of the


for the year ended

31st. DECEMBER 1967 I GENERAL (a) Introduction The Geological Survey Department in the Republic of , is, for administrative purposes, a "non·integrated" element of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Water Affairs, Its headquarters are situated at Lobatsi in southeastern Botswana, 47 miles south of the Botswana Government administrative headquarters at Gaberones. The fundamental aim of the Geolqsical Survey is the assessment of the mineral resour­ ces and underground water supply resources of Botswana with the intention of stimulating the realisation of their economic potential. A necessary preliminary to the ,attainment of these obj ecti ves is a study of the rocks and the geological structure over the whole of the country. Regional geological mapping and the publication of maps and reports descri· bing the geology of Botswana is thus the main, prime function of the Geological Survey Department. Mineral survey work is carried out and this includes field geological and geophysical survey of mineral occurrences supplemented by laboratory work; prospecting for new mineral deposits; rendering assistance to prospecting organisations and operating mines; and wherever possible furthering interest in Botswana's mineral potential.A third major task of the Geolqsical Survey is the development of underground water supplies and general hydrogeological survey. In underground water development work the Geological Survey carries out the siting of water boreholes after geological and geophysical investi· gational work and then controls drilling of the selected sites to the stage where productive boreholes can be passed to another branch within the Ministry, which is responsible for equipping boreholes and' for the maintenance of Government pumping units. Hydrogeological research work is also carried out and the Geological Survey is gradually building up a considerable body of information about the nature and occurrence of underground water resources in Botswana. In underground water development work, borehole drilling is car­ ried out by the Drilling Branch section of the Geological Survey, which has its head· quarters at Gaberones and is under the control of the Drill Superintendent who is directly responsible tothe Director of Geological Survey. Besides these main activities, the Geological Survey undertakes special investig3c tions where geological advice is required, such as in certain engineering problems, and also renders assistance to other Goverruncnt Departments whenever required to 'do 80. Special geological and geophysical investigations and research work are also undertaken where they are needed for a better understanding of the basic geology and geological structure of Botswana. The Director of Geolqsical Survey is Mining Commissioner for Botswana and as a result the Geological Survey has certain specific functions to perform in'relation to pros­ pecting and mining, as well as duties relating to the inspection of mines and machinery, and the implementation of explosives regulations. In addition, the Geological,Survey is responsible to Government for ensuring that mining company prospecting operations in Botswana are carried out energetically and efficiently with due regard to the provisions of the Mines and Minerals Act in force in the country. The main costs of running the Geological Survey and the full costs of development of underground water supplies in Botswana by drilling during 1967 were borne on normal

1 which they are at present mining at their Gopani property in the Transvaal. The company at present operate on claims pegged during a period when they held certain mineral pros­ pecting rights in the Loliatsi Blook by cession from the mineral right owners, the British South Afdca Company. The main interest in this ore lies in its content of battery-reactive MnO,. 7 •.Tati Territory Exploration Company (Pty.) Limited continued investigations on nick