Cable-Wiedemer Inc Cadillac and Lasalle Motor Cars Central Library

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Cable-Wiedemer Inc Cadillac and Lasalle Motor Cars Central Library Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1940 150 BYER BYRNE CACCAMISE Rae married Irving Cantor Walter B (Margt M) merchandiser 675 Brooks av Eug studt r 830 North Rebecca buyer r 30 Hinsdale h 84 Falleson rd Francis r 7 Wangman Saml (Isabelle B) dept elk 137 Exchange h 1702 Wm C (Mary T) carp h 80 Spruce av Frank (Mamie) h 8 Ritz StPaul Byrnes Ambrose W (Charlotte E) laddermn Truck Co Geraldine L sten Fredk M Whitney r 7 Wangman Shepard (Esther) furn r 250 Joseph av No 9 212 Webster av h 690 Grand av Giovanni (Francesca) h 7 Wangman H Sylvia elk Strong Memorial Hosp r 261 Vick pk Andrew V (Louise) maintenoncemn h 3992 Lake Harold studt r 7 Wangman av Horace (Louisa) h 830 North Byer's Furniture Store (Harry Byer) 250 Joseph sv Bernard J (Ethel M) press opr Y&E Mfg Co 1099 John r 7 Wangmon Byerley Fred r 16 Hickory Jay h 143 Glendaie pk John (Teresa) barber 1165 Clinton av N h 209 Byers Alexis J (Mildred H) mach 1000 University av Clinton E (Harriet) mach K Pk r 60 Holcomb Lincoln h 39 Birch cres Danl F (Byrnes & Son) h 21 Meriden Jos billiards 700 Clinton av N r 830 North Anthony presser h 415 Child Doris E Mrs beauty shop 12 Alpha r do Jos P (Rose M) barber 513 Thurston rd h at Chili Benj C (Jeannette) (Byers Shoe Shop) 337 Joseph Ella wid Michl r 79 Resolute Jos S dentist 244 Smith r 220 Pennsylvania av av h do Emily A sec Vocational High sch r 1148 Ridge rd Josephine F asst r 220 Pennsylvania av Caroline W wid D OUn sec 33 Exchange r 133 W Lawrence cook Powers Hotel 36 Main W r 220 Gillette Frances M elk 379 Lyell av r 1148 Ridge rd Pennsylvania av Clarence B (Elinor M) slsmn h 179 Caroline Geo W (Louise) prntr h 201 Winchester Louis nurserymn r 220 Pennsylvania av Clarence W (Nina L) chief operating eng 100 Harriet Mrs elk 38 East ov h 60 Holcomb Marie H asst r 220 Pennsylvania av Carlson rd h 84 Dale rd Br Jas W h 1148 Ridge rd Michl studt r 830 North Geo A (Doris E) locksmith 39 Ely r 117 Frost av John T r 1148 Ridge rd Nathaniel cook Hotel Rochester r 220 Pennsylvania Gladys cashr Powers Hotel- r 74 S Fitzhugh Jos F (Leta M) h 65 Glendaie pk av Harry T (Lillian) slsmn h 152 Pinnacle rd Leon M (Anna E) hosemn FE 19, 1750 East av Pearl button wkr r 7 Wangman Henry (Annie S) carp h 397 Pullman av h 266 Melville Rose tailoress r 7 Wangman > Henry E, K Pk r 397 Pullman av Lloyd M hosemn Eng Co No 9 r 266 Melville Saml A (Mory A) dentist 2 King h 511 Wellington John R (Dorothy B) chemist h 115 Albemarle M Angela tchr Sch 8 r 228 N Goodman ov John S carp h 107 Primrose M Harry (Matilda C) K Pk h 39 Fort Hill ter Teresa Mrs beauty shop 1165 Clinton av N r 209 Lilly S wid Geo h 117 Frost ov Margt wid Peter r 564 Seword Lincoln Lydia C wid Curtis E h 110 Weldon Martin A, EK Co r 266 Melville Caccamo Frank (Mary) mgr 290 Pennsylvania av r 81 Mildred H mach opr Mustard st r at W Brighton Mary Mrs housekpr 23 N Wash 6th Ralph E rem to Winter Harbor, Me Patk raster F A Kuhnert Shoe Corp 11 Furnace r Mary Mrs gro 290 Pennsylvania av r 84 6th Richd O studt r 133 Gillette 385 Titus av Irond Mary wid Vincenzo h 4871 Central pk Bobt S archt Wm E Sigel Co 204 N Water h at Raymond S (Doris E) window trimmer h 12 Alpha S Edmund barber Thos Gslllna r 4871 Central pk Spencerport Robt E r 21 Meriden Caccovolo Gaetano (Josephine) baker 60 Prospect b Robt V (Helen B) bartndr h 1931 Genesee Thos J (Marie C) tchr Edison Tech High sch h 246 do Shoe C 337 ov Shop (Benj Byers) Joseph Navarre rd Cacciaglia Diodato P (Lavinia) elk h 69 Villa Wm H died March 1939 K Pk r 201 (Louise) 16, Virginia L, Winchester Ferdlnando r 69 Villa Wm J asst 44 Marshall h 4681 (Marian H) supt Wm elk r 21 Meriden Luigl (Eugenia) h 20 Costar Lake av Son