It is not proper to do so (a table is compared to an altar, based on Yechezkel 41:22).

B Organic Food Q: How much money should one spend on organic food in order to eat in a healthier way? A: There have been about two hundred studies on the topic of organic foods, and there is almost no evidence that they are healthier. Q: But everyone says that they are healthier! A: "Everyone saying" it is not scientific proof.

B Mayim Achronim Q: Is there an obligation to wash "Mayim Achronim" (after eating)? What about women? A: There is an obligation if one's hands are not totally clean in order to recite the blessing after eating with clean hands. The same applies for women (Shut She'eilat 1:111).

B Vegetarianism Q: What is the Torah's take on eating meat? A: It is permissible to eat Kosher meat. Vegetarianism is a future vision. We should now focus on Mitzvot between peo- ORACH CHAIM e73E ple (See Maran Ha-Rav Kook's Kovetz Tzimchonut Ve-Ha-Shalom).

B Ends of Bread Q: What is the source for the custom of not eating the ends of a loaf of bread? A: It is an act of piety mentioned in Tzava'at Rebbi Yehudah Ha-Chasid #3. But it is surprising, and eating these pieces is permissible according to the basic Halachah. Shut Minchat Yitzchak 9:8 #7.

B Broken Utensils Q: It is written somewhere that eating from broken utensils causes forgetfulness. Where is it? Should we be concerned about this? A: Kaf Ha-Chaim, siman 2. It is a minority opinion. There is therefore no reason to be concerned.

B Eating in Park Q: Is eating in a park improper and similar to eating in a market, about which the says "One who eats in the market is similar to a dog" ( 40b)? A: It is permissible because it is a place designed for these types of activities.

B Eating in Street Q: Is it permissible to eat a sandwich in the street? How about an ice cream? e74E Short & Sweet

A: No, just as it is forbidden to eat in the market. Eat on the side.

B Le-Chaim! Q: Why do we say "Le-Chaim" (To Life) when drinking wine? A: Since wine is given to one who is receiving capital pun- ishment, we therefore emphasize that this is for life.

Blessings on Food

B Quinoa Q: What is the blessing on quinoa? A: Ha-Adamah before and Nefashot after. It is not one of the five types of grains.

B Blessing on Coconut Milk Q: What is the blessing on coconut milk? A: Shehakol, since it is not the essence of the fruit (Ve-Zot Ha-Beracha p. 396).

B Amen Meals Q: What is the source for an "Amen Meal" and what is its purpose? A: It is a new creation. It has a communal value. Q: Ha-Rav wrote that "Amen Meals" are a new creation. Is it permissible or is it reciting blessings in vain? ORACH CHAIM e75E

A: There are some who forbid it for this reason, but you may rely on those who permit it (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 6:4. Sha'arei Teshuvah #6. Mishnah Berurah #13).

B Forgotten Blessing Q: I forgot if I recited a blessing after eating. What should I do? A: Bless in your thoughts since there are those who say one can fulfill his obligation in thought. And there is no problem of saying a blessing in vain (Pri Megadim #209. Ben Ish Chai Matot #14).

B Q: What was the blessing on the manna? A: Blessed is Hashem…who brings forth bread from the heavens (Sefer Chasidim #1640. And see Shut Yechaveh Da'at 6:12 in footnote).

B Chocolate Q: What is the blessing on chocolate? A: It has been decided: Shehakol (Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein was once asked about the blessing on chocolate, and he re- sponded that people have the long-standing custom to recite Shehakol, and now we must clarify why this is so, since it is impossible for us to say that Klal Yisrael acts improperly. Reshumei Aharon of Ha-Rav Aharon Felder, p. 24. See Ve-Zot Ha-Berachah, p. 101, for a discussion why the bles- sing is not "Borei Pri Ha-Eitz"). e76E Short & Sweet

B Flavored Toothpick Q: Is there a blessing on a flavored toothpick? If there is, what is the blessing? A: There is no blessing since it is not food and not desig- nated to be food.

B Gum Q: Is there an obligation to recite a blessing over chewing gum? A: One must recite a blessing before, since one swallows the sweetness. But there is not a blessing after chewing the gum, since it is not a large enough amount of food (Ve-Zot Ha-Beracha, p. 393).

B Meat and Milk Q: I accidentally drank milk before the end of 6 hours from eating meat. Do I recite a blessing afterwards? A: Yes.

B Giving Food to a Secular Jew Q: Is it permissible for me to give food to a secular Jew when I know he will not recite a blessing? A: Perhaps you can also eat at the same time and recite the blessing out loud (see Shut Minchat Shlomo 1:35). ORACH CHAIM e77E

Birkat Ha-Mazon

B Birkat Ha-Mazon after Vomiting Q: If a person eats and vomits is he obligated to recite Birchat Ha-Mazon? A: No, only if he digests (Shut Har Tzvi Orach Chaim #163).

B Women's Zimun Q: Do three women who eat together recite the "Zimun"? A: We do not act this way (Aruch Ha-Shulchan, Orach Chaim 199:2. Shut Teshuvot Ve-Hanhagot 4:51).

B "Al Naharot Bavel" Q: Should one say "Al Naharot Bavel" before the Birkat Ha-Mazon on weekdays? A: It is proper to do so, but is not obligatory since it is not found in the Gemara, Rambam or Shulchan Aruch, but in the Shelah (Our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, would not recite "Al Naharot Bavel" but rather "Shir Ha-Ma'alot" at each meal, because of our return to our Land. Iturei Yerushalayim #26. Although "Al Naharot Bavel", and when it is to be recited, appears in Siddur Olat Ha-Re'eiyah [vol. 1, p. 360] – a siddur with Maran Ha-Rav Kook's commen- tary which our Rabbi himself arranged and annotated).

B Adding "Tehillat Hashem" Q: What is the reason that some recite the paragraph of e78E Short & Sweet

“Tehillat Hashem” after saying Shir Ha-Ma'alot when bentching? A: This is a custom amongst some Ashkenazim. Sefardim do not say it. It is an unclear and late custom which is not mentioned in the Gemara, the or the Shulchan Aruch. There is a joke that the anti-Zionists added it because Shir Ha-Ma'alot is too Zionist. B Tefilat Ha-Derech

B Standing Q: Is one obligated to recite Tefilat Ha-Derech while stand- ing? A: Some halachic authorities write that one should stand; it is therefore a positive act. However, it was decided that one does not need to, based on the basic meaning of the Gemara (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 68:4).

B Recording Q: Instead of reciting Tefilat Ha-Derech, is it permissible to listen to a recording of it and respond "amen"? A: No. One must hear it from one who is obligated to recite the blessing, and not from a machine.

B Additions Q: Is it permissible for me to add petitions into Tefilat Ha-Derech, such as save me from car accidents, drunk driv- ers and traffic jams? A: After reciting it. ORACH CHAIM e79E

B Driving Lesson Q: Do I have to say Tefilat Ha-Derech when I have a driv- ing lesson? A: No, since it is in the city. B One for all Q: Is it permissible for one person to recite Tefilat Ha-Derech or should each person recite it on his own? A: It is permissible, but it is preferable for each person to recite it since it is a supplication.

B Shomron Q: I live on a settlement in the Shomron and leaving in- volves driving through a dangerous area. Is it permissible to recite "Tefilat Ha-Derech" on a short distance? A: Yes, even for a very short distance. B Praying with a Microphone Q: Is it permissible to say Tefilat Ha-Derech with a micro- phone on a bus? A: No, one must hear it directly from the person, unless each person is reciting it on his own (Shut Minchat Shlomo 1:9).

B Tank Q: Does one recite Tefilat Ha-Derech for traveling in a tank? A: Yes. There is danger in traveling even a short distance. e80E Short & Sweet

Misc. Blessings

B Birkat Ha-Gomel for a Baby Q: Our baby was saved from death. Should we recite "Ha-Gomel" for him? A: No. He is not in the category of "Those who are obli- gated". Mishnah Berurah 219:1. Piskei Teshuvot ibid. #9. You should give Tzedakah.

B Woman reciting Birkat Ha-Gomel Q: Can women recite Birkat Ha-Gomel? A: There are three possibilities: 1. She can recite the bles- sing in the Women's Section when the Gabbai quiets every- one down. 2. She can recite the blessing when 10 men are around, i.e. like before or after a class. 3. She can choose not to recite it at all because of issues of modesty (see Shut She'eilat Shlomo 2:87).

B Flying from Eilat to Tel Aviv Q: I recited Birkat Ha-Gomel in Shul after flying from Eilat to Tel Aviv. Afterwards someone asked me why I recited Ha-Gomel. When I told him the reason, he asked me whether I say Ha-Gomel after driving from my home in Efrat to Jerusalem. I responded that I do not. He then said to me that statistically it was more dangerous to drive from Efrat to Jerusalem than to fly from Eilat to Tel Aviv. I thought to myself that this man was probably correct because of Arab terrorism, and because of the average ten deaths per week in Israel from road accidents (and many more injuries). In contrast, there is a much smaller number of fatalities and ORACH CHAIM e81E injuries from flying in commercial airplanes. Can you please clarify the Halachah for me? A: You are both correct, since there is a dispute over whether one recites "Birkat Ha-Gomel" after flying. Accord- ing to the opinion which says that one does not recite "Ha-Gomel" after flying it is because flying is statistically low risk. But Rav Moshe Feinstein (Shut Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 2:59) says that when one is flying in the air it is con- sidered inherently dangerous since if there is a problem or accident there is certain danger which is similar to travel by ship (the case mentioned in the Gemara). Driving in a car, however, does not include this type of risk since it is done on secure, dry land. Someone actually once told me in the name of Rav Feinstein that one should say Tehillim while flying and not learn Torah, since if someone is in danger he should not learn but recite Tehillim!

B Training for Blessings Q: At what age should one be particular about his children reciting blessings? A: As early as possible, although each case is different.

B during the Day Q: Is it permissible to recite Kiddush Levana during the day if the moon is visible? A: No. One also may not recite it at twilight. The moon must be prominent. e82E Short & Sweet

B Lightning Q: If one does not see the lightning itself but only its light, should he recite the blessing? A: Yes. Piskei Teshuvot (227:3). B Blessing on Tzahal Uniform Q: Does one recite a blessing on being drafted into Tzahal? On the uniform? A: Yes. One Shehechiyanu on both of them (Mei-Chayil El Chayil vol. 1 p. 320). B Blessings over the Messiah Q: What blessings do we recite over the arrival of the Mes- siah? A: According to Rabbi Chaim Palagi: "Ga'al Yisrael" (Who redeemed Israel), "Shehechiyanu", "She-Chalak Me- Chochmato Li-rei'av" (Who gave of His wisdom to those who fear Him – blessing over a great Torah scholar) and "Chacham Ha-Razim" (Knower of Secrets – blessing when seeing 600,000 Jews together). According to Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach: "Shehechiyanu", "She-Chalak Me-Chochmato Li-rei'av", "She-Chalak Michvodo Li-Rei'av" (Who shared His glory with those who fear Him – blessing over a Jewish King) and "Chacham Ha-Razim". B Women and 100 Blessings Q: Are women obligated to recite 100 blessings a day as are men? A: No. Shevet Ha-Levi (5:23). ORACH CHAIM e83E

B Blessing for the Bad Q: How is it possible to joyously recite a blessing for the bad? A: With the knowledge that it will be good in the end. Mesilat Yesharim, chap. 19. But this is a very high spiritual level. (When the Aderet's daughter [Maran Ha-Rav Kook's wife] died, the Aderet delayed coming to the funeral. When he arrived, he said: Since one is obligated to recite a bles- sing for the bad just as one recites a blessing for the good, I took stock of myself and saw that I had not yet reached the level where I could recite "Blessed be the True Judge" over my daughter's death with the same joy as I recited Shehechiyanu over her birth. I therefore needed time to work on myself in order to reach the feeling of "Just as one recites a blessing for the good." (Tuvcha Yabi'u vol. 1, p. 345. Aleinu Le-Shabe'ach, pp. 287-288).

B Shehechiyanu over Daughter Q: When does one recite a blessing over the birth of a daughter? A: One should recite Shehechiyanu when seeing her for the first time (Mishnah Berurah 223:2).

B Police Uniform Q: I am volunteering for the police and received a uniform, which brings me great joy. Can I recite the Shehechiyanu? A: Absolutely (see Mi-Chayil El Chayil vol. 1 p. 320). e84E Short & Sweet

B "Ad Meah Ve-Esrim" (May you live until 120 years old)!

Q: What is the source for life being limited to 120 years? A: This is no such limit. Some commentators do explain on the verse: "And the days of his life were one hundred and twenty years" (Bereshit 6:3), that this is the limit on the length of one's life (Chizkuni and Ha-Emek Davar). And many great Rabbis did live to this age (Moshe Rabbenu, Hillel, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai and Rabbi Akiva), but there is no impediment to living longer. For example, Sarah lived to be 127. And, on the contrary, there are those who are against saying it, since it is as if we are limiting one's life, and Torah does not say there is a limit (see the book "Meged Givot Olam", p. 100, and the book "Aleinu Le-Shabei'ach" – Devarim vol. 1, p. 732). But one may say it since it is merely an expression. May those who live longer increase! (It is related in the above books that towards the end of Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein's life, he was physically weak and needed an aide. New York State was willing to cover the cost, but he was required to fill out a form which included a question about how long he expected the aide to be needed. Ha-Rav Feinstein, who was then 90 years old, could have written that he expected it to continue for not more than another 30 years. But he refused to fill in the form, even though it resulted in a major financial loss to him. He was not willing in any manner to write a time which hinted at his end, even though he was already quite elderly.)

B New Shoes Q: Should I recite Shehechiyanu on new shoes? ORACH CHAIM e85E

A: Yes. But we do not say: "You should wear them out and get new ones" (Rama Orach Chaim 223:6).

B Pistol Q: Should one recite Shehechiyanu on buying a pistol? A: Yes, it is for protection. B Teudat Zehut Q: Should an "Oleh " (new immigrant) say Shehechiyanu on receiving his Teudat Zehut (identity card)? A: Yes. Wonderful news! B Jerusalem's Light-Rail Q: Should one recite Shehechiyanu over Jerusalem's new light-rail? A: Yes, if you are happy about it, and it is good news for you.

B Blessing at Auschwitz Q: My father is an Auschwitz survivor. When I visit Poland, should I recite the blessing "Blessed is Hashem who per- formed a miracle for my father in this place"? A: No. This blessing is only for a super-natural miracle (Biur Halachah #218).

B Blessing for One's House Q: Someone told me that the "Blessing for One's House" is from the New Testament. Is this true? e86E Short & Sweet

A: I believe it is from the writer Rudyard Kipling, but you still should not hang it up. We have the Mezuzah, which is according to Hashem's command.

B Lack of Knowledge in Blessings Q: If I do not know the blessing over a certain food, what should I do? A: Learn about it, or ask someone who does know.

B Blessing on Shul Talit by Shaliach Tzibur Q: Does a Shaliach Tzibur recite a blessing on a Shul Talit? A: The custom is not to do so. Piskei Teshuvot 14:7.

B Solar Eclipse Q: Does one recite a blessing on a Solar Eclipse? A: No.

B Second and Third Person Q: Why do blessings begin in the second person and con- tinue in the third person? A: Because Hashem is close to us within the world and far away beyond the world (Nefesh Ha-Chaim 3).

B Blessing on Telephone Q: Can one fulfill his obligation to recite a blessing by hear- ing someone else recite a blessing for him on the telephone? A: No, one does not hear the person's actual voice but a ORACH CHAIM e87E reproduction of it. One should however recite Amen, and also in the case of a live broadcast, as one would in the Shul in Alexandria. (Sukkah 52a, Shut Minchat Shlomo 1:9, Shut Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim 4:91, Shearim Metzuyanim Ba-Halachah 6 #5, Shut Yechaveh Da'at 2:68 and others). B Perfume Q: Is it permissible to recite a blessing over artificially cre- ated perfume? A: No.

Shabbat – Preparation, Candle Lighting, etc. B Forgetting to Light Q: My wife fell asleep on Erev Shabbat out of exhaustion and I lit Shabbat candles in her place. Does she still have to light an additional candle each Shabbat (as a penalty)? A: No, since the basic Mitzvah is to have the Shabbat can- dles lit in the house (see Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim #263). B Electric Shabbat Candles Q: Is it permissible to light an electric "candle" for Shabbat candles? A: Yes. Piskei Teshuvot (263:2). B Latest Candle Lighting Time Q: How late can one light Shabbat candles? e88E Short & Sweet

A: One should light at the time noted on the calendars, but after the fact one can light until ten minutes before sun- down.

Shabbat – Kiddush & Meals

B Dairy on Shabbat Q: If a person enjoys dairy food, may he eat a dairy meal on Shabbat? A: Yes. The essence is that he enjoys it. B Shlissel Challah Q: Is there an authentic source for making Challah with a key in it (or in the shape of a key) on the Shabbat after Pesach as a Segulah for Parnasah, or is it superstition? A: It is not forbidden but there is no meaning in doing so (this custom is mentioned in Ta'amei Ha-Minhagim pp. 249-250).

B Fish on Shabbat Q: Am I obligated to eat fish on Shabbat if I do not like it? A: No. The Mitzvah is to enjoy yourself (Mishnah Berurah 242:2).

B Kiddush and Modesty Q: How do I make Kiddush if there are married women present without their hair covered? A: With your eyes fixed on the Siddur. ORACH CHAIM e89E

B Women reciting Motzi Q: Is it permissible for a woman to make "Hamotzi" for the family on Shabbat? A: There is no difference in the level of obligation between a man and a woman, and it is completely acceptable in the context of one's family.

B Wrong Kiddush Q: If someone accidently made the daytime Kiddush – Kiddusha Rabba – on Shabbat night and realized it only the day after on Shabbat day, what is the law? A: The book "Shemirat Shabbat Ke-Hilchata" (47:8) says that if one remembers that he did not make the proper Kid- dush he should make it even later on Shabbat night and eat a piece of cake or some other mezonot. If one only remem- bers before lunch on Shabbat, one should recite the Kiddush of Shabbat night before lunch.

B Sliced Bread Q: I do not have challot for Shabbat. I only have sliced bread. What should I do? A: Take two pieces of bread.

B Mother's Blessing Q: Can a mother give the children a blessing after the fa- ther on Shabbat night? A: Certainly. e90E Short & Sweet

Shabbat – Prayers, Torah Reading, Learning Parashah

B Rashi or Onkelos Q: Is it permissible to learn Shetayim Mikra Ve-Echad Tar- gum with Rashi's commentary instead of the Aramaic Tar- gum? A: Yes. Or any another commentary (Mishnah Berurah 285:5).

B "Vayechulu" Q: If I did not say "Vayechulu" with the community on Shabbat night because I was still davening Shemoneh Esrei, do I need to recite it with someone else or can I recite it alone? A: There is no obligation to say it with another person, since it is not actual testimony (which requires two wit- nesses). But some are careful to recite it with another person (the Mishnah Berurah [268:19] wrote that this section is tes- timony regarding the Creation of the World, and testimony requires two people. But the Chazon Ish [38:10] wrote that one should not be particular to recite it with another person since there is a fear of bringing witnesses to testify whether the Creation really took place. Some say however that the Chazon Ish changed this mind regarding this practice – Ma'aseh Ish vol. 4, p. 121 and vol. 7, p. 145). ORACH CHAIM e91E

Shabbat – Muktze

B Muktze Q: When did the laws of Muktze begin? A: At the Giving of the Torah. Aruch Ha-Shulchan, Orach Chaim 308:4.

B Compass Q: Is a compass for finding direction Muktze on Shabbat? A: No. It is permissible to use it. B Tooth which falls out on Shabbat Q: Is a tooth which falls out on Shabbat Muktze? A: Yes. It is not useful for any purpose. And so too hair which falls out. They should be moved with a "shinu'i" (in an unusual way).

B Empty Cans and Bottles Q: Is it permissible for me to collect empty cans and bottles on Shabbat in order to get the deposit? A: They are Muktze, and collecting them is preparing on Shabbat for a weekday. There are other problems with this as well.

B Cell Phone on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to carry a cell phone on Shabbat in or- der to tell the time? A: No, it is Muktze, since its main function is forbidden. e92E Short & Sweet

Q: Is it permissible to move a cell phone on Shabbat if I need the spot that it is occupying it is sitting? A: Yes, since a Muktze item used for a forbidden labor may be moved in such a case. It is not considered a Muktze item which one does not often handle for fear of breaking it and losing money since people freely move cell phones around in the course of a day. B Bus Pass Q: Is it permissible to carry a bus pass on Shabbat to use after Shabbat? A: No, it is Muktze and carrying it is considered preparing on Shabbat for a weekday.

Shabbat – Carrying B Weapon on Shabbat Q: When is it permissible to carry a weapon on Shabbat? A: It is always beneficial (Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren, Meshiv Milchama 2:61 pp. 52-53. 2:80 p. 80). B "Chazakah" Q: If the Eiruv is checked before Shabbat and is declared Kosher, should a person still be concerned that it was ren- dered invalid on Shabbat in the event of a storm? Can we rely on the "Chazakah" (presumption) that since the Eiruv was operational at the beginning of Shabbat, it still remains that way? A: It depends on whether the Eiruv is strong or not. This is ORACH CHAIM e93E a most serious question, and one should ask the Rabbi who is in charge of the Eiruv.

B Informing Others of Fallen Eiruv Q: If an individual knows with certainty that the Eiruv came down, should he tell other people, or keep quiet about it since they may not listen? Is this a case of "Mutav sheyeeheyu shoggegin v'al yeeheyu mezidin" (It is better for people to transgress unwittingly than wittingly)? A: In general, the whole issue of an Eiruv is Rabbinic since we are discussing a "Karmelit". Therefore, if people will lis- ten, one should inform them. If they will not listen, we apply "mutav she-yeeheyu shoggegin…" (See Rama, Orach Chaim 608:2 with commentaries. Ha-Gaon Rav Avraham Dov Auerbach, Av Beit Din of Tiveria, once told me about an incident that occurred there in the past. The Eiruv was damaged, but the Rav of Tiveria ruled that it was Kosher. There was a great Torah scholar who lived there and he bumped into the Rav of the city after Shabbat. They talked, the Torah scholar walked him home, and they sat and chat- ted. The Torah scholar said, "Let's learn some Torah." The Rav of the city obviously agreed. The Torah scholar took Massechet Eiruvin and they learned. Suddenly, the Rav of the city said, "Oy va-voy! If so, I ruled incorrectly today!" The Torah scholar said, "It appears so." The Rav of the city asked, "Did his honor announce in his Shul not to carry on Shabbat?" "No," he responded, "since carrying in this place is a rabbinic prohibition, but honoring a Torah scholar is a Torah Mitzvah. I therefore did not say anything."). e94E Short & Sweet

B Rabbenu and Eiruv Q: Does the Rav have any specific tradition from Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook regarding the use of an Eiruv on Shabbat? A: In the book "Ki Shem Hashem Nikra Elecha" by Ha-Rav Shlomo Gilat (p. 66), it is related that Rabbenu Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah did not carry things out on Shabbat within the Eiruv, but he agreed that a student could carry the house key.

Shabbat – Forbidden Labors

B Shabbat Protects Him Q: It is said: "If someone observes Shabbat, Shabbat will protect him." If so, how can a person be murdered in a ter- rorist attack on Shabbat? A: This is a beautiful saying which someone made up, but it is not Torah. It is therefore impossible to raise a difficulty based on it.

B E-mail on Shabbat Q: Can I read an e-mail after Shabbat that was sent on Shabbat? A: After the fact, it is permissible to benefit from it. Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 318:1.

B Body Cream on Shabbat Q: What type of cream is permissible on Shabbat? ORACH CHAIM e95E

A: Liquid cream, which pours out on its own (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 314:11).

B Security Guard on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible for me to work as a security guard on Shabbat? A: Yes, just as it is for the army and police.

B Picture Album on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to sort and organize pictures in an al- bum on Shabbat? A: No, it is selecting.

B Radio on Shabbat Q: What should one do if the radio accidently turns on on Shabbat, and the neighbors can hear it? A: Do not turn it off. Put something over it like a blanket. If it is not digital, turn the volume dial down in an unusual way.

B Basketball Game on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to ask someone the results of a basket- ball game which took place on Shabbat in which an Israeli team played? A: Certainly not. It strengthens those who violate Shabbat. The Torah writes that someone who violates Shabbat re- ceives the death penalty. We obviously would not enforce e96E Short & Sweet this today, but we should not go to the other extreme – be- ing interested in what they do.

B Cell Phone as an Alarm Clock Q: Is it permissible on Shabbat to use a cell phone as an alarm clock? A: On condition that one not touch it and not turn it off, and that it has a simple ring and not music.

B Cake with Letters Q: Is it permissible on Shabbat to eat a cake with letters, e.g., "Happy Birthday"? A: You should cut between the words; some are strict to cut between the letters. Shemirat Shabbat Ke-Hilchata (11:7-8).

B Transition Lenses on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible on Shabbat to wear glasses which turn into sunglasses when exposed to the sun? A: Yes. This is not the type of coloring the Torah forbade. Furthermore, it is temporary as well as indirect (Shemirat Shabbat Ke-Hilchata 18:18 note #70).

B Broken Bone on Shabbat Q: If a child breaks his hand or foot on Shabbat, do we desecrate Shabbat for him? A: Yes. It contains an aspect of a life-threatening situation. ORACH CHAIM e97E

B Digital Album Q: Is it permissible on Shabbat to look at a digital album? A: It is permissible if it is attached to the wall, and not on a computer, lest one adjust it.

B Doula on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible for a doula to travel to the hospital on Shabbat? A: On foot or by riding in the vehicle together with the woman giving birth, but without a separate trip for her and without stopping to pick her up.

B Benefiting from Shabbat Desecration Q: I am religious and my family is secular. On Shabbat, they turn on the lights and the air-conditioner. Is it permis- sible for me to benefit from them? A: Yes, but do not intend to do so, i.e. it is permissible to be in the house, but do not purposefully go close to the air-conditioner or read by the light.

B Refrigerator light on Shabbat Q: What should one do on Shabbat if he opens the refrig- erator door and the light goes on? A: Place a towel on the door so that it does not close. Food that is perishable should be placed in the freezer or placed in a neighbor's refrigerator, and non-perishable food should be pushed to the back of the refrigerator. e98E Short & Sweet

B Computer on Shabbat Q: I need to buy a laptop computer for my studies, but I cannot prevent my brother from using it on Shabbat. What should I do? A: Buy it. It is not your responsibility.

B Electric Bug-Zapper on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to use an electric bug-zapper to kill bugs on Shabbat if it is turned on before Shabbat? A: Yes, just as other automatic items (aside from a specific few) may function on Shabbat.

B Playing Instrument on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible on Shabbat for someone to make music from the rubber bands on his (teeth) braces? A: No. This is also included in the prohibition against mak- ing music on Shabbat.

B Police Q: Is it permissible to be drafted into the police even though there will be issues of violating Shabbat? A: It is not only permissible, it is a Mitzvah. Be in contact with a Rav there.

B Thieves on Shabbat Q: If one sees thieves breaking into a car on Shabbat, is it permissible to call the police? ORACH CHAIM e99E

A: Yes. It is a danger to the community (see Amud Ha-Yemini #17).

B Subway outside of Israel Q: Outside of Israel, where Shuls are often far from where people live, is it permissible to buy a subway ticket before Shabbat and travel to Shul on Shabbat? A: No. It is carrying a ticket which is Muktze, and in the Public Domain. It is a weekday activity and the custom is not to do so (Shut Mateh Levi 2:19).

B Car Lights on Shabbat Q: Should one point out to someone that his headlights are off? A: Yes. (life-threatening situation).

B Compost on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible on Shabbat to throw peels and vegeta- bles into the compost container in our backyard? A: No. It is preparing on Shabbat for a weekday.

B Folding One's Talit on Shabbat and Yom Tov Q: Is it permissible, after davening on Shabbat and Yom Tov, to fold one's Talit the way it is done on weekdays? A: It is forbidden to fold the same way as on a weekday (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 80:91). The Talit should be folded either outside the folds or backwards. e100E Short & Sweet

B Washing Dishes on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to wash dishes on Shabbat if there are other clean ones? A: It is permissible if a person wants to eat off of those par- ticular dishes (Shut Shevet Ha-Levi 5:39. Ha-Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky in Emet Le-Yaakov 323:6).

B Swimming on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to enter the water on Shabbat without swimming? A: No, the prohibition includes this as well (Shut Igrot Moshe, Even Ha-Ezer 2:13).

B Television on Shabbat Q: In my house, they watch TV. What should I do? A: If you have to be in the same room, turn your back to the TV.

B Sunbathing on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to sun bathe on Shabbat? A: It is permissible. This is not the type of "coloring" which the Torah forbids (Shut Az Nidberu 2:30. Not like the ruling in Shut Minchat Yitzchak 5:32 and Shut Chelkat Yaakov 4:17).

B Giving Birth on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible on Shabbat to drop off children at their ORACH CHAIM e101E grandparents' house on the way to driving one's wife to the hospital to give birth, or must they be left at the neighbors? A: Any additional driving is forbidden.

B Museum on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to visit the Israel Museum, on Shabbat when it is open but has free entrance? A: It is forbidden because its operation involves the dese- cration of Shabbat.

B Using Animal Q: Is it permissible to use an animal, like a monkey or dog, to turn on a light on Shabbat? A: No, it is a Torah prohibition. "In order that your ox rest…"

B Vitamins Q: Are vitamin supplements considered like medicine on Shabbat and forbidden, or like food and permissible? A: They are forbidden like medicine. It is possible to take them before and after Shabbat (Shemirat Shabbat Ke-Hilchata 34:20).

B Crying Q: I sometimes read stories on Shabbat which make me cry. Is this permissible? A: Yes, like Rabbi Akiva who cried on Shabbat on account e102E Short & Sweet of his cleaving to Hashem (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 288:2 and Mishnah Berurah #4).

B Using Pocketknife Q: Is it permissible to use a pocketknife with scissors on Shabbat? A: Yes, it is one item (Shemirat Shabbat Ke-Hilchata chap. 20).

B Broken Nail Q: Can I pull off a fingernail which is partially coming off on Shabbat? A: No. Put a band-aid on it so that it does not hurt.

B Make-up Q: Is it permissible to put on make-up before Shabbat which will remain all of Shabbat or is it "ma'arit ayin" (the appearance of doing something which is forbidden – putting on make-up on Shabbat)? A: It is permissible, because we do not make new decrees regarding "Ma'arit Ayin," and especially here since many women act this way.

B Games with Play Money Q: Is it permissible to play games with pretend money on Shabbat? A: Yes. Some permit it, although it is preferable to refrain from doing so (Shemirat Shabbat Ke-Hilchata 16:32). ORACH CHAIM e103E

B Stoplight Q: How should one act at a stoplight on Shabbat? A: One should be careful like on a weekday. We have to be aware of danger on Shabbat as well.

B Accidental Radio Q: The radio was accidentally connected to the Shabbat timer, and it turned on. What should one do in such a case? A: There are three options: 1. Put a blanket over it. 2. Turn the dial on the timer so that it will turn off in 5-10 minutes, and the radio will turn off indirectly (Gerama). 3. If the vol- ume is controlled by a knob (not an electric button), you can turn the volume down with a "Shinui" (an unusual way, i.e. with your thumb, back-handed, etc.)

B Ovulation Test Q: Is it permissible to use an "at-home" ovulation test on Shabbat that is not electric? A: While "tzovea – coloring" is forbidden on Shabbat, var- ious authorities permit using this type of test since one does not care about the color and throws it in the garbage when done.

B Giving Gifts on Shabbat Q: We are joining our daughter and her classmates for a final Shabbat in the Ulpana (Girls high school). Her teacher asked us to write a "bracha" (blessing) and bring a small gift. May I give my daughter a gift on Shabbat? I was thinking of a silver Magen David on a silver chain? e104E Short & Sweet

A: There are two possibilities for giving a gift on Shabbat mentioned in the book "Shemirat Shabbat Ke-Hilchata" (29:29): 1. Give the gift to another person and have them acquire it for your daughter before Shabbat. You can then bring it to her on Shabbat. This is based on the principle of "zachin le-adam she-lo be-fanav” – “we can do something for someone else’s benefit even without the latter’s knowl- edge or permission." The person will thus acquire the chain for your daughter before Shabbat and you can bring it to her on Shabbat. 2. Lend it to your daughter on Shabbat and she will acquire it from you after Shabbat. Tell her to have this intention in mind.

B Dental Floss Q: Is it permissible to us dental floss on Shabbat? A: Yes, unless it keeps breaking. If it does not generally break and does so, it is an unintended act (note: it must be ripped off before Shabbat).

B Mall Q: Is it permissible to go to the mall on Shabbat if I am not going to buy anything? A: No, this is a place where people are transgressing. There are many other reasons as well.

B Trampoline Q: Is it permissible to jump on a trampoline on Shabbat? A: Yes. ORACH CHAIM e105E

B TV Program Q: Is it permissible to watch a TV program after Shabbat which began on Shabbat, or on Friday if the program will continue on Shabbat? A: No, because you strengthen one who is transgressing, i.e. you are legitimizing Shabbat desecration (this is an an- swer particular to those in Israel).

B Cesarean Section on Wednesday Q: Is it permissible to have a scheduled Cesarean Section on a Wednesday, three days before Shabbat? I know that for elective surgery we should take its proximity to Shabbat into consideration. A: There is no problem to schedule it on a Wednesday. Schedule it for a day that is comfortable for the mother. Mazel Tov!

B Opening Bag of Milk on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to open a bag of milk on Shabbat by making a small hole with a knife or scissors as per during the week? A: It is permissible with the condition that the hole is made in an imperfect manner without using scissors or a knife. If you must, you may start the tear with a scissor or knife and then continue with your hand or teeth (see Shemirat Shabbat Ke-Hilchata 9:3). e106E Short & Sweet

B Video Camera Q: Is it permissible to pass by a place on Shabbat – like the Old City – which has a video camera? A: It is permissible. It is a "benefit which comes to a person against his will" (Pesachim 25b), since you are walking on your way, are not doing anything in relation to the camera and are not concerned with it. Pnei Yehoshua ibid. in the name of the Ran (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:111).

B Non- Store Q: Is it permissible to shop on a weekday in a store which is open on Shabbat? A: It is permissible, but a store which observes Shabbat is preferable.

B Food Brought in a Forbidden Manner Q: I am a security guard for a settlement. If a resident brings me food in his car on Shabbat, can I eat it? A: No, but do so with wisdom in order not to offend him.

B Directions Q: Is it permissible to give directions to a Jew who is driving on Shabbat? A: No, it is aiding one who is transgressing (unless there is potential danger). You should politely avoid answering by saying that you do not know. Q: But isn't there a concern that if he does not know the way, he will drive more and thus increase his transgression ORACH CHAIM e107E

(as per the opinion of Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik. Nefesh Ha-Rav, p. 173)? A: But we do not perform a Mitzvah through a transgres- sion (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:102) B Non-Observant Guest Q: If I have non-observant guests staying in my house on Shabbat, am I obligated to prevent them from violating Shabbat in their room? A: No. One should not interfere with their lives. They ob- viously should not do it in an overt way. B Driving on Shabbat Q: If there is a life-threatening situation and one must drive on Shabbat, is it permissible to turn off the car upon on ar- rival? A: Yes. It is dangerous to leave the motor running. It could also lead to theft, including by terrorists or dangerous thieves. But you should turn it off with a "Shinui" (in an un- usual manner). B Joint Project Q: My (Jewish) partner at work and I are working on a joint project. He wrote his part on Shabbat. Is it permissible for me to use it? A: Yes. Even the product of intentional Shabbat desecra- tion is permissible for other people to use (i.e. not the Shabbat violator) after Shabbat, even if it was performed for your sake. But you should request that he cease from doing so in the future. e108E Short & Sweet

B Using a dishwasher on Shabbat Q: If my parents turn on the dishwasher after the Friday night meal, may I eat off the dishes on Shabbat day? A: There is a dispute brought by the Mishnah Berurah in the Biur Halachah (Orach Chaim 318 – the second com- ment) whether in a case of a Shabbat violation performed unwittingly, when the item does not experience a physical transformation (like cooking), if one can benefit from it on that Shabbat. The dishes do not go through a physical trans- formation. Therefore, according to one opinion brought there, it would be permissible to use them. It is preferable, however, to offer to wash the dishes, which can be done in a permissible manner. The essence is not to offend your par- ents. You can say: "My Rabbi is strict about it. What can I do?" which may lead them to think there are other opinions and they will allow you to do what you need to do in order to follow your Rabbi.

Shabbat – Misc. B Studying Secular Subjects on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to study secular subjects on Shabbat? For tests? A: The Rambam forbids it, since it is proper that Shabbat should only be for Hashem, but the Rashba permits it (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 307:17). The Halachah is that it is permissible but it is proper to be strict (Mishnah Berurah). The Rambam also holds that it is not forbidden ac- cording to the basic law, but it is a pious act to refrain (Aruch Shulchan). In sum, it is permissible but preferable not to. ORACH CHAIM e109E

B Shabbat Shalom or Gut Shabbos Q: Is it better to say Shabbat Shalom or Gut Shabbos? A: Our language is certainly Hebrew and not German and not even .

B Shabbat Shalom on Shabbat Afternoon Q: I heard that one should not say Shabbat Shalom on Shabbat afternoon since Yosef, Moshe and David died on Shabbat afternoon? A: One should certainly say Shabbat Shalom, and with a big smile (Ha-Rav Avigdor Neventzal wrote in Yerushalayim Be-Moadeha – Shabbat [vol. 2, p. 196] that some refrain from saying it since Moshe died at that time, and those who refrain do so from noontime onward. And in Derech Sichah [vol. 1, p. 271], Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski relates that his fa- ther, the "Steipler", refrained from saying Shabbat Shalom in the afternoon, since the Zohar says that these three right- eous men died on Shabbat afternoon, and those who refrain do so from Minchah Ketana).

B Basketball Q: Is it permissible to play basketball on Shabbat? A: Yes. But only in moderation, since Shabbat is for Hashem. Q: Is it permissible to play soccer on a field or asphalt? A: It is not permissible on a field. It is permissible on as- phalt, but not recommended (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:185, 4:94). e110E Short & Sweet

B White Shirt Q: Are we obligated to wear a white shirt on Shabbat or is it permissible to wear a colored shirt? A: Wear what is considered respectful for the honor of Shabbat in that time and place.

B Extra Soul Q: What is the role of the "extra soul" one receives on Shabbat? Do I receive the same soul each Shabbat? A: It adds an exalted spirituality. Yes.

B Dancing on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to dance on Shabbat? A: Yes. What people do today is not considered "dancing." People go around in a circle and jump up and down. People do not dance in a way that must be accompanied by musi- cal instruments and there is thus no fear that someone will repair a musical instrument because of the "dancing". Aruch Ha-Shulchan (Orach Chaim 339:9. See Shut Minchat Elea- zar 1:29. Ma'aseh Ish vol. 5 p. 17. Ashrei Ish vol. 2 p. 128. There is a story about Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein: a student in his yeshiva finally got married after many, many years. At the Aufruf, they were so excited that they (including Ha-Rav Feinstein) began to dance around the Bima. A student asked him: Isn't it forbidden to dance on Shabbat? Ha-Rav Feinstein responded: You call this dancing?!). ORACH CHAIM e111E

Shabbat – Havdalah & Motza'ei Shabbat

B Depression Q: I feel depressed every Motza'ei Shabbat. What should I do? A: This is a known phenomenon that results from the de- parture of the extra soul one receives on Shabbat. You should have Melave Malka with and read Mesilat Yesharim.

B Havdalah for Bar Mitzvah on Motza'ei Shabbat Q: Can someone who becomes Bar Mitzvah on Motza'ei Shabbat recite Havdalah for himself and for others? A: A Bar Mitzvah is obligated in the Mitzvot, but he was not obligated on Shabbat. He should therefore hear Havdalah from someone else and all the more so not fulfill the Mitzvah for others (Shut Har Tzvi #165 and Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Halichot Shlomo – Tefilah chap. 2 note #48).

B Looking at Fingernails during Havdalah Q: Should one look at his fingernails before or after the blessing over the candle during Havdalah? A: There is a dispute. But one should look before the bles- sing, as with other blessings of praise in which we look at the object before the blessing. Piskei Teshuvot 296:5.

B Havdalah Candle Q: Is it true that a Havdalah candle is Treif and it is forbid- den to extinguish it in the wine? e112E Short & Sweet

A: Today the candles are made of synthetic, non-Treif ma- terial.

B Perfume for Spices Q: If we do not have spices for Havdalah, can we use per- fume? A: No, because it is synthetic.

B Women Drinking Wine from Havdalah Q: Is it true that if a woman drinks the wine from Havdalah she will grow a beard? A: It is nonsense, but they customarily do not do so. If there is no man, she obviously recites Havdalah and drinks.

B Motza'ei Shabbat Haircut Q: What is the source for the prohibition of getting a hair- cut on Motza'ei Shabbat? A: There is none. It is permissible.

Rosh Chodesh

B Davening Musaf in Tefillin Q: I accidentally davened Musaf on Rosh Chodesh wearing my tefillin. A: You fulfilled your obligation (Mishnah Berurah 25:61 and see 423:10). ORACH CHAIM e113E

Pesach – Chametz, Kitniyot

B Dog Food on Pesach Q: What should one do on Pesach with dog food that is Chametz? A: It should be included in the sale of Chametz. Q: Is it permissible to feed it to him outside of the house? A: No. It is forbidden to own it, see it or derive any benefit from it.

B Selling Chametz over the Internet Q: Is it possible to sell Chametz over the internet? A: Yes. It is a form of appointing an agent.

B Ashkenazi eating at Sefardi's House Q: I am Ashkenazi. Is it permissible for me to spend Seder night at the house of a Sefardi, who eats Kitniyot? A: Yes, but don't eat Kitniyot. It is permissible, however, to eat: food which touched Kitniyot, food which absorbed Kitniyot, food in which the Kitniyot are no longer recogniz- able and are nullified in a majority, and food cooked in Kitniyot pots and pans (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:141).

B Medicine for Pesach Q: Does medicine require Pesach certification? A: All medicine which lacks taste is Kosher for Pesach and the rest of the year. e114E Short & Sweet

B Bedikat Chametz Q: Is it permissible to use a flashlight for Bedikat Chametz? A: Yes, but a candle is preferable.

B Beer Bottles Q: Are empty beer bottles put out for decoration consid- ered Chametz? A: No.

B Deodorant Q: Does deodorant require Kosher certification for Pesach? A: No, since it is inedible to a dog.

B Selling Chametz Q: What is permissible to sell? A: Everything. But it is preferable not to sell actual Cha- metz, like bread, cakes, noodles, schnitzel, etc.

B Checking Books for Chametz Q: Is there an obligation to check books for Chametz? A: Some are strict, but the basic Halachah is that one is not obligated to clean them, as the crumbs that would be within them are smaller than the volume of an olive. Just do not put the books on the table on which you eat. One does not violate the prohibitions of not seeing or finding Chametz with crumbs smaller than the volume of an olive, but it is obviously forbidden to eat them, and if they fall into food, ORACH CHAIM e115E they are not nullified, even by a thousand-to-one ratio (Hag- gadah Chazon Ovadiah of Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef, p. 21).

B Fish Food Q: Is fish food Chametz? A: Some is and some isn't. Ask in the pet store for non-Chametz fish food.

B Cigarettes Q: Are cigarettes Chametz? A: No. But they are forbidden all year round.

B Forgot to Sell Chametz Q: I did not sell my Chametz on Pesach. After Pesach, can I use products such as sugar, oil, salt, etc. which I had in my possession during Pesach? A: It is forbidden to benefit from Chametz which was owned by a Jew during Pesach, but if something is doubtful Chametz it is permissible. Many times the Rabbi of a com- munity or neighborhood will sell Chametz for one who for- gets.

B Store which Sold Chametz on Pesach Q: How much time has to pass after Pesach so that there is no concern that a Chametz product in a store may have been owned by a Jew (and is forbidden for use)? A: A month – by then the supplies will certainly have been depleted. e116E Short & Sweet

B Ba'al Teshuvah and Kitniyot Q: I am Sefardi and am having a guest coming for Pesach who is Ashkenazic and a Ba'al Teshuvah, but was influenced to become religious by Sefardi Jews and therefore eats Kitniyot. Can I serve him Kitniyot? A: You may serve it to him. He knows what he is doing and asked a Rabbi what is the correct way to act. I was once at a Rabbinic conference and Ha-Rav Mordechai Eliyahu – the Sefardic Chief Rabbi of Israel – was there and someone asked him a similar question: Chabad Chasidim have influ- enced many Sefardic Jews to become religious and there are now Sefardic Jews who have all sorts of Ashkenazic practices. Is this a problem? Ha-Rav Eliyahu responded: May it be Hashem's will that all Israel repents, even if they become Ashkenazim!

B Bedikat Chametz in a Tank Q: Do soldiers have to check for Chametz in a tank? A: Yes, since they eat there. Q: Should they recite a blessing? A: No, a tank is not a house. They are inside for long pe- riods of time but this does not transform it into a house. Q: Should they check the tank with a candle? A: No or else you will perform Bedikat Chametz and Biur Chametz (destroying the Chametz) at the same time. The same applies when checking a car. The basic Halachah is that it is possible to use any source of light to check, but the custom is to use a candle. ORACH CHAIM e117E

B New toothbrush for Pesach Q: Do I need to buy a new toothbrush for Pesach? A: Yes, this is the custom. You can clean and clean the toothbrush, but the bristles become worn and bent over time. In any event, you have to get a new toothbrush every once in a while.

B String beans on Pesach Q: May an Ashkenazi eat string beans on Pesach? A: Some have the custom to eat them, while others have the custom not to eat them. The majority in the Land of Israel have the custom not to eat them.

