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".Mil' Lit , Ii4,j VOL. XXX., NO. 5380 HONOLULU, IVJO.-TWK- LVK ts. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. FIJI HAY. NOV F.Ml.Kl.. PAGES. vnirv. nvi: i-kn- PROFESSIONAL CARDS PROI i:SSIONAL CARDS. A SUCCESS AGAIN it iMTER-OSLAM- P" CIH1AMGES BY MR. A. HERDEC31 ATTORNEYS. MUSIC. ATKINSON & JUDI) (A. I.. C. Atkin- COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Love Bide. son and Albert F. Judd, Jr.) Office rt St.; Piano, Voice Culture. Sing- over Bishop & Co.'s bank, cor. Mer- ing and Harmony; especial attention chant and Kaahumanu Sts. Boston Lyrics W II ID K !-- K U U . - )- -. i-- paid to touch, murcular control and LiM !... !. i. ?. !. . L . U L K .. ... WL l-h Vtlma Aricd!Eraliit a musical analysis. Ma ACHI & JOHNSON (W. C. Achi and BeauiifQl Maritana. Knoch Johnson). Office No. 10 West DO YOU WANT TO LEARN MUSIC? Ri2li J Bejcrt King St.; Tel. SSI. f. An opportunity now presents itself m to learn from a competent J. ml teacher of m lA'LB A. DICKEY King and Bethel the piano, graduate of Leipsic Uni- -- i m Sts.; Tel. SOG; I. O. box 7SC. versity, for the small tuition fee of SECOND AUDIENCE : $5 per month; satisfaction guaran- WAS LARCE r views on iicic:: pupils m --FREDERICK W. JOB Suite 815, Mar- teed; taught to play in six uo quette Bldg., Chicago, 111.; Hawaiian months. Address "Musician," Ad- vertiser office. Consul General for States of Illinois, u 'I 1 Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wiscon- A Most Creditable ntntlon 'rtriUftatw of Common ANN1S MONTAGUE TURNER. Vocal rrt -- thi sin. i t-- Enthusiasm Shown by Patron - mtl - Instruction; terms by the lesson or -- 2 r1r Tract- true -- u Ut -- - month; commencing CHAS. F. PETERSON, 15 Kaahuma- on and after the Careful Work. Von of Fortw. nn 10th of July, "MIGNON"; 720 Bere- St. tania St.. Honolulu.

PHYSICIANS. The Bosiou Lyric Oj r.i C.isup.iny To the F.4Ta-- 4 of .cti"uJt u: and Ftr-- DRAUGHTSMAN. ast night appo-irr- d to cr.iwdfil DR. GEO. J. AUGUR, Homeopathic aniuhrr Surgeon. Special T. I). BEASLEY. Plantation and To 'ouse and the success was ev ri jcrJtor In Practitioner and pographical Maps acY:dan with jemr to attention given to chronic diseases; a Specialty; room n Maritana than in ih ;:ilns per pr tTo! COG, Judd Bldg.; Tel. G33. "il raiin Into and jioii tjpa ihr ren- office residence, Beretania St., formance of Said t and I'ashi. Th ::xTa dition of th Clovct-rme-Xi- tao4. nearly opp. Methodist church; office Maritana Is one that umod ih JOHN i:x.. v. it. c:onnti:v. foTt 7 cait. aur and ptlnc. I tW hours 10 to 12 a. ra.; 3 to 4 p. m.; iSlatr.1 (Itetlricj: Prr!4rcl-- crare iulJt to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9:30 to 10:30 a. STENOGRAPHERS. musical ability of the princi;.i! to for the Prrldrncy.i I fallow leg trpci:t: ra.; Tel. 733. MISS A. A. ALLEN Office cor. King their fullest extent ami to suv thev 1 I have fr the pt im jcar raJk4 and Bethel Sts. (upstairs); Tel. 751. proved equal to tl.o occasion U in put lb a".ie,iica of ihU Forestry Uarmot. -- 537 King I: ! C. U GARVIN, M.D. Office mildly. The whole company met and of cur iSovrrame-at- . to how St., near Punchbowl; hours 9 to 12 m. INTICU i:ilANCSr. j tmo o,nrn .racllally all lb- - .Mioo is. miuw.N umce over with a perfect ovation and nevrr In ISI..M halnc one faallve 7 8 p. ; j:-ar-- tt frttvt art a. m., to m.; Tel. 448. Bishop & Co.'s, corner