Disaster, Terror, War, and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) Events

Date Location Agent Notes Source 28 Apr Kano, Nigeria VBIED Five soldiers were killed and 40 wounded when a Boko http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2017/ 2017 Haram militant drove his VBIED into a convoy. Apr-28/403711--bomber-kills-five-troops- in-ne-nigeria-sources.ashx 25 Apr Pakistan Land mine A passenger van travelling within Parachinar hit a https://www.dawn.com/news/1329140/14- 2017 landmine, killing fourteen and wounding nine. killed-as-landmine-blast-hits-van-carrying- census-workers-in-kurram 24 Apr Sukma, Small arms Maoist rebels ambushed CRPF forces and killed 25, http://odishasuntimes.com/2017/04/24/12-crpf- 2017 wounding six or so. troopers-killed-in-maoist-attack/ 15 Apr , VBIED 126 or more people were killed and an unknown https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Aleppo_suici 2017 number wounded in ISIS attacks against a convoy of de_car_bombing buses carrying refugees. 10 Apr Suicide Two al-Shabaab suicide bombs detonated in and near http://www.reuters.com/article/us-somalia- 2017 bombings killed nine soldiers and a civil servant. security-blast-idUSKBN17C0JV?il=0 10 Apr Wau, South Ethnic violence At least sixteen people were killed and ten wounded in http://www.reuters.com/article/us-southsudan- 2017 ethnic violence in a town in South Sudan. violence-idUSKBN17C0SO?il=0 10 Apr Kirkuk, Iraq Small arms Twelve ISIS prisoners were killed by a firing squad, for http://www.iraqinews.com/iraq-war/islamic- 2017 reasons unknown. state-execute-12-kirkuk-kurdish-security/ 9 Apr Egypt Suicide 45 people were killed and 100 or more wounded in ISIS http://www.reuters.com/article/us-egypt- 2017 bombings attacks against Coptic Christians on Palm Sunday in violence-idUSKBN17B06U?il=0 Alexandria and Tanta, Egypt. 9 Apr Somalia VBIED Fifteen were killed and an unknown number wounded http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/04/army- 2017 when an al-Shabaab car bomb exploded outside the chief-survives-deadly-mogadishu-bomb-blast- defense ministry compound. 170409130843977.html 7 Apr Stockholm, Truck Five people were killed and fifteen wounded when an https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Stockholm_a 2017 Sweden ISIS-inspired Uzbek asylum-seeker hijacked a truck and ttack attempted to run over people in a pedestrian street. 6 Apr Somalia Land mine Nineteen people were killed and more wounded when http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/04/19- 2017 a minibus ran over a land mine near Golweyn, Somalia. people-killed-land-somalia- Al-Shabaab terrorists are suspected. 170406193811928.html 3 Apr Russia Suicide Fifteen were killed and several dozen wounded in a http://tass.com/society/942512 2017 bombings bombing of the metro in St. Petersburg. 31 Parachinar, VBIED 24 were killed and more than 70 wounded by a car http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia- © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

Mar Pakistan bomb outside a mosque. A faction of the Pakistani 39452306 2017 Taliban claimed responsibility. 30 Damboa, Suicide Twelve people were killed and 23 wounded in several https://guardian.ng/news/12-borno-villagers- Mar Nigeria bombing, small Boko Haram attacks on a Nigerian village near Damboa, drivers-feared-killed-in-fresh-boko-haram- 2017 arms some by a suicide bomber who detonated herself in the attacks/ graveyard when the surviving villagers were burying their dead. 29 Baghdad, VBIED Seventeen were killed and at least 60 wounded when http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/03/suicid Mar Iraq an ISIS suicide bomber detonated his vehicle outside a e-oil-tanker-bomber-kills-15-baghdad- 2017 police checkpoint in southern Baghdad. 170329211917253.html 27 Yemen VBIED, small Six soldiers and four civilians were killed in a bomb and https://www.yahoo.com/news/qaeda-claims- Mar arms gun attack on a government building in Lahj. Al-Qaeda suicide-bombing-south-yemen-221529917.html 2017 claimed responsibility. 25 Kasai, DRC Small arms, 40 police officers were killed by fighters from the http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa- Mar edged Kamwina Nsapu group in a central province of the 39396196 2017 weapons Democratic Republic of Congo. 25 Bangladesh Suicide An ISIS-claimed attack in South Surma Upazila, Sylhet, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_South_Surm Mar bombings Bangladesh killed six and wounded more than 40. a_Upazila_bombings 2017 23 Australia Twelve people were killed and $420 million of property https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclone_Debbie Mar-7 damage sustained by (tropical) cyclone Debbie. Apr 2017 22 London, Vehicle, knife Five people were killed and more than 50 injured when https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Westminster Mar England a 52-year old Muslim Briton drove a car into a crowd of _attack 2017 people, got out, and stabbed a police officer to death before being shot by another one. 20 Baghdad, VBIED An attack, likely performed by ISIS, killed 21 and injured http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/03/car- Mar Iraq 43 in southwestern Baghdad. bomb-kills-23-baghdad-170320175853000.html 2017 15 , Suicide Twin suicide attacks killed around 30 people and http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/03/suicid Mar Syria bombings wounded many more. Tahrir-al-Sham, the group e-attack-hits-justice-palace-syria-damascus- 2017 responsible for the attacks four days previous, denied 170315114623986.html involvement. 13 Mogadishu, VBIED At least thirteen were killed and fourteen wounded by http://news.trust.org/item/20170313083345-

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Mar Somalia an al-Shabaab car bomb detonated near a hotel. jbbyh/ 2017 11 Damascus, Suicide 59 were killed and an estimated 120 wounded in two http://www.dnaindia.com/world/report-twin- Mar Syria bombings bombings targeted at Shia Muslims in Damascus. damascus-bombs-kill-59-mostly-iraqi-pilgrims- 2017 2350570 9 Mar Tikrit, Iraq Suicide Two (presumed) ISIS suicide bombers killed at least 30 http://m.dw.com/en/scores-killed-in-twin- 2017 bombings and wounded many more at a wedding in Tikrit. suicide-attack-on-iraq-wedding/a-37862326 8 Mar Kabul, Small arms, Anywhere between 30 and 100 were killed and an http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/03/13/ 2017 Afghanistan suicide unknown number wounded when terrorists attacked a world/survivors-kabul-hospital-attack-deadly- bombings, hospital in Kabul. ISIS claimed responsibility, but some 100-say-insiders-also-took-part/#.WMa-HPnytPZ knives believe it was actually the Haqqani network. 6 Mar Mosul, Iraq Chemical Four were killed and 25 wounded in an ISIS chemical http://www.iraqinews.com/iraq-war/chemical- 2017 weapons weapons attack (using artillery). missiles-kill-4-civilians-wounds-25-others-near- mosul/ 6 Mar Aleppo, Syria Suicide Two ISIS suicide bombings in Aleppo, Syria killed fifteen http://dailytimes.com.pk/world/06-Mar-17/is- 2017 bombings and wounded an unknown number more. hits-back-against-armys-aleppo-advances-kills- 15-in-twin-suicide-attacks 2-11 Madagascar Cyclone Cyclone Enawo killed as many as 99 people and http://thoughtleadership.aonbenfield.com/Docu Mar destroyed many thousands of structures in ments/20170407-ab-analytics-if-march-global- 2017 Madagascar. recap.pdf 1 Mar Kabul, VBIED, small A Taliban-claimed attack on a police station killed 22 http://www.tolonews.com/afghanistan/blast- 2017 Afghanistan arms and wounded more than 119. reported-kabul 25 Feb , Syria Suicide 50 were killed and another 24 wounded in terrorist https://www.rt.com/news/378566-homs- 2017 bombing attacks claimed by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham. suicide-bomb-military/ 25 Feb Afghanistan Small arms Eleven people were killed in a Taliban ambush outside a http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/02/mosq 2017 mosque in northern Afghanistan (in Jowzjan province). ue-ambush-kills-10-police-northern-afghanistan- 170225115312094.html 24 Feb al-Bab, Iraq VBIED 60+ were killed and at least 100 injured in an ISIS car http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/isis-targets-civilians- 2017 bomb attack the day after al-Bab was declared under returning-liberated-al-bab-deadly-syrian-car- the control of a group of Syrian rebels. bomb-attack-1608360 24 Feb Iraq VBIED, small Fifteen Iraqi soldiers were killed when ISIS attacked http://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2017/ 2017 arms their position, near the border with Jordan. feb/24/islamic-state-attack-kills-15-iraq-border- guards-near-jordan-officials-1574320.html 20 Feb Mosul, Iraq Drones, Eleven civilians (including two schoolchildren) were http://www.iraqinews.com/iraq-war/islamic- 2017 rockets killed and at least three others wounded by ISIS drone state-drones-rockets-kill-11-civilians-including- © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

and rocket attacks. school-kids-eastern-mosul/ 19 Feb Somalia VBIED 39 were killed and 50 wounded in a car bombing of a http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/02/14- 2017 market in Mogadishu. It is thought that Al Shabaab was killed-mogadishu-market-blast- responsible, though they did not claim the attack. 170219122644232.html 16 Feb Baghdad, VBIED 55 people or so were killed and about 60 wounded http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/02/16/ba 2017 Iraq when an ISIS car bomb exploded at a car dealership in ghdad-bombing-strikes-car-dealership-kills- Baghdad. 15.html 16 Feb Pakistan Suicide An ISIS-claimed attack on a popular shrine in Sehwan http://dailytimes.com.pk/pakistan/17-Feb- 2017 bombing killed 88 and wounded as many as 343 more. 17/88-died-343-injured-in-sehwan-shrine- explosion-official-data 13 Feb Lahore, Suicide Fifteen were killed and at least 87 injured in a Jamaat- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_2017_La 2017 Pakistan bombing ul-Ahrar terrorist attack. hore_suicide_bombing 13 Feb Mosul, Iraq Artillery ISIS shelled five schools in Mosul, killing or wounding 28 http://www.iraqinews.com/iraq-war/shells-5- 2017 students and teachers. schools-mosul-kills-wounds-28-students- teachers/ 10 Feb Baghdad, Suicide A series of ISIS attacks killed at least ten and wounded http://www.todayonline.com/world/suicide- 2017 Iraq bombing, 33 more around the city of Baghdad. bombing-kills-four-wounds-15-eastern-mosul- VBIED restaurant 8 Feb Wadi Hajar, Twenty civilians were burned to death by ISIS for http://www.iraqinews.com/iraq-war/islamic- 2017 Iraq supposedly collaborating with Iraqi governmental state-burn-10-civilians-dead-treason-kill-7- security forces. Seven ISIS fighters were also executed. members-fleeing/ 7 Feb Kabul, Suicide 22 were killed and 41 wounded in an IS suicide http://www.voanews.com/a/islamicstate-kills-6- 2017 Afghanistan bombing bombing outside the Afghan Supreme Court. red-cross-workers/3714247.html 7 Feb Mosul, Iraq Small arms Fifteen Iraqi civilians were executed by ISIS by firing http://www.iraqinews.com/iraq-war/islamic- 2017 squad. state-execute-15-civilians-north-mosul-official/ 4-6 Pakistan & More than 100 were killed and dozens wounded by http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia- Feb Afghanistan several avalanches on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. 38872941 2017 30 Jan Nigeria Small arms At least fifteen people (and possibly as many as 24) http://www.lapresse.ca/international/afrique/20 2017 were killed by Boko Haram in an attack on a convoy in 1701/30/01-5064506-nigeria-au-moins-15- Nigeria. morts-dans-une-attaque-par-boko- haram.php?platform=hootsuite 29 Jan Egypt Small arms Four soldiers and around twenty militants were killed in http://aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/egypt-4-troops- 2017 an Egyptian military raid in the Sinai Peninsula. dozens-militants-killed-in-sinai-raid/737070 29 Jan Quebec City, Small arms Six people were killed and eighteen wounded by a https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/ © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

2017 Canada gunman at a mosque in Quebec City. 30/quebec-mosque-shooting-canada-deaths 25 Jan Mogadishu, Bomb and 28 people were killed and at least 43 injured in an al http://www.reuters.com/article/us-somalia- 2017 Somalia small arms Shabaab terrorist attack on the Dayah Hotel. attacks-idUSKBN1590HB 21-23 Southeast Tornadoes A outbreak produced 80 tornadoes and killed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado_outbreak Jan USA twenty people, as well as destroying around $600 _of_January_21%E2%80%9323,_2017 2017 million worth of property. 21 Jan Kandahar, Small arms Sixteen police officers and 27 others were killed in a https://sputniknews.com/asia/20170121104986 2017 Afghanistan Taliban attack on a police station in Kandahar. 1886-afghanistan-taliban-attack/ 20 Jan Parachinar, IED Two Afghani terrorist groups detonated a bomb hidden https://www.dawn.com/news/1309926/carnage 2017 Pakistan in a vegetable crate in a market in Pakistan, killing 25 -at-parachinar-market-25-killed-87-injured and wounding a further 87. 19 Jan Palmyra, Small arms, Twelve people were killed, either shot or beheaded, by http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast- 2017 Syria knives ISIS in execution-style killings in Palmyra. crisis-syria-palmyra-idUSKBN1530XM 18 Jan Central Italy Earthquakes A series of four earthquakes struck central Italy, killing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2017_Cen 2017 five people and causing some destruction of property. tral_Italy_earthquakes 18 Jan Central Italy An avalanche, caused by the earthquakes that occurred http://tass.com/world/927387 2017 on this day, struck the Hotel Rigopiano and killed 29. 18 Jan Gao, Mali VBIED 60 or more people were killed and 100 injured when Al http://www.euronews.com/2017/01/18/al- 2017 Mourabitoun attackers ran over some people and then qaeda-linked-group-claims-mali-s-deadliest- detonated their vehicle in a military camp in northern suicide-attack Mali. 17 Jan Peshawar, Suicide A suicide bomber killed at least ten and injured 30 https://www.samaa.tv/pakistan/2016/01/five- 2017 Pakistan bombing more in Peshawar, Pakistan. die-as-blast-targets-security-troops-in-peshawar/ 16 Jan Nigeria Suicide Seventeen were injured and three killed by Boko Haram http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/01/suicid 2017 bombing suicide bombers at Nigeria’s University of Maiduguri. e-attack-hits-nigeria-university-maiduguri- 170116112753904.html 14 Jan Cameroon Knives Boko Haram killed seventeen people (including five http://lcclc.info/index.php/2017/01/16/cameroo 2017 women, and some elderly people) in northern n-far-north-boko-haram-slaughters-17-people- Cameroon (in the town of Gnam-Gnam) with knives. in-gnam-gnam/ 14 Jan Nigeria Small arms Three soldiers were killed and 27 wounded in a http://www.worldbulletin.net/africa/183138/nig 2017 gunfight with Boko Haram. Ten militants were also eria-10-militants-killed-in-ne-borno-state killed. 10 Jan Afghanistan Suicide Two Taliban bombs set off near parliament in Kabul and http://www.rferl.org/a/afghanistan-kabul-bomb- 2017 bombing, one in Kandahar killed 38+ people and wounded attacks-parliament-deaths/28223768.html VBIED around 70. © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