and clnrs k (Danl F Byrnes) clothes pressers Mamie I r 69 Villa Jos W elk 343 Stote h 4424 Lake av Byford (Esther A) shipping Cacciato Anna B r 274 1st 196 av av Normandy Byron Ella M wid Chas W h 196 Parsells Connie E married Stephen Feola Ronold 343 State r 196 av J rprmn Normandy Frank J elk r 25 Kemphurst rd Diego (Rose) lab h 274 1st Branson I sec-treas Btedesel, h Byington (Leo) Nugent Byrt Gordon tel eng 235 Sheppler Jack r 64 2d & Fritz Inc 45 rm 617 h 197 Hillside music tchr Sch 34 r 970 Exchange Byson Patty Irondequoit Nancy M r 64 2d av blvd Irond Peter J electn r 274 1st Doris studt r 197 HiUside av Cacclola Carmelo (Jane M) concrete wkr h 96 Scrantom Lea D slswmn 285 Main E r 197 Hillside av C A B Y Transportation Co Lyman H Froncke br mgr Coccito Concetto r 165 1st Frank 285 Main E r 186 Byko porter Independent trucking 63 Curlew Fronk (Jennie) h 165 1st Michl r 89 Joiner Bylk porter C I T Corp Harrie F Flynn br mgr 154 East av rm Cocece Lulgi lob h 2 Lind Arthur G R) porter J E Thompson Co h Byrd (Mary 200 Coceci Anthony r 165 Kent 154 Adams C and C Food Market (Jos Cambria, Thos Contiguglia) Dominic J (Frances M) h 108 LyeU av Kenneth J r 740 South av gro 581 Chili av John (Mary) chauf r 15 Walt Leonard E atndt Roch State r 740 South av Hosp C k D Warehouse Corp inc NY '28 Mrs Irene L Cos- Jos (Josephine) auto mech h 7 Dake Margt wid Jas atndt h 740 South av tlch pres Arthur L Martin sec-treas 67 Warehouse Cacla Anthony R lab r 645 Broad W Adele H Mrs shoe wkr h 108 Averill av Byrne C k M Forwarding Co (Wm R Cooley) 283 Oak Dominic J (Carmel T) baker h 93 Shetman h 73 Marshall Agnes C & S Plating & Mfg Co (Edwin Crowley Jr) 35 S Jos (Margt) lab h 645 Broad W Albert h 246 (Alma I) Randolph Water Mary A married Michl LoPresti Ann C r 178 Magee av Cabelka Marie studt nurse Strong Memorial Hospital Saml lab r 645 Broad W Anna K Mrs r 1971 Lake av r do Theresa A married Angelo GoUel Cecelia A h 21 Electric av Robt tailor 328 Main E rm 327 r 35 Buena pl Cadavere Gennaro (Christine) h 806 Portland r Chas V r 178 Magee av Coble Albert (Minnie L) h 23 New York Cadby Wm Jan r 3 Lyell av Danl coal 42 av h do (Katherine) Rogers Arthur night watchmn h 3 N Wash Caddell Richd r 51 Elba Donald A (Eliz M) asst treas Roch Transit Corp Arthur J wood wkr A W Hopeman k Sons Co r 40 Caddon John r 111 Plymouth av S 267 Stote h 441 ov and 25 Tone ter Magee Bway Cade Edith r 13 Darrow Windsor Beach Clarence W (Myra D) Delco h 21 Kondolf Evelyn maid r 13 Darrow Donald J mgr Westlnghouse Electric Supply Co Edwd F (Mary T) (National Fence Co) 24 Fence Gladys maid r 13 Darrow 1048 University av r 441 Magee av and v-pres Roch Pipe & Fence Corp 306 Buffalo Lawrence screw mach opr R D Mfg Co Inc 40 Weil Edna C box wkr 45 Ford r 1140 Plymouth av S rd h 61 Dakota av r 13 Darrow Edwd F (Anna M) switchboard opr RG&E Corp Edwd R bkpr Roch Pipe & Fence Corp 306 Buffalo Leonard (Ada) pntr h 13 Darrow Mill ft Factory h 1140 Plymouth av S rd r 61 Dakota Cadella Edith lndrs r 28 Nichols Edwd J Rev prof StBernard's Seminary r 2260 Fred W (Marietta W) depy sheriff Monroe County CadUloc Garage Gustave J Swltzer mgr 36 Cortland Lake av 180 Exchange h 44 Savannah Evelyn M tel opr r 108 AveriU av Jas driver Pepsi-Cola Roch 'Bottling Co r 74 Bron Cadillac and LaSalle Motor Cars Francis r 55 Glasgow son av The Valley Cadillac Corp distributors 333 East ai rm Julia Mrs r 1421 S Frank T (Mary E) v-pres RT Corp 183 Main E Fitzhugh tel Stone 320 See page 4 Buyers' Guide 1123 h 312 Roslyn Maude M Mrs h 74 Bronson av Codle Corleton J (Ruth M) chaur h 35 Quincy. Nelson h 1421 S Fredk A lab r 108 Averill ov timekpr Fitzhugh Geo S (Mina A) sta eng h 515 South av Wm r 383 Court Harrietta L r 178 Magee av Jean tchr Roch Children's Nursery r 319 S Good- Helen L r 1915 Lake av Wm C r 74 Bronson av Cable Alf h 1535 Moin E Jos J (Lucille) shoe wkr 250 N