A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in and Hebrew

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Compiled by: Yair Dagan January, 2014


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Contents Preface ...... 3 1. General ...... 3 2. A (very) Little History ...... 3 3. Some Translation Issues ...... 5 a. The Hebrew Vocabulary ...... 5 b. The Titles ...... 6 c. Jewish Issues ...... 6 4. Some notes on the bibliographies editing ...... 8 A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Yiddish Editions ...... 11 1. Works Published Individually ...... 11 2. Works Published in Yiddish Periodicals ...... 21 3. Anecdotal Entries ...... 31 a. "Jezebel" ...... 31 b. "Un savant célèbre" ...... 34 A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Hebrew Editions ...... 36 Index of Wilde's Translated Works ...... 75 Index of Wilde's Translators ...... 76 Sources and Bibliography ...... 77 Main Catalogues ...... 77 Books and Articles ...... 78 Reference Sites ...... 78 Notes ...... 80


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Preface 1. General

This paper includes two bibliographies of Oscar Wilde's translations and editions. The first one lists the Yiddish translations of his works, and the second is comprised of Wilde's translations into Hebrew.

The bibliographies span more than a century: The first Yiddish translation is from 1905 (The Soul of Man under ) and the first Hebrew one is from 1906 (2 poems from Poems in Prose). All the translations from the early 20th century were done by well-known Jewish writers and scholars, who were prominent figures in the Jewish cultural scene. For the most important of them, in my private opinion, of course, I added some biographical notes and remarks.

2. A (very) Little History

Towards the end of the 19th century, there was a split among the Jewish cultural leadership on which of Yiddish or Hebrew should be the "official" Jewish language. While the Zionist movement cultivated the revival of the Hebrew language, many authors preferred Yiddish. The Bund (The General Jewish Labor Bund in Lithuania, Poland and Russia) for instance, a secular Jewish socialist party in the Russian Empire, founded in Poland in 1897 and active through 1920, promoted the use of Yiddish as a Jewish national language, and to some extent opposed the Zionist project of reviving Hebrew. For example Yosef Haim Brenner, one of the most prominent literary figure in Palestine in his day, who published the first Wilde's translations in Hebrew, joined The Bund before becoming a Zionist.

It should be noted, though, that there was a large group of scholars and artists who wrote in both languages, but eventually transferred to Hebrew (Such as Falk Heilpern, who translated Wilde's works both to Hebrew and Yiddish). The Yiddish language, being far more common among the Jewish people, was a better suited vehicle to promote culture and literature to the Jewish people, both adults and children.

Up the Second World War, Yiddish was the common "national Jewish language" in Eastern Europe. In Warsaw, for example, there were 11 Yiddish newspapers with a


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

daily circulation of 180,000 copies. The common assumption is that 80% of the Jewish world population prior to the Second World War spoke Yiddish.

The vast Jewish immigration to the United States towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century caused Yiddish to flourish, especially in New- York, resulting in Yiddish theatres, publishers, periodicals, etc.1 But the second Jewish generation of these immigrants distanced itself from the Yiddish language, both because the willingness to be part of the American society, and because the anti- Semitic ambiance in the USA in the eve of the Second World War. In addition, in the context of Wilde's works, this generation could read, of course, the original versions and did not need any Yiddish translations of them.

There are four main reasons for the decline and almost death of the Yiddish language. By far, the most important is the Jewish Holocaust, which exterminated millions of , eliminating, in fact, the vast majority of Yiddish speakers in Europe. The three other reasons are the communist regime, the assimilation process of the American Jews and the Zionists and founders of the state of Israel, who regarded Yiddish as a symbol of exile and diaspora.

And indeed, the latest European translation of Wilde into Yiddish I found is from 1938 (The Devoted Friend, Warsaw: Kinderfraynd, 1938). Besides that, I encountered some in American periodicals like a republishing of Karlin's translation of De Profundis from 1939 and only two short poems-translations in periodicals who came out after World War Two (The latest in the USA is a translation of The Artist from 1956 by Yehezkel Bronshtein2). Though the secular Yiddish culture in Europe was extinct, and the Jews in the USA distanced themselves from it, the Jewish communities in South-America, and mainly Argentine kept on the cultivation of the Yiddish language, teaching it in schools and publishing Yiddish periodicals and books. In 1961, Isaac Isaacson published in Buenos Aires an anthology of world- literature translated to Yiddish, in which he included five of Oscar Wilde's stories (see entry 24 below).

Many of Wilde's works were published in various Yiddish periodicals (both in Europe and America), some of them children's journals and some were literature magazines. I


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

separated the Yiddish bibliography into individual editions and publications in periodicals.

Now contrary to Yiddish, which is a secular language whose origins date back to 1300, from around 200 CE till the end of the 19th century, Hebrew was regarded only as the language of Jewish liturgy and rabbinic literature. The Hebrew revitalization as a spoken and literary language started in the late 19th century, intimately linked to the Zionist movement and the founding of the modern state of Israel.

The revival of the Hebrew language had to take place in two areas: written-literary Hebrew and spoken Hebrew. Literary Hebrew, which was mostly revived in Europe included writing in areas such as scientific books (for which the vocabulary of scientific and technical terms was greatly increased) and Hebrew language newspapers and magazines. In addition, poets and writers such as David Frishman (who translated Wilde's De Profundis) and Shaul Tschernichovsky began avidly translating European works into Hebrew such as Molière, Goethe, Shakespeare, Homer, Byron, Lermontov, and Aeschylus. At the same time, writers also began to write works of short fiction and novels in Hebrew, using the language to express psychological realism and interiority for the first time.

Judging from the quantity of Wilde's translation into Hebrew and Yiddish, it looks like in the first three decades of the twentieth century, Wilde's works appealed to some of the most prominent literary figures such as Yosef Haim Brenner, David Frishman, Y. H. Tavyov (or Tabiyov) and many more. Salome, for instance, was translated to Hebrew in 1907, twice to Yiddish in 1909 and again in 1921. In addition, many of the editions included extensive introductions dealing with both Wilde's tragic life and his anarchistic and "socialistic" tendencies. The translated editions span across Moscow, Warsaw, Berlin, London, New York and more.

3. Some Translation Issues a. The Hebrew Vocabulary

Since the Hebrew language has been revived, it is permanently evolving and new words are added constantly by The Academy of the Hebrew Language. This evolvement was far more drastic in beginning of the 20th century, since Hebrew, based on the old Jewish liturgy texts, was missing a great number of words since its' 5

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

stagnation. Even today, according to The Academy of the Hebrew Language, the Hebrew language contains 75,000 to 80,000 words (both original and adopted, e.g. "Telephone"), while a low estimate of the total English words is somewhere around a quarter of a million distinct English words3.

This gap presented a problem, especially for the early 20th century translators. And Indeed, when browsing through Tavyov 's translation of "The Picture of Dorian - or "actressa "הּפיַאנֹו - Gray"4, One can find many "adopted" words such as "piano for labyrinth) etc. Or David Frishman's) " לַבִירִינט - for actress), "labirint) " אקטרִיסה " הַבְרֹונְזָה - or "bronza "סִימְבֹול - translation of "De Profundis", using the words "symbol (for bronze).

As the Hebrew language evolved, all these words, and many more, found their way into Hebrew words with almost no need of borrowing foreign words any more. Still, as in any language, some things cannot be translated without losing their ambivalent or other meaning. For example: The Importance of Being Earnest is translated as The Importance of Earnestness, losing the double meaning of the title since there is no Hebrew private name for Ernest.

So we are left with two languages: one is a declining language which hasn't evolved since before the mid-20th century, and the other is a "resurrected" one which is developing constantly. b. The Titles

Looking on the translated work titles, one can see that some of the translators took more liberty than other in deciding on the translated title. For instance: The Selfish Giant is translated mostly as "The Giant and his Garden", The Happy Prince translated as the "Prince and the Swallow"5, The Selfish Giant as "The cruel Giant"6, and the most liberal titles translation, in my opinion, can be found in Nathan Kaplan's Poems in Prose: The Artist translated as "The Sculptor", The Disciple as "The Death of Narcissus", The Doer of Good as "The Prophet" and The House of Judgment as "Before the Throne". c. Jewish Issues


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

I will not go into the issue of Wilde's attitude towards the Jews. This topic was already discussed in numerous papers and books7. But since all of the translation of Wilde works to Yiddish and Hebrew were made by Jewish authors, it is interesting to look at their own attitude towards translating both Jewish motifs and Christian motifs mentioned by Wilde. Wilde's works contain references to Jews and Jewish subjects such as The Ghetto in "The Happy Prince", Isaacs the theater manager in "The Picture of Dorian Gray", The Heroin "Salome" in the same name play, and Simone the merchant in "A Florentine Tragedy".

Dalia Cohen-Gross in her paper Oscar Wilde's The Happy Prince: The Case of Hebrew Translation8, points out the evolution of the various treatment of translating the sentence: "He passed over the Ghetto, and saw the old Jews bargaining with each other, and weighing out money in copper scales.", where up to the mid of 20th century, the translators preferred to avoid the word Ghetto and used "solutions" as "the market"9 or "the Jews' street"10. Some even avoided the sentence completely11.

As Cohen-Gross puts it: "The findings reveal that this sentence clearly discomfited translators into Hebrew who were not native Israelis. However, quite possibly the reason is not related entirely to the geography of the translation, but also to Zionist negativism toward the Diaspora and the Jews of the Diaspora, and to a certain degree of tolerance of anti-Semitism in world literature (Weissbrod, 2007). In addition, until recently children’s literature was especially dominated by a protective approach, and to this day stories with an anti-Semitic tone are not published in Israel".

Salome is a totally different story. As I mentioned before, Salome was translated several times in the early 20th century, but no major manipulations were made to the text. Shachar Pinsker in his book Literary Passports: The Making of Modernist Hebrew Fiction in Europe12 claims that the Jewish "Wildemania" and the more specific "Salomemania" (as he puts it) among Hebrew writers "is a profound example of the fascinating relationship between fin de siècle Jews and the world of Europe…. Translating Wilde was part of a broader movement that emphasized the significance of translating important works of contemporary European literature into Hebrew and Yiddish in order to enrich and advance it. Furthermore, there is no doubt that in the case of Salome/Shlomit the perceived "Jewishness" of the main female character, as


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

well as the pseudo-biblical style of the play….was part of Brenner's motivation for translating and publishing the play. Indeed, the story of Salome is based on the New Testament and the writing of Josephus Flavius, the language of Wilde's play relies heavily on the Song of Songs.". Furthermore, Pinsker thinks that the Jewish scholars were attracted to decadent and sexual subjects, in order to be part of the advanced aspects of the European culture of that time.

In the first translation of The Picture of Dorian Gray into Hebrew13, Isaacs, the theater manager, is introduced to the reader by Wilde as a "hideous" but translated In the latest translation14, both "hideous" and "horrid" are .(מלֻכלך) "into "dirty It seems to me that the translators to Hebrew tried to .(דוחה) "translated as "repulsive diminish Wilde's adjectives describing Isaacs.

The last work I will mention in this section is The Selfish Giant. More specifically - the stigmata (Jesus wounds) mentioned in the end of the story. Some translators, being faced with a Christian symbol in a fairy tale, intended for young Jewish children, hesitated on how to approach the symbol of the stigmata. Some translated it accurately15, some omitted it completely by changing the text16 while another changed "the prints of two nails" into "the prints of two fingernails"17. It looks like, though, when the story is published for adults, the translators do justice with Wilde and translate the stigmata accurately18.

4. Some notes on the bibliographies editing

This bibliography is a product of a vast research through various library catalogues, the Internet and other sources. Though I cannot assure that this is a full and complete bibliography, I believe that it contains the vast majority of Wilde editions in Hebrew and Yiddish. I did stumble, however, into translations mentioned in literature sources, which I couldn't locate and verify. E.g. Zalman Reyzn's Leksikon fun der Yidisher Literatur, Prese, un Filologi ("Lexicon of Yiddish Literature, Press, and Philology"), mentions a translation of Lady Windermere's Fan and The Ballad of Reading Gaol into Yiddish by Joseph Heftman, and a story by Wilde (no details) translated into Yiddish as well by Nehemia Kaplan, published in New York, 1916.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

The entries in each bibliography are by chronological order. I tried to locate as much as possible texts and cover images of the editions and added them to the relevant entries.

Titles I found available online are marked with endnotes pointing to the internet link addresses.

I was reluctant to include some Hebrew children's editions of Wilde's tales such as The Selfish Giant, since some were mere commercial adaptations without much value concerning this bibliography. I tried to include only the ones that were translated by well-known translators of children's prose.

Some of Wilde's stories appeared from time to time in various schools' textbooks, (e.g. The Devoted Friend was included in Mikra'ot Gedolot - a literature schoolbook for the sixth grade, edited by Nathan Persky, Massada, 1977). These are not included as well.

Contrary to the Yiddish bibliography, where I tried to locate all of Wilde's single works published in periodicals, the Hebrew bibliography does not include such a section. Many of Wilde's poems appeared from time to time in Hebrew periodicals and literature magazines. For example - in December 1st 2000, the centennial of Oscar Wilde's death, Haaretz literature supplement included some articles and translations devoted to Wilde, among them: My Voice (from poems 1879) and The Artist (from Poems in Prose) translated by Yael Globerman, and Flower of Love (from Poems 1879), translated as The Bittersweetness of Love by Ben-Zion Ben-Moshe (first Hebrew translation). Another example is the poem The Harlot's House (from poems 1879), translated by Ronen Sonis, (published in Keshet Hadasha, a quarterly for literature, 2003 no. 3 pp. 172-173). On the other hand, I did include major works or translations of works published in periodicals, which I considered valuable for this bibliography. Such are excerpts from The Decay of Lying translated by Abraham Regelson (Hapo'el Hatza'ir, 1967), or the translation of The Ballad of Reading Gaol (Part I only) by Yaakov Orland, (Davar, 1947), who translated the complete work in 197719. I tried to be careful with anthologies that include Wilde's works. While I included stories and major works, I was reluctant to include poems published sporadically in poetry anthologies such as: Symphony in Yellow (p. 23) and


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Requiescat (p. 106), translated by Gila Uriel and published in The World of a Poet (Tel-Aviv: Reshafim, 1992, 240 p.), or Requiescat (p. 146) translated by Joshua Kochav, published in Flowers from Overseas Countries - an Anthology of the Poetry of the English Language in Hebrew Translation vol. 3 (Tel-Aviv: Ophir Books, 1995).

When dealing with Wilde's plays and theatrical productions, I included translations that are publicly published (some staged and some not). Some texts can be found in theaters or other libraries, but were not published under a publishing house and available to the public. Two translations of The Importance of Being Earnest, for instance, were published (Tavyov in 1920, Shteinberg, 1988), but the play was produced at least three times with other translations (Yaakov Orland, The Kameri Theater, 1953, Ido Riklin, The Ramat-Gan Theater, 1993 and Yoram Kaniuk, Habima, 1996). A Florentine Tragedy was included in the Kameri Theater very first performance, translated by Yemima Milo in 1944. There are five translations into Hebrew of Salome in the bibliography, though the play was staged several times with individual translations (Dori Parnas, The Laboratory, 2005, Yuval Zamir, Teatron Hasimta, 2009).



