n'K’ ■ ■ - ,1 V 4, '.M I' . J . .f..). L.. ' ; ? ■ i f f . ■' "" '^■:.>(i.,''' •' ’ u 'r /'jir 'l •\ 1 . ' ' . , •>' ^1. ------FRIDAY,“MARCHrSlr 1067 s ',; ' _i- —i - -- k- ^ • _—..^1 .. j,..,. si A Y Y Boy Scout Troop 383 of St. CO] Bartholomew Church will apon- Item ■- f'-_ ...... sor a Lawn Fertiltaer Sale to-' “ Adidbdstnaj^B.Deed :: i.i! .J.;;.-)' ’SfAttt' it!V ■ vj-t;*.': n taimbm at ttie !>• morrow from 9 am. to 3 p.m.' John D. 'La&plie, administra­ llt l o< Mt liuaierall Worn- at St. Bartholomew School yard. tor ”<>1 theMary M. t: VAV) V ( :/ •CVJ'K'v !' ^ 'I'' ’ f ' Y ' f- .rV ’. ‘ IBaekmiti^y League c t Zkn Thoae who have ordered the B rosm ^ to itines lA and Alio#' butlwraa Churdi fertilizer in aldvance are re­ .Jf. Hara proper^ at S3 Waeb^ • VOL. LXMCVi, NO. 154 ■■ ’ ' rSIXl’BIIN'.^AGES^ilTT($I^%.>AG)BS'^ SBCnO^;^'-.''^-''-Y SBGTIOm'’-- SATUiyMifptJ^^^ .;: Y ’ Advertising'o« ' , -; ^an to aittend a panel dtscua- minded to pick it up during the .ingtonSt; ■' ; XoDday ait'8 p.m. at Our side, . Agreetnent^Tb Fnitehase' ■ savior LuCbccan Church, Wap- State of Conaectiinit' from ? -V piaif, RtpnaihimayeB WHI at- Bugene Brewer of the Ohuibh Mary c,-Swanson, property on .1 Hm evoAt from Xaitheran of Christ will conduct a service 'Mt. N ebd'P l. . fobmWa groups east of the Sunday at 8:15 am. on radio QuMMlalni Deed Oomeatlotit River.' station WINF. The program is * ____ Manchester .'Prc^rtles Dno. sponsored by the Manchester to Annie Molntohli, property at ' Veterana OofuncU of Manches­ Ministerial Association. I JiliptS':2S0. 132-134 .Maple .St - ter wlU meet Moiwh«r at 8 pjn. 'Li#'Pendens ^ o at the itaztna Corps Home, The stage crew for Manches­ WASHINGTOM (AP) — Uiiton netwoik . newsmen ;iMgan r|)pprt-- PaaMr 8L Oot^bla Associates Ine- ter Community Wayers'^pro- against Thomas J. Haekett and •nd management negoUati^ h>« wo>* Inuhedlately., ' YlnDsaka duction, "Ready When You Are, - , A^lx>ut 78 members of the Jbhn F. Rowison, proportiiM off meet wtth federal mediaters , T ^ .cd tee ,#grement_vferei r OSAKA, Japan (AP) A rail- C.B.,” will meet tohiorrow at N,.MaJn St;- . ' , not immediately made public. i way . jx^onger train collided ISbapilnade Musical Club and 8 p.m. to move sets into Whiten .today in efforts to setUe tee ' win. go to New Tork City Marriage. XJoenaa, T l^ left GB8.VNBC and ABC I .with a truck^t an unmanned Auditorium. The stage will be Ralph Rhey Braitbwalte; 874 tour-day strike against the three to barnln today in the first' orrbw for the d u M annual set Sunday at 1 p.m. I ' crossing near-, here U ^ y , ISav- nuteg theater trlp. .l> o char­ Hilliard St., and Carla JfU^ major television and radio |jet- meetings ■ -since . negotiatlooe We#t^ Ig Huntington Bt, ManA Worke. broke off Tuesday night. The' I < ihg t|u«e pdssengeik deed and tered buses wlB leave the Ma- Barry Oooding, son of Mr. 81,, Cehtbr Corigr^Uanal . the Mutual BroedcasUng Bya- *** called at: 6 a.m. F about 280 others injured, six of }Kmic Temple prothptly at 8:30 and Mrs. Harold G. Gooding of Chutett. ■ , ‘ [ them seriously. •.m. The buses will leave from '108' Crestwood Dr., is on the tern, a radio netwdik only, an- '''„„ Patrldc’s Cathedral at 8:30 ■ Roy, Pyancls DeLong, Wap- nounced. a settlement Friday. Police investigators said a dean’s list at t,ewls and Clark ping, and Kathleen Smith, 18 night with the 18,000-membei news tea* of .HunUey-Brinkley. |un. for the return trip. College, Portland, Oregon. A five-coaTM) Building Permite i-, slammed into a tnlck stalled, Russell Siivemtil for Edward til te« atrUte .to settled. .Y . ;; |«dH meet tomorrow at 9 a.m. 'Bruce A. Marlow, son of Mr. with engine trouble on the the LTM clubrooms, 22 Oak Weiss, alterations and additions gi, •! w Chet Huntley, whOylias re-: crossing near the Onoeato Riv- and Mrs. George H. Marlow of to' dwelling at 323 Spring St, W o ^ udll be done on sets 120 Plymouth Lane, has recent­ '■ er, . $2,500. 'htnlie L oom s gJor Tfover Too Late,” thely been elected "Inter-fratemity The first two coaches plunged . Salem Nasslff, alterations ipoup's forthcoming production. councir representative of Delta ner hour newscast,- . appealed; 16 feet into ti>e river and a third 'Upsilon fraternity at Tufts Uni­ and additions to dwelling at As Team sters personally to 40. colleagues at dangled from a 600-toot-long ‘ The executive board of Cha- versity,, Medford, Mass. 241 Vernon St., $1,800. NBC to give up tee eUrlke. : bitoge. ( Arnold K. Delteh for David Huntley urged formation el m (ninade Musical dub will ineet V. • ' B effin 'V olirig Aheut 600 . police and railway ]^onday at 7:30 pm. at Trinity Miss Ann Russell, daughter of Sm til, incinerator at 371 Lake uihion exclusively' for broadcast workers struggled to , rescue Ciovenant Church, before the Mr. and Mrs. Philip. J. Russell St., $375. jourhallSts. He said Iw .had re­ passengers entrapped in the WASHmOTON (AP) T1 > piaster program of the cliib at of 33 Chambers St, graduated L A T General Contractors ceived ”100 per. cent support” coaches and within three hours giant Teamsters Union starts from 37 4 p.m. at the diurch. The pro- y^erday from the American for John Steveiu, additions to newsmen, .including all the Injinred had been taken to Igram is open to the public. Re­ Atedemy of Dramatic Arts, dwelling at 36 Westminster ttocing a strike vote, today in'its Brinkley, I' hospitals. freshments wiU he served. New York City. Rd., $2,780. first, nationwide showdown with Huntley said, however, that I OfficialB estimated 800 pas- the trucking industry. ' « , * L A T General Contractors only three' were wUUng to lend ; sengers were aboard the train, ^ The FeMqwBhip Chib of Man- Pvt. John D. Anderson, sem of for Austin Crouchley, altera- A m ajor segment of ths Indus­ their names to bis movement, at I an express on the Nankai Elec­ ebeeter Lodge of Maoons^will Mr. and Mrs. Elmwe S. Ander­ ttons. to dwelling, $889,- and try threatened to lock out some the time. He said tyro of tiiem tric Railway line, privately taeet Monday at 7:3p pm. at son of'330 Oak St., has recently tw o-car g a r i^ , $2,000, at 26 200,000 woirkers if the Teamsters are Frank McGee,' wo has de­ CHET HUNTLEY owned; It.waa boupd for Wakay­ iMjMQniB Temple. After a busi- completed a pay specialist Westminster M. ' carry out their strategy of strik­ fied the union by staying on the ama, ti) milea south of Osaka. . Jieen meeting, two fHnas wRI be course at the Army Finance. ing a few companies at a time.:' Job, and Floyd Katber, an NBC ; ’The accident occurred at 7:26 shown. Rofteshments wiX be School, B7. Benjamin, Harrison, C^der Flights ' “There will be an “ immediate correspondent In Chicago. . ] . 9-m, iNrved. Ind. abd complete cessation of our Officials of AFTRA, which P e t m a w n t Witnesaes. reported the lead In 1902, before their fbat suc- operations” in the event of a represents . announce^, per- \ coach plumed Into the river and cesafuT power-driven fUght, the C r strike against any firms, said formers, riiigars. and ^sc joclc- landed In the water upside Wright brothers made nearly President . M.M. Gordon of eys, dlstmted Hunuey’s claim ligh ts U nit 1,000 gUder fUgtits, some cover­ down. . The second coach Trucking Employers Inc. of widespread' 'support, 'iliey dropped into the 80-yard wide ing distances of more than 600 Both Gordon and Teamsters said their infomaUon “ is quMe S u g g e s t e d river right side up. The river is feet. officials said they saw little the opposite.’’ shallow and both remained’’ hope of an agreement in their RrlnUey declined ootnimeni go j± _ HARTFORD (AP)--Gov. John w^er. The third coach (Herald .photo by Ptote) , junior Century Fashion Showcase at Concordia' (See Page Bfac) (Sea Page Six) Dempsey has. recommended the dangling halfway ever the Ladder hose sprays rocif of South Windsor warehouse while a fii^eman breaks through the, Biding. .v formation, o f ia.iiertnaneht l e g l s - t o * t>*idge. Its front ■ Last week end to Models in a "Fashion Showcase” to be presented Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Concordia' Lu­ If you don’t live near latlve. oonundttee bn human wheels resting oh the roof of the theran Church Hall are, left to right, Mrs. Thomas McKenna and Mrs. Paul Dougan. Both,. rlghta to deal with ,wtde-reach- e^cend coach. The last two are members of Junior Century Club, Inc., sppnsors of the event. Mrs. McKenna is wear- , us, move! If moving Ing {to ^ s a lk - to the fields ,of *«n- **'”*’ mahy passengers were Matthing Tops Williams, a surgeon, made the ing out whether toelr cigarettes abOoid tee train, an express Orembte said the lilaae was the building toe fire started;** ho school wUl receive a flowering mond, violinist Members of thie THE BIGGEST remarks Friday night in ad­ (fUteted or.uMUtered) are low bound for Wakaytima,-H0 mUes Over Safety Limits diecoverkl by a passing motor- reported. , cherry tree. The seedlings and Rythmic Choir of Center Oon- 1st who spotted ftomes Uototag The veteran fire, cMef said til# trees ane being dona;ted by the dressing the opening of the In tar and Moptlne content. g^regaittonal Church will inteir- ninth annual seminar for DETROIT (AP) — The auto was the so-called passenger im tii^gh the north side of the warehouse is insulated , wtto Women’s Relief Corps (WRC). pret some of the hymns. The BARGAIN IN HISTORY S i.(l8 -..to .n - —--T—. FUEL OIL science writers sponsored by smoking. The healtiif||il and wise toclustry, vriUch has blamefi i«ct '?r6teotk«Jgandard se^ng bufldtog.' lildtng. wood shavings tor potato stoi^ In oocepting the Corps’ offer. group is directed by Mrs. Clif­ on ppappamh dvillon review /C the Cancer Society.. thing is to give up cigarettes slumping sales on the auto Bairn- specifications Iot #qulpmeiit to WtthliWtthto miimtes. . Engine _ Ooe. age. The potatoes were__ stored h> .. Dr. Baldwin said, "We are in­ ford Simpson. — 1 4 . 9 — He described the present can­ entirely.. But* If you must ty furor, went to court Friday the''.area ' of the passenger’s 2 and A and ladder Oo. 1, all,of , ^ es and not to banrels,. tiw debted to the Women’s Relief Club membeni participating m cer-smoking controversy this „ Th# .bbhferdnce adopted a 1 6 t o F a c e , challenging three of the safety head, taees and ] Soute Wlndsor.VeeiHridcdtp toe otoier reported. ; _L_. Corps for its contribution which in the program are Mrs. Robert smoke, you ^tobuld be abter to WESTOWN way: c ^ e a clpu-ett# tow' to Btimdards ordered by the feder- it re^res,] in essence, that tiret alann at 8:14 pm. . “By tiie time firemen ajrivw 200 GAL. MIN. C.O.D. makes it possible for ris to pro­ Ingersoll, narrator and soloist; PHARMACY 1. Mounting numbers ’' of al government for 1968 cars. the instrument panel, seat A second aJaraa four m|nuteB the fire was coming thiuiigb vide seedlings and trees to the Mrs. Charles Lambert, soloist striped t<^ of polyester-nylon, and Mcotlne content. "2? 17^1110 Lliarffe 469 Hartford Rd— 049-9946 American adults' have quit “Sen. warren Magnuson. D- W IIU ; ^ g t l g C One by one, they filed suit, back#, sUn" visors, knobs; ban- Inter wMeh ^caUed out Engine tile roof and the eiitlre appte R. B. REGIUS elemmitary schools t6 provide and a trio consisting Of Mrs. solid nylon' alackia. Hot pink, yellow, smMtlng cigarettes, but Unfortu­ Waal. ha. a 'Mil i_ OUt Qw ststc permitting citizens asWhg the 6th U.8. CSrcuit Court dies and arm rests be: bullf so as Co. I, wnptied ati town fbte ri^ portion of the btoMtag w m to 649-490D an Arbor Day Program in Mian- Russell Vennaft Mrs. Jerry orange, lime, royal blue. 2 to 4 yrs. nately of Apjieals to CHnclnnatl, tC to reduce the poasitolllty of toju- tkro. ^ ^ chester." Coro and Mrs. David Comp. school and Mgh school cmitimw on both cigarette packages and western Oobnecticut communi- throw out the, standard; alined at nes;\^ Pumper .trucks £rom the 8tti 'So at teat time it was just to court cigarette-caused dls- gdvsrttoi^ of the tar a ^ nico- sals, ------—------Dlscusstai.of the cost of such ««■ to1- what .state . . . . police caU- . 1 1 maMiur the car interior safer eGam eases to a discouraging de- tine content In the mainstream for.pasaengem; gr««.” smoke of cigarettes.’’ legiMative h^vatkms led Louis a "Jarge-scale, gaming opera- H. PMtek, dean of the Yale fion’*> have been, ordered to ap- American Motors, also dial- flatly they uvu.uu« mcsi. .v »«• hi njjjLn.u' .tMin,''aks- - .i.—.- j. 2. One of every three deaths Dr. WiUlams' forecast the lenged two others — one requhf- 1968 oars. - UMveraity Law Bchool and a P#m to «w rt Monday on gambl- INFANTS' 1.2 fo 24 Months In the United States in 1967 eventual extinction of “the real- ingf' dobr latches and (linges that the standard Is not re- n. ®P?^***^ 9®^. “wUl be from a smoking-related ly dangerous cigarette,” if the New Haven Board of Education tog changes, member, to presmt a resolution Sev«i men and nine women wlU keep doors from popping vised, 8Vird wlU-be unable , to ” , disease.” weiety’s ideas are followed. open to colUsions, the other' rd- produce; automobiles tor sale to we.had had an^ aerial'lad* CRAWLERS ^ calling tor a state Ihbome tax. were arraign^ Friday ' have confessed to morel bank- earlier to the day. ruptcy,"i Poliak -said from the The raids to Bridgeport, West cnu®., ' *M.l. :rt.md th. J"S“ 'IKTSS oT S ? " * - '^ '' Assorted cottons in- ! bhide' chambrays, Will Rogers fooor. Haven, Ansonia, Fairfield, MU- . !k the latest blow t o , tha Soutii-Windsor were an ,l|» chief said the toteW ara *laiii ° 'pimlins, seersiickera,' : The i income tax reisolution ford, Stratford and East Haven Men! If ybu appreciate a real buy, then here it is! Quality m er' ’ was 'adopted against a sUght resulted from weeks of under- y delxite than baby ooMs, n w y ' ' .. announced it would layoff ^q,rov6oaWe harm.^ - ' pumper from trom ' T i u f B i O M m chwdise, from a q u ^ ty store at b a r^ n basement prices! r dentms. . Blue, :plnk, .. backgrouM murmur of” no.’’ cover Investigation, state BPhee, I maize, m int.pp^er Join Submarine Fleet A m cng-other recommend*, said. ./di.OOO men tMs month becaua# Next year’s >, models were blue. ' ^ __ K« __ • -e Bt^ luiw and save (m tDbp BuiiDER, NEW LONDON (A P )—It was PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (AP) — the fertilizer that makes grass mul­ fi Mg day tor the Navy today- Navy has Its 67te nuclear tiply itself. Have it on hand to ferti- free custom alteration^ . .V Newark. Del Belvedere IlL ^i5r^;.L7.7Zi^i;r •vVKa as acorn *6 niem en warehouse -wui have to be torti liM on that first nice day so yooH welfare recipimts. bouses, small business establish- Detreii^and Hamtremck, Mich', hooked up 3,600 feet of bose.'^'down, aiM buUdoton and txucte hu Q u r experience fitfere the tosTof Itf fleet of 41 Pofauis ***’ ®***P *•’* Thresher which enjoy a lawn diaft bettegr than ever submarines sank April 10, 1968, some 220 ' (8e#' Page Six) (See Page Six) The auto makers’ main target (Seff Pole She) Firemen rnamied. tiie aerlM wtil be needed to rernov*: tlio ladder and pumper truck* to water-soaked potatoes th^year. SeUred Adm. Artelgh Burke, miles east of Boston with a loss whb'Taunehed the Polaris suM ^ ^ lives marine program in Jime 1969 -. . , .. 10,000 aqitios- 7.95 as Chief of Naval operations, ^ Jack Was ronimissioiied Mao aewe 50^ onfi.Odo sq ft )}ag4^4.45 was on hand as principal speak- 'Friday at the itortsmputiDNaval sr for the oommissioniiig a^ the-AlMpyard., She was the ISQjth Limited time onfyi U.S. NaVal toiderwater Sound sul^arlne bifilt 'at the yaM. Cpng Charge Failsi Laboratory. ■ The Thresher also was built'in The Will R^rs was christen- Portsmouth. . . - ed test, July to by Mrs. Hubert n,e Jack is named fM> a, Hie sign of -this PROfessional dealer H. Humphrey, Wife of tha vice world War H fleet submarliie ... . ■ ,.W , ..... ■.-v-.-. .jireaidezit. • wMch received tiie Presidential who excels in PROfessional and capable Unit citatlmi . and seven battie . SAIGON (AP) — A Oommu- to nearhy; G0mlx>tea-ira#^'lili l9 Vice Adm. IgnatluSjJ. Gatantin, stars. i tost regiment of some 2,806 men BM Supeirtorts from ''8kwio ‘ service, advice and products. failed to an assault on jungl® nt'Ch carrying 60,000 pounds o l INFANTS” AND TOTS’ '“ r«®tor Of tee poHtios-mtllta»y flirting Americans Saturday -bomho. wMeh they ' unfospod IBiqoy yoMur home Improvement NOW with Glenney's Easy » ; J ; A . Will Rogers to a iwci-teyiiM jiyiajon in - the. office of the t . and left 661 dead as it fled b#- close to the bottisAeld;/; atevolvl^ Budget Acoonnt (R3.A.). As Uttto as flO a JACKETS ’•V'' nealh a hail of sheHttre/-'': ' The fierce ■hattie to War'Essri HfMeth buys up to $100.00. t •'’/O’" ■' ’ ' t i t- ■■ if t M to solid insvy. tuiit^col- said the Combined toted, o f dead ^ R ed* taril^vlhtto^ Iw and cuffs. Slses 2 to 4. first of toe Pctoris submarines, . ™ fed'wounded was 87. Saturday- Ainenoan' FRI. tee George Washington, and ‘ .SfV. *“ ?■ , A ss o S r Press corresiwnd- was to place to * t thsin •Vtoe Adiq. .Arnold. F, Schade, . ***”*»* 4,A(Hj juris sub- out John Wheeler reported, from The nvMtog bsgtk i^ TO gles of Tay mtii i-'f V oommander 6i tee Attentio _ < ' the batffefleld that 67 Viet Cong Fleet Submirtne ghree. Bhh to described up the liltl- imatked a reaurgmds [W^!gleiiuiey 8:30 P.]jf. i: ' .bodies were counted inside the 'ground war that wag TWth'toe Will Rogers Jollitog n»ht® to ft^t attktfk wkwarlhe ' U.S. pinitioiri when tbeir Johnson & Johnson iiri fleet,'tee construction phase design *>ri--win be ttslgned to SAT. f ' Mjiaige was broken. by scottri^qd. -.ftiijbte LO. IchHiem ' of the'tolftetic-iMsaUe chuw of th# Atlratlc Ytite home notably just boldiP ll||r TO isilA , BABY POWDER Mbneariines . was comMetod.rJ®^^ ^'f*to<^ rfStan. * U.S. officers reported five allel test teyjdsgtFMbim. IMKoIri: - . K. rgk aboqt ;two full- yean. abaad- of " 0mdr. xs»ite...,T.. r '* Oommiinisto were taken p d s o n''Tha.'AlT'.-Inm'qe - ______NOON * 14 OX. 69c ^edui#.‘ - ■ ; Jr., .‘-*t ’ .. er and 60 weapons olesred icom 'Tha. N osy w y a the anUra Nfival I *n *U ' *^te* b fitiie ig ^ V l e t ^ Jkiday « k l ’ .t4? a -.V* ■ *-•-■ '■ V,' ' 1 ' ^ w /' - 1 D 'i ! - ; - .Si! ■ ' --V ''.:*;-;r7rrrilS^g|a I i,' ■ >(

