. Brave Youngster Fights Polio

Ninely·Third Year, No. 44 Mason, Micl119an, Thursday, October 30, 1952 4 Sections 28 Pago1 Record Vote· Is Expected Tuesday News Index Kindling of Fire W;mt nds, Pnrws 6, 7 and IJ, Voters Anxious· Part 1. Social 1\f'WS, Paj.;t" •1, P:ul I, .Causes Blaze Pn~e· •1, Part 2. To Cast'Ballots Church nP.w:;, l'agP :i, Pm 1 2. l~nrm tWWH, P.tge :i, Pnrt :J, At Fruin Home Pngl'.~ I nnd :i, Pnrt 4, In Big Election· Chimney spat·ks touched off F:rlllml.tiR, l'nge 2, Part •1. U 11 I e s s predictions t u r 11 nn estimated $6,000 fire at the Supr.t-vlsor:; pro e eo d in,;:s, Basil Fruin fe rhl11 to Ute 1•oiiH " ·1 Lansing township preelncts D Ill d di roses, tn n cnrnplf'kn' Tu~day after· 1ng cast on an1;v e ron , s· imd the addition to the city':; sewage disposal plant. He said he is glad to be back in Ma­ Is to call :\Iusnn 0011 m· noon. !•'rani• Everett of WhPat· arc gcttm~ the extrn b.tllots. covered the !lame.~ nnct ran to "Eiseuhowcr says he Js a 'no son. (Ingham County News Photo) 2·30fll \\'ell uhea.tl or I hn I!Jnn tlelrl lnst tllf' tips of 2 forclln~1·rs the house·. dcnl' candidate," Truman told the tit•• \'ob•t• wl.~htos I<~ \'Oil'. Tlw on hLi rli!ht hand when the g<•ar.s Sparks from a ldndllng fin· in group. "But I tell you he is not. IUI\'1111<'-C nnti<'l" 1.1; IU'('dl~, nn a ~ornplckPr grahhm his hand f1're IS Put Out the fumace caused the nrc, 1-'ruln Eisenhower has made a dr•al with dPallll'!'i C:'t:Jtluln, to tarl'llllJ:" \'v'eclnesrlay cvnnlng nf last wePk. stated. The spo~rks rolled out o! Senator Taft to let U1e moss- Can~idates Map Youngsters W.ilf Be Guests rhlt•s t'ot• \'OI:N·s ~;oln.; in tht• Balr!wln was operating hls I AI' • d M k the chimney mul fell onlo ll'aves bacl•cd reactionaries Jnlo power, SiUlll' dlrrclion. p!Pk~r in .t UP!rl on th1• Paul Zlm· n ale on UC and 11 bank o[ sti'!IW along the If the Republicans are elected. He nwrman farm In Am·pllus. I-Us welll side of the house. The flame~ has alsn dna It with rich oil Inter- C~ravan Routes thn presidenllal contest hr,s far rwet·shndi)\\'Cu the raen between son, Fred Baldwin. :tnd ZtmmPr· a tPlephonP wlrn and the ests to give the people's At Halloween Party Friday After Long f1"ghl fCJllow<~l agreem~ Govemor G. Mennr.n Williams, roan Wl'l'P shnv('pnr: e~n\ 1)111J thp rhtmney upwards to the roof. Thl' tideland oil to a few slates. Tide· There'll be Iuu of all kinds CI For Saturday the Df•mcJerat, and F't Cfl M. Alger, ·IIJ 1'11e plc•l'nr i>lu"gl'd With· 2 Grand Rapids men, thl! womem land oil belongs to all thn people. awatting Mason youngsli·r~. and - t · 1 ttlng 0 'f"f tJ1n n"lotiJt·· Bald W. R. Dudlr'y of Al<~wdon <:red· ,mfl Merle Brown were the first til And you want to watch It when Jr.. Republicnn. ou s lU " ' · · lis U11~ coosPI'\'al ion department hi f Canrltrlates \\'Ill he l'oming nnd \'islt ing l:ipys and girls too, at the PoliN' and iUoody l•'iA'ht win attempted to free thn com. battle the !lames. They hooken up someone tal•es somet ng o golng <~11 over the county Satur. Halloween pat·ty I'ridny night. Tl1c machine grabbed th!! glo\'c with sa\'ll1g a hlg muck nrea and a garden hosn to n water tap In yours and gives It away." Only the eontest bcf\\'CI!Il Con· day. 13ot11 Drmloct·a ts and RcpUb· Actunlly t11ere's .t serlns of par· (!rnssmnn Chnt·Ies E. Poltl't', Rc· on Balriwla's right hand nnd drew adja~cnL timbm· lanrl from !he. the basement. During most of his 20 minute Uci1ns will he riding the hustings ties, otll' Ft•lriay morning for the tlu• hand Into the muw o! the For 3 days tlu~ consct'\'ation de· Bird nc;;ts lodged in the cnrnice talk Pt·nsidnnt Truman dwelt on publlean, a.nd St•natcll' Blllll' in a frank attempt Lo win votes mornin~ kindergarten cia.~~~. and Mondy, Democratic appomtee now plcknr. pattment crews u~cd ptpe nod adr!ed to the Inferno. The flames the back·Reat rlrlving of Rcpubll· by hand·shakln~. parties Friday afternoon at sduwl In o(flce, has been ll countcr·nt· ClPo Palmer, worldng in a flf•ld hose to pour w.tter onto bunllng I were extlngul~hcd at the base of can isolationists. If the IIJI;Ople for a!tcm()(m kmrterg:u1cner:;, cake~. hot chocol11fe .•uvi traction to the preslrlenti,tl lihnw. nearby, heard Baldwin scream. muck. Neighbors also in the t h!! holliiC, but water prellsure want war and deflation and u low Car:tvans will be traveling in al~ed opp(y;ite directions. The only and first, S{'·eond and thlrtl grad· SY.'ect elder. Every guest wilt .1lso The vnrbal fightllig betwet•n Palmer mn acrns11 the !leld and fight. The tlre was extinguished failed to rench the flt~mcs whlclt stalldard of living, they should ers. be given a lmg containing apple;, pol!~ I of contal'l, If the schedule., Moody and Potter hns drawn and shut off the tractor.. then Monday. hnCJ climl:iewn Uon of Senator Moody and the nee ·will start ufter the •foot· Both ('aravans Wtll mrry a full throul(h the sixth· grade, there'll halJc,ts Tuesday. One· ball at 1'>11· m:m notified !?red Baldwin and an~wnred the alarm. TI1ey put stated. re-clectton of. Governor Williams. he a. dnnce. Itt the l!Chool !nr ball gaml'. tnin.~ the names ()f the candidall!:> 7.hmnerman Palnwr, Zimmer· out the surfac<> hlRze but were The Mason lire department was He also asl•ed that Stnvenson he complement of speakers, along with some musicians. The Repub· .~cventh and eighth graders and Through school rJifH'ials. Eatnn for pt'l.'~idPnl and vlcc-prcsldent, man, umtz and young Baldwin • unnble with thPir equipment tn summonl'd from thn T. J. Holtz backed hy a Democrat1c congl'!lRS. high sehool pu plls. Rapi<1~ youngstcrs,:who 1•ome to hcans h.tvc ntstl<'d up a callope the Cf!ndldatcs nf () parties. Th1~ worlmoct·at'tc seheduln calls Athletic field. If tiJP.y p'refc•r to the MaHon I\rwanis club to honor All 6 pnrties lla\c l'anrlidates dusk on the farm in Wheattleld .JaPitson ht'mlqu:n·ters. \Vlth the to arrive. Watet• was trucltop at 11:30; attend the show they will he ,:;tv· boys and girls fot· tlH!ir good e•on· on the! stale and cmmty "allot, wlwn the p1cl•er clo[~gl'rl. I.i.:hts ht:>lp of nctghbors ;r half-mile of from the nt:>arest water hrdrant President Truman drew more Webhervrlle at noon, Sto•·kbrldge en tickt•ts at the party arotuul duct on IIallowtocn and through· which is separate !tom the prcsi· !rom the tmc.tor did not reach pipe• and hose was laid from Do· at the Mason city llmits. at 1:00, Leslie at 2:30; Onondaga the bonfll'l' at tlw fteltl. To quallf} out the ) e•ar rlet1tlal bdilot. Rcpu hllcans, Demo· tlto spot when~ Everett w.ts work· h!l' lnkl' to thn burning mucl•. l~t~il Fruin and Ills wtfc arn spectators than General Dwight at 3·30, M.1son nt 4:30 and Ilolt at for t!ither thn fr1otball gnme or c•rat~ anti 1'1 ohlhitionlsls only lng to unplu.:; the mn1 June. H•• Spednl pumpers .rlrerwlwrl the strll livin~ In the house. Eisenhower when he appeared in 5:30 the pa11y, }'rJt111J:(sters must he i.t have countv candidates. was using his lefl lwnd. Hts muPk with WHter and finally put "Whr. I wouldn't thmk of IIV· Lansing earlier this month. HIJw· Lcnving- Potter pnrk nt 9:00, mstume. . . ! :ion·l'ut·tis.JUI Ca~ndh!JilA•~< 1;i~l1l hand at hts :;ld1• aeetdcntall~· out nil the '!il e. ltlg anrwherC! 'else,'! Mrs. Fl'\llll evct•, Republican banners nearly the Hepubllcans Will stop fir't nt Becatl.<;{' of the football game Mason an d Vevay A third ballot contains the 1!amc 111 contn.r-t \~ith IIH! whirling Willlarn Frank~. W;ryn•• and· ~tater!. · equalled those flown by the Dcm· Holt, ,tt 9:30, 111en !IInson nt 10:15, scheduled In start at 8, the HJI· nnmes of c.mdtd<~tes for the state gears. The ge.trs c·hcwcd off the Ve•t:11011 Parks, Don D~vrrl anrl Basri Dean Ft·utn nnd hi' wtfr• oerat.s Thursday. Aurelius dt 11:1)rJ; Onondaga at lowef'n party hns IX'Cn ll\O>'CJ n t supreme 1'01111, Tnghnm JUdge o! entlfl nf 2 fingers , . . , We~)cy Thomas hr.lperl Duriley ill'l'! stuyh1g with Mr. and Mr::s. Cnes of "Wn lrke Ike" and 11 :30; Leslie at J2, and Stock· ahNtd to 6. It wtll be all n\'CI' wifh G0 Ab ove ~uo a probatr•, 1llld 2 f'irclllt COUrt COtll• . missioner po,ts. '!'haL's a non· I Ill !hi' held a Inn~.· Evcwit 'nnrl the ·conset-v.ttlon otfir.ers In Leo .Stone. The !Ut1lllure ill "MSC's for II•e'' punctuated the bndgr' at 1 ·on, where time out at 7:30, before !ootba II fans 1tr· jerltec:j hts trappr.d hand out 0£ the week of flre·lightmg stored in a barn on the farm. 'president's address. for dtnner wtll be taken. The aft· twe for the g11mn. . . 'ther pm·tllian jucliclnl ballot. ~here. am the gears ami drnVP the tra••tor The pm ad1• wlli f o1111 n t lhhlnd the school band him to the of.fice of Dr. Ed RPY· .• t Hilton&. nto-hmol< bllol'07.55. the sem·ch and seizure !>rovlslons ~rushed hy a grain elt•v,\tor at ·s, There will he only a singln Pll· In operation. Mrs. Baumer served wlth farm !umihcs ami do(le farm Visit tlt•• IIC,\ \'lo t01• record hilt' nl Stan totals ~to offset bad 1\eW:; James, 16, anrl Bud, 14, were out tmnce to Lhl' combined stores. }'or MaHon Uunw Atqdmncc. I twl front l,lint. n dinner to the wot·l\ers at noon. worl< since arriving in the United 11fter birds. One went up. All ex· lhn present the enh·ance wlll be Stains. He plnns to return to cept .James Johnson flred. He the onn now used for the Wam Sweden the middle nf Novemhct·. told offJcet·s he wasn't surn store. Latet• an entire new fl'ont liPrma nsson was man·led the whet het• the htnJ was a cacl• or and entrance wl11 he built, ncc()rd· No New Polio dav before he sa lied for Amnrlca. hen anrl so didn't !ire. He must In,;: to prn11ent plans. The Wares Numbers You Should Know HIH wife ls also nn exchange stu· have •forgotten to put the safety expressed hopn that the addition Here are numbers that should be memorized ot· wl'itten rlent. Shn Is living in Iowa. The 2 bacl• . on, however, he explained wlll he rPady for ocetllJancy by down close to the telephone. Calling these numbet·s will but in County will not meet until they return to tn Conservation Officer \¥alter Novemhel' 13. bring help fast when you need most. They arc fh-e I Washington prior to sailing to it 1 For ·the fil'sl 11mc in months no Mutchler and Deputy Alvin Har· The Cummings barbershop has numbet's to be called only in case of fit•e. Sweden. tlg. As he was lowering the 16· been moved a lew doot·s north on 1 pew polio cases were reported in In Iowa, Hermanssonlivnd with the out:county section of Ingham gauge shotgun, he said, it was Jeffnrson to nnw quarters II1is week. 4 familles. He studied dairying, accldentully dischat·gcd. joining the PX store. corn, beef and general farming. Mason-9_581 Leslie-3451 t Lansing has had 2 new cases Part of the charge of No. 6 Rice has let the contract for a Hermansson wot•lwd on dairy and chtlle(i shot slrucl\ \yhitmore in new bttildlng to house his auto· ~!nee last weelt. 'fll;tt makes the geneml farms jn Mom·on e()unty lngham total :;tand at 173 for the his nar. the side of his face and mobile body repair sho11. The ,,, Holt-3451 , and he worked on "more than n Dansville-2691 rrear. 'l'here have been 14 polio gnnel'lll fann" In Cass county. the IICcl;;, He was tal\en to the shop Is being built on the north At Stockbridge, Williamston, Webbel'ville and AUI'C·, tlentlts, according to the l'I!POI't l!:aton Rapids hospital where doc· end of the !onner hotel pt·opcrty, !ius, call Operator to report a fb·c. P,ade by the county health de· For 3 weeks he stayed at the Hal'· lot's e:.:tracted most of the shot. next to the alley joining Jefferson ry Shannon !al'lll, The , 700·aere ~>nrtment 'Thursday. morning. farm produces turkeys, beef, mill;; The boy's condition Is good. and Park· street~. 'I1le bulldJng In using dial telephones, if the lights arc off and you and gmpes on a large scale. The hird at which the 3 boys/ will be 31'4"x50', of concrete can't see to dial the numbet•s, feel fot• the 0 and call the i Vl,lt the 'ucA Vlclol: rucur~ bm• nt fired was a cocl( pheasant, the ' construction. Lno,yrenee Muoiii!'llolliu" A]Jltllu~~c; 41wl• llermansson .WIIS bot'IL en a blocl~ operatoi·. She'll turn in the al~l'lll for you. conservation officer said. Simpson has the contract. 0 jl;.o..-.;.;;;,..;...:.;_...;._;:.;_.;.;;.,;,.;..~~---'""'"::-"-~~~------....;,~J 0 0 ,1 ~ • ~ r ' ' t 1 J.-.;,1 \':oll:'tlilt; ;,;, ,-dilloi', !;-,li'llllli-1,•. h. -~ ·d 's c· l'l'i1li .'inl'\'IN! l'ih\Jnn nnri 11111 (i>1 atHIIIfl\fll f•fiillllil;;lillll'illh!piltd iH .frr[lilll lirr'lll'liing 111 n kr· Zi•; lilt•('111'_1' L'dilol', l'nrnl 1\rllfl: Ieac ers .-eie ervice olumn HUI'Vic!tl rlhlron, Bnfot·r. rntr.rlng llrrollglrmrl. 1111' world, 11!1' rnc·eiVI!d hy hiH wlfll, Nnnr:y, pltllillgl'ltPitY, Dld1 1-ledtHni; rtrl· '!'he nllnd< tmnsJJOJ'I Ui-1R Tlotr.• tho nnny In Novc:mhm·, 1!1fi0, Mnr· Oonn11 M, Hunt, cluughlct• of on l•'rlr]uy, flnldLil',' asslstnnts, .Jnnr'i Wnrner, Mncll'· 'J'I , A arc•ulminlngr acting r.xorclse. IIH flngshiJlf;r!r'VInrr nhonrdfor I' f r, 1'1• r I1111' 11 N , Corh I11, son nf now' s t ll II f1IICC I 111. ll·n In L U' IIc go, fl ngr•r, II-'' I111~ I1111 I ono opomt If>ll r 10 1 1 1 1 'J'nl'l'" 'Jn]c,·ll'illllll, 'llt•i'l'". (_','!"(' 11111' _l'nill'l'Silll, llerthu Curt•, Lor•· rn Lr.Hl J, lC ( (l ro· h '·lr· llllli ''II" Jam . 'I' II '·l"l'"]rtntl !IIlii \VIII "llflll Ltnrll'l T .. ' '' ' " • J '' 1 r. ' 1 hr:i· Is 'J'o11nlo W. At•f'her•, s<•nmun, '' • " ·~. e~ • c.ot• J n, " " " • " · ·go mom Hlll'• I 1\rl(l r'rv' n Jlr.•rJtli.'l'".' ltrJt, 1m C'or'lll'll, .Joyco Wnrncr, Don Icept I onI for Illw IteariHH'H IIHl ne[lllf!\" of Mr. nml Mrs. Ho!Jlll'l .J'ln ' ;o W • "'·lrlj!IO H·tt 'l!e 1' JY'! n~on, ts '"""'"I . C',e 1·a III Qttlt 111, son 0.f '·IJY 1', .,u'"I'Y . ' "llirltt,, ' . \'"IRyo • I11, j lll'l'l 1 1I~' n , \Vnllwr, Cnrol 1'odrl, Gail Arch err• r 111l'sr ay rit t Jr. sc 11H>i, EVl!ll of' Hnslell. 'J'hl! ex!•t·cl~e. In· em•ou t o l1onw fTom !'~Ol'ell .f at' t•e. nne I Ml'H, •f nmrm ,--.-~u Inn, I1nH IJccn IllllJC I fl t ·ennu•1 w l1 II r In com 11a. I on lmmn, 111111 C;f'rrllcilrw WilhLil', 'l'lw Jll'eslrlenl, MrH, Cnrl Losey, volvlrlg more thnn lO,OOO Hflliur~ ltmse fmm netlvc duty, A :mpply ruilevPd o£ rlnly In Korr.n and ex· 'l'riunglr• Hill !i1 Korea Octolwr 'e Yearbook H ~~ prcH!clcrl, nne! Hm'old Hnmlllon, and mnrlnes, will 1,1111 ttnne lnlo reeorrl spcclnilHt, Corbin spent 10 peels to nrrlw In Jiw Unllerl 1•1. lie hnrl hr.!•n In 1\omn o Hl'itnol hoard nwmhcr, wa~ chuh·· Novr.mbm•, cuhnlnnllng mt llw months In lire comhnt znrll! wllh Stales somellmc In Novmnhur. Ho months, "'rhc Llttll' Dog Laughrcl," n Lesll man of the progrmn. Olio Hcclt· llw lOth with a ftLll·sen!P. nmphlh· tht! :i30th Ontnrmce Depul Crrm· ha~ hecnln Ifflce, .reaneltr• BPa It•, Gnll Ar· 1' " " -·- - ·1 ndull Prhrr-nl(on is bc•ing plnrmeil 1n. •12 rtll!l S''I'VCil cltrrltl" lllc \Vat•, c uc el Is summer on a s ll[>H '" ·'· ' ·~ L • • ' 1 uS· " ,, member of the graduating c~iass. '' ilium, ;loltn hl'llft, .Tunet Walk· ;, " " .. t.nnln·" , Cal'rll Clws!l'y, Paul· '!'he other membc!rs of liw :;taiT 1'1' arrd c .air•t•ln Whitney; for any lnlcrcstccl. He wns recently called haclt Jo Clwrlntle Qualnion, - dude· Buslne~s r.lannrrer Gc•r·l Ninth grnrlr•, .J!'an Balwr, Lor· Elementary principal, Mrs. J. service and given his present as· Cnmphcil, Maurr.r'll Wood, Ill • ' ' C!lln Harez;rl\, Atmlllnnl<, Bewrly W. Gl'liA'I!l, presented het• ll'flCh· slgnmcnl. Hls parcn'ts are Prof. ~------__; ______Dllrfr•P, .lim Firrlt, Dariet1c Fuller- ers ancl outliner! the elementary and Mrs. G. E. Densmore, Ann Order Your Anchora Now! Page 2 ton, Gm•· the idrnl roofing and siding mnterinl. Arlene Dexter of Leslie, MrR. on tlw program nf the E. 0. T. C. ONCE befo1·e I had the honor and duty of lead­ Thi< modern, srr.d shret cuhnncurl'., a onug lit. Wide, flat rib• children; 2 brothers, Clifford tot~ In lhc latest In wcarmg ap· pro\•idc ~irlow The resignation of Mrs. Fred· Build a St1·ong Economy Olh•cr -1:-1 Wolllng In a puhllP HI rent. l'rH' l•'lorlrln li!Ht 'J'hurHclny. 'rlwy Sl'l'rrlllll tnplr• will ht• "'l'lll' Da~ ol' .JrmPph Jllllrl $lii finn anrl costs on WC!t'c• ilelrl up at GnrTclt, Incllrum, Dcor,blon." rnl'!t count, was p111 on prohntlon llntll Hunday while MrH, CnrvPn for 3 months on till' 'first r~hnrgr! DENIM D1·. F:lltotl l~r ror·nu•r Jll'!'slrtr•nl ti!Hi!!l'\1'1'111 mcdlenl trc•atmcmt ami WIIH 2 Hl'i'· 111' Milllgfll! r•oilf'J:t~, ,ffllinsrnr City, and ,lallr.rl rlays nn thr. orin I'!JnJ•gro. The woman was ns­ 11 now c•nJ' wnH ohtahwd, 'i'l'lll!l'ii."'''• anti is fill rmlalnecl NeltiH~J· M1·. or· Mrs, Cnrvr.n was mlni:il!'l' llf ilu• Dl~dpii'H or SI'HHr!d fiJW 1111d COHIH of $1fi anrJ ( 'lirisl r·lirll·,·lr. Jllll on prolmtlon fm· :l months. f;m·lously h\tl't, 'l'heh· em· wnH rlr· LPilr•lmil IH·xl \1'!'1'1\ during to entr•r a plr•a nf gullly to !lie- tlw morning. Driving •I mliPs !\Icon's Cov('rL and llerrlngbone Men's till' Unitt•d Evangr!llstir• Ml>islon. gal (mssr•ssion of llquoJ', He paid south of Gnrrclt at !!:30 thoy saw Hne nncl eosts of $15 llltcl wns put tlll appmal'hlng em· vrer off llw I'X Snlc on prohnllon for 3 months. r·oad and then suddenly wheel I'X Rult• l'i'ICL! haclt on. Th~ ('1\1', with Marcus Coveralls l'rirll Pant .Juclge Adnms lms tnkcn guilty wut'enhnrgc•r, 75, nt the whr.nl, Driver Is Killed pleas from hunting law violators ;;true!; llw Carven cnr, Buffcn­ Overalls hrnught In hy Conservation Offl· hargcr told officers he had dozed l'ilws !HI·H $4.12 $1.59 wr WalteJ' Mutehlrr. Dnncll Ilo~· off or blaclwcl out. He snld lw rr.· ltPg, l'l'it'" :~fi .. JH Itt•!(. $~.H!1 Near Mt Pleasant of Mason pnlrl $17.80 last 'rhul'H· !IIL')nbc•rpd nothing nhout his ear Hamiel ,furtc•s, •l:l, :;on of Mr. day for htmllng without a 11- leavin1: till' rmul OJ' i:ominf{ back r·ense. Kent Mayo nf Lansing paid on. anrl MI'H. E:t,r!l' ,)o!I!'S of Mnson, Mt•n's Oltl 1\tmluclly was i{illert in an :wi'lclellt on US- :P·Ifi Sat.llrclny for llllllng a lwn :1\Ir. Carven 11 nrl the driver of I'X 811le 27 n lrnlf-miil' north nf MI. PleaH­ plwasnnt and anotlwr $Hi.:JO for i.l)(' nllwr t·ar Wl!l'f! unhurt. Mr,;. l'rkt• PX l'lnle ant em·ly 'l'ur·~rlay morning. hunting on land without sccttrlng Carven was eul and bruised. l'rlr<• permission of owner, Ronald , , , Western Pant Stair• JHillr·p ot'l'let>m sairl thr.y Jo'oorman, Llc ow Nrlrta, 2 daur:tliPI'.~ aml a son. a publle street. Jle paul ftJH! and 1il thi' I•' lorida jom·npy wns re­ AU totcn lO.,of on his head. Called to de­ I'X IS1ale PX Snln Ehrr .Jones, I liP fat her, is ns­ <'nsls of $17 and was placed on sumr~cl. upon l'a·Ic·r• pmhation fol' 3 months. fend his title,' Hardy stacked up l'rlc•,t• sistant manager or WliitP<'l'nl'i the baskets, showed nli com­ Sail's in Mason. Traffic viol;rtinn t ick2ts re· up Pant porter! srttlecl during I he! wrel< by ~rs In the bUshcl-b1~.skct stnl~es. .Judge Adams were: ' School Officers Overalls .Tumi•H W1·kht, Jo:uton Hnr.id~. dl'i\'ira~ AUm~ti\IAN !\lOVES ffi' $2.96 Justnce Court on 1Prl nlrlt• of l'lJHtl, ~:!. With Dnttons $1.73 llil•hflr·cl ('tJtnmlril.!'l'l, .Jnrl>fam;t~:-rll!o•dlnl-!, Raymond Alderman, for ·l ~~. Last Thursday Waller Me Ken- lt ·'· Discuss Duties years a butcher ut th~ Mason A lteg. $2.1!1 Hnynw11d lluHy, fll·ta·nit. fnlhll'l· to , , & P supermarkl'l, has been trans­ zie appeared before Justice o[ the "'"'"' ""rO'ly , 1 10 ~r.. Fmiy Ingham school board PlJi'IC!! Rnv 'vV. Adllt11S in !vlnson to !ilt•n Ua1·dn('l', Mu~un, fnilun• to n•- felTed trJ Grand Ledge 'as man· pl n.arl gti,Jftv (l.l t(J':-:orrfC}']V ('Ufl· port JII'UJIOI'IY 1lnrnns.rc• ;Jr•c•itiPnt, :;;jU, members attc•nded a meeting in aget· of the A & P meat market ~: .J .; Jnd: 1\ ~ur11lr·n;, l'ilWirlaw, ~JIN•tlirw. Mason Wednesday night to henr duct. He• was pla,·r•tl rill prolmtion ol~. . then•. for :1 1nnnths, lhP first :{ davR to Tinny ~milt·r, Mnnun, pa~•drq.c ou discussions abgut their duties. " ~·l'llnw liw• nrHl I1Jit•r·dir11:, $!-. Tho meeting was· held In the BOYS' DENIMS br ~carved in jnil. ,\lulul lfumt't' 1\hiLn, 1\llr·hi~-:"lnl Htnlt· board of supervisors room. DC!lll11Ps Neil O:tl or assaull wilh intent to ('rid,4.•l ~ Yl.'/11'11______olll,) _ County Superintendent Alton J; Boy's Boxers X Jat•k Pot, field, Ohio. Burial will be In the Work Pants Willow Branch cemetery. $1.89, His wHe preceded hlrilin death 79 ~~ 2 weel's ago. Surviving is a STOP ~N AT OUR SHOE DEPT. da.ughtcr, Mrs. Paul Hurst; a Green Co\'ert l'X Snle brother, Don Clawson of Phoenix, I••·Ico Arizona; and 2 si~tel's, Mrs. Lu·. For Work or Play cretla Sunbury of Johnston, Ohio, Work Pants and Mrs. Maude l.elgh.of Dayton, PX Shoes Are Guaranteed $2.17 Ohio. ·· : U Kant .Go Wrong now TO SAVI~ Anoo'.' If a dog has been: po'isoned,' n Old 1\entnci'Y PX Sn.l!~ good flrstnid measure w)jlle_ walt· Price ing for the veterlnarian:.to arrive is to give Lhc dog so rile 'or~ I'm S!!lt Work Clothes ·Work Shirt water to stimulate· vomiting. This $2.06 emergency treatinen't; :·~ollowed by the veterlnarian•s· u!ie· of spe­ BARGAINS cllic antidotes · ahd· ·hypodermic injections may save the animal's Blue Boll Cigarets life. J>X Sale Mi" America for 19B. Ncv• Jnncl.&n~lcy, Price with her new Ambamdor Golden Airllytc. Matched Yes America's new swcethem drives the State Rep.-2nd. Dist. $1.85 -Carton wmid's most beautiful car-the Nash styled by the world-famous custom car Golden Airflytc. Come sec the car that dcsigner-Pinin farina. Let J.lS demon· Pants mate the greatest cngin,e on t!tc road­ $2.07 2 Pkgs.- 37c has stolen the hearts of so many famous Reg. $2.98 Americans-the first mnss-produc~J car Super Jcthre. Please come tn today., Blue Bell PX Sole (in Person) Matched Price S.ee Miss America Work·, ShirtsI Shirts Gray Covert Also See $1.74 . Blue Chambray Reg. $2.89 99c Heavy Weight "' ' Central Michiga~'s Largest Display of Old Kentucky PX Salo NASH GOLDEN AIRFLYTE MODELS Work Price . Work Socks , November 4.:.5.-6· · Pants $2.71 6 Pair for $1 3,.Day Special======Reg. $8.08 GEORGE I. E, ' Mrs. Hoekzema Women Prepare Meal jo,. 28 ("ornpickers Social anJ Penonal Is Speaker at • • • • • • I ,.. • • Tuesday Meet MilS, DAIGN IS FETED "rrn/1• 'PnJvanln.rl Mrs. AI\Jort Dnldwln entertained . At their meeting Tuesday nft· Mrs. Dart Is nl a blrt hdny party 'l'hursrlny In IFlag E;i~~ette ernoon Mnson Womnn's dull members nnd thelt• guests heard honor of her mother, Mrs . .Ten· Mrs ..Tnmes P.· Hoeltzema give a Hostess for nle Dnl~ln. Friends of Mrs. Dnldn Program Begins tnllt, "A Personal Interview." were guests. 'J'he afternoon wns MrH. Glen Coon wns pt•ogram spent visiting nftet· which rc· To promote a uniform method ehalrmun. Mrs. I~. A. Can·ler In· Cradle Roll frcshments of Ice crenm nne! calte 1! saluting the flag hy civilians, traduced .lane Dart who played 2 were served. he American Legion Auxiliary Is Mrs. Wllllnm I~. Dart opened • • • 'Jeglnnlng u campaign of lnstruc· plano selections. Mrs. D. Dart gnvu a report : her home on Dart rond to cradle :ion In flag etiquette, according c. 1 roll babies of the Mason Method· farm Bureau to Mrs, Pertrl .Tewet.t, American· on the southenstern district meet· . lsl church and !hell· mothet•s Ism chairman of Browne-Caven· lng of the F'edera!lon of Women's Thursday nfternoon. She wns ulso A.nre!lns Center der Auxiliary of Mason. clubs held In Detroit October 23· hostess to n gmup Friday at: the Membem of the Aurelius Cen· "Ilecognlzlng that the salute to 2'1, Methodist church. Mrs. Dart en· ter F'nrm IJurenu group. met at thc flag Is lncorreetly given by Hostesses !or the meeting were tertulnecl the lmhles to 3-year-old 11w h'omr~ of Mr. anrl Mrs, .Tolm nnny, the Auxiliary's recent na· Mrs. Gcrntd Diamond, Mrs, group from 3 to 5 P· m. Thms· Edgar lust Weclncsclny evening. lonnt convention In New York Charles Lawton, MrR . .T, C. Bcr· day. Three to 5-years·olds met Wally !:khrnm, from the office ~ecommended that citizens be In· geon unci Mrs. J. W. Eames, ,. * ljl • at the church Friday. of the Ingl1nm County Heel structed In a uniform method oi Mrs. Howard Norton answered l'cnther in Lansing, and Alvin saluting," Mrs. ,Jewett explained Orwanizalions While their llltsbamls and fl'icnds picked 20 nct·cs of co!'11 mothcrH' quest Ions anrl gave an ntehmonrl, grarturttc student of at a meeting Tuesday evening. 1!'1 for Mt·. and Mn;. F"loyrl Rice, I hPsc women prepured the noon lnstruct.lvc tallt on babies and Michigan , State college, , were Members of the Methodist. W. 1 1 At the unit meeting held 'I'ues· Legion Plans meal at the F'clt Plains lV!cthoclisl. church Saturday. In the parents In relation to Uw ehurc 1. guests. lay ·evening, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. S. C. S. nre planning a rummag11 picture above m·c lVIt·s. Don Dillingham, Mrs. Robert Hughes, Mrs: Dart furnished refreshments Durin>( thr. evening memhers Isabelle Miller were elected dele· sale for Saturday, November 22. of Ice cream and cookies Cor both lteard n rrconlrrl message hy Dr. Tl'e annual !air wlll be Decem· Mrs. Walter Bissell, 'Mt·s. Lee U!t·cy, Mt·s. Mct·cdith Patterson, 1 1 gates to the meeting of the slxt/1 ' Halloween Party meetlnf(s. .Tolm Ilannah, president of !11 C1· PA'l'HICIA ANN!~ lV!ncLJ~UIJ district association scheduled for her 3. Mrs. Ralph Bitzct·, Mrs. Gcmld \Valter:;dorf, Mrs. Nol'l'is Hart, The emdle roll is Hit anmtnl nf· Jrran Slate college, whleh was glv· Memhcrs of Brownc-Cavenrler Mrs. Arthw· Whitney, IVIr:;. Fot'l'est Matteson, Mrs. Clifford ,., . '1 I M '1'1 E M "'•Llllr1•ty NovnmJJer 2 at tlln 40 nt Wheat fleld Grnnge ts se!'Y 111" a fnlr given In con,lunctlon with en nt the United Chest l Inghram. The hostess served re· der Ven is membership chairman 1 will meet Thursday night, Octo· Emily, horn .Weclnesday, October Only 98c freshments to the group. of the association. bhr 30, at B:OO at the home of Mr. 22, in the Mason General hos· All young women, married or and Mrs. G. F. Robinson. pita!. Brushed Rayon Pa,lumas • ,, * ' CANASTA CLUB MEETS single, above high school age, are Members of the Senior Child A daughter, Belva Darlene, was Mrs. Dewey Doane entertained Invited to ~ttend the meetings. Study club will meet Wednesday, born to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Glenn Snuggle l'anHes and Vcsts the Canasta club Wednesday eve· At the 'I uesday meeting Mrs. November 5, at the home of Mrs. of Dansville Wednesday, October FaU Special nlng at her home. F'ollowlng an Paul Arnold, Mrs. Wllllam Por•. Frnnlt Launsteln. There wlll be a 22, In the Mason General hospi· evening of piny, the hostess t~r, Mrs . .T. E. Hl.nkle and .l'vlrs. round table discussion. Hostesses tal. . . . •I• 1\iittcus served refreshment!;, .T rmettc Dart asststed the host· for the meeting will be Mrs. Ben Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart l~eaf • '' * ess. ·· Weaver and Mrs. Donald Edging· of Williamston have a daughter, Meta; Ralces LATIN CLUB HAS PARTY Mrs. Arnold gave devotions and ton. Ilene Marie, hom Sunday, Octo· * Gloves .Janet Campbell entertained the there was hymn singing. Those Mrs. Wesley Rled will enter· ber 26, in the Mason General hos· On~y 98c Latin club of Mason high school present then discussed plans for ta!n the Dunn Community club pita!: * Sweaters at the home of her parents, Mr. the league and a nominating com· Wednesday, November 5, for an Mr. and Mrs. Chester Grtcsl· and Mrs. Edward Campbell, mlttee was appointed which wlll aflemoon meeting, lwwski o'C Mason have a 1;on, AI· Wednesday evening. Latin club present suggestions for leaders 'fhe Old Home Round-up· will len c., born Wednesday, October * Scarfs members initiated members of and other plans at the. next meet· meet Saturday evening with Mr. 22, in the Mason General hospital. the first year class into the club. ing which will be held November and Mrs. Orla Stillman at 4217 J.l;lr. and Mrs. Richard Aseltine PERKINS ~t~RDWARE * Winter Coats They had a wiener roast after 24 at the J. E. Hinkle home. Oltemos road. have a son, Clair Donald, horn whlcl1 the group went on a sea· At the close of the meeting re· • • * Monda<>, October· 27, In the Spar· 360 S.• !rffcm;on venger hunt. freshments were served. , ·------' • * • "' * • ·-Hosp'ltal News rowtines hospital,have 2 other Lansing. children, The Rich·Asel· ·------•,­ Dr. anrl Mrs. George Clinton E l • (I b Mills Store I I 1 h 1 · X U 5 J I Ill d lll'd Scott, 4, and Charles Jan, 2'1,. ~~7'·J t r enSIOn 1 spent. t1c weer. enc at e cahm ames 'Iu ett w un ergo sur· Mr. and. Mrs. Rlci11lrd Sills of~ ~ L. J. Adams and Son at. Little Bntsh lake. They enter· * * gery Friday a't the Ingham t·ntnerl at dinner Saturday Mr. Alaledon. County TB Sanatorium. Farmington have a daughter, and Mrs. Nelson Rumbles. Members of the Alaledon Cen· Patients In the Mason General Linda Dianne, born October 23. Mr. ami M·rs. Robert Laux and ter extension club met at the hospital this wee!~ are Mrs. James Mi·s: Sllls ·Is the former Dorothy daughter of Allan Park spent the home of Mrs. B. Walllne Tuesday. Wilkinson, Mrs. Donald Bailey Robinson.· · week end with her parents, Mr. They had a less?n on textile and Glen Fox of Dansvllle, Guy Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hodgson T~!E MOST EXCITING CAMERA and Mrs. Ralph Edwards. p~lntlng. Mrs. Wt~llam Flllwock Royston, Roderlclt and James of Belding announce the birth of Mr. ·and Mrs. Clarence Sher· wtll entertain the group at the' Clarlt, Bert Royston, Mrs. Augus· a daughter, Susan, on Tuesday, IN THE WORLD wood, Mr. and Mrs. Velmour Day· ~~ext mec~,n~ on November 11. ~ ta Wilson, Elmer Wllldnson and October 28. The Hodgsons have ton and Miss Mildred Laxton East Aluledon . · Mrs Gertrude Linehnrt 4 other children,· Linda, Larry, went to Ft. Custer Sunday to Members of the East Alatedon · Cl;arles A Densmore.ls 1 F t·d and twln.sons, Bruce and Boyd. extension club met at the home of · . n .0 .• · • " . · meet Pfc. Harry Sherwood who Mrs. Bertha Worltman for a pot- hosoltal, Detrmt, for observatwn. Mrs. Ch.arles Reese'r of Dan· Just returned from Germany luck dinner Wednesday. There Mrs. Ray Mathews of Aurelius after serving 13 months there. He were 10 members and 2 guests returned home Tuesday from the ville, Pennsylvania, spent last returned Monday to Ft. Custer, present. Stimson hospital, Eaton Rapids. 'wee!~ with her son and daughter- where he expects to receive his Officers were elected as fol· She underwent surgery there last In-law, Mr.- anrl Mrs. William discharge this week 1 , Cl 1• M . M . , . Thursday. Reeser, and Dolores and Stephen. Mr and Mt·s Cm·I Greve and ows. rs. ax Fet· Mrs. Ross Thorbunt entered tile ·Mr. and Mrs. Franlt Evans and · · . ney; vlce-chmrman,m u~an, Mrs. Wesley M~s. All.ce Cavender, rcturn~d Thomas; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Ford hospital, Detroit, Monday to Mr: and Mrs .. Raymond McLean ·Castoria.-59c F'r~day mght _from a_ ln·da~ trt~ George McKinney; reporter, Mrs. undergo surgery. returned home Sunday after a tht~t1gl~ the southeastern states. Orville Shaw; and lenders, Mrs. • • '' week's vacation in the New Eng- Re;l"nl:u· $!.3;i - While 111 Florida they went to Stanley Voss and Mrs. Emma Mrs. Freel Bens o! North land states. Key West. . . Leach. Adams and Mt·. and Mrs. Norbert Mrs. Elizabeth Bodner plans to Petrolag~u-98c Mr. and Mrs. Lmus Hohbms of The lesson on textile painting Blanchard of .Tnsper were Sunday leave Mason Thursday evening Ono~1daga, Charles Hobb~ns o! was given. The next meetinf( will guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Had· for her home in Kansas City, Jackson and ,Mr. ant~ ~rs. ,I\en· be held at the home of Mrs. Floyd ch' and Mrs. May Haddy. l(ansas, after spendiqg the past liJO neth Sheffer and L~nda Susan Burgess November 12, with lex· Mr. and Mrs. Roland Coon were week with her son-In-law and sp.en~ the week end 111 northern tile painting as the topic. Sunday dinner guests o! Mr. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Wheatacol-$5.95 M!Chtgnn where they went deer * " '' Mrs. H. J. Karn. Reeser, and family. hunting with how and arrow. + Fastabs-$2.95 POLAROID®~ CAMERA Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Doer!ling Holloway News and Karen of Dearborn spent ' . • .. - Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Erd: Mrs. Lura Miner of Jacltson Noxema-59( + Junex-$2.95 man Llpstraw, Kathy and Danny. called on her sister, Mrs. Allee Develops a~Jd prints tis own pictures · Miss Caroline Brown attended Hanson· Sunday. See~ Hear l!t's Christmas + Rennel Conc.-$1.39 the Universlly of Michigan home· Mr. and Mrs. Richard Iun Hlcc,' Wnltm· DI~ael nllCI!~icc, Irn 1'!nlt, VFW ln~IGIDJIUJ\dm J~,.... w~lm·u ~ Speak Here 28 Friends Help Women who prr.pnred the vlr.t· unlH fnt• the wnriWI'H were Mr~. Mlt!hlgan'H Veternns nf Fm·elgn floyd Rice P.ick Don Dillingham', Mrs, Hobert Wnr~ cnrnmnnrir•r, ,Ja~pcr II, !Ittr:hr,~, Mrs, Wrdtm· Rlssell, Mrs. 1\ohn of l•'omrlr! Ulrey, Mm, Mcrctlllh Patter· MnHon Rnlurrluy night, November 20 Acres of Corn son, Mr·~J. llnlph Bitzer, MrH, Gr.r- 8, to nclrlrr!SH ,Jcnh R. 1\nrlm'Hon ~lght c·ornpkkc•rs grohhl~d up nlrl Wnltersrlorf, Mrs, NoJTIH prml 7:l0!l Ill llwlr membership 20 acres of <'m'n on till! J~Inyd Hlr"' TTart, Mm, Arlhur Whitney, Mrs. !linnet•. farm In Bunlwr Hill township Forrest. Mntteson, Mrs, Cllfforrl Kol111 IH u navy velemn of Saturday morning. 'J'hr. 8 pickers Ward anrl Miss Darlene Matteson. Wnrlrl Wnr II, lie wrw clncterl nnd the trnC'lnrH nnrl wagonH werL! I >:lntro VI'' IV cop·.mqnrlror Jn;;t ,Jttn' manned by 28 Jricnds nf Mr.·unrl (h'ld D' t • t at lite nny Cil,v r·onvPnllnn. lie Mrs. Rice. I S IS riC ilfls long been active In the VFW. DEMOCRATIC Mrs. H.lce cllc!rl snon after !Itt' 1\lrs. Leone Johnston He is n member of the Fernrlale , mrn pic•kcr:J IPft ttw !IPicls. ~lu• post, wng its poHt rornmtlllrler In I . llacl ht•ert sick tllis fnll. I il'l' C'Uil· Twenty pPople at !ended the 1D•lfi-•17, 11ft h district cornm:ttllter VOTE rr S1'~8UG~T fOR BETTER NATIONAL, STATE & Hllllll car·e 11'11 no timl• for her/ fnmlly nlr,ht cllmwr Snturduy eve· In Hl·J8 .. Hl tlllli titt'n lmth 1w ,lun· illtshnnrl tn pie!; 1lw C"orn. nlng. lor 11nd ~;•~nlnr vice-commander of (, ll I . I•·i I Mr:-~. 11uth Town:wnd r.nter· thr. state organlzallon . . ommun Y w~rn'm,, lit n ·• .'~' rn!ncd nt n storle :;hower Ji'rldny n dinner nt the I• r.ll I I.tltJH l\h.t.1· rovc·nlnr• October 2,1 for her sis· Ccll;mwndIl. ter·, Mr~. Louis.· Pete'rsnn. ~~he rc· .fean H. Andl•r,;nn po:;t ~air! lw !\lost of rne wrn:ml1er 8, Bureau group. Mr. and Mrs. I·lerhnrt Pnkp "nrl COUNTY GOVERNMENT Friends who lwlpnrl w It I1 t I tr fnrnli,Y of Jackson were Snlurday II will lw sen'r•d tcl, S. hall Satllrclay night, Nfwem- Betsy itnd Dnll!l,V 11'"rc' dinner bcr 1. for Mr. nnrl Mrs. Richard c:urs:s ;rt t h;, J.:rlw:tein anrl C:trot~·n were Sunday WciJbervillc and Margrette Rttede ·]inner ;:ttcsts of Mr. and .i\lrs. Lee o[ .Jackson Saturday at Jaci{son. juts tlzejlnger Gerhardstein. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rice of Bath Mrs. Lester .Jeflery was host- c:alll'!d on his mother, Mrs. Emma ~ss l11 a Stanley p:trty Wcdnc;;. Morgan, Wednesday night. ON THE FIRE BUG day. J\!r. an