A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Yiddish Editions 1. Works Published Individually

די מענשליכע זעעלע אונטער דעם פרײען Title: The Soul of Man Under Socialism20 .1 סאציאליזמוס Publisher: London: Naroditski, Grupe Frayhayt לאנדאן: גרופע ״פרײהײט״, 5091 1905 Translated No specific translator mentioned by: Description: 48 p.

Remarks: 2½ pence in London, 10 cents in



די רויז און די נאכטיגאל און אנדערע Title: The Nightingale and the Rose and .2 ערצעהלונגען Other Stories21 לאנדאן: פערלאג זשארמינאל Publisher: London: Ferlag "Zsherminal"22, 1907 5091 פרומקין, אברהם (Translated by: Frumkin, Avraham23 (1873-1940

Description: 80 p.

די רויז און די נאכטיגאל - דער Contents: The Nightingale and the Rose, The עגאאיסטישער ריעז - דער גליקליכער Happy Prince, The Selfish Giant פרינץ Remarks: With a special foreword by Rudolf 24 Rocker (1873-1958)


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


דע פראפונדיס: אויפצייכנונגען און בריף Title: De Profundis25 .3 פון דער תפיסה אין רעדינג לאנדאן: פערלאג ״פראגרעס״ מ’ ,Publisher: London: Ferlag "Progres" M. Zussman זוסמאן, 5090 .1909 מרמר, קלמן Translated by: Marmor, Kalman26 Description: 144 p.

Remarks: With preface by Dr. Israel Isidor אן אבהאנדלונג איבער דעם פערפאסער Elyashev (pen name: Bal- פון בעל מחשבות 27 Makhshoves)


סאלאמע: א טראגעדיע אין איין אקט Title: Salome - A Tragedy in One Act .4


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

לאנדאן: פערלאג פראגרעס Publisher: London: Progres, 1909 5090 ענטין, יואל (Translated by: Entin, Yoel28 (1875-1959 Description: 52 p.

Remarks: Issued by M. Zussman. The translation was previously printed in the New York "Tsayt-gayst", 11 January-8 February

1907 and acted starring Keni Lipzin (a Yiddish theater actor) without the knowledge of the translator.

סאלאמע: א טראגעדיע אין איין אקט Title: Salome - A Tragedy in One Act29 .5 לאנדאן: ל. פרידמאן Publisher: London:, L. Fridman, 1909 5090 א פרומקין (Translated by: Frumkin, Avraham30 (1873-1940 Description: 55 p.



א געזאנג פון תפיסה Title: The Ballad of Reading Gaol31 .6 Publisher: London: ferlag "Kunst un Leben", 1908 לאנדאן: קונסט און לעבען, 5090

ניו יארק: קונסט און לעבען, 5059 1910 ה. רויזענבלאט (Translated by: Rosenblatt, Henry32 (1878-1956 Description: 30 p.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


דיא מענשליכע נשמה אין א Title: The Soul of Man Under Socialism33 .7 סאציאליסטישער געזעלשאפט ניו יארק: פערלאג מייזעל עט קא Publisher: New York: Mayzel et ko.(et co.) 1910 5059 מעריסאן, י.א. )יעקב-אברהם Translated by: Merison, Jacob Abraham34 (1866- יערוכימאוויטש( (1941 ווארשע, מ. (Edited by: Varshe, Moyshe, (1887-1912 Description: 72 p.


דער גליקליכער פרינץ Title: The Happy Prince .8 ווארשא: פערלאג פראגרעס Publisher: Warsaw: Progres, 1911 5055 וויינבערג, י. (?Translated by: Weinberg, Itzhak (1878-


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Description: 22 p.

Series: Folks-bibliotek, n. 1.


דאס שטערנקינד Title: The Star Child .9 ווארשא: פראגרעס, Publisher: Warsaw: Progres, 1911 5055 וויינבערג, י. Translated by: Weinberg, Itzhak Description: 35 p.

Series: Folks-bibliotek, n. 1.


דער יונגער קעניג Title: The Young King35 .10 ווארשא: פראגרעס, Publisher: Warsaw: Progres, 1911 5055 וויינבערג, י. Translated by: Weinberg, Itzhak


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Description: 34 p.

Series: Folks-bibliotek, n. 2.

‎10 In the www.archive.org copy, the front cover is of "The Happy Prince"

דאס בילד פון דאריאן גריי Title: The Picture of Dorian Gray36 .11 לאנדאן, פערלאג "פראגרעס" Publisher: London: Progres, Zussman, 1911. 5055 מייער, מאריס (Translated by: Meyer, Maurice37 (1879-1944 Description: 32 p. Remarks 3,500 copies were to have been printed of this edition begun in 1911, but not completed. Only the title-page and pages 1-32 were finished. (According to: Cf. Clark, W.A. Wilde

and Wildeiana. 1922-31. v. 4, p. 103. And [Millard, C.S.] Oscar Wilde; art and morality. London, 1912. p. 318, no. 97.) Was supposed to contain about 350p.

דער שלעכטער ריז Title: The Selfish Giant .12 Publisher: Kiev: Kiever Ferlag 1919 (Shul קיעוו: קיעווער פארלאג )שול-ביבליאטעק( Bibliotek) Translated by: Talmi, Leon (Pseudo name for טאלמי, לאון )אליעזר טאלמינאוויצקי( 38 Talminovitzky, Eliezer) (1893-1952) Description: 14 p.

Series: Kultur lige39 16

דאס בילד פון דאריאן גריי Title: The Picture of Dorian Gray40 .13 Publisher: New York: Max Jankovitz, 1919

Translated by: Gorzdovsky, H.S. (Pen name for גארזדאווסקי, ח.ש. Chaim Binyamin Shoys)41 (1884- 1953) Description: 287 p.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Remarks With critic introduction by Liubov מיט א קריטישען נאכווארט פון ל’ 42 Isaakovna Axelrod (Ortodoks) אקסעלראד (1868-1946)


דער גליקליכער פרינץ Title: The Happy Prince .14 מאסקווע: מלוכע־פארלאג, Publisher: Moscow: Melukhe-farlag,1921 5095 װענדראף, זלמן (Translated by: Vendroff, Zalman43 (1877-1971 Description: 18 p.

שלומית: טראגעדיע אין 5 אקט Title: Salome - A Tragedy in One Act .15 קולטור, פארלאג אידיש Publisher: Kovne: Kultur, 1921 5095 שטיימאן, בייניש (Translated by: Shtayman, Beynush44 (1897-1919 Description: 37 p.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


די באלאדע פון רעדינג-טורמע Title: The Ballad of Reading Gaol45 .16 ניו יארק: די פעדער, Publisher: New York: Farlag "Di Feder", 1925 5095 5091 קארלין, אהרון (Translated by: Karlin, Aharon46 (1887-1972 Description: 32 p.


דע פראפונדיס: פון דער טיפעניש Title: De Profundis47 .17 Epistola in carcere et vinculis געשריבן אין תפיסה און קייטן ניו יארק: גראער און סטאדאלסקי, Publisher: New York: Groer un Stadolski, 1926 5091 מרמר, קלמן (Translated by: Marmor, Kalman48 (2nd translation Description: 231 p.

Remarks: With an 75 pages foreword (Oscar Wilde and his tragedy), 4 letters by

Wilde from prison, 2 letters for the Daily Chronicle and a glossary


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


דער גליקליכער פרינץ א קינדער־שפיל אין Title: The Happy Prince - A Children's Play .18 אײן אקט לױט in One Act ניו יארק: ארױסגעגעבן פון בילדונגס Publisher: New York: Aroysgegebn fun bildungs דעפארטמענט ארבײטער רינג, department arbeyter ring, 1929. 5090 Translated and Elkin, Mendl49 (1874-1962) עלקין, מענדל adapted by: Description: 31 p.

Series: Arbeyter ring kinder bibliotek, no. 15

לייכטע ענגלישע ערצעהלונגען Title: Light English Stories .19 Publisher: Warsaw: Warszawa: Zaklady Graficzne "Wiedza", 1931 or 1932 מעטאדע דר. פערעט Translated by: Dr. Farat method Description: 167 p.

דער איבערגעגעבענער פריינד / אסקאר Contains: The Devoted Friend by Wilde and אואיילד -- מהאאיטשי דער אוירענלאזער -- three Japanese legends: Hoichi the אוראשימא: )יאפאנישע לעגענדע( -- די Earless; Urashima; The Lady of the העררין פון שניי: )יאפאנישע לעגענדע .Snow

דאס שטערנקינד Title: The Star Child .20 ווארשע: קינדערפריינד, Publisher: Warsaw: Kinderfraynd50, 1937 5091 טייכמאן, משה Translated by: Taykhman, Moyshe51 Description: 36 p.

Remarks: Includes bibliographical information in


דער איבערגעגעבענער פריינד Title: The Devoted Friend .21 ווארשע: קינדערפריינד, Publisher: Warsaw: Kinderfraynd52, 1938 5090 מלצר, שמעון Translated by: Meltzer, Shimon Description: 30 p.

פאעזי אין פראזע Title: Poems in Prose and other stories .22


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

ניו יארק: פערלאג ליטערארישע פערל Publisher: New York: Ferlag Literarishe Perl, 19-- Translated by: Kaplan, Nathan (Nechemia)53 קאפלאן, נאטהאן (1880ca- Description: 44 p.

Contains: The Artist (Translated as "The Sculptor"),The Disciple (Translated as "The Death of Narcissus"),The Happy Der sculptor - Der toyt fun Nartsis - Prince, The Doer of Good (Translated Der gliklikher prints - Der novi - Der "The Prophet"), The Selfish Giant, The riez-egoist - Far'n kise hakoved - Di House of Judgment (Translated as nakhtigal un di blum "Before the Throne"), The Nightingale and the Rose (Translated as "The Nightingale and the Flower")

מעשה’לאך Title: Stories .23 יעקאטערינאסלאוו: נאטור און מענטש Publisher: Ekaterinoslav: Natur un Mentch 19-- היילפערין, פלק Translated by: Heilperin, Falk54 (1876-1945) 5011-5091 Description: 71 p.

Remarks: Unknown contents

אנטאלאגיע פון דער וועלט-ליטעראטור Title: Anthology of World Literature .24 בןענאס איירעס: יידבוך, Publisher: Buenos Aires: Yidbukh, 1961 5015 יצחק איסאקסאן (Translated by: Isaacson, Isaac55 (1897-1963 Description: 378 p. דער יונגער מלך Works by Wilde: The Young King, (pp. 35-49), The דער געטרייער פריינד Devoted Friend (pp.50-61), The די נאכטיגאל און די רויז Nightingale and the Rose (pp. 62- דער מוסטערהאפטער מיליאנער The Model Millionaire (pp. 69- (68 דער גליקלעכער פרינץ .(The Happy Prince (pp.75-84 (,74



A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

2. Works Published in Yiddish Periodicals

דער גליקלעכער ּפרינץ Title: The Happy Prince .25 ווַארשע: דער וועג Publisher: Warsaw: Der Weig, 1906 5091 Translated by: Peretz, Yitskhak Leybush56 (1852- ּפרץ, יצחק־לײבוש 1915) Description: no. 53 pp 3-4

דער יונגער קעניג Title: The Young King .26 ווַארשע: דער וועג Publisher: Warsaw: Der Weig, 1906 5091 ווַארשע: ליטערארישע בלעטער,2nd Publishing: Warsaw: Literarishe Bleter57, 1928 5090 Translated by: Peretz, Yitskhak Leybush58 (1852- ּפרץ, יצחק־לײבוש 1915) Description: Der Weig no. 36 pp 3-4 Literarishe Bleter no. 14-15 Apr. 6

1928 pp. 281-286

די נַאכטיגַאל און די רויז Title: The Nightingale and the Rose .27 ווַארשע: דער וועג Publisher: Warsaw: Der Weig, 1906 5091 Translated by: Unknown Description: Der Weig no. 106 May, 1906 pp 1-2

28. Title: The Selfish Giant (Translated as The דער ריז און דָאס קינד Giant ant the Child) Publisher: Warsaw: Roman Zeitung Sep. 24, ווַארשע: רָאמַאנ־צַײטונג 5091 1907 Translated by: Unknown Description: no. 22 pp 675-678

א געזאנג פון תפיסה Title: The Ballad of Reading Gaol59 .29 פילַאדעלפיע – ניו־יארק: דער אידישער Publisher: Philadelphia New-York: Der Yiddisher קעמפפער Kempfer, 1907 5091 Free Translation Rosenblatt, Henry60 (1854-1900) ה. רויזענבלאט by: Description: No. 52 Mar. 22 1907 pp 2-5

Remarks: Translated fully later in 1908 and

published separately.

סאלאמע: א טראגעדיע אין איין אקט Title: Salome - A Tragedy in One Act .30 Publisher: New York: Der Tsayt-gayst, 11 ניו־יָארק: דער צײט־גײסט, 5091 January-8 February 1907 ענטין, יואל Translated by: Entin, Yoel (1875-1959)61 Description: No. 72, Jan. 11, 1907 pp 4-5; no. 73, Jan. 18 1907 pp 6-7; No. 75, Feb. 1, 1907 pp 4-5, 18; No. 76, Feb. 8, 1907 p 8. Remarks: Acted starring Keni Lipzin (a Yiddish theater actor) without the knowledge of

the translator. Published separately by London: Progres, 1909

דער יונגער קעניג Title: The Young King .31


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Publisher: Vilna (Vilnius): Di Welt, Literarishe ווילנע: די וועלט ליטערארישעס זאמעל- Zamelbuch, (The World - literature בוך 5091 collection) 1907 רייזען, שרה (Translated by: Reisen, Sara62 (1885-1974 Description: No. 1

פאעזי אין פראזע Title: From Poems in Prose .32 Publisher: Vilna (Vilnius): Fruehling (Spring) ווילנע: פריהלינג, 5090 1908 Translated by: Unknown

Description: 44 p.