. V"<<- 3 m MANCHfiSTBR EVENING HERALD. M A N C H E Sim CONN., SATtJRDAT, APRIL 1, IW f P A G * T ^ ' f a r T ' d■P V r- -• 6Mi F e m i m S&B S«>res T i^eiliwolil on .aw Space Watch X i H ' \ -4 - I#-' ' MknchiMter'.B boAtft Vt ad^ iH S ^ B S YOU Studeiit Loans During' Russian Train Ritle mlaaions will conduct a B to WHEN TO MtAW TRUMPS jtilnsnals ’ ,1 On Weather W ith‘Lac(y^ 8 p.nn voter-making seaslon NOBTH , jfUETFORD.(AP)-ReMeI tor Wedhesday in . the town By ALVBXn SHEHIWfMA) For Xeacher Pay S^lenrent financl.allj^ pressed Oteinecticut By JOHN cnVBEB MOSOpW (AP)—Direct Nsw American couple arrived at the $ 8 f o i l I - . 1 ' cleric’s office in the Mu- 0 KQS2 (iollei^ students is on the way. Now Routine York-Moscow flights are in PoM* c'«'; « >»d been sUdpal Building. ' ^ , Aooording to Poor AMied’s Al­ james Brennan, cfaalnhan of "I don^t.want to say the nwr Governor JoBn' Detojisey late 'I A tightly packed house was manac, tile time to sat yoiir By VBBN HAVOLAMD migible applicants must the budget oommittoo of (he diatlon was not successful,” lie Friday signed Ihto law a MU rewarded with a thoroughly ^ i s 'i ; “n»r,»r"o.“£ ic ; oaks is whils you still have U. WOT * AP Avtotloa Writer * ^ I n T h e ? •en route to the Soviet capital keeping cars came on. be at least 31 yean, o f age, Board of Educaittm, has celled •aid..'. that would authorise up to $25 ^DOd production of "My Fair must be restdenta of Man­ U you want to put this to bridgs Advloe on Burning . . million in bonds to guarantee BTAABEtiOTON (AP) ~ The r v — there’s a Northwest Express. ihe coi^le sat for a long tlms tanna, don’t get rid cf dummy's for both sides of the teacher-sal- ■pM* walsb on the woiid’e l^ y " last evening at Bailey chester for at least six Instructions for properly put­ an eventual $300 mllUon in loans It runs from EMland to Uos- at a table beside eoiled curtains tnunps befocs you’vs mads (BKIS5 w^ettier turned e ft seven today Auditorium as Sock and Buskin months, and^murt be TT.S. SOUTH aiy (jisj^e 'to stop the name ting out rubbish were given yes­ to students seeking higher ed­ cow. The l,S0(i''n)lIe trip is ap- and studied a menu printed on good UBS of them. terday by Andrew Tricarlco.'dl- as * rsoogmsed wocAMiC xlidt combined with the music de­ proximately the same distance unbound sheets of coarse paper, olUsens. A K 632 calling and distortions-iand ex­ ucation. Opening lead—five of clUbe. W AJ95 rectw of public works. sm onc SKteaUe systems. e w s » partment of MH8 to present the as New Toi^k-Omaha or San At last a waiter took the order H ie sessloitt are heM on amine their, sltusitlon. f The MU was strongly endorsed ^Tbete were no MxHidsy 'cakes the firpt Wednesday o f saSh South refused the first club 0 Al Newspapers must be securely UMwe*]>rner hit in Uie first Dlego*dt Lake City. and brought out a good soup but trtok but took the ..second. He He said there are two bases by the leadersMp of both poli­ cr sn^veteary parttes for Tiros The trip takes two daye„Paa- also a lumpy plld of cabbage, - ♦ V i a . tied in biudles in order to avoid tical parties and became Uie Of two performances. cashed the ace of diamonds, SM ih West H em fbr a se'ttleAient right now. X, but David Johnson, director * f c ! sengers moving through, some greasy mashed potatoes and overtook the Jack of diamonds Psri ’ 2 ♦ Wedneedky night's exiTs^ra- littering. Putting trash in paper Srst major pjece of legislation o< the Natlohel Envtronmentai The cast is far too large to bags is. Uttering and Tricartoo cf the most politically sensitive tough veal cutlet. with .dummy's queen and then Pass 3 NT ting’’ mediation sesrion- in Hart­ to come out M the culrent s'es- Satenite Osnter at SuMland, Md. Survive Te$t allow much individual mention; $2^50 Donated AUPaw emphasized trash containers of areas in the' world sense the die- The Americans pushed the ..o-led the»«, king of diamonds to^ get I f ford he said, broygM forth ad­ slon of toe General Assembly. >- 'wfalcb now keeps a weather metal or plastic must be pro­ DE8 MOINES, Iowa (AP) - in general, it was considerably tances that Historically have cut tood aside and concentrated in- -ri G «l«rk loi*a li5 w a rid of the tost low club So tar. ..Ji­ missions from both {tertles that ‘ Under the new loan program eye en mure than a dosen U.6. Tvto wo^lfye^-old would-be astro- above average for a high school Russia off from the West. stead on the Polish beer. I; OF »3 l/IltW eir»Ilip » ^ ages to ruff two sfiades in the lt'! 6 demoiiktrated' how close they vided. •' a student may receive a miwcl- and rubber meteonilofical spaoecraft — nauts. . . emerg^ed from .their . production. Sue...... Magowan must . sharp contrasts ^ ■>««»«. ».«. k -., declarer tod dummy the game ViS actually are. Rubbish should be olit at the mum loan of $1,500 a. year. BE SURE . . . BLISS has been rarvlng the Heme Owner noted; "We can say that now homemade spacecraft Friday get Special mention; however, as standards begin at ™- ____ _ the 10 of hearts from dummy are quite safe. The board safd it was willing curb the night before collection Including graduate school, a for .85 YEARS. For a Complete FREE INSPECTION of to Moscow, and shortly after were received recently by the the meteorological program Is after four days of a simulated Elisa Doolittle. Here was actual a^isn passeheers can compare tor a finesse. 1%is was a aten Dally Guestton to accept^ a, $5,700 minimum sal- and should be left there'regard- student may be allowed up to your home by a Termite Control Expert, snpervUwd by tn fuU routine operation, with trip to the moon taleht for mueical comedy rath­ the single r •» Russian car r- with midnight the train crossed', into board of directoni the Map- direction, and the Artner opens with one no- ary bn, a '1‘educed ratibn, Brem less of weather, $7,600 for study under toe new daily cloud coverage around the the finest technical staff, phone our nearest local efilost We feel, great," reported er than a ipere liking for" the those of other nations op the Russia. Chester Scholarahlp Founds- defenders shrewdly took dJJI ttninp (16 to U pointo), and the nan said. siquar* Dance Set .program. earib;’ ’ Kiric Foudree as he and John generally encountered in train. , At the border city of Brest tion, Inc., it was announced to- olarer ,further'ah»ig this path. next player pssaea. You hiMt , He said the Vernon Bdubatlon ivirl N’ Twisters' square Reypayment of toe loan 6oes ’The National Aeronautics and Densmore came out of theic this type of production. A Russian conductor named the Americans noticed one im- . • West won with the’ Wng of Spadea, A-J-lO-7; Hearta, 6-«-$; ^ Association.'assisted by the Con- jance club will hold a special , not begin until one year after •pacs Administration launched cone-shaped cApsule ere^ed Dmitri, wearing a brown fur mediate difference: Soviet v-o- trump. THamonda, M -B; duba, Q-IO-I. graduation or. completion of a Her characterization had -liis dnoators and. the ^ returned a nccticut Education Association, •••pujipg ijj Springtime’’ <)ance TtaM I — for Television In- adjacent to.’ Woodside Junior depth, she bandied the changing cap, greeted an American cou­ men officials. Smiling and What do you aayf specified course of study in amounts contrlbutiid are: South led a spade to dum- said it wanted an Illustration of April 8 at S' p.m. at Center fn n d Ohasrvation Satellite — EQgfa School. accents well, and her voice, ple boarding Ms car at the round-faced, they inspected Answer: Pass. You have only such tm offe to consider In ef- g^-hool in BHingtoii. four years the loan plus in­ into ocUt oh April 1, 19M. In M hnch^r Uons CSiib for my’s queen, but East won with 649-9240 A medical examination Dutch port named Hook of Hol­ pMsports and checked against 7 polnU in high cards, and part- terest is due ,on amounts up to .. ^ . .. while small, was pleasant and the BeniSd M. Ftogarty Award, the ace of apadea and led a tocts, it abcepted the nrod to Atkinson wlU ffast moment, weather observa­ land. pest-bearing plants. ner has 18 points at most. You discuss lowering toe ratio, he $2,000 and 10 ‘years is given for I T m usical $750; Manchester Board of third trump. This left only one be at the mike and prizes will tion advanced more than in all and Jirim eight pounds. ’They ^ Dmitri’s friendly "Dobry Passengers were told to get need 26 padnta tor a reasonable said; loans of $5,000 or more. yeara of weather data cpl- had been eating dehydrated ^ ®PP“ “* Realtors, $ ^ ; Manchester trump in the dummy, and South be given. Refreshments wiU be BLISS TERMITE CONTRQL COSP. her aa professor Henry Higgins vecher” — good evening—and out and wait for two hours wMle play tor game, and you know "I have no hesitancy to say a served, The student is expected to pay lection by sufaee meane, by bal­ his help with the luggage did not the train’s axles were extended Jaycees, $300; T. LaBonne tound it was impoerible to ruff that the combined hands oan- DiV. OF BUSS EXTERMINi^OR CO., IHC. • IST. 1882 loons dnd Bountiag rocfcetii and ’rtie pair said they passed the,"»1 togetper'With John Ostrout A Associates, Inc., $200; Hart- two low spades when dummy settlement cian be worked out Hosts and hostesses for the about 8 per cent -nterest once quite compensate for the unfa' inches to fit the. Soviet locally in t\ro hours if the VEA- ______repayment begins but toe Stu­ by aiiplaaeB. four days keeping a'log; com-' as Colonel Pickering carried the dance wiU be Mr. and Mrs. Bid The Oldest and Largtet in Conn. dent Loan PoUndAtlon, which is Within boura of liftoff Tiros I munlcaOng with thel^ "ground Wggest portions of the male side .-’Ti CEA is willing to acknowledge gg y'' j^r. and Mrs. Jolm Ginv sleeping car gave. ‘ (tearist times—possibly Copyright these two , bases," he said last gera, Mrs. Edith Herbage and to administer toe fund, is em­ had sent back to sarth the first crew " in the school fey Walkle- were thorough- The cramped first-class sleep- down any invader, General Feature# Oorp. talkle radio, and doing the same ly ease and well grounded Manchester American Legion, ber. night, Mr. and Mrs. Vince. Malatesta. powered to charge up to 6 per tslevlaion pictures ever re­ er compartment hardly had The Brest station was filled turned finm space. The grand- isometric exerclsfs that 'real their parts. Neither had the $50. # ' ’ Went Wrong "This thing has to be settled RockvUle Hospital Notes cent. room for two email “suitcases. with the characteristic Russian I sooner or later and on these WMie the stpdent is in school father of all weather aeteUltee .astronauts do. vocal talents of Miss Magowan, Cash donations from the pub- jt* ^ have noticed. South Visiting hours are 12:80 to 8 In contrast to the airy moder­ smell of disinfectant. Copies of FREi. in^ccar HFATI RS toe loan is interest free, paid hati proved It was fsaslhle to ■rtiey also performed one oOi- The remaii»ier of the oast of lie fund drive have totaled went wrong when he led trumps bases, so it might «* well be pjn. lu all areas except nis;- nity of the Dutch and West Ger- Pravda, the Communist Party now,” the chairman added. by the federal government 1 phiriogitiiSi tibs earth and its er chore fror which real space- principals were thoroughly "up more than $400 so far, founda- prematurely. Instead, he should ternity where they are 2 to 4 7 - „ ___ nvan cars, the Russian one was paper, were posted under a slo- Brennan did not comment on under the Higher BJducatlon Act cloud patterns, from tits lofty men ate exe ;pt — homewoik. tion officials, reported. ^ the queen Of sj^ee from MEADOWS”"^' and 7 to 8 p.m. f kai saying "Workers of the the different dlscrlptions of the vantage polnt ef space, and thus Officials urge support o f the <}ununy, knocking out the ace. Marlon Brando. ADMITTED THURSDAY: of 1966. curtains, world, unite.” On either side Sophia Loren mediation session ^ h er than to _ It is possible for the student greatly expand the capa/bUlty Climber Honored fund' raising campaign whidi If East returns a trump. South Evelyn Keltlng, 24 Liberty S t ; out the evqplng^J^ere w> ..This car wlU be replaced by were quotes from V. I. Lenin say the board. Made several feel- RichaM Btedor’ Sr., 105 Scott to get as much as a 30 per YOURS kfaW tor reltohle torst»sting cif to­ ends April 15. can then afford to fineaae. West "A CountMS WASHmOTON (AP) — Nl- ^ en ts when th l^ s ^ ^ a new one next Year." Dmitri saying newspapers should ers and the offer of $5,700 which pr.; Teresia Ole^ik, 32 Prospect cent reduction in- Ms loan under- morrow’s weiather. drag or 'werp the lepst Mt inse- ^ ^ Contributions may be sent to can take the king of hearta and from Hong Kong" cliolas Clinch, Los Angeles law> spread propaganda. the VEA wanted to consider. s t; Kenneth Prentiss, 30 Snip- a “forgiveness” clause. B y Jidy 3, 'TN6, $0 ’Tiros satel- yer who led the successful as- ct"* ' 6 rairtty In the Manchester Scholarship retuni a trump, but nobody call teur pro- oy^r s good meal in the At 3 a.m. a woman in a dark — Color — He also said, "The'board has gig g t . If the course of study is litss had been Isunbhed sucHBeas- sault on the antarcltc’s highest tiuotioos, Fnudation, Bic. at 267.E. Cen­ lead a tMad round of triimps. Dutch dining car, the American jacket announced: "Comrades, Michael Caine a responBlblllty to our student DISCHARGED TlfeRSDAY: completed, 10 per c^ t- of, the , WHEIIE? fuAly.' Theee have besb tolloWed ter St. South can cash the king of mountains, was htMlored Friday ’The laige chorus sang very couple had one of their last the train to Moscow is ready.” “ Ipcress File” ”body and town’s people as well Patricia Winter, Kent Rd., Tol­ RunningVp a Score for Cleanliness loan will be wai^ered. Another by tour lexaiCium o f ad­ spades, ruff a spade in dummy, night by the National Geograi^- weU. In faot tt sounded better looks at Western prosperity as Now composed entirely of as to toe teachers.” land; Sophia Szarek, 171 High 20 per cent will be subtracted vanced: Tiroa operations' satel- grt to hto band by ruffing a club — Bonus Hit — Making two points in the new Utter basket are Shiest Tureck (left), Superintendent of toe ic Society. > than what yolPll hear in most the train passed bright new Russiem cars, the train began „ "live Fast, Die Young” "Compromise and mutual re- st.; Margot Todd, 75 Orchard fro-in the total amount due If Uts, known as T 06 until they Town Highway Department, emd Dr. Douglas Smith, chairman of toe City Beautiful Com­ Chief Justice Earl ^Warren Broativ^ while apartment buildings In Rotter- *aie flnkr^mrie, IS^h^^tog Fipfure Skaters or a diamond and ruff his last spect for the other side are now St.; Marcella Diaz, Brandy Hill toe student shows / ‘financial gat into orbit- pre«ent6d him with the John the oaiioe routinea went Utrecht spade with dummy’s' other HAKlfUKU S^'RlNIifUlli UI'HISSiNAi mittee of toe Manchester Chamber of Commerce. The new litter can replaced toe old one at of the trip. HIS.‘lA .V ‘Ji Soitl. - HARTFORD called for,” he said, adding, "As Rd.; Rene Cbarland, Mountain need, outstanding achievement OoiM' they are in operation « n ^ y and with vartotiim o f ^ ^ next^ morning the train In Tests Today tnunp. As long as South man- Main and Maple SU. yesterday, through cooperation of the town and toe Chamber to im­ Taste oar these improved Tiros spacecraft By noon the train wiSs head­ soon as tMs is recognized, a Spring Rd., Tolland; Walter or potential.’’ Palmer, Metcalf Rd., Tolland; prove toe looks of the town. Manchesterfolk are asked to use the containers for trash to also The Mil became . effective are known as B^SA sateilitsB — ■ had crxissed West to ing toward Borodino, scene of Four Manchester skaters will settlement wUl foUw.” ^ tor ot tte National Geograph- Considering the .large num- the Communist East German a major battle in Napoleon’s Michael LaMothe, Thompson- help toe cleanliness of streets effort (Herald photo by Ofiara.) with toe governor’s signature. for Envindnmmtal Science "We are not going to back extraordinary ic for 82 years. Warren is a hers of-people on the stage and town of Marienbom. participate in U.S. figure skat- vlUe; Edward Breau, 118 Ver­ Bervlcee AdmJnIstratiion — and iU-fated 1812 invasion. 'k'kif'kiiritkirkirprkirkiH rk'kif ★ ★ ★ o r’ from the $5,700 commit­ trustee of the society. the difficulty of handling them Transit____ visas ____ through____ „ „ ____ East ______ing tests tonight at 6 at the ment to the, teachers, he said, Ave.; Thomas McKinney, administered by the Commerce Over tMs same flat, cold land The society sponsored the ex­ for entrances and exits as well Germany were easily arranged HHUer’s 1641 invasion pushed on Hartford Arena, South Wlnd- when one meeting now could 105 Prospect S t ; John Duda, Department, i Coventry Parley Slated pedition in December and Janu­ as groupings and individi^ at the border, for $2 each. toward Moscow—but neverThe tests, sponsored by the Grant Hill Rd., Coventry; Mrs. in addition, two niuch*larger ^ COUNT BASIE end the whole thing. • ary. placings, Emery Blanchard de- Later that morning the train penetrated the outskirts. Skating Club of Hartford, are Kenneth Lundy, a state medi­ Mary Kowalchyk and daughter, SALAD ' and mqre complex Nimbus re­ AND HIS ORCHESTRA serves a fine hand for s^- .-entered West Berlin, an enclave Snow sparkled in forests of open to toe public. For Tile Benefit Of The Maaoliestor Assodstlon For Hie ator at Wednesday night’s ses­ 17 Reagan Court; 'Mrs. Doro­ First Selectman Takes Over W om en search and development satel­ Steals Show mountlnig a very difflcuilt prob- of . modern buildings, busy birch trees and firs. Villages They are Miss Susan Carlson, Help Of Retarded CbUdren, Inc. sion, echoed Brennan’s plea for thy Senk and son, Cider Mill A delegation from the Man­ kA1 lites have been launched. fiUm- BA’TON r o u g e . La. (AP) — lem. This is no drawing room Rd„ Tolland; Mrs. Norma bus. 3 sUU to sending okxid-cover streets ‘and bright lights, then went by, gingerbread houses of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ev- compromise. Claire Pierson, Jl-^year-old comedy with six or seven peo- THURS. EVENING, APRIL 6. 1967 — 8 P.M.; “It is hopeful toat during the Keen and daughter, 36 Hayes chester Women’4 Republican data on its apt — automatic pic­ began crossing through the wall green, red, blue or yeljow. Pow- grett Carlson of 27 , Hackma- As Pblice Chief for the Town granddaughter of liew York pie; at times there were well , cooliiig off period they can re­ Dr. Club is planning to attend toe ture tnuismtoslon system. into East Berlin. er lines brought electricity, but ^ack SL; Miss Carole Chapman, Mtiiiehester High School Auditoriom Panel Picks'oii^cers Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, over fifty people on view who negotiate and reach a contract,” Coventry’s first sdeotman, April 11 annual meeting o f the You'll be glad you did I Yet another spacecraft send­ War-damaged East German many homes still had outhouses- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- nearly stole the show Friday had to be handled so as not to buildings remained unrepaired. Corridor loudspeakers played ard Chapman of 225 Hollister .’nCKETS—f4.00 he said yesterday. The Herald’s Vernon Bureau Riohard Getoat, wlU aot-as po- At an organization meeting of the irtrst ing back oloud pictures to ATS- during the visit of President- interfere with the leading char- a s the train moved on It passed Available At: Lane Onltar, Heller’s Music Shop, LIggettj Lundy' thought the only real Is at 88 Park St., tri. 875-8186 lice cMef for the town, now that this week, the newly-appointed W DeedidousI Choose from: mixture of radio music; “Mid- St,q, , and Miss Joan Doherty and Congressional District. 1, the' AppUoationa TecluKdogy elect Gen. Anastasio Somoza of acters. „ew buildings but none as at- night in Moscow,” “ SnuAe. (Sets Rexall Parkpde and Leonard Shoes. direrence between the parties or 848-2711. News Items may be the former police chief has re** industrial and development corn- siateUite parked in synchronous Miss Nancy Doherty, daughters Nicaragua. . There was also a large or- tractive as those in West Ber- in Your Eyes” and Beethoven’s of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doherty was toe maximum allotment of mailed to F.O. Box 827, Rock­ signed. Ludwig Kolodziej sub- mission chose its officers. Chair- An executive board meeting- equatorial oohit over the mld- at 11 a.m. will precede lunch­ Upon meeting Somoza, Claire cheatra in the pit and James lin. "Moonlight Sonata.’’ of 126 Tanner St. ********************** toe alx-year program. ville. mitted his resignation March 22 will be- James Zuccardy Egg, P a d fic. eon at noon at the Mhtarese Tuna, o f said, "My grandfather to gover- hlatale did wonders in keeping A light snow began falling as Soon the speakers switched to "in the best interests of the and William Lodder will serve Un^ke the other spacecraft Restaurant" in Newington.. In nor o t New York and my uncle down so that the generally the train picked up speed and repeated re-enactments of the. from wMch toe shots were said town and hto family.” The reelg- as secretary- Other members of which circle the globe taking is governor of Arkansas, but gmei] -voices of the cast could headed through snow-filled nation became effective yester- the commission are Robert addition to an agenda of reg­ pictures, ATB-1 maintains a 1641 defense of Moscow. Mar- Gladiator Fi§^tiiig' Yale Jury Himg- to be fired. • Crab Meat this is the first time we have jjg heard. Intonation was liot al- woods for the one-hour trip to tial music, machihe-guh fire "Oswald,” who was portrayed day. ' Moriarty, Herman Le Doyt Sr. ular businesa and repprts, the eonstaht watch over on# part of ever met a president.” -ways good, particularly in the the Polish border. The fiirat known exhlbiiUaa o f LAST 4 DAYS In addition to Goilnnt. there and Elbert Carlson. election and. instillation of of­ the Mrtb. and melodramatic speeches In Mock Trial by John A. Strait, of San Fran­ Earllef, her 0-year-old brother ^vind. instruments, oddly The hienirnA» n«fci. was filled the air. profeSaUmal gladlaitor fighting cisco, gave a mlnutetoy-mlnute ■will be one full-time and three rpjje selectmen’s office has also ficers will take placq. "W e are very excited at the JoS had told Louisiana Gov. enough. 'TMa could be the result ______...____ _ ^ potential of the ATti,’’ said eased by the warmth inside the Ih the distance appeared the place 264 B.O Now Of Lee Oswald alibi, maintaining that he had part-time oonatables covering announced the appointment of New (X>P State. Chairman John McKMthen: "You look like careless tuning and it to to train as Dmitri and his assist- skyscraper of State ® Brutus. The woird Skadi^ SleiL Johnson. “For the first time we Showing been on a lower floor of the Tex­ the town. Mrs. Terry Bishop to the rec- Howard Hausiqan will be the Inspector Henderson on Super- be hoped that the trouble will ant, Alexei, served Russian tea University. means "swondsmen’/ from toe NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — as Book Depository at the time The selectmen’s office has reation commission. Mrs. Bishop luncheon speaker. The new' of­ have a moving picture of the man.” birth, growth and death ‘ of be remedied for tonight’s per- from a two-foot samovar built The fields outside Moscow lay Latin gladlus, meaning TEL. 643-7832 FREE PARKING BIRCH ST. R E « OF THEATER A mock trial of Lee Harvey Os­ of toe assassination and had also announced that appllca- an a vacancy created by ficers will be installed by Mrs. Claire, Joe, f(Iary Louise, 7, formance. Into one end of the car. peacefully under snow. But the "sword, aooordmg to toe Fin- fled when he heard of the riiodt- Heads Drive tlons for toe state examination tjje resignation of Mrs. Barbara Anna Mae s^taskl, state vice elouds over a given part of the and Rachel, 6, are the children wald on a charge that he assas­ Otherwise, Mr. Naitajle would Making tl^y way through war sounds superimposed on cyclopaedia Bi4tanUic& ^ NO ^ T S RESERVED * POPULAR PRICES ing for fear that his record as a chairman. '/ 0£tvu^ SioJUiSu w orld;" of the Rev. and Mrs'. Robert sinated President John F. K e ­ deserve an even bigger hand corridors jammed with stand- tMs scene the ghosts of a battle ...... - "subversive" would make Mm a T% phsir. avollahle at the office. In- Voter Session While Tiros 7,8,6 and 10 and Pierson of New York City. The Mon. - Fri. 2 * 8 PM. i t Sat. - Sun. 1:80-6-8:80 nedy ended today with the Jury than Mr. Blanchard, particular- ing-room-only passengers, the 26 years,past. target for trigger-happy assas all four ESSA satellites ate ca­ family has' been touring the m m of the 1967 Cancer Cru- oandl^tes niust' bold There wlU be a voter-making “You Can Tfiate The ly for the work by toe d tm yu . ______deadlocked. sin- Baaed ott Fact * pable of transmitting weather state with a cousin, Hunter Pier­ THIRD n-hunters. ^ . jdanchester. The fund of^ police serge^ ^ session on April 6 in the regls- And while I’m giving credit I THE MOVIE AND MUSIC The trial, conducted by Yale Among the items placed in . . „ bertns todav and will be order to ^ eM^le to trar>g room at the town office 'data, Johnson said most of them son, an Alexandria attorney. HOLDOVER WEEK FOR YOUNG AMERICA The popular “Ballad of Tom Jo)m and Bernice iUeg. Proprleton^ are being monitored now for might as well put In a plug for law students and presided over evidence were repUoas of the Mgms y take the examination. Applies- building on Route 31. Hours are - - __ . _ - by a New York trial attorney, alleged murder weapon, the fa- picked up during.jj.g p„, residents whose DoMey” is performance. The photographs Hughes to Buy the rehearsal pianists who must v>* NOW.. . TWO CONVmiENT LOCAtk)N$ currently being used are those have put in many a weary hour -BEST Jacob D. Fuchsberg, lasted over tal bullets, the blood-stained *y during April. . regular office hours, Monday, voting rights have matured who Duta. ^ from E8SA 2 and 4, using APT c a RTOI^: d ry , Nev. (AP) — at their thankless task and DANCING six hours. The julry of 12 laymen sMrt of the dead President, and' Announcement of CX»k s ap- Tuesday, Tburaday and Friday, ^ currently registered are Canpllna. He^ w m BOUra 6 and 44A—OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY Howard the many itootograpbs and mo- made by Mrs- g Saiturday urged to come to the session. A conviotod and put to dee^ In transmission, and ESSA 3 with Hughes didn't get a mention on toe pro- FILM WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARD8I deUberAed for one hour and at . Farksde Brancdi—Monday tiiroagli SstnrdsF its advanced Vldicon Camera received formal approval Fri- gram EVERY THUR&, FRI„ SAT. NIGHT 3 :30 a.m. said toey had split 6-6. tion pictures taken of the Incl- Charles Ukert, area district p bo noon. votor must be a resident of the 1868 for toe dlayhig of Laura System —^AVCS — wMoh stores day to invest $18 minion as the Ooetumtoig was very good; They could not deci(le whetoqr dent. chairman of toe Manchester .jbc appHcablona must be ra- for eix months prior to ®^«tor to Wilkes County’s Ha^ sole operator of the Desert Inn OF pictures on recorders and sends settings were thoroughly ade­ M^sre^OF "T H E S T Y L IS r Oswald was guilty of murder or The Jury consisted of seven Unit, American Cancer Society, ceived by toe selectmen’s office, registration. Party registrations Py VaUey. them on. command to ground hotel-casino on the Las Vegas attempted murder. men and five women from a Cook will assume toe task qj. postmarked by, no later than carried out at this time ______'' strip. quate, if uniiupired; staging stations in Alaska and Virginia. and Ughting went with preci­ DAILY LUNCHEONS 19661 Only about 50 membera of a discussion group affiliated with leading the local, campaign April'21. also. The five-member State Gam­ . Through the ESSA system, sion. Altogether it was a flq^ standing-room-only crowd of.000 toq-North Haven CongH;egational by stimulating planning and ap- Coventry has hod a police de- bling Commission okayed SocMy pointing committee chairmen partment' only since August local ground stations around the evening of entertainment, and if OAK ST. RESTAURANT ,o oak st . elnlmOiHc* remained to heair die final, ver­ Ctoirch-' .They told Fuchsberg world receive 8 to 10 cloud-pho- Hughes’ application. Hie Clark __ , .___, , . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT dict. • that a majority had agreed with and key volunteer* 1965, when the seleotmen ap- Divorce vs. Marriage Cook, who succeeds Joseph pointed Kolodziej. Up until that tographa from the satellite dai­ 0.».« oan.,-, B0.« Z S S T u S J . FREE PARKING! Fine Food and Beverages The trial had begun with a the prosecution toat Oswald was ly, during an average of two or also approved a license for real-life controversy as FJichs- at the Depository window at the Garmamas chairman, is secre- time, toe town received protec­ Hughes. three orUts. Each photograph, A Cofto fbnl Aeducles berg ruled toat no photograp|ia time of toe assassinattim and tory of the Manchester Board tion from a resident state troop- The raitk) of divoroes to mar­ covering about four million Hughes purchased the lease to were to be taken duriu the that ehots . bad come from that of Tax Review, a member of the sr. ' riages in the United States, in- . the hotel from the Desert Inn Antonioni's Muffing toe armed forcM over- square mlles,^ gives the local Avaikiblft for trial, citing recent Supreme wlndoiw. The main source of Manchester Rod and Gun Club, The future of the police de- ineteorologtot an instant view of Operating Co. Title to the resort Court decisions limiting trial theic even split, they said, was and several Chamber of-Com- partment may be affected by seas, reached a peak of 4.8 pec and country club 8(111 is held by expected soon, 1,000 popidatton in 1946, accOTffi tiie weather, over a wide area, P A R T IE S & BLOW-UP publicity- Oim '(SS.TV man re­ their disagreement on whether merce committees and Masonic the deoisiion. as it appeared only minutes ear­ Desert Inn. Associates, a New MANCHESTER REGISTERED NURSES ASSOCIATION VtanossoRodgrawo fused to comply, saying that hs there was “roason^le doubt” oi^anizatlons. He is a repre- from a poUce oommlsalon study ing, to the Bncyclopaodla Bri- York-based investors group. WEDDINGS msswio sentotive in toe Manchester of- committee. An 'eairUer study tonnica. lier to a spacecraft hundreds of PRESENTS Doirid H *-Sortii Mlw had been invited, to cover the that Oswsdd acted alone. miles above the earth. COIOR trial by tbs Yale Law . School’s flee of Putnam, Coffin and Burr, committee, oomposed of six ______- ■ _ Small nations and even indi­ The Smiths LUNCHEON BU F^ associate dean, Ral^ Sharp in accepting the portion, members, reached'a tie -vote on vidual cities are able to receive SAN PEDRO, Calif. (AP) — Th« Monchfistw Community Ptoyfirs Brown. He left only when toe Gripe Sessions • Cook poifited out, "WMle every- the question, and shortly toere- the television jdetures at desk- The crowded world- of people one knows the tragedy of can- after, a seven-man committee cem pifitfi $1.85 IN d'- “ bailiff” extinguirtied his floor HALLMARK size,' inexpensive ground sta­ named ^mlth had things pretty Tuesday thro Friday lights. Set*^This W eek cer, our Job will be to tell them was appointed, tions, at low cost. Some 36 na­ much to themselves Friday in The trial itself was based how to do something about it The estobliEhment of a poltos PARTY ITEMS MEiiooaowwimAcmo m commiasion wcxild remove the tions currently make routine at least one field. Attractively Priced “READY WHEN YOU ARE G. B.” CINEMA 1 largely bn the 26-vohime8 of tes- Those Markshester taxpayers . .how we can acbomplish more use of tMs new weather tool. Harbor General Hospital’s OOVUNOa ST, iXIT TO MAIN If., tlmony collected by the Warren jj^ye i^^n deploripg the lack of than ever before in the war reBponsbiUty of administering iCOUNTRY DRUG obstetric ward reported toat a A PLAY BY SUSAN SLADE . DAVID LEAN'S Film OF BORIS RI£TERNAKS Th^ first Nimbus satellite, Week Night 7tl0-9:20 Commission In the months fOl- opportunities to express atrfn*one against this drbad disease. toe police departinent from.toe launched Aug, 28, 1964, gave medical team headed by Dr. SPECIAL lowing the- assasslnatlaii. The on to4m; affairs wHl find no "We have enUsted an un* seleotmen, V' 'weatherm en their first night Margaret Smith delivered in THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, AMUL 7 - 8 Sat. 3:20-5:20-7:25-9:80 time of the event was reduced of those opportunities be- precendented number of work- * i • Afeoa • ItoyiMidf •KO m t pictures of ckmd covers, thanks rapid succession: a DINNERS DOCTOR ZHilAGO 8:30 P.M. Sun. 1:89-8:40-5:40- by telescoping testimony and t^een tomorrow and Wednesday ers from throughout Manches-, to an infrared radiometer sys­ Robert W. Smith to Ernestine Week Nights and Sunday creating "composite Vitneases” ,,1^1^. 1 ter, to make tMs year’s cru- Smith, Mark Alan Smith to Ju­ 7:40-9:80 ^taElWra-MCHRStl-lOMI tem that detected tiny differ­ WHITON AUDITOiRIUM . t so that toe major points raised Tomorrow, at 2 p.m. at Wad- sade our most successful,” he ences in heat emitted by the dith Smith, James Smith Jr. to Dancing Sat Nights Saturday 1:00 PJtL AffiGUIMSS • SI0e H «lJ» by the 5ra persons appearing gchool, toe MJanefiestbr added. • Fieetl Materials clouds. Mrs. Fletter Smith, and CyntMa GENERAL ADMISSION 8IJI0 Herman’s Hermits in before the oommleslon could be property Owners Protective As- The local unit—which also to- Johnson said a new satellite, Smith to CarMyii Smith. TEL. 848-6760 FOR 'nCflETfi "HOLD ON” brought to light by questioning aociatlon ,wil’ oqnduct an open eludes II surrounding towns— BSSA 6, to to be launched to AU Seats SOe ^ B a r - o S I o i E A N IN PANAVUKM* AND MEimCOUn the 15 men and women who took jneettng, where any local tax- bos'll.proud record to go ou • RallaUa SeniM guarantee full daily coverage o t ALASKA LACKS COUNTIES liinson the witness bpx Friday night. payers may :^ak and tfSk ques- Last year, the unit raised $36,- the earth, filling a. gap left, by _JUNEAU T- Alaska has no TJh* "witnesses” were stu- yonj ;100, oversubsortblng its quota the failure of one of the camera counties. Its local government :.y ■ dents representing ^ key Tuesday, toey^ will have by several thousand, dollars, and • Direct Ftrilorii eyirisms on BSSA 8. powers are extended to oiitie« RESTAURANT figures in the ease, Inclutog two'oKwe chaaioee. From 9 to 11 wimning/a“ Best Ever” aweed Funlmiet ------and to boroughLS, which are larg- SHOWTIAfpS Tonight^ Son. Gov. JMm Connrtly of Texas Municipal Building fi-om' the Connecticut Cancer OOLOR TV MARKET GROWS er than counties in most o t toe "A llle/10:00 — "Shot” 8:25 Rout* 6 and 44A, BoKoa and Oswald himself. Hearing Room, the Board of society. Of the unit total, Man- . Where Quality Candy b Made Fresh Daily • Helpfi cut cost of heat and iSAN FTtANCISCO — The rest of toe United Stakes and 648-2842 Sun. "Alfle” 7:80—"Shot” 9:2# EXOLUSIVE MANCHESTER ”le Paris Bonilnfr” ...... 9:00 9 .0 \ The “ a ttom ^ s’ for w pro- Dirootors will hold office boiurs, Chester a ion e raised $17,000. Blectronlc Indiurtries Associar hold broader juriadlotian. ChooM From Over 200 Vufetles air conditidniihf ih year drive-in ‘fArrivederd Baby” .... ,10:45 7:10 ■ secutton were KeVtoJ. “ ■me^ bea^ comments and sugges- This year’s, unit quota has tiaa estimates that American* ______GIANT ALL COLOR SHOW WEEKEND!)! " ney, 24, of ^ ^ I n g t o n , ttops from the puMic. And, at been set alt $28,000, with Ntan- home. Thsnlates in winter, rifil buy 7JI milUen color tele- Yon Mint Boo f'ALFlE? This Week — Awards Next "You’re Nev^r Too Yonnig” 7:00 and John N. ftish, 34, of . sum- j the hoard’s regular ehMter’s share at $12,500. "We After dinner . « • - whatT cooler hi summer. , 8HQWING •ijS't; ykrion t«oc|voni in 1967, - up 50 Nominated for Five, Academy\AwftrdAj—^ ' -\|v mlt, N.J. ' monthli^'meeting, also in toe ^pe -we’ti far surpass that in A u NSON’S per eent from the 5 mUUon sold OOMP.I^aON FBATUBE FEATURE JFKB8I^A270N They argued in favor of ^ Hearing Rwm, the pubUc will our continuing effort to stamp • Fire and weather resistant. last year. eSB-BMUawalsSBR « Ik A A A HIGHEST RATlNGi” finding which had rea<^ he 'permtiteo to speak on any out cancer,” Cook said, • Eliminates maintenance ai^ OF COURSE IMMDJANBSB yr.Y^ D ^ News by the Warm su^ect tinder toe board’s juris- statewide, the fund - raising CREAMY WAFERS, repair'iirohlems; ^ LIFETIHE GUARAWra V that Oswald bad WUed P r ^ goal h a .record $1 million. CN WRITING dent Kennedy and-woi^^.Co^ ftmrth op^irtunity for Beley! som* bi 3rs®r favorite flavors- iee It jFor EiNBI Now ybH eon 8090 os nnvor FROM THE MANUFACTURER ihektreeast Yourself, nnfiHy deliberately ana slnpe- expression will ,be on JAJMES NOBION ELBOnBD niinr b c f p n OH H w f i n ^ t It's a 1 ? handeffiy, L „ ^ Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Ullng SAN mANCISOO fAP)^ waiter Rookehstein H, ^ Junior High Sdiool, when ^ James A. Norton, president of BIDS TUESDAY! 'MFF jty Aluminum Sidliig. Oiir Wow! ilMNAL AUL-8TAII CAST Morgantown, ’ , W.V*,. board will wv™-~-conduct -a - public------the greater Cleveland, Ohio As- HO UOWH FAYHBIT! Evas. 8:00 Charles ; O. Blalsdel, 38, m hearing cm the manager’s tenta- worthonsM onr IsHlglnrg fat, Son., 1:89 - 6 - 8:80 Drew, KIRK DOU^G LESLIE CARON ’ ^ — —------socia^on Foimdatlon, has been m Times Pound RMge,.N.Y„ represrated bu^gota for toe 1967-68 flsr named president-elect for 1968 witli ovwnildekfd eotert LOW BANK IP P I mimmmm the defense.-They plctared l^ of the American Society of Pub- G | y | < N FORD JEAN PAUL BELMOMO and our wintw ■ ' « h?.o. NemmBllnn* BURNSIDr 3 r G H lf * TOO YOUNG" w ^loi^ fatal i ROUTE lO L T p M r - TEL. InrinBlMr Best Astrees “WACO" sate reeponsibility of .Oswald, natim’s more, than .$20 camps, , rajM ar snir, —la CMoiw- X sad Mb pcescnc* at til* wtadow leaning to play inatram e^ L imi

i.'e -■ '-i .l’ 1'