Pesach – Matzah

B Hand-Made or Machine-Made Matzah Q: According to Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook, which is pref- erable: hand-made or machine-made matzah? A: Our Rabbi was particular to use machine-made matzah since it was decided by the halachic authorities that machine-made Matzah is Kosher, and there is, in fact, greater care regarding the concern of Chametz than with hand-made Matzah (and once when our Rabbi was asked this question, he answered: In the same amount of time that we exert ourselves to make one hand-made matzah it is pos- sible to make Reb Noson’s [our Rabbi’s brother-in-law], his own and many other people’s matzah for the entire holi- day). e118E Short & Sweet

B Soft Matzah for Ashkenazim Q: Is it permissible for Ashkenazim to eat soft Matzah, like that eaten by Sefardim? A: There are those who forbid it. While they agree that in the past Ashkenazim did eat it, they ceased doing so (Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Halichot Shlomo chap. 9 note #80) and there is no tradition (Masoret) to permit it. But there is also no tradition to forbid it, and the Rama (Or- ach Chaim 460:4) mentions that the Matzot were thick (and must therefore have been soft). And the Sha'arei Teshuvah writes there that they would prepare them with a type of grater, which is also a sign that they were soft. Ha-Rav Asher Weiss writes that the basic Halachah is that they are permis- sible, but he is concerned that we are not experts in making them soft and there is therefore a concern about Chametz (at the end of his Haggadah, Siman #15). But Sefardim are experts. And Ha-Rav Herschel Schachter also permits them. In sum: It is permissible.

Pesach – Seder B Non-Jew at the Seder Q: Is it permissible to invite a non-Jew to the Pesach Seder? A: There is in fact a prohibition against inviting a non-Jew on Yom Tov, since it is forbidden to cook for a non-Jew on Yom Tov. Our Sages made a decree against inviting a non-Jew lest one add food for him while cooking (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 512:1. Mishnah Berurah ibid.). How- ever, our Sages did allow a non-Jew to attend in certain sit- ORACH CHAIM e119E uations when a Jew would not cook for the guest, i.e. when he came on his own, after the meal was already prepared. And all the more so in our time when everything is ready in advance and we do not cook at all after the holiday has be- gun. It is certainly permissible for a foreign worker to eat, since he is similar to a servant who may eat (see Rama, Yoreh Deah 113:4). And our Rabbis were also lenient in various areas for a non-Jew in the process of conversion (Shut Minchat Eleazar 3:8). And see the commentary of the Ya'avetz on the Haggadah, who explains the words "All who are hungry, come and eat" as an invitation to non-Jews. And see Moadei Ha-Re'eiyah (p. 320) that the non-Jewish British Governor of Jerusalem attended the Seder of Maran Ha-Rav Kook. Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein also writes that there is no problem in teaching Torah to Jews when a non-Jew will also hear, as in the case of Rabban Gamliel and his non-Jewish servant Tavi, who in the course of his service became quite knowledgeable in Halachah. But one should obviously be careful about a non-Jew touching the wine if it is "Eino Mevushal" (Shut Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 2:132).

B Wicked Son Q: How do we agree to have the wicked son at the Seder and talk to him? A: Because he is our son, and we are happy that he is pre- sent. The true tragedy is the fifth son who is not even there.

B Brushing Teeth after Afikoman Q: Is it permissible to brush one's teeth after the Afikoman e120E Short & Sweet or is it forbidden because it removes the taste of the Afikoman? A: It is permissible, just as it is permissible – according to most authorities – to drink coffee and tea after it, since only food is forbidden and not drink.

B Moshe in the Haggadah Q: Why isn't Moshe mentioned in the Haggadah? A: In order to make it clear who provided the salvation – the Master of the Universe. "I and not an angel, I and not a messenger." In most versions, Moshe Rabbenu is only men- tioned in passing: "And they believed in Hashem and Mo- she, His servant." In truth, Hashem provided the salvation, and Moshe Rabbenu is His servant.

Pesach – Misc.

B Korban Pesach Q: Should one sign up for the Korban Pesach in anticipa- tion of the coming of the Mashiach? A: No. There is no need. We anticipate the coming of the Mashiach every day, but the building of the Temple will not be today. See Rambam, Melachim 1:2.

Sefirat Ha-Omer – Period of Mourning

B Attending a Wedding during Sefira Q: Is it permissible for me to go to a wedding during Sefira? ORACH CHAIM e121E

A: Yes. Whether the wedding is during the time you "mourn" or during the time when you do not "mourn". Since it is the day of the bride and groom's joy, it is permissible for you to participate (Shut Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim 1:159).

B Police Officer during Sefira Q: Is it permissible for a police officer to shave during Sefira? A: If it is necessary.

B Shiduch during Sefira Q: Is it permissible to begin a Shiduch during Sefirat Ha-Omer? A: Yes.

B Engagement Party during Sefira Q: Is it permissible to have an engagement party during Sefira? A: Without dancing and music.

B Lashon Ha-Ra and Sefirat Ha-Omer Q: My fellow workers are constantly speaking Lashon Ha-Ra and it is impossible to prevent it. Is it permissible to listen to music in order not to hear the Lashon Ha-Ra? A: Yes. e122E Short & Sweet

B Practicing with Music during Sefirat Ha-Omer Q: Our Shelichim would like to have Israeli dancing leading up to a Yom Ha-Atzmaut celebration. Is it permissible to have the classes with recorded (not live) mu- sic during Sefirat Ha-Omer? A: No. They should either practice before Sefirat Ha-Omer with music or during with Sefira a cappella.

B Beach Q: Is it permissible to go to the beach during Sefirat Ha-Omer? A: It is permissible. The Mishnah Berurah (493:2) says that one should not be overly joyous during the period of Sefirat Ha-Omer, but this does not cause such joy.

B Musical Instruments Q: Is it permissible to play instruments on Chol Ha-Moed, even though it is Sefirat Ha-Omer? A: Yes, Chol Ha-Moed is a time of joy and does not include this limitation. Q: How about on Rosh Chodesh during Sefirat Ha-Omer? A: No, Rosh Chodesh is the same as the other days. B Attending a Play Q: Is it permissible to attend a play during Sefirat Ha-Omer? A: Yes, if it is Kosher, modest and serious, as should be the case during the entire year. ORACH CHAIM e123E

B Shaving Q: I am a manager in an international business company. I have a meeting tomorrow with a non-Jewish CEO of an Italian company to close a deal of great importance to my company. Is it permissible for me to shave during Sefirat Ha-Omer before the meeting so that I do not endanger the deal by appearing unkempt? A: It is permissible.

B In Honor of Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to shave in honor of Shabbat during Sefirat Ha-Omer? A: No, but some authorities are lenient.

B Music and Movie Q: Is it permissible to listen to music during Sefirat Ha-Omer? What about seeing a movie? A: Music is forbidden. A movie is permissible if it is serious, Kosher and contains appropriate content.

B Standup Q: Is it permissible to go to a standup comedy night during Sefirat Ha-Omer? A: No. It is forbidden all year because of "moshav leitzim – frivolity," and all the more so during Sefira. e124E Short & Sweet

Yom Ha-Shoah

B Yom Ha-Shoah in Nisan Q: How was Yom Ha-Shoah established on 27th of Nisan when it is forbidden to mourn during Nisan? A: It is true that it would have been proper to establish it on another day, and the Chief Rabbinate in fact established the 10th of Tevet as remembrance day for the Holocaust. But after it has already been established, we should not sep- arate ourselves from the community.

Yom Ha-Zikaron and Yom Ha-Atzmaut

B Standing for Siren Q: Is it preferable to stand silently during the siren on Re- membrance Day for Fallen Soldiers or to learn Torah? A: One should be silent as a remembrance of the fallen. If he is unable to think about the fallen, he should recite Te- hillim (Psalms) quietly.

B Non-Jewish Custom Q: Is standing silently during the siren a non-Jewish cus- tom? What does it have to do with Remembrance Day? A: It is not a non-Jewish custom, and hardly any countries have such a practice. One should connect to the remem- brance of the deceased and cry for them. One who is unable should recite Tehillim. ORACH CHAIM e125E

B Establishing a Holiday Q: Do our Sages have the authority today to establish new holidays? What is the source? A: Yes. Shut Chatam Sofer, Yoreh Deah 333. Orach Chaim 208.

B Tachanun Q: Who rules that we do not recite Tachanun on Yom Ha-Atzmaut – especially against the great Rabbis of the gen- eration, including Ha-Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv? A: The question is incomprehensible. Ha-Rav David Cohain told me that in his youth he davened at the Tiferet Bachurim Shul and when they wanted to recite Tachanun on Yom Ha-Atzmaut, Ha-Rav Elyashiv did not allow it.

B Charedi Yeshiva Q: I learn in a Charedi yeshiva in which Tachanun is said on Yom Ha-Atzamaut. I disagree with this practice. Should I leave when the others say it? A: It is permissible to stay, and not recite Tachanun your- self. But not in defiant way, since you are required to honor the Torah, and this is the place where you learn.

B 5th of Iyar on Shabbat Q: This year when the 5th of Iyar falls on Shabbat, how do we commemorate Yom Ha-Atzmaut? A: Everything is moved to the previous Thursday. e126E Short & Sweet

B Shave and a Haircut Q: Is it permissible to shave and get a haircut for Yom Ha-Atzmaut? Are all of the laws of mourning of Sefirat Ha-Omer suspended on Yom Ha-Atzmaut? A: Yes, it is a holiday. Responsa of Ha-Rav Yitzchak Nissim (former Chief Sefardic Rabbi of Israel). One should shave before Maariv on Yom Ha-Atzmaut and wear holiday cloth- ing.

B Wedding Q: Is it permissible to get married on Yom Ha-Atzmaut? A: Same answer as for getting a haircut and shaving. B Hallel Q: Should we recite Hallel on Yom Ha-Atzmaut? With a blessing? A: Yes (Ruling of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel) with a bles- sing (Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren). Q: Should we recite Hallel on the night of Yom Ha-Atzmaut? A: This is the opinion of Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren, but the majority does not do so. And this was the decision of our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook.

B "Ya'aleh Ve-Yavo" and "Al Ha-Nisim" Q: Why don't we recite "Ya'aleh Ve-Yavo", or "Al Ha-Nisim" on Yom Ha-Atzmaut? A: Our Sages decreed in the Gemara that "Ya'aleh ORACH CHAIM e127E

Ve-Yavo" is recited on Torah holidays, "Al Ha-Nisim" is re- cited on rabbinic holidays and Hallel is recited on future mi- raculous salvations.

B Darkness Q: Why should we celebrate Yom Ha-Atzmaut when there is so much darkness in our State? A: We give thanks to Hashem for the light in the State. We cry on Tisha Be-Av for the darkness which still remains from the Exile.

B Sources Q: Where is it possible to find halachic responsa regarding Yom Ha-Atzmaut? A: The book "Hilchot Yom Ha-Atzmaut Ve-Yom Yerushalayim" of Ha-Rav Nachum Rakover.

Lag Ba-Omer

B Wood for Lag Ba-Omer Bonfire Q: When I collect wood for the Lag Ba-Omer bonfire, how can I know that it does not belong to someone else? A: You may not take it unless you are 100% certain that it is ownerless. Q: But it is impossible to be certain. A: Then it is forbidden to take it. e128E Short & Sweet

B Chai Rotel Q: What is the source of "Chai Rotel" – that if one donates or offers 18 Rotels (54 liters or about 13 gallons) of drink to those attending the celebrations at Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai's tomb on Lag Ba-Omer, then the giver will be granted miraculous salvation? A: There is no source. One Chasidic Rebbe told his student to bring drinks to thirsty visitors on this spot, and in merit of this kindness, Hashem would help him, as in all acts of kind- ness (Rotel is a liquid measure of the Turks, equaling about 3 liters, and contains no holiness).

B The Grave of the Rashbi Q: Is it preferable to visit Kever Rashbi on Lag Ba-Omer or learn Torah? A: Learn Torah since it is a clear obligation. Q: But the Arizal would visit Kever Rashbi on this day? A: We are not the Arizal (in the name of Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski).

B Lag Ba-Omer on Motza'ei Shabbat Q: Often, non-Torah-mandated holidays are moved to avoid desecration of Shabbat. Why not Lag Ba-Omer? There will definitely be kids lighting bonfires well before Shabbat ends. A: The problem is that it is not exactly a holiday with Mitzvot, but a popular custom. In Shut Sha'arei Tzion (#14), Ha-Rav Shmuel Rabinowitz – the Rav of the Kotel and Holy ORACH CHAIM e129E

Places in Israel – discusses this question regarding the cele- brations at Kever Rashbi on Meron and says that the bon- fires should be started later in the night. This is the custom of the Admor of Boyan, but he also refers to a letter from Ha-Rav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg (Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach's son-in-law) that the bonfires should be done dur- ing the day for the reasons you mentioned. The Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ha-Rav Yonah Metzger, also called for the bonfires to be lit on Sunday during the day.

Second Day of Yom Tov

B One or Two Days of Yom Tov Q: My daughter is in a seminary for the current year in Yerushalayim. She is definitely coming back to the US after the summer and has a scholarship to attend university. Should she observe one or two days of Yom Tov? A: She should keep one day based on the opinion of Rav Goren (who based his opinion on Shaarei Teshuvah 496:3 and Kaf Ha-Chaim 496:40) that even though she has a plan to return, if she were to meet her Beshert here, she would stay. This is also the opinion of Ha-Rav Shmuel Salant, Ha-Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank and Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef (and not like the opinion of Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein in Shut Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 2:101). e130E Short & Sweet

Chol Ha-Moed B Working on Chol Ha-Moed Q: I work in a clothing store. Is it permissible for me to work on Chol Ha-Moed? A: It is permissible to work in a clothing store, since it is permissible to buy clothing for the holiday. You can assume that you are selling for this purpose.

Three Weeks B Night of Asar Be-Tammuz Q: What is the law regarding the night of Shiva Asar Be-Tammuz? A: It is included in the mourning period, just as every day begins the night before. Shut Tzitz Eliezer (10:26) and Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik. And not like the opinion of Shut Igrot Moshe (Orach Chaim 1:168. 4:112 #2). B Washing Clothes for Shabbat during Q: Is it permissible to wash clothing for Shabbat during the Nine Days? A: Only if you do not have other Shabbat clothing. B Exercising in a pool during the Nine Days Q: Is one permitted to swim in a pool as part of a health exercise program during the Nine Days since it is forbidden to bathe? ORACH CHAIM e131E

A: Yes, only pleasure bathing is forbidden. B Buying an Air Conditioner during the Three Weeks Q: Is it permissible to buy an air conditioner during the Three Weeks? A: Yes, if it is necessary. But you should try to do so before Rosh Chodesh Av. B Background Muisc Q: I work in a store which plays background music. What should I do during the Three Weeks? A: Try your best not to listen. This is considered a benefit that comes to a person against his will. Pesachim 25b.

Tisha Be-Av B "Nachem" Q: Hasn't the time come to change the wording of "Nachem" (which we recite on Tisha Be-Av) which describes Jerusalem as the destroyed, shamed and desolate city? A: Please come and visit our yeshiva "Ateret Yerushalayim" which is located in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, in the so-called "Muslim Quarter," and you will be convinced on the spot to leave it as is (since on the way you can see that much of the Old City is still in a state of destruction and shame and is desolate of Jews. Immediately after the Six-Day War, Rabbenu Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah Ha-Cohain Kook was asked whether "Nachem" should be changed. He e132E Short & Sweet answered: "Jerusalem is still scorned and desolate, since the essence of Jerusalem is the Beit Ha-Mikdash." Le-Mikdasheikh Tuv, p. 11 #1).

B Tehillim on Tisha Be-Av Q: Is it permissible to recite Tehillim on Tisha Be-Av? A: According to most opinions, they should not be said but postponed until the next day.

Fast Days

B Donating Blood on a Fast Day Q: It is a fast day and there is a blood drive, but one has to drink after donating blood. Should I donate or fast? A: Fast. We do not perform Mitzvot through transgressions. Donate another time.

B Tat Q: Does Ha-Rav suggest for "Shovavim Tat"? (There is a custom of the Arizal to fast on the Thursdays during which the first eight parashiyot of the Book of Shemot are read. The first letter of each parashah spells out "Shovavim Tat." The Arizal said that this is a propitious time for purify- ing the soul from sin). A: No. Our master, Rav Kook, said that the way now is to strengthen the body and the soul in order to serve Hashem (Orot Ha-Kodesh vol. 3, 78). ORACH CHAIM e133E

B Medicine Q: Is it permissible to take essential medicine on a fast day or is it considered eating? A: Medicine which lacks taste is not considered food and is permissible. If it has taste, wrap it in a thin piece of paper and swallow it. You should obviously take it without water.

B Dentist Q: Is it permissible to go to the dentist on a fast day since you have to put water in your mouth and spit it out? A: It is permissible, but not on Tisha Be-Av.

B Erasing Transgression Q: What is the source for the idea that fasting erases a third of a person’s transgressions? A: There is no source.

Kotel Ha-Ma'aravi

B Direction of Davening at the Kotel Q: Should one daven at the Kotel while facing straight ahead or turn to the left, towards the spot of the Temple? A: Straight, since the exact location of the Holy of Holies is unknown (Le-Mikdashech Tuv p. 241. Shut Teshuvot Ve-Hanhagot 3:39. And this is what we heard from Ha-Rav Neventzal and Ha-Rav Simcha Ha-Cohain Kook). e134E Short & Sweet

B Back to the Kotel Q: Is it permissible to turn one's back to the Kotel? A: It is permissible just as in a Shul it is permissible to turn one's back to the Torah ark. When one leaves the Kotel, the custom is to walk backwards with his face towards the Kotel until he reaches the Plaza (This was the custom of the Steipler. Orchot Rabbenu vol. 1 p. 320 and vol. 2 pp. 150-151. And also Ha-Rav Neventzal, although Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach was not particular to do so. Ha-Kotel Ha-Ma'aravi – Halachot U-Minhagim p. 40).

B The Kotel's Plants Q: Is it permissible to trim the plants on the Kotel? A: There are those who are strict with regards to them, since perhaps they have the same holiness as the Kotel (see the book "The Chief Rabbinate of Israel – 70 Years Since its Establishment" vol. 2 p. 774, which discusses the dispute be- tween the Chief Rabbis as to whether it is permissible to cut the plants which grow between the stones of the Kotel. Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef rules that it is permissible if an en- gineer establishes that they endanger the Kotel. But Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren was opposed, based on the idea that "the growth symbolizes the destruction," as is found in Megillah 28a-b. See too Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 151:1, that Shuls in a destroyed state should be left alone and the growth in them should not be cut. This is in order to heighten one's anguish. Ha-Rav Goren also notes that the Kotel has stood for thousands of years without the growth being cut). ORACH CHAIM e135E

B 40 Days at the Kotel Q: What is the source for the idea that if one prays 40 days in a row at the Kotel, his prayer will be answered? A: There is no source. This is a new creation. Any prayer, even one time, is heard. There are, however, various sources about the value of prayer for 40 days based on in the ark and Moshe Rabbenu on Mt. Sinai. But every prayer is heard, and there is no need for forty days of prayer (see Ha-Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv in "Ha-Shakdan" vol. 2 p. 109).

B Holiness of the Kotel's Stones Q: Is it permissible to place one's fingers in the cracks and crevices of the Kotel? A: The book "Mishkenot Le-Avir Yaakov" forbids it since it is forbidden to enter the Temple Mount when impure and the Kotel is considered part of the Temple Mount (chapter one of Massechet Tamid). Many authorities are therefore strict in this matter (Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik in Nefesh Ha-Rav p. 101 and the Chazon Ish in Pe'er Ha-Dor vol. 2 p. 48). But the Avnei Nezer (vol. 2 Yoreh Deah 450-451) permits it because the Kotel does not possess the holiness of the Temple Mount, and even if we say that the Kotel is part of the Temple Mount, entering with one's fingers is a "Bi'ah Bemiktzat" (a partial entrance) and is not considered enter- ing; and even if we say that a "Bi'ah Bemiktzat" is considered entering, it is not entering in the usual manner, since people enter through the gates and not through the walls. And this is the ruling of many authorities (Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef in Ha-Kotel Ha-Ma'aravi Halachot U-Minhagim pp. 74-75 note e136E Short & Sweet

47 and Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach said that the great Rabbis of Israel were not concerned about this). But it is proper to be strict. And our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, was careful not to place his fingers between the stones of the Kotel and refrained from kissing a stone of the Kotel which was not protruding.

B Notes in the Kotel Q: Is it permissible to place notes in the Kotel? A: One should daven directly to Hashem. He does not need notes (When a Torah scholar mentioned to our Rabbi the custom of placing notes in the Kotel, our Rabbi said that one should not do this, and one should even refrain from putting one’s fingers into the Kotel [since it is forbidden for an impure person to enter the air of the Temple Mount in even the slightest way]. The Torah scholar said to him, “but this is the custom of Israel [minhag Yisrael].” Our Rabbi re- sponded, the word "minhag" [custom] contains the same let- ters as "gehinom" [purgatory]. Le-Mikdashech Tuv, pp. 12-13).

B Notes in the Kotel Q: Is it permissible to read a note someone put in the Kotel? A: It is forbidden. It was written with the intent that others would not read it. "One who gossips goes around revealing secrets" (Mishlei 11:13. Ha-Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein rules the same way in Tuvcha Yabi'u vol. 2, p. 492). B Place to Daven before Wedding Q: At which holy place should a groom daven on the day of his wedding? A: The Kotel.

TEMPLE MOUNT/BEIT HA-MIKDASH B Ascending to the Temple Mount Q: Why don't we ascend to the Temple Mount? There are great Rabbis who permit it and other great Rabbis who pro- hibit it, and these and those are the words of the Living G-d. A: 1. There are different levels among Torah scholars. Those who forbid it are the greatest Rabbis of our genera- tion 2. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel, which is the deciding body in national issues, prohibits it. 3. Our Rabbis, Maran Ha-Rav Kook and Rabbenu Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, forbid it.

B Ha-Rav's Opinion Q: What is Ha-Rav’s opinion regarding going onto the Temple Mount? A: My humble opinion does not matter. After all, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel prohibits it. And there are signs posted by the Chief Rabbinate which say that it is completely for- bidden.

B Story of the Two Brothers Q: What is the source of the story of the two brothers, one e138E Short & Sweet married and one single, who brought wheat back and forth for each other on the spot that became the Temple Mount? A: It is of non-Jewish origins. See "The Legends of the Jews" by Louis Ginzberg.

B Tearing One's Garment Q: Should one tear his clothing when seeing the spot where the Temple stood? A: No, since it is under our sovereignty (Tal Chermon – Moadim, p. 218).

B Sacrifices in the Future Q: When the Temple is rebuilt will there be sacrifices? A: Certainly. They are mentioned in the prayers. They will only cease in the far-off distant future. See Pinkasei Ha-Re'eiyah of Maran Ha-Rav Kook vol. 1.

B How the Beit Ha-Mikdash will Appear Q: Is there a Mitzvah nowadays to build the Temple or will it descend from the Heavens? A: It is a Mitzvah to build it after appointing a King and eradicating Amalek (Rambam, Hilchot Melachim 1:1-2).

B Laws of Sacrifices and the Temple Q: Should Cohanim start learning the Laws of Sacrifices and the Temple? A: There are other subjects which take precedence (Li-Netivot Yisrael 1, 23). TEMPLE MOUNT/BEIT HA-MIKDASH e139E

B Building Temple Q: Ha-Rav wrote that the building of the Temple is still in the distance. What is the source? A: The Rambam, Hilchot Melachim 1:1-2, says that we must first establish the Kingship of Israel, then eliminate Am- alek and only then build the Temple. And this is what our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, taught us.

B Circling Temple Mount Q: Is it a good thing to circle the gates of the Old City of Yerushalayim on Erev Rosh Chodesh? A: Yes. It expresses a yearning for the Temple which awak- ens us to repent.


B during Elul Q: Are Ashkenazim obligated to stand for the Shofar blow- ing during Elul? A: No, but this is the custom. Piskei Teshuvot (581:3). Q: Does a person davening on his own blow the Shofar? A: It was not decreed. Ibid. Q: If a community does not have a Shofar in the morning, can they make up the Shofar blowing at another time? A: At Minchah, but not Maariv. This is also to teach that we do not blow Shofar at night. Ibid. Q: What is the law regarding one who hears the Shofar in e140E Short & Sweet the middle of the Shemoneh Esrei and will not have another opportunity to hear it? A: There are those who permit him to be quiet and listen. Q: What is the law regarding Sefardim whose Shofar blow- ing in the early morning during Selichot bothers the neigh- bors? A: We do not perform a Mitzvah through a transgression such as bothering others. They should therefore blow it qui- etly.

Rosh Hashanah

B Immersion in a Mikveh on Erev Rosh Hashanah Q: Is immersing in a Mikveh obligatory on Erev Rosh Hashanah? A: Yes, this is the custom. Rama, Orach Chaim 581:4. Q: When should one immerse? A: In the afternoon (Mishnah Berurah #26_. And some au- thorities permit it in the morning (Emek Halachah 2:25). And this is how one should act if the Mikveh is extremely crowded in the afternoon. Q: Do women immerse? A: Married women who are in a state of purity may do so. Chazon Ovadiah (Yamim Noraim, p. 59). Q: Single women? A: No. Ibid. TEMPLE MOUNT/BEIT HA-MIKDASH e141E

Q: What should one do if he is unable to immerse in a Mikveh? A: Pour "9 Kavin" – 12.5 Liters – over himself (Mishnah Berurah #26). Or take a shower with a continuous, strong flow of water (Shut Minchat Yitzchak 4:21, 9:34. Chazon Ovadiah – Yamim Noraim, pp. 57-61. And see Shut Divrei Yetziv, Orach Chaim #13. Shut Shevet Ha-Levi 8:24. Piskei Teshuvot #326 note 14. Although Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski said in the name of the Chazon Ish that a shower is not con- sidered "9 Kavin" since it is not considered as a continuous flow).

B Annuling Vows Q: Does the annulment of vows performed on Erev Rosh Hashanah nullify all of the vows a person has made? A: No. Only positive acts which a person has performed a few times. Not an actual vow which he has made. The same applies for Kol Nidrei.

B Uman Rosh Hashanah Q: Why are you opposed to traveling to Uman when Rebbe Nachman promised that anyone who visits his grave will be saved from Gehinom? It’s worth it! A: There are many things immeasurably greater which will save one from Gehinom which our Sages and even Hashem Himself promised. Q: Such as? A: Teshuvah. Tzedakah. Acts of Kindness. Learning Torah. Serving in Tzahal. Any Mitzvah… e142E Short & Sweet

B Tashlich Q: Is it permissible to carry Machzorim to Tashlich? A: Yes. It is permissible on Yom Tov to carry from one do- main to another, and in the public domain (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 518:1). It is also permissible to bring them back (Mishnah Berurah #6). Q: And on Shabbat? A: It is forbidden to carry. And, in general, Ashkenazim and Jews from North Africa do not perform Tashlich on Shabbat. Mishnah Berurah 580:8. Q: Is it permissible to walk 2000 Amah outside of the to perform Tashlich? A: No. The prohibition of Techum Shabbat is not waived. Siddur Tzahal, Nusach Achid p. 758.

B Eatting Before Shofar Q: Is it permissible to eat before the blowing of the Shofar? A: There are various opinions. Our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, did not eat.

Yom Kippur

B Brushing Teeth Q: Is it permissible for someone who suffers greatly if he has bad breath to brush his teeth on a fast day? A: It is forbidden on Yom Kippur and Tisha Be-Av, but it is permissible to be lenient on the other fasts. TEMPLE MOUNT/BEIT HA-MIKDASH e143E

B Easy-Fast Pills Q: Is it permissible to take pills before Yom Kippur which makes fasting easier, or are we obligated to suffer? A: It is permissible just as it is permissible to eat before the fast (there is no proof, however, that these pills are actually effective).

B Women bowing on Yom Kippur Q: Can women fall on their knees during the Musaf on Yom Kippur since women were not in the courtyard in the Temple and therefore did not bow (In the book "Nefesh Ha-Rav" (pp. 214-215)? Rav Soloveitchik rules that women should not prostrate on account of this reason). A: Yes. While women were not in the Temple courtyard in the times of the Temple, this is a minhag for both men and women. As long as there is a modest place and she does not have a bad back, a woman may prostate.

B Crocs Q: Is it permissible to wear crocs on Yom Kippur? A: It is a dispute because they are comfortable. One may rely on those who permit them.


B Revenge Q: What should one do if he wants to take revenge on e144E Short & Sweet someone who was once his friend and is now arrogant and disgusting? A: Know that everything is from Hashem. See Sefer Ha-Chinuch #241.

B Insulting a Non-Jew Q: If I insulted a non-Jew, do I have to ask forgiveness? A: Yes. There is no obligation to love a non-Jew, but it is forbidden to mistreat him.

B Calling-Off an Engagement Q: I called off my engagement because I discovered serious issues which my fiance hid from me. He has not forgiven me. I was told that if he does not forgive me, it will cause me to not get engaged again. A: 1. This will not prevent a future match. 2. He needs to ask your forgiveness for deceiving you. 3. You acted strictly by asking his forgiveness. May Hashem bless you.

B "I will sin and repent" Q: If a person sins with the thought "I will sin and repent" – does he have no way to atone for his sin? A: He can be forgiven if he greatly exerts himself with self-sacrifice.

B Repentance Q: What benefit is there in repenting for a sin that I will fail in again? TEMPLE MOUNT/BEIT HA-MIKDASH e145E

A: It is true that this is not complete Teshuvah (Rambam, Teshuvah 2:1), but it is Teshuvah, and we continue to wage war against sin.

B Killer Q: How can I comfort a friend who accidently killed some- one? Can he atone? A: This is too complex an issue for a text message. See my book: "Yemei Teshuvah."

B Forgiving without being Asked Q: A neighbor stole from me, spoke ill about me, and has not asked for forgiveness. Do I have to forgive her? A: You are not obligated. See Yoma 23a.

B Fall Again Q: Why does Hashem believe me if every time I repent I fall again. A: Hashem loves you, and expects and is certain that all will work out well with you, since you exert effort and strug- gle.

B Who's Greater? Q: Who is greater – one who fell and got up or one who never fell? A: Each is greater from a different perspective: the former because he overcame and the latter because he remained far from sin. This is the same dispute of who is greater – a e146E Short & Sweet completely righteous person or a repentant person. But ac- cording to all opinions, it is forbidden to sin and one must take great precautions.

B Distress Q: I returned to traditional observance twenty years ago, and I was told that the sins of someone who returns are for- given. But now I am very sick. How can this be? A: It is not written that a righteous person will not be dis- tressed. There are many righteous people in the world who suffer. May Hashem bless you.

B Atonement Q: I experienced a spiritual descent a few years ago and did some forbidden things. I deeply regret it now and have repented, but it is hard for me to forgive myself. What can I do to heal myself? A: Give a certain amount of Tzedakah and learn a certain amount of Torah.


B Expensive Q: Is it preferable to buy a higher-quality Four Species or buy a regular set and give the additional money to Tzedakah? A: Give the money to Tzedakah. It is of greater importance (Ha-Rav Avraham Shapira in Rosh Devarcha, p. 194). In general, it is preferable to be strict regarding the following TEMPLE MOUNT/BEIT HA-MIKDASH e147E

Mitzvot: honoring parents, Mitzvot between yourself and other people, and giving money to the poor.

B Ushpizin Q: I have not had the custom to say the Ushpizin in the Sukkah. Is it worthwhile for me to change my custom? A: It is not an obligation but a custom, and not a difficult one. It is worthwhile to say it if possible, without taking a vow to do so (bli neder).

B Exemptions from Sukkah Q: If one's wife is scared to sleep in the house alone and she will not be able to fall asleep, is the husband exempt from sleeping in the Sukkah? A: Yes, he is exempt. "Dwelling in the Sukkah is like dwell- ing in one's home." Q: And what if he is the one who usually wakes up in the middle of the night to take care of the baby? A: He is also exempt.

B First Year of Marriage Q: Is someone who is in the first year of marriage exempt from sleeping in the Sukkah? A: No, unless he or his wife is distressed, which is in fact the same thing. e148E Short & Sweet

B Trip Q: Is it permissible to take trips on Sukkot even though I will lose out on dwelling in the Sukkah part of the time? A: Yes, travelers are exempt from the Sukkah. And it is per- missible to put himself in a situation such as this, since trips are also an essential need and there is not always another time.

B During Security Warning Q: Is it permissible to sleep in a Sukkah when the security forces warn that it is dangerous, or can one rely on Divine Providence? A: We do not rely on miracles or on Divine Providence ex- cept when the Master of the Universe explicitly promises us.

B Fabric Wall Q: Is it permissible to use fabric walls for the Sukkah? A: Some are strict and others are lenient, under the condi- tion that the fabric is pulled tightly on all sides (so it does not move in the wind).

B Air Mattress Q: Is it permissible to sleep in the Sukkah on an air mattress on Shabbat and Yom Tov? A: There is no problem. TEMPLE MOUNT/BEIT HA-MIKDASH e149E

Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah

B Women Dancing with the Torah Q: I don't see why it is forbidden for women to dance with the Torah on Simchat Torah. I feel passionate about it. A: It is nonetheless forbidden. Perhaps this is only the first request, which will bring other similar demands in the same vein. If it is only an isolated request, perhaps there will be women dressed immodestly and it is not proper for them to hold the Torah. And if they are dressed modestly, perhaps they not are in a state of purity. And if they are in a state of purity, perhaps there motive is not pure, i.e. they want to imitate or compete with men. And if you say that their mo- tive is pure, we still should not change the established cus- tom which has been observed for thousands of years. Re- garding your passion: it is preferable for you to be passion- ate in observing that which you are obligated to do, as the reward for one who is commanded to observe something and does so is greater than one who is not commanded to do something and does so.


B Jumping over a Chanukah Menora Q: People told me that if I jump over a Chanuka Menora, I will find my soul-mate. Is this true? A: Nonsense. e150E Short & Sweet

B Where to light the Chanukiyah Q: In Israel, the Chanukiyah is lit outside, as was the orig- inal decree of our Sages. We have a gate which a few fam- ilies enter to get to our connected apartments. Do I light the Chanukiyah at the gate or at the door to my house? A: This is a dispute between Rashi and Tosafot (Shabbat 21a). Rashi says that we light the Chanukiyah at the door. Tosafot says that we light it at the gate which is facing the public domain. The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 671:5) rules in accordance with Tosafot. The book "Mikra'ei Kodesh" of Rav Harari says that it should be lit at the gate, and it is preferable to place the Chanukiyah in a glass box to protect it from the wind or other potential problems.

B Silver Chanukiyah Q: Is it an obligation to have a silver Chanukiyah? A: The basic Mitzvah is that any material is suitable for a Chanukiyah, but like all Mitzvot, one can embellish it (Hiddur Mitzvah). Therefore, a silver Chanukiyah is proper. But the Pele Yoetz writes that even better than what is "proper" is what is "preferable": such as giving the extra money to the poor.

B Gold Menorah Q: Is making the Golden Menorah, which stands near the Kotel, a violation of the prohibition of making copies of the Temple's implements? A: There are various ways of doing so in a permissible way. For example, if the implement is attached to the ground TEMPLE MOUNT/BEIT HA-MIKDASH e151E

(Shut Da'at Cohain). It is best to ask experts from the Tem- ple Institute directly, since they are serious Torah scholars (There are, however, Rabbis who do forbid making the im- plements, as heard from Ha-Rav Herschel Schachter in the name of Ha-Rav Aharon Soloveitchik). B Olim from Ethiopia and Chanukah Q: Should Olim from Ethiopia celebrate Chanukah? A: Yes. Even though their ancestors were not part of the miracle of Chanukah (since they were exiled to Ethiopia be- forehand), they are part of Klal Yisrael. B Ultra-Orthodox or Zionists Q: Were the Hasmoneans Ultra-Orthodox or Zionists? A: It is known that they were G-d-fearing and also took up weapons with self-sacrifice for the sake of the Land of Israel. If so, they were Religious-Zionists… B Shehechiyanu on Sufganiyah Q: Should one say the blessing of Shehechiyanu on the first Sufganiyah he eats on Chanukah? A: No, it is only said on fruits which come at set times dur- ing the year.

Purim B Cross-Dressing for Purim Q: Is it permissible for a man to dress as a woman for Pu- rim? e152E Short & Sweet

A: Some authorities permit it, but most forbid it. It is there- fore proper to refrain (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim end of siman 696 and Mishnah Berurah ibid. Aruch Ha-Shulchan ibid. #12. Shut Yechaveh Da'at 2:50. Orchot Rabbenu 3:60. A close associate of the Chazon Ish entered his house on Purim with his 4-5-year-old daughter wearing pants. The Chazon Ish said: This is education? Dinim Ve-Hanhagot of the Chazon Ish 22:10).

B Dressing up Like One's Rabbi Q: Is it permissible to dress up as one's Rabbi on Purim? A: No, it is shaming a Torah scholar. Our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, scolded someone who dressed up on Purim like the Chief Rabbi, Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren (Rabbenu p. 130).

B Megillah Reading by Women Q: Is it appropriate for women to organize a Megillah read- ing and read for themselves? A: Certainly not. There are many problems with doing so. Some authorities rule that a woman should not read for her- self but hear it from a man (Magen Avraham #689). There is a doubt as to whether she can fulfill the Mitzvah for other women (Sha'ar Ha-Tziyun ibid,). There is doubt as to the correct formula of the blessing (Shulchan Aruch ibid.). And we should not change the established order of the prayers as they have been over the generations (Shut Rashba 1:323). Perhaps there is also a rebellion against the Hala- chah in doing so (see Shut Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 4:49). TEMPLE MOUNT/BEIT HA-MIKDASH e153E

There is also a problem of immodesty even though they are alone (Shut Eretz Tzvi #12 of Ha-Rav Tzvi Schachter). It is therefore preferable to act in the same manner as all of the wise and righteous women throughout the generations (Be-Ikvei Ha-Tzon, pp. 21-37 and Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik in "Mi-Peninei Ha-Rav", p. 68). But there are many other blessings that women can recite throughout their lives without any problem, and may a blessing come upon them.

B Mishloach Manot in Army Q: I will be in the army for Purim. How can I perform the Mitzvah of Mishloach Manot? A: You can send it to another soldier, even from the Mishloch Manot which you receive from Tzahal.

B Tzedakah on Purim Q: The Shulchan Aruch says that on Purim we should give Tzedakah to everyone who requests, but I have heard from Ha-Rav that Rabbis estimate that 90% of beggars are swin- dlers. Should we still give to them? A: We only give to beggars who are truly poor. Therefore, do not give to them. It is a shame to waste the money when it could help the truly poor.

B Fireworks Q: Is it permissible to shoot off fireworks on Purim? A: It is certainly forbidden. They cause all sorts of injuries during the year, and very severe ones. In addition there is e154E Short & Sweet the fear they cause. Purim is a day to express the love of Israel and not a day to cause pain to her. YOREH DEAH (All laws not related to daily living, Family Law or Civil Law)


B Pig-Skin Q: Is it permissible to wear a pig-skin jacket? A: Yes. And a belt too. Eating or selling pig is forbidden (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 117. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch #64).

B Kashrut of Medicine Q: What is the law regarding medicine without Kosher cer- tification? And what if it has a meat or dairy base? A: All medicine which lacks flavor is Kosher. If it has flavor, wrap it in a very thin piece of paper and swallow it. (Halichot Shlomo – Moadim vol. 2 4:6 and notes).

B After Vomiting Q: I ate a meat meal and vomited. Do I have to wait before eating dairy? A: Yes. According to the reasoning of the Rambam, we wait because of the fear that there is meat between one's teeth (Ma'achalot Asurot 9:28). e156E Short & Sweet

B Dog Food Q: Is it permissible to give a dog food which has pork in it? A: Yes, there is no prohibition of benefiting from pork. It is, however, forbidden to benefit from milk and meat mixed together.

B Blood in an Egg Q: Why don't we check hard-boiled eggs for blood? A: Because it is rare to find blood. Only when we open an egg do we check (Rama, Yoreh Deah 66:8. Aruch Ha-Shulchan ibid. #11. And the Chazon Ish also did not check hard-boiled eggs. His brother-in-law, Ha-Rav Y.Y. Kanievski – the "Steipler" – was, however, particular to check, and his wife related that he was sometimes stricter on certain things than her brother, the Chazon Ish – Orchot Rabbenu vol. 1 p. 239 #11 and vol. 3 p. 70 #8).

B Wrapped Cakes Q: Is it permissible to buy wrapped cakes with Kosher cer- tification in a store which does not have certification? A: Yes. And it is not Ma'arit Ayin, since everyone knows that there are Kosher products there.

B Swallowing Blood Q: My tooth fell out and I have blood in my mouth. Is it permissible to swallow the blood? YOREH DEAH e157E

A: Yes. It is forbidden to eat blood because of "". Therefore, it is permissible if it remains in one's mouth.

B Egg Q: If I ate an egg which was cooked in a meat Cholent, am I Fleischig? A: Certainly. The shell is permeable.

B Meat and Milk for an Animal Q: Is it permissible to feed a dog meat and milk? A: It is forbidden if they were cooked together, since it is forbidden to benefit from such a mixture (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 87:1). But it is permissible if they were mixed while cold (Chulin 113a). Q: Same with fish and meat? A: Also permissible (Pesachim 76b).

B Meat and Milk for a Baby Q: Our baby only falls asleep after drinking a bottle of milk. Is it permissible to give it to him after he ate meat? A: Yes. It is a case of a double doubt: The first doubt is that perhaps the Halachah follows the opinion of the Rashba (Yevamot 114 and Shut Ha-Rashba vol. 1 #92), that it is permissible to give a child something to eat which is forbid- den by the Rabbis (although we do not hold this way in practice – see Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 343:1), and waiting between meat and milk is a Rabbinic prohibition. The second doubt is that perhaps the Halachah follows the e158E Short & Sweet

Tosafot (Chullin 105a) that there is no obligation to wait be- tween eating meat and milk. It is forbidden to mix them, but if I eat meat, clean the table, wash my hands and brush my teeth, it is permissible to eat milk (again, we do not hold this way in practice – see Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 89:1). Therefore, there is no problem with giving a child under Bar Mitzvah age milk after meat when there is a pressing need to do so (Shut Yabia Omer vol. 1 Yoreh Deah #4. See Shut Be'er Moshe 8:36 and Shut Chelkat Ya'akov 2:16).

B Waiting 3 Hours Q: Is there a source for the custom to wait three hours be- tween eating meat and milk? A: It is a German custom, a stringency on the position men- tioned by the Rama (Yoreh Deah 89:1. See Rabbenu Yerucham in Isur Ve-Heter #39).

B Milchig and Fleischig Garbage Cans Q: Is it permissible to throw Milchig and fleischig leftovers in the same garbage can or does one need separate ones? A: It is forbidden to throw them in if they are boiling hot since it would be considered cooking meat and milk together (Chullin 115b. See, however, Mi-Peninei Ha-Rav p. 152).

B Red Meat and Chicken Q: Is it permissible to eat red meat and chicken mixed to- gether? A: It is permissible. YOREH DEAH e159E

B Cookbook Q: Is it permissible to keep a non-Kosher cookbook in one's house, but only prepare Kosher food from it? A: Not if the author is Jewish, since it is forbidden to strengthen the hand of those who sin. But it is permissible if the author is a non-Jew.

B Non-Kosher Smell Q: Is it permissible for me to work in an office which is above a non-Kosher restaurant whose smells come through the windows? A: Yes. The smell is not forbidden. It is a benefit which co- mes to a person against his will. Pesachim 25.

B Salt and Pepper Shakers Q: Does one need separate salt and pepper shakers for Milchig and Fleischig? A: It is proper since they get dirty.

B Kosher Certification Q: If I am invited to eat at someone's home, how do I ask which type of Kosher certification they buy and how they wash their lettuce? A: This is chutzpa! You are not obligated to eat at their house, but if you do come to them, do not insult them (Tosafot on Avodah Zarah 36a. Ve-Alehu Lo Yibol vol. 2 p. 66). e160E Short & Sweet

B Vegetables with Worms Q: If we are eating at someone's house, is it permissible to ask if the vegetables are free from worms? A: G-d forbid! This is insulting. Eat or don't eat, but don't ask.

B Glatt Q: Is it possible to cook for guests who only eat Glatt meat in utensils which were used for non-Glatt Kosher meat? A: Yes, but ask the guests first (Shut Yabia Omer Yoreh Deah 5:3).

B Seaweed Q: Is seaweed Kosher? A: Yes, but there is a concern for bugs.

B Lipstick Q: Does lipstick require Kosher certification? A: It is certainly preferable since it may have fat from non-Kosher animals or have absorbed non-Kosher fat on the assembly line. The basic Halachah, however, is that it is does not require certification since lipstick is inedible. If one intentionally eats it, it is a Rabbinical prohibition.

B Meat in Braces Q: I have braces on my teeth. Pieces of meat sometimes get stuck in them and I cannot get them out. Is it permissible YOREH DEAH e161E for me nevertheless to eat a dairy meal after I ate meat and waited six hours? A: It is permissible. One of the reasons we wait six hours is because there may be meat between one's teeth and after six hours it is no longer considered meat. There is no differ- ence. B Cleaning Strawberries Q: How does one clean strawberries? A: Cut off the top with a little bit of the fruit. Soak it for two minutes in soapy water. Rinse it with a strong flow of water (Chief Rabbinate of Israel). B Fish and Dairy Q: Is it permissible for a Sefardi to eat fish and dairy to- gether? A: Some are strict to refrain, but it is permissible according to the basic Halachah. Shut Yechaveh Da'at (6:48). B Non-Kosher Vegetarian Restaurant Q: Is it permissible to eat in a vegetarian restaurant without Kosher supervision? A: It is forbidden. Although there is no meat, there are other kashrut problems. B Microwave Q: Is it permissible to eat popcorn which was wrapped in a plastic bag and made in a microwave if I am not sure of the microwave's Kosher status? e162E Short & Sweet

A: It is permissible to use a microwave of uncertain kashrut status when the food is completely sealed.