Kaahumanu the history of amusements In Hono- Its th common canW lra4 i -- . y Irr-U- it and Merchant Sts. a !rocI cattle and fcorM.. II lulu has hern more Oipt. f ioJfrcy let Retire from I'rv f lh" proup. n- lctrr-lun- ... ana DR. A. GORDON HODGINS Office there - Cty In lb U iJ V&lur manifested than there was at the Oper.i w i - Wilder rimpam- bateaJvAjs o:Irxj Jite.i. and residence, Gedge Cottage, corner ' Intrr-IUaa- Advenirr. OPTICIANS. Housn last evening. No doubt lull harmon;u)ly. Tb d a Richards and Hotel Sts.; office hours in.-K!u..i-- TT.naar;d .f - es. mm a I.eay tc-w- art foitrt- haiff D to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Tel. 953. S. E. LUCAS. Love Bldg.. Fort St.. every member of this great orgtnUj- - rar rrct of .launch aoojca l In tf O. I the coriH,r:tlon lat runlne. "it U a;rUlljnc - Imu tletrojrJ flunks of tbouMLae3ft upstairs; P. box 351. carry a full tian from principals to i horns a nutr.ur ,f rtcrllml ruca- mul lact this time that there an to l im-- 1 ,f irr d and TaU DR. WALTER HOFFMAN. Beretania line of ALL KINDS OF GLASSES a . . . err Niai. Tlie onany U a tjeaty !lcc have felt that they were in th hands b St., opposite Hawaiian Hotel; office from the CHEAPEST to the BEST. Iortant ehan.-- s ttf the inler-lAun- d owner, pay dividend promptly and U pai:Jti!atft ly t.o:Je-i- m clovers-tret.- 1 Eye3 of friends instead of a severe and crlt hours 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to Free Examination of the Navigation .rsatii.i-tlon- . , lung bcM ea.ncA. tcam Company I rate-- way La a lnd vtl i and S p. m.; Sundays 8 to 10 a. m.; Tel leal audience. a a hand tome and a! Rumors to this effrrt . StnethSng huuM ! t3ote U 510; P. O. box 501. company fully demons: hac urpt: In i! if4C4rj-- One of ibe it ENGINEERS. The has, rit eene current from tltn to tlmo dur- t"P the Vy feiacinc tb go id In I ;g In ih cmcrrn ! Captain la ed that It is equally as In-arlab- ly 3 JAMES T. TAYLOR. M. Am. Soc. C. E ing the juM years, but it fo:T'j an Ihe wonblrn. rovl-li- e- .DR. T. MITAMURA. Consulting opera can u iJ.ismm! In fie CuinpVU. Ihc fl raplatn. Tb- - In fenivnc Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; for Maritana an 1 Vour rooms 427 O. 842; thn ra? that the tcr-I!a- ni l.-- aUrxtJon U Nuiianu St.; P. box I.-- le:i rr4irl i In It rrapy the .nl 2:ur. school as it in y 132; 524 30G Judd Blk, Honolulu. the latter the Th-- i c'jiapter Tel. residence Nuuanu St.; were without foundation in fact. Hawaiian in command ox a elM XXX. SnJon f, on lichicr oneras. Th tltb ro was ntiive I-- hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 to 9 p. m.; wen simply original inc at : Fretry aw. 2 G p. by avcrrm- - kj!p Meaner I" thcV water, Thl gentle Sundays to m. MISCELLANEOUS. taken that beautiful and iim up town, al another tlm ih la of I with Miss e:i man U Captain of tb Kona tu; in;ieciin nticv plished prima donna Jopaln' water front and enr In nwhlle Sin.crn. fTgtt ihe Leader arrvm, .DR. I. MORI. 136 Beretania St., be F. I). G REANY. A.B., (Harv.) Pri ron:ln: pn l et Mauna Im. T!; company fca l.w ef tmall of innocent . Stanton. Her the 5 ay Cv aet-r- Tutor, with especial from the other ls!.inU or from the! -- frcm to fdty e3w 277; vale reference ns atv tween Emma and Fort; Tel. P. Gitana was a superb effort sho b.