■ "Si MANCHESTER EVEITOirG BtANCHESTfi^^ CONl^., SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1967 PAGE n w • ' ' ' 'j.i. j ...... • I 'ii m'hii U ...i tS ffI n u n FouB MANCHESTER SVENING H fiR ^J), MANGHESTElt» (X)NN^ SATUBDAT* APBIL 1, Area Ghurcfies Auto Makeif Wbat Fbcb lb ttodi Tarbnlenee? Wonders ef the Vniven 8t. 'M aaalte'0bBroh, BHfoA . BorttvUla Hetoedlat Chfureb Union Oongregadanal Church Pin Hope —Ths aOh kind are lees firm today than they have tm . I. Ito UBVER, 9:80 a.m ., Sunday 8cbool.> m W orld 10:46 a.m .. Morning WorsMp. 9 a.m., OhuKsh School, Grades tton’s auto Industry, hoping for vtBsonson bounces from on# ^perisl tntei^ lag'w aB U toe stav bill o| tbs DtakBOlOB . xiod of tone, then a low-aUltilda Sunday, 8 a.m ., Prayqr'Break- Mqsfoa tt 7, 8, 9:16, |0:80 In Oasees for oil age groiqzh St. Fnm eis of Aaotsl nSROtTBON ever been in any fliaee ot human his­ norhlng,^ lovely Uttts j^ooe mirror wutOd have UtUe 678 EUington Rd-, Sermtm: ‘"Itoe Doubter.” Nurs­ 6 through 12. a spring buying sunge Wg nbUabcri___iheri __ tory. set to another. The other morn­ 93m Feli PisnelariBm feSt. toe. church. 9:15,10:80 and 13:00_ ijO ;4S a,m .. Worship Service. , 10:80 a.m ., Church School, Moadad COetobwr ' L Uu - tbde whidi had to be exyiatned . No EnUtttay . Of itoa Fraoklla BwlHnte tetoie. gduth Windsor ery through Griade 4. enough to offset m tnfos ef tag­ That uncertainty extends, of oouisab ing, we wen st the bearing be- • 9:80 a.m., Sunday' , Sfoool In the auditorium. Message by toe pastor. Rev. Oorden B . Wadhams, Monday, 10 a.m ., Commission Infants through Grade 4. hi Its hidden eontext IlMorii it NEW IRDLBL Ihdia (AP) — The rsoaoB hehlBd the taiabQ> (Classes for all ages). Nursery and ^Stttdren's ging sales, presented A mfaced to survival itself. It extends to toe most ton the public Health aadi hseame teaOy slgnlfloanC TUs FbrelgB lOuis^r M.O. CSzMtla An idea tor a huge mirror is tty of toe mirror satellite ta be - - Pastor (Ml education. i 10:46 a.m ., Worritlp Service. ot .10:46 a.m., Holiness Meeting St. JMues’ Church. Church. Rev. Jolai E. Rikteraltie, 7 :iS p.m.. Prayer and discus­ Sermon: "But Some Doubted,” economic picture today. insignifleant Indiridual’s expectation Safety Committee' while K measure, introduced in behalf reject^ a demand la Parila- apsaa to Illuminate large areas ueefid in swh a sKuathm in- -(nursery provided). Magr. Edward J. Reardon, 6 p.mi, JuMor FdloweMp Chrysler ' Oorp. , amounced- bow he may spend U s next Saturday at m profession, the optometrists ment Friday to aand a 'kpM lal votvee basio laws of eelsstlel Assistant Pastor sion time. toe Rev. Mr. Reed preaching. .BA.TIB penetrated the mystery of e of tbs earth is heliig studied by 6:15 p.m.. Open Air Meeting. Pastor Teen and Young Adult Fellow 4 p.m., Junior High Pilgrim Frtday It 'will lay off 31,100 afternoon. —who won the mbst edebrated ' emissary” .to invite Joaeph Stal- meohonios. The tons It takes a Tuesday, 8:80 p.m., Commis­ lovely UtUe bin which menly NASA and the Department o t . 6:80 p.m:, Prayer Meeting. Rev. Eugene F. Torpey ridp. - Masses at 6:45, 7:46, 9, 10:18 sion on membersMp and evan­ Fellowship workers for a •week, t^ layoffs And It applies particularly, and pAAmA to toe list of 'forblddea Isgialative : battle of the dsoUie In’z daughter, Svetlana, back to . aatrime to oirele the earth is 7 p.ni., Salvatifo Meeting. Rev. Jolm J. O’Brien 7 p.m.,. BvangeUaUc Bervloe 6 p.m., The Senior Pilgrim. beginning Monday, in order against dialn, department and India. Defense. Prekilalnary plans call directly related to Ita oKRude. and U :80 a>m. gelism. ' to sweepingly, we should say, to ah ques­ practices in the code sO# ethics ' Monday, 6 p.m .. Junior gong- Rev. Vlnoent J . F ly ^ Message by the pastor. Wednesday, 10 a.m ., Woman’s Fellowship will be host for the reduce new car taiventoriea, Jewelry store optomstry—4im- Svetlana, now In Swttzariaad, for a spsoa mirror 2,000 feat in A Sktemte about 100 mOee high tions of political ambition, availability, for toe state’s miarmaciats toe *ters. Monday, 7 :80 p.m., Missionaiy Bible-Study Circle. ..Tolland...... Ass of toe Nazarene. The service Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Group said toe' company had reduced was presiding over wbat one of welcome if toe wants to return negligible. Rev. George F. X. Reilly Pastor certain world. wen in danger of being offered They visualise a succession or 7 :80 p.m., M^d-week Meeting- , . 11 a.m ., Sunday church serv­ will feature the work of the dldcnission in the Bible aid Ms work force by 69,000 since Kathawa.Seaelal. “-New To* Chi. its memben labeled the eternal but she is a free agent "We did ' orbiting minors disturbing as- To get a oonoentrated beam St. Bartholomew’s Church Pastor Ulus Senator Robert Kennedy, let­ economic warfare whldi keeps dUooQuts, but senior dtlsens ice, Sunday School and Nursery. Church of-the Nazarene in Oki­ 9:45 a.m ., Church School. "Life Everlasting in Freedom the first of the year, but he was MCD. Detroit n d wtao'had, by a lamentable over­ not ask her to go away,’’ ha tnmomical leseaixto as well aa of radtatfon toe mkror must ba Rev. Philip Hussey, Pastor Rev. Jam es H. Ilioyle ting it be known that he has no idea bringing toe stote’s professions, Center Congregational Church The subject of toe Lesson-Ser­ nawa. The event is open to the Bey- Anthony Kuzdal 11 a.m .. Morning Worship, of the Sons of God.” unable to specnila/te on any ad(U- aaema m ADlllT BDBJDAD OF CIRCOLAf sig h t in toe language of Medi­ said. "She went of her own free having potential use as an aux­ aa cloee to the earth as poeatbie. Rev. Edward M. LaXtose mon is “Unrealltjr,” the Golden Friday, 7:30 p.m., Theocratic tlonal layoffs. A GM spokesman of letting himself be thrown Into even its commerce, its industry, its The apace m irror oould then United Church of Christ public. communion. Sermon by the tm O L ______care, so fa r been denibd toe wUl and if toe wants to'corns iliary Ufjrt source) with military Aaoistant Pastor Text, from 1 Ooroithdans 7:31: He and Ms wife are on toeir He Who Has Ministry School, Written review, declined comment on posslblo a lemoto primary contest with Lyndon labor to toe State Capitol. 0^ be used at dawn or twilight 11 Center St. Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Rev- Mr. Bradley, privilege of having optometrlste back to India She la moat wal- overtones. The National Acad- ‘The Fashion of TWs World third furlough since being ap­ 8:30 pm.. Service meeting, layoffs. One of the professions a^>- come.” 1 < and then only for a few min- Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, a.m. the Son Has Life.” Johnson for toe presidential nomination Included Mi toe government’s «ny of Sciences has begun a Minister Masses at 6:46, 7:46, 9, 10:16 paaaetH Away.’ pointed missionaiies in 1048 by 7 p.m., Pilgrim Fellowship. Theme: “By Teaching Make Chrysler layoffs will begin tat pearing toat afternoon was stu^ of the mirror satellite. A utae. Thus, alternaite roheenes — 1 p.nL Wedneaday. of 1968, Is behaving as sensibly and Ust of those whose bills could ia Rev. Kenneth W. Steere, and 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Testi- the Church of toe Nazarene. Monday, 8 p.m., Church Disciples of Christ.” Detroit Monday wlto 8,600 work­ realistically as a man iii his position and fighting Its way forward, try­ Dug to Bank Vault oommittee win Judge the effect must he employed. Peillaps a St. Matthew’s Church,' Tolland ing to get itself established as paid by Medicare. So Connecti­ ) Associate Minister mony meeting. Mrs. Shepherd wifi accompany School teachers. ers off for the week. of bis ambition possibly could behave. cut’s optometrists want to be MONTREAL (AP) — PoUca of tlM space mirror aoe ntinor ping Congregational Church. 10 a.m .. Breaking bread- 10:80 a.m., Worship Service, Minister 11:30 a.m., Chapel Service. Windaor, Ont., assembly plant BMW poUcy-maWng of the Preaident the all toe other now licensed pro­ ’Die five may be amlgned Mon­ th at the mirror oould IHumtamte School and Crib Room. istrative positions. For the past Nursery and Worship Church Similarly, it happens to be our pres­ ,tle platitude bills. In toe morn­ stems from the early work of 6:30 a.m ., High School Young and Church Sclmol 11:46 a.m ., Sunday School. 4 p.m., Pilgrim Fellowship at one'week beginning April 17. fessions which once appeared day d Church from Barry Ooldwater, Senator Percy sooner or later, get themselves for senior citizens. ’This after­ Room. Worship led by Da'vid ing. A native of Oklahoma, he at­ 11 am .. Worship Service. board. Ohrysler’s new <»r stocks as of weMie of Waadtagtaa oonunent and in* The 53-foot tunnel led from oelved of the mirror as a woiq>- sions and reooveiy operaUona 7 p.m.. Mu Sigma Chi. Pro­ Friday, 8 p.m., Bible reading. Nortfieast School Nursery. Tuesday, 7:30 pm ., Teachers’ f^ r c h 16 totaled a 58-day sell- of nunoia is too good a man to be ven­ a license and a law setting noon, it was CorniecUcut’s Mas­ the basement ot a duplex bouse There are others wbldiAre per­ Seavey. tended three different schools Inteneidlon ot Bta. SO and Si teipaetation: the theme that President ter Lobbyist, former State Sen- on which could burn cities, ex­ 7:80 p.m., So(Jal Action meet­ gram : "Modern Art and toe 7:30 p.m., Evening Service. training class. ing supply against am industry tu ri too early for toe Presidency, and forth qualifications and an to the floor of the vault of the haps more signlfloant Goepel.’’ majoring in religion and mete­ Vernon Johnson has trM to make peace in . ator Joseph Cooney, attacking plode dumps and ing, Robbins Room. Emannel Lutheran Church orology. He received his BlA de­ Thursday, 10 a.m .. Women’s average ot 66 days. toat Senator Percy himself ought to , examining board, all of wblcta Montreal City and District Sav­ create havoc with military tat- Space mirrors may be useful Monday, 7 p.m., Women’s Rev. MioheUno M ed TalcottvlUe Congregatioiial Vietnam, and 'tens demonstrated his win help raise the status of toe term "vision care.” as a Monday, 9:30 a.m ., Deacones­ Church and Chestnut Sts. gree In 1956 from Fasedena Bible study, nursery provided. American Motors indicated mean toat little litany he recites about ings Biuik’s branch on Decarie Btallationa. With the dMeat of to toe meteorologist By direct­ Christian Fellowship executive Church ewn Ugh and Ideallstle Character, and their profession so toe pubUe “euphemism,” whatever toat is, ses meeting, Robbins Room. Rev. C. Henry Anderson, (Calif.) College. Before Ms mie- Friday toe recall of wolkera having enough to do in his preiwnt new Boulevard. Germany in 1946, the concept ing the radiation at tbe sun to board. , 9:46 a.m ., Sunday School. First Evangell<»l Lutheran Rev. Robert J . BUIs, was due to'increased sales cf «bat be has won nothing for his pains win be protected against In­ and then going on in words a Bpadfle area he may Inoreaaa Wednesday, 8 p.m., Women's ' Pastor aionary service, he was a pub­ Job, But, again, we call attention to toe came to light. Even the scien- 8 p.m,. Church council. Rev. Eric J. Gothberg,’ 11 a.m.,-Worship Service. Church of Rockville Interim Pastor Rambler American. bnt rebuff and insult,^ so that both he ferior performance and toe whose bite and thrust we did Concert Was Hoax e'vaporatlon and create clouds. Fellowship, Federation Room. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.. Church lic school teacher, and also 7 p.m-, BvangeMstlc Service. fact toat these are toe most turbulent tlBts were staggwod by toe sug­ The Rev. Howard E . May of Assistant Pastor Rev. Mchard E. Bertram, Also Friday, toe general man- and we an can have 'clear conaclences landscape architects themselves understand so well we would NEW DEUH, India (AP) — A It might also bs possible to in­ school. Grades 8 through 12. served wtih the U.S. Air Force. Wednesday, 7:80 p.m.. Prayer 8 a.m., Men’s Club breakfast. and changreful times humans have ever never be so unkind as to repeat gestion of an orbiting five-nffie-. West Wllllngton, guest speaker. I ------The Bev. Mr. and Mrs. Sh^ - Pastor .ager ot General Motors Chevro­ as be proceeds to escalate the war. protected against too many concert that was suppoosed to diameter mirror being used for fluence centers of high and low Thursday, 8 p.m., United and Bible Study. Members of Boy Scout Troop known, toat seemingly solid situations landscape architects. them in cold type. Teature Elvis Presley and Louis Topic: "How We Got Our Inter­ 9 and 10:46 a.m .. Divine have two children, Sam- let Di'vlelon, E . M. (Pete) Estes _ any reason. pressures, moving artifidalty Church of Christ Aft Curriculum 9 a.m., Sunday School. 11 will be guests. Jerry Fitz­ said he was encouraged by With an doe credit to the real policy can reverse themselves in one quick Armstrong next Wednesday has produced clouds over draught national Family." Worshlp and Church School, yel, 20, and Verla, 16. The fam- The laws of phsrslcal optics, program. Nursery for infanta.. Sermon by jjy ^ jj jjj California during St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 10:30 a.m.. The Service. gerald, football coach at Rock­ strong used car sales,'a gener^ the Prerident is probably trying to pui> whirl, toat there la a kind of berserk been sold out, but the 600 per­ areaa The United' States and Sand HiU Rd. ville High School, speaker. BBt of bolding off real peace con* acceleration loose in human attitudes sons vdx> spent up to $2 for tick­ which govern the size of the The Presbyterian Olniroh Pastor Gothberg, "This Left- furlough, loosening of credit' and “ a i^ing certain regions of tbe earth have North Methodist Ohurcta W anting' St. Geoi^e’a Episcopal Church 9:45 a.m,. Church School. reservoir of OMiSumer credit.” aeaslmis ImtU we have proved our h)iU* and opinions and actions, so that every­ ets are 'victims ot a hoax. image failing on the earth, dic- 48 Spruce- St. over Cross.” Dedication of pi- ______Tides of Connecticut suffered severe economic blows 800 Parker St. Rev. James A. Birdedl,-Vicar R t. 44 A, Bolton Adult class lead by the Rev. Auto sales tots year have tary point in Vietnam more conclusive­ body has less reason than ever before A spokesman for the andltoil- tata the relaitlonshtp betereen Rev. George W. 9mito the altitude of the mirror and due to drought This might be Rev. Earle B. Ouster, "Monday, 7:80 p.m., Church ^ ^ ^ Rev. Douglas E. Theuner, Vicar Mr. BiU. tagged about 21 per cent behind ly—this amounts to an absurd reading to think he can calculate where he may nm where the concert w u to be one way of overcoming drought. Minister toms, 8 a.m .,. Holy Communion. 11 a.m.. Worship Service. The the diameter. Very roughly, the Pastor (XMincU. last year. at our Vietnam diplomacy. be and wbat he may be doing five min­ held said a man from Bombay Space mlrrora might break T eny R . Candee, Wednesday, April 6, 6, 10 a.m. 10 a.m ., Hriy Communion. 8 a.m.. Holy Eucharist. Rev. Truman O. Treland of rented the hall for $45 and diameter of the area Illuminated 9:30 a.m ., Sunday School Wednesday 10 a.m ., and 7:16 The latest Industry report utes from now. up smog. This country has Pastor-ln-Tralnlng and 7 p.m., Holy Oommuni(Hi, The Rev. Douglas E. Theuner 10:16 a.m.. Choral Eucharist Rome., N.Y'., candidate for pas­ Time Troubles claimed, the concert was being by the mirror will be the alti­ classes for all eiges. ' p.m., Study hours. showed sales from Xan. 1 Ibe only kind of peace offer to North . Good guessing and good luck to all eevera smog oondltions Ilka (Aimunciatlon of the Blessed of BoUon, guest preheber. Mite and Church Sitoool, tor, will preach. Special coa- through March 20 totaled -l.OOe,* Vietnam President Johnson baa yet given to aid drought-stricken tude in miles divided by 100. 10:45 a.m ., Worship Service. Virgin Mary) gregatlon meeting after ser­ toe candidates, and to us an. By Wesley Gryk Jr, TUs naeans that if there is other highly Industrialised 9«and 10:30 a.m .. Worship Calvary Church box offering. Church S(tol and 4 p.m., Young People’s Fel­ 263. This was compared wlto 2,* fnmAm hss been one be could be safely residents of Bihar State in east­ countries. Essentially, meteoro­ The Rev. Mr. Smith preaching. Service. Sermon: ' ‘FVee , to Daily, 7 p.m., Evening Pray­ baby-sitting. lowship at St. Maurice^s, Bol­ vice. a mirron satellite at an altitude Sermon: “For Such a Time as (Assemblies of Ctod) 006,956 in toe saipe* period of sure North Vietnam would not take. Punctual people, tra'vellng toerefore, New London followed ern India. logical (xmditoms set the ataga Serve.” Church School, Nursery er. Wednesday, 9:30 a.m ., Holy ton. 7 p.m., Youth Fellowship. The man said he would return 1,000 mfies, the diameter of the This.’’ 647 E . Middle Tpke. 1966. His efforts toward peace In Vietnam across Connecticut before 1880, three time standards,r while for smog. Smoke and fumes are and Grades 4 through 8. Church is open daily for pray­ Communion. Feast of Anmincl- We . and Why doM the President play such a end to the problem, be contact­ Interim Minister Trinity Covenant Cfirarch care. Church School. Nursery di'vorced. woman, Jacqui.. Ber­ have encountered great aliena­ intelligence. In a great cathedral in Lco- New Bomb Developed allowence,’’ riie said Hds week continue a study of that ooun- ble class.' Mr. Dupee, leader. . about a haR-doaen in the Mono- gasMT Because he is a cold-blooded, ed George Watroua, prosl- don, called Westminater Abbey, Hackmatack St. near Keeney St. and Kindergarten. nard, ——and - a . di'vorced . . . man, . . Jim .tion. ^ ^ Married ,■ ^ friends are relu<^ But 49.8 per cent seems too hi^ a KARACHI, Pakistan (AP) — after wocMng on her fauSband’a txYS higher education program Wednesday, 7:80 p.m?. Mid­ 10:46 a.m ., Sei>lor High For­ K. Ejnar Rask, Pastor niinie, {Ws. area after .the Red baartleas individual who wants to see dent of the New York, New many famious people lie buried 9 a.m., Church Schl for all 10:30 a.m-, Olmrch SciU>ol Egelson,' sat on a Long Island tant to Invite them places bo- Cedar cUmbecI over its. bcufics. portion of readers with low motives. We The vice chancellor of Punjab hoota. ' that was Interntptod Sunday h j week Service. um. ciasses. ’ beach with some married cause toey see the single parent nlore people killed before he conde­ Haven and Hartford Railroad. One of these b the great mis­ University says sdientistB on Ms Two months ago, Ib e. WU- a piano erarii tte t killed elgUt ages, toe expanded session tor 6 p.m.. Junior IBgh Methodist At least 20 families were home­ were led to a simpler conclusion, and Because of toe Influence at these sionary, Da-vid Ll'ringston. The, nuraery through Grade 4 con­ 9:30 a.m ., Sunday School. 7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fel- friends discussing toe problems as ‘avaltabl®’ and a danger to scends to make pepce? faculty have developed a "super Hama persuaded her husband, a American educatloo experts. Youth Fellowship in Wesley their own marriages. less in Ashland County, Wis. that Is that those 49.8 per cent repre­ two men, on May, 1, New Hav­ strange thing is toat hlB heart tinuing the Worship Service. 10:46 a.m .. Morning Worriiip. lowslUp. of bringing up their children. Temperatures soared'to toa No respoostble crittc could even sug­ bomb’’ from Pakistan’s natural Demoorafic oongresman Horn They are Dr. TX2. dark of the Hall. Sacrament of. Communion. Nur­ "The kids also face alienation. sent toe discontented under-read who en’s V^cbester Observatory was buried in Africa by people . 10 a.m .. Morning Wonship. , 7 p.m,, Simlor High Methodist The two single parents discov­ 70s as far north as upstate New gest that. The pr(q>ositlon is seen, in resources. MlBStastppt, to let her work as a Agency for foiternational Devel- THE aery facilities avaUatae. ered their problems were quite Other kids are told not to {day are not offered a fair chance to read began to relay New York City’s who loved him and appreciated The vice chancellor, Prof. Ab­ 'tiommunlon. Sermon: “The Youth Fellowship. United MetttodlBt Ohurcta York Friday afternoon. The the councils where our highest decisions receptionist in Ms Oai)itol BUI oi»nent, wMch la sponeotlng the 7 p.m.. Family Houj-. different from those’ of their what they really want to read; just as time to toe various telegraph the sacrifices he made to bring dul Hamid, told a news oonfsr'- ollfioe. He insisted that she survey, Dr. Russell Davis of BIBLE Light in the Window.” Nuraery Mooutay, 2:80 p.m.. Official B t. 44A, Bolton are made, as a matter for rather cool and crib room provided. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.. Board of married friends but in many £ tl“^£d^(rf^ s ^ S ^ readings other magazine minorities—the 42.6 per offices along tlie railroad Uhea then toe gospel. He was cer­ ence Friday night the new bomb would not be on the payroO. Harvard and Dr.Burdette Ea­ Board, Reception Hall. Rev. Hugh A. OlUls 7 p.m.. Junior High and Sen­ Trustees. ways, each was quite similar to ^ ^ to rro ^ l^ tlc states. analysis. South Vietnam isn’t ready po­ cent who Ibck key managerial jMSitions, Professor Waldo hailed toe tainly a man whose heart God “will bq more useful than "We UM her for some of the gan of Wisconsin State Untversl- SPEAKS . Tuefoay, 6 a.m ., Men’s Adult Mlnletor had touched. Only men with ior Hi{h Youth Fejlowriiip. . _ ^ ^ Wednesday. 7:80 p.m.. Mid­ the other’s; litically for the strains at peace. We toe 35.3 per cent who are not leaders In occurrence as “. . . the first step present bombe used tor the de­ dirty jobs,’’ said mtty ElUs, study d w . The Rev. Mr. Cor- “To help toe children, we B««aIo record^ 74 3® ^ ® ^ "touched”, hearts — hearts filled ty- by 9:80 a.m .. Church Schtxil and Tbeir germ of an idea became haven’t as yet proved the soundness their professions, toe 40.7 who are not toward .dividing toe coimtry into fense of tbe country.” WUkama’* secretary and OM of nell, leader. ______have children’s groups, youth breaking toe previous marit tor larger secUons which shall have •wiith Christ’s love—are 'wUllng E ugene X 2:30 p.m., CM and Country Morning Worship. a little newspe^r ad sand­ ■„ and efficiency of our military terii- on toe way up—^just as those are not Ms live staff memben. Cbailos groups vtto sponsor evente Just the day of 68. aiquea in Vietnam. common standards of time.” Al­ to make such sacrifices. Griffin, the congressmen’s ad­ Vote Lead Cut B r ^ e r class. Mr. Cornell, U a.m.. Morning Worship. wiched between toe lost and like shy o t t & youth group.’ —Temperatures - - early today reading what they really want to. read. UNITED found column and the death no­ though the profesaor’s Idea was The men who followed L»- ministrative assistant, contends leader.' Radio Today Sermon: "Where Do We Go p b er conthK^ffi ' ranged from 7 at Glasgow, Bnt it la a fairly good guess that this The solution seems clear. There is an rael’s new king, Saul, bad been When We Di®-” tices in a New York paper. Mont, to 79 at Ktagsvifie^ Tex. pace-setting. It worked no fin- H erald “1 don’t know bow we got along In Rhode Island Wednesday. 10 a.m .. Adult At the meetings, toe “single same President who now puts hooka untapped market for a new magazine, medisto miracles. Many Connec­ ministered to 1^ toe Lord. He PENTECOSTAL study class. The Rev. Mr. Du­ WBBC—1S6S < 4 p.m., Methodist Youth F^- “Pa'rents •witliiout,, partners: without her.’’ Pride Is such a common ob- 1:00 Mike MIBlard lowship wlH meet at St. Maur- Whether you have your children parents tqlk with each other and barbs into all his peace proposals, one toat would turn its back lck RoUnsoo. ice Camrch for round table diS' full tone or on 'visitation. about mutual problems and with who actually doesn’t want peace talks of superior verbal inteUigence and open give up entirely their former says foe Hkea her Job: "Pm divldually and collectively. Yet HaU. ■I:00Newe. agn^^^^ attorneys, tax experts and edu­ M ^ical Course to ,s ta rt now, who is giving the orders ' time standards. In many cases. selfish, and rebefiious hearts. Proto Jr. of Cranston cut tba pride is a desirable, even nec­ 72 Center Street Friday, 7:80 p.m.. Board of cussion. wouldn’t you like to know others its arms to those on toe way down. Wa 25 Yean Ago craay stMxit It, I love i t ’’ 1:00 Matinee In toe .same poaitidn — talk over cational leaders about technical for a wider and stronger and more pun- might then look forward to fuH-pag« It was a necessity to follow They refused to foUow SauL lead of DemoeraHo State Son. essary, quality'to success in any (Oransre Hall) Trustees. i 4:30 Hartford HlghUghts Our King is Jesus. There aia venture. How can. these factual Wapplng Oommunity (fiiurcb common probleips, to develop a problems. _ Tbe groups are Offered Doctors itoing eocerelse of American military advertisements from the new magrazlne these other standards, since var­ Miss Hazel Jane Trotter, Passports in Peril Robert O. Tlernan of Warwick I 7:00 Newa many who will not follow Him. to 410 votes^ as toe count of statements be re Worship ,Bev. Janies W. Bottoms 1:30 MIOQitor -----r-' from you,” the ad read. ' needed,” Ober said. "And if ------, that to -date 8377 has been - any goal. Any normal person- 3:00'Opera 8 a.m .. Worship Service. Ser- Twenty-five persons who read there’s one thing toeae people Mamshester MemOTax mo^ gene far enough, and that South Viet­ M.8 aeconds faster than New by His Spirit. ’Ihey are wllUng collected. nix toeir tUL paaapiurta. day, boOsUng Ms total to 65,053. has Implanted in his personality Bev. Ronald E. Haldeman 6:00 Monitor nam win be poUtleally able to take a to follow Jesus and to do Hte Praee officer Robert J . Mc- Tiernan has 55,463, - a competitive deriro to excel. Sun., 7:00 p.m.— 6:00 News moil by tbe Rev. Mr. Hutcheon, the ad thought It sounded worto need, it’s to be needed.” 1® conrocutlve T m u r^ y York time. At toe end of |88Q, Instead of toe Good Friday 6:16 Monitor “He Appeared.” checking,, and Parents Without He stressed that PWP is not a nlngs, bepnning April /Tragm atic IdeaUats’* Etertford was still following wtHL Are yon one of ttMde? HSs CloSkey says toe crew of toe Skection offictola have ijSTS Ttae ■very word “fafi^ue” Is re­ 11:00 News peace, sometime within toe next year. service at .Center Church, a Evangelistic -7:80 a.m ., Hedy Communion. 9:30 and 14 a.m . Worship Ser- Patnera^-PWP — was born. marriage mill. . The progr^ is yonte^ ^ This, we think, is his calculation, and - both standards, in addition to ttre Lord '*touobed” your heart? special Holy Week seryica iai! Phofoix, utoldi rnxirtedly a^ absenfoe ballote jisft to count pugnant to us. 8:46 and 9:46 a.m., Mtornlng ijloo ^S^®Slde of Day I t would be presumptuous folly to Thurs., p jn .— WINF—m * vice; Serfnon by the Rev, Luke This week, on its 10th annlver- “Our purpose isn’t to find new the Connectlte llm t of U s chief aidvisers. its own. Only the Chriatian can, imder- held .in the church .auditorium, rived Friday at rtilphwig with a and are not expected to com­ 7:80 Prayer az^ Church Stfiiool. Kln- pntend—to otoen or to ounelves stand how ridB can happen. IM Bible Study and 1:00 News Dorr of Buckingham Oongrega- sary, PWP is ah international partners for our members,” 4ie G en^l I^curo (CAGP) an toat our'Idealism makes us a uniquely Meanwhile, Profssaor Waldo under toe auspices of ths^om -. cargo cf medical supplies, had plete the Job until toe middle of Yet, when this sense of per- dergarton in toe Cblldren’e 1:10 9 p ^ tJp Hartford They oan, of course, be wrong, and us make toe words of an old next week. ■ sonal worth becomes excesslvs, Chapel and Nursery and Crib 3:00 Barry Farber . , tltmal Church. Ptflpit Exchange VA|^C44UA«cawvit organization which vvauvaa claimsv/*c*i***t, 25,000 ocaiu*said. “Occasionally, wwca»aw***»an^ j toat*-****■<» will»»*** the state hranen of tiw Amen- . virtuous nation. Tfiis talk of ideals can was becoming vMlMr psrtttitwd en’s Federation. been warned by tbe U.8. consu­ ■Worship 3:06 Speak Up Hs^ord members in 60 states, Canada, happen. It's a nice way to lose can Psychiatric It ttiat la toe danger and toe risk we all because of toe lack of siqipoct invitation hymn our prayier as| ■ After that they wUl beglB a leading one to think of himself Clasa in toe Williams BuUdlng. Sunday. Church SebooL all too easily degenerate into that kind late in Hong Kong of the poten­ 6:10 World Thla Week England and New Zealand. members, but basically we exist of a fl've-year statewide i»m to run to their present cold shoulder to he was dis<9>vering in aoma foUowu: tial passport leas. oomplets rsoount requested by more highly than he should, Pastor Bobert Baker U :60 a.m„ ifoly Communion 6:80 News / of priggirii posturing which some of our 10 -Yean Ago pride becomes vain, even haim- 6;40 Weekeid One PWP program helps Its to Help each other cope with provide physicians In prirate peace neto>tlatlcaa. They can be wrong quarters. Especiaiiy atUbarras- "AH to Jam a I surrender, The Quaker aaUate lacked DlPrete. Wesleyan MetfiodlBt CfaurcJi fonign critics justifiably resent. ’The The Women’s Club of Maiv- f fill. When one becomes blind to 7:00 News Cryatal Lake Rd.. Ellington male members adapt to toeir present situations — not create practice the latest^ information to thinking that the appUcathm of in- sing was toe. fact toat Tala Maks n * Saviour, wholly State Department penntseion to The race is for the seat left 7:16 8 p ^ Up Hartford on psycbtatriciprOblems. Psalmist tells us toat man Is created “a Thine: chester donates |160 to, the the needs and interests of others, 8:10 Jack Drees |tev. Harvey W. Taber, Pastor new bachelortKxxl. Such a man new (Hies, araased military pressure is going to CoUsgo had paid out fl^OO la traiMl to North Vletnahi. vacant' by toe death of Rep, ■ aware only of his own desires,, 8:18 Speak Up Hartford The (x>nrse'hera is one at 11 little lower than toe angels.’’ On soms support of too venture. le t me feel the Holy Spirit; Manchester Memorial Hoipltal 9:00 News _ is Wallace Davis, who fives now — soften North Vietnam. It might merely buUdiug fund campaljgn. MeCtoekey also said FMday John B. Fogarty, O-RJL, Jan. hia ego has become egotism, | 19:40 te a k Up Hartford in Washington,' D.O. He was being offered this (spring. Othere days he seems quite a lot lower; and In 1881, the idea of Standard Tndy know that Thou act mina ' When one feels-that to admit 9:46 a.m., Sunday School, . haidan its desperation. They could be Americans an no exceptiqu.' Close to 300 teachers, su- toe had been adfleed 11:80 Barry Faiher 1 separated t^d subsequently di- *Tin Googe’ Delighted will be conducted In New Haven, Time had its first major tri­ AH to Jesus I surrender, about UH. Treasury regulattaps he Is wrong ta shameful aiid BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS 13:00 Newa dtisaes for all ^tges. ' ^ New Ixmdbn, Stamford, BrUtola sm og in thinkiug that we will be able If we are toe least bit faithful to our pervisdra, administraton and 11 am ., WorShii* Service.' vorced 'wheta h4 was/in his 4fle, umph whan the Ooontotlcut Lord, I give myeelf to Thee; against berrying cargo to Norih self-deatrucUve, his pride has and moved to Washington from DEARiBORN, micu.Mich. - - The iuo Bridgeport, worwaiK.^yviuMnN(irwalk,iWBtanni». w to 0 ury on the war for an additional ideals in fonign policy It is not because 'BID me with Thy love and consultants at all levels of bema a stumblingblock. 1:00 Woody Show Nursery. General Aasemh^ paaeei a law Vletnani. More Rice to Go YouArelnvifed^' 6:60 t e 't e d ” Simins Show the Far West ^ 7 ^ first aU-metol transport In U.S. uc. New Britain,. Hartford and ISBigtti of time at tnoreased forward we an a nation of holy men bnt beeauss stating: ”Tbb Steaibud of Tima power, l e t Thy bleMnig fbH on teaching in toe state assemble ^ ..... 6 p.m., Wesleyan Youth. we have what we hope is an snllghtensd at Manchester High School for •I “6:80 p.m.. Fast and Prayer. “1 had a bad time adjusting to commerclar aviaUon w m the Deep River, Ptotoon without bringing China or Rus- for toe mariffiaa'of too city , me.” Amen. OAPtEAL FOOTNOTEfi To Saudi A r^ia It is pride In these senses to ottmd tiw tHMday ftVMliKi niMtliig of toe city and to living alone," he three-engine craft made by Interested p h y s 1 c La M m conception of our own uaUanal self in­ the annual spring oonforenw of 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. Ate both to the active defense of hall in the Oily of New York Submlttod by 'The Oonimarce Department I which goes before ,deatructlon said “I cot Involved in a PWP i Stout Metal Airplane Division, asked to contact the CAGP at- terest. We persist in otir ideals of uM- ^ RIYADK — Saudi Arabia’s —a haughty spirit before a fall, flw MANCHESTHt BIBLE CLASS. TMs doss Set Records Wednesday, 7 p.m., Praye'r tM r any. Bhan be and Is henhy madetha Rev. Kenneto L. Gnebafson, the Conneottout .Aasdclatloo of reports.to«t manufocturen held father’s group and I became a Altffough it became famous as flee m Hartford. Bnrollmeilt le versal freedom because we think these standard of, time for tois Health, Physical Education and inventories valued at 879.3 btl- rice Impofts are expected to Prov* 18:18. “Humble youraelyea is ipenserad by tht Calvary Baptist ChHreh The trip at toe clipper Flying Sendee a^-Bible study. , Calvary Church of the foster father to' the son of a the bush pUot’a delight, tois air- Umited to 12 participants, But whether they axe right or wrong, are toe most practical rules by which AasemUias at Opd Recreation. Hoii in February, 8400 million or inoreaae from 1(E,000 tons in " therefore under the mighty hand Cknd, eatltaig frofo New York State.” The state also" granted *5 of God, that he may exalt you off W M b w Locks ood ttcfohM JESUS CHRIST, PWP divorcee. It helped me fiU craft—ciklled the Tin Goose or Ibay itoold least be measured for men can live in an imp«:fe(R wmid. Ws toe Winchester Obearvatocy one-half cf l per cent more thfo^ 1065 to 137,000 in 1970 and to to San Bkanclaoo Kcund Cope Our Savior Lutheran duiioli in due-time,” 1 Pet 6:9. ^ CriicHlad--JliMi»--aiid Comlii« Aqolo. a huge 'void.' It belpdd me get Ford TMmotor—^was not a (x>m- FISHERMEN' MILLIONAIBBH What Oeenn to be their real polkgr, ra- an not angds; we an, at oixr best, |i2,000 yearly to oonununleate I4JJkOCI)4m> toey'^ held in January. 144,000 by 1976. Horn, took 89 daya. w one day's 289 Graham Road. Wimping ' Stalled Tower my ^ back.” merclal supoeaa. STAVANQBIR, Norway—IHai- 4lpr thah for a pt«M ot '{day-acting pragmatic idealists. — AMBASSAHOlt, tl)e exact rims. DETROIT (AP) George President ; Jfoeeeo baa nonil- The U. & share of this mar­ run, toe ahilp made 874 nautical Bev. Walter L. Abel. Faafor X- CHURCH OF CHMST For fforther lirfonnaHoa, coB-i- Davis' treated his PWP son as .Qnly 199 were made from Its ea, a North Norway conummfty «H eli cannot really be fCciUug evan the ARTHUR J. OOU>BB!Rp» U.B. RBPBJ^ After tois act, most mfoondi -MuBdiDg of Um Tower o f Drealer reaotod o o (^ when two noted Ltl (3en. Andrew J. (food- ket Is expected to Increaae trota ifitteB. Both toe speed ot the *■' Lydall toid Vernon Streets 9 ajn.. Early Worship. he vfouW have hia own — taking IntroducUon in 1927 until ito of oafy a few tamdrad inhalto SEINTATTVE! TO ’TOB UN UBD KA- but,-,not all apaed to tba lAmOoa. begun during the Detifoit ,d«teetivas fought him . paster to ba senior UH. Anuj about one-tMrd in 1865 to 40 cnifoeend toe speed of toe day’e him to ball games, on pkstlcB production ceased ih 1932. Yet tants, ime ifat nwlHfonalroe. All aptomaBtators who gave it type-aervloe. ' .Phone; 648-2517 RCV. E. DAVID BENNCn ______9 4.m-> and 10:80 a.m ., Siin- TTONS, SPEA Rm O AT THB SBOOND ananginnant Two traaaporti*- Mgn cf WHUsin the Oonquecor, recently for faQiiig to appMr tai vtoeniber of the MUttary Staff per cent b j 1970. In terms of set world records whfofa and listening to hia problems. Trlmoto^ atfil are used in many era herring fltatoermen who own f jtoddent Johnaon’a gestures for peace, Toachfr Wlndipr A88.1810 wera never broken by aaiUtng day . . ANNUAL COMMUNITY UDAZ>B!B> rian: lines, one .from Fatmer, in 1078. The hletorie buUdin|r court on. burglary ehartes. Coitamlttee of the united Na- U . 8. axpoiis, this will mean an In so, Wallace and thoM banistortnlng operatione. their own puww ealnewi « toiftote^ have been dmigned primarily SHIP OONFERjaSNCB ON CBITICAZs Massachusetts, and the other Drealer was taken to Jail after ttons. - 4 : Bible ClasBee, 9:46 a m . 10:80 a jn ., Late Wocehip. hes served a# prison and palans,' increase from 88,000 tons of trice Worfoip, 10:4® am , OiOO pm , X lb «M ir jdm while' he alnpui at toe 'real WC«LD PROBLEMS, NEW YORK from Providenoe, refused to royal zoo and treasury In W the deteotlvN-found la hia ' T3m Nattcnal Oengrapide go- in 1985 to 44,000 tn 1970>nd ‘~^‘m B tfmetoiUs c t bis own. UMIVBRSITY aon| ^ . Voe semi m en jm r. M * 8 M j« n a spsapsmtts n ttia im os. 0i;ooo by u t h . : 8-' ' f ' ■U

