Cable-Wiedemer Inc Cadillac and Lasalle Motor Cars Central Library

Cable-Wiedemer Inc Cadillac and Lasalle Motor Cars Central Library

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1940 150 BYER BYRNE CACCAMISE Rae married Irving Cantor Walter B (Margt M) merchandiser 675 Brooks av Eug studt r 830 North Rebecca buyer r 30 Hinsdale h 84 Falleson rd Francis r 7 Wangman Saml (Isabelle B) dept elk 137 Exchange h 1702 Wm C (Mary T) carp h 80 Spruce av Frank (Mamie) h 8 Ritz StPaul Byrnes Ambrose W (Charlotte E) laddermn Truck Co Geraldine L sten Fredk M Whitney r 7 Wangman Shepard (Esther) furn r 250 Joseph av No 9 212 Webster av h 690 Grand av Giovanni (Francesca) h 7 Wangman H Sylvia elk Strong Memorial Hosp r 261 Vick pk Andrew V (Louise) maintenoncemn h 3992 Lake Harold studt r 7 Wangman av Horace (Louisa) h 830 North Byer's Furniture Store (Harry Byer) 250 Joseph sv Bernard J (Ethel M) press opr Y&E Mfg Co 1099 John r 7 Wangmon Byerley Fred r 16 Hickory Jay h 143 Glendaie pk John (Teresa) barber 1165 Clinton av N h 209 Byers Alexis J (Mildred H) mach 1000 University av Clinton E (Harriet) mach K Pk r 60 Holcomb Lincoln h 39 Birch cres Danl F (Byrnes & Son) h 21 Meriden Jos billiards 700 Clinton av N r 830 North Anthony presser h 415 Child Doris E Mrs beauty shop 12 Alpha r do Jos P (Rose M) barber 513 Thurston rd h at Chili Benj C (Jeannette) (Byers Shoe Shop) 337 Joseph Ella wid Michl r 79 Resolute Jos S dentist 244 Smith r 220 Pennsylvania av av h do Emily A sec Vocational High sch r 1148 Ridge rd Josephine F asst r 220 Pennsylvania av Caroline W wid D OUn sec 33 Exchange r 133 W Lawrence cook Powers Hotel 36 Main W r 220 Gillette Frances M elk 379 Lyell av r 1148 Ridge rd Pennsylvania av Clarence B (Elinor M) slsmn h 179 Caroline Geo W (Louise) prntr h 201 Winchester Louis nurserymn r 220 Pennsylvania av Clarence W (Nina L) chief operating eng 100 Harriet Mrs elk 38 East ov h 60 Holcomb Marie H asst r 220 Pennsylvania av Carlson rd h 84 Dale rd Br Jas W h 1148 Ridge rd Michl studt r 830 North Geo A (Doris E) locksmith 39 Ely r 117 Frost av John T r 1148 Ridge rd Nathaniel cook Hotel Rochester r 220 Pennsylvania Gladys cashr Powers Hotel- r 74 S Fitzhugh Jos F (Leta M) h 65 Glendaie pk av Harry T (Lillian) slsmn h 152 Pinnacle rd Leon M (Anna E) hosemn FE 19, 1750 East av Pearl button wkr r 7 Wangman Henry (Annie S) carp h 397 Pullman av h 266 Melville Rose tailoress r 7 Wangman > Henry E, K Pk r 397 Pullman av Lloyd M hosemn Eng Co No 9 r 266 Melville Saml A (Mory A) dentist 2 King h 511 Wellington John R (Dorothy B) chemist h 115 Albemarle M Angela tchr Sch 8 r 228 N Goodman ov John S carp h 107 Primrose M Harry (Matilda C) K Pk h 39 Fort Hill ter Teresa Mrs beauty shop 1165 Clinton av N r 209 Lilly S wid Geo h 117 Frost ov Margt wid Peter r 564 Seword Lincoln Lydia C wid Curtis E h 110 Weldon Martin A, EK Co r 266 Melville Caccamo Frank (Mary) mgr 290 Pennsylvania av r 81 Mildred H mach opr Mustard st r at W Brighton Mary Mrs housekpr 23 N Wash 6th Ralph E rem to Winter Harbor, Me Patk raster F A Kuhnert Shoe Corp 11 Furnace r Mary Mrs gro 290 Pennsylvania av r 84 6th Richd O studt r 133 Gillette 385 Titus av Irond Mary wid Vincenzo h 4871 Central pk Bobt S archt Wm E Sigel Co 204 N