Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations1

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Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations1 Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Community Relations 431 Cultural 435 Overseas Aid 440 Religious, Educational 441 Social, Mutual Benefit 459 Social Welfare 461 Zionist and Pro-Israel 464 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations 474 Women's Organizations 474 Youth and Student Organizations 475 COMMUNITY RELATIONS l^e Middle East; rejects nationality attach- ment of Jews, particularly American Jews, AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM (1943). to the State of Israel as self-segregating, 298 Fifth Ave., NYC 10001. (212)947- inconsistent with American constitutional 8878. Bd. Chmn. Clarence L. Coleman, Jr.; concepts of individual citizenship and sep- Pres. Alan V. Stone. Seeks to advance the aration of church and state, and as being a universal principles of a Judaism free of principal obstacle to Middle East peace, nationalism, and the national, civic, cultu- Report. ral, and social integration into American . x ../-. ™ nnn^ T institutions of Americans of Jewish faith. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). In- T**. „,. f ,u~ ,<„,„,.,•„„„ /-„, „.;; tn. i,,jn stitute of Human Relations, 165 E. 56 St., Issues ofthe American Council for Juda- 0121751 4000 Pres Then ism; Special Interest Report. V c.i i B ' v p ' i c i * * dore Ellenoff; Exec. V.-Pres. Ira Silver- AMERICAN JEWISH ALTERNATIVES TO man. Seeks to prevent infraction of civil ZIONISM, INC. (1968). 501 Fifth Ave., and religious rights of Jews in any part of Suite 2015, NYC 10017. (212)557-5410. the world; to advance the cause of human Pres. Elmer Berger; V.-Pres. Mrs. Arthur rights for people of all races, creeds, and Gutman. Applies Jewish values of justice nationalities; to interpret the position of and humanity to the Arab-Israel conflict in Israel to the American public; and to help 'The information in this directory is based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. 431 432 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1988 American Jews maintain and enrich their and training toward that end; conducts Jewish identity and, at the same time, educational programs and seminars; aims achieve full integration in American life. to encourage cooperation between commu- Includes Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Center nity relations workers and those working for Human Relations, William E. Wiener in other areas of Jewish communal service. Oral History Library, William Petschek National Jewish Family Center, Jacob CENTER FOR JEWISH COMMUNITY STUDIES Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of (1970). 1017 Gladfelter Hall, Temple Uni- Human Rights, Institute on American versity, Philadelphia, PA 19122. (215)787- Jewish-Israeli Relations. AMERICAN JEW- 1459. Jerusalem office: Jerusalem Center ISH YEAR BOOK (with Jewish Publication for Public Affairs. Pres. Daniel J. Elazar. Society); Commentary; Present Tense; AJC Worldwide policy-studies institute devoted Journal; Capital Update. Published in Is- to the study of Jewish community organi- rael: Tefutsot Yisrael, a quarterly, and A Ion zation, political thought, and public affairs, Yedi'ot. a monthly bulletin of the Institute past and present, in Israel and throughout on American Jewish-Israeli Relations. the world. Publishes original articles, es- says, and monographs; maintains library, AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1918). Ste- archives, and reprint series. Jerusalem Let- phen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 St., ter/Viewpoints; Survey of Arab Affairs. NYC 10028. (212)879-4500. Pres. Theo- dore R. Mann; Exec. Dir. Henry Siegman. COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ACTION OF RE- Works to foster the creative cultural sur- FORM JUDAISM (1953, under the auspices vival of the Jewish people; to help Israel of the Union of American Hebrew Congre- develop in peace, freedom, and security; to gations). 838 Fifth Ave., NYC 10021. eliminate all forms of racial and religious (212)249-0100. Chmn. Harris Gilbert; Dir. bigotry; to advance civil rights, protect Albert Vorspan; Assoc. Dir. Rabbi David civil liberties, defend religious freedom, Saperstein. Develops materials to assist and safeguard the separation of church and Reform synagogues in setting up social- state. Congress Monthly; Judaism; Boycott action programs relating the principles of Report; National Report. Judaism to contemporary social problems; assists congregations in studying the moral ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI and religious implications in social issues B'RITH (1913). 