. - J' ■ 5='-' pium TT V s - t f.Tii-. .■> ■ mx. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 1,. 1867 ■ FoUpwing Orders ■ ■' m *■■■■ Pope ''CA Gl’s Not Making S t^ e LfM>ms Obituary $8l E^emy Dead W ith HHH With Some Viet Missioiis ^ (ObnUtniea Main Page One> tied over head ;'aigaliai ■ OIONOH DINH,. Vietnam aUllwi, hate-ftfled eyes, At) 'feamsters Mr^ Stanley (»0«l«ey) drafts.' Kathaveok About Peace (iito^’^i<*X'.ArinatTMig, . ' K W1UMM"1).'^AN (AP)—The Vietnamese woman brionged to the heartM, « » "Those Bu^erttolefs ■ tir e s 'ignored toe crying baby in her burned meantoera rt anolhsr 2 la Mrs. Alberta Katkaveck,catKavecK 46.w. i '**^^*?^ ^ ^ bW togrtr^at96.^^^^ part'MUuT^FWdtAfoUlc-She \' -An AP 'News. AfiiUyato. ^ gin Voting OBinmunlat attempt In the Vice arms. She stared In hatred as Division utilt chirtered arouM o f Waycross, Qa. VATR3AN CITY (A?) Athree^eekengagWMtwltha iotoated ho tAkra 600-700'on The'' forcsi*V Ip Chlm • paet mpnth to ovemm a major President Hubert »H. . fluJiliphniyfb i porting toe mu>„Xse-tuhg riew;,', the American infantrymen with the riddled body of a Viet l^toaittMnjl tron f t * 0 » b> Manchester, wtfe of S ta n ^ American taak force wfolItful WUh; twr. mopping _ his brow atod ^ ^ shotguns blasted a'way at rtilck- The pajama-dad guerriSkrt (Mickey) Katkaveck, died ,, , came to the Vatican today to M Chinese and'world revolutitir^l It showed the Gommunista 4 wouldn’t abcuptiy retire. hoMltot; toe" trumpet vrito toeto^ S p e a rlo 'a ^ "trtia ”’^toro ene and ducks. Others shot a had emerged from a hidden tarn' Batfoin«l trucking contract talks Thursday, March 28, at Cape disouse hopes, for peace in Viet* —------»' ■ __ _ . ^ were vrci V OMM stlU willingfaaauaiK tow a/nejpay lavasanajheavily. ftut I Would like to cool It and Fan# swlpe.same. Ho hat •tooM 'oJ ^ toelr oobdnonts in the" L water buffalo and the family nel, his hands raised In rtnTsa;.' diM ig tbe weekend. Fear Hospital, Wllmlni^n, N ^. in their strategy of nem wHh Pope Paul VI. Trucking Bknpioyen &ic. rep* Humphrey arrived a half-how. take a year or so out. Make a of th ^ ar^awl toe house back. oSununlat jram and to M J dog ' ' der. As the American infantry-, . Mrs. Katkaveck was bom Dec. American world tour wftitouf the horn, say hoqie in ^ (^ s , Lopg Is l^ . headed tor tot. stowdown phase -I naenta 1,000 major transcon­ 9, 1920 in GTOrgla. a dwghteti before the scheduled audience While her husband, father and hello, to aU my fans and roaUy learned the ^ purge which good Irt the tinental finns Uiat carry about Albert E. Gib­ but he was immediately .escort­ young son were led away, the The en4my regiment battered eete toe places I’ve been." In a New Orieant or- name rt '’Great Proletarian fcrdi was put to the hut that H'om waistband and pitched •Srper cent of tlie nation’s truck »son Sr. of Wilmington. She was ed to the papal study, where the cangoes. Saturday in Tay Ninh, is the pontiff receives visitors in pri­ JjuclMo, hie wM# rt 26 years, phanage and djllyered coal tor ftewtoition.” still contained the family be It Into the center of Iris would- employed as assistant director b e. captors. An explorton, W he shutdown by these cbmpa' 271st, the sister regiment to the vate audience, added: “We’ve been over toe 16 ctnta a load whUe playing For toe flrat time they have longings. The flames consumed .< 2 -iIir^ lM "'.e ^ ™ V rrim o Waycross, and worked with Grand Ctmyon several times, nights In honky-tonks, the living digw^yod enough strehoto to burat of rifle fire, then, sflence.-'i nida also would severely crimp husband, director of recrea two others which were decimat­ Several hundred persons, everything — including the 10)000 smaller firms involved in ed in two battles within Uie past mostly tourists, milled aroUnd We’d like to put our feet on the legend of Jazz has come a long 'powerful op^ltiori' shrine to toe family ancestors. And hate. /. ef tlon. monCh. AU belonged to the g i ^ d toero sometime." _____ through one rt the most Impor- “ Dirty, stinking war; dirty--:’- tbir negotiations that serve Survivors besides her husband St. Petef’s Square, • but there “ Man, she’d cut you to pieces largely as feeder lines between crack Viet Cong 9th Diviskm But. Louie Is booked up at tannrgans of the party pi^^, stinking Communist—” an olfr and parents, include two broth-.^ were no demonstrations M for a dime,” one GI said. which has fought many of the Humphrey’s police-guarded mo­ least through the rest of this QW t a ^ a | > e s t Wrt ye^. W^ y,, theoretlcai jJunii Red ' cial muttered. ? tM ’ Mg firms. ers, Edgar Gibson of Lake Jack- “ No, she’d pay 100 piasters nte crisis was the first for tiw war’s major battles in the area, torcade passed through the en­ Vear — Halifax, Nova Scotia, 000 In Ghana in. 1966. In Leo- . 7 an inch just to slit your throat,” A rifleman threw the riddled' 1,8 mllUmt-member Teamsters son, Tex., and Dr. James Gib­ from Saigon to the Cambodian next, then Montreal, several poldvlUe, Congo 'warrtora Maoist vlCtofy would body into a canal. son of Sanford.M.C.; and a sis­ trance way next to St. Peterte another said- UMm since its president, James border. U.S. unlversttUhi;^ New York, stopped flgh^^e me^lngfUl rep ^ s^ Polios Capt George McCaughey explains how information TTie American troops were Above the scene heUcoptaf-;' ter, Mrs. Warren Lehnberg of ' Basilica. B. Hofta, went to prison several ’The dead on the Tay Nlnh bat­ The vice president left the . VanoouVfjr, England, Ireland, llstra. * to toey^alljne jngide It probably would artives at Headquarters Vja teletype to Bowers School pupils acting under orders: Destroy rotor blades clawed at the slqr* weeks ago. The outcome cotdd Chappaqua, N.Y. tlefield also included men of the papal wing of the Vatican, France, etc. S^h-E-mo, Louie grim ^. mean a Irtqj; period of austerity during their’.visit to the ploHce atation yesterday. The school everything of any use to the racing death with four badiP ' and burial wounded American riflemen-,.. aiMet political maneuvering for Funeral services Viet Cong 70th Regiment, con­ Palace,an hour later and wept' ,The man with the golden He Play^ frt ^!e«rtdents a ^ m e akin to.a-mlll- la trjHng for its 13th consecutive national safety award. Con­ Viet Cong along the main Com­ were held last Saturday in l^Ml- F op the fifth victim of the blast, ' oOBtrol of the world’s largest sidered the “ palace guard’’ for on a tour of the Slstlne CJhapel trinripet, pitmP'heyboard jr in tary dictatorship. Outside, It necticut'Schobls rank highest in the X/.S. in the school safety munist infiltration route from “ It'g nice to know you gpt 12th,Avpdrd the race was over. A muddy - union. mington. the top Red headquarters be­ an(T other sites before his and gravelly tremolo was pack­ mean comnuSd isolation program- (Hera,ld photo by Satemis.) the delta and Cambodia into poncho was his Shroud. lieved concealed in the Tay planned departure by train for ing in the cats at the Ambassa­ Vf China and the end for the War Zones C and D. Leave the' Federal mediators stepped Mrs. Clarinda M. Bain The two scenes near the Cam- ^ Intdl the talks In an attem^ to Ninh jtmgles. Florence. / dor Hotel’s Cocoanut Grove. He pie, he s^d. Thais ' what^ toreseeablefuture vOWCba/Av AUbaU O 1/Aof CMijrany W8CUA\2I3chance For Safety Viet Cong nothing to eat, no Mrs. Clarinda M. Bain, 78, of and His troupe, the Ail Stars, always^wan^, - «» “ ««» t e of raconclllatioiv with toe Soviet bodian border only 30 mile#. , narrow the big gap of 19 ctaa^ The possibility that the Red Friday night Humphrey’s visit Vem on shelter. Remove all civilians Willlmantlc, mother of Mrs. Hebron Students Try Foreign Dishes sell happiness as well as music, toUre. ,wrld Is like a neigh ppjnmunlst party. It could even west rt Saigon were part of A*, lud'hour between the Teamsters bunker complex contained ele­ touched off one of the biggest Eleven years ago, pupils at who could give the enemy a Alexander Blssett of 38 Bllyue Days he sleeps, which means borhood to me. _ jgg*j ^ formal rupture. new and more brutal tone in dAhands and the Industry’s last ments of this Communist head­ Bethany Horton. With them is Mrs. ManWarren at right anti-Vietnam war protests ’ in Bowers School qualified for helping hand. Rd,, died Thursday night at Fourth grade students of Mrs. Lsvem ManWarren at He­ he sees little rt the places be He slpi^d a late-aftemoori cup jg bVer, at- least the war. ;- edfbr. quarters, called the Central Of­ Dishes included Lebanese Tahooll, Jewish Challah and even Rome in years. their first safety award from School Menus Next Week ■The area had been so thor- Mdni. nHvinaiiv Windham Community Memori- bron Elementary School display their dishes at the'class’ visits. of coffee wjto cream. - in many of toe hinterland prpv- toe National School Safety Intelligence sources and prop-.... «he umco. Which originally willlmantlc. fice for South Vietnam — Foreign Food Festival yesterday. From left, are Jean Zack- Irish stew., (Herald photo by Pinto.) , Humphrey went to the Vati­ ' X oufirhly dominated by Oommu- ^ ^ " demanded 76 cents per hour “ You gotta take care rt ybur- Hod he Any thoughts on rock iQcgg, particularly those in the douncil. Every year since, that Northeast School; Monday, hash or tomato soup, bread and paclflca- agandlsts alike report that Survivors also include 4 other COSVN — was perhaps the rea­ ermann, Cheryl Dixon, Cynthia Robinson, Jean Barrasso and can after a brief wreath-laying over three years, scaled that son for the fierce Red reaction ceremony at a monument to ■■ self,’’ he growled In toe sawmill ’n’ roU? J 'lt’s the essence rt „i,rth bordering on toe Soviet curigrinalreffort rtlglnal effort has bran repeat-rev— beef - and------gravy, buttered rice, butter, . „gelatin dessert and „^ „ „ -winning wuuims the hearts - -and - - Issues as land reform, entoiy dobn to 66 cents. The indtutry , 3 brothers, a sister, 12 voice made scratchy by a 54- Jazz.” . Uirion. Powerful men remain at ed and this month the school buttered carrots, apple, crisp: cream; Friday, beef or cheese ^ people,” was coo- official corruption and favorit- grandchildren, 16 great-grand­ to the 1st- Infantry Division Italy’s Unknown Soldier in spa­ rewonded with a S7-cent offer. year sharing career. He an- Civil rightsT “ I make, dona- large who have been 'vilified by will make application for Its Tuesday, frsmkfUrters in rolls, ravoli, bread and butter or clam gj^g^ed out of the question by l«*o> ^ better break m genf-.>j children and several nieces and probe. Hospital Notes cious Piazza Venezia. Between union’s money demand Intelligence officers moved Vernon 200 and 300 persons, many of iMrints hta trumpet-scarred Ups tionsitor toe cause and play the cultural revolutton and who I2th consecutive award. potato salad, picklea,. buttered chowder or tomato soup, des- headquarters. ®«*1 the peasants, are no„^ nephews. do6b not Include higher mileage quickly behind the fleeing Reds yislting hours are 2 to 8 p.m.' them plalnclothesmen, watched with a aalve mode by a German benefits for the NAAOP.” continue to have, evidently, Ijrt-^. To qualify the children must green beans, pears; Wednesday, sert. Milk is served with all Qjg have much kaigor fltol in the minds rt to#;s pat rates for long-haul truck •The funeral will be held Mon­ in ' all areas excepting mater­ mamtfacttirer, with Arm- Adam Clayton i^wein "All^I portant support-' complete 30 separate require- beef noodle soup, tuna salad, meals. ^ __„ w. 1 stomach for the job, but orders countryside Vietnamese. day at 9:80 a.m. from the Car­ to determine If, in fact, the long the ceremony‘ In bright sun^ diieers, numerous fringe bene­ sought COSVN headquarters nity where they are 2:30 to 4 shine. It lasted only five - rtrong’s name on toe label- know about toe Rev. Powell is But in Peking, the dominant nienta set forth by the safety egg salad sandwiches, celery Vernon Bllementary School: orders. The job was done fits and new equipment also dinal Funeral Home, 88 Wind­ $5.8 Million Budget Proposed p^ni, and 7 to 8 p.m. and private 'What keeps him going, ^ ^ ^*^**^ pro-Mao group shows signs rt coUncU. To meet one of the re- and carfbt sticks, crackers, Monday, spaghetti^ arm Iwm- ^ area involving more than ham Rd., WlUimantic, with a had been found. minutes and there were no dem­ Foreign Sales Rise being asked. rooms where they are .10 a.m. “ It's something you Just can’t anything ahout politicsi rising confidence. It has struck quiromenta, a 'group of 6th _ sliced peiaohes; „ „ „„ Thursday, „ baked hu^K tossed salad; Tuesday,- 100 square miles. Mass of requiem at St. Mary’s Tlyclst Division moved a task Without any fanfare, a $5.8 the $37,500 paid for the water teachers’ getting their full de­ onstrations. WASHINGTON — Forolga., Gordon said, figuring in all mand for $5,800 with the 1.64 to 8 p.m. Visitors are requested The Pope’s meeting With say 'toe hell with it,’ " said Is'thls, then, Louie’s last year openly, publicly and officially at ^ ^ gi^ tek d in g 1toe”‘^canipmg^ cWckknT.mMhed^TOtatokV” meatioaf with onion gravy, but “ God, my wife would faint if force of one- battadlon into the million town budget for 1966-67 )rne to Kelly Rd. and Vernon Sateb. “ Your public wm’t un- on the road? *— —— ® terM noodles, stewed (nmatnoatomatoes, manufacturing affiliates rt U. S. items, the union demands total Church, WilllmanU':, at 10:30. not to slnoke in patients’ rooiiis,. Humphrey was the pontiff’s toe chief foe, President Liu visited Manchester Police Head- tered peas, cranberry sauce, she could see what I’m doing ------.— Burial will be in St. Mary’s battle area by helicopter Fri- was issued to the public yester- Circle, ratio. green beans; Wednesday, oven firms raised their s^es t c $42-4_* t6'*cents an hour per worker But, as candidate for mayor, No more than two visitors at fourth this year with varioue derstand.” “ I wouldn’t put myself on Shao-chi. quarters yesterday where they cake; Friday, Macaroni and now,” an Infantryman said. Cemetery, Baltic. day. ’The helicopter landing zone afternoon by Mayor Thom- The public building commtt- Just out rt toe riiower, he sat record to that,” he ’ said. “It’s billion in 1966, about 13 per cent ovir three years sind the indus- Humphry repeated his pledge one time per patient. leaders to discuss Vietnam. Heretofore he had been at- igamed rt police efforts to keep cheese, cole slaw, buttered beets chicken, mashed potatoes. "Killing ole Charlie Viet Cong Friends may call at the fu­ In the jungle clearing turned out as McCusker. tee spent $14,200 last year but peas and oaurots, cranberry over 1964, toe Office rt BurinesA... tiTB last offer tottds 49 cents. tq bring a tax reduction despite He received Soviet President. in his Ambassador suite In a like an old-time musician told tacked only by wall posters rt ggfg. Capt. George Me- gelatin dessert and cream, Is one thing, but klUing puppies neral home tonight from 7 to 9 to be almost next door to the This complies with the town only $4,538 is in the budget for yellow -robe And leather-thong me la New Orleans. He said, Economics rt the U. S. Departs ^ Grordoti said the Teamsters all contingencies. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Nikolai Podgorny Jan. -3, former the teen-age Red Guards who. caughey conducted the tour. lAkc* a ^ “ ^rr»fonday. and baby ducks and stuff like ment rt Commerce reports. ' and tomorrow' from' 2 to 4 and Red bunker area. charter which requires the may- next yeax. ■Uppers, a white handkerchief ‘Bon, stay before toe public-’ ” spearheaded the Maoist terror roll, potato chips,- vegetable odblxact demands would repre­ Reconnaisance patrols mov­ After, the ’Tuesday election, Mrs. Gloria ^venoso, HArt* U.S. Ambassador to Saigon that—it’s something else, man.” 7 to 9 p.m. or to make public the budget Anotiher non-recurring item is ford; Richard Bundy, 68 ’Thom­ campaign. He had not been de- “ ® «««>“ • P»®Wes: Friday, home J2...... ' TTli';!: sent an Increase of more than 11 ing out from the zone fell under Humphry, regardless of the Henry Cabot Lodge Jan. 16 and K„ said Miss Esther Granstrom, peas, fruit; Tuesday, sp^hetti ^ a The Glaleft the farm site ai^ within 90 days of the start of the equipment' cost for the as St., Rockville; Mrs. Dora nounced rtflcially by toe press per cent a year. He figured the withering Red gunfire. A heli­ mayor race, will no longer be U.S. Sen. Robert F. KenAcdy waded back into toe swamp wa­ Sykes school addition set at or radio. Bowers principal, by tlw Imowl- S S T s l^ ^ .'ll^ r a e S ^ fffi' industry’s counter offer at about copter was shot down, and rein-, the next fiscal year July 1. on the Board of Education. Caron, 73 Spruce St.; Mrs. Hel­ Feb. 4. Wednesday, ters of the Plain of Reeds, $42,178 last year. Talented Caterina Yearns The attack took toe form of A ®d«® that grrater efforts in the ^ h d ^ ^ ; bread and butter served with HOPAIIKINa 4 Ber cent annually. forcements were quickly called The Republican demand for Sewage Bill en Chemlstruck, 1 Fern St., A noisy mob of almost 1,000 cheese, pep- swatting mosquitos, ' watching Vernon But bringing up the costs is, Rockville; Gsear Chetelat, RFD denunciation of “ How to be a Aetd of safety education, are grinders (salpnl, all meals. Shere was 'no word from the in — as well as air and artillery a Board of Representatives A bill giving Vemon $150,000 ComimuxUst and Socialist youthe I>er8, lettuce) potato chips, plck- the tree lines for enemy and as with the schools, the salaried 1, Manchester; Charles Clark, Good Communist," a 1939 Liu needed, Maple Street School: Monday, praying for enough luck to get PROBLEM! n^allet' trucking companies on strikes. hearing on the budget is still for work on the sewage treat­ tangled traffic Friday; ’They To Be Just a Housewife They learned, for example, lea, cookies; Thursday, pot whether they woidd follow the up in the air since McCusker ment plant has only to pass the Wapplng Wood Rd., Vernon; lecture' issued as a primer for turkey in gravy, buttered rice, i Risley Hit Saturday morning the U.S. Foe fire and police protection scattered leaflets and shouted NEW YORK (AP) — Many much harder,” she says, during a safety assembly roart, mashed potatoes, gra'vy, antim- Tnesdav ICOUNTRY DRUB H iA of TnKking - Emjdoyers House of Representatives next Cynthia Corqish, 63. Goodwin ‘H Oommunists. It. has been re- Four miles from the smoul­ task force numbered perhaps 2,- has not announced his intention including school guards, the rise “ Humphrey go homel Johnson, V ^ e s d a y that 46 children carrots, fruit; Friday, tomato ^ S ] i^ if there is a-strike or a shut to hold one. He was unavailable Thursday, according to Gerald St.; Mrs. Louisa Dupuis, 23 housewives yearn to be glamo- takes work, work, work, vised and reissued a number of dering farm house were more 000 men. They huddled In fox­ was $75,018 to $416,973. hands off Vietnam.*’’ just out­ were killed in traffic accidents ®8» jStoto^hSs. celery ■ dopvn, On Traffic holes and hastily dug bunkers at last night. Allen, state representative. Andof, Rd.' Mrs. Theresa Ed- side the Prime Ministry where xrtisriara. caterina Valentel. a B S T m t J 2 * « ^ ‘'‘or % la^ I Increase In Grants mpnds, 605 Talcottvllle Rd., reflect anti-Moscow views and in 1966-and that this toll was ^ ck s; Wednesday. ravioli, ]& the past, when Hoffa was dawn as a Red mortar and artil­ The budget report more than Yesterday -the Clean Water the vice president was. confer- . naming negotiations, tiu small- On the revenue side of the Rockville; .Arthur Goodalc, Co­ glamorous ,u A who aspire, to .tralght dramatic role.*^7&? “ national” Chinese oomniu- the hlsfhest in 30 years. Vemon Center JuiUor Hiffh beans Italian bread, cole lery barrage rolled over them an inch thick, gave the total budget, kriarpesrincTearrs ^mpleted ring with Italian leaders. be a housewife. Because I have never done tt.” student leaders touring Po- School: Mopday, hamburg pat- __^ cffinlra* er’^ocmpanles fell quickly into At Circle €md passed the Senate. Allen lumbia; Robert Green, 162 Bis- nlsm. Thurs- and the Viet Cong assault came cost of running Vemon next come from the state grants. Hundreds o f Italian police “ If 1 ever should retire, I’ll To Caterina life 'means love Liu’s wife, Wang Kuang-mei, Uce Headquarters were Susan rwith .uni■* Buckley School on Friday The congestlqh at the center the retreat by shelling U.S. fir- of the 1966 Democratic cam- Osborne, Somers; Harry Parks, and milk served with each ^ ^ pj^y ^^^g^ .Doctor Safe- w y m .be legal for Trucking reduction in costs outside school It $126,589. 281 Center St.; Brian Peck, 756 The Italian Communist party .Im ii.r vivaMou. ainirar i-k— YF TS Premier Chou En-Ial. “ Mao aides and crossing guards — was created while Risley was ing positions, was the debt reduction. The The big question mark palgpi platform. organ L’Undta said in a front- Employers Inc. to shut down all N. Main St.; Mrs.. Lea Pouliot, oMi belt out aona* 1> 12 Ian- D l l H I U H S H S R s TC Tae-tung’a tiilnldng” was Its Mrs. Ralph Gutrelch, Mrs. Rog- ““£ n n e r ‘ Road School: Mon- ty’s Quiz.” Dr. Safety, m played first selectman and “resulted “ Latest reports state 1st Bri- principal went. down $130,000 among all th^e figures Is the News of Servicemen ■page editorial today that Presi­ ean belt out aqngs W ran , ____.7^.-. w rt,. tVn'io*n lUwi .TaVnaa TCnlhA Its films if only some are frOm his lack of concern about gade units arc still in pursvilt of 22 Hackmatack St.; ’Timothy slogan, as tf the doctrine were er Doiigkn. Mra Junes Kolbe, day» meat Ioaf» maahed pota- by Mark Ode&» a sixth grade to $546,000. The interest pay­ final cost of teacher salaries. Marine Pvt. Dennis P. Pelle­ dent Johnson's recent state­ guages. She dances and plays II ■«\tck. _ _ the traffic pattern at his com- enemy forces,” the U.S. after- Putnam, Mt. Sumner Dr., Bol­ the flute andI ffUttar She rives Minn. — Autow- more important than toe phyal- Mrs, Jerry Saplenza, Mrs. Ed- toes, corn, Italian bread aittl safety/ patrdl member, asked ments Went down $14,867 to Peter Humphry, Board of Ed­ grini, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ton. ments on Vietnam amounted to J n T w . > In tlcated records of tlmbef wrtves cal presence of toe leader him- win Naschke, Mrs. William PIZZA—SPECIAL" merclal venture,” Humphry as- noon communique added, ward A. Pellegrini of 9 Fox Hill from 60 to 70 $232,283. ucation personnel policies com. Also, ' Mrs. Selma R a s k, a return to the so-called “ brink- nnarTL attacking humafa beings in toe self. Abraltls and Mrs. WiWam Wy- *mtter. conteetanta to answer qpestioiw serted. u.S. Marines reported killing A lai^e item not recurring in mittee chairman, said last night ^ graduated from eigM spHngfield, Mass.; Kathryn manship”. foreign poUcy of the TfoeAdAy. oven fried chicken, SAT. fiUN. ONLT ’The State Traffic Commis- 37 North Vietnamese regulars 1 iij.iiiiiia mnkM m. United States and CanodA are On toe other side were the Be. cviutciiuuaconcerning »u.ovj safety v», on »a bicycle this budget but in last year’s is he has not “figured on” the weeks o^recruU training at the Ro„.,h. Hartford- Mr« la-te John Foster Dulles. j^ermanent Sion made recommendations to Friday in a series of fights bc- f East Hartford; Mrs. virtually unknown. The ‘’gray forces of President Uu and Mrs. Gutrelch, chairman of at home andat schooU Prizes Marme Corps Recruit Depot at «... "The Italian government's dozen•noM toa waar20 television In thia oountrv appear- Rhosta” ' orlgtaaUy ------ranged- _over Teng Hslad-ping, the - party------sec-the me Bowers xwwerB PTA x -m Safety omeiy Com-. \^iu- were given tor wkinera. A Jack- Rlsley about the center while low the demilitarized zone. Four Parris Island, S.C. Rowland, Coventry; guest — Mr. Hubert Humphrey he was first selectman, but the James and Scott Schofield, Tol nns Tiaiv ^ ^ entlTS Continent of North retary-genaral, allied with some mittee, and Miss Catherine ts Unit were killed when a lOSimm how­ Ho will now undergo ftbout — doesn't count for much in Britain, Germany and Italy, and ^ g ^ c . , influential elementa' both in the Shea, retlrad principal of Ver- W eSSSay, chicken noodle major changes were never car­ itzer shell hit the small sampan land; Mrs. Adeline Tedford, 65 turns, out from-four to eig^ soup. e3g. ^anut butter, jelly Pho“ ® LARGE PIZZA Rockefeller, Sharon Percy three weeks of Individual com­ American political life,’’ said L’- ried out, the Democrat said. Walnut St.; Mrs. Marion 'Tuttle, Today, except for a fairly party and the armed forces. But planck School, spoke briefly, they were using to cross a bat training and then, after Unita. “ In fact, he doesn’t' count TCCord albums: or butter sandwiches, cheese Humphry added the plans of 176 Lyness St.; Peter iVal^h, large population in Alaska, the evidently Un Piao, Chou and Miss Sylvia Claflin’s flrst gtigjtg Taking part in the program I Suggested stream. A few minutes later the leave at home, will report to his tor anything, as Is the case with She also tapes — in a West the state given Risley Jn 1963 Wed on Chicago Campus 106 Spruce St.; David Weeks, few remaining wolves in the their alUes feel now they can grade sang an orijginal song T ta ^ a y , roast beef, gravy, were toe toUowlng patrrt howitzers killed eight more. first Marine Corps assignment. every vice president until the Btlnaed Men rage One) wera never brought to the at­ Coventry. Berlin station. In Japanese United States are in the Lake d ^ n d .o n toe bulk rt the anqy written by their teacher en- mashed potatoes, peas, butter members: Joel J ^ t , Janet ANY 4 ITEMS ’ 2.00 The Air Force reported that Airman l.C William J. Volz, watched the couple repeat the moment when one or niore shots dlac Jockey program for a ’ro- gu^ijor region of HlchlgAn leadenUp cadres. titled^ “Safety at Bowers.” tention of the present adminis­ some of the North Vietnamese CHICAGO (AP) — John D. son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Births ybsteri?a y : a sandwiches. Brewer. James Quto, _ ^ a Extend expansion of low- tration, (Jay) Rockefeller IV ^ and wedding vows. The ceremony _ from a carbine kill the president kyo station and writes a syndl- Wisconsin and mkmg the This appears to mean that the Pour pupils, Laura Nadeau, Fridav macaroni and tuna Cyr, Theresa Downing, Debbie Ray’s cook them yourself rtzzas are going Hite nmd. qe housing construction. air force ventured out briefly Volz of Rt. 30. has arrived for ^ ^ cated fashion Ups ortumn. The new Vernon Traffic Au- Friday. Three Soviet-designed Sharon Percy exchanged wed­ omitted'the promise to “obey.” ,. ., ____ wto#,- ____ au, TVvilt*nWiLtl-Tourneau; East WHartford; o • a sonarwti office.” border between Miimesota and Un PiaoOxni forces, behind Darrell Hooey,, Christine , Shea , ' , , notate chibs Allen, Donald BaWneattlUchard The. creation of day-care Two ministers, the Rev. Rob- ^ ^ to Mr. and Mra. Russell' Lord, L’Unita said :U therefore ques- “ In my spare time I am also Canada. A renutant population______the facade of ______“Mao’a thinking,”______and _____ Nell Camptell, ____^___ displayed____ — , ' gHcVg or neanut Livingston, Gary Vincent, Kathy HOT PIZZAS in just 6 to S minutes. We EPndall*® Piority is now in touch with the MIG21S came up west of Hanoi ding vows today and a 72-bell __ _ I.. ...J In .n. .fnlMn.-fnfal /utnltvO *n<1 1wa/1 ttlall- lllliotnil'iul ufnfv COlCry SnCKB, OUllCr Or ^ 6 ______MTS for the children of state and will do what is need­ Glfwtbnbury; a son to Mr. and ‘ ^e “ great importance" taking a correspondence course „ exist In Montau*'and In are striking out for total control, and read their illustrated safety but made no firing passes at carillon tower resounded the In photography,” she said the - - - — - - - - -r------; - butter saiMhriches. Dessert and Morrison, Carol Hubbard Robert iking mothers. ed to straighten out the center, news across the University of Mrs. Tllden McOommas, Willi- the Mono government at- OaUfornla’s ffierra Navada. to be eifforoed by toe army. storiea not only in the best Pizza, Grinders, Shells, Spa­ U.S. planes blasting storage ar­ other evening, resting In her milk are served with each LeBlanc, Kathleen Charleboia, ^ Bicresso of state grants to Humphry announced. and the Rev. E. Spencer Par- mantle; a son to Mr. and Mrs. tached to Humphrey’s visit. The 6th grade speakers were Cindy SterUng, Sue Benton and eas and supply lines in the area. Chicago campus. room after receiving an ovation ghetti in town but also the fastest service anywhere. to $22(^ per pupil. “This is just one of many In­ The vivacious 22-year-old sons, dean of the chapel built by ^ Jam^ Webb, 101 ^uth St, ^ audience with tlje Debra Fewr, Roger Andrulot, ®^' Two U.S. raids hit suon'y and for her opening show in foe East Elementary School: Debbie Pltz. TTte assignment by news- stances where the new govern- bride was given in marriage by a Rockefeller family gift, offi­ Rockville. pontiff, Humphrey was to leave Dairid Holmes, Deborah Hooey, „ , storage points about 37 miles Americana Hotel’s Royal Box. tuna or e g g salad ______- era of aii odMor or reporter her father, Sen. Charles H. Per­ ciated. • ' y' DISCHARGED Y E STER- tor fl'V' Ginsiimer Spending Drops; Alleen Magnuson, Susan • human riahte news has had to fape problems Cisterlna absorbed her man;^ aandwlcbes and tomato . or . ,e- oiunan ngms nw s. were swept imder the rug cy, R-Ill., during a 16-minute Invitations to the event were DAY: Kafhy, George and Wil- r®“®®- where Communists in th* Krantz, WUU'ain Scussel, Dante The plane that, went down was languages as a child while trav­ chicken ndo^e. soup, cupcake; rr Ftormatlon of . ,a “ task for years,” Humphry said. double-ring ceremony in the highly prized, but Oiicagoans Vernon ham Harrimon, Norfolk, N.Y.; guve... Gates, David Malinowski, Susan an Aliv Force F106 - eling with her Italian mother, Buying Less on Installment OPEN SUNDAYS loHe” to. 4r»w up a procedure Gothic Rockefeller Memorial who cduldn’t wangle one could Mrs. Mae Wright, 12 Battiste nounced they will boycott a qiv-, HltiT M ch ^ 'M lttoeiT David foljtralnlQg; teacl^s for poverty chief. ^Ihe pilot was picked up ic reception :p - Maria Valeirte, i^ne.of Europe’s GSowackl, Dwight Petersen, ^ ^ te nrora the jungles by a helicop­ Chapel. watch the ceremony on color Rd.; Walter Doyle, Hebron; ''' • '' NEW YORK AP —Oauttous Miami, B3a., area reported cred- yB A.M. 8 P.M. 643-0031 130 SPRUCE ST. ^ 643-0081 oin urt>w bommunities and a More than 1,200 guests television tonight. Dawn Miller, Brookfield Rd., A group of Florentine writera . top eomedlennes. Steven Hadge, Robert Kudra, itato legislative session ter. McG>y Finds and artists posted aji “I bad to leahi several Ian' ednsumera are spending less jj Victor Demko, Dennis Roussey. 16 to Face It was the 499th U.S. plane Boltpn; Albert Bray, Coventry; MANY IMITATE BUT NONE DUPLICATE it the recommenda- to the vice president calU"g for. guages Just to be able to talk to freriy than a year Ago, cutting ^ w M o n t T t o e ^ i ^ a g . Bo««iieBonnie Wlghtman, Bambi balls, bread rend batter or c ^ c e . PINE PHARMACY downed in the North. The U.S. Mrs. Ellen Ouellette, 159 Bolton of several spups, ,ring-ding; an immediate end of. the U.S. ! 664 Oentor 8L • 6M-9814 spokesman said that 162 U.S. Fireh ou ses Rd;, Vernon;deorge FTavell, 163 the playmAtes 1 met In the bade on. wpenslve IteM and, gr of a stoii m ainly^ Crawford, Anna Shemanskls Thursday, hot dog in roll.- or ^ Convening another con- bombing of North .Vic n m and . Game Charge planes have been downed by S. Main S t; Mrs. Mary Oflara, countries we tra'veled through,” trimming credit purdiaaes. impiflse Items said he saw In- „ ' leMbioe “ as .soon as possible’* Networks Strike 87 Santina Dr;; Mrs. Emily Rak, inclusion of Viet Cong in any .. (Conttnued from Page One) hostile fire In the South 606 oth­ T .u. I. • r w u T retoctance to spend was dioations rt foe housewives’/boy- to ...deoT exclusively wttti hous­ ‘^Inadequate’ Wewt Hartford; Mrs. Anna. Bi- peace negotiations, T ^ y I think to B^nch, I jgyealed In an Associated Press cotta over high food prices last ing. prohleiins, ers were “operational losses.” Humphrey, an Italian spokes- ments and what they called a In addition the United. States “ Gross inadequacies candella, 59 Holl St.; Mrs. Kath- ©wmt to FrMch. I srtear in ^ & « showing up. In a tftnd to- “ “ INSTALL sald, told Piamier Aldo- TWi I vole Oasif Wins nan/lsi tolMA E4. * program. . “ gam.bling bank.” has lost 456 heUcopters In the Under Mediation Rockville firehouses ’ were ^ A” ^ver; Carl Sm.!th, French. But my hands are Al- 'igg. orerd bargain buytog. Announcement of the raids charged to the ^ o c r a t i c ad- Er-. Wapplng; Mrs. . Mori) and Foreign Minister Am- wayA ApeaW^ In ,) ^ a n , and Gbmmorce Department “The buyer today is more ae- d p v e a t r y South and five in the North. came only a fibw hours after The U.S. Navy reported (Oontlnued frptn Page One) >«, repoitofi iMd .week that retap foctive. He gives more thought Basie Tickets narcotics raids in New Haven within the union, not out in the McOoy,McOov. RepublicanRenubllc^ Lndid«i*candidate Wapping; Mra. Catherine* Pla". «> en^rgement otthe con- that the destroyer Waddell was HunUey’s claim that he was t o ^ ^ S e ^ ; " • “ “ Purchaaes.” .-igreed j Driver Issued and Faljrfield counties by feder-^^gaged in a rare nighttime public. I think the time to com- for the Board of Representa- Devon Dr.; Mrs,! ^®t. but neither wiU we with- supporting Huntley’s move- Sold at D o o f e l , agents and local police—also ^rith North Vietnamese plain is phst. I think If you don’t tivea from District Two. Ruth Spencer, lAiurel Manor wo . ment. Humphrey, the , spokesman., SIDING |T Warnings after previous undercover wo^k. gunners- Friday nighC like the army you get out before McCoy noted the DemocraUd m Walter Grohkite, Huntley’s The appearance date o f ' Chargee of poUcy - playing ^he Waddell was not M t the the battle starts. Since I am of leaders stated recMitly ja, site'- ^ ’ ^ said, gave . Moro two boo’^leta' Count Basle at Manchester counterpart at CBS, has hon- outUhing Vietnam peace efforta. - guage. W m il It. Parribh, 39, of 87 were involved in the arrests. Navy said. this opinion, I am. In favor of the was being sought for a new R®3*«^ *W.i Rockville;. . Mrs. u . People e»e fotaklng harder ijjgh school Is coming close T w ott Ave-, Rockville was is- One of the persons axradgned,^ ___ ^ ored the picket line and stayed strike.’’ . firehouse in the city. Repass, Andover; Joseph and the U.S. program .for social ~ weQ — has Ua yetUs. Once in “ Retane».«re wrtto« off toe before buying Ug ticket items,” i^id ticketa^are selUng well, ac- two written warnings y e s - John____ Granfield of West Haven, off the air. Cronkite, who has a ABC commentator Howard K. “ As of this date no site pro- Wnuk, 31 Chestnut St'., Rock- development in Vietnam* , . ^ Mexico Gfty I noticed I was get- flrstret six niontiuniontos rt 1967 and hop;hop- arid------a spokesman_ for J. W. Ro^ cording to Norman Ptadell, pUb- cold, said he would be on , the tthg 'very UtUe reaction from an tsjpday morning as a fesidt of a was ch^itjed wjth breach Smith said .Huntley also had posal” has been put forth, he ville; Leo Diana,'140 Benton lug foa good back to school aM insoo’s deportment store In i^^ty chairman for toe» Count India’e. Income Down picket line next week. audience. Then I discovered foe e^^Sh with a parked car on Rt. g i jjig p^^ce after'he allegedly phoned him and he refused to go said. St.; Dennis Moris,. 34 Griffin Omttrtmaa burinoss," said ifowntown Los Angeles, Basle Show. Cronkite disagreed ’with Hunt- . reason: for 20 minutes I bad Coventry police reported to- took a punch at two press photo- NUiw DELHI —India’s natlon- McCoy said the firehouses in Rd.; Mrs. Victoria Smith, 24 In Caiarles A. Wetioi, retallhig an- In^ Kansas Ctty, dark Per- Proceeds from toe perform- rose ley’s position. He satd Huntley STANDABD ^ , graphera outside the courtroom- al Income in real teim^ ----- The jouujoint tuuimuiucmciiiiannouncement by uj, District wucOne cuoare 'old, w>u, murun vuwn,down, Bigelow St.; Mrs. Sheila' Gal­ About Toiim: «ly»t for Paine. Webber, Jack- rrt, FTOup manager rt J.' C. ance will be used, to operate toe le was wanjod for drivhig . ------— ,— ' 2.6 per cent in 1961-62, 1.9 per telephoned him and Mutual and the union said their questionably located and, gen- lagher, Tolland; - W i 11 1 a in The Mfw offlcera o t Charter wmn son and Ourtfs, a brokerage Pcomey Co. rtores, reported Bunco Center for pre-schol re- 6-ROOM CAPE drinking,. .and failure . t o cent in 1962-63, 8 per cent in statement of renupt^Uon of related to the erally inadequate tor the needs Schenetsky, 114 Grove Oaterina. ta Eric ^ HtOe change In television and tardatea and toe Manchester St., Oak Lodge and Ben Elzra Chap- (30 x 34) I to the left o f s parkef^ veb- Strike Averted, 1963-64 and 7.7 per cent in 1964- AFTI^. » one existing between AFTRA of Oie fire department and the RockvUle; Mrs. Eileen Carson,'‘tar of B’nai B’ritii will be ln« He btajned consumer uncer- radio sales, but a 10 per cent Bheltered Workrifop. e, police said. .' 66. But in 1966-M there a I “ ’ll® and the other networks. MutuaL resident’ * ot the old city and 77 Bigelow St.; Elizabeth Car- stalled ait 7 p.m. tomorrow «C *•***« refrigerator and wash- .gome tickets wlU be sold at p h u j said the oaf he wae drivr Milk Delivered 8.7 per cent decline, mainly be- said CronWte, but P^P®' aoes not own nor operate sta- the whole town, ter. 77 Malp St.; Eldon Chad- Hijlel Houae, on the Unlvetaity . te M poeslbUlties rt a tax noiease tag maoMne sales toe past two thy door,-PendeB said. *688.00 turn struck aii uiioccupied .ptirit* cause of severe drought. forum ...to air-.<» these .cpMijla »Atnniaint> n ih . other networks. He noted the increasing’ pop- burn, - East Hartford; lUohard' of CooneoUcut campiis, StenrhB. strikea this year. mM*ths.' Count Basle and his 14-pIece other Size# Proportionally Priced ^ car owned by .Mary L, Sufr, /rwRjT>ranpniRT. (AP) _ boor- It has 623 afflliatod stations. uletion sof the area and more Mlkolelt, 336 Lydall St; Mrs. The tnstalliing officer will ha. - ai^tment to u i g ^ , Increase, “ January and February were band win apear next Thursday a ^ r t frata ^ H toe war to Vletnwn ceases tougbi” aald John Whiteman, as- jtx 8 p.m. at toe high school NO MONEY DOWN ■ i of 164 Bentop St., ManchM- t were, -towed, they mopts avwrted a strike threaten- T h e newsmen at-e .seeking a hulldingb arc needed, he salrf, Lyme; Mrs. Bevei;!;/ ffllyer, Zl The Klwanls Club of'Manchelsk^^': fidenee around by Christoilta,” Oty, OWe. “ For a whUe money ;;;S’heldontobutnowlt»eemi ' ed tor Fridayvatwmidnight. base salary of $326 a week,'and McCoy Said, 'T have yet t o 'Froicwr Rd,';. Mra. S ix ^ 't ^ t ^ j.'ter 'will meet'Tuesday tM>on''at N-Plavts Growing ’ Fontaine,; SJ., of .Wind- Tjjg accord with' milk dealers half of the first $660 in oommer- hear M any plan’’ made to an- and son, 6. Constance Djr.'; Mire. ' U)e Manchester. ,Oount«y (Sub,-, ofte Ofl^, but staying there is yjg gharper it to be loosef." Lihtiis \'V w w dbaiged pt; 1:10 ahn. was reached by Teamsters \/ ,.,f.', oial fees paid by sponsors.;Fees swer the future fire proteetton Bertha Lanagan and .dei'i^hter, Robert Weiss, tbwn manager,. iwlUwiU go up when ftit hoes;” does;” ,■ . ’ ' to washtogecn.Washtagtan, merenarasmerchants ©Aft RIDOB, Tenn. —By 1970 The first signs - of oaoeem also reported shoppers , were ^ e r ic a n nwilear elactrfo gm- adth apeedinf, Coventry j^cala 146 in Bridgeport and 677 (Oontinned trpm FMfo One) aiboVe tljis level would be r,e-'i needs^of the'town. West WiUin^on; Mrs. Patricia will sj^ak about t&e'town bud^ ’ in Waterbuty, Just boura before tor softening and Shelving some talned 100 per cent by the local The flfehouse In District Typ Dilfonato ahd daughter, 66 et. atiov^ up last foB. Ourlstinas spending more frerty now than e « ^ plants wlB .Iw applying ^ the midnight deadline set by panel and othisr interior porta at of the" 23 standArdsi jori^ally newscasters. ' may also need repiaelng,when Leifox 'St.; Mrs. Sidney. OlfttflE YIWR ta to s frt * record, T «t dlaajp- durtng toe CSSriataas sea»m., “ toproduced FonUiiia Js f^eduled to ^nlon. great dlfiloulty And ^epense, the propdaSd. ■The networlarhave offered a the expulsion of Rt. 16 Is made, Hutchins and son, 63 dale; S t: Manchester ^ ta ry .dub Wn p S toh d lL m e n fo a i^ ^ foe re- ^ In Manchester Circuit The three-year pact affecting suit said. \ L ^ ^ K Bridwelly wider- $800 a week base, arid 18 per he said.' * MW- Olorla MAllbtieK son,’ meet Tuesday at 6 ;30 p.m. *at hard SAOde -ha^ -been pordeu- taittng anolyrtr Slid: . w g ^ . syrtem rt Swwlen or . r 13 April,34. Bridgeport, Norwalk, Waterbury Chrysler said it wouldn’t be aeefetaty of commerce for cent of the commercial fee dur- “ Now ta tlm lime to plan for 73 Milford B d.:' Mhi. Shirley Manchbater Country Ouh. Bl­ larly atow. ’ • - -“AotuaBy fois yegr 1^ loolta ./ ond Duibiiry was approved by able to comply wlOi' all the pro- trahi^rtatlon, had agreed, ing the first 18 months of a adequate lira protection to the Grant and satk«H SulUvwt. fttow” wm ra ram™ ^ Batilhlay Of - “ - * 'A ppoduoeta. tito «C fiw todnatry. aiia othera thsjylUtol'ira too tough. fUs weekend. ntohth. . -r. • -e ' • 5 i it” ^ ■ f'^yi'-. Ta t ‘•%r.