B Human Skin Q: I accidentally swallowed a piece of skin from my lip. Do I have to wait six hours before eating dairy? A: No, human skin is parve. By the way, so is mother's milk (Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 87:4).

B Blood Spot in Egg Q: I broke open an egg and there was a small blood spot in the yoke. Is it Kosher? A: With eggs that are not fertilized, one must only throw out the blood spot because of "Marit Ayin" (the appearance of wrong-doing) and then the egg is permissible.

B Gelatin Q: What is the problem with gelatin? Is it Kosher? A: It is produced from animal bones. It is Kosher on con- dition that it has Kosher certification (this is the majority opinion of Rabbis in Israel, but not necessarily outside of Israel).

B Uncovered Drink Q: Is it permissible to drink something which remained un- covered over night? A: In our time many are lenient, since the reason for the prohibition is the concern that a snake will put its poison YOREH DEAH e163E into the drink, and snakes are no longer a common danger (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 116:1. Rama, Yoreh Deah 60:3).

B Waiting between Dairy and Meat Q: How much time must one wait after eating dairy food before eating meat? A: The basic law is that you do not have to wait, you just have to wash your hands and mouth or eat something parve.

B Cookies with Note Inside Q: Is it permissible to bake cookies with notes inside or is the ink not Kosher? A: It is permissible. The ink is Kosher, since it is inedible and nullified within the cookie.

B Non-Kosher Bait Q: Is it permissible to use non-Kosher bait for fishing? A: Yes. B "I swallowed a fly" Q: I accidentally swallowed a fly. Am I Fleischig? A: No. B Meat and Dairy Equipment Q: What does "Meat Equipment" mean? A: Parve food cooked in a meat pot. e164E Short & Sweet

Q: Do you have to wait six hours after it? A: No. Q: Is it permissible to eat "Meat Equipment" with milk? A: For Sefardim it is permissible, and for Ashkenazim only if the pot in which it was cooked was not used in the previ- ous 24 hours. Q: Can someone who ate meat eat food made on "Dairy Equipment" without waiting? A: Yes.

B Kashrut of Rice Q: I heard that we should not eat rice because it is full of worms. A: This is a rare phenomenon. It is sufficient to check the rice well as usual.

Tevilat Kelim – Immersing Utensils in Mikveh

B Reason Q: Why do we need to immerse utensils in a Mikveh? A: In order to bring them into the holiness of Israel – it is a type of conversion. Ramban.

B Can-opener Q: Does a can-opener require immersion in a Mikveh? A: No. It does not come in direct contact with the food. YOREH DEAH e165E

B Regular Mikveh Q: Is it permissible to immerse utensils in a regular Mikveh? A: Yes. With permission of the person who is responsible, since sometimes utensils fall in, break, or make it dirty.

B Sticker and Glue Q: Is it obligatory to remove the sticker from a glass vessel before immersing it in a Mikveh? A: Yes, unless people usually leave the sticker on for beauty or as a symbol of the quality of the product. Q: Is it enough to remove the sticker or must the glue be removed as well? A: All of the glue.

B Tongs and Grill Q: Do I have to immerse tongs and a grill in the Mikveh? A: Anything which comes in contact with food when it is edible must be immersed in a Mikveh.

B Immersing a Re-Used Jar in the Mikveh Q: Several months ago, I purchased a jar of Dijon mustard. When we finished the mustard, we decided to re-use the lit- tle glass container as a juice glass, as it is the right size. Ob- viously, we did not bring the container to the mikveh when it contained mustard. What would be the rationale for or against bringing it now? A: It is only considered to be a vessel owned by a Jew at e166E Short & Sweet the point when you plan to use it permanently and therefore now requires immersion in the mikveh.

B Electric Appliances Q: How does one immerse in a mikveh electric kitchen ap- pliances which were made outside of Israel? A: There are two possibilities: 1. Immerse them and dry them with a dryer. 2. Disassemble them into a state that they cannot be used and then reassemble.

B Used without Immersion Q: If a utensil was used without being immersed, does it still require immersion? A: Yes.

Bishul Akum

B Coffee made by Non-Jew Q: Is it permissible to drink coffee made by a non-Jew with Kosher utensils? A: Yes, there is no prohibition of "Bishul Akum" (food cooked by a non-Jew) with coffee since it is mostly water and there is no problem with the water since it can be drunk without being cooked.

B Hard-Boiled Egg Made by Non-Jew Q: Is it permissible to eat a hard-boiled egg in a non-Jewish hotel outside of Israel? YOREH DEAH e167E

A: No, because of the prohibition of eating "Bishul Akum." It may also have been cooked in a non-Kosher pot.

Family Purity

B Affection between a Couple Q: During the time when a wife is in , what is per- missible for a husband and wife to say to one another? I love you? A: Loving words are permissible, but nothing that will en- tice one's inclination (Eiruvin 63b. It once happened that a newly-married young man came to our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, and told him that he was having difficulty, be- cause only half of a month is "a time to hug," while half of a month is "a time to distance from hugging" (when a woman is a Niddah – menstruating and counting the clean days before she is able to immerse in a mikvah – a husband and wife are not allowed to have any physical contact). Our Rabbi said to him: Look what is written [in the Sheva Berachot]: "Who created joy and happiness, a groom and a bride etc." – You see, marriage is not just hugging and kiss- ing, but before all else, a soulful connection of love, broth- erhood, peace and friendship, which apply equally at all times).

B Unconscious Husband Q: My husband is unconscious in the hospital as a result of a car accident. Is it permissible for me to rub cream on him or perform other treatments when I am in Niddah, since if I do not, the family will say that I am neglecting him? e168E Short & Sweet

A: It is forbidden since it is not a life-saving treatment, un- less you take birth control pills to indefinitely postpone your period.

B Husband and Wife Swimming Together during Niddah Q: Is there a problem for a husband and wife to swim to- gether in the same pool while she is in Niddah? We are talk- ing about a private pool where there are no mixed swim- ming issues. A: Yes, it is forbidden for a husband to see his wife not completely dressed when she is in Niddah. And even if she is fully dressed and enters the water, it is still a problem since a husband and wife should not frolic when she is in Niddah. This does not mean that we should go to the opposite ex- treme. A husband and wife still have to smile at each other, laugh with one another, etc. during this period of time, but it is not permissible to swim together.


B Immersion and Ear Infections Q: Every time I (a woman) immerse in the Mikveh, I get an ear infection. Is it permissible to wear silicon ear plugs? A: No. Rather you should put in ear drops, since the water is not the problem but the filth. And you should discuss this with an ENT. YOREH DEAH e169E

B Bride's First Immersion Q: Is it the custom for friends to accompany a bride to her first immersion in the Mikveh? A: Yes. They wait for her in the outer room with food, sing- ing, and dancing. But this is on condition that she immerses in the day when the Mikveh is empty, and not at night, when it will bother the other women who come to immerse.

B Strawberries and Mikveh Q: My hands are stained from eating strawberries and I can't remove the stains with soap. Is it an impediment (chatzitzah) in the Mikveh? A: No, since it does not have any thickness.

B Single Woman immersing in a Mikveh Q: Is it permissible for a single woman to immerse in a mik- veh? A: Single women do not immerse. Q: What if it is to lessen the prohibitions violated? A: Then it is certainly a severe prohibition (Be'er Heitev, Orach Chaim 303:1. Yoreh Deah 183:6. See Shut Ha-Rivash #422).

B Mikveh Q: After men immerse in the Mikveh, should the water be changed for the women? A: Yes. It bothers them. In essence, it is the women's Mik- e170E Short & Sweet veh. It is permissible for men to use it only if it does not bother the women.

Avodah Zarah – Idol Worship

B Tanach of Christians Q: What should one do with a Tanach printed by Chris- tians? A: Throw it in the garbage (Shut Igrot Moshe Yoreh Deah #172).

B Christian Date Q: Is it permissible to use the Christian date? A: One should definitely not use it. Derashot Chatam Sofer vol. 1, p. 93. Shut Maharam Shik, Yoreh Deah #171.

B Plus Sign Q: Is it permissible to make a plus sign in math which looks like a cross or should one write it as an upside-down capital "T" because of a concern of Christian idolatry? A: There is no problem, since this is not the "cross" of idol worship at all. See Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 141:1 and Shut Aseh Lecha Rav 5:21 of Ha-Rav Chaim David Halevy.

B Spitting when Seeing Priest Q: What is the source for spitting when you see a priest? A: There is no such law. YOREH DEAH e171E

B Garden Gnomes Q: Is it permissible to put statues of dwarves (garden gnomes) in my garden? A: Yes, if they are not complete figures. Shut Da'at Cohain (#65).

B Entering Church Q: Is it permissible to enter a church to visit and learn? Why or why not? A: It is forbidden, since Christianity is considered idol wor- ship. The Rambam even rules that it is forbidden to live in a city which has a church (although we do not rule this way).

B Destroying Idol Worship Q: Is there a Mitzvah today to destroy places of idol wor- ship in the Land of Israel? A: Our Sages said: Do not destroy them if you will be re- quired to rebuild them even more beautifully (Midrash Tana’im Devarim 12b, p. 58. Avot De-Rebbe Natan, Nusach Bet #11. See Ha-Tekufah Ha-Gedolah pp. 260-273).

B Pictures of the Sun and Moon Q: I learned that it is forbidden to make a picture of the sun and moon. But I have noticed that many people are not concerned about this. A: There are those who permit it if there is no association e172E Short & Sweet with idol worship. Commentary of Rambam on Mishnah Avodah Zarah. Shut Da'at Cohain #64.

B Scarecrow Q: Is it permissible to set up a scarecrow whose base is a cross? A: It is permissible. This is not a cross of idol worship. B Buddhism Q: Is Buddhism idol worship? A: Yes. It is idol worship and full of despair. B Christian Date Q: Is it permissible to write the Christian date on a wedding invitation? A: No. It is based on idol worship. Q: And if it is necessary? A: It is not clear why it would be necessary. But if it is, do not write the number of the year, since it is known. And in- stead of writing the number of the month, write the name of the month. And add: "According to their counting." And I saw someone write: "According to their error."

B Christian Music Q: Something in my heart tells me that Christian music is forbidden. Is this correct? A: Yes, it is forbidden because one may not benefit from idol worship (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 167:1). YOREH DEAH e173E

B 12-Step Programs Q: Is it permissible to join a 12-step program designed to wean people off an addiction? A: Yes. It is a very good method. B Knocking on Wood Q: Is it permissible to knock on wood when hearing good news? A: No. It is superstition: knocking to idol worship and Chris- tianity.

B Christian Money Q: Is it permissible to send my son to learn in an institution which receives money from a Christian organization? A: It is forbidden to receive money from them, but the in- stitution also receives other, Kosher, money. It is therefore permissible to learn there.

B Missionary on Bus Q: What should I do if I see a missionary operating on a bus? A: Approach the people and explain why they should not listen to him.

B Valentine's Day Q: How should we relate to Valentine's Day? A: What do we have to do with a , Christian holi- day?! e174E Short & Sweet

B April First Q: Is it permissible to point out that it is April First and par- ticipate in its customs? A: No. It is the Christian date. And it is also involving one- self with nonsense.

B The word "Gosh" Q: My mother made Aliyah from America and sometimes uses the word "Gosh". Is this a problem because of the pro- hibition of mentioning names connected to idol worship? A: It seems that this is just an expression of surprise, with no connection to idol worship. It is also not connected to [the word] “G-d”.

B New Testament and Koran Q: I found a New Testament and a Koran. Can I throw them in the trash? A: You can throw away the New Testament, since it is idol worship. The Koran, which includes both words of proper faith and words of heresy, should be wrapped up and placed in the Geniza.

B Monastery Q: Is it permissible to enter a monastery in the framework of an educational field trip? A: No. It is a place of idol worship. YOREH DEAH e175E

B New Testament Q: Is it permissible to read the New Testament in order to know it, but not to believe in it? A: It is definitely forbidden. Rambam, Hilchot Avodah Zarah 2:2. Q: Is it permissible to learn it in order to combat mission- aries? A: No. Rather one should read books on how to combat missionaries.

B The Cross in Chess Q: Should one remove the cross from the king in Chess? A: One is not obligated to do so since it is merely decora- tive (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 141:1). But it is proper to do so (see Chochmat Adam 85:1. Shut Zera Emet 2:45. Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:326. A related issue: Ha-Rav Chaim David Ha-Levi rules in Shut Aseh Lecha Rav [5:21] that there is no problem with using the plus sign in math since it is not even a decorative cross, and the prevailing custom is to use it).

B Evangelists Q: How do we relate to Christian Evangelists who believe that the Nation of Israel is the Chosen Nation? A: Beware. The problem is that they also believe that the Nation of Israel will convert to Christianity. The word evan- gelism means the preaching or promulgation of their faith. e176E Short & Sweet

B Swiss Flag Q: Is it permissible to buy a product which has the Swiss flag on it, since it includes a cross? A: Yes. It is similar to a decoration which is permissible.

B Greek Mythology Q: Is there a problem with giving kids Greek Mythology to read? A: Yes, it is full of nonsense and unethical behavior, with remnants of idol worship (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 4:167. See Chinuch Be-Ahavah vol. 1, pp. 320-341).

B Beauty of a Church Q: Is it permissible to benefit from the beauty of a church? A: It is forbidden to benefit from idol worship in any way, shape or form.

B Hindu, Indian Housekeeper Q: Is it permissible to bring a Hindu, Indian housekeeper into my house? A: Yes, just do not allow her to bring in idol worship.

B X-mas cookies Q: Is one allowed to buy and eat X-mas cookies (in the shape of a tree, etc.) if they are Kosher? A: Yes, they have no connection to idol worship. YOREH DEAH e177E

B Incense from India Q: Is it permissible to use incense from India? A: Yes. It is not made for idol worship, but simply for smell.


B Islam Q: Is it permissible to go to a Muslim ceremony that is held in their museum? A: No. Islam is heresy, since it claims that the Torah has been nullified. We do not strengthen those who are trans- gressing.

B Koran Q: Is it permissible to read the Koran? A: No. It contains heresy. For example, that the Torah was replaced. And it is forbidden to read heresy. Rambam, Avodah Zarah 2:2. Q: Is it permissible to bring a Koran into the bathroom? A: No. It also contains correct teachings about faith.

B Jewish Philosophy Q: Is it worthwhile to study for a degree in Jewish Philos- ophy at a university? A: No, since it has heresy mixed in with it. e178E Short & Sweet

B Biblical Criticism Q: Is it permissible to teach Tanach with Biblical Criticism in a secular school to make a living? A: G-d forbid. It is heresy. B Karaites Q: Is it permissible to visit the of Karaites? A: No. They are heretics (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 159:3. Rama, Even Ha-Ezer 4:37).

B Pesach Sacrifice of the Samarians Q: Is there a problem with going and seeing the Pesach sacrifice of the Samarians? A: It is certainly forbidden. After all, it is heresy. One who attends is strengthening those who are committing a trans- gression.

B Ramadan Sale Q: Is it permissible to sign up for a Ramadan sale with my cell phone company? A: Certainly not. Islam denies our faith and claims that the Torah has been nullified. Do not flatter it.

Darkei Emori – Superstition

B Eye Rubbing Q: Some have the custom to kiss their hand after rubbing their eyes. Is there value in this? YOREH DEAH e179E

A: Nonsense.

B Red String Q: Is it permissible to wear a red string that was wound around Kever Rachel as a "Segulah"? A: It is "Darkei Emori". Tosefta (Shabbat 8:4. See Hiko Mamtakim vol. 1 p. 281 note #2 that this is the opinion of Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. See also Shut Be'er Mo- she 8:36 #3).

B "Na Nach Nachma Nachman" Q: What is the source of some Breslover Chasidim saying "Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me-Uman" in order to bring personal and national salvation? A: There is no source for it. It is a new innovation. Q: Why isn't it considered "Darkei Emori" (superstition) to think that it brings salvation? A: Breslover Chasidim do not actually believe this, rather it awakens G-d-fearing among them. Regarding "Darkei Emori", see Pesachim 112a and Shut Rashba 1:167.

B Yoga Q: Is it permissible to learn Yoga? A: The technique is permissible since it is like other types of relaxation, but not the faith behind it which is based on idol worship. e180E Short & Sweet

B Tarot Cards Q: Is there truth in telling the future through tarot cards? A: Nonsense. It is forbidden because of "Do not engage in sorcery" (Vayikra 19:26).

B Coffee Stains Q: After I finished my coffee, I gave the mug to my friend to read the coffee stains. Is this permissible? A: It is forbidden on account of "Darkei Emori".

B Broken Mirror Q: Is it permissible to have a broken mirror in a room? A: There is no problem.

B Ring for a Single Woman Q: Is it true that wearing a ring prevents a single woman from finding her future spouse? A: No.

B Sleeping Q: Is it true that sleeping with socks negatively affects one's eyesight? A: Nonsense. On the contrary, it is modest.

B Egg and Mazal Q: I heard that it is forbidden to peel someone else's egg since it takes away his Mazal. YOREH DEAH e181E

A: Nonsense. B Opening an Umbrella Inside Q: Is it dangerous to open an umbrella inside [on a week- day – on Shabbat an umbrella is Muktze]? A: Superstition. B Keys on the Table Q: My family has the custom not to put keys on the table since it will bring the evil eye. Is this true? A: Nonsense. B House Number Q: Does the number of one's house or apartment have any significance? A: No. Superstition. B Upside-Down Shoe Q: Is there a problem with an upside-down shoe? A: Superstition. B Chamsa Q: What is the source of the Chamsa? A: Superstition among the Arabs. B Challah under Pillow Q: Is it true that if I take a piece of challah from Shabbat e182E Short & Sweet and put it under my pillow at night I will see the image of my future groom, but it will shorten his life? A: It is superstition. B Number 13 Q: Is the number 13 unlucky? A: This is a superstition of the Christians. B Palm Reading Q: Can a person really know what is in a person's soul through palm reading? A: No. It is nonsense. Although it is mentioned in the Zohar, what is done nowadays is nonsense. It is also forbid- den on account of "Darkei Emori".

B Whistling Q: My grandmother tells me that Jews should not whistle. Is it true? A: There is no prohibition against whistling. Outside of Is- rael, non-Jews whistled, so Jews refrained from doing so. In sum: Don't whistle in your grandmother's presence, out of respect for her. Q: And on Shabbat? A: It is also permissible (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:182). B Knife Q: Is it true that it is forbidden to pass a knife from hand to hand? YOREH DEAH e183E

A: Not true.

B Cats Q: What is the source that cats have 9 lives? A: Nonsense.

B Parrot Q: I was told that I am having a hard time getting pregnant because we have a parrot in the house. A: Nonsense.

B Evil Eye Q: My mother is sick. Should I go to a woman who can check if she has the evil eye or some type of sorcery which is causing it? A: There is no such thing. You should repent, pray and give Tzedakah (Shut Igrot Moshe, Even Ha-Ezer 3:26. And see Gam Ani Odecha of Ha-Rav Gamliel Rabinovitch 2, 48 in the name of Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski).

B Amulet Q: Should I get an amulet for the sake of my health? A: See "Sefer Chasidim" that some amulets are nonsense and others can cause damage. Therefore, you should give Tzedakah to the poor since Tzedakah saves from death. e184E Short & Sweet

B Bit by Spider Q: I have been bitten a few times by a spider. Is this telling me something? A: No. Everything has meaning but we do not know the secrets of Hashem.

B Poisonous Lizard Q: We found a poisonous lizard in our house. Does it mean anything? A: It has no meaning. See Chochmat Adam 68:1.

B Abracadabra Q: What does abracadabra mean? A: Nothing. It is a made-up imaginary word. Some say that it comes from the Aramaic: "Avra Ka Davra" – meaning, "It should be created as I said".

B Abominable Snowman Q: I heard that remnants of a huge, pre-historic creature, half man and half ape, have been found and photographed. Is this true? A: It is all a joke that was initiated by a man named Wallace who loved pranks. The existence of this "creature" (also called Bigfoot or Yeti) has been disproven by scientific re- search. It's all nonsense.

B Evil Spirits Q: I haven't been feeling well for a long time. I went to be YOREH DEAH e185E blessed by a Rabbi and he told me that I stepped on water from which spirits drank and disturbed them. The spirits are therefore taking revenge on me. Ever since hearing this I have been in a great panic. A: There is no such thing. May Hashem bless you. B Doves and Jaundice Q: Do doves cure jaundice? A: No. Q: But they cured my cousin. A: One must prove that without the doves he would not have been cured.

B Burning a Page with One's Problems Q: Is it forbidden to write one's problems on a page and then burn the page in order to nullify them? A: It is superstition, close to idol worship.

Endangering One's Life for Another

B Sacrificing One's Life to Save Another Person Q: Is it permissible for one to sacrifice his life to save an- other person (outside of the army)? A: One's own life takes precedence over the life of another person. Baba Metzia 62. But Maran Ha-Rav Kook was in doubt whether this is obligatory or optional, and if one can forfeit his life for another. Shut Mishpat Cohain #144 ot 15. And Mahar"i Chagiz writes that while it is optional, it is dif- e186E Short & Sweet ficult to conceive of one forfeiting one's life and leaving his fellow to live with the distress of knowing that another died in his place. Hilchot Ketanot 1:229. And Rabbi Yehudah Ha-Chasid says that if one person is a non-Torah scholar and the second is a Torah scholar, it is a Mitzvah for the non-Torah scholar to say: Kill me and not my fellow, just as Rabbi Reuven Atzterobli said that he should be killed in Rabbi Akiva's stead, since many people needed Rabbi Akiva. Sefer Chasidim #698.

B Self-Sacrifice Q: Is it permissible, an obligation, or forbidden for a bod- yguard of the Prime Minister to jump on him to be killed in his place? A: It is permissible for him to sacrifice his life in order to save the Prime Minister. Hagahot Maimoniyot in the name of the Yerushalmi (Beit Yosef, Choshen Mishpat 426).

B Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation Q: Is it permissible to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? Perhaps the sick person has a contagious disease. A: There is a minimal risk, which we would certainly take in order to save another person.


B Lifeguard Q: Is it permissible to swim where there is no lifeguard? If YOREH DEAH e187E it is forbidden, what did they do 300 years ago, when there were no lifeguards? A: It is forbidden. To our distress, many drowned.

B Motorcycle Q: Is it permissible to ride a motorcycle? I am very careful! A: No, being careful is not enough. There are other drivers who are not careful, and a motorcycle is exposed. This is an extremely dangerous vehicle (see Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:473).

B Red Light Q: Is it permissible for a pedestrian to cross the street against a red light? A: It is forbidden according to the law, and it is also life-threatening (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 379:6. See Shut Chatam Sofer vol. 5 Choshen Mishpat #44).

B Carnage on the Roads Q: Wouldn't it be proper to establish public fasts and days of prayer for the carnage which occurs on Israeli roads? Af- ter all, Massechet Ta'anit says that we should do this in order to prevent tragedies from occurring. A: We must keep things in perspective. We should certainly be very careful when driving, and remember that 300 peo- ple are killed every year from car accidents. But there are other things that are even more life-threatening: smoking kills 10,000 people a year (including 1,600 from e188E Short & Sweet second-hand smoke), and over-eating and eating unhealthy foods kills even more.

B Seat Belts Q: Is it an obligation to wear a seat belt according to Halachah? A: Certainly. For two reasons: 1. It is a life-threatening sit- uation. 2. Obeying the laws of the State is required by Ha- lachah (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 379:6. See Shut Chatam Sofer vol. 5 Choshen Mishpat #44. See Shut She'eilat Shlomo 2:414). Q: But Hashem protects… A: Hashem punishes those who are stupid. Mesilat Yesharim, chap. 9. This is a nonsensical – and dangerous – claim. Q: Ha-Rav said that the claim that one need not wear a seat belt because Hashem protects us is nonsense. Why don't we pray for Hashem to protect us? A: Hashem also protects us through our intellect. Mesilat Yesharim, chap. 9.

Shaving and Haircuts

B Long Hair Q: I (a man) have long hair with a pony tail. Am I obligated to get a haircut? A: Certainly. There are three severe Torah prohibitions that are transgressed by having long hair: 1. It is an impediment YOREH DEAH e189E between one's head and Tefillin, and therefore causes a bles- sing to be recited in vain when putting on Tefillin. 2. Following the ways of the non-Jews (which includes acts of conceit and haughtiness). 3. "Lo Yilbash" (the prohibition of men dressing or appearing as women) (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:23). Q: How then did the Rogachover (Ha-Rav Yosef Rosen, author of Tzafnat Pane'ach) and Ha-Rav Ha-Nazir (Ha-Rav David Cohain, Rosh Yeshiva in Mercaz Ha-Rav) grow long hair? A: The Rogachover did not go to the barber because of a concern of "Bitul Torah" (taking away from Torah learning), but he is an exceptional genius, who is not a figure to be imitated. And regarding Ha-Rav Ha-Nazir, the Torah com- mands a Nazir not to get a haircut. Q: How then are there religious men with long hair? A: Either they do not know that it is forbidden or they know and have not overcome this aspect of their evil inclination.

B Dyeing Hair Q: Is it permissible for boys to dye their hair? A: No. On account of "Lo Yilbash" (the prohibition of men dressing or appearing as women – Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 182:6).

B Growing a Beard Q: Why should one grow a beard? A: 1. It is the glory of a Jew's face. 2. There are serious halachic problems with electric razors (see the book "Hadrat Panim Zaken" by Ha-Rav Moshe Wiener). e190E Short & Sweet

B Electric Razors Q: Is it permissible to use an electric razor? A: The Chafetz Chaim forbids it since it is similar to a razor which gets close to the skin. Likutei Halachot Makkot. And all the more so today, when electric razors get even closer to the skin than before. Chazon Ish. Shevet Ha-Levi. Minchat Yitzchak 4:113. But some permit its use, provided that one not place the electric razor too close to the skin. Maran Ha-Rav Kook in Shut Orach Mishpat 128, 53. Ha-Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank. To determine whether it is far enough away, you should rub your hand over the skin to make sure you can still feel the scruff. Ha-Rav Shlomo Zal- man Auerbach. Halichot Shlomo on Tefillah, chapter 2, p. 11. And there are those who permit using an electric razor if it cuts the hairs little-by-little and not a lot all at once, as this is not considered destroying the hairs of one’s beard. Techumin #14, #22. But this is a major innovation (There is a story about an American Orthodox activist – Mike Tress – who came to visit the Satmar Rebbe. The Rebbe’s stu- dents saw a clean-shaven Jew speaking about all sorts of Torah subjects with the Rebbe and were surprised. After he left, one of the students asked the Rebbe: who is this clean-shaven person who came to speak with the Rebbe? The Satmar Rebbe responded: "When that Jew ascends to give a divine accounting, Hashem will ask him: "Jew, where is your beard?" But when you ascend to give a divine ac- counting, Hashem will ask you: "Beard, where is your Jew?"). YOREH DEAH e191E

B Trimming One's Beard Q: Is it permissible to trim one's beard with scissors without touching the skin? A: Yes (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 181:10).

B Barber Q: As a barber, is it permissible for me to cut a person's hair not according to Halachah if that is what he requests? A: It is certainly forbidden (Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 181:4-6).

B Shave a Girl's Head Q: Is it permissible for a girl to shave her head bald? A: No. "Lo Yilbash" (the prohibition of women dressing or appearing as men, or vice versa). And the same applies for having a short haircut like a boy.

B Donating Hair Q: Is it permissible for a single or married woman to donate her hair to make wigs for cancer victims? A: Yes. It is a Mitzvah. Q: Is it permissible for a boy to grow long hair for this pur- pose? A: Certainly not. It is a Mitzvah performed through a trans- gression. e192E Short & Sweet

B Bald Q: Is it permissible for one to shave his head bald? A: Yes, except for his Peyot which he must leave a length of 5 millimeters.

B Peyot Q: Following chemotherapy all of my hair will fall out. Is it permissible for me to shave my head? A: Yes, aside from your Peyot.

B Boy's Haircut Q: Is it permissible for a girl to get a short haircut like boys? A: It is forbidden because of "Lo Yilbash", since it is a boy's haircut.

B Beards and Peyot Q: Why do some students of Rav Kook never trim their beards? A: Each person chooses his own path. This is not unique to students of Rav Kook. Q: What is the meaning behind it? A: The Zohar says that one should not touch his beard (Naso 130). Q: Should one be strict in this regard? A: According to the Zohar. Rav Kook said that Torah schol- ars should not trim or round-off their beard. Rav Chaim of Volozhin was asked about this and he said: "Look in my YOREH DEAH e193E

Zohar." The students looked there and next to "One should not touch his beard" was his emendation "with a razor," i.e. one should not touch his beard in the forbidden manner – with a razor (Igrot Ha-Re'eiyah vol. 2, p. 101). Q: Why are more and more religious Zionist youth growing Peyot, even children of fathers who themselves do not grow them? A: Each person chooses his own path.

B Peyot Q: I have long Peyot. Which is preferable: Behind my ears, in front of my ears, wrapping them around my ears or put- ting them under my Kippah? A: It does not matter. It is a personal decision. It is best to act like everyone else (see Orchot Rabbenu vol. 1, p. 236 that the Chazon Ish and the Steipler Gaon were particular not to "hide" Peyot behind the ears).

B Gel Spikes for Boys Q: Is it permissible for a boy to make spikes in his hair? A: No. Q: Can a boy put gel in his hair when his hair is messy and difficult to keep neat? A: It is permissible to put the minimum required so it will not be messy. e194E Short & Sweet

B Shaving one's Mustache Q: Is it permissible to shave one's mustache with a straight razor? A: There are those who forbid it, but most authorities per- mit it.

B Upshirin not at Meron Q: We live in America and we want to give our son, who has recently turned three, an Upshirin (first hair-cut) here in Israel. We are staying in Yerushalayim. We would rather not make the entire family take the long trip to the grave of the Rashbi in Meron. Are there other locations that people reg- ularly use? A: Many have it at the Kotel.

"Lo Yilbash" (Prohibition of Cross-Dressing or appearing as the opposite gender)

B Perfume for Men Q: Is it permissible for a man to put on cologne? A: Yes, in moderation. Especially if it is to remove a bad smell.

B Plucking your Eyebrows Q: Is it permissible for a man whose eyebrows are con- nected to pluck the hair in the middle to separate them? Is it permissible to remove the hair on his nose? A: It is forbidden because of "Lo Yilbash". Removing YOREH DEAH e195E something which is ugly is permissible, but enhancing beauty is forbidden. Tosafot on Shabbat 50b.

B Man Whitening his Teeth Q: Is it permissible for a man to whiten his teeth, or is it forbidden on account of "Lo Yilbash"? A: It is permissible. Not in order to increase beauty, but to remove an unattractive feature.

B Ankle Bracelet for Boys Q: Is it permissible for a boy to wear a bracelet on his an- kle? A: It is forbidden on account of "Lo Yilbash", since it is fem- inine.

B Gun for a Woman Q: Is it permissible for a woman to carry a gun? A: If it is necessary to protect herself, her students, or her family (Shut Yechaveh Da'at 5:55 and Shut Igrot Moshe Or- ach Chaim 4:75 #3).

Chukot Ha-Goyim – Customs of the Non-Jews

B Clinking Glasses Q: Should one clink glasses together when saying "Le-Chaim"? A: No. It is "Chukot Ha-Goyim" (Shut Mesaver Tov 2:79). e196E Short & Sweet

B Piercing Q: Why it is forbidden to get an earring in one's eyebrow or tongue? A: It is forbidden because of "Chukot Ha-Goyim" (Maharik #88. See She'eilat Shlomo 1:339 #2). Q: Is it permissible to have a piercing in one's bellybutton? It would obviously be covered. A: It is also forbidden on account of "Chukot Ha-Goyim".

B Nose Ring Q: Is it permissible for a girl to wear a nose ring? A: It is forbidden because of "Chukot Ha-Goyim" (Maharik #88. See She'eilat Shlomo 1:339 #2). Q: But Rivka had a nose ring. A: This type of "Chukot Ha-Goyim" is based on the reality of the time in which one lives.

B Earrings for Girls Q: Why is it permissible for girls to have their ears pierced – aren't they deforming their bodies? A: It is negligible (Ha-Rav Aharon Lichtenstein – Rosh Ye- shiva of Har Etzion, related that his daughter wanted to have her ears pierced, but he had doubts as to whether it is permissible. They agreed to go together and ask Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, and follow his ruling. Ha-Rav Auerbach did not understand what Ha-Rav Lichtenstein wanted from him, and he said: "What is even your question? YOREH DEAH e197E

By us, boys have a Brit Milah and girls have their ears pierced!" Ve-Alehu Lo Yibol vol. 2, p. 172).

B Second Hole Q: Is it permissible for a woman to get a second ear pierc- ing? A: Yes. Obviously, the earring must be modest, not eye-fetching, and this is true even for one hole.

B Wearing Red Q: Is it forbidden for a man or woman to wear red? A: Yes, because of "Chukot Ha-Goyim". See Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 3. And it also draws attention.

B Roman Numerals Q: Is it permissible to have a clock with Roman numerals in our house? A: Yes. The regular (Arabic) numbers also come from a non-Jewish source.


B Ba'al Teshuvah Q: If someone is a Ba'al Teshuvah and has a tattoo from his past, is he committing a transgression at every moment? A: No. There is no transgression in leaving it. It is obviously proper to have it removed, but there is no obligation to do so. It is appropriate to cover it with a piece of clothing (Shut e198E Short & Sweet

Lehorot Natan 8:72. Shut Revivot Ephraim 8:308. And see Shut Minchat Yitzchak 3:11 where he rules that a Ba'al Teshuvah is not obligated to remove a tattoo of a naked woman, and the book Ma'alot Rivka where Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski rules that a Ba'al Teshuvah is not obligated to re- moved a tattoo of a cross). B Writing on Hand Q: Is it permissible to write on my hand as a reminder to do something, or is it considered a tattoo? A: It is permissible. It is not deep and it is temporary (Minchat Chinuch Mitzvah 253). B Temporary Tatto Q: Is it permissible to put on a temporary tattoo? A: There is no problem since it is just on the surface of the skin and washes away. B Impediment in Mikveh Q: Is a tattoo an impediment to immersing in a Mikveh? A: No.

Honoring Father and Mother B Disagreement between Parents Q: What is the Halachah if my father tells me to do one thing and my mother tells me to do the opposite? For ex- ample, my father tells me to turn on the TV, and my mother says to turn it off? YOREH DEAH e199E

A: Say that you asked a Rabbi and he told you not to get involved. B Honoring Parents and Tzahal Q: My parents do not want me to go into the army. Am I obligated to listen to them? A: No. Honoring parents does not apply if one's parents try to prevent him from fulfilling a Mitzvah. One should obvi- ously try to reason with and calm them (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 240:14). B Honoring One's Parents and Ma'arat Ha-Machpelah Q: I am 15 and want to visit Ma'arat Ha-Machpelah but my parents do not allow it because of the security situation. Is it permissible to pressure them or should I just give in? A: Try to convince them. If it is not possible, then go be- yond the letter of the law…and give in. B Wicked Father Q: Am I obligated to honor my father, who disgraces and hits my mother? A: There is a dispute whether one is obligated to honor an evil parent. Honor him to the best of your ability (Shulchan Aruch and Rama, Yoreh Deah 240:18). B Rebuking One's Father Q: My father talks a lot during davening. Should I say something to him? e200E Short & Sweet

A: Not during the davening. You should first ask him if he wants to speak with you about it, and you must obviously speak in a respectful manner (see Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 240:11).

B Bitter Mother Q: I help my mother to the best of my ability but she al- ways complains about me. How should I respond? A: Accept the situation. This is great education for humility. Shemoneh Perakim of the Rambam, chap. 4.

B Honoring In-Laws Q: Is there an obligation to honor one's father– and moth- er-in-law? A: Yes. But not to the same degree as parents (Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 240:24).

B Bar-B-Q or Torah Learning Q: My family wants me to participate in a Bar-B-Q but I want to learn Torah. A: In this matter, learning Torah is greater than honoring father and mother. Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 240:25.

B Calling Father-in-Law by First Name Q: Is it permissible to call my father-in-law by his first name? A: Yes, if he wants you to do so (Sedei Chemed, Ma'arechet Chatan Ve-Kallah). YOREH DEAH e201E

B Alcoholic Father Q: What should I do if my father drinks alcohol almost every day? A: Ask him if he wants help freeing himself from it.

B Following a Different Rabbi than One's Father's Q: I follow a certain Rabbi, but not the same Rabbi as my father. What should I do when they have differences of opinion? A: You can have a different Rabbi, but follow your father's Rabbi in the house.

B Calling Police Q: Is it permissible for a son to call the police if his father is hitting his mother? A: Yes, but he should make sure beforehand that his mother will not deny it.

B Bothering Father or Many Others Q: I sit next to my father in Shul. When I want to get up, is it preferable to go out my father's side and cause him to stand up, or to go out the other side and cause five other people to get up? A: Your father will allow the disruption.

B Marrying an Ethiopian Q: I want to marry an Ethiopian man but my parents are opposed. They told me that they will not help pay for the e202E Short & Sweet wedding and will not attend. Am I obligated to obey my par- ents because of the Mitzvah of honoring father and mother? A: No. You decide. There is no obligation to honor parents in order to perform a transgression – like baseless hatred (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 240:14, 25).

B Army and Honoring Parents Q: I want to be drafted into a combat unit, but my parents object. Is there an issue of honoring my father and mother? A: There is no issue of honoring your father and mother. It is permissible to join the combat unit since the Mitzvah of honoring father and mother involves the concern for their needs, and this is what you want to do with your life. You should obviously present your decision with modesty and humility.

B Son Performing Dental Work on Father Q: Can a father go to his son, who is a dentist, for dental work, when the procedure may cause bleeding? A: It is permissible (Beit Yosef, Yoreh Deah 241).

B Wounding One's Father Q: I was playing basketball with my father, and the ball hit him in the face and drew blood. The Halachah is that one who wounds his father is deserving of death!! A: This is nothing. It was not on purpose nor even an ac- cident, rather it happened while you were playing in a nor- mal manner. This is an extremely rare occurrence and un- expected. And he forgives you. YOREH DEAH e203E

Rabbis and Torah Scholars

B Picture of the Rambam Q: Is the famous picture of the Rambam really him? A: No. In the picture, he does not have Peyot and is dressed like a Turk.

B Golem Q: Did the Maharal of Prague create a Golem? A: It appears so. But there is no source.

B Levels among Torah Scholars Q: How could Rabbenu Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah say that the Ba'al Ha-Tanya was not on the same level as the ? Is it permissible to compare great Torah scholars? A: Yes. Just as the comparison between Rabbi Elazar Be-Rabbi Shimon and Rebbe. Baba Metzia 84b. And as per the ruling in Shut Mahar"i Me-Beruna #190.

B Lubavitcher Rebbe or Ha-Rav Shapira Q: Who was greater – the Lubavitcher Rebbe or Ha-Gaon Ha-Rav Avraham Shapira? A: Each one in his own way. Q: Can you be more specific? A: The greatness of Torah is not a subject for a text mes- sage. e204E Short & Sweet

B Gadol Ha-Dor Q: I know that we do not need to compare, but nonethe- less, who is greater: Rav Kook, the Baba Sali, the Ben Ish Chai or the Lubavitcher Rebbe? A: It depends on who you ask.

B Two Rabbis Q: Is it permissible to have two Rabbis and ask one some- times and the other at other times? A: Yes. Unless they give leniencies that are contradictory (Eiruvin 6b).

B [Ha-Rav] Kahane was Right! Q: Isn't there an infringement on the honor of a Torah scholar by using the expression: "Kahane was right" instead of "Ha-Rav Kahane was right"? A: People mean the concept "Kahane", but one should cer- tainly say: Ha-Rav Kahane.

B Military Rabbinate Q: If I have a halachic question in the army, who should I ask: my Rabbi or the military Rabbinate? A: A personal question – your Rabbi. A military question related to the army – the military Rabbinate. Q: But my Rabbi is a greater Torah scholar than the Chief Rabbi of Tzahal. A: He is not greater than Chazal (The Sages of the Talmud) YOREH DEAH e205E who rules that one should follow the "Mara De-Atra" (local authority).

B Wonders Q: Is it true that Rabbi [so-and-so] performs wonders? A: A fool believes everything. A heretic does not believe anything.

B Rabbi's Picture Q: Is it permissible to bring my cell phone into a bathroom, when it has a Rabbi's picture as the screen saver? A: It is permissible. The picture does not possess independ- ent holiness. It is to awaken fear of Hashem (see Shut Igrot Moshe Yoreh Deah 1:173. Shut She'eilat Shlomo 4:237).

B Get Yourself a Rabbi Q: Is "Get yourself a Rav" an obligation? A: It is not an obligation, and one may ask questions of various Rabbis, but to truly grow in Torah and fear of G-d, this is the right way.

B Two Rabbis Q: Is it permissible for someone to have more than one Rabbi: one who he follows in Halachah and another who he follows regarding the State of Israel and Redemption? A: Yes (Shach Yoreh Deah 242:12). e206E Short & Sweet

B Women ruling on Halachah Q: Is it permissible for a woman to give a halachic ruling in matters regarding Family Purity? A: In order to rule, one must have knowledge of the issues. If she knows, she can rule. This is extremely rare. The word "rule" (lifsok) means to decide in a new matter. But in issues which have been previously ruled upon, a woman can cer- tainly rule, with the condition that she is knowledgeable in that area. And there are, in fact, women who truly know the Halachah in the area of Family Purity (see Rama, Yoreh Deah 242:14. Pitchei Teshuvah, Choshen Mishpat 7:5).

B Rabbi Akiva Q: How in the Yeshiva of Rabbi Akiva, who taught "Love your fellow as yourself is the main principle of the Torah," did they fail to treat each other with proper respect? A: In merit of receiving this education, they were saved from much worse. Rabbi Menachem Azrya of Pano, brought in the book "Tal Orot".

B Rabbi who Foretells the Future Q: People say that a certain Rabbi knows everything about you. Is it permissible to visit him to learn what will happen in the future? A: Certainly not. "You shall be wholesome with Hashem, your G-d" (Devarim 18:13). YOREH DEAH e207E

B Asking a Rabbi Q: Is it permissible to ask a Rabbi a question even if I do not intend to follow his position? A: If you tell him up front that this is your intention.

B Standing for one's Rabbi Q: Do I have to stand when I speak to my Rabbi on the phone? A: One is not obligated to do so, but it is proper (Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach would stand when he spoke on the phone with Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein – Hiko Mamtakim vol. 2 p. 34. And we also heard that Ha-Rav Shimon Schwab – after he was more-or-less confined to a wheelchair because of his knees – would stand when he spoke on the phone with Ha-Rav Shach, and Ha-Rav Aharon Kotler would stand when speaking on the phone with the Skverer Rebbe).

B Changing Diapers in Front of Picture of Rabbi Q: Is it permissible to hang up pictures of Rabbis in kids' rooms where there may be diapers? A: Yes.

B Receiving Blessing Q: If I am sick, which Rabbi should I visit to receive a bles- sing? A: A Rabbi who knows you, as it is written: "A Sage in the e208E Short & Sweet city" (Rama Yoreh Deah 335:10 and Shut Shevet Ha-Levi vol. 3 Yoreh Deah #163).

B Voting Q: Does a student in Israel have to vote like his Rabbi? A: Each person must vote according to his own conscience. He should vote based on what is best for the Nation of Is- rael. I never tell people who to vote for. When people ask me, I tell them who I vote for and the reasons for my choice. If they are convinced, they are convinced. If they are not convinced, they can vote for someone else. I love and re- spect all of the parties; each has a special quality.

B Mistaken Ruling by a Rabbi Q: If the Rabbi of the place where I live erred in a halachic ruling, should I remain quiet on account of his honor or point out this particular mistake? A: If it is a rabbinic prohibition, you should certainly remain silent, since preserving his honor is a Torah Mitzvah. None- theless, you should privately and respectfully point it out to him (Ha-Rav Avraham Dov Auerbach, Av Beit Din of Tiveria, related that one time the "Eiruv" was damaged, and the Rav of Tiveria ruled that the "Eiruv" was kosher. There was a great Torah scholar who lived there and he bumped into the Rav of the city after Shabbat. They talked, the To- rah scholar walked him home, and they sat and chatted. The Torah scholar said, "Let's learn some Torah." The Rav of the city obviously agreed. The Torah scholar took Massechet Eruvin and they learned. Suddenly, the Rav of the city said, "Oy va-voy! If so, I ruled incorrectly today!" YOREH DEAH e209E

The Torah scholar said, "It appears so." The Rav of the city asked, "Did his honor announce in his Shul not to carry on Shabbat?" "No," he responded, "since carrying in this place is a rabbinic prohibition, but honoring a Torah scholar is a Torah mitzvah. I therefore did not say anything").

B Long Peyot Q: Is it a problem of "Yuhara – religious arrogance" to grow long Peyot if great Rabbis do not grow them? A: There are many great Rabbis who grow long Peyot. There is therefore no problem of "Yuhara". But if your Rabbi does not have long Peyot, ask him or his students.

B Cursed? Q: It seems that my family is cursed. Can the Rabbi bless us? A: There is no such thing as a curse. Nonetheless, Hashem should bless you.

B Need for a Rabbi Q: There are different opinions in our community as to whether we need a Rabbi since we have many Torah schol- ars amongst us. A: It is certainly required. Even a house filled with Sifrei Torah requires a Mezuzah.

