Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10808-0 — The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music Edited by Colin Lawson , Robin Stowell Index More Information Index Aaron, Pietro, 1, 106, 425, 580 Agricola, Martin, 18, 118, 241, 598, 627, 650, 655 Abbado, Claudio, 194 Musica instrumentalis deudsch, 19, 31, 448, Abel, Carl Friedrich, 1, 310, 648, 661 627 Abraham, Gerald, 95 Aguado, Dionisio, 276 Academy of Ancient Music (18th C), 2, 142, Agutter, Ralph, 598 188, 194, 293, 304, 306, 476, 512 Ahle, Johann Georg, 227 Academy of Ancient Music (20th C), 2, 192, Ahle, Johann Rudolph, 91 308, 347, 368, 398, 454–5, 562, 568, 588, Aichinger, Gregor, 253 698 Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, 193 Academy of St Martin in the Fields, 191 Akademische Bande, 249 Academy of Vocal Musick, 2 Al Ayre Español, 193 Accademia Bizantina, 193 Alamire, 197 Accademia Monteverdiana, 3, 82 Alard, Benjamin, 361 Accent, 4 Alard, Delphin, 19, 114, 171, 279, 653, 672 see also Accentuation Alarius Ensemble, 355 Accentuation, 73, 129, 212, 264, 292, 301, 339, Alberghi, Paolo, 112 371, 395, 416, 423, 531, 590, 610–11, 639, Albert, Eugène d’, 20 650, 697 Alberti bass, 28 Accordion, 42, 51, 496 Albinoni, Tomaso, 520, 668 Adam, Louis, 7, 343, 471, 625 Albrecht, Johann Lorenz, 8 Adams, John Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg, 20, 127, 341, Dharma at Big Sur, The, 669 343, 414, 443 Adams, Nathan, 312 Aldeburgh Festival, 94–5, 649 Adderley, Cannonball, 336 Aldrich, Putnam, 199 Addison, Joseph, 602 Alessandrini, Rinaldo, 193 Adler, Frédérique Guillaume, 68 Alexander, James, 656 Adler, Guido, 7 Alexandre père et fils Adlung, Jakob, 8, 137, 626 orgue-mélodium, 74 Adorno, Theodor W., 8, 12, 352 Alexanian, Diran, 94, 115, 122, 237, 272, 655 Aesthetic Theory, 8 Alfonso I, Duke of Ferrara, 241 Negative Dialectics, 8 Allegri, Gregorio Philosophy of New Music, 8 Miserere, 389 Aesthetics, 9, 102, 249, 326, 351, 373, 517, 520, 546, Allen, J. H. 576, 590, 592, 599, 606, 625, 680, 684 The Technique of Modern Singing, 658 identity and definition, 10 Almenräder, Carl, 68, 502, 626 interpretation and value, 13 ‘Almenraeder u Heckel’, 68 musical meanings, 11 Alsop, Marin, 455 performing arts and, 9 Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 617 Affect/Affekt, 264, 657 Alta Villa, Count of, 382 see also Affections/Affektenlehre Alte Musik, 185 Affections/Affektenlehre, 14, 44, 56, 226, 255, Altenburg, Johann Caspar, 21 297, 324, 536 Altenburg, Johann Ernst, 21 Agazzari, Agostino, 17, 62, 284, 625 Versuch, 79, 475, 626, 634 Agnew, Paul, 366, 612 Altès, Joseph Henry, 22 Agnew, Vanessa, 101 Alvars, Elias Parish, 286 Agricola, Alexander, 619 Amati, Andrea, 119 Agricola, Johann Friedrich, 8, 17, 30, 107, 301, Amati family, 664 580, 621 Ambros, August Wilhelm, 158 701 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10808-0 — The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music Edited by Colin Lawson , Robin Stowell Index More Information index Ambrosian Singers, 3 Asioli, Bonifacio, 305, 341 American Bach Soloists, 195 Asociación pro Arte y Cultura, 240 American Recorder Society, 194 Asplmayr, Franz, 131 Amherst Early Music Festival, 195 Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Ammerbach, Elias Nikolaus, 