דער בעל־טובה Contains: The Master pp.29-30 דער בילדויער The Artist p. 31 דער תלמיד The Disciple pp. 31-32 דאס געריכטסהויז The House of Judgment pp. 25-28

33. Title: From Poems in Prose - The House of פארן כיסא־הכבוד Judgment ווילנע: שבועות־בלַאט, Publisher: Vilna (Vilnius): Shavuot Blat, 1908 5090 בן־גור, א. א. (Translated by: Ben Gur, A. A. (Hurwitz, Aaron Wolf Description: pp. 59-59

אפאריזמען Title: Aphorisms .34 Publisher: Vilna (Vilnius): Harvet Blate (Autumn ווילנע: הערבסט־בלעטע, 5090 Leaves), 1908 Translated by: Unknown

Description: pp. 91-91

35. Title: From Poems in Prose - The House of דער בית-דין Judgment פעטערבורג ווַארשע: דער פרײנד, Publisher: Peterbugr-Warsaw: Der Fraind 1910 5059 Translated by: Unknown

Description: No. 49 Feb. 1910 p. 9

געווײנלעכע שטריכן Title: Aphorisms63 .36 ווַארשע: יודיש, Publisher: Warsaw: Yudish, 1910 5059 Translated by: Unknown

Description: 1910 p. 591


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


דער בית־דין Title: From Poems in Prose64 .37 Publisher: Warsaw: Europeishe Literatur (European Literature), 1910 ווַארשע: אײרָאּפעאישע ליטערַאטור, 5059 Also פעטערבורג ווַארשע: דער פרײנד, 5059 Published Peterbugr-Warsaw: Der Fraind 1910 by: Translated Alexandrovitch, P. ַאלעקסַאנדרָאוויטש, ּפ. by: Description: Europeishe Literatur No. 12 Feb. 1910 pp. 93-36

Der Fraind No. 172 Jul. 1910 p. 2 Remarks: The Artist (Translated as "The Sculptor"), The Disciple (Translated דער סקולפטאר as "The Death of Narcissus"), The דער טויט פון נַארציס Doer of Good (Translated "The דער נביא ,("Prophet In the Der Fraind edition one of the works is entitled "The Poet"65.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


38. Title: A story which title is translated "For a פאר א נדבה Charity" Publisher: Warsaw: Di Neie Welt (The New ווַארשע: די נײע וועלט, World), 1910 5059 ווַארשע: נײעס, Also Published 5059 by: Warsaw: Nayes (News) 1912 Translated by: Unknown שײקעלע In the catalog entry for Nayes The translator is mentioned as Shaykele Description: The Neie Welt no. 158 Jul. 9 1910 pp. 203

Nayes no. 146 Oct. 19 1912, p.4 Remarks: Couldn't locate the original title

דער ריז-עגאיִסט Title: The Selfish Giant .39 ווַארשע: אײרָאּפעאישע Publisher: Warsaw: Europeishe Literatur (European ליטערַאטור, Literature), 1910 5059

Translated by: Unknown

Description: Europeishe Literatur No. 10 1910 pp. 8-14


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


40. Title: From Poems in Prose: The Doer of דער נביא Good Publisher: New York: Der Arbeiter (The ניו־יארק: דער ַארבײטער, 5055 Workers), 1911 Translated by: Unknown

Description: Der Arbeiter No. 32 May 13, 1911 p. 5 Remarks: The Doer of Good (Translated "The


דָאס הַארץ ? "Title: A story translated as "The Heart .41 Publisher: Warsaw: Yiddishes Vochenblat ווַארשע: אידישעס וואכענבלאט, 5059 (Yiddish Weekly Pages), 1912 קרעמער, בנימין (Translated by: Kremer, Binyamin (1887-1940 Description: Mar. 1912 p. 8

Remarks: Couldn't locate the original title

42. Title: From Poems in Prose - The House of דער מישפט Judgment (Translated as "The Trial") לאדזש: לאדזער פאלקסבלַאט, Publisher: Lodz: Lodzer Folksblat 1913 5059 לָאדזער טַאגעבלַאט, Lodzer Tagblat, 1913 5059 זילבערצווײג, זלמן (Translated by: Zilberzweig, Zalman66 (1894-1972 Description: Lodzer Folksblat No. 10 Jan. 11 1913 p. 4 Lodzer Tagblat same no. and date p. 10, in a literary supplement

43. Title: A story translated as "A remarkable א מערקווערדיקע מאדעל Model" Publisher: Warsaw: Der Friend, supplement to ווארשע: דער פרײנד; בײלַאגע: אידישעס Vochenblat (Yiddish Weekly Pages), וואכענבלאט, 5059 1913


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

מַאנעסקלײד, דב Translated by: Mansklayd, Dov Description: No. 153, Jul. 1913 p. 8-11

Remarks: Probably: The Model Millionaire

נַײע פרַאגמענטן פון Title: New Fragments from De Profundis67 "DE .44 PROFUNDIS" Publisher: Vilna (Vilnius): Di Yudishe Welt (The ווילנע: די יודישע וועלט, 5059 Jewish World), 1913 Translated by: Dingol, Solomon (Zalman Goldin)68 דינגָאל, סאלאמאן )זלמן( (1886-?) Description: No. 5 May 1913 pp. 57-67


45. Title: From Poems in Prose - The House of פארן כיסא-הכבוד Judgment (Translated as "Before the Throne") Publisher: Chenstochov: Chenstochover Vochen- טשענסטאכאוו: טשענסטאכאווער וואכען- Blat (Chenstochov weekly pages), בלַאט, 5059 1913 Translated by: Unknown

Description: No. 35 Sep. 27 1913 p. 1

די נאכטיגאל און די רויז Title: The Nightingale and the Rose .46 פעטערבורג ווארשע: דער פרײנד, Publisher: Peterbugr-Warsaw: Der Fraind 1914 5059 Translated by: Feinberg, S. (could be pen name for פײנבערג, ש. Katz, Pinhas) Description: No. 64 Mar. 16, 1914 p. 2; No. 65 Mar. 17, 1914 p. 2

דאס שטערן-קינד Title: The Star Child (Adaptation)69 .47 Publisher: Vilna (Vilnius): Grininke Beymelekh ווילנע: גרינינקע בוימעלאך, 5059 70 (Green Saplings) , 5059 ש. ל. .Adapted by: S. L


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Description: No. 5, Apr. 1914 pp145-149; No. 6, Apr. 1914 pp. 185-189; No. 7 May 1914, pp. 218-224; No. 8, May 1914, pp.247-252


דער עגאיסטישער ריעז Title: The Selfish Giant71 .48 ווארשע: הײנט, Publisher: Warsaw: Heint (Today) noon edition, 5051 1917 Translated by: Unknown

Description: No. 4, Jan 4, 1917 p. 2; no. 5 Jan 5, 1917 p. 2 Remarks: Under the section: "From the world's



די נַאכטיגַאל און די רויז Title: The Nightingale and the Rose .49


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

ווין: נײלאנד Publisher: Vienna: Nayland, 1918 5050 Translated by: Unknown Description: No. 2, Aug. 1918 pp. 5-15

50. Title: From Poems in Prose: The Doer of דער נביא Good קעשענעוו: דער איד, Publisher: Kishinev: (The Jew), 1920 5099 Translated by: Unknown

Description: No. 117 Sep. 29, 1920 pp. 304

Remarks: The Doer of Good (Translated "The


51. Title: The Selfish Giant (Translated as "The דער שלעכטער ריז 72 Cruel Giant") Publisher: Vilna (Vilnius): Grininke Beymelekh ווילנע: גרינינקע בוימעלַאך, 5099 73 (Green Saplings) , 5099 Translated by: Yedidia (Pseudo name for ידידיה )ידידאוויטש, נחום-שאול( Yedidovitch, Nahum Shaul) Description: No. 4, Jan. 1920, pp. 105-112


דער איבערגעגעבענער פריינד Title: The Devoted Friend .52 ווַארשע: פאלקסצײטונג, Publisher: Warsaw: Folkzeitung, 5099 5099 ראקאווסקי, מארק (Translated by: Rakowsky, Mark74 (1899-1983 Description: No. 277, Dec. 1, 1924, p. 2; No. 278

Dec. 2, 1924.

דער נַאכטיגַאל און די רויז Title: The Nightingale and the Rose .53 ווַארשע: פאלקסצײטונג, Publisher: Warsaw: Folkzeitung, 5099 5099 ראקאווסקי, מארק Translated by: Rakowsky, Mark75 Description: No. 292, Dec. 18, 1924, p. 2; No. 294

Dec. 21, 1924; No. 295 Dec. 22, 1924.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

אפאריזמען Title: Aphorisms .54 Publisher: Warsaw: Ilustrirte Voch (Illustrated ווַארשע: אילוסטרירטע וואך, 5099 Week), 1924 Translated by: Unknown

Description: No. 47, Nov. 27, 1924 p. 7

אסקאר ווײלד - זײנע נישט געדרוקטע Title: Oscar Wilde - His unpublished .55 געדאנקען thoughts Publisher: Warsaw: Inzer hifning (Our Hope), ווארשע: אינזער האפענונג, 5091 1926 Translated by: Unknown

Description: Vol. 2 Feb. 1926 pp. 30-32

Remarks: Couldn't locate the original title

קיטס קבר Title: The Grave of Keats .56 Publisher: New York: Der Oifkum: Monthly ניו־יארק: דער אויפקום, 5091 Magazine, 1927 אײסען, אברהם Translated by: Ayssen, Abraham (1886-1965)76 Description: No. 5 May, 1927 p. 31

בײ דעם טײך ארנא Title: By the Arno .57 תל־אביב: אײנס, Publisher: : Eins (One), 1929 5090 אײסען, אברהם Translated by: Ayssen, Abraham (1886-1965)77 Description: Apr. 1929 pp. 34-35

רײד שטיל ?Title: Still Words .58 Publisher: New York: Der Oifkum: Monthly ניו־יָארק: דער אויפקום, 5090 Magazine, 1929 אײסען, אברהם Translated by: Ayssen, Abraham (1886-1965)78 Description: No. 10-11 Oct.-Nov, 1929 p. 38

Remarks: Couldn't locate the original title

דער גליקלעכער ּפרינץ Title: The Happy Prince .59 Publisher: Vilna (Vilnius): Grininke Beymelekh ווילנע: גרינינקע בוימעלַאך, Green Saplings)79, 5099-95 .5099-95) ווַארשע: קינדערלַאנד, Also published Warsaw: Kinderland, 1932 .5099 ווילנע: נייע יידישע פאלקסשול, :by באוועגלעכע כרעסטאמאטיע, Also published Vilna: Neie Yiddishe Folkshul (School .5099 by: book), 1933 23 p. איסַאקסָאן, יצחק (Translated by: Isaacson, Isaac80 (1897-1963 Description: Grininke Beymelekh No. 19, Oct. 1930, pp.565-574; No. 6, Jan. 1931 pp. 173-186 Kinderland No. 2 Feb. 1932 pp.3-6 Reprinted in 1961 as part of an Anthology of World Literature


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


פאראבל ? Title: Parable .60 טשערנאוויץ: טשערנאוויצער בלעטער, Publisher: Chernowitz (Chernivtsi): Chernovitzer Bleter (Chernowitz Pages), 1931 5095 Translated by: Unknown

Description: No. 591 Dec 16, 1931 p. 2

Remarks: Couldn't locate the original title

61. Title: TRISTITÆ TRISTITÆ שיקאגא: ליטערארישער חדש, Publisher: Chicago: Literarishe Hodesh, 1931 5095 אײסען, אברהם Translated by: Ayssen, Abraham (1886-1965)81 Description: No. 12 Jun. 1931 p. 38

62. Title: A poem translated as "Heels of Glory" פערזן פון נצחון or "Heels of Victory" Publisher: New York: Newyorker Vochenblat )ניו־יארק: ניו־יארקער וואכנבלאט, 5019 (New-York's Weekly pages), 1954 אײסען, אברהם Translated by: Ayssen, Abraham (1886-1965)82 Description: No. 478 Jul. 30, 1954 p. 12

Remarks: Couldn't locate the original title

דער קינסטלער Title: From Poems in Prose: The Artist .63 ניו־יארק: אויפסנײ, Publisher: New York: Oifsney, 1956 5011 בראנשטײן, יחזקאל, א. מ. (Translated by: Brownstone, Ezekiel83 (1897-1968 Description: No. 11 Winter, 1956 p. 29


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

3. Anecdotal Entries

While compiling the Yiddish bibliography, I came across some Yiddish translations of works attributed to Oscar Wilde which, at first, I was not familiar with and couldn't find them among the author's published works. Some titles remained a mystery ("The Heart", translated by Binyamin Kremer, Warsaw, 1912; "A remarkable Model" translated by Dov Mansklayd, Warsaw, 1913 (Probably: The model Millionaire?); "Still Words" translated by Avraham Ayssen, New York, 1929 and "Heels of Glory" translated by Ayssen as well, New York, 1954), but I did locate the sources for two works attributed to Wilde: a. "Jezebel"

The first, entitled "Jezebel", was translated by Sara Reisen84 (1885-1974) (Warsaw: Literarishe Bleter85, No. 3 May 21, 1926 pp. 329-330).

This work is listed in the appendix "Questionable Texts" in The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Volume 1, Poems and Poems in Prose, edited by Karl Beckson and Bobby Fong, Oxford University Press, USA (July 2000). It is part of four poems in prose which were included by Vyvyan Holland in Son of Oscar Wilde (1954; revised edition, London: Robinson 1999): 'The Poet', 'The Actress', 'Simon of Cyrene' and 'Jezebel'. Holland's source was a privately printed twelve-page pamphlet entitled Echoes. This pamphlet, according to Mrs. Gabrielle Enthoven (1868-1950), was 31

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

printed for her somewhere between 1880 and 1883. Enthoven presented it to the British Museum along with a note claiming that she recorded the stories sometimes after Oscar Wilde told them to her and left. Some years later, though, between January and October 1912, the same four poems were printed in The Mask: a Quarterly Journal of the Art of the Theatre (edited by Gordon Craig and published in Florence). The interesting thing is that each story had a similar claim of being written after told by Oscar Wilde, this time by Aimee Lowther (1871-1935). (For more information on these poems, Wilde, Enthoven and Lowther see The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Volume 1, Poems and Poems in Prose pp. 217-218).

Sara Reisen had, probably, in her possession a copy of The Mask, since in her translation she notes: "This story was told by Wilde to Miss Aimee Lowther when a child and written out by her", which is the same preface that appeared in The Mask before each poem:

Norbert Kohl in his book Oscar Wilde: The Works of a Conformist Rebel (European Studies in English Literature), Cambridge University Press; Reissue edition (March 3, 2011) analyzes the poem (pp.313-314):


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew b. "Un savant célèbre"

Der Onheib86 was a literary anthology in Yiddish published by Vostok, Berlin, 1922 (168 p.) and edited by D. Einhorn, S. Gorelik and M. Weinreich. The booklet includes segments from works by Max Brod, Else Lasker-Schüler, Oscar Wilde, the collection’s editors, and others. The cover is designed and illustrated by Menachem Birnbaum:

and translated ,(דער געלערנטער) The piece attributed to Wilde was entitled The Scholar by Schmarja Gorelik87 (1877-1942). The short preface states that a French journal published an unknown story by Oscar Wilde. A Parisian friend of his, Lautorette, [sic] heard it from him in a bar in 1989 at the time where Wilde walked already through his suffering path:


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

And indeed, John Stokes, in his book Oscar Wilde: Myths, Miracles and Imitations, (Cambridge University Press, 1966), mentions Louis Latourrette telling the same story, and calling it Un savant célèbre (pp31-32):


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Hebrew Editions

64. Title: From "Poems in Prose": The Artist, האמן, הנדיב The Doer of Good (Translated as "The Generous") Publisher: London: "Hame'orer" Periodical no. 10, לונדון, המעורר, 5091 Oct. 1906 Translated by: Probably by Brenner, Yosef Haim88 כנראה ברנר, י.ח. (1881-1921) Remarks: Periodical published and edited by

Yosef Haim Brenner


שלומית Title: Salome .65 לונדון, המעורר, Publisher: London: "Hame'orer" Periodical, 1907 5091 Translated by: "A. Shefer" - Pseudonym for Perlman, א' שפר - (שמואל פרלמן ואברהם Shmuel (1886-1958) and Robinson, רובינזון( Avraham Remarks: Periodical published and edited by Yosef Haim Brenner According to the Clark Library's

catalog, the work was published in two parts: no. 4, Apr. 1907, p. 135-144 and no. 5, (May 1907), p. 201-214.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


66. Title: The Preface to "The Picture of Dorian מהגיונותיו של אוסקר ויילד Gray" (Translated as "From the Reflections of Oscar Wilde") לונדון, המעורר, Publisher: London: "Hame'orer" Periodical, 1907 5091 Translated by: Probably by Brenner, Yosef Haim כנראה ברנר, י.ח. (1881-1921) Remarks: Periodical published and edited by

Yosef Haim Brenner


המלך הצעיר Title: The Young King .67 צל אביב-יפו: מולדת - ירחון לבני Publisher: Tel-Aviv-Jaffa: Moledet - Monthly הנעורים periodical for the youth, 1914 37

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

יחיאלי, יחיאל (Translated by: Yechieli, Yechiel89 (1866-1937 פיכמן, דוד Edited by: Fichman, David Description: Nos. 5-6 of volume 6 (last volume)

הענק האוהב את נפשו Title: The Selfish Giant .68 אודסה: כנרת, Publisher: Odessa: Kineret, 1918 5050 מיטוס, אליהו (Translated by: Meitus, Eliyahu90 (5009-5011 Description: 16 p.

