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Aaron, Pietro, 1, 106, 425, 580 Agricola, Martin, 18, 118, 241, 598, 627, 650, 655 Abbado, Claudio, 194 Musica instrumentalis deudsch, 19, 31, 448, Abel, Carl Friedrich, 1, 310, 648, 661 627 Abraham, Gerald, 95 Aguado, Dionisio, 276 (18th C), 2, 142, Agutter, Ralph, 598 188, 194, 293, 304, 306, 476, 512 Ahle, Johann Georg, 227 Academy of Ancient Music (20th C), 2, 192, Ahle, Johann Rudolph, 91 308, 347, 368, 398, 454–5, 562, 568, 588, Aichinger, Gregor, 253 698 Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, 193 Academy of St Martin in the Fields, 191 Akademische Bande, 249 Academy of Vocal Musick, 2 Al Ayre Español, 193 Accademia Bizantina, 193 Alamire, 197 Accademia Monteverdiana, 3, 82 Alard, Benjamin, 361 Accent, 4 Alard, Delphin, 19, 114, 171, 279, 653, 672 see also Accentuation Alarius Ensemble, 355 Accentuation, 73, 129, 212, 264, 292, 301, 339, Alberghi, Paolo, 112 371, 395, 416, 423, 531, 590, 610–11, 639, Albert, Eugène d’, 20 650, 697 Alberti bass, 28 Accordion, 42, 51, 496 Albinoni, Tomaso, 520, 668 Adam, Louis, 7, 343, 471, 625 Albrecht, Johann Lorenz, 8 Adams, John Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg, 20, 127, 341, Dharma at Big Sur, The, 669 343, 414, 443 Adams, Nathan, 312 Aldeburgh Festival, 94–5, 649 Adderley, Cannonball, 336 Aldrich, Putnam, 199 Addison, Joseph, 602 Alessandrini, Rinaldo, 193 Adler, Frédérique Guillaume, 68 Alexander, James, 656 Adler, Guido, 7 Alexandre père et fils Adlung, Jakob, 8, 137, 626 orgue-mélodium, 74 Adorno, Theodor W., 8, 12, 352 Alexanian, Diran, 94, 115, 122, 237, 272, 655 Aesthetic Theory, 8 Alfonso I, Duke of Ferrara, 241 Negative Dialectics, 8 Allegri, Gregorio Philosophy of New Music, 8 Miserere, 389 Aesthetics, 9, 102, 249, 326, 351, 373, 517, 520, 546, Allen, J. H. 576, 590, 592, 599, 606, 625, 680, 684 The Technique of Modern Singing, 658 identity and definition, 10 Almenräder, Carl, 68, 502, 626 interpretation and value, 13 ‘Almenraeder u Heckel’, 68 musical meanings, 11 Alsop, Marin, 455 performing arts and, 9 Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 617 Affect/Affekt, 264, 657 Alta Villa, Count of, 382 see also Affections/Affektenlehre Alte Musik, 185 Affections/Affektenlehre, 14, 44, 56, 226, 255, Altenburg, Johann Caspar, 21 297, 324, 536 Altenburg, Johann Ernst, 21 Agazzari, Agostino, 17, 62, 284, 625 Versuch, 79, 475, 626, 634 Agnew, Paul, 366, 612 Altès, Joseph Henry, 22 Agnew, Vanessa, 101 Alvars, Elias Parish, 286 Agricola, Alexander, 619 Amati, Andrea, 119 Agricola, Johann Friedrich, 8, 17, 30, 107, 301, Amati family, 664 580, 621 Ambros, August Wilhelm, 158


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Ambrosian Singers, 3 Asioli, Bonifacio, 305, 341 American Bach Soloists, 195 Asociación pro Arte y Cultura, 240 American Recorder Society, 194 Asplmayr, Franz, 131 Amherst Festival, 195 Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Ammerbach, Elias Nikolaus, 22, 228 Music, 554 Amon, Johann Andreas, 666 Aston Magna Foundation, 195, 198 Amsterdam Baroque , 353 Astorga, Emmanuele d’, 614 Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, 192, 352–3 Attaingnant, Pierre, 137, 163, 375 Anderson, Kinloch, 3 Auber, Daniel, 25, 564 André, Maurice, 421, 636 La muette de Portici, 36 Andriessen, Louis Audiences, 34, 312, 367, 403, 423, 476, 510, 530, Sweet, 528 581, 679 Andrijeski, Julie, 197–8 Auer, Leopold von, 36, 272, 339, 430, 654, 672 Anet, Jean-Jacques-Baptiste, 65 Graded Course of Violin Playing, 37 Anonymous IV, 198, 331 My Long Life in Music, 38 Ansani, Giovanni, 259 on ‘rhythmic’ vs ‘antirhythmic’ (off-beat Ansermet, Ernest, 170 shifting) fingering, 235 Antegnati, Costanzo, 64, 458 Violin Masterworks and their Antegnati, Gian Giacomo, 458 Interpretation, 37 Antonini, Giovanni, 193 Violin Playing as I Teach it, 37 Apel, Willi, 478 Aurelian of Réôme, 38 Apollo’s Fire, 197 Musica disciplina, 38 Applause, 23, 683 Aurora Orchestra, 403 Arakaendar Bolivia Choir, 240 Austrian Radio, 96 Arban, Jean-Baptiste, 25, 626 Authenticity, 8, 38, 172, 335, 365, 689 Arbeau, Thoinot, 25, 163, 410 Autograph scores, 388 Arcadelt, Jacques Aveling, Valda, 268 ‘O felici occhi miei’, 467 Avison, Charles, 40, 263, 626 Arcas, Julián, 276 Ax, Emanuel, 24 Archer, Kenneth, 590 Axelrod, Herbert and Evelyn, 196 Archlute, 64, 397 Azéma, Anne, 196 Arezzo, Guido d’, 26, 465, 523, 644 ‘Ut queant laxis’, 26 Babbitt, Milton, 438 Argyll Rooms, London, 648 Babitz, Sol, 235 Ariosti, Attilio, 131, 302 Bach, Anna Magdalena, 63 Aristotle, 9, 382, 534–5, 627 Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 43, 47, 63, 91, De Anima, 9 137, 217, 245, 326, 349, 395, 453, 562, Aristoxenus (of Tarentum), 255 575, 603, 605 Arlt, Wulf, 567 on articulation, 32 Arne, Thomas, 3, 101, 131 on the clavichord, 138 Sonata No. 4 in D minor (keyboard), 545 fantasies, 246 Arnulf of St Ghislain, 27 on fingering, 44, 230 Arpeggiando, 27, 114, 231, 280, 416, 583 on keyboard leadership, 143 Arpeggio, 27 keyboard sonatas, 322, 545 Ars antiqua, 676 Sonaten mit veränderten Reprisen Ars nova, 514, 611, 676 Wq50, 322, 327 Ars Rediviva, 191, 421 Versuch, 29, 43–5, 160, 286, 322, 324, 370, Ars subtilior, 514, 644 430, 625, 639 Arte dei Suonatori, 193 on written-out embellishments, 533 Articulation, 27–8, 41–2, 44, 46, 72–3, 75, 77, Bach, Johann Christian, 43, 68 84, 95, 100, 102, 129, 149, 152, 160, collaboration with Abel, 1 173–4, 206, 214–16, 219, 222, 228, 242, Bach, Johann Ludwig, 131 246, 248, 258, 263, 269, 281, 286, 316, Bach, Johann Nicolaus, 432, 434 351, 353, 363, 365, 370, 385–6, 393, 399, Bach, Johann Sebastian, 45, 189, 208, 247, 252, 419, 423, 430, 436, 438, 467, 471, 492, 281, 302, 349, 364, 430, 535, 562, 565, 507, 522, 531, 561–2, 578, 583, 590, 594, 575, 684 607, 632, 634, 639, 646, 678, 684, 686, Art of Fugue, The, BWV1080, 268, 294, 393, 691, 696 541 Artôt, Alexandre, 130 on articulation, 33 Artusi, Giovanni Maria, 33–4 Brandenburg Concertos, BWV1046–51, Aruspix, 201 xiv, 115, 141, 167, 307, 421, 423, 689


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No. 1 in F major, BWV1046, 180 Sonata in C minor for violin and No. 2 in F major, BWV1047, 527, 634–5 harpsichord, BWV1017, 541 No. 4 in G major, BWV1049, 527 Sonatas and Partitas for unaccompanied No. 5, in D major BWV1050, 108, 541 violin, BWV1001–6, 42, 169, 213, 323, cadenzas, 108 341 Cantatas, 67, 95, 547 Partita No. 2 in D minor, BWV1004, 302 Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV4, 96 Sonata No. 3 in C major, BWV1005, 113 Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen,BWV43, 217 St John Passion, BWV245, 65, 217 Es ist genug, BWV60, 91 St Mark Passion, BWV247, 353 Herr Christ, der einige Gottesohn, St Matthew Passion, BWV244, 64, 114, 126, BWV96, 667 189, 404, 524, 612 Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich, transcriptions, 419, 622 BWV150, 92 trumpet range, 281 Wachet auf, BWV140, 667 Violin Concertos, 614 Cello Suites, BWV1007–12, 103, 115, 122, Violin Concerto in E major, BWV1042, 179, 283, 323, 355, 403 108, 622 No. 5 in C minor, BWV1011, 120, Well-Tempered Clavier, The, BWV846–93, 571 44, 102, 161, 208, 268, 303, 323, 360, 417, No. 6 in D major, BWV1012, 119 442, 536, 605 chorus size, 319 Bach, Maria Barbara, 302 Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue, BWV903, Bach, Michael (Bachtischa), 43 91, 303 Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, 43, 46–7, 91, on the clavichord, 138 322 Clavier-Übung, 322 ‘Bach’ bow, 42, 90 continuo playing, 63 Vega Bach bow, 42 Eichentopf and, 208 Bach Choir, 647 English Suites, BWV806–11 Bach Choir of Bethlehem (PA), 194 No. 2 in A minor, BWV807, 322 Bach Collegium Japan, 592 No. 3 in G minor, BWV808, 322 BACH Digital, 200 fingering in, 29, 230 Bach Ensemble, 547 French Suites, BWV812–17, 309 Bach Gesellschaft, 91, 206, 292, 443 No. 1 in D minor, BWV812, 543 Bach harpsichord, 95 No. 4 in E flat major, BWV815, 541 Bach trumpet, 491, 548 Goldberg Variations, BWV988, 268, 303, Bacilly, Bertrand ‘Bénigne’ de, 48, 372, 552 348, 360, 541 Backofen, Johann Georg Heinrich, 48 on improvisation, 46 Badura-Skoda, Eva, 49 keyboard suites, allemandes in, 163 Badura-Skoda, Paul, 49, 110, 142 Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Baermann, Heinrich, 133, 239, 626, 646 Bach, 47, 322 Bagby, Benjamin, 197, 572 Applicatio, BWV994, 322 Bagpipes, 50–1 Explicatio, 166 Highland bagpipes, 51 Mass in B minor, BWV232, 189, 194, 215, Bailleux, Antoine, 672 298, 547, 614, 635, 647 Baillot, Pierre, 19, 52, 73, 113, 121, 165, 219, Musical Offering, The, BWV1079, 421 234–6, 278, 341, 354, 368, 394, 430, 471, natural trumpet tuning, 217 504, 510, 549, 626, 653, 670–2, 692 notation, 533 Études, 570 Organ Sonata No. 4 in E minor, BWV528, L’art du violon, 29, 53, 430, 510, 570, 671 541 metronome markings for vibrato, 653 ornament table, 166 on ports de voix and expressive fingering, Ouvertures (Orchestral Suites), 235 BWV1066–9, 423 on vibrato, 653 Overture in the French Style, BWV831, Baines, Anthony, 54, 422 542 Baird, Julianne, 198 Partitas, BWV825–30, 543 Baker, David, 336 No. 1 in B flat major, BWV825, 540 Baker, Theodore, 356 No. 6 in E minor, BWV830, 540, 541, 543 Bakfark, Valentin Bálint, 330 Sinfonia in E flat major, BWV791, 323 Baldwin Wallace Bach Festival, 194 Sonata in G minor for viola da gamba and Baldwyn, John, 515 harpsichord, BWV1029, 183 Ballard, Christophe, 559, 571 Sonata in B minor for flute and Ballestra, Reimundo, 426 harpsichord, BWV1030, 64 Ballet, 163


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Baltimore Consort, 197 Baumgartner, Johann Baptist, 69, 236 Baltzar, Thomas, 570 Fuga for solo cello, 70 Banchetto Musicale, 197 Bax, Arnold Banchieri, Adriano, 55, 176, 228, 625 First Symphony, 570 Banister, John, I (the elder), 309, 648, 668 Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, 199 Banister, John, II, 309, 598 Bayreuth Festival, 400, 529, 682–3 Banks, Jon, 402 Bazelaire, Paul, 183 Banzo, Eduardo López, 193 Beard, John, 117 Barbella, Emanuele, 570 Beatrice of Aragon, 140 Barbirolli, Sir John, 555 Bechet, Sidney, 133, 564 Barclay, Robert, xvii Bechstein Hall, Wigmore Street (London), Bardi, Giovanni, 255 649 Baritone horn, 637 Beck, Jean, 279 Barlow, Klarenz, 587 Becker, Hugo, 121, 179, 183, 655 Barnes, Eric, 172 Beckerath, Willy von, 91–2 Barnes, Harry, 172 Beckett, John, 427 Baroni, Leonora, 397 Bédier, Henri, 206 Baroque gesture, 55 Bédos de Celles, François, 216 Barrel organ, 58 Beecham, Sir Thomas, 268 Barrère, Georges, 244 Beechey, Gwilym, 544 Barrière, Jean-Baptiste, 160 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 70, 122, 321, 406, 414 Barto, Robert, 198 on cadenzas, 109 Bartók, Béla, 58, 71 Cello Sonatas, 109, 169, 551 Contrasts, 570 Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 5 No. 2, Eight Hungarian Folksongs, 59 551 Five Hungarian Folk Tunes, 59 clavichord and, 138 Mikrokosmos, 59 conducting and, 70 Miraculous Mandarin, 82 on Czerny, 160, 402 piano playing of, 219 Diabelli Variations, Op. 120, 491 Bartolozzi, Bruno, 133, 245, 447 Die Ruinen von Athen, Op. 113, 589 Baryton, 60 Fantasy, Op. 77, 326 Basbas, Louise, 195 Fidelio, Op. 72, 453, 524 Basevi, Abramo, 266 fidelity to notated scores, 533 Basie, Count, 336 Grosse Fuge, Op. 133, 101 Basile, Margherita, 413 Horn Sonata Op. 17, 98, 311 Basler Kammerorchester, 191 legato tone, 230 Bass clarinet, 133, 453 Materialien zum Generalbass, 66 Bass horn, 573, 636 metronome markings, 70, 161, 406, 607 Bassani, Francesco, 520 Missa Solemnis, Op. 123, 66, 456 Bassano, Giovanni, 61, 107, 162, 242, 667 Piano Concertos Bassano family, 67, 526 No. 2 in B flat major, Op. 19, 490 Basset, Jehan, 651 No. 3 in C minor, Op. 37, 161, 490 Basset clarinet, 132, 585 No. 4 in G major, Op. 58, 141, 490, 492 Basset horn, 21, 132 No. 5 in E flat major (‘Emperor’), Basso continuo, 29, 61, 143, 154, 288, 321, 368 Op. 73, 66, 109, 300 Bassoon, 66, 295 piano pedal indications, 492 Eichentopf, 208 Piano Sonatas, 109, 407 French, 74 No. 8 in C minor (‘Pathétique’), Op. 13, substitutions for, 146, 163 607 Bass-tuba, 637 No. 9 in E major, Op. 14 No. 1, Bate, Philip, 54 545 Bate Collection of Historical Woodwind No. 14 in C sharp minor, Op. 27 No. 2, Instruments, 55 494, 545 Baton, 144 No. 17 in D minor, Op. 31 No. 2, 492 Bâton, Henri, 316 No. 21 in C major (‘Waldstein’), Op. 53, ‘Battle of the Organs’, 461 246, 492–3 Baudiot, Charles, 52, 183, 236–7, 368, 626 No. 28 in A major, Op. 101, 491, 607 Baumann, Hermann, 313 No. 29 in B♭ major (‘Hammerklavier’), Baumgart, Hans, 42 Op. 106, 490–1 Baumgarten, Alexander No. 31 in A flat major, Op.110, 491 Aesthetica, 10 on piano strings, 489–90


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Quintet for piano and wind, Op. 16, 312, 534 Berliner Barock Solisten, 194 arranged for piano quartet, 622 Berliner, Emil, 488 Septet in E flat major, Op. 20, 6, 133, 141, Berlioz, Hector, 74, 117, 134, 145, 171, 278, 607, 615, 623 306, 344, 351, 431, 453, 474, 564, 626, String Quartets, 340 631, 637 studies in counterpoint, 443 Benvenuto Cellini, 278 Symphonies, 306 on conducting, 626 No. 3 in E flat major (‘Eroica’), 23, 97, Grand traité d’instrumentation et 141, 392, 453, 512, 589, 615 d’orchestration modernes, 74 No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67, 146, 453, 512, Grande messe des Morts, Op. 5 589 (‘Requiem’), 127, 278 No. 6 in F major (‘Pastoral’), Op. 68, Harold en Italie, 468 403, 512 La Damnation de Faust, 74 No. 7 in A major, Op. 92, 141, 615 Le Freischütz, 457 No. 9 in D minor (‘Choral’), Op. 125, 11, Lélio, 428 126, 144, 185, 389, 453, 615, 648 Les Nuits d’été, 75 32 Variations in C minor, WoO80, 534 Les Troyens, 457 Trio for clarinet, cello and piano, Op. 38, Marche Funèbre (Hamlet), Op. 18 No. 3, 622 125 Triple Concerto in C major, Op. 56, 141 Messe Solennelle, 457 Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61, 109, Roméo et Juliette, 74 339 Symphonie fantastique, 74, 278, 287, 457, Violin Sonatas, 341 471 No. 9 in A major (‘Kreutzer’), Op. 47, on valve horn, 312 354 Bermudo, Juan, 62, 107, 229, 273, 284, 659 No. 10 in G major, Op. 96, 548 Bernhard, Christoph, 75, 227, 535–6 Beheim, Michel, 610 Coloraturen, 75 Beidler, George C., 221 Bernstein, Leonard, 12, 359 Bel canto, 18, 27, 73, 154, 208, 260, 299, 377, Berr, Frédéric, 75, 502, 626 386–7, 415, 536, 577–9, 621, 679–80 Berry, Walter, 117 Bell, Alexander Graham, 488 Berteau, Martin, 93, 618 Bell, Chichester, 488 Berthaume, Isidore, 570 Bellini, Vincenzo Bertoli, Giovanni Antonio, 67 cadenzas, 110 Berton, Henri-Montan, 171 I Capuleti e i Montecchi, 216 Besard, Jean-Baptiste, 571 I Puritani, 577 Besozzi, Carlo, 446 Bellon, Jean-François-Victor, 670 Besozzi family, 67, 446 Bellosio, Anselmo, 665 Bevan, Clifford, 638 Benda, Franz, 71, 421 Bevan, Maurice, 172 Bendinelli, Cesare, 222, 633 Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz, 142, 302, 568, Beowulf, 572 634 Bérard, Jean-Antoine, 72 Harmonia-artificiosa ariosa, 424 L’art du chant, 72 ‘Mystery’ (‘Rosary’) sonatas, 267, 570, 668 on vibrato, 657 Requiem in A major, 353 Berg, Alban, 5, 8, 72 Sonatae violino solo, 570 Drei Orchesterstücke, 72 Bibliographie des Musikschrifttums, 483 Lulu, 73, 584 Bibliothèque Nationale, , 199, 471 Lyric Suite, 72, 571 Bicket, Harry, 455 Violin Concerto, 686 Bigaglia, Diogenio, 305 Wozzeck, 72, 82–3, 584 Billings, William, 126 Berger, Ludwig, 138, 443 Bilson, Malcolm, 29, 76, 193, 215, 372 Berger, Wilhelm, 401 Bindig, Susan, 198 Bergmann, Walter, 619 Binkley, Thomas, 76, 192, 196, 448, 522, 567, Berio, Luciano, 584 591 Gesti, 546 Biondi, Fabio, 193, 216 Sequenza XIV, 571 Biordi, Paolo, 663 Bériot, Charles-Auguste de, 52, 73, 234, 339, Birnbaum, Johann Abraham, 76 469, 471, 506, 570, 626, 653, 671 Bischof, Andrea, 142, 518 Berkeley Early Music Festival, 195 Bischoff, Hans, 356 Berkowskis, Hermann, 42 Bismantova, Bartolomeo, 62, 76, 235, 526 Berlin Concert Spirituel, 530–1 Compendio musicale, 31, 77