-Mce_cl~_ru,_·ul_. 44w2p _ ·----·-··· ·J.Iw1p R", ~ f d . ff n~. u~. 1 ~7 , third house r.ast o_f ..o nll~-~c·rlt},ling about it that looks Howe. 42w3 Wagon. Hydramatic. Radio nncl lain 01• restaurant. Peters cl!'U!-: ------llmrtan.~(s ' lf'tolf'!. sl!·u S 1 ~ heater. Motor aml lrnnsmis~ion store, Mason. tl3w:.! USE POUNTAINS Wnrfnrln rnt TA13LE SAW-Elcctri~ lalllC' saw a Hll.!t~!;, """" 'IJ'IIJ' ll.u rmlroad, Leslie. Phone Lr~h" . 1917 OLDS wllh 8-moto1·. Com- recently overhauled. Tires like ··--. --·-- -·------· 1 26 5 52 poison. Results or your money I and jointer, $aO Ol' will trndr: --· ------0-1. W P Open to 9 p, m. plctcly overhauled. All new n~w. Maroon color. Very clean in· REFRIGERATOR- eubic foot baek. 1\lasun Elf'valCJr. ·14wl, for what have you. Phone Hull C:l.I3Bi\CJ·: LaiC> Danish Fall pa!'lS, Wm·i' done by A. J. Tor- sale and. nut. Ideal fur hunters. I·Ir>tpol"rlt J'cfrigcratoJ'.9 Al."CJ 1 PUPPY-Scotch collie puppy, 3 t 1\lf o · · · ------; 3919. 4'1W' lw:1d cahh:tgr for sale. Alva St 8, 8 al1C1 .!.Vial) 1e ranee. Can be seen at Ray Fish· Low pnce. Trude and terms. 0Ltnkel' Dil furnnce with extra at· prr;~~--WeanPrl fcC!der pigs fori 2 'I Fl months old. Beuutiful pup, $10. S C S "' , A t s s c " ~ult•. Al~o 3 sows wllh pigs.:SAW-Otta\~;;-t~;~-t~: saw also Lent, J.J (owmos street. "wne Phone Holt 3919. •1·1wl 40w1ier's garage, outJ1 ecar1 t., Ma· •• aynes u 0 •. aes,.:1 2101 ··· C!·,tachments. Doth used 11bout 2 E 1 1 11 1 . 1 "'lm!on :nal. •14w2, ______son. ' 43w2 dar. Phone 5-1103 Lans111g. 44wl weeks. M. A. Putterson, mile Jesse Hchlwpf, phone ~a ton Hap· copper c ac a porce fun coa ------·------· ;;c;G__:_G~Iden Labr~dor-;-.~;;j~~· 1936 FORD, blnck, tuclor, in good ------·----- (•ast ami % mile south of Bunker1 ids li-l~·L 44w1p or wood range. Mrs. J. C. APPLES -- Winter apples and !;hape. Reber! .J. Smith, 2055 1952 FOUR DOOR CHEVROLET 1 on Haynes road. ,13w:3p , ------·-·----- · Sprngue, 3rrl house south of M-3\i swC'et cirlrr hv the galion or for sale, very good with chi!· ·r 3~ 8 M A-1 Used Cal'S f r sal f lly equippn·' po1vnr 11111 I'AMS H 1. l c e cl SuffaJI· J d, ·' 1 t h 1 PI utt 1e roat, 1 [I 1wne " 8 ason. o , e, u cu, c -·--·------' • - l' g s r ' on Mericllan road. Phone Mason barrel. Also whiskey barrels and ten nn:-' gooc wn c cog. lone w glide, •1,000 miles. For sale or ~----·---- . 44 1 rams. I. H. Palmer, 14637 Wood· 2·71!12. ·14wl kegs ;mel new white oak kegs. Holt 41397. 44w1 ------d T • k - will trade for older car. Ilene SEWING MAC_I·IINES-1, White ltCIT'' road. Phone Lansing 8-874,2. 1 . -- __ ,___ - 2 I an IUC s t 11 1 machltlll for J 44 2 Next· week we wil have apple Cl· c--0 -0 N- -I-I_O_U_ND__ --T-- 1 - 7 'I'RUCI<-1!1117 Dodge -ton truc' Cromer first farm enst of Aurc· reac e sewu g W P UNIVERSAL 11 1 'I 1 ·1 Cl - regg, rna e, 1 · 1 d" 1 ' l S30 1 Minnesota treadle - ---- MANURE LOADERS r!r•r _.ic• and JOi cr etc ei', . co years old A real tree dog good for sa e, 111 gooc con 1t on, lius Center on south side o[ l'OHrl sa c: ·· · . , ' PUREBRED OXFORD yearling Cl 1 1 . 1 · 0 t Lcsl1e, 1 milt• l'::HI nnd 1':r m1les to b;eak p~ps with, try hln;, ::;75, $4~3. Clare Hollister, phone All· 1952 FORD Custom Tudor Fordo· on Barnes road, phone Aurelius sewmg- ~~t~chmc, ~25. Harvey rams for sale. Henry Siegrist, th~e;p:~~s ~l~e~r· ~=~~~ ~v~ \\~t ~out II of 1\tll'f'iiu::. · 4<1Wl Sixth house west of Aurelius rcl1lls 1311. 43w2p I malic:. Two-tone blue. Radio, 523. 3Gwtf Gleason, ·; ·" mll.cs ~outh of Ma· 11 1 011 no \" II 1 PI nc J .. ------• ~------1 1 ·1 f'l . . · I" . son on US-127 01 3,e1 mlles north . ~., 'csr - nrper roac. 4w more than a ton. BE!~F FOR YOUR LOCKER. Buy north srdc of road, Earl .Tones. PARTS for a 1911 Oldsmoblle 6 tc~. er, Ol _I tel' t.mn me IC'. :l. v. \V1gll' farm, J 4.> I Sprino-er bird ~log. -Arthur . S. Royal tu·cs: generator, starter, FORD Mainl"clC Fordor DED--Soli: Jnallress. Also " ' ' .,. . ' ~ , • son, Powers Orcl1arcl, phone Dans- . "~, , • · " Two-lone green. Low miles. Ra· ------L "" Phunc Leslie !'ilfl5. 44w2 ----- friJm Dans\'llle Roncl. 44w3p ville 3522. •ltJwlp rac!Io. Also 19.:>u Chevrolet motor, clio, heater, electric clocl{, turn FREEZER _ Internallonnl home dresser, 9x12 Axminstcr rug and cow-=:~r:i~i;i~i~~-~J~~~ey--~ow for Used Farm EqUiiJ- i;·m:r:li.:5=~ii~~--~-;--frozen. -a~;;:. - · I g~nerator, starter and transmls· inc.licators, windshield washers, freezer, 15.8 cu. ft. 10 months painted droploaf brcaldast tnblo sale, 3 years old, fresh, out of lir!ll\ rre;:h drc!'scd Salurclay PE! MICE for sa_le, white aml st.on 1 :c~r CI~~I co~pl.cte with baci<·UJl lights, reur seat radio old, •!-year guarantee, Regular with chairs. Mrs. L. L. Kell)', "Walker." Also Hol~tcln-.Tcrsey ment Values only, ordcrPrl Fridny night OJ' Silver mice, fascmatlng, .clean,!\\ he~ is ,'111 cl lues, . ·'50X17· com· speaker. Bpcly been converted price $53:-i, now priced at S375. phone 5G21 Mason, if no ansWCl' heifer, 2 year,; old, fresh, out of Corn piclters I1early Satmclay moming. We also and casy-to-ltecp pets for children. I P_lelc front end Wtth wheels ancl to a customilne. Here Is the Wayne Miller, 261. N. College call 214~1, 10,1 East Oalt, 44w1 "13oiJ," P•·t'coel to s••JJ. Cali morn· Steel or wood corn cribs ·havf' Indian Sctnaw corn on the :lDOO Zimmer road, ,iust north off ILres. Pltm~e 28!:] 86 Mason. 43W2 real shnrp buy for the person road, )Jhone Mason 2-583a( •l'iwl --- - ... ------1 in~s. Chal'10s' Reese,' 3059 US-16, .John Deere "B" Tractor with r.ar for ril•r·oratirms. About 200 US· ·.16 • W"Jl"mms t 011• PI wne IJ;)~~l.T • --,---; ·-~ ., • , , • who is looking for a bargain. ·----·----·-----·--· REFRIGERATOR -· Like new, 1i,:, miles cast of Wllliumston, plow and cultivator lr•ars tCJ eiwrn;c lrom. Berman G. 'HW2 ID-IO LTJLLT( ConveLitblc, needs 1951 FORD Custom Tudor. USED HEATER-Coleman oil radio-phonograph combinalion, I - ---l\1 W'll'1 ston RC Casn 'ft• ctoJ' \\','Jlt, nol'lli of M,-,,·orl 011 U"'-12-,, -,--.---.·-. -.------·- I nr.w. · . loll but Ins': }JCrfect· motor, · Bronze. fl.aulo,_,. heater, over· 1 1 50 000 B'fU 1 1. twin foiclinn-" cots and single bed. P 1onc ";,,. · tam · ~ a ~ " COCKER PUPS SL!vm nne! gold Wtll sell cheap 1f lai·en by Sat wa er, · • • gooc cone l· Also mnnv other household arti· •lC· cators, oil Iter, o Jat 1 a r very good condition. Norman Two floor model freezers at a HEIFERS-Two Guernsey helf· tun! Cyclone Insurance Co. Phone Leslie 2307 GMC %-ton Pick-up, New for im· low tile normal retail price. cleaner, wheel rings, under· Rector, 2i5, Frost roacl. Route , discount. . crs, one due now, the other 40w!:ip 32wtf mediate delivery, 1!H9 Ford V-8 Pordor. Hadlo, coated. Mnke us an offer. Will Williamston. lJ<1wlp1 One 11 cu. ft. and one 8 cu. ft . fresh with calf. Also a 3-year·old ------healer, plnstle·.seat covers, 'ami trade. ------Generul Efectric deep freezers. Hl"ltOll & Rl'c}1ar·c1s Guernsey cow duo November 4, HUSKER for sale, Rosenthal steel TURKEYS for sale, Wl10losnle or new tires. • , 1950 FORD Custom Tudor. \"A '>cR J·YEA'fER. ~o.rraJ'. . See these.· hnrgains. \vest Colllml)l·a tttrtl nortlJ on 40 llus)•nr an·' sl1reclder In goocl retail. Corner of Cathollc B · k 9 Ch 1 t A s 1 Til d 1 dl 1 ·v 1 ...,. ' -u " 0 11 on · . ', ·~ u , tUC :1 -17 cvrn c · ero ec an. 1 s Bronze, Over r ve, ra o, 1ent· he·ltel' Hooked up hut never Onondaga to Nichols, turn left, condition. Burrlll Driver, 1295 Church road ami Murray roacl, ., 1 goorl looking car has a new er, electric clock, seat covers, used'. E~cellent condition. Frnnl' Collins the second house west of school Elliott road, 18 miles east of Ma· Bunl ______'I_IJ __ w __ l_l_, -· ---- Lnnslng, well aatnbllslwcl, gros~ 22A:J4, • •Jw l' Glenn Casey ' _ JUVJ~li¥'1'HI!IfG In ptuml'lnl.!' tl~· 1 volllml! of hus!nesH, oven• ~110,00[} ·------Aur.tlnncer ro Detroit Pnddng Ilouso nnd Page 2 - ·--· ------·------· G J•: J•; ~; I•:. - llr•glslen•rl Jlrcedlng turca, ma.torl!ll tor Pilunblng and· pet• year, I!Vh11-: rtunrtcm, W!ll IIOUSI~ l~OR SALE, closr. I o Holt, Ya.t'dll 011 0 5 ------·------"lers lilod\, 'l'ollliJII:ill, ChhWHO llllri ~hcet n~eta.l, Do J. J ~~ .:~ t~i':i JiuJ\0 fnrm of 1ti0 IWl'ClS 01' largm• Ju~t. bli!IJ, largo 1-room, Deep W!!IIamston, M!chlgnn MontlaYfl mHI 'J'ucmlnya 11 1 Phono Collect 227·W Tral fllm11 Whll11 D:mril'tl~, $fi cnch, Jt~tc natr::._vo,Mu~oU: iowu ns rmrt llllYmont or Hell on terms, lot, on hlcw!ttop, $1,•10[}, tcrmH, lnsurcll Service AN'l'IQtJE:-l - AnHquc strnlghJ. 1lolllf' J ,a\;~• F'lll'lll, W. D, Dttrllt!y, ---- ' Acme Hoully, Doh Cook, 212 West $575 down, Cnsh d!scom1t·, OWIJel' 50wtf ·IJru·k elialt·s, nnt.lquo mnrh!e top Doble marl, piJOIW Lr1nslnf.{ 87:128.,., Knlamuzno, Lansing, phone 2-2205 phone 112082 Holt, 44wl ------rh'eHsor, lnrge four dmwr•r pluln ALUMINUM HOURI~ 'I'HATLEil, ' •' •llwlfi Ol' evenings 5,8028, <14wl . ·------···----- ·-- Eli Mil·e & Son walnut antique tlrcssm·. D1·, .1. c, Real Esta' te 'JH-1'1., slet•Jl:> •1, hniiJn J:lts, fit II------You Should See It . 6 miles west of lVmson on Co· Ponton, 307 S. Jtogcrs Street, year lleC!nse. liiCJlllre horne of ( iF:I•:Sr•; .. I•'ttll Hl'own, $:1 each or FARM for snle, 60 a.cres, o~t -~MUCK B • s • nurmrm SEAL Jumbln, 2 miles north on Onon· plwne Mnson 226!J3, 22wtf Lawnmw Bm·tun, fi2·1 ~- Nlr-floi.J- :! im· ::x Alton ,Jr•wetl, '·" mile! FARMS onl~ltchburg rand, 2 houses and usmess ervlces duga rnarl. eJ'ts, phonr; 2·1-Hil Mnson, iJ:Iwtf '-'Oitlh rof i\lnsonon US-127. Phone i dry shml, William P. Knh!er, Doln, "Rubilet• Bnsc'' I~!oor E:numt~l Phono Holt •1541-1 --- ·------· JYJason 222:n •J2wlf 120 ACRES 2 mlleA from Leslle. 1,0hlo. Phono 2186 ~ala, or see ----·------Hwtr Used 'I'HAILI~It IIOUSI~ fDI' ~ttlc!, sttll· ------· ------1 120 ACHES eloHI! to Dunsv!lle, naymoncl McLean, 1102 E. ~ale ASHES HAULED-Rubbish, cln· Ulle It on El-ectl'ic Ranges ahlr• .J'Dr hL1ntln,:: OL' llvln,::. Call, :lOll Wlll'J'I•: JWCK !lENS, 1-ycnr- 220 ACHES 7 miles from Eaton street, 26wtf clers, junk. Wllllam~ Brothers, • Concrete CUSTOM COHN PICKING-Does at 222 N, Cedar, l'ylason. •l•lwlj colt!, starting har;l< ~nto J~I'[J[fuc- llaplriH, 704 West Center stt·eet, Mason, • Masonry good Ple:m liuslling Job, $5,50 · ------·. · ------lion, now !:tying ,Ill•,,, Aloo lnle 80 ACHES ncar Mason. LO'i'S-r; x JO rod lots ror snle, phone 242tll. 20wtr !'il!VCrlll IIHI!d E!PdrJc Hangl!S, all 1 " Wood 1101' acre. Iloherl Clark. Phone i11 good I'Oildltlon TllAILEH-2:-i fr101 1•:11\lwrl luiltO<' I nwt!PI Monlgomory-Wnrd wnsh- ,15 ACRES :J mllos from Mnson, one block from relocated US- • Linoleum Lansing 7-20Gfl. 4:Jw2 Iraller Jor s:ile, In vr!ry gnorl lng maC'lllrw. J!arolrl Mason, 1 :J!l ACRES 2 m!les from Perry. 127 on K!pp road, Roy Adams, WILL CLEilK auction srlles any­ $~;, lo $50 condition. Pholll' Mnsou 2.. J5-1:.!. milr! north ami \" mill~ oust o,f 1 ACRE '.-l: m!le from Mason. phone :J561 Mnson nfter 5:00 p, where. Also Income tax nssiH· 1eslsts hnrcl wm1r and Acufl!ng. tJ•Iw2 Vanllllvn. tJ:Jw2 17 ACRES varafit nea1· Holl. m. lBwl! tnncc, Enrl Dun'i:rnore, 30·12 W. Soaps, dr.tergenlR nncl washdny Mason Home -- ···· ·------·~--- · ..... -- - Of c·out·se we speclnllze In Farm Columbia, Mnsnn, Phone 2-:12,11. chemlcul:> will not harm the 4ro Farm Loans LADD COACH---I!H7 2~·fl., in fi!Cfo:SE--Yottng while Chinese SaleH, ~1wtf finish, Appliance good enndlllrlll, sle••ps •I, ~~201) gf!r!se. Itoy Slmol, K!nncvllle. If you are a purchaser or have a Real Estate Gasol!ne, ol! and battery acid do Farme1· owner! land hanlt credit cash and talw IIV(!l' ~;a:; 11 mont il No Sal IIJ'[Iny calls, 1!1 Wlf Jann for salt>, don't heH!Iato to SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK WILL GIVI~ good care! to r:hl!d not hurt lt. fnr land purchase, rcllnandng, 1211 W. Mnplt> moclernlzalion, nllwhlnery ot· any Plwnc 1\lason 2:ifll1 payments, liHJllll'c ttl 12:i Mathew c·all us, GOOD HOUSE on Park slrect, while pnrenh; work, l•'ot· lnlor­ Ideal for porches, rumpus rooms slreel nl i(l'et•n house trallr.r. Lyal 1\t.\. Q~ $9,000 wllh $1,000 down. mat!on <'all 2-:3902 Mason, 'l•lw1 Jl nnd bnscmonts. farm purpose with ll'rms to suit l"llllng stations nntl restaurunts your needs, Lo~1dcnslagr·1~----- ______tJ·J:v~p: nu~~sce~~imeous · . 80 ACHES, good house, basement 0 R DE R CI-IIUSTMAS canis, ' PIANO--Player plano for sale. Whipp F,ann Ag-ency 1 use H. Chl'sler· Jo'ullz, !i rniJI'H south burn, real good lund, $14,000 wmpplngs ami everyday crmiH and 1 mile cast or Wllliamston at Robert Kil·by with Jerms. and wrapping now, :iOe a hox and YOU CAN'T HURT IT National lilal'ln Loan Mer.tli road. 4•JW1Jl Seal'les up. I hnvo a nice s!'lectlon, Clara under ord!nnry wenr and use ·------'---·------Radio- Television Phone 4-146•1 LnnHing SEE: Dietz, :J2G East Mnple, Mason, l\.ssns. H.ecord Shop Evenings Mnson: 2·'1982 . Carl Jewett phone 590:1 Mason, 1•1w1 dO-l ~~. J\1!ch!gnn, Lansing. Used Phone· iJ401 Mason Zimmerman's Plwnc• 58816 Stewm·t-Wamel' 1 A new SIIJl!IIy of Squaro Dnnce 75 ACRES .llrRt_: class' lc(nd, nt· _:.______Pl''lll1bl,l1g' ancl Phone 2-1::101 Mason George Greenleaf, Sec.-'l'rons. Gas Space Heaters rrelevision I, rr•t·on·ds IH now ln. . trnctlve mod~;rn home, beaut!- L _ Kr!llncth L. Brown, Asslslant I Open 'l'ln•r~l!ay Niglits ful grounds, good barn. Btly from Real Estate Heating Fixtures· UPHOLSTERING - Reasonable Serving Ingham nml l~nton ColPman Oil Spacr• I-TPaler and 17-ltwil lu :!7-lnl'h Sf'l'l'f>IIS owner,· wm consider offer land A. 0 a· ~ prices. We have our own mn------storag1• tan]\, f>fi,OIIO n. '1'. U. Call for DPmonslration and house separately, Phonl! Lan· · • • 11eenOUg'1l Gnml slnek of used Jtu·naees, terlals ot the finest quality, Rc- Jt\.~1 JiJW nr.w, tiHl!rl llnl! SOflSOn. I 11'l'ee Parking sing 8-3108. :12wt1 blowers and slolwrs gluing nnd repairing furniture E:h"l'ERMITAL 'rERMITE serv· Duo-'l'hr•r·rn No. 715 and Hlot•agc Used Television I:.ul'rotl Thcatrr. Building ·--- . Fruit Special We have Just inslaJ(ed a fully nnd recovering old to Ioolt lll1 17 ADMIRAL rv rnmhJn· \" ,.. 1 '. 1"·2' ·cope• ·md peep gency. I land, paved road, $9,500. . Phone Aurelius 2113 All Ant'n1als Insured PlANO--M:1hogany upright PI· ation. Will snl'rifieo for q1tic-k t·:.. sn;nllcr rifle 211 ACRES, 1G5 acres· tillable, Floor 1Gwtf I .:,;; 1 t"~Vil~ Ld~ io~ a~~o<;,J~rpenter I ano for sale. Phone 21,194 Ma- sale. Excellent condilion, gwtrau- ~'~ : ?·f''lli)'C'' shotg;m Wnyne FARMS good hat1se and barn, $27,5JO. - Call us on any 1\lnd of l!vcstoclt 1 1 1 1 son. 44w1 leed. Phone 2571il Mason. ·1·1w1 1 (, roa;l phone MASON-7 rooms and bath, gas • LESLIE HEATING & PLUMB· you wish l<> PPl\ at home. ~~ -\- ~ ~;. 1 0 li~['C 1 Clycle Sta11 ------· ' 2 5Lrl'r, ' ' '· ' ' 200 ACRE farm, 60 acres under furnace, nenr downtown, large ING CO.-Furnaces and boilers, ::;ee us xor Y,..~_.. roglstered Hump· ·------(I h" · :-l:J:l i\'lason. ' ------~~"':'_~ plow. buildings need some re· lot, garage, worl' shop, Price ,2'" miles soulh of Mason on US· all fuels, Plumbing Installations, Ismre orecmnl;l' tl!oc!c, The best In SHOTGUN -- 12-g-auge, 3-shot pair, located on blaclctop road, $7,000. jl27 to Coy road, then east on equipment and supplies, pumps, meat type !lOgB. Whirlpool ot lng 18 000 Washel'S- Driel'S ______shotgun for ~ale. Al~o good $ • · Term~. Need lots of good salcnblc list· ~~~~ ~0 stone> house. Phone Mason j water heaters, etc. Electrical I HUNTING OUTFIT-Red plaid bini do.~, 2-ycar-old; Duo-Therm 80 ACRES with 70 acres under ings In farms anu city prop-~~- 4 "· service, wiring and appliances. E D. Franklin & Son 1 Sales and Service deer hunting OUI flt, 1 pair Inil btirlll'l', 2 barrels and pipe. AI· plow, 7·room house, 34x60 hlp· arty. < ------T ______:~~:I Call us for oil burner servicing. ' "Penn Rich" !nee lei( pants and I mom! Wing, Dansville. 44wl roof bam cement slab silo, DANSVILLE INCOME-4 rooms ' 217 N. Main street, Lcsl!e, phone Licensed Dealers, Mason A favor!lc for more than 50 1 "Red Head' coat to match. Coat ------· -- ··---·------othet• buildings, extra good Io· upstair:; renting' for $45 a MEN'S AND WOMEN'S 3682. 29wtf Phone G a Mason ,. vcars lllw new, pants show wear, $25. i MOTOP..-r5 h•m~c Century motor cation 011 good road, $15,500. month, Owners' 6·roon: apart· Custom-Made Clothes ------2 79 llwtf Gas or Eleciric Harold Barnhll!, phone 21611. for sale, runs like new on 4'10. Terms. ment below, 2 baths, fmc dec- Alterations CALL LESLIE 2641 and ask for ·" Us£~s Les~ Soap nnd \Vater 44\vl 1\J:-;o a niC'P ass 01~t 1 ncnt of solid . orations, neat and clean ready Warner's Fire Control ServJcc - • Tumble Action --·------1imiJl'l', :,'so. Frank Allen, first 41-ACRE FARM-7-room · house, for new owners to movl! In ~~.sjcfe~£XD ~~n~~~O~l for everything In fire control REMOVAL 01~ ' Economical CL01'II1NG-2 fur coals, one lrailn enst of Syc~more creek on partly modern, garage, 36X60 without even a dusting. Prir.e 330 equipment. We specialize In the black caracul nncl one hmwn llio!i rn 11 rt. 1J1Jwlp barn, 20x40 poultry house, $8,400. But owners want t? sell.· Located over Peters Dru~.:i~~~ famous Red Comet fire control Bob Leonard mouton lamb, Good condition. ------·------20x24 granary, other buildings, ,Any rea&onnbio offor Will be systems which give 24-hour per Dead Stock 44fl W. gJrn I, 11011 c ~ 2671 About size lG III1li IS, SG rw:h. ITENT-Dccr-lnmllng tl!nt, 16' x $8,500. · considered. day protection for a JIIetlme serv.- Service same clay called . ____ ----~ ------____ Mrs. Herb 1\:Intilias, 864 N. ~-Iog-s- 20'. Claur.le Carpenter, !l28 Col- NEAH MASON...-40·acre farm on Three family house In Mason, in· Ice. Fir~ surveys nrc free nnd we Phone collr.ct Io bacl' road. Phone Mason :2'1821. I lege road, phone Mason 25812. blacktop road. No buildings, come $120 month, Price $10,· lnstnll without extra cost. Lansing 5-2239 CI-IAIR--RI'd tapestrY over- , .J!Jwl , · , · ~4wl T . 000. . • We Haul 10wtf sluffed ehair, $35. Mrs. L . .T.~---·------·------·------erms. NEAR MASON l2 ml!csl 4-room WASHED STONE Carl :f3e"g' Day, phone Mason 2'1111. 41\wl GOOD SELECTfON nf children's POWJm LA\VNMOWER, garr!cn NEAR 1\tASON--40 acres of good I house oli 11t, acres of land: WASHED SAND 1 -.. ------·------shoes and ho1ots for sale. A!so tmclor allCl small gas engine land, all under plow, large With basement and garage. I BANK-RUN GRAVEL EAVESTROUGHING-Free estf. ~ I-Iau1r.•~ of Dead Stacie OIL BUHNER, Dtto-Thorm, for rlresses, sizes 2 to 8 and goorl owners: Have your equipment square-type 8-room modern $ OOO. FILL DIRT mates, furnace repairing and -- - · -----·--- 6 sale, with blower, lil\e new, selection of women's wintl'l' cnmlitionecl during winter months. house on blacktop rand. $1~,- DANSVILLE, 2-story brick· store,. LllVIESTONE CHIPS sheet metal worlt. Call 6HO- COfi.N PICKING wanted, will price, $~0 ..Tnmes E. Caltrider, coals. Dorothy Helen ]{c~a!e Don't wait until lhe spring rush. 000, Terms. building with baseml!nt. Only . 42421. w. Reynolds, Holt. . fumish 2 wagons, $5 per acre. 15wtf Phono 249q4 Mason. 44wl :J23 S. Steele slreet, Mason, phone Shop, 524 W. Ccnlcr strecl. We can give extra service to J NEAR MASON-New 5·room $4,000, . . PJCk-up and Delivery Service . 2+!84 Mason. · •14wlp •1·1wl Ihose who take advantage ui oft'· .modern house, Oil hent. Ga·, IN DANSVILLE-7-room house, 1 c_A_R_P_E_T_s_, _H_ll_G_S_a_n_il_u_p_l_to-Js-te_r_y ICORN 1~rc1(il\I~-wA·Nmo: Fred ------SNOWSU-ITS =--B~y;~---'i..picce ;:euson st•rvice. _Have it ready I rage, % ncre of land. $6,000.1 not modern, needs well.' good I Williams Brothers cleaned, mothproofed and in- Fullei' corncJ of ,?kemos and GAS WATER HEATER for sate. w!1en you need 11.. Call us now. Torms. location, large lot, brrn garage, snowsuit for fiale, bmwn, size 1 I G 1 'l' 1 · sured. Worlc done in the home or Lamb ·roads, phone ~8772 Mason. Sidearm type. Complete with '> 1\-Iartin .Mower Service, :1695 Oke- $3,500. encra rue {lllg 1 2 051 office. Minimum job $10.00. Free 44w_: tank ..1ii11 Brown, 844 S. Barnes. reasonah c. C<11! :l mos-fllasnn roncl, 01-wmos. CITY PROPERTY IF YOU DON"l see w11at you 704 W. Center Street, Mason ~. Ma~on. ~outh, estimates. Call J. W. Knapp com- Phone Mason 2-5091. 44wl 4•1wl L~nsing phone 87633 for piclmp IN MASON-5-room house and want In this ad, ,please call and Phone 24261 COAT-Fur coat for sale, like or· call McKinley Hardware, Olte- garage, good location, paved tell me. what ybu want and I pany, Lansing, Michigan, phone Wan.ted 14wtf Lansing 9-6551, extension 58. l.i HEFHIGERATOR. for sale. Slew- 11 e ~o~ '!r J'ntlff 11- mos 85:>12. 44w4 street $",300. · may be able to help you. , w, ,,,,,), " ·s. '' man, ,) • v 10 ACRES 1 I d II tillable ' 33w12p art-Warner. 1\lotor overhauled, N. Cedar, phone Mason 210[11. · -- ·· - · NEW :J-BEDROOM HOME, 4- . ' gooc an ' a ' BULLDOZING- Bulldozer with tip-top condition. Features oxtra