B Pictures of Rabbis Q: Is there something special in hanging pictures of Rabbis in one's home? e210E Short & Sweet

A: Yes, "Let your eyes behold your teacher" (Yeshayahu 30:20). B Rabbis Ascending on High Q: Why are so many Rabbis dying? A: Thanks to modern medicine, only a small number have died. Our great love for them, however, makes it feel like more. B Lubavitcher Rebbe Q: Was the Lubavitcher Rebbe a prophet? A: No. But he was a great Torah scholar. B Immodest Picture Q: I saw an extremely immodest picture on the cell phone of one of my Rabbis. I am shocked and do not know what to think about him. A: He is righteous, but not an angel. A person is judged by the majority of his deeds. B Holy Water Q: What is the source for holy water given out by a Rabbi/"Tzadik"? A: There is no source. B Asking Sefardi Rabbi Q: Can an Ashkenazi ask a Sefardi Rabbi a question? A: If he tells the Rabbi that he is Ashkenazi. YOREH DEAH e211E

B Return Fire Q: Recently, so many people have been attacking Ha-Rav from different directions. Why doesn't Ha-Rav fight back? A: I, the small one, try to hold on to the coat-tails of Maran Ha-Rav Kook who wrote that when it comes to war, one should distance himself from the conflicts and yield for the love of peace (Igrot Ha-Re'eiyah 1, 363).

B Popularity Q: Why do Rabbis express their opinion when they "lose points" with the public for doing so? A: They are obligated to express the Torah's position. Rab- bis are not searching for popularity, but for truth.

B Besmirching Rabbis Q: The media is constantly besmirching Rabbis by using partial, incorrect quotes. Should we respond? A: Ignore it. A response garners a response. And truth is the way of Torah.

B Standing for one Rabbi while another Rabbi is speaking Q: I attended a memorial at Yeshivat Mercaz Ha-Rav for the end of shiva for Ha-Rav Avraham Shapira ztz"l. Many great Rabbis gave eulogies. During some of them, other Rabbis entered the yeshiva and everyone stood up to show them respect. Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef, for example, entered during the eulogy of Rav Avrum's son, Rav Yeshoshua Shapira, the new Rosh Yeshiva. Everyone stood up. While e212E Short & Sweet it is a sign of respect to stand for a Torah scholar, it also seems like disrespect to rise in the middle of another Torah scholar's talk. What should one do in such a situation? A: It is a problem – if you do not stand it is disrespectful to the entering Rabbi, and if you do stand it is disrespectful to the Rabbi who is speaking. This is the reason I try not to enter talks in the middle. Nonetheless, it seems that one should stand, and the Rabbi who is speaking will forego his honor, since standing for a Torah scholar is explicitly men- tioned in the Halachah (see Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 244).

B Disparaging Torah Scholars Q: I am distressed by the disparaging of Torah scholars that is so prevalent in our community. It is baseless hatred and disgraces the honor of the Torah. What should I do? A: Increase your honor of Torah scholars and your baseless love. It will help to heal.

B Respecting Rabbis Q: There are Torah scholars whom I greatly respected, but when I became close to them, I saw their weaknesses, and my level of respect dropped. How do I get that level of re- spect back? A: By knowing that they are not completely angels, but are as close to angels as one can get in this generation. Ha-Arizal said to Ha-Rav Chaim Vital that he should not be too distressed over his deficiencies, because in this genera- tion it is difficult to be a righteous person. Earlier generations YOREH DEAH e213E were on a much higher level. The same applies all the more so to us and our generation. Q: Regarding the same issue, during the expulsion from Gush Katif there were some Rabbis who ridiculed others. This was very damaging in my eyes. A: Same as above. It is not easy to be a complete angel.

B Torah Scholar Later in Life Q: Is it possible to learn Torah at an advanced age and become a Torah scholar? A: Certainly, Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Eliezer and many other great Torah scholars throughout the generations have proven it.

B Rabbi who Reads Harry Potter Q: Is it permissible to learn Torah with a Rabbi who reads Harry Potter? Isn’t his brain filled with nonsense? A: It is permissible. A person is judged by the majority of his actions.

Maran Ha-Rav Kook

B Maran Ha-Rav Kook and the Arizal Q: Is it true that Rav Kook understood the writings of the Arizal better than Rabbi Chaim Vital, and the Zohar better than the Arizal? A: This is incorrect. But Maran Ha-Rav Kook was given the power of explanation from heaven. e214E Short & Sweet

B Rav Kook's Rav Q: Who was Rav Kook's Rav? A: He had a few, but the main one was the Netziv.

B Maran Ha-Rav Kook Q: How did it happen that in his time, Maran Ha-Rav Kook was greatly respected by almost every great Torah scholar, while today most Charedi Rabbis ignore this fact? A: This is not understandable. Patience.

B Old and New Q: Are the words of Rav Kook old or new? A: When our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, was asked this question he said that they are the oldest of the old and new- est of the new, i.e. old in a new form. And, in fact, our Rabbi added the source for every line written by Rav Kook.

B Aliyah from Yemen and Maran Ha-Rav Kook Q: I heard that a secular Jew named Yavnieli disguised himself as a religious Jew and deceived the Jews of Yemen into making Aliyah. I also heard that Rav Kook was a part- ner in this act and supported him by giving him a letter with Halachic questions for the Rabbis of Yemen. A: It is a lie. Yavnieli disguised himself not in order to de- ceive the Jews of Yemen but in order to deceive the Turks who forbade Aliyah. The Sefardic Chief Rabbi, Ha-Rav Uziel, wrote that he was an upright person. Rav Kook be- lieved that Aliyah from Yemen would bring blessing, since YOREH DEAH e215E they were G-d-fearing people who worked hard to make a livelihood and also learned Torah and performed Mitzvot. Their Aliyah would be a good antidote for the secularists. Rav Kook wrote a letter with questions, not to deceive the Rabbis, but to know how to rule in Halachic matters relating to their community (Ohev Yisrael Bi-Kedusha of Rav Be'eri pp. 169-179).

B The Honor of Rav Kook Q: In the Beit Midrash where I learn, they have erased Rav Kook's name from all of the books printed by (the publishing house) Mossad Ha-Rav Kook. Should I continue to learn there? A: If there is a better Beit Midrash – move to there.

B "Baseless Love" Q: What is the source of the term "baseless love" (i.e. just as the Temple was destroyed on account of "baseless ha- tred," it will be rebuilt on account of "baseless love")? A: Maran Ha-Rav Kook.

B Explaining Maran Ha-Rav Kook's Torah Q: I have a customer who constantly speaks ill of the Religious-Zionist community. How do I explain the Torah of Rav Kook to him? A: It is a waste of time. Someone with bad character traits will not understand. e216E Short & Sweet

B Lashon Ha-Ra against Maran Ha-Rav Kook in Bagrut (matriculation exams in Israel) Q: We are taking the "Charedi" Bagrut in history, and the study material contains Lashon Ha-Ra against Rav Kook. What should we do? A: If this is so, skip this part, as well as other parts contain- ing Lashon Ha-Ra, and may Hashem help you. Q: We will lose points on the exam, since they love to ask about this material. A: May Hashem fill your lack. If you nonetheless study it, than study the truth at the same time in order to counter the Lashon Ha-Ra.

B Maran Rav Kook and English Q: Did Rav Kook know English? A: Maran Rav Kook learned English in order to speak to the British who were in the Land of Israel. He learned it by learning through the whole Tanach with an English transla- tion and the entire Gemara with an English translation. The British High Commissioner once said to Rav Kook, "You speak English like a prophet."

B "Chadarav" Q: Is it permissible to learn the book "Chadarav" which are the personal thoughts of Rav Kook? A: It is permissible in small doses. YOREH DEAH e217E

B Maran Ha-Rav Kook's Picture on Cell Phone Q: I have a picture of Rav Kook as the background of my cell phone. Can I bring my phone into the bathroom? A: It is permissible.

Teachers and Students

B Confiscating a Student's Belongings Q: Is it permissible for a teacher to confiscate a student's belongings for the entire year? A: It all depends on the school's rules, which a student ac- cepts upon entrance.

B Teacher Looking at Student's Cell Phone Q: Is it permissible for a teacher to snoop around and look in a student's cell phone? A: Only in an exceptional situation in which there is poten- tial physical or spiritual damage to the student which would override the decree of Rabbenu Gershom (which forbids reading other people's correspondence).

B Student without Tzitzit Q: If a student in my class stubbornly refuses to wear Tzitzit, should I wait patiently or demand that he put them on? A: If he is negatively affecting others in this area, then de- mand it, like Shammai. If he is not, then wait patiently like Hillel. Ain Aya, Shabbat 31. e218E Short & Sweet

B Lengthening a Class Q: Is it permissible for a teacher to lengthen a class which takes away from the break? A: Everything is dependent on the school's rules.

B Studying Religions Q: I am a teacher and the curriculum calls for me to teach about Christianity and Islam. Is it permissible? A: Teach what says about Christianity and Islam.

B Cheating on a Test Q: Why is cheating on a test forbidden? A: "Genevat Da'at" (deception). Q: But I often fail tests because I do not cheat. I would get a higher grade if I copied from others. It is possible that be- cause of my integrity, I lose out? A: The reward for a Mitzvah is not always in this world.

B Cheated Q: I cheated on a test and received a high grade. My par- ents want to buy me an expensive gift because of my grade. I regret it, but don't want to tell them because they will be angry at me. What should I do? A: Learn the material really well.

B Joking with Students Q: Is it permissible during an overnight trip with my stu- YOREH DEAH e219E dents to jokingly take the shoes of the new students in the class, while they are sleeping, and put them outside in a field? It is not intended to cause them distress. A: If you are certain that they will not be distressed and they will think it is funny. If you are uncertain, and you want to joke around, then take your own shoes and put them out- side in a field.

B Favorite Student Q: I am a high school Rebbe. Is it proper if I favor one student more than the others? A: In your heart, it is okay. But not in practice.

B Forgiveness Q: I am leaving the school where I teach. It is possible that I have offended some of the students during my time there. Should I ask their forgiveness? A: Yes, from all of them together while you say your good- bye and bless them.

B Tattling Q: Is it permissible for me, as a teacher, to ask my students to tell me who colored the wall black in the classroom? A: No. We should not accustom the students to tattling, ex- cept for in severe cases. Rather, you should say to the class: The repair costs this amount of money. Please make sure the money is on my desk within a week. e220E Short & Sweet

B Unfit Teacher Q: Is it permissible to tell the administration about a teacher who seems unfit when it might cause him to lose his job? A: It is permissible; the teacher is there for the students and not the students for the teacher – but you must provide the full picture.

B Mistaken Grade Q: I received a grade higher than I deserved on a test be- cause the teacher miscounted. Do I have to tell him? A: Yes, so you do not violate "Genevat Da'at" (deception).

B Same Test as Last Year Q: The teacher gives us the same tests he gave in a differ- ent school last year. Can we get the tests from kids we know there in order to prepare for them? A: Only if the teacher agrees.

B Student who Caused Damage Q: A student caused damage in the school, but the teacher does not know which student. Is it permissible for the teacher to ask the students to tell him who did it? A: He should ask the students to bring him the money for the damage within a particular time period. If they wish, they can all pitch in money. If they wish, they can collect the money from the one who caused the damage. YOREH DEAH e221E

Torah Learning B Leniencies and Strictures Q: Why does Ha-Rav rule leniently in some areas of Hala- chah and strictly in other areas? Is Ha-Rav one who rules leniently or strictly? A: These different areas of Halachah are unrelated. Each issue must be ruled on its own. Sometimes the ruling comes out leniently and sometimes strictly. B Babylonian Talmud Q: Why does the Halachah follow the Babylonian Talmud more than the ? A: The Halachah follows the later opinion. See the Rif at the end of Eiruvin. B Chumash with Rashi Q: Which book should I take with me everywhere I go, and learn it whenever I have a free moment? A: Chumash with Rashi. See Zechor Le-Miriam of the Chafetz Chaim #21. B Holy Rashi Q: How is it possible that the Holy Rashi erred in a few places regarding the geography of Eretz Yisrael? A: 1. This is extremely rare, and everyone errs once in a while. Even the Sanhedrin could make a mistake, and there is a sacrifice mentioned in the Torah for them to bring when they do err. 2. Especially in this case, it is not an error in e222E Short & Sweet

Torah but an error in the facts, which were inaccurately given to him (See Ramban on Bereshit 35:16 on the loca- tion of Kever Rachel that he originally wrote, when he was in the Exile, that it was located in Ramah, but when he came to Eretz Yisrael, he saw with his own eyes that it is in Beit Lechem, near Yerushalayim).

B Moshe Rabbenu Q: How did Moshe Rabbenu manage to learn Torah when he went to live in Pharoah's house as a baby? A: He went when he was 12 years old. Shemot Rabbah 5:2.

B Torah or Gemach Q: Is it preferable for me to attend a Torah class or perform an act of loving-kindness (Gemilut Chesed) if they occur at the same time? A: Gemilut Chesed, if there is no one else to replace you. Moed Katan 9a-b.

B Laws of Mourning Q: If I am not a mourner, is it permissible to learn the laws of mourning or will it bring harm to me? A: It is certainly permissible, it is Torah and will not cause harm. Sefer Chasidim #261.

B Learning Mishnayot Q: What commentary should one use to learn Mishnayot after Rabbi Ovadiah Mi-Bartenura? YOREH DEAH e223E

A: Tosafot Yom Tov. Rabbi Ovadiah Mi-Bartenura is like Rashi on the Gemara, and Tosafot Yom Tov is like the Tosafot.

B Torah Learning for Women Q: What type of Torah can women learn? A: Tanach. Emunah. Halachah. Siddur. Musar.

B Dispute Q: If Moshe received the Torah at Sinai, then there is only one Truth. Why then are there so many disputes in Juda- ism? A: Hashem told Moshe Rabbenu many reasons to rule one way and many reasons to rule a different way. Yerushalami. And also Tosafot Shantz, beginning of Eduyot.

B Obligation or Proper Behavior Q: How can you tell the difference between an obligation and proper behavior in the Shulchan Aruch? A: Sometimes Rabbi Yosef Karo points it out and some- times the commentaries point it out.

B Lottery Ticket Q: Should I buy a lottery ticket with the hope of winning and spending my time learning Torah? A: It is nonsense. Your chances of winning are lower than your chance of getting run over by a car on the sidewalk. e224E Short & Sweet

B Keruvim Q: The Torah says that it is forbidden to put an idol in the Temple, but the Keruvim had the image of angels. How is this permissible? A: Because it is a Divine command. See the Kuzari in rela- tion to the Golden Calf.

B Eliyahu Ha-Navi #1 Q: Was Eliyahu Ha-Navi born from a woman? A: Yes. And Moshe Rabbenu. And the Messiah will also be born from a woman.

B Eliyahu Ha-Navi #2 Q: Does Eliyahu Ha-Navi occasionally appear in our times in the form of a regular person? A: No. Eliyahu Ha-Navi only reveals himself to the holiest of individuals (see the book Chayei Olam, chap. 30, where Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski records many places in the Gemara, Yerushalmi, Midrash, holy books and among great Rabbis where Eliyahu revealed himself).

B King Shlomo and Chess Q: Is it true that King Shlomo invented Chess? A: This is only a story. See the book "Otzar Yisrael" of Rav Eizenstein, entry on chess. YOREH DEAH e225E

B Mermaid Q: How do we relate to the Gemara in Bechorot (8) which discusses a fish that is half human? A: It does not say that such a creature exists, but only what would in theory be the law regarding it (see Netivot Olam, Netiv Ha-Torah, Netiv 14. And the book “Be’er Ha-Golah”).

B Learning the Satmar Rebbe's Books Q: Does one receive the reward for learning Torah for the Satmar Rebbe's books? A: Certainly.

B Yeshivat Shem Ve-Ever Q: What did they learn in the Yeshiva of Shem and Ever? A: The seven Mitzvot of Noach and general ethics (Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski answered that they learned about Yirat Shamayim – being G-d-fearing. Derech Sichah vol. 1, pp. 145-146).

B Criteria for Yeshiva Q: What should I look for in choosing a yeshiva? A: A place where you can improve your good character traits, learn Torah and increase your awe of Hashem.

B Secular Studies Q: I heard that a Rabbi said that it is forbidden to learn e226E Short & Sweet secular subjects and one must only learn Torah subjects. Those who learn secular subjects are Hellenists. A: Where is it written?!

B Chewing Gum Q: Is it permissible to chew gum while learning Gemara? A: If it is necessary to keep you from falling asleep. But you should ask the Rosh Yeshiva (see Berachot 20).

B Rashi and Midrashim Q: Rashi states that he intends to explain the simple mean- ing of the text. Why then does he quote Midrashim? A: He brings Midrashim that explain the simple meaning (Rashi on Bereshit 3:8).

B Torah and Science Q: Did the Rabbis of the Talmud know all of science based on the Torah, as it says: "Turn it and turn it, everything is contained in it" (Pirkei Avot 5:22)? A: They did not know it all. The majority of their scientific knowledge came from scientists of the world (Moreh Nevuchim), while a minority of it came from oral traditions given to Moshe Rabbenu at Mt. Sinai (for example, Hilchot Treifot – Rambam, Mishneh Torah). The Torah is not a sci- ence book which describes reality. The Torah teaches the proper and improper path (Maharal, Netivot Olam, Netiv Ha-Torah 14). In this sense, "everything is in it," i.e. spiritual, ethical, legal and educational concepts. YOREH DEAH e227E

B Zohar Q: Is it permissible to learn the Zohar? A: No. The Zohar is only for select individuals (Rama, Yoreh Deah 246:6).

B Studying Kabbalah Q: I am 16 years old. Can I beginning learning Kabbalah? A: Certainly not. The commentators on the Shulchan Aruch write that one should not learn Kabbalah before the age of forty (Shach, Yoreh Deah 246:6). In general, the secrets of the Torah are to be studied only by special individuals. The Mishnah Chagigah, chap. 2.

B Becoming Great in Learning Q: What is the path for becoming great in Torah learning? A: There is no need to invent a new method. Learning in a Yeshiva. See Tosafot Ketubot 63a. The only condition is that one must have the will to learn. Rambam, Talmud To- rah 3:1.

B Learning and Nursing Q: Is it permissible for a woman to learn Torah while nurs- ing? A: Yes. Q: What about saying Tehillim? A: Also permissible. e228E Short & Sweet

B A Five-Year-Old Begins Torah Q: In our days, should we follow the guideline (given in Pirkei Avot, 5:25) that a five-year-old begins learning Torah, a ten-year-old begins Mishnah, and a fifteen-year-old begins Gemara? A: No. This ruling is not brought in the Rambam or the Shulchan Aruch. We should follow the curriculum practiced for generations in Talmudei Torah (of learning them all at the same time).

B Gemara for Women Q: Is it permissible for women to learn Gemara? A: No. Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 246:6. By the way, an American Rabbi once joked: It is too bad that it is not forbidden for men to learn Gemara… (so that they would have a greater desire to do so).

B Torah and Army Q: Some hold that Torah learning protects more than the army. A: Both are needed. One is not sufficient without the other one. See Niddah 70b.

B Money for Rabbis and Full-Time Torah Learners Q: How do Rabbis and those who learn Torah full-time re- ceive a salary when the Rambam prohibits it? A: The Shulchan Aruch does not rule like the Rambam in this case. It is certainly improper to learn Torah for the sake YOREH DEAH e229E of earning money, but someone who learns with proper in- tent is permitted to receive money for doing so. See Kesef Mishneh on Hilchot Talmud Torah, chapter 3.

B Reason for Learning Torah Q: Why do we learn Torah? A: It helps one’s soul grow. B Highlighting in a Tanach Q: Is it permissible to highlight in a Tanach? A: Yes. It does not contradict the reverence one must have for it.

B Halachah and Kabbalah Q: What do we do if there is a contradiction between Ha- lachah and Kabbalah? A: The Vilna Gaon claims that there is no contradiction, and if one does perceive a contradiction, it is a sign that he does not understand properly. Deep down, everything is one.

B Reviewing Torah Learning Q: How many times is one required to review his Torah learning? A: Maran Ha-Rav Kook wrote to his brother that he was surprised to hear that he only reviews his learning 3 times and that he himself does not remember well until he reviews his learning 10 times (Igrot Ha-Re'eiyah vol. 1, p. 9). A stu- dent once asked Rabbenu Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah how many e230E Short & Sweet times to review one's learning, and he innocently answered: "101 times, as is written in the Gemara" (see Chagiga 9b)! And in Shut Teshuvot Ve-Hanhagot (1:539), Ha-Rav Moshe Sternbuch writes that he heard in the name of the Chafetz Chaim that if one does not review his learning 4 times, he does not fulfill the Mitzvah of learning Torah (also brought in "Meir Einei Yisrael vol. 2 p. 201). And once someone asked the Chazon Ish for a blessing to remember his learn- ing. The Chazon Ish asked: How many times do you re- view? He responded: 6-7. The Chazon Ish said that he does not remember after 6-7 times of reviewing, but only after 20 times. The essence is that one reviews his learning.

B Reason for Siyum Q: What is behind the idea of a siyum upon completing a Massechet of the Gemara? A: Joy over the service of Hashem. B Siyum Q: Is one obligated to have a Siyum upon completing a Massechet of the Gemara? A: It is possible to have one on your own, with a modest meal.

B Forgotten Learning Q: I learned all of the Gemara with the commentary of Rav Steinsaltz, but I do not remember most of the material. Is this considered a "siyum Ha-Shas" – a completion of the Gemara? A: Certainly. Yashar koach – way to go! It is natural for a YOREH DEAH e231E person to learn and forget, and you should strengthen your- self to learn more. B Pirkei Avot Q: Are our Rabbis' words in Pirkei Avot obligatory or just good advice? A: In general, they are expressions of piety. But each teach- ing must be examined individually. B Yeshiva Student receiving Discount Q: Is it permissible for a yeshiva student to enjoy the ben- efits offered to them by stores or companies, or is this pro- hibited because one should not use the Torah "as a spade with which to dig" (Pirkei Avot 4:5)? A: It is permissible. See Rambam ibid. and the reason is that stores give discounts to all types of people, not only ye- shiva students. B Learning Torah from Tape Q: Does one fulfill the Mitzvah of learning Torah by listen- ing to a Torah class on a tape? A: Certainly. But one does not recite a blessing on learning Torah until he says words of Torah (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 47:4). B Kuzari Q: Is the story in the book "The Kuzari" true or a parable? A: The Kuzarim really did convert, but the story and the conversation are a parable. e232E Short & Sweet

Tzedakah and Ma'aser Kesafim

B Beggars Q: What is the status of the beggars at the Kotel? A: We cannot presume that they are truly poor (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 251:10). Some collect 1000 shekels a day (based on information from the police stationed there)!

B Parent Q: Can I give Ma'aser Kesafim to my father? A: If your father is poor and you are poor, since Masser Kesafim is for the poor, and your father takes precedence before others. If you are not poor, you should support you father with your money and not Ma'aser Kesafim (Ahavat Chesed of the Chafetz Chaim, 19 and Aruch Ha-Shulchan Yoreh Deah 251:8).

B The Poor or a Yeshiva Q: Is it preferable to donate Tzedaka to the poor or to a yeshiva? A: It is a personal decision, since every yeshiva has poor students.

B Wedding Gift Q: Is a gift to a bride and groom considered Ma'aser? A: No. Unless the couple is poor, and this is the reason you are giving it to them. Ma'aser is only for the poor. YOREH DEAH e233E

B To Whom and for What Q: To whom should one give Ma'aser Kesafim? A: The poor. Q: What is the definition of a poor person? A: Someone who is lacking essential items. Q: Can I please have examples of essential and non-essential items? A: Washing machine – essential, dryer – non-essential. Oven and stove – essential, microwave – non-essential. Tel- ephone – essential, cell phone – non-essential. Bus-fare – essential, car – non-essential. B Mitzvah or Minhag? Q: Is giving Ma'aser a Mitzvah or minhag? A: Minhag, but it is an important minhag and one should accept it – without taking an oath (Tur Yoreh Deah 331. Pitchei Teshuvah ibid. #12. Shut She'eilat Yaavetz 1:6). B Found Money Q: I found money. Do I have to give Ma'aser? A: Yes, as on all money. B Chinese Auctions Q: Chinese Auctions have been around for a number of years already. It is my understanding that I can give Ma'aser money toward these auctions as the funds are being raised for Tzedakah. Is this correct? A: Yes. e234E Short & Sweet

Q: Would it still be considered Tzedaka if I win the prize? A: If you win it is no longer considered Tzedakah and you would have to give the amount you originally gave in as Tzedakah.

B Babysitting Q: Does a young woman who receives money for babysitting have to separate "Ma'aser"? A: Yes, from all income according to one's ability.

B Tzedakah and Smoking Q: Should I give Tzedakah to a poor woman when there is a good chance she will buy cigarettes with the money? A: Give her food or other essential items.

B Doubtful Loan Q: I have two Tzedakah boxes in my home and I took a loan from one of them and do not remember which one. What should I do? A: Repay the loan to both Tzedakah boxes.

B Sefer Torah or Those Learning Torah Q: I want to donate a Sefer Torah, but is there something more important to give to? A: Give to those who learn Torah, since the Torah was given in order for people to learn it (Chayei Adam – Hilchot Sefer Torah). YOREH DEAH e235E

B Little-by-Little or All-at-Once Q: Is it preferable to give a little Tzedakah each day or a lot at one time? A: Separate a little each day and give it at one time (see the Rambam's commentary to the Avot 3:15).

B To Whom Should I Donate? Q: Should I give Tzedakah to someone who is in a difficult financial situation because he does not have health insur- ance and needs an operation, or someone who is having an expensive wedding? A: Both are considered Tzedakah, but it is preferable to give to people who are poor not of their own doing.

B Lap of Luxury Q: Is it permissible to buy a car for hundreds of thousands of shekels? A: It is a waste. Give the money to Tzedakah. Your life takes precedence over your fellow's life, but your luxuries do not take precedent over your fellow's life (Igrot at the end of Sefer Ha-Tanya. Aruch Ha-Shulchan Yoreh Deah 251. Sefer Ahavat Chesed of the Chafetz Chaim. Shut Orach Mishpat of Maran Ha-Rav Kook).

B Borrowing Money Q: Is it permissible to borrow money from the Tzedakah box? A: For a short time and return a little extra. e236E Short & Sweet

B Thought Q: If I thought about giving a specific amount to Tzedakah, am I obligated to do so? A: Yes, if it was a clear decision.

B Paying Loan or Tzedakah Q: Which takes precedence – paying back a loan or Tzedakah? A: Paying a loan since we do not give Tzedakah on some- one else's account.

B Lost Tzedakah Q: I put some money aside for Tzedakah and it got lost. What should I do? A: You can give different money in its place, but you are not obligated to do so.

B Curse Q: A person collecting for Tzedakah cursed me that I should be sick when I refused to give her. What should I do? A: Nothing. It has no effect. Hashem should have mercy on her. In general, 90% of Tzedakah collectors are swindlers.

B Making Change Q: Is it permissible to make change from the Tzedakah box? A: Yes. It is the same money. YOREH DEAH e237E

Brit Milah

B Sandek Q: Is it permissible for someone to be a Sandek twice for the same family? A: There is no problem. Shut Yechaveh Da'at 3:221.

B Picking Sandek Q: There is a big dispute in our family as to who should be Sandek at the Brit Milah – the paternal grandfather or the maternal grandfather. What should we do? A: The custom is that the paternal grandfather takes prec- edence, but it is not obligatory. They should therefore draw lots.

B Non-Religious Mohel Q: If someone had his Brit Milah performed by a non-religious Mohel is it legitimate, or does he need a "Hatafat Dam Brit" (drawing a drop of blood)? A: It is a dispute (Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 264:1. Rama ibid. Chidushei Rabbi Akiva Eiger ibid. See Shut Mi-Ma'amakim 1:8).

B Eating the Foreskin Q: Does eating the baby’s foreskin after a Brit Milah heal barrenness? A: This is a strange Minhag and we do not follow it. Machazik Berachah, Yoreh Deah #79. e238E Short & Sweet

B Brit Milah on Shabbat Q: Should a Brit Milah scheduled for Shabbat be post- poned if the entire family will drive to get there? A: Yes. Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 260:171).

B Pleasure Q: I read a piece of research that says that having a Brit Milah decreases a person's pleasure. How does this fit with the idea that Judaism is a religion which sanctifies plea- sures? A: The Rambam already mentions in Moreh Nevuchim that a Brit Milah weakens the evil inclination for forbidden rela- tions. But where is the source that the Torah sanctifies plea- sures? This is the outlook of idol worship. We sanctify by fulfilling our obligations and the Mitzvot. Mesilat Yesharim Chapter 1.

B Metzitzah Q: Is there an obligation for Metzitzah at a Brit Milah or are there lenient opinions? A: It is an obligation according to all opinions. See Shut Da'at Cohain (#140-142).

B Non-Religious Father or Torah Scholar Q: Is it preferable to have a father who is non-religious or a Torah scholar as the Sandek? A: If the father is not interested, there is no question. If he is interested, the father is preferable, since this is included in YOREH DEAH e239E the Mitzvah of honoring father and mother. While it is not an obligation, it is a Mitzvah, since it will bring him joy. And performing an explicit Mitzvah (honoring father and mother) is more important than an act which is a segulah – an act of spiritual significance (having a Torah scholar act as the Sandek).

B Anesthetic Q: Is it permissible to have local anesthesia for a regular brit milah on the eighth day? A: There is no need and it is sometimes even dangerous. B Sandek and Child's Personality Q: My husband and I have been married three years. His father never accepted the marriage and totally disappeared from our lives for a year. My husband tries to honor him, but it is difficult. We are expecting a baby boy and we are sure that my father-in-law will expect and demand to be the Sandek at the Brit Milah. How does the Sandek influence the personality of the child? Will my husband transgress the obligation to honor his father if he does not choose him, since as a result my father-in-law will not speak to us for years? A: It is permissible to let him be the Sandek. It will not in- fluence the child and it is a Mitzvah towards his father. Don't worry.

B Whose home? Q: I just had a difficult birth which resulted in my having many stitches. I therefore want to rest at my mother's house. e240E Short & Sweet

My husband is opposed since he wants to have the Brit Milah at his parents' house. What should we do? A: You take precedence. When he gives birth, the Brit Milah can be at his parents' house.


B Character Q: Does a name influence a person's character? A: No. Yishmael (May G-d hear) is a beautiful name but he was evil. And the opposite also exists. The deciding factor is the individual's free choice.

B Changing Name Q: If a person has problems in his life should he change his name? A: It is written that only in the case where a person is ex- tremely ill should he change his name (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 335:10).

B More than One Name Q: Is it permissible to give more than one name? A: One name, two or three – it doesn't matter. B Consulting a Rabbi Q: Should one consult with a Rabbi for choosing a name? A: No. People did not consult with Rabbis as much in pre- vious generations as they do today. And anyway, the Arizal YOREH DEAH e241E says that when the parents give the child a name, they have a spark of "Ruach Ha-Kodesh" (Holy, Divine spirit). In gen- eral, one should not give a boy a girl's name or visa-versa (although according to the basic Halachah, it is permissible), since it may be uncomfortable for him, and one should not name after a wicked person. Q: Ha-Rav wrote that the basic Halachah is that it is not forbidden to give a boy’s name to a girl and vice-versa, but it is improper. What is the source? A: The book “Ta’ama De-Kara” of Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski, p. 119. B Fate Q: Does a name influence a person's fate? A: No. When our Sages state that one can change an evil decree by changing his name the Rambam explains (Hilchot Teshuvah 2:4) that if he repents in a serious way, he changes his name. This means, "I seriously repented and I am no longer the same person." This certainly changes the decree of a person. Rabbenu Nissim – The Ran – has the opposite approach (Rosh Hashanah 3b in the pages of the Rif). He said that if I change my name and every time I mention the new name, it inspires me to repent, I can change my situation. The essence of changing one's name is not a trick. The point is to say: I am not the same person, I am someone new. B Naming After Non-Jew Q: Is it permissible to name a child after a non-Jew? A: There is no prohibition, but it is certainly preferable to e242E Short & Sweet name after a Jew. As is known, our ancestors in Egypt were praised because they did not change their names but kept their Hebrew names. Similarly, it is certainly proper to Hebraicize a non-, but one is not required to do so.

B Before Conception Q: Is it permissible to choose a name for a child before one's wife is pregnant? A: There is no problem.

B After Wicked Person Q: Is it permissible to call a baby the same name that a wicked person had? A: Ashkenazim and Sefardim do not do so. For example, they do not use the name "Avshalom" (King David's son). But Yemenite Jews do use this name since it is a beautiful name (Father of Peace). If this name is the name of a wicked person but also found in another context, it is per- missible, since you are naming the baby after the other con- text.

B After One who Died Young Q: Is it permissible name a child after someone who died young? A: We have the custom not to do so. But if someone died in a plague which took many people's lives, he is not the only one to have died young, and it is permissible to use his name. Similarly, for a soldier who fell fulfilling his duty or a YOREH DEAH e243E

Jew who was killed by a terrorist, it is also permissible, since – to our great distress – this is not an isolated incident.

B Including Hashem's Name Q: Is it permissible to give a child a name with Hashem's Name in it? A: It is permissible. When we call a child "Michael" we do not mean to say "Mi Ca-El" (Who is like Hashem).

B "Rachel" Q: I have a lot of problems and people say it is because my name is Rachel. Should I change it? A: This is a wonderful name. Do not change it (see Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh 335:10. And when Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski was asked this same question, he answered that this idea is nonsense, and the source for those who think this way is that the Chizkuni explains that Rachel could not have children because she lacked a letter "Hey" in her name. She therefore gave her maidservant "Bilhah" to Yaakov, since she had two letters "Hey" in her name, one for herself and one for Rachel, but this is nonsense. Firstly, it is com- monplace for women to have the name Rachel, and they have children. Secondly, we see in the Gemara [Shabbat 154b, Bechorot 3b and elsewhere] the name "Rav Meri bar Rachel" and the name of Rabbi Akiva's wife: Rachel [Avot De-Rebbe Natan chap. 6] – Derech Sichah vol. 1 p. 34). e244E Short & Sweet


B Convert Q: Our tradition says that a Jew who "converts" to another religion remains a Jew. So why doesn't someone who con- verts to Judaism remain a non-Jew? A: Because they have had a hidden Jewish soul all along.

B Conversion Performed by Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren Q: I heard that the conversion performed by Ha-Rav Goren (called the "Brother and Sister") was not according to Hala- chah. A: Lies and deceit. His responsum was published and you can learn it (After Ha-Rav Goren's ruling in this matter, a broadside containing terrible vilifications was written against him. Our Rabbi Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah asked that the responum be brought to him. He looked at it and sent it to Ha-Rav Avraham Shapira. He did not ask whether he agreed with it or not, but whether it was well-built, like a serious halachic responsum. When Ha-Rav Shapira re- sponded in the affirmative, our Rabbi proclaimed: "May the hands of those who perform evil be cut off." When he was asked: But aren't there great Rabbis among those who signed the broadside? He responded: "There are differ- ences," i.e. not everyone criticized in an evil way. Iturei Yerushalayim #20. And Ha-Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin, leading in Amer- ica before Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein, never supported the rul- ing itself since he was blind at the time and was unable to YOREH DEAH e245E learn it. He was adamant, however, that it was forbidden to argue with Ha-Rav Goren since he was a "Gadol Ha-Dor" [one of the great Rabbis of the generation]. And he brushed off all claims against him. When Ha-Rav Henkin was told that some claimed that Ha-Rav Goren was in the category of one who takes a bride, he answered forcibly: "This is pol- itics, not Halachah." And although he received much pres- sure from other Rabbis, he did not change his mind. Shut Bnei Banim vol. 2, p. 210).

B Convert saying "Who has not made me a non-Jew" Q: Can a convert recite the blessing "…Who has not made me a non-Jew"? A: Some authorities say that he should say: "Who has made me a convert." Rama, Orach Chaim 46:4. Some say that he should not recite the blessing at all. Others rule that he can recite "Who has not made me a non-Jew," since there was a spark of the holiness of Israel in his soul which caused him to convert. Nezirut Shimshon on Taz (Piskei Teshuvot 46:12).

B Using Adopted Father's Name Q: I was adopted and am a convert and fear that people will find out. Can I be called to the Torah by my Jewish adopted father's name and not as "Ben Avraham Avinu"? A: Yes (Shut Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 1:161. As opposed to Shut Minchat Yitzchak 1:136, 4:49). e246E Short & Sweet

Sefer Torah

B Torah in the House Q: Someone just brought a non-Kosher Torah to our house, which we are planning to bring to a Sofer tomorrow to be fixed. We were told that it is dangerous to have a To- rah in our house, and are scared. What should we do? A: Nonsense. There is no problem. On the contrary, holi- ness resides in your house.

Honoring Books, Geniza and Holy Symbols

B Verse on an Invitation Q: Is it permissible to write a verse on a wedding invitation? A: No, since in all likelihood it will be thrown in the gar- bage. See Rosh Hashanah 18b that the Sages established a holiday on the day they succeeded in removing Hashem's Name from documents (Shut Igrot Moshe Yoreh Deah 2:135).

B BS"D ("With Hashem's Help" in Aramaic) Q: Why do we write BS"D? A: It is a new custom. One can also write B"H (in Hebrew). Neither possesses any holiness, since they are abbreviations. Q: Is it permissible to throw a page with BS"D in the gar- bage? YOREH DEAH e247E

A: Yes. And one may also bring it into the restroom (Rama, Yoreh Deah 276:10. Aruch Ha-Shulchan ibid. #28).

B Hashem's Name in a Language other than Hebrew Q: Does Hashem's Name in a language other than Hebrew possess holiness? A: According to most authorities it does not possess holi- ness, but it is still forbidden to act disrespectfully towards it (such as saying it in the bathroom). Mishnah Berurah 85:10. Furthermore, one should not write it in letters lest it be thrown in the garbage. Shut Achiezer 3:32 in the name of the Tumim.

B Bottle with Torah Q: Is it permissible to throw away a bottle on which it is written "Do not open on Shabbat," or does it have to go into a Geniza because it contains a halachic ruling? A: Some are strict, but it is permissible to throw it away. The phrase is not for Torah learning but rather for simple instruction, and is only meant for temporary use (Shut Zekan Aharon 2:70 and Halichot Shlomo – Tefillah chap. 20 note 72. Ha-Rav Avigdor Neventzal, however, wrote in Be-Yitzchak Yikarei on the Shulchan Aruch 154:3 that the instructions printed on a bottle, such as "do not open on Shabbat," should be placed in a Geniza). e248E Short & Sweet

B Parashah Sheets Q: Is it permissible to wrap parashah sheets in two plastic bags and throw them in the garbage? A: No, they will be crushed up and mixed with the garbage in the garbage truck.

B Flag of Israel Q: What should one do with a ripped flag of Israel – Geniza or garbage? A: Put it in the garbage. When it is ripped the honor is gone.

B Tape Q: Is it permissible to throw a tape with Divrei Torah on it in the garbage? A: Yes, this is not considered written material, and the To- rah only prohibits throwing out Torah which is written (Shut Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 1:173).

B Shoes with a Magen David Q: Is it permissible to wear shoes with a Magen David on the sole? A: Yes. There is no holiness in a Magen David. B School Notebooks and Torah Text Books Q: Is there a requirement to place school Torah notebooks and Torah text books in the Geniza? A: Yes. They are filled with words of Torah. YOREH DEAH e249E

B Braille Tanach Q: I found a Braille Tanach. Can I throw it in the garbage or do I need to put it in the "Geniza"? A: It is permissible to throw it in the garbage. This is not the type of writing which the Torah prohibits us from throw- ing out. It is similar to acronyms, which do not contain ho- liness.

B Chabad Messiahists' Parashah Sheet Q: Is it permissible to throw a parashah sheet of Chabad Messiahists in the garbage? A: G-d forbid. It contains Divrei Torah which require a "Geniza." In general, we may not shame others because we do not agree with them.

B Geniza or Recycling Q: Is it permissible to place Divrei Torah that do not menion Hashem's Name in the recycling? A: They are all considered commentaries on the Torah and it is forbidden to treat them disrespectfully. They must be placed in the Geniza (Mishnah Berurah 154:24).

B Rabbi's Picture Q: Does one need to place a Rabbi's picture in the Geniza? Is it permissible to use a newspaper which contains a Rabbi's picture for cleaning purposes? A: There is no obligation to place it in a Geniza. It is per- missible to use it to clean but not for disgusting cleaning. e250E Short & Sweet

B Tefillin Boxes Q: What should one do with Tefllin boxes which are unus- able? A: Place them in the Geniza (Mishnah Berurah 42:2).

B Disk in a Geniza Q: Does a disk with Divrei Torah need to be placed in a Geniza? A: No. This is not the type of writing the Torah prohibits destroying (Shut Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 1:173).

B Verse on a Blackboard Q: Is it permissible for a teacher to write a verse on the blackboard? After all, it will need to be erased. A: It is permissible since it is written in order to be erased. But Hashem's Name may not be written.

B Erasing Hashem's Name from Screen Q: Is it permissible to erase Hashem’s Name from a com- puter screen or a cell phone? A: Yes. This is not the type of writing discussed by the To- rah (Shut Igrot Moshe Yoreh Deah 1:173. Shut She’eilat Shlomo 4:237).

B Changing a Child's Clothing and Books Q: Is it permissible to change a child's clothing in a room with holy books? YOREH DEAH e251E

A: It is permissible up to age 9. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata, 5770 edition, chap. 24 note 116.


B Mezuzah Q: If a Mezuzah falls, is it invalid? A: No.

B Mezuzah in an Office Q: Is there a need to put up a Mezuzah in an office? After all, we don't live there. A: Yes, since you eat and drink there.

B Mezuzah with Glue Q: Is it permissible to affix a Mezuzah with glue instead of nails? A: Yes, on condition that it is firmly attached and does not move. Shut Yechaveh Da'at (1:58).

B Direction of Sleeping Q: Is it true that one should sleep with one's head in the direction of the Mezuzah? A: No.

B Kissing the Mezuzah Q: Is there a halachic obligation to kiss the Mezuzah? e252E Short & Sweet

A: No. But it is an expression of love for the Mitzvah, just as for all Mitzvot (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:24. Birchei Yosef Yoreh Deah 285 in the name of the Arizal. See Mish- nah Berurah 477:5).

B Removing Mezuzot Q: Can one who put up Mezuzot in a rented apartment take them when he leaves? A: The basic Halachah is that one may not take the Mezuzot when leaving if a Jewish person is moving in there. There are, however, some solutions: 1. It is certainly permissible to take the Mezuzah case. 2. One may replace the Mezuzot with the least expensive, Kosher ones available (Ha-Rav Mordechai Eliyahu on Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11 #20). 3. One may take a Mezuzah which he put up in a place where a Mezuzah is not required but was put there because he wanted to be strict. 4. One can ask the new tenant to pay him for the Mezuzot (but he is not required to do so. See Rama, Yoreh Deah 291 and Be'er Golah ibid.).

B Painting Doorposts Q: When one paints the doorposts, what does one do with the Mezuzah? A: Cover the Mezuzah to protect it. If one removes the Mezuzah for a short period, he does not recite a blessing when he puts it back (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:7). YOREH DEAH e253E

B Two Mezuzot Q: If there is a doubt, can I put a Mezuzah on both sides of a door? A: No, it will make the Mitzvah look ridiculous. B Learning in Room without Mezuzah Q: Can I learn in a classroom in which the Mezuzah was taken down to be checked? A: One should not lose time from learning Torah for this reason, and you can rely on the lenient positions. B House without Mezuzah Q: Is it permissible to take down Mezuzot to have them checked and leave the house without them for a few days? A: You need others in the meantime. You can buy one Me- zuzah and use it to replace each one in turn, or, you can find a Gemach which will lend Mezuzot while yours are be- ing checked.

Shiluach Ha-Ken (Shooing away a Mother Bird) B Pangs of Conscience Q: There is a bird's nest. But if I fulfill the Mitzvah of shoo- ing away the mother bird, I will have terrible guilt. What should I do? A: 1. This Mitzvah only applies when the nest is in an aban- doned field and not on private property. 2. It is only when the mother bird is there, and not the father, which doesn’t occur often. 3. According to many authorities, it is only e254E Short & Sweet when one wants to use the eggs. If not, there is no Mitzvah, and it is "Tza'ar Ba'alei Chaim" – causing animals pain (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:391).

Orlah B Reason Q: Why did the Torah forbid the fruit of Orlah (the first three years of the tree), when as a result, we lose the bles- sing of the Land of Israel? A: Some explain that it is to teach us the trait of self-control, which is immeasurably greater than the loss.

B Passion Fruit Q: Is a passion fruit considered the fruit of a tree (which would be subject to the laws of Orlah)? A: There are those who are lenient and treat it like a veg- etable (and therefore do not wait).

Pidyon Ha-Ben

B Equal to 84 Fasts Q: What is the source that a Pidyon Ha-Ben is equal to 84 fasts? A: There is no source. In Sdei Chemed it is written that this is a nice saying that people use. YOREH DEAH e255E

B Taxes on Pidyon Ha-Ben Q: Does a Cohain have to pay taxes on the money he re- ceives for performing a Pidyon Ha-Ben? A: No. It is a gift which he receives infrequently (Similarly, Ha-Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky would pay taxes in America on the Mishloach Manot he received – Shut Revivot Efraim 6:389, but this was a pious act, since the amount was neg- ligible).


B Challah under one's Pillow Q: Is it true that if one places challah which has been sep- arated from dough under his pillow, he will dream about his intended (Beshert)? A: Nonsense.

B After Baking Q: Is it permissible to separate Challah after the dough has already been baked? A: Yes. This is how it is done with Matzah.

B Burning in Oven Q: Ha-Rav writes that one should not burn the "Challah" separated from the dough in one's oven. Why and what is the source? A: It is forbidden to eat this piece of separated "Challah". If it is burned in the oven, its taste will be absorbed into the e256E Short & Sweet pan or the bottom of the oven, and they would need to be Kashered (It does not, however, make something cooked in the oven unkosher because the taste is nullified by a 1/60th ratio). You may burn it in the oven if you wrap it in alumi- num foil. It is preferable, however, to simply wrap it in two plastic bags and place it in the garbage without burning it (Shemirat Shabbat Ke-Hilchata 42:12 note #52, Shut Mishneh Halachot 12:232 and Machon Ha-Torah Ve-Ha-Aretz – Imunat Etenu #10).

