Anu Indonesia Project Annual Report 2018

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Anu Indonesia Project Annual Report 2018 ANU INDONESIA PROJECT ANNUAL REPORT 2018 ANU Indonesia Project Crawford School of Public Policy ANU College of Asia & the Pacific ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The ANU Indonesia Project wishes to take this opportunity to thank the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) – Australian Aid1 and The Australian National University for their substantial and continuing support of its work. Without this support, the work of the Project could not be maintained. The Project also thanks its professional and academic staff as well as the staff of the Arndt-Corden Department of Economics and the Crawford School of Public Policy for their valuable support of its activities 1 The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Australian Aid may also be referred to informally as DFAT Aid. CONTENTS HIGHLIGHTS OF 2018 3 Flagship activities 3 Other flagship activities 3 Private sector engagement 4 THE PROJECT: AN OVERVIEW 5 The Project’s activities 5 Organisation and management of The Project 5 Academics, Associates and Advisory Boards 6 Funding arrangements 6 Gender 6 THE PROJECT’S OUTPUTS: ACTIVITIES IN 2018 7 RESEARCH 7 The Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 7 BIES Economic Dialogue & Forum 7 Research in other publications 7 Research Grants 2018-2019 8 Research Travel Grants 8 Visitor program 8 PhD student supervision 9 SIGNATURE PROGRAMS 10 Indonesia Update Conference and Mini Updates 10 Indonesia Update book 10 POLICY MAKING ENGAGEMENT AND POLICY RESEARCH 11 High Level Policy Dialogue 11 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade briefings 11 Thee Kian Wie Distinguished Visiting Professorship 11 AD HOC EVENTS 11 SIGNATURE RESEARCH OUTREACH AND NETWORK EVENTS IN INDONESIA 13 Sadli Lecture 13 Mubyarto Public Policy Forum 13 Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum 13 REGULAR SEMINARS 14 Forum Kajian Pembangunan (Development Studies Forum) in Indonesia 14 Indonesia Study Group 14 PRIVATE SECTOR ENGAGEMENT 14 ADVISORY BOARD MEETING 15 MEDIA 15 CLOSING REMARKS 16 ATTACHMENT 1 Activities and indicators 17 ATTACHMENT 2 Academic staff 20 ATTACHMENT 3 Research associates 21 ATTACHMENT 4 Advisory Board Members 22 ATTACHMENT 5 Articles published in the BIES 23 ATTACHMENT 6 Indonesia Update conference program 24 ATTACHMENT 7 Indonesia Update book 25 ATTACHMENT 8 Indonesia Study Group Committee 26 ATTACHMENT 9 Indonesia Study Group seminars 27 ATTACHMENT 10 Forum Kajian Pembangunan (Development Studies Forum) Committee 28 ATTACHMENT 11 Forum Kajian Pembangunan (Development Studies Forum) seminars 29 ATTACHMENT 12 List of publications by academic staff 30 ANU Indonesia Project 1 During the launch of Update book, Indonesia in the New World: Globalisation, Nationalism and Sovereignty at the Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum in Jakarta. Blane Lewis, Mari Pangestu and Arianto Patunru with Mardiasmo, Indonesia’s Deputy Minister of Finance. Indonesian Minister of Finance, HE Dr Sri Mulyani Indrawati received Indonesia Update books and BIES journals from Head of Indonesia Project, Blane Lewis, during her ANU visit. 2 Annual Report 2018 HIGHLIGHTS OF 2018 OTHER FLAGSHIP ACTIVITIES Flagship activities Lecture by Indonesia’s Minister of National Development Planning Bambang Brodjonegoro THE BULLETIN OF INDONESIAN On 9 March 2018, the Project hosted a lecture by Bambang Brod- jonegoro, Indonesia’s Minister of National Development Planning ECONOMIC STUDIES and Head of National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS). In 2018, the BIES published 14 articles, six book reviews and Minister Brodjonegoro’s lecture was titled Indonesia: towards 2045 three surveys on recent developments. The Journal continued to visions. Minister Brodjonegoro focused on the 2045 visions four maintain its notable metric results, ranking 5th in the world in “area pillars, namely human resources with advanced science tech- studies”. In Clarivate Analytics’ annual Journal Citation Reports, nology, sustainable economic development, even and inclusive the BIES received an impact factor of 1.829, placing it in the distribution, and good governance. The lecture was attended by 93rd percentile of area-studies journal and the 73rd percentile of around 150 people from academia, government and the public. economics journals. This is an increase of 1.104 from our impact Project staff held an informal dialogue with Minister Brodjonegoro factor in 2017. In Elsevier’s CiteScore metric, which draws on after the lecture. Scopus data, the BIES received a score of 1.30, placing it in the Policy Dialogue and Public lecture by HE Sri Mulyani Indrawati 70th percentile of development journals and the 67th percentile On 5 November 2018, the Indonesia Project hosted Indonesia’s of economic journals. In SClmago’s Journal Rankings, which also Minister