10 Jan Kandahar, IED A (suspected) ISIS bomb concealed in a sofa killed at http://m.france24.com/en/20170111- 2017 Afghanistan least eleven and wounded many more, including afghanistan-uae-diplomats-killed-kandahar- several UAE diplomats. attack 8 Jan Baghdad, VBIED, suicide Twenty people were killed and around 50 more http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/01/iraq- 2017 Iraq bombing wounded in two ISIS attacks in eastern Baghdad. suicide-attacks-rock-baghdad-killing-20- 170108131406836.html 8 Jan Jerusalem Truck Four soldiers from the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) killed http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/08/middleeast/jer 2017 and wounded 15 when a truck driven by Palestinian usalem-vehicle-attack/index.html Fadi Qunbar plowed into them. Three of those murdered were women. 7 Jan Azaz, Syria VBIED Anywhere between nineteen and 50 people were killed http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle- 2017 and up to 60 wounded when a car bomb (suspected east/2017/01/07/Car-bomb-kills-at-least-14-in- ISIS) exploded in the rebel-held town of Azaz. Syria-s-Azaz-.html 6 Jan Fort Small arms An ARNG veteran killed 5 and injured 8 in a shooting at http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/01/06/at- 2017 Lauderdale, the Fort Lauderdale airport least-5-dead-8-hospitalized-after-shooting-at-ft- FL lauderdale-airport.html 6 Jan Baghlan, Small arms Thirteen coal miners were shot and killed, with three http://www.tolonews.com/afghanistan/13- 2017 Afghanistan more wounded, on their way home from work. coalmine-workers-shot-dead-baghlan 5 Jan , Syria VBIED Eleven were killed and 35 wounded in the government- http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/01/syria- 2017 controlled town of Jableh. ISIS was presumed to be civil-war-deaths-car-bomb-hits-jableh-town- behind the attacks. 170105133553931.html 5 Jan Baghdad, VBIED, suicide 27 were killed and dozens more wounded by several http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/iraq-bomb- 2017 Iraq bombing (suspected) ISIS suicide bombing attacks (one involving attack-baghdad-1.3922161 a vehicle). 2 Jan Baghdad, VBIED, IED, Several ISIS attacks (predominately VBIED) targeted https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/02/world/m 2017 Iraq Suicide against Shia Muslims across Baghdad killed at least 56 iddleeast/iraq-baghdad-market-suicide-bombing- bombing and wounded more than 100 more. islamic-state.html?ref=middleeast&_r=0 1 Jan Istanbul, Small arms 39 killed and 70 injured in a shooting attack on a http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/01/europe/turkey 2017 nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey -nightclub-attack/index.html Jan Kashmir Avalanches Avalanches and killed at least 25 in Indian-administered http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article- 2017 Kashmir. 4171960/Death-toll-deadly-Kashmir-avalanches- rises-25.html Jan Northern At least 9 people were killed by extreme cold in http://www.hindustantimes.com/india- 2017 India northern India. news/chill-grips-north-india-mercury-continues- to-dip/story-9dty3FyGxY8JsGiKoYRT3M.html

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Jan Europe Cold wave A cold wave struck eastern and central Europe, killing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2017_Eur 2017 more than 60 people. opean_cold_wave Jan Chile Eleven were killed and thousands displaced in some of http://www.euronews.com/2017/01/30/homes- 2017 Chile’s worst ever . evacuated-in-chile-amid-battle-to-control- wildfires 25 Dec Sochi, Russia Plane crash 92 killed in TU 154 Russian military plane crashed while http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/euro 2016 transporting medical supplies over the Black Sea to pe/russia-plane-crash-sochi-tu-154-elizaveta- Syria. glinka-dr-liza-aid-syria--black-sea- a7495886.html 19 Dec Berlin, Truck attack Truck driven by a Pakistani crashed into a Christmas http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/ansc 2016 Germany market in Germany, 12 dead and 56 injured hlag-in-berlin-irrtuemlich-festgenommener- pakistaner-meldet-sich-zu-wort-a-1127429.html 19 Dec Irkutsk, Alcohol 33 die in Irkutsk from methanol poisoning after drinking http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/12/19/at- 2016 Russia poisoning bath lotion. 15 more people were hospitalized in grave least-33-die-in-russian-city-from-alcohol- condition. poisoning.html 18 Dec Karak, Small arms 16 killed and 29 wounded in Jordan when terrorists http://www.reuters.com/article/us-jordan- 2016 Jordan attacked a Crusader-era castle frequented by tourists. security-shooting-idUSKBN1470GG?il=0 18 Dec Aden, Yemen VBIED A suicide bomber killed 52 soldiers in an attack on a http://www.wsj.com/articles/yemen-bombing- 2016 military base in Aden. kills-at-least-23-people-1482046988 17 Dec Kayseri, VBIED Kurdish militants detonated a car bomb near a military http://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-blast- 2016 Turkey bus, killing 13 and wounding 56. idUSKBN14605H 16 Dec Burkina Faso, Small arms Gunmen ambushed and killed 12 soldiers of an army http://www.reuters.com/article/us-burkina- 2016 near Mali anti-terrorism unit in Burkina Faso. attack-idUSKBN1451MP?il=0 11 Dec Mogadishu, Bomb A suicide bomber killed at least 29 people at the port. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-somalia- 2016 Somalia blast-idUSKBN14004Y 11 Dec Cairo, Egypt Bomb A TNT bomb exploded in the Church of St. Peter and St. http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/11/middleeast/eg 2016 Paul, adjacent to the St. Mark’s Coptic Cathedral. At ypt-coptic-church/index.html least 25 Christians died and dozens were wounded. 10 Dec Aden, Yemen Bombing An attacker blew himself up near an army base, killing http://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen- 2016 50 and injuring 70. security-idUSKBN13Z0HS 10 Dec Istanbul, IED and VBIED The Kurdish Freedom Hawks (TAK) claimed http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/11/europe/istanb 2016 Turkey responsibility for a car bomb and a suicide bombing of ul-explosions/index.html a soccer match at the Besiktas Vodafone Arena. 38 people died, mostly law enforcement, and 155 were injured. © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

10 Dec Uyo, Nigeria Building Up to 50 people died when the Reigners Bible Church http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/10/africa/nigeria- 2016 collapse collapsed. The Governor of the State of Akwa, Udom church-collapse/index.html Emmanuel, was present but narrowly escaped injury. 9 Dec Madagali, Suicide Two schoolgirls blew themselves up, killing 56 and http://www.reuters.com/article/us-nigeria- 2016 Nigeria bombing wounding 57 people in a local market security-idUSKBN13Y1QR?il=0 7 Dec Aceh, Earthquake in Indonesia, Aceh, off Sumatra, kills 97 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/ 2016 Sumatra 07/aceh-earthquake-children-among-dead-and- dozens-more-trapped-on-sumatra 30 Nov Nigeria Small arms Twelve Christian farmers were killed in four villages by http://christiandaily.com/article/muslim-fulani- 2016 Fulani tribesmen herdsmen-slaughter-at-least-12-christians-in- fresh-spate-of-ethno-religious- cleansing/59543.htm 28 Nov Medellin, Plane crash Charter aircraft carrying Chapeconense Brazilian soccer http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/30/americas/colo 2016 Columbia team crashed in the Andes outside Medellin, Colombia, mbia-plane-crash/index.html killing 71 of 77 on board. 27 Nov Democratic Small arms 41 tribal insurgents and 14 police officers died in http://www.reuters.com/article/us-uganda- 2016 Republic of clashes in Western DRC. security-idUSKBN13M0OG Congo 26 Nov Mogadishu, VBIED A suicide bomber killed at least 20 people in a crowded http://www.garoweonline.com/en/news/somalia 2016 Somalia market in Somalia’s capital. /somali-forces-arrest-suspect-in-deadly-market- attack 24 Nov Al-Hillah, VBIED ISIS claimed responsibility for a vehicular attack on http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast- 2016 Iraq Iranian Shia pilgrims. 100 people died and over 100 crisis-iraq-blast-idUSKBN13J1DA more were injured. 21 Nov Kabul, Suicide A suicide bomber at a Kabul Shia mosque murdered 30 http://www.reuters.com/article/us-afghanistan- 2016 Afghanistan bombing and injured 35. blast-idUSKBN13G0OS?il=0 12 Nov Khuzdar Small arms More than 52 people died and 102 were injured in a http://www.dawn.com/news/1295928 2016 district of suicide blast in Balochistan, Pakistan. Balochistan 11 Nov South Sudan Small arms At least 11 people died and 16 were injured during an http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa- 2016 attack on a football (soccer) stadium in Juba. 37889783 4 Nov Diyarbakir, VBIED A car bomb killed up to 11 and injured 100+ in a major https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/ 2016 Turkey Kurdish city in eastern Turkey. 04/turkey-explosion-rocks-major-kurdish-city-of- diyarbakir 24 Oct California Bus crash Bus crashed into semi-trailer in California, 13 killed http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/23/us/california- © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

2016 bus-accident/index.html 23 Oct Eseka, Derailment An overcrowded train jumped the tracks and crashed, http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/10/22/ca 2016 Cameroon killing at least 70 and injuring 600. meroon-train-crash-death-toll-as-high-as-73- rescuers-say.html 21-22 Kirkuk, Iraq Small arms, Islamic State fighters attacked police buildings. 80 died http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/i Oct bombing and 133 were injured. raqi-official-islamic-state-assault-kirkuk-killed- 2016 80-42986517 18 Oct Kaduna Edged A mob attacked Fulani herdsmen. At least 14 were http://www.timeslive.co.za/africa/2016/10/18/ 2016 State, weapons killed. Violence is common between largely Muslim Mob-attacks-Fulani-herdsmen-in-Nigeria Nigeria herdsmen and largely Christian farmers in this region. 17 Oct Ghashghar, Small arms Boko Haram, under the name Islamic State West Africa http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article- 2016 Nigeria Province (ISWAP), claimed to have killed 20 soldiers 3845112/Boko-Haram-claims-attack-soldiers-NE- and wounded “dozens” of others. Nigeria.html 15 Oct Baghdad, Suicide A bomber detonated an explosive vest in a funeral tent http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Nearly- 2016 Iraq bomber in a crowded marketplace in the Shaab neighborhood, 60-People-Killed-in-Iraq-by-Islamic-State-Group- killing 41 and injuring 33. Attacks-20161015-0005.html 14 Oct Bir el Abd, Small arms An ISIS-affiliated group attacked a border checkpoint in http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/afric 2016 Egypt the northern Sinai. This was the first attack in this a/isis-egypt-sinai-dead-soldiers-police-bir-al-abd- region. At least 12 died. a7361241.html 14 Oct Sirte, Libya Small arms In the Libyan Civil War, ISIS fighters killed 14 http://indianexpress.com/article/world/world- 2016 government soldiers, mostly by sniper fire. news/libya-14-dead-as-pro-govt-fighters- squeeze-is-in-sirte-3083522/ 12 Oct Central Small arms The predominately Muslim Seleka militia attacked http://www.reuters.com/article/us-centralafrica- 2016 African refugees. 30 people died and 57 were injured. violence-idUSKCN12D2JE Republic 11 Oct Kabul, Small arms Militants attacked a Shia mosque. 14 died and 26 were http://www.oleantimesherald.com/news/world/ 2016 Afghanistan wounded. afghanistan-s-interior-ministry-says-people- killed-in-militant-attack/article_ddeb5feb-f5ee- 54c8-a3cc-4dace240cb9f.html 10 Oct Lashkar, VBIED A suicide bomber killed 14, including 10 policemen, in a http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/ 2016 Afghanistan city in southern Helmand. afghan-police-officer-suicide-car-bomber- southern-helmand-42695924 9 Oct Semdimli, Bombing Kurdish militants killed 18 and wounded 27 in a truck- http://www.dailysabah.com/nation/2016/10/09 2016 Turkey bomb attack on a Turkish police checkpoint. /pkk-terrorists-kill-18-injure-27-in-bomb-laden- vehicle-attack-on-gendarmerie-checkpoint

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7 Oct Haiti Hurricane Hurricane Matthew killed at least 1,000 and made over http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/08/americas/hurr 2016 60,000 people homeless. icane-matthew-death-toll-haiti/index.html, http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/10/haiti- death-toll-hurricane-matthew-passes-1000- 161010042033130.html 6 Oct Atmeh, Syria Suicide An Islamic State operative killed 29 opposition fighters http://www.denverpost.com/2016/10/06/syria- 2016 bombing at a checkpoint at the Turkish border. turkey-border-explosion/ 3 Oct Al Hasakah, Suicide 20 attendees at a Kurdish wedding died and over 47 https://conflitsfr.wordpress.com/2016/10/03/syr 2016 Syria bombing were wounded by an ISIS bomber. ie-attentat-suicide-dans-une-ville-kurde/ 27 Sep Baghdad, Suicide Two bombers killed 17 and injured 52, including police http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast- 2016 Iraq bombing and medical personnel, in Shiite districts. ISIS claimed crisis-iraq-blast-idUSKCN11X0PW responsibility. 24 Sep Burlington, Small arms Four women and one man killed by a man with a rifle at http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/09/24/hunt- 2016 Washington, the Cascade Mall. on-for-gunman-who-killed-4-women-at- USA washington-state-mall.html 23 Sep Egyptian Capsize A ship containing 450 migrants from Egypt, Eritrea and http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/23/middleeast/eg 2016 coast near Somalia bound for Italy capsized off the coast of Egypt. ypt-migrant-boat-capsize/index.html Rashid At least 162 died. (Rosetta) 18 Sep Uri, Kasmir, Small arms 17 Indian soldiers died in an attack by suspected http://www.france24.com/fr/20160918- 2016 India Pakistani rebels on a military base cachemire-indien-17-soldats-tues-attaque-base- militaire-hommes-armes-pakistan- inde?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter 18 Sep Central Small arms Seleka rebels killed 26 civilians near Ndomete, CAR. http://www.ouest- 2016 African france.fr/monde/centrafrique/centrafrique-les- Republic rebelles-de-la-seleka-accuses-dun-massacre- 4498112 17 Sep St. Cloud, Knife Dahir A. Adan, age 22, a member of St. Cloud's Somali- http://www.businessinsider.com/ap-police- 2016 . American community, stabbed 10 people in the multiple-injuries-in-attack-at-minnesota-mall- USA Crossroads Center mall. He was killed by an off-duty 2016-9 police officer, but no one else died. 16 Sep Mohmand, Suicide At least 30 died and 30 were injured when a suicide http://www.dawn.com/news/1284337/curfew- 2016 Pakistan bombing bomber hit a mosque in Mohmand's Pai Khan village in-mohmand-as-suicide-attack-death-toll-rises- during Friday prayers. Jamaatul Ahrar, an offshoot of to-30 the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan, claimed responsibility