•.•• i' -~- .:aswtf 1on 24033, . 41wU IISII,p 87366, . 4\Vtf · . ' ' ' ., '. . I . .: . ~ . '" . . . .. ' . . . ' ': . ,/. FRUIN-Wo willh to llxtcnll our lnghllJO County News Oa. 30, 1952 Pa~c 8 APAR'l'MEN'I'-Downstnlrs mod· mnny thrmllti for nil tho hcl11 MAISON 1\IAUI\l,'J'~ ern untuxnlshed npr~rtment, filnnd Jdncl wordHrccelved trom om• ,____ ------·----- Wheut ~12 () l rooms nnd IJuth, Wnrm gnrugc, fl'!C!nds nnd neighbor~. Words The mercury the lliiBt weolc hns Outs IJl 108 W, Ash street, Mnson, In· crm't express OUI' feelings, 'l'hnnl\s hncl Jts lliJll nnd downs, lllgh !or Corn l,'](J CJUira nt 102 W. Ash or phone Ia lpeclnlly to M1 H •r, ,J, Holtz !01 the wecl' wns Sund11y when n 73 ltye 1.70 23RG3 M.!Ron, 41w1p tho good supper, Mr unci Mrs, rlogree reacllng waslecmclocl, Low 3o~•hcnn~ :! 5 l Ads H ------Gwver AIHH nnd Gwce nne! Leo ternpr•rntute ll!ndlng Wllti 'I'11e~du 1 Bucllwlwnl, cwt 2,HO APAHTMEN'I' - 3-room npm l· Stonl! for cUnner Stmcln)', nnrl night when tho mCJcury dwpped I Nnvy lwnrl',, rwt 7.20 ------ment with lmlh for renl. Elec 1 Louis Slid for coming out ~lit\ u~ to 26, WANTED -i\Jllonds or !tJgH nnd I WJ\NI'CD -Iluy 111111 atrnw, Janos trlc ret1lgmntor nnrJ runge, Ex stulng us thnt our JosH wua c•ov standing llmlwr c,dJ C'l1<1riottr 1Jwthc1s, doalma, 912!i Lincoln 1111 nlcc, ]liHt lllw 11 new homo.,PICd hy the Fmmm's Mutunl In 'rhem WIIH 02 prc>elpltntlon uo, I lh~ 1csult of n light snow '! U~b 370 cluytlrncs or J%0 I'~ I nlr,> ~ 111 Dr1vu, Whitmore Lnlm, Phone Prlvnte entrance, onlt lloOJ'H, nice· Hllrnnce Co, Also to the MnHonl!tc dny wtite L L fulnu;"ll Lurn!J 'I 1 urn I JOIJL Whllmoro Lalw. Poatufiicc ly rlecm.tll'rl, lnuncl!y room, lwnt depnrlmr.nt tor the finn wmJ, pany, Chn1lut1C \1 w11 1111x I:!"> l:!wtl eel, hm d 11nd so!l wnter II ,Jew· done h,Y evt•ry one nf tlwm They '!'empc>r,tlllli'S fell' the WPell as ------,------ell, '551 West Maple, phone Mn nw n uml tenm. Mr, nnd M1 H wcord1•d nl !he Mnson HPI'!ago H!IJHLW!' JliWL'H fl" d 101 1""11 \\ J\N'I ED-P.t!J n[ good used son 5511, 41wtf 8. V Fruin and Ml', nnd MIS disposal plunt were; t1 y Pi cit up • u:, lll "" Cl~> 1 •m 'lUll m lllll t t aclot t1J cu. Con-, Bn ~II D, Fruin. Hwl l\lnx wollt ls .Jpc,utl \\ ll t\J>i .cltoll, tnt 1 '>ll~by Implement Co olrlw1 Octoher 23 us phone o~~IJ l\Lwm ,J\~ ll I -- -- l t d F d October 21 ------I IHONINGS WANTED-I will do OS an oun umAL NOl'IUES Octobe1 25 25 TO 50 ACHLS ut lllt,rP In mil 11 onlngH Jn my home phone I Octohcr 26 wanted lo put In mr not wlu•.tt 1J\luson ~lOll utter 'i ~ lrJwl -olliJ£il;\l~·mNTJNC TIMi-rmt Octobel' 27 Phon£! Luns!ng WI JUfJ eVcllllll(~ ~ _ __ P.:_1 ___ OOGS He pOl t own or Rtrny tlog-H lir..ARINC CLA•M~ AND FOil (J\Itl (II I Jny llnldl cunnty dng war· llt.IL:llMINA!ION 01 11E1I<:; OUober 28 conN WAN1 r,D-200 300 hush· I n ~In UJn [ll•n,u 2 '18'1!1 0/ tn li.CKS-Jnnunry 5, IU63 01tohe1 ~9 I Will come and get 8 I11 1 Iff 0 f 1i !JGGL 31 tf >lnl ul hrlclollll&rl lhfl llulml• Court October 30 '1 ANI ED !::ildJHliTI • t lmiH'I \\ r• c ~ c tt cotn ' r: ~ ce ' w • , ·"' '"'""'' " ''"'I""" g II fllllll liH' llcltl PhotiC 430,J3 - -- - I '" , "'""" o. "'" 1 ""I, held nl II"' will 1111~ lop JlllC•' lllr ln;c Ftlon Hlplds rl4wlp POUND-Do~: Heel and \\hlte lllth•l• "'"" rntudcs are Sec]} e, 417 West Maple. Phone carcs Ul ' 001 • cnnc Y an Mnrylnnd lw nrtn~ltt• d to Prot,. to nnd The llrl! 1 lncf to lei of the new On Tho Job Trainin~ II[ 9Q 91 4r!wl that were sent to me nnd for then 'll!llfi d Yicltl the llnc when emergcnclcs lGwtf 3 1oom 1partmcnt with shower I ------co1•i•• rcqulr• t1 h~ otntutc, mise Engin•·•·rs thtough and through •• , .1hove hak,er~ Mrs Lowell Robin: BAK[O;R.-In memory or Cora N;~.~; ,~" 1X'"''~ 1i5~. '~;: t~~:ih~~~ ~r 11 Evcn•one should itnow the tltc Pcndlcton·wo' en u1 the ------son, Jlhonc 26351 J\fdson •14wlp Balwr who P:l~secl away one I M. ut th• prohnl•• otflco nt 205 Wcul department numbPt the chief de· WANTED-Lngs ancl stantllng 1veal ago toda}. \'Vr. saw you fad· S11~1n11w Slt'Nlt, Lun•lnK, Mlchlgnn '" lleg-ulor llour~, g-ood wo1klng -- - ~ it 1 rt hy tll'l'oln~d fat hcnrtng tudd Pt!ti· cl.ucrl rhc lire phone lings at condlllons, O\ertim1• puy. l'en heart of the 1wol coun.U:Ji', tlmbl!I Natt\e lumber cut to i\PAHTJ\IEN1 for lent 3 JOoms 1lng awny like u flower tlntll God lion order. Howe saw null, Box 61, nne! IMlh unfurmshcd. Phone called vou away \Ne know your' It I• Furtlur Ord0 S EdL' 11 wad phnnP trill Newly rlecor<~ted Chucl< I Sllllt ul Mlchl•nn. The l'rob11L• CoUtt 9:!01 Mason 19wtf S l 2 8781 AA 1 fnt lh• County .,r In~rh11rn Hn',on .Jill! Belclmg wtllplay on w.ntout p lone .,.,w I\VA UN-It 1S with tender fcl!hngs At " .....on of Hnld Court, hold ·~ Lh• 1 hm sclay mght Novembct 13, in that we express our smcere l'robnt~ O!ltc• ln the City o[ Munon, In WANTED 10 BUY-Mixrcd cock FOP. gEN r-Unfmlllshed down th , t l t f l d nnlrl county, on th. 2~1<1 duy or Octo ,(c I c Ca L ::tn I 1 N' O\Cm be! • ":• M",.y I> c .~ens ' olferll\gs' m ou1 sad beteavcment M MI.Bhoth• n.,...n.Nithe sing 87234. 37wtf ilv .tppomtment Scl! or call Har 1 of om Wife daughter and s!stel Wultttiial and doctor bill~ house 3 hechooms, laundry In I ---~------Nov 1D5~ 11 t 1. Carl Ca1money & Sons, Plams .> mile~ north of Mason Modern, bless you all Mrs. Fred I..letzl{e. ,cd•l ""tnta "I'P''"' bcrnnt •nld comt, nt Incluchng automatic dishwasher 44w1p nuld tlrnc nn< I• inc•. to •how en uno "hy road at Bond, Houte 1, Onont11ga PI 1483 M f 1 n llcon•o to ..n the lntore•t oC •uld eK• cJ3wtf Ill~~~;~ ' uson or ap.£t~~~; CAVENDER We wishto thank ~~;~t!~ ,"nld '""l ••tnw •hould not ho ·Grand Opening - Sat., Nov. 8, 1952 all the friends and relatives for It I• Furthor 01 dcrcd, Tbnt public no· WANTED-\V!ll puy cash fot APARTMENT- 5toom fur tlee tht lf!Of he ~tlvt•n by I'Uhllcntion or u the many aCtS Of II\: ndnCSSeS /l t copy or tbiH order, (01 tJucc HUCCI RHiVo 1919 Ford tmlor or fordor s~ PARSONS SERVICE ntshcd front apartment !or the time of the death of Merle 1\eel"' Jllcvlou• to un.ld dny or lumln~ m 111 Ge1a!d and Wrlhnm Put sons dan Must be excellent conch rent. Elect11c refrigerator nne, "' d HI lf 01 M d the lmdwm County Nt\\11, n neWI\Illlllcl tlon No dealers. P. 0 Box 207, <~UVCil er. S W e, a, r an plinletl nnd clrculntecl In onld county l~ormt•r AI '£011 uncc Gm Ul~l' steam heated V L Palmet, Mrs. Ray Cavender and family JOHN MoCLELLAN. Leslle. 30wtJ phone Mnson 27161. 44wlp and Mrs. Etta Dates and family. A T1111 Co1•Y' JudHc or l'tohntc Corner of JUople and Pari, l'hOllf' 2 6031 llobu1 t L D1 nk, ------44w1p lle~tl•t•r of P1 ohntc JOHNSON-We wish to thank all ORDER OF PUBLICATION PROBATE Of WILL ~949-1952 of our ltind friends, neighbors, GOTTSCHALK-November 20, 1952 relatives, pallbearers, Darrell St11te of Mlcltlgnn. Th• rrobnle Coull Let Us Drive ISomers of the Detrott Free Ptess, fm Lh• ('ounty o[ lnl{hnm At .u tU!IU\Ion or tmid Court, held nl lhu 1Ingham County Sheriff's Depart· Ptolwlt Offloo In thn City of .Mnaun, m Chevrolet Owners ment, and tho Mason mhalutor Knid County, on tllf 2llth dny or Octu. bel, A, lJ 1962. Isquad for their many acts of Pt•H< nt HON JOHN McCLEl,!,AN You to the PoUs! Special Discounts on Many Genuiile Chevrolet Accessorieii ltmdness, expressiOns of sympa· Juthn nf Prolmlt In tlu Mntkr of Lltt E•tntu o[ FRAN!' \ l thy and condolence rrnd the beau· 0 G01 fSCHALK !Icc• "'"l • I IiELLY-SPi~lNGFIELD TIRES tlful floral offerings tendered us Lowell Gott•chnlk hnvlng filed ln Hnltl IF YOU \VAN'f '1.'0 VOTJ~ AND Nl~Im TRANSJJ>ORTA· In om recent bereavement in the coutt. hit~ Jletltlon pq,ylng thnt a Cl'ltnln 6:"10xl5 G:OOxl6 lnKtaument. In Wlltln~ot 1mrportinH to bu Joss of our beloved husband and tht liutt will nnd leHttlmcnt of HUid tic· TION, just call tile ~lnsou numbt•r•, listNI bchl\\. Wo'll GRIP TRAC for 1\lntl all(l Snow father. We especially wish to Ctlltit d hO\\ on lllc in tmld cout t ba nd· Now m Stocl;: rnitlcd to Jnobnte. nnd thrtt the ndmln· furnish cars and drivers to ,;oters in lUasou ami the thanlt Rev. Mrs, Paul Arnold for IHIIIItlon or ••ld OHinle ho HllUJtud to .:; hlmHt:~lf or to !iome other KUtlnhlc llctHon Consumers Power Co. lus comfortmg service. Mrs. A. L ' townshi11s of Vevay, Alait'llou, Aurelius ll'nd Ingham. 1\IUD AND SNOW RECAP TIRES It I• Ordt•led, 'l'hnt the 26th dny o[ COJUJUON S'fOCI\ 6:70xl5 6:00xl6 Johnson and family. 44wlp NO\llOlhor A. n. ]!lti.!, ut,. ten-thirty o'clock In the fou•noon, nt 1mhl ruohnte rro~(Jcctus flllnishcd upon J'eqncst HARKNESS-I wish to thanlt all office nt 20'i Went su,.rinuw Stumt. Lnn.. t~lnsc Mlahlf{nn, bt• nnd lti hrrJ.Jhy Ull· nmtNAI~D l'LAmm, J'urts JUg1·. my frtends and relatives for Jlointud fm honrlm.r Huld IU: tltlon, illcmbl!I'S: Detroit Srock JC:r.:clumge Call 9611 or 2-3061 i\lldwest Stoclc Exchnugc ~ cat•ds and gifts received during •rt to F\uthct Otdeted, Thnt 1111bllo no· tlcc thmt!of b~> ~tiVtwice In the tlt•st quarter, rmce In Playl•ng Eulon 11apldH nre undefeat('d In l•'rldll)' night It wns nnyhorly's lmcl< with 2 good legs under him. 551; Hnn·y Spermy, 51!1; Lcs the second perlud, nnd one more Circuit· play, hall game up until tht! lm;l Gcorge Prlre scorc!l iwlcc in Swnnlnger, !i10; Eustace Roggow, time In the thin!. Everett and Gmnd Lcdgc qunrler over at Charlotte. Ifowcll tho lh·st period to indlcatc how 22,1; Hownrd McCowan, 20!l·547; Chances nr·e MnHon will not CAl'ITAL CIRCUIT· rounded out the Capital Circuit sr•oJ'I'd Hr.~t when Boyd Shertzer the game wns going to go, In the 7.ena Lcnch, 221-51!1; and rtlchnrd hnve 11 quilt! so cnsy F'rldny Chnrlotlc at Evorctt shill! Friday night with Everett pl~•wed o~er from the !·Inch lirw. second qunrter Bentley tossed to Mills, 215·556. night. All the drips will bc on Entnn Raplrls ut. Mnson "If Qualifications Count" eornlnr.: out on top nf the CometH riH'n Charlo lie scored when .ruck Summers for the third Evr.r· 'fr.nm stnnclin[l's nrc as follows: the tnhle llSo far as the Bulldogs Howell nt Grand Ledge 3ll·1~. 'flw Vllyhonnds Win :-ilxth hy, 187·477; Bobby ~ryde, 174-.J::iO; At·mour, 171, Hi-1·4GG; Lconn Gug· too effective In stopping ail' at· third Mason touelulown. · ,County Clerk Eaton Rnplrls stepped out of the .To Norton, 170-411; Jcrt•y Fish, genblller, 162-438; Millie Mlller, taci(S, Holt got back into the game In 12 Po~I!N In Wedding AI bunt $25 Up Capital Cirr'uil and polished off 1~5; Grncc Higbie, 1:11-414; Doro· 161-436; Nerine Miller, 4a1; Doro· Mnson mllst win F'rlday night 1 the thlrrt. quarter when Gary Brlgllton 2!l·7 for Its sixth vic· 1hy Lyon, 152·416; Pat Roggow, thy Reed, 173; Mary Jane Hncl- if .th~ Bulldogs are to stay In ihe D.or~r outr:we:I the Ma ..son secon· I No Travel Churgo lory of 11w season. The Grey·: •102; Dorothy Inghmm, 165-413; win, Hi7; Iva Bns~ler, 165; Ria r·Ice for the Capital Circuit han· cl.tr~ to pull 111 a lonr.: Mr.tTinlt hounds utili~erl pass lntl're~Jl· 'rheo Spcnny, 162-133; Donna Dnr- Leyrer, 157; Ellen Watts, 157; o'rs. rr Mallon taJ(cs Eatun Rapids heave nr:~J cross the last stripe all VOTE REPUBLICAN tlnm night. Wit Catal1rw Hclen Jennette ilien will at the top picked ~Iup 2 lo sct up Eaton Hap· 1f17;fu~ Betty4~; Singh,~on, 157, ~~L7H29; 16~ Ammon,F~mnre 155;Cement~ Betty 1~;Drh:r, 155; all aloneCharl~lc with the ~only perfect lry.:~h-lrn_s_c_Ir_·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LeCiear Studio ids touchdowns and Chucl< Con· Mary Kay Ware, 176-435; ·Janis Dorothy Hoisington, 154; · Fern i·ecord. Chnl·lolte and Eaton Rap· PhotogriiJlhers nelly grnbbcr.l off another to sel 1smnlley,,l0fl; Mattie M~rlocl<, Hl7· Pollitt, 153; Darlync Leyrer, 153; Ids meet in the last game of the 508·BH Hollister Bldg. up a third scorr. 423·· and Billie Horstman, 158·407. Helen Lyon, 152; Agnes Pulling, season. Mnson's chances of shar- J,nn~lng BIII Schramm, Eaton Rapids' 'fwo weelri·eullon I.A•ugue Chappell's Insurnncc ...... 18 14 son Dairy toolt 3 from l\arllelt Rlbad - shl11 fm· U yellt'll, . period. Up untll that time the shoulder. and Bruce Collins ·.!lnd ·, _, ...... ' ' .. ' .· ....· ,• Gladiators nnd the Aggles were Bob Scofield have had conc~s· · · 1 Believe l Can Render a Better·scrvi~e content-to bunt heads in the mid· sions. . · ·' r . ' • • ' . '. •' . . 'I , ' - ' . ' ' ' ' ' ~ . C~llins Sales & ·Service die .oOhefield. . ' This game will help to offset . ttlctleitlous Accuracy In . ; Norm DeMarais passed to How· these meclleal expenses. . . · ...1.41:W ...... · . ,.,-:·\ ...*. Phone. 26811 · ' .. lt'tlll .. Time On. the Job. ard Leicht! for tl1e first scol'e and Season. tlelasseil to.' DeMarais to pay additional admission h'! or· the:· second couptl!l'. · .·· '. . der to sccthis'game. · · · 1 '.,/ .lltio l.lj 1 idj•,1· \I 1· J'r ;;lll\dt~~ 1-'----,..----··------,.-...... ,-- Od. 30. 1952 , j., 1il/ri .. ·'"'lil ... ,, nnr1 ,,.,m,l,v "' r lee I 1\'l<'lll::i illhl c';1l11! 01' ,ltd let. llt'ltlg i1111 >i of ,\lr·. a 111! i\IT'fi, t'l'i'ill i\1,.~.; School News 111. l'lnnsiTJil lailr anrl l\olr, 111111 MI'H,I ·own lllhh! srrvlc•e, Hl<'iHml Is ------irii'III'OIIri, Or•nJ MnJclrn, .II•., und Hnn ot' On· 1"11·hnnl l'upiiH 1 1\Ir,;, C'a~l"'r Cll£'1111 rtf Sind(· IJJJCIIT~IT \\1(11'1' SniLII'clay I!Vl'llin~ home on ful'lnugh ft•nm tlw nnvy. . hrirlg1• 111111 !\It's, llal1• 1\PI'ZI·r of JiliPsls of Mr. nn11 l'vli's, 01'111 '!'here lll'll :1 IIC\11' (lltjJIIs l'!ll'O!Ierl I~Vl'l',\'llnf! (H invlll'r] In , lllit'IHI. lridttdltrg Slial'on llnl'Hitl, six I h Benefit Dansvolle lc 'hr•!sPa "1"'111 '!'1!Psday wllh ~Irs. JV!olrh•n, Sr., 1111rl fnmlly, Tho Ol'l'll· Mr~. Hnll'ill'rl Mend nnd son, ,f. II. Jtnilnlt. slnn wns In hnnol' nl' 1111• hil•lltdny ill'adro, J.h·lcy Horltsl, II fl h, and 1\IJ•s, Jlc•lc•n \' 1111111~ - Phllnt• !lfl!l I Dale! of HoHenmmon HJH•nl ti!C' nnnlVI!rs;l!'les of Mrs. l'al!l Muy Ni!n!',Y llcii'Hid, flt•;;t, (:llot·•• Jluusv!llt• 1111 l'ug<'ti ·I tutd nncl Mrs. f'llill Kc•ll<'v. The Lt'l! sdwol Is going lo lmve we•t!k end wilh Mt•, nne! Mt·H. J•;J. li, I' uri !I) ·"· ,., Jo'. Jim; llu,vt·lt!" Onondaga Ill lhl' nnnuul mt;c•llng nf IIH! 11 1-Iallowm.•n pm'IY l•'rlc!a)' from mer Cranclnll nnrt'fmnllr. 'J'i11• /lll'l!!lll'tS 11! the• 1\J, \', J•', I [ 2::m lo •J:oo. Onnndngn D. 1~. S, llw fnllowln~ MIHs Sully Neml!l' nnel llC!\'I't'ly AUCTION ITPIlrlnux and Marvin IIamslon wet·e Sunday vl~itors al Saturday, 11 Nov.1 lng. /tPid llw I!Vtnting ul Nowmhl'l' B. !loJI£'1' s!tnlin~ ll'ilS IIH• dil'l'T'Sill!! l'id<'r 1\'1'1'1' St'rl't!cf, Hearl. llw !':Ills Nemer homu. During 1111• lulhlru·ss tm•roling Worlwr·s for; 1111' CnmmuniiY 1 :00 p. Ill, oWcers fot• lltP tH'II' vr11r II'C!n• of 1111' 1'\'f'nlng, The Vanlmvn •I·H ch1h will lwld St•hool .'.'oil's C!ll!sl clrlw• lwd reul'IWd u lol;;! i!lrctl!ti, Tlwy nt'l': Cliui i·nw n, 1\lt s. I of s:J~2 Ill lis $:!fin qLIOiiT hy 'I'TI!!S• Vantown lheir achlevemcnl nl lht• \VPhber· Gllbc!rl GlciVI!r; lenrll'rs, Mrs. Law· 'l'lu• !livPrsiiiP Cnmmnnlly dnh ville community hnll Wednesday 1111'1 al lhl' schnril lllll!SP Mnnrlay duy. . • ton GausH ani! 1\lr~> ..JantPs Wrlg· MondiT,\' PVI'ning 1\Jt·. ntul Mrs. !\It-s. L. 1'. Wllllnms evening, November 12. e\'0111111! Wil it r! lllOiiii'I'S prr.sr.nt, 1~1('(~( ric H.i•ft·igl•t·ator wny; ser!rrlary·ll'f'ITSIII'<'I', • Mrs. 0. E. S. and f. A. M. Lmlis RPllsmn enlf!rlnlnl!d Mr. nunll Bt•ds, llll~l IW\V Mis,; \VIlllnmH, tilr vlsiling s~hool Gernlct Kinne•; n•cn•<~li<>n JPurkr, ai!C] Mrs. F'lnyd. IIHtTinglon of TIH! .lunint· Sunelay sclwol class •l l%•ct l'ie l\lotm·s Mrn .•JumPs CrTtlllilnl\t'l'; r!•pllrlr!r, Have Bohem;an IIIII'S!', ll'iiS i1 glll'St. '1'/tr prr•sJ. Owosso, nev. and Mrs. William will hold a Hnllowecn parly at Floor Lamps Mrs. FntTPsl llilt't'Y; itl!d llowc!r rlt'Ttl, W: !o'. & A. M. liPid 11 holieml<~n dill· rlltf' Hnirlll'lil and ~luhrl Tnmp· plel!irPs lw lwd Iuken dtlring his Corne In msl!lme. New Clothing from tL largn !;Ins: DPc·r•tnlwr, Dllt'trlliy Corwin, Living Unum Suite• WUS prl'sC!nli!rl !Jy ~Irs. Ca11ss <~tlrl 11('1' :-inl111'dtHH' <>f ;I'Ir. Ll<•nm'. l.aw .. elmp!l!t', and Daft• Jo:rlr!r, nm-;11~1' Dunlap. i\.1:11! Spring an;l Pal l\lrs. Cia n• !Jnt'l ig wi Pn <'I'· tcnclerl a regional ~'· ll. A. con· lmmcdlaro rnnre Balfl T11es£~a.v morning for a trip TIH• fo!lnwlni~ studPnls werl' fll'· lend are l'<'f(llt'slr•r! 111 '"' HI IIi" Sierl'ldll'lrlgc, 1-Jm·i, Lansing 1111<1 1\lr. !TIId r.Ir~ .•Joint l\oleConnclllllcrnugl! henlucky. ddr•nlnlll' 'lll1illr!d from the ~ehnl· P•·nct•i•tls of this sale ~~~ for tlll' ht•tll'fi.L of Layton r:hurch ut G:O(J p. m. TraTtSjHirla· Dansville. ''nrl ~on;; anel 1\lr·,;. J~lizahl'lh I Mrs. Mac Sly n•ceiltly visllerl :1slif' 1Tr.>1111l'·l'oil puil!islwd Jasl Corut•rs 1\iasonic I.otlgt~ und Order of fht• l~ast1•rn Stur. tlon will be fu!'llisl!f'rl. TIH' gttl'sl .,;mill! of Lansing attd !\Jr. ami l\~r:;, Ann~! l{!clnsthmirlt al Dans· WP<'ic FoUI'Ih grar!f', Carol Clark; mln!Ricr assignl'TII'renct! 