n'K’ ■ ■ - ,1 V 4, '.M I' . J . .f..). L.. ' ; ? ■ i f f . ■' "" '^■:.>(i.,''' •' ’ u 'r /'jir 'l •\ 1 . ' ' . , •>' ^1. --------FRIDAY,“MARCHrSlr 1067 s ',; ' _i- —i - -- k- ^ • _—..^1 .. j,..,. si A Y Y Boy Scout Troop 383 of St. CO] Bartholomew Church will apon- Item ■- f'-_ .......... sor a Lawn Fertiltaer Sale to-' “ Adidbdstnaj^B.Deed :: i.i! .J.;;.-)' ’SfAttt' it!V ■ vj-t;*.': n taimbm at ttie !>• morrow from 9 am. to 3 p.m.' John D. 'La&plie, administra­ llt l o< Mt liuaierall Worn- at St. Bartholomew School yard. tor ”<>1 theMary M. t: VAV) V ( :/ •CVJ'K'v !' ^ 'I'' ’ f ' Y ' f - .rV ’. ‘ IBaekmiti^y League c t Zkn Thoae who have ordered the B rosm ^ to itines lA and Alio#' butlwraa Churdi fertilizer in aldvance are re­ .Jf. Hara proper^ at S3 Waeb^ • VOL. LXMCVi, NO. 154 ■■ ’ ' rSIXl’BIIN'.^AGES^ilTT($I^%.>AG)BS'^ SBGTIOm'’--SBCnO^;^'-.''^-''-Y SATUiyMifptJ^^^ .;: Y ’ Advertising'o« ' , -; ^an to aittend a panel dtscua- minded to pick it up during the .ingtonSt; ■' ; XoDday ait'8 p.m. at Our side, . Agreetnent^Tb Fnitehase' ■ savior LuCbccan Church, Wap- State of Conaectiinit' from ? -V piaif, RtpnaihimayeB WHI at- Bugene Brewer of the Ohuibh Mary c,-Swanson, property on .1 Hm evoAt from Xaitheran of Christ will conduct a service 'Mt. N ebd'P l. fobmWa groups east of the Sunday at 8:15 am. on radio QuMMlalni Deed Oomeatlotit River.' station WINF. The program is * ____ Manchester .'Prc^rtles Dno. sponsored by the Manchester to Annie Molntohli, property at ' Veterana OofuncU of Manches­ Ministerial Association. I JiliptS':2S0. 132-134 .Maple .St - ter wlU meet Moiwh«r at 8 pjn. 'Li#'Pendens ^ o at the itaztna Corps Home, The stage crew for Manches­ WASHINGTOM (AP) — Uiiton netwoik . newsmen ;iMgan r|)pprt-- PaaMr 8L Oot^bla Associates Ine- ter Community Wayers'^pro- against Thomas J. Haekett and •nd management negoUati^ h>« wo>* Inuhedlately., ' YlnDsaka duction, "Ready When You Are, - , A^lx>ut 78 members of the Jbhn F. Rowison, proportiiM off meet wtth federal mediaters , T ^ .cd tee ,#grement_vferei r OSAKA, Japan (AP) A rail- C.B.,” will meet tohiorrow at N,.MaJn St;- . ' , not immediately made public. i way . jx^onger train collided ISbapilnade Musical Club and 8 p.m. to move sets into Whiten .today in efforts to setUe tee ' win. go to New Tork City Marriage. XJoenaa, T l^ left GB8.VNBC and ABC I .with a truck^t an unmanned Auditorium. The stage will be Ralph Rhey Braitbwalte; 874 tour-day strike against the three to barnln today in the first' orrbw for the d u M annual set Sunday at 1 p.m. I ' crossing near-, here U ^ y , ISav- nuteg theater trlp. .l> o char­ Hilliard St., and Carla JfU^ major television and radio |jet- meetings ■ -since . negotiatlooe We#t^ Ig Huntington Bt, ManA Worke. broke off Tuesday night. The' I < ihg t|u«e pdssengeik deed and tered buses wlB leave the Ma- Barry Oooding, son of Mr. 81,, Cehtbr Corigr^Uanal . the Mutual BroedcasUng Bya- *** called at: 6 a.m. F about 280 others injured, six of }Kmic Temple prothptly at 8:30 and Mrs. Harold G. Gooding of Chutett. ■ , ‘ [ them seriously. •.m. The buses will leave from '108' Crestwood Dr., is on the tern, a radio netwdik only, an- '''„„ Patrldc’s Cathedral at 8:30 ■ Roy, Pyancls DeLong, Wap- nounced. a settlement Friday. Police investigators said a dean’s list at t,ewls and Clark ping, and Kathleen Smith, 18 night with the 18,000-membei news tea* of .HunUey-Brinkley. |un. for the return trip. College, Portland, Oregon. A five-coa<di train packed with Laurel Pi., April 1, St. Jambs’ Ameitcon Federation of TeleVl- ^ workers on their way home freshman, he has been admitted dhurch; 'The stage crew of the UltUe to the .honors program. from Offices and excurstops 'heater d Manchester (L>TM) Building Permite i-, slammed into a tnlck stalled, Russell Siivemtil for Edward til te« atrUte .to settled. .Y . ;; |«dH meet tomorrow at 9 a.m. 'Bruce A. Marlow, son of Mr. with engine trouble on the the LTM clubrooms, 22 Oak Weiss, alterations and additions gi, •! w Chet Huntley, whOylias re-: crossing near the Onoeato Riv- and Mrs. George H. Marlow of to' dwelling at 323 Spring St, W o ^ udll be done on sets 120 Plymouth Lane, has recent­ '■ er, . $2,500. 