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11 Sep Yemen VBIED At least 7 policemen died and 15 injured in an Al-Qaeda http://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen- 2016 attack on the al-Wadea district, Abyan province. security-attack-idUSKCN11H0EF?il=0 10 Sep Baghdad, VBIED Two cars exploded outside a mall in Baghdad. At least https://www.yahoo.com/news/islamic-state- 2016 Iraq 40 people died and at least 60 were wounded. twin-suicide-bombings-baghdad-mall-kill- 093138500.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_2016_ Baghdad_bombings 9 Sep Dhaka, Factory boiler A boiler exploded in a factory, killing 21 and injuring 50. http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/10/asia/banglade 2016 Bangladesh sh-factory-fire/index.html 5 Sep Kabul, VBIED Multiple Taliban attacks killed 42-58 and injured over 2016 Afghanistan 109. 5 Sep Various ISIS VBIED ISIS militants struck Syrian forces in many locations http://www.seattlepi.com/news/world/article/M 2016 locations in with IED and small arms, killing 48-70 and injuring ultiple-bomb-blasts-in-different-Syrian-cities- Syria many. 9203403.php 2 Sep Davao City, IED 15 people were killed and 71 wounded in a bomb http://www.cbsnews.com/news/davao-city- 2016 Philippines attack on a night market. The Islamic group Abu Sayyaf explosion-philippines-dead/ claimed responsibility. 26 Aug Turkey VBIED A truck bomb destroyed a Turkish checkpoint in Cizre, http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/08/26/at- 2016 Sirnack province, killing 11 and wounding 78. Kurdish least-11-police-officers-dead-78-injured-in- rebels claimed responsibility. turkey-car-bomb-attack.html 24 Aug Kabul, Small arms, At least 13 people died and 44 were wounded when a http://www.cbsnews.com/news/american- 2016 Afghanistan IED Taliban gunman attacked the American University in university-of-afghanistan-in-kabul-attack/ Kabul. 24 Aug Italy Earth- 6.2 magnitude trembler hit the village of Amatrice in http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/08/26/de 2016 quake central Italy, killing 267 people and injuring 368. ath-toll-in-italy-earthquake-rises-to-267- Powerful aftershocks contributed to the devastation. aftershocks-rattle-devastated-region.html 21 Aug Somalia VBIED 20 people died and 30 were wounded in twin car http://www.reuters.com/article/us-somalia- 2016 bombings in the semi-autonomous region of attacks-idUSKCN10W088 Somalia. Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility. 20 Aug Syria IED A suicide bomber attacked a Kurdish wedding http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/22/world/eur 2016 ceremony, killing at least 50. ope/turkey-wedding-attack-isis- blamed.html?_r=0 19 Aug South Sudan Small arms Fighting between government and opposition forces http://english.sina.com/news/2016-08-23/detail- 2016 killed 153 in the northeastern state of Jonglei. ifxvctcc8349480.shtml 14 Aug Eastern Small arms Militants from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) and http://www.africanews.com/2016/08/21/trial- © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

2016 Democratic the National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (NALU) of-beni-massacre-suspects-begins-in-dr-congo/ Republic of killed at least 51 people in the district of Rwangoma in Congo the city of Beni which is located in North Kivu. 13 Aug Nigeria Small arms Fulani herdsmen attacked three villages in Kaduna, http://morningstarnews.org/2016/08/at-least- 2016 killing 13 and displacing hundreds. 13-christians-killed-in-muslim-fulani-herdsmen- attacks-in-kaduna-state-nigeria/ 8 Aug Pakistan Small arms, Pakistani Taliban and ISIS claimed responsibility for an http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/08/pakist 2016 IED attack on a hospital in Quetta that killed at least 70 an-blast-quetta-hospital-lawyer-killed- people. 160808050839643.html 5 Aug India Small arms 14 civilians died and 15 were wounded in a market http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/696937/I 2016 attack in Balajan Tiniali, Assam. Bodo militants are ndia-terror-attack-shooting-Kokrajhar-market- suspected. Assam 4 Aug Afghanistan Small arms Two buses carrying foreigner tourists were attacked by https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/ 2016 Taliban troops. 10 died and 5 were wounded. 04/foreign-tourists-attacked-in-western- afghanistan-says-officials 2 Aug Aleppo, Syria “Toxic gas At least 7 people were killed at 20 were hospitalized http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east- 2016 shells” after Syrian rebels shelled a “civilian area” in Aleppo. 36970220 2 Aug Benghazi, VBIED 23 people died and up to 70 were injured in a car http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/20 2016 Libya bombing in the al-Qawarsha district on the outskirts of 16/08/02/car-bomb-libya-benghazi/87966602/ Benghazi. The al-Qaida affiliate known as Ansar al- Shariah claimed responsibility. 27 Jul Qamishli, VBIED An ISIS suicide bomber driving an explosives-laden http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/ 2016 Syria truck killed 52 and injured 170 in a Kurdish area of death-toll-from-syria-s/2992426.html northeastern Syria. 26 Jul Somalia VBIED Two Al-Shabaab car bombs killed 13 near the African http://www.cbsnews.com/news/somalia- 2016 Union base in the area of the Mogadishu airport. mogadishu-2-suicide-bombers-attack-african- union-amison-peacekeeping-base/ 26 Jul Japan Knife Satoshi Uematsu, who said “It is better that disabled https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/2 2016 people disappear,” killed 19 and injured 26 at a nursing 5/tokyo-knife-attack-stabbing-sagamihara facility at Sagamihara, south of Tokyo. 25 Jul Iraq VBIED A car bomb killed 17 people and injured 22. ISIS http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east- 2016 claimed responsibility. 36881823 24 Jul Baghdad, IED 21 killed and at least 35 injured in suicide blast in http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/24/middleeast/ir 2016 Iraq Kadhimiya neighborhood aq-baghdad-suicide-bombing-isis/index.html 23 Jul Kabul, Suicide ISIS claimed responsibility for a two-person suicide http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36874570 © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

2016 Afghanistan bombing blast in Kabul against a group of Shia Hazaras protesting a plan to bypass their homes with a power line. 80 died and 230 were wounded. 22 Jul Munich, Small arms An 18 yr old German-Iranian man shouting "Allah http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/22/europe/germa 2016 Germany Akbar" killed 9 people and injured 16 in a shooting at a ny-munich-shooting/ mall. 18 Jul Nampala, Small arms, 17 soldiers died and 35 were wounded in an attack on a http://www.bbc.com/afrique/region/2016/07/16 2016 Mali explosives Malian army base near the town of Nampala. Marina 0719_mali-attack liberation front and Pert tribesmen were the attackers. 17-31 Yerevan, Small arms Two died and at least 60 were injured when members http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/07/arme Jul Armenia of the New Armenia Public Salvation Front took over a nia-hostages-police-protesters-clash-yerevan- 2016 police station, holding hostages until 30 July. 160730034748569.html 15 Jul Istanbul, Military A military coup failed to overthrow the Islamist http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/07/16/at- 2016 Ankara, government of Recip Erdogan, but at least 161 were least-161-killed-scores-wounded-as-turkish- Turkey killed and 1400 wounded. Over 2800 soldiers were military-attempts-coup.html, arrested. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe- 36813924 14 Jul Nice, France Truck and French-Tunisian terrorist Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel http://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe- 2016 small arms drove a truck through large crowds on the Promenade 36799172 des Anglais. He also shot people. 84 people died and 202 were injured. 11 Jul Somalia Small arms Al Shabab militants attacked a Somali army base with a http://www.reuters.com/article/us-somalia- 2016 truck bomb, killing at least 10 or up to 30 soldiers. attacks-idUSKCN0ZR0GN 10 Jul Benue, Small arms Fulani herdsmen killed 81 people in the state of Benue, http://www.channelstv.com/2016/07/10/herdsm 2016 Nigeria Nigeria, over going rights. en-attacks-leave-81-dead-in-benue/, https://www.360nobs.com/2016/07/512828/ 7 Jul Balad, Iraq Explosives and A suicide bomber and several gunmen attacked a Shia http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast- 2016 small arms mausoleum near Balad, Iraq. 56 people died and 70 crisis-iraq-security-idUSKCN0ZN2LC, were wounded. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20160709- iraq-death-toll-from-shrine-attack-rises-to-56/ 2 Jul Baghdad, VBIED A suicide car bomb in a busy shopping district in http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/02/middleeast/ba 2016 Iraq Baghdad killed 215 people and injured at least 147. ISIS ghdad-car-bombs/index.html, claimed responsibility. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/04/middleeast/ba ghdad-car-bombs/ 2 Jul Dhaka, Small arms 22 killed in hostage attack on a cafe in the diplomatic http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/07/02/at-

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2016 Bangladesh quarter of Dhaka, the capital city. least-6-islamist-militants-killed-13-hostages- rescued-after-commando-raid-on-bangladesh- restaurant.html?intcmp=hpbt2 2 Jul Chitral Flood Monsoon rains triggered a flood which destroyed the http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/03/asia/pakistan- 2016 District, village of Ursoo and a mosque, killing at least 41. flooding/index.html Pakistan 29 Jun Near Kabul, Small arms and 27 Afghan police recruits killed and 40 wounded in an http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/06/dozen 2016 Afghanistan explosives attack on a convoy outside the capital city of Kabul. The s-afghan-police-feared-dead-taliban-attack- Taliban claimed responsibility. 160630082922396.html 29 Jun Istanbul, Small arms and 41 dead and more than 230 hurt in an Islamic terror http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe- 2016 Turkey explosives attack on the Ataturk airport. A Russian Chechen leader 36658187 was implicated. 23 Jun West Virginia Flood At least 23 people died in flooding near White Sulfur http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/28/us/west- 2016 Springs, WV. Over 1200 homes were destroyed. virginia-flooding-weather/ 12 Jun Orlando, Small arms Omar Mateen, 29, a radical Muslim who had http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/14/us/orland 2016 Florida frequented the Pulse Club, a favorite of the o-shooting.html?_r=0 homosexual community, killed 49 people and injured 53 in the club. ISIS claimed influence. 19 Mediterrane Aircraft Egypt Air flight 804 crash in Mediterranean Sea. 66 http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/15/middleeast/eg May an Sea bombing killed yptair-crash-explosive-material-found/index.html 2016 19 Apr Kabul, VBIED 64 people were killed and 347 wounded in a Taliban http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/20 2016 Afghanistan provoked terrorist attack on a government intelligence 16/04/20/death-toll-kabul-taliban-attack-rises- facility during the morning rush hour. 64/83269672/ 16 Apr Coastal Earthquake 654 people died in a 7.8 magnitude earthquake near http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/20/americas/ecu 2016 Ecuador Manta, Portoviejo and Pedernales, Ecuador. 12,492 ador-earthquake/index.html were injured and over 26,000 made homeless. 27 Lahore, IED Suicide bomber Mohammed Yusuf, associated with the http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/03/28/at- Mar Pakistan Taliban, killed over 70 people, targeting Christians, at least-70-killed-in-pakistan-bombing-targeting- 2016 an Easter celebration. Many Muslims died as well. christians.html?intcmp=hpbt2 22 Brussels, IED Belgian nationals Khalid and Brahim el-Bakraoui http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe- Mar Belgium detonated IEDs in the Brussels airport and metro 35879141; 2016 station, killing at 35 people and injuring over 300. ISIS http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/03/28/fou claimed responsibility. r-americans-confirmed-killed-in-brussels-terror- attacks.html?intcmp=hplnws

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13 Ivory Coast, Small arms Gunmen from Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb killed http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/13/africa/ivory- Mar Africa 16 in an attack on the Grand-Bassam beach resort. coast-attack/index.html 2016 13 Ankara, VBIED 37 killed, 125 injured in car bombing in Ankara, Turkey. http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/14/world/ankara- Mar Turkey blast/index.html 2016 6 Mar Al Hillah, Iraq VBIED Near the ruins of Babylon, 60 miles south of Baghdad, http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/03/06/at- 2016 car bombing least-11-killed-in-baghdad-suicide- attack.html?intcmp=hplnws 17 Feb Ankara, VBIED A truck bomb exploded in Ankara, Turkey, damaging http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/17/asia/turkey- 2016 Turkey military vehicles, killing 28 and wounding over 60. ankara-explosion/index.html 13 Feb Tainan, Earth-quake A trembler that measured 6.4 on the Richter scale and http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/13/asia/taiwan- 2016 Taiwan collapsed the Weiguan Golden Dragon high-rise tower earthquake/index.html killed 116. 20 Jan Northwest Small arms, Islamic militants killed 22 in attack on Bacha Khan http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/20/asia/pakistan- 2016 Pakistan explosives University, in Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, near university-militant-attack/index.html Peshawar. 2 Dec Los Angeles, Small arms, ISIS sympathizers Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln- 2015 USA explosives Malik killed 14 people and injured 22 at a holiday party. san-bernardino-shooting-live-updates- A Muslim friend, Enrique Marquez, purchased the htmlstory.html weapons. 13 Nov Paris, France Small arms, 129 people were killed in a coordinated attack on the http://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/paris-terror- 2015 explosives Bataclan theatre, a soccer game at the Stade de France, attack and numerous restaurants. ISIS claimed responsibility. 31 Oct Sinai Airplane crash An Airbus-A321-200 flown by the Russian airline http://www.cbsnews.com/news/egypt-russia- 2015 Peninsula, Metrojet broke up in midair and crashed, killing all 224 plane-crash-sinai-peninsula/ Egypt on board. A bomb was found in the wreckage and ISIS took responsibility 10 Oct Ankara, Suicide Two Islamic suicide bombers killed over 100 people http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/1 2015 Turkey bombing 0/turkey-suicide-bomb-killed-in-ankara 24 Sep Mecca, Saudi Human At least 2,177 pilgrims attending the Hajj were crushed http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/10/1 2015 Arabia stampede and trampled to death by other pilgrims. It was the 9/hajj-disaster-death-toll-over-two- deadliest event in Hajj history thousand.html 18 Sep Xinjiang, Knives Islamic separatists attacked a coal mine in the Uyghur http://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/attack 2015 Autonomous Region, killing at least 50 people, mostly -09302015174319.html