'f'. Smill1. Sun· riLII'Ing I he past week hy the sic!<· gin at 7:.30. hall ill 8 n'l'!nek Thr l'llllllllilli•C~ Dukl'; roigl!lh grudc'. C'nrnlc• Bush, day af!Prnuon and t•vr~ning guPsls .ness and denlh of tlwlr mother, for rc~frcsl!menls is Grar·r• J(intH', L;1Vnnda Pat'!' and Ezra \Vire. ll'ere !llr. and !llrs. .J. B. KPP!I'l' Mrs. Hngrnan. TERMS Zoa lloh;trl and 'l'il<'lma Cmnp· m:1 n. 1 Masonic Order of ami £'hllrlrr'IT. Mr. and ·Mrs. Mat'lilll Mrs. Pauline Cunningham nne! Stat.e lllld !Uaplc hl'li. Officl'rs will practi~e ;11 7:011 AI tlw Hll't'l'sidr! sl'lloll!, 1111' and snn, DPrl lloard of Lansin~:. r:hllclren of Chieago are visiting p. m. Friday for ll]l' ittsl!Tilill ion. f:il izcnship dtth in Mrs. Lynr:h's and !\Jr. lm•;.•m!Jer ·'· 1\'Tih ivla~nT!H' lt·msll!'f'l', Cai'IJ!I• Bush. 1I r·ITaplt'l' at.Danwille. Tlw nwetin~ TIH• hoys of lilt' Gill, 71h anr! 0f fA HllJI GR A I N S will be cni!Prl !II H n'<·iol'!;. TitP Rill J!l'ill!r:~ hal'l' m·ganizerl 2 foOl· c·ommillc•e b Erina c;!OI'I'l', I IPic•n lll11! lr•nms wilh E:zra Wireman l'urks and nully Cm·l is. anr! Phillip Dal'l\ as <:aplnins. -- Lasl Thurselny lhey parl!cipnlcl! Fnrm llm·r·au :\II'Pting- Il1!ltl Iin I heir first gnme against each You Can Vote for Whom You Please Till' mc•mhN!: of I!H· North lng· ni!Jrt·. r-:un WirPm;,n'~ IC'am won. ITHm Farm fltu·rau mel J\lonrl;l)' The• sl'nrr• was •12·.3G. ('VI'TiiTig at lllf! honlt' of ;'l!r;:. !1ns' i Snmpt ion. Twr•nl Y·lll'o nH•mhC'n- l\lr. anrl Mt•s. Holwrl Buolt WNI~ Jll'l!sent. During tlw IJusinf!s:­ spr.•nl Sunelay af1crnr1on anrl eve· lllPelinr: il ll'iiS l'lrle AY. spent I hr. wee!\ cnrl wilh his uncle~ vnlltnlccr II'Ol'irr nnd !VIr. unci 1\·lrs. Lnwrrr , , , ling, all properly HIIJli!I'VIsr•rl. llw 2 exlm ilnliols nrr! on lnwn- "WI~ also w;rnl ymr lo lmnw hoqsu, Enlm·Jrrlnm.t!lll Willi JH'O· Ht!IIH, wnrt! rllnnr•J' gLresiH. M1·. rrncl 1 vlclt•rl h~· Mr·;;, lltrr.la'f; DPn H, whn Mr·s, Malliww !tens rrnd ehllclrr•n shfp)li'OflHSflfons, Oil!! Is rol'll tiiX 1/JIII VOIII' lllll'ft cnm,l11iSHlon 1111!111· Voters in Delhi lfmilallon lrWI'I!HHr• ftfl' llw rnlslng · 1 Jll'llHimlorj 11 sltll, One lnrndl'ed· rrnrl Mr. nnrl MI'H, Hohurl Tow:;lr!y 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 llfly Cub Sc;rniiH and llwit· JHII'· culled lnlei· lu till! rluy, of an r~xlrn 1 .~ mills for n period JC,';~v :wr~~;' \ ;;d~ r;~~~~~~n of lire Have 2 Ballots of fi Yt'HI'S for llw Jllll'[rnsr~ of em- , Group Learns of mats were prnsrml, l'vi1·, rrrul Mrti. MErrllu Slrolli'l .1 1 · ' . . ·J· fund 'l'lw !her 1~ lownsltlp nPrl ploni,Y ol. l'Cl'r!al/un N'•JW·rlcn mother'~ lntmrlucr•d nf Lansing cnllml nl Jhe homo of d "'llll IJ\\'11 '1 rng11 )lr r•r1dum hnliols Gunrhlll, Don 5. !Iris wr•Pit al !lie Jwnw rrl' Mrs. . •.•rr voler.o; will suppor·l IIH and lilt• p11lnling, and fol' Plc•c·llrnr oJ' Only r~ J'ldi mun r'IIIl r•uJ:t·y his 0\1'11 in~IIJ'IIIH't'. lo'nt· fll'llllit•s 'l'rrr:srlny, DPihl VolPI'S will lwvc 2 Delhi lownslrlp has a pttrlt cnrn· 1 1 , orri •t•rs. Bol1eut Jllns wen• awardrrl In 2•1 WaJTr•n Childs for llw sr!r'OIIfl h.'h· mor·p In nrnrl<. r111 ·sslu 11 . Mrs. Iva M. Slttlll)lt'l' is \'rllr YI!S 1111 111 1H JlrD]Jns 1Inn, I It 1 hoys: Horlney Horrlrrm·, !VIir~llilel son nu lt!XIilc' palnling, II rfii,Y yon 1'1111 ft•P) H<'l'lll't' thut YHIII' lift• Hlll'frii\'H Ill'!' lll'lljJ•dt•lf, t'>JSI will iw slrar·r!tl by evr,rvone N't•WI)'·fdt>r:IC•tl officers arc: I'm· Chaript!ll, .lames Dtll'l, IUdJanl 'J'Iriii'SrliiY r•vPning 1\!J', trnd Mr·~. 111111 II' rllsnslt•J' ~lrilws, yoiu· slnrulnJ'tl nl' li\'ing· will nol. ltr~ lire• Sl'!'l'elat'~'· lnslenrl of II ft'll' lnlen•slr'd, per· gl'anr lr•nrll't', Ann l.lnt'lrow; as· DnviH, Hoger:; Duling, Lnrry Em· Angell Plllerlrrinerl Mr. anti 'l'lw r•ommlsslon is relying on sons," ,~lsi ani lead!'!', Helen Spi·nfH•r; I!IIJ~il loui'IH•d, lc •,• 111 o 11 s 'V :t t I' h l'S and 1111' lwnt'rl of SlllH'I'Visors In prn· dwlrnran, M:ry Dnrl; vlr•t•·dmlr- rnr.l~, l3illy G11mhill, .folrn G!im· Ml's. Ciyrll! Cnpp nnrl MI'H. Ella hill, Gr.mlrl Gt'Pcn, llll'llal'rl Gilman anrl son, Georgt! Millet', In ,JI'WI•h·y• Art• Always at. vlrle tHIP flll rlt frn· t lw Imvnshl p. LawretwP G. Marlin, prr.slrll!nl Jll•'lrr, l•.'tlrr•l llr•lrrrl'et",, R·r•r.•t't'.lltl'"" The commission Is 11lso 'sec~ldng nf lite Norlh Sclrrwl Cnmmunlly lind lrrasun•l', Evr•Jyn .Jessop; Hnlslnglun, Weslt•y Jmel, ,Jr•romrt honor n[ MI'S. Copp's hirlhdny fi'Oill ply m· modern loilet far:illtlr!s in Nm•t·mber :; ;rt I: 15 In tlw Jng· In Horlney Hollman, Hollrrl Cur· Halpil Ifart. Jfoll. Mrs. stampr·r· polnlt•rl I lw serve!], Tile :rnnual chickcn Hllpper of Get Our Facts I lt'ir•(s, \Ve Jlt'r/ PllOUgh monr)' so sn WO rasnes play 1-(l'otrp will prrsr•nl tlrt• play that I!VI'I'Y person in !he town· IJI'fon• I h:• L:rnsing P. T. A. rrntn· ! lire W. S, C'. S. will hr held at the ship has an opporlunily lo par· Ml', and flit's. 0\\'r•n 1\cllr•r· su:, 11 ~ · d1Urdr nn Tlllrr~rillc!l L0onard Ilelcn l\IIIIle Phone 4-3061 - Holt Hrmsr•rr an [I Mrs. Jot Is of Dimon· Doris Hursfall. and Stanley atlemlerl lhe 2:itll ·fUil [aiiPd 1o slop. He was lii.'J rrs llrr meeting place for lhe men's council of lhe Lar;. Chur(,h llazuaJ' Is Snec<~ss 5ing PJ•esbytcri women of the church. Lyle the hislory of I he local church on :.aiiPrit•s anti othet• Hl':IJ l'IH'l"l'EN dl'iviiiA' uitls \{hkh Wt' stnr·k. Tlwrhlll'll i~ president of ilte the olher. These can 'be hung on men's COLIJtcil of lhe Lansing Prcshylct·y. Tom Whilcman, New the wall and wlll be nvailahle for l'hont• lloll lll51 purchase lh is fall and white!-. Yorlt Cily, president of the Na· 20o;o to 50o/a Off on All Merchandise tiona I Men's council will be Ihe speaker. .Ju1•y UJ'illi{S Guilty Vimlict.. . EUis Sunoco Service 1:o' jury riPJibcralt!d less thrill 2 Corut•J' lrf Atll'<>lins I'OIId n111i Norna Ce place nt the Reorganized day, ·at the town hall. Those Cltiii'Cil of .Jesus Chris! of Latter elected were: chairman, J)fa:s. Duy Saints. Amos \.Vrool~; vice-chalrman, Mrs. Roy Kreiner; secreta~·y, ------·--·~------The hrirle is lhe daughler of Gohl · Irillrd Expansion Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred E. Lee of treasurer, Mrs, Kenneth Mizn~~:. Holt. For Iter double· ring weddin" news, Mrs. ,JJaurcn Barker; recre: . J Tnt WEATIIEn and lmmnn ailmems nrc favorite topics of she chose a gown of shimmering ation chairman, . Mrs.. Richar~ Fly; pt;oject leadet·s, Mrs. Rich· Silverware c'·erycluy conve~sation. 1'hc next-door neighbor is alert to · ' white slipper satin, styled with a Watch Bands bodice or Clwnlilly lace and a full ani Pmtt; and Mrs. John Edmon· Sevel'lll PuttcJ•ns to Choose Froin Highly Adwll'tised , recommend her favorite remedy for any sci of symptoms~ sliirl which fanned into a chapel sen. ,,.. Another friend holds implicit faith in something else. Imin. Her illusion veil was finger· ·Reg. $9.95 - Now $6.$0 lip lenglh. ..t'~ES'J'Ot&>· _ , ,., . You are caught In n cross fire of claims and countc:claims, !;...... ---.... Rc~ui:~~-I~~:.:~~:l:h: s~:: r$;3.50 Di(Jmond Rings Miss Barbara Lee attended her ,.IIIIi•. Artemus Warrl observed that, ''Tho trouble with peopjo IVc f\1 Reg. $8.50 - Now $3: slstei· as maid of honor and 11'01'1' is they know too many things that" ain't so."·Whnt seem aquu satin. Bridesmaids were neg~ $150 -Now $89.9;5 ,.. to he almost iden.ticaf symptoms in two pntionts may result Miss Leyla Ayoubce of Holt, Miss Ueg. $ 75- Now $49.95 J Patricia Millet· of. Holt and Mrs. ~«»J' i' STOC:Jt fUND ·Deep Fryers ' I•· from entirely diffcront caia~os. Douglas Stanke of .Lansing. Costume Jewelry Reg. $100- Now $69;95 ,, Your physician has spent at lti~t eight arduous years in .John W. Luce, brother of the N~lice of 29th .. · ·1 Co~rec~livo Quorliir,Y DMillnd Regtiiur $211.!15 · Now $23.95 ·Reg. $79.95 the study of health and disease. He is thoroughly familiar bridegroom, was best man. BmTIISTOi-TE RINGS $i25- No\~ • On .October 14,19~:i, ,Iii ~~r~ . Ushors were Jaclt VerPlancl< and i.• with tho techniques of diagnosis and treatment. Tho phar· Jim VerPianclt, cousins of the of lnvotfoia Sio'ck Fund; lnl'.j d,~. ~lENiS . RINGS clarod a reg~fi" dividend Q( mncist's specinlty is tim preparation and· dispensing of the bt;idegroom, and Thomas J. Hunt, elghiaon· and ono~half C:tnfl. p" NECI\LACES NO.' 620 CAMERAS drugs your doctor. o~riers. When ill, first see your doctor. brother·ln·law of the bt•lde. aharo derived, from: n~t dlvldlflil, · IDENTIFICATION BRACELETS · Soloist was Miss Erma Luce, lncomo, payable Octobir 30; 1952, CiGARE'r LIGHTERS $6.4'8 lviih FREE Film 'fhori bring your pre.~cription !o us. sister of the hrldegrooni. Niece tolharthatdonofr,cordOctoberl6, Reg. $6,50 - Now $8.88 oi the bdde, l{athy ·Hunt, was At th~ aamo meellng, Hie DJr,'Cion· (lower girl. bearer was declo rod a . apeclol di¥iiliit4: Of Ring lhlrt~ii":o. cn.d onri·hotf ~·· P.. Ronnie Luce, brother of the lha'ro clorlvoil from ticVrlty p~ bridegroom. ~tal!~ed. during th. il P.li. at,fl!co.. I r•~. _ HITCHENS. A reception followed in the alao·payable October 30, I!U;. church parloa·s. Assisting were lbartholdou of rtcord OCtOiilf 1 ' "· K•. eladtorcr; iliWW Drug_ Store Mrs. Elmer Rauschenberger, Mrs. . .. •·· . ' SidneY .. Hildebrant · and Mrs. HOLT JEWELRY &olt Thomas Hunt. . . · ik Lester, Rice. f • • ' The couple Is, resldla\g at S. 8. I Bolt, ~~;,; ... %.B~~~ West of.Traffie Light Hayforii Ave;, Lansing .. ,., ,: .~- ._ ~ •., SheiH entertaining fol' Mls~ l~r111n with 11 JH•IIIt•·l, aiiiii'r>r Jl. noon,l Pollolt. The mm!Ung Wllll called to order 0. E. S. 1/olds ltzstallation ~ Nortii\Yt•HI; AurelhtH ·• by th!! chnlrmnn, Mrs, Mo~her, 'l'wnlve mem ht·r~ nncl 1 vl~ltor, There wern R membcrll nncl 6 vial· In Masonic Temple Friday Mrs. Russell Smith, mnt Oc·tohor tors present. 1 naslwts of orchid und white erod tnhlc dccorntctl with ar· 2:3 for the regulnr monthly meet· Ofl'lcers clceted for thr. c!omlng anJ Personals chryannthemums decorated the rnngementH of yellow, white und lng, nt the home of Mrs. Wllllnm yenr wet•e: Chnlrmnn, Mra. C. A. OPEN IJOUSJ~ JS PLANNED p P\ d Mason!e temple Friday evening bronze mums nnd nanltcd llY Qulncoy on Onondnga roml. Mosher; vice-chnlnnnn, Mt'R, Reno . 'l'ho •151 h •Ned>ilog oool'"""'' a rl ies an 0 e Joe lho p<>hllo l'"lnllolloo of offl· whi!O l•f""• 'rho gmor> <>U'P>'I"ml llwh 20· Mlloholl 1 lm,lm'"• M,., G1'" Gil"' of Mo."'"' Mn<. Choof<' u. Wohh, ,.,., ol lho OnWo of tho E"""'" • • • yooo momhoo, M"' '""' ""'' M><. Lylo Nm,m>m: ""'' 1:18 Itt! gent street, LanHlng, will F B 'd t B Star. Seney, with n hlrthdny cnlw dur·I~· tary nncl trrnstlrt!r, Mlsa Eurnl 1 Hamlin Dorothy Frazier '" ooloho,od Somi»Y. N"'""'h"' 0 r n e- 0· e 'M'"" '"""'If'' oltho "'"'"'"' Exte ,..;a,. c'" bs '"" llw tmlhwil >II '"'"'• '""' fol· ""'""'' MW' "'''"'"'· Mm. Uowcn and Ronnhl Osterbur" 2, from 2 to 6 p. m. nt an ormn N W were: Mrs. CheAter Fletcher, war· lowed with a handl M», Clo Io R mw o "t~'" I II"' "' '''""'' M"· A, G, S I" ooy, uahercdtim Io """ the· wedding guests to Me, m»l>h'"· W m·doo W ""'' '10 oC I 1o "Roood 1 II>Owill CIOO b I<"til •howo>'s cnc '" "' , 1 o1 m» tiM I S " 0 1 0 y mom""''·!ill Rmel I ol I ho lmmo1 I o1 I m" II »g wtl h d>• '"IIm><, ",tog t1 "' I Ai '""'o o oo to .r llo po h> II »g r Ruth Frazier 11ntl 0 0 n, both of Mason, ,M"". I'>'>"'"' oho" " '"I go E>>, t M ld dlo ,,reo!, Wtl llo me'""· wk h J oyeo '"" 0 Ill'"' h"' "'""· Ho1m'", "'""''"" p» ieo o: M"· M"h" K<> lg ltl '"" Tim o.do y I oo P"lm of Pm I"' 1111 h, "od "'""I<. ""' g I'"" h y tlw I""o", 'l'ho !ding vows sunday ""'" too hoe """' ltl , .. • wodd to' • , • Tl<" o"'" wll II "oot off o ""'" Alltllm" "mm I I"'"o' " to"no p»l hi Iog o'cloclt In the Ma· Whl ''" "mp lomoo to> I wtl h M,, . """ Mrn. JI>W>'Y W lllotl omI of P" et '" l"<>llog o P to IIW m><'· II "'lWO "od g m>m ""'"'"'1". Me, o>»l M". "'"" AdmM ". e l»go "f M II dool Loxtoo "II C"I M"· """ 11 Adom•, 00 ml oot"" I "'"II"' o I off""" W"' hold, Iod Io pmyoo. o I M> ". Eo I" Sl""" y »I 10 o 'cloeil ~ the daughter of 0 M>'"· Homllo "'"'"' """' '""" '""'"' homo toot W"'"'""'' Slwrno<>d. Tho P»oloy, '""'"" Now ""'"" "" Mrn, F"ml< AI>" 11" 0'"""''" "''""'0 "' • Wll•oo • c; A. Frazier. Mr. wlth navy ;wcessot·les. Roth moth· fmm a 10-day vncation trip. They a Noveml1er wedding. ronductre~s; Mrs, George Green, ~Justice, chairman; Mrs. Dolph huslness, the annunl elel'tlon was Wilson extension group mel at 0 'nts arc Mr. and "'' wo>' eo"""" " [ w h Ito m ;e· "''""1 nl , , >h, ll»o<>g >< ll>0 M"· 1"W>'"'" Whl II og wIll eho ptolo: M '" K o1 hi" 0 H mil J11", ,., II<>< Ulo,, ""' ho II Ooto "" 23 with h "''. ""' k y M , to h>', "'1 "'"I tod II>O h <<'0 " id ""'" "howoe 'I hoe '""''1"1 : M m. LoW I" W >' mo , Mrn. Li<> yd M,., , Mo hoi ""''Y '" h"'I'"'· Tho mlln. 0 1ntl L. Norton, pas· ""''"PII<>» lo fil<>»'>'h I'"'''""' Wlltollo'0 ""'0 0 Dmmld0 ot Nm·f<>ll<, homo to Mo"" No<m, M>''· Ulol' moollog w" oollod lo ""''" hy troh, performed the Tho oowl ywml' go" to>l llw Io V;" I" I». 'l' hey "IM "''II ml I ol ""'' Loo lie W II hn·• o [ J '"""" h" Ado h : M '" Aod '"' ""'""fl ol>l ' Soo II' 0""''"II"" I o od M'", S. Umwo : "'" "'"">'· """ '""'' o' M". "" eh "'om"'', M"elm> Dow llo>< eremony hefore an ><"""to "1 " ,.,.,I' >1 '" ; Uw Io Ct"'o I'"" I o"' I "t<>>l "me >1m o I' lo" Mil " U"'" •howoo f"" N °; Ro I h 1 M "· Ed J,y'", E"hen M"· ~ ""' • hom< l<»ol. A> Ih "'' 7.1eg too I >>"W" >'I'",.> m·, Tho "">'el "oy'" "poet W"' ""' "' """'". lll><»'lm " t m '""n 11 "to1 y f, I·f <» Mt··,·N '"" ,, (', m I'". , 11". l . . • ' M.rs.boo Glen 11 Roberts'"'' '" o[N ""mTuttle""' road 1.> EdweodMrs. GleJtIre I o Clln",ml, M" E• >·>I l"t.•tn·, m : ,I andW" Mrs. """ Dolphod by M"".Hclle.r. J. Mdwlrmnn,"· Mil"" Mrs. Zl" DonI m· Walers,· : "'""'"I"" t'ho "'" m<'" ""me wooe0 '" " ml .. lI>' WM '"""''"'I w>»· I " <'0 I" "'"'' ""'. ' ol1 'r1 ·ln~l· D><>'·'· mH. 1"""' M 1 "·'"'"''""" tteo »· moot · , , , OPEN" llOUSE. " 'rO ur" liE· "LD M"' t'm "" 00· I>MIO"· Cl '"d ' ' 'S·" I gm"" >""' I U m> I'"" · P,,ogo.»> I ""''""'' Hoi'" Coli"': 11' ·her husband who m ""' Io ti>O 'h o fW of " e>'o< <, mmn111 11"' 11 11 " M,. , "' I M,.,, ll>., M ,. . m<>l M "· Clyde Et1mYm' >h • SooII> W>'"l Wl"olfl»l>l , '"II"' I"~"' o » >"Ute I" I>H ; "g ,., po>'> ,, ,. , J """ ll» ogoo" '"mu. 11 1 0 orp's Prayer," and lopt"d wI> I> holl" o mt <•h oY""" II«. u "" "'"" 0> 1"0 Oo o>< "'"' M, .. """ Mm. R o b"l W oloh < R" pI''' will "'to hmtl o M"· Leo G""" 0 poMII0 h" '>'I>'. """»." I"""' "" >h<' ""no »II i d m I>'m"", nt ,,,.""""· · '""'' T O>l o ml PIe, b'"d W oloh I hob' 401 h we> Id Iog """I""o 'Y "1 homo I0 momb"' I lh S"" Ih· "' 1>1" d W>II I»< g Iw» N """"''""' '"»I tm hll d I' >•lmh·m<>", Mobol .ve'ddinr: tlw bl'itlc 0 "O"''' tbo '""'llog ,.,ko. Mo<. M>'. ""' "''"· C"m'" 0»111 '"''" Th"""'' '" "''"m"oo "" opoo """" s""''"'· No'"m· "''" Wh""'" """''"' '""' 20 '" "" home of "'''· Cl>m'l" IEvei'V . 1 of white silpper sal· lf><•hm'>l Sw" ''"' "" with I hde "'"·I>< ·I•w ""' ogh· I<> 2. Tho ,.,lo hm tl o o w!ll ho ho Ill W od "'''"' Oet oho> 22, with 18 Se>tg m m > "" 0 """"" '" ,., '»I. A>i I"I"''"' tl "g '""'" "" to 'm''· ll<>m>hl O.'. '"' M,.. """" Boll""· ot the homo of tholo "'" c. Holl momh"' ""' 5 "''"""1 1 1 1 nowloy11 " "'"' ''"" hy "" IM>I· . ;The long sleeves ·lllll'g nnd MiHH Thelma JO:ranz as· famil.v wen• l ; " oo>·<>l <>g IIW p "'"h, M,. . "»d M ». W itlo do·1 '" "'" '"> "'"'' '" Y '" It< 'I' he<'O '"' » w"ok m ""'" ot I i>o 1 0 1 ~ltlrt oxlended into a g mom'> ""'" cmd k• ~'" m. S>< "'"Y. M ,., . 1)0 111 Q m, 11 ,; I, I0he do Y M"· Lollli Doo"" """ Me. "o>l Mig him>' oro h"l>od 1 ot. , ;g "' ""' lob,. ,, p•loII og, >h »W0> o' "I"" "I tlw iw mo " [ M>'"· C. A. home of R» lh """'" Thurndoy 1gll1 train. Her· finger· Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin left on a of thf' late Dr. Franl\ and Mrs. Robert Noble of Onon· tend. • * • patterns and finished designs and Mosher for an all-clay meeting afternoon. cil was held in place rblllr~hter Ingham County News Oct. 30, 1952 Page 4 adorned with :;eecl toll> '" """"''' M ;oh ''"" """ B»l>eo of Hlhhl»g, MIMow>• "''"Robert Wel.cll l1ome."' ""'"' '' "" Ml" 'lncl '·I W s •I'" hod tho wood flbo>' fl=m "'Hog 1he • '"" I >1 "'· llle h< A bo hem''" dl o "''' w" •Ses and white ribbon 1\1 0 ~""I '"''" '""onl ""'' lmll """ '""' ''"'' '"" w~il ''"'' ''"'" M><. IOmm• Slomko w" ' '"" 1~"""" "' RO<"'Ill' "'"' ot ""'" with Ml>< "'"'' Potiok w; lh ""'' """""''I".0 UpO>< t hole " [ M'. m»l M ». C•ol Die hI. g ""'· o I d;""" S"" doy of M"· liw woek '"" wll h Mo. >II"' .na Townsend was the return they will mnltc their home Mr. ancl Mrs. G. R. !':very nnd Leona Aldrich and Mr. and Mrs. Don Densmore. Mr. and Mrs. the hostess. Mrs. Wlrt warner I . I '1 I luncheon of lite Dens· a eel a b rthday cal m Ih> ,, " L 1'•:' 0 "',1 On> "' Th" O>doy' c,, So to od•' Mo. '"' M ,.,, J oh" """" ··e