823 United Nations Plaza, such as civil rights, civil liberties, church- NYC 10017. (212)490-2525. Chmn. Bur- state relations; guides congregational so- ton S. Levinson; Dir. Abraham H. Fox- cial-action committees. Briefings. man. Seeks to combat anti-Semitism and to secure justice and fair treatment for all citi- COMMITTEE TO BRING NAZI WAR CRIMI- zens through law, education, and commu- NALS TO JUSTICE IN U.S.A., INC. (1973). nity relations. ADL Bulletin; Face to Face; 135 W. 106 St., NYC 10025. (212)866- Fact Finding Report; International Reports; 0692. Pres. Charles H. Kremer; Treas. Al- Law Notes; Rights; Law; Research and bert Sigal; Sec. Paul Schwarzbaum. Com- Evaluation Report; Discriminations Report; piles and publicizes records of Nazi Litigation Docket; Dimensions; Middle atrocities and labors to bring to justice the East Notebook; Nuestro Encuentro. perpetrators of those crimes. Remains ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH CENTER WORK- committed to preserving the memory of all ERS (1918). c/o JCC, 3505 Mayfield Rd., victims of the Holocaust, and actively op- Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 (216)382- poses anti-Semitism wherever and however 4000. Pres. Allan Just. Seeks to enhance it is found. the standards, techniques, practices, scope, CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS OF MAJOR and public understanding of Jewish Com- AMERICAN JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS munity Center and kindred agency work. (1955). 515 Park Ave., NYC 10022. (212)- Kesher; Viewpoints. 752-1616. Chmn. Morris B. Abram; Exec. ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RE- Dir. Malcolm Hoenlein. Coordinates the LATIONS WORKERS (1950). 443 Park Ave. activities of 44 major American Jewish or- S., 11th fl., NYC 10016. Pres. Jerome ganizations as they relate to American-Is- Levinrad. Aims to stimulate higher stan- raeli affairs and problems affecting Jews in dards of professional practice in Jewish other lands. Annual report; Middle East community relations; encourages research Memo. NATIONAL JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS / 433 CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH OR- discrimination in the United States and GANIZATIONS-CCJO (1946). 135 William abroad; furthers labor support for Israel's St., NYC 10038. (212)349-0537. Cochmn. security and Soviet Jewry, and Jewish com- Clemens Nathan, Joseph Nuss, Adolphe munal support for labor's social and eco- Steg; V.-Chmn. Arnold Franco; Sec-Gen. nomic programs; supports Yiddish cultu- Moses Moskowitz. A nongovernmental or- ral institutions. JLC Review. ganization in consultative status with the UN, UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF, and the , NATIONAL TRADE UNION COUNCIL Council of Europe; cooperates and con- FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (1956). Atran Center sults with, advises and renders assistance for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 21 St., NYC to the Economic and Social Council of the 10010. (212)477-0707. Chmn. Sol Hoff- UN on all problems relating to human man; Exec. Sec. Martin Lapan. Works rights and economic, social, cultural, edu- with trade unions on programs and issues cational, and related matters pertaining to affecting both labor and the Jewish com- Jews. munity. COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGAN- , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1947). IZATIONS (1947). 1640 Rhode Island Ave., Atran Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 21 NW, Washington, DC 20036. (202)857- St., NYC 10010. (212)477-0707. Natl. 6545. Pres. Gerald Kraft (B'nai B'rith), Chmn. Eleanor Schachner. Supports the Leonard Kopelowitz (Board of Deputies of general activities of the Jewish Labor Com- British Jews), David K. Mann (South Afri- mittee; provides secondary-school and col- can Jewish Board of Deputies); Exec. V.- lege scholarships for needy Israeli stu- Pres. Daniel Thursz (U.S.); Dir. Internatl. dents; participates in educational and Council Warren Eisenberg. As an organi- cultural activities. zation in consultative status with the Eco- , WORKMEN'S CIRCLE DIVISION OF nomic and Social Council of the UN, (1939). Atran Center for Jewish Culture, represents the three constituents (B'nai 25 E. 21 St., NYC 10010. (212)477-0707. B'rith, the Board of Deputies of British Promotes aims of, and raises funds for, the Jews, and the South African Jewish Board Jewish Labor Committee among the of Deputies) in the appropriate UN bodies Workmen's Circle branches; conducts for the purpose of promoting human Yiddish educational and cultural activities. rights, with special attention to combating persecution or discrimination on grounds JEWISH PEACE FELLOWSHIP (1941). Box of race, religion, or origin. 271, Nyack, NY 10960. (914)358-4601. Pres. Rabbi Philip Bentley; Sec. Naomi COUNCIL OF JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS IN Goodman. Unites those who believe that CIVIL SERVICE, INC. (1948). 45 E. 33 St., Jewish ideals and experience provide inspi- Rm. 604, NYC 10016. (212)689-2015. ration for a nonviolent philosophy and way Pres. Louis Weiser. Supports merit system; of life; offers draft counseling, especially encourages recruitment of Jewish youth to for conscientious objection based on Jew- government service; member of Coalition ish "religious training and belief; encour- to Free Soviet Jews, NY Jewish Commu- ages Jewish community to become more nity Relations Council,
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