22, 228 Music, 554 Amon, Johann Andreas, 666 Aston Magna Foundation, 195, 198 Amsterdam Baroque Choir, 353 Astorga, Emmanuele d’, 614 Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, 192, 352–3 Attaingnant, Pierre, 137, 163, 375 Anderson, Kinloch, 3 Auber, Daniel, 25, 564 André, Maurice, 421, 636 La muette de Portici, 36 Andriessen, Louis Audiences, 34, 312, 367, 403, 423, 476, 510, 530, Sweet, 528 581, 679 Andrijeski, Julie, 197–8 Auer, Leopold von, 36, 272, 339, 430, 654, 672 Anet, Jean-Jacques-Baptiste, 65 Graded Course of Violin Playing, 37 Anonymous IV, 198, 331 My Long Life in Music, 38 Ansani, Giovanni, 259 on ‘rhythmic’ vs ‘antirhythmic’ (off-beat Ansermet, Ernest, 170 shifting) fingering, 235 Antegnati, Costanzo, 64, 458 Violin Masterworks and their Antegnati, Gian Giacomo, 458 Interpretation, 37 Antonini, Giovanni, 193 Violin Playing as I Teach it, 37 Apel, Willi, 478 Aurelian of Réôme, 38 Apollo’s Fire, 197 Musica disciplina, 38 Applause, 23, 683 Aurora Orchestra, 403 Arakaendar Bolivia Choir, 240 Austrian Radio, 96 Arban, Jean-Baptiste, 25, 626 Authenticity, 8, 38, 172, 335, 365, 689 Arbeau, Thoinot, 25, 163, 410 Autograph scores, 388 Arcadelt, Jacques Aveling, Valda, 268 ‘O felici occhi miei’, 467 Avison, Charles, 40, 263, 626 Arcas, Julián, 276 Ax, Emanuel, 24 Archer, Kenneth, 590 Axelrod, Herbert and Evelyn, 196 Archlute, 64, 397 Azéma, Anne, 196 Arezzo, Guido d’, 26, 465, 523, 644 ‘Ut queant laxis’, 26 Babbitt, Milton, 438 Argyll Rooms, London, 648 Babitz, Sol, 235 Ariosti, Attilio, 131, 302 Bach, Anna Magdalena, 63 Aristotle, 9, 382, 534–5, 627 Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 43, 47, 63, 91, De Anima, 9 137, 217, 245, 326, 349, 395, 453, 562, Aristoxenus (of Tarentum), 255 575, 603, 605 Arlt, Wulf, 567 on articulation, 32 Arne, Thomas, 3, 101, 131 on the clavichord, 138 Sonata No. 4 in D minor (keyboard), 545 fantasies, 246 Arnulf of St Ghislain, 27 on fingering, 44, 230 Arpeggiando, 27, 114, 231, 280, 416, 583 on keyboard leadership, 143 Arpeggio, 27 keyboard sonatas, 322, 545 Ars antiqua, 676 Sonaten mit veränderten Reprisen Ars nova, 514, 611, 676 Wq50, 322, 327 Ars Rediviva, 191, 421 Versuch, 29, 43–5, 160, 286, 322, 324, 370, Ars subtilior, 514, 644 430, 625, 639 Arte dei Suonatori, 193 on written-out embellishments, 533 Articulation, 27–8, 41–2, 44, 46, 72–3, 75, 77, Bach, Johann Christian, 43, 68 84, 95, 100, 102, 129, 149, 152, 160, collaboration with Abel, 1 173–4, 206, 214–16, 219, 222, 228, 242, Bach, Johann Ludwig, 131 246, 248, 258, 263, 269, 281, 286, 316, Bach, Johann Nicolaus, 432, 434 351, 353, 363, 365, 370, 385–6, 393, 399, Bach, Johann Sebastian, 45, 189, 208, 247, 252, 419, 423, 430, 436, 438, 467, 471, 492, 281, 302, 349, 364, 430, 535, 562, 565, 507, 522, 531, 561–2, 578, 583, 590, 594, 575, 684 607, 632, 634, 639, 646, 678, 684, 686, Art of Fugue, The, BWV1080, 268, 294, 393, 691, 696 541 Artôt, Alexandre, 130 on articulation, 33 Artusi, Giovanni Maria, 33–4 Brandenburg Concertos, BWV1046–51, Aruspix, 201 xiv, 115, 141, 167, 307, 421, 423, 689 702 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10808-0 — The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Historical Performance in Music Edited by Colin Lawson , Robin Stowell Index More Information index No. 