State Visit to the Portuguese Republic of Their Majesties the King and the Queen of the Belgians

22 - 24 OCTOBER 2018 Publication date October 1, 2018 (Brussels)

The profiles of all participants and companies are also published on the website of the State Visit

In addition to this participants brochure, other publications, such as economic studies, a bilateral relations study, a useful information guide, press releases, pictures, etc. are also available on the above-mentioned website.



His Majesty The King 06 Her Majesty The Queen 10 EMBASSY 38




His Majesty the King was born in Brussels on He then left to continue his academic 15 April 1960. He is the eldest son of King Albert II studies abroad. After one term at Trinity College, and Queen Paola and the grandson of King Leopold Oxford (United Kingdom), he spent two years at III and Queen Astrid. Stanford University in the USA, where he graduated with an MA in Political Science. Following the abdication of his father, King Albert, Prince Philippe was sworn in before the combined Returning to Belgium in 1985, he began to learn chambers of parliament on 21 July 2013 as the about his country’s political, social and economic seventh King of the Belgians. realities. Over the next eight years he got to know Belgium and its people through numerous visits, He married Mathilde d’Udekem d’Acoz in 1999. meetings, conferences and missions. This gave him Prince Philippe was educated bilingually (in a thorough understanding of the country and its Dutch and French) at Belgian state primary and workings. secondary schools, and then at the Belgian Royal Also during this time, the young Prince Philippe Military Academy, a bilingual higher education acquired an in-depth knowledge of areas of establishment. Inspired by a passion for flying and particular personal interest, such as history, space adventure since childhood, he chose to join literature and philosophy. His study tours enabled the Air Force, where he qualified as a fighter pilot. him to meet all kinds of committed people, both He completed his military training with the para- leaders and ordinary citizens. He also closely commando course. followed the European integration process. In addition, he gained various experiences in the humanitarian field.

7 The death of King Baudouin in 1993 marked a Prince Philippe took over the Honorary Presidency turning point in the Prince’s life. Following the of the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency (BFTA) in 1993. accession of his father King Albert II, Philippe In this capacity, he led 85 economic missions abroad became heir apparent to the throne at the age of 33. over the next 20 years. He built bridges between Belgian and foreign companies as well as between From this time on, his public role became established. Belgian companies. Following his accession to the In line with the major issues of the time, his main throne in 2013, he has remained Honorary President areas of involvement were international missions of the BFTA but has asked his sister Princess Astrid to promote the Belgian economy and Belgium’s to represent him on economic missions. image abroad, sustainable development, dialogue between Belgium’s various communities, support Another of Philippe’s primary concerns is for vulnerable people and the nurturing of talent. sustainable development. From 1993 to 2013, he Prince Philippe engaged in close dialogue with was Honorary Chairman of the Federal Council for politicians, granting them audiences and working Sustainable Development, which brings together alongside them on missions and other activities. economic, social, environmental and scientific bodies from around the country to formulate recommendations to the federal government. In the same vein, he also agreed to become Honorary President of the International Polar Foundation.

8 He has been active in supporting dialogue between King Philippe and Queen Mathilde combine their Belgium’s three language communities of French-, family life with ceremonial and official duties. Dutch- and German-speakers. The Prince Philippe They personally supervise the education of their Fund was set up in 1998 to promote dialogue four children, Elisabeth, Gabriel, Emmanuel between citizens from the different communities, and Eléonore. The children enjoy a multilingual in order to foster greater mutual recognition and upbringing and attend school in Dutch. respect for their individual identities and cultures. Holidays are spent with family and friends. In their Aware of the many possible forms of marginalization, free time, the King and Queen enjoy reading and the King takes every opportunity to meet with its playing sport. The King goes running regularly and victims. Here too, he experiences human frailty at took part in the Brussels 20km race in May 2013 first hand, whether it is caused by illness, social and 2014. exclusion, accidents or natural disasters. The King supports Belgian talent in all its manifestations, including sportsmen and women, artists, scientists, explorers and gifted young people, and follows them all with great interest.


Her Majesty the Queen was born in on Apart from her activities in the company of the 20 January 1973. She is the daughter of Count and King, the Queen also devotes time to issues that Countess Patrick d’Udekem d’Acoz. are close to her heart. She regularly visits social institutions and medical centers. These contacts She attended primary school in Bastogne and help her to stay in touch with the people and secondary school in Brussels, before studying their needs and requirements and with the many speech therapy and psychology. The Queen worked initiatives undertaken in Belgium to help others. as a speech therapist from 1995 to 1999. The Queen attaches a great deal of importance to She married Prince Philippe on 4 December 1999 close contact with the population. and they have four children: a daughter Elisabeth The Queen deploys the Queen’s Charities to offer (2001), now Duchess of Brabant, two sons Gabriël help to citizens who are struggling to cope with (2003) and Emmanuel (2005), and another daughter financial hardship in their daily lives and often turn Eléonore (2008). As the mother of four young to her as a last resort. She takes part in the social children, the Queen attaches great importance to debate on subjects of relevance to the population. her family. She has a particular concern for vulnerable people. The Queen assists the King in carrying out his As Honorary President of the Queen Mathilde functions as Head of State. These include numerous Fund, the Queen endeavours to assist the weakest visits to institutions, contacts with the population, members of our society. ceremonies in Belgium and abroad, state visits, promoting Belgium’s image abroad, audiences with representatives of various groups in society and countless trips all over the country.

11 The Queen is also concerned with a range of As from 2014 the Queen has given Her High social issues including education, child poverty, Patronage to the International Queen Elisabeth intergenerational poverty, the position of women in Music Competition founded in 1937 as an initiative society and literacy. of Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth and Belgian composer and violinist Eugène Ysaÿe. The Queen is Honorary President of Child Focus, Foundation for Missing and Sexually Exploited In 2016, the Queen was invited by the UN Secretary Children. Children’s well-being is for Her a General to join the Sustainable Development fundamental principle and she dedicates herself in Goals (SDGs) Advocacy Group. This group of 17 the fight against disappearances and all forms of eminent personalities supports the United Nations sexual abuse. Organization in mobilizing the international community to take action to achieve the SDGs by The Queen is Honorary President of UNICEF 2030. The Queen received the Honorary National Belgium and of the Breast International Group (a German Sustainability Award 2017 for her years of non-profit organization for academic breast cancer social and humanitarian commitment as well as her research groups from around the world). She was contribution to the debate on the implementation of the World Health Organization Europe’s Special the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Representative for Immunization.

12 The Queen is a member of the Schwab Foundation The Queen is a great believer in lifelong learning Board for Social Entrepreneurship. She was a and as one of the World Economic Forum’s Young United Nations Emissary for the International Year Global Leaders has attended a number of leadership of Microcredit 2005, which focused in particular on courses at the Harvard Kennedy School and Yale financial inclusion and financial literacy. The Queen University. also attends the annual World Economic Forum in Besides Dutch and French, the Queen speaks Davos. English, Italian and some Spanish. Belgian development cooperation is an important The Queen has a broad interest in art and dance. issue for the Queen. She has undertaken a number She likes modern as well as classical music and of humanitarian missions, highlighting areas such as plays the piano. She also loves literature. She is a children’s rights, health issues, poverty reduction, keen cyclist, tennis player and swimmer, and enjoys education, good governance, the empowerment of nature and outdoor activities. women, HIV/AIDS and orphans (UNICEF/UNAIDS), and non-communicable diseases.


Born in Liège on August 6th, 1958 Married – 4 children GOVERNMENT POSITIONS ACADEMICAL FUNCTIONS • Member of the Bureau and Deputy Chairman of the Liberal International • Minister of Finance (1999 - 2011) • Lecturer at the Hautes Ecoles (2005 - 2011) • Chairman of the Eurogroup (January - commerciales of Liège • Chairman of the Mouvement Réformateur December 2001) • Staff member of the Public Law (2004 - 2011) • President of the Ecofin (July - December Department at the University of Liège • Member and Leader of the MR Group of 2001 / July 2010 - December 2010) • Guest lecturer at the Université catholique the Uccle Town Council (since 3 December • Member of the G7 in 2001 de Louvain (Louvain business school (UCL)) 2012) • Chairman of the G10, which is the meeting POLITICAL ACTIVITIES • Chairman of the Brussels MR Federation of the main creditor States, in 2002 (since 12 January 2013) • Minister in charge of the Belgian Buildings • Chief of staff of the Deputy Prime Minister, Agency (2003 - 2011) Minister of Justice and Institutional PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Reforms, (1987 - 1988) • Deputy Prime Minister since 18 July 2004 • Lawyer (1981 - 1985) • Member of the Liège Town Council (1988 • Minister of Institutional Reforms (2004 - • Director General of the Local Authorities - 2012) 2011) Department of the Ministry of the Walloon • Leader of the MR Group of the Liège Town • Minister in charge of the National Lottery, Region (1985 - 1988) Council (1995 - 2012) the Federal Holding and Investment • Chairman of the National Railway • Deputy Chairman of the MR (1992 - 2004) Company (FHIC) and the insurance Company of Belgium (1986 - 1991) • Member of Parliament since 1992 companies (2007- 2011) • Chairman of the National Society of • Chairman of the PRL-FDF Group (1995 - • Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade Airways (1991 - 1993) and European Affairs (2011 - 2014) 1999) • Minister of Foreign Affairs and European • Chairman of the Provincial and District MR Affairs, in charge of Beliris and Federal Federation (1995 - 2004) Cultural Institutions since 11 October 2014


Born in Roeselare on July 6th, 1951 Master in Law, Ghent University POLITICAL CAREER Starting out his professional career as Geert Bourgeois is Minister-President of a lawyer and solicitor, Geert Bourgeois the Government of Flanders, in which he first acceded to politics in 1977, after is also competent for foreign policy and having spent more than ten years at immovable heritage. the service of the ‘Vlaamse Beweging’ Geert Bourgeois has been a minister (Flemish movement). He was first elected in the Government of Flanders since local councillor for the Volksunie party 2004. Over the years, his portfolio has in Izegem before moving on to become included local and provincial government, alderman in this town. In 1995, he entered public governance, foreign policy, civic the Belgian House of Representatives, integration, media, tourism, immovable where he distinguished himself as a legal heritage and the ‘Vlaamse Rand’ (ring specialist. of Flemish municipalities around the In 2000 he came at the helm of the capital Brussels). In 2009, he became Volksunie. After the break-up of this Vice-Minister-President. He has been party, he founded the Nieuw-Vlaamse Minister-president of the Government of Alliantie (N-VA) in 2001 and became the Flanders since 2014. party’s first leader.