Series: Sifri, no. 26

תמונת דוריאן גרי Title: The Picture of Dorian Gray91 .69 ורשה: שטיבל, Publisher: Warsaw: Stybel 92, 1918 1850 טביוב, ישראל חיים (Translated by: Tavyov , Israel Haim93 (1858-1920 Description: 232 p.


ממעמקים Title: De Profundis94 .70 ורשה: שטיבל, תרע"ט, Publisher: Warsaw: Stybel 95, 1919 5050 פרישמן, דוד (Translated by: Frishman, David96 (1859-1922 XV, 60 ע’: פורטרט .Description: XV p. + 60 p Remarks: With a preface by the translator


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


מניפה של לידי וינדרמיר: מחזה בארבע Title: Lady Windermere's Fan .71 מערכות a play in four acts) 97) מעשה באשה הגונה Additional Title: A Tale of a Decent Woman ורשה: שטיבל, תר"פ, Publisher: Warsaw: Stybel 98, 1920 .5099 Translated by: Tavyov , Israel Haim99 (1858-1920) טביוב, ישראל חיים 100 Frishman, David (1859-1922) Description: 112 p.


72. Title: The Importance of Being Earnest, A חשיבותה של רצינות 101 Trivial Comedy for Serious People ורשה: שטיבל, תר"ף Publisher: Warsaw: Stybel, 1920 5099 טביוב, ישראל חיים (Translated by: Tavyov , Israel Haim102 (1858-1920


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Description: 130 p.

Stybel Edition of De Profundis, The Importance of Being Earnest and Lady Windermere's Fan in a single volume ‎72

מעשיות Title: Tales .73 וורשה, לפיד, תרפ"א Publisher: Warsaw: Lapid, 1921 5095 Translated by: Ben-Avraham. (Pen name for בן-אברהם, )ישראל אליהו הנדלזלץ או Handelzaltz, Israel Elyahu103 (1879- בן-אברם ח.ש.( 1942ca) or Ben-Avram, Chaim Shalom104 (1893-1965)) Contents: The Nightingale and the Rose, The Happy Prince (Translated as the "Prince and the Swallow"), The Selfish Giant (Translated as "The cruel Giant").

אגדות משוררים: ליקוטי אגדות מסופרי Title: Poets' Tales / An Anthology of Tales .74 המופת from Classical Writers ורשה: ברקאי, Publisher: Warsaw: Barkai, 1923 5099 הלפרן, פלק (Translated by: Halpern (Halperin), Falk105 (1896-1945 Works by Wilde: The Happy Prince ליקוטי אגדות מסופרי מופת: ריכרד .Description: 80 p דימל, ברנרד איזמן, אוסקר ויילד, ליאו ,Stories by Dehmel, Isemann, Wilde טולסטוי, אלפונס דודה, אוגוסט .Tolstoi, Daudet, Strindberg סטרינברג

הנסיך המאשר Title: The Happy Prince .75 Publisher: New York: Eden - Hebrew Monthly ניו יורק, עדן: ירחון מצויר לבני הנעורים periodical for the Youth. Bath Sheba Grabelsky, (vol. 5: 114-115; vol. 6: 142- 5099 143; vol. 7: 166.), 1924 Translated by: Maximon (Maximovsky), Shalom Baer מקסימון, שלום בר (1881-1933) Remarks: Printed in three parts. 40

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


ספורים והגדות Title: Tales and Stories .76 פרנקפורט ע"נ מין: אמנות, ]תרפ"ד[ Publisher: Frankfurt on the Main: Omanut, 1923/4 Translated by: Ben Eliezer (Glembotzky), Moshe106 מ’ בן-אליעזר (1882-1944). Description: 129 p. 2 Vols.

Remarks: The Star Child (Translated as "The Stars-Son"), The Selfish Giant בן כוכבים, הענק וגנו, חלום המלך (Translated as "The Giant and his המאשר, בן המלך הצעיר Garden"), The Young King (Translated

as "The Young King's Dream"),The Happy Prince ספריה לכל ; ספר י-יא Series: Library for All, Book X-XI

שלומית: טרגדיה במערכה אחת Title: Salome: A Tragedy in One Act .77 ירושלים: קרית ספר, Publisher: Jerusalem: Kiryat Sefer, , 1941 5095 אורלנד, יעקב (Translated by: Orland, Yaakov107 (1914-2002 Description: 56 p.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


הבלדה על כלא רידינג (Title: The Ballad of Reading Gaol (Excerpts .78 תל אביב: מאזניים, טבת תש"א Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Moznayiim, 1941 Translated Bass, Shmuel108 (1899-1941) בס, שמואל by: Description: First 8 verses only

Remarks: The 1st Hebrew translation I found of this



משירת העולם (Title: From the World's Poetry (an anthology .79 תל אביב: יבנה, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Yavne, 1942 5099 רייכמן, חנניה (Translated by: Reichmann, Hananiah109 (1905-1982 הבלדה של בית-הכלא רדינג Works by Wilde: The Ballad of Reading Gaol


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Description: 105 p.


הענק וגנו Title: The Selfish Giant (translated as "The Giant .80 and His Garden") Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Izre'el, 1945 (The translator's תל-אביב: יזרעאל, 5091 name is not mentioned) תל-אביב: יזרעאל, 5010 Tel-Aviv: Izre'el, 1968 עקביא, אברהם אריה )א.א.( (Translated by: Akavia, Avraham Arie110 (1882-1964 פלציג, פרלי Illustrated by: Pelzig, Perli Description: 1945 - 59 p. with illustrations 1968 - 31 p. with illustrations


ספר האגדות לאוסקר ויילד Title: A Book of Tales by Oscar Wilde .81 הוצאת "עבר", תש"ז Publisher: Ever Publishing, 1947 5091 ירושלים: ש. זק, תשל"ז, Republished - Jerusalem: S. Zak, , 1977 5011 אורלנד, יעקב (Translated by: Orland, Yaakov111 (1914-2002 גבירץ, בינה, ציירת Illustrated by: Gvirtz, Bina 599 ע’: איורים Description: 134 p. with illustrations המלך הצעיר - יום הולדת לאינפנטה - Contents: The Young King, The Birthday Of the הדייג ונשמתו - בן הכוכבים - הנסיך Infanta, The Fisherman and his Soul, The 43

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

המאושר - הזמיר והשושנה - הענק וגנו Star Child, The Happy Prince, The - הידיד הנאמן - השביט המופלא Nightingale and the Rose, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend, The Remarkable Rocket .


הבלדה מכלא רדינג Title: The Ballad of Reading Gaol112 .82 תל אביב: דבר, 50 ביולי Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Davar, July 18, 1947 .5091 Translated Orland, Yaakov113 (1914-2002) אורלנד, יעקב by: Description: Part I only in Davar Daily Periodical


הנסיך המאושר Title: The Happy Prince .83 תל-אביב: אל המעין, תש"ט, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: El Hama'ayan, 1949 .5090 סקולסקי, שלמה (Translated by: Skulsky, Shlomo114 (1912-1982 Illustrations: Livny (Melaventchik), Zvi 99 ע’: איורים צבעוניים. Description: 32 p. with color illustrations


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Remarks: Divided into 13 small chapters


84. Title: Nations Telling Stories - a collection of אומות מספרות world literature תל-אביב: שרברק, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Shrebrek, 1951 5015 ר. הלוי .Translated by: Halevi, R Collected and Kimhi, Dov115 (1889-1961) קמחי, דב edited by הידיד הנאמן (Works by Wilde: The Devoted Friend (pp.243-248 Description: 306 p.


מבחר הסיפורים Title: Selected Stories .85 תל אביב: עידית, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Idit, 1954 5019 45

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Translated Uriel, Gila116 (1914-2007) גילה אוריאל by: Description: 241 p.

Contents: The Nightingale and the Rose, The Happy Prince, The Star Child, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend, The Remarkable Rocket, The young King, The Fisherman and his Soul, The Birthday Of the Infanta,

The Canterville Ghost, The Sphinx Without a Secret, The Model Millionaire, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, The Portrait of Mr. W. H., "Poems in Prose" and a biography of Wilde.

סיפורים ואגדות Title: Stories and Tales .86 תל אביב, ספרי זהב, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Sifrey Zahav, 1954 5019 כרמי, אליעזר (Translated by: Carmi, Eliezer117 (1918- 1991 תרסי, חיים Tarsi, Haim Description: 320 p.

הסיפורים: חטאו של הלורד ארטור, Contents: Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, The Sphinx הספינקס ללא סודות, הרוח מטירת ,Without a Secret, The Canterville Ghost קנטרוויל, המיליונר לדוגמא, הדייג The Fisherman and his Soul, The Model ונשמתו, הנסיך המאושר, הענק קשה Millionaire, The young King, The Birthday הלב, הזמיר והשושנה, הרקטה Of the Infanta, The Selfish Giant, The המיוחדת במינה, המלך הצעיר, הידיד Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the הנאמן, הולדת הכוכב, יום הולדת של ,Rose, The Star Child, The Devoted Friend האינפנטה, אימרות ופילוסופיה לשימוש The Remarkable Rocket. Phrases and הצעירים, ששה פיוטים בפרוזה, Philosophy for the young, "Poems in ביוגרפיה. .Prose" and a biography of Wilde

ברקיע השביעי Title: In Seventh Heaven .87 תל-אביב: מעיינות, ?Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Ma'ayanot , 195? 195 בן-דב, חיים Translated by: Ben-Dov, Chaim Contents: The Young King, The Birthday Of the המלך הצעיר - יום הולדת לאינפנטה - Infanta, The Happy Prince, The הנסיך המאושר - הזמיר והשושנה - Nightingale and the Rose, The Selfish השושנה האדומה - הענק האנוכי - Giant, The Star Child, The Remarkable אקדח הזיקוקין Rocket (Translated as "The firework pistol").

סיפורי הפלא Title: Tales of Wonder .88 תל אביב: ניב, תשי"ז, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Niv, 1956 5011 בן-פנחס, י. .Translated by: Ben-Pinhas, Y אבדי, אהרון (Illustrated by: Avadi, Aaron (Erwin) (1918-1979 Description: 88 p. with illustrations

Remarks: 3 Tales by Oscar Wilde

תמונת דוריאן גריי Title: The Picture of Dorian Gray .89 תל אביב: גדיש, תשי"ט, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Gadish, 1959 5010 בירמן, אברהם Translated by: Birman, Avraham Description: 252 p.

כדי הפלא Title: The Miracle Jugs .90 תל-אביב: יבנה, תש"ט, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Yavne, 1959 .5010


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Translated by: Yoram, Shlomo (Weinstein)118 (1893- יורם, שלמה )ויינשטיין( 1968) ח. נתן .Illustrations: Natan, H Works by The Happy Prince on pp. 113-124 99 ע’: איורים צבעוניים. Wilde:


תמונת דוריאן גריי Title: The Picture of Dorian Gray .91 תל-אביב: עם עובד, תש"ך, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Am-Oved, Tel Aviv ,1960 5019 בירמן, אברהם Translated by: Birman, Avraham 500 ע’ .Description: 189 p ספריה לעם, Series: Popular library (Sifriya La'am) no. 21 95



A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

92. Title: The Ugly Duckling / Tales by The Grimm הברוזן המכער / מספורי האחים גרים, Brothers, Hans Christian Andersen and ה. כ. אנדרסן ואוסקר וילד Oscar Wilde Works by The Selfish Giant (Translated as "The גן הענק Wilde: Giant's Garden") תל אביב: אל המעין, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: El Hama'ayan, 1960 5019 רונן, אילנה Translated by: Ronen, Ilana רונן, עמירם Ronen, Amiram Description: 32 p. with illustrations


אדמומית של סתיו / מתוך מבחר Title: Redness of Autumn / Works by Oscar .93 יצירותיהם של אוסקר ויילד, אדגר אלן ,Wilde, Edgar Allen Poe, Rudyard Kipling פו, רודיירד קיפלינג, קרל סנדבורג; Carl Sandburg מתורגמים בידי יוסף נדבה . הבלדה של בית-הכלא רדינג, תפילת ,(Works by The Ballad of Reading Gaol (pp. 13-41 אשכבה (Wilde: Requiescat (p. 42 תל-אביב: רשפים, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Reshafim, 1961 .5015 יוסף נדבה (Translated by: Nedava, Yosef119 (1915-1988 Description: 88 p.

Remarks: An anthology of poems and prose from אנתולוגה שירה ופרוזה: מתוך מבחר works by Oscar Wilde: The Ballad Of יצירותיהם של -אוסקר וויילד: הבלדה Reading Gaol, A Lament. Poe: Eulalie, על כלא רידינג, תפילת אשכבה. אדגר The Tell-Tale Heart, Eldorado, How I אלאן פו: הלב המדובב, יולה-לי, ארץ- Wrote "The Raven". Kipling: The Prayer אופיר ואיך כתבתי את "העורב", רודירד of Miriam Cohen, Mother o' Mine. קיפלינג: תפילת הכהן, אם. וקרל Sandburg: Maybe, A Sphinx, Statistics סנדבורג: אולי...הספינכס, סטטיסטיקה, Analysis, I Am The People, The Mob. And אני הוא העם אספסוף. some original poems.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


תמונתו של דוריאן גרי Title: The Picture of Dorian Gray .94 Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Mizrahi, 1962 תל אביב: מזרחי, 5019 Also תל אביב: עדית, 5010 published by: Tel-Aviv: Idit, 1959 משה בן-רפאל Translated by: Ben-Rafael, Moshe Description: 240 p.


95. Title: The Canterville Ghost הרוח מטירת קאנטרוויל. הדייג ונשמתו The Fisherman and his Soul תל אביב: משרד הבטחון - ההוצאה ,Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Ministry of Defense Publishing לאור, 5011 1966 Republished by same publisher in 1982 as 49

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

הדייג ונשמתו: מבחר הרומן האנגלי part of a collection with stories by Anton רמת גן : מסדה, Chekhov and Henry James. c1968 The Fisherman and his Soul republished: Ramat-Gan, Massada, c1968 as part of "Selection of English Novels" כרמי, אליעזר Translated by: Carmi, Eliezer120 Description: 125 p.

