WORLD SYNERGY Together Transforming a New Stream of Islamic Economics for the Ummah Welfare

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WORLD SYNERGY Together Transforming a New Stream of Islamic Economics for the Ummah Welfare 2018-2020 WORLD SYNERGY Together Transforming a New Stream of Islamic Economics for the Ummah Welfare CENTRAL BOARD OF MASYARAKAT EKONOMI SYARIAH MANAGEMENT PERIOD 1439 – 1442 H World Synergy Together Transforming a New Stream of the Islamic Economics for the Ummah Welfare With synergy and sincere mutual commitment, The Sharia Economic Community is endeavoring to continue to develop into a leading organization in transforming a new stream of Islamic economics for the ummah welfare through the seven main organizational strategies that are embodied in a form of effective and sustainable work program. Education | Literacy | Advocacy Contents Contents Organizational Development and 05 91 Improvement 06 Executive Reports Improvement of Institutional 97 Relations Greetings from Executive 11 Committee 99 Financial Report 100 Financial Position Statement 13 Organization Profile 14 At a Glance 101 Activity Statement 16 Legal Instrument 102 Cash Flow Statement 16 Activities Autonomous and Semi 103 Governance 17 Autonomous Institution 104 General Board Meeting 107 Administrator Meeting 19 Organizational Policy 108 Central Board Structure 20 Vision and Mission 114 Secretarial Management 21 Strategic Objectives Transformation Strategies in the 21 Middle of Pandemic Era 120 Appendix 23 Significant Events 121 Organizational Network 125 Business Partners 24 Work Program Report 129 Activity Recapitulation Empowering the Economy of the 25 Ummah 37 Improving Education Quality 76 Islamic Economics Development Institutional Development and 87 Strengthening Information Technology Provision 88 and Development Executive Summary Executive Executive Summary As stated in the 2018-2020 Organizational Policies, the Fourth MES National Conference mandates “Transforming the economic system to comply with sharia principles” with six policies: 1. Human Resource Development, 2. Regulation Provision, 3 Institutional Development, 4. Information Technology Provision, 5. Supervision, 6. Organizational Strengthening of the MES. Referring to the GBKO and the direction of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at that time, the Daily Executive Board formulates the management vision and mission, as well as a strategic plan that is expected to help achieve these conditions. During the management period of 1439-1442 H, the MES Central Board had a vision to “Become the leading organization in realizing a new stream of sharia economy in Indonesia”. To achieve this, the Daily Executive Board has formulated seven main strategies which are reflected in the various work programs implemented, namely: 1. Empowering the Economy of the People, 2. Human Resources Development, 3. Islamic Economics Development, 4. Infrastructure Strengthening and Development, 5. Information Technology Provision and Development, 6. Organizational Development and Refinement, 7. Enhancing Synergy and Institutional Relationships. The seven strategies were later reduced to 95 work programs for field committees for three years of management. Some are done by each, some are collaborative between the field committees. Alhamdulillah, a number of work programs have been implemented that can provide measurable results and the benefits will Central Board of Board Central be felt immediately by the community. The level of realization of the work program of the MES Central Board of 1439-1442 H reached 85% of the total 95 work programs, both in the form of incidental events and ongoing programs (implemented several times) with details: Chair I = 11 of 13 work programs, Chairman II = 25 of 28 work programs (89%), Chair III = 14 of MASYARAKAT EKONOMI SYARIAH 14 work programs (100%), Chair IV = 16 of 20 work programs (80%), Chair V = 12 of 14 work programs (86%), Chairman VI = 3 out of 6 work programs (50%).. Empowering the Economy of the People In this field, MES collaborates with several parties to have 19 work programs which are grouped into: Bank Wakaf Mikro Assistance, Entrepreneurship and Business Capacity Building, and Social Activities and Disaster Response. 