Born on November 20th, 1958 • Born on 20 November 1958 to a Dutch- of the Socialist Party group, which would • Since he arrived at the head of the speaking father and a French-speaking drive him to defend and to turn the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region mother, Rudi Vervoort is what is typically values of the Socialist Party into concrete in May 2013, Rudi Vervoort has given new called a “zinneke” [a person of mixed measures for the benefit of our Region impetus to governmental action. Keen to origin]. From a very young age, he followed and its inhabitants. He was also a member take up the challenges faced by the Region, current events and the political debate of parliament in the Wallonia-Brussels the Minister-President has left his imprint with passion thanks to his subscription Federation from 2004 to May 2013. on the Government of Brussels. to the daily Le Soir, which he asked his • In 2004, Rudi was elected Vice-President • His efforts in the last year of the 2009- parents to get for him when he was in his of the Brussels Federation of the Socialist 2014 legislature convinced the denizens teens. This enthusiasm for public affairs Party and succeeded Philippe Moureaux. of Brussels, since they placed their trust in led him in particular to become president • A pragmatic politician, he led the him in large numbers during the elections of the “Cercle de Droit” [Law Union] at municipality in particular with the Dutch- in May 2014. Rudi Vervoort heads the the French-speaking Free University of speaking liberals. During the last municipal Government until the next elections in May Brussels (ULB) when he was a student. elections, he invited Guy Vanhengel (Open 2019. The Minister-President continues His political commitment then came VLD) to appear alongside him on the to see through the projects he identified naturally, because “when you study law, Mayor’s List. as taking priority in order to approve the you understand very quickly the left/right • The ever quiet and thoughtful appearance daily life of the people of Brussels. The stakes.” Rudi became a member of the hides a devotee of the pleasures of life. A major stakes include, by way of example, Socialist Party at the age of 22. lover of good food and an unconditional fan the demographic challenge, urban • In 1989, he was elected municipal of classical and contemporary rock music development, the improvement of the councillor in Evere, the municipality where (Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead, employment rate for the city’s inhabitants, he grew up and where he still lives. An dEUS,…), Rudi attends various festivals the development of multimodal mobility, alderman in 1993, he exercised his duties every year such as Rock Werchter. He is the construction and renovation of housing in sport, education, culture, then finance, also a nature lover and a touring enthusiast. units and the improvement of the Region’s before becoming mayor in 1998. He climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in 2009. The image in Belgium and abroad. • In 1999, he was elected regional deputy father of three children, Rudi Vervoort is and entered the Brussels Parliament. At married to Nathalie. the same time, he assumed the leadership 19 HE WILLY BORSUS MINISTER-PRESIDENT OF THE WALLOON GOVERNMENT

Born in Pessoux (Ciney) on April 4th, 1962 Married - 3 children EDUCATION AND TRAINING • President of the provincial council of • Active member of the Sustainable Namur (1995 - 2000) Development Committee and • Higher vocational diploma in legal • Walloon MP and MP of the Fédération subsequently of the Governance sciences obtained at the IESN (Namur) Wallonie-Bruxelles (2004 - 2014) Committee of the Congress of Local and • Extra training in European social law • Head of the MR-group in the Walloon Regional Authorities of the Council of PROFESSIONAL CAREER parliament (2009 - 2014) Europe (2003 - 2014) • President of the MR-federation in the • Parliamentary attaché and employee in PUBLICATIONS province of Namur (2004 - 2014) Belgian French-speaking non-profit sector • National executive vice-president of the • “Appel pour le redressement de la (1995 - 1997) MR (2009 - 2014) Wallonie”, work co-written with Charles • Secretary-general of a non-governmental • Federal Minister for Small Business MICHEL (September 2013) organisation active in the youth sector Owners, SMEs, the Self-Employed, • “The European Charter of Local Self- and on an international level (1997 - 2001) Agriculture and Social Integration Government in domestic law ”, report • Advisor for the office of Mr Michel FORET, responsible for the policy regarding the presented at the 21st session of the Walloon Minister for Town and Country railway system and the regulation of Governance Committee of the Congress Planning, Urban Development and the railway and air traffic (2014-2017) of Local and Regional Authorities of the Environment (2001 - 2004) • Minister-President of the Walloon Council of Europe (29 September 2011) ENGAGEMENT AND POLITICAL Government (since 28/07/2017) • “Pour une politique de la biodiversité en milieu urbain”, report presented at FUNCTIONS OTHER FUNCTIONS the spring session of the Sustainable • Municipal councillor in Somme-Leuze • Administrator of several hospitals (CHR – Development Committee of the Congress (from January 1989 until October 2014) AISBS – Vivalia (1991 - 2014)) of Local and Regional Authorities of the • Mayor of Somme-Leuze (from 1995 until • Administrator of companies active in the Council of Europe (5 February 2008) 2014) energy sector (2010 - 2014) • Provincial councillor in Namur (1994 - • Administrator of the Union des Villes et 2004) des Communes de Wallonie (1995 - 2014)


Born in Renaix on June 3rd, 1963 GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTIONS • Mayor of Flobecq from 2006 to 2011. operation of institutions and relations • Chairmain and Vice-Chairman of the EGTC with the Parliament ; • Federal Minister for the Economy and « Eurométropole Lille Kortrijk Tournai » • Coordination of files relating to European Scientific Research from July 1999 to since January 2008. structural funds, implementation and April 2000. • Chairman of the Picardy Wallonia Council assessment thereof, including the • Minister for the Budget, Culture and since June 2006. relations with the European, national and Sports of the French speaking community • Mayor of the City of Tournai since October regional institutions ; from 4 April 2000 to July 2003. 2012. • Assessment, prospective and statistics ; • Minister for Culture, Budget, Public • University hospitals and revalidation Service, Youth and Sports of the French PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND agreements entered into with university speaking Community from 1 January 2001 • General Secretary of the Public Social Aid hospitals ; to July 2003. Centre of the City of Lessines in political • The Royal Academy of Medicine ; • Federal Minister for Public Health and leave since 1995. • Approval and quotas of health care trades ; Social Security from July 2003 to July • Federal representative of the Ath – • General Medicine Scientific Society ; 2007. Tournai – Mouscron district from May • Government policy coordination relating • Minister-President of the Walloon 1995 to June 1999. to child right completion. Government from July 2007 to July 2014 • Minister-President of the Wallonia- SKILLS PUBLICATIONS: Brussels Federation (French speaking • International relations including relations • « La wallonie au féminin : peut-on accepter Community) since March 2008 with European institutions, development que notre démocratie discrimine plus de la POLITICAL AND EXTRA- aid and cooperation ; moitié de sa population ? », Editions Luc PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES • Government policy and communication Pire, 2016 coordination ; • « Cultures : lettre ouverte aux européens : • National Chairman of the Young Socialists • Intra-Belgian relations including à l’occasion de la présidence belge de from 1986 to 1992. proceedings before the Concertation l’union européenne, juillet-décembre • Federal representative from May 1995 to Committee of the Federal Government, 2001 », Editions Luc Pire, 2011 June 1999. Community and Region Governments, 23 HE OLIVER PAASCH MINISTER-PRESIDENT OF THE GERMAN-SPEAKING COMMUNITY OF BELGIUM

Born in Malmedy on October 21st, 1971 Married, 2 children STUDIES ACTIVITIES AND MANDATES DECORATIONS AND DISTINCTIONS • 1995: Law degree, University of Namur • 1991-1992: President of the General and Louvain-la-Neuve Student Assembly of Namur (AGE) • Poland: Commander’s Cross with Star of the Order of Merit of the Republic of • 1997: Banking training at Crédit Général • 1993-1994: President of the German- Poland (Namur) and ABB (Brussels) speaking students association in Louvain-la-Neuve (EUMAVIA) • The Netherlands: Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Orange-Nassau PROFESSIONAL CAREER • 1994-1995: Vice-President of the association of Walloon students in • Germany: Knight Commander’s Cross • 1995-1997: Credit analyst at Crédit Louvain-la-Neuve (FEDE) of the Order of Merit of the Federal Général in Liège Republic of Germany • 1994: Founding member of the • 1997-1998: Bank manager at Crédit movement “Youth for Europe” (Jugend • France: Officer of the Order of Général in Malmedy für Europa, JUROPA) Academic Palms • 1998-2003: Business relationship • 1997-2004: Member of the Council of manager and assistant branch manager the German-speaking Community of at the Business Centre of CBC bank in Belgium Verviers • Since October 2017: President of • 2003-2004: Manager of the Business the Association of European Border Centre of CBC bank in Verviers Regions (AEBR) • 2004-2009: Minister of Education and Scientific Research • 2009-2014: Minister of Education, Training and Employment • Since June 2014: Minister-President 25 HE PIETER DE CREM SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN TRADE

Born in Aalter on July 22nd, 1962 Married to Caroline Bergez and father of Constantijn, Alicia and Victoria EDUCATION • Member of the OSCE Parliamentary • Advisor in “De fabrieken van de Assembly Gebroeders De Beukelaar”, 1993-1994 • Master of Arts, Romanic Philology at KU Leuven – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven • Commander in the Order of Leopold • Assistant in Roularta Media Group , 1987-1989 • Master of European and international • Chairman of the Commission for the Law at VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel Interior at the House of Representatives • Attaché at the private office of Minister between 10 June 2007 and 21 of Defence Leo Delcroix, 1992-1993 • Alumnus of Harvard Business School – December 2007 Advanced Management Program • Attaché at the private office of Prime • Chairman of CD&V parliamentary Minister , 1989-1992 party at the House of Representatives • Chairman of the youth CVP (Christelijke PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE between 31 May 2003 and 21 Volkspartij – Christian People’s Party ) December 2007 • Special Envoy of the Federal section Ghent–Eeklo , 1989-1995 Government for the research project • CD&V Member of Parliament of the MYRRHA of the Belgian Nuclear constituency for Oost-Vlaanderen (East Research Center (2017 - ) –Flanders) since 2003, re-elected in LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY • Secretary of State for Foreign Trade 2007 • Pieter De Crem is a Dutch native speaker. He speaks and writes fluently (Oct 2014 -) • CVP Member of Parliament of the in French, English, German, Spanish, • Deputy Prime Minister (March 2013 - constituency for Ghent-Eeklo, 1995, Italian and Portuguese. He also has a Oct 2014) re-elected in 1999 basic knowledge of Russian. • Minister of Defence (Dec 2007 - Oct • Mayor of Aalter since 1995, re-elected 2014) in 2000, 2006 and 2012



His Majesty the King of the Belgians heads The King is assisted by a staff, the the official Belgian delegation. State Household of His Majesty the King, Visits are the highest level of diplomatic consisting of five departments: the King’s representation. His Majesty the King is Cabinet, the General Secretariat, the King’s actively involved in the preparation and Military Household, the King’s Civil List and coordination of State Visits. During these the Queen’s Secretariat. visits the King represents His country and its citizens.


Rue Brederode 16 1000 Brussels 30 FLANDERS DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (GOVERNMENT OF FLANDERS) The Flanders Department of Foreign Africa; monitoring import, export and countries and international organizations: Affairs is in charge of all of the Government transfer of weapons and strategic goods The Netherlands, The Hague - Germany, of Flanders’ international relations. It from Flanders. Berlin - France, UNESCO, OECD and coordinates Flanders’ international and To execute these tasks, the Department has Council of Europe, Paris - United Kingdom, European activities and therefore takes a budget of around 46 million euros and it London - Spain, Madrid - Poland and the the lead in Flanders’ relations with foreign relies on the enthusiasm and dedication of Baltic States, Warsaw - Austria, Hungary, governments, the European Union and its personnel, which includes: Slovenia, Slovakia and Czech Republic, international organizations. • around a hundred staff members at its Vienna - United States of America and More specifically, the following tasks have head office in Brussels; Canada, New York - Southern Africa, been entrusted to the Department: the • the interdepartmental Flemish team at Pretoria - the United Nations, Geneva. development of cooperation with foreign the Belgian permanent representation to The Flanders Department of Foreign Affairs partners; the rule-making process and the European Union in Brussels, led by a cooperates with the agencies Flanders transposition of European legislation and the General Representative; Investment & Trade and VISITFLANDERS conclusion and ratification of international • ten General Representations of the in order to realize Flanders’ international treaties; international and European trade Government of Flanders, accredited ambitions. policy; Flanders’ development cooperation, to the governments of neighbouring with a geographical focus on Southern countries and a number of well-chosen


Gebouw Herman Teirlinck Havenlaan 88 bus 80 1000 Brussels 31 FLANDERS INVESTMENT & TRADE (FIT) (GOVERNMENT OF FLANDERS)

The Flanders Investment & Trade Flanders’ position as the gateway to Europe @InvestFlanders agency promotes sustainable international for inward investors. The agency identifies, @flanderstrade business, in the interest of both Flanders- informs, advises and supports overseas based companies and Portuguese enterprises by establishing production enterprises. Whatever sector you are and research facilities, contact centers, involved in, Flanders Investment & Trade headquarters, logistics operations and flandersinvestmentandtrade will help you establish contact with the the like in Flanders, the northern region of Flemish companies you are looking for. This Belgium. Do visit our website and discover includes not only products or services you our worldwide network. With over 100 may be sourcing, but also various types of offices we are bound to be conveniently business relationships, from joint ventures located near you. to technology transfers. At another level Flanders Investment & Trade enhances



The Wallonia Export-Investment Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI) Wallonia-Brussels Campus (WB ­Campus) Agency (AWEX) is the governmental is the public body in charge of international is the agency for promoting higher education agency of Wallonia in charge of promoting relations of Wallonia and the Wallonia- of Wallonia and Brussels abroad. WB foreign trade and attracting foreign Brussels Federation. It acts as the instrument Campus works in close collaboration with investment. On the one hand, AWEX of international policy for the French- higher education institutions to promote the provides Wallonia-based companies with a speaking people in Belgium in various areas, higher education of French-speaking Belgium wide range of export-oriented services; on such as scientific research, innovation, on the international stage and support the other hand, AWEX is the one-stop shop economy, environment, sustainable foreign students ( for foreign investors interested in investing development, culture, education, etc. in Wallonia. AWEX and WBI rely on a network of representatives on the 5 continents.