    astern states bmlcllng fund. A spectal meeting )\'lr. and Mrs. E. J. Blank, Jr., Holt called qn Mr. and Mrs. Fran!< Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R~gers on textile ·painting was held at of Your Dealers and Mr. and Mrs. Albc>rt Greene Wythe Sunday evening. and family of Manton were wee!< the home of Mrs. Fran!' Everc>tt of Batesville, Indiana, were wee!< Mr. ancl Mrs. Ivan Wellw and end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- on Burl

    I , .• ~. '. LEGiON -- ERI\lA Sl\U'rn, i•resldent . , the saturation point of llclng a maltes me shuddel' to think of · . ISABELLE N. 1\IILLER, Vlce·PreKlllent part of anything beyond the pres- living In some countries. We may E GRACI' AN y· ent status. I am weary of going think of ourselves as vm•y tiny . .., , ...... '.•. .. . . , " 'l{NE '· S~c1-etary . , . and wish I could stay at home. frogs in u big puddle but let us · . sUSAN SIIEFPEK, ~-<: .·. · Thr. ""k 1 '""''"' to. (Woo:r "' ""' ;,.,;, ond Ml burled'" tho. ,/'C'ollli(~_., ~ ' ; A · ~~~.....,~~----~ ~)b: g~d~ ~~-',~~:~.~It· J::::n.~;;~otlom In ob":~n_r:' 1'.~~ ~ ~~ • thut•, Stnlu '!'moper Nutltutt S, Davis, Mrs, Dttnton .ittlilpr,cl fmnt :1 thu :ll'l'l'ic~ will iw ltt•ul 11: 1111! newly·decoratccl sanutuur·y, Ingham CotJnly Nows Oct. 30, 1952 Miss~onaries from Mi~son the hr:d, plr·Iwd IIJl n pol Icry vn~P Page 5 ,;lwn In lwr !Jy her mnlht•l' ful' H ~ormer Basketball Star wedding prr;.r•nt, :IIHI usPd tlw !Hnsnn 1\llltlwdiHt, Raymond L. wenr.on nn tltt• !wad nl tlw mh· Norton, (Jnstut·, PrP!urle of llw .Make Japanese Head~ines her. She l·.nof'!u•d l.lrn nut, tower cl!lmcH, fl:•l:l; morning wor· Mason Clearing House Makes Mr. ii!HI 1\lr:,. [llinton t!Jr•n ~s Holding Revival Here ship, 10:00; gueHt Hpenicr.r, Ro!Jort .rarmnese nnwspnpnrs haw lH'en \VHllll'd to lenrn morn ttilottt trussPr! !he rohlwr ll[l wltll nc'r•lr· rtoss r•;mrldc, mwc• hHsicelhn!l C, Smith of Lnnslng; church IIIII'· running !JcnrllhwR nltottl tlw ht•m- l'ltrlol 11nd so holstPr! hlm:.;r•lf t.rs and ;1 mpr•. Wltlle lwr hlls· strw nt the UnlvPrH!ly11 nf Pitts· sr.ry, 10:00; lntP.rmedilllr! Youth Appeals for Winter Clothing Ism nf Mt·. mHI 1\!rs. Hll]lf'l'l C. Into thf' room. Tlwreupnn lw riP· hand sto{)(l 1.:unnl 01'"'' tlw f'ii!J· lt1!1'gl1, opPJlf'd 11 series of evan· Fellowship, 11:00; cnmrnlttr.e, Dnv. m rl m or· P lltrliW.\' I' • e:; · ld Rnhhln~ nnd Hlehnt•d .Judson; Tho Ma~on Community Clem·· vlr•e·dwlrman; Mrs. E:h;lp Cnp[lo, Dunton, Methnrl!:;t ml!islnnar!Ps a 11 r~ d and lli'P, 1\!r~;. DunlotJ mn rntl~lrlr> nnd f{l'listir• :; e r 1 1 In Mason who lc:>ft MnHon lfl months ago watelil's. lit! dPrnnnrlc•rl Dunton':; :·tttnmDn:·rl lt•adtur:; and studPJJis Wcdnr.:ulny nigh!. lie Is now tlw Senlot• Youth Fc!llow~ltl[l, 7:0il; lng Tiouse, fncln~ rlernnncls fori trcamm.!r; iillll Mrs. C. H. l'etty for .lnpnn, f!:rsiJ!it~lit nnrl thr!n stnriPri to rnn· fl'•tm lhr• ml:;:;lon ~;•·honl, 'l'lw Hr>v, !Vms l~mt•!cl\ of Day City. committee, pmgrum, ,Jenn Ann winter clnthlnr:, Is appealing to nnrl Mt·s. Dr.n 1\enncrly, , nun~pl· Dunton nnrl !J!:; wlff' f lltP fot'· snf'll I liP rnolll. fie wns worlcing poiJr"! snotl anil·c·d anrl rnm·t'lterl !If' and his wJfp will br. nt the Mcl3rlrle; snaelc, l'ntrlda Ryan; the public for clntitlnv, anrl HhocH lors, Rev, Paul L. Arnold and TnPI' .Tonn D111•ls) usPI) thc•It· urms nn t!H• rlrl'~.sr·r \~IH•rp monc•y wns off with fliP rohltr>r. ~·Tilson Clntrrh of the Naznrene WednPsdny, Jll'liYCI' gTOLJp, 7:00; for chlldrcrt of nll nges, from In- Mrs, Cilf'fot·rJ Cowr,It·y, chairman and wedding prcsr;nt•; to dlsnnn !Jidrll'n whc•n Dttnton IPapPd from 'I'!JP rr,!JIH·r was an:H•d with n IIP'flt\r,h November 9, Thur~day, Henlot· f'!to!t•, 7:30, Rev, fancy to tcen·ngc, nnrl secrclnt•y, t•espectlvcly, were !llot•tou will Hpend the wee!c o( IIIH! rapture ll .Jnpnnl'~(' giJJUTIHil liH' berl, tUI'tll'd (/Jl t!Je e!PCIIlf! l'oll ::H. ]It• plo .Hirtl r:•.otli~' lfl a Acmrrllng to Rev. llugh Put· Contrlhutlons may be tal1cn '" c!N•ted In 10;,1 for 11 2·ycur term. who !Jnd Plllt•rr.d th01r iHIIllf' Jwnl light Hwllc!J nnrl hur!Prl himself sPI'iPs nf :1:·nwrl rohh"rie:; anrl _is nrun, pafllor of the Mnson church; Nowmbet• 1 lit Detroit ns guc•st the Clcnrlng House qunrters nt The Clcn~~ng House expects to ttpon robbery. ttpun the robhr!r, all in rHJl' in· ttro11' awaltin•; >ll'nlr·tH·f'. RPV. Ernrlcl\ Is one of the most pnstor at lltf' Preston Methncllst 222 E11st Maplu strPel, rw tlwy dlstl'lhute G:1 Christmas hnM!ICtH r!hUt'ch. '!'his !:; lhr weelc nf the 'l'lte gunman is now if\l'llitlnt; <~IHnt. Bars haw ""IV ht'l!ll p!ac·ed •aJr•r•r•sr;ful evnnr:ellsts In the will he p!ckc'l llil H necessary, hy December 25. Contributions of ~Pnlen!'e, mllf'h to pw rP!lt•f of D11ntrm grnbl){'d tiw t•oiJhPr'~ ar•ro~~; IIH· windows Df homes at Churcll of the Nazarene. llnltedl~vllngc!lstlc Mission In tltP calling 27851 or 22llll Mason. $1,100 from supporters In the. Detroit conferPtH'P, Hev. Norton JnpnnP.se cillzPns who had IJPPll ltanrl clutehlt1g tlw revolwr. 'J'Itr• IIIH~ mls:;lon nnd .a >oignaJ a)tii'Ell '"l'lw mlnlstr~· of rrev. l•:mrieh The Clenrlnr: Hou.se schedule eommunlty will lm needed, preyr.d upon for.scveml rnonllts. rPvo!vPr was cl!r;dtargc•d. In Ill£.' sy.•;!(•m hn~; ilr•••n IIJ'il,dlr!d. anrl his wife lum bcenln great de-l .viii lnstruet visit nrs each uvc· dn~. to srnfi nti! In vlHltatlon for the winter, through April will The Dun tons nrc• now at a Imrlf'n Dunton anrl the mhilPt' Mr. nnd Mrs. Jilt nEon rrprot·tc•d 1nnnd from coast to coast," sale! I be \Vednesdnys, 10 In 12 a.m. and sdwolw!Jidt lms 1Jepn 1•sln1Jilslwd rol!r!f! Into 11 c!osPI where Dllltlon that. lht•tr r:11tr, '!'11m, 1 :1 mrm!lt,c, !1Pv. Putnam, "nnrl 1 !mow peo- cams, and lu• will preaeh at each ~vening evangelistic service. 1 to 3 p. m.; nnr1 Saturdays, the ---- . -· ·- -- ·- . still h11d the mbilrr by thr! gun old, siPpi whl!P It is ]JIII'I!Ills !Jill· p!P will l'njoy his sittf!(!I'C anrl ear· same hours. Appllc!ants for as· Promote 1\h•l hntllst f'illrrf'IJ dt·c•Jps h:nHI. I !f'd 11nrl srdHhH•d I liP robiH•J', lli! nr'sl prcsrmtntlnn of the gospel." slstnncl' are to EIJlpear nt these ll'lll h:t\'f' 11 hnlu•rl sniP 'f'lmt's whc•t'•! Mrs. Dltnlofl pmf·, or•r•upit•d tlw r;,'Jnr• I'CJDill 111 whll'h Hcv. Js a graduate of Strvic~ 11 a, m. : 00 11• m., •. lltUr£ny,1 Preach 1ng 1!Jrou[:h Friday. Rev. Theron Officers .Chosen rrosscrl of[ IIH· l'llhiH•J·'~; list nntil l"t•ny t•n,<·t'rl"tll'e 11 ,.1. m. Mlcl·l\'eel' 1 . v , . - 7:flfJ; evening scrvicr., 7:.30. RCI'. service, Jl:OO 11. m. There will be llwy nwolw at .1 :1. m. Or•tollr•r 11; '· '" " • 'unror 'on 11 1 1''' 11 Oil'S 1liP" p, m, r~vuns is SJlnnliot· for the· young · .Jenne will preach every evening. The Okemos Com m u nil y 1 11 wlwn 11 Jllfl!P 11( g!:rs:; 111 lltPit· ~~~~i~~~sdac;.e;Yp, ~~~·st. and third ~~~~ i ~'; ~:::; i~~ \V~'rl:;;,s:~~.l' ,~0 ~ 1 ~ r;roup and HcrbPrl Sharp Is span- spccllll spcalwr. church Sunday Sl'hcol l1ns elected hrrlroom was ~h:riiPI'Pri. Sithodlst, . nev. c.' Churches Plan Beck, Gcmlcllne Bn \'i'•·s'Pyrut i\!Pthod· EdPn Unlh!d IJt·ol.hren, Rev. E. iN!, C. E. 1\lii!Pr, pastor. Gamhle, pastor. Sunday I Hold," under leadership of Mrs. Mrs, Edwarrl CflmpbPI! is r.llair­ I~i:iel\, I ~chao], Vernon BiJ'(l. Prc·school workl'rs are Mrs. \Vor•:hip scr\'tcc JO ;1, !11. Church 110:00 a. m.; morn~ng service, •nnn o[ the Ul'l'angPm<.!lltS. vVork· Michael Kr~dcr, Mr.s. JDitn F. inr: with her will he a comrnitll'l' school J I a. m. anrt , :30 p. m. ll .00 a. m. Rev. ~· 1-.. Lu.nd, ;pc· llll·st Churelt , (]IJI'i!il, Scicn· Taylor and Mrs. Chri.~tnpher 0 1f women from 1he 3 churches. Sower. J Prayer srr'l'ice \Vcrlnrsclay 8 p. I eta! speaker. Evemng scrvtcc, 1:45 tbt, Ma~on, hold~ services at the 'm. ~·. m., Rev. Lund speal1ing. clmrch, corner of Oak and Barnes A program is being prepan•d, Mrs. John \'rm Dyke will IHt\'e \,C'rlnr.srtay, Oct?ber 29, prayet·,street~. every Sunrlay at 11:00. which will feature a new sound ~hnrgc of the nur.1ery with Mrs. Willirtmr;Jn:t no~p•:l Hall, ,1021 anrl prat:.;e meeting Jeri by ~nul Sunrlay 8<'hool is held during the motion picture prepared es· Henry Dunke!berg and Mrs. Rob­ Burldcy road. flrr.aldn~ of Bread Redman at 8:00 p. m. Rcvtval 1services for pupils up to tlw age pr.clal!y for youths. ert Boughner. Mrs. Robert Hnriley has dmrge 10 a. m. Churril :;chool ancl Bible SP.I'I'ICf'S r-:ov£>mber 2 through !'/O· IO[ 20. \VeritH'Hrtay evening rnect- All young· people from grades ilf t !lc 0:00 a. m. nursery anrll\lrs. , Class ll::~ll a. lll. Worship service vcmhr.r Hi, 8:00 p, m, Evangcllsts Ill[.; at 8:00 includes testimonies of 7 thrmtgh 12 are invited to at· 8 p. 111. "'L·'ritluy, Prayer service nrc Rr.v.anrl Mrs. E. K. Lund of r Christian Scie11ce healing. A puh- tend. Robert C. Ball will take care of 1 8:00 p. m. Mnple Ctty .. ~ev. Lund i.s a con· lk reading room is open at the the 11 :30 group. verted magJclan and arltst. Mr.s. clmr<'h every Wcdncsdav and Sal· Mr~. Donald vVinters anrl Mrs. Wi_llinms.1nn . ."''\'enfll-- nnv. I 1 ·11 1 ·' Gail Blomquist hHVI' charge of Harry F. I Ar!_ "unr IVJ . pay seve1:al instru· urrlay from 2 to 4, "E1·cr!asting l'ealtst, 11G9 Sttllman road, R. h. ments dunng the singmg. Punishment" will be the ~ubject Mrs. Clawson, 64, Junior church anrl the C'ommi~sion Krick, pastor. Saturday, church o[ tlw lesson-sermon in all Chris· of education is compo::;ed of Alvin S<'hool l ·.-·•o )). m.·, worsl1ip ~erv- n 'II ill 11 11 t n s · s · Oliver, Mrs. Robert Hadley, Mrs. I ~ unsv1 r 1 c 10( s, ev. 'am· !tan • cJcncc churches througlwut icc, 2:·15 p. m.; Advcnti~t hour, flel Seizcrt, pastor, 10:00, church the world on Sunday, No\'(:mbcr Dies October 19 Donald Winter ami Mrs. Robert Hittle C. Ball. 1'/,IIi\I 1 p. 111. Sunday. school; 11 :00, worship service; 2. Mrs. J. H. fEl.hel l Clawson, 64, WILL i:30, C\'ening sen•ice; and there STAT I~ 1 Okr•mo~ Ollll:llllllll;,', Davirl '1 · of 377 E. Dexter Trail, died Octo· ltAI.LY JHLI.Sllt\U~ I Slnnlev Evnns, (1Estor. WorshirJ : 30 · <'Vemng service. Evnngelis- A'r lll:tson Pt·eshytl'l'lan, Paul L. bl'r 19 following a lin[(ering sick· Hev. Paul Arnolrl flnrl several SENA'fOR ' I ir: Mission Services cverv eve­ Arnold, mmistcr. 10 a. m .. service ness. She was borr In Redford ning by Rev. Howard Smith. """"" neoi))C from the Mason of worship; sermon, "Guiding December 7, 1887, tht. daughter of Presbyter!nn church nttended the 1 PrinC'ip!cs for the Nation." 11:15 Derricl1 and Margaret DuBois. Htlt Dl:.ti·iet Lesllr: CongrcguHonnl, Samuel Senior West minister Fellowship 1 B. Wengr.r, minister. Church a. m., Sunday school;· fl p. m. Ethel DuBois lived in Redford district rally in Hillsdale Sunday, :;chool, 10:00 a. m.; morning war· WestminstcJ· Fellowship for .Jun- 1nd taught :;chool there and in Revival ship. 11:00 a. m .. dedication of lor and Senior high youtlt. Satur- Detroit until 1944. She and Jacob 111'1\' Galdwin orgnn In memory of rlay, November 1, host dinner for Harrison Clawson were married at. thn Frances A. Miller. Sermon sub· group 1 in the 'ehm·ch. Monday. November 8, 1941, tit Redford. Mia Bell I.iect. "A Trip Through· tlw 7:30 p, m., Women's association Mrs. Clawson w11s a past wor­ Church." board meeting, Tuesday, 8 p. m .. thy matron and would have re­ Eden United Brethren Ch~,~~r!bh trustccs. Thursday, 7:30 p, m., ceivcd her life membership De· Humphrey RunkP.r llill Sc\'enth·llny Atlven. Women's association meeting. Al· cembcr 7. She was also a charter so choir rehearsal, On November/ member of the Presbyterian (Fou1· miles south ()f Mason on lJS-L27 and 1 mile <'ll.'it on Earrws Boad) - Mr. and Mrs. Clawson made e 1~~!~=~~~~~!~!~~~;~~~i~~r= churchtheir home in Rerlford. in Brookville, !•'lorida, the past 7 winters. Uetmhliean Funeral services were con· dueled October 22 nl the North­ Ca!ldidate rup funeral home, Redford with For Mr. DcYo1111g of the Preshyterian church officiating. Burial was in Granrllawn cemetery, Redford. Register of Deeds Mrs. Clawson is survived by the husband, .Jacob; 2 sisters, llcr· J~Xfl<'l'h•tu·n in Ofl'i1•e In· Irene DuBois Sherman of Detroit ~lll'e.~ CrtJlllblc Admlnlstr·u· and Edna DuBois Hawthorne of tlou. Northville; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Paul A. Hurst, who rctumed llumble yourselves .•.•. uude1· the mighty harul of God, from the Philippine Islands to that he may exalt you Ill due time: custiug all yom· care care for her; and a niece and 2 Vote Nov. 4 upon him; for he careth for you. (I'Petcr 5:6, 7.) 1\ead 11 Corinthians 8:1-7. nephews. · '------:------;___ .....J Usually each day om· cai·es are many: the cm·es of home and children, of the church, the community the nation and the hard inlemational conditions; the financi~l problems 'such as, debts, the inabi!ity to mal~e both ends meet; poor h~alth, old age, and the dmly uncet·tarnty of life. . · ~-t"&d We need not bear these alone. We can bt•ing them all to the great Burden-Bearer, Cl11'ist Himself! Has He not said Uev. 1~. 1{. J,mtd lo us, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and ar·e heavy laden D. I-IALE BRAKE ,., Evangelist and I will give you rest?" ' .. One burden, ·however, we often l\eep-self. Self is the cause of most of out· cat·es. Self must be laid down for the STATE TREASURER Ucv. ancl 1\lrs. E. 1\. J,und promise is: "He careth for you." How do \ve do this? ·Much Singer and 1\lusiciau like a little child, who is Ht·ed from carrying something which MEN OF BOTH PARTIES AGREE~ "HAL£ BRAKE IS' November 2 th',·oiJgil16, 1!>52, except Sattll'dnys. Suudays at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. has been above his strength. He simply drops it and nestles IION£S'T. ABt.E,.AND DEPENDABlE ·NcS AS' STRAIGNt E11ch evening at 8:00 p. m. -' in his loving mother's arms. If thus we bring ourselves to ,, . ' Christ, we rest in His love and know the joy and happiness . AS' THEY COME. BRAKES. POLICY IS- Ucv. J,und is a converted magician and artist. Don;t f1til to be at the scr\'iccs .. of contentment and peace. · l'RAYrm Good music ami singing at all sel'\•iccs. ll!•uvenly l?ttl.her, we l!Oillll' to 'l'ht•e wllh ull nur utu·es und hm·· ''A PUBLIC OFfiCe IS A PUBLIC T~VST '' ,lie willtmint. a Jlicture to bt~ given away cacla ,evening to tlie one who brings the l:irg· dens tuul self. We Heck of Thee rest and strength. Gmnt us tim VOTE REP,UBL.ICAN- VOTE ST,{)A/GNT-REPUSLICAN "<:est fa!tiHY~ ·. : -: . ·. . . comfOI't nnd .loy of 'l'hy fnlher•ly lo\•e, In ,Jesus' ntllllll we liNk Jt. '•' . ',, . ' Amen. Coniil I~:lrl3' ..: .. : Ut·int; Otltei·s . THOUGHT FOR THE :DAY God· wor.lts. His power in those who give themselves to ~.:..-p...;.------::-~------_,;,.----'" Him.·-Zoritzu D.. Ful'llnjieff, (B.ulgari~i) . . ··. Ingham County News Oct. 30, 1952 Page 6 ltr.1l at tlw L l, Klf'gct ,1JHI Ln• tlllll \Vh(!l til•' ,)1)11l)('''' •'ll(Hilll'cl tlllllh'd 1\otllltllr Evnn, 111 Jill Wonderland han Wllllnrns horncs flunrlltY Hh lll~hnl I h• IPIIH ol his t'XIH rl !onthrdl glfllll' 1\II'H, Wlllhllll ·'· ('hllllll Mr, an1l Mr H W, T, ChuiH' lllHI tmru~ In the IHtnd' or till .fii!Hill l'la'd illll"lll of l'rton aJHI Pill! Notices II Mr•, 111111 Mt H, Geor g-o LnngP we11 l'H(' IT!• lliHo HIIOWS plet Ill l'S long I In; hfH nf i\l11son IVI'Il' HunrlltY nohr.r•t Mr Mn IIIIH of l'nntlnl' All' I h,l t•u!!Pd ntl Mt, MnhiP Illig !:lurulny gii<'HIH ul till' AI t Lctngc With JtJs llll'SSIIJ.(l'H llrlltl'l gnP.sh nf Mr anrl 1\11" HjJl'lll SunriiY oil the honw or. lriH sllllil IIIHI MIH Cuthr.rJrw C\I'IH lionw 111'111 Mrs Ati!P Wuocl 1\c•nlll'l h llHIWI' lllHI Ilnh mal OIWI!:ll AI'I'OIN11NG riME FOil pments, Mr nnd Mts V Me lll'd fore! Sunrlny cvPnlng II l'l'i< l nd II !tit lll'l' ,Jc•nn In the nfll'l'llnon thoy nt• nnrl M1 s l h.u!ll' Yo us Alg<'l llowon nut! fnmll) \lOll Ill AlliNG ClAIMS AND FOfl MillliH Mr Ill HI 1\lt s S.un Ulllr II 1111rl !:lunrlnl' cllnnPI gtlf'HIH ol Lutil<'l Ill fl I!MINA rJON 01 IIEII!S Mrs, Gt.H' Winslow tc•nrlr Hjlt•nt Sllllclol\' Llzzlu Wliwgm• 111 Pmmn wlln Grlsw<~lcl of Munllll with Mr· diHI Mrs I! Huplrb. urlsnn IHIITH' !he Iat tel H mot hPI, Mr H A ll I leilr cltf ,, ill I ROth lm lllllllY lilt ,fnncl Scrlptc.>r clllrl Dornlln Mt oi!Hl lvlt H U!ll'll Ilunt Ill lVII nne! 1\11 s llowm d Oni

    Mr anrl Mrs Walter Koch ancl I' I I' lliJII N1 lllllfi'Vl'I'Y dt• r hllclren of Dexter, Mr cllld Ml q til of nu1 M'n l<'t' Is r ltatles Nelson and Gary of L 111 lllt rully "annt•d nnd su· sing, P.tul G.tle .tncl Wrllt.l r• )ll'l \ ISt•tl (o IINNIIII' lht• l' out~ \letr• S\llulcJy cllnncr ,.:uc sl irll'SI llllsslhlc• 11 suit~. of Mt. 'JSE 1 1, 1)( Ct!UI:If tl It II'IHW inK t() the Coull thnt th~ Judge John McClellan Olds Road Community tlmu fol J)lt!HlHll ttinn ur cJUmH; fiJ.{IIIIUit. tHLid 1 Hlllte Hhould bt> llm&tf'd. and thnt n 1\Irs, l~lmm· OUs time nnd p\nct bt nrjJiolnted to Jl.'CCIVt, Trade your wnshdny work· ex tmuu 11ml udJlH;t nil claim~ nnd dt .. outs for lifetime laundering nmnda Hf.t'Hinst Hnlcl tl' cc HH\!d by urn! ht: for easel Hero's Whirlpool! IOlt tutld Coull untl thnt tht )f'gnl he Is of 1-mld ducttnH.!d cuttth I to nth~! It the Automatically drJCs clothes c!;tllt ()[ \\)lich rmul d~ctm1wd d! tl th l~td in minutes ••• ounn •-frush hnuld h ruiJud!enlt d nnd rl ll"'t mln~::d • , • c1enn and 1l11!fy' It IH O!dtnetl, rhut nil lJu c~ttl!t ll:i oi tm d [!;Ct IHtcd 1\h I Ht 1tutt tu Hnltl Co 1 l nl ,.,Jd Vtulmtc 0Jfil'l ut ~Oii Wct:~L Suvr .JUdge of Probate lunclles clothes so gently! Ill\\\ Stltct I nnstllJ.: Ma:hiJ.Wtl on u1 h~ Ctrcla- Flow Action dr10s fo c th 2nd d ~ nf JnnUII} f\ J) J~.t nt tr n o cln~l In tl r foJCilOOI Htdd flmt Nori'... Pa rtasC!L 1 :faster l Gormactdal Lamp nnd Pillce h lng- !WithY Ufl nit tud fot tht for sunny freshness. In­ ext m1nntlon Hl d rulJIIHltm~nt or nil clnlms I terior Laghtl LifcCoal Finish! und th n11 r dli ng-nlw;t Hnid l~ccaHt~ of JOliN McCLELI>AN Counselling of See the Beautiful JutlJ.tL' or PJ ulmto peopll• who dit•, cases ol mentally afflictrtl l'l'I'Sons, crippiNl Wli~~~ chiitlr('ll \\ lto can !Jt• lwlpctl by mcdit•al trt•atnwnt, uml tlt•pcml• Boys and Gir!s ORDEH Al'POINTING TIME I) FOrt HEARING CLAIMS THEM-Jnnuory 5, 1953 1 Pnt, ne~lectt•d and dt•linttuent childrt•n. Undl•r Judge• McCil'llau, Ing- Slate CJf Mldd~nn l'h' 1'1 (Jl.Jtte Court I $l39a95 fnt the ( ounty of ln~o:"hnm ham euunt~· h.ts hl'l'll l'twognized At n Hr Htuon of !HWI Co till held nt tlw Ptohute Oil tee 111 the 1 tty of Llmslng In Thi•, is the Il'~ponsibility tht• J udgr- of Probate ot Ingham th t-mld County, on the ~7th dny of 0~; for it•, t••ad!'rsltip in tlw cm•mwl• toilet l'i~ A I lilt ( npy A JJ I Bob Leonard Hoht.n t I lh nkt l't< ~tnlt Hhoultl be limttcd untl thul n t1mc Cnul t tuul tiHCt: be np\ 01nt• d to t~tJUlyc, eX• Hmine und lll)JuKt nil clnllnH anti dr· mm.t saftlguard the rights of those \\ ho conw Into his court. stitutions. munds rwnlnat Hllt«1 mt ntnlly tncum]lcl~JIL by nnd hcfolc Rl t 1 t 11111 t lit• nwst use every bit of l1is tmiuing and call upon his wide• e•x• lt f:\ 01dcretl l'hnt ctfldlLoiH of tmhl mt•ntnlly ln~;omr utent. Ult 1cnulud to FOR JUSTICE OF THE jWricnct• to aitl the bo~'s and gil•ls who U(lllt'Ur in rJU\'ellilt• Tno Wl'Pl>s ago un otfwial of P'"'' nt liON JOliN McCLELL \N ] I U lcllt tht II dulmlt to Hllld COlli t ltl lht PtnlwlH Olflc, nt ~U'i Wo•l StwJnnw Jud~l! ot l'1"htt~ thr State \.\1clfarl' Dt'llarimt•nt Iu tbt M 1t~~~ of tht Eatatc: of JACl\ Htlect LumilllH' M~ehucnn, on or ln~fott: Court. J.I>DY liEf'Nl'.: l r M not the 'ith dny ur Jnnumy A. D 1011:1 nt MICHIG~N SUPREME COURT tun o cluck In t.lh tund time r ( ntrr I J 1 ust ( om puny hnving ftllld In fml!nunu came bl•forc tlw Uonrd of Sutwr­ uaul emil t.. 1L:-; htth account llH HUilltlmn nntl tllncu hmt.!hY nppolntl!tl fol thn cx­ nmlnlltwn nnrl ndJnKtm' nt of nll clnlmH NON-PARTISAN 4, 1952 tnd 1t~ IH tttlnn Ill uYlnu: fo1 the nllo\\ ~ visor', to comnwml Judgt• 1\lc­ BALLOT- NOV. nncc lh~tcol nnd dcmunda llKIIint~L Knitl muntnlly ln­ The law docs not stipulate that the Judge of Probate be an comlH tent It ):; (hm ~t:tl I hut. the ~Oth dny oC I NoHmhct A D I 11.!, nt. eleven o clod( lt. 11:1 Futlhcl Oulercd 1hut. JlulJllc no­ attorney. Yet in a couf1ty the size of Ingham that legal train- Ciellan and to tell thl' SUIJ('I'\'is­ n the foumoon nt Lhl' Ptobutc Ofilcl' nt lice theumf he JO\Cn by IIUblicalion O( 11 COllY f01 IJUCCCHHh~ .!O'i \\(nl ~llg1nnv SL1ccl. l .. nnHtiHl' Mich .. nf lhi!4 ordr.r three w~.:ekK JllllVion8 to Rnld day of hcnttnK, In ors that his program has be•rn gnn, be nncl IH hctt!ll~ um•omtcd fo1 cx­ ing in Invaluable. And in counties the s~e of Ingham mo~t t)H lru:chnm Counly 11 ncWtlllllllf!r tnuullw and nllm !n.~or lllllll nccount nntl Newa, 11rlntt d nnd cia culnhtl 111 anal county. hcllllliJ..: Hnld fll'Lit on JOHN 1LEI.LAN, judges have been and now are lawyers. reconnnentled for other counties. It l:i 1m tho 1 Oult!tt•d, Thnt. Ilubllc no McC A l't Ut: COt)Y Judge or Pro.bntl! let the it uf be ) I von hy uuhlicutlon of 11 Roh rt L ll11tl

    HARRY WHITELY rlny with his mother, Mrs. Leone Honnnng ~11·s. Pearl Powell's ~. Chnirmnn For AI!{C!I' Cornmltt~c Felton, . I IJirlhrlay am11versnry, her .son and -- ··------· ------. . dnughtcr-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. ~ee Motorola's Amazing New · BoiJ Powell, ancl Judy entertained at Hnnscn's Country House. nuests were 1111', and Mrs. Orrin Po\\'cll. Mrs. Abhy Roepcke and Special Election Notice Mr.<; . .Jack Myers and Rog!1r. M1·. and Mrs. Maynard Stan. Smntlout Picture fielrl and childt'!1n ~i~lted their grandmother, Mrs. Sherman of Brings the Action Into the Rooml Delhi Township Jaek'son Sunday, She is sick. Mrs. Marion Hardt spent the • New Dimension Cylindrical Tube • New Lifetime Foc11s week end at Lake O!·lon. Mrs. TO 'l'HE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF DELHI TOWNSI-!le Helen Maiello and Mrs. Phyllis • New Forward Mounting • New improved GI01•·Guard INGHAM COUNTY, MICHIGAN: ' Stowe .went afl!1t' llet· Sunday aft· e1·noon. . NOTIC~ IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Election Mrs. Pr.arl Powell attended a New exclusiue patents, plus a host of important new featW'es! Built· Will be held m the Township of Delhi, in the County of Incr. board mee!ing of the .Kings in, bonded, all-channel UHF provisions. Famous Area Selector Swi~cll ham, and State of Michigan, on "' Daugh1ers :st!d valuation, as equallwcl, of all propet·ty in the Township, 11 ~:, rnillsr Rosellnd Bowen fo1· !I period of. five (5) year;;, from .1953 to J9ii7, hoth in· dus1ve, for the purpose of creating a Township Pnrlt Fund Mrs. I1·a Maher and son.of Wy· lo be USl!d for buying lands and permanl!nt: equipm!1nt fnr nndotte visited her sister, Mrs. Pnrl:;rJny, November ''• at Mr. unci Mrs. Ron Aleo of Lan· Festival! Mrs, Clnwl Pnl'ish and Mr~. J:.m· '7::10. Gnnws will br pluyr•d nnd re· sing spent Saturd11y wllh the lat· rna Covert. i\ II cmnnn rn lie!'~ n l frPslnnrnll; served. tcr's motlwr·, Mrs .•lesRie 'l'aylrn•, the Parish home \Vl'l'C' Mr. nnrl J\Ir·. flllll 1\lrs, E:al'i Jones ami Mr·. and Mrs. Aleo vls)ted Mr. and Mrs. Claud Crane and ~{rs . .Tolin family :;pent Sunday with Mr·, Mr.~. J. n.. Lyon Saturday eve· Michigan Ruby Red Jonathan, U.S. No. l Freeman of OI(C'mo:;, and Mrs. Howard Bouts ami fnm· nlng. Callers nt the B. I!. F'leld hnme ltv nl l;'nwlc•rvllle. cRusHED Pineapple DOLE 2No.2 cans 49C Jnsl week Wl'l'l' 1\lrs. Thnm:~s · Ml'. and Mrs. GC'ot·ge llntllcld K' ( ·t Bunlwr of Dansville, !\Irs. !':Isle SJlCIII SliiHlll,\' with Mr. :mel Mrs. IPP ommun.l y Walllne of Alnlrorlnn, Lester MC'· Hus1;ell Ward, .Tr., nl LPsliP. Nancy nangler Sliced Pineapple 4•b•· 49c 1 ann• Apples Gauglwy of Massach!rsetts, Mr. The Aurelius B. Y, F'. lwei It:; Dolo 2No. 57C anrl Mrs. C:erairl Field of Lansing r.Jallower!n ' party W•!dncsday Mr. and Mrs. Lou)c Hendershot I and Mrli. Bc!ll,Y Lawton, Mnrtl111 night 111 the church. 'l'lw other and family of Leslie were guests 'l'hnyer an~! Wells Cllclmcr nf mertlngs will hr! held at 7:3ll at dinner Sundrty of Mr. and Mrs. Dole Pineapple Tid Ill• or Chu~hl 3 tio. 211 ann• 55c Mason. "l't•rv WPrhH•srlay, Pred LoVette and family Sunday Mr. anrl Mrs. Anuwny Goris Mi·. aiJ(i Mrs. Guy Bateman afternoon cullers were Mr. and and ehlldren of .Jar•kson \I'C'l'" ·::dil!rl 011 !VIr. anrl 1\trs. Walter Mrs. Ployd Hammond and Doris Fruit Cocktail Dalo Na. I onnt wcel~ cnrl guests of hrr parent:; Gunn In Holt last Wf'clnesclr1y. of Lansing. 3 69o . Mr. anrl Mrs. Orhlr• Dolhrot•. Unrh;Jm .TmH's is in chm·ge ot' Mr .nnrl Mr•s, Loren Sweet and Mr. nnrl Mrs, Lestrr McGa11g· tJw fishpond nt the church fair. Mrs. Carrie .LoVette were 'rhurs· Mincemeat hey of Mm;s, who hal'f• vi~;iting .Timmy, ,!rm, ,r,~rnlcl nnrl .Jewell day evening dinner guests of the Nono Ducb 2 ,.•.. vko•. 39c BROCCOLI 'FRESH, TENDER the Jnhn llrm:1ns l\, 'ast Mnndav. Mr. a1~c 1 rs. ·. en ox II or Mrs. Cnrnl Lnwson nnd Mrs. Ml'. nnrl ·Ml's. Larry La7.0r and ~nd famrly of Battle Creek and Pure Lard · · ..,~~;oq':· CRANBERRIES FRESH NEW CROP l·LB. CELLO BAG Lr>l.lie lloZPII wrrr! in Hull ·hlldrf'n anrl Arthur Welr.h of Mr.. and Mrs. Jncl<: Coppens and 2 lh. pkg. 21 c 29c Wednesday on husinc.~s. ··:Jm Hall were S<~tnrdny and Sun· fnmtly of Lansing were Sunday Grar•efruit PucAl ,... Fruh, 19 :_____ lny cnllcrli of Mr. nnd ~Irs. Mum dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Florldn Bood(ou- Bln 10 5'"' 39C Celery Hearts Tondor Mlchloon lgo. bah. C Del Monte Peaches No. 2'/o con• --; 1:iffin. Ben Burch nnd Larry. 2 59C Aurelius Items 1\lr. nnrl Mrs. 1\'lurn Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Merle Brown nne! Roonlo Drnnd G1·apes Foncy Red Bmporl!f raii['(J on Mr-. nnd Mrs. Elmer family were Sunday afternoon 2rb •. 25c Popcorn [Whllo or Yollow) 2rb. h•o 39C llarlmm ,Jruws r:rrronlec al Mason Mondny. callers of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Del Monte Tomato Juice 2 46•or. cnno 59c Tile Aurr!lius Lnrlir.s i\irl is hav. I Mr. anrl Mrs. Clr.o Palmer nncl Freshour and famlly. "lde Fra•h MJohloon 39 59 Jng a hal1l'd ~.:nods salro nlection :ons nllcnded the fune.ral of Ml:'- Marie Freshour Is sick this Sweet C f No Juo Charge •;, gal, C u•l. C day at the town hall. . ll'almrt•'s mother last 'lhurscluy 111 week. Del Monte Catsup 2 U·or. baitlor 35C A fire Saturday mnl'llin~,: par· Grand Rapids. Mr. ancl Mrs. Jnmes Miller and - i family, Wllllam Hancocl<: and aoldon Del Monte Corn . Croam Dlylo Fresh Frozen Foods- NUTS-FRUITS & PEELS Calumbia Road Miss J11nlce Evans were sunday 2 No. 303 ••n• 35c • cllnner r,:tlesls of Mr. and Mrs. n• Florida Gold Mrs. W. C. Norris Glen Ca-ltrider and family. Doris Rooofo Brand Oran ge J111IC8 Ccncontrotod Peanuts Caltrider was an afternoon caller. 2•·••· un• 29c Froth Ro01tod Jumbo l·th. h•o 39c Tlw nrxl rnrr!1ing of !he Webb Sure Good l·lb. '1chool clLib will he held Thursday, Mr. ami Mrs.· Wayne LoVette Margarine 2 pkgs. 37 C flnow Crop - Ccncontralcd Novr•Jilbt•r fl, at 1he home of Mrs. and family were Sunday dinner Dromodnry 'I ~lnr.gilrel Dilvid with Mrs. Sylvia ··-~ Grape Juieo Mixed Fruit guests of Mr. and Mrs., Ludell •·or. 2 '"' 29c •·••· 21 C Claacd l·lb. ,., 49c \Vilsnn as co·hostess. All mem· Cheney and famlly. Pink Salmon Cold Blroom l·lh. can 47c lwrs arc aslwrl to be present as Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Steadman Flcdda Cold - Concentrnlod Christmas plans will be mndf!. visited Mrs. C. E. Perl\ins Sunday . Mixed Nutmeats Ml', anrl 1\lrs. Collins Hunting· evening. · Dl•nd R•oola Brand '·••· boo Red Salmon lnnnybrook ··\.• , l·lb. con 65C Orange~ &Grapefruit 2 :;:: 25c 39c ion anrl son. Dnrrell, and family Mr. nne! Mrs. Harold Huffine were in Ridgeway Sunday to visit and Johnny were Friday night ...... their ;:unt, iVIr:;.' Mary Arn:;paugh, cnllf'rs of Mr. and Mr:;. Lloyd ~ Lemon Juice Sllnki•l- Puro 2, .••. tfn• 33c lana Peaches .'- f Dates Fruh Cnllfornl• l·lb. pkg. who is quite siclc Wheeler and sons. No. 2'/• con 290 29c Mr. nnr.l Mrs. L. 13. Knight of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllls Bailey and I-lnll visited Mr. ami Mrs. Donald Gary of <;omstock Park were Brnr:ict\s anrl family Sundny. week guests of Mr. and Mrs. lana Peas No. !ol """' Mr. anrl Mrs. Gc•)rge Harmount 2 25c Lloyd Wheeler and sons. On Sun· ilnrl Snmm~· of Laingsburg were Lean, Flavor-Rich "Super-Right" !(llests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. clay Mrs. Jesse Gross and Marie of Lansing and Mrs. Earl Wheeler lana Bartlett Pears ,.,::, No. 2'/• con 29c LPnnarrl Nelson.. . of Rolfe cllstl·lct were dinner Rev. anrl !VIrs. Carl Briggs and gue:;ts of the Wheelers. Mr. and d.nug!J~cr, moved to. Skeets near Mrs. Carl Llllywhlte of Fowler· c.Jndw!n tv!onday, . . ville were callers in the after· Cooked Picnics No. 2'12 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rich and noon. . · A&P Pumpkin 2 ca11s 35c ' ci:Juglilcrs, ~~·lw haw hccn on a 3· Mr. and Mrs. Elton Weston and ll'eeJ;s vacation to,unng the Soulll, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Matteson . 1 Lh. . Americans for DPlllDCI'a­ rl'turncd hom~ \\ ectnesctay. and daughter were S tur I · 39( tic Actim~ ( llll!M.) still Mr. ami Mrs. George Wheeler nln uest f M al Me aynevVe Cracker Jack plcgs. of Saranac ral.led on Mr. and Mrs. g g • s 0 r. am . rs. "· . 6 25c wants us to aec.·pt fled . B 1\ . , Dangler and family. .r u Imn Lron, 11 'Irs. rltY 1llrta~ M. d 'I q AI Ch!na ini·o iht• U. N. Sine<• • • 1. an ,. rs. rover {ers my opponent i:; ::l n::•;:1 be:· spent Saturday afternoon and of ADA do ~·ou thiuh he SundRy helping Mr. and Mrs. B. Recipe Marshmallows .... Ia.oz.pksr.17c would fight sucl1 a mo\'c'? V. Fruin after Jlre rlestroyed the FRANKFURTERS HEFIRUD'S, ALL MEAT. SICINLESS, !-LB. CELLO PKG. upstairs of the Fruin home. 57c • • • Karo Syrup -~.~~f?\rr:;~· J1f2.tb.houla 22c The dirty smcn:·s against GROUND BEEF SUPER·RIGHT - NONE FINER Ike have renctr.d. And i'-lix­ Alaiedon Center LB. 49c on is leading the way to a · !\Irs. Elmer C. Browr i big victory. This lime Pcn­ Cream of Rice Cereal IS·oz. pkg. 34c BOLOGNA RAUSER'S, ALL MEAT, LARGE LEONA, SLICED dergast·stylc politic:; will Mr. and Mrs. James McDnniel LB. 47c not prevail. and daughter spent Sunday with Hygrodo'• Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Swaim and Pork Sausage l•lb. Cello Roll lb. family. 43c Pork Liver Fresh Slicod lb. • • • 71/z-oz. ;ar 29c Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larner Fluff Marshmallow Creme 21c\· · Stevenson, TIIeody awl were guests at dinner Sunday of rcncy, •••·R••dr nock• tb. God Fillets Firm, Ronolou, While Moot lb. even my oppo;wni: nmv tell Mr. and Mrs .. Harry Rummlns Stewing Fowl 53c 29c rls thl'l.'e's to hi~ 110 qn!e!\ and fnmily of Holt. Callf'rs at t11c Trend Detergent · end to Korea. .Lnol\f; lll>P Larner home Sun~lay r.vening sriantplcg. 47c · Chicken Livers Herring Hollnnd, O•nuino l·lh. keg mixod $1.89 .· they'd mther have a wat· were Mr. and Mrs. Murl Larner Spoclol Low Rotnil lb. 39c and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul !·lb. lcog mill~J·ts is a gr:Jclnul!l of 1\lich· served by the grade· pupils. Jnn• Pnrl:cr 1'/alb, $1.29 igmt State (:ollcgl!, studied law wilh ,Judge Leland Cal'!', nnd is II Danish Filled Ring Mr. Clardy is the Re- a lll'lldic:ing uttOI'IIey in Lan· Scovi e District Dial Soap Bath Size Peanut Cookies pkg. of 21 n!ng- \vith offiees in tlw Tnss· 2cakes 35C 25c publican nominee for lng Bldg. With Uolmrt.~ In Ibis 1\lr·s. Wnyne Gallaway '7' ·~ .. Jan• M•r ;l?J.~.gt.ress from this dis- , J>ictm·" is Lndy, his Seeing Bye Mr. and Mrs, Hallie Harlme:;s Wllite Bread ;o.01• loa! 17 C Potato Chips lb, bOK 69c guide dog. and family of Mason were Satur· Ivory Soap· Large Sizo · AdvcrtlacmciH. poid for by Cjlly evening callers of Mr·. a! lei ~(Polilicnl 1 Kit cln•·dr> •------Mrs. Howard Jackson and fam· Raisin Bread Plain u.~ •. loat 19c Sandwich Rolls pkg. olD 19c lly. ' j Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Burnett American Family Flakes --;~rgepkg. 27c of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs . .E!ir· Tangy In flavor I ThriftY, In prices I nle Raymond o! Manchester wcrQ I Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. George Hidgon. Duz Iargepkg. 27c siantpkg. 63c Mrs. AI Gerlltz returned home from the hospital Friday.: Franken111uth Cheese lb. 59c Mt•, and Mrs. Emil 01!-iun call,ri12,· l ;~ct~vc·ly llllet·csted In hnr. m;. i have all be£!11 nddcd to tlw ration- offPn•d. lll•r•f siPails -roumt, sir· ty t.JXI's. Tlu· totnl pt'opPrll' Iii X Isocta!Ion work, Delln King IS 11 lng list. loin illHI Swlt;s- Wl'l'l' solrl at fir: don't rPallze that the rclea~c· of 382.fi0 In slale revenue• for 1he 1 1 the safety l