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Bizet, Georges Bottazzari, Giovanni Carmen, 457 Sonate nuove, 571 L’Arlésienne, 454, 564 Bottesini, Giovanni, 80, 181, 238 Blachly, Alexander, 198 Bottesini bow, 81 Black, Andrew, 213 Bottrigari, Ercole, 34 Blanc, Serge, 214 Boufil, Jacques-Jules, 363 Blanton, Jimmie, 182 Boulanger, Nadia, 3, 81, 97, 261, 348, 369 Blasius, (Mathieu-)Frédéric, 78 Boulez, Pierre, 36, 82, 111, 220, 438, 584, 586, Blewitt, Jonas, 462 590 Bloch, Ernest, 194 Le marteau sans maître, 82 Bloch, Suzanne, 194 Piano Sonata No. 3, 82 Blow, John, 598 Pli selon pli, 82 Blue Heron, 198 Boult, Adrian, 95 Blühmel, Friedrich, 311, 635 Bour, Ernest, 82 Blume, Friedrich, 185 Bourdelot, Pierre, 222 Blume, Walter, 586 Bourdieu, Pierre, 14 Boccherini, Luigi Bourgeois, Loys, 440, 537 Cello Concerto in B flat major, G482, Bovicelli, Giovanni Battista, 83, 696 272 Bowing, 29, 37, 69, 77, 84, 94, 103, 115, 165, Böddecker, Philip Friedrich, 67 184, 214, 224, 250, 254, 258, 267, 272, Bodky, Erwin, 195 277, 364, 368, 371, 373, 390, 420, 430, Boehm, Joseph, 339 452–3, 469, 471, 504, 517, 531, 550, Boehm, Theobald, 239, 243–4, 350, 434, 548 552, 567, 599, 618, 642, 654, 666, Boehm clarinet, 350, 431 672, 692 Boehm flute, 22, 245, 548 Bowman, James, 89, 188, 422, 614 ‘Boehm-Gordon’ controversy, 548 Bows, 84 Boehm system, 350, 421, 447 early nineteenth-century, 87 Boeke, Kees, 99 longer ‘High Baroque’, 86 Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, 78, 134, short ‘Early Baroque’, 84 465, 627 transitional/Classical, 86 De institutione musica, 78 types: Böhm, Joseph, 549 ‘Bach’, 43–4, 90 Bois, Rob du Bottesini, 81 Muziek, 528 Butler, 180 Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de, 51, 316 ’cello, 85, 120 Bol, Hans, 231 Corelli, 167 Bolt, Klaas, 592 Dodd, 88 Bolton, Ivor, 455 Dragonetti, 81, 181 Bonanni, Filippo, 58 French, 81, 85, 181 Bonaparte, Elisa, 266 German, 180–1 Bond, Capel, 67 long, 86 Bonifacio, Giovanni, 56 ‘pike-head’, 84 Bononcini, Giovanni Maria, 570 Simandl, 180–1 Bononcini brothers, 131 ‘swan bill’, 86 Bonporti, Francesco Antonio, 416 Tourte, 53, 85–8, 120, 184, 430, 551–2, 665 Boody, John, 196 Vega Bach, 42 Book of Common Prayer, 607 viola, 85 Boomkamp, Carel van Leeuwen, 103 viola da gamba, 85 Boracchi, Carlo Antonio, 79 Boyd Neel Orchestra, 167, 191 Borchgrevinck, Melchior, 253 Boyden, David Dodge, 42, 84, 90, 265 Bordes, Charles, 80, 190, 328 Brähmig, Bernhard, 666 Bordet, Toussaint, 509 Brahms, Johann Jacob, 90 Bordoni, Faustina, 262 Brahms, Johannes, 90, 122, 189, 339, 400, 408, Borghese, Antonio 443, 586 L’art musical, 277 Clarinet Quintet, Op. 115, 133 Borghese, Cardinal, 222 Clarinet Sonatas, Op. 120, 133 Borjon de Scellery, 313 Clarinet Trio, Op. 114, 133, 170 (originally Banchetto conducting of his own works, 609 Musicale), 197 Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45, 91–2, 175 , 196 early recordings of, 204 Boston Early Music Festival, 195, 197 51 Übungen, 91


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Piano Concertos Brown, Howard Mayer, 39, 71, 98, 196, 198, 317 No. 1 in D minor, Op. 15, 91, 101 Brown, Ryan, 197 No. 2 in B flat major, Op. 83, 91 Brown family, 196 Piano miniatures, Opp. 116 and 117, 170 Browne, James, 244 piano playing (recording), 202 Bruch, Max, 305, 647 Piano Quartets, Opp. 25 and 26, 90 Bruckner, Anton, 454, 683 Piano Trios Symphony No. 4 in E flat major, 385 Op. 8, 170 Brückner, Oskar, 272 Op. 101, 170, 250 Brüggen, Frans, 71, 99, 103, 192, 295, 355, 365, ‘St Anthony Chorale’ Variations, Op. 56, 91 455–6, 528, 568 Symphonies Brunelli, Antonio, 99 No. 1 in C minor, Op. 68, 92 Bruni, Antonio, 305, 666 No. 4 in E minor, Op. 98, 92, 101, 132, Brunold, Paul, 100 400 Bry, Théodore de, 163 Triumphlied, Op. 52, 92 Buchner, Hans, 100, 228, 230 Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Fundamentum, 62, 100 Handel, Op. 24, 90–1 Buffardin, Pierre-Gabriel, 516 Variations on a Theme of Paganini, Buffet Crampon, 68 Op. 35, 91 Buffet, Jean-Louis, 68, 132–3, 350, 431, 447 Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77, Bukofzer, Manfred, 478 109–10, 340 Bull, John Brainard, Ingrid, 198 Fantasia, 229 Branscombe, Peter, 50 Bull, William, 598, 604 Braun, André, 631 Bullokar, John, 147 Bream, Julian, 92 Bülow, Hans von, 71, 92, 101, 373, 384, 400, see also Julian Bream Consort 402, 586, 609, 683 Brebos, Gillis, 459 Bulwer, John, 56–7 Brée, Malwine, 367 Bunting, Christopher, 122, 286 Breitkopf & Härtel, 443 Bunyan, Vashti, 528 Bremner, Robert, 93, 263, 265, 650 Burgess, Geoffrey, 295 Bressan, Peter, 526, 598 Burgess, Grayston, 192 Bréval, Jean-Baptiste Sébastien, 93, 368 Burmeister, Joachim, 226–7, 535, 617 Traité du violoncelle, Op. 42, 94 Musica poetica, 535 Brewer, John, 394 Burmester, Willy, 431 Bricqueville, Eugène de, 190 Burnett, Richard, 614 Bridge, Richard, 461 Burney, Charles, 41, 44, 101, 223, 293, 387, 389, Brijon, C. R., 662–3 391, 396, 504, 598, 602, 679, 688 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), xiv, Busch, Adolf, 432 35, 95, 188, 481 Busoni, Ferruccio, 5, 102, 217, 268, 623, 649 British Library’s Early Music Online, 200 cadenzas, 110 Britten, Benjamin, 94, 584, 649 Clavierübung, 102 Burning Fiery Furnace, The, 649 edition of Liszt’s Reminiscences de Don Curlew River, 649 Juan, 102 Death in Venice, 89 Entwurf einer neuen Aesthetik der Fanfare for St Edmundsbury, 14 Tonkunst, 102 Midsummer Night’s Dream, A, 89, 172 Busse Berger, Anna Maria, 449 Noye’s Fludde, 649 Butt, Clara, 213 Prodigal Son, The 649 Butt, John, xviii, 33, 102, 455, 547 Britton, Thomas, 34, 648 Buxheim Organ Book, 594 Broadcasting, 95, 187, 191 Buxtehude, Dietrich, 250, 396, 463, 497, 662 Broadley, Arthur, 654 Ad cor: Vulnerasti cor meum, 148 Brod, Henri, 447, 626 Bylsma, Anner, 99, 103, 142, 160, 192, 365, 568 Broderip, Robert, 230 Byrd, William, 93, 252, 304, 612, 622 Brodersen, Friedrich, 299 ‘Fortune my foe’, 533 Brodsky Quartet, 250 Broken consort repertoire, 197 Cabezón, Antonio de, 104–5, 459 Brombaugh, John, 196 Cabezón, Hernando de, 104, 229 Brookes, Oliver, 188 Caccini, Giulio, 62–3, 83, 99, 105, 107, 216, 501, Brossard, Sébastien de, 97, 509, 669 550, 577, 621, 678–9 Brown, Caroline, 613 Le nuove musiche (‘New Songs’), 62, 83, Brown, Clive, xviii, 87, 98 105, 501, 550, 577, 621, 678


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cadenza, 18, 37, 45, 71, 106, 168, 173, 209, 223, Castello, Dario, 668 569, 588 Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario, Cage, John, 43, 82, 438 Guitar Sonata in D major, Op. 77, 571 40 3300, 111 Castil-Blaze, François Henri Joseph, 116 Music of Changes, 111 Castrato, 90, 116, 223, 391, 577 Perilous Night, The, 111 Castrucci, Pietro, 570, 665, 668 Sonatas and Interludes, 111 Catalani, Angelica, 30, 130, 549 use of shortwave radio, 212 Catel, Charles-Simon, 52, 236, 368, 626 Caldara, Antonio, 131, 416 Caudle, Mark, 309 I due dittatori, 634 Caus, Salomon de, 58 Caldwell, James, 195 Caussenus, Joseph, 637 Calvé, Emma, 658 Cavaillé-Coll, Aristide, 118, 464, 471 Calvet, Joseph, 568 Cavalieri, Emilio de’, 62–3 Calvisius, Seth, 345, 617 Cavalli, Francesco, 304, 358 Cambini, Giuseppe Maria, 111, 258 La Calisto, 90, 365 Cambridge (MA) Society for Early Music, Le Nozze di Teti e di Peleo, 310 195 L’Ormindo, 365 Cambridge Court Dancers, 198 Cavallini, Eugenio, 267 Camerata, 105 ’Cello, 118 Campagnoli, Bartolomeo, 112, 266–7, 570, 671 Baroque, 355 Campanellas, 274 bow, 85 Campion, François, 276, 571 tuning, 571 règle de l’octave, 484 see also Violoncello Campra, André, 51 Centre for Musical Performance as Creative L’Europe galante, 361 Practice (CMPCP), 363 Cannabich, Christian, 453, 668 Centre for the History and Analysis of Cantabile style, 30 Recorded Music (CHARM), 363, 483 Cantelo, April, 172 Cerone, Pietro, 106 Canteloube, (Marie-)Joseph, 80 Cervetto, Giovanni, 468 Cantigas de Santa Maria, 51, 240 Cesti, Antonio, 629 Cantus Cölln, 193 Chabrier, Emmanuel, Cape, Safford, 191, 196 L’Étoile, 457 Capella Academica Wien, 192 Chailley, Jacques, 190 Capella Antiqua München, 192 Challis, John, 195 Cappella Savaria, 193, 398 Chalumeau, 131, 210, 361 Caplan, Ben, 11 Chamber Orchestra of Europe, xv Cappella Coloniensis, 96 Chambers, Paul, 182, 336 Capuzzi, Antonio, 181 Chambonnières, Jacques Champion, Sieur Carbonelli, Giovanni Stefano, 668 de, 100, 123, 157, 173, 291, 560 Cardew, Cornelius, 587 Chansonnier Cordiforme, The, 612 Cardinall’s Musick, The, 193, 197 Chant scholarship, 206 Cardozo, Félix Pérez, 287 Chapel Royal, 648 Carestini, Giovanni, 390 Chaplin sisters, 95, 123, 164 Carissimi, Giacomo, 520 Charlier, Théo, 635 Jephte, 81 Charpentier, Marc-Antoine, 65, 67, 124, 129, Carl Augustin I, 271 345 Carl Augustin II, 271 Mélanges (Meslanges) autographes, 124 Carl, Johann Christian, 648 Pestis Mediolensis, 81 Carlson, Chester, 221 Te Deum in D major, 634 Carmel (California) Bach Festival, 194 Charvet, Pierre, 97 Carmignola, Giuliano, 2 CHASE (Collection of Historical Annotated Carmona, Manuel Salvador, 298 String Editions), 98 Carnegie Hall, New York, 649 Chaulieu, Charles, 494 Cartier, Jean-Baptiste, 160, 171, 415, 626, 671 Chausson, Ernest, Carwood, Andrew, 193 Poème, 213 Casadesus, Francis, 114 Chelard, André Hippolyte, 278 Casadesus, Henri, 114, 190, 305, 513 Chéreau, Patrice, 36, 83 Casals, Marta, 115 Cherubini, Luigi, 128, 258, 354, 470 Casals, Pablo, 115, 122, 213, 237, 268, 372, 655 Chiavette, 623 Cassadó, Gaspar, 94 Chickering Piano Company, 176, 195, 491 Castaldi, Bellerofonte, 63, 615 Children’s Salon, 164


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Chilperic I, 270 Cleobury, Stephen, 2 Chinnery, Mrs Caroline, 278 Clérambault, Louis-Nicolas, 65, 100 Chiroplast, 343 Clerkes of Oxenford, 192 Chitarrone, 64, 615 Cleveland’s Chapel, Court, & Countryside Choir, 125 Concert Series, 195 a cappella, 192 Clinton, John, 502 Choir of , 495 Cobb, Jimmy, 336 Chopin, Fryderyk Franciszek [Frédéric Cobb, Willard, 76, 196, 522, 591 François], 6, 303, 343, 536 Coclico, Adrian Petit, 426 ballades, 326 Codex, 139 bibliography, 208 Cogliati, Carlo, 80 on fingering, 230 Cohen, Joel, 196 Mazurka, Op. posth. 67 No. 4, 209 Cohen, Patrick, 518 on piano pedalling, 492 Coherence theories, 11 Prelude, Op. 28 No. 1, 324 Coin, Christophe, 142, 518 Choral Public Domain Library, 200 Cole, Robert, 195 Choron, Alexandre, 114, 127, 189, 278 Coleman, Ornette, 564 Chorton, 66, 497–9, 602, 624 Collegium 1704, 193 Christiane Eberhardine, Queen and Collegium Aureum, 141, 172, 193 Electress, 65 Collegium Musicum, 99, 190, 198, 303, 329, Christiani, Adolph Friedrich, 5, 128 602, 648 Christie, William, xv, 129, 192, 197, , 193, 298 366, 455 Collins, Peter, 465 Christophers, Harry, 193, 613 Colonna, Giovanni, 180 Chronomètre, 359, 371 Coltrane, John, 336, 564 Chrysander, Friedrich, 7, 61, 477 Columbia Phonograph, 488 Denkmäler der Tonkunst, 91 Colver, Michael, 152 Händel Werke, 91 Combattimento, 194 Chrysostom, Dio Computerised Mensural Music Editions, Orationes LXXI, 51 201 Ciaramella, 197 Comte, Auguste, 225 Cicero, 56, 216, 534–5 , 142, 172, 191, 282, Ciconia, Johannes, 515, 591 365, 454, 518 Cimbasso, 638 Concert d’Astrée, Le, 193 Cinti-Damoreau, Laure, 30, 130, 657 Concert Royal, 198 Cirque d’Hiver (originally Cirque Concert Spirituel, 34, 78, 111, 353, 486, 512 Napoléon), Paris, 649 Concert Spirituel, Le, 193 City of Bath Festival, 3 Concertgebouw Clagget, Charles, 635 Amsterdam, 454, 648 Clarinet, 130, 318, 350, 410, 420, 453 Leipzig, 649 bass, 133, 453, 563, 585 Concertina, 496 basset, 132, 585 Concerto Castello, 197 Boehm, 350, 431 Concerto Copenhagen, 194 vs. chalumeau, 210 Concerto Italiano, 193 in 18th and 19th centuries, 318, 410, Concerto Palatino, 174, 197 445 Concerto Vocale, 129, 192, 334 mutes, 428 Concerts Français, 486 vibrato on, 656 Concerts Historiques, 225, 278, 304 Clarion Concerts Orchestra, 197 Concerts of Antient Music, 2, 142, 188, 304, Clarke, Jennifer Ward, 614 306 Clarke, Jeremiah Concerts Pasdeloup, 649 Prince of Denmark’s March, The, 634 Conducting and direction, 143 Classification of instruments, 133 Conforti, Giovanni Luca, 147, 578 Clavichord, 29, 44, 136, 245, 250, 309, 409, 562, Consolo, Federico, 266 674 Consort, 123, 147, 176, 241, 625 Clavicytherium, 289 viol, 309 Clay, Charles, 399 Consort of Musicke, The, 192, 347, 612 Clementi, Muzio, 138, 160, 230, 314, 625 Consort principle, 19 1781 pianistic duel with Mozart, 138 Contenance angloise, 331 Sonatas for Piano Forte or Harpsichord, Context, 372 138 Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo, 131


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Contrabassoon, 69, 454 Couperin, Louis, 100, 123, 157, 309, 319, 365, Cook, Captain James, 101 538, 540 Cook, Nicholas, 589 on notation, 166 Cooke, Benjamin, 2 Prélude in C major, 538 Cooke, Derycke, 12 Courvoisier, Karl, 169, 672 Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish Muthu, Cousin, Victor, 225 111 Covent Garden, London, 647 Co-op Piccionaia of Vicenza, 347 Covey-Crump, Rogers, 302 Cooper, Frank, 4, 195 Cowell, Henry, 111 Coperario (Coprario), Giovanni, Craft, Robert, 590 63, 661 Cramer, Carl Friedrich, 93, 650 Copies of instruments, 149, 247 Cramer, David, 223 Copyist scores, 389 Cramer, Wilhelm, 86 Cor anglais, 446, 453 Cranmer, Thomas, 607 Corbetta, Francesco, 166, 274 Crawshay, Robert Thompson, 637 Varii capricci, 571 Crescentini, Girolamo, 258 Cordier, Baude, 319 Cristofori, Bartolomeo, 29, 245, 382, 581 Corelli, Arcangelo, 90, 122, 150, 156, 255, Cristofori piano, 493 262–3, 297, 302, 321–2, 419–20, 439, Criticism of music, 157 452, 520, 634, 668, 671 Crome, Robert, 121 Corelli’s orchestra, 150–1, 452 Crompton, Bernhard, 164 ornamentation, 439 Crompton, Robert, 163 Concerti Grossi, Op. 6, 361, 668 Crumb, George Trio Sonatas, Opp. 1 and 3, 64, 263, Vox Balaenae, 120 340 Crumhorn, 19, 159, 422 Violin Sonatas Op. 5, 151, 263, 322, 364, Crusell, Bernhard, 270, 363 402, 622 Crussard, Claude, 421 Corelli bows, 167 Crutchfield, Will, 658 Cornett, 77, 151, 344 Cunningham, Merce, 111 Cornette, Victor, 637 Cunningham, Sarah, 197 Correa de Arauxo, 229 Cupis, Jean-Baptiste, 93, 367, 666 Corrette, Michel, 51, 121, 152, 231, 233, 242, 316, Curtal, 66, 574 655, 663, 666, 671–2 Cuvillon, Jean-Baptiste de, 279 fingerings, 236 Cyr, Mary, 159 Concertos comiques, Op. 8, 152 Czerny, Carl, 6, 129, 139, 160, 218, 230, 366, dons d’Apollon, Les, 153 370, 402, 494, 510, 534, 625 école d’Orphée, L’, 153, 570 on cadenzas, 109 Méthode théorique et pratique, 153 Systematische Anleitung zum Fantasieren Parfait maître à chanter, Le, 153 auf dem Pianoforte, Op. 200, 160–1 Corri, Domenico, 154, 277, 503, 608, 626 Vollständige theoretisch-praktische Corri, John, 608 Pianoforte-Schule (Grand Piano Cortot, Alfred, 471 School), Op. 500, 160–1, 356 Cossel, Otto, 90 Cossmann, Bernhard, 154–5, 249 Dahlhaus, Carl, 12, 531 Costa, Giacomo, 468 D’Alembert, Jean le Rond, 173, 393, 520, 553 Costa, Sir Michael, 145 Dalla Casa, Girolamo, 106, 152, 162, 550, 662, Cosyn, Benjamin, 252 667, 696 Cotgrave, Randle, 147 Dallam, Robert, 461 Cotto, John, 500 Dallam, Thomas, 461 Cottrell, Stephen, 564 Dalza, Joan Ambrosio, 571 , 117, 472, 578 Dance, 162, 594 Couperin, François, 100, 139, 155, 157, 229–30, music, 163 291, 314, 393, 430, 439, 441, 522, 533, re-creation, 163 589, 601, 625 sources, 162 ornamentation, 155 treatises, 627 Allemande la laborieuse, 156 Dancla, (Jean-Baptiste) Charles, 52, 165, 671 L’Apothéose de Lully, 156, 442 20 études brillantes et caractéristiques, Leçons de ténèbres, 156 Op. 73, 165 Ordres, 155 36 études mélodiques et très faciles, Op. 84, Pièces de clavecin, 32, 91, 156 165 Préludes, 538–9 L’école de l’archet, Op. 110, 165