M i^<3JE^1®R"BVEa4lNG ttfeuXL^,'lllATSi'dSjB^ SATOTPAy, I AilfTmtUemsoT • - -•--* - - -— I AdVjbrttMnrai ' “N’ ■ ■ VX'-. / ■’|~dj(N9rtl8iiwiit.j :2,1? [ '' ' ' ttAdvsrimsiiaHrii Aitesiysswiiiri AdtertlMinent I Advertisement

19Et4 w fllipa8ll^lEVBNX?R t o w n o f MANCHESTER. ■ L -4 ■> r r ■' iV . CoUitoted Estimated m. RBVBmm.NqE^^-.; Collected 1906-07 1964-66 \ 1968-66 > i i i i r y ^ - 8 < w n l o t fi^ c t o in . 'T- "NON-BDUOATJONAL >;i^UROI!8'^ "-f V ' P.m. V .• ■■■ y -B % X h i ^ a s e jm O M : R. B. Weiss, (Sfmeral M fn s«er ^ I PROPBRIfY TAXEEF^ % ' : I : D ecrease*^ y ~6,23i;i86 "7,682,689"“ 8,688,i f r : “ Tax Levy fos Oqfiee|^eer_. '6,908,566' ^7;286,646 '7,686.689" 1 ?r.'f7a 5.e 69 ■ t'"73 9,m ' , . '-.l» 16,956' 80,000“ ^ 85,000 l^nUEiCT: 3tot«tlve Budget nad Budget Message Tlscal Year Begtnniog July 1 ,1#67. Tax Levy of Prior-t'eplhij,. ' . . “ 60,505' ” 80,766“ " 39,0b0' 1 , 0 ^ 7 6 6 4 “ “ 1,160,171 7,120' — 10,000^ 10,000- L ______■" Interest and lien Eilis -v^ ' ; ' . 17,878' '“ 1 8 fi8 l“ ' 8,000' 5 4 3 . 9 6 4 “ "■“ “ “ 667.924 5 8 , 9 4 0 March 23,1967 “ 6,264,261' "7,672.689“ "a728,a07 - ■ ■ ^ TOTAP' "6,911,474 ■ 7,800,088 "7379,689' B eN th iD fti-W M Iire . " " ■ 108,275 1 1 1 , 6 8 8 , "■'-■ ■ *3.41 8 ■ ■ ' A l - ' ~n FINES, UCBNSBS AND PBR>aTS~ " 80,000 ' R eonatloa and.P arks , 2 6 7 , 9 7 6 8 0 9 , 7 0 6 6 1 , 7 3 0 2 0 . 0 "81,000" 12,706 "81,000" ~ Fees—Town Cleric' ‘ 29,263' ' 81,696" " 86,000" . U b r a r y : ; y . 1 9 0 , 0 0 0 2 0 0 . 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 6 6 . 2 ^ER80!NMEL ’ 404)00" 16,047' "87,000" “ Fees—Building Inflection ~ 48,882' "84,068' “ 2,000" D ebt Service 1 , 0 4 0 , 7 0 0 1 . 0 Q 6 A 8 6 ( 4 2 , 4 0 4 1 ( 4 f l ) " 2,000" 681' “ 2,000" The reiieral Inflationary .pressures Oiat are so evident In our tadivldual ~F ees^ H ealth ^ '' . ~ " 1,968' 1,897 ■ J l ■“ OiOOO" P e n s i o n s ' . 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 6 9 . 5 2 0 3 0 i l 3 9 8 1 , 3 ^ hold w d^te are apparent also in,the Town budget ^ P*"^?*****®” 2,406 ■^6,000" FeeiiH-PollCe "■ 6,687' ""6 .6 8 6 ' “ 6.000' ■“ 4,600' T otal excluding E ducation . has been made to balance requests for additional sewice with the Yovm s ®'’****J 4,600" "■2,03*7' “ 4,500" 8 2 3 I L 9 6 7 We have also been^mlndful of the need to maintain our ®Flartea^and w ^es ^ ^ w ls 'Fines—Non-Moving Violations_ 4,646 ■“ 6.682 ' “ 77,500" and C apital Im ppovem ente 9 4 , 0 7 9 , 8 4 3 8 4 . 3 ^ , 8 1 6 3 . 9 "8 8 3 0 0 ' "83,877' "80,600" that are fair both to the eimploye and the taxpayer. If we are twiwrult and ■ TOTAL ___ 86, 221' ■ 79,716 ■ E d u c a t i o n 6 , 7 3 2 , 9 0 1 * 6 , 8 0 6 , 8 0 0 5 4 8 , 8 9 9 9 , 4 . twiin VITAMIN B-1 oompetent personnel for the Town, our salaries and wages must remain compeUtive. ■ HI FROM CURRENT SERVICES . C apital Im provem ents 0 0 , 7 0 3 ” 8 2 5 , 0 0 0 , 2 3 4 , 2 9 2 2 6 8 . 3 .NMOIWCIN i f o r h U "26,004" "47.000" 45.000 MASALSPRAY Cemetery—Ordinary Income > " 42,136 ■ ‘ 40,700' “ 46300 O rand Total 1 9 . 0 3 2 , 9 5 7 810.994,115 "“'^31,061,158 1 0 . 3 -2 h r f.» In past years it was possible for municipal salanr levels to be l w » than In prlvaU “ 4,179' “ 9,000" “ 9.000" S business because of greater job security and fi^ p benefiU in public ^ploiTOCTt " 9,209 ' ■ 9,217' “ 10,000' .. ■ libraries H_i__ ■"6,198* "17,000" “ 12,000" *Do68 hot Include Pedera] Orahtt |197,0lS iin squMzc bottle advantage no longer exista In fact, in many instances the private t^tor far surpasses ' Police—Special Services . * 8,182' " 11.922' “ iR o o o ' ■"4,712' "13,000* “ 10,000 Jgri.w2fcrlJ0 the 'public In frin^ benefits as well as salaries. ^ ‘ Recreation ' “ 14,466 ‘ 10.976 ■ " 15,000" “ 3,859' "14,108" “ 26,478 In addiUon to being mindful of salaries pal^ In private employmmt, municipal m - " Rental and Leases ' ______~ 25,711 ■ " 17,848 ■ " 18,600' 7le MUX 9T MMHESIA, RniH plaln.or Hsvorto^^ ^ 2.50 Heneese Ctssa, 2% orl e I f * 687 ' ■“ ,1,400' 1,'400" ployes are well aware of salaries earned by others in public emplojjm^t. To be specific, ■■ Welfare Clients 3,867' “ 4,062 3.O00 ' 12 CT, ’ ^ -— ------,100' 100" our general employes ask why they are not able to receive sala^ Increases comparable * Relmb.—Other Towns—Welfare 6 4 ' 100' SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES AN D PROPOSED BUDGET BY FUNCTION— (GENERAL FU N D . n s MQTU C im ttS , Rexill. Pound— .------2 w •"* to thosb received by the teacher. ■*“ 1,600' “ “ 1,600" •fc KOOORANT, R5BALL Km li, '‘ Planning and Zoning 1,577 ■ "“ 1,200' r Budget Average lie OUnMBIT.ReMlI.TriOilte. tripli , , , , ^ 700' “ “ 70O' 66-67 Home These thoughts have certainly been a factor In negotiating wdth Tovra labor or- “ Planning Commission . __ 9 8 ' 200' sntRiiotlq. V* ------— * « « ean fer a t nniaation. hi the recommended budget, salaries have been adjusted to equitable levels 200' 410' 800" ' r u N cr io N 1964-65 1966-66 Aa Of Recomm. Ownem 2J I P9initUSI0U;"R«*tl. P in t------2 3.W * Walks and Curbs 913' 6,486" Actual Actual 12-31-66 1967-68 Coet which means an increase of approximately 5% in most cases. The position classification — f — ■ 6,660' 4,293' 0 71c R U IIW I ALCOHOL. Rcxsll Hrst QusHty. and pay plan has been reviewed and adjusted where required to maintain equity. Civil Defense—Recurring Chargee" "456 “ 112,908" ■ ' 6480,336 ’ 5,442,972 6,liS3,Hl' 6,806,800 • > 809.96 : 2.._...... —.a fer 105,860' "45,472' '108,611' ilducation* Pint TdTA L ' ‘ 106,668 96,687 ■ 1 The Town will pay for the full coat of C.M.S. insurance for the Individual employe Debt Servlee n e V iT A M m l:12TAILnS. 2 fer U g ' FV STATE OF CONNECnCUY •. 336,428“ 971,2lJ"^ 961,511 911,361 . 44.82 J. (conmued with %rds and cost now) and 100% of the cost for the employe and depend­ Education Connected , lOffi’ *— ------151 ents for major medical Insurance compared with paying only for the employe “ ASSISTANCE ______’ 18,220" 18,800 AU Other ■ ' 11A772 . 96421 ■ 94,279 92,035- y 442 28e jw 76c ADHESIVE TAPE. Retell. 16,399' 18,653" ‘ 18,220 ter a i te 2 fer .71 Box Of 20 Paekelj.._„.. provement in the Group Life Program provides for the Town to pay for the first 5 3 ,^ Welfare " 2,106' “ 2,105' General Admlnistmtion -829,8m 440,691 ■ ” "498.169 537,611, 25.92 Verlool' r i a l .— ...... •— •jg 2 f p .66 of insurance compared with 21,000 now and provides for Increased limits to 215.000 ‘ 2,600 ■ 7,989' “ 2,105 ■ Library Support “ 1,590' 1,660" PuhUc W orks 387,492 868,588 383,484 481,170 V 9L17 OD a shared basis. 1,583 1,590' 1,590 RtxaB Resell V IT A M IN C ReseHALCO-RiX ‘ Highway Street Lighting" " 21,995" 882,697 . 428,560 435,162 454,840 3240 'Rm.HPANOVin ‘ ~ Atcerlik AcM TehM* '2 8 ,1 8 2 j ‘ 21,915_ 4,'092 ‘ 21.916J 'Highways SACCHARIN Rubbing Alcohol ■ TOTAL '20,582' “ nft6,7fflr~ , ^ .1 4 6 344,018 274,181 1840 MULTI-VITAMINS Bottles of 100 each. t Garbage Collection and nspoHal. iec'«iSte,>-w2for2.99 TABLETS 1.1a looHiif__« „ 2 fp ije eini R tf. O ft 2 fe r « 6 0 ‘ V FROM O’THER AGENCIES . ___ 11,600 500,278 548,984 607,924 1^.81 , Bottles of 1000 each. .77 50« f____2 Mr .71 10.412 ‘ ‘ il,0 0 0 "" 6,316' ' 11,000' “ Protection 461,717 - Sit, 4je , wnii MiiNfiitt, BEOBOANDSATION Water Dept Fund Reimbursement___ '11.600' “ ' ^7,975 309,706 lS3T“ I “ loo’e— J hf Lee W p. R*c- 9lc~.2t»r .M 2.U 2S0-mt--- ...2 Mr 2JI ‘ 11,000 ‘ 11,000' Reicniation and Pariu 21».a H “ 280,738 I 2JI, ChtwabMi. V4 p . R(|. 1.20...2 Mr 1.M 4.71 SOO-mi__ „..2Mr4JI SUPPORT NYLONS Sewer Dept. Fund Reimbursement___ 10.412 ■ 5 5 3 - 1 p. Rtf. i.e«„2firi.ra - . .^ ’’ShMr CMiMrt”, ttaiMS The recent aimouncement by Mr. Horace Murphey, Superintendent at Parka and " 6,660 " 6,500 “ 5,800' library 169^969 188,450 . 190,000 300,000 tv»^------afw iM a.ia lOOmf CHCWABIES Recreation of his intention to retire at the end of the present fiscal year has led to a Fire District Reimbursement __ " 5,210' 250'i ...... 2 M rl2i ertttmMis. ■ e 800' “ 10,715' Health and Welfare ...... 87,116 ■ 92,147 108,375 111,688 5,46’' SU.'., UnMm’ M U FO IO S 4.fs 2 N n.4.96 review of the Park and RecrcaUon operation. It is our opinion that the Recreation Dog License Fund Reimbursement _ 7 6 1 ' 800 WRinNG PAPER 1,200" '“ 1,400* Capital Rnprovements , V 164,034 171,317 90,708 826,000 1646 - ItatlMr. activity and the Park activity should be separated. The Recreation Department Is con­ Special Taxing District Fund Relmb._ 1.125' 1,200 sh - T.fs !• In- i-te riM duality rtfalir or cerned with people and the Park Department is concerned lylth physical development " 10,900' "10,000" ; ' 826,589 818407 872,6^ 431439 * ^2l4o Cemetery Trust Fund Earnings______8,912' "10,900 Miscellaneous 2fer1.99f.2for3.99 Rtg. fit 2 fe r .9 9 and matatenance. 170' 170' - , ■ 8432,035 9,488,963 9.982,957 iO,994,115 6i o M " Town Deposit Fund Earnings ______131' 170 Rtxell Rtxelt s t a t io n e r y ' 660 470' Heir. _ _ Rtxell TrieM AclMfl GLYCERIN C M e t of 4 siyitt. The budget as presented provides for this separation and as a further step the Library Trust Fund Earnings 465' 650 SMliee OIL GOUOli SYRUP Sedlti*, RIMm* 170 200' ^Does not incHide F^ed-» 2for.40fo2foe2.9G ~ Performance Bond Interest 100 2 f e r 1 . 2 6 2 for 1.20 “ * 2 fe r .5 4 ‘ 48,790 "66,465" DATA FBOCIBSSIKO TOTAL ______39,537J ‘ 41,730 '43,790' ‘ 12,258' W e S f ® ‘ •VI OTHER REVENUES ______. It has become evident In recent years that the Town would be well advised to 84.708 "82fi00" . electronic data processing procedures to improve Information handling when­ Interest on Investments ______'67 ,7 61 ' "7 9 ,2 1 8 ' 84.708 ‘ 61.618' TOW N OF M AN CriESTBR -SCH ED U LE O F EXPEN DITURES AN D STATISTICS 195S-56-^ 9 6 7 - 6 8 .W N n HOT ------far ‘ 130,000 *89,000' 1 4 2 ever feasible. Last year a general feasibility study was made investirating a 3-5 year Miscellaneous 77,638 ' 106,969 " 80,851' ' 30,019 1955-55 1 1960-61 1905-05 1 1955-67 (Bst) 1907-08 (Rec) 2 fo r .5 0 plan of action for utilizing this modem technology. The initial groundwork for the pro­ ‘ 10,324 ' Sale of q^own Owned Land "100,000' ‘ 10,324' ■ ■ ■ " 4,285,747 7,044,443 9,536,281. I 9,932.957(2) 10,094.115 gram was set during the spring of.1966. The Data Processing Advisory Committee ap- ~172,4002 ■ 'Petiril Gen. Fund. Exp. _ 185,177 ‘ 265,359' ■ 91,961 ■ "226,032 635,139 594,668 1,061,158 ■ I poiiited by the Board of Directors has been assisting the Town and School administra- ■ TOTAL _ 145.399 ■^Amt ln«r. over prev. year 451,421 680,967 1 jie CWld'*-^’ * '’* uon in bow best to tsdee advantage of this equipment. TOTAL NON-EDUCATIONAL 114 9.5 7,7 1 6 . 2 104 I 6,442,421 8,152,287 9,167,865 “ Peroentace Incr. over prev. year HAIR a m m :------* •“ RELATED SOURCES 7fi79,881 7,731,377 8,199,963 ' This budget reflects a continuance of the long range program to develop a com­ “ Gen. rihid Exp. (Excluding R i n t l c puterized fully integrated data processing system. Utility billing, payroll, and personnel EDUCATIONAL RELATED SOURCES “ Debt Service t t EducaUon) ■ 1,492.044 2,128.823 2,920,075 3,124.266 8,683,929 PUSHIIGHT J^t^WlthS-Wty are the initial applications. These programs will be operational early in the new fiscal HI CintRENT SERVICES______"A m t incr. ever prev. year r , : ■■44.484 ■ 80,697 99,870 204,191 659,663 <9* b 1 .« RUOR W A o S ^ g E r;------** 91,064 '6 8 ,8 3 8 ' ‘ 26,800' 261,892" year. ~ Board of Education . ______"■pereentage Incr. over prev. year 8.1 5.4 3.6 6.9 17.9 Community College______■ 103.072 2 fer . 70 1 4N rniRrar-eir'i'a)^ S; A service bureau will continue during next year to process the Tax Assessor’s In- “ Debt Service 6 t 4 , W " - ' 1,087,240 1,067,734 1,045,790 1.00A386 194,136 '6 8 ,3 3 8 ' ‘ 26,800' '61 ;3 98 ' formatiem and prepare the Grand Ust and tax bills. The Town Clerk’s records will be ~ TOTAL ______“ Percentage o f General Fund Budget ■ ' . 15.7 15.4 U . 1 10.5 9.1 reindeKed and updated over a three year period. Both applications will be computerized ■ rV STATE OF CONNECTICUT______6,547,472 5,762,901(2) “ Seh^ Budget 2,117,840 3,883,880 6,806,800 and integrated when feasible with the Town system. ' a s s i s t a n c e ___ “ 1,866,160 Am t iner. everprev. year " ; 221,577 401,768 470,632 412A41 543,899 Educational Grant—Operation __ 1,157,013 "1,363,367' ‘ 1,339,770' "620,627" ‘ 1,376,351' SeveriU routine day-to-day operations, especially In the areas of water/sewer bill­ - » 196,000' “ Percentsf* Ijw- «v«r prev. year 11.9 11.7 9.2 7.4 9.4 ing and payroll personnel, will no longer require manual preparation. As a result, some Educational Grant—New ■ ■ A428"" 9,873 9,980 , 9,800 9,800 196,460 43,580' 210,000' 210,0 0 0 ' “ School PoptfiaUon (ADM)'' personnel adjustments will he made, but no employe will be released. Several personnel “ ^ Educational Grant—Construction “ 167,627 207,553 232 21 260 (180) u ^ areas affected will be giveii the opportunity to perform new duties. ‘ 1,686.851' '1,772,150' “ Amt incr. ever prev. year * - -- ■ TOTAL 1,324,640 ‘ 1,670,920' ‘ 1,586,230' '684,107' (1.8) Percentage incr. over prev. year , ■ 2 4 “ | . 2 2 . 6 299 EAST CENTER S’lFREET— TEL^ 649-0896 We plan to select employes familiar with the data and processes to be automated _V OTHER AGENCIES 92,994,649"n 147,796,240 •171,945,048 180,406,940 219,275,414 ‘ 39,992' 215.9972 '86,992' “ Net Taxable Grand'tiet for training aa technicians to operate key punch equipment. This training will be con­ ~ Operation Head Start 29,689' 14.343.8!19“ ’ 4,260,OST“ 6,500.807 A461,001 8A868.465 ducted by the manufacturer of B.D.P. eqi^ment at no expense to the Town. In ad­ “ 7,760- Am t taerf over prev. year EO.A. Neighborhood Youth Corps. 21,540' 18.2 246 ■ 3.3 4.9 21.5, dition, We are in the process Of selecting a ;^6grammer to develop programs and super- "149,884" ‘ 167,020' "*74,069' "167,020" Percentage Incr. over prev. year yise their operation at the data center. The programmer will be responsible to the De­ Various—Federal Grants ______36.0 86.9 42.6 42.6 40.0 ' 201,113 ' 204,762 ‘ 90,066' '167,012' " T t a Rate ( i n M ills) (1) velopment Coordinator for this function. TOTAL ______"incr. over prev. year ' ^ —4 ,9 . 6 — (2.6) TOTAL EDUCA'nONAL______"Percentage incr. ever prev.'yesT; /. 3-5 : ■ ■■--.l^'l ( 6 . 1 ) The Manchester Community College will be the recipient of a computer which will '1,618,776 "1,830,371 1,767,792 663,408 1,884,756 1,826,650 be located at the Board o f Bducation -Ctffic& The town and Board will share the use o f RELATED SOURCES -f t . fn^p. inipr. (BOeerve £ ^ d ) -68 Collected Coneoted employe in the Collector of Revenue’s Office. r e v e n u e SOURCE Estimate A s Of Fun T ear Sastlmate "NON-EDUCA'nONAL RELATED 1 ' 1- . ^ - 6 5 1965-66 1966-67 12-31-66 i006-67 1967-68 31,660 "Board of Directors 28,315 35,400 18,145 35,400 409,743 230,373 417,944 ■ 75,13H * 75,139 Revenue and TTae of Surphu 383.276 . 428,021 401,431 "General Manager 66,845 69,614 ■"89,919 69,614 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT V 4f),461 49,461 "Controller 52,347 66,771 " 27.908 55.771 ■ - -k- Budgeted Expended D ept Manager's 33,103 Expended... Estimated ' Anyone who has become familiar with the problems facing Manchester la aware Elections 27.561 31,165 21,921 .30,804 expenditures A, Ae Of. 1st 6 . mos. Request Recomm. 63,554 1965-66 12-31-66 1966-87 1966-67 1937-68 1967-63 of the need for a Comprehensive Capital Improvement Program. lEbccept for the " Assessment 54,227 60.185 27,888 60,108 I t I ^ oonatniction of new schools, as the need has become evident, the Town has lagged 42.300 ■ 42,162 - 43,800 20|650 20,650 209,246 226,052 il4 ,M 0 240,600 273,427 . , 272,427 * ■ j. « in keeping its physical plant up-to-date. While this is perhaps most obvioiu in the " Revaluation ' 35.000 Operating Bitoendituree t ' 17,201 36,380 42,313 39,348 ; , area of older school building maintenance, it is true also, for roads and drainage. Town " Collector of Revenue 36,184 38,518 67,138 31,188 67,188 65,853 65,353 5tf,445 57,795 Debt Servloe 68,423 building maintenance, park improvements, cemetery developments and sewer improve­ "Town Clerk 32,371 45,507 17,160 46,017 ment programs to mention only a. fivr. problems. 19,057 18,718 . . 33,664 34,553 17,276 34,553 4,664 4,664 "T reasurer 16,565 17,785 ■ ' 9,411 17,967 ~Trahifer-to Roeeive Fund 34,826 .The unpopularity of the suggested bond issue for Capital Improvements has led "Planning and Zoning 30,427 24.673— i4 ,2 is 25,500 34.826 65946 njow 21,3;» 40,000' 75,060 75,000 54,735 ' Capital Improvement me to Include a fairly large sum of money in this budget for the initiation of a Capital " Town Counsel 56,854 44.659 K.095 .. 63459 ' 331.278 402,743 183,929 382,390 417,944 417,944 improvement Program. This Is outlined in detail in the final pages of the budget Welfare . - 60,577 • 61.049 27,979 60,29V 62,815 TOTAL document , - - 52,421 52,421 “ General Services > 22,668 7.052 21,343 49,552 "Municipal Building 40,441 36,690 12,396 35,891 49,552 "PUBUC WORKS - ...... ' REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES— SEW ER FUND 3 BEVENUES Am> mcOME 21.417 • 43.651 48|13S 48,138 ~ Building Inspection 43.122 45.961 Manager s 81,650- 1 70,270 . Budget co lie cu a usom aiea Due to a very tightly drawn budget for the present fiscal year, we do not expect “ Engineering 57.419 62,695 34.342 63 401" As Of Full Year Estimate 534*680 MDVENUB SOURCES Collected Collected Estimate to end the year with any surplus funds to be carried over to next year. Had a winter Highway 423,560 435,162 216.448 423.460 464,840 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 12-31-r66 , 1966-67 1967-68 ■easoh ' been less, severe, a alight carry over would ^ave been available. Thus, all 42.000 A00»v00 45,000 Sidewalks tc Curbs 36,eci 42,000 • 23.855 167,134 289,010 ,263,842 operations in the new fiscal year must be financed fri>m revenues attributable to that X5X|4ilO Ravenna and Use of Surphis ^ 281,421 293,589 290,210 "street Lighting 1?C C?4 ■ 134,000 62,224 130,000 1 4 A 0 0 0 / year’s '‘o^ratlbnl ^ ,3 8 3 Garbage Collection & Disp. > 234.146 244,018 119,989 242,^663 274,161 Budgeted Expended~ Estimated D ept Mansger’s ” Most revenue, items will reihain the same aa In the current year except for two 75,829 70,205 Expended 1966-67 Request Recomm. "Cemeteries 58,098 67,138 30062 , 65,880 BXPi^rruRBS Aa O f 1st 6 mos. \ items of income anticipated from the State. We anticipate receiving 245,000 as a grant 550,068 639,003 694,728 . 1965-66 12-31-68 1966-67 1967-68 1967-68 in lieu of inventory tues. Legislation adopted by the last session of the General As­ Police , 499.959 . 635,468 8n,4W 13,616 14,415 ' . 13,246 13,196' 123,590 ' 147,5,45 67,634 147,105 155,890 155,890 sembly removed this tax source-from the Town over a ten-year period with the State Civil Defense ' 5,314 2,8ti3 Operating Expenses ■ ■ ^ V ■ • 4 ' • X ’ . 6,900 ^6,900'^ reimbursing the Town for its loss. We have also included the figure of 2196,000 in ad­ “ Child Guidance 95,803, 45,610 95,603 93,870 . 93,370 ditional funds from State Aid to Education. This represents the most conservative of Debt Service 9 8 , 1 2 6 Public Health Assn, 15,800 15,800. proposals now tmder consideration by the General Assembly. Prior to fbiaUzing this 42;226 32,877 28,173 46,582 37)062 ’ 32,000 37,063 4,082 4,082 budget, the Board of Ditoctors may figure will actually be. .Health 31,670 42,226 . 21,575 ^Transfw to Reserve Fund , Recreation 73,450 81,473 • 46,330 '81,473 118,408 104,501 ~ Cktoltal Improvementa 9,090 1 0 , 0 0 0 6,325 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 A 40-m)ll tax rate will be required to finance the budget aa presented. It should 176,503 ! 86,383 176,503 , 198;587 182,755 ^ Parks 157,276 150,569 289,770 288,342 263,342 be noted that under the revaluation our property is adjusted to 65% of true value so 12,450 . 12,460 " t o t a l ; 2 7 7 , 1 8 3 290,210 as to be consistent -with must Connecticut towns. Had the 72%-rate prevlouslv used Senior Citizens Center ■ ^, been retained, the proposed rate would have bedn reduced to 36 mills or a reduction of Library ■ ‘ 183,460 190,000- 96.846 190,000 « ' 204,152 200,000' 6.6 mills compared with the proposed reduction of 2.6 mills. This proposed rate may Probate Court 2,347 2,025 609 2,025 3,100 2,100 16 FOOT... OtiSTOM CRAFTED KITCHEN require some slight adjustment depending upon the results of the Board of Tax Review 61,000 ' 74.000 37,000 74,000-. 1 .159,529 159,528 Appeals. Pension Contribution To W j dSP iWa W c HEOTER l«e7-«8 B U D G B »--R B V E N ^ AND EXPENDITURES-FIRE DISTRICT SPECIAL FUND 4 2,995 3,000 ■ 2,677. • t 5,<)00 ' ■6,060 ...6,000 Pension Administration Budget Collected Betimaxed Manager’s Debt Service 96fi21 94,279 ^ 48,411 ' 94,279 93,086 . 93.035 : R E ^ ^ V . ' Cffileoted Collected Estimate As Of FuU Year Estimate Contribution to Reserve Fund 171,217 90,708 45,354 90,708 825,000 825,000 ^ 1964-65 1966-64 1966-67 , 12: 31-66 1966-67 1067-68 with ^ iBrenzglow Birdi Gabinoh Major elements of the total increase of 2864,146 are: “ Community Services 18,200'i Revenues and Use.pf Surplus 1 414.733 482,193 ; 526,147 ■ 356,697 626,147 620,000 Education 2^77,899^ Tax Refunds - • ' 1,748 8.000 2,258 4,000 4,000 4,000 ' ■ 63,000 ^73,000 ' 72,000*^ BbdMnded Budgeted Expended Estimated Dept Mahager’e Social Security- 40,878 . 63,000 80,044 1963-67 Request Recomm. Pensions 89,529 49,560 BXPBNDITURBS « « 6 ‘ W A s Of 1st 6 Mos. ... 4 "insurance. Fire, liab., etc. 72,872 41,000 41,000 49,050 ' 49,660 12-31-66 1936-67 1967-68 1967-M COMPLETE WITH APPUANCES! Capita] Improvements 234,292 31.00Q 11,495 81,000 35,000 86,060 ■“ “ Blue Cross, CldS A Major Med. 23,995 281,678 546,807 635,201 630,000 19,600 25.000 AnAotiYiues 8 7 , ONLY 6.474 *includes 2114,000 for Health and Life Insurance Progranu Community College Budget Collected Estimated Manager’s * 5 6 7 ®® ...... 36,000 18,000 86,000 40,000 46,060" formerly c^ g ^ to the General Budget Pension Fund Qbntribution 30,000 REVENUE SOURCE . Collected . CoUectikl Estimate A s Of FuU Year B stim te "Debt Service , ' 971,212 " “ 951,5U .616,232 951,611 911,861 911,351 ' , 1964-65 1 1966-66 1966-67 12-81-66 1966-67 1907-63 Insurance. Fire, Liab., etc. 39,000 89,000 . .32,550,, 82,560 : . , 82,660 18,734 25,600 2S,50<)- HERE'S W H A T YOU 6ET: '^Bevenue - : ■'i'.. 36,143 ‘ 26:907 25,500 , 48.488 49.000 21,417 49,000 65,000 ■ '05i)00 “ jlnsuriuice. B.C., CMS, Maj. Med. " " “ Budgeted E xpend^ Estimated . DepL Manager’s. • Modem BoUt-ln Wall Ovok' • 16-Ft «f SehelricbBiouitow BIfeh “ Insurance, Life, Abe. A Aeelth ^ T 6 ,il9 17,000 .'4,684 17,000 . / 49,000 ■; ■' 0.006^' Recomnb ' (Gas or Elec^^o) h - V , ..Bltcheil ^bfawta ,v '■■ ■ ■ EBPENDTrURKfl'::' Expended AS Of 1st 6 Mos. ;1966-67 Request i72,8iS5 197,013 ' : 51,510 V 197,013 1937-68 1937-68 SUMMARY OF GENERAL FUND R]5IVEN UE “Federal Grants . ' . 1965-66 13-81-66* 1066-67 • Modem BuUt-bi Counter Top Benge 6,650,676 ■ .-7,062.434 3.626.182 7,045,974 7,685.044 : 7,290,701- 25.600 (Om or EleetricL a Copper Toaw Heed avar Baaga i Recomm. , .Amouiu Per Cent "S o t a l BDUCAnoNAL r e l a t e d ' 22.951 “ 21WKk)' 18,826 25,5(00 ' ‘ • 25.600 r~'*10.li9,9«9 4,500,896 ■; 10,146,039“ 11,516.4«7'7 AU ApUylties Budget Budget ) Increase . Increase GRAND TOTAL if . 9.6|*1,847 ' • . ' •' '.ri' • t l ” X 24” Sink with Faucet, Spray { ITEM 1 9 ^ 6 7 . 1967-68 (Decrease) (Decrease) ...... ■ i '' Rtii', 1 . .nai Strqiaer a laetaOatlea Anra^VSiRy Oar One - lYahMffthraf»i«N|^;.-J; r Fines, Uqeoses, Permits 83,500 77,500 (8,0001 (7.1) a frFoot Fonulea Counter-^. 167,308 34,658 26.1 . e»- • -f - 1 .Current Services 132,650 , REVENUES AND EXPEJnil*rUBE$^W HITON LIBHAI^Y TRUST FUND 10 , TOYm OF MANCHBST^ 1967-68 BUDGET—REVENUES AND EXPENDITUREl-r^DOG LICENSE FUND 6 . - j- fitate o f ^ionneoticut Aasistance 1,558,145 1,794,146 28d06S“ 15.1 Estimated Managera Budget Collected. Estim ate d ' .I f-— - r r ' ------Budget. OoUected' U M ITB) OFFER 43,790 64.466 10,665 24fi Estimate Aa Of Full Year EbUmate G.A; x'Other - Ageodae REVEN UE SOl^flCSS ! ^ OoUecied Collected Estim ate A s O f F u l l Y a a r Estim ate y : -REviBNUB,'So u r c e s ^ CoUectod CoUected 193& M . 193347 . 12r31-66 ,1 9 6 6 -6 7 . 1967-48 ' T ^ b r Ravabtea ,' . - m iS H T (92,959) S g S T " a 1964-56 1966-66. 1966^7 i g X - o e ‘ 1966-67 1367-63 y V . , - . .1934-65 ^18,836''“ . i i3 ,9 0 0 ’T O X i T " — ------— ~ . 2,083,444 3 3 ^ 8 0 8 182,364'"' “' ■ ; 8.t Revenue - . . , 4.963"“ • 5,660 ' 2.68I; 6,000: ' : 6,600 ’ Bsivsnuei ana u see s Burplua. - i 18.704 ' ■ " l3.(X)0"“ 4,652 MaoaSer'a HO bOWN PAYMENT! CALL^ 7*679fi89 8,726^807 1.046.768 1 8 .6 " Expended, D e p t Bbepended BpdgeteH Eitimated Remest- Roocinm. ■.. (161224) , EXPENDIT^BB tid^ 6 M o £ Beflinated , R e m e st- Keoom iiL y.:-'. 1sL3M<*- 162,224 — 1936-37 196647 1967-63 , . 1867-69 LOW |ANK tEIIMSI 1 : ^ - ^ 1966-67 . 3967-43 .. 19^ 1 2 -3140, NOW iW j 9,925,207 “ 1r i6 ,994,116 i ,oM ;«58 10.7 Transfecreo to rouoe jcme«ei t : -“ t s a ' i3.036 7,83S ^ ' ' y . : 9.313." ^Hfeaa no4 faushtda Federal ^Grants o f 204,762 AH Aetivitlof - • \ ' y--. ‘ ' , . ’ :-Vr- ifh- -