ספרית תרמיל, Series: "Tarmil" no. 23 99

1966 1982 ‎95

שבחה לשקר Title: The Decay of Lying (Excerpts)121 .96 תל-אביב: הפועל הצעיר, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Hapo'el Hatza'ir, 1967 5011 רגלסון, אברהם (Translated by: Regelson, Abraham122 (1896–1981 Remarks: Issue 19, Jan. 31, 1967 p. 22



A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

על טיפשים וחכמים: שיחון Title: Of Fools and Wise - A Phrase Book .97 תל-אביב: טרקלין, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Traklin, 1971 5015 מיכאל הנדלזלץ Translated by: Handelzaltz, Michael


הנסיך המאושר: אגדות וספורים Title: The Happy Prince and Other Tales .98 תל אביב : י' צ'צ'יק, תשל"א Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Y. Chechik, 1971 5015 תל-אביב: יבנה, תש"מ Tel-Aviv: Yavne, 1980 5009 רפאל אלגד Translated by: Elgad, Raphael מוזלי, צ’רלס Illustrated by: Mosley, Charles Description: 173 p. with illustrations

Contents: The Young King, The Birthday Of the התוכן: המלך הצעיר - יום הולדת Infanta, The Fisherman and his Soul, The האינפנטה - הדייג ונשמתו - בן הכוכבים Star Child, The Happy Prince, The - הנסיך המאושר - הזמיר והשושנה - Nightingale and the Rose, The Selfish הענק וגנו - הידיד הנאמן - השביט Giant, The Devoted Friend, The המופלא Remarkable Rocket


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Yavne's Edition ‎98

99. Title: The Selfish Giant (translated as "The הענק וגנו Giant and His Garden") תל אביב: עופר, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Ofer, 1971 5019 אופק, אוריאל (Translated by: Ofek, Uriel123 (1926-1987 Description: With illustrations


אגדות וספורים Title: Tales and Stories .100 תל אביב: משרד הביטחון - ההוצאה ,Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Ministry of Defense Publishing לאור, 5019 1919 תרסי, חיים Translated by: Tarsi, Haim


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Description: 124 p.

Remarks: 2nd translation by Tarsi The Birthday Of the Infanta, The Star Child, The Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the Rose, The Selfish Giant (Translated as "The Stingy Giant") From Poems in Prose: The Doer of Good, The Artist, The Disciple, The Master, The House of Judgment, The Teacher of Wisdom The Happy Prince published as well in Tales, Legends and Folk Stories for 7th Grade. Tel Aviv: Hakibutz Hame'uhad: pp 61-69. ספרית תרמיל, Series: "Tarmil" no. 94 09


בלדה על בית כלא רידינג Title: The Ballad of Reading Gaol .101 תל אביב: אל"ף, תשלו, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Alef, 1975 5011 גוסטה ליבנשטיין Translated by: Libenshtein, Gusta Description: 45 p.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


הבלדה מכלא רדינג Title: The Ballad of Reading Gaol .102 תל אביב: עקד, תשל"ז. Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Eked, 1977 אורלנד, יעקב (Translated by: Orland, Yaakov124 (1914-2002 Description: 70 p. with Illustrations by Frans Masereel (from the Metheun edition, London 1924)

and portraits. Remarks: With bibliography, preface and remarks for the Hebrew translation


זיוה: מבחר סיפורים ושירים לבני Title: Ziva: Selected Stories and Poems for the .103 הנעורים Youth רשפים, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Reshafim, 1979 5010 54

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

גילה אוריאל (Translated by: Uriel, Gila125 (1913-2007 Description: 144 p.

Works by The Happy Prince in pp 37-45 Wilde: 2nd translation by Uriel


שלומית Title: Salome .104 תל אביב, פרוזה, 5009יולי אוגוסט Publisher: Tel-Aviv, Proza (Prose), July-August 1980 שדה, פנחס (Translated by: Sadeh, Pinhas126 (1929-1994 Description:

חברים על המדף: מבחר מן הספרות Title: Friends on the Shelf: Selection from the .105 העולמית לילדים Global Literature for Children תל אביב: עם עובד, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Am-Oved, 1984 5009 בסון, עדינה Translated by: Bason, Adina עריכה: הראל, נירה Edited by Harel, Nira Description: 162 p.

Works by The Happy Prince on pp.155-162 הנסיך המאושר עמ' 511-519 Wilde:


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


סלומה: טרגדיה במערכה אחת .Title: Salome - A Tragedy in One Act .106 ירושלים: אלישר, Publisher: Jerusalem: Elisar, 1981 5005 אלון, בשמת (Translated by: Alon, Bosmat (from the French original With Beardsley, Aubrey ברדסלי, אוברי Illustrations by: Description: 88 p. with illustrations


107. Title: The Selfish Giant (translated as "The הענק וגנו Giant and His Garden") תל אביב: הקיבוץ המאוחד, תשמ"ב, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hame'uhad, 1981 5005 56

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

כנראה: גבעתי, רוני Translated by: Prob. Givati, Roni פרץ, אירן Illustrated by: Peretz, Iren Description: 20 p. with illustrations

גורים )סדרה לילדים( Series: Gurim


סיפורים Title: Tales .108 תל-אביב: אור-עם, תשמ"ג Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Or-Am, 1983 בר, טלה Translated by: Bar, Tela Description: 126 p., With an additional chapter on Oscar Wilde and his work קובץ הכולל שבעה ספורים ופרק נוסף Contents: The Canterville Ghost, The Fisherman and על "אוסקר ויילד ויצירתו his Soul, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, The הרוח של קנטרוייל, הדייג ונשמתו, Sphinx Without a Secret, The Model פשעו של לורד ארתור סאביל - Millionaire, The young King, The הספינקס ללא סודות - מליונר לדוגמה - Nightingale and the Rose. With an essay המלך הצעיר - הזמירה והוורד .On Oscar Wilde and his work


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


תמונתו של דוריאן גריי Title: The Picture of Dorian Gray .109 תל-אביב: אור-עם, תשמ"ד, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Or-Am, 1984 5009 בר, טלה Translated by: Bar, Tela Description: 186 p.


110. Title: The Selfish Giant (translated as "The Giant הענק וגנו and His Garden") Publisher: Steimatzky-Tamuz, 1987 תל-אביב: סטימצקי תמוז, 5001. Republished - Tamuz-Modan, 1988 Translated by: Barr, Aron J.127 Illustrated by: Binyamini-Ariel, Liat


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Description: 31 p. with illustrations


הנסיך המאושר Title: The Happy Prince .111 תל-אביב: תמוז-מודן, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Tamuz-Modan, 1988 5000 Translated by: Barr, Aron J.128

בנימיני, ליאת Illustrated by: Binyamini-Ariel, Liat Description: 31 p. with illustrations


112. Title: The Devoted Friend הידיד המסור

תל-אביב: תמוז-מודן, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Tamuz-Modan, 1988 5000 Translated by: Barr, Aron J.129


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

בנימיני, ליאת Illustrated by: Binyamini-Ariel, Liat Description: 31 p. with illustrations


חשיבותה של רצינות Title: The Importance of Being Earnest .113 תל-אביב: אור-עם, תשמ"ח, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Or-Am, 1988 .5000 שטיינברג, דוד Translated by: Shteinberg, David Description: 94 p.


הזיקוקית הנעלה Title: The Remarkable Rocket .114 תל-אביב: תמוז-מודן, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Tamuz-Modan, 1988 5000 Translated by: Barr, Aron J.130 א. ברקו .Illustrated by: Berko, A 60

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Description: 32 p. with illustrations


ילד הכוכבים Title: The Star Child .115 תל-אביב: תמוז-מודן, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Tamuz-Modan, 1989 5000 Translated by: Barr, Aron J.131 מיקי בן-כנען Illustrated by: Ben-Cnaan, Miki Description: 31 p. with illustrations


הזמיר והשושנה Title: The Nightingale and the Rose .116 תל-אביב: עם עובד, תשמ"ט, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Am -Oved, 1989 5000 אופק, אוריאל (Translated by: Ofek, Uriel132 (1926-1987 קופיאן, טטיאנה Illustrated by: Kofyan, Tatiana 61

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Description: 127 p. + over 120 illustrations

Remarks: 9 Tales - "The Happy Prince" and "The housed of Pomegranates" The Happy Prince and The Birthday Of the . Infanta Published in Just Literature: An Anthology for 7th Grade. Tel Aviv: Kineret, 2000 pp 42-50.


הזמיר והשושנה Title: The Nightingale and the Rose .117 תל-אביב: תמוז - אומני, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Tamuz-Omni, 1989 5000 Translated by: Barr, Aron J. בנימיני, ליאת Illustrated by: Binyamini-Ariel, Liat Description: 30 p. Illustrated

‎117 62

A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

קופיאן, טטיאנה Title: De Profundis, The Ballad of Reading Gaol .118 כפר-סבא: חנות הספרים, תשנ"ג, ,(Publisher: Kfar-Saba: Book-Shop (Hanut Hasfarim 1993 5009 בן משה, בן ציון (Translated by: Ben-Moshe, Ben-Zion133 (1944- Description: 120 p.

כולל מבוא מאת טל בן-משה וסוף דבר Remarks: With introduction by Tal Ben Moshe and מאת מיכאל הר-סגור afterword by Michael Har-Segor

119. Title: The Painting of Oscar Wilde (anthology of תמונתו של אוסקר ויילד phrases) קרית-חיים: חלום, Publisher: Kiryat-Haim: Halom, 1995 5001 Collected and Rentz, Zila רנץ, צילה Translated by:


120. Title: The Selfish Giant (translated as "The הענק וגנו Giant and His Garden") תל-אביב: ענבל, Publisher: Tel-Aviv, Inbal, 1996 .5001 אופק, עטרה Translated by: Ofek, Atara Description: 16 p. with illustrations


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


121. Title: Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal טלני או הצד השני של המטבע (Attributed to Oscar Wilde) הוד השרון: אסטרולוג, Publisher: Hod Hasharon: Astrolog, 1998 5000 שילו, שאול Translated by: Shilo, Shaul Description: 192 p.

דרך חור המנעול Series: Through the Keyhole


ארבע יצירות מופת Title: Four Masterpieces .122 תל אביב: חנות הספרים Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Book-Shop (Hanut Hasfarim), 5000 5000 בן משה, בן ציון (Translated by: Ben-Moshe, Ben-Zion (1944-


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Description: 326 p. שקיעת השקר, המבקר כאמן א', ,Contents: The Ballad of Reading Gaol, De Profundis המבקר כאמן ב', דה פרופונדיס, הבלדה The Decay Of Lying, The Critic as Artist מכלא רדינג" (Parts A+B)


תמונתו של דוריאן גריי Title: The Picture of Dorian Gray .123 תל אביב: חנות הספרים Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Book-Shop (Hanut Hasfarim), 5000 5000 בן משה, בן ציון (Translated by: Ben-Moshe, Ben-Zion (1944- Description: 326 p.


סלומה Title: Salome .124


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Additional The story of Venus and Tanhauser סיפורם של ונוס וטנהאוזר Title: הוד השרון: אסטרולוג, Publisher: Hod Hasharon: Astrolog, 1999 .5000 Translated by: Alon, Bosmat (Salome) ברדסלי, אוברי Deutch, Avi (The story of Venus and Tanhauser) Description: 176 p.

With Beardsley, Aubrey עם איוריו של ברדסלי Illustrations by: דרך חור המנעול Series: Through the Keyhole


סיפורי אגדה Title: Tales .125 כפר-סבא: חנות הספרים, תשנ"ג, Publisher: Kfar-Saba: Book-Shop, 1999 5000 בן משה, בן ציון (Translated by: Ben-Moshe, Ben-Zion (1944- Description: 158 p.

Contents: The young King, The Birthday Of the התוכן: המלך הצעיר -יום ההולדת של Infanta, The Fisherman and his Soul, The בת-המלך -הדייג ונשמתו -בן הכוכב - Selfish Giant, The Happy Prince, The הנסיך המאושר -הזמיר והשושן -הענק Nightingale and the Rose, The Star Child, האנוכי -הידיד הנאמן -זיקוק האש The Devoted Friend, The Remarkable המופלא - Rocket.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


126. Title: Shakespeare Sonnets / Oscar Wilde - On סיפורי אגדה the Sonnets תל אביב: חנות הספרים, תשנ"ג, Publisher: Tel Aviv: Book-Shop, 2000 9999 בן משה, בן ציון (Translated by: Ben-Moshe, Ben-Zion (1944- Description: 158 p.

Works by The Portrait of Mr. W. H. Which deals with "דיוקנו של מר וו. ה." Wilde: the origin of Shakespeare's Sonnets


האמת של המסכות Title: The Truth of Masks .127 Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Book-Shop (Hanut Hasfarim), תל אביב: חנות הספרים, 9995 2001


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

בן משה, בן ציון (Translated by: Ben-Moshe, Ben-Zion (1944- Description: 374 p.

רוונה, האמת של המסכות, משא איטיס, Contents: Pen, Pencil and Poison, The Truth of דיוקנו של מר וו. ה., כרמידס, עט עפרון Masks, The Portrait of Mr. W. H., The רעל, הומניטד, נפש האדם, גנו של Burden of Itys, Ravenna , Humanitad, The ארוס, צמיחתה של הביקורת Soul of Man, The Garden of Eros, The ההיסטורית, פנתיאה Rise of Historical Criticism, Panthea


הרוח מטירת קאנטרוויל Title: The Canterville Ghost .128 Publisher: Neve Monoson: Aviv, 2001 Lord Arthur Savile's Crime republished in נוה מונוסון: אביב, 9995. "Nine Sins", Neve Monoson: Maayan, 2003 שלי מרון Translated by: Maron, Shelly Description: 154 p.

התוכן: הרוח מטירת קאנטרוויל - Remarks: The Canterville Ghost, The Fisherman and מיליונר לדוגמה - חטאו של הלורד ,his Soul, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, The ארתור - הדייג ונשמתו The Model Millionaire


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


הענק וגנו / על-פי אוסקר וילד ;עיבוד: Title: The Selfish Giant (translated as "The .129 עשי וינשטין; איורים: טובית אוריאל ("Giant and His Garden קרית-גת: קוראים, Publisher: Kiryat-Gat: Kor'im, 2002 9999 Translated Weinstein, Asi וינשטין, עשי and adapted by: אוריאל, טובית Illustrated by: Uriel, Tovit Description: 16 p. with illustrations


יום ההולדת של האינפנטה Title: The Birthday Of the Infanta .130 תל-אביב: תמוז, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Tamuz, 9999 9999


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Translated by: Barr, Aron J.134

Description: 34 p. with illustrations

המלך הצעיר Title: The Young King .131 תל-אביב: תמוז, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Tamuz, 9999 9999 Translated by: Barr, Aron J.135

Description: 24 p. with illustrations

הדייג ונשמתו Title: The Fisherman and his Soul .132 תל-אביב: תמוז, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Tamuz, 9999 9999 Translated by: Barr, Aron J.136

Description: 53 p. with illustrations

הזמיר והוורד Title: The Nightingale and the Rose .133 תל-אביב: תמוז, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Tamuz, 9999 9999 Translated by: Barr, Aron J.137

Description: 12 p. with illustrations

כל השירים Title: The Complete Poems / Oscar Wilde .134 תל אביב: חנות הספרים ,(Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Book-Shop (Hanut Hasfarim 2003 בן משה, בן ציון (Translated by: Ben-Moshe, Ben-Zion (1944- Description: 326 p. Contents: Poems Collected (1881), Poems in Prose (1894), The Ballad of Reading Gaol


תמונתו של דוריאן גריי Title: The Picture of Dorian Gray .135 תל-אביב: פן, ידיעות אחרונות, ספרי Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Pen, Yediot-Aharonot, Sifrei חמד, Hemed, 2006 .9991 נירגד, ליה Translated by: Nirgad, Lia Description: 258 p.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Remarks: Text translated from the 1891 1st edition. הטקסט הנוכחי הוא ע"פ המהדורה With Preface by Camille Cauti, and with הראשונה שיצאה ב5005- bibliography on pp. 255-258

2008 2010 ‎135

חטאו של לורד ארתור סביל וסיפורים Title: Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and other .136 אחרים Stories ירושלים: כרמל, תשס"ו, Publisher: Jerusalem: Carmel, 2006 9991 אדלר, סיגל Translated by: Adler, Sigal Description: 116 p.