of Finance, HE Dr Sri Mulyani Indrawati, along with a sen- draws on Scopus data, the BIES received an SJR score of 0.752— ior delegation from the Ministry of Finance. The Minister held a an increase from 0.390 the year before. policy dialogue on recent economic developments in Indonesia, with an emphasis on the Balance of Payments, investment policy, THE INDONESIA UPDATE industrialisation and human capital. The dialogue was attended by The 36th Indonesia Update was titled Contentious belonging: the around 100 people including ANU academics and PhD students, place of minorities in Indonesia, and held on 14 and 15 September Australian government representatives and Australian and Indone- 2018. Convened by Greg Fealy (ANU) and Ronit Ricci (ANU, sian media. Following the policy dialogue, Minister Indrawati deliv- and Hebrew University), the conference recorded 557 registered ered a public lecture titled Human capital development in the digi- participants (46 per cent female) who were from academia, talisation era, an event that was attended by around 200 people. government and non-government organisations, the private sector 2018 High Level Policy Dialogue and media. The 22 speakers (55 per cent female) were comprised The 11th HLPD was held in Jakarta on 26th March 2018 and was of academics and researchers from Australia, Indonesia and co-convened by the Indonesia Project and Indonesia’s Ministry of Europe, including a speaker with a disability. Finance. The 2018 theme was Better local government budget The Project convened three mini Indonesia Updates. The first was management in a globalised economy, and was opened by In- held at the Lowy Institute for Internasional Policy on 17 September donesia’s Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati and Australia’s 2018, comprised of a breakfast panel discussion led by Roland Charge d’Affairs Allaster Cox. Issues highlighted at the Dialogue Rajah of the Lowy Institute and Ross McLeod from the Indonesia were improvements to effective funds expenditure, reducing cen- Project. The invitation-only session focused on current concerns in tral government dependence and changes to transfer formulas. Indonesia about the depreciating exchange rate and high current About 100 participants attended the meeting, including Austral- account deficit and was attended by representatives of the finance ian and Indonesian government officials, academia and multilateral community, the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian institutions. An additional session was held by Indonesia Project media. This was followed by two open session presentations to a staff, Minister Mulyani and Mr Cox. Minister Mulyani suggested that larger audience of about 80 people. The second mini-Update was the issues of rapid urbanisation and city agglomeration, and the held at the Centre for Indonesian Law, Islam and Society (CILIS), effectiveness of Regional Incentive Funds to be discussed in the in the Melbourne Law School at The University of Melbourne next HLPD series. on 18 September 2018. The third mini-Update was held on 15 Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance and the World Bank, Indonesia October 2018 at Kyoto University with Marcus Mietzner and Ross In June 2018, Blane Lewis (Indonesia Project Head) travelled to McLeod (both from ANU) giving political and economic updates Indonesia to work with Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance and the on Indonesia. World Bank on the development of a performance-based grant to The 2018 Update Book entitled Indonesia in the New World: districts to improve monitoring of village activities under the Dana Globalisation, Nationalism and Sovereignty edited by Arianto Desa program. Patunru, Mari Pangestu and Chatib Basri, was launched in June Financial system meetings in Australia and Indonesia in Australia by the Hon. Chris Bowen, Member of the Australian On 9 August 2018, the Indonesia Project co-hosted a special Parliament. Editors Patunru and Pangestu attended the launch. seminar with Australia’s Department of Treasury titled The 2016 The second launch was held in Indonesia on 9 July 2018 at the financial system crisis Prevention and Mitigation Act and what Centre for Strategic and International Studies by Dr Mardiasmo, is means for the Indonesian financial sector with a delegation of Indonesia’s Deputy Minister of Finance, which attracted almost senior Indonesian officials. Following this special seminar, Ross 200 people. The third launch, on 11 July, was at Universitas McLeod (ANU) met with the Secretariat of Indonesia’s Financial Hasanuddin in Makassar by Australia’s Consul General Richard System Stability Committee and held an informal roundtable Mathews. session to exchange ideas and on the new Law on Prevention and Mitigation of Financial System Crisis. ANU Indonesia Project 3 The Ethnicity panel during the 2018 Indonesia Update, Contentious belonging: the
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