B Two Women Q: Is it permissible to recite a blessing on separating challah when the dough was made by two women together? A: Yes, they should have the doughs attached to one an- other.

B 40 Women Separating Challah Q: Is there a Segulah for finding a match, healing, fertility, etc. if 40 women separate Challah together on a Friday? Is it permissible for some of the women to separate Challah on Thursday if there is a pressing need? A: This is a new creation, which has no source. There is certainly a level of holiness in separating Challah – just as there is holiness in the fulfillment of every Mitzvah – but there is no source for 40 women separating it together. It can therefore be performed in this manner. YOREH DEAH e257E


B Pouring out Pool onto Lawn Q: I made a pool for my children in the backyard. Is it per- missible during the Shemitah year to empty the water on to the lawn? A: Yes. In this case, watering the lawn is an unintended act since it does not matter to you at this moment if it is for the benefit of the lawn or not. The same ruling applies to wash- ing the floor (if as a result the water flows on to the lawn).

B Picking Fruit from Garden Q: Is it permissible to pick fruit from trees in a public gar- den? Is there a difference between a Shemitta year and a regular year? A: You may only do so with permission. These fruits have not been abandoned and they are without the holiness of the seventh year. Furthermore, some authorities say that items are only abandoned if the owner indicates so.

Kedushat Cohanim

B Cohain Remarrying His Wife Q: If a Cohain divorces his wife and then regrets it and wants to remarry her, is there a solution? A: To our distress, there is no solution. e258E Short & Sweet

B Volunteering in MDA Q: I am a Cohain. Can I volunteer for Magen David Adom when there may be situations of death? A: Yes. If there is a death, allow someone else to do what is required.

B Cohain at Birth Q: I am a Cohain. My wife wants me to be in the room during the birth of our baby. Is it permissible? A: It is permissible for a Cohain to enter a hospital for the sake of a Mitzvah. The concern is a Rabbinic one and the chance of someone dying in the hospital at that time when he is present is low.

B Cohain in Ma'arat Ha-Machpelah Q: Is it permissible for a Cohain to enter Ma'arat Ha-Machpelah? A: It is a dispute. Maran Ha-Rav Kook (who was a Cohain) did not enter (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:328).

B Cohain in Chore Rotation Q: Can a Cohain be included on a chore rotation schedule or is it a violation of "and make him holy" (Vayikra 21:8)? A: It is permissible since it is in exchange for what others do for him. YOREH DEAH e259E

B Cohain Studying Medicine Q: Is it permissible for a Cohain to study medicine? If so, how does he deal with the impurity from a corpse? A: One may rely on the advice of Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren: the Cohain should ask a non-Cohain to take a metal key and touch a corpse, thus making the key the highest form of impurity (Avi Avot Ha-Tum'ah). The Cohain then hangs the key around his neck, placing himself in contact with the highest form of impurity. As a result, in a pressing circum- stance (as in studying to be a doctor), the Cohain can rely on the position that when one is in contact with the highest form of impurity, it is permissible for him to come in contact with other forms of impurity (Rama, Yoreh Deah 369:1. Shach ibid. Kovetz "Kol Ha-Katuv Le-Chaim").

B Cohanim in Yad Vashem Q: Is it permissible for Cohanim to enter Yad Vashem, since there are ashes of victims there? A: Ashes do not impart impurity (Shut Be-Mareh Ha-Bazek 5:105. See Shut Chelkat Yaakov Yoreh Deah #217).

Burial, Cemeteries and Kivrei Tzadikim (Graves of the Righteous)

B Pictures of Victims of Terrorist Attack Q: Is it permissible to publicize pictures of the victims of the terrorist attack in Itamar in order to shock people and awaken them to action, based on the ruling of Ha-Rav Mo- she Feinstein (Shut Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 2:150) which e260E Short & Sweet permits someone to bring organs to a rally against organ do- nation to shock people? A: It is preferable not to publicize them since in our time it will weaken the resolve of the Nation. When the terrorists see our pain, they will be strengthened, as it is written in the lament of King David: "Do not relate it in Gat…lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice" (Shmuel 2 1:20).

B Burial with Tattoo Q: Are we obligated to remove a tattoo from a deceased person before burial? A: No, this is a desecration of the dead and we would, in any case, have to bury anything we removed from the body.

B Verse on a Tombstone Q: Is it permissible to write a verse on a tombstone? A: Yes.

B Non-Jewish Date on Tombstone Q: Is it permissible to put the non-Jewish date on a tomb- stone? A: No. Gesher Ha-Chaim (vol. 2 #25).

B Suicide Q: Why is someone who committed suicide buried with everyone else, when it is mentioned in the Halachah that he should not be? YOREH DEAH e261E

A: Perhaps he regretted his actions; perhaps he lacked san- ity (Aruch Ha-Shulchan, Yoreh Deah 345:5).

B Body Works Q: Is it permissible to see the museum exhibition "Body Works," which presents corpses in different positions? A: No, it is shaming the deceased.

B Mt. Herzl Q: Is it permissible to organize a tour of Mt. Herzl during the month of Nisan? A: Yes. Some permit visiting graves during Nisan. While there are some who forbid it, it is permissible to visit Kivrei Tzadikim, and those buried on Mt. Herzl are Tzadikim who sacrificed their lives for the Nation of Israel. Q: Is it permissible to bring children to the national ceme- tery on Mt. Herzl? If it is permissible, is there a reason to refrain from doing so? A: It is completely acceptable (The custom of Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach was to stand across from the na- tional cemetery on Mt. Herzl and say: "These are the graves of the righteous who died sanctifying Hashem's Name. Why should I travel far distances?" Oro Shel Olam, p. 380).

B Kever Yosef Q: Should one try to visit Kever Yosef? A: Certainly. It is Eretz Yisrael. But only with the permis- e262E Short & Sweet sion of Tzahal (Chief Rabbis of Israel. Kum Hithalech Ba-Aretz pp. 244-245). Q: Is Tzahal required to save Jews who sneak into Kever Yosef without permission? After all, they endanger them- selves and Tzahal. A: Yes. One should have mercy on our confused brothers. Q: Based on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah #364, should we re-inter the bones of Yosef from Shechem out of a fear that the non-Jews will desecrate his grave? A: We must have strength and courage and not fear.

B Cohanim Visiting Kever Rashbi Q: Is it permissible for Cohanim to enter Kever Rashbi? A: No (see Kum Hithalech Ba-Aretz, chap. 36).

B Netilat Yadayim after Visiting Kivrei Tzadikim Q: Must one perform Netilat Yadayim after visiting Kivrei Tzadikim as one does after visiting a cemetery? A: According to those who rule that Kivrei Tzadikim do not make one impure and Cohanim are permitted to visit them, there is no need for Netilat Yadayim. According to those who rule that Kivrei Tzadikim do make one impure and Co- hanim are forbidden to visit them, one must perform Netilat Yadayim. Nonetheless, the custom is not to perform Netilat Yadayim after visiting Ma'arat HaMachpelah and Kever Rachel. YOREH DEAH e263E

B Kivrei Tzadikim (the Graves of the Righteous) on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to visit Kivrei Tzadikim on Shabbat? A: There is no prohibition. But the "Kuntres Zichron Yishai" (p. 40) in the back of the book "Ma'avar Yabok" brings in the name of Sha'ar Ha-Yichudim of Rabbi Chaim Vital that there is no benefit since the righteous are not found there on Shabbat, Yom Tov, Rosh Chodesh or Chol Ha-Moed.

B Kever David Q: Is it permissible for Cohanim to enter the Kever of King David? A: King David is not buried there, but it does seem that it is a Jewish grave. Ir Ha-Kodesh Ve-Ha-Mikdash of Ha-Rav Yechiel Michal Tukatinsky vol. 2, p. 79. Cohanim should therefore not enter.

B Cohain's Wife Q: Is it permissible for a Cohain's wife to visit Kever Rachel and other Kivrei Tzadikim, since perhaps she is pregnant with a boy? A: It is permissible even if it is definitely a boy (Ha-Rav Yis- rael Yaakov Fishcher).

B Kivrei Tzadikim outside of Israel Q: Is it permissible to leave Eretz Yisrael to visit Kivrei Tzadikim? A: Rav Kook rules against doing so. End of Shut Mishpat e264E Short & Sweet

Cohain (#147). Visit our Forefathers and Foremothers in Ma'arat Ha-Machpelah and the graves of other righteous people here.

B Uman or Chevron Q: Is it preferable to travel to the grave of Rebbe Nachman in Uman or Ma'arat Ha-Machpelah? A: With all of his importance, our Forefathers are still greater than Rebbe Nachman.

B Value of Visiting Q: Is there value in visiting Kivrei Tzadikim? A: Yes, but Torah learning and acts of kindness are prefer- able.

B Cemetery at Night Q: Is it permissible to visit a cemetery at night? A: Some are careful not to do so, but it is permissible. It is only forbidden to sleep there. Nidah 17. Nitei Gavriel (Avelut 82:10).

B Placing Stones on Graves Q: What is the meaning of the stones we place on graves? A: A sign of respect that we visited.

B Pregnant Woman in Cemetery Q: What is the source for pregnant women refraining from entering a cemetery? YOREH DEAH e265E

A: Sefer Ma'avar Yabok. But the accepted Halachah is that she is permitted to enter (Nitei Gavriel – Avelut 84:4. Shut Minchat Yitzchak 10:42 #2).


B Mourner's House Q: Is it forbidden to sleep in a mourner's house? A: No.

B Yahrzeit for a Baby Q: Is it permissible to commemorate the Yahrzeit for a baby who died when he was only 6 months old? A: It is permissible, as for everyone else.

B Sitting on the Ground Q: Is it permissible to sit on the ground (since it is a sign of mourning)? A: There is no problem according to the basic Halachah, whether on the floor or on dirt.

B Friends Q: Since the death of my father, my friends have distanced themselves from me. What did I do wrong? A: They did wrong. But this is a complex subject. You can call me. e266E Short & Sweet

B Comforting Mourners Q: Is it true that if I attended a wedding, it is forbidden for me to comfort mourners for a month's time? A: Incorrect. B Children Comforting Mourners Q: Should children be brought to comfort mourners? A: Yes. They should be educated from an appropriate age (approximately 6) to do so. Nitei Gavriel – Avelut 85:15. But a mourner should not take a baby on his lap, lest it make him laugh. Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 391:1. For a short time, it is permissible. Nitei Gavriel ibid. 113:9.

B Laws of Mourning on Shabbat Q: Is it permissible to learn the Halachot of mourning on Shabbat? A: Yes. Torah itself makes one joyous. B Kaddish for Grandfather Q: Should I say Kaddish for my grandfather if I am the only one who can do so? A: You are not obligated, but it is proper. But you need permission from your parents.

B Relative who Commited Suicide Q: How do I relate to a family member who was kind and a devoted soldier but committed suicide? A: The relationship is complex. On the one hand, we have YOREH DEAH e267E praise, respect and love for one who lived well. On the other hand, we are grieved by the act of suicide, which is a type of murder that comes from anger, sadness and insult. As is seen in the Torah and Talmud, it is judged severely.

B Suicide Q: Is it permissible to perform acts for the ascension of the soul of someone who committed suicide? A: Yes. His soul greatly requires rectification.

B Memorial for First Wife Q: My family is organizing a meal in memory of my first wife who passed away. Should I bring my current wife? A: You should not attend at all. You are now married anew and your former wife is no longer part of your world. If you attend, even alone, it will hurt your current wife, even if she denies it.

B Mourning Mother at Wedding Q: How should a mother who is in mourning act at her child's wedding? A: She can participate in everything. The same applies to the father. Hilchot Chatan Ve-Kallah of Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef.

B Musician in Mourning Q: I am in mourning and am a musician. What should I do? e268E Short & Sweet

A: It is permissible to perform for one’s livelihood. Nitei Gavriel (Avelut vol. 2 14:5).

B Date of Death Q: What should we do about observing a Yahrzeit if we do not know the date of death? A: Choose a date that is as close as possible to the most probable date of death.

B Kaddish for Secular Father Q: If someone's father is secular, should he recite Kaddish for him for 11 or 12 months? A: 11 months. He is not considered wicked, he is a "Tinok She-Nishba"(literally, "captured infant" – which refers to some who sins inadvertently as a result of having been raised without a proper Torah education). Nonetheless, it is proper to recite it more than 11 months but not 12.

B Fresh Air Q: Is it permissible for a mourner to go out of his house to get some air? A: Yes, in an empty place where he will not bump into friends.

B Washing for a Mourner Q: If I am sitting Shiva, and am very sweaty and uncom- fortable, is it permissible to put on deodorant? A: Certainly. It is also permissible to take a quick and luke- YOREH DEAH e269E warm shower, since we have the law of an "Istinis" (one who is physically sensitive).

B Cremation Q: What is the Halachah regarding mourning for someone who chose to be cremated? A: It is obviously forbidden to cremate someone or be cre- mated (see Gesher Ha-Chaim chap. 16 #9), but even if it is done, all of the laws of mourning apply. After all, we also mourn today for those who desecrate Shabbat, which is a much more severe transgression.

B Music for a Mourner Q: When a family is traveling in a car, and one of them is a mourner, is it permissible to listen to music? A: Yes, the other members of the family are not mourners. Even if the mourner hears the music, he should not actively listen to it (Pesachim 25).

B Mourning for a Non-Jewish Parent Q: Should a convert mourn for his non-Jewish parent? A: One should mourn in the accepted manner of mourning by non-Jews over their parents in that place, in order that people do not say that one went from a higher level of ho- liness to a lower level. Acting in this way is ethical. He is not obligated to mourn with all of the Halachot as one does for a Jew. However, when Tavi, Rabban Gamliel's servant, died, Rabban Gamliel accepted consolation, as if he were Jewish. When asked about this, he responded: Tavi is not e270E Short & Sweet like other servants, he is Kosher (Mishnah Berachot 2:7). Therefore, a convert is not obligated to sit Shiva for his par- ents, but he may do so. It is a personal decision (see also Shut Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 2:130). Q: Should he recite Kaddish? A: Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef rules that it is permissible and proper to recite Kaddish (Shut Yechaveh Da'at 6:60).

B Mourner at Brit Milah Q: Is it permissible for a mourner to attend a Brit Milah? A: Yes, but without the festive meal (Pnei Baruch 20:23).

B Bed and Clothes of the Deceased Q: Is it forbidden to sleep in the bed of someone who died? What about using the sheets? A: There is no problem. It is permissible to use all of the clothes and objects of the deceased except for the shoes which he wore at the time of death.

B Adopted Child and Mourning Q: Is it permissible for an adopted child to sit Shiva for his adoptive parents? A: It is not obligatory but certainly proper to do so (Sedei Chemed, Avelut 156).

B Child Mourner Q: I work with children affected by terror attacks. One youth, who was orphaned in a terrorist attack and is still in YOREH DEAH e271E the period of mourning, has a cousin who is getting married. He wants to dance at the wedding. Is it permissible? A: Yes, it is part of his rehabilitation.

B Comforting Mourners Q: What should I say to a friend who lost his father? A: First listen, then you will know what to talk about (Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 376:1).

B Attending Wedding of Relative Q: Can a mourner during the twelve months of mourning for his parents attend a close relative's wedding? A: He can attend the Chupah and have the meal in a room adjacent to the wedding hall.

B Dancing at the Kotel Q: Is it permissible for a father to dance at the Kotel during his son's bar Mitzvah when he is within the first thirty days of mourning for his parent? A: No.

B Dating Q: Can a mourner go on a date to find a spouse? A: It is permissible. EVEN HA-EZER (Family Law)

Finding a Match

B When is the "Right Time" Q: How do I know when I am ready to get married? A: Ask your friends who know you personally.

B Kiddush for a Girl Q: If a girl's parents did not have a Kiddush for her when she was born, will it impede her ability to find a match? A: No (There was once a Kiddush in Shul for a 25-year-old woman, since her parents did not have a Kiddush for her when she was born, and it was said in the name of Ha-Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievski, the Steipler Gaon, that she would not otherwise find a match… – When this was related to his son, Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski, he said: Who made this up? Wouldn't I have heard this in my house? My father never said that we should made a Kiddush for the birth of a girl! Derech Sichah vol. 1 p. 33).

B When to Marry Q: I read that one must ideally get married at the age of 18, and definitely by 20. Why then do many Rabbis recom- mend marrying at a somewhat older age? A: This is not precise. There is a Mitzvah to get married – and to remain married, and to remain married happily, and EVEN HA-EZER e273E many people are not ready at that age (Re'im Ahuvim chap. 4).

B Dating Q: Should I continue dating a young woman who once transgressed with a boyfriend? A: If she repented, her transgression is erased (Rambam, Teshuvah 2:1). Q: But if I feel it is a stain on her character? A: This is your own issue. Yehoshua Bin Nun married Rachav.

B Older Spouse Q: What is the Torah's opinion about being married to someone who is older than you? A: It is permissible. The age difference is not important if the person is not more than one-third older or not less than one-third younger.

B Divorced Parents Q: Does a person being set up on a date for the purpose of marriage need to inform the other person that his parents are divorced? A: No. This is unimportant. See Yevamot 45 with Kehillat Yaakov.

B Engagement Ring Q: My parents bought me a ring, which looks like an en- e274E Short & Sweet gagement ring, as a present. People say that I should ex- change it, because it is preventing me from getting married. A: Nonsense.

B Dating and a Picture Q: Is it permissible to show a picture of a young woman to a young man without her permission to see it he is interested in dating her? A: No. You need to ask her permission. The picture be- longs to her. Furthermore, one should not close off oppor- tunities since many times a picture is not flattering and real- ity is much better (Shut Mishneh Halachot 4:114. And un- like Shut Betzel Ha-Chochmah 4:85).

B Crumbs and Grooms Q: I am told that if I place crumbs from Melava Malka un- der my pillow, I will see my Beshert in a dream. A: Nonsense

B Maybe I Can Find Better? Q: I have been dating a young woman for a long time. It is going well and we have decided to get married. But I ask myself: maybe I can find better? A: No, she is the one. Believe in Divine Providence.

B Paying Matchmaker Q: Should one pay a matchmaker? How much? What if it is unsuccessful? EVEN HA-EZER e275E

A: 300 shekels to sign up and 5000 shekels for a successful match (the current exchange rate is 3.7 Shekels/dollar). Q: What is the source for paying a matchmaker so gener- ously? A: It is a tradition. Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 264:7 in Pitchei Teshuvah.

B Ba'alat Teshuvah Revealing Past Q: If a woman is a Ba'alat Teshuvah and had sexual rela- tions in the past, should she tell someone who she is dating? A: She should not. Teshuvah erases past transgressions.

B Daughter of a Cohain Marrying an "Am Ha-aretz" Q: We find in the Shulchan Aruch (Even Ha-Ezer 2:8) based on the Gemara in Pesachim (49a) that a "Yisrael" (Am Ha-aretz) should not marry the daughter of a Cohain, and if he does, the marriage will not be successful. How are we to interpret this in our times? What exactly does the term "Am Ha-aretz" mean for purposes of this Halachah? A: If he is G-d-fearing and has set times for learning Torah, there is no problem. See Shut Yehaveh Da'at 5:61 where this question is discussed at length.

B Names Q: Can a Rabbi tell if a man and woman will be a good match based on their names and birthdays? e276E Short & Sweet

A: These are not the deciding factors. Valuing and loving the other is what determines a successful match.

B Husband Taller than Wife Q: Does a husband have to be taller than his wife? A: No.

B Losing your Beshert Q: Can a person lose his Beshert? A: Yes, as in the case of a person being too choosy. As in other matters, there is free choice in this too. Shemoneh Perakim chap. 8.

B Dating Non-Religious Q: Is it permissible for a religious woman to date a non-religious man for the purpose of marriage? A: No, for three reasons: 1. One should cleave to righteous people and not to those who are far from Torah (Rambam, De'ot 6:1). 2. It will create tension in a marriage. 3. It will damage the religious education of the children.

B Meeting in Public Q: I am afraid that I will stumble in touching someone on a date – what should I do? A: Meet in a public place where there are a lot of people, as in a hotel lobby. EVEN HA-EZER e277E

B Shiduch with Someone from another Community Q: Is it proper to go on a Shiduch with someone from an- other community (i.e. Ashkenazi and Sefardi, Sefardi and Ethiopian, Yemenite and Ashkenazi, etc.) or is it better to find someone from the same community since he will have a similar background as me? A: The community is not important. The essence is the per- son himself.

B Shiduch Q: We just got engaged, but a Rabbi we consulted said that based on our names we will end up hating each other. A: There is no such thing. Get married and it will be good.

B Chasid and Rav Kooknikit Q: I am going on a Shiduch with a young man who inclines towards Chasidut and I incline towards Rav Kook. Should I continue? A: Yes. It is the same religion.

B Hard of Hearing Q: A wonderful young man was suggested to me for a Shiduch, but he is hard of hearing and this frightens me. A: Nonsense. It is of no importance. Many good young men have this issue and it does not impinge on their posi- tives qualities. If this is his only problem, do not hesitate, you will be happy. e278E Short & Sweet

B Matching up a couple whose fathers have identical names Q: Is it permissible for a man and a woman to marry if their fathers have the same name? A: There is no concern for what is written in the Testament of Rabbi Yehudah Ha-Chasid (#23 and brought in Pitchei Teshuvah, Even Ha-Ezer 2:107 and Yoreh Deah 116:6). And for one who is concerned, add a name to the groom's name (Shut Noda Bi-Yehudah, Second Edition, Even Ha-Ezer #79. Shut Ezrat Cohain #5-7. See Shut Divrei Chaim, Even Ha-Ezer #8 and Orchot Rabbenu vol. 4 pp. 246-247. And we can mention that when they were writing the Tana'im for Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski, who is solely re- ferred to as "Chaim," the question arose as to how to write his name since he was given other names at birth: "Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim." The Chazon Ish said: Who said that we should reveal his other names; they didn't have to do so! As is known, Ha-Rav Kanevski is the son-in-law of Ha-Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, and Ha-Rav Kanievski's mother, the wife of the Steipler, was concerned that the other side would be particular about them having the same name, and she therefore brought up the issue at the Tana'im. The Chazon Ish, however, was not concerned since the son-in-law and father-in-law each had additional names – Ma'aseh Ish vol. 7 pp. 130-131).

B Homosexual Tendencies Q: Is it a good idea to make a Shiduch between a man and a woman who both have homosexual tendencies? A: It is a good idea to cure them and make them happy so EVEN HA-EZER e279E that they can marry someone they love in a normal fashion. We should not bring a poor child into the world without a father and mother who love one another. This method has been tried, and ends in divorce. Q: Where can they turn? A: [In Israel] turn to "Atzat Nefesh" which is a free, anony- mous helpline established for this purpose. Phone #: 02-654-1899 on Mon/Wed/Thurs. B Shiduch with Someone Whose Parents are Divorced Q: Should I meet with someone whose parents are di- vorced, or is there a concern that he will have an inclination to get divorced? A: You should meet. The essence is the person himself and whether or not he has proper character traits. The same ap- plies to a woman. B Heavy–Set Q: Does one need to tell a young man that the young woman he is getting set up with is heavy? A: No. This lacks any importance (see Kehilot Yaakov, Yevamot #38). B Lied about Age Q: I met a man, and he lied about his age because he was afraid to tell the truth. Should I continue to see him? A: This is a shortcoming, but don't break it off. There is no one on earth free of transgression. e280E Short & Sweet

B Non-Religious Parent Q: Should I accept a Shiduch with a woman who has non-religious parents? A: Yes, the most important thing is the woman. Rivka also had non-religious parents, as did Rachel and Leah.

B Dating 2 Men Q: You were quoted on the TV show "Serugim" (literally "knitted", referring to Religious-Zionists) that a woman is permitted to date two men at the same time. Is this true? A: Certainly not. This is unethical. Only in exceptionable cases is it permissible, such as an older woman whose clock is ticking and the man is delaying his decision, and the only other choice is to break it off with him. But in general, it is not permissible, upright or ethical.

B Ba'al Teshuvah Q: Is it permissible for me NOT to relate at the beginning of a Shiduch that I am a Ba'al Teshuvah? A: Yes. This fact is not important.

B Splitting the Bill Q: When I go on a Shiduch with a young man, who should pay for the meal and the expenses? A: You should split the bill. If it is only a drink for a few Shekels, he can pay. But if it is a significant amount, you should split it. After all, maybe he is poor, or maybe he has gone on a lot of Shiduchim, and it is not right that only he EVEN HA-EZER e281E should pay. Therefore, even when he says that he will pay it all, you should insist on paying half.

B Amuka Q: I am single. Is it a Segulah to travel to and daven at Amuka for a Shiduch? A: The best way: Repentance, prayer and Tzedakah.

B 3 Matches Q: Is it true that if someone makes 3 Shiduchim he is en- sured a place in Gan Eden? A: Every Mitzvah gives a person a certain place of Gan Eden, and all the more so a Shiduch which is a greater Mitz- vah.

B Date with a Person who has a Problematic Parent Q: Is it permissible to go on a date for the purpose of mar- riage with a young man whose father is in jail? A: I cannot answer since I am biased. I have one grandfa- ther who married the daughter of a thief and another grand- father who married the daughter of a murderer. This is not Lashon Ha-Ra since everyone knows them: The first is Yitzchak Avinu and the second is Yaakov Avinu. What fault does the young man bear and what is his sin? One must be judged on his own merit (see Kehilot Yaakov, Yevamot #38). e282E Short & Sweet

B Beautiful Voice Q: A young man feels that it is important for his future wife to have a beautiful singing voice. Is it permissible for him to ask a Shiduch to sing for him for a short time? A: G-d forbid. It is forbidden to hear Kol Isha. He can ask his mother or sister to listen to her, but this is beyond the pale, and I would not recommend that the young woman marry him.

B Ba'al Teshuva Q: Many women don't want to marry me because I am a Ba'al Teshuvah, and people only suggest women for me who are Ba'alot Teshuvah. It is as if I am blemished?! A: They are mistaken. But you make the same exact mis- take when you refrain from considering a Ba'alat Teshuvah.

B Hair Covering Q: I am going out with a woman who has proper character traits, is G-d-fearing, and is a perfect match for me, but she does not want to cover her hair after marriage. Should I stop dating her? A: No. Since she has a good heart and is G-d-fearing, it is certain that she will agree.

B Meeting with one's Fiancee Q: How many times a week should I meet with my fiancee? A: Only when it is truly necessary. EVEN HA-EZER e283E

B Shiduch Q: I am meeting a young man for the purpose of marriage, but my parents are opposed since he is from an extremely poor family. What should I do? A: Continue. Money is not important. In the end, your par- ents will accept it.

B Fighting all the Time Q: Since we have been engaged, we fight all of the time. What should we do? A: This is a natural, not infrequent occurrence. But you have to deal with it and go to a pre-marriage counselor.

B The Daughter of a Torah Scholar Q: I daven to Hashem to send me a wife who is the daugh- ter of a Torah scholar, but He only sends me young women who are good and righteous, but are not the daughters of Torah scholars. What should I do? A: They themselves are in the category of Torah scholars (Re'im Ahuvim p. 125).


B Proposal with a Ring Q: How should one propose marriage with a ring? A: He should not. This is a new creation. One should re- frain from doing so since there is a concern of Kiddushin. If it is done, it should be without witnesses. e284E Short & Sweet

Q: Then how does one propose marriage? A: The young man and woman, who are meeting with the purpose of getting married, should decide together.

B Down on One Knee Q: Is it a Jewish practice to propose marriage while down on one knee? A: This is not a Jewish practice at all.

B Groom's Dvar Torah Q: Should we interrupt the Groom's Dvar Torah with sing- ing during the Kabbalat Panim? A: This is a custom which should be stopped.

B Young Women Singing at a Wedding Q: The custom is that the bride's friends sit around her and sing together in the wedding hall, and the men hear it. What should be done? A: The young women should certainly sing in a place where the men cannot hear. If the men do hear, they should leave that area if possible. During the time when the men daven, they should ask them to stop singing.

B Praying under the Chupah Q: What should I daven for under the Chupah in order to have a successful marriage? A: Whatever your heart desires. Tehillim. But not in an overt fashion, since one should be humble. And one should EVEN HA-EZER e285E certainly not delay the community. The same applies to the prayer of a bride before the Chupah.

B Wedding Changes Q: [A woman asked:] I am about to get married, and want to be a part of the wedding ceremony. Can I recite Shehechiyanu under the Chupah? A: Certainly. After you receive the ring recite the blessing quietly. As is known, it is permissible to recite Shehechiyanu quietly since it is said to Hashem and not in order to make a show of it. Q: Can I recite "Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim" (If I forget you, Jerusalem)? A: Certainly. When the groom is breaking the glass. It should obviously be said quietly. After all, it is to remember the destruction of the Temple and not in order to make a show of it. Q: Can my speak under the Chupah? She is very dear to me. A: This is also personal, and not to make a display, she should therefore tell you a Dvar Torah in private.

B Civil Ceremony Q: My good friend is getting married in a civil ceremony and if I do not attend, he will be offended. Should I attend? If I should not, how do I explain? A: One should not participate in something which is against the Torah. You should explain that he does not have a mo- nopoly on being offended, and just as he is offended, so are e286E Short & Sweet you. I do not throw stones at those who desecrate Shabbat despite being offended, but if they invite me to an event which violates Shabbat, I will not come even if they are of- fended. I do not throw stones at those who eat Treif, but if they invite me to a non-Kosher meal, I will not come even if they are offended. And may Hashem have mercy.

B Wedding Invitation Q: Is it permissible to put half a verse on a wedding invi- tation when most people throw it out? A quote from the Gemara? A secular poem from Zelda? A: It is forbidden to put any holy writing on it. It is permis- sible to put a secular poem (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 4:233, 235).

B Eating at a Wedding Q: We came to a wedding to check out the band. Is it per- missible to eat at the buffet? A: Certainly not. It does not belong to the band but to the people having the wedding.

B Wedding Dress Q: I heard that it is forbidden for a new bride to lend out her dress during the first year. Is there such a problem? A: There is no problem. B Non-Jews under the Chupah Q: Can a convert's non-Jewish, biological parents lead him to the Chupah? EVEN HA-EZER e287E

A: From the outset, they should not. If it is necessary, wisely join them to others.

B 9/11 Q: Is it ethical to get married on the anniversary of the trag- edy of the World Trade Center? A: Yes. There is no disrespect in doing so. And, in general, we do not use the Christian date.

B Separate Seating at a Wedding Q: I want separate seating at the wedding and at the meal, but my fiancée does not. What should we do? A: According to Halachah, you are certainly correct. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8. But there is a difference of opinion between you and you fiancée, and there will be many more throughout your marriage. You have to decide together.

B Round Chupah Q: Is it permissible to have a round Chupah? A: Yes.

B Friend or Family Q: Which takes priority – a friend's engagement or a family wedding? A: Family comes first, it is natural. e288E Short & Sweet

B Mixed-Seating Wedding Q: Is it permissible to have a mixed-seating wedding? After all, most of the community does so. Is everyone mistaken? A: Yes. They are, to our great distress, mistaken. See Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 149:1. And also 152:8.

B Cemetery before Wedding Q: What is the source behind the custom of going to the cemetery before a wedding and inviting one's relatives who have passed away? A: The Zohar (Parashat Balak and Pinchas), where it is said that ancestors in the World-to-Come participate in their descendants' joyous occasions. And this is the custom of many people (Nitei Gavriel – Nissuim 4:7. And the Gerrer Rebbe, the "Imrei Emet", told his son to visit the Kotel and Kever Rachel before his wedding).

B Parent's Wedding Q: Is it permissible for a child to be present at their father's or mother's wedding? A: It is permissible. It is one's personal choice.

B Sheva Berachot Q: Is it permissible to stop in between each of the Sheva Berachot in order to explain them? A: No. It is an interruption. Explain before or after all of them. EVEN HA-EZER e289E

B Singing during Sheva Berachot Q: Is it permissible for everyone to sing "Asher Bara" and "Kol Sason" during the Sheva Berachot? A: This is not proper, since it is forbidden to break in the middle of a blessing for the amount of time it would take to complete the blessing. Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 62:2. If the person reciting the blessing says it along with the oth- ers, they will not hear him, and if he waits, there will be a long break. Sefer Ha-Nisu'im Ke-Hilchata, p. 266.

B Chesed Q: I have a friend whose wedding is a far distance away. It will take me a long time to get there, and I have an im- portant exam tomorrow and am not ready for it. I could fail. What should I do? A: Don't go. Every act of Chesed is based on one's ability. In this case, your friend's gain is minimal while your poten- tial loss is great.

B Avoiding Taxes Q: Ha-Rav wrote that avoiding taxes is theft. At my wed- ding, two of the witnesses work on the black market. Does my Kiddushin count? A: Yes, since this transgression – to our great distress – is common and people do not act in the proper way with re- gards to its severity. Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 34:4, 28. Shut Maharam Mi-Lublin #15. Shut Rabbi Akiva Eiger #96. e290E Short & Sweet

B White or Red Wine at a Wedding Q: Is there an obligation to use red wine at the Chupah, or is it permissible to use white? A: It is permissible, and even preferable, to use white, since it will not stain the bride's dress if it spills.

B Purchasing an Apartment for one’s Children Q: What is the source for the parents' obligation to buy their married son or daughter an apartment when they get married? A: There is no such obligation. It is a kindness.

B Intermarriage Q: My cousin is marrying a non-Jew. He gave me a gift for my wedding. Is it permissible for me to give them a gift in return? A: No. It is giving legitimacy. It is also forbidden to attend the wedding.

B Woman dancing at a Wedding Q: Is it permissible for young women to dance at a wedding in the inner circle before the bride and groom in order to bring joy to their good friend? A: It is forbidden for women to dance in front of men, and we do not perform a Mitzvah through a transgression (Gan Na'ul, p. 149). EVEN HA-EZER e291E

B Mock Wedding Q: A boy said to a girl: "You are betrothed to me…" (Harei At Mekudeshet Li…) and gave her an object. What is the law? A: It is possible that she is betrothed. Turn to a Beit Din.

B Outside Wedding Q: Does it matter if an Ashekenazi Jew gets married inside or outside? A: The custom is to get married outside unless there is an opening in the ceiling (Rama, Even Ha-Ezer 61:1. See, how- ever, Peninei Ha-Rav p. 219 and Shut Igrot Moshe, Even Ha-Ezer 1:93).

B Fasting on Wedding Day Q: Does a bride need to fast on her wedding day? A: An Ashkenazi bride, unless she is weak (Aruch Ha-Shulchan, Even Ha-Ezer 61:21).

B Wedding Ring on Credit Q: Is it permissible for a groom to buy the bride's wedding ring on credit? A: Most authorities permit it, but it is proper to be strict and either put some money down or if paying in installments to make the first payment before the wedding. Otzar Ha-Poskim #80. e292E Short & Sweet

B Wedding Plans Q: My father wants something at the wedding and my fiance does not. Who should I follow? A: You and your fiance should decide together.

B Invitation to Druze Q: Can I invite a close friend who is Druze to my wedding? A: Yes. He is one of the righteous of the nations.

B Married Couple Dancing Q: Is it permissible for a married couple to dance at a wed- ding? A: It is certainly forbidden. A married couple should not have public displays of affection. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:11.

B Family Purity Classes Q: I learned the laws of Family Purity with an instructor in preparation for my wedding. Should I pay him? A: Certainly. This is the most important preparation for the wedding. You should therefore pay 1000 Shekels. And the same applies for the woman who taught your bride.

B Wedding by Judge Q: I am invited to a wedding which will not be performed by a Rabbi, but a judge. Can I attend? A: You should not attend because of the prohibition of EVEN HA-EZER e293E

"strengthening the action of transgressors," i.e. giving legiti- macy.

B Mixed Dancing Q: Is it permissible to have mixed dancing at a wedding in order to bring joy to a groom and bride? A: It is forbidden, because we do not perform a Mitzvah through a transgression. This exact example is found in the book "Ahavat Chesed" of the Chafetz Chaim.

B Lost Ring Q: If a wife loses her wedding ring, is there an obligation to buy a new one? A: There is no obligation.

B Ex-Boyfriend Q: I have an ex-boyfriend who wishes to come to my wed- ding to rejoice with us. Is it appropriate to invite him? A: There is no reason to invite him, and it has the potential to upset your spouse-to-be.

B Mixed Marriage Q: My good friend is marrying a non-Jew, and if I do not attend the wedding she will be offended. A: It is certainly forbidden to attend. We do not strengthen those who are transgressing. Perhaps she may be hurt, but those transgressing do not have a monopoly on being of- fended. e294E Short & Sweet

B Erev Shabbat Wedding Q: Is there a problem with having a wedding on Erev Shabbat? A: No. Poorer communities did so before Kabbalat Shabbat [and had the Shabbat meal as the wedding meal as well] to save costs.

B If I forget you, Jerusalem Q: Where did the custom of singing "Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim" (If I forget you, Jerusalem) under the Chupah come from? A: It is the innovation of Ha-Rav Neriah ztz"l. Q: You had written that Ha-Rav Neriah innovated "Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim" at weddings, but it is mentioned in the Taz 560:4. A: His innovation was in having the community sing it. B Bride and Groom at Another Wedding Q: During the seven festive days of our marriage, is it per- missible to attend another wedding or is this "mixing one joy with another" (which Halachah says should not be done)? A: It is permissible. The principle is not applicable in this case.

B Seating at Wedding Q: Should there be separate seating for men and women at a wedding? A: Yes. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 149:1. EVEN HA-EZER e295E

B Wedding Gift Q: We are a poor family, and our relative is getting mar- ried. They have the custom of giving expensive wedding gifts, but we are unable to do so. The trip is also costly. What should we do? A: Give according to your ability, and include an apology note.


B Wedding during Year of Mourning Q: I am in the year of mourning for my father. Is it permis- sible for me to get married? The date was not set before his death. A: Yes.

B Custom of Husband and Wife Q: How should a husband and wife act when they have different customs? A: The wife follows the customs of the husband so they are united and at peace, based on the law of one who moves from one place to another and follows the customs of the new locale. Q: Is the wife required to perform an annulment of vows when she changes her pre-wedding customs? A: No. There is no need and we have not heard that earlier generations acted this way (Shut Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim e296E Short & Sweet

1:158. Shut Minchat Yitzchak 4:83. Shut Yabia Omer vol. 5 Orach Chaim #37).

B A Man Wearing a Wedding Ring Q: Is it proper for a married soldier to wear a wedding ring so that the female soldiers on the base know he is married? A: Yes. This is a good idea. Many G-d-fearing Jews outside of Israel have this practice. It is a good idea to avoid confu- sion, and it is a sign of love. Q: Ha-Rav wrote that it is permissible for a man to wear a wedding ring, and even a good idea as a sign that he is mar- ried and to avoid problems. But isn't it a problem of "Lo Yilbash" (the prohibition of men dressing like women) and "Chukot Ha-Goyim" (following non-Jewish customs)? A: If it is a ring for men there is no prohibition of "Lo Yilbash." And there is no issue of "Chukot Ha-Goyim." The Mishnah in Shabbat (6:1) mentions a ring for a man, and Ha-Rav Nissim Karelitz permits it in his book "Peat Zekanecha" #102 (see also Sefer Ha-Chinuch #552. Shut Igrot Moshe, Even Ha-Ezer 4:32 #2).

B Honoring One's Wife Q: Why doesn't the Torah contain an explicit Mitzvah to honor one's wife just as there is a Mitzvah to honor one's parents? A: Because a husband and wife are one person. EVEN HA-EZER e297E

B Marriage of Two Women Q: Is there a Torah prohibition against two women getting married? A: Yes. Shulchan Aruch, Even Ha-Ezer 20:2. Sources there.

B Switching a Q: A Rabbi suggested to my wife that she should change her name and switch our Ketubah in order to solve our mar- ital problems. Is it proper to act this way? A: Changes such as these do not help in these matters. Rather you should turn to a marriage counselor. We do not switch a Ketubah at will.

B Housework Q: Do both parents have to take care of the kids and per- form housework, or is this only required of the wife, and the husband can help when he wants? A: It is a partnership. The husband can hire others to do the work…

B Compromises Q: My fiance does not want me to cover my hair when we get married. It is unattractive to him. What should I do? A: A marriage must contain compromises. Sometime you give in to him and sometimes he gives in to you. In this case, he must give in to you. If he does not understand, you should go together to a marriage counselor. e298E Short & Sweet

B Oedipus Complex Q: Is Freud's theory about the Oedipus Complex correct? A: It has not been scientifically proven. Perhaps it was true in his own house, since his father's second marriage was to a woman twenty years his junior, i.e. the same age as Freud's brother…

B Separate Money Q: Can a married couple have different bank accounts and each contribute equally for all expenses? A: It is permissible. It is preferable to have everything joint, but it is permissible if there is a need.

B Which Parents? Q: We were married three months ago. With which set of parents should we celebrate the first holidays? A: Whereever you are happy.

B Keeping Love Alive Q: How does a couple keep their love alive for the long run? A: A daily conversation of 20-30 minutes to express thoughts and feelings.

B Adam Ha-Rishon's Joy Q: We recite in the Sheva Berachot: "Let the loving couple be very happy, just as You made Your creation happy in EVEN HA-EZER e299E the Garden of Eden." Where is it written in the Torah that Adam Ha-Rishon was happy? A: They explain in Yeshivot that there is no need for a verse, since it is logical. Why do I need a verse? It is a logical deduction! There was only one woman in the world, so there was no possibility of comparing her to another. Adam Ha-Rishon was therefore extremely happy. And the same was true for Chavah. From the moment that a man is mar- ried, he should not look at another woman, think about an- other woman, compare his spouse to another woman. He will then be joyous with his wife.

B Loving My Wife Q: I love my wife, but there are a few things about my best friend's wife that I admire, and this is confusing me. How do I free myself from this? A: Oy va-voy that you are looking at what is going on with your friend's wife. From the moment of the wedding, your wife is the only woman in the world. All other "women" are like monkeys to you. Your wife is obviously not an angel, she has faults, she is just a human being, but a person is judged by the majority of his actions and traits. If your wife was an angel, she wouldn't have married you, since you are also not an angel and are merely human. Nonetheless, you should relate to your wife like an angel, since she is the only woman in the world to you (see Baba Batra 58a).

B Money Q: Does the money in the household belong only to the husband, or to the wife as well? e300E Short & Sweet

A: All of the money and property belongs to both of them, since she works – whether outside of the house, inside the house or both. If a couple divorces, the Beit Din splits the money equally.

B Double Last Name Q: After we get married, my fiancée wants our last name to include hers, because of her connection to her family. A: There is no problem with this.

B My Wife's Cooking Q: We were married a month ago, and I don't like my wife's cooking. Should I tell her? A: Gently tell her what type of food you enjoy.

B Wedding Ring of a Widower Q: My husband died. As a widow, should I still wear my wedding ring? A: You can continue or cease to do so. It is your own per- sonal choice.

B Immodest Clothing Q: What should I do if my wife wears immodest clothing and it is driving me crazy? A: Have a heart-to-heart talk with her. EVEN HA-EZER e301E

B Forgetfulness Q: I am always forgetting things and it bothers my wife. Is there a solution? A: Notes. B Wife or Parents #1 Q: Who is more important – one's wife or parents? A: This is incorrectly phrased. The husband and wife are one.

B Wife and Parents #2 Q: I am torn between my wife and my parents. What should I do? A: You and your wife are one being. Decide together what to do.

B Modesty Q: I have occasionally looked at immodest images without my wife's knowledge. Do I have to ask her forgiveness? A: No, since it will cause her distress, but you should repent (Rabbi Yisrael Salanter. See Chafetz Chaim, Hilchot Lashon Ha-Ra 4:12).

B Talking with My Wife Q: My wife needs me to talk to her every evening. What about learning Torah? A: This is a Mitzvah, and we learn Torah in order to fulfill it (The blessing Ahavah Rabbah before the Shema). e302E Short & Sweet

B Trip with Friends during First Year of Marriage Q: Is it permissible during my first year of marriage to go on a trip for a few days with two friends while my wife stays at home? A: If she wants. Q: Meaning, if she agrees? A: No, if she wants it. B Hachnasat Sefer Torah or Home Q: There is a Sefer Torah being donated to the Shul but my wife wants me to stay at home. Which is preferable? A: Home, since the Torah has many people to bring it joy, and your wife only has you.

B Teaching your wife Q: My wife doesn't listen to me in a certain area which is for her own good, and acts against my advice. When she gets herself into a complicated situation in this matter, should I help her or leave her to learn her lesson? A: You always have to be friends. You are not her teacher, but her friend.

B Difficulties Q: Baruch Hashem, my wife is pregnant. But because of it, her life has been more difficult from every perspective. How should I relate to her? A: You need to display much love and patience. This is your current worship of Hashem. Find ways for spiritual el- EVEN HA-EZER e303E evation while performing it. See Shemoneh Kevatzim vol. 1, 838.

B Speaking Excessively Q: "Do not speak to a woman excessively" (Pirkei Avot, chap. 1) – is it permissible for me to talk to my wife a lot? A: Quality conversation – yes, but not frivolous, extraneous and tiresome talk.

B Holding Hands in Public Q: My wife and I are newly observant and are in our first year of marriage. Is it permissible to hold hands in public? A: Public acts of affection are forbidden. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch of Rabbi Shlomo Granzfield 152:10.

Hair Covering

B Women Covering their Hair Q: Why do women cover their hair? If it is immodest, then shouldn’t single women also cover their hair? A: Single women in Yemen did in fact cover their hair, ac- cording to the ruling of the Rambam. But those who do not follow this custom explain that the hair of a married woman is a type of beauty saved for her husband. See Shut Igrot Moshe (Even Ha-Ezer 1:57, 4:32 #4).