Place Sainctelette 2 1080 Brussels [email protected] / 33 BRUSSELS INVEST & EXPORT BY HUB.BRUSSELS

As of 1 January 2018, Brussels Invest & SMEs, approach potential local prospects three months and a wide range of services so Export has merged with Atrium and Impulse and partners, organize networking events, that they can experience the advantages of to form a single Brussels Agency for Business etc. Concrete initiatives in Brussels and setting up business operations in Brussels. Support: As such, this new abroad include trade missions, networking Agency now encompasses the Department days, invitations for decision-makers, for Foreign Trade and Investment of the and the organization of shared exhibits at Brussels-Capital Region. international trade fairs. In addition, hub. A central aim of is to facilitate brussels also works to attract foreign the internationalization of Brussels’ investors to Brussels, providing them with economy by helping Brussels businesses assistance in establishing their business in compete in global markets. Nearly 90 Europe’s capital. A “Welcome Package” is economic and commercial attachés located available to potential investors, providing on every continent provide free support to them with fully equipped office space for



The Federal Public Service (FPS) As an organisation with solid and long- • Defending Belgian interests abroad. ­Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and standing experience in foreign relations, • Promoting a stable, fair, and thriving Development Cooperation manages the FPS channels its expertise into actions world community based on solidarity. Belgium’s foreign relations. Belgium’s geared towards the following objectives: Foreign Affairs network is comprised of 118 • Combating global poverty by coordinating embassies, consulates and representations a high-level of cooperation. throughout the world.


EGMONT I Rue des Petits Carmes 15 1000 Brussels [email protected] 35 BELGIAN FOREIGN TRADE AGENCY

The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency the Regions. The Agency organises joint exporters is regularly updated thanks to (BFTA) operates at the service of the three economic missions at the request of its exchanges with the Regions. Regional authorities for export promotion: partners and contributes since 2015, upon The BFTA provides information on foreign Flanders Investment & Trade, Brussels approval of the Board of Directors, to the markets: from studies within the framework Invest & Export-Hub Brussels and Wallonia logistical organisation and the economic of economic missions to national and Export-Investment Agency, as well as at the aspects of Belgian State Visits abroad. international statistics and legal advice or service of the Federal Public Service Foreign The BFTA also runs an information centre information on regulations regarding foreign Affairs. and sends out international business trade. The activities of the BFTA were stipulated opportunities to companies on behalf of by the Cooperation Agreement of May 24th the Regions through the mobile application 2002 between the Federal Government and Trade4U. The database listing up Belgian


Rue Montoyer 3 1000 Brussels [email protected] 36 BRUSSELS REGIONAL PUBLIC SERVICE – BRUSSELS INTERNATIONAL

Brussels International was set up Tokyo, Chennai, Québec, Washington 4. European Affairs, including the Delegation to develop a coherent foreign policy at DC, La Habana, Berlin, Ile-de-France, of the Brussels-Capital Region in the the Brussels-Capital Region. Within the Kinshasa, Rabat-Salé-Kenitra…); Permanent Representation of Belgium to Brussels Regional Public Service, it is tasked the EU; 2. Development Cooperation policy of the with coordinating the Region’s relations and Brussels-Capital Region; 5. Processing applications for import, export representation around the world. and transit for arms and dual-use goods 3. Relations with international networks The activities of Brussels International are to, from and through the Brussels-Capital of which the Brussels-Capital Region is spread over five areas: Region, in compliance with the ethical a member (Eurocities, Metropolis and arrangements provided for by law. 1. Bilateral Relations of the Brussels-Capital the Assembly of European Regions) and Region with cities, provinces and regions with other international organisations around the world, mostly based on a in which the Brussels-Capital Region cooperation agreement; the Brussels- is represented, as a federal entity (the Capital Region has now concluded 29 Council of Europe, OECD, Benelux, UN, bilateral cooperation agreements (Beijing, etc.);


Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 20 1035 Brussels [email protected] 37



Rua Castilho, 75 – 4°D 1250-068 Lisboa Portugal +351 213 170 510 [email protected]



!DROPS is a social innovation agency, changes do you want to see? What could HARVEST actively working towards a livable 21st help you?”. Co-creation leads to interesting and diverse century for all people. We use culture, tech results: prototypes, action plans, manifestos and entrepreneurship to co-create solutions EMPOWER or policy changes. There are only two rules for social challenges, through three steps: !DROPS believes everyone has the potential for us: it has to be concrete and it has to to take control and induce positive change. have a positive impact on our society!​ INCUBATE The only thing necessary is the right skills We don’t start a project with a specific and a dose of confidence. For this reason, outcome in mind. We work together with the we positively encourage, actively coach and people and communities who will benefit challenge the people we work with. from the project and ask them: “What


Klokstraat 29 9050 Ghent [email protected] 44 A2M

Architectural firm precursor and expert in A2M was the first to spread the knowledge Sebastian Moreno-Vacca, founding partner passive, sustainable, zero energy and CO2 in the Belgian sector and in Europe and of A2M, is professor at the faculty of neutral buildings. recently in the USA. architecture ULB Brussels. Together with his 3 partners, Julie Willem, Aline Branders and A2M also stand out by giving training and A2M won 19 Exemplary Buildings award Gregory Mathy, he also gives conferences publishing about these topics. The firm was and 1 MIPIM award in 2016. and provides training worldwide. policy consultant for the Brussels Region and largely contribute to make this Region A2M offices are in Brussels, NYC and in the first one in the world adopting passive Lisbon. house standards.


Chaussée de Boondael 6 1050 Brussels [email protected] 45 AGEAS

​Ageas is a listed international insurance Luxembourg, France, Portugal, Turkey, China, Group with a heritage spanning 190 years. Malaysia, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, It offers Retail and Business customers Cambodia, Singapore, and the Philippines Life and Non-Life insurance products through a combination of wholly owned designed to suit their specific needs, today subsidiaries and long term partnerships and tomorrow. As one of Europe’s larger with strong financial institutions and key insurance companies, Ageas concentrates distributors. Ageas ranks among the market its activities in Europe and Asia, which leaders in the countries in which it operates. together make up the major part of the global It represents a staff force of over 50,000 insurance market. It operates successful people and reported annual inflows close to insurance businesses in Belgium, the UK, EUR 34 billion in 2017 (all figures at 100%).​


Rue du Marquis 1, Box 7 1000 Brussels [email protected] 46 AGENCE DU NUMERIQUE

Agence du Numérique (AdN) is a Agence du Numérique is the public service With the AdN, Wallonia has a public public limited company under Belgian body responsible for service body that is completely dedicated to law responsible for developing the digital • promoting the best practices in digital Wallonia’s digital transformation. territory of Wallonia. In 2015, it replaced the territory development, Agence Wallonne des Télécommunications • advising the Walloon Government and its (AWT), which was established in 1999. departments in this area, and • leading or coordinating operational projects to support Wallonia’s digital transformation.


Avenue Prince de Liège 133 5100 Namur [email protected] 47 AGILEMAKER

AGILEmaker Belgium was founded in We are specialized in change management ​Our approach is also holistic by nature since January 2014 with the strong conviction and the implementation of complex projects. we strive to identify the best leverages and that Agility was the future key driver of We orient our approach on a “mean-seeking” ways to optimize results. Human-centric, organizational performance in a “VUCA basis, fostering a questioning mindset we our approach relies on human intelligence, world” (i.e Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, engage everyone in our culture of discovery inviting everyone in the organization to Ambiguous), the world in which companies and experimentation and strive to position identify weak signals of a trend at play, make are evolving. We define ourselves as all our stakeholders as change actors. sense, and have the freedom required to act organizational architects, leveraging on it. We mobilize rational and emotional collective intelligence, meaning, autonomy elements to engage people towards change. and collaboration, we foster and facilitate collaboration crossing functional and company boundaries.


Chaussée de la Hulpe 166 1170 Brussels [email protected] 48 ALTISSIA INTERNATIONAL

​Altissia International is a company that Catholique de Louvain). Altissia’s activities and personalization, and is associated with specializes in the creation, implementation and structural presence extend across the keywords Innovation, Research and and success of customized, contextualized, the world: Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Development (IRD). Above all, we respect mobile and humanist language projects Morocco, Indonesia, Singapore, Peru, Brazil socio-cultural differences and reflect a for the educational, professional and and Canada. humanistic approach to education. institutional domains. Altissia’s mission is to offer academic, ​Altissia is recognized worldwide for its Its headquarters are based in the university effective and fun language learning to linguistic citizens projects, including Erasmus campus of Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium), the widest possible audience. We want to + OLS, OLS for Refugees, Wallangues, and its institutional shareholder is the provide learning that is linked to the ideas Brulingua and Mogilinguas. CLL (Language Centre of the Université of mobility, immersion, contextualization


Place de l’Université 16 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve [email protected] 49 AMB - ECOSTERYL

Founded in 1947, AMB s.a. is a private AMB-Ecosteryl process consists in the AMB-Ecosteryl offers a unique eco-friendly Belgian company specialized in manufacturing shredding and gradual heating of medical alternative to incineration and steam-based machines for the medical and environmental waste up to a temperature of 100°C which is treatments without any odors, rejects, fields. We have designed four patented maintained for close to one hour. The system pollution while using only electricity. devices (Ecosteryl 75, Ecosteryl 125, is designed to work in a continuous process Ecosteryl 250 and Ecosteryl 500) which and allows large capacities of treatment, i.e. Our customers are service providers enable the treatment of contaminated up to 100 kg, 150 kg, 300 kg or 600 kg per involved in hazardous waste collection and medical waste without any polluted hour respectively. treatment, medium/large size hospitals, discharge, through a microwave technology. municipalities and governments. ​


Avenue Nicolas Copernic 1 7000 Mons [email protected] 50 APROPLAN

​APROPLAN is transforming the APROPLAN is leading the way in introducing By doing so, we are allowing the realisation practice and management of building and user-friendly digital and lean processes in the of even more complex and ambitious construction projects. We are restoring construction industry. These new systems construction projects. order to the construction sites by getting are reducing errors and mental workload rid of communication barriers and replacing helping teams increase productivity and APROPLAN aims to be the most cost- them with a culture of trust through profitability. effective and user-friendly construction transparency and information sharing. project management system in the market today.​


Avenue Louise 480 1050 Brussels [email protected] 51 ARDO HOLDING

The family owned Ardo Group Together with the 3,800 employees, the (headquartered in Ardooie, Belgium) is an Group markets 860,000 tons of fresh frozen important player in the production of a full vegetables, herbs, fruit, pasta, potato range of fresh frozen vegetables, herbs and products and rice to over 100 countries, fruit for retail, foodservice and industry. creating a €1bio turnover.​ Today the Ardo Group has a global sales network and 21 production, distribution and packing units, ensuring optimal sourcing from the most productive growing regions.