הרוח מטירת קנטרוויל - ספינקס בלי Contents: Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, The Sphinx סוד - מודל למיליונר - חטאו של לורד ,Without a Secret, The Canterville Ghost ארתור סביל The Model Millionaire



A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

כל המחזות Title: Complete Plays .137 תל אביב: חנות הספרים, תשנ"ג, Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Book-Shop (Hanut Hasfarim), Tel Aviv, 2006 9991 בן משה, בן ציון (Translated by: Ben-Moshe, Ben-Zion (1944- Description: 505 p.

Contents: The Importance of Being Earnest, Lady חשיבותה של רצינות; מניפתה של ליידי Windermere's Fan, A Woman of No וינדרמיר; אישה חסרת-חשיבות; בעל Importance, An Ideal Husband, Salome, אידאלי; שלומית; הדוכסית מפדואה; The Duchess of Padua, Vera; or, The וורה, או הניהיליסטים; טרגדיה Nihilists, A Florentine Tragedy, La Sainte פלורנטינית; הקורטיזאנית הקדושה Courtisane.


הנסיך המאושר ומעשיות אחרות Title: The Happy Prince and Other Tales .138 ירושלים: כרמל, תשס"ו, Publisher: Jerusalem: Carmel, 2008 9990 אדלר, סיגל Translated by: Adler, Sigal כרמל, זהבית Illustrated By: Carmel, Zehavit Description: 118 p. with illustrations

המלך הצעיר - יום הולדתה של Contents: The Young King, The Birthday Of the האינפנטה - הדייג ונשמתו - ילד- Infanta, The Fisherman and his Soul, The הכוכבים - הנסיך המאושר - הזמיר Selfish Giant, The Nightingale and the והוורד - הענק האנוכי - החבר המסור - ,Rose, The Star Child, The Devoted Friend הטיל המיוחד במינו .The Remarkable Rocket


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


דה פרופונדיס Title: De Profundis .139 Publisher: Kfar-Saba: Book-Shop (Hanut Hasfarim), כפר סבא: חנות הספרים, תשנ"ג, 9990 2009 בן משה, בן ציון (Translated by: Ben-Moshe, Ben-Zion (1944- פונטוביץ, טלי Puntovitch, Tali Description: 461 p.

Contents: The Decay Of Lying, The Critic as Artist, שקיעת הכזב, עט עיפרון ורעל, המבקר Pen, Pencil and Poison, The Truth of כאמן, האמת של המסכות, דיוקנו של Masks, The Portrait of Mr. W. H., De מר וו.ה, דה פרופונדיס, הבלדה מכלא Profundis, The Ballad of Reading Gaol, רדינג, שני מכתבים לדיילי כרוניקל Two letters to the Daily Chronicle.



A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

בעל למופת Title: An Ideal Husband .140 אור-עם Publisher: Tel-Aviv: Or-am, 2011. 9955 Translated Sobol, Yehoshua(1939-)138 סובול, יהושע and Adapted by: Description: 140 p.



A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Index of Wilde's Translated Works

A Florentine Tragedy, 7, 10, 72 The Fisherman and his Soul, 43, A Woman of No Importance, 72 46, 49, 51, 57, 66, 68, 70, 72 An Ideal Husband, 72, 74 The Flower of Love, 9 By the Arno, 29 The Garden of Eros, 68 De Profundis, 4, 5, 6, 12, 18, 26, The Grave of Keats, 29 38, 40, 63, 65, 73 The Happy Prince, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, Humanitad, 68 17, 19, 20, 21, 29, 40, 41, 43, 44, Jezebel, 31 45, 46, 47, 51, 53, 55, 59, 62, 66, Kovne, 17 72, 78 La Sainte Courtisane, 72 The Harlot's House, 9 Lady Windermere's Fan, 8, 39, 40, The House of Judgment, 6, 20, 22, 72 25, 26, 53 Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, 46, 57, The Importance of Being Earnest, 68, 71 6, 10, 39, 40, 60, 72 My Voice, 9 The Master, 22, 53 Pen, Pencil and Poison, 68, 73 The Model Millionaire, 20, 26, 46, Poems in Prose, 3, 6, 19, 22, 23, 57, 68, 71 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 36, 46, 70 The Nightingale and the Rose, 11, Ravenna, 68 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 40, 43, 46, 51, Requiescat, 10, 48 53, 57, 61, 62, 66, 70, 72 Salome, 5, 7, 12, 13, 17, 21, 36, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 6, 7, 8, 41, 55, 56, 65, 66, 72 16, 37, 38, 46, 47, 49, 58, 65, 70 Symphony in Yellow, 9 The Portrait of Mr. W. H, 46, 67, Teleny, or The Reverse of the 68, 73 Medal, 64 The Remarkable Rocket, 43, 46, The Artist, 4, 6, 9, 20, 22, 23, 30, 51, 60, 66, 72 36, 53 The Rise of Historical Criticism, The Ballad of Reading Gaol, 13, Panthea, 68 18, 21, 42, 44, 48, 53, 54, 63, 65, The Selfish Giant, 6, 8, 11, 16, 20, 70, 73 21, 24, 27, 28, 38, 40, 41, 43, 46, The Birthday Of the Infanta, 43, 46, 48, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 63, 66, 69, 51, 53, 62, 66, 69, 72 72 The Burden of Itys, 68 The Soul of Man, 68 The Canterville Ghost, 46, 49, 57, The Soul of Man Under Socialism, 68, 71 11, 14 The Critic as Artist, 65, 73 The Sphinx Without a Secret, 46, The Decay of Lying, 9 57, 71 The Decay Of Lying, 50, 65, 73 The Star Child, 15, 19, 20, 26, 41, The Devoted Friend, 4, 9, 19, 20, 43, 46, 51, 53, 61, 66, 72 28, 43, 45, 46, 51, 59, 66, 72 The Teacher of Wisdom, 53 The Disciple, 6, 20, 22, 23, 53 The Truth of Masks, 67, 68, 73 The Doer of Good, 6, 20, 23, 25, The Young King, 15, 20, 21, 37, 41, 28, 36, 53 43, 46, 51, 70, 72 The Duchess of Padua, 72 TRISTITÆ, 30 Un savant célèbre, 34


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Index of Wilde's Translators

A. Shefer, 36 Mansklayd, Dov, 26 Adler, Sigal, 71, 72 Marmor, Kalman, 12, 18 Akavia, Avraham Arie, 43 Maron, Shelly, 68 Alexandrovitch, P, 23 Maximon (Maximovsky), Shalom Alon, Bosmat, 56, 66 Baer, 40 Ayssen, Avraham, 29, 30 Meitus, Eliyahu, 38 Bar, Aaron J., 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, Meltser, Shimon, 19 70 Merison, Jacob Abraham, 14 Bar, Tela, 57, 58 Meyer, Maurice, 16 Bason, Adina, 55 Nedava, Yosef, 48 Bass, Shmuel, 42 Nirgad, Lia, 70 Ben Eliezer (Glembotzky), Moshe, Ofek, Atara, 63 41 Ofek, Uriel, 52, 61 Ben Gur, A. A. (Hurwitz, Aaron Orland, Yaakov, 41, 43, 44, 54 Wolf), 22 Pelzig, Perli, 43 Ben-Avraham, 40 Peretz, Yitskhak Leybush, 21 Ben-Avram, Chaim Shalom, 40 Perlman, Shmuel, 36 Ben-Moshe, Ben-Zion, 63, 64, 65, Puntovitch, Tali, 73 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73 Rakowsky, Mark, 28 Ben-Pinhas, Y., 46 Reichmann, Hananiah, 42 Ben-Rafael, Moshe, 49 Reisen, Sara, 22, 31 Birman, Avraham, 46, 47 Rentz, Zila, 63 Brenner, Yosef Haim, 36, 37 Robinson, Avraham, 36 Bronshtein, Yehezkel, 30 Ronen, Amiram, 48 Carmi, Eliezer, 46, 50 Ronen, Ilana, 48 Dingol, Solomon (Zalman), 26 Rosenblatt, Henry, 13, 21 Dr. Farat, 19 Shilo, Shaul, 64 Elgad, Raphael, 51 Shtayman, Beynush, 17 Elkin, Mendl, 19 Shteinberg, David, 60 Entin, Yoel, 13, 21 Skulsky, Shlomo, 44 Feinberg, S, 26 Sobol, Yehoshua, 74 Frishman, David, 38, 39 Tabiyov. See Tavyov Frumkin, Avraham, 11, 13 Talmi, Leon, 16 Givati, Roni, 57 Tarsi, Haim, 46, 52 Gorelik, Schmarja, 34 Tavayov, Israel Haim, 38, 39 Gorzdovsky, H.S, 16 Taykhman, Moyshe, 19 Halpern (Halperin), Falk, 40 Uriel, Gila, 46, 55 Handelzaltz, Israel Elyahu, 40 Vendroff, Zalman, 17 Handelzaltz, Michael, 51 Weinberg, Itzhak, 14, 15 Harel, Nira, 55 Weinstein, Asi, 69 Isaacson, Isaac, 20, 29 Yechieli, Yechiel, 38 Kaplan, Nathan, 20 Yedidia (Pseudo name for Karlin, Aharon, 18 Yedodovitch, Nahum Shaul), 28 Kremer, Binyamin, 25 Yoram, Shlomo, 47 Libenshtein, Gusta, 53 Zilberzweig, Zalman, 25 Liubov Isaakovna Axelrod (Ortodoks), 17


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Sources and Bibliography Main Catalogues

The National Library of Israel Online Catalog http://web.nli.org.il/sites/NLI/English/infochannels/Pages/default.aspx

The National Library of Israel - The 'Historical Jewish Press' http://web.nli.org.il/sites/JPress/English/Pages/default.aspx

Beit Ariela - The Tel-Aviv Public Library Catalog: http://ariela2.tau.ac.il/F?RN=836803475

Index to Yiddish Periodicals http://yiddish-periodicals.huji.ac.il/

The YIVO Archives Catalog http://www.yivoarchives.org/

The Yiddish Book Center Catalog: http://www.yiddishbookcenter.org/

The Internet Archive https://archive.org/

Project Ben-Yehuda http://www.benyehuda.org

Rachel - European Network of Jewish Libraries http://www.rachelnet.net/rachelnet/index.htm

New York Public Library Online Catalog http://nypl.bibliocommons.com/

The William Andrews Clark Memorial Library Catalog http://catalog.library.ucla.edu/vwebv/searchBasic

Chabad Library Online Catalog http://chabadlibrary.org/catalog/

MALMAD - Israel Center for Digital Information Services http://aleph3.libnet.ac.il:8080/vufind/?mylang=en ePalvedas - Lithuanian Cultural Heritage in the Virtual Environment http://www.epaveldas.lt/vbspi/


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

Books and Articles

Rejzen (Reyzn), Zalman. Leksikon fun der Yidisher Literatur, Prese, un Filologi. 4 vols. Vilna: Vilna Farlag fun B. Kletzkin, 1927-1929. ("Lexicon of Yiddish Literature, Press, and Philology" in Yiddish) Available online at: http://www.hebrewbooks.org)

Pinsker, Shachar. The Making of Modernist Hebrew Fiction in Europe Stanford University Press, Stanford California, 2011

Kohl, Norbert. Oscar Wilde: The Works of a Conformist Rebel (European Studies in English Literature), Cambridge University Press; Reissue edition, 2011

Stokes, John. Oscar Wilde: Myths, Miracles and Imitations, Cambridge University Press, 1966

Holland, Vyvyan. Son of Oscar Wilde 1954; revised edition, London: Robinson 1999

Prager, Leonard. Yiddish Culture in Britain Peter Lang GmbH, 1991

KRESSEL ,Getsel. Lexicon of the New Hebrew Literature. Merhavya : Sifriyat Hapo'alim, 1965-1967. [Hebrew]

Cohen-Gross, Dalia. "Oscar Wilde's The Happy Prince: The Case of Hebrew Translation" SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation 6(1): 2-17 available at (http://www.skase.sk/Volumes/JTI07/pdf_doc/01.pdf

Bar-E Adi . J i h Chi d ’ Periodicals in Poland Between the Two World Wars - In Three Languages" Yearbook of History of Polish Press vol. 16 Issue 1 September 2013 pp.5-48.

Reference Sites

Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2007 at Gale Virtual Reference Library

Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia http://jwa.org/encyclopedia

The Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature (ITHL) http://www.ithl.org.il/

The Jewish Virtual Library (JVL) http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/bios.html

The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/

Modern Hebrew Literature - a Bio-Bibliographical Lexicon


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


Encyclopedia of the Founders and Builders of Israel http://www.tidhar.tourolib.org/

JewishGen Databse http://www.jewishgen.org/


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew


1 According to http://yiddish-periodicals.huji.ac.il/Reshimes/Amerike.html, there were 137 Yiddish periodicals, most of them in the New-York area, and most of them didn't last past 1930.

2 Oifsnei (Of New) New York, Nov. 1956.

3 http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/how-many-words-are-there-in-the-english-language

4 Warsaw: Stybel, 1918

5 Ben-Avraham, Warsaw: Lapid, 1921(Entry no. ‎73)

6 Ibid

7 See for example: S. I. Salamensky, The Modern Art of Influence and the Spectacle of Oscar Wilde, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 and Christopher S. Nassaar, The Problem of the Jewish Manager in The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Wildean, 2003.

8 http://www.skase.sk/Volumes/JTI07/pdf_doc/01.pdf

9 Halpern, 1923 (Entry no. ‎74)

10 Maximon, 1924 (Entry no. ‎75)

11 Ben-Avraham 1921 (Entry no. ‎73), Uriel 1954 (Entry no. ‎ 82) and 1979, Yoram 1959 (Entry no. ‎87).

12 Stanford University Press, Stanford California, 2011

13 Tavyov , Warsaw: Stybel, 1918 (Entry no. ‎69)

14 Nirgad, Tel-Aviv: Pen, Yediot-Aharonot, Sifrei Hemed, 2006 (Entry no. ‎131)

15 Orland, Ever Publishing, 1947 (Entry no. ‎79), Tarsi, Tel-Aviv : Sifrey Zahav, 1954 (Entry no. ‎83)

16 Ben Eliezer, Frankfurt on the Main: Omanut, 1923/4. Ben Eliezer changed the whole ending of the story: The Giant asks the child where did he came from and the child answers "from the world of truth" (The afterworld in Hebrew), and now I come to you…then the giant understands that it is the soul of the child that went to heaven. See also Yedidya, Vilna: Grininke Boimalach (periodical for children), 1920 - where he concluded the story with: "I have beautiful flowers, he said, but the most beautiful of them are the children" without mentioning at all the return of the child-Jesus.