1 in F major, BWV1046, 180 Sonata in C minor for violin and No. 2 in F major, BWV1047, 527, 634–5 harpsichord, BWV1017, 541 No. 4 in G major, BWV1049, 527 Sonatas and Partitas for unaccompanied No. 5, in D major BWV1050, 108, 541 violin, BWV1001–6, 42, 169, 213, 323, cadenzas, 108 341 Cantatas, 67, 95, 547 Partita No. 2 in D minor, BWV1004, 302 Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV4, 96 Sonata No. 3 in C major, BWV1005, 113 Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen,BWV43, 217 St John Passion, BWV245, 65, 217 Es ist genug, BWV60, 91 St Mark Passion, BWV247, 353 Herr Christ, der einige Gottesohn, St Matthew Passion, BWV244, 64, 114, 126, BWV96, 667 189, 404, 524, 612 Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich, transcriptions, 419, 622 BWV150, 92 trumpet range, 281 Wachet auf, BWV140, 667 Violin Concertos, 614 Cello Suites, BWV1007–12, 103, 115, 122, Violin Concerto in E major, BWV1042, 179, 283, 323, 355, 403 108, 622 No. 5 in C minor, BWV1011, 120, Well-Tempered Clavier, The, BWV846–93, 571 44, 102, 161, 208, 268, 303, 323, 360, 417, No. 6 in D major, BWV1012, 119 442, 536, 605 chorus size, 319 Bach, Maria Barbara, 302 Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue, BWV903, Bach, Michael (Bachtischa), 43 91, 303 Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, 43, 46–7, 91, on the clavichord, 138 322 Clavier-Übung, 322 ‘Bach’ bow, 42, 90 continuo playing, 63 Vega Bach bow, 42 Eichentopf and, 208 Bach Choir, 647 English Suites, BWV806–11 Bach Choir of Bethlehem (PA), 194 No. 2 in A minor, BWV807, 322 Bach Collegium Japan, 592 No. 3 in G minor, BWV808, 322 BACH Digital, 200 fingering in, 29, 230 Bach Ensemble, 547 French Suites, BWV812–17, 309 Bach Gesellschaft, 91, 206, 292, 443 No. 1 in D minor, BWV812, 543 Bach harpsichord, 95 No. 4 in E flat major, BWV815, 541 Bach trumpet, 491, 548 Goldberg Variations, BWV988, 268, 303, Bacilly, Bertrand ‘Bénigne’ de, 48, 372, 552 348, 360, 541 Backofen, Johann Georg Heinrich, 48 on improvisation, 46 Badura-Skoda, Eva, 49 keyboard suites, allemandes in, 163 Badura-Skoda, Paul, 49, 110, 142 Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Baermann, Heinrich, 133, 239, 626, 646 Bach, 47, 322 Bagby, Benjamin, 197, 572 Applicatio, BWV994, 322 Bagpipes, 50–1 Explicatio, 166 Highland bagpipes, 51 Mass in B minor, BWV232, 189, 194, 215, Bailleux, Antoine, 672 298, 547, 614, 635, 647 Baillot, Pierre, 19, 52, 73, 113, 121, 165, 219, Musical Offering, The, BWV1079, 421 234–6, 278, 341, 354, 368, 394, 430, 471, natural trumpet tuning, 217 504, 510, 549, 626, 653, 670–2, 692 notation, 533 Études, 570 Organ Sonata No. 4 in E minor, BWV528, L’art du violon, 29, 53, 430, 510, 570, 671 541 metronome markings for vibrato, 653 ornament table, 166 on ports de voix and expressive fingering, Ouvertures (Orchestral Suites), 235 BWV1066–9, 423 on vibrato, 653 Overture in the French Style, BWV831, Baines, Anthony, 54, 422 542 Baird, Julianne, 198 Partitas, BWV825–30, 543 Baker, David, 336 No. 1 in B flat major, BWV825, 540 Baker, Theodore, 356 No. 6 in E minor, BWV830, 540, 541, 543 Bakfark, Valentin Bálint, 330 Sinfonia in E flat major, BWV791, 323 Baldwin Wallace Bach Festival, 194 Sonata in G minor for viola
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