-l- an l niv n pair and cnlrtif ilia p. box 843; office hours 9 to 12 a. m to preparation for college. Office cor. coast, where affair cteaini. and aje i ;tJg Xij King G2 splendid voice and rend'rinv of bulnes plant lh waierfrnni. i.nrt4 and 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 9 to 12 and Bethel Sts.; Tel. and in hr i1Immh4 ugar b are Indus nr.d fto-lfrr- y. tl p;o:tu:t and lru4 ptUi-T- S0G; P. O. box 759. beautiful "Scenes that ar.' mre nrf aj Captain Wm. It. tf hi a. m. the aria. the On this eiernidein Cap!. W i!fr- - of In ! llm. a wcallhy man. ha Urxtt the tmill a:'aii Brightest" was a grand dc It. Ginlfrey Urme at has f.nally lo teilrc Intrr-Ilan- d palUti!ary zmotiC lh bal- DR. A. N. SINCLAIR. 413 King St., MRS. B. F. McCALL. latest designs vocalization and fully deserved t!i dcidl of ih company fur r!5eAbr Tailor-Mad- e Evening, from the presidency. This f l- .liana Oal.u next to the Opera House; office hours in Dinner The ctune tr.any vears. and til adrainUlratJoa ed ra and within -- Gowns, Wedding 73 gieat encore1 she received. s:n -- 'J 10 1 3 and Trousseau, means a reorganization. c l- nt d to a. m., to p. m., 7 to 8 p. m.; There atta!r h -n marl.eI ly cvldcncr etJViTt.ti ll'ovdulu. whlen tir 2 Beretania St. must bo said of the duct. "Silnlcl Sundays 12 m. to p. m.; Tel. 741. ii meeting of the aU.ut ih at direvlors of ...-;.r- growth e iui$ :br hand. "Fhl U a Mother" rendered by Miss S:.m::;n at:i at. . nibblb eif this tnemili. er j a Ill-l- b - t::Mr-n- find J. MORGAN. Opal Merchant, Jeweler Miss Mantle Leekley a m:i;;ni:irvai tla. ha tnrai. utii'- Id hoN'lng In ihU udiaj.,. X. B. CLAPHAM. Veterinary Surgeon mut will ! rn-nounre- .1. home-1oa- d fi. and Lapidary: Opal Cutting a Spe was later.Then tin Uzi rt.r.rrn. hi pro;eiy Including harr the mall ni'ile 3eerlrl. and Dentist. Office Hotel Stables; musical number, and whleh The change In cialty; No. 2 School St., near bridge. l will neit nich In a e.f calling Cap-- th ar.d ralddlareid ftnofde calls, day or night, promptly ans as was Mi.s lekby's s mm!r!. - as to make nny dlfferenro In th Inml-ie-- s have- ottae r i,yr cnljr yered; specialties, obstetrics and Mr. Reickwell essayed t! part lalli fj..!ffry a tUltit.T of the Hr! tf1. thr lameness. "MAKAPALA BY THE SEA" Now Lovette edle-y ef the etitnp.ny. lis ronduci tge! and t. ehJldrva e rank and a man of fine aldll-l- b fcmaltilnc. ready and for sale at MISS PRES- - of the cruel Don Jose and by his on Its own lolnet if affairs eir Its attitude tow- - IVrvmally h I well Thi bcru:d I the tnot Ito- - ;OR. COTT'S, QUEEN HOTEL. Nuuanu vsrlnntioii work nroved hlin'ir a Ukd ly TOMIZO KATSUNUMA. Veteri- ards patrons eiiio rs In ih lr he-I- fJovrr-Bn- t: St. was loudly ir jant th at larx and In the It1atit !taitmetj andr oar nary Surgeon. Skin thorough artist. He also e--a diseases of al Irade." . ib kinds a specialty. Office room 11 ef "In Happy hlch'M !y err.ptnj-- fca jiaiamaat Ikaitl of encored for his rendition I- J It Is rat In r Mr. le-attilf- Health - Atjtrrdinalr. Spreckels Bldg.; hours 9 to 4; Tel. P. SILVA. Agent to take acknowledg Eugene linger" rich iinder(il lhat John a rrJ.!en In Nu'janu rally VaM In 1093. ments to instruments, of Ko- - Moments." lus: fcna. now Iho icc-pre-side- nt f Wa-ihlcgto- 474; residence Tel district In the lejt an.l a rh aiming family. When Ii. C. uteu a ho;4l4 or na, Oahu; W. C. Achi's office voice was heard to great advantage Im at company, will promote.! to tin head- - t- a 4l for a rhc(dhcUM I &v.k:t4 King St., near Nuuanu. the rather thankless part ef the Kins rrllettd from lh ctr- and rrfpoard-blllil- ll ship of enterprKIng nt Agtlciultural 9M-ler- Uon a the and prosprntu of hU prw-M-- h may Ie7iarlnietjt make DENTISTS. of Spain. Mr. John Hendersan made concern. It Is ioitloa TOURISTS' GUIDE THROUGH HA prove. further !eiicvrd thai th do considerable traveling abroad. for a Sural Ion. LM. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. great hit as the Marquis and - E. Alakea St. two important pot under lh pr!-elen- t The- Ihfee prt.tTeK4ve &;Uu&l three doors above Masonic Temple WAIL Price 60c; beautifully illus magnificent character actor Mr. John Fna. who. In all human ftiot by himself a will Im fdb-.- ! ,y Mc- agTlmlttsre . trated. For sale all newsdealers Mr. Jas. II. H1 la In the wotld Ger- Honolulu; office hours 9 a. m. to Great praise Is also due the talentei probabiliiv. adrancMl to th fb Mr. y 4 p. m. lean ami Norman (Jedgo. ho are prr-blenr- man and l be -l- Miss Katherlne MacNeill who if th company. U fully a American, and follow DR. A. C. POSEY. Specialist for Eye artiste rew prominent u the n.mny and r-g them th i:ac:ib-h- ae Mare-hiones- s. Hen much entitled io ih prrfermat an their Ear, Nose Diseases nn as the To -- DDR. C. B. HIGH Philadelphia Denta Thoat and arpared who have been in th eJrpart-men- t. S com ervlcv for ar. Capiain C.odfrry U io the in ticw Itarvau the Jr l"a4ix:g College 1892; Masonic Temple; Tel Catarrh; Masonic Temple; hours to ry Hallam nothing but words of All this is 12 a. m., 1 to 4 and 7 to S p. m. splen lentatlvi landing weird from A vlc pnldn: of th Mr. 31 S. mendation can bo given for his a Th Whlawa. Oahtj and Arse-rieji- n couple of din t tors or havy stock- Una ha at tim for raoaihn at did performance ef the devil Macalro now Homestead Arciatiun rfr cirr. holders r either on J-- V e-a- 1EO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. St., op HONOLULU SANITARIUM. 10S2 II lh rtuel or on I be helm, and on alllaorraion hi a a age, under our ncmouna4 Fort nobleman Don Cezar do Itazin. tltl , King St.; Tel. S39. Dr. S Inlands tzxdta-piTi- posite Catholic Mussion; hours from Luella ether than Oahu. ic- - an-- 1 elirrrlJon hare rnnM and ritjel on tiarte-a- tj Cleveland, himself to be a splendid actor Inter-Islan- n - ( : a, m. to 4 p. m. medical superintendent. showed The d Steam Navigation h, jand Uiee-- mile- from IVort Hours 9 a; m. to 5 p. m.; methods of gave a dramatic color to th solo rreI Invaluable. Several month am City and Company U capitalized al half n mil- and in fro Walall n mm Battle Creek, Mich., Sanitarium; was not looked for from an oper Mr. Fna coatrmp!a:-- I removing hU jear Ue tiidy nav rkmev lDR. A. C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL. that lion elollarsand single dol- y trtar baths of every description; trainee the hundrt! Old Mexico, II wjih te-r- Ilmlte-- d 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; He was in splendid vice io cnt over mch rry ca;taJ Office hours Love nurses in bathrooms as well as in atic artist. lar shares are quoted regu- cjeir-rtnise-d Bldg., St was indeed a rev ustuy r to th Mainland and tbrnc to th t4l io make for tnrtanrltmi Fort sickroom; massage and manua The chorus work larly Hluy-uv- r family at about dollars above I g and a bom la oar movements; electricity In every The attack and precision wen rtniniry of lredent Max. but. feiurn-In- pralal elation. par. Th tork is not ry u !,! ! climate. Mr. Kellogg