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L’école de mécanisme, Op. 74, 165 Delusse, Charles, 172, 656 L’école des cinq positions, Op. 193, 165 L’amant statue, 173 Petite école de la mélodie, Op. 123, 165 Demus, Jörg, 49 Le Semainier du jeune violoniste, Opp. 144 Denis, Jean, 173, 509 and 150, 166 Denisov, Edison Dancla, Léopold, 52 Ode, 327 Dancla family, 165 Denner, Jakob C., 67, 295, 386 Dandrieu, Jean-François, 290, 305 Denner, Johann Christoph, 131 Daneman, Sophie, 366 Denny, Dene, 194 D’Anglebert, Jean Henry, 63, 123, 166, 291, Dent, J. M., 480 538, 560 Désargus, Xavier, 286 five organ fugues, 166 Descartes, René, 15, 601 harpsichord transcriptions, 166 Désormière, Roger, 82, 97 Pièces de clavecin, 166 Dessauer, Heinrich, 665 Danican, Michel, 485 Dessoff, Otto, 586 Daniel, Paul, 455 Destouches, Cardinal André, 305 Daniels, David, 117, 198, 216 Deucerus, 617 Dannreuther, Edward, 177, 251 Deutsche Vereinigung für alte Musik, 190 Danoville, Le Sieur, 231, 552, 663 Devienne, François, 68, 112, 173, 243 Danzi, Franz, 236 Les Visitandines, 173 Dark Horse Consort, 197 Dewey, Melvil, 135 Dart, Thurston, xiii–xiv, 96, 166, 185, 191, 261, Dhrupad, 694 292, 307–9, 369, 422, 479–80, 559, 690 Diaghilev, Sergei, 268 Dauprat, Louis François, 167, 256, 311, 400, Diamond, Neil, 337 626 Dibdin, Charles, 341 Sextet, Op. 10, 168 Dicey, Cluer, 508 Davenport, LaNoue, 269 Dickey, Bruce, 152, 197 David, Ferdinand, 168, 171, 235, 272, 339, 583, Dickinson, Peter, 188 626, 672 Diderot, Denis, 173, 553 Concertino, Op. 34, 168 DiDonato, Joyce, 216 Hohe Schule des Violinspiels, 20, 114 Dieffopruchar, Magno, 616 Vorstudien zur Hohen Schule des Diémer, Louis-Joseph, 175, 177, 189, 292, 471 Violinspiels, 114 Dies, Albert Christoph, 294 Zur Violinschule, 169, 430 Dietrich, Albert, 175 Davidov, Carl, 237, 249 Dieupart, Charles, 100 Davies, Fanny, 170 Six suites pour le clavecin, 65 Davies, Iestyn, 117 Digital Image Archive of , Davies, Stephen, 12, 39 199 Davies, Sir Walford, 369 Digitisation, 199 Davis, Miles, 336 Dilworth, John, 88 Davis, Robert Aubrey, 199 D’India, Sigismondo, 612 De Machy, Le Sieur, 552, 663 Diruta, Girolamo, 55, 62, 175, 228, 291, 450, De’ Medici, Lorenzo, 328 628 De Wit, Eric, 662 Il Transilvano, 29, 622 Dean, Winton, 24 Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von, 131, 176, 181 Debroux, Joseph, 305 Dixon, William Debussy, Claude, 220 manuscript for border bagpipes, 52 Danse sacrée et danse profane, 287 Döbereiner, Christian, 190 Pelléas et Mélisande, 83, 457 Dodd, Edward, 87 Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune, 471 Dodd, John, 87–8 Dedekind, Henning, 617 Dolejši, Robert, 666 Dehn, Siegfried, 443 Dolmetsch, Arnold, xiii, xvi, 39, 88, 138, 146, Deldevez, Edmé (Édouard) Marie Ernest, 170 149, 164, 176–8, 186, 189, 195, 198, 268, 26 Pièces diverses, 114 292, 305–6, 348, 421, 478, 513, 527, 555, Delius, Frederick, 268 662 Della Valle, Pietro, 147 Dolmetsch, Carl, 177, 479, 527 Deller Consort, 171–2, 192 Dolmetsch, Cécile, 177 Deller, Alfred George, 89, 171–2, 364, 422, Dolmetsch, Élodie, 177 480, 619 Dolmetsch, Hélène, 177 Deller, Mark, 172 Dolmetsch, J & M, 177 Delsart, Jules, 175, 662 Dolmetsch, Jeanne, 177


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Dolmetsch, Mabel, 164, 177 Dunn, Thomas, 612 Dolmetsch, Marguerite, 177 Dunstable, John Dolmetsch, Nathalie, 177 Puisque m’amour, 633 Dolmetsch, Rudolph, 177, 292 Duport, Jean-Louis, 52, 87, 120–1, 183, 367, 551 Dolmetsch Foundation, 177 Essai, 120–1, 179, 236, 277, 551, 625 Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society, 177 Duport, Jean-Pierre, 178, 183, 618 Dombois, Eugen, 448 Duport system, 236 Domenico da Piacenza, 162 Dupré, Desmond, 172, 364 Domnich, Heinrich, 280 Duprez, Gilbert-Louis, 579 Donaldson, George, 555 Dupuits, Jean-Baptiste, 316 Donington, Margaret, 178 Durand, 560 Donington, Robert, xiii, xvi, 177, 185, 479 Durante, Ottavio, 680 Donington Consort, 178 Durey de Nonville, Jacques-Bernard, 528 Donizetti, Gaetano, 316 Dussek, Jan Ladislav, 315 Lucia di Lammermoor, 381 Dutilleux, Henri, 369 Donne, John, 56 Trois strophes, 571 Dont, Jakob, 37, 169, 672 Duvernoy, Frédéric Nicolas, 31 Door, Anton, 586 Dvořák, Antonín Dotzauer, Justus Johann Friedrich, 121, 155, Cello Concerto in B Minor, Op. 104, 36, 250 178, 184, 236, 626, 653 Dyer, Louise, 167 Double bass, 180, 453, 571 Dylan, Bob, 337 five-stringed, 101 Dynamics, 9, 41, 59, 64, 70, 90, 112–13, 118, 139, Gibson electric, 182 160–1, 173, 203, 206, 214, 217, 263–4, tunings, 210, 564 272, 279, 290, 354, 373, 385, 405, 417, Double horns, 312 434, 438, 445, 500, 529, 567, 575, 590, Douglass, David, 197 632, 639 Dowd, William, 195, 292 in early recordings, 202 Dowland, John, 63, 93, 376, 465, 612, 619 Lachrimae or Seaven Teares Figured in Eagan, John, 287 Seaven Passionate Pavans, 622 Early English Books Online, 199 Downes, Olin, 24 Early music Dräger, Hans Heinz, 135 concepts of, 185 Dragonetti, Domenico, 181 in Europe, 188 Dragonetti bow, 81, 181 in North America., 199 Drake, William, 465 in the digital age, 199 Drechsler, Karl, 155, 179, 271 Early Music America, 194 Dresden School, 155 Early Music Consort of London, xiv, 89, 97, Drexel family, 196 186, 188, 192, 307–8, 369, 422 Dreyfus, Huguette, 401 Early Music Guild of Seattle (EMG), 195 Dreyfus, Laurence, 182, 307 Early Music New York (former the New Drottningholm Court Baroque Ensemble, York Ensemble for Early Music), 196 194 Early Music Quartet, 76 Drouet, Louis François Philippe, 548 Early Music Shop, The, 186 Druce, Duncan, 614 Early Music Vancouver (EMV, Vancouver Druschetzky, Jiri, 446, 666 Society for Early Music), 195 Du Mont, Henri Early recordings, 202 Cantica sacra, 65 Eberhardt, Siegfried, 654 Düben, Anders von Eberlin, Johann Ernst, 416 keyboard tablature, 622 Eck, Franz, 86, 582 Düben Collection Database Catalogue, 200 Edda, 572 Dubourg, Matthew, 151, 263 Edison, Thomas Alva, 202, 205, 487 Ducaud-Bourget, Abbé François, 644 Editing/editions, 205 Duchaine family, 87 Egarr, Richard, 2 Dufaut, François, 377 Eggington, Tim, 304 Dufay, Guillaume, 472, 591 Eichentopf, Andreas, 69 Missa ‘Se la face ay pale’, 188 Eichentopf, Johann Heinrich, 67, 207 Dufay Collective, 193 Eichmann, Peter, 617 Duffin, Ross, 195 Eichner, Ernst Dufour, (Lieutenant), 582 Concerto in C major (for harp or Dukas, Paul, 360 harpsichord), 286 Dulcian, 69, 574 Eigeldinger, Jean-Jacques, 208


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Eingang, 209, 323 Esterházy Quartet, 193 Eisel, Johann Philipp, 48, 210, 446 Eton Choirbook, 608 Eisenberg, Maurice, 122, 237, 655 Euphonium, 637 Elder, Sir Mark, xiii, 455 Europa Galante, 193, 216 Electronic Corpus of Music, 201 Evans, Bill, 336 Electronic instruments, 211 Evelyn, John, 648 Electronic keyboard instruments, 282 Ewing, Alan, 612 Elgar, Sir Edward, 212 Expression, 9, 28, 40, 53, 73, 75, 114, 153, 169, Overture: Froissart, Op. 19, 649 184, 216, 224, 231, 246, 254–5, 257, 264, Overture: In the South (Alassio), Op. 50, 268, 279, 336, 339, 342, 348, 354, 373, 213 406, 415–17, 423, 431, 434, 464, 466, Piano Quintet in A minor, Op. 84, 212 500, 531, 533, 536, 549, 552, 583, 592, Sea Pictures, Op. 37, 213 599, 601, 625, 632, 650, 668, 676, 695 Symphony No. 1 in A flat major, Op. 55, Expressive intonation, 115 23, 213 Eyck, Jacob van, 527 Variations for Orchestra (‘Enigma’), 212– 13, 609 Faber, Heinrich, 617 Violin Concerto in B minor, Op. 61, 110, Facsimile, 221, 265, 303, 348, 369, 581, 659, 686 213, 506 Faenza Codex, 140 Ella, John, 510 Fairlight CMI, 211 Ellington, Duke, 336 Falck, Georg, 670 Elliot, Moppa, 336 Falckenhagen, Adam, 377 Elliott, Paul, 302 Falcon, Cornélie, 130 Ellis, Alexander, 303, 497, 639 Falla, Manuel de, 276, 360 Ellis, Katharine, 304 Fallamero, Gabriel, 330 Elman, Mischa, 37, 654 Fallis, David, 197 Endler, J. S., 635 Fantini, Girolamo, 222, 633–4 Enescu, George, 213 Farina, Carlo, 222, 628, 668 Impressions d’enfance, 213 Capriccio stravagante, 222 Légende, 635 Farinelli [Carlo Broschi], xvii, 107, 154, 223, 297, Sonata No. 3 for violin and piano (dans le 679 caractère populaire roumain), 213 Farnaby, Giles, 622 Engel, Carl, 214, 303, 329 ‘Woody Cock’ variations, 533 English Bach Festival, 359, 398, 495 Farnell-Watson, Anne E., 95 English Baroque Soloists, 192, 214, 261, 368, Fasano, Renato, 191 455–6 Fasch, Johann Friedrich, 67 English Concert, The, 192, 361, 455, 495 Fauré, Gabriel, 360, 471, 671 English Consort, The, 54 Requiem, Op. 48, 23 English Consort of Viols, 178 Fauvel, André-Joseph, 548 English Opera Group, 94 Feldlen, Magnus, 60 English Singers, 190 Feldman, Grace, 197 Engramelle, Marie Dominique Joseph, 215 Feldman, Jill, 366 Ensemble Clément Janequin, 193 Feldman, Morton, 111 Ensemble Intercontemporain, 83 Fellowes, Edmund H., 166, 190, 224, 369 Ensemble La Romanesca, 193 Fender, Leo, 182 , 193 Fenkner, Johann August, 224, 671 Ensemble Mosaïques, 193, 518 Ferguson, Howard, 541 Ensemble Mozart, 194 Fermate, 210 , 193 Ferrabosco, Alfonso, 661 Ensemble Sarband, 194 Ferrari, Gaudenzio, 118, 664, 667 Eötvös, Peter, 587 Ferras, Christian, 214 Epstein, David, 220 Festetics, Count Georg, 585 Érard (Company), 175, 287 Festing, Michael, 263 Érard, Pierre-Orphée, 286 Festival Music Society (now Indianapolis Érard, Sébastien, 286, 491 Early Music), 195 Erdesz, Otto, 665 Fétis, François-Joseph, 19, 75, 84, 112, 114, 126, Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich, 302 177, 189, 224, 247, 278, 304, 306, 356, Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm, 469 421, 477, 510, 552, 563–4, 662 Ersch, Johann Samuel, 249 Feuermann, Emanuel, 115 Eskdale, George, 636 Fiala, Joseph, 446 Este, Ercole d’, Duke of Ferrara, 241 Figueras, Montserrat, 562–3


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Figured bass, 17, 43, 62, 171, 206, 263, 393, 396, Forqueray, Jean-Baptiste, 236, 662, 663 473, 522, 603, 640, 642, 685 Forqueray family, 160 Figurenlehre, 16, 225 Fortepiano, 65, 76, 245, 288 Filidori, 485 Foscarini, Giovanni Paolo, 274 Filtz, Anton, 236 I quatro libri della chitarra spagnola, 571 Finger, Gottfried, 598, 634, 662 Fossard, François, 486 Fingering, 19, 22, 29, 37, 44, 47, 49, 52, 77–8, Foster, Muriel, 213 104–5, 114, 153, 175, 183, 214, 224, 227, Foster, Pops, 182 248, 258, 264, 273, 286, 314, 338, 341, Fouchécourt, Jean-Paul, 366 362, 370, 386, 390, 435, 549, 552, 560, Fowkes, Bruce, 196 562, 572, 582, 594, 630, 632, 640, 666, Fox, Samson, 555 672, 692 Fox, Steven, 197 bowed stringed instruments, 231 Franceschini, Petronio, 119, 634 cello, 69, 236, 277 Francesco da Milano, 330, 376 chromatic scales, 264 Franciscus, Magister, 644 clarinet, 363 Francisque, Antoine, 571 cornett, 152 Franck, César, 230, 326, 471 double bass, 181, 237 organ music, 464 keyboard instruments, 228 Symphonic Variations, 175 organ, 22 Franco of Cologne, 106, 485, 676 viol, 231 Francoeur, François, 234 violin, 232 Franquin, Merri, 635 viola, 232 Fränzl, Ignaz, 668 wind instruments, 238 Frauenchor Hamburg, 91 Firket, Leon, 666 Frei, Hans, 374 Fischer, Ivan, xv, 446 Freiburg BarockConsort, 247 Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand, 137, 446, Freiburger Barockorchester, 247 656 Freillon-Poncein, Jean-Pierre, 247, 445, 509 Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich, 117 French bow, 81, 85, 181 Fisk, Charles, 195 Frescobaldi, Girolamo Alessandro, 222, 248, Fitzenhagen, Wilhelm, 272 291, 365, 397, 450, 459, 605 Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, The, 252, 309, 533, Fiori musicali, 248 542, 622, 675 Il primo libro di capricci, 248 Flageolet, 77 Il primo libro di toccate, 248 Flamenco guitar, 274 Toccate e partite, 608 Flauto italiano, 77 Fretwork, 192 Fleet Street Choir, 190 Frey, Georges, 42 Flelle, Jean le, 285 Friberth, Karl, 577 Flesch, Carl, 235, 432, 502, 506, 626, 670, 672 Frichot, Louis Alexandre, 573 Die Kunst des Violin-Spiels, 672 Friderici, Daniel, 657 Florence 229, 141 Friederici, Christian Ernst, 137 Florentine Camerata, 255 Friedländer, Max, 681 Florilegium, 239, 556 Fritts, Paul, 196 Flothius, Marius, 110 Frizzi, Benedetto, 391 Fludd, Robert, 58 Froberger, Johann Jakob, 248, 365 Flugelhorn, 563 Libro Quarto, 542 , 31, 148, 240 Partita No. 1 in E minor, 543 Boehm, 350 Fröhlich, Joseph, xvii, 238, 249, 421 metal, 471 Fuchs, Carl, 120, 155, 249 muting, 428 Fuenllana, Miguel de, 330 national styles, 203 Fuhrmann, Martin Heinrich, 250, 509 Rockstro model, 548 Fulda, Adam of, 251 Tromlitz, 632 ‘Ach hülf mich leid’, 251 wooden, 431 Fuller, Albert, 195, 198 Foley, Madeleine, 115 Fuller-Maitland, John Alexander, 177, 251 Folkers, Cathy, 196 Fürstenau, Anton Bernhard, 271, 502, 656 Fontana, Giovanni Battista, 668 Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 24, 49, 74, 146 Forde, W., 341 Fux, Johann Joseph, 21, 127, 131, 142, 634 Forkel, Johann Nikolaus, 227, 453, 476, 535 Allgemeine Geschichte, 536 Gabrieli, Andrea, 175–6, 253 Forqueray, Antoine, 231, 661, 663 Gabrieli, Giovanni, 176, 253, 664


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Symphoniae Sacrae, 303 I rovinati, 131 Gabrieli Consort & Players, 192 Gaubert, Philippe, 471 Gabrielli, Domenico, 119, 570 Gaultier, Denis, 484 Ricercari, 119 Gaultier, Ennemond, 484 Gabrilovitsch, Ossip, 366 Gaver, Elizabeth, 572 Gaffurius, Franchinus, 254, 465, 500, 523 Gaviniès, Pierre, 113, 357, 668 Gaffurius Codices, 140 Gawriloff, Saschko, 267 Gagaku, 694 Gay, John Gagliano, Marco da, 62 Beggar’s Opera, The, 124 La Dafne, 434 Gebauer, Michel, 666 Gähler, Rudolf, 42 Gehlhaar, Rolf, 587 Gainsborough, Thomas, 1 Gellinger, Israel, 581 Gaisberg, Fred, 23 Geminiani, Francesco, 40, 90, 93, 114, 150–1, Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus 232–5, 263, 298, 341, 358, 362, De vita Caesarum, 51 416, 509, 602, 622, 625, 650, 668, 671–2 Galamian, Ivan, 235, 371, 432 Geminiani grip, 37, 53, 169, 264, 297, 672 Galeazzi, Francesco, 233, 254, 626, 650, 671 one-finger-per-note chromatic scale, 234 Galen (of Pergamon), 382 on vibrato, 652 Galeotti, Stefano, 368 The Art..., 265 Galilei, Vincenzo, 34, 330, 605 Genlis, Comtesse de, 286 Gallay, Jacques François, 256, 311, 471, 626 Gens, Véronique, 366 Grand Quartet, Op. 26, 256 Gentellet, 420 Galliard, John Ernest, 502 Georg II, Duke, 400 Galliard Trio, 495 Georgiades, Thrasybulos G., 531 Galliculus, Johannes, 617 Gerald of Wales, 283 Galpin, Francis William, 135, 149, 164, 177, Gerber, Heinrich Nikolaus, 323 196, 256 Gerle, Hans, 265, 660 Galpin Society, 54, 178 German bow, 180 Galuppi, Baldassare, 262 Gerstenbüttel, Joachim, 396 Galway, James, 656 Gervaise, Claude, 661 Ganassi, Sylvestro di, 31, 86, 106, 162, 180, 231, Gesner, J. M., 46 257, 526, 624, 628–9, 650, 655, 660, Gesualdo, Carlo, 216, 303 663, 688 Ghielmi, Vittorio, 663 on vibrato, 651 Ghiretti, Gasparo, 469 Opera intitulata la Fontegara, 30, 152 Giardini, Felice, 40, 668 Regola rubertina, 29 Gibbons, Orlando, 180, 619, 661, 689 ‘Ganassi’ recorder, 526 Gigault, Nicolas, 441 Ganswindt, 302 Gilbert, Adam and Rotem, 197 Gantzschovius, Johannes, 617 Gilbert, Kenneth, 156, 198–9, 292 Garat, Pierre-Jean, 258 Gillespie, Dizzy, 336 Garaudé, Alexis de, 112, 258, 579 Gillespie, Wendy, 197 Garbarek, Jan, 302 Giorgetti, Ferdinando, 266, 666 Garcia, José, 115 Giovacchini Giovacchino, 166 García, Manuel (I), 259–60, 503, 657 Giuliani, Francesco, 266 García, Manuel (II), 260, 503, 580, 626 Giuliani, Mauro, 275 Traité complet, 30 Glarean, Heinrich, 617 García, Pauline Viardot, 73, 117 Gleditsch, Caspar, 446 Garcin, Jules, 19 Glenn, George, 194 Garcin-Marrou, Michel, 313 Glinka, Mikhail, 420 Garden, Mary, 220 Trio Pathétique, 615, 656 Gardiner, John Eliot, xv, 76, 82, 192, 214, 261, Glockenspiel, 475 307, 359, 368, 398, 456, 480, 593 Gluck, Christoph Willibald, 358, 554 Gardner, Edward, 2, 455 Alceste, 131, 457 Garnier, Joseph François, 656 Iphigenie auf Tauris, 588 Garratt, Elizabeth, 164 Orfeo e Euridice, 117, 131, 286, 457 Garrick, David, 101, 293 Trio Sonatas, 424 Gasparini, Francesco, 62, 262, 625 Glyndebourne Festival, 186, 455 Gasparini, Michelangelo, 262 Gnecco, Francesco, 469 Gasparini, Paolo Lorenzo, 262 Goebel, Reinhard, 192, 267, 423 Gasparo da Salò, 90, 180, 664 Goehr, Walter, 261, 620 Gassmann, Florian Leopold, 131 Goff, Thomas, 268