>4 t o ■1 ^ 1 w , ^ 1 a- PAGE .IflA^dttESTER': 'vT"' ' ' *' M Avr^aTItlt RVENINO HEBALP. Mjl^liaigtBII. COMM. 8ATCln)AY/AFBa. 1867 8*t 4 W * W '-W

toN ESS S ervices S)irecto ry Phils Hurler Sports Viewing s a ^ r d a y F i r s t t o G u 8:00 ( 8) Eaht-Wdit Basketball HERAIJD STOtt’TS N*ne Fram es 8:00 (SO) Bowling 8:80 ( 8) Gadabout Gaddia' p m 'tt AtlFT PilTA (AP^ US to take.' a ;1^'lead In the ket, said "thlr was just one CAR LEAGINR PREClSldN NEW YORK (AP) — 4:00 . 8) Golf in tVe P hiladel- best-four-of-eeven Same. Jiatlon- game. It la not tlirie to p ^ ? Today's Team -- Looking for a pktee lW Dick Ellsworth and Mel ' ( 8) Greensboro Golf — S om eone in ^tne m ^ Basketball Assbclatlon eas-, yet.” : euss Hiot Speeid Affair? m a c h i n i n g Stottlgmyre probkbly are 5:00 ( 8) Horse Hacing phia 76erS d ressin g tem-flnal b le y ^ aeries. • Greer, who elpt IT'-fqt-M from Or 1 or 2 . ( 4) Wide World of askied if K . vC. Jones, had teatos play game No. 2 the field and' 5-for-5 from the' Kansas Gty A’s • For Auto Windshields the only major'league lead­ Sports “ H al Greferitus.” ^t Bpstori on Sunday; ' free throw llne,\sa|d He waa sur- • For Store Fronts and all WE CATER TO: » Cylinder heads ers who won’t be satisfied e Banquets • Weddings YEAR P U N (SO) Roller Derby Gree^r the 76ers’ sharp-shoot- For several years now, some prised In the early minutes that Btxes o f windows until somebody succeeds 6:00 (30 Horse Racing a For iSible Tops • Gatherings f ' V-> e Engine blocks and Ing jjjtop shot artist, laughed sources have charged that Greer "Boston laid mack on me. 1 First In Manchester. Netr them. SUNDAY , hearilly, then pautioned, “ don’t chokes up whpn he, faces Bos- ^don’t know whkt they were .try- out of this oamp. Tony Plerc* o Group Met>‘*ugs other services of Friday, Ellsworth -and- Sto'.tle- BRADENTON, Fla. — OPXaf 8 AJVL to 5 P.M. of every desc».,;tlon gaia, fun maintenance, fully 8:00 ' 8) NB4 BasketbaU ge

* iZS - \ ;; ..T' <9 u : . . ' . , . r- 'j.

