PRIMUS DORIMULU Direktur Director
PRIMUS DORIMULU Direktur Director Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir di Flores tahun 1959, lulusan Akademi Pendidikan Katekis, Flores pada tahun 1982 dan meraih gelar Sarjana dari Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (IISIP) pada tahun 1988. Beliau memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam dunia media, khususnya media cetak, hingga saat ini beliau merupakan Pemimpin Redaksi Investor Daily, Suara Pembaruan, Majalah Investor dan Beritasatu. com. Beliau memiliki gelar Certified Wealth Manager dari Erasmus University dan Universitas Gajah Mada dan hingga saat ini aktif mengikuti berbagai kursus di bidang Pasar Modal, Perbankan, Asuransi, Moneter, Fiskal, Industri, Perdagangan, Migas, Pertanian, Kehutanan, Ketenagakerjaan dan Pertambangan. Beliau mulai bergabung dengan Perseroan sebagai Direktur sejak April 2009 dan berdasarkan Keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan tanggal 23 April 2014 beliau diangkat kembali sebagai Direktur Perseroan untuk periode 2014 - 2017. An Indonesian citizen, born in Flores in 1959, he graduated from the Cathecist Education Academy, Flores in 1982 and holds a bachelor’s degree from the Institute of Social and Political Sciences (IISIP) in 1988. Well experienced in the media industry, especially in the print media, he currently serves as the Chief Editor of Investor Daily, Suara Pembaruan, Investor Magazine and He also holds the Certified Wealth Manager degree from the Erasmus University and Gajah Mada University and until now he is actively involved in various lessons on the Capital Market, Banking, Insurance, Monetary, Fiscal, Industrial, Commerce, Oil and Gas, Agriculture, Forestry, Labor and Mining. He joined the Company served as Director since April 2009 and based on the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated April 23, 2014 he was re-appointed as Director of the Company for the period of 2014 - 2017.
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