Wezestraat 61 8850 Ardooie [email protected] 52 ASTEL MEDICA

Specialist in probiotics for OTC & Gastroenterology, immunity, gynaecology, Medical Device market; Astel Medica, rheumatology, cardiovascular diseases and previously Phacobel, is a Belgian company pediatrics. active in R&D, formulation, production and distribution of products in various Driven by R&D, we are always at the top of therapeutic areas such as: innovation.​


Rue du Zoning 5 4557 Tinlot [email protected] 53 B SOLUTIONS

BSolutions is an integrated office that building. To achieve your goals, BSolutions offers a complete range of study and makes good use of the complementary development services in relation with all skills of its team of architects, civil and kinds of building projects. industrial engineers, project managers, planners, surveyors, designers and safety BSolutions includes all the skills required coordinators, all working in full harmony to to manage any type of building project, successfully complete and optimize your from blank sheet to the final delivery of the building projects. ​


Rue Louis Genonceaux 12 5032 Gemboux [email protected] 54 BANK DEGROOF PETERCAM

​With a history dating back to 1871, Degroof Our clients benefit from the best possible Petercam is a leading independent offering due to a unique services package financial institution offering services to combining private banking, institutional private and institutional investors, as well asset management, investment as to organizations. banking (corporate finance and financial intermediation) and asset services. Based in Brussels, we employ 1,400 seasoned professionals in Belgium, We manage circa €55 billion in assets on Luxembourg, France, Spain, Switzerland, the behalf of private investors and families, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Hong Kong. companies, public and corporate pension funds, insurance companies and government and not-for-profit organizations.


Rue de l´Industrie 44 1040 Brussels [email protected] 55 BELCHIM CROP PROTECTION

Belchim Crop Protection, a Belgian sought and found a strategic partnership a broad range of state-of-the-art crop player in the European crop protection with ISK Biosciences, and established an protection products but also products market. From its origin in Belgium in 1987 international research and development for home and garden and amenity use. to its position as a major European player in company. This alliance allowed not only a The recent acquisition of the biological the crop protection industry today, Belchim more specialized product portfolio, but also herbicide ‘Katoun Gold’, is a good example Crop Protection has shown remarkable further expansion into Europe. Alongside of sustainable use in a circular economy growth in those 31 years. As a company an innovative product portfolio, credibility concept. The product is derived from the and an innovative product supplier, it has and reputation are strong assets of Belchim cultivation of cardoon thistle (grows where adapted well to the changes in the industry Crop Protection; and above all, the ability to it is impossible for crops to grow) and its use and the changing regulatory environment. market a product from a strong introduction as an environmentally friendly solution for Late Managing Director Dirk Putteman to a good market coverage in a short time. weed management in public spaces.​ founded his own crop protection business, Belchim Crop Protection, managed by Belchim, in 1987. By the late 1990s, he its new CEO Johan De Saegher, carries


Technologielaan 7 1840 Londerzeel [email protected] 56 BELFIUS BANK

Belfius is the only integrated bank and strongly placed in business-to-government insurance company that is 100% Belgian matters. Belfius is a leading and trusted and present everywhere in Belgium. Belfius partner for enterprises, from SME to large is a solid financial group wholly owned by corporations, and serving over 3 million the Belgian federal state, operating through individuals through its physical distribution a simple business model, with strong local networks and best-in-class digital and anchoring and decision center in Belgium. mobile solutions.

Belfius aims to be a sustainable and Belfius has committed to strive for reaching profitable financial player, supporting all the highest customer satisfaction and put segments of the Belgian economy. Belfius is sustainability and social engagement at the the undisputed number 1 and strong historic core of its values. partner for the Public and Social Sector and


Boulevard Pacheco 44 1000 Brussels


Belgium Engine Center (BEC) is a one- times and off-the-shelf readiness, while our BEC is located near to Liège and employs stop shop for the Maintenance, Repair and engineering and logistics services target to about 100 people. Overhaul (MRO) services of jet engines, reduce overall cost and turn times for our supporting over a dozen of air forces clients. BEC ( is part of the AIM worldwide. Norway Group (​ BEC has served for more than four decades We provide a complete, single MRO as an MRO Center of Excellence for the Pratt solution through a wide range of in-house & Whitney F100 engine (powering F-16 and repair capabilities, customizable according F-15 aircraft) in both F100-PW-220 and -229 to our customer’s needs. Our spare parts configurations. provisioning and trading offer shorter lead


Rue du Fond des Fourches 23 4041 Milmort [email protected] 58 BELOURTHE

Belourthe is a Belgian baby food manufacturer, located in the region of the Ardennes, near Liège. It is the largest processing site in Europe, selling under its famous brand “Ninolac” (infant milk and infant cereals). Belourthe is also the manufacturer for many other famous international brands. Belourthe’s products are exported worldwide, up to 70 countries. Belourthe was elected in 2014 “Enterprise of the Year”, a globally recognized award from Ernst and Young.


Avenue des Villas 3 4180 Hamoir [email protected] 59 BESIX GROUP

BESIX Group is the largest private Belgian In addition to the activities of BESIX and its group operating in construction, concessions other subsidiaries in Benelux-France, the and property development sectors. Group is present in Eastern Europe, North and Central Africa and the Middle East, via It profiles itself as a multi-services group. Six Construct, in Central Asia and Australia.

The Group was founded in 1909, since then In 2017, the Group achieved revenues of EUR it has grown steadily and impressively. 2.4 billion.

NV BESIX SA, its biggest subsidiary, is active BESIX has about 15,000 employees active in in practically every field of construction. 22 countries on 4 continents.


Avenue des Communautés 100 1200 Brussels [email protected] 60 BNP PARIBAS FORTIS

​At BNP Paribas Fortis, we offer our to our corporate and institutional clients customers a full range of financial products cover a full range of areas: capital markets, and services. Every day, we help our structured finance, commercial banking, customers, regardless of their profile, asset management, securities services, whether they are individuals, companies or leasing, factoring, account services public institutions. and vehicle management services. An experienced local team offers consumer BNP Paribas Group has been present in finance and insurance products and services Portugal since 1985. The services offered to our individual clients.


Warandeberg 3 1000 Brussels


Brouwerij de Halve Maan is a family prestigious and international competitions. owned brewery based in Bruges. 6 Over the last years, the brewery has generations of the brewing family Maes- probably been one of the fastest growing Vanneste have been running this brewery breweries in Belgium, having an annually since 1856. The brewery has 2 famous beer double digit growth. In recent years, the brands: Brugse Zot and Straffe Hendrik, brewery made international headlines with that they successfully export to more than the construction of an underground pipeline 30 countries worldwide. The beers have to transport beer to its bottling plant. been awarded in the last years on many


Walplein 26 8000 Bruges [email protected] 62 CASABLANCO

​Casablanco operates within the framework reserved for people being socially excluded realisation of construction projects with of what is called social economy. It does so, from the labour market. As such, Casablanco a social added value. As an entrepreneur, in creating employment opportunities for is highly recognized by public authorities Casablanco realises social housing long-termed unemployed people and in the for its capability to organise the economic renovation project, renovation of school realisation of construction projects with a conditions in which people improve their infrastructure, insulation project for low- social added value (social housing, public social and financial autonomy. income families, etc. schools, public infrastructures, etc.). At the same time, Casablanco is appreciated Today, Casablanco employs 75 people, of as being a professional contractor by both which 45 employment opportunities are public institutions and civil society for the


Avenue François Malherbe 42 1070 Brussels [email protected] 63 CHACON

Chacon develops and sells electrical accessories in the field of home automation and sockets in Western Europe. Our customers are leaders in Do It Yourself. The brands are DIO and Chacon. ​


Avenue Mercator 2 1300 Wavre [email protected] 64 CHOCOLATERIE GUYLIAN

Around the world, Guylian is synonymous The Sea Shell chocolates are Guylian’s star with one of the best-selling premium quality product: the secret tradition, according to Belgian Chocolates. Guylian exports to over the unique recipe of Guy & Liliane, of their 120 countries; in supermarkets, convenience in-house roasted hazelnut praliné filling & speciality stores, and in 75% of all travel gives Guylian chocolates their signature retail/duty free stores globally. Founded in taste. 1967, today Guylian ‘s turnover is €​ 80 Mio, with 250 employees, producing a wide range Recent innovations include a luxury of Belgian chocolates (seashells, truffles, premium collection of mini-pralines in many pralines, chocolate bars) in our state-of- delectable flavours, from adventurously the-art chocolate factory in Sint-Niklaas, exotic to deliciously traditional: Guylian Belgium. Master’s Selection.


Europark Oost 1 9100 Sint-Niklaas [email protected] 65 COKIDO

COKIDO​ is a social entreprise CVBA facilitating parents, family’s, neighbours, colleages and friends to organiser their own childcare solution. These networks help each other by taking turns, providing after school activities in public buildings like schools, at work, community houses etc. Cokido has an integrated business model and is scaling up its impact and incomes at the same time. We are operating in Flanders, Italy, Hungary, Greece and Germany.


Roeland Saverystraat 26 8500 Kortrijk [email protected] 66 COOPITEASY

​Coop IT Easy is a young cooperative As Coop IT Easy is a cooperative with a social established in January 2018. Its aim is to purpose, the workers and the customers provide open source management tools to are involved in the management of the the social economy sector, for a sustainable structure as members of the cooperative. budget. Based on Odoo ERP, Coop IT Easy This shared governance is an innovation in develops tailor-made functionalities to itself and serves to prove that relationships fit the customer’s needs in diverse fields. between customers and IT providers can be These include, but are not limited to short constructed on an long-term and mutually circuit distribution, magazine subscriptions, trusting basis. bike’s float management, supermarket management, etc.


Rue Sneessens 14 1040 Brussels [email protected] 67 CVWAREHOUSE

​CVWarehouse is a software company (e-recruitment/ATS) helping organizations worldwide manage and measure their recruiting efforts. Customers include Estée Lauder, McDonalds, Q8, EVS, Pingo Doce, Sonae IM and Brussels Airlines. We help companies recruit faster and more efficiently while managing all candidates with respect.


Lambermontstraat 10 2000 Antwerp [email protected] 68 DAIKIN EUROPE

Daikin Europe N.V. (DENV), established activities throughout the Europe, Middle in 1972, 100% affiliate of Daikin Industries East and Africa (EMEA) region, with Limited, leading manufacturer and supplier a strategic office located in Brussels. of energy efficient HVAC (heating, ventilation The DENV Group currently includes a and air conditioning systems including heat headquarters, eight production facilities, pump and refrigeration solutions) has a 22 affiliated companies, five sales offices turnover of € 2,5bio & employs over 6.900 and a whole network of independent employees. distributors and sales contacts in the EMEA region. The company provides innovative, Today, Daikin Europe N.V. in Ostend premium quality indoor climate management transformed into the headquarters for solutions for residential, commercial and Daikin’s European development, production, industrial use.​ administration, sales and marketing


Zandvoordestraat 300 8400 Oostende [email protected] 69 DALTIX

​Daltix brings real-time insights to the world This data is turned into actionable insights of retail. We have developed a set of tools for the right people at the right time by to gather, process and analyze e-commerce extracting high level insights, introducing data from webshops. Every day, we collect more structure with artificial intelligence prices, promotions and assortment data techniques, and enriching the information from a myriad of e-commerce channels. with alternative data sources. These insights are used by retailers and suppliers to help them in their market positioning.