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Goldberg, Laurette, 197 Grützmacher, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig, Goldsbrough, Arnold, 96, 166 115, 155, 179, 183, 237, 271–2, 552 Goldsbrough Orchestra (later English Höhe Schule, 70 Chamber Orchestra), 191 Studies, Op. 38, 518 Goltz, Gottfried von der, 247 Grützmacher, Leopold, 272 Gombosi, Otto, 478 Guadagnini, Giovanni Battista, 665 Goodman, Benny, 133 Guastarobba, Paolo, 112 Goodman, Nelson, 11 Guérin, Paul, 165 Goodman, Roy, 309, 613 Guhr, Carl, 234, 273, 469, 549, 672 Goodwin, Paul, 3 Violin Concerto in E minor (‘Souvenir de Goossens, Léon, 213, 447, 656 Paganini’), 273 Gordon, Captain James, 244, 548 Guignon, Jean Pierre, 65, 362 Gordon Woodhouse (née Gwynne), Violet, Guillemain, Louis-Gabriel, 668 95, 268, 292, 480 Guilmant, Alexandre, 80, 190 Gorge, 578 Guilot, 644 Gorzanis, Giacomo, 375 Guitar, 64, 92–3, 152, 166, 263, 273, 285, 330, Gossec, François-Joseph, 470 342, 350, 448, 469–70, 571, 581, 594, Gothic Voices, 470 659, 663 Göttingen Festival, 190 Güldenlöw, Count von, 396 Gottsched, Johann Christoph, 227, 565 Gunn, John, 94, 121, 183, 236, 277, 368, Gough, Hugh, 292 552 Gould, Glenn, 13, 268 Gunn/Duport system, 179 Gounod, Charles Gurlitt, Wilibald, 190 Faust, 623 Gutmann, Friedrich, 217 Graebner, Fritz, 558 Gwynn & Goetze, 465 Graf von Rothenburg, Friedrich Rudolph, 392 Haas, Robert, xiii Grainger, Percy, 479, 494 Habeneck, François-Antoine, 19, 52, 74, 144, Granata, Giovanni Battista 170, 234, 278, 471, 504, 564, 626, 653, Soavi concenti, 571 671 Grandjany, Marcel, 287 Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, 165 Grant, Simon, 612 Hacker, Alan, 193, 614 Graphophone, 488 Hagen, Bernard, 377 Graun, Johann Gottlieb, 662, 688 Hagen, Oskar, 117 Graupner, Christoph, 131, 243 Hagenauer, Lorenz, 388 Graves, Susan, 597 Haïm, Emmanuelle, 193, 366 ‘Great Querelle’, The, 520 Haitink, Bernard, xv Great Vowel Shift, 524 Haka, Richard, 67, 445 Greenberg, Noah, 97, 196, 269, 433 Halary (Jean Hilaire Asté), 637 Greer, Lowell, 313 Halévy, Fromental, 171, 564 Gregorian chant, 89, 97, 328, 331, 438, 538, 657, Hall, Marie, 506 677 Halle, Adam de la, 279 Gregory of Tours, 269 Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion, 279 De cursu stellarum, 269 Hallé, Lady Wilma Neruda, 250 Grenser, August, 68, 270 Hallé, Sir Charles, 145, 170, 250, 280, 402, 513 Grenser, Heinrich, 68, 238, 270 Halliday, Joseph, 635 Grenser family, 270, 447 Halls, Matthew, 614 Grétry, André-Modeste, 305 Haloid Company, 221 Greville, Fulke, 101 Haloid Xerox, 221 Grieg, Edvard, 415 Halstead, Anthony, 313, 613 Griesinger, Georg August, 294 Haltenhoff, J. G. (of Hanau), 311 Grimace, Magister, 644 Hambourg, Mark, 366 Grimm, Friedrich-Melchior, 553 Hammerschmidt, Andreas, 250 Gritton, Susan, 614 Hammond organ, 211–12 Grocheio, Johannes de, 271 Hampel, Anton Joseph, 280, 311, 428 Gröninger, Eduard, 96 Hand horn, 312 Grove, George, 35, 510, 555 Handel, George Frideric, 45, 122, 302, 304, Gruber, Johann Gottfried, 249 310, 322, 389, 396 Grumiaux, Arthur, 214 Acis and Galatea, 96, 172, 214, 405, 418 Grümmer, Paul, 663, 688 Alcina, 96 Grundmann, Jakob, 68, 447 Alexander Balus, 614


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Athalia, 23 Dital Harp, 287 Ariodante, 117, 390, 398 troubadour lever harp, 287 Concerti Grossi, Op. 6, 141 Harp Consort, The, 194 Concerto Grosso, Op. 3 No. 1, 664 Harper, Charles, 312 Concerto in B flat for harp, Op. 4 No. 6, Harpsichord, 63–4, 195, 246, 287 285 ‘Bach harpsichord’, 292 Deborah, 614 Harrer, Gottlob, 131 Dettingen Te Deum, 405 Harris, Renatus, 461, 598 Esther, 2, 23, 648 Harrison, May, 37 Fireworks Music, 34 Harris-Warrick, Rebecca, 560 Giulio Cesare, 117, 129, 381 Harrold, Steven, 302 Giustino, 398 Hart, David, 572, 627 Il pastor fido, 117 Hart, John Israel in Egypt, 405, 614 Orthographie, An, 525 Jephtha, 305, 612 Härtel, Raymond and Hermann, 477 La Resurrezione, 661 Harvey, Jonathan Messiah, 3, 95, 308, 419, 612, 634 From Silence, 211 Music for the Coronation of King George Harwood, Ian, 196 II, 126 Haskell, Harry, xiv, 186, 305 Occasional Oratorio, 614 Haslemere Festival, 177 Orlando, 117 Hass, H. A., 291 ornamentation, 477 Hass family, 137 Ottone, 398 Hasse, Johann Adolf, 131, 305, 310, 423, 554 Ouverture for 2 clarinets and horn, 131, 615 Hassler, Hans Leo, 253 Radamisto, 398 Hässler, Johann Wilhelm, 510, 639 Rinaldo, 634 Hatten, Robert S., 219 ‘Or la tromba’, 634 Haulteterre, Loys de, 313 Rodelinda, 95, 129, 190 Hauptmann, Moritz, 292, 339 Samson, 365, 634 Hauptstimme, 72 Saul, 117 Hause, Wenzel, 181 Semele, 381 Hausmann, Robert, 120, 170, 179, 183 Suites, 268 Hausmusik, 193 Water Music, 614 Hautbois, 445 Teseo, 398 Hauwe, Walter van, 99 Theodora, 129 Hawkins, Coleman, 564, 638 Tra le fiamme, 661 Hawkins, John, 2, 101, 293 Xerxes, 381 Haydn, Franz Joseph, 6, 60, 294, 443, 512, 562, , The, 194, 308, 688 368, 612 8 Notturni, Hob. II:25–32, 615 Handel Commemoration (1784), 126, 142, 188, ‘Applausus’ Cantata Hob.XXIVa:6, 390, 528 631 ‘Applausus’ letter, 294 Handel House Trust, 559 Cello Concerto in C major Hob.VIIb:I, 688 Hanover Band, The, 361, 613 clavichord and, 138 Hansen, Cäcilia, 37 Die Jahreszeiten (The Seasons) Hob.XXI:3, Hanslick, Eduard, 91, 683 247 Hardel, Jacques, 123 Die Schöpfung (The Creation) Hob.XXI:2, Harding, Daniel, xv 65, 144, 247, 612 Hargis, Ellen, 198 on fortepiano, 65 Harich-Schneider, Eta, 292 Horn Concerto in D major Hob.VIId:3, 311 Harmonic clavichord, 137 Il ritorno di Tobia Hob.XXI:1, 577 Harmonics, 52, 60, 94, 114, 121, 149, 165, 169, keyboard leadership, 144 179, 181, 184, 232, 254, 273, 279, 281, Keyboard Sonatas 286, 339, 357, 368, 416, 469, 583, 587, E flat, ‘Adagio e cantabile’ Hob.XVI:49, 654, 672, 692 534 Harmoniemusik, 410, 623 C major (‘English’) Hob.XVI:50, 246, Harnoncourt, Alice, 142, 401 490 Harnoncourt, Nikolaus, xiv–xv, 96, 142, 172, No. 35 Hob.XVI:43, 545 185, 282, 298, 307, 359, 364–5, 401, 480, No. 36 Hob.XVI:21, 545 518, 593 L’anima del filosofo Hob.XXVIII:13, 286 Harp, 283 Sinfonia concertante in B flat major Hob. Clark blade harp, 287 I:105, 106


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Haydn, Franz Joseph (cont.) Hiller, Ferdinand von, 299, 315 String Quartets Hiller, Johann Adam, 30, 300, 370, 569, 626, E flat major, Op. 33 No. 2 Hob.III:38, 505 639, 671 C major, Op. 64 No. 1 Hob.III:65, 388 on vibrato, 657 Symphonies , 193, 301 No. 6 ‘Le matin’ Hob.I:6, 453, 688 Hillier, Paul, 301 No. 7 ‘Le midi’ Hob.I:7, 688 Hillmer, Friedrich, 665 No. 8 ‘Le soir’ Hob.I:8, 688 Hilton, Wendy, 198 No. 18 Hob.I:18, 614 Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich, 316 No. 31 ‘Hornsignal’ Hob.I:31, 453 Hindemith, Paul, 96, 198, 302 No. 100 ‘Military’ Hob.I:100, 453 Kleine Sonate for viola d’amore and piano No. 103 ‘Drum Roll’ Hob.I:103, 453 Op. 25 No. 2, 665 Trumpet Concerto in E♭ Hob.VIIe:I, 635, Symphonische Tänze, 570 687 Hipkins, Alfred James, 177, 251, 292, 303 use of lira organizzata, 316 Historic Brass Society, 194 Haydn, Michael, 417, 635, 688 Historical concerts, 304 Haynes, Bruce, xviii, 40, 295, 497 Historically informed performance, 40, 95, Hazlitt, William, 602 146, 158, 186, 189, 239, 261, 305, 308, Heaton, Roger, 133 313, 359–60, 367, 380, 450, 479, 526, Heckel, Johann Adam, 68 556, 559, 567–8, 590, 641 Heckel, Wilhelm, 68 Hitchcock family, 582 Heckel model, 69 Höbarth, Erich, 142, 518 Hefling, Stephen, 440 Hodson, Millicent, 590 Hegar, Emil, 272 Hoeprich, Eric, 197, 350–1 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friderich, 11 Hoffmann, E(rnst) T(heodor) A(madeus), Heifetz, Jascha, 37, 506, 654 346, 395 Heinichen, Johann David, 16, 262, 296, 423, Hoffmann, Eucharius, 426, 617 625 Hoffmann, Johann Christian, 208, 355 Heinisch, Johann, 635 Hofhaimer, Paul, 100 Helfer, Charles d’, 358 Hofmann, Josef, 326, 510 Hellborn, Heinrich Kreissle von, 681 Hofmann, Leopold, 688 Heller, Stephen, 208 Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 589 Hellmesberger, Georg, 339 Hogwood, Christopher, xiii–xv, xvii, 2–3, 40, Hellmesberger, Josef jr, 213 188, 193, 305, 307–8, 368, 422, 455, 480, Hellwig, Günther, 42 568, 588, 612, 698 Hely, Benjamin, 663 Hollander, John, 433 Hemy, Henri, 341 Holliger, Heinz, 447 Hendrix, Jimi, 337 Hollingworth, Robert, 193 Henle, Günter, 641 Holman, Peter, 192, 309, 667 Henri, Charles, 665 Holst, Imogen, 95 Henschel, Georg, 92, 408 Holt, Ardern, 164 Heras-Casado, Pablo, 247 Holy, Walter, 636 Herbage, Julian, 95 Hood, Mantle, 135 Hermann, Friedrich, 168 Horn, 310 Hermstedt, Simon, 133 hand stopping, 74, 428 Herrando, José, 232, 297, 671–2, 692 hunting, 596 El Jardín de Aranjuez, 297 slide mechanism, 685 Herreweghe, Philippe, 193, 298, 359, 455 vibrato, 656 Herschel, William, 40 Hornbostel, Eric von, 134, 384 Hespèrion XX, 193, 562 Hornbostel-Sachs classification, 135 Hespèrion XXI, 193–4 Horst, Louis, 164 Hesse, Ludwig Christian, 662 Hotman, Nicolas, 397, 552, 661 Hesselbein, 165 Hotteterre family, 313, 445 Hey, Hans, 299 Hotteterre, Jacques(-Martin) [‘le Romain’], 32, Hey, Julius, 298 51, 242, 248, 314, 441–2, 509, 625, 655 Heyde, Herbert, 135 Hotteterre, Jean fils II, 314 Hicks, Anthony, 559 Hotteterre, Louis fils, 314 Hidalgo, Juan, 285 Hotteterre, Martin, 51 Hildebrandt, Zacharias, 575 Hotteterre, Nicolas, 67 Hildegard von Bingen, 193, 572 Houle, George, 433 Hilf, Arno, 168 Howells, Herbert


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Lambert’s Clavichord, 138 International Music Score Library Project, Hrabě, Josef, 181 200 Hubbard, Frank, 195, 292 Intonation, 363 Hubbard & Dowd, 348 Intonation systems, 331 Hubermann, Bronislav, 339 Inventionshorn, 311 Hubert, Robert, 648 Ireland, John Hucke, Helmut, 449 Cello Sonata in G minor, 250 Hudl, J. J., 341 Isabella d’Este, 660 Hudson, Richard, 538 Isserlis, Annette, 215 Huelgas Ensemble, 193 Ivrea Codex, 31 Huene, Friedrich von, 295 Huggett, Monica, 455, 613 Jacchini, Giuseppe Maria, 119 Hughes, Edwin, 402 Jackson, Christopher, 198 Hughes, Sam, 637 Jacobean Consort, 167 Hugo, Antoine, 31, 174, 626 Jacobs, René, 129, 192, 247, 334, 455 Hume, Tobias, 663 Jacobus de Ispania (Jacques de Liège), 485 Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 68, 109, 214, 299, Jacoby, Erwin, 522 314, 324, 406, 625 Jacquemin de Senleches, 515 metronome markings, 161 Jacquet de La Guerre, Elisabeth-Claude, 160 Clarinet Quartet, 615 Jacquet of Mantua, 126 Piano Concerto No. 3 in B minor, Op. 89, Jaffee, Michael and Kay, 196 218 Jahn, Otto, 477 Trumpet Concerto in E major, 687 Jambe de Fer, Philibert, 242, 334, 661–2, 667 Trio for piano, violin and keyed trumpet James, David, 301–2 (lost), 687 Janáček, Leoš, Humperdinck, Engelbert Kát’a Kabanová, 380 Königskinder, 584 Jancourt, Louis-Marie-Eugène, 68, 626 Hunger, Christoph Friedrich, 570 Janitschek, 273 Hunkins, Sterling, 119 Janowka, Thomas, 143 Hunt, Edgar, 55 Jansen, Simon, 353 Hunter, George, 198 Jaques-Dalcroze, Émile, 374 Hunt Lieberson, Lorraine, 366 Jardin des Voix, Le, 129 Huray, Peter le, 588 Jaroussky, Philippe, 216 Hurdy-gurdy, 284, 315 Javault, Louis Marie Charles, 165 Huré, Jean, 97 Jazz, 182, 321, 335, 475, 564, 631, 656, 669 Hurst, George, 261 ‘Je prens d’amour’, 514 Hurwitz, David, 436 Jean-François Paillard Chamber Orchestra, Hutchins, Carleen, 119, 665 191 Jeffery, Peter, 448–9 , 193 Jenkins, John, 63, 437, 575, 661 I Musici, 191 Jenkins, Karl, 528 I Solisti Veneti, 191 Jenkins, Newell, 197 I Virtuosi di Roma, 191 Jerome of Bologna, 289 Icking, Werner, 200 Jerome of Moravia, 338, 657 Iconography, 162, 214, 284, 317, 496, 633 Joachim, Joseph, 37, 90, 110, 168, 170, 175, 189, Iconology, 318 203, 213, 219, 235, 272, 338, 340, 430, Il Giardino Armonico, 193 506, 583, 609, 626, 654, 672 Imperial Music Society, 37 Romance, Op. 2, 339 Improvisation, 8, 44, 46, 61–2, 83, 157, 161, 173, Joachim Quartet, 339, 512 212, 254, 315, 319, 336, 386, 402, 411, Joglaresa, 194 430, 471, 473, 475, 561, 592, 640, 660, Johann Ernst, Prince, 684 680, 693 Johannes de Muris, 425 vocal, 125 Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 293 Indy, Vincent d’, 80, 81, 190, 328 Jolivet, André, 645 Ingarden, Roman, 11 Jomelli, Niccolò Ingles, Greg, 197 Armida abbandonata, 419 Instrument collections, historical, 328 Jones, Gordon, 302 Instrumental/vocal treatises, 625 Jones, Sterling, 76, 196, 522, 591 Intabulations, 22, 266, 329 Joplin, Scott, 547 International Index to Music Periodicals Jorgensen, Owen, 347 (IIMP), 482 Joseph I, Emperor, 131


