Conventions and abbreviations

Example sentences consist of four lines. The first line uses a practical orthography. The second line shows the underlying morphemes. The third line is a gloss, and the fourth line provides a free translation in English. In glosses, proper names are represented by initials. Constituents are in square brackets. Examples are numbered separately for each chapter. If elements are marked in other ways (e.g. with boldface), this is indicated where relevant. A source reference is given for each example; the reference code consists of the initials of the speaker (or ‘Game’ for the Man and Tree games), the date the recording was made, and the number of the utterance. An overview of recordings plus reference codes can be found in Appendix I. The following abbreviations and symbols are used in glosses:

1 first person 2 second person 3 third person ADJ adjectiviser ANIM animate APPL applicative CAUS causative CLF CNTF counterfactual COMP complementiser COND conditional CONT continuative DEF marker DEM demonstrative DIM diminutive DIST distal du dual EMP emphatic marker EXCL exclusive FREE free pronoun FOC marker HAB habitual IMP imperative INANIM inanimate INCL inclusive INT intermediate INTJ interjection INTF intensifier IPFV imperfective IRR irrealis MOD modal operator NEG negation marker NOM nominaliser NS non-singular PART partitive XXIV Conventions and abbreviations

pc paucal PERT PFV perfective pl POSS possessive PRF perfect PROG progressive PROX proximate RECIP reciprocal REDUP reduplication REL relative clause marker sg singular SPEC.COLL specific collective SUB subordinate clause marker TAG tag question marker ZERO person/number reference with no overt realisation - affix boundary = clitic boundary . morpheme boundary

The following abbreviations are used as subscripts to constituents:

A transitive AdvCl adverbial subordinate clause AG animate goal AM Apo apodosis BEN benefactive CC copula Compl complement clause E extended LG locative goal LOC locative MAL malefactive MC main clause NVPRED non-verbal O transitive Obl oblique argument Pot potential Pro protasis Quot quotative RC relative clause S intransitive subject SVC Top topicalised element Conventions and abbreviations XXV

The following abbreviations are used in running text and in tables:

A adjective Adv adverb CA common argument CoreAsp core aspect DC deictic centre DIR directional FC focal clause FoR frame of reference intr intransitive LG locative goal Manip implement argument of ditransitive verb Mod modifier N, NP noun, noun phrase n/a not applicable POc Proto-Oceanic ProObj object bound pronoun ProSubj subject bound pronoun PV postverbal element s.b. somebody SC supporting clause SecAsp secondary aspect s.t. something stat stative SVC serial verb construction TAM Tense-Aspect-Modality tr transitive V verb VC verb complex