    Dmin re in ln;:·hnm grecsl about ,,:; minutes. Tum eounty ovt~l' l,OOO I'Stutr~ and toss scveml times ~o stripH brown Pvcnly. Drain on so (I Ul'{' handled hy Uw Jll'ohuhl rTumph!d paper. Spri nklc~ Jlllla· l'Olll't IWI!Ij' Yt'llr. l•:x!'t,Ution toes with sail to taste ate into is attested to by provisional AL~o Serves As · . reports of the slate health de· partment for the second quarter of 1952 which show a steatly in· Judge 9f Juvenile Court c1·easc in births in Michignn. Neghlctl'~l 1111d dcllnquenl childr·cn t•cime. hrol'm•p tht• jud.~·e. During the llrst three months Tht•h· f11tr~ r·est.~ In thtl luuuls of the judg·l'. llis g·uJd:uH'n tuul or 1!132, il total of 39,530 babies highest horsepower in Fireball hi~;i'"' -. t:.'OIIIIlml ha\·e 1111t Jmmy of tht.!Sil wnl'lls of flw c·ourf on Jlu~ were horn, 2,728 more ,than during And is powct~ made even thriftier ; .. way to stu:r·es.o;, llelng· ,Judge of the .Jul'enile CnuJ•t in n cnun· the same period ln 1951, F'or th~ it HIS i~ an invitation to a new ty the Hlze of Ingham demands 11 high de!J:"I'r~e nf judlcinl ex· first 6 months of 19:j2, the total Airpower carburetion. Jllll'lllllCt~. was 82,287, a gain of 1,52•1 over Texperience. ./~~.!my;;: all, you known very special c:-;. the corresponding period In 19!il. You get a lift in spirit from the ride here AdopUon JII'Oct·~dlngs, drnng-es ot' mtmr:s, ndmissirm of The number of· babies born In It is an invitation to people who demand cit~:me;:nt nt the helm of a RoADMASTIIlt m!'ntully nffllc!rQbntc. tered with the state heallh de· engineering alone. partment, topping the previous a ROADMASTER, May we seat you at the wheel and l~t .Judge 1\lcCiellrm has cnrrl!'d oul. 1he dutiPH nl' his ot'l'ieLl In high year of 1917 by more than You find a new serenity in Dynafiow you judge things for yourself? ll lllllnner that hftN won him stnte-wide rcmgnltion nmong· And let us assure you, when this big, 12,000. Drive as it silks your way and frees you lawyers nnd court offlcluls. roomy, sweet-riding thrill-maker starts Equipnumt, accmories, tl'itl~ aud models arc .rtJbjo&t to lie was electetl presldht~:· llli<'hiRan Jll'obntc ,judg-

    WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBilES ARE BUilT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM '' Two great television events: The TV Football Gcme ollfle Week every Saturday and Buick Circus Hour (wery fourth 'Tuesday. Hilton &. Richards B-..ick'. ·.·.··. ' ~ · · · ' , Mason, ~ll~lligaJa· Oct, 30, 1952 Paoc 2 l Next rucs~dy Will Ollcr l:clicf 'lfllll'!IP!i, ' ' I .lgn Oratory Gr~o~M.r. G:.. ·~!'II~~· g,~,~~;;::/,'~'~~;~,,~~g~· ~~;;:::;',' ,ir'n, ·:::~:~:;; Campa . U 'i!f'if;j J:~i..(UI~~ er\rt<·nllon 11111\ ils pl;u•p in ottl' The Trip to Korea tllthl\r• nl1'nlrs ilwlur\lng out 1.~nv· Sonw Jll'Oplt• c\e(•]nl'l! llllll the pled~(' or Cl'lll'l'lli Eisen­ · · I 1'1'111111'111. llr• giiVP <111111!' llf'III'I'S 1 n~· \'1'1'111111 ,J, lll'llWII P"Puim· 11'111 ami 111 '1ilrr•r 111 " Jllll'· l!illln"t IParrwd of hP!orP, \t•r•onl- hilwet• to vh;il ilw IJ:tllll'fl'Oilt and JH'IIC'l' (Pnl in J(m't'll b 1 'l'hls Is ,IJi•lng typPrl a!'ll'l' 11 ty lllllllalr• 11 " 1' I liP lndr'J,'''Ilrir•nl,lng to his H!iltl'Jnl'lll 1111'1'1' Ill'!' 1 11 b'l'aml::~t andin~. 11'1'<'11 r•rul of (HJIIIIL'IIl lr•lcvislon, 1'11 11 dn lllllf'h 1111 " 111 111111 · hr• . 1 '~ 'J"Ilotrl :1:1', million llovs and girls Maylw It Is. Httl it is limP thai sonwhncly clicl a lilllt• It b lo lw r•xpc!'led th11l ns till' Issues 1\1'1' d<'t'lIH' lly " 11 ''• ns lhl'y st•IJruJh; nnd ynlllll' nwn and wnm- or t hal kind or gmnrlsl anding. CPI'Ininl.v swh grnnr\sl anrllng 1!1~~ polillr-11! produellon, more sland ovr•r llit'll' IHrllr>lr; ilf'(llnrltlw r•n In tllll'·,.~lll<'[(t;s and unll'l'I'Si· will u<:c:ompl\sh us 1nt1ch o1· man• than tlw grundslanrling and rnnn• H<'l'r•nms will he ilr.ard t•urt;dns Ill till' 1"' 111 ; lin <'i<•r·llllll lit•s. It> tiHrsr• tlniiPrl Slnles thPI'P Sect'tltHI'Y or Stall' Dean Al'!wson ]HIS !wen doillg lll'fOI'l' 1\w fr11111 Ill<' wings, nnrl mon• nnd days. nl'<' nilolll !Hilll <'<>il£•gPs dllrl rllhl'l' l!lfll'l' rlll'l' )ll'£'dietlon.~ will Jail So ram llfll lr·tTihly tli,,\lll'ill'il. lnslllutlons of higiH•J• lt•amlng. UN nncl he fore I )t•moei'H tic gn t het•ings. lnrnr 1111• lips of 1111' prin<•lpal\1 shall l'llll' Ill~ <'llll\'klloiiS lli'XI i\hlllll lllll'·tllil'rl Ill till! total Pt·esidenl Truman might fnl' ]J('ttcr have lll•en doing dilll'ar·rPI'S in lhis lilt' gn•niPsl TuPsr!av nnrln11thin1~ Pxr•r•pl IIH'I>· nurnlll'l', hrrl mcrsl nf llwn1 with some of that 1\:nl't•a l!l'ancl of grandstanding !han using tax- str1gr• pia~· 11f nil limP. raJ or· plrysi1·:rl lrll';qr;rdly 111· llmirPd Pru·crllml•nls, ha\'1' som<• \ 11 PllYCl'S' tnOJH'Y to ll'llistlP-stop LI]J and down the c·ountry. Ovl'r 1111' w<·PI< Pnd I purdslll!dlrlr•arl>. sh:rll slop "'· .1 ·•l>.rll >rill ''"nnr•t•lllltl willr Sltlll<' rP!Ii:lous · · · ]' 111\''1'11 ill' \l''llL'iii'tl" ·rll l'lllllL'I"' I l'llil' len llir• 1'1'11<'1'1li Willi .rs llllldl "l'lllljl Wl>'t•rt I 'ttlrl 'til lilt' lltlllllll'l' . G eneml EISI!nhower has taken. and 1s taktng \.())'l'H. s.r\1'· ·• and · lwarrl' Gt•rwr·al,., • l·~!i;l'n-·•· <'lllllllsi.rsrn. •''.'. I drrl. 11 ,lrr . 11 I 1...rsl 11[... :, crung Jli'IIJliP· • alll'lllilllJ.::. nrglrl. tlCl'lOUSiy, Ill' has marll' 110110 ol the Aelll'SOJl l'!•lllal'ks lil\1' I h1111.1.1· as IH• spol\<' al Dl'll'llil. ]lillY llrsl \'llll' for Ml'l..:rnlr·~·. a r•lar;st•s, IJ'aril' sl'!rools, Ir•t·linleal "Let's let the chJst sl'ltle l'irs1." 'irollk<'d in lry TV 1111 Sii'Vl'J>son prolt•t·lill• l.rrill :rnrl sollttlfl lllllll· lnslilullons, buslnl'ss lminlng 1 1 111 General Ehien!HJI\'t!l' is apparently sin<'l!I'l' in his pl'lllllist• IH•rr· i'!"' then•; rev\'" took II 11 11 ''l;· Th<·n rlw ,'': ~~~·~ ~~'','r<· ':~_ ' '· ·"'"""'' a111l similar, I <'om<' up • . , • , , ,. • , , , , • , , , , , • , ,[riH• 1'!1111 whrll• oUI' pr•t•sld~llt dug \\" hold 11 11 . II lr I lSIIIII .• llll\\,, lo ,will> llll' sllll'lilllg [;l<'t 111111 Just tCJ do hiS lJtst fO,lllrl the \\,11 on llollOIIIlJ\e (LIIllS. ihr It .tl.1 inllu•mlrr• and mud illiliS "give- l'illliiiSl'. I Will IIIII .1>.11'1' lill' ~111111' ailolll I 11111 rrf <'1'1'1')' I Jll'I'SOllH ill tho~tsunds or ll1Cil in Km•pa and thousands or llll'n ancl wonwn 'l'lll-111•11" r·;rmpllign rrf snwar. I I'Xllillllinll I l'~(ll'lll'llt'l'ti Will'll r IIIli~ l'rlllllii'Y is ltlldl!l' Sllll)(' IV(ll' YPs, volt• as you pll'HS<', IJUt vote on het;e ln the Unilecl States who nl'e anxious thai Gelll'l'ai[ s;rl il lhrough wilr•n !;;hnt•r· D:rvls vrrll'<~ frrr 'l'lll•wlorr• lt'."''~' 1 '''' 1: _My rll' trilillillg. Tlr~l all m<•a11s t.lml ~ . .. .r11rl Ills pholll'\' "parwl" Sl'l 1111• lnrwr l<'l'llm:s 111.1~ .lJlJII'"" I> al il'asl 1'\'l'l'\' !.1 \'l'lll's our wlwlr• Elcel ion Day. TI 's t ht! Amet'icnn \\•ny Eisenhower 01' sonwone Phil' ddl'l'llliiH!d lind ]WHC't' Sl'1 nul stag<• lrrr \Vnlri•r !{Pullwr r1 Ills tlursr• 1 fl'lt I l'nlr•rl l11r plrilrrsnphy ,·,f !if<' might well In 1111 "''"n to pt·ot l'd your· ft'ePdom. for Korea al onc·e. lir:rrll' ngni 11 sr rill• llPpt>illimns. llarrlirrg afrr·r· lira! r'llll\'r'lllillll ri<'· <·h:!nge. 11 all d<'Jll'llds 1111 lill! 1 lislt•tll'd wllilt• our II\Vll hnd_<' of~l!l:!lllrul Jllllilalrl~· I lll'\'1'1' dwrat'll'l' of rill' lnstrul'lion nnrl Fill 'er Up ":-iii!IJI\'" lnld us "f llw awful In· :rgillll will l<'l'lilu: llrrlll•!l m;rr~·ll· inlhu•rwl's rrfi'Pred ill till'S!' sdwols ~ iquili<:~ rrf rill' arrlomnhilt• indus-llllg 111 11 llll'rhlr;:l.rl 1'~''."''""1"11 arrrl l'llllt•gt•s. \\'1• will not ht• op('ll fot· husilwss II'\' :rnrl l'S()('I'iall\' of till' t'rrllspir- ~lll'il as I r•ll;,:rgr·rl 111 <'It'll lrdrll'<' Tllis l:rsl lhrnrghl was rlri\'l'll Those are the worcis gas stalion operators 1\lw to \war. ill;)' 111111111g 1111• 'auto rh•IIIPrs to[ I \\'liS"'" 11 11 1" \'rrl<•. IHrllll' Ill lilt' lhl' 11IIH'I' L'l'<'llillg '' " ;~ll l%•c!ion nay, Nn\'('IIIIH•r •I But they don't sound HO sweel when I ill' r\l'ivl'l' of a lml­ slr•.rl 11 1\lil'ili~:.rn Plt•clirrn, 1 l!aVl' Yr•s, lhr· ,1'<'111':-1 lr:ll'r• ·"''"'rr•r! I ill' 11(1!'11 I lllildl' an appl'iii'IIIH'P nl 11 tlt~ship, des! royo1·, suilmal'itw 01' platw dl'ives up. wall'irt•d :rnd lisii'IWd wiiile 1\loorly ln:rlirrrl :rnrl I lr:r\'1' 11111 ,.,_,·ajJI'Ii. '.'ill'<'lli·Tl'al'ill'I'S 11wr•li11g .rl Dnlls­ and l'11lll'l' t•xr·hangt•d I'S t'OilSllllll' SIIlll's Sl'll:l[rrl'. paign lll'l,llllii'IIIS ;11111 l'.rii1JIIli;:11 liP, !';11111' Ill llll' illlrl I'Clllinrlt•d me Jll'rHnisPS. I lu>l; rd ,,ll>pir'l>lll 11111( ill·lill>lllll'illg 1111' l•'utun• Jo',rrmers rrf jets set. out fi·om Ca\ifomin Lo Japan and Koi't•a. That llll'llllS Iin•d 11f tl11• sh1111'. I will bt• lwppy ll'ill'll il is ol'l'l'. Tht• worst Ilwt nut·rulo, I!H• illllr' anrl iJr:r;: and Anwrim ()('!hat l'l'lio11! wlwn liP it took 1 ,80U gallons of gasoline for each jet, 1RO,OOO gallons . . , will llt• l'l'iil'f from tlu• harils. IIH• il1l<>lt•r:rl11'1' and l'lass \\'as a sluriPnt tlwn• snnw 1~ 111111 111111 11 for the flight to Hawaii, and that's only a third or the rlistnm·t• drn wllil'h has assaill'rl llw Pill'S rr[ lll'l'llignnwnlr;, illlli all 1111• llllllll'· )'Pars n:,o. llr• is now !wad 11 [ 11 ,\nwrif':r 11 , ~i ll<'l' l:rsl sum mel''s t'itlli 11g rrl III is 1111" lt•rn amP to Korea. · 1 1 'I" • · spill' 11! 11 l>;rl 11ill' :'11\1'1'11111' !11111 si'!Hu>l. Jo'iflt•Pn yPars is ahrnrl tile Now l1 b out 5()<; or 1\H• ."HSOiine"' u:-;ecllll t ll' 'acl IC ('011\l'S I prvsrdr•llll:rl ('IIIII'Cillions grrl Ull· lo ;;:r\', tlu• illll111111>lil'•' rlr•:r!Pt's I ill't•ragt• linw lrorn higl> sch11nl 1 from the Middle East. Tlterl' is n vast quunl il Y or oil in 1\tosL' · 1 r•t'l\'ll,\'. . . l\111111; lll'r• p1·r·11y rlr•r·1•n1 I'L•IImvs rl:r~·s 111 l'art•l11·'1'0aclwr· il;rvs. . ., .. . . • . . 01 l'rHII',,l' r am jli'I'JIIcil<'l'li. So . Mtddle East twlds but 1! takes a lot lor wai' Ol' lor even llHLIIl- arr· 11111, 1 rrf ~. fPIInw l'ilizt•ns. anrl I ll'ill lnrsl llu·m a !111 lar- \Viral I run g1•t1ing 111 is lllis-- 111 llll·r 1111111 I l'.'ill IIH' r;u,.; St·ll11llr•s', Will' lllll list' Sllllll' of lhr• molll'l' I il!l1 :t (lill't~· lll:ll\, I llilVI~ 11('\'(~1' • I taining the peacl'. I I I J · 11111\' \\'as it'd in vain al temJlls lo lll'lir•vt•rl tiH' sl'if·sly!Prl indt'(ll'l1· · IIlii ~. ~r'II'IS 11111~ glill'l' lirrJI 11 ht~·d 0 r l:rnlf' ill~ ··~cys lo Pearl''' In- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ll'lllion or primi•ry clr•<•Iior{. j.l\l'o ri:!hl 111'1'1' 1111!1 now, I am nol srsts llwn• Is not now anrl never\ Asiu or Europe is beyond our knowledge. A 1\la· somethin~ As for party pial forms, Iiley I sun~ tht'SI' sr•r·rl~ ill'l' ; 111 ~· l!otrrl but lias ilef'n a syslemof govcrnmr.nt son preachet· pointed that out Sunday in a sermon. ;'.rt' phrasrrd ily party delt-gatr•~. I it Ill conl'inr·cd tlw:; a:·r'· ·rs fl'l'- II~".' _uur;, .. ,l'.r·rhaj.)~ \~c nr:'.' to.~~~· He ulso poinled out !hal there is nothing any individual J.ill' issttl'S 111'1' dcll!l'mincd IJ~· lilt• and (ll'lllllisitl~ ;,s l•lll1h' J iliiVP 11,11 J, illPlC dill( HiJllliri OJ .II ir dSt CXatnine :-lOITIL1 ()j' those ~iilfll(' Remember: can do to change his color 01' race,' and or! en tlwre is nol foundations. J much he can do to change his citizenship. \\'1• mighl usc our Gl'ncrals i\1acArilllti'S and [i:iscnliowcrs We can't clelcrminc out· color o1· mce. We can determine Down by the and our Governor Slitssens and Dart National Bank Time Certificates what.b:ind of a Caucasian, or Oriental m· Negro 01' Indian 11·e Pl'<'ll some of our bctlcr ex-presi­ shall be. And that should be om· chief aim in improving riPnts and nthcrs who IJave pl'Uved I SYCAMORE 1their IJ'llslworlilincss as tile. nu- ourselves as inrlivicluals m· in real'ing our chilclt'en. 1 , 1 clcLts oJ till' first faculty list. Let Paying l-l /20fo · Whet'e we were bm·n and ·ar whut color or race arc be­ Glb Putman of Willimnston is my lloiiSI'," '!'Ill' tpH";ti<~n was,, sr:lwlarsltips be established and yond our contl'ol. Directly in out· contl'OI is what kind of a had; rmm ;( hunting I rip in I he "What ''" ~'(Ill \\':till 1\'lth Ill)' I clt•grees in Amcrkan poliliml Ozarl,~. This is son-in-law st•ason If1 ''" person we shall be. then•, repol'ted Gib. Men with w ' • 1philosophy be offered and for a Interest paid each six months, if desired · 11 1 1 1 p · ! ,·r1Jil' , 11 ·1• 1nt'.ll ,· 11·e l'rJnlnrl time at lrasl I)(' liberally subsi· marrragr•a 1 e csday night rrl' l:~>·t week ami effort would be required in prep- ·- , rn~cs. r ,;Jdr•r lilem aration of and selection of leach- 0 11 111 out il.nd brought hack i1i or llHI'tially in over that. triangular , t:ome "' ,.:"'· • crs alll1 arwrhel' 13 years of"'rdual . · \ · - . · • · · ' One of 1he besl movies coming selvPs lrarrl to tool. l'rohnbly ptece of.property .. It's _lltgh ~une,,tilat_a_ clectsiOniVere reached. our of llollywood in montll~ is rnnst ol them are f111 Jir'rl hy WDI11· schoolroomtenl'i1ing in the Amer· 1 Here's why your hospital bill Let's hope that tlllH lhu·d "lrnal deciSIOn ::;tays that way. A TIHr Greale,;l Show on Earth. Pn evr-ry day. sultsiean waymight of be life expected. before final re- fourth "l1na1" would be just a liUie too much. • Don'l miss it. Fnrrc>l Smilh IJ;rs turned from But whal are 30 yca1·;; in ctcrni- 1 ls yolll' wlf1• thrill!{ you full shcrp IIIHilll'illlS trrr·r>l'll and hogs. IY wlwn ;oo much is at stakt•? At • .iustit•t• wil)r :Lppln Jlit•s't If sht• llcnlly, his snn-in-l:r\1' ('Jarcm·P any rate. more progrest~ would I[ IS higher today' .. e No Pay for Voting i,n't in full pi<• JH'mhwtiun now Frve dill li>e rurning, \Vhil<' his haw hct•n marie t!ven at t hal slow ynu'd, hl'ltt•J' tin snnw t•nt·nur·u~·- latlwr-in-!.rw ll'a~ i1; Florida 3 ralt• than is now being rl'- No one should be paid fm· voting. If a man 01' corpom­ in~·. years agn Clan•nt·e hnught 9 <'Ol'ded in a futile world-wide at-1 tion pays the wages of employees while they vote he or it sn\I'S. That's whi'rr• lllC switch tempi to sell Anwriea, when we 1 may some day feci moved to dictate how those voles shall Sornl' lhingH remain unaltcr· from sheep was. made. I" or tl~s Amerieans arc nut fully solei. I and why Blue Cross· Blue Shield. protection ablt•. Tile stars in !heir cours0., year Smllh and 1• r~·e lwld OV('r aO T hai'C been trymg to put my· be cust. 1ilroug!1 rhe heavens l'ilange little Ilampshirl' gilts. Thosl' gills now sci[ in tllC' plat·e o[ that first vntr.r is so much more important than ever beforel Every citizen should considel' it his duty to vote. lie lhmugh the c·enturies. Tile ear­ ha\'e, m• rlirl ll:t\'1' unlil i\Inmlay, now i·mning o[ age and morf' im- shouldn't asl< lo l~e paid for it. He should be insullecl al the lir!;;t Egyptians, Cat·thaginians, 3:l~ pigs. Onr luarl of ·18 left tile porlant in ·tile pla<'t' of llwt per­ Phoendan~ ami the Gnrei\S, farm !vlonda~· for marl,et. TllPn' son, prc1•iouslv a non-voter and offel' of pay for his vote. Cllint•se and .lapalu!~e and Sotllh wcnr :1~1:l pigs. Sel'entrr•n Wl'rL' now undl'r Ul:gc and about to Proeluiming a holiday on election day would be no as- SPa IHiander~ usecl 1he stars In rolled on o~· lrl>llnJllcd in infancy. mark a ballot. I have hr•cn honest­ sumnce that more votes would be cast than now ure. Good plot thci1· courses hy sea. Only on~! d1rtl nltPr tile lll'rcl was Jy a[lpr rand n~\\', buill Ir'iers. [, am smccre When ~ Sil~]' Friday set•vtces. • as nids, llltt they rely upon !he from limber <'UI from lilt' farm car ICY are more con user A holiday to many people means a clay ror pleasure. slat's to find their true positions. woodlot. Tile "ian! l'rih lwlrls 1 than riley were G months ilP:?· Voting hams and the absent voters law at·e so arrange(] that Tile . tossing ~cas, .atmosphcde (i 000 bushels ~r l'orn. When O_nly next Tuesday's result;; will . comlltlons nnd certain other cn·· s'mith & Fr\·e swinr, into action g1ve me the answer to my t~crson· nobody need lose Ius vote because of employment. cumstanccs interfere with radar they pir·k 100 buslll~ls o[ l'Orn a! conccm for the lrue llberty­ m· loran. Tile slar~ give the cxac1 cvci·y 20 minutes. On Saturrlay Jovmg people among us. position. No on 2, Yes on 3 they stopped after pid,ing an Navigalor~ .aboard the navy even 2,500 bushels. The)' con· (political nd\'mti!\flmout) To lwcp the legislalul·e rept·esentative of all the state anr.l i\l11rs, flying boats have all lhl' siderccl lhat a clav's work, ami not just 4 industrial counties, vole against Proposal No. 2, modem devices, yet there, too, thl! 1hl'n they went IHt~ting. Could You Go navigators rely on the star~ to and fat• Proposal No. 3. No (2 letters on 2); Yes 13 letters l'ilel'k posi I ion. To a landsman It Really, thn~e pigs belong to Broke? State on 3). ' , se~ms remarl, urg·n- n~· nl'lunl l'lllllll, alizc the import1mce of Blue nearest Blue Cross • Blue Shield office PUBLISHED THURSDAY AFTERNOOJ';!.S. · IN THE CITY is il lot smaller than m~st polili· lll'en b11yinA· £•.lllot·ophyl f:1blels 1(1 You and I can't spend Cross - Blue Shield protection. Since for complete information. OF MASON, MICHIGA~ ,.r;· clans guc~s. mix in with lht• I'Pml. 'fliP hoff lot these plans were ·started in 1939 by -:~~ There's no red tape with Bl~e Cross • now smells lill<' n hrd nt' rosps, more than·we take in With· VERNON J. BROWN & SON, Publishers ~~~·"·~~-'r& "It is better to debate n ques· Michigan doctors and- hospitals, over Blue Shield. Simply show you~ Blue NELSON D. BROWN, Editor ~:_J · lion without settling it, than to A. G. Spcnny & Sons will be out going bro~e. Neither 280 million dollars have been paid out Cross· Blue Shield identification card to RICHARD W. BROWN, AdvErrUsl~lg Manager J",fl~, ~ set tie it without debate," accord· missed in l'vlnson business circles. can the State! in benefits for subscribers. your doctor and hospital admitting "lerk. WM. J. MciLQUHAM, Plant Supe1·intendent 'I ' ing to Joubert. That's one ncl· It was. the biggest family part· That's Fred Algel''s solu­ Blue Cross • Blue Shield pay the hospital vantage this political campaign nershlp, fathct• anrl 3 sons, since What Blue Crou • Blu.~ Shield Do: ' and doctor directly. JAMES N. BRdWN, Farm Editol' tion to the State'~ financial has given the people. We have Hugh Silsby died. The Silsbr BLUE Cnoss CoMPREHENSIVE GROlJP Don't delay 'any' longer! Aslt you1 Entered u~ ftceond clRKf\ multor at poatofllce, Mtu1on, Michl~nn, und('l' Aet heard just nhout everything de­ partnership was fallwr and ~risis- of· ~Ktch 3, 1879 . 4 HosPI'l'A~ PLAN covers a bi'Oad range employ~r about Blue Cross • Blue with nothing settled. We sons. LESS S~ENDING of benefits (up to 120 days of care) in Shield today.! . 'SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oloplny nd•·crti•lnc rntoo on Ill<· should at least !mow more about (l'ofilblc 111 Advonco) pllon\lQn, Buoln••• loo•l• nn~ rond· the questions because of the de­ Let's sec, I gneRs it's 1,1cxt Tucs, N.O NEW TAXES•. One 7r•\1' In l~··{ham and· ·· ~ In~ notil•ol'\ on' fue~ und local pu.gos, hates and arguments, even If we day that we vote for .president. adjni.1in~r co\IOtiO" ...... S2.fi0 ~;.,. u lin,e. No rending nr buHinell~ At this time next week you can One Y' ·u· nutttlclo Inghnm nnd ud\'t:l'liHinst lrnsa ,thun r~O~j Curd or clon't lmow the answers. ELECT FRED M. aulJoiulng lr.nntlp!!i ...... 3,00 Thunka, \c n word. AnnouncomontM buy a lot of campaign. advertls· ~LGER. GOVERNOR · Six mnntll•'ln' Jn~hnm,und· of cntcrtnlnmonta where nlan to t•nloo fmul• ., Faut• month• ...... 1,00 muot be pnhl nl toRnlnt• mtc•, there wcr~ 110 11111\W~l'!l w. one a lot of political prophecies which NOV. 4. REPUBLICAN. t11r m.m hospUal and m_edical . ' . Single copl•• '""""~"'"'"'"""""' .oo .. . ,- · ', I!Ommand ami to one . question, didn't .Jell. and many· a political , c~mmamd was, ·~Get out or promise which didn't draw a vote, services for more people I lntJham County News Proceedings of Board of Supervisors Oct. 30, 1952 PaiJc 3 c1 r H