B Showing Hair Q: Is it permissible for a woman to show some of her hair? e304E Short & Sweet

A: Two fingers' worth (Shut Igrot Moshe, Even Ha-Ezer 1:58, 4:112). B Wigs Q: Is it permissible for a woman to wear a wig? A: Some forbid it, and others permit it on condition that it is simple and modest – not like the wigs worn today (Shut She’eilat Shlomo 1:442, 3:416). B Beautiful Scarf Q: Does a beautiful head scarf draw more attention than a woman's hair? A: The scarf needs to be modest, like all other clothing. B Criticism Q: My wife doesn't like it when I make a comment about her hair covering. What should I do if she is showing more hair than the Halachah allows? A: Ask her if she wants you to point it out. Q: She does not. A: Then do not do so. It will not help. Rather, concentrate your energies on improving yourself.

Child-Bearing B Terrible Error Q: My husband and I erred terribly when I was not pure, and now I am pregnant. Should I have an abortion? I will EVEN HA-EZER e305E certainly die during childbirth! And what will be with a baby who was born from an abominable act? A: Do not have an abortion. The fire of repentance will burn up the entire transgression – and the child will also be righteous (The Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ha-Rav Isser Yehuda Unterman, told a story: “There was once a girl to whom two matches were suggested. The one was steeped in Torah learning, but his parents had conceived him without observ- ing the Laws of Family Purity. The second was not steeped in Torah but he had no blemish involving the laws of Family Purity. A great rabbi ruled that the first was preferable, ‘be- cause the Torah he had learned had cleansed his blemish.’ We may derive from this that the virtue of Torah overrides the blemish of not keeping the family purity laws” [from a booklet which I believe quoted the Chazon Ish]. It is further told about a father who asked the Satmar Rebbe, “My daughter was offered a boy who is newly religious. What does the Rebbe have to say about that?” The Rebbe asked, “Is he learned in Torah?” and the father replied that he was. So the Rebbe told him, “If so, there is no problem. ‘G-d is the hope [Hebrew “Mikvah”, also meaning “ritual bath”] of Israel’ [Yirmiyahu 17:13] – ‘Just as a ritual bath purifies the impure, so does G-d purify Israel’ [Yoma 8:9]. If the boy learns Torah, it is better than any Mikvah.” See the brochure “Kehilat Yisrael”).

B Iran and Children Q: Before long Iran will have a nuclear weapon and that will be the end. I wonder if it is worthwhile to bring more children into the world. e306E Short & Sweet

A: Nonsense. There is not going to be any end. May Hashem bless you with many children.

B Nursing and Pregnancy Q: Should I finish nursing my baby early in order to get pregnant again sooner? A: No. Let him nurse as he requires. It is his turn now.

B Telling in Interview Q: Do I have to tell in a job interview that I am pregnant? A: Depending on the law.

B Revealing in Early Stages Q: Is it forbidden to tell someone that I am pregnant at the beginning of the pregnancy? A: There is no prohibition. It is a personal decision.

B Gender of Fetus Q: Is there a problem with telling others the gender of the fetus? The evil eye? A: There is no problem. It is a personal decision.

B Hiding a Fact Q: Is it permissible to say that we do not know the gender of the fetus so that people do not bug us about it? A: Yes, just as it is permissible to conceal that a woman is pregnant (Yevamot 65b). EVEN HA-EZER e307E

B Purchases before Birth Q: Is there a problem with buying items for a baby before he is born? A: There is no problem.

B Artificial Insemination Q: Is it permissible for a married woman to be artificially inseminated? A: If there is no other solution, it is permissible from a non-Jew (Shut Igrot Moshe, Even Ha-Ezer 1:10).

B Home-Birth Q: Is it proper to have a planned home-birth? A: No. The risk of the baby's death is 3 times higher than in a hospital. Research of the AJOC vol. #201.

B Postpartum Depression Q: I gave birth and instead of being happy, I am depressed and want to cry. Maybe I am not normal. A: You are normal. Approximately 15% of women suffer from Postpartum Depression, and the reason is not known. You can cry and express what you are going through to those close to you. If need be, see a psychologist.

B Opening the Torah Ark during the Ninth Month Q: What is the source for the custom of a husband to open the Torah ark during the ninth month of his wife's pregnancy in order to help along the birth? e308E Short & Sweet

A: There is no early source. Kaf Ha-Chaim 134:12 in the name of the Chida.


B Fathers and Diapers Q: Is it permissible for a father to change his daughter's dia- per? A: There is no problem.

B Nursing in Public Q: Is it permissible for me to nurse in a public place if I am covered? A: Yes. You should be on the side as much as possible.

B Car Seat Q: Is there really an obligation for a child to sit in a car seat? It is such a pain! Once upon a time none existed and nothing happened! A: You are obligated! They prevent 60% of cases in which a child would have been killed!

B Affection between Parents Q: Is it permissible for parents to show signs of affection in front of their little children? A: It is permissible and proper. EVEN HA-EZER e309E

B Crying Baby Q: When our 6-month-old baby cries at night – which he does every half hour – should we always get up to calm him? A: If he is not sick, it is best that he gradually becomes ac- customed to calming himself, so that he does not grow up pampered.

B Mom Q: When a mother does things for her children – is it a Mitzvah? A: Certainly! A great Mitzvah! A huge Mitzvah!

B Abandoning Faith Q: How should we relate to a son who abandoned the Mitzvot? A: With love. If Yitzchak loved Esav, you should love your son all the more so. Q: A spouse? A: Same as above.

B Nursery School Q: How does one choose a nursery school? A: Three criteria, in this order: 1. A teacher who is moth- erly. 2. A staff that is G-d-fearing. 3. A place that can help the child develop different skills. e310E Short & Sweet

B "Bli Ayin Ha-Ra" (Without the Evil Eye) Q: When someone asks me how many children I have, af- ter saying the number, should I add: "Bli Ayin Ha-Ra"? A: There is no need.

B Baby Pictures Q: Is it permissible to take pictures of our baby for an ad- vertisement for which we will be paid? Is there a problem of the evil eye? A: It is permissible. There is absolutely no concern.

B Magic Kit Q: Is it permissible to buy a magic set for a child? A: Yes. It is permissible to rely on the lenient opinions. It will teach him that what is called magic is not really magic, but tricks (see Chochmat Adam 89:6. Shut Yabia Omer vol. 5 Yoreh Deah #14. Shut Yechaveh Da'at 3:68. Shut Betzel Ha-Chochma 4:13).

B TV and Torani Nursery School Q: My son was rejected from entering a "Torani" nursery school because we have a television. Is this right? A: Experience shows that children learn negative and dam- aging behavior from TV. You therefore have to choose: TV or a "Torani" nursery school for your child.

B Waking for Davening Q: My daughter does not want to get up for davening on EVEN HA-EZER e311E

Shabbat morning but wants to sleep until lunch. Should I wake her? A: You will not solve it by force.

B Nanny Q: We have a nanny for our baby. She is an Orthodox woman, but she puts on Talit and Tefillin. A: This does not invalidate her from being a nanny. The essence is that she is motherly.

B Learning to Swim Q: Is there an obligation in our times to teach one's child to swim? A: It was never an obligation, but only very good advice. The Rambam and the Shulchan Aruch therefore do not mention it. In our times, it is proper to do so (Ha-Rav Chaim David Ha-Levy in Shut Mayim Chaim 2:54).

B Crying Child Q: If my young boy cries should I give him what he wants or let him cry? A: First check if he is sick or hurt. If he is not, but rather is crying because you will not give into his demands, talk to him and try to calm him. If this does not work, do not give in because he will grow up to be spoiled, and this will be detrimental to his personality. e312E Short & Sweet

B Child Stealing Q: I discovered that my son was stealing from my wallet, and he admitted it. What should I do? A: 1. Give him an allowance. 2. Hide all of the wallets in the house. 3. Tell him stories about integrity. 4. Convey to the child that he is a person of integrity, by saying: "This is not appropriate for you, since you are a person of integrity."

B Computer Games Q: Is it permissible to allow children to play computer games? A: Yes, with the condition that the quantity and quality are limited: minimal time and Kosher content.

B Martial Arts for Kids Q: Is it permissible to organize a martial arts class for kids, or will it be an opening to violence? A: Yes. It is not an opening to violence but to self-control, and it will help them like all physical activity.

B Hitting a Child Q: Must a father hit his child in order to educate him in Torah as it says: "One who spares his rod, hates his son" (Mishlei 13:24)? A: Rabbenu Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah taught us that this is ful- filled through gentle rebuke. EVEN HA-EZER e313E

B Hitting Back Q: Is it permissible for a child who is being hit by another student at school to hit him back? A: Yes. Sefer Ha-Chinuch #338. But the school can estab- lish a rule that one may not hit back, and should instead turn to a teacher to deal with such situations. In this case, he must follow the rules.

Chanukat Ha-Bayit

B Chanukat Ha-Bayit Q: Is there an obligation to have a Chanukat Ha-Bayit? A: There is a proper minhag that the first use of a house is a holy one, i.e. learning Torah or prayer, but there is no obligation to invite people to participate in this.


B Distancing Oneself from Women Q: Is it permissible for me as a single man to eat at a mar- ried friend's house? A: Yes, but distance yourself from his wife. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8-10.

B A Single Woman's Hair Q: Is a single woman obligated to have her hair in a pony tail? e314E Short & Sweet

A: This is a stringency. The essence is that her hair is not eye-fetching.

B Female Medical Clown Q: Can a woman be a medical clown? A: Yes, for women and children.

B Mall Q: Is it permissible, despite problems of immodesty, to go shopping at the mall (i.e. if one is not “hanging out” there)? A: Yes, if this is the best place to go shopping. Just as it is permissible to walk in the street. Baba Batra 58.

B Men's Difficulty in Controling Themsleves Q: Why do women have to dress modestly just because men can't control themselves? A: A person must be modest even when at home alone, in the dark, even if the person is a man. This is because of the honor of Hashem. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 3:1.

B Male or Female Teacher Q: Who is more appropriate to teach in a girls' high school – a male Torah scholar or a woman? A: Certainly a woman, whether on account of modesty or as a role model. And there is no lack of female Torah schol- ars. EVEN HA-EZER e315E

B Modesty in Swimming Q: Is it permissible for young women who are fully-clothed to enter a spring where there are young men? A: Certainly not. One must stay very, very far from such things. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8.

B Woman Driver Q: Is it permissible for a woman to drive a car? A: Yes.

B Men and Women Intermingling Q: I see more and more men and women – single or mar- ried – who talk and laugh with one another. And even G-d-fearing individuals are stumbling in this. A: You should give them the benefit of the doubt that they do not know how horrible this is, and that they have not merited learning Gemara, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch or Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8.

B Modesty in Apartment Q: Is it permissible to walk around an apartment with only male roommates dressed in only a little clothing? A: Modesty is always required, both when alone and at home. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch chap. 2.

B Modesty in a Clothing Store Q: Is it permissible for a husband to accompany his wife into a women's clothing store? e316E Short & Sweet

A: It is immodest. There are all types of women who may enter. And all the more so if there are women who will be uncomfortable (see Gan Na'ul).

B Kosher Phone Q: Is it obligatory to use the Kosher phone (which does not contain texting or internet access)? A: The essence is that a person does not stumble by using his phone for forbidden activities. If he stumbles, he is obli- gated to use the Kosher phone. If not, he is not.

B Waitress Q: Can a woman work as a waitress? A: Yes, if she does so with modesty. And the same applies when she serves guests in her home.

B Kol Isha Q: If one cannot fulfill his obligation to hear the Megillah through a microphone (since it is not his voice, but a recon- struction of it), then why is it forbidden to hear a woman's voice through a microphone? A: Since it is forbidden to have benefit from her voice.

B Separate seating on buses Q: Many Charedim (Ultra-Orthodox) are insisting on sepa- rate seating on the bus with men in the front and women in the back. Is this required? A: It is not necessary. It is like walking on the street. EVEN HA-EZER e317E

B Woman on bus Q: Is it permissible for a man to sit next to a woman on the bus, if there is no other place? A: Yes. But he should not look at her and be careful not to touch her (Shut Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 2:83. Even Ha-Ezer 2:14. A young man was once sitting next to Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach on the bus when a woman got on and there was no place for her to sit. Rav Shlomo Zal- man said to the young man: Either you should stand up and allow the woman to sit or I will. The young man stood up and the woman sat next to Rav Shlomo Zalman. Ve-Alehu Lo Yibol vol. 2, p. 182. Although another time Rav Shlomo Zalman was sitting on a bus, and an immodestly dressed woman got on and sat next to him. Instead of continuing to sit, which was unpleasant and a Chilul Hashem to those who saw or standing up and potentially offending her, Rav Shlomo Zalman got off at the next stop and waited for the next bus. Ha-Torah Ha-Mesamachat, p. 289).

B Women's Singing Q: Where is the prohibition of men listening to women singing mention in the Halachah? A: Berachot 24. Rambam, Isurei Bi'ah 21. Shulchan Aruch, Even Ha-Ezer 21. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8.

B Women Singing Q: Regarding being present at a ceremony where women sing, I heard that Rav Kook remained present when a woman sang at a Governmental ceremony of the British. e318E Short & Sweet

A: Then you did not hear well. The one who remained was Ha-Rav Yosef Chaim Zonenfeld who put his fingers in his ears, put down his head and closed into himself, on account of the honor of the Kingship. But Maran Ha-Rav Kook im- mediately stood up and ran outside, like someone fleeing a fire. The book Mi-Bechirei Tzadikaya of Ha-Rav Yosef Zusman, p. 178.

B Put Him in His Place Q: There is a man at work who has feelings for me and says all types of things to me. What should I do? A: Put him in his place in a clear manner: Do not speak to me in this way (Sefer Ha-Chinuch, Mitzvah 338).

B Female Dentist Q: Is it permissible for a man to go to a female dentist or hygienist? A: Yes. Just as for a doctor.

B Lecture by a Woman Q: I have to attend a lecture by a woman. How should I act? A: Do not look at her, but listen and take notes.

B Pointing Out Immodest Dress Q: Is it permissible for a man to point out to a woman that she is dressed in an immodest fashion and it is making him uncomfortable? EVEN HA-EZER e319E

A: G-d forbid! Pointing it out is itself immodest. He should not be staring at her in the first place and should not come close to her.

B Male Lifeguard Q: Is it permissible for a woman to be on a beach just for women when there is male lifeguard and sometimes an ad- ditional man who is not a lifeguard? A: With a robe until she reaches the water.

B Coed Health Club Q: Is it permissible for a man to go to a health club which also has women? A: Certainly not. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8.

B Mixed Beach Q: Can I go to a mixed beach if I remain fully clothed? A: G-d forbid. The place itself is forbidden, and the inter- mingling is forbidden.

B Parachuting Course Q: Is it permissible for a girl to learning parachuting with a male guide? A: No, it is immodest. Q: But it is permissible for a boy? A: No, it is an unnecessary risk for pleasure. Such a risk is e320E Short & Sweet only allowed for a Mitzvah or livelihood. It is obviously per- missible in the army (Pitchei Teshuvah Yoreh Deah 157). B Female Musician Q: Is it permissible for a female musician to play in a band before a mixed audience? A: It is permissible on condition that the men do not stare at her. B Immodest TV Program Q: Is it permissible for girls to watch a TV program in which young male and female singers compete to see who is the most talented? A: It is certainly forbidden. This program is prohibited and one should not benefit from it. B Separate-Gender University A: Is there a need to separate men and women at a uni- versity? Q: Certainly. Like in America at Yeshiva University (When there was consideration of moving Stern College for women next to Yeshiva University for men, Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik and many of the other Roshei Yeshiva threat- ened to resign). B Woman on a Bike Q: Can a woman ride on a bike? Please give the source. A: Yes, with modest clothing. Rabbenu Chananel at the be- ginning of Massechet Pesachim. EVEN HA-EZER e321E

B Educating for Modesty Q: At what age should a child be educated not to touch members of the opposite gender? A: As in all areas, the age of education is 6.

B Mixed Singing for Kiruv Q: Is it permissible to organize an event for Kiruv with men and women singing together? If not, how can we bring Jews closer to Torah? A: Kiruv is a great Mitzvah, but we do not fulfill a Mitzvah through performing a transgression. Many Ultra-Orthodox groups are involved with Kiruv without mixed singing. Do your homework to see what they do.

B Public Display of Affection Q: Is it permissible for a couple to display physical affection in public? A: No. Shulchan Aruch. And also Kitzur Shulchan Aruch of Ha-Rav Shlomo Ganzfried 152:11.

B Song and Dance Q: I have a talent for singing and dancing, but – as a woman – I feel that the Torah closes off this area to me. What should I do? A: Be involved in it only for women. e322E Short & Sweet

B Shalom to a Woman Q: Is it permissible for a boy to say Shalom to a girl or visa-versa? A: The Gemara, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch rule that it is forbidden. But if it is not in friendship but rather out of basic politeness, it is permissible.

B Mixed Marathon Q: Is it permissible to participate in a marathon with both men and women? A: It is certainly forbidden. It is immodest. See Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8.

B Mixed Beach Q: If a man wears glasses and has terrible vision without them, can he go to a mixed beach (without his glasses)? A: G-d forbid. It is a forbidden place. And he can see enough.

B Photographer of Women Q: As a wedding photographer, is it permissible for me to take pictures of women dancing, even though some of them are dressed immodestly? A: It is forbidden. Since it is forbidden to look at women, whether modestly or immodestly dressed, even in a movie or a picture. A woman photographer is required. EVEN HA-EZER e323E

B Coffee and Cake at Work Q: Is it permissible for a man to bring coffee and cake to a woman at work, or visa-versa? A: If it is in the framework of performing one's job, there is no prohibition. In general, however, though one should be polite, one should distance oneself from signs of friendship with the opposite gender.

B Male Hair Stylist Q: Is it permissible for a woman to have her hair cut by a male hair stylist? A: It is forbidden. Unlike a doctor, the hair stylist is involved in her beauty (it is permissible for a woman to go to a male doctor since he is involved in his work and not her beauty).

B Sitting Next to a Woman Q: Is it permissible for a man to sit next to a woman on the bus? A: It is permissible if there is no other place, as is found in Baba Batra 57. The most important thing is not to stare at her.

B Swimming with Cousins Q: Is it permissible for a girl to go swimming with her male cousins? A: No. Men and women must keep a serious distance be- tween them. And the law regarding a cousin is the same as for any other man. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8-10. e324E Short & Sweet

Shemirat Negi'ah

B Reason for Shemirat Negi'ah Q: Why does one need to be "Shomer Negi'ah" (to refrain from physical contact with the opposite gender)? A: One must maintain great distance between the genders. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8. Just as it is forbidden to ben- efit from food until one recites a blessing, so it is forbidden to benefit from a woman until after the seven wedding bless- ings.

B Prohibition of Shemirat Negi'ah Q: Is the prohibition of boys and girls touching in order to keep them from having relations? A: There is a double prohibition: A. It is a prohibition in and of itself, deriving benefit from the opposite sex outside of marriage. B. It is also a protection from succumbing to temptation.

B Sources of Prohibition Q: Can you please provide sources that will help strengthen me understand and keep the prohibition of not touching others of the opposite sex? A: "Do not approach" (Vayikra 18:6), explained in Sefer Ha-Chinuch #188. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8. Mesilat Yesharim, chap. 11. EVEN HA-EZER e325E

B Shaking a Woman's Hand Q: If a woman puts out her hand to shake mine, is it per- missible to shake it so as not to embarrass her? A: No. We should not embarrass anyone, but here she is causing herself embarrassment. Ha-Rav Ovadia Yosef de- clined to shake hands with Prime Minister Golda Meir. And Ha-Rav Mordechai Eliyahu did not shake hands with the Queen of England. In both cases, apologies were issued to the Rabbis that very night. The feelings of the one who ob- serves the Torah should be taken into consideration (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 4:298). Q: But I once heard that Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein, when facing the same situation, would shake her hand. The rea- soning being that not shaking a woman's hand is a Rabbinic prohibition but embarrassing a person is a Torah prohibi- tion. Was this in fact the case and if not, what about apply- ing the above reasoning and allowing the handshake? A: Ha-Rav Feinstein did mention this idea in his Teshuvot (Igrot Moshe, Even Ha-Ezer 1:56) but concluded that it is difficult to rely on it. The Beit Yosef (Yoreh Deah 195) men- tioned that according to the Rambam it is a Torah prohibi- tion and one should be killed rather than transgress it! We should not embarrass anyone, but here the person extend- ing her hand is causing herself embarrassment.

B Shaking a Man's Hand Q: If a secular man puts out his hand, can I shake it? A: No. Politely apologize: "Forgive me, this is saved for my husband" (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 4:298). e326E Short & Sweet

B Uncles and Cousins Q: Is it forbidden for cousins of the opposite gender to touch? Source? A: Certainly. Rambam, Isurei Bi'ah 21:6. It is only permis- sible for parents/children and grandparents/children (Beit Shmuel on Even Ha-Ezer 21:14). And it is permissible for siblings if it is not for affectionate purposes. Q: I know that if I ask my uncles and cousins not to touch me they will make jokes in front of the whole family, not to hurt my feelings but because that's the way they are. Should I still ask? A: Yes, and do it in a humorous way, such as: "I am saving it for my husband."

B Through Clothing Q: Does the prohibition against touching someone of the opposite gender only apply to their actual body, or does it also apply to touching them through their clothing? A: Both are certainly forbidden! One should stay extremely far away from the opposite gender. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 152:8-10. How the evil inclination is working overtime!

B Helping during Ice-Skating Q: Is it permissible for me to help a girl while ice-skating? After all, it is only so she doesn't fall. A: Yashar Koach to the evil inclination for his creativity in causing people to stumble in Halachah! EVEN HA-EZER e327E

Clothing and Jewelry

B Shatnez Q: Is it permissible in a store to try on a piece of clothing which is doubtful Shatnez? A: It is permissible, since it is not to wear but only to check the fit.

B Socks Q: Does a woman who does not wear socks have an opin- ion on which to rely? A: The Mishnah Berurah in chap. 75. And Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach wrote that one should not force women to wear socks, and it is permissible to rely on the Mishnah Berurah (The book "Oro Shel Olam", p. 94. And also see there where Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman says the same about Chabad women wearing Sheitels).

B Skirt and Socks Q: If I wear a long skirt that reaches down to the floor, do I need to wear socks as well? A: It is enough to wear a long skirt (Shut Shevet Ha-Levi 5:79).

B Physical Therapy and Skirts Q: Is it permissible for a woman to wear pants/shorts during physical therapy, as a skirt often gets in the way and some- times even leads to immodesty (as the skirt can rise up)? e328E Short & Sweet

A: You should wear an Aladdin skirt – wide on the top with pants on the bottom.

B Skirt Length Q: What is the necessary length of a skirt? A: Some say it should be down to the floor, and others say 10 centimeters below the knee, so that even while sitting the knees are covered (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:449).

B Pants for Women Q: Is it permissible for a woman to wear wide, modest pants? A: No. This is on account of "Lo Yilbash" (the prohibition of wearing the opposite gender's clothing). But it is permis- sible to wear women's pants under her skirt as long as the pants are modest and not eye-fetching, and the skirt is long enough even when sitting. And this is the custom of the Yemenite Jews (Shut Minchat Yitzchak 2:108. Shut Tzitz Eliezer 11:62. Shut Shevet Ha-Levi 2:63, 6:118. Shut Yabia Omer 6 YD 14. See Vayashiv Moshe, pp. 169-170, where Ha-Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv was asked if there is reason to forbid girls from going skiing since they need to wear women's ski pants? He responded that it is permissible on condition that they wear a robe, dress or skirt which covers their knees over the pants. And, in general, this is even bet- ter and more modest than what our women usually wear). EVEN HA-EZER e329E

B Woman Wearing Pants Q: Is it true that Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef permitted a woman to wear pants? A: G-d forbid. He merely stated that pants are not as bad as a mini-skirt (Shut Yabia Omer vol. 6 Yoreh Deah #14).

B Shirt with Verse Q: Is it proper to wear a shirt that has on it part of a Torah verse without Hashem's Name? A: It still requires two coverings to go into the bathroom. It is not proper. (Shut Tzitz Eliezer 16:30).

B Beautiful Clothing Q: I wear beautiful clothing at home for my husband. What should I wear out? A: Clothing which does not draw the attention of others (see Gan Na'ul).

B Rebbetzin in Provocative Clothing Q: My Rebbetzin, whom I greatly respect, wears provoca- tive clothing. How should I relate to that? A: This is truly difficult to understand. But a person is judged by the majority of his actions (Rambam, Hilchot Teshuvah 3:1).

B Shirt with Skull Q: Is it permissible to wear a shirt with a picture of a skull? A: One should not wear clothing which draws attention. e330E Short & Sweet

B Men's Sleeve Length Q: Is it permissible for men to wear short sleeves? A: It is permissible, but it is proper to wear long sleeves (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:12).

B Women's Sleeve Length Q: What is the proper sleeve length for girls? A: It should always cover the elbow.

B Women's Jewelry Q: If the purpose of wearing jewelry is to look beautiful to my husband, then why would I wear even one piece of jew- elry when I go out? A: Indeed, you are correct. It is proper not to wear jewelry at all when one goes out.

B Suit and Hat Q: Is one obligated to wear a suit and a hat? A: It is enough to wear respectful clothing based on the time and place in which you live (see Shut She'eilat Shlomo 2:232-233).

B Ankle Bracelet Q: Is it permissible for a woman to wear an ankle bracelet? A: With the condition that it is modest and does not draw attention. EVEN HA-EZER e331E


B Beautiful Match Q: I am looking for a match who is really beautiful, and cannot seem to free myself from this. What should I do? A: You must know "Grace is false and beauty is vain" and fleeting. There is not love because of beauty, but on the contrary, there is beauty because of love.

B Subjective or Objective Q: Is beauty subjective or objective? A: Subjective. Netivot Olam of the Maharal, Netiv Ha-Emet on Ketubot 17.

B Overweight Woman Q: Why am I considered ugly because I am overweight? It is sad. Everyone laughs at me. I was rejected by Shiduchim more than once on account of my weight. Now I am mar- ried, but my mother-in-law told me that I am shockingly ugly. After a few children, I am even more overweight. Why are overweight people doomed to be sad and considered not pretty? A: Where does it say in the Torah that someone who is overweight is not pretty? The men who were not interested in you for this reason are stupid, and are captives of Holly- wood fashion. The greater painters Rembrandt and Rubens saw immense beauty in overweight women, and painted them in wondrous light. In your husband’s eyes, you are the most beautiful woman in the world– otherwise he would not e332E Short & Sweet have married you. A thin woman does not possess any ad- vantage over an overweight woman! None! Overweight is also beautiful.

B Beautiful Spouse Q: Is it permissible to pray for a beautiful spouse? A: You should pray for a spouse who finds favor in your eyes. You do not love because of beauty, but because you love, your spouse is the most beautiful in the world.


B Male Driving Instructor Q: Is it forbidden for a young woman to have a male driv- ing instructor? Sometimes the classes end at night and we travel through places where there are no people. A: It is permissible, but a female teacher is obviously pref- erable. There is no problem because people will eventually pass by.


B Ketubah Q: If a wife unjustifiably demands a divorce, is the husband obligated to pay her the amount of the Ketubah? A: No. But all of the property and belongings they acquired while married are divided equally. EVEN HA-EZER e333E

B Wedding Ring Q: What should a woman do with her wedding ring if she gets divorced – return it or sell it? A: It belongs to her. She should sell it.

B Shiduch during Divorce Q: I am going through a divorce. Can I begin to meet women for a Shiduch? A: G-d forbid. You must wait until the divorce is completely finalized. In the meantime, the yoke of the Cherem of Rabbenu Gershon (which forbids divorcing a woman against her will) lays upon your neck. Shut Ezrat Cohain #62.

B Bircat Ha-Mazon while Getting Divorced Q: Should a man continue saying in Bircat Ha-Mazon: "Ha-Rachaman Hu Yevarech et Ishti" (May the Merciful One bless my wife) if they are in the process of getting divorced? A: One can say "Plonit" (her name) or "Gerushati" (my di- vorcee). One is not obligated to recite all of the additions after the fourth blessings, although there is a custom to do so (Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Ve-Ten Beracha, p. 304). Therefore, one may say what he wants.

B Divorcee Covering her Hair Q: Does a divorcee still have to cover her hair? A: Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein has two Teshuvot where he writes that one may rely on the opinion that the obligation e334E Short & Sweet for a woman to cover her hair is a positive Mitzvah and not a negative Mitzvah, and one may therefore be lenient in an extenuating circumstance, such as one who cannot find a spouse because people think she is married because she covers her hair. And the same applies to a widow (Shut Igrot Moshe, Even Ha-Ezer 1:57 and 4:32 #4).

B Annulling Marriages Q: Is it possible to retroactively annul a marriage in order to solve the problem of Agunot (women whose husbands refuse to grant a religious divorce and are therefore unable to remarry)? A: No. Halachic authorities have already rejected this idea (Shut Melamed Le-Ho'il 3:51. Shut Tzitz Eliezer 1:2 #2).

B Conditional Marriages Q: Is it worthwhile to establish conditional marriages which are annulled retroactively if one of the members of the cou- ple wants to get divorced in order to solve the problem of those who refuse to give a "Get"? A: Our Rabbis already dismissed this proposal since we will not nullify the holiness of Jewish marriages and turn them into a doubtful cases of prostitution on account of a few hor- rible instances (see Shut Igrot Moshe Even Ha-Ezer 4:106-107).

B Meal of Thanksgiving Q: I finally received a divorce after many years, and having suffered the horrible behavior of my former husband. Is it appropriate to make a meal of thanksgiving? EVEN HA-EZER e335E

A: Yes.

B Renting an Apartment where Couple got Divorced Q: Is it a problem to rent an apartment where the former tenants got divorced? A: There is absolutely no problem. If there was a problem then one would need to give Tzedakah and say Tehillim, but there is no problem. They were divorced on account of themselves and not the apartment. CHOSHEN MISHPAT (Civil Law)

Beit Din and Courts

B Court Q: Is it permissible to sue another Jew in a secular court? A: Only if he refuses to go to a Beit Din.


B Witnesses for a Loan Q: When one gives a loan, is there a need for two wit- nesses, one witness or just a document? A: It is sufficient to write a document (Aruch Ha-Shulchan, Choshen Mishpat 70. Shut Shevet Ha-Levi 10:268).

B Segula Q: Our debt continues to grow. Is there a Segula to reverse this trend? A: Certainly. You should spend less than you bring in and not rely on the miracle of overcoming the rules of mathe- matics. The Tur wrote that one should limit his expenses. And the Mishnah Berurah wrote that this is a strong rebuke of those who are enticed to spend money on luxuries with- out seeing the consequences, which will lead to theft and disgrace in the end. Biur Halachah chap. 529. One should plan well. CHOSHEN MISHPAT e337E

B Collecting a Debt Q: I lent someone a lot of money. When I asked for it back, I found out that he has everything in his wife's name, and therefore has nothing. Should I take pity on him? A: You should certainly demand it. He has plenty and is being deceitful.

Business Partners

B Pyramidal Business Model Q: Is it permissible to be involved with a pyramidal busi- ness model? A: On condition that there is no deception, and that those on the bottom do not lose out. And you must be certain.

Buying and Selling

B Trying on Shoes Q: Is it permissible to try on shoes in a store to know the right size so that I can order them on the internet? A: You should request permission in the store.

B German Products Q: Is it proper NOT to buy German products? A: Yes, but it is not obligatory (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 2:442). e338E Short & Sweet

B 5.99 Q: I am a saleswoman in a store. Is it permissible for me to write the price as 5.99 instead of 6 shekels? Or is it theft, since I will actually charge 6 shekels? A: It is permissible since the buyer knows that he will pay 6 shekels. Besides, he can ask for an Agurah if he wants (See the Rosh at the end of Pesachim [#40] that although the Torah mentions counting 50 days of Sefirah, the Hala- chah is that we count 49 and although the Torah mentions giving 40 lashes, the Halachah is that we give 39. The Rosh explains that the way of the Torah is to round up when the last digit is a nine. And it is worthwhile to add the Admor of Ostrovzsa once met with Ha-Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzensky and the two spoke about the intricacies of the Halachah. Ha-Rav Chaim Ozer was amazed at the words of the Admor of Ostrovzsa and declared: “You are truly a great man!” The Admor replied that this is hardly a measure of greatness. He explains by quoting the Gemara in Makkot 22b, where the Sages conclude that the meaning of forty lashes is actually only thirty-nine, and that people who rise in honor of a To- rah Scroll but remain seated when a Torah scholar passes by are foolish, since the Torah states: “Forty lashes”, and our Sages come to teach us that the actual meaning is thir- ty-nine – one lash less – then it follows that their power is indeed great. The Admor asked: Why does the Torah only teach this law in Devarim (by the lashes), rather than earlier in the book of Vayikra (by Sefirat Ha-Omer)? There it is written, in reference to the counting of the Omer: “You shall count fifty days” and our Sages explain that the meaning is actually forty-nine days. Did they not subtract a day there as well? From here we learn, said the Admor to Ha-Rav CHOSHEN MISHPAT e339E

Chaim Ozer, that the greatness of our Sages is not in that they subtracted one day from the counting of the Omer, but rather that they subtracted one lash from the punishment of the guilty – and therein lies their greatness: a great man is one who lessens the pain of his fellow man, and not one who only discovers novel interpretations of the Torah. Iturei Torah – Vayikra 23:16).

B Ordering from a Caterer for Fewer People Q: If I know that caterers always give extra food and we always have leftovers when we order, can I slightly decrease the number of people I am ordering for? If I am ordering for 20, can I order for 18, assuming the risk that there will be enough food? A: One cannot be deceptive. Caterers always provide more food than each person can eat to ensure that there is enough. One cannot then take advantage of them and order for fewer people.

B Lottery Q: Is it permissible to play the lottery? A: No, our Sages looked negatively upon one who gambles (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:201).

B Buying from Arabs Q: Is it permissible to buy from Arabs if the price is much less inexpensive? A: It is preferable to buy from a Jew. But there are those e340E Short & Sweet who permit it – obviously, with the condition that they pay taxes (Shut She’eilat Shlomo 2:264). Q: Is it preferred to shop in a Jewish-owned store which is open on Shabbat or in an Arab-owned store? A: Certainly in a Jewish-owned store (Vayikra 25:14).

B Immodest Advertising Q: Is it permissible to buy a product from a company which has immodest advertising? A: It is permissible. This is not our responsibility. But it is obviously preferable to buy from another company.

B Sitting and Working in a Coffee Shop Q: I like to buy a cup of coffee and work on my laptop in a coffee shop. How long can I sit and work there if I only buy one cup of coffee? A: The essential criterion is not to bother other people. Thus, if other people are waiting for a table, you may not sit there indefinitely. There are no hard and fast rules. You should follow what is accepted practice. In your case, per- haps it is appropriate to sit there for an hour.

B Sharing a Taxi Q: If a couple and another person share a taxi, does the couple pay 50% or two-thirds of the fare? A: The couple should pay two-thirds of the fare. CHOSHEN MISHPAT e341E

B Tipping Q: Is one obligated to give a tip? How much? A: It depends on the accepted custom in any given place. When everyone gives a tip, it is as if there is a condition for every individual to give as well. In such a case, the tip is like a part of the salary. These are the general rules and each individual situation must to be looked into.

B Damaged Product Q: Is it permissible to purposefully buy a damaged product in a supermarket in order to call the company and asked for compensation? A: G-d forbid.

B Payment without a Receipt Q: A man did work for me, I paid him, but he did not give me a receipt. When I asked for one, he said that he would not give me one, and if I insisted, he would return my money. What should I do? A: Take the money, give it to Tzedakah and give him the receipt which you receive from the Tzedakah organization.

B Canceling an Order Q: According to the law, is it permissible to cancel an order for a particular item? Is it also permissible according to Ha- lachah? A: Only if there is a justifiable reason. e342E Short & Sweet

Lost Objects

B Reporting a Damage Q: I saw a truck knock down a stop sign and then just drive away. I wrote down the license plate number. Should I re- port it? A: Yes, it is returning a lost object.

B Verse to Find Lost Object Q: What verse does one say if he lost an object? A: There is none (see Sefer Ta’amei Ha-Minhagim p. 564 in the footnotes).

B Using the Object to Find the Owner Q: I found a cell phone and want to return it. Can I call the owner using his own phone, or is it stealing? A: It is permissible. The cost of returning the object is in- curred by the one who lost it.

B Found Object Q: I saw a coin on the street and went to pick it up. My friend saw what I was doing, pushed me aside and picked it up for himself. To whom does the coin belong? A: To him. Seeing an object does not acquire it. Baba Metzia. But he violated "Love your fellow as yourself." CHOSHEN MISHPAT e343E

B Two Drinks! Q: Two drinks came out of a pop machine, what should I do? A: They are both yours, since the second is "hefker – ownerless."

B Thrown Away Item Q: My friend threw an electric appliance in the garbage, since he thought it was broken. I took it and it works. Do I have an obligation to return it to him? A: It is proper to return it to him, since it was thrown out mistakenly.

B Using Object Q: I lost a calculator in class a few months ago and now I found one just like it. Can I keep it? A: You should first announce for a few months that you found it. If no one comes forward, write the details down in a notebook (i.e. what it looks like, approximate value, etc…) and you may use it.

B Returning Supermarket Cart Q: When one sees a supermarket cart which it has signs that it belongs to a particular supermarket, and it is quite a distance from the supermarket, does he need to return it? A: If it is not difficult, since the basic Halachah is that if one returns a lost object, he can ask for payment for his time and effort. e344E Short & Sweet

B Coin at the Kotel Q: What is the status of a coin found between the stones of the Kotel that was placed there on purpose? A: It should be placed in the Tzedakah box there.

Employers and Employees

B Working while Pregnant Q: Am I obligated to inform my employer that I am preg- nant? A: You are only obligated to tell as much as the law re- quires, no more and no less.

B Phone Call from Work Q: Is it permissible for me to occasionally make a phone call from work? A: They will allow it if it is done rarely and is essential.

B Changing Jobs Q: Should I stay in a job which is not good for me? A: Until you find another.

B Taking Customers to New Position Q: Is it permissible for a worker who leaves his job to bring his customers over to his new company? A: No. Unless he had a relationship with them before the CHOSHEN MISHPAT e345E previous job. These customers belong to the previous em- ployer.

B Wasted Time at Work Q: I wasted time at work on a few occasions. How can I make up for this? A: Work extra hours when you can.

B Employee discount for friend Q: Is it permissible to ask a friend who works at a store to buy something for me since he receives an employee's dis- count? A: Only with the permission of the store.


B Livelihood with Risk Q: Is it permissible to work in a profession that involves some risk, such as heavy lifting or playing a sport? A: It is permissible, if it is a minimal risk. Shut Noda Bi-Yehudah regarding hunting (Yoreh Deah 2:10. Shut Igrot Moshe, Choshen Mishpat #103).

B Lawyer Q: Is it permissible to be a lawyer since the laws do not follow the Torah? A: Yes. It is the way to help the exploited (She'al Na p. 148). e346E Short & Sweet

B Media Communications Q: Is it worthwhile to go into the field of media communi- cations? A: Yes, it can be an opportunity for a positive influence. It must obviously be a Kosher position and performed with in- tegrity.

B Stubbornness Q: I am passionate about a certain profession, but I keep failing the tests in that area. Is this a sign from heaven? A: No. One must be stubborn and persist in important things.

B Social Workers' Strike Q: Is it permissible for social workers to strike when it may negatively affect children for whom they care? A: Yes. It is a present loss in return for a future gain. For situations involving children at risk, there is a special com- mittee to continue helping them.

B Telemarketing Q: Is there a problem with working in telemarketing and trying to convince someone to buy something? A: It is permissible if you do not bother others and you tell the truth, the whole truth.

B Journalist Q: Is it permissible to be a G-d-fearing journalist? CHOSHEN MISHPAT e347E

A: Certainly. One who is careful not to lie, shame, mock, write , etc.

B Discount Q: I work at a store and receive a discount. Can I buy something for friends? It is an accepted practice. A: You nonetheless need explicit permission from the store. B Asking for a Raise Q: I feel that my salary is less than I deserve. Is it permis- sible for me to ask for a raise or is it a lack of faith in Hashem's ability to provide? A: It is not a lack of faith. It is very good. A person should ask for what he deserves. See Baba Kamma (92b) regarding Avigail's request from King David.

B Paystub on Wife's Name Q: Is it permissible to have a husband's paystub under his wife's name, since it is better tax-wise for them? A: 1. It is forbidden according to the law. 2. It is dangerous, because if something happens to him, it is possible to de- mand millions from her.

Tza'ar Ba'alei Chaim (cruelty to animals)

B Animal Experimentation Q: Is animal experimentation permissible? A: Yes. It is not in the category of “Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim” e348E Short & Sweet

(causing pain to animals), since it is for a human need (Shut Seredei Eish 3:7. See Shut Chelkat Yaakov 1:30).

B Killing Bugs and Mice Q: Is it permissible to kill flies, ants, mice, etc. who are bothering you? A: Yes. Since it is for a human need, it is permissible (Ma'aseh Ish vol. 7, p. 163. Shut Teshuvot Ve-Hanhagot 2:726. And Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein writes in Shut Igrot Moshe Choshen Mishpat 2:47 that if it is possible, it is proper not to kill them with your hands but with a trap. His proof is from the Wayward City – a place in which a major- ity of citizens worship idols and therefore must be destroyed (Devarim 13:13-19). Hashem promises that if the Wayward City is destroyed, He will give you mercy. The Or Ha-Chaim Ha-Kadosh explains (verse 18) that this promise is made be- cause destroying and killing causes one to be cruel. It is therefore better not to kill bugs and mice with one's bare-hands. But this is a stringency).

B Spaying an Animal Q: Is it permissible to spay an animal? Isn’t it impossible to use a horse if he is not spayed? A: It is a known problem. See Torah Temimah on Vayikra 22:24 #153. It should be performed by a non-Jew (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 4:262).

B One Animal Attacking Another Q: If I see a cat attacking a bird, should I stop it? CHOSHEN MISHPAT e349E

A: You can, but there is no obligation. It is the nature of the world.

B Zoo Q: Is there a problem of "Tza'ar Ba'alei Chaim" by having animals caged in a zoo? Is it permissible to visit a zoo? A: It is permissible since it is for human benefit. You may visit (Kum Hithalech Ba-Aretz #12).

B Vegetarianism Q: Should one be a vegetarian? A: No. Humanity should first be merciful to human beings.

B Putting Dog to Sleep Q: Is it permissible to put an older, sick dog to sleep? Please give source. A: There is no prohibition against killing an animal. Only if it is done for no reason, like hunting for sport, is it consid- ered cruel. Responsa of Noda Bi-Yehudah (Yoreh Deah #10).

B Hunting Q: Is it permissible to hunt animals? A: For livelihood, it is permissible. For pleasure, it is cruel. Shut Noda Bi-Yehudah (Mehadura Tanina Yoreh Deah #10). e350E Short & Sweet

Animals – Misc.

B Garden of Eden for Animals Q: Do animals go to the Garden of Eden or Gehinom? A: No. Only a person, who is created in the Image of G-d. Tiferet Yisrael on Pirkei Avot, chap. 3 on the Mishnah: "Be- loved is man, who is created in His image".

B Looking at Non-Kosher Animals Q: Is it forbidden to look at non-Kosher animals? A: There is no prohibition to have a picture of a non-Kosher animal or a toy in the form of a non-Kosher an- imal. Although the book "Kav Ha-Yashar" says that one should limit one’s looking, this is a stringency not widely ac- cepted. By the way, many Ashkenazi Shuls have lions on the ark curtain. Be courageous like a lion (Igrot Ha-Re'eiyah vol. 1, Igeret #10. And in Shut Aseh Lecha Rav 8:60, Ha-Rav Chaim David Ha-Levy points out that there were non-Kosher animals pictured on the flags of the Tribes which they carried in the desert. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, however, was strict about this practice. And this is the custom of Chabad Chasidim. Likutei Sichot vol. 25, pp. 309-311).

B Playing with a Non-Kosher Animal Q: Can a child play with a non-Kosher animal? A: Yes. The proof is from the Mishnah in Shabbat (9:7) that a child may play with a non-Kosher locust. CHOSHEN MISHPAT e351E


B Video Q: I have a video that a friend bought and lent to me. It says on it that it is forbidden to lend it to others. Is it per- missible to watch it? A: It is permissible. It is not possible to prohibit lending it out.

B TV Q: If one of my family members illegally connected a tele- vision to a cable, is it permissible for me to watch? A: It is certainly forbidden. It is theft. In any case, TV is forbidden.

B Sleeping on the Bus Q: Is it permissible for me to wake someone up who is tak- ing up two seats on the bus in order to sit down, or is it considered bothering him? A: It is permissible. He himself is bothering others.

B Stealing from a non-Jew Q: Is it permissible to steal from a non-Jew by downloading a song or game from the Internet? A: Stealing from a non-Jew is forbidden (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 348:2). Q: But the majority of people do it! e352E Short & Sweet

A: It still remains theft and one who is caught will be pun- ished.

B Downloading Songs Q: Is it permissible to burn disks from songs I download from the internet? A: It is certainly forbidden. Copyright. The creator invested time and money (Shut Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim vol. 4 40:19. Shut She'eilat Shlomo 2:374)!

B Eating Before Buying Q: Can I eat food in the supermarket before I buy it? A: No. 1. Perhaps the store does not permit it. 2. It causes suspicion in front of others (that you won't pay for it). 3. "One who eats in the market is similar to a dog" (Kiddushin 40b. see Shut She'eilat Shlomo 2:443, 3: 81).

B Flowers Q: Is it permissible to pick flowers in a public park? A: Certainly not. It is theft. B Public Property Q: Is it permissible to take some toilet paper to put in my pocket from a public bathroom? A: Yes. Since it is a minimal amount, it is allowed. B Betting Q: Is it permissible to bet money in a card game? CHOSHEN MISHPAT e353E

A: It is very bad (Rambam Gezela Ve-Aveda 6:10-11. See Aruch Ha-Shulchan 670:9. Biur Halachah ibid.).

B Return Stolen Money from Youth Q: When I was young, I stole little things here and there. The stores are no longer there and I do not even remember all of them. How do I repent? A: Estimate the amount and give it to Tzedakah.