Bassinstraat 12 A 2850 Boom [email protected] 70 DEME

The dredging, environmental and marine providing services for the oil, gas and energy engineering group DEME is an international sector, the decontaminating and recycling market leader for complex marine of polluted soils and silts, the harvesting of engineering works. Building on more than marine resources, etc. 140 years of experience and know-how, DEME has organically moved into several Thanks to an in​​tegrated company structure, related sectors, such as the financing of DEME strongly emerges as a ‘global solutions marine engineering and environmental provider’ which offers its clients overall projects, executing complex EPC related solutions. DEME has the most modern, high- marine engineering projects including civil tech and versatile fleet. DEME Group has engineering works, the development and 4,900 employees worldwide and achieved a construction of renewable energy projects, turnover of 2.37 billion euros in 2017.​


Scheldedijk 30 - Haven 1025 2070 Zwijndrecht [email protected] 71 D-TEACH

​D-Teach stands for Distance Teaching young children to adults. D-Teach focuses on D-Teach in Flanders Today: and offers personalized online learning via 3 steps for people on the move: virtual classes and experienced teachers. All you need is a webcam, a device and the 1. Before departure: help with language flemish-education-anywhere-world-­ Internet. D-Teach is a bridge organization courses for learning foreign languages; courtesy-ghent-start between Belgium and abroad and enables 2. During stay abroad: help to keep in touch rapid integration into the local or foreign life with the Dutch language and Flemish for families who move. D-Teach is currently Belgian culture; the only organization that offers complete 3. Return to country: help with tutoring for online distance education in Belgium. Our diverse courses and tailored lessons customers are expats and impats from


Franklin Rooseveltlaan 347 G 9000 Ghent [email protected] 72 EPOINT e-Point strives to create a clear, Functionalities include also interfaces for understandable and unique visualization professional clinicians’ feedback, so the of data of point of care devices. e-Point tele-monitoring processes can be adjusted specializes in back-end services (cloud and refined. e-Point has recently started services) and clinical data visualization for a project with the Faculty of Medicine of chronic disease management. Data is both King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom collected by wireless devices and patient of Saudi Arabia, monitoring 125 pregnant reported through online questionnaires. women with diabetes.​


Koleneind 24 3930 Hamont [email protected] 73 ETAP

​ETAP is a European company founded in Antwerp in 1949. We provide energy- efficient, flexible and comfortable lighting solutions for any professional environment, from office buildings to hospitals to schools and industrial workplaces. ETAP develops and produces its own luminaires and systems, for general as well as emergency lighting. We support our customers from A to Z with a comprehensive set of services.​


Antwerpsesteenweg 130 2390 Malle [email protected] 74 EUROPEAN BUSINESS SUMMIT

Fifteen years after its creation, the makers from contrasting perspectives European Business Summit (EBS) has together, giving a voice to all sides of the become a key meeting place for business debate. leaders and decision-makers in the EU. EBS puts Europe’s top priorities into the spotlight, ​The EBS is proud to acknowledge the high by providing a platform for business leaders, patronage of His Majesty the King of the policy-makers, think tanks, civil society and Belgians as well as the support of the academics where key issues for economic Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the FEB growth and the wellbeing of society are (Federation of Enterprises in Belgium) and debated. EBS put influencers and policy- BusinessEurope.


Rue du Belvédère 28 1050 Brussels [email protected] 75 FEDERAL HOLDING AND INVESTMENT COMPANY (SFPI-FPIM)

The Federal Holding and Investment • investing in companies with an attractive For the 2017 business year, SFPI will be Company (SFPI-FPIM) centrally manages social value in one of the priority sectors, approximatively at a balance sheet total of the federal government’s shareholdings, which the SFPI-FPIM has set itself as an about 2.3 billion EUR with around 15 billion cooperates with the government on specific objective; EUR assets managed under delegated projects and pursues its own investment • acquiring equity in companies that are assignments on top. SFPI will have made a policy in the interests of the Belgian of strategic importance as far as federal profit of around 110 million EUR over 2017. economy. policy is concerned, either making use of their own funds or by using funds that the The core business of the SFPI-FPIM, on the State provides per project. In the latter one hand as an investment company and on case, the SFPI-FPIM acts “on a delegated the other hand as a holding company, is as assignment”. follows:


Avenue Louise 32, b4 1050 Brussels [email protected] 76 FEDERATION OF ENTERPRISES IN BELGIUM (FEB)

The Federation of Enterprises in bodies, with a view to creating an optimum Belgium (FEB) is the only multisector business and investment environment. employer organisation representing FEB’s activities are underpinned by its companies in Belgium’s three regions. FEB thorough knowledge of the sector – thanks represents more than 50,000 companies, to the expertise of its member federations accounting for 75% of employment in the – and on key values such as the social private sector. FEB promotes and defends market economy, sustainable development, the interests of those companies in nearly business ethics, good governance, dialogue 150 federal, European and international and self-regulation.


Rue Ravensteinstraat 4 1000 Brussels [email protected] 77 FLANDERS KNOWLEDGE CENTER WATER (VLAKWA/VITO)

Providing Flanders/Belgium with sufficient Vlakwa initiates, coordinates and facilitates: of the Task Force of the European Innovation water of good quality at a reasonable price • International research, development and Partnership, European Innovation Platform is a major challenge. The key to success innovation projects. on Water (EIP), European Technology is the cooperation between enterprises, • Partner search. Platform for Water (WssTP) Water Supply researchers and government. The • Knowledge transfer. and Sanitation Technology Platform and the Flanders Knowledge Center Water • The Clean Ganga Europe Desk. OECD Water Governance Initiative. (Vlakwa) is the driving force. Vlakwa is an independent link in the integrated Flanders Knowledge Center Water (Vlakwa) water cycle. Vlakwa partners are research is an independent division within VITO, a institutes active in water research, leading European independent research water end users (chemistry, food, and technology organization in the areas textile, agriculture, steel), drinking of cleantech and sustainable development, water companies, water utilities and elaborating solutions for the large societal governmental organizations. challenges of today. Vlakwa is also member


Graaf Karel de Goedelaan 34 8500 Kortrijk [email protected] 78 FLUIDDA

FLUIDDA is the world leader in the field of Functional Respiratory Imaging (FRI) research and development. The company’s proprietary FRI technology offers pharmaceutical companies and healthcare providers a unique entry point into personalized medicine for patients suffering from respiratory diseases and sleep-related breathing disorders. Implementation of FRI in the clinical practice creates significant added value to the current healthcare standard in the respiratory field.


Groeningenlei 132 2550 Kontich [email protected] 79 FOR GOOD For Good is an impact driven enterprise striving they achieve CO2-reduction targets but their (, a platform for to improve the ecological footprint of its users, employees are also actively involved in this socio-spatial innovation and research. once and for good. The founders of For Good ecological mission. The employees take action Maarten also co-founded For Good developed an automated service (smartphone and determine the ecological footprint of the ( a social enterprise that app and online platform) that helps users evolve company. helps people to live more sustainable. Maarten towards a more sustainable way of living by (short movie: is PhD researcher at the Architecture faculty of tracking and adjusting their behaviour in terms iframe/nrnsznroyr) the Technical University of Delft and researches of transport, food and energy consumption. The ​Maarten Desmet (1982) is an architect, and writes about the transfer of values in urban users become more active in the growing For researcher and social entrepreneur. During his planning. Next to his own planning practice Good community in a fun and easy way. masters in Architecture he did his internship at and the projects of Endeavour he uses Gross In addition, For Good also developed Challenges the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement National Happiness and urban planning in so cities, schools, companies and organisations in the Kingdom of Bhutan. In 2013 he published Bhutan as study subjects. Maarten is studio can also start working on their footprint. The a book on Bhutan’s ‘Gross National Happiness’, teacher in the Master of Human Settlements/ Challenge is like a sustainability game in which a development approach that takes into Master of Urban Spatial Planning at the KU several teams compete with one another to account wellbeing and its indicators. Maarten Leuven. save as much CO2 as possible. Not only can is co-founder of social enterprise Endeavour ­


House of innovation Duboistraat 50 2060 Antwerp [email protected] 80 FRISOMAT

Frisomat is a family-owned business, Frisomat buildings easy to transport and to presence, Frisomat is active in over 100 founded in 1978 by Guy Somers. We are a assemble. More than 85% of our production countries, where it has completed over Belgian company that designs, produces is exported. 35,000 steel construction projects. The and constructs a wide range of industrial company employs 450 people worldwide. buildings made out of cold-formed steel. Frisomat has 14 subsidiaries worldwide – As a steel builder, we cover the entire value Algeria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Slovakia, We shelter your business. We offer specific chain; from R&D, design and manufacturing France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, branch expertise, creating a solution that to transport, assembly and after-sales Romania, Russia, The Netherlands and perfectly suits the needs of our clients. service. Our cold-formed steel prefab Ukraine – and production plants in Belgium, That way, we not only protect their business constructions consume 30% less steel, yet Russia and Brazil. Our global dealer network assets but also their investment they are robust and sustainable. This makes is ever-growing. Through this international


Stokerijstraat 79 2110 Wijnegem [email protected] 81 GLUTTON® CLEANING MACHINES

Glutton® is committed to inventing, ELECTRIC urban vacuum cleaner and security of our products while taking developing and bringing to the market new available on the market. Extremely efficient, into consideration customers’ priorities. products that make the environment cleaner for all types of urban waste, Glutton® Last year, the company presented a new AND safer, at the same time as reflecting Collect® is used by more than 5000 major generation Glutton® : Glutton® Zen®, a the importance of human labour. cities in 60 countries and increases the silent, 100% electric, compact street well-being of their residents. sweeper. Glutton® provides comfort and cleanliness for everyone, as well as added safety for The company employs 76 people who also cities and industries across the world. offer fast and superior Services.

​Silent, environmentally-friendly & compact, Our R&D team (10 engineers) is continuously Glutton® Collect® is the most reliable striving to improve the quality, reliability


Zoning d’Anton - Rue de l’Ile Dossai 9 5300 Andenne [email protected] 82 GREENYARD

Greenyard (Euronext Brussels: GREEN) is Our vision is to make lives healthier by With more than 9,000 employees operating a global market leader of fresh, frozen and helping people enjoy fruit & vegetables at in 27 countries worldwide, Greenyard prepared fruit & vegetables, flowers, plants any moment, easy, fast and pleasurable, identifies its people and key customer and and growing media. Counting Europe’s whilst fostering nature. supplier relationships as the key assets leading retailers amongst its customer base, which enable it to deliver goods and services the group provides efficient and sustainable worth almost 4,25 billion per annum.​ solutions to customers and suppliers through best-in-class products, market leading innovation, operational excellence and outstanding service.


Strijbroek 10 2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver [email protected] 83 HAPPY BAGS

Happy Bags was founded 2 years ago by The first Happy Bags product is out now: company - Happy Bags – are healthy and Isabelle Moussiaux and wants to fill the big MiniMarieTea - World’s Finest Family Tea - is fun fruit powder bags with happy faces that gap between water and unhealthy soft drinks a true love brand, named after Isabelle’s first kids can collect or swap. You can take Happy with healthy, tasty and fun additives for daughter Marie. Bags with you everywhere (purse, lunchbox, water. We offer an assortment of four organic herbal fitness bag), and this delicious soluble powder Isabelle develops these products simply infusions specially developed for children; you can be added to your water whenever you because she misses them on the market. can also drink it cold or warm. The colors are fancy, spicing up your water in a healthy and Together with her long-time friend and magical. fun way. managing partner, Mikis Putseys, they have This ensures the whole family can drink tea This product is still in development and will a clear vision for the company: together. MiniMarieTea wants to highlight only be available later this year. Happy Bags wants to make children look at this unique moment of relaxation in our busy More information can be found here: water differently. and hectic lives and reinforces that purpose - The mission of Happy Bags is to make with the baseline “Make Moments”. The drinking water fun and to fight obesity, one mission is clear: #lessobesity #moreteatime! of the fastest growing Western world issues. The second product range, named after the


Van Rodestraat 18 3010 Kessel-Lo [email protected] 84 INDAVER

Indaver is a European waste management commercial waste and biowaste. Recovery Indaver developed into an important company with facilities and operations in of materials and energy in compliance with European player, our growth being the Benelux, Germany, Ireland and Portugal. the strictest environmental standards is key. primarily driven by an extensive service The Indaver Group manages around 5 million Indaver offers high-quality, sustainable and provision to our customers. With over 25 tonnes of waste per annum and achieves cost-efficient Total Waste Management years of experience, Indaver has become a turnover of more than EUR 500 million solutions to large scale industry and public synonymous with sustainable waste with about 1,700 employees. Our core authorities. Through improved recycling and management. Indaver works diligently on business is the management of smart waste maximum recovery of energy and valuable handling waste in the best possible way. management systems and the operation components from waste, Indaver intends to It strives to close materials loops in a CO2- of complex and innovative processing keep leading the field in sustainable waste and energy-efficient manner. In doing so we installations. We treat industrial waste, management. Through organic growth hope to contribute to resolving part of the hazardous waste, household refuse and and carefully considered acquisitions, raw materials shortage.