    AOI~ IS NO ~AFJ~GllAIW-TheJ 1e not IMJmomzmg 111 l llm bel shop Cjll

    J. C. PONTON, M. D. 307 S. Rogers

    Office Hours 1 P.M. to S P.M. "f In 1\lrw 1 t lu• 1\ill'tnal tlnw l h:i . Ide·:,- '1'\lill'::dn)' :tt'l<'l'liffii'<'Jl, r t·:ntl'i••:, ~ef t,tllllt II'-" s, lll'fllllisl's till' l'llil lllislne~s lor !ills urea;• tlwy hl'iii'VI' nil unlmnls ntlll oulslamllng PXr rliii'S will hi' II ilellt•i' lllil!'l\f'l ll!iill IIH!Y illl\'i' t!l'fl't'l nf nrllt'if'ial lights In port!· for rJ One-Man l•'arm'l" In llw --to rl'ady tlwm fnr 111111'1\C'I, Pre:;. ltSI'ci for laillt• m.lll\l'ls. !ill' fl'l!il ilroil, \I'IH•n• IIH•J'P Is try housc•s and fill' au! 1111111 h>uves N IIVt'lll IJPt' l:;su<' oJ' C'n ppr•t·' s on• r•onlpPiilioiJ. Wr• t'illl .•;r•ll sta,\'lng long!'!' on trl'cs f'losl' to idenl C'lwrlt•s An:-;pnl'it r1f Cen· tral Mlt-hignn r·oilt•gt!, MI. Plt•as· : of our frull al I'Pinll IIIHI 11'1' 'HI'<'"' lights. "DIIil',\'nwn ill'!' looking fill' In nn lmpot·f i ng pt!iH'II sr•t·· nnl, will SIJl1il\\ nl tlw Pt'lns\wy WIIVS In lllt:I'I111SI' lll'rd;; \\'[IJHllll llnnqiiPI fo'rlclny noon nncl lhPn• WE REMOVE so frull ic: t'iiHV lo st'll and Misi'Pillrn~·., . Swim• l'l'j'.'ii}l!'las rna't\lng 1111• Job Inn illg fnr Oil•' l'li!J(H V,ood fii'I<'!'H ...' is nwl;ing ltPadway mnong llll'lwy will ilf' anafll!l'nnonnudloil. Dt'IHI OJ' nisublt•tl rtol'l\s, !•'our· to li·rnnrillHrld toms man In IHLIHiil•. LaiHll' is sr•ar•u •------1 Sc!ven y1•ars e~go I fan~~c~n pur· and high prlt•t•d," is tlw prnil\Pilo llorsl's and Catf.le lllillllllv affl't'll'rl. Dl;;easr• no! ~~~ ii!'J'f'S lot'illl'd ill Allrt!· wilii'IJ 1111' lll'lll'lt•. lwlps SCJI\'P lot tll'f't!ss'nrily falal If modcmil<' .\llll 01111'1' l>'ru·rn fiiiVIIHhip. 'l'ilt•l'll 11'1'11' lllHil,\' many clalr,vrnl'n. nwl llruls of lrP:tl nwnt 111'1' fc d­ Anlnmls tippiP lrc•t•s !hill fwd ln•t•JJ Tltr• I() d;til',\' npet'llllons whi.:il Dr. M. J. Green iClWI'd . . . Fa rnwt·s prwlur·url f'i'(t•d lOI' \'f'III'S, ,fi'I!S ilf!JJr•Vt•d pt'ClVIdro "ansii'I'I'S strnlghl fl'fllll V~''l'I~HINAHIAN :thCJllt 20 linws mon• mmnwrdal FOH I'IWm"l' SlmVJCI~ I lill'l'f! \I'lL~ il l'f'illopfHJJ'ltiiJily fann expQl'i('IH'C" ili'P t IHJ!-i£1 of bmiiPrs in l!l;)IJ'ihan they rlicl in Prnnlldng ut Um rurm"r lnru· 'rJo;LJo:I'UONJ•: (;OJ,U:C'l' '1'0 o df'Vf'itJjl 11 f( l'honn MnHun !1701 Valley Chemical Co. fl'llrn Dl'tllllllrl;, l11• lrwl lu•t•n 11 mnnlh 11go anrl almost r\oublP 11 1 year ago .. , AI f'atra Sl'l'tl pt•mlur:• Kalhai'I'Z,\'1\ and Giron Huxtl't' IIl :!00 f'olonit•s of bl't'S will! "Handling herds lii

    l'ar \\'11.'< SmJH' o( 1111' 11'1'1'.' W<•rc• loo old 11111• it'I!Vt·~. 'J'liis nwlliod allows jmacil'. At litis lime the .1. II. Hale, Plan a Festival l'iear out Clf sigh!, <'I'('Jl in old a good Yl':tr l"r liorl!',\' prorlJIC'· lo jllodw·e l'Co.llolllit•ally. Mflst of nitrog!'ll lo l11• appiiPci 11s IH'i•rlecl. l•'airl!avPns ami .July Elbcl·tas burns withoul !no mtll'h in lilt• lion. tlw old llaltlwrn ln•t•s lim·r· ht•t•n The applco IJo't•liarcl is spi'IIYCtl wcm• planted along will! it [I'll' "More exhihils tl1an 1!1'1'1' he· way of equipnwnt." n•rnov<'d, hul ahoul Sll "f IIH• \Vilt-~1:2 to I~ linws" yl•ar. The n:gtt· Golden .Jubilees, fore" Is the promise marie visitors l!·r lliln<~na lt't•c•s .~I ill I'C'IIlain. Iill' spr1ty l'ali'JHiill' as cit'l'elop~d Eigl1l lnrndrrtl bushels o[ to I he sixll1 annual Michigan I ur­ The"'' Wl'!'f' pl:rntr•.d in IDIS arul lty ,\fil'lligarl Stall' l'fliiPr~c is pc;tclws were pmtlucerl !his year l\f'Y fPslivai n;>xt week at Civic Ingham County News are lil!'gt•, prorlttr·IJ\'t' tn'("' liD\\',, fuillifltllr iflllfl\\'t•tl from r•arly in and 1111 1\'l'l't' :-;old at llw f!u·m. Growers auditorium in Grand ]{apirls .•J. Potato YOu-· CAN EA·s ILV Among I lie oldt•r ln•r•s \1'('1'1' Mf'- llw '•PI'iiig urltil lal. • . ' ''. :. : :. ' . ', arf' !'l•ad~· to piclc and causes tlwm of the j'Piiow npples HI'C solei to • 1. ,1 , l G p Ill Thurscla•· lugil selwol 111 Montcalm cotlnty. tL'IIIing-will ourlast your home- l_ht ~·11111 ,uulll•r. liutl Js [,nrl\\n lo liilll" o 11 tit• .,. f .. ·•·I apple pie eompnnies in Dclroil. •l MllCJliC llr•nt '"' 1 IICfs '! 1 •1 \ICL c , ...... :'>/ovr.mher (i, al the Pant lind c v a c !OJ~ o, . • · -- ' f1rcproof, rorproof, vermin·~ . , · .. · . , . , , nr I 0 riro· lleavi<'l' mariwlings of c•altle' in rluc,lion as it has on livestock Dry your old cows up early, VOTE FOR A LEG65P.ATURfE "'HAT l!l:i:J lllil)' resLill in ·some further feeding. anci break your heifers into the REPRESENTS YOU rledinl' in pr·iccs farmers receive millnsn nf swirw, VPsJ(•ulnr K~nn· 1110' patrsllrg NflVf'llillf'l 11 lo I dill'~~~ du•rT.Y ph• lo fnllt•nlng up 11 lii·n Snt.uJ•clay nocm. Hill Snufor·d ancl Duvt• 'l'mrs­ tiiSJIIIS('d of. 11 lflrtl1 111 llrl'il' pnsl. ,1'1'111''~ dJHillpion HII'Pr. I 111'11111, hilS IIJljll'lll'f'ti in Wnsh­ sainf. wc•J'I~ on Llwh· wn,v lo sc•e Uw !HiehigmJ-l\linnc'­ 'l'llt• tllsPaSt• is SJII'Patl primarily ill'llif•l'l'/llf'Jil•,, 'l'lu•y lll'f' Ill!' •I-ll in l't'f'Pnl 1'1'11\'S 11 llf'W llllf'rt•sl l(!llHW Pnunly, nr·t•llJ'tllng lo Dr. lill'ollgh llll• i"Pc•lilllg 111 lllH'Ool\!'d JHl'isi•li I'll ill mt•nilu·r·;, "I lt\1• slul•• wlm lin laiPIII. 1'111s lu•Pn dlspiii\'Pd sollt foot hall g'lliiH' in Ann ArhoJ', As tlu•,1' Ll'l' Davb~1111, slnll' l'l'if'l'lllill'lflll, garhill!''· '1'1!•• f1•d•·r nl illll'<'illl of 'J'Jh• tlJSf'IISP lll'l'ln'l'(•tJ Ill! II JiHI'· hii\'f' 1\11[\IHillp 1111 f'lilhn,llll'd !l.~> .. ,lllll0/11( 1111' lllC'IlllH'I'S, 'f'hl'.\' ~Jill'·/ U111 l<'l'uin fn•·m hlllllt' on Bansvillt• •·oacl, t.hPy sJill'c! illllllliil llltlliSII'\' is I'IIIIJII'I'iillJJf: 111111 pr11.J"'"' arnl dl'l' ll'l•llntlfl Wlll·,lldparr• In 1111••111 shows In IIH'Ir· llamPs lt'UJiillg' 1111 lh1• outside' of the• diimnc•.r,' '.l'lu•y h;q~•··ll•t•tling pn•rniSf• in Snll'lll \\'llli thf' di'Jiill'illll'lll of IOII'I!ShJji. ~llt·I!J;:IIIl 11'1' 11 1'11\'lli•"i, t'flllnliP:; and lalrr· lniw Jldl'l in l'llshc•d 1o tlw dtHH' :md no1ilic•d J\1 •·s. Jt'J'uin. n;.:l'l•·llltur·" and Jlll.\'H flllf'·iwlr or f:l'llf'llill~ liiii,IJ()II flll'lll filil\JJit•s Hlilll• I'OillfJPIJiiflll Ill IJlf' anlllldl A qtHII'itlllirw pl'fllrlhiling 1111' 1111' irHII'IIIIIil.l' n11 IHIJ~;; lhttl an• illlllllirll,l', lilt' i\lif'illgull l'llflJll'l'll· .'-llulr>··l·ll Ci11h Show 011 lhl' MiciJ· But 11w cll'ighhol'ly acls clicln'l Pnd t hel't!, 'l'lw :2 llH'll IJI(J\'1'111<'111 fli any J!llgS hilS iJI!I'II fll'd<'l'l'd .Ill IH• hlilllgilil'l'l'll. l~lll'l,\' li\'1' •·xll•n,Hion t·'f'll'ir'l• SJIIIII!il'l:i lf.(d/1 :-illill• mllf'gf' l'lllllflllH, J•:a:d helped lug l't tl'llilllt'l~ and clothing from the 1hr·Pu IL'twd house. pltll'l'tl 1111 Norlillif'lrl, S:iiPrn, ~;II syntplnlll'i of lhfl disPa~l· un• 1111• 1·1 I l'luh Jll'r,f.(lill!l. i\.lfl!'f' lllilll Lansi11g. . They helped flt'l!nWil extinguish I he tlnnws. JH'I'ltJr', n11tl i\1111 .\rli111' 1111\'ll.~hlps, i:llnt•rws;; nl' 1111• artirnals. SIVItll! in \V;rshlt'llll\\' f'Ollllly; l;l'l'l'lltlill\ I 1,11,)11 llfllllls 1111tl flltlr•r hll\''i 111111 ~:diollll'olllps, I'Xjlf'n~•:·pll!d ll'lp:~ at <• IIH• only 1\lntl of animals af­ Snnfo1·d and Toussaint IC'I'I in linw lo pmlmhly SI'C nw•;l lflll'll'ihlp i11 J..Jvlngsl"ll c·nunry; I!II'J:;. IIC'If'd ll.i Vfllll/llf'f'l' l·•·lldf'I'H 1" n:riJtJJIII I llH'I:l!ngs' and prizl'.'i lf•l'lflil 11,\' IIH• di~l~'iiSI'. !11!' 1tl11111'il ~~.111111 lfll'iil dulls 111'1' l'ill'n(·d l1y mPnrlwrs who 1al\1• of the gamn, hut thniJ· elollws and fal'es 1\'l.'l'l! :; 11111 cJgvrl with and Ly"":' ar11l Not'lhvillr: tiJ\1'11· liliJIIWhrtlll IIH· Sllll". ill !illilt.:·Wicil• I'OTlljll')ilitlll, smollll­ :if!! S, ,if•lft•J'Sill! l'lilllll' :!H'!fll lllilll'l"' (JIIill'ls, •I limPs llil' in !l )'Ciirl.v milking }J('I'intls, l'DV- i , 17,~111)() odist chut·ch. Rice spent the laic ::;ummN· and fall carinu, r·or iHu .. ,on pmtlilf'l ion of ll!f• :JVf'l'ilgP lJ. S. ('t,"irrg :1 11.'1"1 ol :2,!1:,,.1 ""Y'· Jllr· ~~n89, ~~·.nJani'(.WS ('(!\\', ' hrglic•st Slllgl<' milk l'l'l'IJitl \l'fl• ll\?~d~~ ~.¥ ~ uUII.III.'i;;! Ius wit'e. She was allle to look out the window Saturday lo l;ee the com picket'S at work. La•·;;•· :\nintul fiHJ'Ill ('all~ L1·m:ll'lan Monlvi(' Hag Appl1! llliitlf• Ill till' :lgt• trl !l .\'f'ill'!i \l'llf'll !lR ltl ' • . . . II HosP lin:. protllJ('Pd n loUd Ill' slw jll'otillt:!'tl 17,:1":; Ills iJI' milk f"ailn U~neetlnlf'l Mr·s. Rice died Sal urday night. 'imulf,\llilllub lw AJIJIOIIIInwnl lll'l 1.,., II . I 'II· I I -rJ I at · , ,· _, Js o 1111 , anr · ,o, lls 1111d ii:,;; Ills "f llutll'rfnl, ll1•1' ~ Whilc• out on 1\I,'rulian I'Oad, i eoniinm•1!1 Ill:, 11 1 '1'111' :\Iiiii nnrlliill nwr.linf.r 11f llw squash pilc~ isn't as hi~h as last yt•ar·. 'A'hosP llllilk Sill: has hr•pn classified for ~!ii.. ~Jigdll r>l:IJ.. l'rllfi~{('('J';H' as~O· late sumuwr frosts nittJIC~d till' cJ•np IJt'forc• iL l'oulll Stale Farm Insurance Company's typ<~ anti :<<·flt'f'fl "Vl't',\' 1!""'1." ~·~;,,ron \\'Ill l11• liPid 111 I• :un·.hrld 1 he~ han•estl'll. Hut Uw g'iaut SIJUash thai Wt'l't' har­ 'fiiAT means feeding your hens enough of our IJUnlily Lvmarlr111 1.: .. ,1' l'it'lit• 1\lan (). ! IH•alll' 1111 tl11• t•amprts ol MrciJt· \'C'S1 t•d al't~ JH'I'ft'd Slll'eillll'JIS, \Vai·, :t rflg-isll'l't'lj [ Iohl<·!n c·ow in. r:rtn Sli!l£1 f'oiJ,·gt•, l·;riSI Lnnsing, f'gg mash to keep them bying nl full eupucify. Ottr l~gg Auto • Life - fare IJH' !iillllf' l11•rt1, lias n•t'l'illl'.' lrw.~l 'l'llii!'Hia", DI•J(•!'alt•s Pi!'t'l!'tl Hicc grows Silver and Golden iluilbal'ds, hull Cl'lllll and d11st•d lwr· long lil .. rirlH• of lli;:l1 11'"' lhf' lfi,ili~O '.~~.~·nrlier;;. fmm. 11/:i bulten:up squash and a lot of other ones that I can't re­ l\Ju8h supplies the bulunced nutrients to make nil Jhose egge ~fS~NAr-l!D ~. WILSON, Agent jiiUrlllt'tion IIJI:ilillg I:?JI,~>Sfl Jl" of icep your flock he:tlthy. Come in toduy, LN us tell Y"U l.Jrought home a pump!<: which ;;;t nels f\ indws high. Sill' l'f'f:(;il'(·tl ~ milkin~s dail•: ir; day St'ssion tlurrn;; whieh I lwy I in a 1 more 11bout profilable year 'round t·~~ Jli. ' ' its lest year rc•c·t>ntly. Till' pmrhll'· I • 1 J t " •miJ.ie< 11 is "So \VIlitl '?" Dr. Cli f. W. H. Fresht~ur of Mason I'C· j fnrrl ,\J. llnnlin, aetin" dean of liqn nw•mgr•tl apprm:irn.tll•ly 21l I :H:i W. CohHnhia l'honP :i:l·ll ~~m ~r: """ .!!.!!r~'~~tn:.~u u~, , " ('C'Iltly so ill a regislr•rctl Holslt•in - ""' a. 1 111 A ilmrul Sfl\1' is nu pmfil lo yon uulcss slw's By J.nnc• lloo•lmm,, II lit' '' 'g'' of nr,rir•uiture, is in· huiilo Clifford J. Foslcl' of .Jack· quarls daily for r·a~IJ <'It\\" in IIJC County Ae,ricultural A1:cnt ll:ltHil:d among lhe ;;pealwrs ::\llcl son. l101'ci for li!C' )'car. I fill llf•f' 1\':t~· lo l'a•·•·nwiug. With Wng'lm \VhPt•l , · I '.VIII 11111 o~" aw:n·dwrll he Jnlroduced ly tlo hf'ifPI' flmn !IJOSJ' 11'11 1111 fhl' sow. Jar;ll. and IJet•iltl.'c lw lm·ed Amt•J.,and also 11'111 l~c f~llcsts of l!w :\~'1\ fo'Oi: SO\V·LAC A'l' THESE DEAI.Jms im and mrvl'd for himself :t J~l·udu<·f'r." orr;antzalJon al I he ~a· place in a land .where IJe slarleci t1ona.l i\It.lk Producers Fecl~ralron II'JIIJoul a rloll:n·. 1 c:;:pcl'iallr lil;e mt'Pimg 111 J\.IJ;:nla, GPorgta, No· liH' i"'''lll hy Slrull!ers ·Burl, l't•r:ltJer H .lu 1.3. , . wllit'IJ n•nrls in rarl-- C.UI'S'.s. ~n allendance\ wtll Ill· My pcopiP carnJP 10 lhis r·ounlt'Y ,<·lt:riP ol[{~·J<,JI~.ol lh~ st.a~e _rlcp:rl· . 1 II , f me nt ul .JgflllliluJf, s1.1fJ mun· J n 110 (I•r o I 11 anr 1 lih was 1'1'•'· . lVJ' · Sl 11 So I lhink llw onll' lltirw T can 1'"''' nl J rc 1ligan a 1c co cgr:, I ' ~ 11('\I'SjHljll'l' l'epi'CSPilli\lll'es and do ' pPr;:onnc I 1· mm a II'ICC I cI aii'Y. tn· . ]I ar,110 member~ h.Y ], "tl 11 1111' \l'onwn o[ lhe Peoples Haslett 'Ol' I<' l fJ(}( 111 }:! 1 l'UllS in 11\P, , Producers Elevator Co. And God hlc;;s all lhe clnpping- churcl1. The clcclrnn .of ·I mem· Long Bean & Grain Co. lil'lcis ht'rs to lill' hoard of clrrC'ctors lor WilliamstoD Fmrn ·llw mounl:tins In lhc Sl'd, 3-ycar terms will he thr concluci­ Eaton Rapids And granl llwl 1 walk likP a ing busiru:': ~~--~-~~~·· ff'HrlP:;s man I For llw blu(J(I IIJHI runs in me. 11: i l9S p• l'nr .siek lo '.11~alh. even .as ,\"CHI n:i]fatl 1gs CHOICE OF TWO GREAT CABS in this Ford F-1 Pickup! an.>, oJ the poltltcal Sln(!anng go- If 3 EuHier lotuling-low 2-ft, Ooor-Lo-ground londcd lwighL! ing on da;: nft<•r dar. Hussia W'll lUI k M 1\"0llid have 'me I bus cor; fused Hlld ~ ~ §'Ina e oney if possible kee11 me from the poil;; 1 rn November. 8til rlccp in my , Miehigan fnrmcrs have a much I memon· is a nocm hy .fohn Pier- bigger >2 feeds. This year, · God. will! lhc favrorable com supply, A PHD is mighty fine to have lhc smnrt farmer will hnve his httl a pair of BVD's i;; warmer. 1 SOli's Iarrow cariiPr to ::::ain the Allis-Chalmers H you meet a highbrow tlon'l rctt1rns of lhe lugher prrces. for get woniccl. He's only a common pork in Aug_usl, Moxley _aclvJses. one gallon in' seven! SHARES guy ecltwateci bevond his intelli· They also WJil boost then· over­ gc~ce. · oil hog prorluclion lo lake ad· A-C shares have the extra- I hearcl a joke al a 4-H club vanlage of the Iecd Iiley lHIVC. strength design shown Point reinfot·ced with meeling llwl said a rooster car- 1I farmers have equipmenl to Get a new ford Pickup here. The white dotted 1 • hard metal for greater rietl the least luggage when he lal;c care of earl~ _Pigs, the~ an line shows shape of or­ strength. 1 went traveling, because all he had shoulcl brccrl sow.s wllhm the n~xl now ••• start saving dinary plowshare. Allis­ wns a comb. Who snys so? Any few.weeks. to have February Jar· Chalmers adds extra steel dairyman knows thai il's th~ :ol~t.ngs. Gtlls lo il~ usecl as orzr' up to 14% on gas! and reinforces the share 2 Greater thickness heifer chat carries the least lug. M\IS/Sllo~tlrl he~ 01 9 monlhs. c:, in a straight line behind • throughout- plus extra· gnge. She's only got a little bag. at leas I 200 lbs, w~ll·f?rown .'~\ ~ In the Economy Run, Ford rrruck owners the point. thickness of hard facing "'As I would not he a slave, so not ~oo cta.t, sa~ 1\:!~!IHg~n STIIl'e' , Only FORD gives lmpt cost records of gas, oil, and service at point of greatest wear. I would not be a master This ex· eollc,e oWlllc specJdlists. ) cJtolce of Y-8 or SIX! (but not h1c~uding fixed expenses, such as Let us show you presses my idea ~r d~mocmcy. should. he separated from ~he taxes, license, insurance, depreciation, etc.) the shares welded Whatever differs from this to the Iherd, gti'CI_l paslur(~ :md an oat· Cboo~e either tho famous Ford Submerged melt . , ' heavy rattan. ... 3 out of 4 Ford F-1 Pickups ran for ~ built for more ====~•- for greater strength. 'fruck v-8, now 106 h.p., or the extent of... the dtf~erencc, l.s no 1 A good mixture fot· sclf·feccllng ull•now Low-Fnrc1'toN 101-h.p. less than 2 ~~¢ a mile! OVIR 7 CU. FT. MORII PAYLOAD SPACE ·· acres - ~2.=:.:::::::.:::: ·Welds are stronger than de!"o~racy." Abt?ham Lmcoln would hl• 1 SOD lbs of ground oats, nnd curries a full ~.;-tonloud. Supported CoS't' CLIPI'~n S1x that 'Auve~ up only the.original metal. saJ(l rt. Who ean •morave on It'? -----~-----·----·-- to 14% on gUH! Ford offers the aU-new Low-FuiCTION load cupncityoftho l~ord Piclmp io a full • "Democracy means nol am' cularlty is always confined to the 'I engine in any Pickup! Cuts f1·iction power· 38.8 cu. ft. to 31.6 cu. ft. as good as you are,' bt\t 'You are pig. v.9 ~ompnrod wasto! Saves up to 1 gallon in 71 · in tho next lcadinu mu kc! as good as I am.' "A Reverend "Get acquainted with your Pa\lwr said that but I'm sure we neighbor. You might lilce him," is all 1 feel a deep responRe Ia its an old saying but the solid truth FOR~ USED TRUCKS challenge. of it isn't always practiced. A snob Is anybody who puts up Try smiling at a stranger. It • • • come In for the beat , • , FORD· IRUCKI LAU LONOIIU a big front to hide what he hasn't might give him the lift. he needs Uolna lotos! roalslrollon dolo on B,0~9,000 llui;lts, deal In town I FORD TRUCKING COSTS LESS lllo intuJonco o>pDJls p1own fOld Trucks IO!IIone•rl t;:ot! , , I and your own face won't suffer ~.c.A. ~t isn't the quantity of our any damage. • yields that counts. It's the quality ·"Money talks," I've heard it • of b,l1i; youth: . · · said. But after a rich man Is cleacl, . J:.. pig makes a hog of himself. it's h~~ heirs who tallt louder. Th,at~~ th(! .natt~re. of. the beast. Tr·y giving yom• wife a compll· Roy Christensen B[\t when a man' at· a luncheon men!'. If it doesn't kllllter It may clllh lets out his ·belt 2 Inches It cure her. In either case you're the multes a. guy wonder if that pe. whmer. I lugl111111 County New~ Od 3U, 1~5:.! U~GAt, KOTJCE~ AN EDITORIAL: Which Conforenco Do You Think Would flatter Preserve Poaco? 'l\

    Or This?