B Stealing Sleep Q: Is there a concept of "stealing sleep" in Halachah? A: This is not stealing, but it is forbidden to distress another person. Love your fellow as yourself.

B Alarm Clock Q: Is it permissible for me to set a loud alarm clock if it will also wake up my roommates? A: Only if they agree, or if it is at the time when everyone needs to get up. If not, put it close to your ear in order not to disturb them.

B Charging Cell in Public Socket Q: Is it permissible to charge my cell phone in a public socket? A: Yes, it is a negligible amount of electricity and they will forgive it. e354E Short & Sweet

B Saving Seat Q: Is it permissible to save a seat on the Egged bus for my friend who is getting on at the next stop? A: It is permissible if there are open seats for the other peo- ple getting on.

B Returning Money Anonymously Q: I stole a book from a store and I am embarrassed to return it. What should I do? A: Return it or the money anonymously.

B Photocopying from a Book Q: Is it permissible to photocopy a few pages from a book as a teaching tool? A: Yes, because: 1. You are copying from the book for per- sonal use, which is permissible according to copyright law. 2. You do not intend to buy the book, in which case it is permissible according to Halachah.

B Picture without Permission Q: Is it permissible to take someone's picture without his permission? A: Certainly not. You must be sure that he agrees (Shut Mishneh Halachot 4:114. See, however, Shut Be-Tzel Ha-Chochmah 4:85. There is a famous picture of Maran Ha-Rav Kook sitting in an arm chair, which was taken with- out his knowledge when he was in London during the First World War. At the moment of the photograph he was wait- CHOSHEN MISHPAT e355E ing for a Brit Milah to take place. The photographer later came to Maran Ha-Rav, brought him the picture and said: Although I brazenly took his Honor's picture without his per- mission, I now request a favor from Ha-Rav: please allow me to publish this picture as a source of livelihood. Maran Ha-Rav responded with a smile on his face: Isn't it an ex- plicit verse in the Torah [Shemot 21:16]: "One who steals a man and sells him"! Maran Ha-Rav Kook ztz"l of Ha-Rav Z.A. Rabiner, pp. 110-111).

B Standing in Line Q: Can I ask my daughter to stand in line with an empty shopping cart while I collect the groceries and bring them? A: This is also cutting the line. B Substituting a lower number to move up in line Q: At the post office, you take a number and wait until your number comes up. I was waiting, and a woman – who had a lower number than me – got tired of waiting, put hers back on the machine and left. Is it permissible to take the lower number? A: You should not take it. Q: What if someone else is going to take it? A: You should not take it. You should wait your turn pa- tiently.

B Stealing from a Thief Q: Is it permissible for me to steal from someone who stole from me, since "one who steals from a thief is exempt"? e356E Short & Sweet

A: One is exempt from "Kefel" – paying back double (the punishment for stealing in this case), but not from the theft itself (Baba Kamma 69b and Chazon Ish, Choshen Mishpat 15:6).

B Monthly Bus Pass Q: Is it permissible to give one's monthly bus pass to an- other person? A: No. It is only for the person who buys it. For questions such as these, one should ask the company who provides the service.

B Bus Transfer Q: Is it permissible to give a bus transfer to a friend? A: No. It is designated for the one who purchased the ticket.

B Receipt Q: Is it permissible for a yeshiva student to buy something without a receipt? A: No. On the contrary, theft is forbidden to him even more than to others (Yoma 86a). Q: What if I already bought something? A: Donate the amount of the tax to the State, i.e. the army. (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 2:375)

B Private Marriage Q: I am about to get married to a woman, who because of CHOSHEN MISHPAT e357E the marriage, will lose a large sum of money she receives monthly for being an army widow. Can I marry her before two witnesses without registering with the Chief Rabbinate? A: It is forbidden. 1. According to the law. 2. According to the Halachah. 3. Theft.

B Hotel Soap Q: Is it permissible to take soap which is left over in our hotel room? A: Yes, it is a gift for the guest.

B Perfume in a store Q: Is it permissible to try on perfume in a store when I do not plan to buy it? A: It is forbidden. Not only is it deceptive (Genivat Da'at), but it is theft.

B Returning an Item Q: There is a new law which allows one to receive his money back when returning an item. Is it permissible to buy something with the intention of returning it? A: G-d forbid. It is deception (Genivat Da'at) and theft.

B Sneaking on the Bus Q: I saw two kids sneak on to the bus. What should I do? A: Point out to them that they should pay. If they do not listen – inform the driver. It is for their own good. e358E Short & Sweet

B Hotel Towels Q: Is it permissible to take towels from a hotel since every- one does it? A: G-d forbid. Just because everyone does something does not make it right. Q: What about the small soap and shampoo? A: This is allowed.

B Two Punches Q: The bus driver punched two holes on my bus pass in one spot. What should I do? A: Rip up the bus pass when one empty spot remains.

B Paying Taxes Q: Is there an explicit prohibition against avoiding taxes? A: It is theft. Shut Yechaveh Da'at (5:64) of Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef.

B Meeting in Hotel Lobby Q: Is it theft if I meet someone in the lobby of a hotel? A: Yes. You should order a drink.

B Poker Q: Is it permissible to play poker? A: It is obviously similar to all other types of nonsense. But if it is for small amounts of money – there is no problem of theft. CHOSHEN MISHPAT e359E

B Counterfeit Coin Q: Is it permissible to use a counterfeit coin which I re- ceived? If not, what should I do with it? A: It is forbidden to use it – it is theft. There is nothing you can do with it. May Hashem fill your lack.

B Reusing stamps Q: The postal service in America crosses lines through the stamps on a letter to show that it was processed and there- fore may not be reused. But sometimes there are no lines through the stamps. Can you reuse them? A: It is certainly forbidden. Ha-Rav Menashe Klein in Shut Mishneh Halachot (6:288) wrote that a stamp is how a Gov- ernment charges a person for the service provided of deliv- ering mail. If a Goverment has – as does the Government of the United States – equal laws for all of its citizens, the laws of "Dina De-Malchuta Dina" (the law of the land is the law) apply. Therefore, it is certainly forbidden to reuse a stamp, as the law states that you must pay a fee for sending a letter through the post office (Ha-Rav Klein alsi relates that when the Chafetz Chaim sent a letter through a messenger instead of through the mail, he would rip up a stamp. Ha-Rav Klein says that there is no halachic or legal obliga- tion to act this way, and the Chafetz Chaim did so in his great holiness and righteousness).

B Books in a Store Q: Is it permissible to read books in a store for a little while if I do not intend to buy them? e360E Short & Sweet

A: Certainly not. Book stores are not designed for this pur- pose.

B Supermarket Bags Q: Is it permissible for me to take extra bags from the su- permarket for personal use after shopping there? A: Certainly not. B Cutting Q: Is it permissible to cut a line if everyone is doing it? A: It is forbidden. The transgression of many does not make it permissible.

B Abandoned Fruit Q: If I am walking through an orchard it is permissible to pick fruit? A: It is certainly forbidden. And it is only permissible to take what is lying on the ground only if you are positive that the owner will not gather it.

B Taking Bottles from Recycling Bins Q: Is it permissible to remove bottles from the recycling bins that the city puts out and return them for the deposit? A: No, they belong to the municipality. B Fruit from Non-Jew's Orchard Q: A person picked fruit from a non-Jew's orchard without his permission and gave it to me. Is it permissible to eat it? CHOSHEN MISHPAT e361E

A: This is stealing and you should not be a party to it.

B Burning from a Scratched Disk Q: I bought a disk and it is scratched and it does not play well. Is it permissible to burn another one from it? A: Yes, this is like insurance.

B Samples Q: Is it permissible to try samples in the supermarket if I am certain that I will not buy them? A: No, it is "Genevat Da'at – deception."


B Lying to Help Someone Repent Q: Is it permissible to lie to a secular Jew with the goal of helping him repent? A: No, this is not the way. The Torah is the Torah of truth. It is similar to a salesman selling a damaged item and de- ceiving the buyer. The Torah is the most supreme good (see Eder Ha-Yakar of Maran Ha-Rav Kook).

B Lying for a Job Q: Is it permissible to lie about my age and add a year so I can get a job? My age will not affect my job performance. A: It is not permissible to lie. One does not have to tell eve- rything, but it is forbidden to lie. e362E Short & Sweet

B So My Parents Won't Worry Q: Is it permissible to lie to my parents, and say that I am not entering Gaza to fight so they will not worry? A: Yes. It is lying for their sake. B When Mom's Resting Q: My mother is exhausted and asks me to tell people who call that she is sleeping. Is it permissible? A: It is permissible to lie for the sake of peace. B Surpise!!! Q: Is it permissible to lie for the sake of a surprise birthday party? A: Certainly. This is not the type of lie the Torah forbids.


B Amount Q: If someone breaks one of my things that now costs more than the price I paid for it, how much does he have to pay? A: It is a dispute. According to the Rambam – the price at the time of the damage, and according to the Raavad – the price at which it was bought. We hold that he must pay the price at which it can be purchased in the marketplace.

B Broken in the Mail Q: I ordered something by mail and it arrived broken. Who is responsible for the damage? CHOSHEN MISHPAT e363E

A: The sender. He is obligated to wrap it properly so that it will not break. If it was wrapped properly, the postal serv- ice is responsible.

B Using Payment for Another Purpose Q: Someone damaged my car and paid restitution. Is it permissible for me to use the money for a different purpose? A: Yes. He is obligated to pay for the damage, but the money is yours.

B Damage during Game Q: A friend poured water on me. I poured water on him and his cell phone was damaged. Do I have to pay? A: No. He accepted on himself the general rules of the game that you would pour water on him (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 2:390-391).

B Book of Tehillim Q: I soaked a Book of Tehillim belonging to a hospital with my tears. Do I have to pay? A: No, this is its use (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 340:1).

B Paying for Child's Damage Q: Do parents have to pay for something a child breaks? A: Yes, to save him from heavenly punishment when he reaches adulthood, and to save him from the Beit Din that has to punish him (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:454). e364E Short & Sweet

B Broken Shoelace Q: I borrowed a pair of shoes and one of the laces broke because it was weak. Do I have to pay? A: If you used it in a normal manner without pulling too hard, you are exempt from paying based on "[an animal] dying from [normal] work" (in which one does not have to pay).

B Injured while Swinging Q: If a child is swinging on a swing and another child runs under him and is injured, who is at fault? A: The child who is running, since the child who is swinging is acting in the normal manner.

B Damages for Broken Marriage Q: A bride found out a few days before the wedding that the groom had emotional difficulties. She therefore canceled the wedding. Is she obligated to pay financial damages? A: No, it is obvious that she would not have agreed to the marriage if she had known. On the contrary, the groom's family should pacify her and compensate her for her pain and suffering.

Bal Tashchit (Wanton Destruction)

B Water Gun Q: Is it a waste of water – Bal Tashchit – for children to play with water guns? CHOSHEN MISHPAT e365E

A: No, since playing is considered essential for children, and the water guns use a negligible amount of water.

B Project with Noodles Q: Is it permissible to do a project with children in which we take noodles, color them, and make a necklace, or is it Bal Tashchit? A: It is permissible. Bal Tashchit is destroying something when there is no need. Children playing and learning is con- sidered a need (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:128).

B Throwing out Immodest Clothing Q: Is it permissible to throw away an immodest piece of clothing or is it Bal Tashchit? A: It is permissible. Bal Tashchit only applies to destroying something for no reason.

B Throwing out a TV Q: Does one violate Bal Tashchit by throwing a working television in the garbage? A: No, on the contrary, it is a Mitzvah.

B Recycling Q: Is there an obligation to recycle newspapers and bottles? A: No, but it is proper to do so. By the way, in many places in America, it is obligatory by law. e366E Short & Sweet


B Tree Hanging over into a Neighbor's Yard Q: If a tree is hanging into a neighbor's yard and it is both- ering him, is the owner of the tree obligated to trim it? A: No. But, the one who is being disturbed may trim it. Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 155:32. Shut Chelkat Yaakov 1:175. Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 417:4. LASHON HA-RA (speaking ill against others)

B Severity of Lashon Ha-Ra Q: If Lashon Ha-Ra is so horrible as to be compared to murder, forbidden sexual acts and idol worship, then why isn't it mentioned in the Shulchan Aruch? A: Thing which are horrible but known to all are not brought in the Shulchan Aruch. For example, murder, for- bidden sexual acts and idol worship…

B Merits and Demerits Q: It is written that if a man speaks Lashon Ha-Ra his mer- its are transferred to the person he spoke Lashon Ha-Ra about and that person's demerits are transferred to him. Is this correct? A: Yes. It is in the book "Chovot Ha-Levavot", brought in the Chafetz Chaim's "Shemirat Ha-Lashon," and is also found in the Zohar.

B Refraining from Sinning Q: When I refrain from sinning, such as not speaking Lashon Ha-Ra, is it considered a Mitzvah? A: Yes, when you overcome your inclination. Kiddushin 39. For example, overcoming the urge to take revenge. e368E Short & Sweet

B Parents and Lashon Ha-Ra Q: If my parents are speaking Lashon Ha-Ra at a meal, what should I do? A: Try to steer the conversation in a different direction, humbly point it out, or leave the table in an inconspicuous manner.

B Segulah against Cancer Q: Is it true that someone who refrains from speaking Lashon Ha-Ra will not only be cured from cancer, but will not get the disease in the first place? A: Every Mitzvah brings blessing, and guarding one's tongue certainly helps more than other Segulot, which are not Mitzvot.

B Informing Someone that you Spoke Lashon Ha-Ra about Him Q: I spoke Lashon Ha-Ra about someone but he does not know about it. Should I ask his forgiveness? A: No. On the contrary, it will cause him pain. You should repent to Hashem. Rabbi Yisrael Salanter (see Chafetz Chaim, Hilchot Lashon Ha-Ra 4:12. Mishnah Berurah 606:3. Halichot Shlomo 1:3 #6).

B Lashon Ha-Ra about Me Q: People are always speaking Lashon Ha-Ra about me. What should I do? LASHON HA-RA e369E

A: Be the type of person that even if people speak Lashon Ha-Ra about you, no one will believe it.

B In Diary Q: Is it permissible to write Lashon Ha-Ra in my personal diary? A: Yes, but you must be careful to judge people favorably. B Bad Breath Q: My good friend has terribly bad breath. Should I tell him? He will be hurt. A: Tell him gently that you have an unusual sensitivity. B Visiting Parents who Speak Lashon Ha-Ra Q: Should I visit my parents or talk to them on the tele- phone if they always speak Lashon Ha-Ra? A: Certainly. And if they begin to speak Lashon Ha-Rav humbly steer the conversation in a different direction.

B Thinking Ill Q: If I thought ill about another person, but did not tell an- yone, is it considered Lashon Ha-Ra? A: No, it is considered not giving the benefit of the doubt, since one is obligated to give others the benefit of the doubt.

B The Public's Right to Know Q: Is there a concept in the Torah of "the public's right to know"? e370E Short & Sweet

A: This is "Lashon Ha-Ra" except in rare cases.

B Repairing the Damage Q: How do I fix having spoken Lashon Ha-Ra? A: You must repair the damage among those who heard you speak it.

B Lashon Ha-Ra about One's Self Q: What is the source that it is forbidden for a person to relate Lashon Ha-Ra about himself? A: There is no such Halachah. It is a personal decision based on the circumstance. PROPER CHARACTER TRAITS

B Garbage Q: Is it a Mitzvah or a proper custom to pick up garbage outside? A: Proper custom.

B Jealousy Q: How does one overcome jealousy? A: Read what is written in Chapter 11 of Mesilat Yesharim.

B Anger Q: I want to overcome my trait of anger. What should I do? A: Read a lot of Mesilat Yesharim.

B Anger Management Q: What should I do if I am angry? A: Count to 10. Q: What if it doesn't help? A: Count to 100 and read Mesilat Yesharim.

B Anger at Parents Q: During therapy, I express anger at my parents for what they have done to me, but our Sages teach that one who gets angry is like one who worships idols. What should I do? e372E Short & Sweet

A: It is permissible during therapy, since the purpose of therapy is to liberate yourself from the anger.

B Pride Q: Is it permissible to tell my grandmother that I received a good grade on a test in order to make her happy, or is this arrogance? A: It is permissible and a Mitzvah. One’s intention is the deciding factor here.

B Stringencies Q: Is it proper to be strict according to Halachah? A: After fulfilling what is obligatory. See Mesilat Yesharim, Sha'ar Ha-Perishut.

B Laziness Q: How can one overcome laziness? A: Mesilat Yesharim chapters 6, 7, 8 & 9. Repair yourself slowly, in stages.

B Drinking Q: A friend told me that it is permissible to drink alcohol since the Torah does not say that it is forbidden. Why does- n't the Torah relate to drinking alcohol? A: It is included in "And follow in His ways" (Devarim 28:9), i.e. upright and healthy behavior (Rambam, Hilchot Deot chap. 1 & 4). PROPER CHARACTER TRAITS e373E

B Arrogance Q: Is arrogance an evil character trait in and of itself or is it considered bad because it causes other bad things? A: Both. See Musar Avicha of Maran Ha-Rav Kook.

B Cell Phone on the Bus Q: Someone is sleeping next to me on the bus. Is it per- missible for me to talk on my cell phone? A: Yes. Quietly. In any event, one must always speak softly there and in any public area in order not to bother others, and to prevent them from having access to your personal life.

B Depression Q: Is it a halachic problem to be in a state of depression? How does one get out of it? A: It is a good characteristic to be happy. You seek profes- sional help.

B Smile, Be Happy Q: I have a serious looking face, but I want to be someone who smiles. How do I succeed? A: Practice five minutes a day in front of a mirror, and be- gin to smile in stages: first at your family and friends, then at others. e374E Short & Sweet

B Profanity Q: Is there a concrete halachic prohibition against using ob- scene language? A: Certainly, and it is severe. See Mesilat Yesharim, Chap- ter 11.

B Fear Q: Where can I read about strengthening myself intellectu- ally against fear? A: Mesilat Yesharim, end of Chapter 9.

B Jealousy Q: How do I overcome the jealousy which bubbles up in- side of me? A: By understanding that Hashem gives each person ex- actly what is good for him, and that one's kingdom does not overlap, even a little, with another's. Mesilat Yesharim, Chapter 11. MEDICAL ETHICS

B Medicine Q: Is it a Mitzvah to take medicine which a doctor pre- scribed for me? A: Yes. The Torah commands "And he shall surely heal him." It is a Mitzvah to be healed by a doctor (Baba Kama 85a).

B Jewish DNA Q: Is it possible to prove someone's Jewishness by their DNA? A: No. Although there is above-average closeness of ge- netic material among Jews, it is merely statistical. And after all, people converted to Judaism from among 200 different races.

B Egg Implantation Q: I learned that if a woman is unable to become pregnant, some authorities allow the implantation of her egg in an- other woman. In such a case, who is considered the mother? A: There are four opinions: The donor, the one who is pregnant and gives birth, both of them, neither of them. The bottom line, however, is that the woman who donates the egg is extremely happy to have a baby. e376E Short & Sweet

B Pre-Natal Testing Q: Should one have pre-natal testing or is it preferable to trust in Hashem? A: Trusting in Hashem is only where Hashem explicitly in- formed you that He will take care of you without you having to exert any effort. He did not say such a thing in this area, and He commanded that one should follow the instructions of doctors (see Rabbi Avraham ben Ha-Rambam, Ha-Maspik Le-Ovdei Hashem, Sha'ar Ha-Bitachon. Kovetz Teshuvot of Ha-Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv vol. 1).

B Sperm Bank Q: Is it a Mitzvah to donate to a sperm bank? A: It is a transgression.

B Hypnotism Q: Is it permissible to use hypnotism for medical treatments or is it nonsense? A: It has value as an addition to treatment, but only by a person who has legal permission to do so.

B Vaccinations Q: Should we have our children vaccinated? People men- tion that there are risks involved. A: The chances of side-effects are extremely low compared to the hundreds of millions of children who receive vaccina- tions. With a few exceptions, all of the doctors in Israel, Eu- rope, America and the World Health Organization recom- MEDICAL ETHICS e377E mend it. In life-threatening situations we follow the majority, and all the more so when the minority of cases of side ef- fects is (numerically) negligible (see Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 618:1-4).

B Divine Providence Q: If a person is seriously injured, why do doctors care for him? Aren’t they interfering with Hashem's will? A: It is also Hashem's will that they heal him, as it is written: "And he should surely heal" (Shemot 25:19. Baba Kama 85b).

B Organ Donation Q: Is it permissible to donate organs after death? A: It is a great Mitzvah of saving lives. "Love your fellow as yourself." Q: Including the cornea? A: Yes, every organ. Q: Isn't it a Mitzvah to bury all organs? A: It is superseded by the Mitzvah of saving a life. And the organ also comes back to life in the recipient. Q: Isn't there a fear that they will take the organ before the sick person is completely dead? A: G-d forbid. They only take from the person after brain stem death. Q: What will happen to these organs during the Resurrec- tion of the Dead? e378E Short & Sweet

A: A limb which was used for a great Mitzvah will appear illuminated with an even greater light.

B Receiving Organs from One who Commited Suicide Q: Is it permissible to receive organs from a Jew who com- mitted suicide? A: Certainly. This is will be a spiritual rectification for him.

B Organ Donor Card and Honoring Parents Q: Is it permissible to sign an organ donor card? My parents oppose it. A: It is a great Mitzvah to save lives. Parents cannot prevent their child from performing a Mitzvah (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 240:15). Q: What is the value of an organ donor card if the family makes the final decision anyway? A: It has a major influence on their decision.

B Plastic Surgery Q: Is it permissible for a woman to have plastic surgery? A: Not to increase beauty, but only to remove an ugliness (Shut Igrot Moshe, Choshen Mishpat 2:66. Shut Tzitz Eliezer 11:41).

B Reflexology Q: Ha-Rav, you were right! Reflexology is nonsense. It is a MEDICAL ETHICS e379E pity that I did not listen to you. We would have saved a lot of money and anguish. A: May Hashem bless you.

B Medical Clowns Q: Is medical clowning forbidden like other forms of frivol- ity or it is permissible? A: Frivolity is forbidden. Avodah Zarah 18b. But jesting for a good reason is permissible, like mocking idol worship. Me- gillah 25b. And our Sages praise two men who would make the sad happy by joking around. Ta'anit 22b. Medical clowning is therefore permissible and a Mitzvah. But only a man for a man and a woman for a woman.

B Anorexia Q: What should be done with a young woman who is anorexic and refuses food and treatment? A: There is no choice, she must eat and have treatment. This is a life-threatening situation. She must therefore be hospitalized.

B Sperm Donation to a Single Woman Q: Is it permissible for a forty-year old, single woman, who has given up on getting married, to undergo artificial insem- ination from a sperm bank? A: No. This is giving birth to an orphaned child. Turn to a good Shiduch agency and freeze eggs in the meantime (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 4:277). e380E Short & Sweet

B Smoking Q: Is smoking against the Torah? A: Definitely. Rambam, Hilchot De'ot, chap. 4. In Israel, 10,000 people die every year from smoking. And thousands are sick with cancer from it (Shut Aseh Lecha Rav, begin- ning of vol. 2).

B Inducing Labor Q: Is it permissible to induce labor? A: Yes, if a doctor instructs you to do so. Q: This doesn't have an effect on the child's soul? A: It is Hashem's will that the birth be hastened by doctors (Shut Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 2:74. Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef in Taharat HaBayit, p. 59. Shut Shevet Ha-Levy 6:228).

B Homeopathic Medicine Q: Under what conditions is it permissible to use Homeo- pathic medicine? A: Since it is not useful, only as a supplement and not a substitute (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:337).

B Alternative Medicine Q: What is Ha-Rav's opinion regarding alternative medi- cine? A: The majority is nonsense, the minority is true. MEDICAL ETHICS e381E

B Rambam's Medical Books Q: Should we follow the books of medicine of the Ram- bam? A: No, this is old medicine. See Rambam, Hilchot De'ot 4:18 with Kesef Mishnah and introduction of Rabbi Avraham ben Ha-Rambam to Ein Yaakov.

B Drugs Q: Where is it written that it is forbidden to use drugs? A: Pesachim 113a. Shut Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 3:35. Nishmat Avraham, Choshen Mishpat 155:2 in the name of Ha-Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. But there is no need for a source, since it is dangerous. Rambam, Hilchot De'ot, chap. 4. Q: Is it forbidden to smoke light drugs? A: There is no such thing as light drugs. All of them are heavy. It is forbidden according to Halachah: Rambam, Hilchot Deot chap. 4, and the secular law: one can be im- prisoned for it. HOLOCAUST B Mention in Sources Q: Is an event as meaningful as the Holocaust mentioned in the Prophets? A: Yes. The curses in Bechukotai, the curses in Ki Tavo, Ha-Azinu. B G-d during the Holocaust Q: Why did Hashem abandon us during the Holocaust? A: It is spitting in the face of six million Jews to discuss this in a text message. You can call me or look in my book "Orot Mei-Ofel." B Explaining Holocaust Q: How should I respond to a secular person who asks where was Hashem during the Holocaust? A: I do not know how to respond to this question in a text message. Therefore, ask someone who can answer in a text message or read my book on the topic. I feel, however, that even after reading the book you will not know how to re- spond. It is a secret of Hashem. B Story of Self-Sacrifice of Bais Yaakov Girls Q: Was the story about the 93 Bais Yaakov girls commit- ting suicide instead of falling into the hands of the Nazis cor- rect according to the Halachah? A: Yes. See Tosafot 57b d.h. kaftzu. But this story does not HOLOCAUST e383E have historical documentation except for a letter which seems unreliable.

B Pictures from the Holocaust Q: Is it permissible to look at pictures from the Holocaust of Jewish women without clothes? A: G-d forbid. 1. It is immodest. 2. It is a horrible infringe- ment on the honor of these women, may Hashem revenge their blood. What would you do if it was your mother?!

B Fast Day for Holocaust Q: Why didn't the Rabbis establish a fast day for the Hol- ocaust? A: It is included in Tisha Be-Av with all of the other trage- dies of the Exile.

B Traveling to Poland #1 Q: Is it worthwhile to travel to Poland in order to see what the Jews went through? A: No. 1. It is forbidden to leave Israel (except under spe- cific circumstances). 2. It is giving money to murderers. It is preferable to visit Yad Vashem, and give the money you would have spent on the trip to poor Holocaust survivors who are here now (Be-Ahavah U-Be-Emunah vol. 3 #44).

B Traveling to Poland #2 Q: Should one travel to Poland out of identification with the Holocaust? I heard that it is forbidden but doesn't one need to have a little humanity? A: If you identify, give your money to a Holocaust survivor who lives in Israel and does not have money for food and medicine, instead of using it to visit reconstructed trees and stones. One needs to have a little humanity!


B Original Color of Jews Q: What was the original skin color of Jews? Black? White? A: Not black and not white but in the middle, brown like an acacia tree. Mishnah Nega'im 2:1.

B Holy Nation Q: Did Maran Ha-Rav Kook really refer to the Nation of Israel as a Holy Nation, despite all of its sins? A: Yes, when he served as the Rabbi of Yafo, a secular city, he signed: Servant to the Holy Nation in the Holy Land.

B "May his name be blotted out" Q: Is it permissible to say "May his name be blotted out" for an evil Jew, or for a policeman or soldier who expelled Jews? A: It is forbidden. If a man dies childless, his wife must marry the brother of her deceased husband ("Yibum"). The Torah says that the reason for "Yibum" is so that "his name is not erased from Israel" (Devarim 25:6). But what should I care if his (the evil Jew's) name is erased? If I say "may his name and memory be blotted out," what is the problem if AM YISRAEL e385E his name is erased from Israel? There is no Halachah, how- ever, which eliminates the need to perform "Yibum" for a sinning Jew (Shulchan Aruch, Even Ha-Ezer 157:3). This therefore means that I must be concerned that his name not be erased from Israel (In the name of the Sochachover Rebbe, the author of "Avnei Nezer").

B Terrorist Attack Q: On the day of a terrorist attack, should we still go on our family trip which we had planned in order to rejuvenate ourselves? A: Yes. You should continue. This is similar to removing the dead from before the bride. See Rashi on the death of Nadav and Avihu. Their bodies were removed and the in- auguration of the Mishkan continued.

B Klal Yisrael Q: Is it true that one who excludes others from Klal Yisrael actually excludes himself? A: Yes. Pri Ha-Aretz. Brought in Olat Re'eiyah vol. 2, p. 468.

B Religious and Secular Q: Why are religious and secular Jews always in conflict with one another? A: There is no "always". 99% of the religious and secular get along just fine. There are individuals, who don't repre- sent anyone but themselves, who try to cause conflict, and the media shows it for all to see. e386E Short & Sweet

B Loving Hashem Q: What is more important – love of Hashem or love of Israel? A: They go together. True love of Hashem automatically leads one to the love of Israel.

B Black Hebrews Q: Are the Black Jews in Dimona considered Jewish? Should I donate to them? A: They are not Jewish, and you should donate to Jews.

B Secular in Israel or Religious outside of Israel Q: Theoretically, is it better to be a secular Jew who lives in Israel and works to build it than an observant Jew who lives outside of Israel and is not concerned about it? A: Theoretically, no, a person is judged by the majority of his actions, but the Master of the Universe is the only True Judge.

B Difference of Opinion Q: I became religious and am Ultra-Orthodox. My sister be- came religious and is a Religious Zionist. This causes us to fight all the time. How do we reach some level of agree- ment? A: Difference of opinion is permissible, but division of hearts is forbidden. You should know that what you share is much greater than what separates you. AM YISRAEL e387E

B Unity among the Nation Q: Does the unity we saw among the Nation during the process to free Gilad Shalit signify something, such as the arrival of the Redemption? A: Baruch Hashem, the Redemption began 130 years ago with the , the building of the Land, the estab- lishment of the State and the return of the Torah to Eretz Yisrael. Unity also returned, and the greatest unity is found in Tzahal with the self-sacrifice of one for another.

B Nation, Land or Torah of Israel Q: Which is more important – the Nation of Israel, the Land of Israel or the Torah of Israel? A: Ha-Rav Chanan Porat related that the students at Yeshivat Mercaz Ha-Rav once discussed this question at length. They turned to our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, and asked him. Our Rabbi smiled and said: We are involved in wholeness. We want wholeness and not only a part. This was already written in the Torah (Shemot 24:7): "Everything which Hashem said, we will perform and we will listen." We are obligated to do everything: The Nation of Israel, the Land of Israel and the Torah of Israel. Everything.

B Ha-Rav Q: I saw that there was a comparison between the views of Kahane and the Nazi abomination. Is this true? A: Not all severe errors or lack of morality is Nazism, G-d forbid. And you should call him: Ha-Rav Kahane. e388E Short & Sweet

Q: Why does Ha-Rav hold that Ha-Rav Kahane severely erred and had a lack of morality? A: I did not write that Rav Kahane had a lack of morality but that part of his view contained a lack of morality. It is permissible to argue with the view of a Torah scholar but this does not permit one to say that the Torah scholar him- self is immoral. Rav Kahane was a righteous man, who dis- played self-sacrifice for the Nation of Israel and was mur- dered for the sanctification of Hashem's Name. But there are a few difficulties with his view. A big problem is his relating to secular Jews as Hellenists, which goes against the Mitzvah of "Love your fellow as yourself." This is a severe error and lack of morality, i.e. how to treat another Jew. Obviously, this is no way lessens his positive attributes and the positive parts of his outlook.

B Calling a Jew "Nazi" Q: What is the difference between a soldier who expelled Jews from Gush Katif and a Nazi? A: Someone asked this a week ago about Ha-Rav Kahane. And someone once called Tzahal "Judeo-Nazis." And some- one once referred to Ashkenazic Jews "AshkeNAZIS." We therefore want to make it clear once and for all that it is forbidden to call a Jew a "Nazi." Someone who calls his fel- low "wicked" will have his livelihood negatively affected (Kiddushin 28a. Rashi, Tosafot and Ri Ha-Zaken ibid.). Our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, harshly scorned people who called a Jew "wicked," but he never even imagined that they would called him a "Nazi" (see Sichot Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah – Shemot, p. 45). AM YISRAEL e389E

B Communal Struggles Q: Is there justification for destroying the possessions of left-wing activists? A: The main principle of communal struggles, and life in general, is that we do not fulfill a Mitzvah through a trans- gression. Violence, insults and hatred are transgressions.

B Ahavat Yisrael Q: Why doesn't the Shulchan Aruch quote the Mitzvah of "Love your fellow as yourself"? A: He does not bring things which are simple and known. But the Magen Avraham quotes it in chap. 156.

B Kiruv Q: How can we help the entire Nation of Israel repent? A: There is no wonder drug. We ourselves must be upright people. And, by the way, our Nation is returning to tradi- tion. Just one example: there were once 20 members of the Knesset who declared themselves anti-religious, and now there are only 3 (see "Eder Ha-Yakar" of Maran Ha-Rav Kook).

B Secular Jew Q: What is the problem with being a secular Jew, if I have proper character traits and contribute to the State of Israel? A: You are in these ways similar to the religious among the nations of the world. But we must add holiness. The Jewish soul does not give up. RELIGIOUS ANTI-ZIONISTS

B Satmar Rebbe Q: How should one relate to the Satmar Rebbe and Ha-Rav Elchanan Wasserman, who scorned Maran Ha-Rav Kook? A: They erred severely in this area, but we are still obligated to honor them (Shut Radvaz 4:187. Ma'amrei Ha-Re'eiyah, p. 56. See Shut Bnei Banim 2:34).

B Satmar Book Q: I have a Satmar book with quotes against the State of Israel. Should I throw it in the garbage? A: No. It also contains sacred words. Place it in the Geniza.

B Obligation to Hate Q: Is there an obligation to hate those Jews from who visited Iran? A: G-d forbid. One must love every Jew. But it is permis- sible to wage war against their opinions. They are confused.

B Neturei Karta Q: There are Rabbis from Neturei Karta who participated in a Holocaust Denial Conference in Iran, and other Rabbis called to excommunicate them. What is Ha-Rav's opinion? A: Do not excommunicate. Those Rabbis who participated are abnormal. RELIGIOUS ANTI-ZIONISTS e391E

B Counting Neturei Karta in Minyan Q: Is it permissible to count someone from Neturei Karta in a Minyan? A: Of course! There is no question here.

B Satmar Shul Q: If there is no other Minyan, is it permissible to daven in a Satmar Shul, even though they are against the State of Israel? A: Yes. Do not excommunicate people.

B Praying for the Health of a Neturei Karta Q: One of the leaders of Neturei Karta is very ill and is in the hospital. Should we pray that he dies? After all, he has blood on his hands for actively supporting our enemies. A: We should certainly pray for his recovery. He is in the category of a confused person. ZIONISM

B Zionist Q: What is the definition of a Zionist? A: One who supports our national revival in our State and Land.

B The Book "Dat Ha-Tziyonut" (The Zionist Religion) Q: I saw a book called "Dat Ha-Tziyonut" which is full of lies and malicious comments against Torah scholars. I am surprised that Ultra-Orthodox Rabbis do not protest against it. A: I did not read it since it is forbidden to read such things. But who said that they did not protest? Ha-Rav Ovadiah Yosef said in response that it is forbidden to speak against Rav Kook who was an angel of Hashem ( And Ha-Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv was shocked at how the author forfeited his World to Come by shaming Torah schol- ars. And he made harsher comments which I do not want to mention.

B Truth about Herzl Q: Where can I read the truth about Herzl without false def- amations? A: Herzl – A New Reading, by Dr. Yitzchak Weiss. ZIONISM e393E

B Herzl Q: Is it true that Herzl had a plan for all of Israel to convert to Christianity? A: A delusional idea when he was young that the weak convert to Christianity. It was not a plan which was ever sug- gested but something he wrote for himself in his diary, when he was a "Tinok She-nishba" (literally Jewish children cap- tured and raised among non-Jews but meaning a Jew who did not receive a proper Jewish upbringing and education). He later worked to establish a State of the Jews and a Jew- ish State (Herzl: A New Reading, by Dr. Weiss, p. 65).

B Lashon Ha-Ra about Herzl Q: Is it permissible to speak Lashon Hara about Herzl? A: He is a Divine messenger who helped awaken the idea of our national revival.

B "It would have been better to stay in Exile…" Q: How should we answer those who claim: “It would have been better to stay in Exile and remain religious than return- ing to our Land and becoming irreligious”? A: Nonsense. Some researchers say that since the Holo- caust another 6 million Jews have assimilated. This is known as “The Invisible Holocaust.” In New York State, 56% of Jews currently intermarry. And in other States, the number reaches 85%. Eretz Yisrael, however, is full of Torah. HEBREW

B Hebrew Pronunciation during Prayer Q: May one use modern Hebrew pronunciation during prayer? A: Rabbenu Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah rules that one should use the custom of his forefathers: Ashkenazi, Sefardi, Yem- enite, etc. But if one is accustomed to using an Israeli ac- cent, and will not concentrate properly if he uses his forefathers' accent, he should choose proper concentration (Techumin vol. 3, p. 388).

B Hebrew Pronunciation Q: What is the most precise pronunciation of Hebrew? A: We do not know. Everyone should follow the tradition of his ancestors (see Shut Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim 3:5).

B Avraham's language at home Q: What language did Avraham Avinu speak to Terach? Was it Hebrew? A: It seems that he spoke Aramaic to Terach, since Lavan – who was from Avraham's hometown – spoke Aramaic, and the Torah even quotes it.

B Name of Months Q: Why are the names of the months in Babylonian and not in Hebrew? HEBREW e395E

A: They are a remembrance of the second Redemption (Ramban on Shemot 12:1).

B Yiddish or Hebrew? Q: Should we speak Yiddish? A: Our language is Hebrew. We should not speak Yiddish unless a person does not understand Hebrew.

B Speaking Hebrew Q: Is it permissible to use English and Yiddish words while speaking? A: One should speak pure Hebrew. Sifre – Devarim 46. ERETZ YISRAEL

B Beauty of Eretz Yisrael Q: How is it possible that there are places more beautiful in the world than in Eretz Yisrael? A: There aren't! A man does not love his wife because she is beautiful, but on account of his love for her, she is the most beautiful in the world. See Netiv Ha-Emet of Maharal. And the same applies to our Land.

B Traveling outside of Eretz Yisrael Q: What is the source for the prohibition of traveling out- side of Eretz Yisrael for a trip? A: Rambam, Melachim 5:9. Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 531:4. Q: To visit close family? A: It is permissible if they do not come here.

B Impurity of Outside of Israel Q: Rabbis tell me that it is forbidden to leave Israel because it will make my soul impure, but I do not feel this impurity. Is it permissible for me to travel there? A: The Halachah is that it is forbidden, even if you do not feel it. Similarly, it is forbidden to eat something non-Kosher even if you do not feel that it makes you impure. ERETZ YISRAEL e397E

B Trip to Jordan Q: Is it permissible to visit Jordan? A: 1. It is Eretz Yisrael, but not under Israeli sovereignty. One should therefore refrain from traveling there. And the same applies to the Sinai. 2. It is dangerous (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 3:312).

B Raising Small Animals in Eretz Yisrael Q: Is it permissible to raise small animals in the Land of Israel today? [This is based on the Mishnah in Baba Kamma (79b) that one may not raise small animals, i.e. goats and sheep, in the Land of Israel, to prevent the destruction of crops due to the animals' grazing (Rashi)]. A: On condition that the animals are well guarded, so there is no damage to your neighbors' property.

B Christians in Israel Q: How should we relate to Christians who want to be drafted into Tzahal and establish a settlement in the Shomron? A: We do not encourage Christians to live in the Land. This is the Land of Avraham Avinu who fought against idol wor- ship.

B Palestinian State Q: Is it permissible to establish a Palestinian State on con- dition that the settlements remain in place? A: Certainly not! Besides the fact that this is not realistic, e398E Short & Sweet there is the Mitzvah of settling the Land of Israel, and it is not only the issue of individuals living in the Land, but – first and foremost – a national matter in which all of this Land is under our control and not under the control of another nation (Sefer Ha-Mitzvot of the Rambam, additions of the Ramban, Positive Mitzvah #4).

B Giving Away Parts of Eretz Yisrael Q: If, in theory, giving away a small part of Eretz Yisrael would bring true peace, would it be permissible? A: No. Just like you would not give your wife to your neighbor for a short time in order to bring peace between you and your neighbor. In any case, one should not deal with unrealistic questions.

B War over Yehudah and Shomron Q: What did Rabbenu Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah mean when he said: "There will be a war over Yehudah and Shomron"? A: He himself explained in writing and orally (recorded) that this is not practical instruction but an educational idea to awaken self-sacrifice. He never gave a practical ruling to act in this way. And see Baba Batra 130b, that in order to follow a given instruction it must be given as a clear halachic ruling.

B Palestinian State Q: How should we relate to the suggestion of the establish- ment of a Palestinian State? A: It is a religious, national and ethical sin. And this is also ERETZ YISRAEL e399E true from the perspective of international law, since the League of Nations decided in the year 5680 to establish a state for us that includes all of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as well as East Jerusalem. And this was approved by the United Nations.

B UN Q: What will happen if the UN decides on a Palestinian State? A: Nothing. Terrorists, as is their way, are trying to hurt us, which they do in any event. And the Eternal One of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.

B Ashkenazi Q: What is the meaning of the word "Ashkenazi"? A: A Jew who comes from the Exile of Ashkenaz, i.e. Ger- many. We should not use the term "Ashkenazi" rather we should say one who immigrated from the Exile of Ashkenaz, and we should not say "Sefardi", but rather one who immi- grated from the Exile of Sefard. The same applies to Yemen, Ethiopia, etc. None of these is our land.

B "We will not forget" Q: Is there a problem with the saying: "We will not forget and we will not forgive" (coined after the expulsion from Gush Katif)? A: No, but don't make it the essence. e400E Short & Sweet

B Dwelling in Jerusalem Q: Why did you establish a Yeshiva in the so-called Muslim Quarter? A: It is a Mitzvah to dwell in the entire breadth of our Land, and all the more so in Jerusalem, and all the more so in the heart of Jerusalem.

B Law Q: Is it permissible to break the law for the sake of Eretz Yisrael? A: No. We do not perform a Mitzvah through a transgres- sion.

B Orange Band Q: What is the meaning of the orange band? A: Faith in the revival of the Nation in its Land according to its Torah.

B Partial Aliyah Q: A family is unable to make Aliyah because of the diffi- culty of finding a livelihood, unless the father continues to work outside of Israel and comes once in a while. Is this ac- ceptable? A: Such an arrangement is okay for the time being.

B Tachanun on the Day One Made Aliyah Q: Do I recite Tachanun on the anniversary of making Ali- yah? ERETZ YISRAEL e401E

A: No. It is a holiday. The Rambam established a personal holiday on the day he made Aliyah.

B Trouble in the Holy Land Q: Why do we have so many troubles in our Land? What is Hashem trying to tell us? A: We actually have very few troubles. On the contrary. Hashem is revealing that He is redeeming us.

B Anti-Semitism Q: Is it permissible to vote for an anti-Semitic party outside of Israel so that the situation will be bad for the Jews there and cause them to make Aliyah? A: G-d forbid. We need to be concerned with the well-be- ing of our brothers. At the same time, we should encourage them to make Aliyah.

B Separation Fence Q: What is the Torah's stance regarding the Separation Fence? A: It is a mistake. All of our Land belongs to us.

B The Power of Walking in Eretz Yisrael Q: Anyone who walks four amot (6 feet) in the Land of Israel has a portion in the World to Come – even a sinner? A: A small portion (Ketubot 111a. See Introduction to Kum Hithalech Ba-Aretz). e402E Short & Sweet

B Endangering One's Life and Eretz Yisrael Q: Which is more important – settling Eretz Yisrael or pro- tecting one's life? A: One must display self-sacrifice for Eretz Yisrael – making Aliyah, settling it and protecting it in the army – but it is forbidden to take excessive risks (Minchat Chinuch #425).

B Violent Evacuation Q: Should one go to try to stop the evacuation of an out- post when there is sure to be violent clashes with the police and army? A: Certainly not. One does not perform a Mitzvah through a transgression. This adds nothing to the Nation of Israel – on the contrary – it damages.

B Gush Katif Museum Q: Should one visit the Gush Katif Museum? A: Yes, making sure to guard his Ahavat Yisrael (love of every Jew).

B Films about Gush Katif Q: Should we show children films about the expulsion from Gush Katif? A: It is forbidden to watch films which awaken the evil in- clination. See Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 307:16. This includes the inclination of hatred. ERETZ YISRAEL e403E

B Danger in Hevron Q: Is it dangerous to be in Hevron? A: No. It is a miniscule risk, and we may take a miniscule risk for the sake of a Mitzvah or for making a living (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah #157. Pitchei Teshuvah).

B Masada Q: Is what happened on Masada proper according to Ha- lachah? A: According to Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren – yes, and accord- ing to Ha-Rav Moshe Tzvi Neriya – no. Some historians claim that the whole story never occurred.

B Miriam's Well Q: Is Miriam's Well located in the Kinneret? A: Yes, but we do not know where. In order to locate something like this, one needs Ruach Ha-Kodesh (as the Arizal had), which we do not possess.

B Rashbi's Grave Q: I heard that it is uncertain whether the Rashbi is buried on Mt. Meiron. Is it true? A: Although Rabbi Binyamin of Tudela and Rabbi Petachya do not mention it, the Arizal verified it.

B King Shlomo's Grave Q: Where is King Shlomo buried? A: In the graves of the House of David. Their location is not known.


B Ha-Tikvah Q: Is it permissible to sing Ha-Tikvah? After all, it is a sec- ular song. A: Although it is a secular song, its content has meaning. See Rambam in his commentary to Pirkei Avot 1:17. And we should not separate ourselves from the community. Fur- thermore, the complete version of the song mentions the Temple, our Forefathers, perfecting our character traits and Hashem (Am Ve-Artzo vol. 2 pp. 251-252).

