Winter 2007 Number 66 The ARCHAEOLOGIST This issue: CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT Reducing energy use in traditional buildings p22 Guidance on climate change and the historic environment p26 Institute of Field Archaeologists The eroding sites SHES, University of Reading, Whiteknights on Scotland’s PO Box 227, Reading RG6 6AB coast tel 0118 378 6446 fax 0118 378 6448 p33 email
[email protected] website C ONTENTS 1 Contents 2 Editorial 3 Finds Tray 5 Happy Birthday: IFA is 25 Michael Dawson page 16 6 Happy Birthday: the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland is 100 Diana Murray 7 Happy Birthday: the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales is also 100 Peter Wakelin 8 Happy Birthday: the Society of Antiquaries of London is 300 9 The future of the IFA: AGM debate Kathryn Whittington and Peter Hinton 11 Vocational skills and academic courses Kate Geary 12 Delivery of developers’ obligations Tim Howard 13 Jobs in British Archaeology 2006 James Drummond Murray page 20 14 W(h)ither the profession Michael Heaton 16 Meeting the climate change challenge – at the next IFA conference Gill Chitty 18 Adapting to rural land use change: a view from ALGAO:UK Ken Smith 20 The Environment Agency: protecting the historic environment Ed Wilson 22 Reducing energy use in traditional buildings Phil Ogley 24 Sustainability and the SPAB Douglas Kent 25 Terraced housing: a threat to the planet? Lynne Walker 26 Guidance on climate change and the historic environment