The Ingham County News Fi Cia! Had Guaranteed the City That Last Month's Utilities Blll That Rent for the New Police Totalled $229.79: $95,96 Was Facility on W

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The Ingham County News Fi Cia! Had Guaranteed the City That Last Month's Utilities Blll That Rent for the New Police Totalled $229.79: $95,96 Was Facility on W Springport Bindery Springpo1·t, t.!icrt. t.9284 Vol. JOB, No.8 4 Sections, 32 Paf.]es 677-9011 , Wednesday~ February 22~ 1967 15$ Pe1· Copy Second claso postage paid at Mason, Mlchlcnn. Published weekly by Tho Ingham County New• Inc., p,o, Dox 266, Mnson, Mlchlr,on 4RR54 Subscription rnte~: In Mnson and Hall home delivery orans, 15~ weekly; by moil in lnghum nnd ndjoJnln~ counties, $5por 1enr, elsewhere, SG t Reason: Maintenance Problents City's 'Wh i.te El e hant' Shut Down Mason councilmen gave up on the back was broken with the announce­ city's "White Elephant" · ( the old police department, ment that not only did the roof leak, the building could be rented on a Al Rice garage at Oak and Jefferson By Tuesday afternoon police offices but now the boiler wasn't working monthly basis at a rate lower than streets) at their Monday night meet- properly, were moved lock, stock and barrel in g. into the former Consumers Power funds required to operate the city's It didn't take council building and building on Jefferson, Since the original purchase, the maintenance b u i 1 ding on W, Ash grounds committeemen long to make Confronted with the Jefferson street building has created one problem after street, their decision: shut down the building building problems, Hamlin said, "I another, but this week the camel's Chairman of the building and and find another place to house the grounds committee, John Hamlin, said refuse to authorize any more funds (Continued on page 3) US-127 Fate Up To oa rd $so,ooo The State Highway commission has met and reaffirmed its position that Invested US-127 from Mason through Lansing r-·-··~l By City will be abandoned by the state to the care of local governments, The touchy problem of where This decision was made following to invest $50,000 of the city's money was decided with the ' · a special hearing conducted last Thurs­ resolution presented by Coun­ day so the Ingham County Road com­ cilman Russ e 11 Robbins to place the entire amount with mission, the city of Lansing and Delhi the Washington Mutual Inves­ township could present reasons against tors fund at the Monday night city council meeting. this abandonment, The final ruling now rests Councilmen were divided as * * * with the State Administrative to where the money should board, which meets In early go, but the vote gave approval March. with John Hamlin and Loren Petition For the past 3 months the Shattuck casting "no" votes. county, . the cltv. of Lansing Shattuck voted no because: and Dell1l township have been "I do not have confidence in fighting the abandonment pro­ the particular fund and would Asks 12 posal on the basis that Lan­ rather have followed the rec­ sing and the area to the south ommendation of our City At·· needs a state designated high- torney John O'Brien who in­ vestigated the investment pos­ Changes way to service the commercial..... COUNTY'S SUGGESTION--Frank (Tex) F.vans, superintendent- sibilities carefully," he said, andFrank prlvale ('rex) needs Evans, of the super- area. engineer of the Ingham County Rood commissioh \~tanding), suggested that Councilmen Gary Lamphere and Howard Roberts indicated Some 360 area residents intendent • engineer of the the state maintain US-127 from Mason through Lansing as a business route have joined with the city of they based their decisions on Mason in protesting the light· thecounty highway road commission,commission thattold during q special hearing Thursday. The State Highway commision indicates the reports submitted by Rob­ bins, which thoroughly covered COMING DOWN--The police deportment lng and traffic sign situation (Continu~c! on page 3) they want to abandon that stretch of the road, at the US-127 interchange all aspects of the Washington signs '¥ere taken off the city building at Oak. north of Mason. fund, and Ash streets Tuesday afternoon. Police Sgt. A petition seeking street 3 Draftees Hamlin said he voted no be­ lighting and better signs at cause he would not want to in­ Allen Winters and city employee Vernon Burns the entrances and exits was Funeral Rites Conducted vest any of his personal funds made the move official by placing the signs at presented by Frank (Tex) Ev­ with the firm and, therefore, ans, superintendent-engineer Named by couldn't justify placing the the new location on W. Ash street. for the county road commis· For Gilbert C. Glover,54 city's money with such a com­ pany, ston, at a special hearing Gilbert C. Glover, an