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Han Chinese, including 5 policemen. 27 Jul Dina Nagar, Small arms and Three Muslim gunmen from the Pakistani group http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/punjab/terr 2015 Gurdaspur grenades Lashkar-e-Tayiba attacked a bus with 75 passengers, a or-attack-in-gurdaspur-9-dead-4- district, community health center, and a police station, killing 7 injured/111963.html Punjab, India and injuring 18. Originally the attackers were thought to have been Sikh separatists fighting to establish Khalistan, an independent Sikh nation in Punjab. 26 Jun Sousse, Small arms A gunman disguised as a tourist killed 38 people, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/27/world/afri 2015 Tunisia mostly British, at a beach resort in Tunisia. ISIS claimed ca/gunmen-attack-hotel-in-sousse- responsibility. tunisia.html?_r=0 9 May Al Khalis Iraq Small arms, ISIS operative busted 40 prisoners out of the Al Khalis http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/05/15050 2015 IED prison in Diyala. 50 prisoners and 12 police officers 9095103216.html were killed. 25 Apr Nepal Earth-quake A magnitude 7.8 earthquake shattered Kathmandu and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_2015_Nepal_ 2015 its surroundings, resulting in almost 9,000 deaths and earthquake 23,000 injuries. It caused an avalanche on Mt. Everest, https://www.usaid.gov/nepal-earthquake killing 19 climbers to become the deadliest day in Everest history. Apr- India and Almost 4,000 people were killed in India and Pakistan in https://www.britannica.com/event/India- Jun Pakistan a heat wave that was caused by weaker-than-usual pre- Pakistan-heat-wave-of-2015 2015 monsoon rains. 24 Nice, French Airplane German Wings flight 9525 was intentionally crashed by http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/24/europe/france Mar Alps its suicidal copilot in the French Alps, Andreas Lubitz. -plane-crash/index.html 2015 144 passengers and 6 crew died. 18 Tunis, Small arms Two attackers dressed as soldiers killed 19 people, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/19/world/afri Mar Tunisia primarily Europeans, at the National Bardo Museum. ca/gunmen-attack-tunis-bardo-national- 2015 museum.html 24-28 Panjshir Avalanche Heavy snowstorms in the area caused a series of 40 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Afghanistan Feb Province, avalanches over four days, killing at least 310 and _avalanches 2015 Afghanistan wounding 129. 23 Jan Kurdistan Unknown A truck containing 20 canisters of an unknown gas was http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/ 2015 involved in an ISIS attack on a Kurdish position. A 14/islamic-state-isis-used-chemical-weapons- “white, billowing cloud” was released and Kurdish peshmerga-kurds fighters had dizziness, nausea, vomiting and general weakness. This cannot be verified.

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10-11 Paris, France Small arms In the name of ISIS, Amedy Coulibaly attacked a Jewish http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world- Jan supermarket, killing a female police officer and four news/paris-shootings-gunman-amedy-coulibaly- 2015 others. 4961806 7 Jan Paris, France Small arms Al Qaeda attackers killed 12 at the French magazine http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation- 2015 Charlie Hebdo, supposedly in retaliation for insulting now/2015/01/09/paris-terror-attack-charlie- the Prophet Muhammad hebdo/21490645/ 16 Dec Peshawar, Small arms Seven gunmen killed 141 people including 132 school https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Peshawar_sc 2014 Pakistan children at the Army Public School. Special forces hool_massacre personnel rescued 960. Militants were executed. Sep Iraq Chlorine Iraqi soldiers claimed that ISIS militants used chlorine http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_ 2014 gas against them. east/islamic-state-attack-on-iraqi-base-leaves- hundreds-missing-shows-army- weaknesses/2014/09/22/9a8b9e4d-0fea-4650- 8816-5e720dbffd04_story.html 12 Dec Syria Sarin (GB) Report to UN by OPCW and WHO identifies evidence of https://unoda-web.s3.amazonaws.com/wp- 2013 Sarin attacks in weapons residue and blood samples content/uploads/2013/12/report.pdf 7 Apr Pakistan Avalanche 140 Pakistanis, mostly soldiers, died in an avalanche in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Gayari_Sect 2012 Gayari Sector or_avalanche 4 Mar Afghanistan Avalanche At least 50 people (and probably more) were killed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Afghanistan 2012 when three avalanches occurred, one destroying a _avalanches small village in the Badakhshan Province of Afghanistan 2012 Afghanistan Unknown A wave of sickness mysteriously affected students at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine- several girls’ schools in the Takhar province. 18118818 22 Jul Norway, Car bomb, Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 people in Oslo and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Norway_att 2011 shooting at a Workers' Youth League (AUF)-run summer camp on acks Utoya Island. 11 Japan Flood, A 9.0 magnitude earthquake 70 km east of Japan Damage Situation and Police Countermeasures, Mar radiation caused a which killed 15,893, and injured http://www.npa.go.jp/archive/keibi/biki/higaijok 2011 6,152 near Sendai. Nearby nuclear reactors suffered yo_e.pdf level 7 meltdowns from the tsunami. Jan Brazil Storms, floods, About 900 people died in flooding caused by http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/17/world/am 2011 and landslides substantial storms in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ericas/17brazil.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2011_Rio _de_Janeiro_floods_and_mudslides Oct- Haiti Vibrio cholera The worst cholera epidemic in recent history killed Cholera in Haiti: One Year Later

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Nov 6,631 and sickened over 470,000. The disease was http://www.cdc.gov/haiticholera/haiti_cholera.h 2010 inadvertently brought by UN tm peacekeepers from Nepal after the earthquake. UN Struggles to Stem Haiti Cholera Epidemic http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/20/world/am ericas/un-struggles-to-stem-haiti- cholera-epidemic.html?_r=0 Jul- Russia Heat wave and An extremely hot summer combined with and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Russian_wil Sep wildfires resultant wildfires killed an estimated 56,000 Russians dfires 2010 and cost $15 million in damage. Jul- Japan Heat wave A heat wave in Japan killed approximately 1,700 people https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Northern_H Sep in the hottest summer temperatures ever recorded emisphere_summer_heat_waves#Japan 2010 there. Jul- Pakistan Flood Heavy monsoon rains flooded over 300,000 square Pakistan Floods Aug miles (20% of the country), killed about 2,000 and http://reliefweb.int/report/pakistan/pakistan- 2010 harmed over 20 million people. floodsthe-deluge-disaster-facts-figures-15- september-2010 May Southcentral Flood 26 people died in flash floods in Tennessee, Kentucky http://www.srh.noaa.gov/ohx/?n=may2010epicfl 2010 U.S. and Mississippi. oodevent, http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2 015/04/30/nashville-flood-20-things-to- know/26653901/ 17 Feb Kohistan, Avalanche An avalanche struck the village of Bagaro Serai, killing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Kohistan_av 2010 Pakistan 102. alanche 9 Feb Salang, Avalanche A freak storm in the Hindu Kush mountains caused a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Salang_aval 2010 Afghanistan series of avalanches that struck the southern approach anches of the Salang tunnel, killing 172. 12 Jan Haiti Earthquake A 7.0 magnitude earthquake centered near Leogane Haiti Earthquake 2010 killed 100,000-300,000 people and destroyed up to http://www.npr.org/2014/01/12/261723409/fou 30,000 commercial buildings r-years-after-earthquake-many-in-haiti-remain- displaced 10 Jun Washington .22 rifle James Wenneker Von Brunn killed a security guard and http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/06/10/museu 2009 DC, USA injured a bystander at the Holocaust Museum. m.shooting/index.html 8 Apr Indian Ocean AK-47 Four Somali pirates captured the MV Maersk Alabama, http://www.shadowspear.com/2009/05/maersk- 2009 off of Somali a US-owned container ship and took Captain Richard alabama-hijacking/ Phillips hostage. After a 5-day standoff, the US

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killed the pirates and rescued Phillips. Feb- Australia Wildfires A series of wildfires in Victoria, Australia killed 173 http://hubpages.com/education/Recent-Natural- Mar people and an estimated one million animals. Disasters-the-Worst- 2009 26 Nov Mumbai, Assault Ten members of the Islamist group Lashkar-e-Taiha http://indiascanner.com/2611-mumbai-terror- 2008 India weapons, IED. killed 165 and wounded more than 300 in attacks on a attack-26-nov-2008-mumbai-attack-pics-images- rail station, hotels and other buildings target videos-27383 Westerners and government officials. 20 Sep Islamabad, VB-IED, Islamist group Harkatul Jehadul attacked the Marriott http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2008/0 2008 Pakistan backpack Hotel, killing 50 and injuring up to 270 people. 9/al_qaeda- bomb linked_suspects_emerge_in_islamabad_marriott _attacks.php May Myanmar Cyclone Cyclone Nargis made landfall in Myanmar, killing at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclone_Nargis 2008 least 138,000 and causing $10 billion worth of damage 12 China Earthquake A magnitude 7.9 earthquake in Sichuan province, China http://www.bbc.com/news/science- May destroyed 87,000 or so people and left at least 5 million environment-22398684 2008 people homeless. Feb Afghanistan Blizzard Extreme cold and snow killed 926 or more people as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Afghanistan 2008 well as enormous amounts of livestock. _blizzard 25 Jan- China Blizzard/winter Winter storms in southern and central China killed as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_win 6 Feb storms many as 129 people and did a substantial amount of ter_storms 2008 damage. 14 Jan Kabul, Vehicle IED, Four Taliban operatives attacked the Serena Hotel, a http://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/jan/1 2008 Afghanistan guns place popular with foreign diplomats, killing 7 and 5/afghanistan.pressandpublishing wounding 6. 15 Iraq Chlorine A bomb with chlorine and high explosives killed 32 and http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/666058 May injured 50 in a market place in Abu Sayda. 5.stm 2007 16 Apr Blacksburg, Small arms Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 students and faculty and http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/08/19/virgini 2007 Virginia wounded 17 more at Virginia Tech university. a.tech.records/index.html 20 Feb Iraq Chlorine Insurgents detonated a tanker truck filled with chlorine http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2 2007 gas in Taji, killing 5 and injuring 140. Several similar 908650/ attacks occurred over the succeeding months. 23 Nov London, UK Radiation 44 yo former KGB agent was assassinated in London in http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-19647226 2006 poisoning November 2006 by polonium-210, which was given to © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

him in a cup of tea by a former KGB agent and Russian army officer. Jun-Jul Europe Heat wave Three years after the 2003 heat wave, another (less https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_European_h 2006 intense) heat wave struck Europe, causing 1,000 deaths eat_wave in the Netherlands alone and an estimated 3,000 or so total in Europe. 8 Oct Pakistan Earthquake A 7.6 magnitude earthquake in the Kashmir province of https://www.britannica.com/event/Kashmir- 2005 Pakistan and the North-West Frontier Province killed earthquake-of-2005 86,000 people and destroyed at least 32,000 buildings. 29 Aug Gulf Coast, Hurricane Category 3 hurricane Katrina (winds up to 127 mph) hit http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/23/us/hurricane- 2005 USA New Orleans and surrounding areas, rupturing levees katrina-statistics-fast-facts/index.html and killing 1833 people. 7 Jul London Subway bombs Islamic terrorists attacked the London subway system Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 200-203 2005 and a bus, killing 50 and injuring 700. 26 Dec Indian Ocean Tsunami A 9.1 magnitude deep-water earthquake and resulting http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004 2004 tsunami killed almost 230,000 in Indonesia, Thailand, /12/1227_041226_tsunami.html and 12 other nations. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqinthe news/2004/us2004slav/#details 1 Sep Beslan, Explosives, 30 armed Chechen terrorists took over 1,100 hostages http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/06/10/museu 2004 North small arms at a school. During the three day hostage crisis and the m.shooting/index.html Ossetia failed rescue attempt by Russian forces more than 380 persons died, including more than 180 children. 19 Jul Delaware Mustard A Delaware homeowner discovered a “bomb-like” Liquid Sulfur Mustard Exposure, Newmark, Mil 2004 (HD/T) object on his driveway. He notified the police and they Med, 2007, US Army Toxic Chemical Training notified EOD. The EOD team detonated the round at Course Dover AFB and a technician was exposed to mustard. He survived but suffered long term sequelae. Over 1700 chemical rounds were dumped in the Chesapeake Bay before 1970. Thousands are elsewhere 18 Iraq Sarin (GB) A roadside 155 artillery shell with nerve agent Deadly Nerve Agent Sarin Is Found in Roadside May exploded, injured two EOD personnel. Bomb 2004 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- dyn/articles/A33082-2004May17.html 11 Madrid, Explosives on Islamic terrorists attacked a Madrid train with Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 196-199 Mar Spain train explosives, killing 191 and injuring 2,000

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2004 Jun- Europe Heat wave One of the worst-ever heat waves killed at least 35,000 https://worldhistoryproject.org/2003/6/europea Aug people in Europe, mostly the elderly. n-heat-wave-of-2003 2003 Nov Worldwide SARS-CoV 8000 people were infected and 774 died in 26 countries Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 695 2002- on five continents Jun 2003 20 Sep Russia Avalanche 125 people were killed when an avalanche followed a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolka%E2%80%93 2002 partial collapse of the Kolka Glacier in northern Georgia Karmadon_rock_ice_slide 2002 Moscow, Unknown, Chechen terrorists took over 800 people hostage in a Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 600 Russia probably Moscow theater. Spetsnaz special forces attacked with anesthetic agent. 127 hostages died from the gas. agent and opium 18 Sep United Anthrax Weaponized anthrax mailed to targets. 22 people Anthrax Investigation 2001 States developed anthrax disease and five died. https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/history/famous- cases/anthrax-amerithrax/amerithrax- investigation 11 Sep United Airplanes as Islamic terrorists hijacked commercial aircraft and Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 188-195 2001 States bombs crashed them into the World Trade Center (NY) and the Pentagon (VA), killing 3,056 24 Jul , Sri Small arms, Suicide bombers from the Tamil Tigers attacked the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandaranaike_Airp 2001 Lanka explosives Bandaranaike Airport, destroying 11 aircraft of the Sri ort_attack Lankan military and damaging 14. 33 people died. 15-17 Vargas, Mudslides Heavy rains caused severe flooding and mudslides, http://www.britannica.com/event/Venezuela- Dec Venezuela especially in the state of Vargas and other northern and mud-slides-of-1999 1999 coastal areas. Between 10,000 and 30,000 were killed. 14-16 Venezuela Storms, floods, Torrential rains, mudslides, and flooding in the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vargas_tragedy Dec and landslides Venezuelan state of Vargas killed between ten and 1999 thirty thousand people, as well as destroying entire villages in that state. Also known as the Vargas Tragedy. 31 Oct New York Airplane Pilot on Egypt Air flight 990 intentionally crashed into The Crash of Egypt Air 990 1999 the Atlantic, killing 217. The pilot, Gameel al-Batouti, http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2 said “I rely on God” eight times as he dove the aircraft 001/11/the-crash-of-egyptair-990/302332/