1439-1442 H Bank Wakaf Mikro (BWM) was first established in October 2017. The growth of BWM has accelerated after its inauguration in early 2018. Most recently, as of December 31, 2020, 56 BWMs have been licensed by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and registered 11,654 outstanding customers. In order to ensure the sustainability of the BWM program, MES through the management network in the regions is expected to play an active role. The Central Board appreciates MES administrators in the regions 6 6 World Synergy | Together Transforming a New Stream of Islamic Economics for the Ummah Welfare Executive Summary Executive who have supported this program, including: West Nusa Tenggara MES (BWM Ahmad Taqiuddin Mansur) and MES Maluku (BWM Al Ansor Peduli). Several work programs at the center are also being pursued to support the BWM program, including outreach at the Micro Waqf Bank Seminar (in collaboration with LPDB, 2018), BWM Assistance Training (in collaboration with FoSSEI, 2019), and Discussion on Optimizing the Role of BWM (in collaboration with OJK, 2020). Apart from BWM, MES collaborates with several parties who are also active in providing business assistance, including through the SantriPreneur program (in collaboration with the Cendekia Amanah Islamic Boarding School), Sharia Creative Economy Workshop, Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop (in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs), Business Matching (in collaboration with Bank Indonesia), and UMKM Capacity Building at 12 points (in collaboration with Permodalan Nasional Madani). Praise be to Allah, there are quite a lot of the beneficiaries of these programs. MES is also active in fostering several young entrepreneurs, up to 16 of whom have successfully received capital assistance. We hope that similar programs can continue to be improved in the future, since the spirit of community empowerment is a very important part of the sharia economy. As for social activities, MES collaborates with various parties to implement several work programs, including: Corona Prevention Program (in collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa) with total funds raised of IDR 3,839,480,000 which was distributed to 23,870 beneficiaries. Education Program and Distribution of Social Assistance (in cooperation with Bank Indonesia) with a total value of assistance reached Rp1,024,000,000 which was distributed to 3,200 beneficiaries, consisting of Board Central of 2,700 education activists (quran and honorary teachers) and 500 medical personnel within 9 points in Indonesia. The Qurbani Spreading Program (in collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa collaboration) is part of an effort to MASYARAKAT EKONOMI SYARIAH empower qurbani service providers within 12 distribution points with an estimated beneficiary of 600,000 households. Human Resources Development In the field of human resource development, work programs are focused on the activities of improving the quality of human resources including: Professional Training and Certification, E-Learning Development Sharia Economics (Elsya), Education and Socialization, and Islamic Economics Scholarships. MES through the Sharia Finance Professional Certification Institute (LSP) as one of its autonomous board has 1439-1442 H certified 5,910 people, with details of 1,450 in 2018, 1,875 in 2019, and 2,582 in 2020 (excluding refreshments and extensions). Number of competent assessments to be certified reached 5,493 people (success rate = 93%), with details of 1,382 in 2018, 1,661 in 2019, and 2,450 in 2020. Through Elsya, the number of active Elsya users as of December 31, 2020 reached 13,114 accounts, consisting of 12,001 registered accounts and 1,113 enrollment accounts. The number of Elsya’s partners 7 Together Transforming a New Stream of Islamic Economics for the Ummah Welfare | World Synergy 7 Ringkasan Eksekutif has reached 19 institutions, consisting of 17 campuses, 1 Islamic financial institution, and 1 ministry. Positive developments in 2020 have occured, driven by community activities carried out from home. In addition, during 2018-2019 MES was active in conducting roadshows to various regions in order to promote and educate people on Islamic finance. This roadshow covers the Islamic capital market, sharia insurance, sharia banks, sharia finance, and sharia guarantees, with the following achievements: In 2018, the roadshows were implemented in 54 districts/cities with the number of beneficiary participants up to 7,986 people. Through the activity, MES managed to create 1,206 new sharia investors involving 20 work partners. In 2019, the roadshows were implemented in 88 districts/cities with the number of beneficiary participants up to 14,249 people. Through this activity, MES managed to create 1,501 new sharia investors involving 26 work partners. In 2020, the roadshow activities were temporarily halted. However, MES activities continued even though it was in the middle of pandemic, especially those programs related to the improvement of public literacy, with achievements of implementing the work programs 144 times (an average of 3-4 times per week) through 17 work programs in total beneficiary participants up to 31,651 people. Through this activity, MES managed to create 422 new islamic economics investors by involving 18 partners. MES also distributed scholarships through the MES Foundation. The number of scholarship recipients from MES within 2018-2020 were 30 people, in the form of research grants and self-development scholarships
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