itit isis collapsingcollapsing thethe spacespace betweenbetween lifelife andand deathdeath itit isis movingmoving swiftlyswiftly GREENGREEN ANARCHYANARCHY andand remainingremaining completelycompletely motionlessmotionless ISSUEISSUE ## 16/WINTER16/WINTER 20042004 $4$4 USA,USA, $5$5 CANADA,CANADA, itit isis singularsingular and wholewhole $6$6 EUROPE,EUROPE, $7$7 WORLDWORLD andand infinitelyinfinitely fracturedfractured FREEFREE TOTO PRISONERSPRISONERS itit isis everythingeverything outsideoutside usus andand allall worldsworlds within itit isis wherewhere wewe areare goinggoing andand wherewhere wewe havehave beenbeen itit isis deeplydeeply connected to ancient waysways andand thethe unleashingunleashing ofof limitlesslimitless desires...desires... …it…it isis wildness!wildness! GREENGREEN ANARCHYANARCHY POPO BOXBOX 1133111331 Eugene,Eugene, OROR 9744097440
[email protected] AnAn Anti-CivilizationAnti-Civilization JournalJournal ofof TheoryTheory andand ActionAction GA #16-cover 1 4/14/04, 8:18 PM Getting Out... our love is subversive, the affection sprung from our comradely friendship, or spirit, is in the shadows of civilization, the passion of sex, sensation of direct action or an insurrection, the lust of a body, the tendencies of a riot, the impulses of our hearts, and desires of our imagination, curiosity, or personal nature; our love is subversive by the journeys it will provide, the ACTACT YOURYOUR RAGE!RAGE! adventures manifested through the potential of our strength, the commitments and