Land Use Planning Group - Wageningen University and Research Center Greater Jakarta Foodscape Transition The Issue of Social Capital in Metropolitan Governance Dika Fajri Fiisabiilillah 930720240060 LUP-80436 MSc Major Thesis Land Use Planning Greater Jakarta Foodscape Transition: The Issue of Social Capital in Metropolitan Governance This thesis is written as a final assignment for the master Landscape Architecture and Planning, specialization Spatial Planning, at Wageningen University. Droevendaalsesteeg 3 6708 PB Wageningen The Netherlands Supervision: dr. GBM (Bas) Pedroli Examination: prof. dr. TJM (Tejo) Spit Author: Dika Fajri Fiisabiilillah Reg. No. 930720240060
[email protected] Course: MSc Thesis Land Use Planning (LUP-80436), 36 ECTS. 1 “I’ve always believed, there are moments in our lives which can be defined as a transition between the before and after, between the cause and the effect.” -Benjamin X. Wretlind- I would like to thank my supervisor (Bas Pedroli, Helena Chaja Heyning, and Arnold van der Valk) for the guidance and constructive comments given throughout the thesis’s process. I would also like to thank the interviewees (the JMR Cooperation Board, the local governments in JMR, and the food suppliers in JMR) who shared their time and provided me with valuable information. Last but not least, I would like thank to my supporters of life: my family (Mamah, Papah, Kiki, Dede), Reaca, StuNed scholarship, my teachers, study advisors, and my friends at Wageningen University, and my friends in the Netherlands, Indonesia, and elsewhere for making me believe that the process too shall pass. 2 Abstract Recent research findings indicate that the non-agricultural aspects of metropolitan food systems, which are also often rooted in the urban areas, are frequently neglected in the food planning because of the strong orientation to the functioning agricultural sector.