Contents Editorial ……………………………………………………… 2 NAFA Festivals 2017 and 2018 ………………………………. 3 CINEBLEND FESTIVAL: Call for Films ……………………. 3 Visual anthropology of ethnomusicology ……………………… 4 TIEFF 2017: Final Call for Films …………………………….. 5 Festival Jean Rouch 2017: Call for Films ……………………… 6 nafa:// 15th RAI Film Festival, Bristol, March 29 – April 1, 2017 ……. 7 Viscult 2017: Call for Films …………………………………... 8 2017 Visual Research Conference: Call for Participation ……… 9 Crossing Borders 2017: Call for Projects ……………………… 9 Athens Ethnographic Film Festival: Call for Films …………… 10 SPECIAL SECTION: Visual Anthropology Programmes …. 11 Media Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland ………. 11 network Visual Anthropology in Taiwan ……………………………… 13 MA in Visual Anthropology at San Francisco State University .. 14 vol. 24.1 (March 2017) Chair of Visual and Media Anthropology, Heidelberg ……….. 16 Newsletter of the Nordic Anthropological Film Association Master Program in Visual Anthropology, Lima, Peru ………… 18 Incorporating the Commission of Visual Anthropology (CVA) Circular Visual Cultural Studies, Arctic University of Norway – UiT … 19 Visual Anthropology at the University of Münster ………….. 21 Web version: Visual and Media Anthropology at Freie Universität, Berlin … 24 ISSN: 0805 - 1046 MA in Visual Anthropology at Goldsmiths ………………….. 26 Please send news, articles and announcements to: Visual Anthropology at University of Southern California …… 28 Master in Visual Anthropology, FLACSO, Ecuador ………… 34 Berit Madsen, Anne Mette Jorgensen, Kayla Reopelle, and Christian Suhr Department of Anthropology The Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology ………………. 36 Moesgaard Visual Anthropology, University of Maroua, Cameroon …….. 38 8270 Hoejbjerg MA in Audiovisual Ethnography at Tallinn University ……… 40 Denmark Fax: +45 89424655 Visual Anthropology at LMU Munich ……………………… 41 E-mail:
[email protected] Eye & Mind, Visual Anthropology at Aarhus University …….