; 'I, .v •. ■ ■ ? v-

IfANCajSTBR.’BT^^J^G SAimDAy, ^APRHi 1, 1^ ’ W f ’ T 7 ' •1^ _4iva±LLL^ IM p W orttd—M dt 3« W O H IM I— ' ^ 7 2 4 8 ■"AltoOVBR GAsdln *AAitmente s TOACTOR TRAILSIR Jobs, no POOD RfeRVICB o r F o m o lt 3 7 E rooih' toeT'tnNtoW' VBRHoS^^^SiSi -new 3 rooms, stove ahd i f- slrod '-Qape; ^dpidlfi^MKtooht porch, etUc, 2 Phono M9-7771 anytlmo. modem howital vvith excellent Agency; Raalton, 94|H.$3. $18,900. 14|tyes Agency, 046- dining ippm, Motorists Warned tendant, two eVenlhgs per week open. CMl Mr. Gwtdet, Building. ly. lfo lease, Leonard Agency, i . 648-1151 42 Main and ______and Sunday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. See g l e n Da l e r d . kitebro,. 24’ living room, dintog 640-2818. . modem Idtohen with bulltrtos, 209, V4S-1141. Aa 'eijuid Itove and rcMgeraton ReaRbrs, 646-0469. room, itoe fopatom, tree shad­ Ttale Hating o f Town Fln> De­ 43 Main iand $ch'6oL :* >< CLASSIFIE0 ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Mr. Sloan. Esso Service Cen­ floor, central location, $138. ' ______— IH baths, gangs'. Marion -ll. tuhlty employer. ‘ ed yard, $17,m Wolverton AUTOBMTIC Raw England partment box aform numbere ie 481 Beimet Junior Hi|^ ter, Route 88. Vernon. HELP WANTED PtH iliitn SO^A monthly. 648-118B» 9 a.m.-F^p.xn. . TW O PAMHL.Y Robertaoto Realtor, 641-886$, Ontral Firehouse 8 AJR. to 5 PJi. Now^ Under oonstruotloh ' Agency, Realtors, '649-2818. rambling Oapa. Nina ntoms, $ pnbllriied to the totereef of edn- Buildings (Main St.) WANTED — PART-TIME real RMort Preporty . Ranches, Raised Ranches, . .. • 649-28p8 cattog reridento aa to the loca­ eatate salesman, Saturday aii4 THREE AND 4 rooms furnish­ bedrooms, $H baths, modern VBiRNON 432 East Side Rec Altornatinfif S h i^ : R t n t 8 7 Colonials. C hoose your MANCHESTER-6 room Colo­ Newly Ustqd 6-4 Dtq>lex, S- tion of tfotr nearest fire box. Sunday aftemoona, call 74$* COW MANURE by the kied. ed or unfurnished, oil heat. model. Utphan with aU bullt-lns, jplUs. Every resident should know the 434 Maple and Cottage 0 0 ^ CLOSINO TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. MAINTENANCE- Dye MAdhine Operators nial, baths, dishwasher, bah-b-cue in famUy alsed kltoh-. car garage on 6 heautiitul- SPLASHl FT’S SPRING Special Alami Calls 6787 between , 3:30-5 p.m. FUUshers * Peila Brothers. 648-7406. parking, j^vate, adults, rea- o o t TAOES FOR rent -Gatd- carpeting, famUyroton, recraa- fire alarm box number nearest 435 Main and Maple . IUigdlA.X Xkni IBBBAS l#t8* AM. — SATCBDAI • ABiL eh. Sunken 'livin g Mbm 'w ito ly lahdscttoed lot A home 2— ^Recall his* home or place'of bnstoCM M A Cm N IST W eavers , . ' ...... ^ahle. Can 648-6889. Lake. Modem, lakeflvnt, • DlraotlonS; Fdyow Keeney Uoii room, double garage, cen­ in excellent Cohditlon.;^to . You will enjoy toe outdoor (First National Store) * PRODUCE CLERK—fuU time, catoedral catting, central air^ living that surrounds this 8— (zeneral 44 Ms^ and Oak i good working conditions, fringe Q uillen F i m I and Fond 49-A MANCHESTER-4 moms, turd Free brochure. Ar- fit., filial right on Bush Hill tral, $22,9()0. Hutchins Agency, 'permanMit siding, alwhi- Chief W. CUftord Mason rowhesd Orove, Route 854, Col­ oondltlonliig,' $46,000 PhUbrick 3 bedroom Ranch. It,has a 9— School strongly urges that enrioue mo- Rate Ran^e (Days) benefits. Apply. Produce De­ floor, includes stove, refrigeraj- Rd., Glpndale , Rd., first Realtors, 648-6824,. Agency, Realton, 649-8MT. num stpms .and screens. 441 Main and Park * chester, Conn. 342-9378, 848- Priced foi^^ inunediate sale. garage, built-ins, ceramie 12—Military torlsto shonld not race fire 442 Ck>nvales(ient Home, J DIAL 443-2711 $3.09!^ - $3,274 Per Hour partment, Popular Market, 735 Third Shift; tor, hot water, private drive­ street on rijriit. bath, big lot wito trera. A trucks to the scene of the blaze FOR s a l e —first quaUty baled 7178. . FIVE— BBDROOM8,^3.f^ll Wi.iu baths i . . «4Mfmuvnm»MAWUltMItriSlK _jiix—-O^ ■,“ room 29 Cottage St, East Middle Tpke. watchm an way, nice grounds, $88. J. -D. modern kitchen' with bullt-lns, lot base- WESLEY R. SMITH ments. $17,300. Assumable. 7 W. Middle Tpke. near gestion and an addltloiial haz­ 448 Marlow Building . . N * • WESLEY R. SMITH baths, encklsed porch, large to perform a wide variety Rt. 15 overpass ard for firemen. More than the 45 Main and Bissell C ootliood From Prteodinq Pago RADIO SHACK Pirat Shift: Bmtnoss Preporty ihent, screened porch, garage, lot, tnes . with country . nsual amount of traffic on the of duties in the mainte­ Hoiisnliold G oods 51 CONSTRU(7nON CO. Realtor 643-1567 B & W , 12 Keeney and Bush Hill 451 Birch and C!ottage 464 MAIN ST.—8 room apart- For Solo 70 handy locatioa. $24,MO. PMI- atmosjAisre. Quick occupancy' * streets close to the fire wUI de­ nance of our plant* Must Full-tin\e . salesman and Maintenance Machinist brick Agency, RealtorB, 649- The HARROWS and 121 Keeney, dance hall 46 Maid and Pearl -Material Handlers CLEAN, USED refrlgeraton. 643-XB67 Priced for, quick sale. Aseum- ^ lay volunteer firemen who rire have mechanical aptitudes management trainees, 40 nnuh«rs ^ a p a r t m e n t HOU8 B -6 unltsi 6347, WALLACE Cq. Help W oofod— M ok 3* able mortgage. Charles Lesper- MANOSESTER — executive 123 Keeney, Erie in their own cars, Chief Mason 47 Main and Center and be familiar with ma­ houf week with day off. ranges, automatic wshen, ROOMS, central location, located at the center of Man- Manchester Parkade • declared. BOWERS SCHOOL -Gmrriwm ance, 64$-7620. home. Porter St. area, 8Vk 124 Keeney, Hackmatack 48 Main and Wadsworth ESCPBRIENCBID backhoo opor- chine tools and machining Excellent chance fOr ad­ ^th. gwrantees. Sro them ^ completely redeoomted, mid- Chester, excellent condition. B y CONCORD RD. - - . beanflfo) Manchester 649-6306 13 Wetherell and Bridge 49 Main and Strant . re - ...... — .ators with knowledge oC ame- of replacement parts. vancement APPLY Colonial 7 robms. 4 yean olA • w rooms,. 2 batos, 2 lavs, 4 huge M am 'S^*^ 6M^n!^*"’ preferred, no pots, appedntment, PhUbilck Agen- Ranch, lar$;e Uvtog rt»m , fifo bedromns, Florida room, 27’ ___ 131 Wetherell and Horace 491 Main and Armory ? ^ «»“• ln»tallaUo5 of septtc Trade sclibol and 5 years 648-4677. cy. R o t o r s , 649-5847. Urge modem kitchen. 3«, I**!’ The- town Fire Depart­ gonaral owes APPLY m PERSON CHENEY BROTHERS mal dining room, cabinet kltoh- baths, large paneled living water furnaces, excellent kitchen with built-ins. Inter-. SOUTH WlNDSOI^^eelzebub 134 Bunce and Seaman 51 Charter Oak, Spruce '' industrial experience o r' |B, 3 bedrooms, recreation neighborhood, 98 Starkiveathor ment also lists the follow­ Igrping and bookkaeping. Houn Manchester Parkade f o u r r o o m apartment, sec- FRUIT AND ycgetable stand, room, dining room and.fanfily com, comptetety_.fdr-condlUoR- Rd. oversised 6 rocm Cape, full 185 Waddell and Pioneer 511 Spruce arid Wells year ’round work for the right equivalent required. Rogers 31 Cooper Hill St room , Uuidsoaped yard. Mar­ St., reasonaWy priced. 'Hutch­ ing Phantom (imag^inary) M . Apply In person, W. H. men. Upton Construction, me. offers a sizeable* package of % acre of .land, dwarf fruit room. 3-car garage, walk-out ed. 2-car garage, beautifully riled dormer,' -baths, finish­ 136 W, Center and signals for . areas in town 52 Spruce and Eldridge 'J uinfliMMi liumber Oo., MO. East west Middle Tpke.- , ion B. Robertaon, Realtor, ins Agency, Realton, 649-8824. 743-8190 after 6 p.m. fringe benefits and is an trees, 220' fttmtage, drive­ basement, 982,600. PhUbrick landscaped Iqt. For further in- ed rec i;«om, 2-car garage, one Bluefield where actual fire box alarms 53 Spruce and Oak JOddto Tpka. ' _ —------. Personnel Office Open ways. A 'real bargain at $2,- 641-8061. Agency, Realtors, 6494847. formatlOT can R< F. Dimock acre wooded IM, excrilent con- do not exist: equal opportunity employer RETIRED gentleman for part- CCHXINIAL WING back sofa, 8 isOLTON-Manohester Un»-8 14 Hartford Rd., McKee' 531 Nathan Hale Schofd PART-TIME mornings for Jan­ enjoying steady year’round Monday-Friday 8 A.M..-5 P.M. 000, On Route 85, Hebron. OaU Oo., 649-6246. \ dlticti.. Sdlling ytor $22,900. R. time work in package store. pusWons Md chair ^ con- j^^^M flat. Ridge St. MANCHESTER — two naw 3- MANCHBSTER - seven room room Ranch set Mgh fon large 15 Summer and 125 Hartfor'd Rd. and 54 Spruce and Bissell « itorial service, five days. Gen­ work. Applications accept­ after 4 p-m. 649-1112. F. IMmook Co., 649-5246. WOMAN —to dean small house Apply in person. Klk City dltion, $800, Can 643-2698. second floor, call 648-8507. family fiats, 8-8. Ready for oo- wooded lot, double ' garage. BOULDER RD. —Colonial, 6 eral Cleaning Services, 46 Oak ed daily, Interviews Tues­ 643-4141 Cape with garage on a treed Emerson W . Center 55 Pearl and Holl. * weekly. e«-7U». Package Store, 201 North Main eupanoy. Separate furnaces, Immediate occupancy, $17,600. rooms, living room with fire­ ANDOVER—oversized 6 room S t, Manchester. 649-8384. days. Call Miss Banister, ____------r r Z MANCHESTER -rComer loca- 200* lot, large kitchen vrito 16 L^ess and Dudley 1251 Town Dump 55l Pearl and Foster . St., Manchester. For Other Hour Appointments THREE RCX>M apartment, not on Main S^et that ara city utilities. See and compare. HSyes Agency, 0464181. place, -dirdng room, large Cape, 2-ckr giirage, large 1-774-9605. Apply to: FIUOIDAilRE deluxe stove, best buUt-ins, fireplaced Uring 161 W. Center and Foley 56 E. Center and Spruee!lf •AU!8(HRIj8 —oar essenUaL water, stove and refrigerator offices, stores, etc. MortgagM avallabla Call room, 4 bedrooma, aeventb screened porch, 8 bedrooms, wooded lot, assumable mort- 126 Hillstown and IV>r lUrtber Infonnatlan, 7M* offer. 649-3716. Leon dasrimsUi, Builder, 649- MANOHESTBB^ room Ranch 17 W . Ckinter and McKee 57 Sionmit and Flower J COLONIAL BOARD CO. included. Second floor, located have a few of these imique zbom for den or family rooin. large living room with fire­ 2-car garage, large lot in pres­ 'goge, high location near lake, Spencer Sim M E R POSITIONS in 6 res­ PHILOO automatic washing ma­ on Foley St. Security deposit Tremendous Invest- 4201. selling for $17,600. R. F. Dlnl- 18 Center and 'Victoria 571 Manch. High School •OBV______Immaculate condition. Good place, Iti baths, 8 .bedrooms, tige neighborhood, $24,600. 127 Hillstown and 61 Charter Oi^, opposite rr ROGERS CORP. HANDYMAN WANTED ident cam pj, 3, 4, 6 and 9 week chine, good conditlcm, $50. OaU required. $110.*iin monthly.m«nfWv No the' pwth and the de- value $17,800. Wolverton Philbrick Agency, Realtors, ock Oo., 649-6245. 181 St. John and Stone TWO WATIRESSSB wdnted, «iB assignments Unit leaders, wa­ pets. Available May 1. 643-0160 PARKBR-Porter 8ti(eet area-— pine paneled family room. In 182 Foxcroft and Deepwood W oodside SkiUed and UnskiUed Mill and Oakland Sts. 049-6624. mand is so obvious. T. J. Agency,' Realtors, 649-2818. 640-6347. Water Department or part-time, must be over2L terfront staff, program special­ T room oldet Colonial on cor­ good condition, $20,900. Phil- VERNON 128 Hillstown and Hills 62 School and Clinton* ^ Piart-tlme nights and SaL apartment, Crockett. Realtor, 643-1677. * 183 Adams and Jarvis A p ^ in person, Two-Vs Reo- Manchester ists, nurses, cooks, clerics, SEWING MACHINB —Singer THREE lloO M ner lot, 4 rooms and bath $16,600—Six room Cape, large MODERNISTIC RANCH 293 Green Manor Excellent wages, full-time, urdays, general all around stove and refrigerator, firot down, three up wito lav. Needs 6847. • 19 Center and Pairview 612 Ansaldi and Batista ; taimnt, 1487 saver Dane, East 6. days, per week, ahlft dif­ Asst Camp Directors. Some automatic zig-zag In cabinet, lot. 1% baths, line suburban . fenced in yard, immediate oc­ Cathedral ceiling and mar­ 191 Center and Olcott Dr. (Parkade) . 63 Oak and (Hinton work. Ask for Tom. positions open to coUege stu­ button holes, embroiders, hems floor, nice neighborhood, nd decorating. Two car garage. Bartlord. ______, ferential, Blue Cross, OMS, Land For Salt 71 location but in town. Owner TWO FAMILIES—we have sev- cupancy. Leonard ^ Agency,, ble fireplace in li'ving 192 Verplanck School 712 Gardner and Spring 64 E. Center and Benton TYPIST—responsible person for dents under 21. Write to Con­ etc. Like new condition. Orig­ cMldren. $86. OaU 644-8184. T.'> J. C r^ett, Realtor, 648- Realtors, 646 0469. room, formal dining room, life insurance, paid holi­ BQLTON—11 acres, $4,500. Col- 1677. transferred. Good value for eral to chooM from, one only 193 Salem and Dover 713 Highland and 65 Bdnton and Burkin e,' easUer needed, S days. Other fringe benefits. 'important duties In processing necticut Trails OouncU of Girl inally over $300 balance now, modem kitchen, 8' good umbla—new and used homea $23,900. T J. Crockett, Real­ 8 years old, fine location, good MANCHESTER — Six room 1931 East Catholic High WyUys 67 E. Middle Tpke. days and one night. Apply W. A progressive and expand­ orders at a public warehouse. BOURNE BUICK Scouts, 1881 DlxweU Ave., $63.50. Take over payments of tor. 648-Ji77. income. Thinking of invest­ bedrooms, garage. Prime T. Grant iOo., Shopping Park- Russell’s Real Estate, 649-9669, $19,400 — 6 room SpUt UveL Cape, 8 or 4 bedrooms, ftdl 1932 Howell Cheney 714 Case Brothers and Branford •> ing company. Fast and accumte typing nec­ Hamden, Conn. 06614. $9 monthly. - S33-0476. F u r n h fie d Wall-wall carpeting, stove, IH ment {iroperty, let iu show you area, convenient to all. •de, Mancfaeeter. 285 Main St., Manchester 1-228-9234. DUPLEX 4-4, VeridaiHto School shed dormer, IH baths, wall $ra,600. CaU Ann Hunter, Technical School 715 Spring and 68 lUing Junior High essary. Hours Monday thm BABY CARRIAOE, bassinet Aportmenn A3-A I hatha. Twin size bedrooms, what we have. Philbrick Agen­ Friday 8-5. Good w i^es. FuU 649-4571 area, oonvetoent locaflon. Can to wall\oarpeting, oversized one 649-6306. 194 Center and Love Lane Dartmouth 71 HigUand and Autumiil and liner, playpen, jumper ,— ------— garage, bus. Hutchins Agency, cy, R ealton, 64V:6847. oar garage, treed lot. Excel­ benefits. Apply by mail or in Helen Palmer, Leonard Agen­ ------/- 195 W. Middle Tpke. , 823 Mountain and 72 Autumn and Oak HIGH SCHOOL COLONIAL BOABD CO, Sltuafions Wonttd-— obair and stroller. All In ex- SMALL completely furnished HouMt For Solo 72 RSaltors. 6404834. lent oonditlcn, inside knd out, person to G.L. Manus, Hart- cy, 6464468, 649-8877. MANCHESTER —six room Salt B&W and Wedgewood Ludlow 721 Glenwood and Lyndalfo 616 Parker St, Manchester Female 38 cellent condition. 648-4276. room for Ught housekeeping. 36 convenient location. $17,900. The BARROWS and for Ded^tch A Warehouse Co., —full or part-time. Apply Birch S t 649-2236. $10,900-4 ROOM Raxvch, porch, SEVEN ROOM Ranch in toe Box CMonial, spexttoiis living 21 Prospect and 824 Porter and Wyliys 78 Wellington, LaneastnrC- Mrs. E. 8. Lciftus full cellar. OI or conventional Graen Ma&ot. with IH baths. WEST SIDE — Large 4 room room with fireplace, formal UAR Realty Co., Inc. 648-2692 WALLACE C6. SENIORS me., 226 Prospect St., East capjtoi Equipment Co. 38 Main WOMAN WOULD like to take k TTCHBN CABINET with coun- bouse on a large lot within one Hackmatack 862 E. Middle Tpkie. 781 Porter and Parker Hartford, Conn. We are an care of children days or nights, ter 2 years old. like new. Cali THREE ROOMS, bath, corn- financing. Mitten Atoncy, This home hu an extra room dtotag room, kitchen wito built- Robert. D. Murdock, 648-6472. Mancl^ter Parkade 9t., Manchester. block of Washingtoh SchooL Manchester 649';5306 212 Hackmatack and and Dale Rd. 74 E. Center and Walker Equal Importunity Employer. full-time. Call 876-6381. 649-2266. pletely furnlriied, sultahle one Realtors, 648-8930. plus the standard fhres bed­ in dishwasher, two twin rized MANCHESTER —new listing — 951 E. Middle Tpke. « LATHE BANDS and ftoeral One of toe cleanest homes bedrooms plus a nursery room, Covenant Dr. 741 Byron and Ardmore OFFICE ------or two mature adults. Parking. rooms, living 'room dining and oversized 6 'rom Split Level, VA NO MONEY down, FHA maoUniata, paid hoapttaliia- REUABLE ’MOTHBIR with ref- ' ' ■ ' •' 272 St. THREE FAMILY -A5,5 and A kitchen. One car garage. Price we’ve ev«>r seen, big, brl|^t basement recreation room, at­ 213 New Keeney School and Lttlte ' 76 E. Middle'Tpke. MINIT AUTO CAREi Good Income. Can’t miss on modern kitchen, carpeting, large living room and dining' minlmu: medal­ 952 E. Middle 'Tpke flan, hSUdaya and vacafloo Journeyman-Electrician erences will care for small Antlquos 56 has been reduced, property is tached garage, screened porch, 23 Hartford Rd. and Pine and Parker CAREERS plan. ApiUy Metronfea, Ine., child for working parents. Rea­ FURNISHED 2 room apartment this one. for $17,900. Philbrick tiled bath, excellent beat, gar- room, kitchen with ample cab­ lion Ore j I I I 4 years and Finley Maintenance vacant, wll) qualify for FBA centrally located, one bltxdc to inets, 8 good sized bedrooms,' «ld,old,, lot ^ v -'i-'w ' g 115;. 231 lung’s Store, Cooper 82 Porter and Oak Grove 840 OUlard 8t. A. leading New England sonable. 643-8867. WANTED TO BUY—Antiques, all utiliUes included, free pork- Agency, Realton, 649-5847. financing. T J. Crockett, Real- age. Tremendous value tor on­ dcbool. . Asking $18,600. UAR ly $16,800. Minimum financing. also paneled recreation room, 900. J.D, Real- Estate Oo., 64$- Hill and Pine 821 Adelaide and Jean auto service center now has ------1------steins, furniture, pewter, lead- Ing. Gentleman preferred. , . i,,,, ~ . .. r Ua. 648-1677. Realty Oo., Inc. 848:2602, Rob­ BE AA BROWN AND ERiarpe screw EXPERIENCED HIGH school ed lamps, art^te^^^^flves. ^ "to n Motel and Cabin, 649- h ^ T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- 1^ baths, fireplace, basement 6120. 24 Cooper Hill apd West 36 Church and Laurel 88 Pitkin and Academy Bate Range (Days) positions available in its ert D. Murdock, 648-6472. machine man wanted. Must be new Manchester operation senior seeking summer em- ^ quantity, 644-8962. h«f«r* 7. 2-car garage, extra lot. Just MANCHESTER —two family 64 1677. ■' garage, large lot.' Immaculate 241 Fairfield and West ' 361 Chestnut and Garden- 84 . E. Center and (!!one able to lay out, aet-up and op­ $3,092 - $3,274 Per Hour ployment. Diversilied duties. ^ ^_____ !______1 ______reduced to $22,400. Mlttea condition, inside and out. $26,- BOLTON - 8 bedroom Ranch 37 Center and Newman 85 E. Middle Tpke. 'ONE fo r : .with $ bedroonu, full bath up, _ _ ' d .,Z Z TWO-FAMILY, 6A rooms, aep- with basement garage, fire­ 25 Pleasant and Cedar erate maebinea. Full or part- Write Box F, Herald. i------— Agbhcy, Realtors, 648-6980. half Mto down, separate util­ $18,000 —New 6 room Ksiseu healing, 2-car garage, ex­ 900. UAR Realty Co. Inc., 648- 26 High and Cooper 38 Center and Church .and Woodbiidm Ranch, fireplace, , gmrage, large place, level, tot with {Uenfy of Of Th. time. Top vragea for top man. . We are looking for a Jour- W anted—To Buy 58 ities, perinanent slitt^, alum­ cellent location, $26,600. J. D. 2892, Robert D. Murdock, 643- 27. Pine and Walnut 39 Hemlock and Liberty 851 Green Manw, WeaVer 648-1188. neymsm electrician to per­ Mahagbr-Trainee Busluess Loeotiom m . p a y s a l l . Assume 4 % ^ lot Leonard Agency, Realtors, '6472. ' - . trees. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, E a r R a n t M cem mortgage. Attractive S< inum storms and screens. Good Real Estate, 6484129. 648- 1677. 28 Ridge,and Cedar 391 Memorial Hospital 852 Mdford and Sanford “FINAST” form the Complete rahge of Cashiers Full and Part- LPN WAOTS work in doctor's HOUSEHOLD LOTR, antiques, rw Konr oe Oreidaoa, Income. ' $18,800. Wolverton 6M4469. SHORT ORDER cook—full time electrical and electronical office. Call 649-8990. 29 Center and Cooper- 392 Haynes and Memorial 858 Elizabeth and Quaker Time bric-a-bran, clocks, frames. Agency, .^ReaUonr; 049-2818. SK ROOM Garrison Colonial, «»«««* BOLTON—6 room Ranch. Gar­ n n t Naittonal Storto ' is poeltlon, must be over 18. Good work, and also will be re- Vernon trees, view. HutoUnB Agency. NEW S-room Raised Ranch, 1^ kttchen, built-in vacuum sys­ 291 Durant and Crescent 393 Memorial Hospital, new 854 Ckmstanceand'VemaB glassware. We buy estates. Vil- STORE FOR RENT convenient to schools and bus age, stone front, dead end pgmid of- Ms 'TTNAST” wages. Apply in person only, ' quired to do other duties Salesmen lags Peddler, Auctiimeer, 420 Circle, next to Mt. Vernon Realtors, 649-6824. MANCHESTER —Come sSe this baths, formal dining room, transportation, living room tem, garage, 119 x 165 lot, gar­ 292 Broad and Little wing. Armory S t.' 86 E. Middle Tpke. M mI prodnote, and justly Howard' Johnson’s Restaurant, mONING DONE in my home. wooded i0t Leonard Agency, den, trees, $21,900. Hutchins street. Large treed lot CaU, related to the maintenance Lake St, Bolton, 649-8247. Dairy store. 600 square feet to s r . JAMES PAnCTO •7 jo o m small but comfortable 3-bed­ with fireplace, formal dining 31 Hartford Rd. and Elm ' and W elcome PL so. It rqnvsents an image 894 TcUland Tpke., Manchester. Shop Foreman Call 649-6462. 6404469. Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. now. Only $14,900. Bayes Agen­ of our mill. Trade school 1600 square feet available. Ex­ SpUt Level, 1% baths, dining room borne today with its shad­ room, kitchen and lav on first 32 Cheney B'rbs. new mill 394 S. Alton and W. Middle 861 Fergusfm and Gdrth o f dcipoDdabOity and qual- and.5 years industrial ex­ WE BUY AND sell antique ahd cy, 646-0131. MEOHANIC WANTHU) — for Front End Mechanics cellent business location. Rea­ room, family room, garage, ed yard, new bath and remod­ $16,900 — 0 room fireplaced floor, second floor —8 bed­ boiler room Tpke. 8611 Blue Rd. and Mgr. Wo also hsU«ve that perience or equivalent re­ used furniture, china, glass, 6 r o o m ' CAFE C(X>. din; general repairs and servicing CLEANING weman by day or sonable rent. Weekdays, .872- large beautiful landsoaped eled' kitchen, H,40a minimum Ranch, extra large lot, ideal rooms, full bath, large doeets, BOLTON-OOVENTRY Uno — 8 ou r oOBce irtalf represents quired. Applications accept­ silVer, picture 'frames, old Ing room or 4tta bedroom. Mud 33 Elm and Forest 41 S. Main near Line St. E. Middle Tphfo new oars. Slat rate. Paid hoU- Installers week. 643-0616. 0628, evenings and weekends, yard $23,900. Philbrick Agen­ Initial investment, $104. per for children, Leonard Agency, powder room. Extra/, features bedroom Ranch, lazge kitchen, 006 ‘TTNAar imsge-de- ed dally, interviews Tues­ c181. 361 St. James’ SchooL 416 N. Lakewood' and Nike 98 Arcellia and Plaaa to be i»*t of this? Dodge Pontiac, 649-2881. If you feel you can qualify $1.26 per hour. 649-3687. contents or whole estates. Fur- suited for professlona! purpose stone 1840 OoloniaL hot water MANCUESTsSR—6 room Garri­ quaUty built two families. Sep- available. Wesley R. Smith, MANOHEOTSUt —economical 7’ 352 Laurel Manor, Circle 94 Agnea and Hiiltcn niture .Repair Service, 648-7449. jj available in toe State fireplace, exceUent coo- son' Ookmlal, modern MtChen TMs Is a chedlengtog busl- EXPERIBSN C E p mechanic ROGERS CORP. for one of these positions artite furnaces, excellent fi­ Realtor, 648-1667. room 2 steiy hamerldeal for a ROCKY BILL—6H room Ranch, 91 Chestnut St. 417 Hillcrest and Bruce 96 W estland nuH Twrifoii ' wttb tmllt-iB range, d isb-w a ^ nees, wHfa dollars and wanted, good wages to quaU- Mill and Oakland Sts. and would like to take ad­ Theater Building. Can be sub- dition, long road frontage. nancing available. Hayqs large ' famUy. New modem large finished rec room, heat­ fled man. See Mr. Sloan, J. Manchester vantage of our modern Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 Rooms Without Board 59 Hutchins Agency. 649-5824. er, diaposa], ^Bane hot water Agency, 646-0181. WARANOKE w5! vicinity— Uteben with buUt-ins, paneled ed, wito bar, built-in stove, seoto, poimdB arid ounoee, Im t, exceHent flnaneing, $19,- ____ nOtos and geUons and a Sloan Garage, Route 83, Ver­ store, excellent wags scale ______^ ______xonn&tloii OftU TiiGatGr wigtig* ------—• — Ranch, large Uving room wito den and dining room, oversize oven and disposal, exceUent and complete fringe bene^ OROOMINO and boarding all THE THOMPSON B(^e, Cot- ger. 643-7833. BRICK RANCH—leaded irtth 900. PhUbrick 'Agency, Real- CXINTEMPORARY—8 rooms, 4 dining L, modem kitchen, host of othar oomputatlons non. ' An Equal Opportunity one oar g a r^ , convenient to condition. Located in fine , resi­ fit package, we would like breeds, Harmony Hills, H. C. tage Street. centraUy located, — ------extras, 7 rro^, plus finished ton^ 649-ite4T. ^ bedrooms, 3H baths, automat- ; dlatawasher, dispoeel, etc. 2- dential neighborhood. Selling f as oar main concern. Above Employer Ic kitchen, family room, dip-’- school, Shqpiahg and/supervis­ to talk with you. Apply: Chase, Hebron Rd., Bolton, large, pleasantiy furnished LARGE CCMINER store, down- basement, 2 baths, fireplace, car garage, large tot Act to­ for $22,600. R. F. rUmock Co.,. 8th District Fire Signals t aieeiege grades In such FOUR BEDROOM Ranch , con­ Ing room, beautiful large wood­ ed, pool. P r i ^ to sett at $17,- adbjeoto aa booldMeplng, 648-8427. rooms, parking. Call/ 649-2368 town Manchester 46x70’. Par- garage, earmting. Only" $26,- day, fids weih’t last tong in 900. Don’t delay . call Warren 649-6246. ^ ; for overnight and permanent tlally finished basement. Call 000. T. J. 'Crockett. Realtor, veniently located ne$r East ed lot, $81,900. Philbrick Agen- .this neighborliood at this price, .bfualneas math, algebra, MEN PART-TTME mornings tor MINIT AUTO GARE ^ Hartford. Large Uvlng room E . Howland, Realtor. 618-llOS. guest rates. 622-8114. 648-1677. cy. Realtors, 619-6847. $25,900. . PW brick Agency, VSHNOK —forge new custom and buelneas machines are _ J , 1,1,. - Janitorial service, 7:30 a.m.- 328 West Middle Tpke., 9-5 with fireplace, 3 ceramie baths,______especially hSIptuL Somep<> PUPPIES—quality bred, gentle R ealton, -649-6847. ASSUME 4% per cent mortgage. hunt 6 room Ranch, wooded Emergency Telephone S19 Harlan A J N 1 I N C i noon, 6 days a week. Must Toy Fox Terrier. 21 Summit a n d ^ ro v e siltiaaB wMl require typing S-car garage. Ezoallent Value, hatha, S-car garage, approt- $82. pays aU on tola centrally tot fireplace, near schools* 643-5482 ______- separate entrance for .gentle- MANCHESTER — central tocar tocated 6 room home near sMOa. 10 per cent down. 80 year mort- Im at^ 8 acree of land- ^ ap- shopping, easy financing. $20,- Firehouse Phone TUs listing of fire calls In the 522 Henry and Summit tenance, 87 Niles Or., Manches- FULLTIME custodicui wanted GREAT DANE — beautiful man. Separate kitchen and ttoh, 6 famUy wttb 4 rooms In ahoE/dng, . tranaporta* 8th District Fire Department is ter, 624-0620. fawn femede, 14 months, * 876- gaga avattabia Weriay R. pointment Philbrldt Agmcy, 000. Megrer A gm cy, Realtors, 643-7373 >88 Henry and White , *TTNAar’ office oareers, at Meadowbrook School, $2 an bathroom use. Parking. 649- each apartment 8 car garage, tlon, schools and dnirches. 648-0009. I published .to ttie interest of' TRAINEE 8196. Smith, Realtor, 648-1607. Kealtora 649-6847. > >24 N. Elm and Tanner la addition to challenging hour, half of C\E3, Blue Cross ^56. exterilent investment. Reduced Owner wiU help with financing safety. work oftora excellent bene­ and Major Medical paid by ■ ------for quick sale. .Hayes Agency, VERNON ' Special Alarm Calls lit mMt tastanoes, the oaUs >25 Henry and Bowers COMFORTABLE room tor gen- ~ ~ MANCHESTER —6 room Cape, If necessary. Ask for BiU Bel- fits, omwenlent location ACCOUNTANT Board at Education. Apply a KC registered toy 646-0181. STARTER RANCH 2— ^Recall. , are primarily of Interest to vol­ >26 Bowers and HdOistor poodle,. tleman. Private eiltrance and BOLTON Young and Pretty country setting, flreplBee, flora. Belfiore Agency, 648-612L with free parking, competi- Excellent opportunity for Board of Education Office, screened patio, tip top condi- 8 hedrodms, Uving rxxmi, 3- ^Genej^ Alarm unteer .firemen who cgu| deter­ >27 N. Elm and Hollister black, male, for sale. 649-0679. {larking, li% Hackmatack Sf., FOUR FAMTT.Y, 6 room s each, mine. the location of the fire by ttve seJaries, merit reviews, newcomer to aocoimting ’ToUand 87§-9682. it 70 Acres (owner soys more than 80^) tton. CaU now. Only $16,900. dining area, rpe room and 4-4-T-Minor Fire >28 H ollister and CHifton Inplant cafsterla', pleasant DACHSHUND PUPPIES — before noc« or after 6 p.m. central tocatlim, new furnaces, the caUs rirag from the fire $t»- field, Requires accounting STAFF WANTED —mason’s helper, no Hayes Agency, 640418L kitchen with built-ihs, at­ 5— Resuscitator tton at Hilliard and Mato "^ta. 529 Hollister and Summit air - ooodittoDed office. AKC miniature, small stand­ -A 84(eem House (12 yoens old) re^tly painted and redeco- Lqit For Sol* 73 tached- garage, hreekeway ------school or college ------.. back txT'T' A XT-T- «*P«’^«nce necessary. Will 6— Mutual Aid ch ie f Fri^nois' iJiM rldk >291 Benttey School , Oosne to see ua any day ard and standard reds and rated. Aluminum storms end LARGE WOODED Bolton Iota ’ and large levri lot make ground, but jbo previous A f JJSJY ANT train. License needed. OaU 643- Aportm unfs— Flats—1 screens. Less than $8,000 down 9—School Canceled strongly urges ttiqt'enrlons nto- 531 Belmont and Bond •:S(M:80. e x p erience. Permanent. ^ w x v x z s.xv x affo^ 6 p.m. blacks also Welmaraners. Call ^ Bam (maybe 72 years eld) Lasting Baauty tor sale, in restricted residen­ this an ideal buy at $17,- TeneuMuto 53 to quaUfled investor. J. D. Real 12— Cidl torlsfo shonld not raise ‘fire 682 E. Middle T|dce.. steady employment In a ______^ ^ ______:______' 1-628-6573 tial area. CaU 648-4461, eve­ 900. Ci^ J. MoLaughlia, Estate Co., 648-6139. tracks to the eotBe of the bfoae and Summit challenging buslnesdf Jhe -nils Is an exeqUeht career g LOOKINa FOR anything in real Swimming Pool (new) nings. 649-5806. and 1)104 oaose highway con­ FIRST AKC DACHSHtmD puppy, 112 N. Main, Main (box) gestion and an additional hax- 583 Hudson and Oakland company offers above aver- opportunity In the treasury months, male. CaU 647-9860 al­ O' tate rentals — apartments, MANCHEST'ER - 0 family 6-S ~ >84 Washington, Summit age benefits and working homes, multiple dwelUngs, no -A Excellent Location ' B&W 118 Puller PI. ard for firemen. More ttoui the department of a ‘ rapidly SERVICE ter 6 p.m. week days, anytime with $ bedroonu, huge The BARROWS and NATIONAL dondlUons, salary commen­ fees. CaU J. D. Real Estate, 114 Union, N,. M ^ (box) usual amount of/traffie’ oh the 612 Oakwood, Woodbridge growing company with in­ weekends. kitchens, pennanent riding, WALLACE Co. streets close to Ae fire wfll de­ 618 Lydall and Woodbridge surate with ability. ternational operations. 643-6l2b. it Meol for Horses, Cottle, etc. alundmim ationu and .acreci^ 116 Marble ahd N. Main lay Tolnnteer' firemen who are TRAINEE Manchester Paricade 116 Stock PI. and N. Main 614 lirdall and Parkmr * - STORES, INC (Plenty of water) . Separate utUttieB, fully re n t^ LOTS Manchester S49-630S to their own oars. Chief Um- Park A Oakland Avee. Responsibility wiU include $18,800. ' WdVerixm 'A gency,.. ______ll7 Union and Wood Lane eridt declared. . * 615 Lydall and Fenwick work on consolidations, We offer the following to a Articles For Sale 45 118 MAIN ST.—8 room heated We have an unusually flex- TIast Hartftxd APPLY man with mechanical abil­ Realton, 6tt*S81$L BOLTON —seven iqom expisnd- 118 Union, norm of bridge 616 Lydall and Salters - taxes, insurance, pensions, apartment, $95. 648-2426, 9-5.. ' situation w hereby'you 384 Woodland and Bates 6J7 Lydall and Vernon ,« and related accoimting ac­ ity ahd High School di­ KEBP^YOUR carpets beautiful MANPEDDSTER-VA, no money may pick your mvn wooded able,Ranch; 8 or 4~hedrooms, 119 Union and Union PI. CUULi FOR general work at ploma: forge living room with raised 121 Tolland Tpke., Union :)35 Brent , and Schaller 618 B a iry and Coleman Lucky Lady Laundry, apply 43 FmST NATIONAL tivities. despite constant footsteps of a FIVE ROOM duplex with ga­ H5,000 down, or FHA niinimum .down lot in Msfodiester’s newest 'i busy family. 'Qet Blue Lustre. rage. $90. J. D. ReM Estate, on this S room Cape with gar- presUg^e area. Plans may hearth fireplace and bookcases, 122 Tolland T^lke., and :136 Brent and Woodhill 619 Bretton FuineU Places STORES, INC. CoUege degree . preferred Training to become a tech­ 643-5129. bright kitchen with plenty 6t Jefferson 387 Schaller and Chambers 621 Helaine nician in servicing, our Rent electric shampooer, $1. ______ioga. tocated near WaMeil he tailored to fit your indl- combined with . industrial tr J. CncksH, Rraltgr — StS-ISn baih. fuB 123 Kerry and North 412 Main, Hilliard (boje) 622 Clyde and Dorothy Park A Oakland Aves. broad .line o f figuring ma­ Paul’s. Paint A Wallpaper Sup- HAVE customers waiting SchooL tot 60x140, 1% baths. viduel taste. C a n for de­ accoimting experience in Asking $14,900. J.D. Real Es­ tails. 413 Carlyle Johnson 623 Parker and Green d some of. the ahoye- men-, chines. ply- for the rental of your apart- — OR — W 124 Nbrth and Golway Immediate Openings in'Our East Hartford - tate Oo., «4$-6120. Machine Co. (box) 624 Wellesley and Green tioned areas. Z ^ ZZ ^ ment or home. J. D. Real Es- with garden space. Enjoy sub- RBTIRBMi$lNT INCOME 414 Main and Pine Hill 625 Henry and Princeton*'^ Manchester Parkade Office will leave your upholstery tate. 643-6129. ______MANCHESTER — Gradpee • urban ' living only minutes 1251 Robertson School Send resume or ^caU 627- . PLAH Jiln Bntai, West Sida flNlty BELFIORE AGENCY 415 Main and Grove 626 Princeton and Green beautifuUy soft and clean. Rent 8% ROOM?J. MODERN, seoord -j- room Ookmlal, centrally Ibcat- from MsnChester. AsklagflS,- 212 Apel PI. 7201 Ext. 269 for niore in­ PAID HOSPlTAi:iZATION\ 416 Main and Henry 6261 Bowers School formation. PAID l i f e nraURANCE * electric shampooer, $1. Olcott floor, wall to waU murpet-ng, ed, lyk baths, firepla)^ gar­ 643-61^1 900. uaJi Realty Qb.. foe; $48^ 213 Oaklana and Mill EXECUTIVE IBM PAID VACATIONS AND Variety'Store. '• heat, hot water, gas for cook-. : m m - f age, extra large toLC-ohlyKOlS,* Rchert D. iDtrdock, 648- 214 Oakland and N. School 417 Main, Hollister (box)' 627 Ai^ondale, Woodbridge“ ^ • SERinCE STA’nON manager, HOLIDAYS ------Ihg, plus, garage, $136, J. D. .$00. Bayes Agtaoy, OtO-OUL . (b ox ) >' 418 Main! and Middle ’Tpke. 628 Auburn and Avondale * TYPIST ” must he thoroughly experieno GOOD WORKING OONDI- SIMPLIFY refinishing with no Real Estate, 648-6129. 216 Cemetery Br., Oakland 419 Oxford and W. Middle 629 Mather and CenterSeld^ '-qd, some mechanical ability VEEDER TTONS gouge, "smootoease” by J o y r '—------^------—■ IEAKCHBSTER — now folder TREED AND landscaped 100 x ELJJNGTON—as foerii ss Ihs Tpke. /• 63l! Parker and Colonial ihnpisrr Or I i ^ ‘ ' eonetriicticn, buQt l y A ^ d i , >im tot Ideal for Raised Ranch. 216 Oakland, north of necessary, good salary plus Craft tools. $3.75 mail order day it was built, 8H* room 421 Alton, "W. Middle T^^ike. ^ Cushman and Tracy Interviews by Appointment OolonUls, Ranches, Raised Terms, $8,000. . Wolverton 'R a n d i, kitefahn and dining t o a Nsohptionist oommission, all fringe benefits. or contact J. A. Joyce, 476 422 Homestead and ^ Scott and Ctishman Apply in person. Wyman OH INDUSTRIES Only. GALL Parker S t IfonCties, city ' utilities, qtc. Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. area, 8 bedroonu, paneled fam­ 217 Oakland and South ' Cjharles Lefowrance, 640-7680. 218 Oakland and Gleason W. Middle’Tpke. dutside D istrict Oo., 24 Main 8t., Manchester. 28 Sargeant St. ily room, firepfoce and garage. We want gala with experi- MONROE “ NEWER USED anything like THREE EXCELLENT LOTS, Excellent value at $80,900. Col­ 219 N. School and Edward 423 Ckmgress and Irvintr .71 N , Main, w est o f l(>ridge prime area, can be purchased if'm ct who ban work in our •DlSHWASHERr-i^uU-tlme post- Hartford, Conn. INTERNATIONAL INC. It,*’ say users of Blue Lustre ■ P > Msl4MCI]j!l$ li A Wagner Realty, 048-9068, 221 N. School and Buckland 424 Sejonour, Homestead 72 N, Main and John home, bathe, $16,600, $$,- separately, $10,000.'J. P. Real . niodSnt air - conditioned tlon, eviniing work, good 522-1111 for cleaning carpet. Rent elec­ 876-8806. Alley' 425 Windemere and Irving 73 N. Main, Tteland Tpke. ■IfattdMster ofRoe either wages. Apply In p«rson only. An Equal Opportunity 100 down,,.$188. monthly pays Estate, 648-5129. • A Division of Litton Industries t r ic shampooer $1. The Sher- 2221 on, Travelers Rea) Eetato Oo., 311 Griffin and H illi^ 4251 'Waddell School 74 Bnckland Center toU-ilme, or part'time Howard Johnson’s Restaurant, Employer win-WllUefms Oo. 8102 10QX300’-A -ZO N E LOT, i;;^iter VA NO MfONEY down or TOA Circle 426 Lockwood, and Irvinsr 75 W indsor 'Maadagra through TVidaya $04 Tolland l^ke., Manchester. «B$da04, 388.4473. minimum down on, this 10 room 812 Marosjet and W e Are'an Equal Opportunity ew eL -$|0l. Jl. and sewer. CaU 848-4158 minimum oown.on, uu» w room nil—... TT:ii:«.ur 427 Woodland and Irving 76 Burnham ami r from 9:<>0 ajB. to 3:00 p.m. Colonial located approximately Employer PORTABLE TV; air compress­ ttX RCk>M house. Hamster tween 94i p.m. 428 Woodland, west’of . BndUandRd. ^ BeOf ttUM posMtona atltie PA^tT-TIME aervlce atatian at­ or and three 670 x'l6 tires. flafwing for 'youngxtttrS le Sch^ section, ' $ bedrooms, $ miles from Rt. 16, sltS on F ilter R a n t an esodRent salary as part Shop Men and Drivers tendant motnlnga, 8-1. See Mr. .■ .______■ ______. OaU 643-8446. eudi fun and oo rewsmding teo MANCHESTER — choice tots EcrM' with a amaii bnx^ 315 W oodlahd &nd Turni)|ull railroad , 77 WilliamsObssing Read The Herald dfohig room ; glassed-in'^ porch, 78 Slater; north parkway ; M our Top "Pmr F or Top Stoan, Esso Service Center, ETJLL AND part-time help want------^ ^ ------as you’tt ebe when you make- d ty . uttUttes,. convenient loca­ with view of Hartford, near Big bouse for only $32,000. J. 316 Frederick Rd. 429 Woodland and Strong tUe >W»qg scalloped yoked Ihe serene beauty of ^ •f ltaupto- program wMhfrIngs For Varied .Dpties ^ Route 88, Vernon. ed! Apply ih person ^ Burger PER CENT OFF Ittiltt^hg tion. ecu Peg Gleasynsld. schools and recreation. In quiet O. Reel Estate Oo^. OM-6130. 817 Woodland and Horton 481 Strickland and Strong 81 Deming, Tolland 1^ 0, ^'shaiiaflta. a saae^aewi — . I \ , . needles instruction IxxUui, knit­ Ciassified Ads For -70 per cent oi* • that pair of skis for BIliy. o r AMEWCAS, Ne w YORK, OT AMMMOAfi. NEW YORK, Paid W. Dougan, Raaltor, 640-' 829 Broad, W. Middle Tpke. set-up meo; seqond abift Mr, necessary; C$U Voa^*%Op-,. Mde or ' V.Y. lOOvB. ■■ ■ ' RIYADH — ,aaudfo AraUaii 881 Loomis And Griffin Green Rd. and Adains - ^ ^ . , , . - bn most Itenie, Rode, reels, • tbat* Mfttn fori Bottyk N.T. 100S6. ______SoNriMi For __Salt 75 formers who have shown gr«at> ,,W«ll6r> 389-8806. Mr. Kapten, ■,;m W$83.’' " Print Name, Address with 882 Woodlaiid and Buval 517 Green Rd. and White 9d>Vernon St*, north daj»« toree, iroceesories, etc. • Call Friitt Name, Addresa with PUNCH PRSH> .npbf'bfon. n® 949.4881. PAB liv e Belt, Hart- '.-!'«nd ^ Olid'oii ond'on . . • * Zip Code, Stjde Number Zip Code and.Cttyle Number. . 283 WOODLAND ST -Z6 room COVBlMTRY -JMtag 8-18^ 4 er toterest to ipwiiw wheat 383 Brent ahd Duval 618 White ( 97 Lydan,ea8t ofV«gneea ..^mT-TDin Janitorial. Man- ^ a 'HONAD OOJdPAKy; look.- ekperience required, part or foifi Rd;. Manchester Send 50o now^for a copy of Cape, pennanent siding, waU room Ranch, situsted on 16 flim in planting fruit or forew* SlV9> to waU carpeting, one car ga- i acros, fireNace, smaU barn, try trees have been told the Chester area, 6:$O6;80 p.ifa;, tog fo r tlie iqah fo service ftai-;ltoie. ApfUv .to, taers^ ------K etp, pace with the tha nqw ,’67 Sprlhg-Summer A li r r - r r v evenings. per week. CaU - sales lOUtes, experience hot re- GayteMfg. (fo. tofe. HKWCTol- foshtwite by cordering the 1067 bum from whtoh to ohoose mam rage, tot 80 X 240) $15,900. ideal ffo> horses, CaU 076-0T74, plantiitg of U> trees ia a FTt- ' -'if.'' ">■' 2i3-68S9 ; betorw) M quired- Ouwcanlae . of. . .SJJMl toi# S$-'i Etort Haitfoxdri'xiAh ClAST IHON. w ^ bath- lEpwttng Ifrralhj , gpxing «nd Summer Basie patterns to oroobat, knit, em- CAiambeni ^ Realty, ' Austin i« s , Harold HaUer 742- raqidrite ter pbfototof >a lo fa 4/ Read H^iid .^vertisi^eiiti ..r..:.i.. wtolUy-iiiFra£rtrOhB'''VM-0303.'' 'iiqtbi'-otipoiiiBdigr’ tub eaU $4$-l669 after 6 ||tii. npHiBfo Mo 6 ' BBKUCHKJt WOnMiFlD||r R. J. ila a tn .' , ,..fo m uhtog'-pfiMt. ■ - " • s . . • • 1 • * • ' . t ' -■: ’* ■ \ . ■ ' *'-^' ' -;o g?|f^'v.|' A,-S' ^ ■• '• ■■■.(■ '• ' ', ■: .,S •.<■•'>> ,v •-’ ■ .•' • • - ■ ■ •• * .:• Mj-'f ®‘®^7av>v*s • -.',. ^ ,„ "'V.- 'ir i>-7*-,A*' ■- s ' • ..s' . r^ ■'• •/ . * • ■ • • ^ ' <•'•,• r ii\- ■ fl '■¥y~l i." .*■ ' • . • . . .., -; ■ ^; . J, ^.•.. ^ •. .. ,. % .«v j V : ; / ' / o " ' . •, ' ' S a t u r d a y ; a k o l ® ^ la t t r f e IhwM i^ UfUS About Town dtficers were Mrs. AJMociaitian o f Rd. p.m. in Odd Fellows HaH. Ad- _____Albert_____ Ford,_____ histalUii^___ ^ matron; attending wm ______^ regional be Albert He,Marrotte, district Bank-Wom«v and is Ttie ■PPC wffl also decide the rian Posner of Stamford, grand Reginald eT Allen, inatalllhg pa vtoe president of the New Enqff matter of the Ckdnlpero applies- diancellor, will make an offi- troo: M^s. Robert Rlchpiond, In- manager; Philip. Freedman, land Dhdslon of thb Baak-Wwn*; tioa tor building additional cial visit. After the meeting, stalling marshal; Bterbert R. MoiA Canter, George Naoz- en apartments o ff Obaiter Oak St. there will be a social hour with mngstaurjf, itmtalUng chaplain; kdwskl and Herbert Tyler, staff After , the pubho hearing on refreshments. Mrs. Willtam Morrison, install- managers; C^rga Walsh, Beh- RECORD REPORT the Budb .Bill Rd.- mibdlvlsion ----- ing organist, an past matrons Jamlh^ Karpmaii, William Mel- Qmyiee Pfizer ami Co. showed requested hy John Bantinli^and Mizpah Spencer Circle of patrons of Temple Chap nick, Sol Yaamer, Frank Plante, jj^g oempany's best the VtMage St. mhdivhiion, prop- South Methodist Church will t^r. and_m Ohstave'Betancourt-agents. '‘Dm’faMAAfSwl' Aa±'^ llS erty owned by the town man- meet Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. at year stooe its foumUBg Ronald Erickson was soloist '' The purpdw of the- conference yeani ago, aocordiog to its an­ ager, a motion will be made for Susannah Wesley Hall- Mrs. for the instaUation. is' to provide instruction to spe- preliminary approval on these, Robert Loomis will show slides nual report OUier officers installed are cihllsed insurance subjects. Record sales of over $621 mil- aooonUng to the agenda. of her trip to Spain and Portu- Mr. and Mra. Robert M. Bantly, Hon.were recorded for the yArg The Bandni application tor gal. Hostesses are Mrs. Joseph associate worthy patron and -PBOMOi'sdi pg,^ ggpt fpoto the pro- the SO lots is s* Bii^ MU Rd. Swennson, chairman, assisted matron; Reginald E. Allen, sec- and Bell St. by Mrs.. J. Manley Shaw, Mrs. retaiy; James E. Elliot, treas­ Di^iei *7. 'Miller Jr, of 64 Le- y(oug year. Net earnings wers Town Manager Robert Weles John 'WWte, and Mrs. Pierre urer; jwrs. Frederick RecaVe; land Dr. ^ been promoted to up 16 per cent, with over $61 him asked permission tp sub- Teets Sr.. . conductress; Mrs. Walter A. assistant secretary in the data ihuiioa. divide a parcel of land he re- -:— Person, associate conductress. ! processing department at the - Eonilngs per shsn vrtth t$M cently purchased into four.pos- The Ststeil)pod of Temple Also, Frederick Oaal, chap­ Travelers insttnuice companies, oompemy have risen ftom $2.68 aible parcels Beth Shokxm wUl sponsor a lain; Mrs. Marshall Hodge, Hartford, to 1968 to $8.07 fo f 1966. These The Oulnipero application has rummage sale Wednesday from marshal; Mrs. William MOrri- A graduate of Trinity College, figuM exclude’ the raplW as- been tabled several times and 3 to 8 p.m. and Thursday from gon, organist; Miss Elsie Weth- MUler -Joined Travelers in 1968 sets o f purdiased companlee,^ the TPC i^ently received an 9 sum. to noon at Masonic Tern- ereij, Adah; Mrs. John L Von as a programmer. He was, nam- The Pfizer company is ,an in. opinion from Atty. W. David pie. Fabrics and linings will be Deck Jr.,- Ruth; Mrs. Alexan- What is credit? Sometimes it the company were available to in man by working together, 6d a senior progtammer In: 1959. tornational.organlzatitm dealing to p^eAntunuticals, chemlcalw Ketih, assistant town counsel, featured. der Ciessynski, Esther; Mrs. is defined as simply another them. The other purpose, ac-iand if they learn the other n.;i cording to Frank Metzger, dis- pert of the phase of trust 'minerals and metals, and agrt- on the matter. In essence, Keith ------WiUlam Howard, Martha; Mrs. form of money, whUe a famous *g._ 5 —____ _ rrAgiif n, mid that, according to town The Ladies Guild of the As- Dorothy Kelley, Electa; Mrs. trict managed of the Hartford credit and its proper use, they oultoral and consumer products. Kntng regtilattwis, Oulnlpero’s sumption will meet Monday at Lena Speed, warder; wid John slogan adopted by the mys- office, to “take the mys- may son»e day be businessmen of great holdings and have the appUcathm was vall)I, but if It 8 p.m. in the church haU, Two 3 _ Rigiey, sentinel, terious, multi million dollar ^ tbry away from the organiza­ APARthtENTS SOLD admiration of their less knowl­ were judged on the buds of the films, obtained from the Mary Members of Manchester As- company I>un and Bradstreet tion known as. Dun and Brad- The Colonial Oaks Apart­ town ilfseter Plan of Develop- Knoll Sisters will be shown, sembly, Order of Rainbow for street, toe." edgeable and^ financially less ments at 88-92 Oak St. has been defines credit as "man’s con­ able peers. mont the Issue may be over- They are "Bamboo Cross” and Qipig, and John Mather Chap- fidence In man.” D A B Is celebrating Its 126th sold. J. D. Real Estete Co. ma­ nfled' in an appeal. "Light Up The Jungle.” Re- Order of DeMolay for Boys, A meeting of business writ­ anniversary this year. The com­ At the meeting, a D A B of- terialized the.^e, which was he diseuwd at the TPC freshments wiU be served. The ^trere ui^ers and in charge of ers for the, commimlcatlons pany Is 'concerned with econom­ ficidl told the story of a cmnpa- negotiated by J1116 ara the yellow pages of a tele­ Cited labor, stim ul^ed manu- MinerMiller is acuveactive with wiwi the u»o Hartj George L. Turktogtofi Jr., son recorders and analysts In the side paroel off Spencer St An- r fa%en to aU women of the Luther ^ phone directory. The company facturers, pushed commerce ford tord YMCA, serving as a mem­me - ^ George Turk- Hartford area and about 12,000 thony BobUceno had Shown to- pariah. originally scheduled puts out many other business over every sea.. .esUbhahed ber her of the young men’s com- mgton of 40 Nye St.. hiTrecenb tenet in the possible purchase ...... - fo r March 7. to the nation. publications. ^ , national superiority on the foun- mlttee, and is pMt prasKton i y,g Berkshire Life In- Miss Lawton, a. fifth grade The purpose of the Hartford The children pictured above of this property from the town dation of intelligence, wealth, the New England Area y m ^ surance Go. as a staff assistant to use it as a storage place for teacher at Vernon Center Jun­ meeting was to let the commimi- are building a business. The Young Adult CouncU. The Mil- Electronic Data Procesij- Baby Stroller ior High School,, was the 1966 and well-directed industry.” his dump trucks. cations media know of the com­ foiur yotmg businessmen here lers have three children. Department in Plttsflel^ A t tfae meeting, a Unen map toternettonail Farm Youth' Ex- pany and that the services of ara building their confidence ------:—^------,------f$CmPLElT» COURSE Mass. Turkington is a native dc and a print of the "Fountain Said Stolen (fitange delegate to Taiwan. The exchange program is coriducted __ , James Varney of 146 ...N. GET CITATIONB Manchester and now resides to VIBage^’ apartmmits will be The management and chefa of Pittsfield. ^ signedim™ by members. ^ stroller betoogtag to the National 4-H Club Foun- H ol'V iVflttlft U n it School St. recenUy. graduated . . * from Shbll fMl Qll GO’S, Cb’s. .advancedadvanced 14 Manchester-Hqgtford area TTbe dto^I^ also at flie T««y of 87 Foster St Poefs Comer J. Beniard Quesnel of 2l.Rtene training course in dealer man­ food service establishments will eooecutive board meeting win was repented as stolen to poUce gj,g gpgj^t six months Mvtag To Hear Curtis Rd. and Harold A. Stanek vof agement. He was awarded a oe honored next, week' to New be the budget working with 10 different Squth Windsor have recently, Tlie victim told police ahe had ftu^igg on farms in Taiwan, A City certifioate of, achievement at a Haven. yvUUam H.. Curtis, Manches- qualified to take part In an ed-^ left the stroller in front of Bur- j,gjg particlpatod for many They tell Us of a city where the graduation Iimcheon held at Restaurants represented from ier’a superintendent of schools, ucational ronference held by Stolen Car FonnJ ton’s on Mato St. when toe yggj^______4.H Club work arid has streets are paved with gold, wiU be guest speaker at e-m eet­ Waltham, Mask Manchester are WlDie’s .Steak They tell US the Inhabitants do He toto the ..1604iour four- House and Cavey’s. the Monarch Life Insurance Go­ A oar reported stolon to po- went shopping, and when toe ggpyg<] eg junior leader, assist- ing of St. Jame’s Holy Name to 4>e held soon in California. Boo yesterday morning was rp- returned shortly after it wae co-leader, and member never grow old, ___Society Monday at_ 7:80 p.m. at week course to 's^ y all phases The honor ceremony, to be , They tell iw of the angels that gt jam to’ Stoool H ^. of modern business manage­ held at the Park P l^ Hotel, Is Both are at the Hartford agei^ eowerad yesterday. gone. gj^i advisor of the Tolland and Quesnel is agency supervis­ ment and to familiarize him­ the 8th annual Restaurant-Mo­ •The owiier, James M cCa^y A case of vandalism was county Fair Association, clothed In pure white, began Ws career to edu- or. of 21 Prinoton St told police checked by police yesterday Members of the various They.t^ us of a city where ggJgjjggtgggJ,. self with the latest advances In tor Hotel, Convention-Trade 'yesterday about 8 a.m. that the morning ait the LaiBona Restau- church ciroles will decorate the. there Is never any night. ^ Stratford High School, and automotive design and servic­ Bhow and Cidtoafy' SbcposKlon.; Caiester Kutolckl, of 114 Park oar was taken from his drive- rant on Tolland Tpke. tables to represent the months \ : has been active to professional ing techniques. \ Oyer 6,000 represeiita'tlves of St.,, has Joined Northeast Util­ way. ^ Police say some cardboard y^g Mrs. Theodore They tell M of a city Jesus has gul>*™-: The speakers'will be, Robert.. j Q u n i a l Fleischer cif Waterbury, Oswald D* Arche of West Hartford and - McNeill Mrs; Oscar-Kraifslg-of Bolton. ' They win relate the mtperiencies ■ ■ 'UanChester Ass|steaL Build- g f similar! taiiapayars organlza-'- tog .Inspector JOmest'xMcNeill is tlons in their towns, tlie subject of an article In the . A question and answer period March l^ k ofT’-The - Fire; firihw the ^1^^ HAVE YOUR Journal,? p;ublUbed Na­ tional F in Protection . Associa- Biiclget Copifeis^^ PRECIOUS FURS ■ tion. The .art;icle pratoes . him for Now Available’ his vdittetfry action last sum­ • STORED mer, to asristtog tee Tciwn of- Coplesi o f TUwn Manager- New Milford in.solving a dU- Robert Weisk 1967-68.ttotatlve • REPAIRED- ftcult eleqi^cal V ppblcji^ The, budgetq ,h^' available fpr public. . problem'conceded ^^..tost^la-' lp^cticm at-the t cifticial, who ■ oouf Unplicate BiTogp , tee Contractors Division nfot at MUlor'a/Restaurant this week to discuss mntog regulktlete- IV ratbmto . . . without bblignitton! I ; .pertamtog to the huUdtog of, sulxliviaiona.^Haruld pitoto by Ofiara.) , , A, -t ta b duplicate bridge ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES Mante*y.^<«loe^who a ra l^ Net night at the KaBan BY OUR EXPERT FURRIER A B l^ tor. w^ otetfcted Imerican aob . wANorth- , .( A. South: Joseph Toee andjRajph (Friffin triK t toeted **®83«lre, first; James Tatro and rampeWtfOUr^ W ted MUton QottUeb, second; Joseph Of the eleiiW^ egwpment, wirb unj Michael McGuive, detailed re i^ -o f 'hia find- third.' Willtam A; ' hiq^ and Alto, Bast-West: Mni. Rlcherd ,l y S t la H il tohii the Sc Iw V—* ■ ■ . r ■ -ilT * Gwqrek andhCrs. X>oflB Belding,' The T it o Jcle graf; (jiie^lee punn ...aqilr. Jon- ItaM, aectod;. O eii^ c^ ln of afid B o (^ Norriit.'Jthl^^ri'i^;,,' J ■gtov : The game Vis- ? r-'rTBLBPH< , 6 4 ^ ;0 D S ^ Rd }• ,Mr, ^ . .pubUo MKl - -IT-'— -M ral V ■ ter

I ittenauMoonr

%. loan oMtcw ncheoter Stain ot the hank’s »ra. She )e on reaus .of thn ten' ’ Assocta)-* AlMOdottanof d ia regional the M«w Bn|^ ih Baak-Wom-

IKPORT ( ; ...... ' 'I ' ind Co. showed APR. I Hw APR. 7 I. .. mpaay's touadiBg litS ' ■■ ■ ' *' W m m m m Hag to tts an-

■ft > ovrer | 4S21 mil* Why TV d for the y ^ , , from the pro- earnings Wei« Stare Do wtth over |91

dtan with the len fhnn I 2.6S Movies lof 1966.' HM se he etfpVbal aa> H oSjK w o’SSSTI^iihi ) compeniee. MtaB« ipany is ,an Juf* » r » i Izatloa .dealing eUs , "chemiccdn tale, and agri* umer products.

