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c><^!^<c><><>e>e<><><><><>0<><^^ I 1 INDEX % 4 I I% i% I I I I I ! ! ! '5*3K>^00<><><><3><3><3><><><3><><^^ <^^^^^><^><^><£^><^^ Index Aascher, Abraham, 290 Aleman, Miguel, 201 Abbreviations, list of, 452 Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation, Abdullah, King of Hashemite Jordan, 179, 454 405, 410 Algeria, 425, 432-34 Aberg, Einar, 62, 296 Ail-American Conference against Com- Abrahams, I., 269 munism, 84 Abrevaya, Dr., 303 Allgemeine Wochenzeitung der Juden in Academic Council for Hebrew Univer- Deutschland, 321 sity, 463 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 278, 387, Acheson, Dean, 116, 117, 375 412, 418, 420, 440, 428, 429, 430, Achron, Joseph, 186 431-32, 435 Actions Committee of the Labor Zionist Alliance Israelite Universelle, American Movement in Canada, 466 Friends of, 455 Actors' Equity Association, 60 Alliance Voice—Farband Shtimme, 485 Adato, Salomon, 302 Alpha Epsilon Phi Women's Fraternity, Adenauer, Konrad, 313, 319 459 Adler, Nettie, 250 Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 459 Adler, Robert, 186 Alpha Omega Fraternity, 459 Afghanistan, 406-07 Alpha Zeta Omega, 460 Africa, population, 197, 199 L'Amandier Fleuri, 280 Africa (see also North Africa, South Ambijan Bulletin, 335, 336 Africa) American Academy for Jewish Research, Aged, care of, 136-37, 156 Inc., 179, 454 ' Agudas Achim, 291 American Association of English-Jewish Agudas Israel World Organization, 444, Newspapers, 454 447, 448, 456 American Association for Jewish Educa- Agudath Israel of America, Inc., 87, 121, tion, 99, 109, 122, 456. 131, 456 American Association of School Ad- Agudath Israel of America, Inc. Chil- ministrators, 75 dren's Division—Pirchei Agudath American Association of University Israel, 456 Women, 81 Agudath Israel of America, Inc.
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