Goodman r 123 W (Portia M) pntr John C (Virginia) rem to New Rochclle Flower Chas L (Bertha M) eng Grinnell Co Inc 65 Brood Nellie wid Chas L h 267 Oxford W rm 220 h 419 Magnolia Jane B elk Roch Electrotype & Engraving Co Inc Noelle F studt nurse r 515 South av Chas W press opr 850 StPaul r 419 Magnolia Cadman 170 N Water r 1140 Plymouth av S Albert L (Ella M) h 56 Frost av Ernest H F A) pntr and dec 80 Quincy h (Gladys Bertha smstrs John r 45 Dewey av r 51 Whitmore do Geo John B studt r 312 Roslyn W h 140 Pearl Geo h 71 S John M supt Shur-On Optical Co Inc 242 Andrews Fitzhugh Lillian L r 140 Pearl Kenneth L r 419 h 200 Seymour rd Irond Magnolia Cadmus Bell S studt r 33 Vick pk B Mildred M E J Sheer Inc 253 Main E r 71 John W asst 59 Main E r 200 Seymour rd Irond buyer Bell S wid Wm h 473 Lake View pk Keeler Jos F r 1915 Lake av Emma R wid Wm H h 33 Vick Pk B Mollle D sten 64 r 80 Quincy -^Jos H (Martha) h 1126 Dewey av Exchange Harold jr, field eng Econo Products r 101 Holuwiy Portia M Mrs elk United Cigar Stores Co r 1123 Jos M (Helen E) tractor opr h 28 Magnolia rd Br Main E Josephine cateress h 59 Harper Jean R sec Strong Memorial Hosp r 33 Vick pi r 80 Kathleen M studt r 312 Roslyn Sidney Roy Quincy B Lawrence A formn 6 Hastings li 231 Driving Park Csdogen John R (Estelle) elk PO h 126 Cheswell waj Cable-Wiedemer Inc Br Margt C wid Patk F h 178 Magee ov Inc NY '35 Geo M Wiedemer pres Wm J Cable Codoret Wm H (Graziella M) managing dir Montot treas electric dlrs 197- Cros Margt E r 231 Driving Park av refrigeration, refrigerator Amusements Inc 63 East av rm 10 h 121 av man Margt I M sten (Detroit, Mich) r 178 Magee av 213 Central tel Main 6868 ter Wm J treos Cable- Inc 19.7- Cadwallader r Margt R sec 119 Moin E rm 1317 r 421 Boardman (Mildred M) Wiedemer Jean C 565 Monroe ov 213 Central ov h Keeler Cadwell D Martin r 383 Champlain 71 Carl (Margt) rprmn NYC h 195 Avenue Jos P r Lime Mary elk K Pk r 1244 Lake av Cabrese 83 Henry (Eliz A) lab h 14 Nassau Mary C bkpr Kelso Laundry
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  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 111 P HC AO,6/MF A01 Unclas CSCL 03B G3/91 49797 2020-03-22T06:42:54+00:00Z NASA TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM NASA TM-75035 THE LUNAR NOMENCLATURE: THE REVERSE SIDE OF THE MOON (1961-1973) (NASA-TM-75035) THE LUNAR NOMENCLATURE: N78-11960 THE REVERSE SIDE OF TEE MOON (1961-1973) (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 111 p HC AO,6/MF A01 Unclas CSCL 03B G3/91 49797 K. Shingareva, G. Burba Translation of "Lunnaya Nomenklatura; Obratnaya storona luny 1961-1973", Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Space Research, Moscow, "Nauka" Press, 1977, pp. 1-56 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION M19-rz" WASHINGTON, D. C. 20546 AUGUST 1977 A % STANDARD TITLE PAGE -A R.,ott No0... r 2. Government Accession No. 31 Recipient's Caafog No. NASA TIM-75O35 4.-"irl. and Subtitie 5. Repo;t Dote THE LUNAR NOMENCLATURE: THE REVERSE SIDE OF THE August 1977 MOON (1961-1973) 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organizotion Report No. K,.Shingareva, G'. .Burba o 10. Coit Un t No. 9. Perlform:ng Organization Nome and Address ]I. Contract or Grant .SCITRAN NASw-92791 No. Box 5456 13. T yp of Report end Period Coered Santa Barbara, CA 93108 Translation 12. Sponsoring Agiicy Noms ond Address' Natidnal Aeronautics and Space Administration 34. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington,'.D.C. 20546 15. Supplamortary No9 Translation of "Lunnaya Nomenklatura; Obratnaya storona luny 1961-1973"; Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Space Research, Moscow, "Nauka" Press, 1977, pp. Pp- 1-56 16. Abstroct The history of naming the details' of the relief on.the near and reverse sides 6f .
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