'htnlie L oom s gJor Tfover Too Late,” thely been elected "Inter-fratemity The first two coaches plunged . Salem Nasslff, alterations ipoup's forthcoming production. councir representative of Delta ner hour newscast,- . appealed; 16 feet into ti>e river and a third 'Upsilon fraternity at Tufts Uni­ and additions to dwelling at As Team sters personally to 40. colleagues at dangled from a 600-toot-long ‘ The executive board of Cha- versity,, Medford, Mass. 241 Vernon St., $1,800. NBC to give up tee eUrlke. : bitoge. ( Arnold K. Delteh for David Huntley urged formation el m (ninade Musical dub will ineet V. • ' B effin 'V olirig Aheut 600 . police and railway ]^onday at 7:30 pm. at Trinity Miss Ann Russell, daughter of Sm til, incinerator at 371 Lake uihion exclusively' for broadcast workers struggled to , rescue Ciovenant Church, before the Mr. and Mrs. Philip. J. Russell St., $375. jourhallSts. He said Iw .had re­ passengers entrapped in the WASHmOTON (AP) T1 > piaster program of the cliib at of 33 Chambers St, graduated L A T General Contractors ceived ”100 per. cent support” coaches and within three hours giant Teamsters Union starts from 37 4 p.m. at the diurch. The pro- y^erday from the American for John Steveiu, additions to newsmen, .including all the Injinred had been taken to Igram is open to the public. Re­ Atedemy of Dramatic Arts, dwelling at 36 Westminster ttocing a strike vote, today in'its Brinkley, I' hospitals. freshments wiU he served. New York City. Rd., $2,780. first, nationwide showdown with Huntley said, however, that I OfficialB estimated 800 pas- the trucking industry. ' « , * L A T General Contractors only three' were wUUng to lend ; sengers were aboard the train, ^ The FeMqwBhip Chib of Man- Pvt. John D. Anderson, sem of for Austin Crouchley, altera- A m ajor segment of ths Indus­ their names to bis movement, at I an express on the Nankai Elec­ ebeeter Lodge of Maoons^will Mr. and Mrs. Elmwe S. Ander­ ttons. to dwelling, $889,- and try threatened to lock out some the time. He said tyro of tiiem tric Railway line, privately taeet Monday at 7:3p pm. at son of'330 Oak St., has recently tw o-car g a r i^ , $2,000, at 26 200,000 woirkers if the Teamsters are Frank McGee,' wo has de­ CHET HUNTLEY owned; It.waa boupd for Wakay­ iMjMQniB Temple. After a busi- completed a pay specialist Westminster M. ' carry out their strategy of strik­ fied the union by staying on the ama, ti) milea south of Osaka. Jieen meeting, two fHnas wRI be course at the Army Finance. ing a few companies at a time.:' Job, and Floyd Katber, an NBC ; ’The accident occurred at 7:26 shown. Rofteshments wiX be School, B7. Benjamin, Harrison, C^der Flights ' “There will be an “ immediate correspondent In Chicago. ] . 9-m, iNrved. Ind. abd complete cessation of our Officials of AFTRA, which P e t m a w n t Witnesaes. reported the lead In 1902, before their fbat suc- operations” in the event of a represents . announce^, per- \ coach plumed Into the river and cesafuT power-driven fUght, the C r strike against any firms, said formers, riiigars. and ^sc joclc- landed In the water upside Wright brothers made nearly President . M.M. Gordon of eys, dls<x>tmted Hunuey’s claim ligh ts U nit 1,000 gUder fUgtits, some cover­ down. The second coach Trucking Employers Inc. of widespread' 'support, 'iliey dropped into the 80-yard wide ing distances of more than 600 Both Gordon and Teamsters said their infomaUon “ is quMe S u g g e s t e d river right side up. The river is feet. officials said they saw little the opposite.’’ shallow and both remained’’ hope of an agreement in their RrlnUey declined ootnimeni go j± _ HARTFORD (AP)--Gov. John w^er. The third coach (Herald .photo by Ptote) , junior Century Fashion Showcase at Concordia' (See Page Bfac) (Sea Page Six) Dempsey has. recommended the dangling halfway ever the Ladder hose sprays rocif of South Windsor warehouse while a fii^eman breaks through the, Biding. .v formation, o f ia.iiertnaneht l e g l s - t o * t>*idge. Its front ■ Last week end to Models in a "Fashion Showcase” to be presented Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Concordia' Lu­ If you don’t live near latlve. oonundttee bn human wheels resting oh the roof of the theran Church Hall are, left to right, Mrs. Thomas McKenna and Mrs. Paul Dougan. Both,. rlghta to deal with ,wtde-reach- e^cend coach. The last two are members of Junior Century Club, Inc., sppnsors of the event. Mrs. McKenna is wear- , us, move! If moving Ing {to ^ s a lk - to the fields ,of *<xiohes remained om.tee tracks, SAVE on Scotts ing a citrus green coat, and Mrs. Dougan a slack suit of the same color. Fashions will be w l ) ^ , - housing* jobs. poUce, I*® l™ ck also was dragged into from the D and L store at the Mauichester Shopping Parkade. Creative Coiffures will do the Perilous Cigarettes edueptibn, - taxes . and hews toe river, where tt caught fire, hair styles, and the makeup will be by Beauty Couhselor.
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