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into the deep. 1998 India Heat wave The deadliest heat wave recorded in India killed about http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Youre- 2,500 people. experiencing-worlds-5th-deadliest-heatwave- ever/articleshow/47485972.cms 1997- Southeast Wildfires Millions of acres of rainforest went up in and an http://rainforests.mongabay.com/08indo_fires.h 1998 Asia unknown number of people killed in these wildfires, tm and the haze they created spread across much of the region, causing respiratory ailments. Aug India Storm A significant winter storm struck the path from http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/freak- 1996 Pahalgam (in Kashmir) to a sacred cave (Amarnath weather-conditions-during-amarnath-yatra- cave), killing approximately 200 pilgrims. claim-200-lives/1/283057.html Jan Northeastern Blizzard Wind-driven snow and cold caused 154 deaths, with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_b 1996 United warm weather and flooding afterward killing 33 more. lizzard_of_1996 States Total property damage was about $3 billion. Jul Bosnia BZ Alleged (not provded) use against 15,000 Bosniak Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 548-554 1995 incapacitating civilians fleeing Srebrenica. 1995 Oklahoma TNT Timothy McVeigh used two tons of TNT to destroy the Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 738 City Alfred P Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City, OK, killing 167 and injuring 692. 20 Tokyo, Japan Sarin (GB) Religious group Aum Shinri Kyo released agent in the Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 548-554 Mar subway system, killing 11 and injuring 500 Japanese Chronology of Aum Shinrikyo CBW activities 1995 civilians http://cns.miis.edu/reports/pdfs/aum_chrn.pdf Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 184-187 Aug- Surat, India Yersinia Pestis 52 people died, 693 became ill and over 300,000 fled The Surat Plague and its Aftermath Oct the city in Gugarat due to an outbreak of pneumonic http://entomology.montana.edu/historybug/Yers 1994 plague iniaEssays/Godshen.htm Jun Matsu-moto, Sarin (GB) Seven Japanese civilians died and 144 were injured Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 548-554 1994 Japan when the Japanese cult Aum Shinri Kyo released gas in preparation for a later attack. April Rwanda Genocide, During a civil war pitting the Hutu government against Genocide in Rwanda to July Machetes the Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front, Hutu tribesmen http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/Genocide/ge 1994 (85% of population) in Rwanda massacred 800,000 nocide_in_rwanda.htm Tutsi tribesmen (15%) and others who resisted them. 17 Jan Northridge, Earthquake A 6.7 magnitude earthquake in Northridge, CA, killed 60 Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2016, 608

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1994 CA, USA and injured 7,000. Subsequent landslides released http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/states/ coccidiodomycosis spores into dust clouds and 203 events/1994_01_17.php people were sickened. 1994 United Salmonella 224,000 people sickened by contaminated ice cream Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 644 States enteritidis Mar United Blizzard 26 states and much of eastern Canada were affected. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_Storm_of_th 1993 States, Cuba, 318 people died and $8.7 billion worth of damage was e_Century Canada done. April Chittagong, Cyclone 140,000 people killed, and up to 10 million made Bangladesh Cyclone of 1991 1991 Bangladesh homeless https://www.britannica.com/event/Bangladesh- cyclone-of-1991 21 Jun Iran Earthquake Between 35,000 and 50,000 people were killed in a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1783_Calabrian_e 1990 magnitude 7.4 earthquake that struck northwest of arthquakes Tehran, damaging the cities of Rudbar and Manjil. 26 Apr Bangladesh Tornado Sometimes known as the Daulatpur-Saturia Tornado, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daulatpur%E2%80 1989 this deadliest tornado ever recorded killed about 1,300 %93Saturia_tornado people in those cities in Bangladesh, as well as leaving about 80,000 homeless. 1988- United Heat wave and Wildfires, drought, and a heat wave combined to kill https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988%E2%80%938 1989 States and drought between 5,000 and 17,000 people in the United States, 9_North_American_drought Canada as well as causing $120 billion (2014 dollars) in damage. Canada was also affected, though less significantly. Feb- Kurdistan, Mustard During the Anfal Operations, especially on 16 Mar Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 548-554 Sep Iran-Iraq War (HD/T), 1988, Iraqis attacked Kurdish civilians in Hallabja, CDC, 1988 Cyanide northern Iraq. Up to 5,000 civilians died. http://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/cyanide/basics/ facts.asp Sep 87 Goiana, Cesium-137 Thieves unknowingly stole radioactive material from a The Radiological Accident in Goiania, to Mar Brazil medical facility in Goiânia, Brazil. They passed it http://www- 88 around, and ultimately 112,000 were monitored, 249 pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub815_w were contaminated, and 4 died. eb.pdf May China and Wildfires One of the largest wildfires ever, 18 million acres of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Dragon_Fire 1987 the Soviet forest were destroyed and 200 people killed in the Union “Black Dragon Fire”. 21 Apr Colombo, Sri Small arms, Tamil Tigers attacked a bus station, killing 113 civilians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombo_Central_ 1987 Lanka bombs Bus_Station_bombing

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17 Apr North central Small arms, In the Aluth Oya massacre, Tamil Tigers attacked a bus, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluth_Oya_massac 1987 clubs killing 127 Sinhalese civilians. re 21 Jan Kokkadichch Small arms, 83 people working at the Prawn Farm were murdered, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prawn_farm_mass 1987 olai, Sri knives, axes probably by Sri Lankan police. acre Lanka 26 Aug Ukraine, Radiation A Soviet nuclear reactor at Chernobyl melted down, Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 296-299 1986 USSR releasing huge amounts of radiation. 50 rescue workers Chernobyl: the true scale of the accident died quickly and thousands of acres of ground was http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases contaminated. Up to 4000 deaths may result in the /2005/pr38/en/ future. 21 Aug Cameroon Limnic Lake Nyos, in northwestern Cameroon, released a huge http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/storie 1986 Eruption cloud of carbon dioxide which suffocated about 1,700 s/august/21/newsid_3380000/3380803.stm people and twice as many animals nearby. 21 Aug Lake Nyos, Volcanic CO2 Volcano-related carbon dioxide release at Lake Nyos in http://www.massey.ac.nz/~trauma/issues/2011- 1986 Cameroon release Cameroon, over 1700 killed. 1/fomine.htm 13 Nov Nevada del Volcanic The volcano Nevada del Ruiz in Colombia erupted, http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/storie 1985 Ruiz, eruption wiping out several neighboring villages including s/november/13/newsid_2539000/2539731.stm Colombia Armero, and killing over 23,000 people. 2-3 Bhopal, India Cyanide Chemicals released from a Union Carbide factory killed Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 576-581 Dec 3,828 workers and Indian civilians and injured 200- Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 292-295 1984 300,000 in the worst chemical disaster in world history 29 Aug Dalles, Salmonella Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh cultists contaminated Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 641 to 10 Oregon restaurant salad bars with salmonella, hoping to Oct influence a local election. 751 people became ill but no 1984 one died. 15 Aug Lake Volcanic CO2 Volcano-related carbon dioxide release at Lake Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), , 2016, 599 1984 Monoun, release Monoun in Cameroon, 73 killed (other sources say 37), Cameroon 15 Aug Cameroon Limnic Lake Monoun, a volcanic lake in the west of Cameroon, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Monoun 1984 Eruption released a cloud of carbon dioxide which suffocated 37 people. 9 Jun Soviet Union Tornadoes A tornado outbreak struck modern-day Russia north of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Soviet_Unio 1984 Moscow, killing 400 and injuring another 200 or so. n_tornado_outbreak 6 Jun Amritsar, Small arms Indian troops killed 800 Sikhs and lost 200 soldiers in http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/storie 1984 India Operation Blue Star, an attack on the Golden Temple, s/june/6/newsid_2499000/2499341.stm

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the holiest religious site in Sikhism. 1983 Beirut, TNT US Marine Corps barracks in Beirut attacked and US Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 737-738 Lebanon Marines 234 killed 29 Sep Chicago Cyanide 7 people died from taking acetaminophen which had http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/28/chicag 1982 been intentionally contaminated with cyanide o-tylenol-murders-remain-unsolved-after-more- than-30-years/ 1980s Afghanistan Burkhold-eria Soviets Army used glanders as a weapon in their Afghan Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 647 mallei War against the Afghan mujahedeen and civilians 1980s Front lines of Mustard Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 548-554 Iran-Iraq War (HD/T) Jun- United Heat wave A heat wave caused in part by an caused a http://webra.cas.sc.edu/hvri/feature/jun2013_d Sep States great deal of property damage to the American om.aspx 1980 Midwest and may have killed as many as 10,000 people. 18 Washington Volcanic Mount St. Helens, a volcano in Washington State, USA, http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2000/fs036-00/ May State, USA eruption erupted. 57 people were killed and it was the largest 1980 landslide in US history. 2 Apr Sverdlovsk, Anthrax After an accidental release from a weapons research Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 608 1979 USSR facility, 94 people developed disease and 64 died. 1975- Cambodia Genocide Trying to institute Maoism and Stalinism, the Khmer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambodian_genoci 1979 Rouge under dictator Pol Pot killed 1.5-3 million de Cambodians. It ended when Vietnam invaded Cambodia. 18 Nov Jonestown, Cyanide Jim Jone’s cult People’s Temple committed mass The Jonestown Massacre 1978 Guyana suicide of 900 from drinking cyanide http://history1900s.about.com/od/1970s/p/jone stown.htm 1978 London Ricin Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov was assassinated by CDC, the Bulgarian Gov’t from a puncture wound from an http://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/ricin/facts.asp umbrella containing a ricin pellet in the tip. 27 Tenerife, Aviation crash Two Boeing 747 passenger aircraft collided on takeoff, Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 218-221 Mar Canary killing 583 in the deadliest aircraft accident in history 1977 Islands 6 Oct Bangkok, Riot Thammasat University massacre - 46 student protestors http://time.com/4519367/thailand-bangkok- 1976 Thailand killed in Thailand by armed forces, police, and october-6-1976-thammasat-massacre-students- paramilitary forces. 167 wounded and 3000 arrested joshua-wong/ © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

28 Jul Tangshan, Earthquake A 7.5 magnitude earthquake followed in 15 hours by a http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/world/ 1976 China powerful aftershock killed an estimated 242,000 to events/1976_07_27.php 655,000 people. Another 800,000 were injured. 1966- People’s Class warfare During the Cultural Revolution, communist forces https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Revolutio 1976 Republic of and genocide imprisoned and tortured millions of “enemies of the n China State”, including professionals, the middle class, ethnic minorities, Christians, and others. Mao intended it to http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Cu eliminate capitalist and traditional elements in society. ltural_Revolution Up to three million people died and tens of millions more were imprisoned or otherwise persecuted. Religious shrines were destroyed, schools and universities closed, and cultural treasures eliminated. 7 Aug , China and Typhoon Nina contributed to the failure of the Banqiao https://www.britannica.com/event/Typhoon- 1975 dam failure Dam. Over 150,000 (some say more than 220,000) died Nina-Banqiao-dam-failure and 10 million were displaced. 17 Apr Bangladesh Tornado This tornado struck the capitol of Bangladesh, Dhaka, http://www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/storm 1973 and killed about 700 individuals. /tornadoes-asia.htm Jun Hong Kong Storms and A series of landslides, brought about by heavy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1972_Hong_Kong_ 1972 landslides rainstorms waterlogging the soil, killed 148 people in rainstorm_disasters Hong Kong. Feb Iran Blizzard Cold and up to 26 feet of snow (ending a four-year long http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories/s334b.h 1972 drought) killed around 4,000 people in Iran. tm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1972_Iran_blizzard 1972 Yugoslavia Smallpox Yugoslavia smallpox outbreak 1972 in which 35 died https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1972_Yugoslav_sm and 175 were hospitalized allpox_outbreak 26 East Pakistan Military forces Rebels in East Pakistan revolted against the Pakistani https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladesh_Libera Mar to (Bangla- government. Pakistani armed forces attacked the tion_War 16 Dec desh) rebels, many of whom fled into India. India and the 1971 Pakistani military fought and Pakistan was defeated. As a result, East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) gained its independence from West Pakistan (now Pakistan). Estimates of civilian deaths range from 300,000 to 3 million. 1 Aug North Flood A flood on the Red River of then-North Vietnam killed https://worldhistoryproject.org/1971/8/1/red- 1971 Vietnam an estimated 100,000 people during the Vietnam War. river-delta-flood-of-1971

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12 Nov Bhola, Cyclone A cyclone with winds of up to 150 mph struck the Bhola http://hurricanescience.org/history/storms/1970 Bangladesh district, killing 300,000 to 500,000 people. s/greatbhola/ 1970 Germany Smallpox Meschede smallpox outbreak 1970, index patient http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/197027035 admitted one day after start of fever 83.html;jsessionid=20ACD42F37E0AAF385477D1 DDC6A97F6 31 Peru Earthquake An earthquake off the coast of Peru caused a landslide https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_natural_dis May and (the northern wall of Mt. Huascarán) that buried asters_by_death_toll 1970 avalanche/ several Peruvian towns, killing 20,000 people in the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1970_Ancash_eart landslide avalanche and 70,000 in the earthquake. hquake 1961- Vietnam Agent Orange US military intended chemicals to decrease cover and Agent Orange 1970 and herbicides concealment for opposing force, these have produced http://www.history.com/topics/vietnam- unexpected health effects. war/agent-orange 18 Apr East Pakistan Tornado A tornado struck East Pakistan (modern-day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_natural_dis 1969 Bangladesh), killing a little over nine hundred. asters_by_death_toll#10_deadliest_tornadoes 16 Vietnam Small arms American soldiers under Captain (CPT) Ernest Medina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_Massacre Mar and Lieutenant William Calley Jr. killed 504 civilians at 1968 My Lai 4 and My Khe 4 hamlets. 15 Dec Ohio, USA Bridge failure The Silver Bridge spanning the Ohio River and http://museum.nist.gov/exhibits/silverbridge/ 1967 connecting Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and Gallipolis, Ohio, collapsed, killing 46 people. The bridge had insufficient redundancy and failed from a single 2.5 mm crack in a single eyebar in the chain. 1 Aug Austin, TX Small arms Whitman murdered his wife and mother, and http://www.biography.com/people/charles- 1966 then shot 49 people, killing 14 more, from the clock whitman-11495598 tower in the University of Texas at Austin. He was killed by police during the incident. Oct Indonesia Small arms In response to the murder of six generals on 1 Oct, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesian_killings 1965 1965, the Indonesian government under General _of_1965%E2%80%9366 to Suharto cracked down on members of the Indonesian 1966 Communist Party (PKI). Over the next year, between 500,000 and 1 million people were killed. 11 Apr East Pakistan Tornadoes The Narail Magura tornadoes struck modern-day http://www.news.com.au/news/the-deadliest- 1964 Bangladesh, killing about 500. tornadoes-in-history/news- story/97e7027d04d3f50ddf198cec99c8740a 1962 Peru Avalanche Approximately 4,000 people were killed in an avalanche http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/storie