B Hiding Head in Sand Q: How can we hide our heads in the sand and say that everything is fine in the State and army?! A: You are correct, everything is not fine, but everything is also not bad. We rejoice and strengthen that which is good and are hurt over that which is not good and try to fix it.

B "Bibi" Netanyahu Q: Is it permissible to refer to the Prime Minister by the nickname "Bibi", or does this infringe upon the honor of the ruling authority? A: It is certainly forbidden. It is an infringement. One should refer to him as the "Prime Minister," or "Prime Min- STATE OF ISRAEL e405E ister Netanyahu," or "Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu" (Baba Metzia 58b. Tosafot on Megilah 27b. Al Diglo pp. 43-44).

B Flag of the State of Israel Q: Does the flag of the State of Israel possess holiness? Does one have to kiss the flag if it falls on the floor? Must it be put in the Geniza if it is worn out? A: No. It does not contain holiness. But one must obviously treat it with respect (see Nefesh Ha-Rav, pp. 99-100. Shut Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 1:46. We heard from Rav Aharon Rakefet that Ha-Gaon Ha-Rav Moshe Feinstein once said that he did not regret any of the Teshuvot he wrote, aside from one about davening in a Shul which has the flag of Israel, in which he used the term "Wicked" when referring to those who made the Israeli flag).

B National Depression Q: The difficult security situation and the horrible news causes me depression. How is it possible to be happy? A: By looking at things with one's intellect and in their proper perspective, where the good is infinitely greater than the difficult.

B Halachah and Civil Law Q: Which is greater – Halachah or civil law? A: Halachah is greater, and it says to follow civil law. e406E Short & Sweet

B Aid from Non-Jews Q: Should we look positively on the aid from non-Jews in extinguishing the fire in the Carmel? A: It was not a kindness, but mutual help which countries perform for one another.

B Capitalism Q: Is the ideal of Judaism capitalism or socialism? A: Current ideal – capitalism. Future ideal – socialism. B Non-Religious Government Q: Must the rulings of a non-religious government be fol- lowed? Source? A: Yes, as in the case of the evil King Achav (Tosafot on Sanhedrin 20).

B American Jewry's Money Q: Is it correct to say that we are dependent on American Jewry, since they donate money to us? A: They give us 300 million dollars a year, which is equiv- alent to a half-day of Israel’s gross national product (200 bil- lion dollars). It is therefore negligible.

B Voting in Another Country Q: Should someone who made Aliyah from the States still vote in the American elections? A: No, this is not ethical. It is not ethical to interfere in an- other country's elections. I could also vote in France STATE OF ISRAEL e407E

(Ha-Rav made Aliyah from there), but I am not willing to be a soldier there. My desire is not to help them, but to help Israel. Voting in another country to help Israel does not help all that much.

B Census Q: Is it permissible to have a census in Israel? A: Yes. They are not counting people but papers, as in "And he counted them in Bezek" (Shmuel 1 11:8 – Shut Mishpatei Uziel, Choshen Mishpat, Shut Inyanim Klali'im at the end of the book #2 p. 228. Shut Aseh Lecha Rav 6:378. Torah Sheleimah vol. 21, pp. 161-168).

B The President of Israel Q: How should we relate to the President of the State of Israel who is nothing and has done nothing? A: You are nothing and have done nothing. The President is a lot of things and if he only had the merit of developing Israel’s nuclear bomb, that would be enough (Rambam, Hilchot Teshuvah 3:1).

B Appointing a Woman Q: Is it permissible to appoint a woman to the Knesset? If not, what should we do? A: We should not appoint a woman. It is immodest. Maran Ha-Rav Kook in Ma'amrei Ha-Re'eiyah, pp. 189-194. We must therefore wait patiently. Everything will work out (When Golda Meir became Prime Minister, a student asked Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik: Is it permissible to appoint a e408E Short & Sweet woman to such a position? After all, the Rambam [Hilchot Melachim 1:5] brings the Halachah of the Sifri, that we learn from the verse [Devarim 17:15] "You shall surely set a king over you" – a king and not a queen. Ha-Rav Soloveitchik immediately answered: And appointing Ben Gurion was not a question? Although he was not a woman, he was not re- ligious, and it was also forbidden to appoint him [see Shut Igrot Moshe Yoreh Deah 2:45]. The answer is that they did not ask us, and the responsibility of these appointments is therefore not incumbent upon us. Nefesh Ha-Rav, pp. 90-91).

B Appointing a Non-Jew Q: Is it permissible to appoint a non-Jew to the Knesset? If not, what should we do? A: We also should not appoint a non-Jew. Rambam, Hilchot Melachim 1:4. Comments of Rabbenu Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah at the end of the book "Mishpatei Ha-Melachim" of Ha-Rav Federbush. We must therefore wait patiently. Everything will work out.

B Selling Weapons Q: Is it permissible for the State of Israel to sell weapons to other countries (Rambam, Avodah Zarah 12:12)? A: If the countries are not murderous.

B Just Like USA Q: I don't call this the State of Israel. It is just a state like the USA. STATE OF ISRAEL e409E

A: You are mistaken, because in the USA only 25% of the Jewish children learn in a Jewish school or study in a non-Jewish school and learn in a Jewish after-school pro- gram one day a week. And in general, that is not our coun- try.

B Torah and Politics Q: Does Torah have anything to say about politics? A: Yes. The Torah includes everything. According to Chris- tianity, religion relates to G-d and politics to Caesar – not G-d, but Satan. This is one of the differences between us.

B Prayer for the State of Israel Q: I heard that there are Religious-Zionist Rabbis who have stopped reciting the Prayer for the State of Israel. A: Perhaps. But only a negligible number (see the book Rosh Ha-Memshalah pp. 127-128).

B Accepting Donations Q: Is it permissible for the State of Israel to receive dona- tions from non-Jews? A: We are not a Nation of Shnorrers or a country of beg- gars (Sanhedrin 26b with Rashi).

B The Government of Israel Q: Some say that since the Government is corrupt, as we saw with the expulsion from Gush Katif, we should not par- ticipate in it. e410E Short & Sweet

A: It is true that this was an extremely severe event, and that the Government has done many other corrupt things, continues to do them, and will do so in the future. But we must judge it by the majority of its actions. And the positive done by the Government immeasurably outweighs the neg- ative.

B Olympic Medal Q: Is an Israeli winning a medal in the Olympics a source of national pride? A: No. It is a complete emptiness. To be a sanctification of Hashem, it needs to be a Mitzvah, and competitive sports are a "Moshav Leitzim" (frivolity).

B Foreign Workers' Children Q: Is it permissible to expel foreign workers and their chil- dren from Israel? A: We must honor the agreements we have with them, not more and not less. We have more than enough foreigners in our Land. TZAHAL

B Mitzvah of Serving in Tzahal Q: What transforms Tzahal into something holy? After all, it performs profane acts. A: Serving in Tzahal is a three-fold Mitzvah: Protecting the Nation of Israel, protecting the Land of Israel, and sanctify- ing Hashem's Name. And regarding a Mitzvah, it is said: "Who made us holy us with His Mitzvot (Mei-Chayil El Chayil vol. 1 p. 168).

B Shehechiyanu upon Being Drafted into Tzahal Q: At what point should one recite Shehechiyanu when be- ing drafted into Tzahal? A: When wearing one's uniform for the first time (Mei-Chayil El Chayil vol. 1 p. 320).

B Drafting Torah Scholars into Tzahal Q: If Rabbis do not require protection (Baba Batra 8b), why should those who learn Torah be drafted into Tzahal? A: See the responsa of the Radvaz (2:752) who gives three answers: 1. This is not said about every Torah scholar. 2. A Torah scholar who requests protection reveals that he does not rely on his merit. 3. This is stated regarding protection in monetary matters and not life-threatening situations (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:368). e412E Short & Sweet

B Relation to those who Sneak into the Country Q: I work on the border with Egypt and we catch many people trying to sneak into the country. Is it permissible to give them some of our good food? A: When dealing with people who violate the law, we must distance ourselves from two extremes: Not to be unneces- sarily cruel, and not to be unnecessarily loving.

B Refusing Orders Q: When should one refuse orders regarding evacuating settlements and when should one comply? A: The very fact of this discussion causes great damage and paves the way for destroying settlements. We should dedi- cate our time to thinking about how to protect our entire Land and not about the particular problem of the soldier. It is similar to having a dispute about whether we are obli- gated to participate in the burial of a sick person instead of trying to heal him.

B Revenge Q: Should we take revenge after a terrorist attack? A: Certainly, through Tzahal.

B Officers' Course Q: I am set to begin an officers' course but am afraid that they will have me participate in expulsions. A: There is no concern. Tzahal is involved 99% of the time in combating the enemy. TZAHAL e413E

B Lying to get into a Combat Unit Q: Is it permissible for me to hide medical issues from Tzahal so that I can serve in a combat unit? A: In general, it is forbidden to lie and especially to the army.

B Soldier and Marriage Q: Is it worthwhile for a soldier to get married? A: It is not recommended that he serves in a combat unit dur- ing the first year of marriage, since his young, newly-wed wife will be left alone and will also be worried. As much as possi- ble, one should spend time with his wife during the first year.

B Drafted into a Combat Unit Q: I want to be drafted into a combat unit, but I am afraid. What should I do? A: It is a Mitzvah to be drafted into a combat unit. There is nothing to fear. Serving in a combat unit is safer than trav- eling in a car – four times as many people are killed in car accidents than in combat units!

B Captured Soldier Q: Is it permissible for a captured soldier to commit suicide? A: In principle, it is permissible if he fears that they will for- cibly extract information from him which will endanger his comrades, since the law of "Rodef" (literally "pursuer" – a case in which one is permitted to kill a pursuer so that the pursued person is saved from harm) applies to him. See the e414E Short & Sweet article about Masada by Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren. Today, however, according to the ruling of Tzahal, one should not commit suicide.

B Reserve Duty during First Year of Marriage Q: Is it permissible to go to reserve duty in Tzahal during one's first year of marriage? A: Yes. We are in a "Milchemet Mitzvah" (Obligatory War in which even a groom serves). You are permitted, however, to ask for an exemption (Ha-Rav Shlomo Goren, Piskei Hilchot Tzava, pp. 91-92).

B Tzahal Uniform on Shabbat Q: On my army base, they allow us to wear a white shirt on Shabbat. Which is preferable – a white shirt or a Tzahal uniform? A: A white shirt is preferable in honor of Shabbat.

B The Mitzvah of serving in Tzahal Q: Do I fulfill a Mitzvah every second I serve in the army? A: Certainly.

B Spoils Q: If Tzahal is going to destroy an Arab's house, and the items within the house will be destroyed in any case, is it permissible for me to take them? A: No. Tzahal decides what to do with them. TZAHAL e415E

B Money of a Wanted Man Q: If a soldier stops a wanted man and takes his money, is it considered theft? A: It is certainly theft. It is also a most severe military trans- gression.

B Women in Tzahal Q: Is it permissible for women to serve in the army? A: It is forbidden. The ruling of the Chief Rabbinate.

B Army Q: How is it possible that there are Rabbis who say that one should not be drafted into Tzahal? Isn't it part of the Torah? A: It is indeed incomprehensible (Me-Chayil El Chayil vol. 1 p. 168). Q: I had a Druze friend who was a soldier in Tzahal and was killed in the last war. Should I say Tehillim for the ele- vation of his soul? A: Yes, he is one of the righteous non-Jews of the world.

B Expulsions Q: Should I refrain from reserve duty in Tzahal because of the expulsions? A: There is no connection. Our army is a good army which protects our Nation and Land. (Rambam, Hilchot Teshuvah 3:2). e416E Short & Sweet

B Evacuating Settlements Q: What is Ha-Rav's opinion regarding refusing orders in evacuating settlements? A: It is a complicated issue but there are three general prin- ciples: 1. Using refusal as the flag of the struggle is improper. 2. Using Tzahal for issues which are deep communal dis- agreements is improper. 3. An officer who does not take into consideration the "world" of the soldier is also improper.

B Swearing-In Ceremony Q: Is it permissible to take an oath to Tzahal at the swearing-in ceremony? Perhaps I will be unable to uphold it, such as if I fall asleep on guard duty. A: It is not referring to a detail such as this, but to loyalty to Tzahal. It is therefore permissible to take an oath. But in general, we refrain from saying: "I swear" (since we refrain from oath-taking) and say instead: "I declare."

B Friendly Fire Q: If a Tzahal soldier is killed by friendly fire, do we still say Hy"d (Hashem Yinkom Damo) – May Hashem revenge his blood – as we do for Jews killed by non-Jews? A: We should say it, since the tragedy occurred because of our enemies.

B Tzahal Uniform Q: Based on the law that one must daven in clothing that one would wear when standing before a king, is it permissi- ble to daven in a Tzahal uniform? TZAHAL e417E

A: Certainly. This may be the most honorable clothing we have. And see Shut Avnei Yashpe 8:29 #5 (It is related that at the time of his wedding, Ha-Rav Shear Yashuv Cohain [current Chief Rabbi of Haifa] was serving as a Rabbi in the Army, and came to his wedding in Yerushalayim wearing his Tzahal uniform. Some people there did not look upon this positively. Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah Ha-Cohain Kook was surprised by their reactions, "Wearing the clothing of a Rus- sian nobleman – this is appropriate?! But wearing the uni- form of Tzeva Haganah Le-Yisrael – the Israel Defense Force – this is not appropriate?!" (Tal Chermon – Moadim, p. 135).

B Army for Women Q: Is it permissible for a woman to go to an officers' course in the army in the educational department – and not in a combat unit? A: The entire army is inappropriate for women. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel rules that it is forbidden for women to serve in the army. For education – National Service, on con- dition that it is in a "Kosher" place.

B Solider on a Bus Q: Is it permissible for a soldier to ride the bus in his uni- form when he is on a break from the army, since he can ride for free? A: On condition that he has a military document which gives him this privilege (see Shut She'eilat Shlomo 4:29). e418E Short & Sweet

B Army Service Q: I can get out of military service in a legal way and I am inclined to do so because of what happened in Gush Katif and Amonah. Is it permissible? A: It is a great Mitzvah to protect the Nation and Land.

B Boots for Non-Army Work Q: Is it permissible for me to wear the boots which the Army gave me to work in the garden? A: You may only wear them for military activites, since this is the purpose for which they were given to you (Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:462). POLLARD

B Prayer for Captured and Missing Soldiers Q: Should we add Jonathan Pollard's name into the prayer for captured and missing soldiers? A: Certainly. After all, he is a great hero who displayed self-sacrifice for the sake of the Nation of Israel.

B Hanging Signs Q: Is it permissible to hang signs for Jonathan Pollard in a public place? A: Only in places where it is allowed by law.

B Hunger Strike Q: Is it proper to have a hunger strike for Jonathan Pollard? A: Yes, it is a Mitzvah.

B Americans Q: After the release of Gild Schalit, I do not understand why the Americans do not release Jonathan Pollard. A: It is indeed incomprehensible. They have been commit- ting a travesty for 26 years. We must pray that in the end he will be released. NON-JEWS

B Racism Q: Isn't it racist to say that we are the Chosen People and the non-Jews are designated to serve us? A: No. They will serve us out of free will and will see it as a greater honor, like a disciple serving his teacher.

B Kindness for a Non-Jew Q: Should one perform a kindness for a non-Jew? A: "His mercies are on all of His works" (Tehillim 145:9).

B The Soul of a Non-Jew Q: Does a non-Jew possess a Divine soul? A: Certainly. Beloved is man who was created in the Divine Image. Pirkei Avot 3:14. Tosafot Yom Tov and Tiferet Yis- rael ibid.

B Loving Non-Jews Q: Is there a Mitzvah to love non-Jews? A: No. But loving every person is a condition for gaining Ruach Ha-Kodesh. (Sha'arei Kedusha of Rabbi Chaim Vi- tal). RELATING TO ARABS B Rock-Throwing Q: If Arabs throw rocks at me, is it permissible for me to throw rocks back in order to protect myself, in order to help conquer the Land of Israel, and in order to show them that Jews are not downtrodden? A: For protection, yes, if it is a life-threatening situation. For the other two reasons, no – this is Tzahal's job. B Price Tag Q: Should individuals take revenge against the terrorists by attacking the Arabs? A: No. We should not attack Arab B. for an offense com- mitted by Arab A. And even Arab A. should only be dealt with by Tzahal, who has permission from the Nation to wage war. It is therefore forbidden, and also causes damage. B Stealing from Arabs Q: Is it permissible to steal from Arabs? A: No. It is included in the Torah prohibition of theft. And even worse, it is a desecration of Hashem's Name (see Be'er Ha-Golah, Choshen Mishpat 348:1). B "Death to Arabs" Q: Why is it forbidden to say "Death to Arabs"? A: Because it is not true. Only murderers and those who aid them are deserving of death. e422E Short & Sweet

Q: What is the source? A: Do not murder.

B Disparaging Arabs Q: I have seen young religious men singing "Death to Ar- abs." In my opinion this is a desecration of Hashem's Name. I therefore request that you object to this. A: I have written about this many times, but it seems from your comment that perhaps I should cease from doing so. Despite tens of articles and many objections on the radio, my message has not reached you. This is a sign that I am exerting effort in vain.

B Arabs in Israel Q: How do we solve the problem of the Arabs in Israel? A: We need to strengthen our own conviction that this is our Land. Then the Arabs will make their own decisions. The loyal citizens will remain and the rest will leave.

B Relating to Arabs Q: How should we relate to an Arab who is definitely free of sin? A: Do not hate. Treat with politeness, respect and human- ity.

B Hating Arabs Q: Is it permissible to hate Arabs? A: One may only hate evil Arabs. RELATING TO ARABS e423E

B Saying Thank You Q: Is it permissible to praise or say thank you to an Arab worker or is it forbidden because "Do not be gracious to them" (Devarim 7:2)? A: Yes, it is showing gratitude.

B Transfering Arabs Q: What is Ha-Rav's opinion regarding transfer of Arabs? A: Yehoshua bin Nun sent the non-Jews three letters when entering the Land of Israel: 1. Anyone who wants to leave should leave. 2. Anyone who wants to make peace should make peace. 3. Anyone who wants to wage war should wage war. These are the three options.

B Helping Cross a Street Q: Is it permissible to help a blind Arab cross the street? A: Certainly, one should be kind to all.

B Negative Feelings Q: I work in a clothing store where half of the saleswomen are Arabs. I am simply incapable of looking them in the eye because of my negative feelings towards them. How should I act towards them? A: A cold, but polite relationship.

B Attacking a Q: Is it permissible to attack a mosque which incites its fol- lowers against Jews and calls on them to kill us? e424E Short & Sweet

A: Certainly. But only by Tzahal.

B Trees of Arabs Q: Is there a halachic problem with uprooting olive trees of Arabs? A: It is certainly forbidden to cause them damage. If there is a security or national need, only Tzahal is permitted to perform this act in the name of the Nation. WAR/TERRORISM

B Amalek Q: Is Amalek a phenomenon or an actual nation? A: An actual nation. But we do not presently know who they are. Although the Nazis were similar to Amalek, this is not a halachic proof (Ha-Rav Yosef Soloveitchik related in the name of his father, Ha-Rav Moshe – that besides the actual nation of Amalek, any nation that conspires to de- stroy the Nation of Israel is considered by the Halachah to be Amalek. Five Derashot. Kol Dodi Dofek note #23. Nefesh Ha-Rav p. 97. But our Rabbi, Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah, was not pleased with what Ha-Rav Soloveitchik wrote in this matter, and said that it was only a Derashah [a homily, or inspirational discourse], and one should refrain from saying things like this. Melumdei Milchamah p. 24). Q: But isn't it cruel to kill women and children of Amalek? A: The point is not to kill them, but to deter their actions so they will not dare to attack us again. Moreh Nevuchim.

B War with Amalek Q: What is the difference between what the Nazis did to the Jews and what we are commanded to do to Amalek (i.e. eradicate them)? A: The Nazis’ goal was to exterminate us no matter what. We do not go to war against any nation, including Amalek, without first offering them peace. Rambam, Hilchot Melachim 6:1. And the fact that we threaten them with war e426E Short & Sweet is for the sake of deterrence, so that they do not wage war against us. Moreh Nevuchim.

B Obligatory War (Milchemet Mitzvah) Q: Are the wars of Israel at this time considered obligatory wars? A: Yes. 1. According to the Rambam, they protect Israel from its enemies. Defensive War. 2. According to the Ramban, they are to conquer the Land. War of Independ- ence (see the book "Am Ve-Artzo").

B Danger Q: How could those who went to save Nachshon Wachsman have been killed, may Hashem avenge their blood, when "Harm will not befall one on the way to per- form a Mitzvah?" A: Our Sages told us that when there is a frequent danger there is a chance that one may be harmed. Pesachim 8b. By the way, this applies to all the wars of Israel. I do not understand why you did not ask about them as well.

B Levi'im in War Q: Did the Levi'im participate in the war of conquering Eretz Yisrael in the time of Yehoshua Bin Nun (Rambam, at the end of Shemitah and Yovel)? A: They participated. In the Laws of War of the Rambam, there is absolutely no exemption for them (Ha-Rav Tanenbaum, who was the secretary of the Va'ad WAR/TERRORISM e427E

Ha-Yeshivot in Israel, heard this from Ha-Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer. Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:368).

B Death Penalty for Terrorists Q: According to the Torah, should terrorists be given the death penalty? A: Yes. 1. In order that they not murder again, since they are in the category of a "Rodef" (The Halachah states that one should kill another person who is pursuing others with intent to murder). 2. In order that others who may have the same intention will see, fear and thus not be brazen enough to do the same. But in practice, in matters such as these the Government must decide the proper course of action in the name of all of Am Yisrael (After the terrorist attack at the Hotel Savoy in Tel Aviv in 5735, in which 8 hostages and 3 soldiers were killed, one of the terrorists was sentenced to death – but the verdict was never carried out. Our Rabbi Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah was asked by one of the potential ex- ecutioners: What is the Torah's opinion of this verdict? He responded: The Torah states, "If one comes to kill you, kill him first." Of a person who pursues another to kill him, the Torah states, "Save the blood of this one with the blood of that one." Sanhedrin 72b. "And cursed be he who keeps back his sword from blood." Yirmiyahu 48:10. And if this applies to an individual who comes to kill another individ- ual, how much more so does it apply when a community comes to kill another community, and to terrorize the reality of our lives in the Land of our revival. "Because they did not come to help Hashem against the mighty men...but let those who love Him be as the sun when it comes out in its e428E Short & Sweet might." Shoftim 5:23, 31. Sefer Le-Hilchot Tzibur #98. See also Shut Igrot Moshe, Choshen Mishpat 2:68).

B Releasing Terrorists Q: Why shouldn't we release terrorists? After all, it is deter- mined in Heaven on Rosh Hashanah if there will be a mur- der or not. A: If this is so, you have nullified all human effort. We are commanded to act based on the Torah. At times, Hashem brings certain events about through the agency of a person who has caused you problems in the past. This is called, "bad things are brought about through the agency of a bad person" (see Rashi to Devarim 22:8 – this is in order to pun- ish the evil one even more).

B Killing a Non-Jew Q: Is it permissible to kill innocent non-Jews in order to save a Jewish captive? A: Forgive me, life and death subjects are too complex for text messages. REDEMPTION/MESSIAH

B Retreats in Redemption Q: Doesn't the destruction of Gush Katif show that this is not the Redemption? A: There will not be another exile, but there can be retreats and crises (Ramban on Shemot 5:22-23).

B Beginning of Redemption Q: Is it true that the Redemption has already begun? A: It began 130 years ago with the First Aliyah in 5641 (Ha-Tekufah Ha-Gedolah pp. 374-378).

B Problems Q: I do not believe that the Redemption will arrive today, since there are so many things to repair in the world, and only when we fix them, will it arrive. Is this idea heretical? A: The Redemption comes slowly and it has already begun. But a miracle is still possible (Be-Ahavah U-Be-Emunah vol. 1 p. 292).

B Bringing Redemption Q: Where is the source that we need to advance the Re- demption and not sit passively and wait? A: All 613 Mitzvot bring the Redemption. e430E Short & Sweet

B "Churva" Q: I heard in the name of the Vilna Gaon that the building of the "Churva" Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem is a sign that the will soon be built. What is Ha-Rav's opinion? A: I have not heard this idea in the name of the Vilna Gaon. What is correct is that the second rebuilding of the "Churva" Synagogue was performed by the students of the Gra who made Aliyah with Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shaklov. But this occurred 200 years ago and the “Churva” was again destroyed. The "Churva" was built three times: The first by Rabbi Yehudah Ha-Chasid from Poland, second by the students of the Gra from Russia and third by the en- tire Nation of Israel – the State of Israel. The "Churva" will therefore not be destroyed again. The Gra himself says in the book "Kol Ha-Tur" not to involve oneself with signs and hints, rather build the Land and renew the life of the Nation of Israel in our Land, and then the Redemption will come (The Aderet wrote that we should not use the name "Churva" [meaning destroyed] for this Shul. He further stated that we should hang up signs to announce it, and that Ha-Rav Shmuel Salant agreed with him. Gaon Ha-Hora'ah – Ha-Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank, p. 311).

B This Year Q: I have heard that the Redemption is going to occur this year. Is it true? A: No one knows the future. But the Redemption began more than one hundred years ago with the building of the Land, the ingathering of the exiles, the establishment of the REDEMPTION/MESSIAH e431E

State, the military victories, and the return of the Torah to the Land of Israel.

B Messiah and Shabbat Clothing Q: I wait to see the Messiah every day. Should I carry my Shabbat clothes with me everywhere I go? A: No, since the Messiah will do many things when he ar- rives that require weekday clothes. See Rambam, Melachim 11:1.

B Messiah in Tel Aviv Q: Is the Messiah really in Tel Aviv? A: Nonsense. See Rambam, Hilchot Melachim 11:4 for the criteria to be the Messiah.

B Where is the Messiah? Q: Why doesn't the Messiah come when we are in such a bad state? A: We do not know when the Messiah will come. He did not come during the destruction of the First Temple, the de- struction of the Second Temple, the Expulsion from Spain, the Chelminski Massacres, the Holocaust. In relation to all of these, our situation is great. Not 100%, but 99%. WORLD TO COME

B Death Q: Will Redemption nullify death? A: Only when we reach the stage of the Resurrection of the Dead.

B World to Come Q: What is the World to Come? A: Two meanings: 1. The world of souls, after death. 2. The world of resurrection, after the Resurrection of the Dead.

B Non-Jews in the Resurrection of the Dead Q: Will non-Jews be resurrected? A: Yes. The righteous have a share in the World to Come.

B Dog Q: Does a dog have a place in the World to Come? A: No. Tiferet Yisrael on Pirkei Avot 3:14 – Beloved is man who was created in Hashem's image.

B Miscarriage Q: Does a miscarried fetus have a portion in the World to Come? A: All Israel has a portion in the World to Come, except WORLD TO COME e433E one who loses it, and a fetus has his portion since he did not lose it.

B Place in the World to Come Q: Do only observant Jews have a place in the World to Come? A: The Rambam clearly lays out in the Laws of Repentance who does not have a space in the World to Come: the most henious sinners. We otherwise learn that every Jew has a portion (see the introduction to each chapter of Pirkei Avot). At the same time, the spiritual level which one reaches in this world will determine one's spiritual level in the World to Come. It only makes sense that one who reaches a high level here is prepared for a higher level in the next world. Pirkei Avot says that we do not know the reward for each of the Mitzvot. Most Jews – Baruch Hashem – fulfill many of the Mitzvot and will have a place.

B Two Worlds to Come Q: If this world is a hallway to the World to Come, why is there the Resurrection of the Dead which returns people to this world? A: There are two Worlds to Come: 1. The eternal life of the soul after death. 2. The physical Resurrection of the Dead, and eternal life.

B Why Exert Ourselves? Q: If all Israel has a portion in the World to Come, why should we exert ourselves? A: 1. There is a big portion and a small portion. 2. Exert effort for the sake of heaven out of a love of Hashem.


B Big Bang Theory Q: Is the Big Bang Theory possible? A: It is possible. And in the Beginning, G-d created heaven and earth through the Big Bang. Q: And what about Evolution? A: Same. Hashem created man through Evolution. Q: But the simple meaning of the verses do not seem to imply so. A: They are a parable, or have hidden meaning (Igrot Ha-Re'eiyah vol. 1, Igeret #91).

B Evolution Q: Is it true that Maran Ha-Rav Kook believed in Evolu- tion? A: No. He only said that it does not contradict the Torah. He also said that the theory of Evolution needs to evolve (Igrot Ha-Re'eiyah vol. 1, #91).

B Age of the World Q: Is it forbidden for a child to learn in a Talmud Torah which teaches that the world is hundreds of thousands of years old? FAITH e435E

A: There is no problem since it does not contradict the Torah. These were worlds which preceded ours. Hashem created worlds and destroyed them (Igrot Ha-Re'eiyah vol. 1, #91).

B Pre-Historic Man Q: How should we relate to the discoveries of pre-historic man which precede the date we give to Adam? A: Adam Ha-Rishon is the first person created with the im- age of G-d. Shemoneh Kevatzim of Maran Ha-Rav Kook 1, 594.

B Religions Q: Is there another religion which says that G-d revealed Himself to the entire nation? A: To individuals – yes. To an entire nation – no.

B Free Choice Q: If Hashem knows everything beforehand, then how do I have free choice? A: There is both Divine knowledge and free choice. This is a complex subject for a text message. See Rambam, Hilchot Teshuvah, end of chap. 5 or Shemoneh Perakim, chap. 8.

B Torah and Humanity Q: Is it true that there is a contradiction between the Torah and humanity, and one should find the middle path? e436E Short & Sweet

A: Incorrect. The Torah includes the highest level of hu- manity, and contains the solution to any problem.

B 36 Righteous Q: What is the source for the idea that there are 36 right- eous individuals in each generation? A: It is a late tradition. Q: Ha-Rav wrote that the idea of the 36 righteous people is a late teaching. Does this apply specifically to the fact that they are hidden? A: In the Gemara, Abaye mentioned the 36 righteous peo- ple, and only the Chasidic movement mentions the fact that they are hidden.

B Am Yisrael Q: Did Hashem choose us or did we choose Him? A: He – the Blessed One – chose us (Blessing over learning Torah).

B Pre-Torah Writings Q: Ancient writings, which precede the Torah, have been found with stories and laws similar to the Tanach. If so, is the Tanach copied from them? A: The existence of these is known. 1. There were prophets who preceded the giving of the Torah. 2. There are certain ideas which are relevant to the universal human spirit. 3. The Master of the Universe included proper and Kosher FAITH e437E ideas within the Tanach. Sefer Eder Ha-Yakar of Maran Ha-Rav Kook. B Why Flies & Ants? Q: Why did Hashem create creatures which have no ben- efit, like flies and ants? A: Every creature has a benefit based on the wisdom of the Creator, and that which has not been revealed now will be revealed in the future. Rambam in his introduction to the Mishnah. B "The King who causes death" Q: Why do we praise Hashem as "The King who causes death" (in the second blessing of the Shemoneh Esrei)? A: Death is also a supreme Divine kindness, which allows the separation of the soul from the body. Each one of them is then purified on its own, and will be ready to reunite in purity during the Resurrection of the Dead. B Fulfilling Life's Mission Q: Does a person die only after fulfilling his mission in life? A: Not necessarily. He dies at the time when Hashem de- crees. B Strengthening Faith in Difficult Times Q: What should I read to comfort me over the fact that someone dear to me has been stricken with cancer? A: Tehillim and Chovot Ha-Levavot – Sha'ar Ha-Bitachon (Gate of Trust). e438E Short & Sweet

B Miscarriage Q: I had a miscarriage in my third month of pregnancy. Why? What is Hashem trying to tell me? A: We do not know, but everything Hashem does is for the best even though we do not understand why. Perhaps the baby had a defect. This is the cause of many natural mis- carriages. Nonetheless, it is always good to repent.

B Abandoning Torah Q: Why do some religious youngsters abandon Torah? A: Sometimes on account of confusion regarding faith, sometimes on account of the evil inclination, sometimes on account of both.

B Faith in Hashem to Provide Q: I want to stop working for a year in order to learn To- rah. Should I do this and have faith that Hashem will pro- vide for me? A: Faith is believing that Hashem will fulfill that which He promised, but since Hashem promised you nothing in this case, it is impossible for you to decide for Him. From the book "Le-Oved Hashem" by Rabbenu Avraham ben Ha-Rambam.

B Troubles Q: How is it possible to love Hashem if bad things happen in life? A: It is a complicated issue for a text message. See Mesilat FAITH e439E

Yesharim Chapter 19 regarding loving Hashem, with the parable of the doctor and army officer. B Bad Things for Good People Q: Why does Hashem allow a woman to be killed in a car accident when it will leave orphans? A: The Prophets asked why bad things happen to righteous people, but not in a text message. It is difficult to understand how a person wants to clarify such deep questions in a text message. B Convincing Others Q: How do I convince someone that the Torah is from heaven? A: Only with something by which you yourself are con- vinced. B Born a Non-Jew Q: I think it would have been better for me to have been born a non-Jew, since they seem to enjoy themselves more than we do. A: I don't know if in reality this is true. In any event, we are certainly much happier. B Mentally Ill Q: If Hashem created man in order to serve him, why does he create the mentally ill and mentally handicapped? A: We do not know. Perhaps it is connected to something which occurred to their souls before they were born. e440E Short & Sweet

Ramban's commentary on Iyov, introduction and chap. 33. And also to what will occur to the souls after death.

B Tragedy Q: We have recently experienced many tragedies. What does this mean? What does Hashem want? A: It is true that there are tragedies in the world. There are righteous people who experience bad things. If you are ask- ing, it is a sign that perhaps this is the first time you have experienced such things. If so, Hashem loves you very much. Q: But want should we do? A: Someone who experiences tragedies should repent. Rambam, Hilchot Ta'anit chap. 1. Q: But what should I repent for? A: It is personal. Each person should repent for the sins he committed.

B Happy with One's Lot Q: How is it possible to be happy with one's lot when it is relatively small compared to what others have? A: If this is what Hashem gave, it is a sign that it is exactly what one needs.

B Life-Threatening Situation Q: I am always afraid. People are being murdered all the time… A: People are not being murdered all the time, G-d forbid, FAITH e441E and one should not lack gratitude to Hashem. According to a report of the World Health Organization, 8 out of 100,000 Israeli citizens are murdered each year. 15 out of 100,000 citizens of France are murdered per year, and 25 out of 100,000 Americans. Therefore, thank Hashem.

B Health Insurance Q: Should one have full-coverage health insurance? A: Yes. It is very important. It is essential for any illness, may one not come (see Rabbi Avraham ben Ha-Rambam, Ha-Maspik Le-Ovdei Hashem, Sha'ar Ha-Bitachon. Kovetz Teshuvot of Ha-Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv vol. 1).

B Aliens Q: What does the Torah say about space aliens? A: The Prophets did not say whether there are aliens or not. We must remember that the Torah is not a science book. The Torah does not come to describe if there is life on other planets, but how to have a pure soul and to be a holy and righteous person on this planet (Maharal in Netivot Olam – Netiv Ha-Torah, Netiv 14). By the way, from a sci- entific perspective, there is no proof of aliens (The Satmar Rebbe – Ha-Rav Yoel Teitelbaum – asserted with total cer- titude that there was no life on the moon since if there was life on the moon, the Ponevizher Rav – Ha-Rav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, who was a most successful fundraiser for his yeshiva in Bnei Brak, would have gone there collect- ing! Builders, by Chanoch Teller, p. 352). e442E Short & Sweet

B Reincarnation Q: Is the belief in reincarnation a true belief? A: It is a dispute among the Rishonim. The Zohar says that it is true (vol. 1 186b and vol. 2 98b). But the Arizal says that it is not to be understood in its literal sense (Sha'ar Ha-Gilgulim of Rabbi Chaim Vital. See Sefer Ha-Ikarim of Rabbi Yosef Albo and Emunot Ve-Deot of Sa'adia Gaon).

B Suffering Q: Does lovingly accepting suffering mean that I cannot cry? A: It is permissible to cry but you must believe that Hashem is sending these things for our benefit (see Berachot 5a).

B End of the World Q: Is the end of the world coming in the year 6000? A: No.

B Better Not to Have Been Created Q: If it were better for man not to have been created, then why should we live and what is the purpose? Can I have sources? A: In order to serve Hashem, and then it is good that we were created. See ibid. Eiruvin 13, Tosafot and Rashi, Ein Yaakov and Mesilat Yesharim Chapter 3. FAITH e443E

B Dybbuk Q: Is there such a thing as a Dybbuk (a possessive spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a deceased person)? A: Yes, but the majority of times what is referred to as a Dybbuk is in fact a mental issue. When the Satmar Rebbe visited Israel, they brought him a person with a Dybbuk, so he could remove it. He said: Send him to a good psychol- ogist.

B Aliens Q: Is it permissible to believe that aliens exist? A: It is permissible, since it is not sanctioned or opposed by the Torah. There has yet to be any scientific proof, however, that they exist.

B Intellect Q: Why is it important to do everything based on intellect? A: One should also base their actions on other strengths in one's soul. But the intellect is the king, helping to prevent mistakes which occur on account of the other strengths (e.g. emotions). See Moreh Nevuchim 1:2 that the intellect is the "Image of G-d."

B Spiritual Decline Q: I suddenly have a feeling of spiritual emptiness without having sinned. Why did this happen? A: It is a test, an opportunity to serve Hashem for its own e444E Short & Sweet sake and not for spiritual pleasure. Be strong and coura- geous. B Faith and Problems Q: There are all types of problems in the world. Doesn't this contradict faith in Hashem? A: On the contrary, when everything is good, it is not so hard to have faith. The test is when it is a time of distress. Mesilat Yesharim Chapter 19. The foundation of faith is to know that all the deficiencies we see in the world are only according to our limited grasp, but in truth, they are not de- ficiencies. One must also recite a blessing on the bad, since everything is for the best. B Evil Eye Q: I have had an illness for many years and it is becoming more severe. I have tried everything, and am in despair. I don't believe in the evil eye, but feel that this is it. What should I do? A: This is not the evil eye. You can call me. B Mentally Challenged Q: Why did Hashem create mentally challenged people? A: We do not know. It is one of the secrets of Hashem. B Amulets Q: Can amulets heal? A: There are amulets with value and amulets which are worthless. In our time, amulets do not have value. FAITH e445E

B Trust in Hashem Q: Is it possible to say with complete certainty that things will be good for me? A: No, since Hashem did not promise you this. "Emunah U-Bitachon" of the Chazon Ish. But everything which Hashem does is according to Divine Providence.

B Hashem is Not with Me Q: I am interested in a particular Shiduch but she is not interested. I have repeatedly davened for it but my prayers have gone unanswered. I feel that Hashem is not with me, and it depresses me! A: Hashem is not obligated to be with you, rather you are obligated to be with Him. Q: What do I do in order to be with Him? A: Learn Torah and perform Mitzvot. Mesilat Yesharim, chap. 1 and onward. Q: And if I am with Him, He will honor my prayer? A: He does what is good, but it is not necessarily according to your calculations.

B Divine Providence Q: Does everything that happens to me have meaning? A: Certainly. But we do not know that meaning is. e446E Short & Sweet

B Attaining Faith Q: How does one attain faith in Hashem when it is impos- sible to prove His existence? A: It is possible to prove His existence. But faith is above proof and it is attained with the aid of books about Emunah.

B Suffering Q: I have experienced all types of suffering. It is written that one who suffers should investigate his actions. How can I know what my transgressions are? A: It is a private matter. Each person must check his own sins.

B Teshuvah Q: How does one repent? A: Regret. Abandon the sin. Accept not to sin in the future. Acts of loving-kindness. Torah learning (see Rambam, Hilchot Teshuvah chap. 2). MITZVOT

B Mitzvot in Space Q: Does one have to observe the Mitzvot in space? Shabbat? A: Yes. Shabbat is kept on the “seventh day” based on the time and place from which one left.

B Beit Shammai in the Future Q: I have heard that in the times of the Messiah, the Ha- lachah will not follow Beit Hillel as it does now (Berachot 36b, Beitza 11b and Yevamot 9a), but will follow Beit Shammai. Why? A: This idea is written in the works of the later Kabbalists, but it does not appear in the Gemara or in the Zohar. None- theless, we must understand that Beit Shammai discusses the future in which our world will have a reality more ap- propriate to the stringent positions of Beit Shammai. Beit Hillel held positions more compatible to our current world.

B Why so many Mitzvot? Q: Why is there a need for so many Mitzvot to merit Israel? Wouldn't only a few be enough? Please provide sources. A: In order that one will completely and with self-sacrifice fulfill at least one Mitzvah. Rambam, commentary on the Mishnah, end of Makkot. Maharal, Derech Chaim, end of Avot. Sefer Ha-Ikarim 3:29. e448E Short & Sweet

B Mitzvot outside of Israel Q: I heard that there is no value in observing Mitzvot out- side of Israel, since the Mitzvot are to be observed by Am Yisrael in its Land? A: One must certainly observe the Mitzvot there since they are the supreme service of Hashem from the Torah, But the essence of the Mitzvot is their performance in Eretz Yisrael (see Rashi on Devarim 11:18. Ramban ibid. Maran Ha-Rav Kook in Eitz Hadar. Mei Maron 6:12).

B Continuous Mitzvot Q: Do the six continuous Mitzvot (e.g. believing in Hashem) apply when one is in the bathroom? A: Yes. See Chochmat Shlomo, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 80:5.

B Reason to Fulfill Mitzvot Q: Do we fulfill Mitzvot because Hashem commanded us to do so or because they elevate us? A: Because Hashem commanded. But Hashem com- manded in order to elevate us: “Who has made us holy with His Mitzvot and commanded us…”

B "Ke-Zayit" Q: How big is a "Ke-Zayit"? A: The size of a box of matches (see Shut She'eilat Shlomo 1:103). MITZVOT e449E

B Lefty Q: I am a lefty. Are there books which detail the special Halachot for a lefty? A: 1. Ha-Rav Chaim Kanievski in the booklet "Ish Itar" in his book on Massechet Tefillin. It is also printed separately with the commentary "Yemin Moshe". 2. A few Teshuvot in Shut Be'er Moshe of Ha-Rav Moshe Stern. 3. Ha-Rav Gedalya Goldberg in "Ben Ish Yemini". 4. Ha-Rav A. Hor- owitz in Dvar Halachah, vol. 2.

B Rabbinic Mitzvot Q: Why are we lenient when there is a doubt regarding a Rabbinic Mitzvah? Is a Rabbinic Mitzvah less than a Torah Mitzvot? After all, the Torah says "Lo Tasur" – do not turn away from what the Rabbis tell you – which gives a Rabbinic Mitzvah the strength of a Torah Mitzvah. A: There are different levels even amongst Torah Mitzvot.

B Mitzvot and Feelings Q: Can I perform a Mitzvah if I don't really feel the meaning of it? A: Yes. A Mitzvah is service of Hashem, and it has value even without feeling, since it causes inner purification. When there is no pleasant feeling, it is an opportunity to serve Hashem for His sake, and not for one's own personal ben- efit. AUTHOR’S BIOGRAPHY

Ha-Rav Shlomo Chaim Ha-Cohain Aviner was born in 5703 in German-occupied Lyon, France. As a youth, he was active there in the religious Zionist youth movement, Bnei Akiva, eventually becoming its National Director. He at- tended university, where he studied mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering. At the age of 23, infused with the ideal of working the Land of Israel, Rav Aviner made Aliyah to Kibbutz Sedei Eliyahu, in the Beit She’an Valley of the Galil. He then went to learn at Yeshivat Merkaz Harav in Yerushalayim, where he met Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah Ha-Cohain Kook, Rosh Yeshiva and son of Israel's first Chief Rabbi, Ha-Rav Avraham Yitzchak Ha-Cohain Kook. Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah became his foremost teacher, and he became one of his “Talmidim Muvhakim – leading students.” During this time he also served as a soldier in Tzahal – the Israel Defense Force, participating in the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War, and earning the rank of Lieutenant. At the direction of his Rabbi, he joined a group that was settling Chevron and learned Torah there. In the year 5731, Rav Aviner became the Rabbi of Kibbutz Lavi in the lower Galil, where he spent half of his day working on the farm. In 5737, he left Lavi to serve as the Rabbi of Moshav Keshet in the Golan Heights. In 5741, he accepted the position of Rav of Beit El (Aleph), in the Binyamin region of the Shomron. Two years later, he also became the Rosh Yeshiva of the newly-established Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim (formerly known as Ateret Cohanim). Located in the Old City of Yerushalayim, Rav Aviner’s yeshiva is the closest yeshiva to AUTHOR’S BIOGRAPHY e451E the Har Ha-Bayit – the Temple Mount, the holiest spot in the world. In its more than twenty-year history, Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim has produced rabbis, teachers, educa- tors and officers in Tzahal, while also promoting the building and settling of the city of Yerushalayim. Rav Aviner has become a ubiquitous presence in Israel. He has published hundreds of books and articles, including Sichot Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah (talks by Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah), Tal Hermon on the and holidays and his multi-volume responsa Shu”t She'eilat Shlomo. His talks and responsa appear monthly in the Yeshiva’s journal, Iturei Cohanim. While his opinions are frequently printed in Israeli newspapers, Rav Aviner also contributes weekly to four parashah sheets, “Ma’aynei Ha-Yeshu’ah,” “Be-Ahavah U-Be-Emunah” of Machon Meir, "Rosh Yehudi" and "Olam Katan" which are distributed every Shabbat in Shuls throughout Israel. He hosts two weekly radio programs, has a video blog (, teaches weekly classes and gives talks in many different venues. The yeshiva also sends out weekly teachings of Rav Aviner in Hebrew, English, French and Spanish (to subscribe: [email protected]) and has an English blog which is updated on a daily basis ( In addition to these scheduled events, Rav Aviner also makes himself available to hundreds of peo- ple from all walks of life who come to him with questions via mail, telephone, fax, e-mail, text messages, his radio show and his video blog Q&A.