JTS SOLD , ; iia « L t lw Oaks Apart* OWM Is t* ] ak St. has been ta t a t w e 11 estate Co. ma* a ( TV x e la w ii Inixa de, which was ihh A . DeQuat- Wde Dgrhc, else. 44 m And aa tri con. tqptagrttNhrl *** ' "“.oS* » #+ X»•> -‘ ' Its, is assessed jtOk V 44>e tk ' oyer $160,000. 1 ’*'4*" V ' built by Bast- li inelig « ittag «t her first prises^ and sold StatvBtg rntim, *’TaQey oC Uw f,® (anagement Co. DoBaL*' t ls a fflaa alaa faa^m a The new own- Patty Dttke ha her flrst venture “JSiu; nlal Oak Asso- aaray hrawk Iwr aeries. sticut and New JtayiiaMBd Bonr. late of Perry Mason nnd aaon to pter la a i-style duplex an r aartea ‘TroBsMea.’* la oo-^ ure private cel* Marring with George Peppard atlos and many ta tartaa OraaB.** The ‘Hogna'a >e features, Berana* craw—Dob Crnaa, War­ both parties tn ner' mwiaiiiarar and John Banner was JM y. A llan —hnra JeBMd aak isBagea BBn the law flm^ Soanaar aad Mauraea Arthur la onuu. “The Wlcknd Dranau o t P au la A T b te ifiRr HffimnnK. Schultn.** Abome^ Mums’ Btila. EF S '" ? ISKfUa Ban Is hopiag to ae- foBtjh acii&i lEKsb (Q ^ e - klngtoh J r ., s. as a financial Sonisba to "Twist' of tbs ottar Matt fMhn. "Tha^Aim- *v , Knife," Brdnda Bcott to "Jonr. husber." cs major, KUf- aar la gwiah" and Jknanm ptrrm , Zhnhanst Ac. Jiaapadl 1 from Cornell PHaa to ”Tha DIwU's Brigafda." f r m "TIm FBI" to play diaiwj' lefore accepth^ - B(f«i Koith to^ tlma out Mbphnm’s hnmsnd la'.F"«bat' Ifatn Dark." to * -Ma§ » adSt with Northeast from "Femily AfCWr" to appaar. 0 fTba Lang VaBiy" rid.. Bini, ) Co., subsidiary ia "Raflaetioiia fa" g Cl^ldaa want with CbarUen ITiatpa ia tilitles that pro- Bye" wftii Bhaabatb Taylor a«d Mbtfm RaiNlo, Dooa Martte "W ill JPamiy.’ i I Bd services for aaatimiaa to work fa films ha* lata of "Hey LaadbrnT M . Ught and Pov^ AaAm. A^A^mWg^L^mn aMoarfag wtth WMo artford Eleotrie U efoa wfnaf His aaat ia aa* 'XSamhehev' Western Massa- Ic -Co., M r; K u» >r Massachusetts isurapca Oo. j Sid Ca^sdr Looks Steve A D cn W0 rcm n um — Mrnm gah lOpa hra had Mo sWniy ia» mm «Un; m m ^ G e i s S h o w

Ifdt ttafr awiL Thaapai gnodBcer (Ot ike adB 3ihew„ ndee mSBOm WCTBK ((40n) — SBSmm JUtaOl WtiD iiMftmiui tlBD Wte qjiMMrtiirfU, ” 1 Jfintt dteilBidl on* dby Balt I tlj'" MlAtipItjiii—lie a aiiiTiimwr juSt fa • aaiMf ayr ha appaaim Tha" had dm imuEh weSt^,"' sMiB Ram dfaoRw (KSugRgttigr tUoe agwtt ' fttltt. laafnfcfaa ' g a t a f OB' the the eam TT-----"bnd S sMifi tUatth itt— ^ m m ? miM dSns^ Utamy g fag 'w h o ' had made the anabt dn»- TmjlaBellt. flh>lt BBRSeSfaMK. OtiffidUBeafftaur Ontt MtO' aM tfe. redatiaea a f alB to Bid " I jimit wmitt am a Ihipi pnaiaiisi wuMMinr aHHiiniy aanwES jrwiiinmit \ m O » Ctm m ttr fa a raaaat apprasane* Hqiy tfim methwanlk. I at aaeiv aaMbiaaar. aw: the oeaw Madia. :gBaar„1WE dBalt andl X dbi a oat off ammdiaaa, OihB gpndh Ugm’*’ Ore nnnHhllimi “TBm Xnn

ester Chamber- ig direetbr, aad^ ad members .(g ‘ ihg regukttkHia - , ItANCTOTBR CONN.. iUTU«DAY, APRIL 1 .19g_ ilANCHBSTBR EVCNINQ

SATUHOAT, A TM Ll. IMH BERAU). MAKpaSTBR, COM^ ?V:tereed tejttjg iiakchester Educf0oW>t M ‘ te picveaf ■•• P A G E TW O 2 „ 8 « ^ « j . l , r f V ' :■■■, asSs^u&taSsgSrtot to tTha ieeaa to Woiifl labor-managemem f f i S S S r e l lis ■»•. B Mdrrung vtouirtr «sturbe4 r*>«* '« * * ' ' vJS2S5 ® S S S !? l^ * oeaater pew* an {WEDiif Channel 24) beaSffihop rtew a^^ ^ 16. S * ' s M ! S r “5r*!S5uiji« lii*" SSS® s.Sftini(^t''S}IS: (TO S A T U R D A Y JO («f) e foren aan .,D ^ » g ^ r l S i f S T ' O ! . M ? S S m 4) o ab tiu s N isa (TO Carol 9aaay, a T ^ m * witti ■M»)r is .o b ir ■»i“i SfiSS.«5T !?i^ gSu»s^e VAtlaia *•» % S a a ia r, April » f^m SSSTs^^ato Awtog “ '5S‘'^amSwr«ota. to (28) (S) J 2 i i u» BeUSiSSl fiM (M 4^> 8«*«*tay ta 1 rMoiwfay — clue (22) At Bpme witt B lB y ' Umsdt aa the IteH* 0—» * «£?** <*•) }8) SOiV<«»,e A "strip* (8) ------tm (8-88-it) News, Sie**». Wes— ^ p SS >eaa^ Nag JS l •(. QMifM* »'?• {8us.r i5?*A!C’t e . ^ (TO. 8,88 « -**^ > News, Sfsrts, T W — iMBiatai* proU •,«(•) Itesf^ M )’ ller» OfttOM^ S S f « t t * * o t '& h 80; «ri» tons. S a S & 'i? * ' QuesU include Jeiw |l8). Sabsorttoa TV , « : K a iM z . .« ■•Fahreahelt (UV -u i-a i .a An epic nieeoh 688 f e S ■<» lin t KMnen,BermW. Aiisa j, A r^r 8,88 (fiSSwW rsesday H teht id BMBbjM M ^-Oto Rrmrefc iou* r«' *«« ffiTVisr*^ » » * r « iiS o« m- (g^ll) “ *• SSltot o^ 'Sg^ » . •=»® *•'«* tbibno^ Treacher, llort lilndsoy ana awl Dot*"S P**fS! when 1:BB (5i'-2M5) • * 2 5 * ^ Way Heme’J. B t o r t .5«»tsss,£sr«.^ orchestra *‘**k»?S5)‘’ 2S^‘ TO Oa* U *sa t o toaA Je a a ' Buaaseato ISS*>Bh^s:s: Uesnt Lteden. Huiii* o«*ni* 8:88 (8) Itorto. News, W eatte. (TO Wt ,. x s u . ^ ^ ItM i s ; s a C t e 's li tta Uvea el .a,*"**™ ** s« ■SS^S^.’S <$S»^rsem S S S el ^ ’•Y ,N>TO a ’ V s B - t o lamny la ’16, •* {js;8£-?s^o,;wiu,y&’® i «gji® i r “ ta (O) Stn 8:ii (TO) JtoM (o iSSm Wisdom" are 8.86 ir gpiito. News. (TO 3 his diiufhtey. N tojy. %.*"*•*• « 4 M j ) ^,,pman and tne v«»^ il88 (8) 1^..**?.____ ho I S iS IS ; §?w TVw -i?i or- - S **• 'I 6:10 (TO) Brtaoa •.TO « r P < SPbytHi' « ^ _ Ptoee (0) Sfoiv5r.sr» 2«aaa88) Aariher Wfn' ® 3 % ^ p SS; yto* discuss^ SSS*"ClMunpl«»j^ B»wlta« ! ! S | &kisssk PS m ~ HS'SS.' ^ ^ Y a S r tito 2,8* {«)•*>«?. ewaSto^eJ S®2. ‘^j2SJ?"l55Kta»______(f?^»^"a5!2g.(ia> Atveafawe IS SS a Q* f i »ta BwiMi (TO ••"'A ■ (8848) Baattey*Brn^ey -Be* (8) Geleaese 0 « » * " . mfm»XM99 WTO" ^ ^ Stia Mlokeiir Kavse (jount Basle and. Bhlney, Bep- (848) GeaerAl HegaW ^ Fetiir deaalata^Hto (TO J S S T t o »••»* S K ? u - Om S o B pop., •’•• IS) ® ^ ia^ \*ws P 5a 15; D to nrk» 8hew^„^ •’•• !S?^d®W tondarln. Bv^. (W Jayeatare T lu a *~tfa Shew (TO *'*• S I toTO) ^ ^®* ?»» tooeeljl?"!. 8:26 (8) Hews .XO) ^ (B 48)"*’^«oy-BrteMay O'" ^ viewers osn see , .. g . (8)*~Osiiraseke (8) Mi ; Oe*her (TO 8iM (8) Dlbk Vaa Dyta *taw . aetalio*. pesglcUea, ••The Invaders In na« TV • ’ ~ II I iir (8)* 0’?2?S5£«i®*v (18) Dark B t a * * * * ^ . ^ gay (TO . part (TO. <«> a re .. -see w.«» - - •-"- (0 ) (28-22-TO) Tea Dea'i -8 :TO * 9 ) Deeel-??ta. (Si) *«**®*£2. (88) *T»m (0) (I) Mr. Oeeher (TO 7:88 (« AftoTwfisM Itovto < M T«\ Ha m * XPrl* Newa.^ut 8hMr f ^ it a IS) Oeaatry Basle Oarava* !»««■ 4,88 (Im S « ^ ^ ( T O (8) TwRlghi Beae ^Mt. Repeat oC March . f:(D S S ?fe« B ^ S S ^ . Robert Hut. •The Passerby 7*»“ H«Sey-Brtehley B«*e** g*J5 18) Taei 8tU (8)' Wj«» *tir%iSlto 56. m- , (28) Hei«ey»*towey H salieydsrla^F Bepert ■ P-"*' ■ , i iaias"*.™ ;'!.!® •Dawer a . . 15?* m S? iT S ia t o Daddy i>eS%5C^^ s;is5r^"32- • '* • ( ) tt^aftederlSTifcew t^enseS-^.o^ (C) Lleal News, Weatt* M eagay. A**® • 2 / TtHUght taitt (w'Virtrval(8) B^sHva.^. rf' Bits ?*„r5 ”''lHrliJRsS 2 aSd Bay „ „ <»> 8J»SS!?.5 RSSS22^ ,| 8 BiSt (2(28-8848) l^ h sel Piegrhms •tnaee•(Oaoe Dpea a *«*• sr««tt- - “Amaatee _D*- ' » “ Luck' “ '*• "»CUr’or'Mo6t«iin^^ (88) niat - laboratoir eSrt InformaUpB. Local: Newa, Waa— n ,8 8 <*M 248). Nea)*^*i Show (TO s « r V o " - . Teal. (88) Deeeasher B r i d e ; ., Dianna Foe- ler It e-a* — -. comkJ d ^ « (2t40-») (48)”"Tealght at the Movto ( W ’AinerloM Swrtsa gSnoao pww g ^ ”L ^ jtobeif Franolr 7:is ?M) Tea ^ e * M e a ^ a ^?S8 This to’Cwsa SSW iM (48) daeh Lalhaae Shew ter. ;en ’ SodU teudlea Graded « ??BreUtihr*>rtd » « < « 7;8 {JlfflS^ta'SSrtayN Lacy 8hew_tV2_ l.b. rinea oit a taiihSi |b ( i ^ ) Mike Dewriaa gtaw (TO , ’ '?* the MtettSea onl7 - ’•“ S ; fisf^Kto to It ,a"<& f^S!ryas the Wg brettt cem^ 8.88 S-D P e < ^ 1:1 ^*acuia ifte * Wc^Sd* ifaidon.Wltoark, Shew (TO OrSd<^ * — onamte ^ ) SSS^tfiSx Wor. O ta- lS !« r”^?A..>faeNeB Bo* ?ASssr,SB-ffi"A _• Mavtoa »=•• Daagtage t:TO ®“ • *1*8?)’ « f; ^ ™ O ^5 » C 5lSk to k Bepert. giga p to n ^ p , iro iam Alook « huIlBlo rancUea W aJ hI sad Mirk hoard ly!**— dto contostanto attojmptte Shd mwttger of An autoniSlo ••BeritoWCTtwjUondetUreapotfdenr D «A Grades flkrined Moment 1?** Lisfc-'isst/SaH^ viratada Gltamce. , 18.88 te arJtoei a scleaUet W & to ^ match worda lor caah pnaea. . SJSo^^ Sbetade course. Grades 64 ** (-K!2to m vftel lownnle* teen >*jfs!'asssi~>:•• Gunpoint" " & * * S ? o r _ - t r i k o » in form KB- W M ^r. Menseat cnxi^S » JI"“ * jE2*a knowkaow■ey .^ se Tsar It«.D.S. AI*SI. Force Farce Beligieae BewUaa t^SS'w T^rbSl WhhS U :« ^ Fren^ere. <»•> Nheato. TO____ ^(SSlD^irea Heree (O) lf:8 8 W**Ne!m. -----b----- im ' Ono n 11,M Deenraysfts Art and death stnmgle between a Aistoovei* teey •- Id - 1:88 (O) (88) The Fllatejeaes (TO Grades wUck fnssenfer on rSos to the land,„Gto^etM^ |& )^tt.O lew . iSiert‘NS;to;,^W;“‘& J ^ . ti,)*W »*Oi;oh'«W ri. «»«- cobra and a le rr^ News, WeaGier (88T McHale’e N w , U:fti Travel Tl»c (28) Theatre- 88 •nlisis Bon._ . . , Gaddis (TO 7,88 ?8)"daiid^° TO^» U:88 pTO) (TO 18:88 ItoW to) Newa .,,^ ,r.£ S iris w Si% Tfortuif toller presets sonrje U.W }S [Jc « a ^ ' ------.. (TO Dateline I HeUyweed Preview E^juSi »5^a]5iiim rk” 4,88 Madera Ia4astrtel Maaage- gJSSfr “sS^ n is^ W r^ ^ SIS iS!»sr^iffiS^'SS “ ■ el Oa— saeat •57. DoHs Day, deha. Baits* “ " 4trelman . s e------s i1.?is 'sMaumea. 3kidnap]^ - , £ S ay v hy m- c 4esperate eriminius. cnmin. fori, O aldepsii^ if«AHatlea, U:8t Leva ct Ufe *'TO BfXf’*gkffla * '" * ■*M (S) SatardM at Baoes w> giga Oil “ (28«-8#) deepardr (TO 8:88 (8-22-TO) News, Sports, woa— (848^ Wedaesday NIfh* •* IS5; TU *’'F « U l,e _ (O) aris^’.E^«pjs. Florida Derby_ , ^ a»a* Ry®®" (TO S I5S«> S s ’ J i h ‘ ®»ir Tsmerjww (TO :::&ss.2sr-“ - If) The Nsrsee ” 88-22.S8) Bye Gaqw jO) l:65(S22-20) Nws (0) Charles Boblason, Marty Brin, ,5=5:15’) s : ” « 5 S w ® I4S) Dennn Beed Bb m Bbner Carlse"* 12,48 (8) GaldlBg U fh f .lO) to’ oar U ve. 1 Led Thn» U*«e •®S|s5"5*as-ViM•*VW livlnkMtaWJ^ H8,,-«M«itor tee oixiie* guttte (28-2248) Days i S ; Bjr,.Byte1m*TO Wnvv S U N D A Y JO P R O G R ^ . u lw (*•«■»•> »•*• (TO DeUy Furness h ojjf (28). tastlan Cabot, and PhTOf -who expiate »««a t o I £ m ) Newlywed O ^ e * » "% Vrs, ‘«'ta*ta* ^ <0> aidetteFs Mease 8:86 (8) S^rte. (28) Jaaler Oaadlepla BewDa* 2:28 7:88 (88) Agrlcaltom_ea Farads (M) BMheler Fatter ^^D ei^e tte *•■»*• Party (O) (8) Lassie (C); ^ lUUam executor. ( 2 t ? | 4 0 ® V •*;»8.(S) K ‘ "wltt WTOtir o r - in* Axamlnatlon TO origin. dH 2,46 (8) sacred H jan (48) Beany ^ ®S®*peeple ( ^ v«rage te the Be«esa 7,18 Sealer Tears (848) Dreaas tw ai W I L T O i r S ^ ifHenunr Uto pSIer deanlngs News (TO i;8 i8«fsE rs:.;:i*p* 7:45 Tarlatleas « (8) i S i Spa«e Adiptatotratl^Mu I^SKramtnTOudes c o m m ^ tM Main S t. Manohrotw ISScessor Jittii Dando •‘-|51**48) (TO iu S S S ? "* 'pital to^riScs TO the s^ ^ P S : •'••^rtebiridventure. and top admlnlatrat<« (TO H U M M a ••««l^’g-WiSe-^Thteteg —Tears ^^TO Llghtog. !};,,6:t6?S?toTO.“?h.n':SS(TO'^ (« m,at In^tte Wsria w» and romance lined « o iy u i >?»rum H Day el Dn«ns ■■Oall_ States' 18*88 (18>* tabeorlp^W TV development ol the great h g u m m e s (8) IwUlght Zone "A Flatlul TO DoUam 6i6*S[TOa S n e ^ r e ? . Thto dJH gm ^ New*. SpeTOO •S^thwest. „aA«a»8a1«» (S? ■®tart .U:TO«444»4(^ (TO S:M (8) Sperts Spectacaias 8:88 ^Lented are the .second^ ltd) Dark Shr i * ? * _ (o> * — S i S (8) Faith le* *ta«r (TO S S B ^ r d s aa»»‘c. ta kANGE and DRYER TjffTOja <**) NO* * ^ n , S r f o ) Tin (lafarl and short loatu,™ - iS"iJK "J’W ’<5“ ‘=*‘ |lUl«)“M .to% .to (O) ■ (S ) c ^ a S^^ntriem TOobetrotters gUd. »•••• wgSr*‘«srV«*ta- IJI,' ^ "A ked le* « WIRING SERW E former snorm. Randolph i;s s 5ii2?^TO . ilur a ^ soccer. _,_ me to altles ______(TO (TO l28-22^J^ '‘’jgT‘'^ •=»*isi ?§rpThe to ,s£i. t:< I (ll) 8abserip«ea TV "Gunpoint S3‘iLl^Te'’iSf2?fH ^ ^ .* Taesday, AptU * (848) Batinaa (0) ( ) W^O j* ’*“ *uStag (TO p xp erlm eat 5SS; £5as«:?;S Imgehaal Pregrame 88 *=** ('li^ ) Bsaerf— * «■ I New Bomes an* ■■*• a S S a f^ * Lento Hafeard. : g;U £'K “»« iS lS s » s .^ ‘ IKead- (C) future plsju. ^ • Vodeia Baporvleery Praetlea Two=*:S&.t i s t e VttS-chitoSf « - g Medtea. ««<: \r-----men totq east Beotrle Heat Installatloto meir^p»™^‘--_* (fid M v t a S T t a - Noun* PH,. 8,58 ScleiS 111 ladostiy Its) *ToH Aikod for ^ " t a H ’ MMteoolor telbrnte . i f SStSTSieS^ hblT lunerrt S(&4S> d 1%0 F .B X (to'’^ ' Gmdes 4-G first sorfsf dorodovll^ 's.aa 7848) The Meareee ID'IB Mnc^ Wovds II; ®i:Sw tsr'w S’wo-ta IS)'setoripMea TV r ~ *e)TOto -ta a t e a e ^ 5:Sa llt^The Sid Caeto*. *2**S!S ______?s*a “^ -sr© (£») The Ohrlstephers (TO .,88 (SSJto)** !!./ «--->•** ,.<®> 2,88 (S) “ Death el a Baleemaa °^O to."^.® g*tte Week ot netwpi* ■TV S IJJ^ J8,|8 (g) Hpwa w _ g m QM >*'>• •‘•*iaS‘^ J n u ^ « 2 " *««N •* (TO) N .H X . "Your Show TO Bimw . meat TO M^i»w» _ Ch'cago at N. ■miiv wuilsms Quartet la tear n^msekO’OIeek BeparsReport (U) Cratoe ’TO . %(M) K’" iF 7 iiitle . 2 S ere i ie f l »•«!>, « » _ ^ «:S0 with* (U) Shari Lewis, Jac* i ^ - r “ « ? S S M 2S M?85 Cttol. TO MTOera Btom toed . si| M 01o il BeUgtoM * “ Mel Blanc, Lornc nto TO a5ea??.VtoV.w W ««f fo^ud My*~, - S « 5 a ffl’“«SY5-: '" 6:W (8) Onilgaa e- Wtead , W) WILSON 8,15 PrieiTOly O to t Program stheir s ^slmn^tteA s r ^ J ^ "Dead Wrong'’ pTOiay,'.:ji»ril •'“ SaSS^e^te taekethTOl. Iriwaiy. ,i.UyM. ■“- e l e c t r i c a l C O . bttjhaei-Pteftapa.? , 1 . , , |5?>(8) FroaUeni^S^reWH"- TO Bcleaeo ‘®’ d i f f e r e n c e w h e r e y o u S A V B l S i d y ** (22) N al* to Faltt^^ Kfw e ^. ’den'Tor'llm t time. 1.:toS*S^^^^^ Reeldeatlai-Oo«to*^*» MAKEA “ •• M c ’ '*i£tt.ta« PUB P "«^ (To Brroll Oawr, 1 ^ IT P O ES »5i»s£.-,5^ (88) SaerlUt*, el (18) The C*lS(5**'ftn** M S-tSlt — l^lM ® •’**SJSe‘iST :«)P .m . i,«8 (2> Mr. Terrlnc ^TO _ « ?r ‘*?SSSSS?“<3uS:itte. ^ S e a t 'd 8- »=»» 12,15 I #) The Itoteg Oe— m o r o n gegavte MTOto* *taes Vlco'*^M‘d^^N- 12,15 IS)’ N ? ^ Memeato TO 8:80 Segavte »:TO (») J S " BEST IlTOSpS'^^&SiaTO-cTOto Lotto Bkflif . /m\*Aifmd HBokcoek Proeeato « g. Air Fereo Bellgleaa O M iiaobls OissIsF " **'“ SsssrTe^*^ listening . • her teto ,“ "?J2 a’'aiS*«Sate >=- « V y.r% toeF’ ^ CAH ’‘••^$^^TOAprtt,l. •■«• »*• U:86 Net dearaal ethers. _ _ v ie w by*^*R Si*N recreate stop Circus A « X ‘ , S M d ncSSS M I ’i n i 6:1 *®'^.5.‘ ‘a ttawdy. Michael ZfS' ” iu» Qualen. Se- ' WEST CENTER T h srsd ay, Ayril i ^ 18 8 Thie toStudies Genh Gr — 8____«TOm »• > M BiBeheel Pregraa m **** Scffeitewdlsousa the noillraoFa GealereaTO S S f iS Bvy No^lSna. ( O ,- . ?S^SW “ rfeet the Pres. (O) M 6 »ta5!2Vs*L " eammaTOehtMi >«**|ggr‘iBSSioteito HwSS^Igl^ ^ T »gSh (8)I w a y o a t tosgaoes aiLAWTIO HMl^BE on. - *1-. g :6 6 to3

P A G E P O U R MANCHESTER E V E t^G HERALD, MANGHBSTOR, O ^W ., SATURDAY, APRIL 1, IMT., THURSDAY 10 PROGRAM ■ji, ( « Beit {toiler XiW (U> Bishwar IPatMl ford! A' wandering gunfigfateIter. ‘.3??* Game" Part in Dan Mathews finds himself in. old West Impemonates long-lon| saving a youiuc boy from dy^ missing son and heir of a <51 At Berne with Btttr Ing when a doctor discovers wealthy ranch ewher. (C) It they both have same lllneiis. _ Love en a BMttep <0> ■gitlve V. 8. Navy Film "Murder' in 'D '" When 1:M (S> As the We Werld Taras (O) (4 ^ Petejr ienniiige ,Me^ friend Florence sublets her The Karses •tM (S-n-U> News, Sporis, Weal apt., the Willises and tha . Uit's Make a Beal er (C) Paikeia find themselves with (S) PeSswoid <0) 'Della Beese, Jerry Shane, Bet- (M*> That airi <0> :M (*) Heaee Farty (C) , •iW . Bnerte —News and Weath- Howes, the Kessler Twins, (M-M-Sd) The Dectera ro) or tJ>ream Ohrl el * « • a * «•> Broaco vin. »!tj. (M) .^emea'a Nosra _ <01 CiU (8) Ski with Stein (0) (gd«> ABC Stage t y (0) To TeU. the Triitk (O) •:33 <8> News with Waller Crea- "A Time for Laughter" Har> Anather Warid <0) klto <0> ly Belafonte and all-etar oast .(Mt) Oeaeral Bospltal <8) Feler-Jleanlncs News (01 Including Sidney Poitler and flt> Adveatere Theatre (33^) Bantley Brinkley Be- and-dance revuo' tracing hto- 3:S« ( I ) DIek Vaa Dyke Show . port (C) tory and significance Ne (3d43-se> Yna Don’t Say (0> 8:45 (M )' IiMal and Boglonnl Neare gro humor in V.8. life Is nar­ 18) Mr. Ooober (C> T:M (8) Dahtori (C) rated by Sidney PoHler. Al­ Dark Shadows (88) Hnntley-Brlnldey Beport so featured arn^Dlana Banda 4;N (8) Banger Andy Show <0)i Super Heroes "Pall bearer" ory, Moms M aW ^._ Pigment "The WghtyilgL-. Thor’___ (38-3*d8> Local News, Weath- Markham, nchard Pryor. .. <4e> SwaSby Shaw fO) 18:88 (18) SabseripUoB TV 4:8S (3e-88-3e> Nows (O) 7:U (33) Blghllghto “A FisUul of DoUars" l;8e (8) Big 3 Theatre (48) Yob Asked tor It ItiW (ft«-38-8t-88-48) News, Sports, "Callaway Went Thataway" 7:88 <38-88-88) Daniel Boone (C) Weather (C) SL Former cowboy . star 'be­ ‘ Take the Southbound Stage" 11:15 (38) Memory Lane Safe ii comes popular again on TV (8-48) (C) but he can’t be found. Fred 08) Man Called X UtM (8) Thareday Blartigbt three MacHurray, Dorothy Mo- Ken Thurston stumbles across ‘The Revolt of Mamie Btov- Quire. a plot aimed at discrediting er" '66. Girl is forced by po­ (8-33) Mike Douglas Shew (0) Americana overseas. 'X' flies lice to leave San Francisco (U ) Tan Asked for It to Tangier to break a Com­ for Hawaii, where she be­ ^ O n e A visit with a man who makes munist conspiracy trying to comes wealthy but unhappy. his living killing actors, a block a peace conference. Jane Russell, Richard Bgan, ride with 2G crack horsemen 8:W (8) Mr. Boberis (C) Agnes Moorehead. (O who make up the Clackamas (8-48) F Troop (C) '®>e Played with F’lre" '58 County Sheriff's posse. The Major's evaluation of Dennis Price. Lee J. Cobb as WiUy Loman ih a re-broadcast of <|l) ^ a g ^ BUers Fort Courage takes a down Jack Hawkins, Ariene DsdU, __ The FliBlstaaes (C) turn when his fiance meets (8) Festival at Hits JIo “Death of a Salesman” Sunday at 9 p.m. on CBS. (4d) MeBale’s Navy an old flame. "Charge of the Light Brigade" (:W <1B) Highway Patrol 8i8e (8) My Three Sons (O) U:88 (38-33-38) Taalght Shew <01 Dan Mathews finds himself (38-33.^) Stor Trek F’reeman and Charles Bick­ a( Medltatlea, Sign OH feature movie. With the Wind’ on TV for one days at t No new series came along to running and see what happens water-logg electrify audiences, 'as did. **I to its reissue value five years d X i told ] Love Lucy” and “ Gunsmoke” in afterward.” Note: MGM recent­ but he wai y^ars past. No important trend ly declined a flO-r lllion offer FRIDAY PROGRAM “ I aske: in programs was detectable, as JO for one showing of the <31vll War fo r me, w In the seasons when Westerns or epic on television. 1:88 (8) Best Seller kite (C) "JFK—Yean of Lightning, and he sat< fam ily comedies took Oyer. That is one of the impondera­ "The Pajama Game” Part IV (33-88)' HnnHey-Briaktoy Day of Drums" (38) FUm art ming im ­ (8) The Nurses . ' to frighten away maurading tween Vikings and .Moon over tush for Hollywood feature mensely valuable. 1U» (3*83-88) News <0) Indians. a long-lost treasure. (C) tS io m y «e movies, old and new. 3:88 (8) Password (G) (38) Haatley-BrlBkley Re part <48)1towgo (0) ojfclbne oi Schlosser reported that fea­ (388388) Days ef Our Uvss One of the men responsible, hurst Isla) ture films cost $200,000 for (C) (8) TwUight Zone (*88) Phyllis DlUet <0> for funneling feature niovies to (8-48) Newlywed Game "Dead Man's Shoes" I (8888-38) Xoteda (0) Mrs, Bo showings when NBC began its 8:88 (8) Hease Party (C) (83-3888) Local News aad television audiences is Herbert Capt. Parraalee learns that • Saturday programming of movies on the (38-3388) The Deetars (0) Weather man he helped send to th* 0. Schlosser, West Coast pro- (»48) Dream GUrt af ‘87 ; (33) Highlights illows has1 left__ a fortune_____ ■ , to Id&ked irams vice president for NBC. network. 'Die current average: 3:54 (48) Women’s News (O) (48) Yea Asked far n Bm and four of the most i $800,000. 8:88 (8) To TeU Ihe Tratb (0) I (8) WUd, HIM West (0) wanted crimthals In the west- He is firmly of the belief that all (38-3388) Another Wod« (O) Michael Dunn guest stara as (8-48) -Portrait of WUUe May* feature movies will eventually NTC recently made deals for (8-48) OeaenU HespiUl miniature evil genius DT. (C) a reported $200 million to ac­ (18) Advealare TbeMra Loveless now involved in mas- One-hour sports special views be seen on the home screen. 8:85 (8) Newa (0) . quire features from the Holly­ ter-minding an elite band of baseball through eyes of 8*a Hven MGM’s perennial gold 8:88 (8) Dick Vaa Dyke Shaw holdup iMists. ai Francisco Giants centerftold- wood studios. Industry esti­ (3*83-88) .Tea Doa’t Bay (0) (3*88) Starring Johnny Carson 'th e marsh< Steve Allen Goes to rescue of three farm­ (8) Hegaa’s Heracs (0) (48) TsBight at the Mevtos ers who play *cops and rob- Convinced that Staiag 13 shel- "LIm and the Horse" Stev* te. But or (OonHnaed from' Page One) bers' with a desperate. anpoS Cochran, 4irildflre’ ‘63. f^ tlv e . tera a mysterious maniac out was report i? frightened (M ) One O’aeck Report _ Buddy Oreoo aitd Buddy R M Faith far Today Col. Klinfc forces Hogan to Stga OK • the enemy (88) The Aqaaaaals ' r (8) News -^Msmeats st Cat*- and his orchestra. (48) The Msasten masquerade as 'Klink while ‘The U.3. the %mmandant------* — • himself* goes (srt —OaMepsata. NBC’s summer replacemenis 5:88 iU> Highway Patral (48) V. B Air Fsree Beligtoa# iite Austn Malhevm ows - ■ Into hiding. consist only of Vic Damone’s Dan X tracks down Idll- < » 3 * ^ ) Man from D, N. c. Film and S lo OH Peter Jenniags Newt (O) tera Affair" Nap. and Rlya ^ d a y ,- ^ < placing Andy ‘Williams. On $:88 (8-33-88) News, Sports, Weath­ <">n>;Orlent to Arctic Eembly po: ABC, only "Peyton, Place" wM er .(C) battling a Thrush plot to con­ LABORATORIES '(18) Merv OrtHIa Shew vert sea water into gold, SHOP ami City. It w not consist of reruns. GueMs include Mrs. Winthrop- .(18) SabscrlptloB TV i£m bardm Rockefeller, Linda BetmetL SAVE- Jack Douglas and Retko, GDiri- , $ ^ p in the 277 BROAD lejr Berman, Renee Taylor and O lF T WHEEE ‘ The, bigg TURNPIKB WILTOirS SHOI* aition o f (88) AI Vestro Sports Shew o h c S n I YOU SEE (88) _ H e r e ’s Navy, tM Main St„ Manchester iB T A M PsJ trtisi JtmeUon O Hi, *8^***’ Weather (O),, CAR TEXACO 8:18 (48) Broaee . ' tnee hear '8:18 (88) Miami Baderesver. Early Amorican SIGN : Open 24 Honrs A Day 8:35 (5) a d with Btola (0) •tW |t> FFetor X ' ^*nXC*.N.owsJeaatags News Gifts ‘y-.- RADIOS News with .Halter Cron- FiriniitoHe T i ^ PLBN

"D E TR O F I^ U n g fn industry’s i$ate next : vfHl bo long 8 ^ priced ,i.M0Bt $naj modeli V mediate \ ihagaafae Supporting kobert W.