NATIONAL. JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS / 681 CANADA workshops, public speakers, Holocaust education. Media Human Rights Awards; AISII HATORAH (1981). 949 Clark Ave.. W„ legal and legislative activity includes gov- Thornhill, ONT L.4J8G6. (905)764-1818. ernment submissions, court interventions, FAX: (905)764-1606. E-mail: www. monitoring hate-group activity, respond- Edu. Dir. Rabbi Ahron Hoch; ing to incidents of racism and anti-Semi- Dr. Allan Seidenfeld. An educational cen- tism: community liaison includes ter, a community center, and a network of intergroup dialogue and support for ag- synagogues throughout Toronto; seeks to grieved vulnerable communities and reawaken Jewish values, ignite Jewish groups. Canadian distributor of ADL pride and promote Jewish unity through material. Heritage Front Report: 1994: education; reaches out to Jews from all Anti-Semitism on Campus: Skinheads in backgrounds in a friendly, warm and non- Canada: Annual Audit of Anti-Semitic In- Shabbat Shalom judgmental environment. cidents: Holocaust and Hope Educators' Fax, Monthly newsletter- Village Slnil, Win- Newsletter. Combatting Hate: Guidelines ter, Spring, Summer, Fall Calendars. for Community Action. (WWW.AISH.EDU) . NATIONAL FIELD SERVICES DE- B'NAI BRITH CANADA (1875). 15 Hove St., PARTMENT. Natl. Dir. Pearl Gladman. Ser- Downsview, ONT M3H 4Y8. (416) 633- vices community affordable housing 6224. FAX: (416)630-2159. E-mail: fdi- projects, sports leagues, food baskets for
[email protected]. Pres. Rochelle the needy; coordinates hands-on national Wilner; Exec. V.-Pres. Frank Dimant. volunteer programming, Tel-Aide Dis- Canadian Jewry's major advocacy and tress Line; responsible for lodge member- service organization; maintains an olTice ship; direct-mail campaigns, annual of Government Relations in Ottawa and convention and foundation dinners.