Water h at Raymond S (Doris E) window trimmer h 12 Alpha S Edmund barber Thos Gslllna r 4871 Central pk Spencerport Robt E r 21 Meriden Caccovolo Gaetano (Josephine) baker 60 Prospect b Robt V (Helen B) bartndr h 1931 Genesee Thos J (Marie C) tchr Edison Tech High sch h 246 do Shoe C 337 ov Shop (Benj Byers) Joseph Navarre rd Cacciaglia Diodato P (Lavinia) elk h 69 Villa Wm H died March 1939 K Pk r 201 (Louise) 16, Virginia L, Winchester Ferdlnando r 69 Villa Wm J asst 44 Marshall h 4681 (Marian H) supt Wm elk r 21 Meriden Luigl (Eugenia) h 20 Costar Lake av Son and clnrs k (Danl F Byrnes) clothes pressers Mamie I r 69 Villa Jos W elk 343 Stote h 4424 Lake av Byford (Esther A) shipping Cacciato Anna B r 274 1st 196 av av Normandy Byron Ella M wid Chas W h 196 Parsells Connie E married Stephen Feola Ronold 343 State r 196 av J rprmn Normandy Frank J elk r 25 Kemphurst rd Diego (Rose) lab h 274 1st Branson I sec-treas Btedesel, h Byington (Leo) Nugent Byrt Gordon tel eng 235 Sheppler Jack r 64 2d & Fritz Inc 45 rm 617 h 197 Hillside music tchr Sch 34 r 970 Exchange Byson Patty Irondequoit Nancy M r 64 2d av blvd Irond Peter J electn r 274 1st Doris studt r 197 HiUside av Cacclola Carmelo (Jane M) concrete wkr h 96 Scrantom Lea D slswmn 285 Main E r 197 Hillside av C A B Y Transportation Co Lyman H Froncke br mgr Coccito Concetto r 165 1st Frank 285 Main E r 186 Byko porter Independent trucking 63 Curlew Fronk (Jennie) h 165 1st Michl r 89 Joiner Bylk porter C I T Corp Harrie F Flynn br mgr 154 East av rm Cocece Lulgi lob h 2 Lind Arthur G R) porter J E Thompson Co h Byrd (Mary 200 Coceci Anthony r 165 Kent 154 Adams C and C Food Market (Jos Cambria, Thos Contiguglia) Dominic J (Frances M) h 108 LyeU av Kenneth J r 740 South av gro 581 Chili av John (Mary) chauf r 15 Walt Leonard E atndt Roch State r 740 South av Hosp C k D Warehouse Corp inc NY '28 Mrs Irene L Cos- Jos (Josephine) auto mech h 7 Dake Margt wid Jas atndt h 740 South av tlch pres Arthur L Martin sec-treas 67 Warehouse Cacla Anthony R lab r 645 Broad W Adele H Mrs shoe wkr h 108 Averill av Byrne C k M Forwarding Co (Wm R Cooley) 283 Oak Dominic J (Carmel T) baker h 93 Shetman h 73 Marshall Agnes C & S Plating & Mfg Co (Edwin Crowley Jr) 35 S Jos (Margt) lab h 645 Broad W Albert h 246 (Alma I) Randolph Water Mary A married Michl LoPresti Ann C r 178 Magee av Cabelka Marie studt nurse Strong Memorial Hospital Saml lab r 645 Broad W Anna K Mrs r 1971 Lake av r do Theresa A married Angelo GoUel Cecelia A h 21 Electric av Robt tailor 328 Main E rm 327 r 35 Buena pl Cadavere Gennaro (Christine) h 806 Portland r Chas V r 178 Magee av Coble Albert (Minnie L) h 23 New York Cadby Wm Jan r 3 Lyell av Danl coal 42 av h do (Katherine) Rogers Arthur night watchmn h 3 N Wash Caddell Richd r 51 Elba Donald A (Eliz M) asst treas Roch Transit Corp Arthur J wood wkr A W Hopeman k Sons Co r 40 Caddon John r 111 Plymouth av S 267 Stote h 441 ov and 25 Tone ter Magee Bway Cade Edith r 13 Darrow Windsor Beach Clarence W (Myra D) Delco h 21 Kondolf Evelyn maid r 13 Darrow Donald J mgr Westlnghouse Electric Supply Co Edwd F (Mary T) (National Fence Co) 24 Fence Gladys maid r 13 Darrow 1048 University av r 441 Magee av and v-pres Roch Pipe & Fence Corp 306 Buffalo