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Josquin (des Prez), 427, 472, 547, 561, 617 Kirnberger, Johann Philipp, 332, 349, 392, Journal Storage Project (JSTOR), 483 404, 592, 605 Journals, 482 Kit, 349, 667 Jousse, Jean, 341 Kivy, Peter, 12, 39 Julian Bream Consort, The, xiv, 92, 192 Klausner, David, 197 Guitarra!, 659 Kleczynski, Jan, 6 Jullien, Louis, 423, 513 Kleiber, Carlos, 36 Junghänel, Konrad, 193 Klein, Jacob Junker, Carl Ludwig, 341, 626 Sonatas Op. 1 and Op. 2 No. 6, 571 Jurowski, Vladimir, xv, 455 Klemperer, Otto, 555 Klezmer, 133 Kabisch, Thomas, 219 Klindworth, Karl, 373 Kagel, Mauricio, 584 Klingenberg, Johannes, 179, 272 Kail, Josef, 312, 635 Klingenfeld, Heinrich, 666 Kalkbrenner, Friedrich, 218 Klingler, Karl, 339 Kammerton, 67, 497–9, 602, 624 Klosé, Hyacinthe-Eléonore, 76, 132, 350, 431, Kant, Immanuel, 14, 601 626 Kritik des Urtheilskraft, 10 Klosé-Buffet model, 563 Kappey, Jacob, 409 Knappertsbusch, Hans, 146, 230 Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo, 63, Knecht, Justin Heinrich, 230 376, 615 Knorr, Julius, 370 Karajan, Herbert von, 24, 49, 590 Koch, Heinrich Christoph, 4–5, 16, 143, 351, Karest, Joes, 289 592, 626 Karr, Gary, 182 Kocsis, Zoltán, 59 Kartomi, Margaret, 135 Kodály, Zoltán Kassler, Jamie C., 437 Solo Cello Sonata, Op. 8, 120, 571 Kastner, Jean-Georges, 343, 411, 626 Koenig, Adolphe, 312 Kauer, Ferdinand, 121 Kohaut, Karl, 378 Kayser, Heinrich Ernst, 672 Köhler, Louis, 129 Kee, Piet, 592 Kohn Foundation, 555 Keeffe, Bernard, 97 Kohne, Ridley, 37 Keiser, Reinhard, 131, 304 Kohnen, Robert, 355 Kell, Reginald, 656 Kolisch, Rudolf, 8, 352, 566 Keller, Godfrey, 509 Kolisch Quartet, 59, 352, 403 Kelway, Joseph, 263 Kollmann, Augustus Friedrich Christian, 510 Kendrick, Robert, 317, 319 König, Johann Balthasar, 131 Kennaway, George, xviii Kontarsky, Aloys, 587 Kenyon, Sir Nicholas, xv, 39, 308, 344, 360 Koopman, Ton, 192, 352, 359, 455, 547, 592 Kerll, Johann Caspar, Köpp, Kai, 88 Modulatio organica, 581 Kosleck, Julius, 635 Kersey-Phillips Dictionary, 4 Koussevitzky, Serge, 24 Key character, 16, 345, 604 Double Bass Concerto, Op. 3, 182 Khachaturian, Aram Kozeluch, Leopold, 687 Violin Concerto in D minor, 109 Kozinn, Allan, 455 Kiesewetter, Raphael G., 189, 304 Kpaøt, P., 590 Kimball, Joan, 197 Krainis, Bernard, 269, 433 Kincaid, William, 245 Kramer, Lawrence, 12 Kindermann, Johann Erasmus, 570 Krasner, Louis, 686 King, Andrew, 612 Kraus, Felix von, 299 King, Robert, 90, 614 Kreisler, Fritz, 213, 219, 431, 436, 506, Kingma, Eva, 245 654, 670 King’s Consort, The, 90, 192, 614 Kremberg, Jacob, 571 King’s Music, 353 Kreutzer, Auguste, 52, 354 King’s Noyse, The, 197 Kreutzer, Conradin, 635 Kinsky, Georg, 317 Kreutzer, Rodolphe, 52–3, 73, 234, 278, 340–1, Kircher, Athanasius, 16, 58, 227, 399, 535, 598, 353, 430, 468, 471, 504, 510, 549, 626, 617, 626, 669 653, 671–2, 692 Kirkby, Dame Emma, 347, 612 42 [40] Etudes ou caprices, 354, 394 Kirkland, Joseph, 95 Grande Sonate for violin and piano, 354 Kirkman, Jacob, 251, 290 Violin Concerto No. 1, 353 Kirkpatrick, Ralph, 129, 198, 292, 348 Kriegck, J. J., 178


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Krumpholz (Krumpholtz), Jean-Baptiste, 286 Laurens, Guillemette, 366 Kruspe, Edward, 312 Lavignac, Albert, 100, 494 Küffl, Ignaz, 688 Lawes, William, 63, 612, 661 Kuhnau, Johann, 16 Harp Consorts, 285 Kühnel, August, 662 Lawrence of Arabia, 268 Kuijken, Barthold, 354 Lawson, Colin, 361, 369, 556, 588 Kuijken, Sigiswald, 192, 354, 360, 454, 557 Layolle, Francesco de Kuijken, Wieland, 160, 182, 354–5 ‘Lasciar il velo o per sol’ o per ombra’, 382 Kuijken brothers, 142, 354, 365, 480 Layton, Stephen, 3 Kullak, Adolph, 129, 356 Le Blanc, Hubert, 362, 391, 663 Kullak, Theodor, 160, 356, 395 Le Châtelain de Coucy, 358 Kummer, Friedrich, 121, 155, 179, 272, 626, 653 Le Gallois, Jean, 123 Kunisch, Gottfried, 582 Le Gros (Legros), Joseph, 117 Kürzinger, Ignaz Franz Xaver, 356, 671 Le Jeune, Claude Kytte, 349 Fantaisies, 148 Le Maire, Louis, 570 La Barre, Michel de, 242 Le Roux, Gaspard, 538 La Borde (or Laborde), Jean Benjamin de, 358 Le Roy, Adrian, 63, 330 La Cetra Barockorchester, 532 Le Sueur, Jean-François, 126 La Couperin, 190 Lebègue, Nicolas, 521, 538 La Grand Écurie et la Chambre du Roy, 192 Lebrun, Ludwig August, 446 , 103, 192, 355, 360, 365 Leclair, Jean-Marie, 234, 668 La Petite Scène, 190 sonatas, 357 La Scala, Milan, 35–6, 647 Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel, 362, 470 Labadie, Bernard, 3 Lefèvre, Jean Xavier, 31, 363, 626 Labarre, Théodore, 626 Legato style, 29–30, 32–3 L’Abbé le fils, 84, 114, 232, 341, 626 Legnani, Luigi, 275 Principes du violon, 671 Legrenzi, Giovanni, 668 Violin Sonatas Opp. 1 and 8, 357 Lehmann, Lilli, 658 Lacassagne, Joseph, 441 Leichnamschneider, Michael, 310 Lachenmann, Helmut Friedrich Leinsdorf, Erich, 24 Pression, 122 Leipzig Thomanerchor, 190 Lachner, Vincenz, 586 Leitner, Ferdinand, 96 Lachnith, Ludwig-Wenzel, 7 Lemmens, Jacques-Nicolas, 464 Lacroix, Robert Veyron, 472 Lenton, John, 363, 670 L’Affilard, Michel, 359 Léonard, Hubert, 279, 671 Lafont, Charles, 354, 468, 549 Leonhardt, Gustav, xiv, 99, 103, 142, 172, 192, Laird, Michael, 636 282, 292, 295, 298, 307–8, 353, 355, 359– Lalande, Michel-Richard de, 442, 634 60, 364, 401, 455, 480, 568, 593, 690 Lalandi, Lina, 359 Leonhardt, Marie, 267, 480 Lalo, Édouard, 52 Leonhardt Consort, 103, 142, 191, 282, 295, 364–5 Cello Concerto in D minor, 250 Leopold Anton Freiherr von Firmian, Lam, Basil, 96 Archbishop, 415 Lamare, Jacques-Michel Hurel de, 368 Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, 389 Lambert, Michel, 552, 559 Leppard, Raymond, 191, 308, 365, 480 Lamon, Jeanne, 197, 597 Leroux, Xavier, 100 Landini, Francesco, 515, 591 Les Arts Florissants, 129, 192, 197, 366 Landowska, Wanda, 190, 198–9, 292, 348, 360, 480 Les Délices, 197 Laine, Cleo, 422 Les Filles de Sainte Colombe, 197 Lanfranco, Giovanni Maria, 180, 626, 660 Les Paraphonistes de Saint-Jean des Matines, Lang, Paul Henry, xv, 478 644 Lange, Daniël de, 189 Les Siècles, xv, 367, 590 Lanzetti, Salvatore, 236 Les Talens Lyriques, 193 L’Arpeggiata, 194 Les Voix Humaines, 197 Larsson, Lars-Erik, 182 Leschetizky, Theodor, 160, 366 Lassus, Orlande de, 126, 253, 358, 535, Leutgeb, Joseph, 311 617, 633 Levarie, Siegmund, 478 Penitential Psalms, 426 Levasseur, Auguste, 24 ‘Susanne un jour’, 551, 622 Levasseur, Jean Henri, 52, 236, 367, 626 Laud, William, 461 Levasseur, Pierre François, 367 Lauffensteiner, Wolff Jacob, 377 Levi, Hermann, 384


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Levin, Robert D., 3, 29, 108, 110, 368 Lully, Jean-Baptiste, 51, 65, 67, 129, 150, 156, Levinson, Jerrold, 12 304, 316, 372, 390, 419, 430, 442, 452, Levitt, Richard, 76, 196, 522, 591 520, 553, 559, 668 Lewis, Sir Anthony Carey, 191, 369 audible time-keeping, 144 Lewy, Eduard, 311 five-part string orchestra, 163 Lewy, Joseph, 311–12 rehearsal technique, 528 Libin, Laurence, 196 Armide, 427 Liederspiel, 530 Atys, 129, 366 Ligeti, György Ballet d’Alcidiane, 65 Ramifications, 570 Concerto Op. 6 No. 3, 150 Ligniville, Marquis de, 416 Le bourgeois gentilhomme, 360, 445, 589 Linarol, Francesco, 664 Le triomphe de l’amour, 528 Lind, Jenny, 30, 261 Lussy, Mathis, 129, 373 Linde, Hans-Martin, 142, 567 Lute, 374, 448, 571 Lindner, August, 183 Lute Society of America, The, 194 Lipatti, Dinu, 510 Luther, Martin, 226 Liphart, Karl von, 168 Lutyens, Elisabeth, 188 Lippi, Filippino, 630 Luzzaschi, Luzzasco, 176 Listenius, Nikolaus, 617 Liszt, Franz, 101, 300, 320, 326, 343, 402 Mace, Thomas, 148, 379, 479, 625, 663 on conducting, 145 Machaut, Guillaume de, 279, 284, 362, 380, transcriptions, 71, 623 591, 644 Litolff, Henry, 415 La Prise d’Alexandrie, 240–1 Little, Margaret, 197 Mass/Messe de Nostre Dame, 331, 472, 644 Llewellyn, Grant, 613 Mackay, Alison, 197, 597 Lloyd, Edward, 213 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, 554 Loar, Lloyd, 182 Mackerras, Sir Charles, xiii, 96, 191, 380, 421, Lobe, Johann Christian, 214 455, 613 Locatelli, Pietro, 108, 113, 232, 668 Maderna, Bruno, 82 Lochamer songbook, 610 Madeuf, Jean-François, 636 Locke, Matthew, 661, 668 Maelzel, Johann, 399, 406–7, 607 Cupid and Death, 689 Maffei, Giovanni Camillo, 382, 579 Loewe, Carl, 214 Maffei, Scipione, 150, 245, 382 Logier, Johann Bernhard, 343 Casini, Signor (of Florence), 382 Löhlein, Georg Simon, 370, 531, 653, 671 Magazines, 482 Lohr, Ina, 567 Maggini, Giovanni Paolo, 180, 664 Lolli, Antonio, 114, 504, 570, 692 Mahaut, Antoine, 383, 655 Lombardini, Maddalena, 599 Six Duets for German or Violins, Lonati, Carlo Ambrogio, 570 383 London Baroque, 192 Mahillon, Victor-Charles, 134, 149, 257, 383, , 192, 361, 368, 436, 620 455 Mahler, Gustav, 24, 146, 245, 384, 635, 685 London Consort, 178 on Wagner singers, 219 Long bows, 86 Kindertotenlieder, 23 Long play (LP) vinyl record, 488 revised Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, 71 Lonsdale, Roger, 101 Symphonies Lord, Albert B., 449 No. 4 in G major, 570 Lorée, F. (François), 447 No. 9 in D major, 23 Lorenzo, Leonardo de, 548 Mahler Chamber Orchestra, xv Lost Voices project, 201 Maier, Franzjosef, 141, 267 Losy von Losinthal, Graf Johann, 377 Maintenon, Mme de (Françoise d’Aubigné), Lot, Marie-Anne, 314 435 Lotz, Theodor, 21, 585 Majer, Joseph Friedrich Bernhard Caspar, Loughran, James, 96 210, 385, 665 Loulié, Etienne, 248, 359, 371, 440–1, 663 Makam, 695 Loveday, Alan, 96 Malcolm, George, 178, 292 Lowinsky, Edward, 478 Maler, Laux, 374 Lübeck, Henrich, 633 Malgoire, Jean-Claude, 192 Luca, Sergiu, 371 Malherbe, Charles, 372 Ludus Danielis, 283 Malibran, Maria, 73, 260, 549 Luis de Narváez, 659 Malipiero, Gian Francesco, 81


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Malraux, André, 83 May, Florence, 91 Mancini, Giovanni Battista, 107, 260, 301, 386, Maynard, Paul, 433 502, 579, 626 Mazas, Jacques-Féréol, 52, 570, 671 Mandel, Charles, 411 La cloche fantaisie, Op. 76, 570 Mander, Noel Percy, 465 McCarthy, John, 3 Mandyczewski, Eusebius, 443 McClary, Susan, 12 Mannheim, 430 McCreesh, Paul, 192, 547 Mannheim Orchestra, 387, 668 McGee, Timothy, 197 Mannheim School, 131 McGegan, Nicholas, 197, 247, 398, 613 Manns, August, 35 McLoughlin, Eileen, 172 Mantel, Gerhard, 122 McVeigh, Simon, 528 Manuscript parts, 389 Mealy, Robert, 197, 199 Manuscripts, 388 Meauchand, Jean-Jacques, 87 Marais, Marin, 160, 231, 242, 362, 390, 441, Mechanical instruments, 215, 398 552, 661, 663 Mediolani, Maria Anciuti, 69 Pièces de violes, 231, 650 Méhul, Étienne, 470 on vibrato, 650 Euphrosine, 453 Marais, Roland, 663 Ariodant, 453 Marbrianus de Orto, 424 Mei, Girolamo, 255 Marcello, Benedetto, 262, 570 Meifred, Pierre-Joseph Emile, 168, 311, 400, Marchand, Louis, 76 626 Marchesi, Luigi, 391 Meilandus, Jacobus, 617 Marchesi, Mathilde, 261 Meili, Max, 567 Marcón, Andrea, 193 Meiningen, 400 Marenzio, Luca, 304 Meiningen Orchestra, 133 Mariani, Angela, 199 Meints, Catharina, 195 Mariani, Angelo, 392 Meissner, Joseph, 657 Marini, Biagio, 570, 668 Melanchthon, Philipp, 226 Sonata, Op. 8 No. 2, 570 Melba, Nellie, 658 Marmontel, Antoine, 100, 175, 471 Melkus, Eduard, 192, 401 Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm, 15, 21, 30, 301, Mell, Davis, 570 392, 395, 549, 605, 628 Melli, Pietro Paulo, 571 Anleitung, 30 Mellon, Agnès, 366 Marriner, Neville, 167, 191 Mellon Chansonnier, 140 Marsalis, Wynton, 336 Mellotron, 211 Marsh, John, 393, 462 Memelsdorff, Pedro, 567 Marteau, Henri, 432 Memory, 402 Martin, Dean, 337 see also Performing from memory Martin, Frank, 586 Mendel, Arthur, 497, 639 Martin, Philipp Jakob, 648 Mendelssohn, Felix, 144, 168, 189, 300, 339, Martini, Giovanni Battista, 127, 416 402, 404, 415, 443, 462, 583 Martinn, Jacob-Joseph-Balthasar, 394, 666 J. S. Bach’s St Matthew Passion (1829 Marvin, Bob, 196 performance), 114, 126, 185, 476 Marx, Adolf Bernard, 6, 394, 408 use of baton, 145 Marxsen, Eduard, 90 Hebrides Overture Op. 26, 615 Massart, Joseph Lambert, 354, 654 Piano Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 25, Masson, Charles, 345 326 Masters, Robert, 3 Symphonies Matheson, Carl, 11 No. 1 in C minor, Op. 11, 23 Matteis, John-Nichola, 396 No. 4 in A major (‘Italian’), Op. 90, 381 Matteis, Nicola, 364, 396, 437 Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64, 23, Mattheson, Johann, 5, 15–16, 32, 67, 137, 227, 109, 168, 340 294, 296–7, 301, 345–6, 355, 396, 446, Mengelberg, Willem, 146 536, 601, 605, 625–6 Mengozzi, Bernardo, 258, 503 Naturlehre, 15 Menuhin, Yehudi, 3, 178, 213–14 Maucourt, Charles, 582 Merighi, Vincenzo, 517 Maudit, Jacques, 148, 661 Merrick, Arnold, 368 Maugars, André, 397, 661 Mersenne, Marin, 123, 148, 173, 222, 232, 242, Maurer, Ludwig Wilhelm, 52 405, 427–8, 502, 521, 572, 578, 598, 605, Maxwell Davies, Peter 626, 629, 655, 661, 663–4, 670 Taverner, 89, 188 Merulo, Claudio, 175–6, 228, 253


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Mesomedes (of Crete), 255 L’incoronazione di Poppea, 117, 365, 480, Messiaen, Olivier, 211, 359, 438, 586 620, 689 Mestrino, Niccolò, 504, 692 Orfeo, xiv, 56, 63, 96, 100, 191, 284, 307, 321, Metastasio, Pietro, 643 365, 413, 451, 480, 529, 563, 579, 621, Metcalfe, Scott, 198 633, 661, 689 Métoyen, Jean-Baptiste, 573 Vespro della Beata Vergine, 3, 63–4, 96, 261, Metronome, 70, 161, 315, 359, 406, 607, 685 369, 413, 472, 620, 660, 668, 689 electric metronome, 75 Moog synthesiser, 211 Meucci, Renato, 638 Móor, Emanuel, 115 Meyer, Edgar, 182, 286 Moravec, Ernst, 401 Meyer, Philippe-Jacques, 286 Moreno, José Miguel, 193 Meyer, Sabine, 518 Moria, 113 Meyer, Wolfgang, 518 Moritz, Johann, 637 Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 110, 392, 564 Morley, Thomas, 62–3, 93, 147, 414, 425, 450, L’Africaine, 224 619, 622 Les Huguenots, 24, 133, 665 Philomathes, 414 Meyer-Eppler, Werner, 586 Morley-Pegge, Reginald, 55 Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, 4 Morris, William, 176, 478 Meyerson, Mitzi, 198 Morrow, Michael, 422, 427, 472 Micheli, Giulio de, 664 Moscheles, Ignaz, 139, 189, 280, 292, 324, 356, Michi, Orazio, 397 407, 414, 477 Mikrokosmos Quartet, 59 metronome markings, 161 Mikuli, Karl, 300 Mosel, Ignaz Franz, 145, 626 Milán, Luis, 659 Moser, Andreas, 169, 235, 339–40, 583, 626, 672 Milchmeyer, Johann Peter, 408–9, 493, 625 Mostly Other People Do The Killing, 336 Military bands, 573, 637 Moule, Henry, 166 Military music, 344, 409, 431, 564 Moulinié, Étienne, 63 Miller, Dayton C., 196 Mount Edgcumbe, Earl of, 679 Milsom, David, xviii Mouton, Charles, 377 Milstein, Nathan, 37 Mozart, Leopold, 5, 85, 114, 217, 232–3, 270, MIMO project, 329 282, 316, 326, 341, 358, 370, 388, 415, Minguet y Yrol, Pablo, 242 419, 535, 545, 561, 635, 650, 671, 692 Mingus, Charles, 182, 336 on articulation, 32 Minkowski, Marc, 193 on cadenzas, 107, 110 Minuet, 164 on fingering, 234, 504 Mitchell, William, 317 on the bow, 113 Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk AG (MIRAG), 96 on vibrato, 651 Mitterer, Anita, 142, 518 on violin leadership, 144 Mitzler, Lorenz Christoph, 478 on violin mute, 427 Moffatt, Alfred, 94 Versuch, 264, 357, 415–16, 504, 549, 625, 627, 652 Moiseiwitsch, Benno, 366 Mozart Nannerl (Maria Anna), 323 Molière, 440 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 21, 189, 314, 316, Molinaro, Simone, 376 321, 415–16, 510, 512, 650 Molter, Johann Melchior, 131, 210, 243 Adagio and Allegro in F minor for Momigny, Jérôme-Joseph de, 374 mechanical organ, K594, 417 Monachus, Guilielmus, 411 on applause, xvii Mondonville, Jean-Joseph Cassanéa de, 232 arrangements of Handel Montéclair, Michel Pignolet de, 412, 441–2, Acis and Galatea, 417 671 Messiah, 404, 417 Monteux, Pierre, 24, 431 Alexander’s Feast, 417 Monteverdi Choir, 214, 261, 457 Ode for St Cecilia’s Day, 417 Monteverdi Orchestra, 192, 214 Bassoon Concerto, K191, 68 Monteverdi, Claudio, 63, 81, 188, 282, 304, 358, on cadenzas, 108 398, 412, 612, 619 Clarinet Concerto, K622, 132, 585, 587, 615, seconda pratica concept, 296 691 Eighth Book of Madrigals, 23 Clarinet Quintet, K581, 132, 585 Il ballo delle ingrate, 81 Clarinet Quintet fragment, K516c, 369 Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, Clarinet Trio, K498, 132 64, 413, 661 clavichord and, 138 Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria, 95 Concerto for flute, harp and orchestra, La finta pazza di Licori, 413 K299, 285


