On Sports Committees Nominations for Vacancies on to the Chairs of the Committees
October 29,1984, Volume 21 Number 38 Ofiicial Publication of tb ational Collegiate Athletic Association Vacancies listed ‘on sports committees Nominations for vacancies on to the chairs of the committees. Men’s NCAA sports committees to be filled committee nominations should be at the 1985 NCAA Convention in sent to Vernon M. Smith, Director Nashville must be forwarded to each of Athletics, University of Toledo, member’s district representative no 2801 West Bancroft, Toledo, Ohio later than December I, according 43606. Women’s committee nomi- to Vernon M. Smith, chair of the nations should be sent to Mary R. Men’s Committee on Committees, Barrett, Associate Director of Ath- and Mary R. Barrett, chair of the letics, University of Massachusetts, Women’s Committee on Committees. Hoston, Massachusetts 02125. In addition, a copy should be sent In order that a complete summary of nominations can be prepared, a Commission copy also should be sent to Fannie B. Vaughan, Administrative Assis- tant, NCAA, P.O. Box 1906, Mission, officers meet Kansas 6620 I When submitting nominations, on legislation the nominee’s name, title, institution, The executive committee of the division, district and conference NCAA Presidents’ Commission will should be provided, along with a meet Sunday, November 4, in Chicago brief paragraph describing the quali- to determine the Commission’s final fications of the candidate. A sepa- decisions regarding possible roll- rate nomination should be provided call votes and placement of certain for each nominee and should indicate proposals in the agenda for the 1985 whether the nominee would serve NCAA Convention. if elected.
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