Lawrence screw mach opr R D Mfg Co Inc 40 Weil Edna C box wkr 45 Ford r 1140 Plymouth av S rd h 61 Dakota av r 13 Darrow Edwd F (Anna M) switchboard opr RG&E Corp Edwd R bkpr Roch Pipe & Fence Corp 306 Buffalo Leonard (Ada) pntr h 13 Darrow Mill ft Factory h 1140 Plymouth av S rd r 61 Dakota Cadella Edith lndrs r 28 Nichols Edwd J Rev prof StBernard's Seminary r 2260 Fred W (Marietta W) depy sheriff Monroe County CadUloc Garage Gustave J Swltzer mgr 36 Cortland Lake av 180 Exchange h 44 Savannah Evelyn M tel opr r 108 AveriU av Jas driver Pepsi-Cola Roch 'Bottling Co r 74 Bron Cadillac and LaSalle Motor Cars Francis r 55 Glasgow son av The Valley Cadillac Corp distributors 333 East ai rm Julia Mrs r 1421 S Frank T (Mary E) v-pres RT Corp 183 Main E Fitzhugh tel Stone 320 See page 4 Buyers' Guide 1123 h 312 Roslyn Maude M Mrs h 74 Bronson av Codle Corleton J (Ruth M) chaur h 35 Quincy. Nelson h 1421 S Fredk A lab r 108 Averill ov timekpr Fitzhugh Geo S (Mina A) sta eng h 515 South av Wm r 383 Court Harrietta L r 178 Magee av Jean tchr Roch Children's Nursery r 319 S Good- Helen L r 1915 Lake av Wm C r 74 Bronson av Cable Alf h 1535 Moin E Jos J (Lucille) shoe wkr 250 N Goodman r 123 W (Portia M) pntr John C (Virginia) rem to New Rochclle Flower Chas L (Bertha M) eng Grinnell Co Inc 65 Brood Nellie wid Chas L h 267 Oxford W rm 220 h 419 Magnolia Jane B elk Roch Electrotype & Engraving Co Inc Noelle F studt nurse r 515 South av Chas W press opr 850 StPaul r 419 Magnolia Cadman 170 N Water r 1140 Plymouth av S Albert L (Ella M) h 56 Frost av Ernest H F A) pntr and dec 80 Quincy h (Gladys Bertha smstrs John r 45 Dewey av r 51 Whitmore do Geo John B studt r 312 Roslyn W h 140 Pearl Geo h 71 S John M supt Shur-On Optical Co Inc 242 Andrews Fitzhugh Lillian L r 140 Pearl Kenneth L r 419 h 200 Seymour rd Irond Magnolia Cadmus Bell S studt r 33 Vick pk B Mildred M E J Sheer Inc 253 Main E r 71 John W asst 59 Main E r 200 Seymour rd Irond buyer Bell S wid Wm h 473 Lake View pk Keeler Jos F r 1915 Lake av Emma R wid Wm H h 33 Vick Pk B Mollle D sten 64 r 80 Quincy -^Jos H (Martha) h 1126 Dewey av Exchange Harold jr, field eng Econo Products r 101 Holuwiy Portia M Mrs elk United Cigar Stores Co r 1123 Jos M (Helen E) tractor opr h 28 Magnolia rd Br Main E Josephine cateress h 59 Harper Jean R sec Strong Memorial Hosp r 33 Vick pi r 80 Kathleen M studt r 312 Roslyn Sidney Roy Quincy B Lawrence A formn 6 Hastings li 231 Driving Park Csdogen John R (Estelle) elk PO h 126 Cheswell waj Cable-Wiedemer Inc Br Margt C wid Patk F h 178 Magee ov Inc NY '35 Geo M Wiedemer pres Wm J Cable Codoret Wm H (Graziella M) managing dir Montot treas electric dlrs 197- Cros Margt E r 231 Driving Park av refrigeration, refrigerator Amusements Inc 63 East av rm 10 h 121 av man Margt I M sten (Detroit, Mich) r 178 Magee av 213 Central tel Main 6868 ter Wm J treos Cable- Inc 19.7- Cadwallader r Margt R sec 119 Moin E rm 1317 r 421 Boardman (Mildred M) Wiedemer Jean C 565 Monroe ov 213 Central ov h Keeler Cadwell D Martin r 383 Champlain 71 Carl (Margt) rprmn NYC h 195 Avenue Jos P r Lime Mary elk K Pk r 1244 Lake av Cabrese 83 Henry (Eliz A) lab h 14 Nassau Mary C bkpr Kelso Laundry

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