Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial Level Réunion Du
Meeting of the OECD Council Réunion du Conseil de l’OCDE at Ministerial Level au niveau des Ministres Paris, 6-7 May 2014 Paris, 6-7 mai 2014 OECD Paris 2, rue André-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16 Tel.: +33 (0) 1 45 24 82 00 Heads of Delegation Chefs de délégation JAPON / JAPAN Shinzo Abe Prime Minister Date of Birth: September 21, 1954 Place of Birth: Tokyo Member of the House of Representatives (Elected seven times) Constituency: Yamaguchi 4th district (Shimonoseki and Nagato cities) Education 1977 Graduated from the Department of Political Science, the Faculty of Law, Seikei University Career 2012 President of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Prime Minister 2007 Resigned Prime Minister 2006 President of LDP Prime Minister 2005 Chief Cabinet Secretary (Third Koizumi Cabinet (Reshuffled)) 2004 Acting Secretary-General and Chairman of Reform Promotion Headquarters, LDP 2003 Secretary-General, LDP 2002 Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary (First Koizumi Cabinet (1st Reshuffled)) 2001 Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary (First Koizumi Cabinet) (Second Mori Cabinet (Reshuffled)) 2000 Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary (Second Mori Cabinet (Reshuffled)) (Second Mori Cabinet) 1999 Trustee, Committee on Health and Welfare Director, Social Affairs Division, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 1993 Elected as Member of the House of Representatives (thereafter re-elected in seven consecutive elections) 1982 Executive Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs 1979 Joined Kobe Steel, Ltd Source of photo: Cabinet Public Relations Office of the Government of Japan 3 JAPON / JAPAN Fumio Kishida Minister for Foreign Affairs Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) Member of the House of Representatives Hiroshima Prefecture, 1st Electoral District (elected seven times) Date of Birth: July 29, 1957 1982 Graduated from the School of Law, Waseda University Joined Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Ltd.
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