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in northwest Peru. s/january/11/newsid_3306000/3306665.stm 1958- China Famine Chairman Mao proclaimed the Great Leap Forward to https://www.britannica.com/event/Great-Leap- 1961 industrialize China. This caused the Great Chinese Forward Famine which killed an estimated 18-46 million people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Leap_Forwa rd Winter The Alps Avalanches A series of 649 avalanches killed approximately 260 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_of_Terror 1950- people and damaged or destroyed many villages and 1951 man-made structures. Also called the Winter of Terror. 4 Jan The Comoros Tornado This tornado began as a before it struck the http://www.emdat.be/disaster_list/index.html 1951 Cormoros, causing the deaths of an estimated 500. 6 Oct Turkmen Earthquake A 7.3 magnitude earthquake flattened Ashgabat https://worldhistoryproject.org/1948/10/6/ashg 1948 SSR, USSR (Ashkhabad, modern Turkmenistan) and killed up to abat-earthquake-of-1948 176,000. 13 Apr Mt Scopus, Small arms A medical convoy carrying supplies to the besieged http://www.isracast.com/article.aspx?id=1079 1948 Israel Hadassa Hospital on Mt. Scopus was ambushed and destroyed by Arab soldiers. 79 Israeli medical personnel were murdered. 8 Apr Dir Yassin, Small arms 254 Arab villagers were killed by a Jewish militia force http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Hist 1948 Jerusalem in the months preceding the establishment of the state ory/deir_yassin.html of Israel. http://www.deiryassin.org/ 14 Apr Germany Arsenic 2283 people injured when Jewish terrorist group Revenge 1946 “Nakam” poisoned 3000 loaves of bread at Stalag 13 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/jul/26 for 12,000 German POWs. 300-400 died. /second.world.war 6 & 9 Japan Atomic bombs In the only recorded use of nuclear weapons, an Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 174-177 Aug estimated 200,000 people died (short and long term 1945 effects) in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the US Army Air Force attack. 30 Jan Germany Torpedo In the worst maritime disaster in history, a Soviet sub Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 171-173 1945 torpedoed the Wilhelm Gustloff, a German passenger liner carrying over 10,000 refugees. 17 Dec Belgium Small arms SS soldiers under Joachim Peiper massacred 84 US https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malmedy_massacr 1944 prisoners at Malmedy during the Battle of the Bulge. e Americans retaliated, killing 60 German POWs at Chenogne, Belgium, on 1 Jan 1945. 5 Aug Black Sea off Shipwreck The Turkish motor-schooner Mefkure carrying 300 http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/Holocaust

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1944 Igneada, passengers, mostly Jewish refugees from occupied /0179_Sinking_of_Mefkure.html Turkey Europe, was attacked with gunfire and torpedoes. The ship sank, and survivors were machine gunned in the water. Eleven people survived. 1943 Bengal Famine This famine, coming during the Second World War, was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of caused by a failure of crops and the Japanese conquest _1943 of Burma, where Bengal had previously gotten a good deal of its food. 1942- Henan Famine This famine began because of drought but ended up http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/30/opinion/g 1943 Province, killing the three million it did in large part because lobal/why-wont-the-chinese-acknowledge-the- China neither the Japanese nor the Chinese had the ability to 1942-famine.html help, as they were busy fighting each other in the Second World War. 1941- Occupied Cyanide Zyklon B was a cyanide-based gas used to fumigate Typhus and the Jews 45 Europe trains returning from East in the 1920s. Refugees from http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v08/v08p433_Berg.html the Russian Civil War disembarked and train cars were treated to kill fleas and lice that transmit typhus. Later the Nazi Gov’t used it directly on people, killing millions in concentration camps. 1941- China Anthrax Japanese Special Warfare Unit 731 weaponized Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 608 1945 anthrax. It was used on Chinese POWs and civilians 1941- China Bubonic Japanese forces dropped clay pots with contaminated Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 613 1945 (Shusien in Plague rice and fleas over the cities Chekiang, Changteh in Hunan) 1941- China Burkholderia Japanese infected civilians and prisoners of war in Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 647 1945 mallei China 1941- China Clostri-dium Personnel from Unit 731 attempted to contaminate Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 705 1945 perfrin-gens shrapnel with C. Perfringens to infect wounds in Chinese civilians. 1941- Soviet Union Tularemia Tularemia in Russian troops and civilians, Far Eastern 1945 (Japanese) theater, WW2, 100,000 affected, BW allegations, probably related to poor sanitation. German troops also affected

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1933- Nazi Genocide, Up to six million Jews and five million non-Jewish The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust, Columbia 1945 occupied poison gas people (Slavs, Christians, gypsies, disabled, etc.) were University Press, 2000, pp. 45–52. Europe killed by the Third Reich. 1943 Bari Harbor, Mustard While delivering US chemical agents to Europe during Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 548-554 Italy (HD/T) WW2, The US Liberty Ship John Harvey was attacked by the Luftwaffe and exploded. Mustard injured hundreds of crew, service members, and Italian civilians 1942 Stalingrad, Francisella A tularemia outbreak affected thousands of Soviet and Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 617 USSR Tularensis German soldiers, and Russian civilians during the Battle of Stalingrad. It may have come from accidental or intentional release from a Soviet Biological Weapons Program 24 Feb Istanbul, Shipwreck The Struma, a ship from Rumania containing 763 Jewish http://www.turkishjews.com/struma/ 1942 Turkey refugees fleeing Nazi—occupied Europe, exploded and sank off Istanbul, Turkey. The British had refused to let the ship land in Palestine so the Turks forced it to return to Europe. The Struma never made it – many say it was the victim of a torpedo. 15 Dec Sea of Ship wreck Jewish refugees fled Nazi-occupied Europe aboard an http://www.zionism-israel.com/dic/Salvador.htm 1940 Marmara, obsolete sail powered coal frieghter, the Salvador. The Turkey Salvador sank in the Sea of Marmara and about 204 people including 66 children died. 25 Nov Haifa Harbor Bombing 1770 Jewish refugees from the Holocaust in Europe SS Patria sunk in Haifa Harbour 1940 were loaded on the SS Patria for shipment to Mauritius http://ww2today.com/25th-november-1940-ss- after the British blocked their entry into Palestine. patria-sunk-in-haifa-harbour Zionist group Hagana planted a bomb to disable the Patria and prevent it from leaving, but it sank instead, killing 267. 10-12 Midwest US Blizzard 145 people and 1.5 million turkeys died in a blizzard on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1940_Armistice_D Nov Armistice Day and the day after in the area from Kansas ay_Blizzard 1940 to Michigan. 1940 Poland Small arms Soviet troops massacred 25,700 Polish army prisoners http://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/2006/decision-to- in three areas, the most famous of which is the Katyn commence-investigation-into-katyn-massacre, forest. http://www.katyn.org.au/ 1937- Mongolia Genocide Mongolian Leader Marshall Khorloogiin Choibalsan, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2001/j

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1939 instructed by Stalin to secure the far east of the USSR ul/7/20010707-024154-7538r/ from insurrection and a perceived Japanese threat, murdered 20,000 to 100,000 Mongolians, including leaders, intelligentsia, and religious leaders. 17,000 Buddhist clergy were among the victims. 1937 Xinjiang Genocide, war Pro-Stalinist leader Sheng Shicai launched a purge of his https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_rebellion_i own people. In response, 1500 Muslim Uighurs rebelled n_Xinjiang_(1937) in the Xinjiang rebellion. Thousands perished. 1936- Western Class war and Soviet Premier Josef Stalin killed from two to ten http://russiapedia.rt.com/of-russian- 1939 USSR genocide million Russians, ethnic minorities, and anyone else he origin/stalins-purges/ considered a threat to his regime. Ethnic Poles were especially targeted. 1936- China Famine This famine in the Sichuan province of China, caused by http://www.disasterhistory.org/sichuan-famine- 1937 drought, may have killed up to five million people. 1936-1937 3 Aug Soviet Union Wildfire A wildfire in Kursha-2 (itself in the Ryazan Oblast of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kursha-2 1936 Russia) of the USSR killed about 1,200 people. Jul North Heat wave and A heat wave and drought caused about 5,000 deaths in https://worldhistoryproject.org/1936/7/5/north- 1936 America drought the central portions of the United States, as well as american-heat-wave-of-1936 nearly 800 in Canada. In the Great Plains the temperatures sterilized much of the soil that had not already been blown away in the Dust Bowl. 1935 Along the Flood The Yangtze River flooded, killing 145,000. http://sk.sagepub.com/reference/disasterrelief/ Yangtze n323.xml River, China 31 British India Earthquake A magnitude 7.5 earthquake killed an estimated 60,000 http://earthquakes.findthedata.com/l/3167/Paki May (modern people in Quetta and the surrounding areas. Also stan-Quetta-1935-M7-5 1935 Pakistan) known as the 1935 Quetta Earthquake. 1935 Mustard Italian Army used vesicant agent on the Ethiopian Army Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 548-554 (HD/T) 1932- Ukraine SSR Genocide and In the “Holodomor”, Premier Josef Stalin enforced http://holodomorct.org/history.html 1933 Famine collectivization of farms which devastated agricultural output. Subsequently he made and enforced policies which intentionally led to the starvation deaths of over 3.5 million peasants and others. 1932 Baghdad, Riots Hundreds of Assyrians murdered after Iraqi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assyrian_independ

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Iraq independence ence_movement Jul- China Flood Unusually large snow melts and heavy rains flooded the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1931_China_floods Nov Yellow, Yangtze, and Huai rivers. Chinese government 1931 estimates 145,000 casualties but Western studies suggest 3-4 million deaths from drowning, starvation, and disease. 1929- Europe and Chlamydia 750-800 people in Europe and the US were infected by Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 653 1930 the US psittaci exotic birds imported from Argentina 1928- Northern Famine This famine was caused in large part anthropogenic, http://www.disasterhistory.org/the-northwest- 1930 China though it began due to a drought. It resulted in the china-famine-1928-1930#more-578 deaths of anywhere from five to ten million people in the northwestern portion of China. 22 China Earthquake This magnitude 7.6 earthquake killed about 40,900 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1927_Gulang_eart May people near Gulang (in the Kansu or Gansu province of hquake 1927 China). 16 Jun Rockport, Train wreck A violent storm washed debris on to railroad tracks. http://www3.gendisasters.com/new- 1925 New Jersey The crew did not see it in time, could not stop, and jersey/13434/hackettstown-rockport-nj-train- derailed. 42 passengers and 5 crewmen died, and 23 disaster-june-1925 others were injured. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockport_train_wr eck 18 United Tornado The “Tri-State Tornado” killed 695 people in Missouri, https://www.britannica.com/event/Tri-State- Mar States Illinois, and Indiana. Tornado-of-1925 1925 1 Sep Honshu, Earthquake An undersea earthquake unleashed a tsunami in the http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the- 1923 Japan Sagami Bay. Fires followed, the combination destroying great-japan-earthquake-of-1923-1764539/ much of Yokohama and Tokyo. About 140,000 perished. 1921, Palestine, Small arms, Anti-Jewish riots in Palestine 1921, 23 Aug 1929 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Palestine_rio 1929, British riots (Hebron 60 killed, Safed 45 killed or wounded), and ts 1936- Mandate 1936-1939 1939 1921- Russia Famine This famine was brought about by a combination of http://alphahistory.com/russianrevolution/great 1922 drought and seven years of constant warfare, and is -famine-of-1921/ generally thought to have resulted in the deaths of around five million people.

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13 Apr Amritsar, Small arms British and Gurkha troops killed 379 unarmed http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the- 1919 India demonstrators in Jallianwala Bagh. They had been amritsar-massacre protesting war taxes and forced conscription. 16 Dec Haiyuan, Earthquake A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Haiyuan, China, http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages 1920 China killing 280,000 and destabilizing China. /article/0,28804,1953425_1953424_1953443,00. html 1915- Turkey Genocide Rulers massacred up to 1.5 million Armenians in Turkish http://www.armenian- 1923 Anatolia and throughout the Ottoman Empire. genocide.org/genocide.html 1918- Worldwide Influenza The Spanish Flu killed 25-50 million people across the Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 142-143 1919 globe, including 100,000 Americans 12-13 United Wildfires Often called the Cloquet Fire, it killed about 450 people http://www.mnopedia.org/event/cloquet- Oct, States in Cloquet, Duluth, and other nearby towns and villages duluth-and-moose-lake-fires-1918 1918 in Minnesota. 1917 Halifax Explosives In the largest accidental non-nuclear explosion in Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 737 Harbor, Nova history, the cargo ships Imo and Mont Blanc collided. Scotia They were loaded with 35 tons of benzene, 2300 tons of picric acid, 10 tons of gun cotton, 200 tons of TNT and 300 rounds of ammunition. 2000 people died and 9000 were injured. Dec Tyrolean Avalanches Several avalanches over a few days kill an estimated http://www.history.com/this-day-in- 1916 Alps 10,000 Italian and Austrian soldiers fighting in the Alps. history/soldiers-perish-in-avalanche-as-world- war-i-rages Jul- Canada Wildfire 200 people in Ontario were killed in this Great http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sudbury/100- Aug Matheson Fire, the deadliest ever to hit Canada. years-great-matheson-fire-1916-1.3689061 1916 1914- Europe, Burkhold-eria Glanders used against people and horses Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 647 1918 Eastern mallei Front 1914- Europe Anthrax Germans used anthrax against livestock and draft Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Wallace 1918 animals RB, Kohatsu N, (EDs), Maxy-Rosenau-Last, 15th Ed, 427 19 Dec Ypres, Phosgene German Army used pulmonary agent against the Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 548-554 1915 Belgium French Army 15 Apr Ypres, Chlorine First large scale use of chemical weapons, 150 tons of Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 548-554 1915 Belgium chlorine released