    Tho g calc t problem facing America today is ~~ HOW DO WE STAY OUT OF WAR-WITH HONOR? \ In tho showdown wluch surely l1es ahead, which of tho nomlnaos Eacnhawer or Stevenson do you want to hava speak for you In a moot 1no w1th Slalln and Churchill? Wh1ch man do you think Stalin would foar and respect? EISenhower has had vast oxpo11onca In world affairs dur1ng pcr1ocls of bath hal and cold war LOOK behovoJ ho Is lncom­ l!arabty bettor prepared far tho Pro11doncy "The Big Sky" Playing at the .fox Fox Thcntre movie goeNJ will Oct. 30, 1952 Section 3 have plrmty of excitement server! THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS \lfl to them In the coming wee!\, I Ji'ridny IITJII Snturr.tny tan~ will ba nlcutt au an cxpcrlcneect moun• _.,...,,fl...... ,....co,..:..,, UANJ\8 :llla Lll'lll l'hl snrnrlly nl ~;Jstnlll'f! of' till! Gll'l Sc.'oi.IIH, iiiPY lvll'H, ::Helin lllll'~lmliln, 0:.!, dlrrl f\lrs, '-ill/.111\nl· illlllf.(il Jolrwrl 1111• 1 llc>rl ('t'fiill'·Ml'<'d 111111 pklwcl tip nl hl!l' hnnw on Hlgl1 Hil'C>r.t Ocln· fP'IliiJl 111 this tim''· f\Jr·s. N Jl'llfi[ng lllltl 1'1111· August 11 'IH'JO 11 1 1 1 11 J 1 rs.. ' 1• llnnn, fl'l'Bhnwnls. l•'cdi11WIIlf.( llw lnnl'il· Meets Thursday j Jll' ()g)' il Ill n·fn·shnlf'IIIS \\'1'1'1' :. '!'Ill' Jll'll(lil' pri'S('Jil 1\'l'rl' Sf>llll'rl IIIII f.(fl Ill Ilit' dly llilrar~·. Hl'i'f'l'· Wlllli;llllili:ll r:ll,'ll~l~'pa:::( ~~~~.·;:Ill'~~ IIIJII'flns. nrl!slclt•r~,IIN:!\V nl'l'lc·~l'H :Jll'l;led fer eon IIH• hrldP-to-hP DfH'III'd 111'1' 1 1 1 1 many i~ift:-;, Mls,; Mun·a.v hm1 Sl'l ,hh·H. Hmvar·r 1 illgl' rs 11 J was , S<'l'l'l'ci 11,1' I lw hos II'SS, assi.st I'll al ,;mil II I11 hiPs, '1'111' dl'l'!ll'ill ions <'11<'1! honi ., \I till" i> 11 r I 1 r lnrg•1• HI'IN·tillllnf Jicllon, Jll,"s,·tc:t·.·,•, ntrg, ny ll .ans ng anrl Ml' vin ':. ·" " • ~ H l'l, •• Hllf : I'H. ITIIIII; l'imlrmnn, Mrs, Laura Lay·, Oil I'II llrl H l'i.'l'l. 1'11111 ' 11 !Jl'(, .. h ' I h llll I [I If II ll gp ·' wlllr lhr: 111'1111'1] fiii'('(!H In Kumll', l•l·lll1(.I(Uililollri Ill llllidlli>(. ::lUll· v'it'f'.·l'llo'lii'JII'olll 1\11'" l•'li•'tlllntlt ., -n~J''t'llt ( · ·JJ 1 "t r tl " 1\l'lllot l1nX ad\'l'lllllrl' nnrl t•rllii'Cillnnnl JlflIIJlllil'YI''l Ill \Vi'IJI•trllSlflll' Cly p;,II•IJ!ii: 111 till' ll'l'ialnr.•r:· pliiyt•d sullabiL• nlttSl<' fv~· Wardell of Crunrnings, anrl 1\Ir. ;~nd Mr.-; .. \\iayrw Ht•alty 11'.(' J.esson No. ·1 nnlr!xliJP piilnllng <11' 11 1 1 11 llnh!Jitl to till' liollll' Mr. nt1d 11<11!11' of J\'Jr··· Zun Moon• i\11 111ri'l; 11 I ill' Jll'llli 1 'IH • 11 rnr 11 11'1 1"11111 Mrs. l~va. Alll'n of Tvllo; and a ' Blrs~IIPI~I s•. ;uH!ay lo attend ."' wan glvn11 hy Mrs. Olive Smllh, !vlrs. L. 1'. I•:Jghnu•y. 1\Jr·s. llnhhiiL vant11gr of ltll' man.v llllll·fktlon 1 '" ' ' . · . ' · '' ' '· ''dt' ' ! Till' sPnic·tl'd till• followtllf( ol'flcr·rs IIJ!IIII 1111' pia~ form, votl'rl, wa!l\l!rl sdwol will Jli'I'Sf!lll ils annu:ll Fttneral :;r~rvlccs wr.rr IH!Irl liPid Mrllwrhsl c•hureh. Mr. CIIHI r ''". N · 'J .!.II ·· " N" · i.lf'l'fllllJlilllll'd 1111'111 lo Flfll'ida, 1 1 1 l1•aving I\1IV Ill~ 1,1' ~: y I! slOW I ,, I I I f I l II I IIHml wllh I ill' amwcl forTI's. Mrs. 'co,"t"J'," to !Jc.• lls('li ciiiJ'in,•; l3<.ool,· man, AmPila lll'llt.lc!y; and lll'l'.'s illl'iJff I'tnr ''lll>ttl'li'l''- 1\·!III'i'lt"' llu• lllisslit:ld <'illll'r:h from IOJ:i holt, ll1rs. Carrll• llnnt, 1\frli. Mom'OI', Wl!\t•'Jnnrlr unrlr.r lllf• ~illf!t•rvi~;ion l•coii • · L t •'·• .~, Lt.lllnrris D. Lease, snn11f Mr. 111 .I'JI'I filurl>·s \Vylit• 11 n1l !\'Irs ..Julia 111 Mt·. and Mrs. l•'ra11k Eiilon arP of Grnt:c firnllh. Jn•ne l'rt•slon and 7.1•1'1l :V!oo . j Ill" .a 111 01 ; Stephen Bmwn, and Mrs. Hoseoe Lease, is sc!rving · · · f"hamht'rlaill alti'Jifiecl ilw Delroll 11 Jli~'CI'riin:: op('ninl~· vlsllinf.( lill'il' S<>ll·in·lill\' nllfl c• • '13 ·•I I ('i ., 11 ··II IJI"PM'Ill<•d IIH· IPs•,on on lt•:o:trlt· Th"'"' lllllrii'ling illl' f'llllillng Dll'k Lath:mJ; Homann, Nlla now aboard lhr. gusollne lanlwr Mrs. Br's:' . Abbott spent r"IIJl· Arthur of Hnsli•IL 'I'IH• Mr. ami i\IJ'ti. Wl(llam WyliP liiiiHII~<•rc·hirofs, ln;:!l~l'snl, ~1.11!~, ,lur~ i\r.leliJI'~·g Mrs. Kat<' 1\inf.(, !\l\owecl cnlt.m•d ,Jiclr·.', of ilrl'i r 1rip, tnwc!ls, "' r·. l.iohnson, .Ir., 1\lrs. C. B. Rmllh, Titer~ "n• ·I giriH in llw hobby plies fuel nil and gasoline to ships A~lt•llx•rgs ~t". t•avt• snon lur a Iand Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Adams 1 111 1 Colll:t' and Mr.,, 1\lusa Sampson tt)rough I he lcm'i lrrsl y 1 .~ 1 r,. of 1 f•'o!Jnwing the !Psson. lundl wits,. ,Jr., 1\lrs. l•:arl l'iil'dlmnn, Mr:;. L. sox hl'lgac!P, 1\nn I\IIHJI4('. Dnnna of tlw Atlanlic Flr.cl, and is \\'IIJit!r ' ol'li n. spent Saturday <'VI'ninf.( in Ens! Wl'l'l! dinlll'l' gtll'sls of Mrs. nvrthrm ~lir:lilg~ "'"' ·liH' ·i\!c··rsnVf'd hv tltl' ho~;less. . '1'. !io1-cnsoll, Mts. Holwrt Tohliis,l Y~ag: Tlw funds rh•rived from !his Q Es Ch t ill!d friends in St. Louis Sunday. w!Jerc• llwlr cliitlf!iller, Ann Kalil· nelh, pliiyPfi in S:tlllrduy's g-ame. (Conlimll'd 011 l'ugt• :q sli11\l' ill'l' liSI!d by IIH• sorority for , , , ap er Mr. ilJl(J Mrs. E. T. Crossman ryn, was a ml'lllhi'l' nf illl' qu~en's c:IJiit'ilaiJII' pllrfliiSPH. Last year were in East Lansing- Saltirda.v r·ouJ·t. TIH•y atll'rHit•d the football h ( Oct. 30, 1952 Page 2 Ill<')' lwlpc·tl )llll'ciliiH' an iron llmg Has Annual Meet 1~\'!'nlng. g'llllll'. lng am ounty News f11r poli" suffr·rPrs. Tile annual meeting oJ 11w Wll· Jiamston Cltaptcr No. 2!1, 0. E. S., Methodists Pia~·· was lwlrl Tu!'srlay evening, Oclo· ber 1'1, wil h Worlhy Matron Hope Thompsml. a!lly Traver, ;-.J11:a Hull anti Mat•· Sei'VC, fOI' We Will handle Jhese ing wecl>. 'file guest minister will Igarcl Jol~nson: 1 h~y wcra .~re· 11Hlll~' problems efficiently, IJe Jlc,v. \Villinm Brown, pustor of scntecl Wttil gifts 111 rccogmt10n ancl our t•cput a lion is your as­ lhc Montague Methodist ehurch. of lhelr 100'i! atlcmlancc at nil smnncc that everything will Also during the wccl< the lay-~ meetings rlurmg the year. bu handled satisfactol'iJy. \ mr~n of lhe chUI'CII will be doing !he annual reports W!!re re· 1 friendly visiting. On Sunday, No-~ cetvcd and the worthy matron vcmher n, at .1:30 p. m. there will gave a report nf the grand chap. be a mass meeting in the I. M. A. ter sessions. Williamston c·haptcr rntdilorittm in Flint. Several ear· rer.clvecl a eertlficnte of apprecln· loads from Williamston are tion for the <1 mail hoxes ami planning on allending this· meet· 100% cJ'!'Iciency tests of Its offl· ing. cers. · ·~>.- Marcella Griffith g-ave a resume Hiehnnl Hunt, son of J\lrs. Car· of the lef:islalion transnctcd ntl '"'?funeJta/..llome rie Ihtnt, and the youngest of ·1 the grand chupler. I ht' Thm;.sday nnd in qny ~ rnericaJ1. car 1 . socialistic game of cheap donltey.dollars. Thill~ 140-h;p, Rl!OW!ll'. It JPI\kl'lll Mr .. al')d Mrs. Frnnl1 h Ilit'! hrl;ry ;r nrrivr.•nHrr-y. l'III'H. 8nrl 1-lowo of Lansing Seniors Present der; music and Mrs. Emmn LeRoy vem\JeJ' 7, nt 8:00, 'l'hoHr! nttr.nd· ... IH Jlrw•·all'd ills home un \\'P.st Mlrlrlic Tlrn~r.• pr·ro~~:nl 1\'1'1'1' Ivll'. 111111 Mrs. unci ,Mrs. Clifton llncl' of Cold· ' wns qhnirmnn, lng HI'!.' In tnlw Ihell' fnmlly, !leo , J~rigagr•mr•nt slr•~CI, Mars l111 I, I•,c 1nn Jcu 1tnr1; ol'gnn· · frcshmeniH will be served. , .. Mr. nncl Mrs. William S. 'l'rlrnr!l' Mrs. l\Tusa Sarnpsnn, wlto lurt; Alvin 'J'ylr•r, l\tr .... 'l'••n,sa Kozma, wnt!!l' were Saturday viHltors nt I h~> l'o~ll VVomniP. home, 1st, Hnzr.l Kasper; ehaplnln, Mr.r· announee the cngngenwnt nnd np· IJ•'I'n spi!tHilng llw past ycnr wilh ~lr. and 1\lrs. TIH•mas :'pner:; nnrl Their Class ·Play Miss Mury Mullen left lhe fnt·m 1111 Copeman; !l!'r!rctnry, Gladys Mr. and M1·s. Roland Grahurn Mr·. nnd Mm. Leo Gl~·nn rnll ''' prorwltlng · rnanirtgo o1 tltclr 1\It·s .•fnnws CoLLer,' Sr., ltns n:· r;r•J'ilirline 'f'y\,•i' nf llowe\1, and Reynolds; tr·cnsurer, li'Jorence nnd Mrs. Tom Newton spent the on Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Droolcs Tu,•,,IIIIY In spend the winter In dnughtcr, Al!li!'S Lui'! lie, to Don- t unl!•ri In irer Ito me in Hay Cily, Jl, iiH•J'I, Ciurrir;s :rnri Ha~•rnond The senior play, "If Mother week enr1 at their cottage ul I~ricilty evcnlnrr, Ty\r•r, Dinnna \l'r•::l, Mr. unr\ Mrs. IH?t' hurnn In Detroit, 0 I I• " Amlrcws; and sentinel, Ivun Wll· , nlll Bru!'e Emery, :lnrl Ll. U. S. !laroirl 1Iunl anrl son, J\lrt n Y ~new, was presented nt cox. Stevens lnlte. Mt·. and Mr·H, Ivnn Lnmkc and l~rank 'i'yh•,· arid Wnyne of Mt. Mr. nncl Mrs. Elmer Frost en· 1 the Community hall 'l'hursduy Mrs. C!m·n Hnsklli, Mrs. Tvu !nmlly spent Suturdny in Detroit. Army, Lt. Emery is llre Hllll nl' il11n1, and William Ketchum PJrl! they nl· nl J.ai!rg,,iluq: :;p,•nl Jo'rlriay P\'L•· Louis nnrl Mld a natlon:rl mr.!'ling- of tli!! hns n. ni111~ '.'!siting lllP l:111r-r's mollleJ', Miss VIrginia Crnmel' huH Mnry, Clnudln Rodwny: Belly W!!l'l' sPrvl"cl. nt Bny City lnst week. Glyr~n Snturrlny evening. 'fhr. ~lassr>y·l !;nTis fmpiPrnr!nL mtn· sllll'i<'li worl\ al the Spurrnw lum­ 0. 1•:, S. !'Inns llnznur Mrs. lr'l'lll! C:;rll'lll, ;rnd fnmily. Lou, G!'11ee Adams: Connie, Vir· Mr. nne! Mrs. Elmer Nelson next party will be with Mrs. p:rny. ~11'. t" visiting lliPir l~l'a lluli;rrrl, all'! llrolhr•r, Marvin' 1eat 1e lunch nt noon and smorr:nslllll'li pm·ents, Mr. nnri Mrs. ,Jcsol! Mr. John Maxwell, Jim Reynolds; v E h d The Past Nohil! Gt·and eltlh met of Mro, l~rnnk J~verott Thursdny. J)t'IJII'JI, lr•fl <':11'1)' Salltl'llay 11101'11· o· t N 3 Glncl:~'s Gooch, Patty Pcrl prompt~! s, ~lliJ,m J~o?~'. n~d A.~· Sawyer wnrc an aqua l'rcpe ton scrcon IJOt'ch In summer. 1\lr. :rnri ,',!;·,;. 1'11'11. L1·1l1• wrl'<' donate baked goods. It slwuiri he lene Driver, and ushus, Sandlot dress witll blade aeccssorlrs, They <:oal bin and :;lllulm· l':rllvr,.; "I ldr. 'and Mrs. tnlwn to Mrs. Robert Foreman, Smith. Ella Reumann, Iris Renn wore corsages of yellow canHt· ll:r1' I iailll'l'. . Mrs. ntelz Glynn or Mrs. Frank nnd .Joyce Brailley. tions. he sure of tlw heut ~II'. ;;n,i :\irs. l'r •rl !llilr.:lwil Churclt before 9 o'cloeic Satunlnr, The hrlrin I party was served a you'll need in that first \\'t'Jc~ !~unrlnr r··:Pn:n~~ gttflsts of Nnvpn1 b<~r 8. wedding supper at the Tnrpoff }lr. :rn•i ;.rr·,;. Eny 1 1:1111•·::. Mrs. Ella King and Miss Jenn Restaurant in East Lnnsing, after "surpl'isc" cold fillllp, Call -~---~------·---· l3arltett spent lhf! weelc end with OES· Officers which tlw newlyweds left on n rt"'li11'. ;tlid lllr~. I::otill•';.JitJI l·lt·n tldwls suld Ill llwm. .Tm·k M<'· OLIJ,(h unr.l fnmlly of Liti!Hing vl>i· Sponsors Election nnrl (!lectlon forms are lllll BIH· nhle to got past IIH! Fowlerville Conltt•y Is t hu sponHor, Wygant. Her eommlttre Is Hr!sslo H£'11, ,Jean Crurldoclt, Don Wll· 20·,YIII'd !Inc. Iter! Mr. 11ntl MI'S, A. 0. lfl'!'l'll· Craft, Do rot ily Silull't't'lllll n 11 nrl 'l'lw '12111 grarl£~ government ntlgh nn£1 Mr. illlri Mrs. It M. Vr•r·n Camplirll, t:lnss Is spnnstwinr, a modt grm· llanm, Don lllce, Betty 81ssell, '!'he Aggie llnoup mnslsted of C:lltlpt'l :-irwvlrt~ Is Ut•ld Lullghlln Slllldity. ernl election, On Mnnrlay I'Pgis· Darlene Weldon, Alan C.emens Lnnec, Douglas, OcHier•Je, Hnrt·l 'l'he Oulober l'hapel service wns anrl Barham Bunlwr. Mt•, and Mrs. J~d Arnell of Lnn· Mr. anti Mrs, llohert l!uyllill' trntlon of voters was held for nil stift', Soule, Clemens, Nemer, Sly, heir! Thursrlny morning In !he sing Wf'l'i! WPCI( J•nrl guestH of nnrl fnmlly nf Olwmu~ Wl'l't' 'l'lw following student; will Kludents In tlw ninth through the Wnterslrndt, :-i!J(!rtthr.lm, Bt·owt:!r, high sdwol nssemhly mom. Mrll'· Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm .r:un['s, Saturtlny viHitors of Mr. and Mr~. 12th grades, work on tlm reglstrnllrm ar.d elec· Craft, Weld· high school ns~cmhly, Carl Or.s· 'rhiH J'i'rlday Hftcrn(](rn I·I;mlett qunrtet. composed of Ruth Ann ton, Billy Crumbnltel' and Pelet· Bush. Rlcc, Phyllis Harl, S nanne tm·le Is Demoeratlc elmlrman will go to Dnnsvllle fot• the !ina! AmlcrHon, Suzanne 'l'hompson, Kimler of .Tncltsonnnrl Mrs. Gl'ilr'P Mr·. mul Mr~. T'nul Bo~trum anti while Htu·lnn 1\lnr.alrl Is dmlrman 'l'hompson, Fern Wygnnc, Pat. league ganw of the season. Lorna Unrlcrwoorl anrl .Jean Crnd· Klmw were gul'sls 111 dinner Sun· ramil,v of Holt \vr~rr! gue,;ts at of the Republican party. Lcrny Il!sner, Charles Ewers, [lm·lene docl(, Scripture reading was fol· day of Ml', and Mrs. Gl!rald Ill\lr•et. Rudy Huschl(e and son of W!•h· at S11nse1 Havrm. Democmts: Leroy Bmwer, Latl· Mat!le l~osdlcll of Lapeer and October Meeting '!'he members of. thew. c. 'f. u. hervllle WPI'e Sunday visitors nl' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dllllngilnm recn Bohnet, George H.ussr.ll, Cm·· Mrti. Maggie Sutton of Lapeer· Mt•. nnrl MrM ..Jedsnn Jo'J•Ifon. and daughter, Dolores of Lansing, The Oetnbm· meetIng nf t hr. met Monday evening at the home Edith Slilerry or Ann Arhnr and were rlhuwr,. guests· Sunday of ol Slarltey and Leom Neu. were Saturday dinner gw:sts of P. T· A. wm; lwld at tlw school The Hepuhlican speeches will I Mr·. anrl Mrs. ,JI~.dsrm Felton. of Mrs. Geor~e Vogt, Sr. The Charles Sdwnlw nf Spring AI'· Mt·. ami Mrs. Merle l~rl•er. last. •rtlllrsdny r•wning, business ~eefl.ng, was op:~ed by hor spenl tho Wl!l!k end ns guests Mr. and MrH. Pnul Dceess nf 'l'hC! meeting wns opened by the devolronnl); led by Mrs. Vogl of Mr. ami· Mrs. Emc~ry Fre£!1'. LariHing, Mr·. anrl Mrs. Boh Prlt:l', singing "America" after which and this was followed by. the! 11 ~· Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glover were Mr. ancl Mr·s. Georgi! Vogt, ,II· .. Ingham County News Oct. 30, 1952 Page 4 there was a shOI't business meet· ual business .. Mrs. ·MarjorJO Cmd· ~unclay visitors of· tlw iormt•r's ami Mr.· anrl MrH. Roherl A ruler· lng. A membership drive· was docl' presented the progrnm. aunl, Mrs. Susie Jacobs at the son· wem enll!rtaltwd at dinner urgl!d and s•!veral melhpdH !or There will bl!.a meeting In No· Eaton Rapids Rest Homo.: They Friday cwnJ\]g at tl](" horne. uf raising .money were dls~ussed. vember· .. The· place , will ·be · nn· al5o visited Mrs . .T£!sslc KiVL't of Mr. nnrl Mrs:. Hoylyn Miller. The Beautiful.New , Mro. Davlrl Dlr.h.l was In charge nounc~ed later.. , ' Eaton Rapids, and JVII:s. Edna M1·. and Mi·s. Gec~·gc ·Mitchell ol' the ~~ntertalnmr.nt which con· Glover of Onondaga. wPre dinner guests Sundny of Mr. 01 couroo you do, Jr appeared recently slsted of 2 patrlotie selections by J>nplls Atteml.JruUnn I•a·ogrum· Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Gauss cof and Mrs. Glen Curtis or Munith. in tba LllNNOX fulf.pngc ad io the the junior high !!horus directcrl by '!'hr. pup IlK ln the lower six Gregory wrn, Friday. visilors of Dr. Len Donrwlly nf Ol!troit Santrdny Ilvcning Post. Bendix Miss Elsie Cohh, aftr.r which grades. wen~ entertained F'rlclay Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Gnuss. spent Sunday at i.he home of··Mr, .Vernon Brown of Mason ml· Such porloot ·comfort nnd relaxation :r. aflronoon with a Chippewa In- Mr.. and Mrs. Bud Dought.s and ami Mrs. Warren Mueller. cao only be enjoyed when your home · clresse£1 the group on tho lm· dian prog'rnm. Several Indinns rlaughter of' Fowlerville were Merle Otis of Lansing- waR a is pcrfeedy heateJ, ami we would portance of voting. from their reservation· at Mt. Sunclny cllnnm· guests of Mr. and 'l'ucstfay visitor or his mother, Automatic welcome the opportunity to ~bow you Hefreshments were then served Pleasant, . dressed In native COS· Mrs. Lawrence Swart Mrs. Mlna Otis. bow you can have that perfect com. hy the committee In charge, tume, gave a short history of the Ml'H. Irma llcttrnan and Mrs. Mr. and Mt:H. Bob Price and fort with LENNOX-at much les' The November and December tribe depleting Incllnn life nr'lll Nellie Adams of Lansing \veri! family were Satt1rday evening cost thlln you mighc think. mcC!tlngM will be eom!Jliwd aml lore, snng nnd danced afi well as guests nt dinner Sunday of thr. guests of the former's parents, will be hrld Dr.cemher 4. entertaining with· magic Wash· former's mother, Mrs. Rosa An· Mr. and Mr~. L.· Prlre of Holt. Suh·Kom, Eli Thomas, was in derson. Kermit Anderson of Mr. amn.. Jrs . .Jacl< Shaffer anti DRYER charge of the program and he Jackson was an afternoon visllol' Hon, Milto of Mason, were Still·. LIT US HELP-Whether iris for n new Future Homemakers was dressed as an Indian chief. of his mother. day evening dinnl!r guests of Mr. or remodeled home or a rcplncemcm, Roberl Smllh is still in lhe Mr.· anti Mrs. l~loycl Mitchell. Ictus hclJ> you select the size nod type Attend Meetings X-UayM Takl\n 'l'lnu·sday Laughlin hospital in Lansing I'('· C. I. H.lr:hqer of Cednr spent of heating plnoc that will gil'c you 'l'he TB x.ray mobile unit was covering from n major operatiotJ. Friday night ami Saturday with the most 'atisfactory results. Our con· 'l'wo state F. H. A. officers at· In Dansvlllr. Thursday, The Fu· Oscar Anderson and Norman Mr. ancl Mrs . .James Ridgway. suhation service is free, but it can be tended an M. E. A. meeting in ture Homemalcers sponsored the Anderson of Kallu!sl~a were Sat· Mrs. Merle. Otis of Lansing of great value to you in reducing co~t Grand Rnplds last Fridny. project for the school nnd com· urday guests of Wallmm Musolfi. spent the wrek end with Mrs. of in~tnllation and providing comfort At ti1e meeting the girls gnve munlty. Sharon 1-Ierrlclc acted as Mr. and Mrs. Wade Scudder· of Mina Otis. throughout the years to come. a sl(ft publicizing F. H. A. Shirley chairman. Leora Neu, Phyllls Wll· Snllne wr.rc guests at dinner Sun· Mr. :md · Mrs. Glen Sharland, Sly, stale treasurer of Dnnsvllle IIams and Mary Minnis. also day of I he Ia Her's parents, Mr. Mr. ami Mrs. Wnyne Taylor anrl J'i', H. A., and Della Mead of helped in this project. The mem- and Mrs. Ralph Wnllwr. Mr. and daughter. arid Mr. and Mrs. :Vlcl· F~ C. Anderson & Sons Springport, stnte pres~dcnt, , ae·, bers of the tenth and eleventh Mrs. Wnyno W~ll;er :u:d ,sn,ns. r:~ vin Battige

    . . . ' I Olson. Mr. o.nd Mrs. Irvin Clem· conunouMt!e. treatmeot of aU problems befoM the court ents and son of Holt were· Sat· e CourtOOm~, urday evening guests at the 01· son home.. · · · Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eldred and family of Pontiac were Sat· ing.·~!ram C:C.P~ty Repu... bl~.n a:-day evening dlnner. guests ot · .· . · · Committee .· : .· Mr., and. Mrs.f A. 0. Greenough, (, I W, ft.&T . Non•PQrtisan . -oRILDIJI . Eldon · and Bill . Sheutf C. Roaa.HWiard.C~~~. .. for . of ·• Saturday . guests I I .· , Floyd Eetea, TnaiUi'er·: . ·.. •· ~· : . ., .. , ; . eo.oaG'I' •. of the ·brother, Warren ,. ,.. •.-..,;,;;~~-...-.~~~-...-.---....--- ...... -~---~~:-:---'"""'-._ ..... __ .;...: Mueller. · •

    I . t ilw:,,• :.lfliiii•Hu, 1\111 lw l·l•il11hl<·d • p • ~rr :1nd ~Jn .. \\'Ill 1.'\ltll:. :111d 1 ~lr. """ ~tr:. r:·t.,,\'d ::1t1ftlt ,.J L<":itl·l' .\tldi·l': .• r.li "r \\'111"\\' i~liil farmers Now Use 1ill'llililll ii'I'I!S iilw \I'Jiil'l', Otlt• IJIIJI· ollnt Will s~ve l\111', and MrH. Veri Willpplo ol Lli'\Vit t \l'f!\'1' Sunday L'V«'Iilllt!, rlln· wn:; 11 Salllt'cluy vlsltnJ• ot' Ills. , 1 drr•!l 111'1'1~>1 nf lll'r·hHr'rl Wl'l'l' given MI'IWII, Mt•, i\llll M1·~. ,Jolin Cul'l' 11'1' ~pwsts of Mr·. unrl Mrs, VPI'n mollwr, Mr~. Hosn Anrlnmrm, . 11 nltt·orwti "sprlnl{ilng" In IJJll' f!\rBn nnd J..,al'l'y or ).,ttn:.lng, Mr·. 111111 .:_•;n•l, Mr. :1nrl Mn;, Lnwlon · <1!liiHH Liquid Nitrogen : rlay wit It it lnnl<·ll'tl£•1< Ill till' N .•1. U IUU Equipment ((!outlrnwcl l'rom I'UJ.\'1' ·l) Mt'H, MYI'tlll Klrhy 1111d .lllltlm· Mr, nncl 1\It'H, WIIH 1111 Ct".\ft nnd \VI'I'P gn1•Hts at rlitllll'l' Monday , 1Nit'IO '/<'ox farm nrar Shr!llly, Hal;';\' lluy JH Rnndny anrl Mr. nnd M1·~. Lom~· .Jolm· Family anrl Mrs. Vl1•ir•rla C.mfl nf I'Vr•nlnrr of Mr·. und Mr·,~ ••TnnWH CJr•flalll1 munly, [n'llw wmliCI'n l'alnililg fnt•m lliiJI'illill'l',\' 1111rl Cur,\' 1111rl Mnrgh• Shurlntul Sunday, NoVPmlu•t· 2, Is mily stun ol' Mnsnn nnll 1\olr·. nnrl Mn;, Llunk;•r 11111 wurP Stnldn~· vlsltorH Wr·ight 111 1111• lnttl•r's r!f'w llllnw To Boost Yields Mil'l igan 1'1'1111 !Jell. A man on ltnplc•nwnls frll' wlnilll' slnl'llgn to 1 ,;pPnl Stltuluy with litPII' grunrl· dny at liu• J•'I'PP MotiJOdiHI SliiHia~· AI 'l'lfl'nny urul l'nm Wl!l't' l!llll•r· 1f Ml', 111111 :vl!·s. nc•IVIIY Ct'Lifl. on Gt'l'•'nlmvn in l.atlslng. Mil'iliV.lln fat·tnt•r·s 111'1' lu•r•tJilllng (!111'li , rllllllil1g hiJIIJ'rl sprlnli. f{. llall "·· ing" and "sidP dn•sHing" to ad- l'rda eounly appllc!d llllhydt·ouH gu1•sts ol Mr. and Mr·s. Dnvld wnsliing with watPt' to rl'movi' nil ol !Jr•li'llil. triloqul:;t, awl hiH rturnrny. Evet'Y· of Hnrlforcl an!l Mr. and Mrs, Mr·. nne! MrH. Edwin Vandel'· vHnlar:~', n•p11r'ls l'anl .1.- l!onrl, ummonln t'or t'm·mer·s, mainly for l>lehl, dirt, LPo L. Curril'l<, prnfessm· of Sundny illllntll' giii'SIH of Ml', nne In IIH' ('(}mmunily is wei· Clnre Smith of Wllllumston w1•t'i' IJush nnd fnmlly nf Carleton nml Mi1·IJigan Stall' l'oilt·~~~· loXII'IIHion !'OW I'I'O[ls; com, sugar heets anrl :Jim llisc~l or Portlund, Oregon, f'iwmlr•rd t•nginl'Pring, adviHr•s, 1 MI'H. tt •x •J• wnst'IHI Wf!l'l' Mi. r•ome. afternoon vlsltm·s at tlw home nf 1\drlan llronl<~ anrl Lii!TY Jlunl of S11iJ si'!Pil!Jst, liP/IllS- Ill 1111' Hilll'i of :illmllll'l', 11111 1 11 S[Jl'lll SI'VI'I'III days With his pill'· Wasl1 ilr<'m ngnin with gasolln1' nnd Mr~. Dou,,tas Hildtlf' an.t Mr. and Mrs. Lawrmu·t~ cnrtls. r•:vart WC!l'll Wl!nlc c~nd l!lii'SIH nf 1'111~;, Mr. anti l'vlrs. Otis Bisel. Anli,Vrli'IIIIS nrntnonla, r~as, in 'J'twy I)SI'd traetors Willi ·prl':i:illl'(' to i·tollllll'l' till' oil und gl'Pase, IH'· fmnlly of Lansing, Mis~ .Joan Mr. anrt Mrs. Nathan Lanti;; of Mrs, Lloyd I!ayillll' was glll'Hi Mr. anll Mrs. Arthur Bropl\H, Ml', liquid · 1'11rm IIIHir·r pr·1•ssurP, so- tanli' slsil'l', MI'S, Aria nnd Mrs. Floyd Cos~l'llY nnd fnm· family 1d' Liiprc·r~ Wl'l'll Wf'f'l< Pnd lulinn~; of llllliJlOJJia, llliXIIIl'I'S of JllC'III. Hood I!XIH'l'IS SUdl IVOI'II away liw l'llst from uny t'XJUJHI'd owr!n Bnehman, Mr, und Mrs. ncr guests of Mr. anrl Mrs. Wll· Hossltrr ol' Fowlerville. • lly n[ Stoekhrhl~e were Sunday arnnwttill :til 11 go(J(I 11 f~rll'utluml. Mrs. Roy Dunsrnru·e of Coldwater• Louise 1-ILUill'l' of Lnnslng WL-1'1' Detroit, Mr. nnd Mrs. ,James nnrl Mr·. and Mrs. r~ugr!llll Gauss lrlllihll' with lifoks may want to 'l.'lil'y d11 rH•,I.i:d;r: _1111• p'lill~f' of,IIJI•I rlroiiH alllnlllllia, lrnpiPnwnt pnlnt Hllould he a(l· \VIII'Il dinner gtwsts Sunday of 1\!r. Sundny viH!torH nl Sunset I-lai.'(;JJ, Cllcl:lu ~~n~ns<~ Cit' a Charles \Voods !vlonday. n similar hard nil, liP ar!vlsl's. · were Saturday eveninl{ visitm·s of . . . And We Mean a MiHs Mahel Asquith and M1ss tlw latter's futhrr, Fmnlc CIPvct• ' Marian AsquiiJJ or Memphis we!'l! of LanHin'g, and were afternoon Mondny visitors of Ml'li, Ona Al· mnnd. ~~uesls o[ Mr. ami Mrs. Roberti Sawdust foun(l excellent lluber also of Lansing. Four-H Youths Mr. and Mrs. Davie) Winl end tt·onic bmtn" that rmtdcs 1/0ltr Bell telephone points onl that thr. proper and guests o[ Mr. and Mrs. David calls to the riuht number? Thus modem wise management of a woodlot Woods. research and tacllitius give you better tele­ insures coutinuous production Mr. ami Mrs. Justin Brady and phone service at the lowesi possible cost. International offers wide range over the years. family am1 Mr.· and Mrs. Wllliam Tlw euunly agricultural agents .James attended a family gather· in Mit·higan stand ready to aiel lng Sunday evening at the home farmer~ and other land owners in of Mt',. and Mt•s, ,John Ward of MICHIGBU"J IB !H. B. CCtJlPANY rlcveloping proper cutting prac· Stocilhri!lge In honor of Floy,d, of· medium·duty I t lees on ll1elr woocllancls. If the Ward, Jr.. who Is on leave from J trucks · owner lws matttre hnrclwoocl Norfolk, Va. trees, some form of selective __...:______..:...------..,------Because International offers a complete eulling may he a !lesimble prac· tico, Hoel

    LANSING 1\DLlt LOCAL :SILSBY IMPLEMENT CO. Dairy farmers supplying milk 214 ~tate Phone 5141 to Lansing wlll. meet at the Wal· ter French junior high school Thursday night to form a Limsing local of tJte Michigan Milk Pro· ducers association. I. K, Ma~·· stead, president of the Michigan ·INTERNATIONAL~J~· TRUCKS . . . ' . · I "Standar'd of the Highway .. Mlllt Producer& aHsoclatlon, ·wll! pre1lde at the Lftnllln~ mootln(l. ARE YOUR FRIU.DS.-~fMNIGtfT.AND.DAYI .. lnoham Countv News Oct, 30, 1952 New Court Cases ] WEEKLY EATING CL~D Dy Jim Bars-tow I

    43w8 Notice of General Election Tuesday, November 4, 1951

    Pen$ W~~~ Be Open from 7:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. For the Purpose of Electing the following: U.S. President, U.S. Vice-President, Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, U S. Senator for full term, U.S. Senator to fill vacancy, Representative in Congress from 6th Congressional District, State Senator from 14th Dis· trict? State Legislator from 2nd District, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, County Clcrk,'County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, Drain Ccmminsion­ er, 2 Coroners and County Surveyo,r.

    'l'hcH "'IIi al~o b1• a Non-Partisan Jud1c1al election for l\lichigan SuprPme Court ,Ju~tiCI', Judg•• of P1 ol.utP and 2 CiJ·cuit Com t Commissioners.

    \'oil r s \Hil also cast ballots on 3 proposed amendments to the l\l1chigan Constitution. No. 1, Propcsed .unemlnH nt H latn e to the search and 'oi'Jzuro 11rov1sion of tlw l\1tclugan Constlt11tion to llCirmt the usc as 1\ 1dcuco in cruninal (lrocecdmgs of narcotics drug~ seizt•d In 'iolatlon thert>uf, No 2, Proposed amendment to th!l MJChtgan Constttutton to pto\•lde for dcci'Juual re-apportionment of the sem•t•· and tlw ho.tst• of rcptesentatlws by 1hc secretary of state; No. 3, PrOJIOScd amcndnwnt tn I+'hclug,m Const1t utmu to establish senatorial districts tmd to provtde for dl'ecnnml re-apportlon­ nwnt of rPJIH'~t·ntatn t•s by legislature or by s1.do boar1l of canvassers. Alaie~cn Township Wheatfield Township Polling Pln.et•: Alamdon Town flail Polling Phwe: \Vheatlit•l!l Tmm Jl,tlJ Aurelius Townsl1ip Pollmg Plac••: Am t•lius Town llall White Oak Township Onondaga Township Polling Plam•: Wlub• Oak 'l'o\\n llall Polhn,~ Plac•• Onontluga 'lown llall Vevay Township Ingham TownsiVp Polhnt~ Plac!• Vevay Tp\jl Hall Polling Plact•: Ingham Tonn Uall ' Delhi Township Pollmg Pla('es P1 t cinct 1, Holt 'l'o\\ n Hall Leroy Township Precinct 2, 1\ltllc<· Roall To\\ n Hall Polling Plalce: I.eroy To\\n Hall Precinct 3, 1\laull• Grow Town llall Precmct 4, Uolt Ut•thodt.'lt Church Prt•cinct 5, Holt Prt•sbytcriau Church City of Mason Also ballotmg on the 'l'a.x Rate Linutatton Polling Places Increase Proposihon and the l\llllcr Road Prt•cinct 1, Fh'St Floor of Court llousc• Community ]{all Pt oposatlon. Precinct 2, City Cotmml Room