oxm 4 ,. to Hawaii, ha evidently thewght -- form; classified dietary, etc.; ample perfect and evidenced how thoroughly Ih twelve e!jeTfl. M. few day n BROKERS. tributed. lo a4 facilities for thorough examination ronsef)iienuy dealing In It better of hi half formed p-jf- that had cleared the Boston Lyrics have been tralne.i l neit tf tl(9 from cs axra . J. CAMPBELL. Office Queen St., Dr. C. L. Garvin, consulting physi frequent. Th- - etimpany U or... of leaving th .f land In auad . a ; 1 now seon two perform I:aad. toaxalxn - tv xeeu vu. cian and surgeon. Honolulu has roa!l vegrtahlerc opposite- umuu company in Alo that b tS oners by this grand and f 19 la freight by Laa.tnc c lo4 of Member Honolulu Stock two operas that arc entirely different ;..TeSuc froa hit plac Lo Honolulu asad O. J. FALK. SunJay L'nleni. cTnplracy to defraud him Exchange; room 301 Judd Bldg. and It is sincerely hoped that the cn di..I of var!o rxtara load of J umber In plao of There Is qub t work going ram o f i avlcg l,y HIRAM BINGHAM'S COMEDY. gagement will continue right through on every i:ime of miner, r hearing It reat raJL Friday, though little Jadge n A ccmber of complaint rorne to WILLIAM SAVIDGE Real Estate in season with the financial success mention of it has lWnre Wibt th Il;tre ;:axeatj tbU the Co-ir- t from mal pndncT of all Parts of the Islands bought or BERKELEY, Oct. IS. The up made ounble. instead of on ymterilay. all the charge stu- which the company has met with to ln l!andr. cnmplalrlnjc of th citnrtlcm-M- e committee in of the v;-de- old; No. 310 Fort St.; Mclnerny Blk. diss for Instnictlon In I ft weekly .. Ju !g Wslcox rrtlewjsg ar dent show to be given in San date, as the Boston Lyric Opera Com la th charge cf tmr tranrportatioa cua-- I se)ti now there an two. Or. a pro!a!i! lV,- - Francisco on Thanksgiving aft- pany performances are intellectual. In will g've found cti to nle; our two tare lland eamf bp attention to the primary leaching; a Jury would .mpaalea la V claim ARCHITECTS. er the big intercollegiate game, and entertaining. th rrnvic: th !efeada: txtiuvlr. structlve either 1 lhat car teamhlp has chosen Hiram Bingham's am to th adult work. Mr. Krdmaa an cx:nmii:e! thm for trial !rfo;r IUnd and railroad & TRAIN. Architects. farce curtain-raise- r com- The opera was beautifully staued com;unle at rvt JuH0ed la nr. wnwARn in the will conduct th work of the. advance, th- - Cifcns: c'o-in- . tall 7, Model Block, Fort St.; petition. In eight under- costuming was magnificent. Ceilone the pOtloa that their UntlneA 1 U Suite all. the el.s for th month of and jos.b3e J el. as'J. graduate playwrights contested V. Thompson is to be congratulate. Novemlr. cttrart at much out of U A. M5ss Panabaker l.irSe th primary pn5ufr. In oHrr to how a for first place. thorough and businesslike at- vv credit Bingham on the teaeh-r- s. Today Mrs. Na mi Kcapc. t.a.ance. 223 is an honor gradu- gives Foleman lake r a TRAPHAGEN. Merchan Yale, tention to detail that he to the M!ss . - We havena the I .land of Oahu aJone ate of at present taking Fanabakers pla for Ihls !ng!-we- ek. A l.:ti- girl had u vry r.atiow St., between Fort and Alakea; Tel. h rv--i post graduate and to the decided stand y ovr acre of Ua4 work at the State enterprise TUmu m;-tr- ca th Govrmattt 734; Honolulu. University. He is son commencing tne p r r.; frni rorsr n whuh tb eatf rtpirv ta ! of In ..y the r-i!