Dijle 17 A 2800 Mechelen [email protected] 85 JDS ARCHITECTS

​JDSA / Julien De Smedt Architects is in its process. At the core of our architecture Founded and directed by Julien De Smedt, a multidisciplinary office that focuses on is the ability to take a fresh look at design JDSA currently employs some 30 people architecture and design, from large scale issues through experienced eyes. Our with offices in Brussels and Copenhagen. planning to furniture. Rich with multiple approach aims at turning intense research expertises, our office is fuelled by talented and analysis of practical and theoretical designers and experienced architects matters into the driving forces of design. By that jointly develop projects from early continuously developing rigorous methods sketches to on-site supervision. All of which, of analysis and execution, JDSA is able to regardless of scale, outlines an approach combine innovative thinking and efficient that is affirmatively social in its outcome, production. enthusiastic in its ambition and professional


Rue de Senne 34 B 1000 Brussels [email protected] 86 KABANDY

​Kabandy is a start-up that spun out from The platform enables design teams, general ​The company was co-founded by Rajan the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) that contractors, public and private asset owners Filomeno Coelho and Benoît Descamps two develops a cloud platform to drastically to detect construction and maintenance years ago, and is now growing fast. reduce the costs of buildings and improve issues early, before they arise on site. The their quality. big data technology connects millions of data, drawings, and documents to a 3D model of the building.


Rue des Pères Blancs 4 1040 Brussels [email protected] 87 KBC GROUP

KBC Group is an integrated bank-insurance In our capacity as a bank, we ensure that We also offer our clients a variety of other group, catering mainly for retail, private our clients can save and invest in a well- services that are important to them in banking, SME and mid-cap clients. Our core informed manner. As an insurer, we enable their everyday lives, including payments, markets are Belgium, the Czech Republic, our clients to operate free of worry and to cash management, trade finance, leasing, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Ireland. limit their risks. We work hard every day to corporate finance, and money and capital We are also present to a limited extent in provide the best insurance cover at a fair market products. several other countries to support corporate price and we invest in a high quality claims- clients from our core markets. handling service.


Havenlaan 2 1080 Brussels


Lhoist Group is a global leader in lime, Since 1889 our family-owned business dolime and minerals. With a headquarter in combines the best of past and future: Belgium, we are present in 25 countries with traditional industrial culture with a dynamic more than 100 facilities around the globe. and entrepreneurial approach. We differentiate our business by being close ​ to our customers, understanding their needs We develop and supply innovative and and providing them with the high-quality sustainable products and solutions for a products their activities require. wide range of industrial processes.


Rue Charles Dubois 28 1342 Limelette [email protected] 89 NELSON CANAL PORTUGAL

​The Nelson Group is a private property buildings on their environment and therefore A long-term vision, fund. creating an excellent return on investment A social responsibility, for our portfolio. A minimal environmental impact, Our aim is to build and renovate tailor-made The satisfaction of the users, developments on behalf of hotel groups, When we work on developments our These are the credos of the Nelson Group.​ cultural centers or others whilst retaining key goals are that we insist the projects ownership. integrate flawlessly with the local urbanism and respect the social fabric of the area. We always build using the latest green technologies as our ethic is based on having At the heart of our design processes we a zero-energy approach. recognize that the primary function of a place might not be its last and therefore we Project after project, we endeavor to better aim to build spaces that can be adapted to our approach on reducing the impact of our alternative future uses.


Avenue Brugmann 16 1060 Saint-Gilles [email protected] 90 POLLET WATER GROUP

It’s our mission to improve the quality of life Our technologies make it possible to turn With headquarters in Waregem (Belgium), and the efficiency of industrial processes seawater into drinking water. Our know- PWG supplies both components and through a network of 25 owned water how contributes to achieving the best complete solutions to professionals treatment & pool companies. Our solutions possible quality of life for dialysis patients. throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle protect your home and business against We offer a wide range of pool products East. Together with our partners and costly replacements due to the damaging and components for the commercial and customers, we are committed to make water effects of water. residential swimming pool market. count.​


Textielstraat 13 8790 Waregem [email protected] 91 PROMIRIS

Promiris is a company active in outdated buildings converting them into real estate development focusing on grade A assets meeting the latest standards the following real estate segments: in terms of energy and technical efficiency, residential, offices, hotels, residences for design or concept. senior people, residences for students. Excepting residential buildings, the other Promiris is currently active in 3 countries: asset types, once redeveloped, are sold to Belgium, Luxemburg and Portugal. long term institutional investors.

Promiris’ core competence is greenfield As of today, the investment capacity of development or more frequently the Promiris amounts to around 300 Million. rehabilitation and renovation of existing


Chaussée de Bruxelles 135 A, B14 1310 La Hulpe [email protected] 92 SCHREDER

Schréder is a worldwide leader in outdoor started the business in 1907: we’ve since lighting, present in over 35 countries grown to employ 2,500 people worldwide, spanning 5 continents. We work with our who share our passion for lighting up your partners to create practical, sustainable world. Our tradition of engineering means and beautiful lighting solutions tailored we’ve been at the forefront of innovation to locations from Rome’s Coliseum to the throughout our history, and our latest is to Channel Tunnel. A family company, we had use street lighting to support connectivity in three CEOs in our first century. Jules Schréder smart cities and beyond.​


Rue de Lusambo 67 1190 Brussels [email protected] 93 SERVIPLAST

​Founded in 1976, the Serviplast Group Industry including expertise and services in Achieving performance in each of its areas consists of three companies: Serviplast, plastic injection; of expertise isn’t Serviplast’s only goal. In Serviplast Outillage and Servi-Titres. The Construction specialising in paving and addition to providing solutions that meet the companies employ over 250 people and have sealing; expectations of its customers, the company developed expertise in the following three Services providing products ranging also wants to meet another challenge: to be fields: from service vouchers to horticulture and recognised for its contribution towards the including cleaning and staffing. integration of persons with disabilities in the workforce. This is Serviplast’s mission as a social enterprise.


Rue du Marché Couvert 42 6600 Bastogne [email protected] 94 SOBINCO / STA

​Sobinco is a leading specialist in the Today the Sobinco Group is led by Remi Van development and production of high-quality Parys’ four sons and has production plants fittings for aluminium windows and doors. In in Belgium and in Portugal, sales offices Belgium the company employs 350 motivated in China and Poland and representatives people (Sobinco group employs over 550 throughout Europe, the US and in Russia and people). Sobinco aims at maximum customer India. In 2017 Sobinco realised a turnover of satisfaction by operational excellence, high- €​ 65 million. Sobinco products are exported end solutions and customised innovation. to more than 60 countries worldwide. Sobinco was established in 1961 by Remi Van Parys and his wife Paula.


Waregemstraat 5 9870 Zulte [email protected] 95 SPECIAL FRUIT

Special Fruit is a specialist in fresh niche In Portugal, we have production fruit & vegs. We are located in Belgium, locations in Tavira, Odemira, Grandola, at the European intersection of sea, air Guimaraes. Focusing on raspberries, and land trade routes, midway between blueberries, red currants & strawberries. the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp. We produce & supply our superior berries, Our business model: We grow, we ripen, we ready-to-eat exotics, special vegetables and pack, we market. an assortment of specialties to shop owners, supermarket chains, hotels, caterers and other large consumers throughout Europe.


Europastraat 36 2321 Meer [email protected] 96 TERRE - TESS

​Terre Asbl is a social goal entity whose Terre Asbl is also developing new tools (app 5 members from 4 countries. The aim is activities are the collection, sorting and sale on smartphone) to create new relationships to create an economic alternative, with the of second-hand textiles (Textiles include with the textile distributors and donors. actors of the Social and Solidarity economy clothes, shoes, household items).The in textile recycling. In 2017, the total textile stream handled collection is mainly done through outside was about 21,000 tonnes and the number of Our goals are: ethical sales of second-hand bins placed on the territory (Wallonia + workers dedicated to these activities was clothing and support for the creation of Brussels). Textile sorting is done in two about 220. sorting centres in Africa and South America.​ specifically dedicated plants (1 in Herstal, 1 in Charleroi). The sale is done through In 2016, Terre Asbl became the founding different channels: local through Terre’s member of the European Economic Interest shops and by exporting other categories. Group, TESS. Grouping, which gathers


Rue de Milmort 690 4040 Herstal [email protected] 97 UCB

UCB, Brussels, Belgium ( is a global biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of innovative medicines and solutions to transform the lives of people living with severe diseases in immunology or neurology. With more than 7 500 people in approximately 40 countries, the company generated revenue of € 4.5 billion in 2017. UCB is listed on Euronext Brussels (symbol: UCB).​


Allée de la Recherche 60 1070 Brussels [email protected] 98 UNION WALLONNE DES ENTREPRISES

The mission of this private organisation is The Walloon Business Federation is It is solely funded by contributions from “to promote and support business, the motor the official representative of industrial, its 6,000-member businesses of all sizes driving the Region’s economic and social commercial and service-sector businesses from all sectors, and employs a permanent well-being”. of all sizes established in Wallonia. All multidisciplinary staff based in Wavre. types of businesses are represented, from the small family concern to the large multinational.


Chemin du Stocquoy 3 1300 Wavre [email protected] 99 VERHAERT NEW PRODUCTS & SERVICES

Verhaert is a pioneering product innovation group. With a staff of + 175 highly specialised professionals we help companies to innovate successfully, providing integrated, digital, optical and onsite product development services. We have innovation centers in Antwerp, Gent, Nivelles, Noordwijk and Aveiro (Pt) and work for leading companies and start-ups in the FMCG, Aerospace, Industrial and medical sectors. ​


Hogenakkerhoekstraat 21 9150 Kruibeke [email protected] 100 VERIMPEX MATTING

Ecological innovation, craftsmanship and Verimpex boosts an international network With over 35 years of experience, Verimpex great aesthetic added value. Verimpex of sales outlets which covers Europe, but has always strived to achieve technological offers durable and customised entrance stretches as far as the USA, Canada and the excellence in both its products as its mats, adapted to any preference and Middle East. With its broad range of floor production process resulting in swift lead functional needs of the designated area. mats, Verimpex can handle any challenge times for even the most demanding projects! Each individual mat is the result of intensive from coarse to very fine dirt and from home precision labour and a highly optimized entrances to high-traffic areas such as production process. hospitals and shopping centres.


Monnikenwerve 72 8000 Bruges [email protected] 101 VESALE PHARMA

Since 2008, Vesale Pharma, based in Institute as e.g. the Institut Pasteur of Lille well a Representation Office in New Delhi Eghezée (Belgium), is dedicated to R&D (France). In December 2016, an important (India). A new pilot production unit was on probiotic solutions and microbiotic Research Protocol was also signed with the also inaugurated in GHLIN (Belgium) in applications. As a pioneer company in Texas A&M University in College Station June 2016. In 2017, the company launched this field, Vésale Pharma dedicates 23% of (USA). This was followed by the foundation its pediatric range in China and signed an turnover in R&D every year and is developing of a R&D subsidiary last November 2017 in exclusive distribution contract in Morocco applied & fundamental researches in College Station. Vesale products are sold and in India. Vésale also holds 6 world fields of probiotic therapy and technology in around 20 countries worldwide through patents, including the patent Intelicaps®, as well as of applied metabolomics and a network of agents and distributors. A a world unique revolutionary technology of phagotherapy. Vesale works on with major commercial office was opened by the probiotics micro-encapsulation. Belgian and international Universities or Company in 2016 in Sao Paulo (Brasil) ; as


Rue Louis Allaert 9 5310 Noville S/Mehaigne [email protected] 102 VLAAMSE CONFEDERATIE BOUW

​The Flemish Construction Confederation ​Besides civil engineering and general is the leading business organization, contracting, Flemish companies developed recognized employers’ organization and an international activity in environmental representative body of the construction engineering: water treatment, industry in Flanders. It represents some decontamination of soils, waste disposal, 9.000 member companies of all sizes, from renewable energy, etc. small enterprises to global players, carrying out all forms of building and civil engineering activities.