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7-10 United Storm A substantial storm, sometimes called the “White http://www.nws.noaa.gov/com/weatherreadyna Nov States and Hurricane”, on the Great Lakes killed an estimated 250 tion/news/131107_white.html 1913 Canada people by sinking the ships they were on. 14 Apr Atlantic Sinking RMS Titanic struck an iceberg and sank. Of 2,208 on Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 248-253 1912 Ocean board, 1504 perished 1912 Paris CN (riot Used to control riots in Paris Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 593 control agent) 1911 China Flood A flood of the Yangtze River killed about 100,000 http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Ya people. ngtze_River 28 Dec Italy Earthquake Messina and Reggio Calabria were nearly demolished in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1908_Messina_ear 1908 a 7.1 magnitude earthquake that killed between 75,000 thquake and 200,000, many being crushed to death in their beds 1907 China Famine This relatively short-lived famine nevertheless killed http://listverse.com/2013/04/10/10-terrible- almost 25 million people. famines-in-history/ 18 Apr San Earthquake An earthquake of magnitude ranging from 7.7 to 8.3 hit http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/nca/1906/1 1906 Francisco, CA and fire a 296-mile-long swathe of northwestern California. The 8april/ quake and subsequent fire killed at least 700 and http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/nca/1906/1 perhaps 3-4 times as many. 8april/howlong.php 1903- Ukraine, Ethnic violence Over 2,500 Jews were killed in a wave of anti-Semitic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti- 1906 Moldova violence. This greatly accelerated the Zionist Jewish_pogroms_in_the_Russian_Empire movement. 25 Oct Guatemala Volcanic Santa Maria, until then an unrecognized volcano, http://www.geo.mtu.edu/volcanoes/santamaria 1902 eruption erupted violently, killing over 5,000 people. /eruption.html May Martinique Volcanic Mt. Pelée on the island of Martinique erupted, killing https://www.earthmagazine.org/article/benchm 1902 eruption nearly all 30,000 inhabitants of St. Pierre (the capitol of arks-may-8-1902-deadly-eruption-mount-pelee Martinique). 23 Jan Hakkōda Blizzard 199 Japanese soldiers died during a training exercise https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hakk%C5%8Dda_ 1902 Mountains, when they became lost in the mountains in a blizzard. Mountains_incident Japan 8 Sep Galveston, Hurricane A category 4 hurricane with winds up to 145 mph https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1900_Galveston_h 1900 TX destroyed Galveston Island, killing 6,000 to 12,000 in urricane the deadliest hurricane in US history. People and businesses fled Galveston and went to Houston instead. 1899- British India Famine The last of the famines that affected all of India, it is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_famine_of_ © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

1900 estimated to have killed between one and four million 1899%E2%80%931900 people. 19th France Anthrax 20-30% of sheep and cattle died from anthrax every Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Wallace cent year. RB, Kohatsu N, (EDs), Maxy-Rosenau-Last, 15th Ed, 427 15 Jun Japan Tsunami Though the earthquake that caused it did very little https://worldhistoryproject.org/1896/6/15/meiji 1896 damage, the resultant tsunami killed between 22,000 -sanriku-earthquake and 27,000 people and severely damaged the port cities of Kamaishi and Sanriku. 1 Sep United Wildfire The Great Hinckley Fire in Minnesota killed at least 418 http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/anniversar 1894 States people and destroyed a great deal of property. y/hinkleyfire.html Mar Eastern Blizzard This “Great White Hurricane” caused 400 deaths and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Blizzard_of_ 1888 Canada and the equivalent of $670 million (2017 dollars) in damage 1888 Eastern USA across the eastern coast of North America from the Chesapeake Bay north. Jan Midwestern Blizzard Though maximum snowfall was only six inches, high http://americacomesalive.com/2014/01/03/wea 1888 USA winds and a very sudden onset combined to kill 235 ther-at-its-worst-the-schoolhouse-blizzard-of- persons. 1888/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schoolhouse_Blizz ard 28 Sep China Flood The Yellow River in Zhengzhou in the Henan province https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1887_Yellow_River 1887 broke through its dikes during heavy rain, killing over _flood 900,000 people from drowning, starvation, and disease. 50,000 square miles (130,000 km2) of ground was flooded and two million people were left homeless. 27 Aug Krakatoa, Volcano and Krakatauin Volcano erupted, explosion and resulting Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2016, 599, 1883 South Pacific tsunami tsunami destroyed 165 villages and towns, seriously http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article- damaged a further 132 and killed 36,417 people. 1203028/Will-Krakatoa-rock-world-Last-time- killed-thousands-changed-weather-years- deadlier.html 1881 - Ukraine and Ethnic violence Some blamed the Jews for the assassination of Czar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti- 1884 Poland Alexander II on 13 March 1881. The new Czar Jewish_pogroms_in_the_Russian_Empire Alexander III blamed the Jews. Riots ensued and spread, killing dozens and injuring hundreds. 1882 India Cyclone This cyclone, sometimes called the Bombay Cyclone,

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killed about 100,000 people. 14 Oct The United Storm This storm on the southeastern coast of Scotland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eyemouth_disaste 1881 Kingdom drowned 189 fishermen, mostly from Eyemouth. r 8 Oct Northeastern Tropical The third deadliest ever recorded killed https://www.britannica.com/event/Haiphong- 1881 Vietnam cyclone as many as 300,000 people in Vietnam and flooded the cyclone city of Haiphong. 5 Sep United Wildfire This “” in the thumb of Michigan killed at http://ns.umich.edu/new/releases/1245 1881 States least 300 and destroyed a great deal of property. 1880s Malta Brucellosis British troops garrisoning Malta were commonly Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Wallace infected by consuming local goat's milk. RB, Kohatsu N, (EDs), Maxy-Rosenau-Last, 15th Ed, 431 1878 Southeastern Yellow Fever An epidemic of this flavivirus struck much of the http://www.nchgs.org/html/yellow_fever_of_18 USA southeastern US, killing 5,000 in Memphis and 20,000 78.html throughout the Mississippi Basin. Nearby Collierville http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first- had 30 deaths and 60-70 cases. victim-of-memphis-yellow-fever-epidemic-dies 1877 – Manitoba, Smallpox Dreaded variola struck Icelandic settlements in http://www.mhs.mb.ca/docs/pageant/19/smallp 1879 Canada Manitoba, causing widespread death and illness. ox.shtml 1876 – British India Famine Five and a half million died when famine struck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Famine_of_ 1878 southwestern India. 1876%E2%80%9378 1876 – China Famine A drought in Northern China (affected in part by the El https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Chinese 1879 Niño southern oscillation) in 1875 caused a famine in _Famine_of_1876%E2%80%9379 the three subsequent years in which between nine and thirteen million people died. Oct – Bangladesh Cyclone The Great Backerganj Cyclone of 1876, aided by a high https://www.britannica.com/event/Bengal- Nov (then part of tide that made its roughly 12 meters high, cyclone-of-1876 1876 British India) killed about 200,000 in what is now Bangladesh. Oct Bangladesh Cyclone 80,000 were killed and there was extensive property https://poseidon01.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=91 1874 (then part of damage. 811310402212510508910102806407109702001 British India) 801903702603411807000309807001901012011 203103509712710711400011800402612400107 410807711209400103008609810809201211208 311202906905412709001311411100011607300 901706709111809001010000306400707000708 9005110126024&EXT=pdf 8 Oct United Wildfire This deadliest wildfire ever recorded killed between https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peshtigo_Fire

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1871 States 1,500 and 2,500 people in Peshtigo, Wisconsin. Also called the Peshtigo Fire. Oct Los Angeles, Mass lynching A turf war between rival Chinese gangs in Los Angeles http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-los- 1871 California sparked a riot in which a local rancher, Robert angeles-covered-up-the-massacre-of-17-chinese- Thompson, was killed. A mob subsequently hanged 17 2169478 Chinese and others in the largest mass lynching in US history. 1870- Persia Famine This famine in what is now Iran killed between 1.5 and http://asianhistory.about.com/od/iran/fl/The- 1871 two million. Great-Persian-Famine-1870-71.htm 15 – Ecuador Earthquake A pair of earthquakes struck northern Ecuador and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1868_Ecuador_ear 16 Aug southern Colombia, killing 70,000. thquakes 1868 13 Aug Arica, Peru Earthquake A magnitude 9.0 earthquake in modern-day Chile http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/world/ 1868 and tsunami combined with its tsunami caused 25,000 deaths and a events/1868_08_13.php great deal of damage. 1860- British India Famine This famine affected primarily the north of India and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Doab_fami 1861 killed an estimated two million people. ne_of_1860%E2%80%9361 1850s- France Phylloxera Over 40% of French vineyards were destroyed over 20 http://www.researchgate.net/publication/22735 1880s aphids years, prompting thousands to emigrate to the US and 2344_Long_Run_Health_Impacts_of_Income_Sh other countries and costing over 10 billion Francs ocks_Wine_and_Phylloxera_in_19th_Century_Fr ance Nov Japan Earthquakes 80,000 people were killed by a combination of an https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_natural_dis 1854 and earthquake and a tsunami. asters_by_death_toll 1854 London, Vibrio cholera 616 people died in an epidemic caused by Broad St Pump Outbreak, England contaminated water. Dr. John Snow discovered the http://www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/snow/broadstreetp source, giving birth to the modern science of ump.html epidemiology. 1845- Ireland Phyto-phthora Potato blight caused famine in Ireland, with up to 1 The History Place, Irish Potato Famine, 1852 infestans million Irishmen dying from starvation and disease http://www.historyplace.com/worldhistory/fami (dysentery, cholera, smallpox, influenza) and another ne/introduction.htm million emigrating, many to the US. Dec Sicily Tornadoes A pair of turned into tornadoes and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sicily_Tornadoes 1851 ravaged Sicily, killing an estimated five hundred. 1846- Ireland Famine A potato fungus caused very poor crops which, http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/victorians/ 1849 combined with questionable governmental actions, famine_01.shtml

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killed one million (an eighth of the population) and caused two million more to emigrate. 26 Nov Coringa, Cyclone An estimated 300,000 people died when a powerful http://hurricanescience.org/history/storms/pre1 1839 India cyclone hit Coringa, India. 900s/1839/ 1826- Worldwide Vibrio cholera Second global cholera epidemic. Hundreds of Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 139 1836 thousands died in Europe and the US Oct Canada Wildfire The Great Miramichi Fire destroyed one fifth of New https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1825_Miramichi_F 1825 Brunswick’s forests and killed 160 people in Newcastle ire (and likely more in the surrounding woods). 1821 Odessa, Ethnic violence In response to Greek rebel gains against the Ottoman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti- Russia Turks, Sultan Mahmud II executed the Greek Orthodox Jewish_pogroms_in_the_Russian_Empire patriarch of , Gregory V. The Turks then began massacring Greeks in the city. Fleeing Greek sailors took the body of Gregory V to Odessa for burial, but several Jewish-owned shops remained open. In retaliation, and fearing Jewish and Ottoman complicity, 14 Jews were killed. 1815- Worldwide Vibrio cholera First global cholera epidemic Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 139 1824 Apr Indonesia/ Volcanic Mt. Tambora erupted in early April, killing an estimated https://www.britannica.com/place/Mount- 1815 worldwide eruption 90,000 people (10,000 in the initial eruption) and giving Tambora rise to the “Year Without a Summer” across the globe. 1 Feb The Volcanic The Mayon volcano erupted, killing more than 1,200 https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/mayon.html 1814 Philippines eruption people in the nearby parts of the Philippines. 18th North Smallpox British and US authorities gave smallpox infected Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 605 cent America blankets to natives 4 Feb The Kingdom Earthquake A magnitude 8.3 earthquake in modern-day Ecuador https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1797_Riobamba_e 1797 of Spain killed between 6,000 and 40,000 people and arthquake significantly damaged the city of Riobamba. May Japan Volcanic Around 15,000 people died (in the Shimabara https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1792_Unzen_eart 1792 eruption and peninsula, in the south of Japan) when the collapse of hquake_and_tsunami tsunami Mt. Uzen’s dome triggered a tsunami and landslide. 1790 – India Famine A drought brought about by the El Niño Southern https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doji_bara_famine 1791 Oscillation caused a famine in which eleven million people died. Also known as the Skull Famine.

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1783- Iceland Volcanic The eruption of Laki, a volcano on Iceland, killed a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laki 1784 eruption majority of the island’s livestock and in so doing, caused a famine that killed nearly 10,000 people (about a quarter of the population of the island at the time). Feb – The Kingdom Earthquake Five strong earthquakes hit the tip of Italy, in Calabria, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1783_Calabrian_e Mar of Naples modern Italy. This, combined with their coincident arthquakes 1783 tsunamis, caused between 32,000 and 50,000 deaths. 8 Jan Tabriz, Iran Earthquake A magnitude 7.7 earthquake caused widespread http://earthquakes.findthedata.com/l/1320/Iran 1780 destruction and killed 200,000 in Tabriz, Iran -Tabriz-1780-M7-7 http://morelesscompare.com/natural- disasters/1780-tabriz-earthquake-vs-896- udaipur-earthquake/ 1769 – Bengal Famine Ten million people died in a famine in the lower http://www.cambridgeforecast.org/MIDDLEEAST 1773 Gangetic Plain of India. /BENGAL.html 5 Feb India Massacre Afghans under Abdali massacred 10-30,000 Sikhs in the The Sikhs Patwant Singh, , Rupa & Co. 1999, 89 1762 Wada Ghalughara (Great Disaster) near Kup, India 1 Nov Portugal Earthquake Between 40,000 and 60,000 people in Lisbon were http://www.york.ac.uk/media/economics/docu 1755 killed when an earthquake struck on the morning of All ments/cherrydiscussionpapers/0603.pdf Saints’ Day. It and its resultant tsunami also did a great https://www.britannica.com/event/Lisbon- deal of damage to the port, as well as to other locations earthquake-of-1755 in Portugal, Spain and Morocco. 7 Jun Iran Earthquake An earthquake in Tabriz (in modern-day Iran) killed https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results 1755 around 40,000 people. ?eq_0=1336&t=101650&s=13&d=22,26,13,12&n d=display 2 Sep Egypt Earthquake Around 40,000 people were killed when this http://earthquakes.findthedata.com/l/1220/Egy 1754 earthquake struck near Cairo. pt-Al-Qahirah-Cairo-1754-M6-5 Jun India Massacre Forces of Moghul Shah Nawaz Khan massacred 7,000 The Sikhs Patwant Singh, , Rupa & Co. 1999, 86 1746 Sikhs, killing 3,000 more a short time later 7 Oct Calcutta, Cyclone Also known as the Hoogley River cyclone, this storm http://hurricanescience.org/history/storms/pre1 1737 India killed 300,000 to 350,000 people. 900s/1737/ 18 Nov Tabriz, Iran Earthquake About 77,000 people were killed in an earthquake in https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results? 1727 Tabriz, Iran. eq_0=1242&t=101650&s=13&d=22,26,13,12&nd =display 0 1720- Marseilles Bubonic The Great Plague killed thousands Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 124 1722 plague