- has taken U'ord has from f Iteretanla and - than two TLU land on Rev. Hiram Bingham.2d. of Ho- S o'clock sharp and get Inn relid Ir. J. F.t tr'ri jear. fretd formances at F (;illi ono-rnlnt; A gang rr.en I h cean. ha U1-- a1 nolulu, and grandson of Rev. reasonable rt his trip her. An at rn'e.n. of unlT Government rud. CONTRACTORS. ting the same through at a In'erdr-nomlnatlona- l -- Hiram Bingham. 1st., one s r.gag.! in r zr. and teje.otie Uac running: of the movcmrni plar.-- J.r: ur hro-rg- h pioneer Ha- hour. - !?.- - it. HundrM of Ameriran and vTTT"rv!T?'F,TF!T.'I nnr missionaries s e.; n t rnntrnrtnr to the say. audience--a- on th burden on Dr. Ir.z wrsrj.T.t i:-a:;-a- waiian Islands. Young Hi- Needless to the Giisrt of veiling farmer cru!d .eitle on thin office Mr. r.; -- Builder. Store and fittings, was all w . . .:; thAt ! . . l- - . ri-- , Tuesday eening eharm'nl America's t. kji;,;. f., .:;r:j-j- I'. alJty and ljd and j'h a we Wahl-au- a. T11 ram has a taste for chemistry, evi- p.. ma have at snop ana repair wuiiv, jjcu many new gowns !eln;; in ;- -: -- iuu but is now dressed, la'e Itibb' study. It. jHrt wil! t:, , ti ;.'d a.: :. ; jTUf!.!r.c f Th ?e ran no InjnMue Ja hav-- i: Jildg., Union t.; iei. iu- -. studying astronomy. carriage system was - j; g dence. The . lid Ledd-It- z. He is musical, sings well, and is mt of thin viMt ;,t todav'tt i:;..-:i:ig- Of. land dlvlM into aa:i ami deserves a word of prale. .i 1 excellent s t ;.re-t- especially Fr-.- ! -- have bright in conversa- t... f! i th- - iU . :.. r- - p.. f I : w ! had MEEMANO & CO. Contractors Every vehicle was away from th and all ar- - .: arr.'.r. av:eJ :!." la; ! ; - f Jet H. K. tion. For some Ho- sion ,, jjj. months at ;. ;;: -- I jti: House In ten minutrs after a th c i- fr ma Opera rf i and Builders, Painters, Paperhangers nolulu ho was in charge of Pa-la- j. )''" - r ?e pr annum. Hut Decorators; all work neatly of tho porformam .t. f .I'l.i.g. !. ;t. ;r.g h r rnuM Chapel, tra lmmdiat? and one of the institu- Captain Iterger and the entire f t!:. ..i iU office St., back of High . ! ;k j Fort tional t i u he done; departments of Central ell-r.- i:tr." fprir.g frna io f;rman farmer did most werk. a ad . tx ::. - .. -- - .trough'.;-:- ,f School, Honolulu. ti I: Union Church. t!.- vati"u i.;nd. did mu.-- to mako th. production a a;.:i ..iy :rfl: a w i . , we. Ih': i ;M";atl;e re2:i ttinV'. success. . v.:.b, ,riim j w - tv.:i o..;-:i!j- .- dr-in- si.H - a::j ; un. irc nd t!.- .1 .. a . WAT PATY. Contractor and Build will prod::e-- "V ... .. i 1 T The Lyrics .t' .,'.1 - . A i..;m! -: - r lrriizi'. r it i ti,c tc office fitting; brick -- -- ly-- pr Saturday and t: and t-- Store (lirl" matin.- - r-;- 5 MESSENGER hemian r ..r .f t:.r- i that .r. ha s:i.m i d vd wood or stone building; shop Palace SERVICE. "Maseotte" nt night. An rxc::r! :i r,. Walk; residence Wilder Ave., near Honolulu Messenger Scrvico deliver with three hundred patron will r ::. rrr .a : t!.a: o-;- ! I fa:: train - - onj' messages irg-- l I l - and packages. Tel. 37S. I c the epcra em SaMrday rh r.ny ar. Kewalo. run for r.i?::. i::::rIrol itC .nr. :.. 1 n Fare Z.) THK PACIFIC rOMMKUClAL A I VFiKTlSKK: il N . N v I i'h ; the names of friends at bora hm h FAMtLY said he would call upon. I Ltd we ON BARK HESPER another auirni nothing TllEAinE. . 1 THE RPHBOM would have saved us. ran ROPIC OILS. risks: but I thought if t!: Ird had watt hed and carried u tnt'umh aMy TO