Lombardstraat 34-42 1000 Brussels [email protected] 103 VON KARMAN INSTITUTE FOR FLUID DYNAMICS

​The von Karman Institute (VKI) is a PhD and lifelong learning for professionals. world-renowned non-profit international The experimental and numerical research educational and research organization covers the fields of Aeronautics and created in 195​6. It provides post-graduate Aerospace, Turbomachinery and Propulsion, education in fluid dynamics through teaching Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics. programs focusing on hands-on “training in VKI proposes unique solutions to industry research through research”. This center of and the public sector thanks to a combination excellence has a permanent staff of 100 of expertise and top-level research labs/ persons and is in contact with some 800 facilities. The specific methodology of students from different NATO nations each VKI combines modeling, simulation and year through its various programs going experimental validation on scale models. ​ from short trainings to master-after-master,


Waterloosesteenweg 72 1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode [email protected] 104


The Academy for Research and Higher global coordination for the higher education regarding lifelong learning, student success Education (Académie de Recherche et sector in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, promotion or development cooperation. d’Enseignement supérieur – ARES) is it organizes the dialogue between the the federation of the French-speaking higher institutions and promotes collaborations In the field of international relations, ARES education institutions (HEIs) of Belgium. As nationally and internationally. It particularly aims at fostering further internationalization a public interest body, it is responsible for ensures the consistency of the provision of of HEIs. It specifically supports them supporting these institutions regarding their training and its labour market relevance; it in developing and implementing their teaching, research and community service supports HEIs in their advocacy efforts internationalization strategies, projects and missions. and international relations and makes actions. It contributes to the attractiveness, recommendations about scientific or artistic visibility and promotion of HEIs abroad. It brings together 6 universities, 19 research policy. ARES provides information Finally, ARES provides systematic expertise university colleges, 16 colleges of arts about higher education in the Wallonia- related to internationalization to its and 86 adult higher education colleges. As Brussels Federation. It also coordinates members. a unique platform, ARES carries out the the commitments made by the institutions


Rue Royale 180 1000 Brussels [email protected] 108 AP HOGESCHOOL ANTWERPEN

AP University College is a seat of learning At AP we believe that everyone has a ​AP University College has a highly for about 12,000 students. It offers 19 personal DNA, follows an individual ambitious, passionate, genuine, respectful, graduate degree programmes, 24 bachelor path and has distinctive interests. The and transparent approach. These values programmes, and 8 art programmes. The University college ensures that all these determine how AP fulfills it key tasks in programmes are organized in 4 Faculties unique personalities can develop together, education, social care, research, and the Faculties (Education and Training, Health learn from one another and welcome other practice and development of the arts. and Social Care, Management and people’s ideas and visions. AP’s DNA is Communication, Science and Technology) evident in small and discernible aspects. and 2 Schools of Arts (Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Royal Conservatoire Antwerp).


Lange Nieuwstraat 101 2000 Antwerp [email protected] 109 FLEMISH COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES AND ARTS

The Flemish Council of Universities of that concern the Flemish Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts (VLHORA) is Applied Sciences and Arts. Furthermore, the formal consultative and advisory body of the VLHORA is a member of EURASHE, all Flemish Universites of Applied Sciences the European Association of Institutions in and Arts which advises the Flemish Higher Education. The Board of Directors Government on all policy issues concerning of the VLHORA consists of the General higher education. In addition, the Flemish Directors of the Flemish Universities of Council of University Colleges organises Applied Sciences and Arts. and stimulates the consultation between the institutions regarding all matters


Ravensteingalerij 27/3 1000 Brussels [email protected] 110 FUND FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH - FNRS

​The Fund for Scientific Research The F.R.S.-FNRS supports researchers in Flagship in Belgium, the F.R.S.-FNRS is a - FNRS has supported and promoted basic research in all scientific fields through driving force behind the competitiveness of free scientific research in the Wallonia- three instruments categories: individual Belgian research in Europe and worldwide. Brussels Federation for 90 years. Building researcher mandate, research projects and on expertise and partnerships, the F.R.S.- exchange networks. FNRS fosters innovation and knowledge Projects are bottom-up and research-driven. development by evaluating, selecting and Selection is based on scientific excellence. funding researchers and research projects The ex-ante evaluation is a transparent within university laboratories. two-step procedure based on international standards, among which international scientific commissions.


Rue d’Egmont 5 1000 Brussels


Ghent University is an enterprising UGent’s 11 faculties consist of 125 Ghent University is a top 100 university in university with an international appeal. departments, offering high-quality, both the ARWU (Shanghai) and THE ranking The motto of the university, ‘Dare to researchbased programmes in a wide and hosts nearly 6,000 researchers. UGent think’, is more than a slogan: in a creative, range of academic disciplines. Numerous is a Dutch-speaking university but English development-oriented educational and research groups, centres and institutes have is widely spoken by both students and research environment, about 44,000 been founded over the years, becoming staff. Moreover, international students can students and 8,500 staff members are world-renowned in disciplines such as choose a wide variety of English courses and encouraged to adopt a critical attitude. biotechnology, aquaculture and micro- programmes.​ The international student population (12%) electronics. attests to the quality and diversity of Ghent University’s education and research.


Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25 9000 Ghent


A University of Applied Sciences, we Anticipating new trends and needs, we We have campuses in Bruges and Kortrijk, like to describe ourselves as atypical, design new profiles. In order to do so, we two historical towns in the province of creative, innovative and entrepreneurial. generate practice-based, state of the art West-Flanders. We offer our students Anticipating the future and exploring the curricula in close collaboration with the an interesting portfolio of 23 bachelor talents and motivation of each student, we labour field. In a multidisciplinary setting, programmes, ranging from management coach our students to become competent, we integrate education, research and studies, health care and nursing, energy highly employable, team oriented young community service in each curriculum, thus management and product development professionals. We aim to set the mark for creating an added value for its students, to teaching, journalism and tourism. We socially relevant, practice-based education staff and society as a whole. are very proud that Howest is the largest and valorisation oriented research and University of Applied sciences in West- community service for the broad regional Howest University of Applied Sciences Flanders, as far as programmes in computer and international labour market. has 6 000 students and 600 staff. We are a technology, cyber security, new media partner of the Ghent University Association and digital arts and entertainment –game University, which is the second largest in development are concerned.​ Flanders with nearly 70 000 students.


Marksesteenweg 58 8500 Kortrijk [email protected] 113 ICHEC BRUSSELS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL

ICHEC BRUSSELS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL an emphasis on business practice. Our is a university college. It offers day and graduates gain the knowledge, skills and evening management programmes, both as competences which are necessary to initial training and continuous education. embark on a lifelong learning process.

ICHEC, revealer of talents, enables its The ICHEC spirit is founded on the values of students to develop their talents and respect, solidarity and integrity. educates them to become responsible as well as open-minded managers. In order ICHEC has more than 2,300 students, more to accomplish this mission, ICHEC adopts than 12,000 alumni and a faculty of 200 a rigorous approach to its academic academically qualified or professionally programmes informed by research with qualified members.


Boulevard Brand Whitlock 2 1150 Brussels [email protected] 114 KAREL DE GROTE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE

Karel de Grote University College (KdG) We carry out applied research with public ​Student entrepreneurial skills is an is the largest university college in Antwerp. and private partners and share our knowhow important strategic goal for KdG. Our Centre With over 13,000 students, we offer degree with our professional field via 7 KdG flagship for Entrepeneurschip coaches students to and exchange programmes in 6 fields of centres of expertise: Pedagogical Support in further enhance these skills via various study: Health Care, Teacher Education, Day Care and School, Psychological Well- initiatives such as Start-up@campus. Applied Social Studies, Management & IT, being in Patient Care, Strength-based Social Science & Technology and Art & Design. We Work, Sustainable Chemistry, Sustainable have an active academic cooperation with 9 Mobility, Public Impact and Education for higher education partners in Portugal, 184 Growth. elsewhere in Europe and 34 worldwide.


Brusselstraat 45 2018 Antwerp [email protected] 115 KU LEUVEN ASSOCIATION

The KU Leuven Association is an open The Association members strengthen each The KU Leuven Association was founded and dynamic network linking university other by exchanging expertise and pooling in 2002 in response to the Bologna colleges across Flanders and Brussels resources, which enables them to improve Declaration of 1999, which sought to with the KU Leuven. Together, they hold a the quality of their teaching and research. increase synchronization of higher education prominent and influential position in Flemish in Europe. and European Higher Education.


Schapenstraat 34, bus 5600 3000 Leuven [email protected] 116 PXL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE

​PXL University College in its current form Apart from education, PXL also performs The name PXL stands for Professionals & was established in 2013 as a sui generis applied research driven by the needs of the Excellence, and represents the institute’s institute, and has a history going back to region and is intended to create innovation mission. PXL professionalises people and 1837. for companies, non-profit organizations organisations and contributes to welfare and governments. At the same time PXL and well-being. By intertwining education, Situated in Hasselt, Diepenbeek and Genk is dedicated to providing consultancy and research, provision of services and the (Flemish Region, province of Limburg),. PXL programs for continuing education for practice of the arts, PXL allows its students, offers associated degree and professional professionals. contributors and organisations to develop bachelor programs in Business, Education, into excellent professionals. Healthcare, IT, Media & Tourism, Music, As a main asset, PXL University College has Social Work and Technology, and bachelor its own Congress Centre, hosting events and and master programs in Arts. lifelong learning programs for over 100,000 annual visitors.


Elfde-Liniestraat 24 3500 Hasselt [email protected] 117 UNIVERSITÉ CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN

Founded in 1425, Université catholique doctorate level and on to adult continuing the 4th French-speaking comprehensive de Louvain (UCL) is one of Europe’s education. UCL is also the first French- university worldwide. UCL educates almost oldest universities, with more than 30.000 speaking university in Europe to offer open every other French-speaking Belgian, and students and 7 sites: including Louvain- online courses or MOOCs (in French and attracts 5700 international students from la-Neuve, Brussels and other Belgian English) on the online platform “edX” which around the globe every year. More than a cities; it is the largest French-speaking offers online courses to millions of students. quarter of the teaching and research staff university in Belgium. UCL trains students In the 2018 Times Higher Education comes from abroad. in all disciplines, from bachelor’s level to Rankings, UCL is ranked 129th, making it


Place de l’Université 1 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve [email protected] 118 UNIVERSITÉ DE MONS (UMONS)

The University of Mons (UMONS) is PhD theses supervised in English. Double located near the Belgian-French border, in degrees can also be awarded, for example the city of Mons, European Capital of Culture within the TIME network. With about 800 in 2015. UMONS includes 7 Faculties, researchers, the research objectives of 3 Schools and 10 Research Institutes among UMONS are settled both at the regional and which the Engineering Faculty, founded in international levels. For the second time, 1837, is the oldest Engineering Faculty in UMONS is highly ranked in the U-Multirank Belgium. UMONS offers bachelors, masters, initiated by the European Commission.​ and PhD degrees, some of them taught in English. All faculties offer masters and


Place du Parc 20 7000 Mons [email protected] 119 UNIVERSITÉ DE NAMUR

Founded in 1831 by the Society of Jesus, the Situated at the heart of Europe, the UNamur carries out research covering the University of Namur (UNamur) carries University of Namur welcomes about 6500 main fields of knowledge, ranging from on the values of the humanistic tradition students. It comprises 6 Faculties and ethics to nanotechnologies, from linguistics through teaching and research: universality, offers some forty academic programs. The to computer science, from human rights quality, ethical commitment and solidarity. programs are embedded in strong research to veterinary science, and so on, with Its priority is to educate students and capabilities. the constant objective to contribute to researchers as responsible and active knowledge development and to nurture members of society. excellence in higher education.​


Rue de Bruxelles 61 5000 Namur [email protected] 120 UNIVERSITÉ LIBRE DE BRUXELLES

Located in the heart of Europe, the ULB’s outward-looking position has resulted Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is in 13 Erasmus Mundus Programmes and 345 the most multicultural university in French- active partnerships with top universities speaking Belgium, with one third of its such as Oxford, Cambridge, Berkeley, 28000 students and half of its 1900 PhD Sorbonne Université, Waseda or Sao Paulo, students coming from abroad. ULB has and a special consortium (the G3) with 12 faculties, schools and institutes that Geneva and Montreal. As a research-driven cover all the disciplines, closely combining University, ULB received 4 scientific Nobel teaching and research. It also includes a Prizes out of the 6 awarded to Belgians, large scope university hospital (Erasme among them the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics. hospital) and a scientific park (Biopark) Since that very same year, ULB was also dedicated to technological innovation. awarded 29 ERC grants.


Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50 1050 Brussels [email protected] 121 UNIVERSITÉ SAINT-LOUIS – BRUXELLES

Dating back to 1858, the Université Saint- Social, Political and Communication The “Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles” Louis – Bruxelles is a human and social Sciences (Degrees in Business Engineering, welcomes international students from sciences university located in the centre of Economics and Management, Political around 70 countries. 27% of graduating Brussels, offering education to some 4,000 Sciences, Information and Communication, students take part in mobility programmes students in four faculties. Well-known for and Sociology and Anthropology), European and the university offers international its bilingual and trilingual (French-English- Studies (Degrees in European Studies) as student exchange programmes and Dutch) programmes at undergraduate level, well as Translation and Interpreting (Degrees international faculty exchange programmes the university specialises in Philosophy, in 10 different languages). Overall, the (in and out) in Europe, North and South Letters and Humanities (Degrees in university offers 11 Bachelor programmes, 7 America and Asia. Philosophy, History, Romance languages Master and Advanced Master programmes and literature, Germanic languages and and 8 Doctoral programmes. literature), Law (Degree in Law), Economics,


Boulevard du Jardin botanique 43 1000 Brussels [email protected] 122 UNIVERSITY OF ANTWERP

The University of Antwerp is a young, Urban History and Contemporary Urban dynamic, internationally renowned research Policy; Social Economic Policy and university, with more than 20.000 students Organisation. The University of Antwerp is and 5.500 staff members in 9 faculties ranked 14th in the QS worldwide ranking of and various specialized institutes. It has a young research universities, ‘Top 50 under particularly strong expertise in the following 50’. Internationalisation of education and key areas of research: Harbour, Transport scientific research is seen as a key condition and Logistics; Imaging; Neurosciences; for achieving quality and relevance in Infectious Diseases; Drug Discovery and today’s globalised society. International Development; Materials Characterisation; networking and collaboration is therefore a Ecology and Sustainable Development; strategic priority.


Prinsstraat 13 2000 Antwerp [email protected] 123 VLIR | FLEMISH INTERUNIVERSITY COUNCIL

Being established in 1976, VLIR represents where the universities debate, learn from Development Cooperation. VLIR-UOS the Flemish universities. It serves as each other, join forces and formulate shared supports partnerships between higher a platform to facilitate interuniversity recommendations and solutions. VLIR is education institutes in Flanders and the cooperation and interaction with the a member of the European Universities South, stimulating innovative responses to Government of Flanders and the federal Assocation. global and local challenges. VLIR-UOS funds Government of Belgium in all matters around 170 projects and 1,300 fellowships. ​ concerning the threefold mission statement The Interuniversity Development of universities (education, research and Cooperation (VLIR-UOS) is part of VLIR services to society). VLIR is the forum and receives funding from the Belgian


Ravensteingalerij 27, box 6 1000 Brussels [email protected] 124 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL

VUB has a rich history going back to 1834, three interdisciplinary doctoral schools with in the area of development cooperation. and has continued to uphold its values 1,677 PhDs, VUB is a truly international and The university hospital is renowned for its based on humanism. The principles of comprehensive university in Brussels, at groundbreaking pioneering research (IVF, freedom, equality and solidarity are the heart of Europe’s capital. The university end-of-life). VUB has two incubators and prevalent throughout its high-quality continuously strives towards proactively two research parks. VUB is the largest research, its tailor-made research-based improving and innovating its research, Dutch employer in Brussels with over 6,000 education, and its contribution towards an ensuring it is international, interdisciplinary employees. active and better society for tomorrow. With and carried out in an environment of the 4 campuses, eight faculties, 55 fully English- highest quality. The university is a major taught programmes, over 15,000 students, contributor to the European Commission’s of which 21.5% are international programmes, often in the role of coordinator representing 128 different nationalities and and counts 10 ERC. VUB is also very active


Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussels [email protected] 125



Flanders Investment & Trade BELGIAN EMBASSY Rua Castilho, 75 – 4°D 1250-068 Lisboa Portugal +351 21 353 95 17 [email protected]



Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX) & BELGIAN EMBASSY Rua Castilho, 75 – 4°D 1250-068 Lisboa Portugal +351 21 353 98 14 [email protected]


CULTURAL ACTORS Organisations and Personalities that will contribute to Cultural Events taking place in the framework of the State Visit For over forty years the Huelgas Ensemble has been one of the most celebrated ensembles specialising in the performance of polyphonic music from the Medieval and Renaissance periods. The ensemble is well known worldwide for its inventive programming, particularly of unknown masterpieces, delighting audiences again and again with fresh perspectives and the purest intonation.

HUELGAS ENSEMBLE The Huelgas Ensemble has performed in some of the world’s finest musical BIOGRAPHY centres, including the BBC Proms in London, the Lincoln Center in New York, the Cité de la musique in Paris, the Berliner Philharmonie, the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon, and the Warsaw Philharmonic. The ensemble also appears regularly at the greatest festivals for early music, where it often performs in its ‘natural habitat’ of ancient chapels, churches and abbeys, thus building an interdisciplinary bridge between architecture and polyphony through its concerts. 132 Performances by the Huelgas Ensemble Cypres and ECM. The discography of Schallplattenkritik’, the German music are characterized by an in-depth recent years includes The Eton Choirbook, award ‘Echo Klassik’ 1994, 1997, 2010 knowledge of the aesthetics and The treasures of Claude Le Jeune, Le and 2011, alongside the ‘Diapason d’Or concepts of musical and vocal practices mystère de Malheur me bat, L’héritage de l’année 2014’ and the ‘Diapason d’Or of the Medieval and Renaissance periods. de Petrus Alamire, The ear of Zurbáran, de l’année 2015’. Most recently the The media and critics alike regularly heap Firminus Caron - Twighlight of the Middle ensemble was awarded a ‘Choc du mois’ praise on the ensemble for its lively and Ages, The mirror of Monteverdi, The in the February 2017 edition of ‘Classica’ innovative approach to the repertoire, ear of the Huguenots, ‘Et lux’, a work magazine and a ‘Preis der deutschen continuously setting the highest by the German composer Wolfgang Schallplattenkritik’ (Bestenliste 1/2017) standards in its field. It is precisely for this Rihm, scored for eight singers and for the CD recording The mirror of reason that more and more contemporary string quartet, and Francesca Caccini’s Monteverdi. composers seek the ensemble out to ‘La Liberazione di Ruggiero dall’isola perform their works, such as Wolfgang d’Alcina’, the first recording of the opera The Huelgas Ensemble is supported by Rihm and James MacMillan. to include reconstructed instrumental the Vlaamse Overheid and the Catholic dances. University of Leuven. The discography of the Huelgas Ensemble is comprised of over one hundred Awards include: various Caecilia prizes recordings of vocal and instrumental from the Belgian press, ‘Choc du Monde works from the twelth to the beginning de la Musique’ and ‘Diapason d’Or’, the of the seventeenth century, for example: ‘Edison Prize’, ‘Cannes Classical Award’ Dufay, Brumel, de Rore, Richafort, de for Early Music, ‘Prix in Honorem’ of the Kerle, Ferrabosco, Palestrina, Lassus Académie Charles Cros, the ‘Carrièreprijs’ and Ashewell. These recordings have of the classical music radio station ‘Klara’, appeared on a variety of labels, including a commendation of the ‘Europese Radio- Seon, Sony Classical, Harmonia Mundi Unie’ and the Canadian Broadcasting France, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, Cooperation, the ‘Preis der deutschen

133 PAUL VAN NEVEL DIRECTOR HUELGAS ENSEMBLE Paul Van Nevel is the artistic director of published by the German publishing house high praise from the global press. For the Huelgas Ensemble, which he founded Bärenreiter. the recording ‘Les trésors de Claude Le in 1971 as an extension of his research Jeune’ (Sony Classical, 2014) he recieved and studies at the Schola Basiliensis. A An exhaustive knowledge of the the ‘Diapason d’Or de l’année 2014’ and pioneer and figurehead for the research catalogues of Europe’s music libraries for ‘Wolfgang Rihm: Et lux’ (ECM, 2015) and practice of European polyphony from allows Paul Van Nevel to continually the ‘Diapason d’Or de l’année 2015’. Most the twelfth to the sixteenth century, Paul bring forgotten works to light, which are recently Paul Van Nevel was awarded Van Nevel utilises an interdisciplinary subsequently performed by his ensemble. a ‘Choc du mois’ by ‘Classica’ magazine approach to original sources, putting them His programmes both surprise and delight, (February 2017 edition) and a ‘Preis der into context with their cultural environment thanks to inventive perspectives and an deutschen Schallplattenkritik’ (Bestenliste (literature, historical pronunciation, in-depth knowledge of the repertoires of 1/2017) for his CD recording ‘The mirror of temperament and tempo, rhetoric etc.). the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Monteverdi’. He is continuously searching for unknown works, with particular attention to the Paul Van Nevel has received countless In 2018 Paul Van Nevel’s book is published: treasures of Flemish polyphony. awards, including the ‘Prix in Honorem’ of “Het landschap van de polyfonisten: De the Académie Charles Cros (1994), several wereld van de Franco-Flamands (1400- He was a guest lecturer at the Sweelinck ‘Diapason d’Or’ and ‘Choc de l’année’ (Le 1600)“. Paul Van Nevel puts forward Conservatorium Amsterdam, the monde de la Musique), the ‘Edison Prijs’, the hypothesis that the melancholic and Musikhochschule Hannover, the Centre de the ‘Cannes Classical Award’, various imitative style of the Franco-Flemish Musique ancienne de Genève and for the ‘Caecilia’ prizes of the Belgian press, the School has its roots in the character of last thirty years has been guest conductor ‘Carrièreprijs’ of the classical music radio the landscape where the composers spent of the Nederlands Kamerkoor. station ‘Klara’, the Preis der deutschen their childhood; a landscape of tranquility, Schallplattenkritik’, as well as several refuge and melancholy. Amongst other things he has written a German ECHO Klassik music prizes. His monograph on Johannes Ciconia and a recordings of ‘The Eton Choirbook’ (Sony Paul Van Nevel is an internationally book about Nicolas Gombert. He has also Classical, 2012) and ‘La Oreja de Zurbarán’ famous ‘Cigarier’. had transcriptions of renaissance music (Cypres records, 2014) have attracted 135 As Belgium’s oldest and biggest art house, the Centre for Fine Arts is intended to be the model for the European cultural centre of the 21st century. The overarching BOZAR cultural project of the Centre for Fine Arts combines the work of a dynamic venue for concert and exhibition with the underpinning of multidisciplinary operations. The programme revolves around the quality of the artistic range on offer that opens doors to diverse audiences. Starting out from this central artistic mission, links and exchanges between the disciplines and cultures have become increasingly BOZAR important and BOZAR is turning into an agora dedicated to cultural and social developments. CENTRE FOR FINE ARTS, BRUSSELS With multidisciplinary and cross-sectorial programmes, BOZAR has a great deal of experience which it uses to help spread the knowledge of art and culture in relation to the wider world. Take a look at BOZAR’s varied programme at :