The Emperor's Gold

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The Emperor's Gold EN The Emperor’s Gold 24 MAY 2016 TO 5 MARCH 2017 THE EMPEROR’S The great fame that the imperial coin collec- ALL THAT GLITTERS The so-called »magnificent« medals (Prunk­ GOLD tion already enjoyed throughout Europe IS NOT COIN medaillen) represent a highlight of the exhib- around 1800 derived from its size and quality ition. These were produced in only a few ex- as well as from the rarity of the objects it emplars and presented as precious gifts to im- contained. It was the collecting passion of the portant personages. Due to their enormous Emperors Charles VI (r. 1711−1740) and Francis sizes, they offer images with a richness of de- I (r. 1745−1765), which already fascinated con- tail that is otherwise unknown. Today their temporaries, and to which the Vienna Coin exclusive value lies not only in their precious Collection owes its world-class status today. metal content and artistic quality, but also in On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the their singular provenance. Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Vienna Coin Collection presents a special exhibition of the THE BIRTHPLACE OF In addition to its purely representative func- most precious gold pieces from its once-im- NUMISMATICS tion, the Vienna Coin Collection was also the perial treasures. birthplace of numismatics as a modern schol- arly discipline during the Eighteenth Centu- FROM ANTIQUITY TO The gamut ranges from gold coins in every- ry. The custodians of the imperial coin collec- THE MODERN day circulation through multiples, true gold tion penned the first printed coin catalogues. PERIOD giants, and singular commemorative issues. They were concerned with the organization Many of the imprints on display were honor- of antique and modern coins, and developed ific gifts to the emperor or were targeted ac- systems that still remain relevant today. quisitions for the imperial collection. Antique treasure troves also played an important role in the expansion and enrichment of the impe- rial coin collection. The spectacular find at Szilágysomlyó in Transylvania, for instance, contained the heaviest gold medallions from antiquity ever discovered. I. MEDIEVAL GOLD When Charlemagne was crowned emperor in ducat from Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella Rome in 800, gold coins had nearly vanished of Castile (r. 1479–1516), and one of twenty-five from the European mints, and silver pennies ducats issued by Maximilian I (r. 1486–1519) dominated the currency in circulation. The on his assumption of the title of emperor; the golden solidi of Emperor Louis the Pious last two pieces come from the collection of (r. 814–840), who thereby sought to empha- Emperor Francis I. size his special position and status equivalent with the emperor of Byzantium, were an ex- Maximilian I (r. 1486–1519) Antwerp: 25 ducats (86.71 g), ception: He had claimed the hereditary priv- 1509 ilege of issuing gold coinage. The Islamic sov- Archbishop Pilgrim II (r. 1365–1396) ereigns also continued to mint gold coins. Salzburg: 4 florins (14.29 g) The minting of gold coins in the Latin West II. THE DUCAT The ducat, the official gold coin of the Holy only recommenced in 1231 with the augusta­ AND ITS Roman Empire with a weight of 3.49 grams lis of Hohenstaufen Emperor Friedrich II MULTIPLES and a precious metal content of 23½ carats, (r. 1212–1250). These were followed in 1252 by was also struck in multiple pieces, so-called the gold florins of the city of Florence, and multipla. While most individuals never came in 1284 by the ducats of the doge of Venice, in contact with these coins in everyday life, both of which made history as global curren- ten-ducat pieces played an important role in cies. They were surpassed in weight by the long-distance trade and for the payment of French masse d’or, which was first issued by large sums. The minting of multiple pieces was Philip IV the Fair (r. 1285–1314) in double also a feature of modern princely honour, ducat weight. The quadruple gold florin of although such prestige issues generally cost Salzburg Archbishop Pilgrim II (r. 1365–1396) their sovereigns more than they yielded. Few Principality of Transylvania represents a particular rarity – it is the rulers thus had coins in excess of 10-ducats Michael Apafi (r. 1661–1690) heaviest gold coin from the medieval period. 