lng­ veteran of World War II, a *** Thursday on the abandonment Councilmen ham county supervisor for the Dansville and Rev. G. Rotert DeWayne Evans, Mason Ki· member of the V, F.W. post Sawyer of the Dansville Free wants club's representativeat of US-)27 from Mason through The draft is final! Mason past 6 years, died suddenly #5894, the Masonic Lodge 4160 Lansing. Sunday, February 19, at his :-.lethodist church. Burial was council meetings, questioned Closing Hinges now has 6 candidates seeking F, and A.M., the Order of the Two weeks earlier Mason's home, 1958 E. Dansville road, Jn Fairview cemetery, Dans­ the council's decision, After election to 3 avallable seats Eastern star #90 and was the city council asked the State Dansville. He was 54 years old. ville. Arrangements were determining that the Washing·­ on the city coun ell following most ·recent past commander handled by the Ball-Dunn Fu • ton fund returned an average Highway commission to re­ the regular meeting Monday. Mr. Glover was supervisor of the V,F,W, post #6894. evaluate the interchange as neral home, interest rate of 3 percent an­ Petitions were f!led by In­ for Ingham township, He was a Born March 7, 1912 in Dans­ On High Costs several accidents including Pallbearers were David M. nually, he suggested the city cumbents Mayor Gilson Pear­ ville, he was the son of Roy Woods, Harold Wing, Clifford would be further ahead to In­ one fatal crash had occured E, and Gertrude Foster Glo­ The picture looks black for at the site. sall and Vaughn Snook, plus Allen, Delmar Carr, Ted Fay, vest the $50,000 in Mason's keep the garage building a new candidate Frands Fied­ ver. For many years he was the former police building open," he said, The city went so far as to Phillip Scrlpter, Leland Per­ 2 banks where it would re­ ler. Draft candidates named self-employed in agriculture at Oak and Jefferson streets. ask that better traffic control rine and Royl~11 Miller. ceive 4 percent interest annu­ The former Al Rice garage are Gerald Bodamer, 237 and farming. Building and grounds commit­ signs be erected, street light· ally. is owned by the city and the Washington street; Howard Survl\•lng are his wife, Ed­ teemen shut down the building $52,500 price tag is tal,en ing installed and if necessary "Maybe I am a gambler, but Becker, 112 S, Lawton street, na E; one son, Gavin C. at Tuesday after deciding against the entire interchange re-con­ BULLETIN I feel the city could find a care of with the possible ex­ and Jamo::s L. Maddix, 424 W. home; his father, Roy E. of better place to put their money, costly repairs needed on the ception of $10,000 which has structed to prevent further Columbia street. Dansville; 2 sisters, Mrs. Jess W, Conard 4828 facility. accidents. which would give a greater re­ been provided for In the new This brings the number up Rolph (Lois) Silsby of Mason Hunt road, Onondaga town­ turn and still offer the same Althoug·lJ right now the build­ budget, according to the People were more than will­ shifl supervisor, died unex­ to 6, which Is required by the and Mrs. Elbridge (Verla) anwunt of investment secur~ ing is shut down, Mayor Gil· mayor, ing to sign the petition, ac­ cltv charter. For several Wolfgang, Jr. of Dansville. pectedly at 10 a.m. Wednes­ son Pearsall says this is only cording to Mrs, Don Dens­ ity," Evans said. Reasons cited for closing the ye~rs Mason has had diffi­ Funeral services were at day at Eaton Rapids Com­ a temporary measure until a building were the need for more. The 300 signatures were culties in securing enough 2 r.m. Wednesday, February munity hospital. The body Councilmen were given a permanent decision can be extensive roof repair, repair gathered at the Densmores• candidates to fill the charter 22, from the First Methodist is at the Luecht funeral sample junk vehicle ordinance made on the proposed fire­ or replacement of the present store on Old US-127 within requirements without resort­ church, Dansvllle. Officiating home in Leslie, Funeral for their consideration. They police building. a week's time. heating system and the high ing to the draft, was Rev. Dr, D.C. Carpenter arrangements have not yet were advised to be ready to Howard Roberts, building costs of keeping the building of the First Methodist church, been announced. act on the ordinance at the next and grounds committee mem­ open, meeting, ber, told The Ingham County Harold Barnhill, city clerk, News a Consumers Power of­ told the Ingham County News fi cia! had guaranteed the city that last month's utilities blll that rent for the new police totalled $229.79: $95,96 was facility on W. Ash would be for electrical power and under $100 per month. An exact $133.83 was for gas. price has not been established Police Chief Tim Stolz ex­ ,.-....
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