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continuo in piano concertos, 66 Mudarra, Alonso, 659 Così fan tutte, 381, 524, 589 Muffat, Georg, 64, 239, 361, 373, 419, 441 detached style of playing, 230 Apparatus musico-organisticus, 581 Die Entführung aus dem Serail, 78, 453 Florilegium Secundum, 86 Die Zauberflöte, 132, 301, 381, 417 on vibrato, 651 Divertimento in C major, K187/159c, 131 Mühlfeld, Richard, 133, 170, 401, 656 Don Giovanni, 259, 524, 623 Mule, Marcel, 564 on expression, 218 Müllejans, Petra, 247 Fantasia in F minor for a mechanical Müller, August, 370–1 organ, K608, 417 Müller, Iwan, 48, 132, 270, 420, 626 Gran Partita, 132, 614–15 Müller, Rufus, 612 Horn Quintet, K407, 311 Müller, Theodore, 155 horn writing, 281 Munch, Charles, 431 Idomeneo, 387, 453, 524, 589 Münchinger, Karl, 191 improvisation, 533 Munclinger, Milan, 191, 421 La clemenza di Tito, 398, 623 Munrow, David, xiv, 89, 97, 167, 186, 188, 192, Le nozze di Figaro, 259, 326, 334, 381, 455, 307–8, 369, 422, 480, 555 524, 623 Murcia, Santiago de, 274 Mass in C minor, K427, 369 Musard, Philippe, 422, 513 Oboe Quartet, K370, 446 Museo internazionale e biblioteca della pianistic duel with Clementi, 138 musica, Bologna, 200 Piano Concertos, 193, 323 Musette, 51 No. 5 in D major, K175, 323 Music Antiqua Amsterdam, 353 No. 9 in E flat major, K271, 323 Music Before 1800 series, 195 No. 19 in F major, K459, 417 Music Encoding Initiative, 201 No. 20 in D minor, K466, 109–10 Music Index, 482 No. 22 in E flat major, K482, 132 Music Party, The, 193, 614 No. 23 in A major, K488, 109, 132 Musica Aeterna, 193 No. 24 in C minor, K491, 132, 369, 555, Musica Antiqua Köln, 192, 267, 423, 454 589 Musica da Camera, 353 Piano Quartet, K493, 96 Musica ecclesiastica, 271 Piano Quintet, K452, 106 Musica ficta, 331, 424, 465 Piano Sonatas Musica mathematica, 38 C major, K330, 534 Musica mensurata, 271 A major, K331, 13 Musica poetica, 535, 617 F major, K332, 388 Musica reservata, 425, 617, 667 Prelude and Fugue in C, K394, 545 Musica Reservata, xiv, 186, 192, 422, 427, 472 Four Preludes, K284a (formerly known as Musica vulgalis, 271 the Capriccio K395), 326 Musical Union, 510, 512 rehearsal time for operas, 529 Musicians of Swanne Alley, 197 Requiem, K626, 132, 215, 369, 417, 685 Musiciens du Louvre, Les, 193 Rondo in A, K581a, for Clarinet Quintet, 369 Musikverein rubato playing at the keyboard, 608 Düsseldorf, 300 Serenades Vienna, 648–9 K203, 96 Mute, 427 K375, 132 brass, 428 Sinfonia Concertante in E flat major, cello, 121 K297b, 369 horn, 428 Sinfonia Concertante in E flat major, K364, violin, 427, 670 112, 570, 666 Mute cornett, 151 String Quartets Muziekkring Obrecht, 192 K387, 417 My Ladye Nevells Booke, 309 K405, 622 Symphonies Nagy, Debra, 197 No. 31 in D major (‘Paris’), 23, 453 Napper, Susie, 197 No. 39 in E flat major, 615 Nardini, Pietro, 112–13, 570, 671 No. 41 in C major (‘Jupiter’), 403, 417 Sonate énigmatique, 570 on vibrato, 657 Nathan, Isaac, 154 Violin Concertos, 209 National idioms/styles, 292, 335, 392, 420, 430, Walter piano of 1781, 494 517, 601, 625, 634 Wind Serenades, 132, 141 vibrato production, 658


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Naudot, Jacques-Christophe, 316 Notation, 28, 124, 139, 207, 212, 284, 372, 388, Nawrot, Piotr, 240 413, 437, 449, 466, 499 Nebenstimme, 72 alfabeto notation, 274 Neefe, Christian Gottlob, 138 Beauchamp Feuillet notation system, 163 Neidhardt, Johann Georg, 432, 605 note buone, 5 Nelson, Judith, 198 Notentexttreue, 689 Nero, Emperor, 51 notes égales, 156 Neue Wiener Streichquartett, 352 notes inégales, 153, 156, 215, 420, 430, 439, 537, Neuhold, Peter, 687 540 Neukomm, Edmond, 411 Nottebohm, Gustav, 408, 443, 586 Neukomm, Sigismund Nourrit, Adolphe, 260 Requiem, 687 Nucius, Johannes, 227, 617 Neumann, Anton, 60 Musices poeticae, 16 Neumann, Frederick, 178, 432, 441–2, Nurse, Ray, 196 627 Nussbaum, Jeffrey, 194 Neumeyer, Fritz, 191 Nyastaranga, 257 Neupert, J. C., of Bamberg, 348 Neusidler (Newsidler), Hans, 330, 375 Oberlin Baroque Performance Institute New England Consort of Viols, 197 (BPI), 195 New Josquin Edition, 206 Oberlin, Russell, 269 New London Consort, 192 Oboe, 77, 132, 148, 445 New York Court Dance Company, 198 muting, 454 New York Ensemble for Early Music, Oboe da caccia, 446 196 Oboe d’amore, 446 New York Pro Musica [Antiqua], 97, 196, Ockeghem, Johannes 269, 433 masses, 673 Newberry Consort, 198 O’Dette, Paul, 197–8, 448 Newcomb, Anthony, 12, 425 Odington, Walter, 331 Newman, Robert, 35, 423 Offenbach, Jacques Ney, Elly, 366 Les brigands, 367 Nézet-Séguin, Yannick, 455 Ondes martenot, 211 Ngoniba, 695 Ondříček, František, 432 Nichols, Mary, 612 Ong, Walter, 449 Nicholson, Charles, 243, 434, 502 Oni Wytars, 194 Nicomachus, 79 Online Chopin Variorum Edition, 200 Nicolai, J. C., 181 Online editions, 200 Nicolas, Prince, 60 Opera Atelier, Toronto, 197 Nicolet, Aurèle, 531 Opera house claque, 24 Niedt, Friedrich Erhard, 434, 509 Opera Lafayette, 197 Niehoff, Hendrik, 462 Opera Restor’d, 309 Niemann, Walter, 356 Ophicleide, 411, 564, 573, 636 Nijinsky, Vaslav, 590 Opus 111, 216 Nikisch, Arthur, 146, 384 Oral tradition, 52, 448 Niquet, Hervé, 193 Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, xv, Nivers, Guillaume Gabriel, 229, 435, 441, 521, 99, 186, 192–3, 361, 365, 368, 380, 454– 560 5, 524, 636 Nolan, Rev. Frederick, 243 Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century, 99, 192, Nono, Luigi, 586 197, 456 Noorman, Jantina, 427 Orchestral placement, 74, 280, 367, 436, 451, Norblin, Louis-Pierre, 368 626 Nordstrom, Lyle, 197 Orchestre de Paris, 471 Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk (later WDR), Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique, 96 215, 261, 368, 456 Norin, Lena Susanne, 572 Orchestrion, 399 Norrington, Sir Roger, xiii, xv, 24, 71, 146, Orff, Carl 192–3, 213, 307–8, 359, 436, 455, 480, Carmina Burana, 125, 591 556, 613 Organ, 457 North, Roger, 437, 511 England, 460 on vibrato, 651 France, 459 Northern Soul, 337 Italy, 458 Nosky, Aisslinn, 613 North Germany and The Netherlands, 462


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‘Romantic’, 464 Parker, Charlie, 564 Spain and Portugal, 459 Parley of Instruments, The, 192, 309 Organ registrations, 64 Parlophone Organistrum, 316 Two Thousand Years of Music, 191 Orgue-mélodium, 74 L’Anthologie Sonore, 191 Ornamentation, 17–19, 21, 29, 37, 41, 44, 46–7, Parlow, Kathleen, 37 52–3, 57–9, 71–2, 83, 90, 94, 96, 99, 104, Parrott, Andrew, 192, 427, 472, 480, 547 107, 123, 130, 139, 147, 153, 155, 160, 165, Parry, Milman, 449 168–9, 173, 175, 208, 215, 223, 226, 250, Parsoneault, Catherine, 645 258, 263–4, 279, 284, 297, 301, 314–15, Partch, Harry, 333 322, 340–1, 353–4, 356–7, 359, 365, 368, Parthenia, 197 371, 381, 383, 390–1, 393, 396, 399, 402, Partimento, 473 405, 412, 420, 430, 433, 443, 452, 486, Pasquali, Niccolò, 230, 341 501, 509, 516, 531, 550, 552, 560, 594, 599, Pasquier, Jean, 568 602, 621, 625, 640, 663, 678–9, 684, 688, Pasquini, Bernardo, 262, 419 692 Passaggio, 577 Ornithoparchus, Andreas, 465–6 Paston, Edward, 330 Orso, Francesco, 604 Patti, Adelina, 503 Ortiz, Diego, 107, 180, 466, 660, 662–3, 688 Pauer, Ernst, 280, 292 Österreich, Georg Paulirinus, Paulus, 289, 674 Actus funebris, 65 Paumann, Conrad, 265, 374, 595, 673 Otten, Kees, 192 Paxton, Stephen, 121 Ottoboni, Cardinal Pietro, 150 Pearlman, Martin, 197 Oxted and Limpsfield Players, 619 Pears, Peter, 94 Ozi, Étienne, 31, 467, 626 Peck, Ben, 194 Pedalling, 7, 29, 138, 315, 409, 493, 686 Pacchierotti, Gasparo, 679 Pedersøn, Mogens, 253 Pace, Charles, 312 Peile, John Pachelbel, Johann, 684 Bréval’s New Instructions for the Pachelbel, Wilhelm Hieronymus, 684 Violoncello, 94 Pacher, Michael, 638 Pelitti, Giuseppe, 638 Paderewski, Ignacy, 100, 366–7 Pellegrini, Domenico, 275 Padmore, Mark, 366 Penderecki, Krzysztof Paër, Ferdinando, 469 String Quartet No. 1, 655 Paganini, Nicolò, 19, 29, 73, 234, 273, 282, 402, Penna, Lorenzo, 62 468, 672 Pepusch, Johann Christoph, 2, 476 performing style, 273 Percussion, 26, 51, 453, 473 24 Caprices, Op. 1, 469 in military music, 486 Caprice No. 24, 37 Perényi, Miklós, 518 Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 6, 570 Performance practice, 71, 494, 500, 587 Page, Christopher, 469, 480 of repeats, 533 Page, Walter, 182 scholarship, 476 Paisible, James, 598 Performance related journals, 483 Paisiello, Giovanni Performing from memory, 140 La molinara, 273 see also Memory Pajeot, Louis Simon, 87 Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista Palau de la Música Catalana, 215 Stabat Mater, 305 Palestrina, Giovanni, 128, 304, 619 Peri, Jacopo, 63, 99 Missa Papae Marcelli, 91 Euridice, 62, 99 Pulcra es amica mea, 551 Périnet, François, 312 Palmer, Tony, 215 Periodicals, 482 Palsa, Johann, 311 Pérotin, 303 Palsgrave, John, 627 Perrine, 484 Panharmonicon, 399 Petibon, Patricia, 366 Panofsky, Erwin, 317 Petits Violons, 668 Papini, Guido, 266 Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca) Paraphonistes de St Jean-des-Matines, 190 ‘Vago augelletto che cantando vai’, Parent, Michiel, 527 382 Paris Conservatoire, 31, 132, 174, 189, 236, Petrassi, Goffredo 306, 328, 421, 447, 470, 477, 573, Suoni notturni, 276 625, 635 Petri, Johann Samuel, 626, 671


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Petrus de Cruce, 485, 514 Play of Daniel, The, 269, 433 Petrus Le Viser, 485 Play of Herod, The, 433 Pettiford, Oscar, 182 Player pianos, 399 Petzold, Christian, 302 Playford family, 501 Pezze, Alexander, 517 Playford, Henry, 501 Pfitzner, Hans Playford, John, 501, 570, 661, 663, 672 Palestrina, 302 Select Musicall Ayres, 65 Phantasm, 183 Pleeth, Anthony, 495 Philadelphia Renaissance Wind Band, 197 Pleeth, William, 122 Philharmonia Baroque, 197, 368 Pleyel (et Cie), 175, 209, 246, 287, 292, 305, 343 Philharmonic de Paris, 649 Salle Pleyel, 305 Philharmonic Hall, New York’s Lincoln Pleyel harpsichord, 175, 360, 385 Center, 649 Pleyel piano, 471, 491 Philharmonic Society, 648 Pluche, Noël-Antoine, 520 Philidor, André, 485 Poel, William, 164 Le mariage de la couture avec la grosse Poerschmann, Johann, 67 cathos, 486 Pohl, Carl Ferdinand, 91 Philidor, Anne-Danican, 486 Polidori, 52 Sonata in D minor for recorder and bc, 527 Poll, Hermann, 289 Philidor, François-André, 486 Pollani, 52 Philidor, Jacques Danican, 69 Pollet, Benôit Philidor, Jacques, le cadet, 486 Méthode, 286 Philidor, Pierre, 486 Pollitzer, Adolf, 19, 213 Philidor family, 445 Polyphon-Bogen, 42 Philip, Robert, 487, 609 Polyphony, 125 Phillips, Peter, 187, 193 Ponte, Lorenzo da, 648 Philomathes, 414 Pomerium, 198 Philomusica of London, 96, 167, 191 Pompadour, Madame de, 72 Philpot, Stephen, 341 Pompidou, President Georges, 83 Phonograph, 202, 205, 487 Poppen, Christoph, 302 Piano roll, 202, 608 Popper, David, 120, 122, 237 Pianoforte, 70, 489 Popular music, 182, 335–6, 502 Piatti, Alfredo, 115, 120–1, 155, 179, 517, 626 Porphyry, 134 Piau, Sandrine, 366 Porpora, Nicola, 154, 579 Picasso, Pablo, 268 Porta, Carlo, 35, 175 Picchianti, Luigi, 266 Portamento, 30, 37, 52, 73–4, 112, 115, 121, 146, Piccinini, Alessandro, 275, 358, 376, 615, 629, 165, 169, 179, 184, 203, 212, 219, 233, 235, 651 258–9, 272, 279, 339, 363, 385–6, 416, Pichl, Wenzel, 131 502, 518, 531, 549, 552, 567, 583, 643, 672 Pickett, Philip, 192 Porthaux, Dominique Antony, 68 Pidoux, Raphael, 518 Potter, John, 302 Pieranzovini, Pietro, 79 Potter, Samuel, 410 Pietrobono del Chitarino, 618 Pottgieser, Dr H. W., 243 Piffaro (originally the Philadelphia Potts, Mary, 308 Renaissance Wind Band), 197 Poulenc, Francis, 360 Pincherle, Marc, 401 Poulin, Pamela, 585 Pinel, Germain, 552 Powell, Ardal, 196 Pinnock, Trevor, xiii, xv, 307, 359, 495, 562 Powell, Maud, 165 Pipe and tabor, 473, 495 Praetorius, Michael, 17, 64, 67, 69, 120, 134, 163, Pirlinger, Joseph, 415 425, 473, 507, 617, 626, 630, 655, 669–70 Pisendel, Johann Georg, 423 ‘Es ist ein Ros entsprungen’ (‘Lo, how a Pitch, 346, 411, 497 Rose e’er blooming’), 507 Pittsburgh’s Renaissance and Baroque gemeine Harfe, 284 Society, 195 Syntagma Musicum, 571–2, 598, 627 Pizzicato, 29 Terpsichore, 507 Plaidy, Louis, 101 Pratten, Madame Sidney (Catharina Josepha Plainchant, 435, 458, 499 Pratten, née Pelzer), 276 Plantade, Charles-Henri, 130 Prelleur, Peter, 341, 508 Plato, 240, 450, 627 Prelude, 324 De Re Publica, 9 Preluding, 53, 314, 509 Platti, Giovanni Benedetto, 262 Presley, Elvis, 337


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Preston, Stephen, 495 Quarrington, Joel, 182 Primavera Singers, 433 Quartetto Esterházy, 193, 568 Primrose, William, 666 Quatuor Baillot, 52 Prinner, Johann, Jacob, 670, 672 Quatuor Mosaïques, 142, 193, 518 Printz, Wolfgang Caspar, 15 Queen’s Hall, Langham Place, London, 649 Pro Arte Quartet, 352 Quickelberg, Samuel, 426 , 192 Quicksilver, 197 Pro Musica Antiqua, 191, 196 Quintilian, 56, 534–5, 680 Programmes, 510–11 Institutio Oratoria, 10 Promenade Concerts, 35 Quitschreiber, Georg, 657 Pronunciation, 48, 72, 75, 466, 514, 569, 621, 643 Proportions, system of, 514 Raatz-Brockman, Julius von, 299 Prospero, Bernadino, 180 Rabaud, Henri, 237 Proto, Frank, 182 Rabelais, François Prudenzani, Simone de, 515 Gargantua et Pantagruel, 242 Prume, François-Hubert, 279, 570 Rachmaninov, Sergei Prumier, Antoine, 286 piano playing of, 219 Prunières, Henri, 81 Radif, 695 Psalette de Notre Dame, 190 Rafi family, 242 , 284 Raguenet, François, 520, 601, 625, 658 Pseudo-Guido, 500 Raison, André, 32, 229, 521 Ptolemy, Claudius, 79 Rambaux, Claude Victor, 620 Puccini, Giacomo Rameau, Jean-Philippe, 28, 32, 51, 80, 129, 131, Il tabarro, 624 139, 160, 229, 242, 291, 304, 328, 345, La bohème, 624 358–9, 393, 398, 412, 520–1, 530, 553 Madama Butterfly, 665 inversion theory, 484 Pugin, Laurent, 201 Castor et Pollux, 190 Pugnani, Gaetano, 453, 668, 692 Hippolyte et Aricie, 129 Puliaschi, Giovanni Domenico, 449 Les Boréades, 524 Punto, Giovanni, 281, 311 Les Indes galantes, 589 Purcell, Henry, 172, 364, 501, 668 Pièces de clavecin en concerts, 355 trumpet writing, 634 Platée, 398 Catches, Rounds, Two-Part and Three- Zais, 361 Part Songs, 251 Ramis de Pareia, Bartolomeus, 580 ‘Come ye Sons of Art’, 171 Ramm, Andrea von, 76, 196, 446, 522, 591 Dido and Aeneas, 190 Ramos de Pareja [Ramis de Pareia], Fairy Queen, The, 81, 129, 369, 427 Bartolomé, 523 Ode on St Cecilia’s Day, 171, 251, 619 Rampal, Jean-Pierre, 174, 421, 562 Queen Mary’s Funeral Music, 634 Rampe, Siegbert, 542 Suite No. 3 in G major, 442 Ramsier, Paul, 182 Suite No. 4 in A minor, 540 Ranke, Leopold von, 478 Twelve Sonatas of Three Parts, 251 Raoux, Lucien-Joseph, 311 Purcell Consort of Voices, 192 Raphael Purcell Quartet, 192 Allegory of St Cecilia, 660 Purksteiner, Joseph, 60 Rapp, Regula, 567 Puyana, Rafael, 308 Rasgueado, 274 Puzzi, Giovanni, 311 Rasi, Francesco, 579 Pynkosky, Marshall, 197 Rastell, John, 350 Pythagoras (of Samos), 136, 331 Rathbone, Joyce, 96 Pythagorean tuning, 136, 255, 331, 604 Rattle, Sir Simon, xiii, xv, 186, 455, 523 Ratzel, Friedrich, 558 Quadro Amsterdam, 568 Ravel, Maurice, 647 Quantz, Joseph Joachim, xvi, xviii, 31–2, 107, Introduction and Allegro, 287 119–20, 181, 217, 238, 243, 262, 310, 371, La Valse, 245 383, 386, 395, 427, 430, 441–2, 446, 452–3, Sonatine, 533 516, 548, 626, 632, 666, 671 Reber, Napoléon Henri, 620 on violin leadership, 144 Rebillé, Philbert, 242 Versuch, 601, 625, 655 Recitar cantando, 678 Quarenghi, Guglielmo, 517 Reconstructed pronunciation, 524–5, 627 6 Capricci for solo cello, 517 Recorder, 19, 30, 77, 99, 131, 152, 174, 177, 190, Capriccio for cello and piano, 518 239–40, 248, 257, 270, 295, 354–5, 386,