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26 Apr Iran Earthquake An earthquake in Tabriz, Iran killed around 80,000 http://www.fouman.com/Y/Get_Iranian_History 1721 people and destroyed many buildings, including _Today.php?artid=1361 mosques and schools. Jan Sweden/ Blizzard During the retreat of a Swedish army over the Tydal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolean_Death_ 1719 Norway Mountains, a blizzard struck unexpectedly, killing 3,000 March or more Caroleans. Also called the Carolean Death March. 19 Jun China (Gansu Earthquake 70,000 people were killed by an earthquake combined http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10064- 1718 Province) with the landslides it triggered. 016-0949-4?no-access=true http://www.emidius.eu/GEH/map.php 1707- Iceland Smallpox First known intro of smallpox on to island, 18,000 Stearn and Stearn 1945, 1709 deaths in population of 50,000 http://public.gettysburg.edu/~tshannon/hist106 web/site19/diseases.htm 28 Oct Japan Earthquake An 8.6 magnitude earthquake off the southern coast of http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/mt-fuji- 1707 and tsunami Japan caused a tsunami that killed well over 5,000 earthquake-caused-volcanic-eruption people. The earthquake is also believed to be responsible for the eruption of Mt. Fuji, 49 days later. 1693- France Famine This famine was brought about by a bad winter in 1692 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grande_famine_de 1694 followed by a poor harvest in 1693. About 1.3 million _1693-1694 died. 11 Jan Sicily Earthquake 60,000 people lost their lives in this 1693 earthquake, https://worldhistoryproject.org/1693/1/11/sicily 1693 which affected 5,600 or so square kilometers. -earthquake-of-1693 25 Jul China Earthquake An earthquake in the province of China killed https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results 1668 around 43,000 people. ?eq_0=1054&t=101650&s=13&d=22,26,13,12&n d=display http://www.emidius.eu/GEH/map.php 25 Nov Safavid Iran Earthquake Magnitude 6.9 earthquake, killed around 80,000 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1667_Shamakhi_e 1667 (Azerbaijan) people. arthquake 1665- London Bubonic The Great Plague killed 75,000, peaking in September Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 124, 1666 plague with 8000 deaths. DNA was yersinia pestis. http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/09/health/great- plague-of-london-dna-skeletons/index.html 1648- Ukraine Massacre Cossacks under Bogdan Chmielnicki wiped out about Essential Judaism, George Robinson, 384 1649 100,000 Ukrainian Jews and other enemies at the start of the Khmelnytsky Uprising against Poland 1630- The Mughal Famine Two consecutive crop failures caused a famine on the http://www.environmentandsociety.org/tools/k

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1632 Empire Deccan Plateau in what is now India, killing two million eywords/great-deccan-famine for the most severe famine the Mughal Empire ever faced. 1617 Naples, Italy Diphtheria 60,000 children died Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 135 1613 Europe Anthrax The “Black Bane” killed 60,000 people and hundreds of Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 608 thousands of cattle Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Wallace RB, Kohatsu N, (EDs), Maxy-Rosenau-Last, 15th Ed, 427 1601- Russia Famine A volcanic eruption in 1600 (Huaynaputina) caused cold https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_famine_of 1603 temperatures and crop disruptions all over the world, _1601%E2%80%9303 which killed two million people in Russia. 16th – New World Smallpox Smallpox inadvertently brought by European explorers, Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 158 18th settlers and merchants devastates Native population, cent killing up to 90% of people in many areas. 1587 Antwerp, Black In the first documented terror bombing, seven tons of Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006,737 Belgium powder gunpowder were used to destroy a bridge on the River Schelt 1586 Indonesia Volcanic The eruption of Mt. Kelud is estimated to have killed https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/kelud.html eruption about 10,000 people. 23 Jan , Earthquake An estimated 830,000 people were killed when this https://www.britannica.com/event/Shaanxi- 1556 China quake struck the Wei River basin in northern China. province-earthquake-of-1556 60% of the people in two provinces died. http://www.history.com/this-day-in- history/deadliest-earthquake-in-history-rocks- china 23 Sep Malta Tornado Often called the Valetta Tornado, this tornado struck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valletta,_Malta_to 1551/ the Grand Harbour of Malta and killed around 600 rnado 1556 people, as well as capsizing several ships in the harbour. 5 Nov The Flood A flood in the Netherlands swept away parts of Zeeland http://www.deltawerken.com/St.-Felixflood- 1530 Netherlands and a few towns, as well as causing the eventual end of %281530%29/497.html Reimerswaal. 1528 England and Possibly hanta- The Sweating Sickness crossed the English Channel and http://www.historytoday.com/jared- Europe virus or entered Hamburg, killing over 1,000 people per month bernard/dreaded-sweat-other-medieval- anthrax in Germany, Scandinavia and Russia. epidemic 1485, England Possibly hanta- The “Sweating Sickness”, characterized by fever, aches, http://www.historytoday.com/jared-

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1508, virus or abdominal pain, vomiting, and sweating struck England bernard/dreaded-sweat-other-medieval- 1517, anthrax and Europe. Victims typically died in 24 hours. The epidemic 1528, Holinshed's Chronicles (1557) describe the outbreak. and After the Battle of Bosworth (1485), 15,000 people died 1551. in London in six weeks. 20 Sep Japan Earthquake Between 26,000 and 31,000 died when a large https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1498_Nankai_eart 1498 and tsunami (estimated magnitude 8.5) earthquake off the coast of hquake Japan triggered a tsunami. 5 Dec Crown of Earthquake This earthquake in modern-day Italy killed thousands. http://earthquakes.findthedata.com/l/539 1455 Aragon 1391 Spain Ethnic violence Beginning 6 June 1391, Christian mobs incited by priest http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/ Ferrand Martinez killed hundreds of Jews and 112389/jewish/The-Massacres-of-5151.htm destroyed synagogues. Violence spread to Toledo, Madrid, and other cities. 1348- Worldwide Bubonic The “Black Death” devastated the population of the The Black Death: Bubonic Plague 1352 Plague world, killing 1/3 of the inhabitants of Europe http://www.themiddleages.net/plague.html 1346 Crimea Bubonic Tartars catapulted plague infected bodies in the Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 605 Plague Genoese city of Caffa, encouraging the spread of the Black Death 1315- Europe Famine The Great Famine – Recurrent bad weather in Europe http://vlib.us/medieval/lectures/black_death.ht 1317 caused cold, wet summers, poor crop harvests, and ml subsequent famine. This could have been related to the ©1315 eruption of Mount Tarawera, New Zealand. Hundreds of thousands died. 25 Sep China Earthquake An estimated 8.0 magnitude earthquake destroyed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1303_Hongdong_e 1303 huge numbers of buildings and killed 200,000. No arthquake earthquake has occurred on the fault line since. 27 Sep Mongol Earthquake An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 6.8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1290_Chihli_earth 1290 Empire destroyed many buildings and killed tens of thousands. quake (China) 14 Dec The Flood A storm tide, known as St. Lucia’s Flood, killed an https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Lucia%27s_flo 1287 Netherlands estimated 50,000-80,000 people in what is now the od Netherlands and northern Germany. 1268 Armenian Earthquake An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 7.0 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1268_Cilicia_earth Kingdom of killed approximately 60,000 people in modern-day quake

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Cilicia Turkey. 1219 The Flood St. Marcellus’ Flood (or First St. Marcellus’ Flood) in the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Marcellus%2 Netherlands Netherlands drowned approximately 36,000 people. 7_flood 1212 The Flood A flood in north Holland killed about 60,000 individuals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floods_in_the_Net Netherlands herlands 1169 Zengid Earthquake Approximately 80,000 people died in an earthquake in http://earthquakes.findthedata.com/l/366/Syria- Dynasty Aleppo in what is now Syria. Halab-Aleppo-Dimashq-Damascus-1169-M6-1 (present-day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_natural_dis Syria) asters_by_death_toll 1163 Opava, Ethnic violence Though the story may be false, many sources suggest http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/juda Bohemia, that 27 Jews were executed for well poisoning. Similar ica/ejud_0002_0015_0_15119.html Silesia charges arose in Breslau (1226) and Vienna (1267) 11 Oct Aleppo, Syria Earthquake Approximately 230,000 people were killed by an https://www.britannica.com/event/Aleppo- 1138 earthquake that struck Aleppo, in modern-day Syria. A earthquake-of-1138 nearby Crusader fort was also completely destroyed. 1101 Great Seljuq Earthquake This earthquake killed 60,000 people in Khorasan in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_natural_dis Empire present-day Iran. asters_by_death_toll 4 Nov Abbasid Earthquake This earthquake, in present-day Iran (near Tabriz) killed https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results 1042 Caliphate around 50,000 people. ?eq_0=335&t=101650&s=13&d=22,26,13,12&nd =display 10 Dec Fatimid Earthquake About 70,000 people in modern-day Israel and Jordan http://earthquakes.findthedata.com/l/286 1033 Caliphate were killed by this earthquake. http://www.emidius.eu/GEH/map.php 896 Udaipur, Earthquake About 170,000 people were killed. http://morelesscompare.com/natural- India disasters/1780-tabriz-earthquake-vs-896- udaipur-earthquake/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_natural_dis asters_by_death_toll 893 Ardabil, Iran Earthquake About 150,000 people died. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/42029974/ns/worl d_news-asia_pacific/t/top-deadliest- earthquakes-history/#.WHRVIYWcFKI 22 Dec Damghan, Earthquake About 200,000 people were killed by this earthquake https://worldhistoryproject.org/856/12/22/dam 856 Iran (estimated magnitude 8.0) centered on the then-capital ghan-earthquake of Iran (Damghan). 3 Dec Tunisia Earthquake Approximately 45,000 people were killed. http://earthquakes.findthedata.com/l/223/Tunis 856 ia-Tunis-856-M4-5 © Copyright Mark D. Harris 2015

856 Corinth, Earthquake An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 8.0 http://devastatingdisasters.com/corinth- Greece killed 45,000 people and almost destroyed the city of earthquake-greece-856-ad/ Corinth. 15 Jul Abbasid Earthquake Approximately 45,000 people died in an earthquake in https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results 850 Caliphate modern-day Iran. ?eq_0=217&t=101650&s=13&d=22,26,13,12&nd =display 24 Nov Abbasid Earthquake Several earthquakes along the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/847_Damascus_ea 847 Caliphate killed 20,000 in and 50,000 in Mosul. Also rthquake known as the 847 Damascus earthquake. 18 Sep Abbasid Earthquake This earthquake near modern-day Damascus killed https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results 844 Caliphate 50,000 people. ?eq_0=208&t=101650&s=13&d=22,26,13,12&nd =display 26 Apr Umayyad Earthquake This earthquake in modern-day Iran killed an estimated https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results 662 Caliphate 40,000 people. ?eq_0=159&t=101650&s=13&d=22,26,13,12&nd =display 30 Sep Byzantine Earthquake An earthquake in modern-day Turkey, near Antioch, http://earthquakes.findthedata.com/l/5583/Turk 587 Empire killed 60,000. ey-Antakya-Antioch-587-M7 Circa Constan- Bubonic In the Plague of Justinian (527-565), unnamed Great Disasters in History, Genzmer, 121-122 542 tinople Plague thousands died, depopulating the and setting the stage for the Muslim conquest 535- Worldwide Volcanic Global ash (or dust) cover resulting in the greatest David Keys, Catastrophe 536 eruption (or worldwide cooling in history. Widespread drought, astronomical famine, and pestilence resulted. Over the next several impact) decades, millions more than usual perished. The Plague of Justinian (Bubonic Plague) was one example. 29 Nov Aleppo, Syria Earthquake 130,000 people were killed when an earthquake of https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results? 533 unknown magnitude stuck Aleppo in 533. eq_0=136&t=101650&s=13&d=22,26,13,12&nd= display 20-29 Antioch, Earthquake An estimated 7.0 magnitude quake hit Antioch in http://research.omicsgroup.org/index.php/526_ May Byzantine modern Syria. 250,000 people were killed. There were Antioch_earthquake 526 Empire 18 months of aftershocks. Sep Antioch, Earthquake 80,000 people were killed in an earthquake in Antioch. https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results? 458 Byzantine eq_0=116&t=101650&s=13&d=22,26,13,12&nd= Empire display 21 Jul Crete Earthquake An earthquake off the coast of Crete with an estimated https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/365_Crete_earthq

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365 and tsunami magnitude of 8 or higher caused an enormous tsunami. uake Both together killed “many thousands” of people. 342 Antioch, Earthquake 40,000 people were killed in an earthquake near https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results Roman Antioch. ?eq_0=81&t=101650&s=13&d=22,26,13,12&nd= Empire display 13 Dec Antioch, Earthquake An estimated 7.5 magnitude earthquake in modern-day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/115_Antioch_earth 115 Roman Syria killed about 260,000 people, as well as causing quake Empire extensive damage to the harbor by way of a tsunami. 24 Aug Pompeii, Volcanic Mount Vesuvius, a hitherto dormant volcano SW of http://www.history.com/this-day-in- 79 AD Roman eruption Naples, Italy, erupted. At least 2,000 people died – history/vesuvius-erupts Empire building collapses, ash falls, and burns. 60 AD Colossae, Earthquake Thousands were killed in an earthquake destroying the http://religiouslyincorrect.com/Articles/TriCityAr Asia Minor cities of Hierapolis, Colossae, and Laodicea eaEarthquake.shtml 400- Europe and Manure, other Scythian, Romans, Greeks and Persian archers used Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 605 300 BC Asia biologics arrows tipped in dung and other in biologic agents to encourage infection in victims 6th Middle East Rye ergot Assyrian Army used to poison wells in enemy territory Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 605 Cent BC 7th Middle East Anthrax or Destruction of Sennacherib’s Assyrian army in 701 BC Bible Cent bubonic during the siege of Jerusalem suggests that anthrax or BC plague plague may have been the cause. Circa Egypt Anthrax The first record of an outbreak that can be reasonably Disaster Medicine, Ciottone (Ed), 2006, 608 1400 identified as anthrax is the Fifth Plague in the Book of BC Exodus. Circa Thera (now Volcanic A volcanic eruption together with a tsunami that it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoan_eruption 1600 called eruption and caused (possibly by causing an earthquake) devastated BC Santorini) tsunami the island of Thera and likely contributed to the downfall of the Minoan civilization.

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