Reformed Majorities in Early Modern Europe. Zsombor Tóth: The

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Reformed Majorities in Early Modern Europe. Zsombor Tóth: The © 2015, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525550830 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647550831 Refo500 Academic Studies Edited by Herman J. Selderhuis In Co-operation with Günter Frank (Bretten), Bruce Gordon(NewHaven), UteLotz-Heumann (Tucson), Mathijs Lamberigts (Leuven), Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer (Bern), Tarald Rasmussen (Oslo), Johannes Schilling (Kiel), Günther Wassilowsky (Linz), SiegridWestphal (Osnabrück), DavidM.Whitford (Trotwood) Volume 23 Vandenhoeck &Ruprecht © 2015, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525550830 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647550831 Reformed Majorities in Early ModernEurope editedby Herman J. Selderhuis and J. Marius J. Lange vanRavenswaay Vandenhoeck &Ruprecht © 2015, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525550830 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647550831 Bibliographic informationpublishedbythe Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data available online: ISBN 978-3-525-55083-0 Yo ucan find alternativeeditionsofthis book and additionalmaterial on our Website: 2015, Vandenhoeck &RuprechtGmbH &Co. KG,Göttingen/ Vandenhoeck &RuprechtLLC,Bristol, CT,U.S.A. All rightsreserved. No partofthis work maybereproduced or utilized in anyform or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or anyinformationstorage and retrieval system, without prior written permissionfromthe publisher. Printed in Germany. Typesetting by Konrad Triltsch GmbH, Ochsenfurt Printed and bound by Hubert&Co,Göttingen Printed on non-aging paper. © 2015, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525550830 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647550831 Table of Contents Preface ................................... 9 IReformed Tolerance Matthias Freudenberg Toleranter oder doktrinärer Calvin? Anmerkungen zur theologischen Argumentationsstruktur desGenfer Reformators ................................. 13 Maarten Kater Reformed Tolerance:Scriptural or Opportunistic?............ 37 II Central Europe Sµndor Bene Limits of Tolerance The Topoi of Fornication in the Hungarian Reformation........ 49 Christian-Erdmann Schott Die Reformierten in Schlesien bis zumBeginn der preußischen Zeit .. 73 Zsombor Tóth The Importance of Being (In)Tolerant: TheStrange Case of Transylvanian Puritanism ......................... 89 © 2015, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525550830 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647550831 6 Table of Contents III German Territories Franz Josef Burghardt Brandenburg 1608–1688 Hofcalvinismusund Territorienkomplex ...111 BerndKappelhoff Notgedrungen geduldet oder stillschweigend respektiert? Konfessionelle Minderheiten in Emden vom16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert...............................139 Andreas Mühling Im Herzen Europas –Nassau-Dillenburgs kirchenpolitisches Konzept einer reformierten Konfessionalisierung .................173 EikeWolgast Die Heidelberger Irenik und die Praxisder Toleranz in derKurpfalz (1559–1622) ................................181 IV Dutch Republic P.H.A.M. Abels Gouda in the opposite direction –How aReformed minorityrobbed the freedomfrom the Reformed majority................205 Leon van den Broeke Baptism,Marriage and Funeral:Reformed ExclusivityorReligious Intolerance?.................................213 Guido Marnef From prosecuted minority to dominance:the changing face of the Calvinist Church in the cities of Flanders and Brabant(1577–1585) ..227 Christiaan Ravensbergen Authorities and Religious Minorities in the East of the Dutch Republic. The QuarterofZutphen, 1592 –1620...................245 © 2015, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525550830 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647550831 Table of Contents 7 VFrance, Scotland, Switzerland Pierre-Olivier LØchot „Toleranz“ vor derToleranz? Die Kontroversezwischen Pierre Jurieu und Isaac D’Huisseau überdie Frage der Wiedervereinigung der Christen und der Fundamentalartikeldes Glaubens (1670–1671) .............273 Mirjamvan Veen “…la cause despuissans…” Sebastian Castellio’s picture of John Calvin...............287 R. Scott Spurlock The traditionofintolerance in the Church of Scotland .........295 Jan-Andrea Bernhard Zwischen Gewissensfreiheitund Inquisition Der Beitrag italienischerNonkonformisten zur Konfessionsbildung in den Drei Bünden (Graubünden mit Untertanenlanden) .........313 ChristianScheidegger Reformierte und Täufer in Zürich zwischen Konsens und tödlichem Konflikt Ein Beitrag zur Toleranzforschung ....................341 IndexofGeographical Names .......................363 IndexofPersons ..............................367 © 2015, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525550830 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647550831 Zsombor Tóth The Importance of Being (In)Tolerant: The Strange Case of Transylvanian Puritanism I. Introduction Anyscholarly attempt to examine tolerance and its representations accessible in early moderntimes brings to surface unexpecteddisciplinaryand methodologically conundrums. For, quite frequently,the critical observer will notice that the differentdisciplinaryapproaches, based upon their particular selection and use of sources, provide verydifferentresults about the same social cultural phenomenon. This is, Ibelieve, the case of early modern tolerance as well. It is well-known the criticism pointing to that fact that some of the claims formulatedbythe historyofideas have never been confirmed by the findings of social history. Furthermore, there is atrenchantdiscrepancy between the so called saga of earlymoderntolerance (Oberman:1996, 13) promoted by intellectual historyand the perception of early modernsociety based upon the approaches of social history, microhistoryand historical anthropology. Thus, the intricate relationship between early moderntolerance and religiousfreedom constitutes amostchallenging but highly debated heritage, which involves anumberofdifficultiesfor those interested in deciphering its nature. Further inconveniences in evaluating the relation between tolerance and religious freedom, apartfrom the applied method andthe (ab)use/selection of sources, originate from the controversial conductofearly modernhistorical actors. It standsfor aclassic example, howLutherdepending on the actual circumstances changed his attitude concerning tolerance. While an outsider, at the beginning of the Reformation,hecried out for the toleration and acceptation of the Evangelical religion,asthe apparentadvocate of denomina- tional plurality,but at alater stage, as an insider,faced with the rebellion of peasants, he expressed his conviction that he would not tolerate anything endangering the newconstruction of the True Church. (Grell:1996, 4–5). It seems to me that the issue of libertas religionis and its social acceptance, right from Tetullian’s time, reiterates more or less the same mechanisms and attitudes. Areligiousminority, while persecuted, demands tolerance, but once it has gainedsocial, political, or ecclesiastical control, in terms of ceasing to exist as minority and becomesmajority,tends to actintolerantly,and use the verysame devices for maintaining its positions. (Garnsey:1984, 19). Peter © 2015, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525550830 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647550831 90 Zsombor Tóth Garnsey was justly asserting that “toleration theory was aby-product of persecution and came from those in aposition of weakness.” (1984, 25). It is this interoperabilitybetween the victims and their persecutors that obliterate the clear-cut features of tolerance and its early modernpractices. Furthermore, early modernpolitical factors and interests induce additional contingenciesconcerning the actual function of tolerance in early modern churches and societies. Though we have to accept that in those societies, such as the PrincipalityofTransylvania, where the denominational pluralitywas complementedbyaspecific social structure dominated by privileged communities, the only possible solution for coexistence and survivalwas to reach apolitical compromise between the involved parties. In thisparticular case tolerance became the equivalentfor political necessity, even if it was formulatedintheological termsaswell. Therefore, Itend to agreewith the assertion that religious freedom as an expressionoftolerance in early modern Europewas more likeatemporal arrangementrather than atimeless principle. (Oberman: 1996, 28). Accordingly,mypaper,inanattempt to illustrate the abovementioned claims, sets forth the example of early modernTransylvanian Puritanism, in order to ponder upon the issue of tolerance in early modernEasternEurope. The aim of my casestudy is to reveal howthe Calvinist majority reacted to the multipleimpact caused by the reception of Puritanism in the principality. I shall endeavour to give aplausible, but not fully exhaustiveaccountofthe events from the 1630s to the early1660s, during which the receptionproper took place, and brought aboutseveral conflicts between the Puritanfaction as aminority, and their opponents, the conservative Orthodox majority bolstered by princely supportaswell. My approach will focus on the examination of thisconflictbut paying aparticular attention to one outstanding ecclesiastical matter:the refusal of the Orthodox majority concerning the erection of presbyteries and the partial or total elimination of the episcopal system from the Calvinist Church of Transylvania. Ishall conclude my argumentation
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