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422, 446, 481, 501, 508, 526, 557, 567, Rietz, Eduard, 549 596–7, 602, 619, 625, 628, 639, 655, 673 Rifkin, Joshua, xiii, 215, 319, 472, 547 Rectigraph Company, 221 Rihm, Wolfgang, 584, 587 Redlich, Hans, 620 Rilling, Helmuth, 359, 368 Rees, Abraham Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, 626 Cyclopaedia, 101 Rinforzando, 6 Reger, Max, 217, 401 Rippe, Albert de, 376 Regis, Johannes, 424 Risler, Édouard, 471 Regondi, Giulio, 275 Ritter, Hermann, 665 Rehearsal, 528 Robberechts, André, 73 Reich, Steve, 40 Robertsbridge Codex, 140, 330 Reicha, Antoine [Anton], 171, 258, 529 Robins, Brian, 393 Reicha, Josef, 529 Robinson, Thomas, 663 Reichardt, Johann Friedrich, 145, 371, 453, Roche, Elizabeth, 186 504, 530, 549, 609, 626, 671 Rochlitz, Johann Friedrich, 453 Reiche, Gottfried, 634 Rockstro, Richard Shepherd, 548 Reidemeister, Peter, 531, 567 Rockstro, William Smith, 251 Reinagle, Hugh, 277 Rode, Pierre, 52–3, 73, 169, 234, 273, 341, 353, Reinecke, Carl, 110, 203–4, 272, 608–9 394, 430, 471, 504, 548, 582, 626, 653, Reinecke, Hans Peter, 135 671–2, 692 Renaissance Dancers, 163 24 Caprices, 549 Renz, Frederick, 196 Air varié, Op. 12, 549 Repeats, 326, 532, 640 Violin Concerto No. 7, 505, 583 Répertoire international de la presse Rodenkirchen, Norbert, 572 musicale (RIPM), 483 Roentgen, David, 399 Répertoire international de littérature Roeser, Valentin, 131, 549 musicale (RILM), 483 Rogers, Nigel, 76, 522, 591 Répertoire International d’Iconographie Rogg, Lionel, 401 Musicale (RIdIM), 317 Rognoni, Francesco, 502, 550, 662, 697 Répertoire international des sources Selva de varii passaggi, 551 musicales (RISM), 200 Rognoni, Riccardo, 550 Replicas, 28, 292, 384, 489, 620, 627, 662 Rolla, Alessandro, 267 of Viennese pianos, 489 Rolland, Paul, 655 Respighi, Ottorino Roman de Fauvel, The, 330 Pini di Roma, 571 Romberg, Bernhard, 87, 120–1, 155, 178–9, Retrospect Ensemble, 614 183–4, 551, 626 Reusner, Esaias, 377 Cello Concerto No. 2, Op. 3, 552 Reutter, Georg, II Rooley, Anthony, 347, 612 Il Parnasso, 635 Rosbaud, Hans, 82 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 293 Rose Ensemble, 198 Rhau, Georg, 617 Rose the younger, 661 Rhetoric, 148, 185, 216, 225, 291, 297, 315, 534, Rose, Leonard, 182 585, 608, 617, 639 Rose, Mademoiselle, 218 Rhythmic interpretation, 370, 441, 537, 590 Rose, Michael, 454 Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de Rosenthal, Moriz, 366 Luz y norte, 285 Rossbach, Franz, 635 Riccio, Giovanni Battista, 527 Rosseter, Philip, 147 Richards & Fowkes, 196 Rossi, Luigi, 80 Richardson, Arthur, 665 Rossini, Gioachino, 128, 130, 259, 564 Richman, James, 198 cadenzas, 110 Richter, Franz Xavier, 78, 421, 635 Elisabetta regina d’Inghilterra, 259 Richter, Hans, 23, 384 Guillaume Tell, 579 Richter, Karl, 191, 359 Il barbiere di Siviglia, 259 Richter, Ludwig, 319 L’italiana in Algeri, 259 Rickenbacker International Corporation, 182 Rostal, Max, 371, 432 Riedsche songbook, 610 Rostropovich, Mstislav, 36, 43, 115, 122 Riemann, Hugo, 4, 71, 190, 374, 478, 546 Roth, Daniel, 367 Riemenschneider, Albert, 194 Roth, François-Xavier, 97, 367, 590 Riemenschneider, J. A., 582 Rothschild, Charlotte de, 209 Riepel, Joseph, 635 Rousseau, Jean, 143, 231, 358, 371, 509, 552, 663, Ries, Hubert, 218, 583 688


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Méthode claire, 345 Sandrin, Pierre Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 101, 179, 441, 520, ‘Doulce mémoire’, 467 553 Sankt Gallen manuscripts, 610 Dictionnaire de musique, 208 Santa María, Tomás de, 62, 104, 107, 137, 229, Le devin du village, 553 537, 561 Rousset, Christophe, 193, 366 Santley, Charles, 261 Rowland-Jones, Simon, 614 Sanz, Gaspar, 274 Roxburgh, Edwin, 556 Sarasate, Pablo de, 19, 268, 506, 654 Royal Academy of Music (London), 554 Sarti, Federico, 266, 391 Royal Albert Hall, London, 649 Sartorius, Georg Kaspar, 623 Royal College of Music (London), 240, 554–5 Sassoon, Siegfried, 268 Royal Conservatory of The Hague, 556 Sattler, C. F., 312 Royal Festival Hall, London, 649 Sauzay, Eugène, 52 Roze, Abbot Nicolas, 573 Savall, Jordi, 193, 480, 562, 567, 689 Rubato, 59, 95, 203, 220, 280, 286, 340, 360, Savart, Félix, 665 365, 367, 385, 438, 625, 639 Savary, Jean Nicolas (Savary jeune), 68 see also tempo rubato Sax, Adolphe, 133, 344, 411, 431, 563, 637 Rubini, Giovanni Battista, 577 Saxhorn, 563 Rubinlicht, Janine, 355 Saxophone, 454 Rubinstein, Anton, 102, 280, 366, 373, 513 Saxotromba family, 564 Ruckers family of Antwerp, 289, 674 Sbolci, Jefte, 266 Rudall and Rose, 244 Scarlatti, Alessandro, 520, 634 Ruffo, Vincenzo, 253 Scarlatti, Domenico, 139, 262, 268, 304, 348 Rugeri, Francesco, 119 Sonatas, 348 Ruhland, Konrad, 192 Scelsi, Giacinto ‘Rule of the Octave’, 63 String Quartets Nos. 3 and 4, 570 Rust, Friedrich, 71, 302 Triphon, 655 Rutland Psalter, 457 Xnoybis, 570 Růžičková, Zuzana, 308 Schachtner, Johann, 635 Rybar, Peter, 401 Schafhäutl, Carl Emil von, 244 Rynar, Dyno, 655 Schaichet, Alexander, 401 Schatzberger, Lesley, 614 Saariaho, Kaija Scheibe, Johann Adolf, 16, 46, 76, 227, 535, 565 Spins and spells, 571 Scheinhardt, Christoph Stephan, 208 Sabine, Wallace Clement, 649 Schelble, Johann Nepomuk, 300 Sacher, Paul, 191, 454, 480 Schelle, Johann, 250 Sachs, Curt, 134, 302, 384, 478, 558 Scheller, Jakob, 282 Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Dresden, 200 Schenck, Johann, 662 Sackbut, 630 Scherer, G. H., 67 Sadie, Stanley, 99, 417, 456, 559 Schering, Arnold, xiii, 42 Saenger, Gustav, 37 Schetky, Johann, 93 Saint Lambert, Monsieur de, 32, 262, 440, Schiedermayr, Johann Baptist, 415 442, 559, 605–6 Schiever, Ernest, 250 Sainte-Colombe, Jean de, 231, 390, 661 Schiff, András, 518 Sainte-Marie, 52 Schildt, Melchior, 622 Sainton, Prosper, 279 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, Saint-Saëns, Camille, 114, 306, 328, 343, 447, 682 560 Schilling, Gustav, 395 Danse macabre, 570 Schillings, Max von Symphony No. 3 in C minor (‘Organ’), Das Hexenlied, 584 Op. 78, 367 Schindler, Anton, 407, 528 Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 22, 560 Schlick, Arnolt, 462, 565 Salieri, Antonio, 343, 414, 443, 474, 688 Ascendo ad Patrem meum, 566 Salmon, Kathleen, 124 Salve regina, 566 Salom, Tomas, 496 Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich, 142, 427, 570 Salomon de Caus, 345 Sonatae unarum fidium, 668 Salomon Quartet, 193 Schmidt, Wilhelm, 558 Salomon, Johann Peter, 65, 71, 144, 453 Schmitt, Alois, 299 Salzedo, Carlos, 287 Schmitt, Friedrich, 298–9 Sammartini, Giuseppe, 446 Schnabel, Artur, 273, 366 Sampson, Carolyn, 614 Schneider, Friedrich, 443


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Schnitzer, Erasmus, of Nuremberg, 630 Humoreske, Op. 20, 545 Schoenberg, Arnold, 5, 72, 82, 111, 115, 219, 352, Konzertstück, Op. 86, 312 566 Märchenerzählungen, Op. 132, 615 on transcription, 623 Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 54, 5, 90, Chamber Symphony, 454 170 Die glückliche Hand, Op. 18, 584 Piano Quartet, Op. 47, 120, 571 Die Jakobsleiter, 12, 584 Romance in B minor, Op. 28 No. 1, 545 Gurre-Lieder, 584 Symphony No. 4 in D minor, Op. 20, Modern Psalm, Op. 50c, 584 35 Moses und Aron, 584 Träumerei (Kinderszenen No. 7), 272 Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, Op. 41, 584 Violin Sonata No. 2 in D minor, Op. 121, Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 21, 245, 584 272 Survivor from Warsaw, A, Op. 46, 584 Schumann-Heink, Ernestine, 299 ‘Vorgefühl’, Op. 22 No. 4, 12 Schuppanzigh, Ignaz, 512 Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, xiv, 80, 190–1, Schürmann, G. C., 131 196, 198, 307, 328, 334, 347, 364, 448, Schütz Choir of London, 436 480, 522, 531, 567–8, 572, 591, 612, 636, Schütz, Heinrich, 63–4, 148, 190, 222, 253, 507, 688–9 547, 662 Schonbrun, Sheila, 269 Cantiones sacrae, 216 Schop, Johann (elder), 223 Geistliche Chormusik, 63 Schrade, Leo, 478 Historia der Auferstehung, 64, 81 Schradieck, Henry, 169, 672 ‘Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich’ from Schröder, Jaap, 192, 365, 568, 698 the Symphoniarum sacrarum, 91 Schröder-Devrient, Wilhelmine, 682 Schütze, Rainer, 292 Schroeder, Carl, 94, 179, 618 Schweigl, Ignaz, 671 Schroeder, Rolph, 42 Schweitzer, Albert, 42, 360 Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel, 131, Schwendler, Maximilian, 656 346, 387 Scimone, Claudio, 191 Schubert, Franz, 504 Scordatura, 53, 114, 120, 232, 273, 469, 569, 662, accents, use of, 6 666 ‘Auf dem Strom’,D943, 312 Scott, Anneke, 313 ‘Erlkönig’,D328, 681 Scriabin, Alexander, 217 on expression, 218 Sculthorpe, Peter Moment musical, Op. 94 No. 5, 6 Requiem, 571 Octet, D803, 133, 141 Sechter, Simon, 443 on pedalling, 492 Seebass, Tilman, 318 Piano Quintet (‘Trout’), D667, 141 Segovia, Andrés, 268 Symphony No. 9 in C Major (‘Great’) Segovia Codex, 141 D944, 35, 381, 455 Seguin, Armand, 111 Vogl and, 681 Sekles, Bernhard, 8 ‘Wasserflut’ (Winterreise No. 6), 545 Seletsky, Robert, 84 Schubert, Johann Friedrich, 569 Sellars, Peter, 129 Die nächtliche Erscheinung, 569 Sellner, Joseph, 447, 626 Neue Singe-Schule, 569 Selma y Salaverde, Bartolomé de, 67 Schuberth, Karl, 179 Senfl, Ludwig, 617 Schuchart, Charles, 386 Senleches, Jacob de, 284 Schuh, Ernst von, 384 Sepulcro, 662 Schuller, Gunther, 182, 336 , 193, 197, 572 Schulz, Johann Adolph Peter, 5, 218, 592 Serpent, 74, 411, 572, 636 Schumann, Clara, 170, 250, 272, 303, 510, 513 Servais, Adrien, 120 cadenza for Mozart’s Piano Concerto in Serwaczyński, Stanislaus, 339 D minor K466, 110 Ševčík, Otokar, 432 Schumann, Eugenie, 91 Shackleton, Sir Nicholas, xvi Schumann, Ferdinand, 92 Shakespeare, William, 101 Schumann, Robert, 91, 300, 339, 414, 443, 453 Hamlet, 527 on expression, 218 Shankar, Lakshminarayana, 669 on Paganini, 469 Shapey, Ralph Cello Concerto, Op. 29, 272 Krosnick Soli, 571 Drei Romanzen, Op. 94, 447 Sharp, Cecil, 496 Fantasia in C, Op. 17, 90 Shaw, Arnold, 337 Fantasiestücke, Op. 73, 133 Shaw, George Bernard, 177, 268, 649


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Shawm, 19, 51, 98, 163, 422, 445, 562, 573 Soli Deo Gloria, 215 Sheppard, Honor, 172 Solomon, Ashley, 556 Shield, William, 40 Solway, Kenneth, 597 Shinn, Frederick, 402 Somfai, László, 59 Shinohara, Makoto Somis, Giovanni Battista, 668 Fragmente, 528 Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marca, 193 Shore, John, 598, 638 Sophocles Shortwave radios, 212 Oedipus Tyrannus, 253 Shostakovich, Dmitri Sor, Fernando, 275 Piano Trio No. 2, Op. 67, 121 Les Deux Amis, Op. 41, 276 Symphony No. 10, Op. 93, 36 Sorge, Georg Andreas Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 77, 110 Compendium harmonicum, 370 Shudi, Burkat, 290 Sorrell, Jeannette, 197 Shumsky, Oscar, 37 Sostenuto pedal, 30 Silbermann, Andreas, 574 Sour Cream, 99 Silbermann, Gottfried, 137, 463, 493, 574, 690 Sousa, John Philip, 513 Simandl, Franz, 181 Souster, Tim, 587 Simandl bow, 181 Soyer, David, 115 Simandl system, 238 Spadina, Stefano, 113 Simmons, Beverly, 195 Spangenberg, Johannes, 617 Simpson, Christopher, 148, 231, 479, 575, 625, Spataro, Giovanni, 580 661, 663, 688 Speer, Daniel, 67, 630, 670 Sinatra, Frank, 337 Spencer, Joseph, 195, 199 Singing, 18, 30, 154, 576 Spencer, Robert, 172, 555, 580 alla bastarda, 577 Sperger, Johann Matthias, 181, 666 see also Vocal performance Speth, Johann, 137, 581 ‘Singing recitation’ (recitar cantando), 105 Ars magna, 137, 581 Singspiel, 301 Spiegl, Fritz, 96 Sitt, Hans, 666 Spiess, Meinrad, 535 Sitwells, The, 268 Spinacino, Francesco, 330 Sivori, Camillo, 469 Spinet, 288, 581, 675 Sixteen, The, 193 Spinetti, Giovanni, 582 Sixtus Rauwolf of Augsburg, 377 Spitta, Philipp, 7, 158, 477 Skálholt Quartet, 568 Spitzer, John, 585 Skinner, David, 197 Spivakovsky, Tossy, 42 Skowroneck, Martin, 292 Spohr, Louis, 48, 70, 86–7, 98, 132, 145, 168, Sloper, Lindsay, 280 179, 219, 234, 282, 286, 321, 339, 504–5, Slowik, Kenneth, 196–7 549, 570, 582, 626, 650, 653, 670, 672 Smith, Bernard, 461 on vibrato, 169, 650, 653 Smith, Father, 598 Violin Concerto No. 9, Op. 55, 583 Smith, Hopkinson, 198 Violin Concerto No. 10, Op. 62, 505 Smith, John Christopher, senior, 389 Violinschule, 29, 265, 672 Smith, Thomas, 648 Spontini, Gaspare, 145, 529 Smithers, Don, 636 Fernand Cortez, 428 Smithson String Quartet, 568 La vestale, 453 Smithsonian Chamber Players, 197 Sporck, Count Anton von, 310 Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra, Sprechgesang, 584 336 Sprechstimme, 72, 567, 584 Smyth, Ethel, 268 Sprenger, Eugen, 665 Sneak’s Noyse, 562 Springfels, Mary, 197, 572 Snow, Valentine, 634 Squire, William Barclay, 252 Società del Quartetto, 266 Sramek, Jordan, 198 Société de Musique d’Autrefois, 97, 190 St Cecilia Players, 433 Société des Instruments Anciens, 175, 189, 190, Stadlen, Peter, 686 305 Stadler, Anton, 21, 132, 584–6 Société d’Instruments à Vent, 244 Stadler, Johann, 585 Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, 305 Stadlmann, Johann Joseph, 60 Society for Private Musical Performances, 72, Stainer & Bell, 201 352, 566 Stamaty, Camille, 343 Socrates, 217 Stamitz, Anton, 113, 353, 668 Soldat(-Roger), Marie, 339 Stamitz, Carl, 141, 302, 666, 668


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Stamitz, Johann, 113, 383, 668 Stravinsky, Igor, 3, 359, 431, 438, 589, 600 Stanesby, Thomas, junior, 67, 69 Agon, 590 Stanfield, Milly Bernardine, 655 on dynamics, 6 Stanford, Charles Villiers, 91, 190, 257 Firebird, 367, 590 Stanley, John, 462 Les Noces, 590 Starzer, Josef L’Histoire du soldat, 590 Musica da camera, 131 Petrushka, 590 Steblin, Rita, 346 Pulcinella, 590 Steckler, Christian, 286 Sacre du printemps, Le (Rite of Spring, The), Steele-Perkins, Crispian, 636 xviii, 35, 69, 83, 571, 590, 635–6 Steffani, Agostino, 131 Three Pieces for clarinet, 132 Steglich, Hermann, 312 Striggio, Alessandro Steibelt, Daniel, 409 ‘Ecce beatam lucem’, 62 Stein family, 246 Stroh, (John Matthias) Augustus, 669 Stein, Erwin, 6 Strungk, Nicholaus Adam, 570 Steinbach, Emil, 586 Stubbs, Stephen, 197 Steinbach, Fritz, 381, 401, 586 Studio de Musique Ancienne de Montréal, 198 Steinert, Morris, 196 Studio der frühen Musik, 76, 192, 196, 522, Steinmeyer, G. F., 465 567, 591 Steinway piano, 491 Sturton, Edmundus ‘Steinway system’, 29 Gaude virgo mater Christi, 424 Stepner, Daniel, 613 Stutschewsky, Joachim, 121, 237, 655 Stern, Julius, 395 Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra, xv Sterndale Bennett, William, 280, 554 Stuttgarter Kammerorchester, 191 Sterne, Colin, 195 Sudre, François, 170 Steuermann, Eduard, 8 Suetonius, see Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus Stevens, Denis, 3, 82, 191 Suggia, Guilhermina, 655 Stewart, Rod, 337 Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 415, 554 Stiedry-Wagner, Erika, 584 Sulzer, Johann Georg, 218, 351, 591 Stile antico, 46 Susato, Tielman, 163 Stirling, Jane, 209 Süssmayr, Franz Xaver, 681 Stivori, Francesco, 253 Sutton, Julia, 433 Stockhausen, Julius, 90 Suzuki, Masaaki, 3, 592 Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 359, 547, 586 Svetlanov, Yevgeny, 36 Aus den sieben Tagen, 587 Švihlíková, Viktorie, 421 Kreuzspiel, 587 ‘swan bill’ bow, 86 Mikrophonie I, 211 Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon, 462, 566 use of Maihak W49 filter, 211 Swieten, Baron Gottfried van, 189, 417, 622 use of shortwave radio, 212 Symphonia, 316 Stokowski, Leopold, 698 Symphony Hall, Birmingham, 649 Stölzel, Heinrich, 311, 635 Symphony Hall, Boston, 649 Storch, Emanuel, 181 Syntagma Musicum, 192 Storioni, Lorenzo, 665 Synthesisers, 211 Stour Festival, Kent, 172 Szell, George, 49 Stowell, Robin, xviii, 85, 362, 588 Szymanowska, Maria, 218 Stradella, Alessandro, 225, 668 Szymanowski, Karol Stradivari, Antonio, 119, 350, 661, 664, 667, 669 written-out concerto cadenzas, 109 Stradner, G., 638 Straeten, Edmond van der, 654 Tabel, Hermann, 290 Straube, Karl, 96, 190 Tablature, 8, 17, 22, 60–1, 104–5, 140, 153, 206, Strauss, Johann, I, 513 231, 263, 266, 274, 329, 374, 379, 425, Strauss, Johann, II, 623 484, 501, 559, 571, 594, 596, 623–4, 661, Strauss, Richard, 132, 219, 245, 384, 447, 586, 673, 693, 697 588, 626, 635, 683 Tabourot, Jehan, 163 Ariadne auf Naxos, Op. 60, 589 Tactus, 143, 251, 254, 466, 596 Capriccio, Op.85, 589 Taddeo del Guasto, 253 Die Bürger als Edelman, Op. 60, 589 Tafelmusik, 197, 597 Don Quixote, Op. 35, 250, 272, 570 Tafelmusik Chamber Choir, 597 Ein Heldenleben, Op. 40, 570 Taffanel, Paul, 22, 244, 471 Enoch Arden, Op.38, 584 Taglietti, Giulio Horn Concerto No. 1, Op. 11, 401 Sonata, Op. 1 No. 2, 570