17 Ofek, Tel-Aviv: Ofer, 1971 (Entry no. ‎95)

18 Tarsi, Tel-Aviv : Sifrey Zahav, 1954 in Hebrew (Entry no. ‎83), and the 1910 Warsaw: Europeishe Literatur (European Literature) edition (Entry no. ‎37)

19 Eked, Tel-Aviv 1877 (Entry no. ‎98)

20 https://archive.org/details/mayehlakhzamlung00freeuoft - The Soul Of Man Under Socialism is included in this bound collection of miscellaneous writings.

21 https://archive.org/details/nybc207259


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

22 The monthly "Zsherminal" () - Yiddish language organ of anarchist youth, the newspaper was published in London, then at Leeds, by (see note 24 below), until March 1903. The paper reappeared in January 1905 and continued until May 1909

23Avraham Frumkin (1873-1940) was a major intellectual figure of the Jewish anarchist movement. Born in Jerusalem he spent parts of his life in Constantinople, England, Paris and New York. He was a literate in several languages and translated numerous of anarchist books and other European literature into Yiddish. He wrote for various anarchist papers, particularly the Arbeter Fraynd in London.

24 Rudolf Rocker (1873-1958) was a German-Christian anarchist, editor, writer, and translator. Rocker, who was born in Mainz, grew up in a Catholic orphanage, and became a disciple of Prince Peter Kropotkin, the Russian anarchist. In 1895 he went to Liverpool, where he founded and briefly edited the Yiddish monthly of social theory, Germinal. In 1898 he settled among the Jewish community of London's East End, and became both editor of the Yiddish anarchist newspaper Der Arbeter Fraynd and a leading figure in the Jewish anarchist movement. After the war Rocker was deported to Germany. He was forced to flee when Hitler took power and subsequently went to the U.S. (1933). Rocker translated works by Maxim Gorki, Jean Grave, Kropotkin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Fritz Lemmermayer, Johann Most, and Max Nordau into Yiddish for the benefit of his fellow anarchists. He also wrote a three-volume autobiography in Yiddish. (From: Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2007)

25 https://archive.org/details/nybc207249

26 Marmor, Kalman (1879-1956)-Yiddish writer, literary critic, editor, lecturer, political activist. Founding member of the World Union of Poalei Zion and editor of the party's weekly, Der Yidisher Kemfer. In 1906 joined the Socialist Party (U.S.) and in 1919, the American communist movement. From 1922 was a contributor to the Morning Freiheit. Was a lecturer at the Institute for Jewish Proletarian Culture in Kiev, 1933-1936. Born in Lithuania. Lived in Russia, Switzerland, England, Soviet Union and the U.S.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

27 Dr. Israel Isidor Elyashev (1873–1924) was a Jewish neurologist and the first Yiddish literary critic. He introduced the world to the works of the great contemporary Yiddish classical writers: Sholem Rabinovich, better known as Sholem Aleichem, Mendele Mocher Sefarim, Isaac Leib Peretz and Nachum Sokolov; along with modern Hebrew writers including Chaim Nachman Bialik, and Sholem Asch, among several others. Elyashev's pen [meaning "Master [of ,(בעל מחשבות :name was Bal-Makhshoves (Hebrew Thoughts" or "The Thinker." Elyashev is best known for his work as a literary critic, writing in Yiddish. He translated Theodor Herzl's Altneuland from German into Yiddish, upon Herzl's personal request. (From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Isidor_Elyashev)

28 Yoel Entin (1875-1959) was a writer, theater critic, active in the Labor Zionist movement. Teacher of Yiddish language, Yiddish drama. Born in Pohost, Russia. Settled in the U.S. in 1891.

29 https://archive.org/details/nybc210849

30 See note 23 above.

31 https://archive.org/details/nybc212584

32 Rosenblatt Henry (pseudonym of Ḥayyim Royzenblit) (1878-1956), U.S. Yiddish poet. Born in Rishoshe, Poland, he emigrated to the U.S. in 1892. From 1900, he published his lyrics in Yiddish periodicals. He reproduced in Yiddish verse the rhythms, alliterations, and assonances of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" and Oscar Wilde's "Ballad of Reading Gaol." In 1916 he edited the Detroit literary weekly Detroyter Vokhnblat, In 1921 he settled in Los Angeles where for more than a third of a century he was a central figure in Yiddish cultural life. The collected poems of his pre-California period appeared in 1915, but his best lyrics, ballads, and contemplative verses were the later works included in the volumes Odems Kinder ("Adam's Children," 1944), Mayn Likhtike Nesiye ("My Illustrious Journey," 1944), In Shenstn Tog fun Harbst ("On the Nicest Day of Autumn," 1953), and Far- Nakht ("Evening," 1957). Rosenblatt discovered for Yiddish poetry the American West, especially California's deserts, mountains, and ocean, and versified legends of Native Americans. His poems, set to music by various composers, had a calm, optimistic attitude and a gentle humor. (From: Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2007)

33 https://archive.org/details/nybc203337


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

34 Y. A. Merison (Yankev-Avrom Yerukhimovitsh) (1866-1941) was born on May 6, 1866 near Vilna, to a rabbinical family. Later, he was also known by his Anglicized penname Dr. Jacob Merison. In 1887 he immigrated to the United States and settled in New York. There he earned a medical degree and joined the Pioneers of Freedom, the first Jewish American anarchist group. Merison is best known for translating important scientific and political works into Yiddish. He translated the work of writers like Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill,

Herbert Spencer, Max Stirner, Errico Malatesta, and Peter Kropotkin, as well as the work of other socialists and anarchists.

35 https://archive.org/details/nybc213318

36 https://archive.org/details/nybc207238

37 Maurice Meyer (1879-1944) was a Romanian-born Yiddish editor and Zionist worker, settled in London in 1902 and became active in Yiddish journalism and the Labor movement. A member of the Po'alei Zion, he became prominent in the British Zionist Federation and was a delegate to Zionist Congresses. Through the popular Yiddish daily, Die Tsayt, which he founded in 1913 and which existed until 1950, he was a prime molder of opinion among Yiddish readers in England when Whitechapel was a hub of Jewish life.

38 Leon Talmi (1893-1952) was a journalist and translator executed by the Stalin regime in 1952

39 The Kultur-lige was founded in Kiev in 1918. Among its other activities it produced and distributed Yiddish books. A publishing house of the same name was founded in Warsaw in 1921; it issued readers, textbooks, and books of general interest for children and adolescents.

40 https://archive.org/details/nybc207238


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

41 Chaim Shoys (1884-1953) was a modern biblical researcher, and published a series of large, very thorough works about the Bible in Yiddish. He researched as well the Jewish way of life, publishing major works such as: Dos Yom-Tov Bukh [The Holiday Book] that was also published in English under the title, The Jewish Festivals, and The Lifetime of a Jew (published only in English), where he dealt with Jewish customs in connection with the most important events in the life of the individual. The translation of The Picture of Dorian Gray was published under the pseudonym H.S. Gorzdovsky.

42 Liubov Isaakovna Akselrod (Ortodoks) (1868-1946) was a Russian revolutionary, Marxist philosopher and an art theoretician. Axelrod became involved with the narodnik organization at age 16 and took part in unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Alexander III of Russia. In 1887 she immigrated to Switzerland and received her Ph.D. in philosophy from Bern University in 1900. In 1892 she became a Marxist and joined the Geneva- based Emancipation of Labor group, becoming a close associate of its leader Georgi Plekhanov. In 1906 Axelrod returned to Russia and became a leading Russian authority on Marxist philosophy, second only to Plekhanov. In the 1930s her version of Marxism was officially denounced as a Mechanistic revision of Marxism and she faded into obscurity. In 1916 she published a paper entitled: Morality and Beauty in the Works of Oscar Wilde ("Cause", 1916, republished in "Foundation," 1923, 56 pp.) For further information see: http://sovlit.org/lia/index.html

43 Zalman Vendrof (1877-1971) was a journalist and a writer of short stories. He was born in Belorussia, moved to Poland, then England, and finally to America. He returned to Russia in 1918, settling in Moscow. He wrote in Yiddish and while in Poland lost jobs for publishing in that outlawed language. He translated into Yiddish such authors as Rudyard Kipling, Oscar Wilde, Jack London, and . In 1950, in Russia, he was imprisoned, along with other Yiddish writers. For more information see: http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Vendrof_Zalmen

44 Beynush Shtayman (1897–1919), Yiddish poet and playwright. Born in Kreslavka, Latgale, Latvia, Shtayman began writing poetry when he was 13. He established a Yiddish elementary school in his home town, as well as a dramatic club to finance the school. During that period, in addition to writing poetry, he wrote dramas and dramatical poems. At the end of August 1919 he enrolled at the Kultur- Lige's teachers' seminary in Kiev, but was recruited for defense work in which he was killed the same year. Shtayman 's works were not published during his lifetime. (From: Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2007)

45 https://archive.org/details/nybc211546


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

46 Aaron Karlin (1887-1972) was born in Russia. Karlin was active in the Yiddish press, most notably as editor of Die Feder in New York. Karlin translated many English works into Yiddish and published many of his own Yiddish writings.

47 https://archive.org/details/nybc207256

48 See note 26 Above

49 Mendl Elkin (1874-1962) was an actor, theater director, journalist, writer. Elkin's main interest was the Yiddish theater. He translated plays into Yiddish, acted on stage, directed productions, founded new theater groups, contributed to drama journals and was involved in theater organizations. Together with Alexander Granowsky he established the Yiddish Chamber Theater in Russia in 1917, and later founded an experimental theater in New York known as Unzer Theater. Born in Brozha, near Bobruisk in Byelorussia. Immigrated to the U.S. in 1923.

50 In 1935, a publishing house named Kinderfraynd [children’s friend] (Warsaw) was established, which published series of books for children. The founder and manager was Moyshe Taykhman, a teacher born in Radom, Poland, who lived in Warsaw from 1927 on. He translated children's stories to Yiddish and edited a children's periodical also named Kinderfraynd (1836- 1939 total 56 issues).

51 Moyshe Taykhman (1898?-1943?), was born in Radom, Poland and moved to Warsaw in 1927. He was a writer, translator and educator. Taykhman founded the publishing house Kinderfraynd and a children and youth periodical by the same name. Taykhman translated into Yiddish, among other works, Gulliver's Travels and Robinson Crusoe.

52 See note 50 above


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

53 Nathan (Nechemia) Kaplan was an author and translator. Born in Poland, immigrated to the US. Among his writings in Yiddish: Simfoni Music a short analyses of works by 52 composers with a musical dictionary, and Selected gems of the Bible. Kaplan translated works of Tagore, Wilde, Maeterlinck and more.

54 Falk Halpern (1876-1945) was a Jewish literary figure and enlightener. Born in Neshvizh. Advocated for schools in Yiddish; also wrote in Yiddish, and was therefore attacked by the Zionists (upholders of Hebrew). Lived in Vilnius from 1921; taught at the Jewish teachers' seminary, wrote a Yiddish grammar together with Max Weinreich (1928), translated the Brothers Grimm, Nikolai Gogol, Knut Hamsun. Published the first Yiddish journal for children. From 1921 he started writing in Hebrew as well. Lived in Israel from 1937.

55 Isaac Isaacson, (1897-1963), born in Ukraine, immigrated to Argentine in 1921, was a prominent Argentine-Jewish author and journalist. Isaacson wrote for Die Presse and Yiddishe Zeitung, a leading Yiddish daily newspaper. He was particularly adept as a translator of works by classical English writers and essayists.

56 I.L. Peretz (1852-1915), in full Isaac Leib Peretz, also spelled Yitskhak Leybush Perets, prolific writer of poems, short stories, drama, humorous sketches, and satire who was instrumental in raising the standard of Yiddish literature to a high level. Peretz effectively ushered Yiddish literature into the modern era by exposing it to contemporary trends in western European art and literature. (From: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/451392/IL- Peretz)

57 Literarishe bleter was a Yiddish periodical on literature, theater and art published in Warsaw between 1924 and 1939. It published 730 editions of about 12 pages each including both works of literature and criticism. It is estimated that the periodical had an audience of about 20,000 readers.

58 See note 56 above.

59 https://archive.org/details/nybc212584

60 See note 32 above

61 See note 28 above


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

62 Sara Reisen (1885-1974) was a poet, writer and translator. Immigrated to America in 1933. Between 1922 and 1929, she translated the works of Gogol (a highly acclaimed translation of Gogol’s “The Overcoat”), Turgenev, Pushkin, Andreyev, Tagore, and Tolstoy, among others. For more information see: http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/reisen-sarah

63 http://www.archive.org/stream/nybc202690

64 https://archive.org/stream/nybc205598

65 See anecdotal entry: "Jezebel" on page 30.

66 Zalman Zylbercweig, (1894–1972), was a historian of Yiddish theater. Born in Ozorkow, near Lodz, Poland, his involvement in the Yiddish theater in Lodz began in 1912, primarily as ensemble manager and translator/adaptor of European repertoire. He also served as a correspondent for the Yiddish press. After living in Palestine and traveling extensively, he settled in New York in 1937. Zylbercweig wrote, translated, and edited some 30 books. His life's work and signature contribution to Jewish culture was his edition of the six-volume Leksikon fun Yidishn Teater ("Encyclopedia of the Yiddish Theater,"). The New York Times called it "the most authoritative collection of statistics and biographies of Yiddish stage personalities," and it remains the most important work in the field.

67 http://www.epaveldas.lt/vbspi/biRecord.do?biExemplarId=183384&biRecordId=35056

68 Solomon Dingol was a journalist, writer and translator. Born on 19 February 1886 in Rohatshov (Rogachev), Mohilever Gubernia, Ukraine, in a Chasidic-[lumdisher] family. In 1908 he moved to London and began there his journalistic work by writing correspondences for the Yiddish press, later editing various journals in London, and since 1916 settled in America where he was on the editorial staff with the local Yiddish press. Since 1920 he is on the editorial staff of "[Der] Tog" in New York. Dingol wrote as a theatre critic and composed in 1920 "Der ndr", a musical drama, and in 1922 "Fremd blut", a drama of Jewish life in America.

69 http://www.epaveldas.lt/vbspi/biRecord.do?biExemplarId=174689&biRecordId=34650


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

70 Grininke Beymelech (Green Saplings) 1914-1915 - editor: Falk Halperin; 1919-1922 - editors: Shloyme Bastomski and later Falk Halperin; 1926-1939 - editor: Shloyme Bastomski (total 307 issues). Was the main permanent periodical in Yiddish and a unique phenomenon since it was first published by a private publisher at the height of World War I in Vilna. It had a few breaks due to external political and some financial reasons. However, it appeared regularly for a very long time under the auspices of the educational network edited by the teacher and editor Shloyme Bastomski, until the outbreak of World War II. The periodical contained various types of texts: literary works, informative articles, popular science and short items which contained current events and general knowledge. The majority of the texts are literary works - original and in translation - of different genres, for different age groups.

(From: Bar-El, Adina. "Jewish Children’s Periodicals in Poland Between the Two World Wars - In Three Languages" Yearbook of History of Polish Press vol. 16 Issue 1 September 2013 pp.5-48.)