100 ducats (346.72 g), 1677 produced. Only around the end of the fifteenth century Representational coins with weights of thirty, were still-heavier gold coins produced for fifty, or even one hundred ducats were hence representational purposes. Among these are rare and precious. Like the unusually shaped a seven-ducat piece from Galeazzo Maria Transylvanian coins, they served as gifts to Sforza (r. 1466–1476), Duke of Milan, a twenty- strengthen diplomatic ties at the highest levels. Major gold deposits were mined in Bohemia medaillen). These had precedents in the pre- and Transylvania. The respective sovereigns cious, wearable medals given as gifts, which used this advantage to mint impressive coins. were also self-confidently displayed by their Michael I Apafi was considered richest in gold owners. of all the Transylvanian princes. On his hun- Though the »magnificent« medals were sim- dred-ducat gold piece, however, he showed ilar to other medals in their imagery, they dif- House of Austria, Leopold I. himself sceptical of his wealth. The banner fered significantly through their uncommon (r. 1658–1705): Cluj-Napoca: around his portrait reads: »The glitter of all Landgraviate of Hessen- size, substantial weight, and lavish use of pre- 10 ducats (34.19 g), star- Darmstadt this world’s golden treasures brings me no joy, cious metals. They were usually produced in shaped klippe, 1694 Louis VIII (r. 1739–1768) I fear that all this impairs my salvation.« This Medal on the Meeting of only a few exemplars, sometimes only as sin- Apafi piece was a gift to Emperor Leopold I. Emperor Francis I with gle pieces, and dedicated to the sovereign or Landgrave Louis VIII Anton Schaeffer (1722–1799) other important personalities. The collections 1764 that preserve large numbers of these pieces 100 ducats (348.97 g) are consequently limited to those of mon- archs. The Vienna Coin Collection preserves a unique collection, assembled over more House of Austria, Leopold I. than five centuries. (r. 1658–1705): Cluj-Napoca: 10 ducats (34.77 g), crescent- shaped klippe, 1694 IV. »MAGNIFI- The »Kaiser picture,« today in the main stair III. EUROPEAN Early medals primarily served the cult of per- CENT« MEDALS hall of Vienna’s Natural History Museum, »MAGNIFIC ENT« sonality. They passed through the hands of FROM THE shows Emperor Francis I in the first show- MEDALS contemporaries during the lifetime of the per- EMPEROR’S room of his natural history cabinet in the Au- sons depicted, while after their death they COLLECTION gustinian Corridor of the Vienna Hofburg. preserved his or her memory. Because ev- The First Imperial Physician Gerhard van er-broader circles gradually employed the me- Swieten is depicted to his right. Jean de Bail- dium, the importance of prominent recipients lou, the director of the private natural histo- could only be demonstrated through the pro- ry cabinet, can be seen in the background. duction of »magnificent« medals (Prunk­ One recognizes Abbé Johann Marcy, who became director of the »physical cabinet« fol- V. MEDAL The important series of »magnificent« med- lowing the emperor’s death, in the right half OF EMPEROR als dedicated to individual monarchs is a no- of the picture. Valentin Jameray Duval, who FRANZ JOSEPH I table feature of the Vienna collection. The in 1748 was summoned by the Emperor from long reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I in par- Florence to Vienna and trusted with the ex- ticular offered repeated occasions for such ob- pansion of his coin collection, stands behind jects, several of which were commissioned by the pietra dura table. He holds a drawer with the city of Vienna. These include the medal Kingdom of Poland, golden medals, our piece probably among created in 1898 on the fiftieth anniversary of Sigismund III Vasa them. Collecting activities reached their apex his accession to the throne, which was given (r. 1587–1632) Capture of Smolensk by under Duval. to the emperor during a pageant. The 65.000 Sigismund III children who participated were adorned with Unknown artist (Goldsmith medals. The official tribute medal of the city or plaquette artist, active Tribute medal from the city of Vienna, created ten years later for the six- in Southern Germany or of Vienna on the golden Bohemia?) jubilee of accession ty-year anniversary, is the youngest »magnifi- 1611, Cast, 315 ducats Medallist Anton Scharff cent« medal in the Vienna collection. This (1104.46 g) (1845–1903), cast and engraving Karl Waschmann was presented to the emperor by a delegation 1898 from the Vienna city council led by Mayor Francis I surrounded by the Cast, assembled from two Karl Lueger. directors of his collections halves, 115½ ducats (404 g) Franz Messmer/Moesmer (portraits) and Jakob Kohl, possibly begun by Martin van Meytens the Younger Completed in 1773 © Natural History Museum, VI. GOLD COINS Gold was the most valuable of all metals; it Vienna FROM ANTIQUITY was worth around fifteen times as much as silver and over two hundred times as much as bronze. The legendary King Croesus (r. 561– 546 BCE), in Lydia/Western Asia Minor, was the first to have coins minted from pure gold. Not until Alexander the Great (r. 336–323 BCE), however, did the first double pieces of the standard (gold) coin, the so-called statēr, VII. GOLD GIANTS: This coin was found in 1763 »in the eddies of appear.
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