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Tagore, Rajah Sourindro Mohun, 257 Temperament, 1, 8, 160, 173, 248, 275, 289, 293, Taillesfer, 283 295, 303, 315, 324, 332, 349, 393, 432, Tainter, Charles Sumner, 488 446, 553, 603, 636, 640, 697, 700 Takács-Nagy, Gábor, 59 Tempo, 605 Talbot, James, 573, 598 Tempo rubato, 538 Talbot Manuscript, 54, 598 Terry, Richard, 190 Talich, Václav, 380, 421 Tertis, Lionel, 268, 655, 665 Tallis, Thomas, 126 Tertullian (of Carthage), 216 ‘If ye Love Me’, 608 Terzi, Giovanni Antonio, 376 Spem in alium, 63, 620 Tessarini, Carlo, 233 Tallis Scholars, The, 187, 193 Text underlay, 206, 610, 626, 641 Tarade, Théodore-Jean, 114 Thalberg, Sigismond, 415 Tarling, Judy, 309 Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, 35 Tarr, Edward H., 152, 636 Theorbo, 65, 124, 284, 376, 397, 484, 615, Tárrega, Francisco, 276 625 Fantasia sobre los Motivos de La Traviata, Theremin, 211 276 Thibaud, Jacques, 568 Tartini, Giuseppe, 90, 108, 112, 151, 302, 415– Thibault, Geneviève, 190 16, 570, 599, 662, 668, 692 Thibaut de Champagne on vibrato, 652 ‘Ausi com l’unicorne sui’, 271 L’arte del arco, 114 Thibaut, A. F. J., 189, 404, 471 ‘Devil’s Trill’ Sonata, 113, 599 Thieme, C. A., 435 Traité des agrémens, 671 Thiériot, Prudent, 68 Taruskin, Richard, xviii, 33, 39–40, 187, 308, Thierry, Alexandre, 459 436, 450, 600 Thoene, Helga, 302 Taskin, Pascal, 290 Thomas, Ambroise Tasnier, Jean, 426 Hamlet, 454 Taste, 6, 10, 22, 28, 37, 70, 129, 146, 218, 248, Thomas, Thomas, 4 255, 263–4, 285, 291, 296, 354, 362–3, Thomas, David, 612 388, 390, 414, 425, 442, 471, 510, 512, Thomas, Jeffrey, 195 517, 520, 524, 531, 549, 583, 600, 609, Thompson, John, 481 623, 625, 629, 658–9 Thomsen, Magnus, 633 Taurins, Ivars, 597 Thornton, Barbara, 197, 572 Tausch, Julius, 300 Thoroughbass, 93, 277, 296, 341, 349, 435, Taverner Choir, 347, 472 585 Taverner Consort and Players, 192, 472 Three Festival, 649 Taylor, Daniel, 198 Thuringus, Joachim, 227, 617 Taylor, George, 196 Tiby, Jean-François, 73 Tchaikovsky, Piotr, 649 Ticciati, Robin, xv, 455 use of valve horn, 312 Tickell, Kenneth, 465 Eugene Onegin, 623 Tieffenbrucker, Magno, 376 Piano Concerto No. 1, Op. 23, 492 Tielke, Joachim, 350, 662 Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op. 33, 250 Tiersot, Julien, 279 Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35, 37 Tillet, Titon du, 314 Teatro San Carlo, Naples, 647 Tillière, Joseph Bonaventure, 618 Teatro San Cassiano, Venice, 647 Timpani, 21, 79–80, 101, 109, 210, 381, 386–7, Telemann, Georg Philipp, 131, 310, 430, 602, 428, 454, 473, 645 662, 688 Tinctoris, Johannes, 254, 374, 425, 465, 515, Continuation des sonates méthodiques, 603 523, 618 Flute Quartets, 424 Tindemans, Margriet, 572 Harmonischer Gottesdienst, 602 Tippett, Sir Michael, 171, 472, 619 III Trietti methodichi e III scherzi, 603 Divertimento on Sellinger’s Round, 620 Musicalisches Lob Gottes, 603 Fantasia Concertante on a Theme of Musique de table, 247 Corelli, 620 Ouverture-Suite in D major, 689 Ice Break, The, 89 ‘Paris’ Quartets, 247 Tischler, Hans, 478 Singe- Spiel- und General-Bass-Übungen, Tisdale, William 603 Virginal Book, 622 Sonate metodiche, 603 Toet, Charles, 174 Wassermusik, 423 Toft, Robert, 425 Telmányi, Emil, 42 Tolbecque, Auguste, 620, 662


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Tomasini, Aloisio Luigi, 60, 687 Baroque, xvii, 319 Tomkins, Thomas, 461 French, 367 Tomko, Linda, 198 muting, 428 Tomlinson, Grant, 196 natural, 21, 74, 219 Tonguing, 19, 77, 162, 167, 174, 256, 258, 281, piston valves, 431 550, 632 slide, 574 Torelli, Giuseppe, 107, 570, 634 tuning, 219 Toronto Consort, The, 197 Weidinger, 686 Tortelier, Paul, 115, 120, 122 Tuba, 411, 636 Toscanini, Arturo, 24, 74, 146 Tubb, Evelyn, 612 Tosi, Pier Francesco, 18, 32, 107, 154, 260, Tudor, David, 111 301, 386, 502, 538, 569, 579, 602, Tulou, Jean-Louis, 22 621, 625 Tuning fork, 638 Opinioni, 30, 577 Turetzky, Bertram, 182 Touche, Firmin, 401 Turina, Joaquin, 276 Tournemire, Charles, 471 Türk, Daniel Gottlob, xvi, 47, 64, 217, 534, Tours, Berthold, 666 625, 639 Tourte, François, 87–8, 120 Klavierschule, 33, 307, 449 Tourte, Nicolas Pierre (père), 87–8 on cadenzas, 108–9 Tourte bow, 52–3, 84, 86–7, 120, 184, 430, 552, use of baton, 145 668 Turner, John, 167 Tovey, Sir Donald Francis, 115 Turocy, Catherine, 198 Townley, Charles, 243 Türrschmidt, Karl, 311 Trachtenberg, Alan, 318 Tutmarc, Paul, Jr, 182 Tractulus, 485 Twentieth-Century Ensemble, 556 Tracy, Bradford, 198 Twenty-Four Violins, 364, 668 Tragicomedia, 194 Tyard, Pontus de, 426 Transcriptions, 37, 51, 70, 102, 107, 200, 287, Tyler, James, 188, 199, 612 291, 517, 622 cello, 122 Uccellini, Marco, 568 guitar, 92 Ugolini, Disma, 266 harpsichord, 166 Ugolino of Orvieto, 424 jazz, 336 Uilleann pipes, 51 Transposition, 17, 19, 153, 173, 176, 251, 371, Una corda, 7, 234, 273, 428, 469, 489, 492–4 498, 508, 602, 623 Unger, Georg, 299 choral, 125 Urhan, Chrétien, 52 Trasuntino, Alessandro, 604 Urquhart (recorder maker), 526 Tre corde, 489 Urtext editions, 11, 206, 641, 689 Treatises, 624 USSR State Symphony Orchestra, 36 Treble violin, 349 Ut queant laxis, 26 Treichler, 688 Treitler, Leo, 449 Vaccai, Nicola, 643 Tremais, 570 Metodo pratico, 643 Tremolo, 75, 77, 147–8, 162, 223, 291, 330, 628, Vaillant, Jehan, 644 650 Valckenborch [Falckenberg], Frederik van, Trichet, Pierre, 485, 629, 661 675 Tricklir, Jean Balthasar Valentini, Giuseppe Adagio and Rondo (cello/piano), Cello Sonata in D major, 115 250 Valle, Pietro della, 578 Triébert, Guillaume and family, 447 Van den Borren, Charles, 166 Trio Sonnerie, 192 Van Immerseel, Jos, 193 Trombetta da Modon, Zorzi, 633 Van Nevel, Paul, 193 Trombone, 152, 451, 564, 630 Van, Guillaume de, 644 double-slide, evolution of, 633 Vandenbroek, Othon-Joseph, 645 mutes, 685 Vanderhagen, Amand, 239, 646 valve, 74 Vanhal, Johann Baptist, 181, 666 Tromlitz, Johann George, 31, 107, 243, 270, Varèse, Edgard 502, 626, 632, 656 Déserts, 35 Trompe de chasse, 310 Vaslin, Olive-Charlier, 368, 552, 620, 654 Trumpet, 633 Vaucanson, Jacques de, 399 ‘Bach’, 189, 635 Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 268, 647


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Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis, Ritter, 101 647, 649 scordatura, 570 Vauxhall Gardens, 34 Viola alta, 665 Vega Company, 182 Viola da braccio, 273, 664 Végh Quartet, 518 Viola da gamba, 85, 124, 180, 664 Vejvanovský, Pavel, 634 Viola da Gamba Society of America, The, 194 Veldhoven, Jos van, 547 Viola d’amore, 570, 665 Velluti, Giovanni, 30 Viola di fagotto, 665 Venegas de Henestrosa, Luis, 105, 229 Viola pomposa, 665 Venere, Wendelio, 376 Violalin, 665 Venice Baroque Orchestra, 193 Violectra, 669 Venues and functions, 647 Violin, 667 Veracini, Francesco Maria, 568, 599, 668 bow, 85, 392 Verardi, Carlo, 266 fingering, 232 Verdi, Giuseppe, 638, 679 hold, 341, 396 Aida, 81 mute, 427 Alzira, 455 scordatura, 570 cadenzas, 110 Violon-alto, 665 Falstaff, 457 Violoncello, 120 Il Trovatore, 529 see also, Cello Otello, 36 Violone, 180 Rigoletto, 623 Viotti, Giovanni, Battista, 19, 52–3, 73, 113, Veroli Casket, 240 183, 278, 354, 548, 653, 668, 671 Verri, Pietro, 391 Virdung, Sebastian, 19, 134, 598, 630, 674, 675 Verschuere Reynvaan, Joos, 67 Virgiliano, Aurelio, 630 Verstappen, José, 195 Il dolcimelo, 152, 242 Verster, Sieuwert, 456 Virgin Classics, 216 Vestergaard, Knud, 42 Virginal, 32, 257, 288, 581–2, 674–5 Viadana, Lodovico, 61 Paul Wismayer, 673 Viardot, Pauline, 30, 260, 549 Vismes, Jacques de, 358 Vibraphone, 475 Visse, Dominique, 193, 366 Vibrato, 19, 37, 53, 73–4, 93, 113, 133, 138, 146, Vitali, Giovanni Battista, 302, 668 169, 179, 241, 245, 254, 272, 277, 308, Vitry, Philippe de, 675 332, 339, 348, 371, 381, 385, 390, 401, Vivaldi, Antonio, 67, 131, 302, 310, 570, 668, 670 447, 471, 531, 552, 583, 587, 607, 629, Bajazet, 216 632, 650, 663, 666, 670 on cadenzas, 107 bow-vibrato, 179 Ercole sul Termodonte, 216 finger, 486 Le quattro stagioni, 142, 216, 247, 495, 568, string playing, 651 614 vocal, 422, 657 L’oracolo in Messenia, 216 wind playing, 655 on mutes, 427 Vicentino, Nicola, 426, 604, 698 Nisi Dominus, 427 Victor Talking Machine, 205, 488 Vlijmen, Jan van, 557 Vienna Capella Academica, 401 Vocal performance, 73, 187, 359, 470, 472, Vierdanck, Johann, 223 576–7, 676, 680 Vierne, Louis, 326 Vogl, Johann Michael, 681 Vieuxtemps, Ernest, 250 Vogler, Georg Joseph, 346 Vieuxtemps, Henri, 73, 165, 469, 471, 570, 654 Voice flute, 77 Viéville, Jean Laurent le Cerf de la, 520, 601, 658 Voigt, 666 Vihuela, 104, 595, 659–60 Viola Concerto in C major, Op. 11, 468 Vikárius, László, 60 Volans, Kevin, 587 Villazón, Rolando, 216 Volbach, Fritz, 299 Vincentius (Livigimeno, Vincentius), 289 Voltaire, 520 Vingt-quatre Violons du Roi, 452, 556, 664, 667–8 Vuillaume, Jean-Baptiste, 665, 670 Violons Ordinaires de la Chambre du Roy, 667 Vulpius, Melchior, 617 Viol, 660, 662 viole d’Orphée, 153 Wagner, Joachim, 575 Viola, 664 Wagner, Richard, 74, 145–6, 278, 298, 311, 384, bow, 85 453, 474, 665, 679, 682 fingering, 230 on conducting (Über das Dirigieren), 145, pitch, 119 626


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Wagner, Richard (cont.) Weisberg, Arthur, 656 instituted production rehearsals, 529 Weissensee, Friedrich, 617 Das Rheingold, 524 Weiss, Silvius Leopold, 377 Der Ring des Nibelungen, 36, 683 Welcker von Gontershausen, Heinrich, 669 Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, 101, 682 Weldre, Matthew de, 661 Flying Dutchman (Der fliegende Wellesz, Egon Holländer), 623 Violin Concerto, Op. 84, 402 Götterdämmerung, 36 Welsh triple harp, 285–6 Lohengrin, 392 Welte-Mignon reproducing piano, 170 Parsifal, 23, 83, 683 Wenzinger, August, xiii–xiv, 96, 191, 307, 480, Tannhäuser, 392, 529 562, 567, 663, 688 Tristan und Isolde, 101, 133, 320, 623 Werckmeister, Andreas, 345, 432, 604, 625, 684 Wagner tuba, 683 Werktreue, 39, 306, 439, 689 Wailes, Marilyn, 54 Werner, Josef, 272 Walcker’s organs, 464 Wesley, Samuel, 189 Waldbauer-Kerpely Quartet, 59 West Deutscher Rundfunk, 82, 481 Walden, Valerie, xviii West, Henry, 341 Walpole, Horace, 293 Westermann, Peter, 518 Walraef, L’Abbé, 113 Westhoff, Johann Paul von, 668 Walsh, John, 383 Westrup, Sir Jack Allan, 369, 480, 689 Walter, Bruno, 23, 94 Wettengel, Gustav Adolph, 181 Walther, Johann Gottfried, 319, 355, 535, 542, White, John Reeves, 433 565, 650, 662, 681, 684 Whittall, Gertrude Clarke, 196 Hortulus chelicus, 668 Wich, Sir John, 396 Scherzi da violino solo, 668 Widor, Charles-Marie, 326, 471 Walton, William, 268 Wieck, Clara, 402 Cello Concerto, 110 Wieck, Friedrich, 101 Ward, Cornelius, 244 Wiemken, Robert, 197 Ward, John, 612 Wiener Singakademie, 91 Warlock, Peter, 268 Wieniawski, Henryk, 37, 469, 654 Warrack, John, 249 Wieprecht, Wilhelm, 411, 431, 637 Wasielewski, Wilhelm von, 168 Wiesner, Samuel Gottfried, 270 Watkin, David, 151 Wigmore Hall, London, 649 Watrous, Hazel, 194 Wijne, Robert, 526 Waverly Consort, 196 Wilbye, John, 619 Weaver, James, 197 Wilderer, Johann Hugo von, 131 Web Library of Seventeenth-Century Music, Wilhelmj, August, 168, 272, 305, 583 201 Willaert, Adrian, 126, 253, 604, 697 Weber, Bedrich Diviš ‘Quid non ebrietas?’, 424, 580 Variations in F major for trumpet and Willent-Bordogni, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph, 502 orchestra, 635 Williams, Mary Lou, 336 Weber, Carl Maria von, 68, 132, 407, 609 Williams, Peter, 690 on conducting, 145 Willman, Thomas Lindsay, 691 Clarinet Quintet, Op. 34, 615 Wilson, Nick, 39 Der Freischütz, 453, 457 Winkel, Dietrich, 406 Grand Duo Concertant, Op. 48, 615 Winschermann, Helmut, 531 Oberon, 457 Winterfeld, Carl, 91 Weber, Gottfried, 68, 407–8, 684 Winternitz, Emanuel, 196, 317 Weber, Max, 14 Wistreich, Richard, 612 ‘value-relation’, 14 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 220 Weber, William, 35, 512 Witthauer, Johann Georg, 370 Webern, Anton, 82, 220, 685 Wobisch, Helmut, 635 Six Pieces Op. 6, 82 Woldemar, Michel, 84, 415, 504, 653, 665–6, 671, Weelkes, Thomas, 619 692 Weichenberger, Johann Georg, 377 Wolff, Christian, 111 Weidinger, Anton, 635, 686 Wolff, Christoph, 182, 547 Weigl, Joseph Franz, 687 Wolff, Hermann, 511 Weil, Bruno, 455, 597 Wolkenstein, Oswald von, 591 Weill, Kurt Wollheim, Richard, 11 Mahagonny, 584 Woltz, Johann, 595 Weingartner, Felix, 626 Wood, Charles, 190


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Wood, Melusine, 164 Zabaleta, Nicanor, 287 Wood, Richard, 186 Zabern, Conrad von, 500, 625, 696 Wood, Sir Henry, 35, 423, 555 Zacconi, Lodovico, 253, 626, 657, 696 World music: historical dimensions, 693 Prattica di Musica, 30 Wu Man, 695 Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm, 285 Wulfstan of Winchester, 457 Zak, Albin, 337 Wulstan, David, 192 Zanetti [Zannetti], Gasparo, 233, 670, 697 Wunderlich, Jean-Georges, 31, 174, 626 Zangius, Nikolaus, 617 Wynne, Shirley, 198 Zarlino, Gioseffo, 33, 62, 127, 175, 256, 345, 626, 697 Xenakis, 359 Zaslaw, Neal, 585, 698 Nomos Alpha, 122 Zeffirelli, Franco, 36 Xerox Corporation, 221 Zelenka, Jan Dismas, 310, 421, 516, 614 Xylophone, 475 Zelter, Carl F., 395, 404–5 Zeno, Apostolo, 382 Yamaha DX7, 211 Zenobi, Luigi, 580, 677, 699 York Early Music Week, 187 Zenti, Girolamo, 582 York, Deborah, 614 Zimbalist, Efrem, 37, 654 Yost, Michael, 363 Zimmermann, Walter, 43 Young, Anne, 277 Zimmermann Coffee House, Leipzig, 648 Young, Crawford, 572 Zingarelli, Niccolò Antonio Young, Lester, 564 Pirro, Re di Epiro, 391 Young, Phillip, 270 Zingg, Jeannette, 197 Young, Thomas, 605 Zwolle, Henri Arnaut de, 136, 289, 458, 604, Ysaÿe, Eugène, 219, 471, 649, 654 699


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