71 Available online at: http://jpress.org.il/Olive/APA/NLI_heb/?action=tab&tab=browse&pub=HYT

72 http://www.epaveldas.lt/vbspi/biRecord.do?biExemplarId=174661&biRecordId=34650

73 See note 70 above

74 Mark Rakowsky (1899-1983), translator, critic and journalist, began his literary work in 1918 with his translation of the novel, Heart, by Edmondo De Amicis, into Yiddish. Over the years, he has translated more than 50 works from Polish, English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. Rakowski has always combined his literary work with socialist activity. In the period between the two World Wars, he was an active member of the Jewish Writers Association, and participated in the first congress of Soviet writers. At first, he used his real name, as well as a pen name, Merman.

75 Ibid

76 Abraham Ayssen (Asen) (1886-1965) was a dentist, translator, Yiddish poet and journalist. Contributed to Kundes (N.Y.), Zukunft (N.Y.), Jewish Daily Forward (N.Y.), Literarishe bleter (N.Y.), Vokhnblat (N.Y.). Translated numerous English poetical works into Yiddish. Born in Brest- Litovsk. Immigrated to America in 1903.

77 Ibid

78 Ibid

79 See note 70 above

80 See note 55 above.

81 See note 76 above.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

82 See note 76 above.

83 Ezekiel Brownstone (1897-1968) was a Yiddish writer, poet. Contributed to Kanader Yid (Winnipeg), Der Kamf (Toronto), Inzl (Bucharest), Di vokh (Brussels), Di Goldene Keyt (Tel Aviv), Freie Arbeiter Stimme, Zukunft. Born in Novoselitsa, Bessarabia. Immigrated to Canada in 1913. Settled in Los Angeles.

84 See note 62 above.

85 See note 57 above.

86 http://www.rachelnet.net/media/medem/livres/000022536.pdf

87 Shemarya Gorelik, (1877–1943), was a Yiddish, German, and Hebrew journalist and essayist. Born in Lokhvitsa, Ukraine, he came to Vilna in 1890 and engaged in literary activities in the Russian press. For several years he sympathized with the Bund , but in 1905 he joined the Zionist movement, and in 1906 he started publishing articles and essays in the Yiddish Zionist weekly Dos Yudishe Folk. In 1908 he joined S. Niger and A. Veiter in founding and editing Literarishe Monatshriften, a Vilna literary monthly which attracted writers of diverse ideologies, and in the following years contributed numerous feuilletons and essays about modern literature to various Yiddish publications in Poland and the U.S. After the war, he lived in Germany, except for one year spent in New York, and contributed to German Jewish periodicals, until forced to leave in 1933. He then settled in Palestine and wrote for the Hebrew press. (From: Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2007)

88 Yosef Haim Brenner (1881-1921) was born in Novi Mlini, Ukraine. He received a religious education but as a young man joined the Bund, a Jewish socialist movement, and later became a Zionist. He published his first story in 1900. At the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war, after serving in the Russian army for three years, he escaped to London with the help of friends. There he worked as a typesetter and edited a Hebrew publication. He immigrated to Palestine in 1909. Essayist, critic, commentator, translator, novelist and poet, Brenner was the most prominent literary figure in Palestine in his day, and in effect shifted the center of Hebrew literary activities away from Europe. (For more informations see: http://www.ithl.org.il/page_13802)


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

89 Yechiel Yechieli (1866-1937), a prominent teacher and educator. Born in Russia, published several articles on education and Hebrew teaching for the youngsters. Innigrated to Palestine in 1904, was one of the founders of the city of Tel-Aviv, and the headmaster of the Girls' School in Neve Zedek. Wrote several schoolbooks.

90Eliyahu Meitus, (Kishinev, 1892–Israel, 1977), Poet and translator. Beginning in 1910, Meitus published poems, poetry anthologies, and recorded impressions; he also translated works from Russian, French, Romanian, and Yiddish into Hebrew. He contributed to Yiddish periodicals in Kishinev, Czernowitz, New York, and Tel Aviv, living in Bessarabia and Romania from 1921 and moving to Palestine in 1935.

91 http://benyehuda.org/tavyov/dorian_gray.html

92 Stybel was a Hebrew publishing house founded in Moscow in 1917 by the patron and literary enthusiast Avraham Yosef Stybel (1885–1946) and journalist Bentsiyon Katz. Literary critic David Frishman, whose aestheticist and westernizing Hebraism influenced Stybel, was editor in chief. Stybel’s aspiration to have an international presence, coupled with Bolshevik suppression in late 1918, resulted in the publishing house’s relocation to New York (where a second journal, Miklat, also appeared in 1919–1920) with branches in Palestine and Warsaw. Stybel published hundreds of translations, including classical works (Anacreon, Homer, Sophocles), and books from English (Shakespeare, Wilde, Byron, Emerson), French (Flaubert, Maupassant), German (Goethe, Schnitzler), Russian (Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy), and Polish (Sienkewicz, Mickewicz). It also published original Hebrew literary pieces and the collected works of Mikhah Yosef Berdyczewski and Yosef Ḥayim Brenner, as well as a small body of original and translated scholarship and philosophy. (See http://www.yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Stybel).


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

93 Israel Chaim Tavyov (Tawiow) (1858-1920), was Hebrew author. Born in Druya, Belorussia, he moved with his parents to Riga, where he remained most of his life. In 1889 he began publishing serials in Ha-Meliẓ which excelled in their biting satire and wit. He became a regular contributor to the weekly Ha-Dor and during 1905–08 lived in Vilna, serving on the editorial staff of the daily Ha-Zeman. He also published a vocalized daily Hebrew newspaper for children called He-Ḥaver (1908). Tawiow's many essays on language and folklore, displaying both erudition and acuity, were posthumously published under the title Kitvei I.Ḥ. Taviov (1923). Of significance is his book Oẓar ha-Meshalim ve-ha-Pitgamim("Treasury of Proverbs and Sayings," 1919, 19222), in which he collected, explained, and annotated over 3,000 Hebrew and Aramaic proverbs. He also wrote a number of textbooks on the Hebrew language and literature which were widely used. Tawiow also tried his hand at belles-lettres, writing, among other works, a comedy called Ha-Sorer be-Veito (1900). He also translated works by Berthold Auerbach, Oscar Wilde, and Charles Dickens. (From: Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2007)

94 http://www.benyehuda.org/frischmann/deprofundis.html

95 See note 92 above.

96 David Frishman (1859-1922) was born in Zgierz, near Lodz, Poland. His education included the humanities as well as Hebrew religious studies. His first work, an original short story, was published in 1878. He then moved on to writing poetry and polemical essays. He returned to Warsaw in 1995 and until 1910 worked translating the works of writers such as George Eliot, Pushkin, Byron and Nietzsche into Hebrew. In 1901 Frischman became editor of a literary weekly, Ha-Dor, whose high literary standard attracted the most talented writers of the day. He also edited a number of literary supplements in Vilnius and Warsaw as well as a series of anthologies including his translation of Thus Spake Zarathustra. A Hebrew literary center formed in Moscow after the 1917 revolution, and Frischman was invited to be the chairman of the editorial board of Stybel Publications. In 1919 Stybel was closed down and re-established itself in Warsaw, where Frischman continued in his capacity as editor. See: http://www.ithl.org.il/page_13631

97 http://benyehuda.org/tavyov/windermere.html

98 See note 92 above

99 See note 93 above

100 See note 96 above

101 http://benyehuda.org/tavyov/importance.html

102 See note 93 above


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

103 Israel Elyahu Handelzaltz (1879-1942ca), born in Russia, was a Hebrew teacher, educator, writer, translator and publisher of Hebrew literature (mainly for the youth) between the two world-wars in Warsaw. Among others, he translated into Hebrew the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Victor Hugo, Edgar Allen Poe, Oscar Wilde and Jack London. He co-edited the periodicals Zafririm, Itoni and Ganenu.

104 Chaim Shalom Ben Avram (Avramson)104 (1893-1965) was a Hebrew writer, poet and translator. Born in Russia, he wondered to Ekaterinoslav, Galicia, Poland and Crimea till 1935 when immigrated to Israel. He started publishing his stories before the First World War, most about the Jewish life under the Russian Pogroms. Ben-Avram translated works of Lenin, Gorky, Lagerlof (The Wonderful Adventures of Nils) and more.

105 See note 54 above. According to Dalia Cohen-Gross (http://www.skase.sk/Volumes/JTI07/pdf_doc/01.pdf), during a search conducted in The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book, 1473-1960 in the Jewish National and University Library (Jerusalem), a cataloguer’s note was found, stating that this translation had been made from the German. Indeed, the Hebrew title seems to indicate that the version that Halpern held was Dichtermärchen: Dehmel/Isemann/Strindberg/Wilde/Tolstoi, Wien: Rikola, 1921, or a translation done a decade earlier, Die Erzählungen und Märchen/ von Oscar Wilde, Leipzig: Insel, 1911.

106 Moshe Ben Eliezer, (1882–1944), Hebrew editor, author, and translator. Ben Eliezer, who was born in Shchuchin, near Vilna, became attracted to the Haskalah while studying at Mir yeshivah, and joined the staff of the Hebrew daily Ha-Zeman. From 1906 to 1910 he lived in the United States, where he established Shibbolim (1909), a journal devoted to modern Hebrew literature. Returning to Poland he edited several Hebrew journals for young people, and spent some time after World War I in Kovno as press officer for the Lithuanian Ministry for Jewish Affairs. Immigrating to Palestine in 1925, he joined the editorial staff of the newspaper Haaretz. His stories, feuilletons, and translations appeared in the Hebrew press of various countries and he also wrote and edited several series of books for children. (From: Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2007)


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

107Yaakov Orland (1914-2002) was a Hebrew writer. Born in the Ukraine, Orland was taken to Palestine in 1921. In 1933 he began publishing poems, critical articles, and translations from English, German, and Yiddish. He also wrote lyrics for songs and was an editor of the periodicals Ashmoret and Sifrut Ẓe'irah. His books of poetry include Ilan ba-Ru'aḥ (1939), Shirim al Ayit ve-al Yonah (1946), andShirim me-Ereẓ Uẓ (1963). He translated works by Byron, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe, A.A. Milne, George Bernard Shaw, John Galsworthy, Erich Maria Remarque, and I. Manger. In 1953 he translated The Importance of Being Earnest for the "Kameri" theater in Israel. The play was named "Bunbury". For more information see: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0015_0_1519 7.html)

108 Shmuel Bass (1899-1949), a writer, poet, editor and educator born in Ukraine, Immigrated to Palestine with his family in 1906, and went on to compose mainly lyric poetry.

109 Hananiah Reichmann (1905-1982) was a writer, poet and translator. Born in Ukraine, was an active Zionist till immigrated to Palestine in 1926. Published constantly in papers and children's' periodicals. Reichmann published various books of aphorisms, rhymes and humor. His best known translation into Hebrew is Krylov's Fables.

110 Avraham Arie Akavia (1882-1964) was a writer, translator and chronologist. He translated many literary works, among them stories and legends for the youth. Editor of the Shibolim - Illustrated periodical for the youth in Warsaw. Immigrated to Israel in 1935.

111 See note 107 above

112 Available at: http://jpress.org.il/Olive/APA/NLI_heb/?action=tab&tab=browse&pub=DAV

113 See note 107 above


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

114 Skulski, Shlomo (1912-1982), was a poet' editor and translator. Born in Ukraine, was a teacher un Poland and editor of the periodical Medinati. Immigrated to Israel in 1941 where he continued writing and teaching (he published dozens of books for children under several pseudonyms).

115 Dov Kimhi (originally Meller, Berish; 1889–1961), Hebrew author, translator, and editor. Born in Jaslo, Galicia, Kimḥi became an ardent Zionist in his youth and immigrated to Palestine in 1908. He settled in Jerusalem, and from 1912 until his retirement taught at the Reḥaviah Gymnasium, Jerusalem. He made his literary debut in the journal Ha-Miẓpeh in 1905, under his original name Berish Meller. After his arrival in Jerusalem he began writing novels, short stories, and essays, and also engaged extensively in translation work. Kimhi edited several periodicals among them Moledet for the youth, Hed Hachinuch and Hagalgal. In addition to several works on the Bible, two collections of essays, and numerous translations, he published anthologies of world literature and of Israel stories. (From: Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2007)

116 Gila Uriel (1914-2007) was a municipal administrator, translator, editor, writer and poet. Born in Poland, she immigrated to Palestine in 1924. Uriel edited and translated literature and poetry anthologies from all over the world, as well as writing original works. In the early 1950's she edited and broadcasted radio programs on international poetry in Israel and later in the BBC of London. She translated works of Oscar Wilde and Heinrich Heine.

117 Eliezer Carmi (1918-1991), was a writer and translator. He founded a book publishing and distribution company in Jaffa.

118 Shlomo (Weinstein) Yoram (1893-1968) was a Hebrew writer and translator of children books. Born in Ukraine, started teaching at the age of 15, immigrated to Palestine in 1925. Started teaching in the Galilea and eventually in Tel-Aviv. Published and translated mainly children stories and co- authored schoolbooks.


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

119 Nedava, Yosef (1915-1988) was an historian, researcher of Zionism and Israel history, writer, professor of political science, translator, journalist and publicist. Born in Odessa, he immigrated to Palestine in 1925. Nedava contributed entries to the Hebrew Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Judaica, edited history books, and translated reference books as well as fiction.

120 See note 117 above

121 http://benyehuda.org/regelson/decay_of_lying.html

122 Abraham Regelson (1896–1981) was a Hebrew poet, author and translator. born in Russia in 1896, Immigrated to the US with his parents in 1905. He moved to Palestine in 1933, but after three years returned to New York. Master of Hebrew, English and Yiddish, his poetry and prose in all three languages was published in both countries. In 1949 he settled permanently in Israel. Author of several volumes of poetry, essays and children's books, he has also translated into Hebrew works by Milton, Blake, Melville and others.

123 Uriel Ofek (1926-1987) was an Israeli writer for children and youth, Editor, Lyricist, poet, translator and children's literature scholar. He edited the children's newspaper Davar L'iladim (children's supplement of Davar) for many years and laid the foundation for the Bibliography of Jewish children's literature, Hebrew and Yiddish, the global children's literature, both knees of children's literature. (from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uriel_Ofek)

124 See note 107 above

125 See note 116 above


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

126 Pinhas Sade (1929-1994) was an Israeli novelist and poet. Born in Poland, immigrated to Palestine in 1934. His early poetry expressed the Zionist ideals and pioneer spirit of those years. In the 1960's, he turned inward and his work became more personal. For more information see: http://www.ithl.org.il/page_13848

127 Aron J Barr (1939-) is a writer, poet, translator, publisher and psychologist. He established the Tamuz publishing house in 1973. Barr wrote novels, short stories, children books and translated numerous works to Hebrew, among them Jerome K. Jerome's Three men in a boat.

128 Ibid

129 Ibid

130 Ibid

131 Ibid

132 See note 123 above

133 Ben-Zion Ben-Moshe (1944-) Poet, writer, translator and editor born in Israel. Translated most of the works of Oscar Wilde into Hebrew published by "Hanut Sefarim".

134 See note 127 above

135 See note 127 above

136 See note 127 above

137 See note 127 above


A Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Editions in Yiddish and Hebrew

138 Yehoshua Sobol (1939- ), Israeli playwright, prose writer, and director. Sobol is a well-known theatrical figure in Israel and abroad. He wrote more than 40 plays, many of which were translated into various languages and performed in theaters around the world. From 1992 he directed his plays, as well as plays by others, in Israel, Switzerland, and the U.S. For more information see: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0018_0_18775.ht ml.